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要了解同學在面試時能否有好的表現,學而思老師提供 3 個方法給大家:

1. 同學可否自己流暢介紹自己。

2. 同學在沒有準備過的情況下,可否在短時間內回答問題。

3. 將回答過程錄影,回看效果。








學而思|香港分校——3-12 歲頂尖奧數課程地址:彌敦道794-802 號協成行太子中心G/F-2/F

網址:www.xeseducation.com.hk 電話:3556 3900
1. 講述一次家庭旅行的經驗。
2. 你喜歡在課餘時間做些什麼?
3. 平時乘坐甚麼交通工具上學?
4. 平時放學會做甚麼?

1. (疫情類)請同學以「Online 學習最重要具備甚麼條件」為題做一分鐘演
2. (疫情類)如果香港爆發疫症,學校需要停課,如何才能夠保持學生的學
3. 請你形容你學校男生和女生相處的情況。
4. 你對背誦及朗讀課文的學習模式有何看法?
5. 應否說善意的謊言?
6. 假如你是班會主席,你會分別舉辦甚麼活動來提高班內的閱讀及學術風
7. 你認為視象教學可否取代到校上學?



《曾參烹彘》 作者:韓非

1. 曾子的妻子說了什麼話,來安撫哭泣的孩子?
2. 這篇文章傳達了什麼訊息?
3. 你認為父母應該欺騙孩子嗎?為什麼?
4. 你試過欺騙別人嗎?

學而思|香港分校——3-12 歲頂尖奧數課程地址:彌敦道794-802 號協成行太子中心G/F-2/F

網址:www.xeseducation.com.hk 電話:3556 3900
1. Do you have any unforgettable moments in your primary school?
2. Why do you want to study at our school?
3. What do you know about our school?
4. How many family members do you have?
5. Do you have any special skills or talents?
6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
7. Who do you respect the most?
8. What is your favorite subject? Why do you like it?
9. Do you like reading?
10. What sort of books do you like the most?
11. What is your expectation of the coming school life if you can enter our school?
How well are you prepared for this?
12. Please describe your extra-curricular activities.
13. What is your worst subject? How do you overcome the problem?


You need to read a passage and answer the questions.

Most polar bears could disappear by the end of the century, scientists say. Global
warming is to blame.
According to a study published this month in Nature Climate Change, most polar bear
populations will be in serious decline by 2080. The cause is melting sea ice. Polar
bears hunt seals on the ice. Without ice, the bears must roam on the shore, where
they are spending more and more time away from their main food source. That
means the animals could starve.
Lack of food leads to another problem: Mother bears may not be fat enough to
produce milk for their cubs. Some bear populations could stop having babies, leading
to a rapid decline in numbers.

⚫ How can we do to stop global warming?

學而思|香港分校——3-12 歲頂尖奧數課程地址:彌敦道794-802 號協成行太子中心G/F-2/F

網址:www.xeseducation.com.hk 電話:3556 3900
1. How many factors in 48?
2. Change into a mixed number.
3. In the number 0.854, what is the value represented by the digit ‘8’?
4. Change 1.2 into a percentage.
5. What is the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) of 8 and 36?
6. The first common multiple of 4 and 20 is 20. What is their third common
7. The original price of a smartphone was $5000. During the sale, Paul bought a
smartphone at 60% of the original price. What is the selling price?

8. What percentage of the whole figure below is shaded?

9. The calendar for January is shown below.

What is the day of 28th of January?

10. The fourth Sunday of January is the (day) of (month).

學而思|香港分校——3-12 歲頂尖奧數課程地址:彌敦道794-802 號協成行太子中心G/F-2/F

網址:www.xeseducation.com.hk 電話:3556 3900
11. How many factors in 48? 10
51 1
12. Change into a mixed number. 10
5 5
13. In the number 0.854, what is the value represented by the digit ‘8’?0.8
14. Change 1.2 into a percentage.120%
15. What is the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) of 8 and 36?4
16. The first common multiple of 4 and 20 is 20. What is their third common
17. The original price of a smartphone was $5000. During the sale, Paul bought a
smartphone at 60% of the original price. What is the selling price?3000
18. What percentage of the whole figure below is shaded?70%

19. The calendar for January is shown below.

What is the day of 28th of January? Monday

20. The fourth Sunday of January is the (day) of (month). 27th of January

學而思|香港分校——3-12 歲頂尖奧數課程地址:彌敦道794-802 號協成行太子中心G/F-2/F

網址:www.xeseducation.com.hk 電話:3556 3900

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