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Universal Jurisdiction

Annual Review 2020

Terrorism and international crimes:
prosecuting atrocities for what they are

In collaboration with
Cover: A boy walks through a street near his home in Qayyarah
(Iraq, 2016) © Nicole Tung
Universal Jurisdiction
Annual Review 2020
Terrorism and international crimes:
prosecuting atrocities for what they are

This publication benefited from the generous support of the Taiwan Foundation for
Democracy, the Oak Foundation, the City of Geneva, REDRESS, the European Center for
Constitutional and Human Rights and the International Federation for Human Rights.




15 CASES OF 2019

17 Demand for justice swells over the crimes of Franco’s regime
Rodolfo Martín Villa and others
19 Rohingya people demand justice over genocide
Aung San Suu Kyi and others
20 Investigation continues against Saudi Crown Prince
Prince Mohammed bin Salman

21 Retrial for war crimes in Syria delayed
Name withheld
22 Syrian intelligence services under investigation
Names withheld

23 Genocidaire convicted for the murder of a Belgian citizen and her family
Fabien Neretsé
24 Two alleged Interahamwe members due for trial in 2020
Ernest Gakwaya and Emmanuel Nkunduwimye
25 President of the Senate investigated for orchestrating a plane crash
Alexis Thambwe Mwamba
26 Still no trial for Liberian frontline commander
Martina Johnson

27 War crimes conviction for the desecration of a dead body
Ahmed Jabbar Hasan
28 Overcoming challenges of witnesses’ remote location
The Iraqi twin brothers

29 Historical move against al-Assad’s regime
Abdulhamid A.
30 Witnesses come forward against high-ranking Syrian officials
Ali Mamluk; Jamil Hassan; Abdel Salam Mahmoud
31 Relatives receive compensation while investigations go on
The Rémi Ochlik, Marie Colvin and Edith Bouvier investigations
32 NGOs sidelined as cement company indictment is confirmed
Lafarge - Eric Olsen and others
34 French bank investigated for financing atrocities in Sudan
BNP Paribas
35 Former Iraqi refugee detained and under investigation
Ahmed Hamdane El Aswadi
36 Chadian rebel leader arrested in France
Mahamat Nouri and others
37 Guantánamo case dismissal confirmed by Paris Court of Appeal
Geoffrey Miller and others
38 Liberian war crimes suspect rearrested
Kunti K.
39 Libyan insurgency commander under scrutiny
Khalifa Haftar
40 Definitive life sentence for two mayors
Octavien Ngenzi and Tito Barahira
41 Extradition of a genocidaire suspect
Philippe Hategekimana
42 Investigation closed over a deputy’s involvement in the Rwandan genocide
Félicien Baligira
43 25-year proceedings end with a dismissal
Wenceslas Munyeshyaka
44 Three more upcoming genocide trials
Laurent Bucyibaruta; Sosthène Munyemana; Claude Muhayimana

47 Structural investigation against the Syrian government: arrests and indictments
Anwar R. and Eyad A.
49 Prosecuting genocide and other grave crimes committed against Yazidis
Jennifer W. and others
50 Prosecuting crimes of non-State actors in Syria and Iraq
Ibrahim Al F. and others
52 Afghan soldier tried and sentenced for war crimes
Ahmad Zaheer D.
53 FDLR leaders’ case ends in an unexpected way
Ignace Murwanashyaka and Straton Musoni
54 Case against Israeli Defense Forces discontinued in Israel, but goes ahead in Germany
Names withheld
55 Ex-President of The Gambia tied to murders of migrants
Yahya Jammeh

56 European cooperation leads to the arrest of an ISIS suspect
Hassan Faroud

57 Torturing migrants earns Somali man life sentence
Osmann Matammud
58 Three migrant torturers arrested in Messina
Mohammed Condè; Hameda Ahmed; Mahmoud Ashuia
59 NGOs fight dismissal of arms trade case involving exports to Saudi Arabia
RWM Italia S.p.A.

60 First indictment over war crimes committed in Syria
Abu Khuder
61 German tip-off allows arrest by Dutch police
Name withheld
62 An Afghan prison commander detained on charges of war crimes
Name withheld
63 Prosecutor starts hearing witnesses in Ethiopian “Red Terror” case
Eshetu Alemu
64 “Blood timber” businessman awaiting extradition
Guus Van Kouwenhoven

66 Victims and NGOs file complaint against Syrian officials
Names withheld
67 Witness statements upheld as evidence against a Rwandan refugee
Jean Chrysostome Budengeri

68 Salvadoran colonel maintained in detention
Inocente Orlando Montano Morales
70 Syrian intelligence case definitively closed
Ali Mamluk and others

72 First case opened in the Karaj prison massacre in Iran
Hamid Noury
73 Torture survivors report the crimes of at least 25 Syrian intelligence officials
Names withheld
74 Case completed for Iraqi soldier posting pictures of dead ISIS fighters
Kurda Bahaalddin H. Saeed H. Saeed
75 Preventive detention renewed for the former Gambian Minister of Interior
Ousman Sonko
76 Three ongoing procedures against the uncle of Bashar al-Assad
Rifaat al-Assad
78 Algerian Minister’s prosecution drags on despite United Nations warning
Khaled Nezzar
79 Rebel commander sent to trial for war crimes
Alieu Kosiah
80 Conviction of the head of the Guatemalan police confirmed
Erwin Sperisen
82 Swiss businessman under criminal investigation for pillage in DRC
Christoph Huber

83 Dismissal of torture charges against Charles Taylor’s ex-wife
Agnes Reeves Taylor
85 Genocide investigation opened by the Metropolitan police
Vincent Bajinya, Célestin Ugirashebuja, Charles Munyaneza,
Emmanuel Nteziryayo and Célestin Mutabaruka


86 Civil cases take over criminal proceedings



The present report only highlights cases where judges or prosecutors

have initiated investigations into the most serious international crimes.
It does not, therefore, include every complaint that victims, lawyers and
NGOs filed under universal jurisdiction with national authorities in 2019
if these complaints did not result in significant judicial advances, are still
pending or have been dismissed by the relevant national authorities.

The report also refers to cases of serious crimes under international law
based on active or passive personality jurisdiction where the relevant
case has also had an impact on the practice of universal jurisdiction.

The information presented in this report has been collected thanks to

the collaboration of the prosecuting authorities of the countries studied
with the lawyers and NGOs working on the cases. While every attempt
was made to ensure accuracy, information may be subject to change
without notice.

This report has been researched and written by Valérie Paulet, Project
Coordinator at TRIAL International, in collaboration with REDRESS,
the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights and the
International Federation for Human Rights.

The organizations are grateful to the following persons and

organizations for their assistance and collaboration in collecting the
information compiled in this report:

▪ The Center for Justice and Accountability;

▪ Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers;
▪ Civitas Maxima;
▪ Una Schamberger, Luc Walleyn and Tom Lynch;
▪ Prosecutors and investigative judges from Argentina, Belgium,
France, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and
the United Kingdom; and
▪ all the volunteers who assisted us.

This publication benefited from the generous support of the Taiwan

Foundation for Democracy, the Oak Foundation, the City of Geneva,
REDRESS, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
and the International Federation for Human Rights.


Six years ago, we published the first Universal Jurisdiction Annual

Review (UJAR) with the view to explain and democratize this legal tool.
What universal jurisdiction was and how it worked remained at the
time widely unknown to those who were not legal experts. And even
within the legal community, it met with substantial skepticism.

A few years later the UJAR – its number of pages steadily increasing –
started to focus on best practices and successful litigation strategies.
As victims from war-struck Syria and Iraq took refuge in Europe, the
number of universal jurisdiction cases increased significantly, often
initiated by national authorities themselves. For many individuals,
seeking justice in their host country was the only option, and so the
debate shifted from whether to use universal jurisdiction to how. It is
our hope that the UJAR, conceived as a concrete tool for practitioners,
encouraged this trend.

This year, the UJAR focuses on the risks of confusing the prosecution of
international crimes with the fight against terrorism. The implications
of choosing pragmatism to the detriment of sound legal principles are
substantial, and the consequences potentially grave. All mass atrocities
should be fully and diligently investigated, even if such investigations
are longer and more strenuous.

And yet. Looking back and measuring how far we have come in these
past six years, we are hopeful that universal jurisdiction has rooted
deeply enough to overcome this trend. The first UJARs were entitled
Make way for Justice. We are convinced that the way has been made,
that a breach has indeed been opened in the wall of impunity. Now
we must keep up the fight to ensure all mass atrocities, regardless
of who committed them and where, are prosecuted for what they are:
international crimes.

As usual, we rely on your support to achieve this goal, and wish you an
interesting reading.

Philip Grant
TRIAL International Executive Director

Valerie Paulet
Project Coordinator

Sunset on Baghouz frontline (Syria 2018) © Constantin Gouvy/TRIAL International

The simple way out?

Why international crimes must
not be prosecuted as terrorism

The fight against terrorism has Terrorism and Ignace Murwanashyaka and Straton
become a political priority for many international crimes, Musoni in Germany.2
governments in the past years. same difference?
Unsurprisingly, the judiciary has As a result, States have
followed this trend and prosecutions To understand the situation increasingly prosecuted suspects
for terrorism are also on the rise. requires a bit of legal and political under charges of terrorism rather
But what exactly do charges for background. War crimes, crimes than international crimes. An
“terrorism” encompass? More against humanity and genocide – apparently reasonable choice:
importantly, what do they leave known collectively as international suspects appear faster in court,
out? And paradoxically, could the crimes – share common features after shorter investigations
increased use of terror charges with terrorism. They both concern requiring fewer resources. And
threaten the prosecution of the atrocious crimes, which may yet… terrorism and international
worst atrocities? be perpetrated in one State but crimes have fundamentally
tried in another. In both cases, different legal bases, and using
Paris, 5 December 2019. The suspects and victims may be the former to the detriment of
Court of Appeal of Paris confirms foreign nationals. For this reason, the latter comes with significant
the guilt of Mounir Diawara in many States, the same units drawbacks.
and Rodrigue Quenum for are in charge of prosecuting both
their participation in a terrorist types of crimes – for instance in
organization and sentences them Terrorism has no
the United Kingdom, in Germany
to 10 years’ imprisonment. The international definition
and in Switzerland. In the present
accused had appeared in photos context of scarce resources, it is a
in combat fatigues in Syria, First of all, not all prosecutions
zero-sum game: prosecutions for
Kalashnikovs in hand. One of them are created equal. The first and
terrorism multiply at the expense
was brandishing a severed head. most obvious shortcoming of
of prosecutions for international
terrorism is that it does not have a
A victory for the fight against single, internationally recognized
impunity for the worst crimes? definition. Contrary to genocide,
Proving terror charges, especially
Not quite. Mounir Diawara and torture, enforced disappearance
membership in a terrorist organization,
Rodrigue Quenum were brought or war crimes, no international
is remarkably straightforward.
to court on charges of terrorism, treaty circumscribes terrorism
Convictions have been secured by as
and not international crimes (war clearly. Each State has come
few elements as a connection with
crimes, crimes against humanity up with its own definition, often
a known terrorist, or traveling to
or genocide). In that precise influenced by current affairs and
a zone controlled by a terrorist
instance, the suspects could have public opinion.
organization. In comparison,
also been charged, in addition to prosecuting international crimes
the terrorism related charges, This creates a loophole for mass
can be a complex and time-
with outrages upon personal atrocities committed by State
consuming matter: more elements
dignity, a war crime clearly defined agents. These actors are hardly
must be proved, and prosecutors
by the Geneva Conventions. What ever targeted by anti-terrorism
are usually required to find
is in appearance a procedural policies, yet they are no less
and interview witnesses and
detail actually reflects a deep – complicit in international crimes.
survivors abroad, collect evidence
and alarming – legal trend which Similarly, charges of terrorism do
in a context with which they are
bears multiple consequences. not encompass the full scope of
unfamiliar – and sometimes
human rights violations entailed
even conduct their investigations
in international definitions of war
without seeing the crime scenes
crimes, crimes against humanity
at all.1 Put differently, the same
or genocide. For instance, the
evidence may be insufficient
targeting of a particular ethnic
to prove international crimes,
group, such as Yazidi populations
but may lead to a conviction for
in Islamic State (ISIS)-controlled
terrorism-related offenses. This
territory, is not punished by
is what happened in the case
terrorism charges per se.
against Congolese rebel leaders

1 See UJAR 2019, p. 6 2 Ignace Murwanashyaka and Straton

Musoni case, p. 53.
Terrorism prosecutions the German courts,3 prosecutors Human rights
are not the only – nor added allegations of murder, torture protection in jeopardy
the best – way to and enslavement – as war crimes
combat impunity and crimes against humanity – to In the longer run, omitting charges
previous charges of participation in of international crimes weakens
a terrorist organization. As a result, the very protection provided by
The determination of States to
new crimes were brought before international criminal law. By
prosecute suspects must be
the judges, including particularly ratifying conventions against
acknowledged and praised. Not so
shocking abuses against Yazidi genocide, war crimes and the like,
long ago, domestic prosecutors
children. France and the Netherlands States have assumed international
would feel no incentive to punish
are also looking into this practice, obligations. They have agreed to
atrocities committed abroad. The
called cumulative charging. abide by the highest standards
idea that impunity must be fought
globally is gaining momentum of protection against mass
and is unequivocally positive. atrocities. By resorting to terror
Terrorism is a crime
But we cannot be satisfied with charges – domestically defined
against State security, without any sort of international
an approach to prosecution that not individuals
omits a range of crimes. consensus – they are turning their
backs on international norms
Assessing the limits of terror
Prosecuting suspects using built collaboratively over decades.
charges requires understanding
terrorism charges is sometimes Universal jurisdiction itself is a
the intent behind the crimes.
presented as the only way byproduct of this joint endeavor
Fundamentally, terrorism is a
of combatting impunity. But and thousands of people have
threat to State security, whereas
conventions relating to international reaped its benefits. Must the
international crimes often target
crimes serve the same purpose, short-term “efficiency” of terror
and cover a wider range of atrocities charges sweep aside this precious
than terrorism does. In other words, common legal heritage?
Several consequences derive from
many acts commonly understood this core difference, the first being
as “terrorism” are actually war We are witnessing an
the role of victims themselves in
crimes, crimes against humanity or unprecedented willingness from
judicial proceedings. Terrorism
genocide: willful killing or injuring States to prosecute and punish
trials are rarely undertaken
of civilians, torture, outrages upon the worst international criminals.
on the initiative of victims, and
personal dignity, directing attacks Never has the demand from
victims’ testimony plays a lesser
against civilian property and so on. survivors, affected communities
part – if any – in the proceedings.
and civil society for accountability
Truth and justice for survivors are
for mass atrocities been more
Combining terrorism not the raison d’être of trials for
powerful. Prosecuting authorities
and international terrorism: what is at stake is the
must not cave in to political
security of the State.
crimes charges pressure and limit this progress
to terrorism charges. With the
For the same reason, a terrorism
Thus, the debate is not terrorism support of civil society and rooted
trial will only tell a part of the
charges versus impunity, but in compelling international norms,
story. The purpose of prosecution
on the exact qualification of the they must prosecute crimes
is to prove a threat to the State
crimes. Prosecuting atrocities against humanity, war crimes and
itself, not the atrocities suffered by
as international crimes presents genocide for what they are. No
victims. At best, perpetrators may
sounder legal bases and is less more, no less.
be convicted on partial charges
subject to domestic – and political
that fail to encompass the range
– discretion than terrorism.
of abuses against the population
in question. Here again, those
And even when terrorism trials are
acts fall outside the scope of
initiated, international criminal law
terrorism, yet undeniably require
can complement and expand the
prosecution and punishment.
charges. In a recent case before

3 Jennifer W. and others case, p. 49.


22 16 207 40%
countries of countries of suspects* more named suspects
commission prosecution than in 2018

11 16 2 37
accused on trial convictions acquittals terrorism charges

146 92 21 141
crimes against torture charges genocide charges war crimes charges
humanity charges

* Due to the increase in structural investigations, in which a large number of suspects are investigated, the exact figure is
unknown. 207 is the minimum number.

Mother of a dead fighter (Iraq 2018) © Constantin Gouvy/TRIAL International

Cases of 2019

DEMAND FOR JUSTICE regarding the killing of his brother,

SWELLS OVER THE CRIMES German, shot in the head by
OF FRANCO’S REGIME the police in 1978 during the
Sanfermines festivities in Pamplona.
Rodolfo Martín Villa and others
This is the first time a complaint has
been brought regarding the severe
Context police repression that allegedly took
Ongoing proceedings in Argentina place in the bullring of Pamplona,
against former Spanish officials leaving 11 dead. The complaint
and other actors of the Franco asks the authorities to issue an
international arresta warrant and
dictatorship for alleged serious Procedure in Argentina
crimes under international law extradition orders against two
officials and eight police officers. On 14 April 2010, Spanish
committed in Spain between 1936
and Argentinian human rights
and 1978
Judge Servini de Cubría is organizations filed a criminal
scheduled to travel to Spain on 20 complaint with the Argentinian
Suspects March 2020 to hear Rodolfo Martín investigative judge Servini de
Former Spanish officials and Villa in the Argentinian Embassy in Cubría on behalf of Spanish
other actors of the Franco Madrid, and indict him for crimes victims. On 18 September 2013,
dictatorship (including Antonio he allegedly committed in Spain the Argentinian judge issued
González Pacheco, former police during the Franco dictatorship. arrest warrants against four
officer; Jesús Muñecas Aguilar, former officials of the Franco
former captain of the Civil Guard; dictatorship (including Antonio
Procedure in Spain González Pacheco and Jesús
and Rodolfo Martín Villa, former
government minister) In December 2006, the Spanish Muñecas Aguilar) and requested
investigative judge, Baltasar their extradition in order to stand
Garzón, opened an investigation trial for crimes against humanity,
Country of residence of into allegations of crimes against including acts of torture, allegedly
suspects humanity committed during the committed in Spain between July
Spain Franco dictatorship. In October 1936 and June 1978.
2008, he ruled that the 1977
Spanish law granting amnesty On 24 April 2014, the Spanish
Charges for crimes committed during the National Court rejected the extradition
Crimes against humanity, including Franco dictatorship did not apply, request issued on 18 September
torture, extrajudicial killings and owing to the nature of the crimes. 2013 by Judge Servini de Cubría
enforced disappearances However, the Supreme Court against González Pacheco and
overturned this decision, while Muñecas Aguilar. On 30 October 2014,
Judge Garzón was put on trial for notwithstanding the Court’s decision,
Current status
prevarication for his alleged unfair the Argentinian investigative judge
Under investigation interpretation of the amnesty law. issued detention orders against 20 of
He was eventually acquitted but the the accused in order to request their
Developments in 2019 amnesty law remains applicable, extradition to Argentina. However,
and the crimes committed by the these orders were not executed in
In June 2019, new testimonies Franco dictatorship still cannot Spain, the authorities arguing that the
were received by the Argentinian be investigated or prosecuted in Spanish amnesty law prevails.
investigative judge María Romilda Spain.
Servini de Cubría. One complainant,
Fermín Rodríguez, was heard

In 2015, Judge Servini de Cubría prison. The archaeological team of On 22 October 2018, the Spanish
sent a second rogatory commission the ARMH has exhumed 28 other National Court denied the request
to the local tribunal of Guadalajara victims of the Franco regime. from Judge Servini de Cubría to
in Spain, requesting the exhumation come to Spain to hear Martín Villa
of the corpse of Timoteo Mendieta, In June 2017, Judge Servini de as part of the international rogatory
a trade unionist who was reportedly Cubría issued an international commission issued in September
imprisoned in the Guadalajara arrest warrant against Martín 2017. The Spanish National
Central Prison and executed in Villa for the death of five workers Court decided that the crimes
1939. The rogatory commission in Vitoria in 1976. However, it was are prescribed and executing the
also requested a DNA test of his annulled by the Appeals Chamber international rogatory commission
daughter, Ascensión Mendieta, as unfounded. In July 2017, Judge would violate the 1977 amnesty law.
victim and plaintiff in the case. On Servini de Cubría issued a new
24 November 2015, the Tribunal arrest warrant against Martín On 26 October 2018, Judge Servini
of Guadalajara authorized the Villa for crimes against humanity de Cubría admitted the complaint
exhumation, which started on 19 and murder. filed two years earlier by the
January 2016. The exhumation of NGO Women’s Link Worldwide on
22 bodies from a mass grave found On 21 June 2018, the Argentinian behalf of six women repressed by
nearby the Guadalajara prison did Federal Tribunal allowed two the dictatorship. The investigation
not allow the identification of the victims to join the proceedings examines cases of sexual assault,
remains of Timoteo Mendieta. against former Spanish officials murder, forced abortion and the
and other actors of the Franco theft of children under Franco’s
On 16 March 2016, Women’s dictatorship. The first applicant, regime.
Link Worldwide, an international Ruben Amor Benedicto Salmerón,
women’s organization based in is the grandson of José Salmerón
Spain, filed a complaint calling for Céspedes who was forcibly
the investigation into systematic disappeared, tortured and
gender-based crimes committed executed in 1936 in Tetouan, then
against women during the Franco part of the Spanish protectorate
regime. in Morocco. The applicant
demanded the exhumation of his
In August 2016, Judge Servini de grandfather’s remains, which
Cubría opened an investigation he believes are buried in the
into the death of Spanish poet European cemetery of Tetouan.
Federico García Lorca, pursuant to The second application relates
a complaint filed by the Asociación to Gustavo Adolfo Muñoz de
para la Recuperación de la Memoria Bustillo, a 16-year old executed
Histórica (Spanish Association for on 11 September 1978 during
the Recuperation of Historical violent riots in the transitional
Memory, or ARMH). period in Barcelona. Judge Servini
de Cubría had first rejected the
On 9 June 2017, the remains of application as it happened after
Timoteo Mendieta were identified the 1977 elections that ousted
in a different mass grave Franco.
uncovered near the Guadalajara

ROHINGYA PEOPLE On 14 November 2019, a Pre-
DEMAND JUSTICE OVER Trial Chamber of the International
Criminal Court (ICC) authorized
the Office of the Prosecutor to
Aung San Suu Kyi and others investigate alleged crimes of
deportation, persecution and
Context any other crime within the ICC’s
jurisdiction committed against the
Ongoing proceedings in Argentina Rohingya people in Rakhine State.
for alleged crimes of genocide This authorization follows the
and crimes against humanity lawsuit filed by The Gambia against
committed in Myanmar against Myanmar at the International Court
the Rohingya people since 2017 of Justice on 11 November 2019.

Suspects Facts
Military and civilian leaders, On 25 August 2017, a military
including State counsellor Aung crackdown started in Myanmar
San Suu Kyi and army chief Min against the Rohingya people
Aung Hlaing  after militants allegedly attacked
police posts in Rakhine State.
Country of residence of The violent repression forced
suspects more than 740’000 civilians to
flee massacres, extrajudicial
executions and sexual violence.
The United Nations Independent
Charges International Fact-Finding Mission
in Myanmar concluded that
Crimes against humanity and
soldiers systematically used rape,
gang rape and other violent and
forced sexual acts against women,
Current status girls, boys, men and transgender
Under investigation people.

The UN investigators qualified this

Developments in 2019 severe repression as “genocide”
The Burmese Rohingya Organisation and declared that the generals
UK (Brouk) filed a lawsuit on at the head of the country’s army
13 November 2019 before the must answer charges of genocide
Argentinian authorities for alleged in northern Rakhine State as well
genocide and crimes against as accusations of crimes against
humanity committed against the  humanity and war crimes in the
Rohingya  people, including mass States of Rakhine, Kachin and
killings allegedly committed in Shan.
August 2017.

CONTINUES AGAINST On 25 March 2015, an international On 26 November 2018, the
SAUDI CROWN PRINCE coalition led by Saudi Arabia international NGO Human Rights
Prince Mohammed bin Salman launched air strikes against Watch filed a denunciation with
the armed group of Houthis in the Argentine Federal Prosecutor
Yemen, triggering a major armed in anticipation of bin Salman’s
Context conflict. For three years, Yemen visit to Buenos Aires for the G20
Preliminary examination in has been ravaged by a war that Summit. The submission asks
Argentina into alleged complicity in has already killed more than the Argentine authorities to
war crimes and torture committed 10’000 people, half of whom were investigate bin Salman’s role in
in Saudi Arabia civilians. Prince Mohammed bin war crimes allegedly committed
Salman was appointed Minister of by the Saudi-led coalition in
Defense on 23 January 2015. One Yemen, as well as in acts of
Suspect of his first acts was to launch the torture and ill treatment of Saudi
Crown prince and deputy prime military campaign in Yemen along nationals, including the murder of
minister of the Kingdom of Saudi with other Arab States. Khashoggi.
United Nations bodies and human On 28 November 2018, a federal
rights groups have denounced prosecutor formally requested
Country of residence of
the widespread violations of inquiries into whether the allegations
human rights and humanitarian are being investigated elsewhere,
Saudi Arabia law committed in Yemen. Alleged and into bin Salman’s diplomatic
violations include deliberately status and immunities. On the
Charges targeting civilians, the use of illegal same day, the competent federal
cluster-munitions, indiscriminate investigative judge sent information
War crimes; torture and inhuman airstrikes and a naval blockade requests to the governments of
treatment in violation of the 1984 which deprived civilians of access Saudi Arabia and Yemen, to the
Convention against Torture to basic necessities. International Criminal Court and to
the Argentine Foreign Ministry.
Developments in 2019 The complaint denounces alleged
violations of international law
The investigation is ongoing. The committed during the armed
Argentinian authorities have sent conflict in Yemen as well as sexual
information requests to Turkey, harassment and torture, including
Yemen and the International electrocution and flogging of
Criminal Court. Saudi citizens.

Current status The complaint also denounces

bin Salman’s alleged role in the
Preliminary examination, pending
murder of Saudi journalist Jamal
the opening of an official judicial
Khashoggi, who was killed on 2
October 2018 inside the Saudi
consulate in Istanbul. Saudi
authorities deny bin Salman’s
involvement. Turkish and United
States intelligence agencies
found the murder to have been
premeditated and ordered by bin
Salman himself.



Name withheld

Context threaten or destroy the political, On 12 December 2017, the

constitutional, economic or social Supreme Court of Justice
Ongoing proceedings in Austria for
structures of the Syrian State. overturned the conviction on
war crimes allegedly committed
a grounds that the failure to question
between 2013 and 2014 in Syria
these witnesses had violated
the rights of the defendant, and
Suspect The accused sought asylum in remanded the case back to the
Austria in May 2015. He was regional court.
Palestinian national, former
subsequently reported to the
member of the Farouq Brigades
authorities by refugees, whom he A retrial was scheduled to begin
had told that he belonged to the on 10 December 2018 before the
Country of residence of Farouq Brigades and had fought Regional Court of Innsbruck but
suspect against Syrian President Bashar has been delayed.
Austria al-Assad.

The trial opened in February

Charges 2017 but was adjourned shortly
Terrorist offenses, war crimes of thereafter on medical grounds,
murder and violations of the 1949 after the accused collapsed in
Geneva Conventions court. On 10 May 2017, the accused
was found guilty on 20 charges
of murder as a war crime and
Developments in 2019 sentenced to life imprisonment by
The retrial, scheduled to begin in a jury in Innsbruck. The defense
December 2018, has not yet taken appealed the conviction, arguing
place. that the court had failed to call key
witnesses who could testify to the
fact that the defendant had left
Current status
Syria for Turkey in the summer of
Conviction overturned; retrial pending 2013, and that he had not taken
part in hostilities from January
Facts 2013 until his departure.

The accused is alleged to have

executed at least 20 unarmed
and injured Syrian government
soldiers in Al Khalidiya and
Homs between 2013 and 2014.
According to the charges, these
murders were allegedly intended
to intimidate the population,
to force the Syrian army to
leave the contested area and to

SYRIAN INTELLIGENCE February 2011 and January 2017 in
13 detention centers in Damascus,
SERVICES UNDER Daraa, Hama and Aleppo.
Names withheld Procedure
Austrian authorities initiated
Context an investigation into the Syrian
Ongoing investigation into intelligence services after 16
international crimes committed women and men from Syria filed
by the Syrian intelligence services a criminal complaint to the public
prosecutor in Vienna in May 2018.
The group of torture survivors –
which included an Austrian citizen
High-ranking officials of the – filed the complaint together
Syrian intelligence services, with the European Center for
including the Military Intelligence, Constitutional and Human Rights,
Air Force Intelligence and General Syrian lawyers Anwar al-Bunni
Intelligence services (of the Syrian Center for Legal
Research and Studies) and
Country of residence of Mazen Darwish (of the Syrian
suspects Center for Media and Freedom
of Expression) and the Center for
Syria the Enforcement of Human Rights
International in Vienna.
Following the submission, the
Crimes against humanity and war
prosecutor heard one of the
complainants and initiated a
criminal investigation.
Developments in 2019
The case remains under

Current status
Ongoing investigation

The investigation concerns crimes
against humanity and war crimes
allegedly committed by the Military
Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence
and General Intelligence services
including murder, extermination,
torture, serious bodily harm and
deprivation of liberty between


Fabien Neretsé

Context crime of murder, including the

The trial of Fabien Neretsé was murder of Belgium citizen Claire
the fifth trial held in Brussels Beckers and her family and other
in connection with the 1994 attempted murders. a

Rwandan genocide. However,

this was the first time that the On 19 December 2019, the
Brussels Criminal Court had Brussels Criminal Court found
to deal directly with facts that Neretsé guilty of genocide and
qualify as genocide war crimes and sentenced him to
25 years in prison.

Current status
Former Rwandan senior civil servant
Sentenced to 25 years

Country of residence of
suspect Facts
France Neretsé, originally from Ruhengeri,
was an influential figure in the
regime of Rwandan President
Charges Habyarimana. He murdered a
Genocide and war crimes Belgian citizen, Claire Beckers, as
well as her Tutsi husband Isaiah
Bucyana and their daughter Katia.
Developments in 2019 All three were killed on 9 April 1994
On 9 October 2019, the Brussels in Kigali.
Criminal Court decided to
sever the case of Neretsé from Procedure
two other Rwandan accused,
Ernest Gakwaya and Emmanuel Neretsé was indicted in Rwanda
Nkunduwimye, considering that on 8 August 2007 on counts of
there was no connection between genocide. An arrest warrant was
the offenses. issued in Belgium on 24 June
2011. He was arrested in France
The trial of Neretsé started on 29 June 2011 and extradited to
on 4 November 2019 with the Belgium on 30 August 2011.
composition of the jury and the
hearings on the merits began on
7 November 2019. Neretsé was
on trial for genocide and the war

TWO ALLEGED Current status
INTERAHAMWE Indicted, placed in pre-trial
MEMBERS DUE detention
Ernest Gakwaya and Facts
Emmanuel Nkunduwimye Gakwaya and Nkunduwimye
allegedly participated in the 1994
Context genocide in Rwanda.
Ongoing proceedings for alleged
Gakwaya is accused of murdering
crimes of genocide and war
and raping Tutsis and moderate
crimes committed during the 1994
Hutus during the genocide.
Rwandan genocide
Nkunduwimye allegedly committed
murder, attempted murder and
Suspects  rape during the same period. They
Alleged members of the were allegedly members of the
Interahamwe militia Interahamwe pro-Hutu militia,
heavily implicated in the 1994
Country of residence of
Gakwaya and Nkunduwimye were
arrested in March 2011 in Brussels.
Charges They denied having been members
Genocide and war crimes of the Interahamwe militia.

Developments in 2019
On 9 October 2019, the Brussels
Criminal Court decided to sever
the cases against Ernest Gakwaya
and Emmanuel Nkunduwimye
from the case against Fabien
Neretsé, considering that there
was no connection between the
offenses. Thus, Neretsé was tried
in November 2019, whereas the
other two accused, Gakwaya
and Nkunduwimye, will be tried
at a subsequent trial session,
scheduled for September 2020.

Gakwaya and Nkunduwimye

are accused of genocide and
war crimes, including murders,
attempted murders and rapes.

SENATE INVESTIGATED During the Second Congolese War
FOR ORCHESTRATING (1998-2003), Alexis Thambwe
A PLANE CRASH Mwamba was a member of the rebel
group Rassemblement congolais
Alexis Thambwe Mwamba
pour la démocratie (Movement for
the Liberation of Congo, or RCD) led
Context by Jean-Pierre Bemba.
Ongoing proceedings in Belgium
for war crimes and crimes against In October 1998, a plane from
humanity allegedly committed in the company Congo Airline was
the Democratic Republic of the shot down with 50 persons on
Congo (DRC) board. The RCD, through the voice
of Thambwe Mwamba, claimed
responsibility for the attack that
Suspect caused the plane crash.
Former Minister of Justice and
President of the Senate of DRC Thambwe Mwamba explained
that the rebels had shot the plane
because it was transporting pro-
Countries of residence Kabila soldiers and weapons.
Belgium and DRC However, the 50 people on board
were civilians (mainly women and
children) and crew members.
Crimes against humanity and war
In June 2017, a complaint for
war crimes and crimes against
Developments in 2019
humanity was filed in Belgium
An initial hearing took place on 24 against Thambwe Mwamba by
October 2019 at the Investigative several families of the victims
Chamber. The hearing was and the Ligue congolaise contre la
postponed in order to respond to corruption.
the defense brief.
On 4 September 2018, Thambwe
The prosecution argues that Mwamba was heard by the
Belgium is not competent to investigative judge regarding his
investigate the case, as the involvement in the crimes.
accused does not have his main
residence in Belgium.

Current status
Under investigation

STILL NO TRIAL FOR Developments in 2019 FOLLOW UP ON
LIBERIAN FRONTLINE The investigation is still ongoing OTHER CASES
COMMANDER and several procedural acts were
undertaken throughout the year. ▪ T.K. and N.B.
Martina Johnson
(Rwandan nationals):
the investigation is ongoing
Context Current status (see UJAR 2019, p. 18)
The Martina Johnson case Under house arrest, indicted
constitutes the first arrest and
indictment for war crimes and Facts
crimes against humanity allegedly
Martina Johnson was allegedly
committed during the first Liberian
actively involved in Operation
civil war (1989-1996)
Octopus launched by Charles
Taylor and his NPFL troops in
Liberia’s former President,
October 1992. This offensive
Charles Taylor, was sentenced
against the government and the
on 30 May 2012 to 50 years in
peacekeeping forces was aimed
prison (confirmed on appeal on 10
at taking over Liberia’s capital,
December 2013) for the crimes he
Monrovia, and resulted in the
committed during the Sierra Leone
deaths of hundreds of civilians,
civil war in the 1990s. However, he
many of whom were targeted for
was not prosecuted for the crimes
ethnic reasons.
committed in Liberia by his troops,
the National Patriotic Front of
Liberia (NPFL) Procedure
In 2012, three Liberian victims,
Suspect assisted by the NGOs Civitas
Maxima and its Liberian sister
Martina Johnson, a former
organization the Global Justice
frontline commander of the NPFL,
and Research Project, filed a
who was allegedly Charles Taylor’s
complaint in Belgium against
chief of artillery during Operation
Johnson for her alleged direct
Octopus in October 1992
participation in mutilations and
mass killings during Operation
Country of residence of Octopus in October 1992.
Belgium Johnson was arrested on 17
September 2014 in Gent, Belgium,
based on documentation collected
Charges by the two NGOs. She was released
Direct involvement in war crimes on 4 May 2015 and placed under
and crimes against humanity, judicial supervision.
including mutilation and mass



CONVICTION FOR In March 2015, during an operation
THE DESECRATION against the Islamic State (ISIS)
OF A DEAD BODY near Karma (Iraq), the accused
was filmed decapitating the body
Ahmed Jabbar Hasan
of an ISIS militant. The video was
uploaded to Hasan’s Facebook
Context page, along with another video
Iraqi soldier sentenced in Finland of him posing in front of burning
for war crimes committed in Iraq bodies.
in March 2015
Suspect The investigation was launched in
Iraqi national and former corporal May 2017, after a viewer reported
in the Iraqi army that the video was online.

The accused was arrested at the

Country of residence of end of June 2017. He was indicted
suspect in July 2018.

War crimes of desecrating and
violating the dignity of a dead body

Developments in 2019
On 10 January 2019, a Court in
Helsinki sentenced Ahmed Jabbar
Hasan to a suspended sentence
of 18-month’s imprisonment for
war crimes. The accused did not
appeal; the judgment is now final.

Current status

CHALLENGES OF In June 2014, 1’700 unarmed Iraqi Zoom in
WITNESSES’ REMOTE army recruits were arrested at Cooperation with UNITAD
LOCATION Camp Speicher near Tikrit, Iraq,
by members of ISIS. The victims The United Nations
The Iraqi twin brothers
were laid on the ground and shot Investigative Team to Promote
one by one. The Iraqi twin brothers Accountability for Crimes
Context are alleged to have murdered 11 Committed by Da’esh/
Ongoing proceedings in Finland of them. Islamic State in Iraq and the
against Iraqi twin brothers for Levant (ISIL/Da’esh), known
their alleged implication in the Procedure as UNITAD, cooperates with
Camp Speicher massacre near national jurisdictions to
The Iraqi twin brothers entered enforce universal jurisdiction.
Tikrit, Iraq, in June 2014
Finland in September 2015 as
asylum seekers. They were Its team collects, analyzes and
Suspect arrested by the National Bureau preserves evidence of crimes
Iraqi nationals and alleged Islamic of Investigation on suspicion of committed by ISIL/Da’esh in
State (ISIS) fighters involvement in the Camp Speicher Iraq. It interviews witnesses
massacre committed on behalf of and victims, exhumes mass
ISIS in Iraq. graves and intends to identify
Country of residence of
those most responsible for
suspects Their trial started on 13 December the crimes. As such, UNITAD
Finland 2016 before the District Court can share evidence and feed
of Pirkanmaa. On 30 November domestic prosecutions on
2016, they were charged with war universal jurisdiction cases.
Charges crimes, murder and assault with
War crimes, murder and terrorist intent. The prosecution In the Iraqi twin brothers
aggravated assault committed sought life imprisonment for case, UNITAD allowed the
with terrorist intent the defendants, both of whom Finnish prosecuting authorities
had pleaded not guilty. On 24 to overcome the technical
May 2017, the District Court of
Developments in 2019 challenges of interviewing
Pirkanmaa acquitted the Iraqi twin Iraqi witnesses. The latter
The appeal is ongoing. Prosecution brothers for lack of evidence. They were heard in the UNITAD
and defense witnesses were were granted compensation for office – instead of an Iraqi
heard in September in Iraq, in their pre-trial detention. The two court – connected through
the presence of a defense lawyer were allowed to reside in Finland. video conference to the Finnish
and the prosecutor. The court and The prosecution appealed this court.
the  accused  were in Finland and judgment.
followed the hearings through
videoconference. The appeal hearings started on
11 September 2018 but were
Current status postponed until further notice
due to arrangements regarding
Acquitted; on appeal hearings of witnesses in Iraq.
The Court of Appeal decided
that the main hearings would
not be formally opened before
these witnesses had been heard
“outside the main hearing”.


HISTORICAL MOVE crimes against humanity, war

AGAINST AL-ASSAD’S crimes and torture within the Paris
REGIME Tribunal for complicity in crimes
against humanity, and placed in
Abdulhamid A. pre-trial detention.

Context Current status

Ongoing joint investigation in Detained pending investigation
France and Germany for crimes
against humanity and torture a
allegedly committed by Syrian Facts
officials in Syria since 2011 Since the beginning of the
Syrian civil war in 2011, Syrian
Suspect intelligence services have
reportedly been systematically
Syrian national; former member of arresting, torturing and killing
the General Intelligence Directorate opposition activists. As a former
(GID), one of the four Syrian member of the GID, Abdulhamid A.
intelligence agencies is suspected of having participated
in crimes committed against the
Country of residence of civilian population by the Syrian
suspect regime between 2011 and 2013.


Crimes against humanity

Developments in 2019
On 12 February 2019, French
authorities arrested Abdulhamid
A. in the Paris region on suspicion
of crimes against humanity. On
the same day, German authorities
arrested two other former GID
officials, Anwar R. and Eyad A.,
in Germany. The arrests were
coordinated in the context of a joint
French-German investigative unit.
On 15 February 2019, Abdulhamid
A. was indicted by the investigative
judges of the specialized unit
for the prosecution of genocide,

WITNESSES COME Facts Mamluk and Hassan, also subject to
FORWARD AGAINST an arrest warrant issued in Germany
In November 2013, Patrick earlier in 2018, are both wanted
HIGH-RANKING Dabbagh and his father Mazen for complicity in crimes against
SYRIAN OFFICIALS Dabbagh, both dual French-Syrian humanity, torture and enforced
Ali Mamluk; nationals, were arrested from disappearances. Mahmoud, in
Jamil Hassan; their home in Damascus by Syrian charge of the Air Force Intelligence
Abdel Salam Mahmoud Air Force Intelligence agents and Service at the Mezzeh military
detained for interrogation at the airport, is wanted on war crimes
Mezzeh detention center. Neither charges as well as complicity in
Context one has been seen since. In crimes against humanity, torture
Ongoing investigation in France for summer 2018, the Dabbagh family and enforced disappearances.
international crimes committed in received formal notification from
Syria in 2013 the Syrian authorities that Patrick
and Mazen Dabbagh had died.
According to the United Nation’s
Commission of Inquiry, Mezzeh
Ali Mamluk, Director of the has one of the highest mortality
National Security Bureau; Jamil rates in Syria.
Hassan, head of the Syrian Air
Force Intelligence; and Abdel
Salam Mahmoud, Director of
the Syrian Air Force Intelligence On 24 October 2016, a complaint
investigative branch was filed before the Paris Tribunal
by Obeida Dabbagh, a Syrian-
French national, on behalf of his
Country of residence of
nephew and brother, Mazen and
Patrick Dabbagh, together with
Syria the International Federation for
Human Rights and Ligue des Droits
Charges de l’Homme. An investigation into
torture, crimes against humanity
Complicity in crimes against and enforced disappearances
humanity, torture and enforced is currently ongoing before the
disappearances; war crimes French specialized unit for the
prosecution of genocide, crimes
Developments in 2019 against humanity, war crimes and
torture within the Paris Tribunal.
The investigative judges heard
around 20 new witnesses who had
In October 2018, in an unprecedented
been held in the Mezzeh detention
step towards accountability for
center in Damascus.
crimes committed in Syria, French
judges issued international arrest
Current status warrants against three high-level
regime suspects: Ali Mamluk, Jamil
Judicial investigation ongoing;
Hassan and Abdel Salam Mahmoud.
international arrest warrants issued

RELATIVES RECEIVE Edith Bouvier as well as Syrian
COMPENSATION WHILE and British journalists who were
Zoom in
using the center as a base to
INVESTIGATIONS GO ON report on the events in Homs in The French specialized unit
The Rémi Ochlik, Marie Colvin and early 2012.
Edith Bouvier investigations The French specialized unit for
the prosecution of genocide,
Procedure crimes against humanity, war
This case was originally opened crimes and torture within the
Ongoing investigation into the in 2012 as a homicide case but Paris Tribunal (hereinafter the
murder of American, British, was reclassified in 2014 as a war specialized unit) is currently
French and Syrian journalists crimes case. investigating almost 150
during an army bombardment of cases, divided between the
a media center in Syria in 2012 The families of Ochlik and Colvin prosecutors (74 cases) and
are civil parties in the case, investigative judges (75 cases).
Charges together with French, Syrian and Among them, 27 ongoing cases
British journalists injured in the relate to the 1994 genocide in
War crimes attack, International Federation Rwanda. The cases presented
for Human Rights and Reporters in this report are the ones
Developments in 2019 without Borders. that have been made public.
The others are protected
The investigation is ongoing. On 30 by the confidentiality of
On 9 April 2018, documents filed
January 2019, the United States investigations.
in a US civil case concerning
District Court in Washington
Colvin’s death were declassified.
held Syria’s government liable Since 2015, immigration
They allegedly demonstrate the
for the targeting and killing of services have the obligation
premeditated nature of the Syrian
Marie Colvin and awarded a to inform the specialized unit
army bombardment of the media
compensatory USD 302,5 million each time refugee protection
center in Homs that led to the
to her relatives. is denied on the basis of the
death of Colvin and Ochlik, and
to the injuries to several others exclusion clause (Article 1F of
Current status including Bouvier, Paul Conroy and the 1951 Refugee Convention,
Wael al Omar. These documents applying when the asylum
Investigation ongoing
have been filed in the ongoing war seeker is suspected of having
crimes investigation in France. committed an international
Facts crime). Several investigations
On 22 February 2012, a Syrian have been initiated through
army bombardment in Baba Amr, this procedure including
Homs, led to the deaths or serious investigations of individuals
injury of several journalists from Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Iraq,
operating from a media center Syria and Rwanda.
based there.

French photojournalist Rémi

Ochlik and American war crimes
correspondent Colvin were both
killed in the attack. Several other
journalists were injured in the
attack, including French journalist

Active personality

NGOS SIDELINED AS Developments in 2019 Procedure

CEMENT COMPANY On 24 October 2019, the In September 2016, the French
INDICTMENT IS Investigation Chamber of the Finance Minister filed a complaint
CONFIRMED Paris Court of Appeals denied civil before the Office of the Prosecutor
party status to the NGOs Sherpa against LafargeHolcim for its
Lafarge - Eric Olsen and others
and the European Center for alleged illegal purchase of oil
Constitutional and Human Rights in Syria in violation of the EU
Context (ECCHR). embargo issued in 2012. The
Proceedings against the cement Office of the Prosecutor opened
company Lafarge SA (now On 7 November 2019, the Court an investigation in October 2016.
LafargeHolcim) for, inter alia, confirmed the indictment of nine
financing terrorism and complicity in Lafarge executives and the Lafarge On 15 November 2016, 11 former
crimes against humanity committed company itself for financing of a Syrian employees, Sherpa and
by the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist enterprise, breaching an ECCHR (hereinafter the plaintiffs)
EU embargo and endangering the filed a criminal complaint as civil
lives of others. However, the Court parties in Paris against Lafarge,
Suspects revoked the indictment of the Lafarge Cement Syria, and their
Current and former Directors company for complicity in crimes current and former CEOs, for the
and top executives of the French- against humanity. financing of terrorism, complicity
Swiss LafargeHolcim group (the in crimes against humanity
crimes were allegedly committed The organizations appealed committed in Syria and for a
by the French company Lafarge both the 24 October and the 7 series of labor rights violations.
prior to its 2015 merger with November 2019 decisions to the
Swiss-based Holcim) and of its French Supreme Court. On 9 June 2017, three investigative
subsidiary Lafarge Cement Syria. judges of the Paris Tribunal
The suspects are French and opened an investigation into the
Current status
Norwegian nationals crimes alleged by the plaintiffs.
Ongoing judicial investigation; In September 2017, three of the
company and individuals indicted victims were heard by one of the
Countries of residence investigative judges.
France and Switzerland Facts
(headquarters of the group) On 13 October 2017, the plaintiffs
Lafarge had a cement factory filed a motion requesting that
in Jalabiya, in northern Syria. In the investigative judges summon
Charges an area where several armed a former French Minister of
Financing of a terrorist enterprise, groups were operating, the Foreign Affairs and two former
complicity in crimes against company allegedly entered into French ambassadors to Syria for
humanity, deliberate endangerment negotiations with ISIS to purchase questioning.
of people’s lives, exploitative labor oil and pozzolan (a material used
practices, forced labor and violation to make concrete) from them, On 14 November 2017, the French
of the European Union embargo on as well as to obtain official ISIS police searched the headquarters
oil purchases passes for crossing checkpoints of LafargeHolcim in Paris. At the
in order to maintain its production same time, the Belgian federal
in the area. Testimonies also point police searched the premises of
to Lafarge risking its employees’ Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, the
lives and violating a number of second largest shareholder of
basic labor rights. LafargeHolcim, in Brussels.

On 28 June 2018, three investigative
judges of the Paris Tribunal Zoom in
indicted the legal entity Lafarge
SA for complicity in crimes against NGOs face shrinking
humanity, financing of a terrorist access to court
enterprise, breaching an embargo
and endangering the lives of others. A French Appeals Court
Lafarge allegedly paid millions of decided on 24 October 2019
euros to ISIS and several other that the organizations ECCHR
armed groups to keep its cement and Sherpa were no longer
factory running. The investigative admissible as plaintiffs in
judges ordered LafargeHolcim to the proceedings against the
hand over 30 million euros to the French company Lafarge
authorities as a security deposit because they were not direct
ahead of a possible trial. victims of the crimes in this
Eight former executives were
also charged in this case between This decision is part of a
December 2017 and May 2018, broader movement in France
and were requested to provide to shrink the role of NGOs
the court with a deposit of several in criminal cases, ultimately
million euros. In September limiting legal actions that are
2019, a Syrian-Canadian alleged essential to fight impunity.
former intermediary between the
company and ISIS suppliers was A former Syrian Lafarge
also charged. employee and plaintiff in the
case said: “Without Sherpa and
ECCHR, I would not have had
access to French justice.”

“Without our complaint, our

expert judicial work and
support for the victims, such
an investigation would not have
been possible,” confirmed
Sandra Cossart, Sherpa’s
Executive Director.

Claire Tixeire, Senior Legal

Advisor at ECCHR, added
that "(this) decision severely
obstructs access to justice of
those affected by crimes during
armed conflicts."

Active personality

FRENCH BANK for committing crimes against its

INVESTIGATED FOR civilians, the bank and its senior
staff became complicit in these
BNP Paribas
Current status
Preliminary analysis phase of the
Context complaint, awaiting the prosecutor’s
Ongoing proceedings in France decision to open a formal judicial
regarding the alleged complicity investigation
of BNP Paribas (BNPP) in crimes
committed by the Sudanese
government against its citizens
between 2002 and 2008 From 2002 to 2008, BNPP was
the primary foreign bank of the
Sudanese government. During
Suspect this time, Sudanese government
BNPP as a company and its senior forces and its militia called the
staff Janjaweed were engaged in an
armed conflict with rebel groups.
They systematically targeted
Country of residence of
civilians belonging to the same
non-Arab ethnic groups as the
France rebels (particularly the Masalit,
Fur and Zaghawa), in Darfur and
Charges other areas. Government forces
and allied militia killed, tortured,
Crimes against humanity, torture, detained, forcibly displaced, raped
genocide and financial crimes and assaulted tens of thousands
including money laundering and of civilians.
handling the proceeds of crime
These crimes, said to amount
to genocide and crimes against
Developments in 2019 humanity, were allegedly facilitated
On 26 September 2019, nine by BNPP through its provision of
Sudanese victims, supported credit facilities, access to foreign
by the International Federation financial markets and petrol exports
for Human Rights and Project to the Sudanese government.
Expedite Justice, filed a criminal This alleged responsibility is
complaint against BNPP before compounded by the fact that Sudan
the investigative judges of the was subject to sanctions from the
Paris Tribunal. The complaint United Nations, the European Union
alleges that by providing banking and individual States, increasing
services to the Sudanese the government’s reliance on the
government while Sudan was services provided by BNPP.
subject to international sanctions

FORMER IRAQI REFUGEE killing up to 1’700 people. Based on
DETAINED AND UNDER the testimony of other suspects, Zoom in
the Iraqi authorities claim that El
INVESTIGATION Aswadi personally executed 103 Collaboration between
Ahmed Hamdane El Aswadi soldiers. The accused denies all France and Finland
involvement in the alleged crimes.
The accused arrived in France The Camp Speicher massacre
Context is under scrutiny in two
in the summer of 2016. He
Ongoing investigation in France was granted refugee status in European countries through
for war crimes and murder June 2017. This protection was universal jurisdiction: Finland
committed in Iraq in 2014 removed after his arrest. and France. The two countries
have been collaborating to
improve their understanding of
Suspect Procedure the event and to find evidence.
Iraqi national and suspected In the summer of 2017, the French Finland is currently hearing
member of Islamic State (ISIS) intelligence services identified El an appeal on the case while
Aswadi as an alleged ISIS member France is still investigating the
Country of residence of and reported his presence to the suspect.
suspect judicial authorities.

In November 2017, the Office of the
Prosecutor of the French specialized
Charges unit for the prosecution of genocide,
crimes against humanity, war
Inhuman and degrading treatment
crimes and torture within the
as war crimes and violations of
Paris Tribunal (hereinafter the
the 1949 Geneva Conventions,
specialized unit) requested the
criminal conspiracy and murder
opening of an investigation against
in connection with a terrorist
El Aswadi. This is the first case to
be investigated jointly by the anti-
terrorism and the specialized units.
Developments in 2019
The accused is in pre-trial detention; On 6 March 2018, El Aswadi was
investigation ongoing arrested in Lisieux, Normandy.
After two days in police custody,
he was indicted for criminal
Current status conspiracy, murder in connection
Detained; under investigation with a terrorist enterprise and war
crimes of inhuman and degrading
treatment and of using prohibited
Facts means and methods of warfare.
Ahmed Hamdane El Aswadi is He was subsequently placed in
suspected of having participated pre-trial detention.
in the massacre at Camp Speicher,
a military base near Tikrit (Iraq). In
June 2014, armed men abducted
and executed hundreds of young
army recruits, mainly Shiites,

CHADIAN REBEL LEADER investigative judges who indicted referral by the French Office for
ARRESTED IN FRANCE him for crimes against humanity the Protection of Refugees and
and participation in a criminal Stateless Persons and following
Mahamat Nouri and others organization in order to commit a rejection of his asylum requests
crimes against humanity. Nouri on the basis of Article 1F of
Context is suspected of having ordered the 1951 Refugee Convention,
recruitments of fighters, including an investigation into Nouri’s
Ongoing proceedings in France child soldiers, between 2005 and alleged crimes was opened at the
against a rebel group leader 2010 in Chad and Sudan. He was French specialized unit for the
for complicity in crimes against placed in pre-trial detention. prosecution of genocide, crimes
humanity allegedly committed in against humanity, war crimes and
Chad and Sudan between 2005 torture.
and 2010 Current status
Indicted, ongoing investigations
Procedure in Chad
Charges against Nouri were filed
Chadian politician Mahamat Nouri, Facts
in May 2013 in Chad.
former associate of Hissène Habré Nouri was the leader of the
and Idriss Déby, then leader of the Chadian rebel group UFDD. He In 2013, the Chadian Ministry of
Union of Forces for Democracy allegedly initiated a series of Justice issued an international
and Development (UFDD) attacks against government arrest warrant against Nouri.
positions in eastern Chad in
Country of residence of autumn 2006. After the failure of
suspects peace talks held in 2007, Nouri
launched an attack on the Chadian
France capital N’Djamena in February
2008. He was repelled after days
Charges of heavy fighting by the army with
the backing of French troops.
Crimes against humanity and
participation in a criminal
In 2010, Nouri and two other
organization in order to commit
rebel chiefs were expelled from
crimes against humanity
Sudan, where they had based
their operations, after Sudan and
Developments in 2019 Chad normalized their diplomatic
On 3 January 2019, the Prosecutor relations. Nouri fled to Libya,
of the Court of Tripoli, Libya, where the UFDD had established
issued an international warrant bases on the northern border with
of arrest against Mahamat Nouri Chad. He was expelled from Libya
and 23 other Chadians for their to Qatar in 2010 before arriving in
alleged involvement in attacks in France a year later.
eastern and southern Libya.
Procedure in France
On 17 June 2019, Nouri and two
On 18 January 2017, the French
other persons were arrested by
authorities imposed a six-month
the French police on suspicion of
freeze on Nouri’s financial assets.
crimes against humanity. Nouri
In May 2017, on the basis of a
was heard on 21 June 2019 by the

GUANTÁNAMO CASE On 19 December 2019, the dismissal reminders were ignored by the
DISMISSAL CONFIRMED of the case was upheld by the Court. US, the plaintiffs filed a motion
in February 2014 requesting that
BY PARIS COURT OF the investigative judges summon
APPEAL Current status
Miller for questioning. The request
Geoffrey Miller and others Investigation closed; appeal dismissed was initially denied. On 2 April
2015, the Paris Court of Appeal
Facts reversed this decision, ruling that
Miller should be summoned to give
Proceedings in France against Mourad Benchellali, Nizar Sassi evidence on the acts in question
former Guantánamo Bay detention and Khaled Ben Mustapha are and his role in the treatment of
camp commander Geoffrey Miller French citizens who were detained detainees at Guantánamo.
and other unknown perpetrators at the US detention camp at
for alleged torture committed Guantánamo Bay between 2002 On 20 January 2016, the investigative
against French citizens at the and 2004-2005, where they judge of the Paris Tribunal issued
United States (US) detention were subjected to physical and a subpoena requesting that Miller
center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba psychological abuse. Geoffrey appear before the judge on 1
Miller was commander of the March 2016 regarding his alleged
Joint Task Force Guantánamo and involvement in torture committed
Suspect reportedly oversaw interrogations against Guantánamo Bay detainees.
Former Guantánamo commander and detainee treatment during the However, General Miller failed
Geoffrey Miller and other unknown plaintiffs’ detention. to appear. On 20 July 2016, the
US officials plaintiffs’ lawyer requested that
Procedure an international arrest warrant be
Country of residence of issued against Miller.
In November 2002, a criminal
suspects complaint and a claim for damages
On 18 September 2017, the case
United States of America were filed in France in connection
was dismissed. The plaintiffs
with the arrest, abduction,
appealed the decision before
detention, false imprisonment and
Charges the Investigation Chamber of the
arbitrary detention of Benchellali
Court of Appeal in Paris.
Torture and Sassi. A judicial investigation
was opened in June 2005. The
Developments in 2019 scope of the investigation was
later expanded to include torture
On 7 November 2019, the allegations submitted by the
Investigation Chamber of the Court plaintiffs after their release from
of Appeal in Paris examined the Guantánamo and to include both
appeal of the civil parties against the criminal complaint and the civil
the dismissal of the case ordered claim brought by the third plaintiff,
by the investigative judges. In Ben Mustapha.
the 2017 dismissal order, the
investigative judge explained In January 2012, the investigative
that the defendants could not be judge sent a rogatory letter to
individually prosecuted, being the US calling on it to cooperate
"representatives of the State and share information with
acting in this capacity." French investigators. After this
request and several follow-up

LIBERIAN WAR CRIMES On 6 September 2019, Kunti
SUSPECT REARRESTED K. was released from pre-trial
detention. In early January 2020,
Kunti K. he was returned to prison after
failing to fulfill an obligation
Context related to his release, namely to
live at an address known to, and
Ongoing proceedings in France for agreed upon by justice.
serious crimes under international
law allegedly committed in Liberia
between 1993 and 1997 Current status
Investigation pending; suspect
Suspect indicted and placed under judicial
Alleged commander in the United
Liberation Movement of Liberia
for Democracy (ULIMO), a rebel Facts
group fighting against Charles Kunti K. allegedly committed crimes
Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of against humanity between 1993
Liberia (NPFL) and 1997 as commander of the
ULIMO, during the first Liberian civil
Countries of residence of war (1989-1996). In his capacity
suspect as ULIMO commander, Kunti K.
allegedly committed murder,
Netherlands and France enslavement, torture, cannibalism
and used child soldiers.
Torture, use of child soldiers and Procedure
murder On 23 July 2018, the Swiss
NGO Civitas Maxima launched
Developments in 2019 a complaint in the name of
Liberian victims before the
Kunti K. has appointed a third
French specialized unit for the
additional lawyer to defend
prosecution of genocide, crimes
his interests. The new counsel
against humanity, war crimes and
requested that the investigative
torture within the Paris Tribunal.
judge issue a visiting permit
to meet Kunti K. in pre-trial
On 4 September 2018, Kunti K. was
detention. The visiting permit was
arrested by the French police unit
sent to the wrong person and the
specialized in investigating war
new counsel never received the
crimes, crimes against humanity,
visiting permit. Consequently,
genocide and torture. Kunti K. was
the new counsel requested the
remanded in custody.
release of his client.

LIBYAN INSURGENCY members was allegedly arbitrarily
COMMANDER UNDER arrested and tortured for three
Khalifa Haftar Between 2016 and March
2017, the LNA is suspected
Context of having committed crimes
while occupying the city of
Ongoing proceedings in France Benghazi. Haftar is accused of
for torture allegedly committed in having launched a campaign of
Libya between 2016 and 2017 indiscriminate shelling, murders
and forced disappearances
Suspect against the neighborhoods of
Al-Laitti, Bu-Atni and Ganfouda,
Commander-in-chief of the Libyan
where many civilians had found
National Army (LNA)

Country of residence of Procedure

On 18 April 2018, as Haftar was
in France for medical reasons, a
complaint was filed against him
Charges before the French specialized unit
for the prosecution of genocide,
Torture and acts of barbarism
crimes against humanity, war
crimes and torture (hereinafter
Developments in 2019 the specialized unit). The victim
The investigation is ongoing. alleged that his family was
killed during Operation Dignity
in Benghazi. He also alleged that
Current status he was arbitrarily detained and
Under investigation tortured for three weeks.

On 26 April 2018, Ali Hamza,

Facts a Lebanese-Canadian citizen
In 2011, Khalifa Haftar joined the residing in Canada, filed a second
Libyan insurgency against the complaint before the specialized
regime of Muammar Gaddafi and unit. He alleged crimes committed
took command of the rebel army, by the LNA during the siege of
the Libyan National Army (LNA). Benghazi between 2016 and
March 2017, in which his mother
During the spring 2014, Haftar and four of his brothers and
and the LNA launched Operation sisters lost their lives. The judicial
Dignity, aiming to take over the investigation opened following
city of Benghazi. these complaints is still ongoing.

Haftar is accused of having ordered, Haftar returned to Libya despite

in October 2014, the attack of a these complaints.
family in Benghazi. One of the family

DEFINITIVE LIFE (MNRD). Barahira was a former The trial before the Paris Criminal
SENTENCE FOR TWO mayor of the same district and Court opened on 10 May 2016 and
the chairman of the MRND at lasted eight weeks, concluding
MAYORS the commune level. Ngenzi on 6 July 2016 with the conviction
Octavien Ngenzi and and Barahira were convicted of of both Ngenzi and Barahira for
Tito Barahira participating in the massacre genocide and crimes against
of hundreds of Tutsis, including humanity. They were found guilty
Context those who had sought refuge in a of overseeing the systematic
church in Kabarondo on 13 April practice of summary executions of
The case is the second trial in 1994. ethnic Tutsis. Both were sentenced
France to have resulted in the to life imprisonment. On 7 July
conviction of Rwandan nationals 2016, their lawyers announced
for their involvement in the 1994 Procedure
their intention to appeal the
genocide in Rwanda On 2 June 2010, the Collectif des conviction.
Parties Civiles pour le Rwanda filed On 2 May 2018, their appeal
Suspects a complaint against Ngenzi with trial opened before the Appeal
the Office of the Prosecutor at the Criminal Court in Paris.
Former Rwandan mayors Mamoudzou Tribunal in Mayotte.
On 4 June 2010, Ngenzi was On 6 July 2018, the Appeal
Country of residence of arrested and detained in Mayotte. Criminal Court confirmed their
suspects convictions and life sentences
In October 2010, Barahira was issued at first instance. Both
indicted by the National Public defendants appealed to the French
Prosecution Authority in Rwanda Supreme Court.
Charges for his alleged participation in
the genocide and for alleged
Genocide and crimes against
incitement to commit genocide.
Pursuant to an arrest warrant
issued in Rwanda, he was arrested
Developments in 2019 on 3 April 2013 in Toulouse,
On 16 October 2019, the French France. However, the French
Supreme Court upheld the life authorities denied the Rwandan
sentences of Octavien Ngenzi and extradition request, and the two
Tito Barahira. The judgment is cases were combined on 16 July
now final. 2013. Fourteen civil parties have
joined the case.

Current status On 13 May 2014, the Office of the

Case closed, sentenced to life Prosecutor of the Paris Tribunal
imprisonment sought the prosecution of Ngenzi
and Barahira before the Paris
Criminal Court. On 28 May 2014,
Facts the investigative judges referred
Ngenzi was the mayor of the their case to the Paris Criminal
Kabarondo district in eastern Court. The defendants appealed
Rwanda and the local leader this decision but the French
of a political party called the Supreme Court upheld the referral
National Republican Movement on 7 January 2015.
for Development and Democracy

Active personality

EXTRADITION OF A Current status

GENOCIDAIRE SUSPECT Detained; under investigation
Philippe Hategekimana
Context Hategekimana is suspected of
Ongoing proceedings in France having participated in the genocide
for crimes allegedly committed against Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994.
during the 1994 Rwandan He was allegedly involved in
genocide multiple atrocities in Nyanza and
the surrounding villages in April
1994. He is accused of having
Suspect assassinated a Tutsi mayor and
Former police officer; dual French of having participated in several
and Rwandan citizen mass murders. After the genocide,
Hategekimana fled to France
where he obtained citizenship.
Country of residence of
In June 2015, the Collectif des
Parties Civiles pour le Rwanda
(CPCR) filed a complaint against
Genocide Hategekimana before the Paris
Tribunal. The CPCR alleged he
Developments in 2019 was involved in committing
atrocities during the Rwandan
In February 2019, Cameroon genocide in 1994. In September
accepted an extradition request 2015, an investigation was
from France. Philippe Hategekimana opened. The investigative judge
was brought before the investigative of the specialized unit issued an
judges of the specialized unit for international arrest warrant.
the prosecution of genocide, crimes
against humanity, war crimes and Hategekimana was arrested in
torture within the Paris Tribunal Yaoundé, Cameroon, on 30 March
(hereinafter the specialized unit) 2018. France has requested his
on 15 February 2019, indicted extradition to try him before a
and placed in pre-trial detention. French court.
Hategekimana denies the charges.

INVESTIGATION CLOSED v.  André Ntagerura,  Emmanuel
OVER A DEPUTY’S Bagambiki and Samuel Imanishimwe,
Félicien Baligira had participated
in two meetings to incite, prepare,
RWANDAN GENOCIDE organize and commit genocide.
Félicien Baligira These meetings allegedly took place
towards late 1993 and in early 1994,
in Gisuma and Gafunzo.
Closed proceedings in France Furthermore, Baligira was
against a Rwandan deputy for accused of having participated
crimes committed during the in the massacre of Tutsis in the
1994 genocide in Rwanda former Cyangugu Prefecture, at
the Kamarampaka stadium, at
Suspect Mibilizi parish and at the Shangi
parish. The most massive assault
Former Rwandan deputy, refugee on 13 or 14 April 1994 resulted in
in France the death of about 800 refugees.

Country of residence of Procedure

On 21 March 2011 the National
France General Prosecutor of Rwanda
demanded Baligira’s extradition
Charges from French authorities, accusing
him of participation in the 1994
Complicity in genocide
genocide. Baligira was arrested in
France on 5 March 2012. The Court
Developments in 2019 of Appeal of Rennes refused his
extradition as Rwandan criminal
In October 2019, the investigative
law did not provide for the crime
judges dismissed the case,
of genocide and corresponding
considering that the evidence
penalties before it had been
was not sufficient to support
committed. Baligira was set free
the charges. The civil party, the
on 16 April 2012.
Collectif des Parties Civiles pour le
Rwanda (CPCR) did not appeal the
On 26 May 2014, the CPCR filed
dismissal, which is now final.
a criminal complaint against
Baligira. The investigation lasted
Current status five years, during which the
Dismissed investigative judges travelled
to Rwanda and witnesses were
heard. Yet, in September 2017,
Facts Baligira  was placed under the
According to the judgment of Trial status of assisted witness before
Chamber of the International Criminal the case was dismissed in October
Tribunal for Rwanda of 25 February 2019.
2004 in the case of the Prosecutor

25-YEAR PROCEEDINGS Facts Rights and its French member
END WITH A DISMISSAL organization, the Ligue des Droits
Munyeshyaka was the former
de l’Homme, joined the case as civil
Wenceslas Munyeshyaka head of the Sainte-Famille parish
parties in 2005.
in Kigali, Rwanda. He was accused
of being involved in the mass
Context On 8 June 2004, almost 10 years
executions that took place on 17
after the investigation opened, the
Closed proceedings in France and 22 April 1994 in the Sainte-
European Court of Human Rights
against a Rwandan priest for Famille parish. He was suspected
condemned France for exceeding
crimes committed during the of repeatedly participating in the
reasonable time requirements.
1994 genocide in Rwanda selection of Tutsi refugees to be
murdered, of leaving them to
In parallel, Munyeshyaka was
die of thirst, of reporting to the
Suspect tried in absentia in Rwanda and
authorities those who tried to
sentenced to life imprisonment in
Former head of the Sainte-Famille help them and of raping several
parish in Kigali women. After leaving Rwanda, he
became a priest in France.
Proceedings resumed when the
Country of residence of case was transferred in January
suspect Procedure before the 2012 to the specialized unit.
France International Criminal
Tribunalfor Rwanda On 19 August 2015, the prosecutor
On 20 July 2005, the International of the specialized unit requested
Charges a dismissal of the case against
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Complicity in genocide, crimes (ICTR) indicted Munyeshyaka Munyeshyaka. On 2 October 2015,
against humanity and torture for genocide and crimes against the investigative judges dismissed
humanity including rape, the proceedings. The civil parties
extermination and murder. In appealed this decision.
Developments in 2019
2007, the ICTR issued an arrest
On 30 October 2019, the French warrant requesting the French On 8 November 2017, the
Supreme Court rejected an appeal government to arrest him. On 20 Investigation Chamber of the Court
from the civil party against the November 2007, the ICTR referred of Appeal in Paris postponed the
dismissal of the case ordered the case to the French authorities. appeal hearing to 31 January
by the investigative judges of 2018, following the dismissal of
the specialized unit for the the case on 2 October 2015 by the
prosecution of genocide, crimes Procedure in France investigative judges, in order to
against humanity, war crimes and On 12 July 1995, a complaint was review the petitions submitted by
torture within the Paris Tribunal filed against Munyeshyaka by the civil parties.
(hereinafter ‘the specialized unit’). several French associations (the
Wenceslas Munyeshyaka is Collectif des Parties Civiles pour On 22 June 2018, the Investigation
definitively cleared of all charges. le Rwanda, Survie and the Ligue Chamber of the Court of Appeal in
Internationale Contre le Racisme Paris issued a decision upholding the
et l’Antisémitisme (International dismissal of the case. The civil parties
Current status
League against Racism and Anti- appealed against this decision to the
Dismissal of the case confirmed Semitism, or LICRA), as well French Supreme Court.
by the Supreme Court as individual plaintiffs. On 25
July 1995, an investigation was
opened into genocide, crimes
against humanity and torture. The
International Federation for Human

THREE MORE UPCOMING Facts He was arrested again on 5
GENOCIDE TRIALS September 2007 and placed
Bucyibaruta, as prefect of
under judicial supervision after
Laurent Bucyibaruta Gikongoro, allegedly delivered
the issuance of an arrest warrant
public speeches urging the Hutu
by the ICTR in August 2007. On 9
population to attack and kill
Context May 2017, the investigative judge
the Tutsis on many occasions
within the Paris Tribunal informed
Pending proceedings in France between December 1993 and
the parties that he had completed
against a Rwandan prefect for April 1994. He is also accused
his investigation.
crimes committed during the of having ordered massacres of
1994 genocide in Rwanda Tutsis and moderate Hutus in
On 4 October 2018, the prosecution
various locations in the Gikongoro
issued its final submission
Prefecture, and of having ordered
Suspect requesting that Bucyibaruta be
the rape and murder of women
sent to criminal trial on charges
Former Gikongoro prefect and and girls in various locations.
of genocide and crimes against
head of the prefectural committee
humanity. On 24 December 2018,
of the Interahamwe movement
Procedure before the the investigative judges referred
(the youth organization of the
International Criminal the case to the Paris Criminal
National Republican Movement
Tribunal for Rwanda Trial Court for complicity in
for Democracy and Development)
The International Criminal Tribunal genocide and crimes against
for Rwanda (ICTR) indicted humanity. If the Court of Appeal
Country of residence of upholds the referral decision,
Bucyibaruta on 16 June 2005 for
suspect Bucyibaruta will be judged for his
incitement to genocide, genocide
France and complicity in genocide, as alleged complicity in massive and
well as crimes against humanity, systematic executions of civilians.

Charges including extermination, murder

and rape.
Genocide and crimes against
humanity In August 2007, the ICTR issued an
arrest warrant requesting that the
Developments in 2019 French government detain him.
On 20 November 2007, the ICTR
Laurent Bucyibaruta appealed referred the case to the French
his referral to the Paris Criminal authorities.
Court issued by the investigative
judges for complicity in genocide
and crimes against humanity. The Procedure in France
appeal is ongoing. On 5 January 2000, the International
Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
Current status and its member organization in
France, the Ligue des Droits de
Pending procedure; appeal of the l’Homme, lodged a complaint
referral decision ongoing against Bucyibaruta for his alleged
participation in the genocide of
1994. The Office of the Prosecutor
of Troyes questioned and detained
him on 3 May 2000. He was released
on 20 December 2000.

Sosthène Munyemana of Tutsis to be eliminated. He against Tutsis, detained some of
allegedly led the night patrols them in inhumane conditions and
and gave instructions as to whom sent them to killing sites.
should be abducted.
Pending proceedings in France On 13 June 2018, FIDH, jointly with
for serious international crimes Ligue des Droits de l’Homme and
committed during the 1994 CPCR, filed their final submission
genocide in Rwanda On 18 October 1995, the NGOs as civil parties, requesting that
Collectif Girondin pour le Rwanda, Munyemana be sent to trial.
FIDH and Survie lodged a criminal
complaint against Munyemana On 3 December 2018, the investigative
Gynecologist at the University for his alleged participation in judges referred the case to the Paris
Hospital of Butare, Rwanda genocide. In 2001, the Collectif Criminal Court for genocide and
des Parties Civiles pour le Rwanda crimes against humanity, as well as
Country of residence of (CPCR) joined the proceedings as complicity in genocide and crimes
suspect a civil party. against humanity.

France In 2006, Rwanda requested the

Active personality
extradition of Munyemana from
Claude Muhayimana
Charges France. On 7 October 2010, the
Investigation Chamber of the
Genocide and crimes against Bordeaux Court of Appeal denied Context
humanity this request.
Ongoing proceedings in France for
crimes allegedly committed during
Developments in 2019 In October 2008, Munyemana
the 1994 genocide in Rwanda
was found guilty in absentia by
Sosthène Munyemana appealed
the Butare’s Gacaca Court in
his referral to the Paris Criminal Suspect
Rwanda. He was sentenced to life
Court issued by the investigative
imprisonment. Naturalized French national
judges for complicity in genocide
and crimes against humanity. The originally from Rwanda
On 14 December 2011, Munyemana
appeal is ongoing.
was indicted in the French
proceedings and placed under Country of residence of
Current status judicial supervision. suspect
Pending procedure; appeal of the France
referral decision ongoing On 9 May 2017, the investigative
judge within the French specialized
unit for the prosecution of genocide,
Facts crimes against humanity, war Complicity in crimes against
On 17 April 1994, in a public crimes and torture within the Paris humanity and genocide
speech, Munyemana allegedly Tribunal (hereinafter specialized
incited Hutus to exterminate the unit) informed the parties that he
Developments in 2019
Tutsi community of Tumba. From had completed his investigation.
21 April 1994, he is also accused of On 4 April 2019, the Court of
taking part in several massacres On 11 May 2018, the prosecutor Appeals confirmed the referral
of Tutsis in and around Tumba. of the specialized unit issued his of Claude Muhayimana’s case to
He is reported to have distributed final submission. He alleged that the Criminal Court for complicity
ammunition and compiled lists Munyemana organized a hunt in crimes against humanity

and genocide ordered by the On 9 April 2014, Muhayimana was FOLLOW UP ON OTHER
investigative judges. Muhayimana arrested in Rouen following a CASES
lodged an appeal before the French complaint filed in June 2013 by
Supreme Court. the Collectif des Parties Civiles pour ▪ MBS: the investigation was
le Rwanda. A criminal investigation closed in 2018
was launched regarding his
Current status (see UJAR 2019, p. 29)
alleged role in the genocide
▪ Serubuga: the investigation
Pending referral decision committed in the district of Kibuye.
is ongoing
Muhayimana was placed in pre-
(see UJAR 2018, p. 27)
Facts trial detention. On 3 April 2015, he
▪ Qosmos
was released and placed under
Muhayimana is alleged to have (see UJAR 2019, p. 32)
judicial control.
driven Hutu militias to several and Amesys
attack locations while he was the (see UJAR 2018, p. 33):
On 9 November 2017, the
driver for the Kibuye Guesthouse. the investigation is ongoing
investigative judge referred the
He was allegedly involved in the accused to the Paris Criminal Trial ▪ Norbert Dabira:
attack on the Nyamishaba school Court for complicity in genocide the investigation is ongoing
(Kibuye district) in April 1994, and and crimes against humanity (see UJAR 2017 p. 22)
in the massacres of Tutsi civilians through aiding and abetting. ▪ The Caesar investigation:
who had found refuge in Karongi, Muhayimana appealed the referral the investigation is ongoing
Gitwa and Bisesero between April decision. The appeal hearings (see UJAR 2019, p. 25)
and June 1994. against the referral decision took
place on 18 October 2018 before
Muhayimana is also accused of the Investigation Chamber of the
participating in killings carried Court of Appeal in Paris.
out in the Kibuye church on 17
April 1994 and in a stadium the Muhayimana will be judged only
following day. Both massacres for his alleged participation in the
resulted in the death of thousands Nyamishaba school attack, as well
of victims. as for the massacres of Karongi,
Gitwa and Bisesero between April
Procedure and June 1994. The prosecutor
had called for the dismissal of
On 13 December 2011, the Rwandan
the accusations regarding the
judicial authorities issued an
massacres committed in the Kibuye
international arrest warrant
church and in the Gatwaro stadium,
against Muhayimana for his
as Muhayimana presented an alibi
alleged participation in the
proving that he was not there during
Rwandan genocide. In addition, the
the events.  He was not referred to
Rwandan authorities requested
the Paris Criminal Court for these
his extradition from France.

On 26 February 2014, the French

Supreme Court ruled that
Muhayimana could not be
extradited because Rwanda’s
request was based on laws
passed after the alleged crimes
took place.


Anwar R. and Eyad A.
Context Palatinate respectively, as a result Current status
of person-specific investigations.
Structural investigation by Anwar R. and Eyad A. are detained
On the same day, French authorities
the German Federal Public pending trial.
arrested another former intelligence
Prosecutor into international
service official in Paris (Abdulhamid
crimes allegedly committed
A., see p. 29). The arrests were Facts
by the Syrian government and
coordinated by the joint French-
related institutions since 2011 Since the beginning of the Syrian
German investigative unit.
that has resulted so far in a civil war in 2011, Syrian intelligence
formal indictment of two Syrian services have reportedly been
On 22 October 2019, the German
suspects Anwar R. and Eyad A. systematically arresting, torturing
Federal Public Prosecutor
and an arrest warrant against and killing opposition activists.
formally indicted Anwar R. and
Jamil Hassan In September 2011, the German
Eyad A. before the Higher Regional
Court of Koblenz. Anwar R. was Federal Public Prosecutor opened
Suspects charged with complicity in crimes a structural investigation into
against humanity committed in war crimes and crimes against
Syrian nationals; former and humanity committed by the
present members of the Syrian Syria in 2011-2012. He is further
charged with 58 counts of murder governmental institutions.
intelligence agencies
as well as crimes of rape and
severe sexual harassment. Eyad On 8 June 2018, the German Federal
Country of residence of A. is charged with aiding and Court of Justice issued an arrest
suspects abetting crimes against humanity warrant against Hassan, then
committed in Syria in 2011-2012. head of the Air Force Intelligence
Germany, Syria and potentially
Service, for alleged crimes against
other countries
As for the arrest warrant against humanity and war crimes, upon
Jamil Hassan, the former head of a request of the German Federal
Charges the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Public Prosecutor. He is accused
Service, the Government of Germany of having killed, tortured and
Crimes against humanity, war
reportedly sent an extradition request caused severe physical or mental
crimes and grave domestic
to the Government of Lebanon harm to numerous detainees of
crimes including murder, rape
in February 2019 demanding the Air Force Intelligence Service
and severe sexual harassment
facilitation of his extradition to between 2011 and 2013, as a
Germany in accordance with the direct perpetrator, co-perpetrator
Developments in 2019 or military commander.
arrest warrant issued against him
On 12 February 2019, German in June 2018. Hassan reportedly
authorities arrested Anwar R. and visited Lebanon to receive medical
Eyad A. in Berlin and Rhineland- treatment.

Other person-specific investigations Eyad A. was an alleged member
targeted Anwar R. and Eyad A., of a sub-unit of the investigative Zoom in
former members of Al-Khatib division tasked with conducting
Branch, also known as Branch identity checks and arresting Overview of investigations
251, of the General Intelligence demonstrators, deserters and in Germany since 2017
Directorate (GID), which is other suspicious persons. He is
responsible for internal security accused of contributing to the In a response to the
in the Damascus area. Those torture and illegal detention of at parliamentary enquiry by the
investigations resulted in an least 30 persons. German political party Bündnis
arrest and a formal indictment. 90/Die Grünen on 12 August
In the autumn of 2011, after an 2019, the German government
According to the charges, Anwar anti-government demonstration shared information regarding
R. was head of an investigative in the city of Douma had been investigations into allegations
unit and its detention center. violently dispersed by security of international crimes initiated
Between late April 2011 and early forces, Eyad A. and other GID by the German prosecutorial
September 2012, he implemented officials allegedly pursued and authorities since 2017.
and oversaw a brutal system of arrested fleeing demonstrators
physical and psychological torture and transported them to the Al- The German Federal Public
intended to force convictions and Khatib detention center. According Prosecutor opened 105
gain insight into the opposition to the charges, Eyad A. had full investigations based on the
movement. At least 4’000 persons knowledge of the system of torture German Code of Crimes
were exposed to torture in this and mistreatment that detainees against International Law,
detention facility in that period. were being subjected to while some 25 investigations of
detained. which were subsequently
Methods of torture included suspended for various reasons.
beatings with fists and various
objects, inflicting electric shocks, The investigations concerned
suspending victims from the crimes allegedly committed
ceiling by their wrists, sleep in the following countries:
deprivation and threatening Syria, Ivory Coast, The Gambia,
detainees that their family South Sudan, the Democratic
members would be exposed to Republic of the Congo, Iraq,
torture. The investigation also Nigeria, Afghanistan, Mali, Sri
found at least one case of rape and Lanka, Cameroon, Somalia,
sexual assault. Moreover, victims Armenia, the Russian
were reportedly subjected to Federation (Chechnya),
inhumane conditions of detention Pakistan, Ukraine, Central
such as overcrowded cells and the African Republic and Sudan.
withholding of medical attention.
At least 58 persons are said to
have died as a result of the torture
and inhumane conditions.

Active personality

PROSECUTING GENOCIDE On 9 April 2019, the trial of a and September 2015, she allegedly
AND OTHER GRAVE German national, Jennifer W., conducted the so-called daily
started before the Higher Regional “moral patrols” in ISIS-occupied
CRIMES COMMITTED Court of Munich, based on a formal Fallujah and Mosul by inspecting
AGAINST YAZIDIS indictment of 13 December 2018. whether women’s behavior and
Jennifer W. and others Jennifer W. is inter alia accused of clothing complied with the rules
a war crime for the killing of a five- set by ISIS. While conducting such
year old Yazidi child, taken captive patrols, Jennifer W. reportedly
and enslaved with her mother, by carried various lethal weapons
Ongoing structural and personalized Jennifer W. and her husband Taha with her. For this, she allegedly
investigations and criminal A.-J., an Iraqi national. received remuneration from ISIS.
proceedings in Germany for
international crimes committed On 18 April 2019, the German Jennifer W. shared a household
by members of Islamic State (ISIS) Federal Court of Justice issued with her spouse, Taha A.-J., who
against Yazidis in Syria and Iraq an arrest warrant against Taha allegedly joined ISIS in 2013.
A.-J. Following his arrest in May In summer 2015, Taha A.-J.
Suspect 2019 in Greece, he was extradited reportedly purchased a woman
to Germany on 9 October 2019. and her five-year old daughter
Iraqi and German nationals The arrest warrant was based from a group of Yazidis taken
on a strong suspicion that as a captive by ISIS. Taha A.-J. brought
Country of residence of member of ISIS he committed the woman and her daughter to
suspects crimes of genocide, crimes his house. Taha A.-J. and Jennifer
against humanity and war crimes W. allegedly kept the Yazidi woman
against the Yazidi mother and and her daughter captive as slaves
daughter. He was indicted in early and exposed them to inhuman
Charges 2020. living conditions. Taha A.-J. is
suspected of having prohibited the
Membership in a terrorist organization,
The trial against Jennifer W. will Yazidi woman and her daughter
crimes against humanity, war crimes
continue in 2020. In addition to from exercising their religion and
and genocide
the original charges, the Court is forced them to convert to Islam.
considering including charges of In order to punish the captives,
Developments in 2019 crimes against humanity. Taha A.-J. allegedly beat them
In 2019, the investigation severely and repeatedly. To
regarding the crimes committed punish the five-year old, Taha A.-J.
Current status
by ISIS against the Yazidi is suspected of chaining her
Jennifer W. is on trial; Taha A.-J. is outdoors in scorching heat, which
community in Syria and Iraq led
indicted subsequently led to the child’s
to arrests, formal indictments
and trials against several former death. Jennifer W. reportedly
members of ISIS based on Facts witnessed her husband’s acts and
accusations of crimes against did not undertake any steps to
In August 2014, Jennifer W. left prevent the death of the child.
humanity, war crimes, genocide
Germany for Iraq and joined ISIS
and other crimes.
there. In the period between June

PROSECUTING CRIMES the accused guilty of war crimes, pictured in the photograph, which
OF NON-STATE ACTORS murder, torture and abduction investigators found on his phone,
for the purpose of blackmail, and and to holding the severed head,
IN SYRIA AND IRAQ sentenced him to life imprisonment. but maintains that he discovered
Ibrahim Al F. and others the remains underneath some
Ibrahim Al F. formerly headed ruins. The accused is currently
Context the militia Ghurabaa al-Sham, detained pending confirmation
which has been fighting the of the indictment by the Higher
Ongoing structural and personalized Syrian government forces in the Regional Court of Koblenz.
investigations and criminal Syrian civil war as part of the
proceedings in Germany for Free Syrian Army (FSA) since the
international crimes committed Mohamad K.
summer of 2012. The first and
by members of non-State armed second instance courts found that
groups in Syria On 19 February 2019, the trial
Ibrahim Al F. participated in the
against Syrian national Mohamad
abduction and subsequent one-
K. began before the Higher
Suspects month detention of two civilians
Regional Court of Stuttgart. On 4
who resisted looting. Together
Syrian nationals April 2019, Mohamad K. was found
with his subordinates, Ibrahim Al
guilty of two counts of war crimes
F. was found to have personally
and sentenced to four years and
Country of residence of tortured the detainees, who were
six months’ imprisonment by the
suspects only released after a ransom was
Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart.
paid. Under his command, his
subordinates abducted at least six
Mohamad K. is a former member
other civilians and subjected them
of the FSA and is accused of
Charges to severe torture, which led to the
having committed war crimes in
Membership in a terrorist organization, death of at least one person.
Idlib, Syria. Jointly with two other
war crimes and torture members of the FSA, Mohamad K.
Syrian national (name withheld) allegedly captured and detained
Developments in 2019 two members of an armed group
On 26 August 2019, the Koblenz fighting on the side of the Syrian
In 2019, various criminal proceedings Prosecutor General indicted a government for an unknown time
regarding international crimes 33-year-old Syrian national for period between January 2012
committed by non-State actors one count of war crimes, namely and January 2013. To punish
in Syria resulted in indictments the demeaning and degrading the detained fighters, Mohamad
and convictions. The charges treatment of a person protected K. allegedly tortured the almost
usually include both war crimes by international humanitarian unclothed men by beating them
and membership in a terrorist law, committed in Syria between severely and repeatedly with a
organization. early 2012 and September 2014. cable-like object. The torture was
filmed by another FSA member.
Ibrahim Al F. The accused is alleged to have
joined the armed resistance
On 6 August 2019, the Federal against the Syrian government
Supreme Court upheld the in the city of Dara’a in 2012
conviction and life sentence of and posed for pictures with the
Ibrahim Al F., a Syrian national. On severed head of a combatant,
24 September 2018, the Higher presumed to have fought for the
Regional Court of Dusseldorf found government. He admitted to being

Abdul Jawad A. K., On 17 February 2013, the Mohammed Rafea Yaseen Y.
Abdulrahman A. A., Canadian national Carl Campeau,
Abdoulfatah A. and who had been working as a legal On 8 March 2019, the Higher
Abdalfatah H. A. adviser to UN forces (UNDOF) in Regional Court of Dusseldorf indicted
the Golan Heights, was abducted the Iraqi citizen Mohammed Rafea
In 2019, the trial against four Syrian by the terrorist organization Yaseen Y. for aiding and abetting
nationals and former members Jabhat al-Nusra in the Damascus a killing and war crimes, as well
of a combat unit belonging to area. Suliman Al-S. allegedly as for membership in the terrorist
Jabhat al-Nusra, Abdul Jawad A. participated in his abduction organization ISIS.
K., Abdulrahman A. A., Abdoulfatah by keeping the victim under
A. and Abdalfatah H. A., continued surveillance between March and Mohammed Rafea Yaseen Y. was
before the Higher Regional Court of June 2013. Carl Campeau was allegedly an active member of
Stuttgart. The accused are charged held captive for eight months ISIS between 2006 and 2008 in
with war crimes and membership until he managed to escape in his Iraqi hometown of Al-Rutba.
in a terrorist organization. October 2013. While in detention, Jointly with other ISIS members,
his captors issued death the accused is alleged to have
Abdul Jawad A. K., founding member threats against him and tried constructed explosive devices
of a combat unit belonging to unsuccessfully to obtain a ransom and used them for attacks in the
Jabhat al-Nusra, and Abdulrahman for his release. surroundings of Al-Rutba that
A. A., Abdoulfatah A. and Abdalfatah resulted in human casualties.
H. A., who joined the unit at a Among the victims were members
Fares A. B.
later stage, are alleged to have of the United States armed forces,
taken part in hostilities during the Iraqi police as well as local
On 12 June 2019, the Higher Regional
capture of Raqqa. In March 2013, civilians. In 2014, Mohammed
Court of Stuttgart indicted Syrian
the accused, together with other Rafea Yaseen Y. was alleged to
national Fares A. B. for membership
members of their combat unit, have joined ISIS and was deployed
in the terrorist organization Islamic
reportedly executed 36 Syrian civil as an armed security guard in Al-
State (ISIS) and war crimes.
servants previously taken prisoner Rutba. As a part of his activities,
during the capture of Raqqa. Prior he allegedly ensured security
The accused joined ISIS in
to the execution, the civil servants during public executions of
the summer of 2014. He was
had been sentenced to capital children, women and men by ISIS
deployed in an ISIS prison where
punishment by a Shariah court. members.
he allegedly mistreated at least
three prisoners. Furthermore,
Suliman Al-S. he is alleged to have conducted
raids, brought newly arrested
On 23 January 2019, the Higher individuals to the prison and
Regional Court of Stuttgart guarded checkpoints. On one
lengthened the sentence of occasion, during an examination
Syrian national Suliman Al-S. to at his checkpoint, he allegedly
four years and nine months. The hit a truck driver on the head
original sentence of three years with a machine gun, jointly with
and six months’ imprisonment for another ISIS member. Fares
aiding and abetting the kidnapping A. B. furthermore is alleged to
of an employee of the United have participated in the shooting
Nations in Syria in February 2013 of a prisoner captured by ISIS
was successfully appealed by the for alleged blasphemy. The
prosecutor. perpetrators allegedly placed the
corpse of the deceased at the
village square for public display.

AFGHAN SOLDIER TRIED Notably, the Higher Regional Court In March 2014, Ahmad Zaheer D.
AND SENTENCED FOR did not find that the mistreatment of was further found to have subjected
the prisoners during interrogation the body of a high-ranking enemy
WAR CRIMES amounted to torture in violation combatant to degrading treatment.
Ahmad Zaheer D. of the German Code of Crimes This involved him parading the body
against International Law (VStGB), in front of the civilian population
Context but rather amounted to infliction of while kicking and insulting the
grievous bodily harm, coercion and deceased, simulating the mounting
Completed proceedings in Germany attempted coercion. In determining of the deceased’s head on a meat
for war crimes committed in the length of the sentence and hook and subsequently hanging
Afghanistan deciding to impose probation, the the body by a rope around the neck,
court took into account inter alia proclaiming to have murdered and
Suspect the fact that Ahmad Zaheer D. killed him “like a donkey”. Both
had confessed, cooperated with instances were captured on video.
Afghan national, member of the
authorities and made every effort
Afghan armed forces
to integrate in Germany.
Country of residence of On 25 October 2018, Ahmad
Current status Zaheer D. was arrested by German
Found guilty, on probation authorities.

Ahmad Zaheer D. was a member
War crimes
of the Afghan military forces and
was reportedly responsible for the
Developments in 2019 interrogation of captured enemy
fighters on at least one occasion
On 29 March 2019, the federal
between late 2013 and early 2014.
prosecutor formally charged
Together with two other military
Ahmad Zaheer D. with two counts
officials, he interrogated three
of war crimes. His trial took place
prisoners of war and subjected
from 2 to 23 July 2019 before the
them to cruel and inhumane
Higher Regional Court of Munich.
treatment in violation of the
Geneva Conventions, including by
On 26 July 2019, Ahmad Zaheer
beating them severely by hand and
D. was found guilty of one count
using a hose, and by threatening
of war crimes as well as inflicting
them with an electrical shock
grievous bodily harm, coercion
and attempted coercion. He was
sentenced to two years’ probation.

FDLR LEADERS’ CASE Developments in 2019 The Higher Regional Court of
ENDS IN AN UNEXPECTED On 16 April 2019, Ignace Stuttgart issued its first instance
verdict on 28 September 2015,
WAY Murwanashyaka passed away
convicting Murwanashyaka of five
Ignace Murwanashyaka and while in detention pending retrial.
counts of aiding and abetting war
Straton Musoni crimes and of leading a foreign
Current status terrorist organization, and sentenced
Context Murwanashyaka’s case was him to 13 years in prison. Musoni
terminated; Straton Musoni’s was sentenced to eight years’
Completed proceedings in imprisonment for his role as leader
Germany against former officials sentence was carried out
of a foreign terrorist organization.
of the Forces Démocratiques de
Libération du Rwanda (Democratic Facts The judgment was appealed.
Forces for the Liberation of While Murwanashyaka remained
In 2009, Rwanda and DRC led a
Rwanda, or FDLR) for alleged in detention pending the appeal,
joint military operation aimed
serious crimes under international Musoni was released on 28
at neutralizing the FDLR. This
law committed in the Democratic September 2015 due to time
operation resulted in various
Republic of the Congo (DRC). The served. On 12 February 2018,
retaliatory attacks by the FDLR
FDLR, formerly the Armée de the Stuttgart regional council
on Congolese civilians, including
Libération du Rwanda (Liberation ordered Musoni to leave Germany,
women, children and other
Army of Rwanda), was created forbidding him to return to the
vulnerable persons. The two
in 2001 and has been operating country for nine years.
FDLR leaders, who were living
in the Eastern DRC since then.
in Germany at the time of the
Some of its members have been The appeal hearing took place on 31
attacks, were accused of having
accused of participating in the October 2018 before the Federal Court
coordinated attacks that resulted
1994 genocide in Rwanda of Justice. On 20 December 2018, the
in the death of civilians, pillage,
recruitment of child soldiers and Federal Court of Justice overturned
Suspects rape and other forms of sexual Murwanashyaka’s conviction for
violence. aiding and abetting war crimes
Ignace Murwanashyaka was head
and referred his case back to
of the FDLR from its creation
the Higher Regional Court of
in 2001 until his death in 2019. Procedure Stuttgart for retrial. According to
Straton Musoni became deputy
Murwanashyaka and Musoni were the Federal Court decision, the
head of the FDLR in 2004
arrested in Germany on 17 November first instance judgment contained
2009, following the issuance of an legal errors and did not establish
Country of residence of arrest warrant by the German Federal beyond reasonable doubt that
suspects Court of Justice on 16 November Murwanashyaka encouraged or
2009. Their trial before the Higher facilitated the attacks. Musoni’s
Regional Court in Stuttgart began conviction and sentence were
on 4 May 2011 and ended after 320 upheld.
Charges days of hearings, on 28 September
Ordering and coordinating crimes 2015. During the proceedings, 11 of Murwanashyaka, who had been in
against humanity and 16 counts of the 16 initial charges of war crimes detention awaiting retrial, died on
war crimes committed by the FDLR and crimes against humanity were 16 April 2019 of unknown causes,
on Congolese territory between dropped. effectively terminating the case
January 2008 and November 2009 against him.
and membership in a terrorist

CASE AGAINST ISRAELI Facts In August 2018, ECCHR, together
DEFENSE FORCES with its partner organization, PCHR,
On 21 July 2014, Israeli armed
submitted to the German Federal
DISCONTINUED IN forces killed members of the
Public Prosecutor further evidence to
ISRAEL, BUT GOES German-Palestinian Kilani family
substantiate the criminal complaint
AHEAD IN GERMANY – a father, mother, and their five
filed in 2014.
children aged four to 12 years old.
Names withheld The attack took place in the course
of the military operation Protective
Context Edge, during which Israeli armed
forces conducted air strikes in CASES
Preliminary investigation in
the Gaza strip between 8 July and
Germany against members of the ▪ Abdulmalk A. and Mousa H. A.:
26 August 2014. Civilian facilities
Israeli Defense Forces for alleged the investigation is ongoing
and houses were destroyed and
war crimes committed in Gaza (see UJAR 2018, p. 52)
heavily damaged, and hundreds
during the Operation Protective ▪ Harry Sarfo:
of civilians were killed.
Edge between 8 July and 26 the investigation is ongoing
August 2014 (see UJAR 2018, p. 54)
Due to a warning of the planned
Israeli airstrikes, the Kilani family ▪ Gina Haspel (Guantánamo case):
Suspects fled their home in Beit Lahia to Al- the investigation is ongoing
Salam Tower. Two days later, on 21 (see UJAR 2019, p. 54)
Members of the Israeli Defense
Forces responsible for the attack July 2014, rockets hit the building
on Al-Salam Tower in Gaza on 21 and killed the whole family. Israel
July 2014 stated that the actual target of the
attack was a commander of the
Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Country of residence of
In December 2014, the European
Center for Constitutional and Human
Charges Rights (ECCHR), together with its
War crimes partner organization, the Palestinian
Centre for Human Rights (PCHR),
filed a criminal complaint with the
Developments in 2019 German Federal Public Prosecutor on
The Israeli authorities rendered a behalf of Ramsis Kilani, who lost his
final decision not to investigate the father and half-siblings in the strike.
case. A preliminary investigation is The submission provided evidence
ongoing in Germany. including photos, videos and witness
statements. Kilani denounced the
alleged disproportionality of the
Current status
Israeli attack on Al-Salam Tower.
Under preliminary investigation At the same time, PCHR filed a
criminal complaint in Israel and
submitted an appeal against the
military prosecutor’s decision not to
investigate the Kilani case.


EX-PRESIDENT OF Watch and TRIAL International. The

THE GAMBIA TIED TO TRRC is tasked with establishing
a historical record of the nature,
causes and extent of violations and
Yahya Jammeh abuses of human rights committed
during the Jammeh regime,
Context through testimonies of victims and
witnesses. a
Campaign to bring former
Gambian President Yahya In December 2019, based on his Procedure
Jammeh and his accomplices fact-finding mission to The Gambia, In May 2018, the families of the
to justice the President of Ghana Akufo- victims and a coalition of local
Addo  revealed that the Gambian and international NGOs asked
Suspect government was involved in Ghanaian authorities to open an
the extrajudicial killings of the investigation against Jammeh.
Former Gambian President (1994-
migrants. He also encouraged The report and a legal brief about
the Gambian President to take the case were also transmitted
actions after several members to Ghanaian authorities by TRIAL
Country of residence of of the Junglers, a notorious International and Human Rights
suspect unit that took its orders directly Watch.
from then-Gambian President
Equatorial Guinea
Yahya Jammeh, admitted their The Ghanaian Inspector General of
involvement in the massacre. Police and later the government,
Charges through its Minister of Information,
Complicity in enforced Current status stated that “the government had
disappearances and extrajudicial tasked the Ministry of Foreign
Pending investigation Affairs and the Attorney-General’s
Department to study the request”
Developments in 2019 Facts and “advise the government on the
way forward.”
An investigation conducted by
In January 2019, five United
Human Rights Watch and TRIAL
Nations human rights monitors
International revealed that a
urged the UN and the Economic
paramilitary unit controlled by
Community of West African States
Jammeh allegedly summarily
(ECOWAS) to release their report
executed more than 50 West
on the 2000 massacre of more
African migrants (including some
than 50 Ghanaian and other West
44 Ghanaians) in July 2005. The
African migrants in The Gambia.
migrants, who were bound for
According to this report, rogue
Europe but were suspected of being
elements in the Gambian security
mercenaries, were murdered after
services “acting on their own” were
having been detained by Jammeh’s
responsible for the massacre. This
closest deputies in the army, navy
information contradicts recent
and police forces. The Junglers
testimonies to the Gambian Truth,
are alleged to have carried out the
Reconciliation and Reparations
Commission (TRRC) as well as
the investigation of Human Rights


EUROPEAN COOPERATION Since his arrest, ten people,

LEADS TO THE ARREST witnesses and civil parties, have
OF AN ISIS SUSPECT been questioned in Malta and
Belgium. An investigation with
Hassan Faroud the involvement of the TEK is
underway in several European Procedure
Context Union member States, including Faroud left Syria in 2016 and
in Malta, Belgium and Greece.  illegally entered the Greek island of
Ongoing proceedings in Hungary
for terrorism and crimes against Leros on 27 February 2016, where
On 3 September 2019, Faroud he was granted refugee status on
humanity committed between 2015
was indicted by the Metropolitan 27 October 2017.
and 2016 in Syria
Prosecutor’s Office  of Budapest
for carrying out acts of terrorism The accused was a subject
Suspect and crimes against humanity. He of investigation by the Greek
remains in custody awaiting trial. Intelligence Service (EYP) since July
Syrian national and alleged
Islamic State (ISIS) fighter 2018, when the Belgian intelligence
Current status services transmitted information
concerning an unnamed individual
Country of residence of In custody pending trial allegedly involved in extremist
suspect activity as a member of ISIS. National
Hungary Facts investigations were coordinated
by Eurojust, the European judicial
Faroud is alleged to have
cooperation agency. One month
Charges commanded a small unit of ISIS in
later, the EYP managed to identify
the province of Homs, Syria. He is
Terrorism and crimes against this individual as Faroud, but no
suspected of having ordered the
humanity sufficient information was found to
occupation of Al-Sukhnah in the
prove he belonged to ISIS.
province of Homs and drawing up a
Developments in 2019 “death list” of those who rejected the
In August 2018, the accused was
On 22 March 2019, based on goals of ISIS and as a consequence
convicted in Malta for living there
information obtained by European should be executed. The executions
with forged identification documents.
national intelligence services, included the public beheading of the
He was sentenced to six months of
a Budapest Court ordered the local imam and at least 25 civilians
imprisonment, suspended for two
detention of Hassan Faroud for including women and children in
years and ordered to leave Malta. At
alleged murders committed in the town of Al-Sukhnah.
that time, there was still no further
Syria. information confirming his ties with
The accused is alleged to have
The accused was subsequently personally participated in the
arrested by the Hungarian execution of the imam as well
On 30 December 2018, Faroud was
Counterterrorism Center (TEK) at as the murders of three other
caught using forged travel documents
the Budapest Nyírbátor migrants’ civilians in the area between 13
again in Budapest’s Listzt Ferenc
detention facility where he was May and 15 May 2015. He also
Airport. He subsequently received a
detained, awaiting his deportation allegedly shot another person.
suspended prison sentence and was
to Greece where he had refugee set to be expelled from Hungary to
status. Greece. He was detained in Budapest’s
Nyírbátor asylum detention facility,
awaiting his return.



EARNS SOMALI MAN Convicted and sentenced to life
LIFE SENTENCE imprisonment; conviction confirmed
Osmann Matammud on appeal

Context Facts Procedure

Proceedings in Italy for the The Bani Walid transit camp, On 26 September 2016, Matammud
kidnapping, murder and rape located in the town of Bani Walid, was arrested in a migrant center
of migrants, as well as the in northwest Libya is a detention in Milan after he was recognized
facilitation of illegal migration, in center where migrants on their a few days earlier by other asylum
Libya at the Bani Walid detention way to Europe suffer violence seekers. Several of his victims filed
camp between 2015 and 2016 and extremely severe abuse for a complaint for the abuses they
months. Matammud was the suffered in the Bani Walid transit
Director of the center. He and his camp. Specifically, the complaint
Suspect associates would call relatives concerned kidnapping for ransom
Somali national, Director of the of the detainees on the phone, and rape.
Bani Walid detention camp threatening to kill them if the
“price of the transport” (effectively Matammud was formally charged
a bribe) was not paid. During under Article 10 of the Italian
Matammud’s trial, witnesses Criminal Code for kidnapping for
Kidnapping for ransom aggravated described the horrors and violent ransom aggravated by death, rape
by murder, rape and facilitation of abuses they suffered, such as and facilitation of illicit immigration.
illicit immigration committed in physical and mental violence, The witnesses described in their
Libya between 2015 and mid 2016 sexual abuse, horrendous interrogation tortures and other
torture and cruel punishments. inhuman treatment, but this was
Developments in 2019 Matammud is also accused of not added to the charges because
having personally raped women, the crime of torture was introduced
The appeal trial of Osmann including minors. in Italy only in June 2017, and these
Matammud took place in March
crimes were committed between
2019. Seventeen witnesses were
2015 and 2016.
heard by the Appeal Court of
Milan, recalling the severe torture
The criminal trial started on 23
they suffered. His conviction and
March 2017. Matammud was
life sentence were upheld on 20
convicted and sentenced to life
March 2019. The Appeal judges
imprisonment on 10 October 2017
emphasized Matammud’s cruelty,
by the Court of Milan.
the fact that he was directly involved
in murders and the extreme severity
of the torture and rapes.

TORTURERS ARRESTED Hundreds of migrants on their way
IN MESSINA to Europe were held in the Zawiya
Mohammed Condè; detention center in Libya where
Hameda Ahmed; they faced systematic atrocities and
Mahmoud Ashuia physical and psychological torture.
Mohammed Condè, Hameda Ahmed
and Mahmoud Ashuia are accused of
Context having run the center. The accused
Ongoing investigation of the crimes used the same procedure for their
committed in Zawiya detention victims: photographs of the detainees
center in Libya since 2015 were sent to their families along with
a request for ransom. Those whose
families paid were freed, whereas the
Suspect others were killed or sold to human
Mohammed Condè and Hameda traffickers.
Ahmed, both Egyptian nationals;
and Mahmoud Ashuia, a Guinean Condè, Ahmed and Ashuia were
national recognized in Messina by migrants
that passed through the detention
center in July 2019. Following
their arrest, the accused are in
Multiple charges of sexual violence, custody.
torture, murder, kidnapping for
ransom and facilitating illegal

Current status
Indicted; the accused remain in

Developments in 2019
The accused were arrested in
September 2019 in Messina
(Sicily), in the context of the
ongoing investigations of the
Office of the Prosecutor of
Agrigento and the Anti-mafia
Division of Palermo, following a
formal complaint filed by victims
who arrived in Italy through the
Mediterranean migration routes.

Active personality

NGOS FIGHT DISMISSAL The Statute of the International The complaint alleges the
OF ARMS TRADE CASE Criminal Court has not been criminal liability of RWM Italia’s
implemented in the Italian Directors and officials from UAMA
INVOLVING EXPORTS Criminal Code and, consequently, for the export of at least a part of
TO SAUDI ARABIA it was not possible to request an the deadly weapons used in the
RWM Italia S.p.A. investigation into complicity in strike to Saudi Arabia or another
war crimes member State of the military
Developments in 2019
Ongoing investigation against Despite major warnings that the
Directors of RWM Italia S.p.A., an The Italian Public Prosecutor’s Saudi/UAE-led coalition warfare
Italian arms manufacturer, and Office in Rome requested a in Yemen causes significant
against Italian government officials dismissal of the case in October loss of civilian life and breaches
who authorized arms exports to 2019. Three organizations international humanitarian law,
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab appealed the prosecutor’s exports of bombs and other
Emirates, for complicity in murder decision: the European Center weapons to the coalition member
and bodily injury for Constitutional and Human States are still taking place.
Rights (ECCHR), the Yemen- In Italy, the competent UAMA
based Mwatana Organization for authorizes these exports of
Human Rights and the Italian- armaments manufactured in Italy.
Current and former Directors based Rete Italiana per Il Disarmo
of RWM Italia (a subsidiary of (in cooperation with Osservatorio
the German-based company Permanente sulle Armi Leggere e
Rheinmetall AG), and Italian le Politiche di Sicurezza e Difesa, On 17 April 2018, the joint
officials from Italy’s National OPAL). A court hearing is to be criminal complaint by the NGOs
Authority for the Export of scheduled and is expected to take ECCHR, Mwatana Organization for
Armament (UAMA). The suspected place in the first half of 2020. Human Rights and Rete Italiana
individuals are German and Italian per Il Disarmo, in cooperation with
OPAL, was filed before the public
Current status
Country of residence of prosecutor in Rome. The prosecutor
Pending a decision from the opened an investigation into the
Italian court allegations.
The complaint denounces an air
In relation to the company’s strike launched on 8 October 2016
Directors and government officials, by the Saudi/UAE-led coalition
complicity through gross in Deir Al-Hajari, Yemen, which
negligence in murder and bodily allegedly killed six civilians. At the
injury. The complaint further site of the airstrike, a suspension
requests an investigation into the lug manufactured by RWM Italia
alleged abuse of power by the was found. Further remnants
government officials indicate the use of a guided bomb.
Testimonies of eye witnesses
confirm that no military object
was in the direct vicinity of the
house that was targeted by the


FIRST INDICTMENT detention during the judicial

OVER WAR CRIMES investigation. In hearings on 2
COMMITTED IN SYRIA September and 18 November
2019, the lawyers of the accused
Abu Khuder denied the charges.

Context Current status a

Ongoing proceedings for war Detained pending judicial

crimes allegedly committed in investigation
Syria in 2012. This is the first
case of a foreign national being
charged for crimes committed Facts
during the Syrian civil war under According to an interview he gave
Dutch universal jurisdiction laws to the newspaper The Guardian in
2012, Khuder had been an officer
Suspect in a Syrian border force known as
the Camel Corps when the conflict
Syrian national; alleged former erupted in 2011, prompting him
member of Jabhat al-Nusra to join the Free Syrian Army
(FSA) in its fight against the
Country of residence of Assad regime. The same article
suspect states that Khuder subsequently
became disillusioned with the
FSA’s disorganization and lack of
He allegedly radicalized and
War crimes and membership in a
joined Jabhat al-Nusra, a
terrorist organization
group previously linked to al-
Qaeda, after members of that
Developments in 2019 organization helped them attack
Ahmad al Khedr, also known as an army base in the eastern
Abu Khuder, has been living in the city of Mohassan, driving out
Netherlands since 2014, where he the government forces. He then
was granted temporary asylum. reportedly rose to command a
On 21 May 2019, he was arrested Jabhat al-Nusra battalion known
by Dutch police on suspicion of war as Ghuraba’a Mohassan (Strangers
crimes and terrorism offenses. of Mohassan). In this capacity,
According to the Dutch National Khuder allegedly participated
Public Prosecutor, the arrest was in the execution of a captured
based on witness testimonies Syrian lieutenant colonel in July
obtained following a raid against 2012. Khuder denies the charges,
six suspected former Jabhat al- maintaining that he lied to the
Nusra members in Germany. Guardian journalist regarding his
membership in Jabhat al-Nusra
On 24 May 2019, an investigative and that he, while present at the
judge in The Hague ordered the site of the killing, was not involved
prolongation of Abu Khuder’s in the officer’s execution.

ALLOWS ARREST BY According to the prosecution,
DUTCH POLICE the suspect commanded Ahrar
Name withheld al-Sham fighters and took part
in an April 2015 offensive in the
city of Hama. During this time,
Context he allegedly subjected persons
Ongoing proceedings for war hors de combat to humiliating and
crimes allegedly committed in degrading treatment by posing
Syria in 2015 by a commander of with the corpse of an enemy
the Salafist militant group Ahrar fighter and kicking the body of
al-Sham, which was designated another. In addition, he allegedly
as a terrorist organization by a appears in a video, posted on
Dutch court in 2019 YouTube, “singing to celebrate the
deaths of fighters and referring to
them as dogs”.
Syrian national; alleged former
commander of Ahrar al-Sham

Country of residence of

War crimes and membership in a
terrorist organization

Developments in 2019
On 22 October 2019, the Dutch Police
arrested a Syrian man in an asylum
center in Ter Apel, on suspicion
of outrages upon personal dignity
constituting a war crime. According
to the National Public Prosecutor’s
Office, the suspect was flagged by
German authorities in 2015 when he
spent a short time seeking asylum
before returning to Syria due to
personal circumstances.

Current status
Detained pending judicial

Active personality


COMMANDER DETAINED The suspect is alleged to have
ON CHARGES OF WAR been the commander and the
CRIMES head of the Department of Political
Affairs of the Pul-e-Charki prison
Name withheld
in Kabul in the 1980s. The prison
was reportedly notorious for its
Context inhumane regime during the
Ongoing proceedings for war Soviet-Afghan war, with detainees
crimes allegedly committed by being illegally imprisoned, tortured
a former prison commander in and subjected to inhumane and
Afghanistan in the 1980s degrading treatment, as well as
executed. According to the Dutch
National Public Prosecutor’s Office,
Suspect investigators of the International
Alleged former commander of the Crimes Team have received dozens
Pul-e-Charki prison in Kabul; dual of witness statements testifying to
Afghan and Dutch citizen the suspect’s involvement in the

Country of residence of

War crimes

Developments in 2019
On 12 November 2019, the Dutch
police arrested a 73-year-old man
in Kerkrade on suspicion of war
crimes. The suspect reportedly
arrived in the Netherlands in
2001 and later obtained Dutch

Current status
Detained pending judicial

Active personality

PROSECUTOR STARTS Facts Procedure in the

HEARING WITNESSES In 1974, the communist military
IN ETHIOPIAN “RED regime, known as the Dergue, Alemu was arrested in the
TERROR” CASE overthrew Emperor Haile Selassie Netherlands in September 2015.
I and seized power in Ethiopia. In September 2016, 15 Ethiopian
Eshetu Alemu
The regime effectively ruled the witnesses residing in the United
country for 17 years. In February States of America and Canada
Context 1977, the Red Terror was officially were questioned by a Dutch judge
Ongoing proceedings against declared, which led to mass and a prosecutor. Alemu pleaded
a Dutch national originally killings, arrests, torture and not guilty to all charges.
from Ethiopia, for war crimes enforced disappearances against
committed in Ethiopia during the suspected political opponents. On 15 December 2017, Alemu
Red Terror in the late 1970s Eshetu Alemu is accused of was found guilty of war crimes,
ordering the execution of 75 including arbitrary detention,
people, of torturing nine people, inhuman treatment, torture and
Suspect and of controlling the illegal murders. He was sentenced to life
Former member of the Provisional detention of more than 300 people in prison.
Military Administrative Council, in cruel and inhuman conditions in
also known as the Dergue, during Ethiopia’s Gojjam province during Alemu appealed his conviction on 3
the Mengistu Haile Mariam regime the Red Terror. January 2018. On 23 April 2018, a
pre-trial hearing took place before
In 1990, Alemu fled to the The Hague Court of Appeal. At the
Country of residence of Netherlands as an asylum seeker defense’s request, on 19 November
suspect and became a Dutch citizen in 1998. 2018, the Court agreed to hear a
Netherlands dozen witnesses in Ethiopia. An
investigative judge traveled to
Procedure in Ethiopia
Ethiopia, together with the defense
Charges On 12 December 2006, Ethiopia counsel and prosecutors, to hear
War crimes including arbitrary concluded the trial of former Dergue those witnesses.
detention, inhuman treatment, officials, convicting Alemu, and 57
torture and murder of alleged other regime officials, for genocide
opponents to the regime and crimes against humanity.
Alemu was judged in absentia and
received a death sentence.
Developments in 2019
The preparation of the appeal has
continued. Some witnesses were
heard by the appeal investigative
judges, and others will testify in

Current status
Sentenced to life in prison; appeal

Active personality

“BLOOD TIMBER” Current status On 10 March 2008, the Dutch

BUSINESSMAN Court of Appeal overturned the
conviction and acquitted him of all
AWAITING EXTRADITION charges due to a lack of evidence.
Guus Van Kouwenhoven Facts
Whilst managing the largest timber On 20 April 2010, the Supreme
Context operation in Liberia, Van Kouwenhoven Court of the Netherlands
facilitated the importation of overturned the decision of the
Ongoing proceedings against a Court of Appeal. The Supreme
Dutch national for alleged war weapons for Charles Taylor, thereby
contravening United Nations Security Court considered that the appeal
crimes committed during the judges wrongly rejected a
second Liberian civil war (1999- Council embargoes. These weapons
were supplied to militias and used prosecution request to hear the
2003) testimonies of two new witnesses,
to carry out numerous massacres
during the second Liberian civil war. and ordered a retrial.
Van Kouwenhoven made available In December 2016, Van
Dutch national, Director of Operations
trucks, drivers and facilities for Kouwenhoven fled to South
at the Oriental Timber Company,
the transportation and storage Africa. Van Kouwenhoven’s appeal
and owner of the Royal Timber
of weapons, as well as armed hearings nevertheless began on 6
Company, both operating in Liberia
personnel to Charles Taylor’s February 2017 before the Court of
troops. Appeal of Den Bosch. On 10 February
Country of residence of 2017, the prosecution requested a
suspect 20-year prison sentence.
South Africa
On 18 March 2005, Van Kouwenhoven On 21 April 2017, the Court of
was arrested in Rotterdam. He was Appeal of Den Bosch sentenced Van
Charges charged with delivering arms to Kouwenhoven in absentia to 19 years’
Complicity in war crimes, Liberia, involvement in war crimes imprisonment for complicity in war
supplying arms and ammunition committed in that country and crimes committed in Liberia and for
in violation of embargoes breaching the embargo decreed by his involvement in arms trafficking.
the UN on Liberia. The Court of Appeal considered that
by providing weapons, personnel,
Developments in 2019 and equipment to the armed conflict,
His trial began on 24 April 2006
Guus Van Kouwenhoven challenged in The Hague. On 7 June 2006, Van Kouwenhoven consciously
the legality of the warrant of arrest the Dutch Court acquitted Van accepted the probability that war
issued by the Magistrate’s Court in Kouwenhoven of war crimes due crimes and/or crimes against
Pretoria (South Africa), arguing that to a lack of evidence. He was, humanity would be committed.
it was unlawful and invalid. however, sentenced to an eight-
year prison term for breaking the
The Court confirmed that the UN arms embargo against Liberia.
warrant itself, the applicant’s arrest Both sides filed an appeal.
on 8 December 2017 and the
proceedings to date were all lawful.

On 8 December 2017, Van
Kouwenhoven was arrested in
South Africa on a Dutch warrant.
The Netherlands requested his
extradition. Van Kouwenhoven’s
extradition hearings in South
Africa were postponed several
times in 2018 for medical reasons.
The last hearing took place in
October 2018.

On 26 June 2018, the Advocate

General advised the Supreme
Court to uphold the appeal
judgment and confirm his
conviction for complicity in war
crimes. On 18 December 2018,
the Supreme Court upheld his
conviction for aiding and abetting
war crimes. The judgment is now



COMPLAINT AGAINST Preliminary examination
Names withheld Facts
Since the beginning of the Syrian
Context civil war in 2011, Syrian military
Ongoing proceedings in Norway and intelligence services have
for war crimes, crimes against reportedly been systematically
humanity and torture allegedly arresting, torturing and killing
committed by Syrian officials in opposition activists. The complaint
Syria details torture, murder and rape
the plaintiffs suffered or witnessed
while imprisoned by authorities
Suspect between May 2011 and September
Syrian nationals; high-ranking 2013.
intelligence and military officials
of Bashar al-Assad’s regime After being arrested (for activities
such as attending peaceful anti-Assad
protests or providing humanitarian
Country of residence of
aid), the victims were allegedly
severely tortured in 14 different
Syria detention centers. Treatments
included being suspended by their
Charges wrists, subjected to electric shocks,
having their fingernails pulled and
War crimes, crimes against being beaten with sticks and plastic
humanity and torture pipes.

Developments in 2019
On 13 November 2019, five
Syrian torture survivors filed a
criminal complaint in Norway
against 17 named officials of the
Syrian military and intelligence
services. The complaint was
filed in cooperation with the
organizations European Center
for Constitutional and Human
Rights (ECCHR), the Syrian Center
for Legal Studies and Research,
the Syrian Center for Media
and Freedom of Expression,
the Caesar Files Group and the
Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

Active personality

WITNESS STATEMENTS General concluded that the

UPHELD AS EVIDENCE allegations from the defense did
not have sufficient grounds.
REFUGEE On 27 September 2019, for
Jean Chrysostome Budengeri unrelated reasons, Budengeri was
released from pretrial detention
on the condition that he reports to
the police twice a week.
Ongoing proceedings in Norway for
crimes allegedly committed during
Current status
the 1994 genocide in Rwanda
Under investigation
Dual Norwegian and Rwandan
citizen Budengeri is suspected of having
participated in the genocide
against Tutsis in Rwanda 1994.
Country of residence of
Budengeri arrived in Norway as
a refugee through the United
Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Murder as part of a genocide in 2006. He became a Norwegian
citizen in 2014. The investigation
Developments in 2019 against him started in November
Officers from the National Criminal
Investigation Service – commonly On 5 June 2018, he was arrested
known as Kripos – have travelled by Kripos on suspicion of having
to Rwanda several times, including participated in the killing of a
in 2019, to investigate the suspect’s large number of people, mainly
alleged involvement in the 1994 Tutsi, during the 1994 Rwandan
genocide. genocide.

In May 2019, Jean Chrysostome

Budengeri’s defense lawyer
requested an independent review
of Kripos’ investigation by the
Attorney-General. According to
the defense, witness interviews
and their translations were strewn
with discrepancies, including
incriminating statements that
were not made by the witnesses.
In November 2019 the Attorney



MAINTAINED IN From 1980 to 1992, El Salvador
DETENTION was divided by an internal
Inocente Orlando Montano armed conflict between the
Morales rebel Farabundo Martí National
Liberation Front (FMLN) and the
government, led by the Nationalist
Context Republican Alliance (ARENA). In On 13 January 2009, Judge Eloy
Ongoing proceedings for serious this context, on 16 November Velasco charged fourteen former
crimes under international law 1989, six Jesuit apriests, their officers, including Colonel Ponce,
committed in El Salvador during housekeeper and her 16-year- former head of the Armed Forces
the 1980-1992 internal armed old daughter were killed at at the time of the murders,
conflict the Pastoral Center of José General Rafael Humberto Larios,
Simeón Cañas Central American former minister of defense,
University in San Salvador. Colonel Juan Orlando Zepeda,
former vice minister of defense,
Military officer and Vice Minister of Following the ratification of the and Montano with murder, crimes
Public Security (from 1 June 1989 Chapultepec Peace Accords against humanity and terrorism.
to 2 March 1992) in El Salvador on 16 January 1992, a Truth
Commission was established to On 30 May 2011, six new
investigate crimes committed defendants were added to the
Country of residence of
during the war, including the indictment, and international
murder of the six Jesuits, their arrest warrants were issued on
Spain housekeeper and her daughter. charges of terrorism and crimes
The Truth Commission concluded against humanity.
Charges that these crimes were ordered by
Salvadoran officials and executed On 23 August 2011, US authorities
Murder and terrorism arrested Montano on charges of
by the Salvadoran armed forces.
federal immigration fraud. He
Developments in 2019 Procedure
was indicted on 10 February 2012
for false declarations to the US
On 19 November 2019, the Spanish
On 13 November 2008, the authorities regarding the date of
National Court extended Inocente
Spanish Association for Human his entry into the territory and his
Orlando Montano Morales’s
Rights and the Center for military training in El Salvador.
preventive detention status for
Justice and Accountability filed On September 2012, he pleaded
two additional years. Therefore,
a complaint before the Spanish guilty, acknowledging he had
he will remain in prison until his
National Court against former given false statements. His trial
trial begins.
Salvadoran President Alfredo took place in August 2013 and he
Cristiani Burkard and fourteen was sentenced to 21 months in
Current status former military officers and prison on 27 August 2013.
soldiers, including Montano.
Extradited and detained in Spain

On 23 July 2014, the Criminal On 12 July 2018, the Criminal
Chamber of the Spanish National Chamber of the Spanish National
Court submitted a supplemental Court partially upheld the appeal
brief to the US authorities in filed by the accused, eliminating
support of a pending request for from the indictment the alleged
extradition issued on 4 November crime against humanity that the
2011. In this request, Spain urged investigative judge had excluded
the US authorities to allow the from the procedure in 2014. The
extradition of Montano from the indictment only referred to the
US to Spain to face trial for the eight murders committed with
murder of the six Jesuits, their a terrorist intent. Montano is
housekeeper and her daughter, currently detained in pre-trial
committed in El Salvador on 16 detention before his trial.
November 1989.

On 5 January 2016, a judge from

the Eastern District Court of North
Carolina granted the request to
extradite Montano to Spain. On 1
April 2016, Montano’s lawyers filed
a petition for a writ of habeas corpus
to reverse the extradition order.

On 21 August 2017, the US Eastern

District Court of North Carolina
dismissed Montano’s petition for
a writ of habeas corpus, finding
no irregularity in the extradition
proceedings and no basis upon
which the petitioner’s request for
release could be granted.

On 15 November 2017, the

Supreme Court dismissed
Montano’s last request to halt
his extradition to Spain. On 29
November 2017, Montano was
extradited to Spain and placed in
police custody. He is accused of
actively participating in planning
the murder of the six Jesuits.

SYRIAN INTELLIGENCE Guernica 37 International Justice Procedure
CASE DEFINITIVELY Chambers, deciding that Spanish
On 1 February 2017, Amal Hag
Courts lacked jurisdiction over
CLOSED Hamdo Anfalis filed a complaint
the crimes and adopting a narrow
Ali Mamluk and others with the Spanish National Court
interpretation of the concept of
against nine high-level military
and government officials of the
Context Syrian Arab Republic for alleged
This decision was appealed
Closed proceedings for alleged acts of terrorism and enforced
before the Constitutional Court on
international crimes committed in disappearance committed against
30 April 2019. The Court could not
in Syria since 2011 her brother, Alhaj Hamdo.
find any prima facie infringement
of the victim’s fundamental rights
On 27 March 2017, Judge Eloy
Suspects and, consequently, dismissed the
Velasco Núñez declared the
Nine high-level Syrian members complaint admissible and opened
of the security and intelligence an investigation. Judge Velasco
forces: Ali Mamluk, Director of Current status requested that Eurojust ascertain
the National Security Bureau; Closed; recourse to the Spanish whether there were other
Jamil Hassan, head of the Syrian Supreme Court and to the countries of the European Union
Air Force Intelligence; Abdul- Constitutional Court were rejected investigating international crimes
Fattah Qudsiyeh, Deputy Director committed by the administration
of the National Security Bureau; of the Syrian Arab Republic. He
Mohammad Dib Zeitun, Director Facts also ordered that testimonies
of the General Intelligence On 17 February 2013, Abdulmuemen be obtained from the victim,
Directorate; Faruq Al-Sharaa, Alhaj Hamdo, a Syrian national witnesses and expert witnesses,
former Vice President; Mohamed born in Idleb, disappeared while and that rogatory letters be sent.
Said Bekheitan, Deputy Head of the covering his daily delivery shift as a On 30 March 2017, the Spanish
ruling Baath Party; Mohammad professional transporter between the public prosecutor appealed this
Al-Hajj Ali, Major General; General municipality of Mashta el Helou and decision.
Jalal Al-Hayek; Colonel Suleiman the city of Homs in western Syria.
Al-Yusuf; and another high-level On 27 July 2017, the Spanish
official of the Syrian government In 2015, Abdulmuemen Alhaj National Court dismissed the case
Hamdo’s eldest son recognized after the public prosecutor argued
the body of his father in several it lacked jurisdiction to judge the
Country of residence of
photographs taken by a forensic crimes committed. The law firm
photographer codenamed Caesar, Guernica 37 International Justice
Unknown who deserted from the Syrian Chambers appealed the decision
army. Caesar made public over before the Appeals Chamber of
Charges 50’000 photographs depicting the Spanish National Court. On 15
various crimes committed in December 2017, the appeal was
Terrorism, enforced disappearances rejected.
detention centers of the Syrian
and torture
government since 2013.

Developments in 2019
On 13 March 2019, the Spanish
Supreme Court dismissed the
appeal lodged by the law firm

In February 2018, Guernica 37
International Justice Chambers
requested the Spanish Supreme
Court to admit its complaint and
to order the reopening of the
investigation. They also asked the
Constitutional Court to examine
the constitutionality of the current
law on universal jurisdiction in

In parallel, Guernica 37 International

Justice Chambers seized the Court of
Justice of the EU to determine if the
current definition of a victim under
Spanish legislation is in accordance
with European regulations, and if
the European directives equate the
concepts of direct and indirect victim
in order to hold legitimacy to exercise
jurisdiction and give competence to
the Spanish courts.



IN THE KARAJ PRISON During the war between Iraq and
MASSACRE IN IRAN Iran, Iran’s Leader, Rouhollah
Hamid Noury Khomeini issued an order to
execute all prisoners who were
supporting the People’s Mojahedin
Context Organization of Iran (PMOI), an
Ongoing proceedings in Sweden outlawed opposition group, as well
for alleged war crimes committed as leftist prisoners. Prisoners at
in Iran in 1988 the Karaj prison, close to Tehran,
were brought before so-called
“death commissions” that ordered
Suspect their arbitrary execution. The
Iranian lawyer, alleged former number of victims is aunknown but
assistant prosecutor in Iran estimated to be over 5’000. Many
of those killed were subjected to
torture and other cruel, inhuman
Country of residence of
and degrading treatment or
Iran, traveled to Sweden
Noury is alleged to have participated
Charges in the murder and torture of
prisoners from the Karaj prison
War crimes of abetting the during the summer of 1988.
execution of political prisoners

Developments in 2019
Hamid Noury was arrested on 9
November 2019 while traveling for
personal reasons in Sweden. On
13 November, the Court allowed
his pre-trial detention for a month
while the investigation is ongoing.

On 11 December 2019, his detention

was renewed until 20 January 2020.

Current status
Under investigation; pretrial detention

TORTURE SURVIVORS Human Rights (ECCHR), Syrian During their detention, the victims
REPORT THE CRIMES lawyers Anwar al-Bunni (of the were severely tortured, including
Syrian Center for Legal Studies being subjected to beatings with
OF AT LEAST 25 and Research) and Mazen Darwish sticks, cables and plastic pipes,
SYRIAN INTELLIGENCE (of the Syrian Center for Media kicks to head and genitals, electric
OFFICIALS and Freedom of Expression), shocks, sleep deprivation and
Names withheld the Caesar Files Group and sexual abuse. They also witnessed
the Swedish organization Civil the torture and killings of other
Rights Defenders. All nine torture detainees.
Context survivors testified before the
Ongoing proceedings for war Swedish police.
crimes, crimes against humanity
and torture allegedly committed
Current status
by Syrian officials in Syria
Preliminary examination

Syrian nationals; 25 known and
several other unknown high-level Since the beginning of the Syrian
officials of the Syrian security civil war in 2011, Syrian military
services and intelligence services have
reportedly been systematically
arresting, torturing and killing
Country of residence of opposition activists. The complaint
suspects details instances of murder, severe
Syria torture, detention in inhuman
conditions, sexual violence and
other inhumane treatment that
the complainants suffered or
War crimes, crimes against witnessed while imprisoned by
humanity, torture and degrading government authorities between
treatment, rape, severe bodily February 2011 and June 2015.
injury and illegal abduction
After being arrested for activities
Developments in 2019 such as attending peaceful anti-
Assad protests or providing
On 20 February 2019, nine Syrian humanitarian aid, the victims
torture survivors filed a criminal were imprisoned in 17 different
complaint with the War Crimes detention facilities of the Syrian
Unit of the Swedish Police. The intelligence services, namely the
complaint details crimes allegedly Military Intelligence, Air Force
committed by 25 known and Intelligence, General Intelligence
other unknown high-level Syrian Directorate, as well as in Saydnaya
security officials, including heads Military Prison and a detention
of the four Syrian intelligence facility of the fourth Division of the
services. The complaint was filed Syrian Armed Forces.
in cooperation with the European
Center for Constitutional and

▪ Lundin Petroleum -
Alex Schneiter and others:
Kurda Bahaalddin H. Saeed was a soldier in the Iraqi pending trial
Saeed H. Saeed army and fought the Islamic (see UJAR 2019, p. 64)
State (ISIS) in Kirkuk, northern
Context Iraq, in 2015. Between February
and March 2015, he took several
Completed proceedings in Sweden
photographs and videos of himself
for war crimes committed in Iraq
posing with the bodies of enemy
in 2015
fighters, some of whom had been
Iraqi national Procedure
In March 2018, the Swedish
Country of residence of police arrested Saeed for posting
suspect pictures and videos of dead ISIS
Sweden fighters on Facebook. Since he
had a wife and two children
in Sweden, the flight risk was
Charges considered to be minimal and he
War crimes was released on bail the next day.

Developments in 2019
The trial of Kurda Bahaalddin
H. Saeed H. Saeed before the
Orebro District Court began on
29 January 2019. On 19 February
2019, the court found Saeed guilty
of four counts of the war crime
of subjecting protected persons
to humiliating or degrading
treatment. The court found that
the pictures and videos of dead
ISIS fighters he had posted
on Facebook “were intended
to seriously violate personal
integrity”. He was sentenced to
15-months’ imprisonment.


Ousman Sonko

Context name has been mentioned several Gambian victims filed additional
times in relation to human rights complaints. Six of them, along with
Ongoing proceedings against
violations committed during the several witnesses, were heard by
former Gambian Minister of
Jammeh regime, such
a as unlawful the Attorney General.
Interior under the Yahya Jammeh
interrogations, torture and killing
regime for alleged serious crimes
of one soldier. On 9 October 2017, the Swiss
under international law
Federal Supreme Court confirmed
the seizure of Sonko’s assets,
Suspect Current status
worth approximately USD 15’000.
Detained pending trial His detention was extended
Former Inspector General of
the Police (2005 to 2006) then several times in 2017 and
Minister of Interior (2006 to 2016) Facts 2018 to allow the Office of the
Attorney General to conduct the
The Gambia was under the control investigation.
Country of residence of of Jammeh from 1994 to 2016.
suspect For more than two decades,
all opposition was repressed:
torture, extrajudicial executions
and enforced disappearances
Charges were widespread. After Jammeh’s
Crimes against humanity and re-election in September 2006,
torture Sonko was appointed Minister of
Interior. He held this position until
September 2016, when he was
Developments in 2019 dismissed from office and left The
Ousman Sonko’s detention was Gambia.
renewed on 4 February 2019.
On 25 July 2019, his detention Procedure
was renewed until 25 January
2020. Throughout the year, more Alerted of Sonko’s presence on
witnesses were heard and the Swiss territory, TRIAL International
Swiss federal criminal police lodged a criminal complaint before
produced a report to support the prosecuting authorities in
the extension of the accused’s Bern on 25 January 2017. The
detention. former Gambian Minister was
arrested the following day at the
Since 2019 and the beginning of immigration center of Lyss (canton
hearings before The Gambia’s of Bern), where he had applied
Truth, Reconciliation and for asylum. He was charged with
Reparations Commission, Sonko’s crimes against humanity. Nine

THREE ONGOING The charges include organized The estimated number of civilian
PROCEDURES AGAINST gang laundering, aggravated tax casualties ranges from 10’000 to
evasion and misappropriation of 40’000, depending on the sources.
THE UNCLE OF BASHAR Syrian public funds between 1984
AL-ASSAD and 2016.
Rifaat al-Assad
In Spain, an indictment has been In December 2013, after being
issued by a judge on similar grounds. informed that Rifaat al-Assad was
Context present in Switzerland, TRIAL
Ongoing proceedings in Switzerland International filed a criminal
Current status denunciation with the Office of the
against the former Vice President
and head of the Defense Brigades Under investigation by the Office of Attorney General of Switzerland
in Syria for alleged war crimes the Attorney General of Switzerland regarding the massacre in Hama
committed in Hama in 1982 for war crimes and by the Spanish in 1982. A criminal investigation
criminal authorities for financial for war crimes was opened a few
offenses. On trial in France for days later against Rifaat al-Assad.
financial crimes. In August 2014, a first private
Brother of the former Syrian claimant joined the proceedings.
President Hafez al-Assad and
uncle of the current President In September 2015, Rifaat al-
Bashar al-Assad; former head of On 27 June 1980, the Defense Assad returned to Geneva. TRIAL
the Defense Brigades, Syria’s elite Brigades, commanded by Rifaat International and the private
commando troops, from 1971 to al-Assad, attacked the Tadmor claimant asked the Swiss authorities
1984 prison (Syria) murdering hundreds to arrest him. After the Office of the
of inmates related or suspected Attorney General refused to proceed
of being related to the Muslim with his arrest, the victim filed a
Country of residence of
Brotherhood. This attack followed motion for provisional measures
the attempted assassination of before the Federal Criminal Court.
Various former President Hafez al-Assad Two days later, the Office of the
the day before. As the hierarchical Attorney General was ordered to
Charges superior of this armed force, hear Rifaat al-Assad without delay. In
Rifaat al-Assad is suspected of 2016, three other private claimants
War crimes allegedly committed having a responsibility in this joined the criminal proceedings.
in Hama in 1982 massacre.
In 2017, TRIAL International filed
Developments in 2019 Rifaat al-Assad, as the commander a complementary denunciation
of the Defense Brigades, is also regarding the Tadmor massacre
The investigation is ongoing in
suspected of having participated as well as various offers of proof.
in the massacre of several It was later dismissed.
thousand people in Hama in 1982
A procedure is ongoing in France
during the civil war in Syria. In On 25 September 2017, four
as well but on different grounds.
February 1982, opponents of the years after the official opening
On 9 December 2019, his trial
regime took up arms in Hama. of the investigation, one of the
opened in Paris. He is suspected
As retaliation, the Syrian armed private claimants filed a petition
of having embezzled Syrian public
forces, including the Defense alleging a denial of justice. The
money, money then laundered
Brigades, attacked the city. The Federal Criminal Court dismissed
via numerous front companies
civilian population was trapped it, considering that the extensive
before being invested in stone.
in Hama for almost a month.

delay could notably be explained
by the complexity of the case.

In August 2018, a letter to

Switzerland signed by the United
Nations Special Rapporteurs on
torture and on the independence of
judges and lawyers was published
by the UN. It heavily criticized
Switzerland for an alleged lack
of independence and political
interference notably concerning
the case against Rifaat al-Assad.
In six years of proceedings,
four witnesses and two private
claimants have been heard.

ALGERIAN MINISTER’S Current status be invoked for international crimes.
PROSECUTION DRAGS In early January 2017, the Office
Investigation ongoing
of the Attorney General dismissed
ON DESPITE UNITED the case, considering that the
NATIONS WARNING Facts alleged acts committed by the
Khaled Nezzar From 14 January 1992 to 31 former Minister of Defense could
January 1994, as Minister of not be considered as war crimes,
on the grounds that there was
Context Defense and member of the
HCS, Nezzar allegedly incited, no war in Algeria when the acts
Ongoing proceedings against allegedly occurred. On 18 January
authorized and ordered military
the former Algerian Minister of 2017, the plaintiffs appealed
and public agents to commit acts
Defense for alleged war crimes the decision before the Federal
of torture, murders, extrajudicial
committed in Algeria between Criminal Court.
killings, enforced disappearances
1992 and 1994
and other grave violations of
international humanitarian law. On 30 May 2018, the Federal
Suspect The “dirty war”, which ended Criminal Court overturned the
in 2000, caused the death of decision of the Office of the
General in the Algerian army, Attorney General. The Court
Minister of Defense in Algeria approximately 200’000 persons
and the disappearance of some recognized the existence of a
from 1990 to 1994, and Member non-international armed conflict
of the High Council of State (HCS) 20’000 others.
in Algeria in the early 1990s and
from 1992 to 1994 found that there was no doubt
Procedure that Nezzar was aware of the
Country of residence of Three torture victims filed a first acts committed under his order.
suspect complaint against Nezzar in Therefore, the court concluded
France in 2001, but the suspect that the Office of the Attorney
Spain General should complete its
left the country before judicial
action could be initiated. In investigation on war crimes, and
Charges October 2011, TRIAL International determine whether Nezzar could
filed a denunciation as Nezzar was also be charged with crimes
War crimes of torture,
travelling to Geneva. Two victims against humanity, torture and
extrajudicial killings and
of torture joined the procedure murder.
enforced disappearances; other
grave breaches of international in 2011 by filing a criminal
complaint. Three more victims In August 2018, a letter to
humanitarian law
later added their own complaint. Switzerland by the United Nations
Special Rapporteurs on torture and
Developments in 2019 Nezzar was arrested in October on the independence of judges and
The investigation is ongoing in 2011 and interviewed by the Swiss lawyers was made public. It heavily
Switzerland. In 2019, one witness Office of the Attorney General. criticized Switzerland for an
was heard by the Office of the Before being allowed to leave the alleged lack of independence and
Attorney General. country, his lawyers challenged political interference, mentioning
the jurisdiction of the Office of the explicitly the case against Nezzar.
In Algeria, Khaled Nezzar was Attorney General, in particular on
tried in absentia along with the grounds that he would benefit In eight years of proceedings,
other former regime members from immunity from jurisdiction. In four private claimants and 13
and sentenced to 20 years a 25 July 2012 decision, Nezzar’s witnesses have been heard by the
of imprisonment for acts of appeal was rejected: the Federal Office of the Attorney General.
conspiracy against the authority Criminal Court notably considered
of the State. He is currently on the that functional immunities cannot
run abroad.

REBEL COMMANDER Current status
SENT TO TRIAL FOR Awaiting trial; in custody Zoom in
WAR CRIMES A first for both Liberia and
Alieu Kosiah Facts Switzerland
During the first Liberian civil war,
Kosiah is the first person to
Context the accused joined the ULIMO,
be tried for war crimes in a
Ongoing investigation for serious which gathered supporters of
non-military criminal court in
crimes under international law former President Samuel Doe. The
Switzerland, and is the first
allegedly committed during the ULIMO carried out attacks against
ULIMO member to be indicted
first Liberian civil war (1989- Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic
for crimes committed during
1996) Front of Liberia (NPLF).
the first Liberian civil war.

Kosiah is accused of having ordered

Suspect “This is a historical case for
or participated in the murder of
both Liberia and Switzerland”
Former rebel commander of the civilians and soldiers hors de combat,
stated Alain Werner, Director
United Liberation Movement of desecrated the corpse of a civilian,
of Civitas Maxima. He is one of
Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO) raped a civilian, ordered the cruel
the two lawyers representing
treatment of civilians, recruited and
four of the seven plaintiffs who
employed a child soldier, ordered
Country of residence of will testify in the trial.
several pillages and ordered and/or
suspect participated in forced transports of
Switzerland goods and ammunition by civilians.
The accused allegedly committed
these crimes between March 1993
and the end of 1995 as commander
War crimes including systematic of the ULIMO.
killings and targeting civilians
Developments in 2019
In July and August 2014, seven
On 22 March 2019, the Office of the Liberian victims, assisted by the NGO
Attorney General of Switzerland Civitas Maximas, filed a complaint in
presented an indictment against Switzerland against Kosiah for his
Alieu Kosiah to the Federal Criminal alleged participation in war crimes
Court. The suspect is accused of and systematic killings committed
violations of the laws of war as a between 1993 and 1995 in Lofa
member of a military faction in the County in northwestern Liberia. An
1989-1996 Liberian war. investigation for war crimes was
opened in August 2014.
On 31 October 2019, the Swiss
Federal Criminal Court set On 10 November 2014, Kosiah
Kosiah’s trial from 14 to 30 April was arrested in Switzerland. On
2020 in Bellinzona (canton of 13 November 2014, a Swiss judge
Ticino).  On 25 November 2019, decided to hold him in pre-trial
the Federal Criminal Court detention. The plaintiffs as well
dismissed a complaint accusing as several witnesses from Liberia
him of participation in a massacre came to Switzerland to be heard by
committed by the ULIMO. He is still the prosecutor. Kosiah remains in
detained awaiting his trial for other pre-trial detention.
war crimes.
Active personality

CONVICTION OF carried out by the police. Sperisen’s trial opened on 15 May

THE HEAD OF THE Sperisen announced his intention 2014 in Geneva. He was convicted
to seize the European Court of on 6 June 2014 and sentenced to
GUATEMALAN POLICE Human Rights. life imprisonment for the crimes
CONFIRMED he committed in the Pavón prison,
Erwin Sperisen but he was acquitted for his
Current status
alleged involvement in the Gavilan
Conviction confirmed by the Swiss Plan.
Context Federal Court
Ongoing proceedings for serious Sperisen appealed the conviction
crimes under international law and his appeal trial took place
allegedly committed in Guatemala from 4 to 8 May 2015 before the
in 2005 and 2006 In October 2005, 19 prisoners Criminal Chamber of the Geneva
escaped from El Infiernito, a high Court of Appeal. On 12 May 2015,
security prison in Guatemala City. the Criminal Chamber upheld the
Suspect Sperisen allegedly set up a plan life imprisonment sentence. In
Head of the National Civilian Police aimed at finding and executing addition to the seven extrajudicial
(NCP) of Guatemala from 2004 to the escaped prisoners; this was executions for which Sperisen
2007; dual Swiss and Guatemalan known as the Gavilan Plan. Nine was found guilty in the first
citizen prisoners were captured and instance, he was condemned
three executed as a result. as jointly responsible for the
Country of residence of murder of three fugitives from
In September 2006, Sperisen, the Infiernito prison, though not
along with 3’000 NCP officers and as a direct perpetrator. Arguing
Switzerland members of the army, intervened that his right to a fair trial had
in the Pavón prison, a high security been violated, Sperisen lodged an
Charges prison controlled by prisoners, appeal against the conviction.
to restore State authority. This
Extrajudicial executions in 2005 intervention ended in the arrest On 29 June 2017, the Swiss Federal
(the killing of three inmates from and the extrajudicial execution of Court overturned the judgment
the Infiernito prison) and in 2006 seven prisoners. of the Criminal Chamber of the
(the killing of seven inmates at the
Geneva Court of Appeal and ordered
Pavón prison), both in Guatemala
Procedure Sperisen’s retrial. The Federal
judges recognized the existence of
Developments in 2019 In 2008, several Swiss organizations
extrajudicial executions committed
led by TRIAL International filed a
On 28 November 2019, the Swiss by a commando composed of
criminal complaint against Sperisen
Federal Court confirmed the police forces. Yet they considered
with the Office of the Prosecutor
conviction of Erwin Sperisen and that Sperisen should have been
in Geneva, after discovering that
his sentence to 15 years in prison. confronted with several witnesses.
he was living in Switzerland. He
The Court confirmed his complicity was arrested on 31 August 2012
in the killing of seven detainees in Geneva. In March 2013, the
during the repression of a mutiny mother of one of the victims filed a
at Pavón prison in September complaint and joined the criminal
2006. The court ruled that as Head proceedings. Fourteen witnesses
of the NCP and given his presence travelled from Spain, France and
there, Sperisen could not have Guatemala to be heard by the Swiss
ignored the details of the operation authorities.

On 20 September 2017, the Swiss
Federal Court allowed Sperisen’s
release pending his retrial. On 25
September 2017, he was released
and placed under house arrest.

Sperisen’s new trial took place in

April 2018 in Geneva. The public
prosecutor requested a life sentence
for Sperisen’s participation in the
2006 killing of seven detainees in
the Pavón prison. In the alternative,
the prosecutor requested a 15-year
sentence for Sperisen’s alleged
complicity in these murders. The
defense pleaded for his acquittal.

On 27 April 2018, Sperisen was

sentenced to a 15-year sentence for
his complicity in the 2006 murders.
He appealed the judgment to the
Swiss Federal Court.

Active personality

SWISS BUSINESSMAN mining concession by RCD-Goma,

UNDER CRIMINAL including guarantees of protection
by soldiers of the armed group.
PILLAGE IN DRC In a 2009 United Nations investigation,
Christoph Huber Huber was accused of being involved
in the large-scale transport of coltan
out of DRC and Rwanda when RCD-
Goma occupied much of Eastern
Ongoing proceedings regarding Congo during the war.
illegal trade of minerals in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
TRIAL International and the Open
Society Justice Initiative (OSJI)
have investigated the case since
Christoph Huber, Swiss national, 2013. The two organizations filed a
businessman in the mining sector criminal denunciation in November
2016 against Huber for his alleged
Country of residence of involvement in the alleged illegal
suspect trade of minerals in DRC during
the Second Congo War, constituting
South Africa the war crime of pillage. The Office
of the Attorney General opened
Charges a criminal investigation in March
2018. The case was made public in
War crime of pillage

Developments in 2019
The investigation is ongoing

Current status
Investigation ongoing

Christoph Huber allegedly dealt
natural resources with the
Rassemblement Congolais pour
la Démocratie-Goma (Rally for
Congolese Democracy–Goma, or
RCD-Goma), a Rwanda-backed
violent armed group controlling
a large portion of Eastern Congo
during the Second Congo War
(1998-2003). In 2001, the company
he represented was granted a


DISMISSAL OF TORTURE were held before the Supreme

CHARGES AGAINST Court on 24 and 25 June 2019. The
Supreme Court issued its decision
on 13 November 2019, quashing
EX-WIFE the Court of Appeal’s decision, and
Agnes Reeves Taylor sending back the application for
dismissal to the Central Criminal
Court judge for reevaluation in light
of the Supreme Court’s decision.
Completed proceedings for
torture allegedly committed The Supreme Court on 13
during the first Liberian civil war November 2019 defined a ”person “functions normally exercised by
(1989-1996). The Agnes Reeves acting in an official capacity” as governments over their civilian
Taylor case is the fourth arrest by including “a person who acts or populations”. Accordingly, the
a Western country of a suspect of purports to act, otherwise than in actions of Agnes Reeves Taylor did
war crimes allegedly committed a private and individual capacity, not fall under section 134 of the UK
during the first Liberian war. for or on behalf of an organisation Criminal Justice Act 1988.
Liberia’s former President, or body which exercises, in
Charles Taylor, was sentenced the territory controlled by that
on 30 May 2012 by the Special
Current status
organisation or body and in which
Court for Sierra Leone to 50 the relevant conduct occurs, Case dismissed
years’ imprisonment (confirmed functions normally exercised by
on appeal on 26 September 2013), governments over their civilian Facts
for crimes he committed during populations […] whether acting in
the Sierra Leone civil war in the peace time or in a situation of armed Agnes Reeves Taylor, who was
1990s conflict.” The majority judgment then married to Charles Taylor,
emphasized that for the purposes was alleged to have been one of
of section 134, the exercise of a the founders of the NPFL and to
Suspect have held high rank in the NPFL
governmental function must be
Ex-wife of former Liberian distinguished from purely military at the material time. She was
President Charles Taylor activity that does not involve the accused of having ordered and
exercise of official or quasi-official carried out torture in Gbarnga, the
powers, but noted that it would site of the headquarters of Charles
Country of residence of
be necessary to make allowance Taylor’s NPFL; and in Gborplay,
for the particular conditions between 23 December 1989 and
United Kingdom 1 January 1991, during the first
which may make administration
difficult and for different views Liberian civil war. According to the
Charges of appropriate structures of indictment, she ordered soldiers
government. to rape seven women as well as
Torture and conspiracy to commit ordered the beating of a 13-year
torture old boy.
On 6 December 2019, the Central
Criminal Court judge dismissed
Developments in 2019 all charges against Agnes Reeves
Hearings in Agnes Reeves Taylor’s Taylor. Applying the test set out by
appeal regarding the interpretation the Supreme Court majority, he
of “person acting in an official held that, at the time of each alleged
capacity” under section 134 of offense, the National Patriotic Front
the UK Criminal Justice Act 1988 of Liberia (NPFL) did not exercise

Procedure Agnes Reeves Taylor appealed
On 1 June 2017, Agnes Reeves
this ruling to the Court of Appeal, Zoom in
which dismissed the appeal on
Taylor was arrested at her Defining “a person acting in
21 December 2018. The Court of
residence in East London by the an official capacity”
Appeal ruled that the category of
Metropolitan Police, based on
perpetrator defined as “a public
information provided by the NGOs The prosecutor argued that
official or person acting in an
Civitas Maxima and its Liberian as a senior member of the
official capacity” in section 134
sister organization, the Global NPFL, which exercised de facto
of the 1988 Act is not confined
Justice and Research Project. On control over the territories
to those acting on behalf of a
2 June 2017, she was charged where the offenses were
recognized State but “covers any
with one count of conspiracy committed, Agnes Reeves
person who acts otherwise than in
to commit torture and seven Taylor was acting in an official
a private and individual capacity
counts of torture under the UK capacity at the time of the
for or on behalf of an organisation
Criminal Justice Act 1988. On 11 commission of the offenses.
or body which exercises or
August 2017, the Westminster
purports to exercise the functions
Magistrates’ Court rejected her The defense submitted that
of government over the civilian
request for provisional release on at no time did Agnes Reeves
population in the territory which it
bail. Taylor act in an official capacity
controls and in which the relevant
conduct occurs”. for the NPFL. It argued that
Agnes Reeves Taylor made an the NPFL was not the de facto
application to the Central Criminal government at the relevant
The Supreme Court granted
Court to dismiss the charges time in the relevant locations.
permission on 13 February 2019
against her. The parties agreed
for Agnes Reeves Taylor to file a
that the judge should first decide
further appeal (see Zoom in).
on the correct legal interpretation
of the term “person acting in an
official capacity” under the UK
Criminal Justice Act 1988 before
ruling on the issue of dismissal.
On 30 July 2018, the judge ruled
that the term applies “not only to
acting for entities either tolerated
by, or acting under the authority
of the government of a state,
but also, in situations of armed
conflict, to individuals who act in
a non-private capacity and as part
of an authority-wielding entity”.

GENOCIDE INVESTIGATION Developments in 2019 arrested previously in 2006
OPENED BY THE The five suspects are being following an earlier extradition
METROPOLITAN POLICE investigated over their alleged request by Rwanda. They were
involvement in the 1994 genocide. later released following the UK
Vincent Bajinya, courts’ refusal to extradite due to
Célestin Ugirashebuja, On 9 April 2019, British police
forces announced that the concerns about their right to a fair
Charles Munyaneza, trial in Rwanda.
Emmanuel Nteziryayo and allegations against the suspects
Célestin Mutabaruka were being actively investigated.
The UK Minister of State for On 22 December 2015, a British
Security and Economic Crime court declined to order extradition
Context announced that officers had been in response to the new request.
sent to Rwanda to investigate on The decision regarding the first
Ongoing investigations against five
the ground. four suspects was founded on
suspects for crimes committed
the conclusion that there was a
during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda
real risk of an unfair trial if they
Current status were extradited, such that there
Suspects Investigation ongoing would be a breach of Article
Vincent Bajinya (also known 6 of the European Convention
as Vincent Brown), allegedly on Human Rights. The decision
Facts regarding Mutabaruka was that
a close associate of Rwandan
President Juvénal Habyarimana; Vincent Bajinya is alleged to his extradition was barred by the
Célestin Ugirashebuja, allegedly have established and supervised rule against double jeopardy.
mayor of Kigoma commune in checkpoints in Kigali and near
the Gitamara province, and a the Kibihekane School in North- An appeal took place before the
longstanding member of the West Rwanda, where killings High Court. On 28 July 2017 the
National Revolutionary Movement took place. Charles Munyaneza Court upheld the first instance
for Democracy and Development; is alleged to have encouraged decision. It ruled that if extradited,
Charles Munyaneza, allegedly others to kill Tutsis, organized the suspects would be at risk of
mayor of Kinyamakara commune in roadblocks and led several a flagrant denial of the right to
the Gikongoro province; Emmanuel attacks in Ruhashya, which killed a fair trial. It also found that the
Nteziryayo, allegedly mayor of thousands. Emmanuel Nteziryayo extraditions of Mutabaruka and
Mudasomwa commune in the and Celestin Ugirashebuja are Nteziryayo were barred by the
Gikongoro province; and Célestin alleged to have ordered the killing rule against double jeopardy.
Mutabaruka, allegedly a local of Tutsis and provided weapons
politician in the Gikongoro province to do so. Celestin Mutabaruka In January 2018, Rwandan
is alleged to have led attacks Prosecutor General Jean Bosco
in Gatare and on Muyira Hill in Mutangana and Prosecutor Jean
Country of residence of Bisesero, which are reported to Bosco Siboyintore, Head of the
suspects have killed tens of thousands. Genocide Suspects Tracking Unit,
United Kingdom traveled to London to request the
UK to open an investigation against
the five suspects. They recalled
Charges On 29 May 2013, following the obligation of the UK, if it was
Genocide, complicity in genocide, extradition requests by the unwilling to extradite the suspects,
crimes against humanity and Rwandan authorities, the UK to try them in its own courts. The
conspiracy to murder police arrested the five suspects. Metropolitan Police has since
Four of the suspects had been commenced an investigation.


CIVIL CASES TAKE OVER Wickrematunge v. Rajapaksa

In April 2019, the Center for Justice
In the United States, suspects and Accountability (CJA) filed a
of international crimes who lawsuit in federal court in California
are found in the country can be against Gotabaya Rajapaksa,
subject to civil suit for violations Sri Lanka’s former Secretary of
of international law committed Defense and brother of former in his capacity as the Secretary of
outside of the US, based on President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Defense. The plaintiff’s opposition
several different federal statutes: for his alleged involvement argued that human rights
in the killing of journalist cases against the Rajapaksa
The Alien Tort Statute (ATS) Lasantha Wickrematunge and administration could not proceed
gives US federal courts jurisdiction the widespreada and systematic in Sri Lanka without facing judicial
to hear lawsuits filed by non-US targeting of journalists. interference, delay and danger to
citizens for torts committed in litigants and witnesses. Moreover,
violation of international law where The Rajapaksas oversaw the final the plaintiff argued that common
the claims sufficiently touch and years of a decades-long civil war law immunity should not attach
concern the territory of the US. between the government of Sri because the assassination of a
Over the past 30 years, the ATS has Lanka and the Liberation Tigers journalist cannot be considered
been used successfully in cases of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The final an official act of State, and
involving torture, State-sponsored phase of the war was marked by because the government of Sri
sexual violence, extrajudicial gross human rights abuses and Lanka never sought immunity on
killings, crimes against humanity, serious violations of international Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s behalf and
war crimes and arbitrary detention. law, with a United Nations Panel of treated the attack as a crime.
Experts finding evidence of crimes
The Torture Victim Protection committed by both the Sri Lankan In October 2019, the lower court
Act (TVPA) allows US citizens and forces and the LTTE. During this dismissed the complaint, finding
non-citizens alike to bring civil period, journalists perceived that Gotabaya Rajapaksa was
claims for torture and extrajudicial to be critical of the war effort entitled to common law foreign
killing committed by foreign State or the Rajapaksa government official immunity for the alleged
actors. found themselves the targets acts – torture, extrajudicial killing
of harassment and violence. and crimes against humanity –
The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Although the government denied because they were performed
Act and the Anti-Terrorism Act playing a role in the abductions, while the defendant was Secretary
also permit civil claims against assaults and killings of journalists, of Defense. A notice of appeal
perpetrators of mass atrocity many attacks were traced back to was filed in early November
under limited circumstances. government security forces under 2019, shortly before Gotabaya
Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s Ministry of Rajapaksa was elected President
These civil cases not only offer Defense. of Sri Lanka. The case is currently
survivors an opportunity to face pending before the Ninth Circuit
their abusers in a court of law, but In August 2019, Gotabaya Court of Appeals.
can also pave the way for criminal Rajapaksa sought to dismiss
proceedings. Below are some the complaint, raising several
cases with notable developments defenses, including that Sri Lanka
from this past year. was a more convenient forum
for the case and that he enjoyed
common law immunity because
all the alleged conduct was done

Mamani et al. v. Sánchez de Farhan Warfaa v. Yusuf Abdi notorious paramilitary groups
Lozada and Sánchez Berzaín “Tukeh” Ali in Colombia, the Bloque Central
Bolívar. He allegedly commanded
In 2007, the Center for Constitutional In 2004, CJA brought a lawsuit in the military units responsible for
Rights, Harvard Law School’s a federal court in Virginia under carrying out systematic attacks on
International Human Rights Clinic, the ATS and TVPA against a high- human rights defenders attempting
and two pro bono law firms filed a ranking Somali commander, to develop peaceful alternatives to
lawsuit on behalf of nine Aymara Colonel Yusuf Abdi Ali, also known the drug trade. Alma Rosa Jaramillo,
indigenous Bolivians in a federal as “Tukeh”, for his alleged role in a human rights lawyer, and Estrada,
court in Florida under the ATS and torture and attempted extrajudicial a community activist, were among
TVPA against the former President killing perpetrated in northern the leaders killed by Macaco’s forces.
of Bolivia, Gonzalo Sánchez de Somalia in the 1980s under the Although their families pursued
Lozada, and the former Minister of Siad Barre regime. Tukeh is Macaco through the transitional
Defense, Carlos Sánchez Berzaín. alleged to have ordered public justice process in Colombia, their
mass executions and participated hopes for redress abruptly ended
The claims arose from a brutal in the persecution of the Isaaq when Macaco was extradited to the
crackdown by the Bolivian military ethnic group. The case against United States to face prosecution
during a period of civil unrest in Tukeh was brought on behalf of for narcotics trafficking, where
September and October 2003, an Isaaq Somali torture survivor, he was convicted and sentenced
during which over 50 civilians Farhan Warfaa, who alleged that to 33 years in prison. In June
were killed and hundreds more Tukeh and his troops tortured him 2010, CJA filed a civil suit under
were injured. The Aymara plaintiffs before he was shot five times at the ATS and TVPA in a federal
sought to hold these two officials point blank range and left for dead. court in Florida against Macaco
responsible for their alleged role for torture, extrajudicial killing,
in planning and organizing the On May 21, 2019, following a three- crimes against humanity and
mass killings that resulted in the day trial and nearly 15 years of pre- war crimes. The Jaramillo family
death of their family members. trial litigation, a jury issued a verdict claims were dismissed in 2015,
finding Tukeh liable for the torture though the Estrada family claims
In April 2018, a federal jury found only of Farhan Warfaa, and awarded have been allowed to proceed. In
Sánchez de Lozada and Sánchez him USD 500’000 in damages. The July 2019, Macaco was granted
Berzaín responsible for their jury did not find Tukeh liable for early release by the United States
roles in planning and ordering attempted extrajudicial killing. Tukeh and sent back to Colombia, where
the crackdown that led to the appealed the judgment to the Fourth he was arrested upon arrival on
extrajudicial killings. This was the Circuit Court of Appeals. the basis of pending indictments.
first time a former head of State The civil litigation in the United
was found guilty in a US court for States continues to proceed.
Estrada v. Jimenez “Macaco”
human rights abuses. In May 2018,
the trial court judge overturned FOLLOW UP ON OTHER
the unanimous jury verdict, a CASES
CJA represents the family members
decision which was appealed by
of human rights defender Eduardo
the plaintiffs. In November 2019, ▪ Mohammed Jabbateh:
Estrada killed by a paramilitary
the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals appeal ongoing
group in Colombia commanded and
heard oral argument. The Court’s (see UJAR 2019, p. 76)
controlled by Carlos Mario Jiménez
decision is pending. ▪ Thomas Jucontee Woewiyu:
Naranjo, also known as “Macaco”.
Macaco headed one of the most awaiting sentencing decision
(see UJAR 2019, p. 77)

Collapsed buildings in Mosul Old City (Iraq, 2018) © Constantin Gouvy/TRIALInternational

Table of cases

Torture Genocide against
crimes charges

Rodolfo Martín Villa Under

and others
Argentina Spain • • investigation

Aung San Suu Kyi
and others
Argentina Myanmar • • examination

Prince Mohammed
bin Salman
Argentina Saudi Arabia • • examination

Syrian war crimes
Austria Syria • • overturned;
pending re-trial

Syrian intelligence Under

Austria Syria • • investigation

Fabien Neretsé Belgium Rwanda • • to 25-years’

Ernest Gakwaya
and Emmanuel
Belgium Rwanda • • Pending trial 24

Alexis Thambwe Under
Belgium Republic of
the Congo
• • investigation

Indicted; under
Martina Johnson Belgium Liberia • • • investigation

Sentenced to
Ahmed Jabbar
Finland Iraq • 18-months’

The Iraqi twin

Finland Iraq • • Appeal ongoing 28

Indicted; under
Abdulhamid A. France Syria • investigation

Ali Mamluk; Jamil investigation;
Hassan; Abdel
Salam Mahmoud
France Syria • • • three arrest


The Rémi Ochlik,

Marie Colvin and Under
Edith Bouvier
France Syria • investigation

Active personality
Lafarge - indictments
Eric Olsen
and others
France Syria • • issued; crimes


War Other
Torture Genocide against
crimes charges

Active personality Under

BNP Paribas
France Sudan • • • • investigation

Ahmed Hamdane
El Aswadi
France Iraq • • under

Mahamat Nouri and Chad;
Sudan • detained; under 36

Geoffrey Miller and United States
of America • dismissal
confirmed on


Kunti K. France Liberia • • detained; under 38

Khalifa Haftar France Libya • investigation

to life
Octavien Ngenzi and
Tito Barahira
France Rwanda • • imprisonment;
confirmed on


Active personality
France Rwanda • detained; under 41

Félicien Baligira France Rwanda • Case dismissed 42

France Rwanda • • • dismissal
confirmed on


Referred to the
criminal court;
Laurent Bucyibaruta France Rwanda • • referral under

Referred to the
Sosthène criminal court;
France Rwanda • • referral under

Active personality Referred to the

criminal court;
Claude Muhayimana France Rwanda • • referral under

War Other
Torture Genocide against
crimes charges
Anwar R. and detained;
Eyad A.
Germany Syria • • • under
Active personality
Syria; On trial; under
Jennifer W. and
Iraq • • • • investigation

to life
Ibrahim Al-F. Germany Syria • • • imprisonment;
confirmed on

Syrian national Germany Syria • detained; under 50

to four and
Mohamad K. Germany Syria • a half years’

Abdalfatah H. A. Germany Syria • • On trial 51

Abdul Jawad A. K. Germany Syria • • On trial 51

Abdulrahman A. A. Germany Syria • • On trial 51

Abdoulfatah A. Germany Syria • • On trial 51

Sentenced to
four years and
Suliman Al-S. Germany Syria • • nine months’

on appeal

Indicted; under
Fares A. B. Germany Syria • • investigation

Indicted; under
Rafea Yaseen Y. Germany Syria • • investigation

to two years’
Ahmad Zaheer D. Germany Syria • imprisonment
on probation

Ignace Died pending
Germany Republic of
the Congo
• • retrial

Straton Musoni Germany Republic of
the Congo
• appeal rejected

War Other
Torture Genocide against
crimes charges

Members of the
Israeli Defense
Germany Israel • investigation

Yahya Jammeh Ghana The Gambia • investigation

Hassan Faroud Hungary Syria • • detained; under 56

to life
Osmann Matammud Italy Libya • imprisonment;
confirmed on

Mohammed Condè; Indicted;

Hameda Ahmed;
Mahmoud Ashuia
Italy Libya • detained; under 58

Active personality Case

RWM Italia S.p.A. Italy Saudi Arabia • dismissed;
under appeal

Abu Khuder Netherlands Syria • • under

Syrian national Netherlands Syria • • under

Active personality Detained;

Afghan national Netherlands Afghanistan • under

Active personality Sentenced

to life
Eshetu Alemu Netherlands Ethiopia • • imprisonment;
re-trial ongoing

Active personality Sentenced

to 19 years’
Guus Van
Netherlands Liberia • • imprisonment;


17 Syrian officials Norway Syria • • • investigation

Active personality
Jean Chrysostome
Norway Rwanda • investigation

War Other
Torture Genocide against
crimes charges

Inocente Orlando
Montana Morales
Spain El Salvador • • Awaiting trial 68

Ali Mamluk and

Spain Syria • • Case dismissed 70

Hamid Noury Sweden Iran • • under

Members of the
Syrian intelligence
Sweden Syria • • • investigation

Kurda Bahaalddin H. sentenced to
Saeed H. Saeed
Sweden Iraq • 15 months’

Ousman Sonko Switzerland The Gambia • • detained; under 75

Rifaat al-Assad Switzerland Syria • investigation

Kalhed Nezzar Switzerland Algeria • investigation

Alieu Kosiah Switzerland Liberia • Pending trial 79

to 15 years’
Erwin Sperisen Switzerland Guatemala • imprisonment;
confirmed on


Active personality Democratic

Christoph Huber
Switzerland Republic of
the Congo
• investigation

Agnes Reeves Taylor
Liberia • dismissed;
on appeal

Vincent Bajinya,
United Under
Charles Munyaneza,
Rwanda • • investigation

Nteziryayo and
Célestin Mutabaruka

Active personality Sri Lanka;

United States Bolivia;
Civil universal
jurisdiction cases
of America Somalia; • investigation
or on appeal


TRIAL International is a non-governmental organization fighting
impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest
for justice. TRIAL International takes an innovative approach to the law,
paving the way to justice for survivors of unspeakable sufferings. The
organization provides legal assistance, litigates cases, develops local
capacity and pushes the human rights agenda forward.



The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) is

an independent, non-profit organization based in Berlin, that makes use
of groundbreaking strategic legal intervention to challenge impunity,
injustice and human rights violations worldwide. ECCHR aims to hold
the responsible State and non-State actors accountable and to bring
about political, economic, legal and social change. In order to achieve
that, ECCHR works closely with partners from around the world.


The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) takes action for
the protection of victims of human rights violations, the prevention of
violations and to bring perpetrators to justice. A broad mandate: FIDH
works for the respect of all the rights set out in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights. A universal movement: FIDH was established in 1922
and unites 184 member organizations in 112 countries around the
world. An independent organization: FIDH is not linked to any party or
religion, and is independent of all governments.


REDRESS is an international human rights non-governmental

organization with a mandate to assist victims of torture and related
international crimes to seek justice and other forms of reparation.
REDRESS collaborates with partners around the world to ensure that
victims’ rights to justice and reparation are enforced in practice. It
accomplishes this through a combination of litigation, advocacy and
capacity building.

Rue de Lyon 95 - 1203 Geneva
+41 22 321 61 10

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