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Spanish Journal of Psychology (2014), 17, e77, 1–7.

© Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid


Tower of London: Planning Development in Children

from 6 to 13 Years of Age

Irene Injoque-Ricle, Juan Pablo Barreyro, Alejandra Calero and Débora Inés Burin

Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Abstract.  Executive Function is a multidimensional construct that includes a wide range of cognitive abilities that allow
solving goal-directed behaviors efficiently. Its development begins in early childhood and continues through adoles-
cence. A key aspect of Executive Function is planning, defined as the capacity to generate and organize the necessary
step sequence to carry out a goal-directed behavior. The aim of this study was to assess the development of planning in
children. The Tower of London task was used in 270 children aged 6, 8, 11, and 13 years. The results showed that the time
required to generate and organize the plan to solve a goal-directed problem increases as the difficulty of the problem
increases, and that older children need less time to solve problems with a certain level of difficulty than younger children
F(15, 1330) = 8.787; MSE = 1.441; p < .01; η2 =.090. These results are in line with the findings that planning develops
through childhood and even during the first years of adolescence.

Received 17 June 2013; Revised 18 January 2014; Accepted 22 April 2014

Keywords: executive function, planning, tower of London, children, development.

Executive Function (EF) is a multidimensional con- continues growing through adolescence and even
struct that includes a wide range of cognitive abilities through the first years of adulthood (Steinberg, 2007).
that allow solving goal-directed behaviors efficiently Physiological evidence shows that the neuroanatomic
(Lezak, 1995; Shallice, 1990; Stuss, 1992). EF involves regions that support EF are located in the prefrontal
identifying the problem, anticipating the necessary cortex (Boghi et al., 2006; Newman, Carpenter, Varma,
steps to solve it, generating a plan, organizing time & Just, 2003; Stuss & Alexander, 2007), and that the
and space, monitoring the plan and recalling the neural fibers are myelinated and the frontal structure
already accomplished steps, and showing flexibility matures during childhood and adolescence (Fuster,
in case there is a change in the plan. Different authors 2002). This maturation process is correlated with the
agree that EF is composed of three separated but yet gradual acquisition of the abilities involved in EF, since
integrated components: attentional control (selective the transmission of neural information becomes faster
and sustained attention), cognitive flexibility (working with the increase in myelin in the axons (Fuster, 2002).
memory, attentional shifting and self-monitoring), and A key aspect of EF is planning, which is defined as
the establishment of goals (initiation, planning, problem the capacity to generate and organize the necessary
solving, and strategic behavior) (Bull, Espy, & Senn, step sequence to carry out goal-directed behaviors
2004; Lezak, 1995; Luria, 1973; Miyake et al., 2000; (Lezak, 1995; Soprano, 2003). Traditional planning tasks,
Neisser, 1967; Shallice, 1990; Soprano, 2003; Stuss, 1992; such as mazes and tower tests -as Tower of Hanoi or
Walsh, 1978). Tower of London- (Bull, Espy, & Wiebe, 2008; Lezak,
The development of EF begins during early child- 1995) involve accomplishing a goal following specific
hood and continues through adolescence. The ability rules, without a predetermined path, and within a
to plan with anticipation, to learn about the contin- limited period of time (Lezak, 1995; Shallice, 1990;
gencies between benefits and costs of decision-making Willcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005).
tasks, and to control and reduce impulsive behaviors Other Executive Functions, such as inhibition, cogni-
tive flexibility, and working memory, are also involved
in these tasks because to be able to solve them effi-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Irene
Injoque-Ricle. Instituto de Investigaciones. Facultad de Psicología.
ciently it is necessary to analyze possible alternatives,
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. Independencia 3056, 3° piso. to choose the most adequate and inhibit the others,
(C1425AAM). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina). and to be able to recall the generated plan (Bull et al.,
Phone: +54–1149575886. 2004).
The Tower of London is a planning and problem-
This research was supported by the Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET; Res. N° 258/06
solving task that requires a set of processes such as task
and Res. N° 3100/08) and by the Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica, organization, plan initiation, ability to retain the plan
Universidad de Buenos Aires (SECyT; UBACyT P016). in the memory during its realization, ability to inhibit

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2  I. Injoque-Ricle et al.

possible distracters, and the flexibility to change the interest in solving the task, but not about the ability to
strategy when necessary. The Tower of London task is generate and organize the necessary step sequence to
a modification made by Shallice (1982) to the Tower of solve the problem.
Hanoi task (Klahr, 1978; Simon, 1975). In the Tower of Regarding the number of problems solved as a
London task, participants are presented with two iden- planning measure, different works have demonstrated
tical tower structures, one for the examinee and the that the efficiency in the performance of the Tower of
other for the examiner, with three balls of different London task progressively increases between 3 and
colors (red, blue, and yellow) and three vertical rods of 14 years of age, where it reaches that of an adult
different height (one in which three balls can be placed, (Krikorian, Bartok, & Gay, 1994b; Lipina, Martelli,
one in which two balls can be placed, and one in which Vuelta, Injoque Ricle, & Colombo, 2004; Mahone et al.,
only one ball can be placed). From an initial model pre- 2002; Malloy-Diniz et al., 2008). Fewer studies have
sented (e.g. the blue ball on the short rod, the yellow been carried out regarding planning or latency time as
one on the long rod, and the red ball on top of the a planning measure, especially in normal samples. In a
yellow one), the examinee must try to match the target study with young adults between 18 and 25 years old,
configuration presented on the examiner tower struc- Phillips, Wynn, Gilhooly, Della Sala, and Logie (1999)
ture (by placing for example the yellow ball on the found that planning time increases along with the
short rod, the blue ball on the medium-length rod and number of moves necessary to solve the problem.
the red ball on the long rod and then following the On the other hand, Huizinga, Dolan, and van der
instructions explained by the examiner, i.e. that only Molen (2006) worked with groups of 7, 11, 15, and 21
one ball can be moved at a time and that the problem years old and found that planning time decreases
presented has to be solved in a certain number of between 7 and 15 years of age, and that the planning
moves -in our example, 4-, and within a certain amount time of the 15-year-old participants was not signifi-
of time. To have a good performance in the Tower of cantly different from that of the 21-year-old ones. The
London task, the participant has to have efficient plan- sum of the number of moves to solution of all the prob-
ning abilities to solve the problem in the minimum lems of the task is rarely used as planning measure.
number of moves possible, within a limited period of In a developmental study of planning using Tower of
time. Hanoi in children from 6 to 12 years old, Díaz et al.
Two planning measures can be obtained from this (2012) concluded that planning progressively improves
task: the score and the planning time. The score is the with age and found three different moments: the per-
number of solved problems, and is the most used plan- formance of the first grade children was significantly
ning measure. The planning time is the time between lower than the performance of the rest of the sample,
the presentation of the target model and the first move, the performance of the children from second to fourth
and is also called latency time. This is the period of grade was similar, with no significant differences, and
time were an initial plan to solve the problem is gener- the performance of the children from fifth and sixth
ated. Problems that require more movements to be grade was significantly higher than that of the rest of
solved should need a longer planning time than prob- the sample, with no significant differences between
lems of fewer movements. Another measure that can each other.
be obtained from this task is the level achieved in the Knowing the normal development of EF has a great
task, where each level represents the minimum number importance since its normal functioning is crucial to
of moves necessary to solve the items included in it, the performance of a great deal of every-day tasks,
although is not frequently used. A less used measure is including some that are important to accomplish good
the total number of moves made on the tasks. This academic achievements. In addition, its functioning is
measure doesn´t discriminate the level of difficulty of impaired in different developmental disorders such
the problem solved, it only sums the amount of move- as ADHD (Happé, Booth, Charlton, & Hughes, 2006;
ments made by the children. Other time measures that Shimoni, Engel-Yeger, & Tirosh, 2012; Willcutt et al.,
can be obtained from this instrument are the execution 2005) or autism (Gilbert, Bird, Brindley, Frith, &
time, which is the time between the first movement Burgess, 2008; Happé et al., 2006; Hill, 2004; Robinson,
and the last one, and the total time, that is the planning Goddard, Dritschel, Wisley, & Howlin, 2009). Therefore,
time plus the execution time. This last time measure is having information about the normal development of
used to determine whether the participant has solved the EF allows professionals to detect its impairment.
the problem within the time limit given by the exam- The aim of this study was to assess the normal devel-
iner, and is one of the elements that is taken into con- opment of planning in children, measured in terms
sideration to determine if the problem is correctly of planning time in the Tower of London task, and to
solved. Execution time can give information about determine if planning time is a valid measure of plan-
subject variables such as distractibility or even lack of ning. We evaluated if planning time increases along

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Planning Development in Children  3

with the difficulty of the problems, and if within a the participants have to solve at least two of the three
same level of difficulty, it decreases as the age of the problems of that level efficiently. A problem is consid-
children increases. ered solved when the final configuration -shown in the
examiner’s tower structure- is reached, within the cer-
Method tain number of moves and within a certain period of
time: 15 seconds for levels 1 and 2, 30 seconds for levels
3 and 4, 45 seconds for levels 5 and 6, and 60 seconds
A total of 270 children participated in the study. They for level 7 (see Injoque-Ricle & Burin, 2008 for a
belonged to four age groups: 6- (n = 70), 8- (n = 70), 11- detailed explanation of how this time limits were esti-
(n = 70), and 13 years old (n = 60). Descriptive statistics mated). A score is given for each problem solved cor-
and distribution of gender by group are shown in rectly. One point is given when a problem is solved
Table 1. The 6- (mean age in months = 78.90, SD = 3.30), correctly in the first level; two points are given to cor-
8- (mean age in months = 101.17, SD = 3.35), and rect solved problems in the second level, and so on for
11-year-old groups (mean age in months = 137.95, the next five levels. Finally, all partial scores are added,
SD = 2.79) attended two middle-class public elementary- thus obtaining a total task score. A schematic represen-
level schools in the city of Buenos Aires, whereas the tation of the solution of one of the problems can be
13-year-old group (mean age in months = 161.62, found on Injoque-Ricle and Burin (2008).
SD = 3.79) attended a middle-class public high school Regarding psychometric properties, within the adap-
in Buenos Aires City. The participants represent a sam- tation process (Injoque-Ricle & Burin, 2008, 2011) accept-
ple of convenience. All children participated with the able reliability indexes were found (α = .73) and evidence
informed consent of their parents, after attending an of convergent and discriminant validity were found.
informative meeting about the study. Children with diag-
nosed psychiatric or neurological condition, language or Procedure
hearing impairment, or with a history of academic failure Each child was tested in a quiet room inside the school
(repeating course) were excluded from the study. This during a 30-minute session.
information was provided by the school registers.
Data analysis
To determine whether there were statistical differences
Tower of London (TOL; Injoque-Ricle & Burin, 2008, between the age groups regarding total score and level,
2011; Shallice, 1982). The TOL consists of two wooden two one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) and a
tower structures with a 26 x 4.5 x 3.5 cm base, three 0.8 Bonferroni post hoc analysis for multiple group com-
diameters vertical rods of different length (4.5, 9, and parison were conducted. Planning times -the time
15 cm), and three 5 cm diameter balls (a red, a yellow between the presentation of the target model and the
and a blue one). The task has seven levels of increasing first move- were compared by a repeated measures
difficulty, with three problems each. Difficulty of the ANOVA. To compare the planning times of the correct
problems was tested on a previous study. Increase in and incorrect problems in each level, a 6 x 2 (level x
the difficulty of the problems along with the increase correct/incorrect) repeated measures ANOVA was
in movements -inter-level difficulty-, and that all prob- conducted. To compare the planning times of the cor-
lems of the same level had similar level of difficulty rect problems within each level across all age groups
-intra-level difficulty- was verified (see Injoque-Ricle & and across all levels within one age group, a second
Burin, 2008). To move to the next level, which involves repeated measures ANOVA was conducted. Finally,
problems with one more move than the previous one, a 6 x 4 x 2 (the planning times of the correct problems

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics and Gender Distribution by Age Group


6 8 11 13

Gender n % n % n % n %

Female 33 47.10 39 55.70 50 71.40 35 58.30

Male 37 52.90 31 44.30 20 28.60 25 41.70
Total 70 100 70 100 70 100 60 100

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4  I. Injoque-Ricle et al.

x age x gender) repeated measures ANOVA was con- was significant in levels 1 (p < .01), 2 (p < .01), 3 (p < .01),
ducted to establish differences in planning time of cor- and 5 (p < .01) (see Figure 1).
rect problems between boys and girls within each age Because significant differences between the planning
group. All analyses were conducted using the statis- times of correct and incorrect problems were found in
tical software SPSS.21. most levels, the following analyses were conducted
using only the planning time of correct problems (from
now on referred simply as “planning time”). The first
Total TOL score, level, planning time of the correct repeated measures ANOVA showed an interaction effect
problems by level, and planning time for the incorrect between level*age F(15, 1330) = 8.787; MSE = 1.441;
levels were analyzed. Since none of the 6-year-old chil- p < .01; η2 =.090. For each age group, we found that the
dren were able to do any of the seventh level problems, planning time increased along with the level, starting
this level was excluded from the analysis, although at level 2. Level 1 had in all cases higher planning time
descriptive statistics (shown on Table 2) are presented than level two, although no significant differences
for the complete task for the variables “score” and were found. Within the 6-year-old group, the increase
“level”. Errors on level one were due to extra move- in planning time was significant between levels 2 and
ments -children made a first erroneous movement and 3 (p < .01), and between levels 5 and 6 (p < .01). Within
corrected it immediately-. the 8-year-old group, the planning time increased
Differences in total scores among all ages were found significantly between levels 2 and 3 (p < .01), and
F(3, 266) = 38.870; MSE = 125.915; p < .01; η2 = .305. Post decreased between levels 4 and 5, although not signifi-
hoc analysis showed significant differences between cantly. Within the 11-year-old group, the planning time
all groups (6–8: p = .01; 8–11: p = .01; 11–13: p < .01). increased significantly between levels 2 and 3 (p < .01),
Regarding the level reached in the different age groups, 4 and 5 (p < .01), and 5 and 6 (p < .05), and decreased
the one-way ANOVA showed significant differences not significantly between levels 3 and 4. Finally, within
F(3, 266) = 22.911; MSE = 1.408; p < .01; η2 = .205. Post the 13-year-old group, the planning time increased sig-
hoc analysis showed differences only between the nificantly between levels 2 and 3 (p < .01), and 4 and 5
6-year-old and the 8-year-old groups (p = .02). (p < .01) (Figure 2).
The analysis of the planning time of correct prob- When the planning times of a same level were com-
lems vs. that of the incorrect problems showed a signif- pared along the four age groups, the analysis showed
icant interaction effect with the level F(5, 1345) = 23.477; for level 1 that it decreased significantly and progres-
MSE = 6.460; p < .01; η2 = .080. The difference between sively as the age increased (p < .01). The same was
the planning time of correct and incorrect problems found in level 2 (6–8 and 8–11: p < .01; 11–13: p < .05).

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of the Variables for Each Group Age

6 (n = 70) 8 (n = 70) 11 (n = 70) 13 (n = 60)

Variable  Min. Max. M SE Min. Max. M SE Min. Max. M SE Min. Max. M SE

Total scorea 2.00 48.00 18.60 9.99 10.00 50.00 24.51 10.50 6.00 56.00 30.41 11.61 11.00 71.00 39.00 12.83
Levela 1.00 6.00 3.60 1.20 3.00 7.00 4.20 1.12 2.00 7.00 4.73 1.26 3.00 7.00 5.23 1.16
cPT level 1 1.52 8.29 3.58 1.34 1.42 6.60 3.06 1.15 1.27 5.98 2.52 0.83 1.08 3.76 2.11 0.60
iPT level 1 1.56 14.81 6.11 1.61 1.55 14.91 4.32 1.40 1.14 6.09 3.32 0.56 4.55 4.55 4.55 0.00
cPT level 2 0.89 11.11 3.39 1.52 1.18 6.83 2.83 1.05 1.01 5.73 2.40 1.02 1.29 3.77 2.09 0.59
iPT level 2 1.20 12.53 5.15 2.08 1.67 15.94 4.03 1.60 1.24 3.78 1.98 0.30 1.32 2.90 1.95 0.16
cPT level 3 1.95 10.30 4.27 1.74 1.74 10.17 4.06 2.22 1.22 8.63 3.59 1.66 1.47 5.99 2.79 0.85
iPT level 3 1.48 41.36 7.81 7.36 1.14 30.95 6.16 5.44 1.44 41.06 6.52 5.94 1.09 11.37 3.75 1.53
cPT level 4 1.20 11.24 4.61 1.43 1.71 12.94 4.19 1.47 0.95 9.72 3.33 1.48 1.16 6.57 2.80 0.99
iPT level 4 0.00 20.67 5.40 3.17 1.04 12.52 3.89 1.73 0.98 12.40 3.25 1.89 1.73 5.31 3.05 0.72
cPT level 5 2.29 8.08 4.89 0.91 2.26 14.64 4.16 1.45 1.53 11.83 4.07 1.74 1.83 7.50 3.83 1.26
iPT level 5 2.17 14.89 6.07 2.02 2.34 10.44 4.21 1.13 1.47 35.24 5.22 4.18 1.42 8.02 3.69 1.08
cPT level 6 4.68 10.30 7.05 0.49 2.14 11.87 4.32 1.00 1.34 18.06 4.46 1.81 1.52 6.65 4.08 0.87
iPT level 6 1.70 9.15 3.81 0.97 1.74 18.47 4.18 2.27 1.57 20.38 4.16 3.05 1.55 61.44 6.29 8.87

Note: cPT: Correct problems planning time in seconds ; iPC: Incorrect problems planning time in seconds; a: “Total score” and
“Level” variables were estimated including all seven levels of the task, even when the data analysis were conducted with the
first six levels.

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Planning Development in Children  5

Figure 1. Planning times of correct and incorrect problem means for each TOL level.

In level 3, the time also decreased progressively goal-directed behaviors. This ability is essential in
between the age groups, but only significantly between every-day life, and in childhood its related to academic
the 8-year-old and the 11-year-old groups (p < .05) and achievement, since its involved in arithmetic problem
between the 11-year-old and the 13-year-old groups solving and in the correct execution of all assignments
(p < .01). In level 4 results showed the same pattern as that implies accomplishing a goal and a following a
in levels 1 and 2 (6–8: p < .05; 8–11 and 11–13: p < .01). series of steps. Several studies have investigated the
Regarding level 5, although the planning time decreased impairment of planning and other EF during child-
between all age groups, it was significant only between hood in developmental disorders (Gilbert et al., 2008;
the 6-year-old and the 8-year-old groups (p < .01). Happé et al., 2006; Hill, 2004; Robinson et al., 2009;
Finally, in level 6 the planning time decreased signif- Shimoni et al., 2012; Willcutt et al., 2005), but a few
icantly between the 6-year-old and the 8-year-old have studied the normal development of these func-
groups (p < .01), and between the 8-year-old and the tions. That is why the main aim of this study was to
11-year-old groups (p < .05), and increased between the assess the development of planning in children. Also,
11-year-old and the 13-year-old groups, although not another aim was to determine if planning or latency
significantly (Figure 2). time is a valid measure of planning. For this purpose,
No interaction was found between level and gen- the Tower of London task was used in 270 children
der F(5, 1310) = 1.953; MSE = 1.431; p = .083; η2 = .007 divided in four age groups (6, 8, 11, and 13 years old).
and among level, gender and age F(15, 1310) = 1.355; The measure of planning used was the time between
MSE = 1.431; p = .162; η2 = .015. the presentation of the target and the first move done
by the participant, but also the total score and the level
Discussion reached.
Planning is a key aspect of EF. Allows an individual An initial approach to the data was through the per-
to generate and organize the step sequence involved in formance of the task, measured as the total score
achieved. The analysis showed that the performance
improved with age. These findings are in the same line
of those of Krikorian et al. (1994), Lipina et al. (2004),
Malloy-Diniz (2008), and Steinberg (2002), who found
a progressive improvement in the scores in the Tower
of London between 3 and 14 years of age. Regarding
the maximum number of moves reached, the 6-year-old
group differentiated from the rest of the groups, reach-
ing the maximum possible level of the task. Although
there were no differences in the maximum number of
moves that the three older groups could do, there were
differences regarding the efficiency with which they
reach it. That is shown by the differences found in the
performance of each group.
Figure 2. Mean planning times of correct problems on The analysis made with planning time first showed
different levels by age group. that there were differences between the planning time

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6  I. Injoque-Ricle et al.

of the correct problems and the one of the incorrect The findings of both analyses of the planning times
problems in all levels except levels 4 and 6. A short of the correct problems are congruent between each
planning time could represent a rapid plan elaboration other, and indicate that the time required to generate
or an impulsive behavior to start solving the task with- and organize the step sequence to carry out a goal-
out having a plan of action. When solving a TOL prob- directed problem is longer as the difficulty of the level
lem, an impulsive behavior generally implies extra increases, and that older children need less time to
movements, since it becomes a trial and error problem solve problems with a certain level of difficulty than
solution, and this result in an incorrect problem. younger children. This demonstrates the evolutional
Because of this, the next analyses were conducted development of planning through childhood and the
using the correct problems. To determine whether the first years of adolescence.
planning time increases along with the complexity of Finally, the analysis of the planning time, along
the task, the planning time of all levels were compared with the analysis of the total scores, show evidence in
within each group. Results showed that the planning favor of construct validity of the Tower of London
time increases progressively from level two, and that task, and both measures demonstrated to be valid
this increase was significant in half of the cases. When planning measures.
the increase was not significant, it could indicate that This study provides information about the validity
although the problems of consecutive levels of diffi- of two measures of the Tower of London task, along
culty in terms of number of minimum moves required with information about the normal development of
to solve the problem, the time needed to generate and planning ability in children, which is important for
organize the sequence of steps for its resolution is the educational and psychological professionals to early
same. An example of this can be between levels 3 and 4 identify impairments in this EF aspect.
in the 6-, 8-, or 11-years old groups. The same conclu-
sion can be drawn from the fact that in some cases References
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Planning Development in Children  7

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