Is Learning About The Past Important

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Is Learning about the Past Important?

Some people are saying that we do not need to study history since studying events in the past is
no use. However, learning history is very worthwhile and has a significant meaning to us. There
are several reasons why I believe this.

To begin with, we are living in a part of history now. It means that the present, which is to
become the past as the moment passes, can not be apart from history. Some people may
assume that the past is something happened long time ago. However, it is only partially true.
Yesterday, or even a minute ago becomes a part of history. Thus, if we believe that studying
history is no use, we admit that we are living lives which will become meaningless in the future.

In addition, we learn many things from the past. History is not an obsolete thing. Rather, it gives
us valuable lessons which help to make our lives better. For instance, we definitely know how
tragic the result of the war is from the cases of World War and Civil war in the history. From the
devastating events in the past, we come to know the war can never be justified whatever
causes are.

Finally, history reveals who we really are. There is an old saying 'Like father, like son', which
indicates the importance of knowing who our forefathers are like. Our lives are so much the
reflection of theirs. That is, by carefully looking at their ways of thinking or their attitudes, we
will have a better understanding of ourselves.

In conclusion, we should appreciate learning history since it has significant value itself. First, the
moment we are living now is a part of history. Also, history teaches us valuable lessons, so that
we will not do the same thing wrong ever again! Lastly, we learn more about ourselves through
history by seeing the lives of our forefathers. Therefore, studying history should be encouraged
at all costs.
Another Response
There is no doubt that one cannot drive a car while keeping looking at the rear-view mirror, in
other words to keep moving forward one needs to look ahead. However, looking back in
general also has its benefits. In my view I wholeheartedly support the idea that learning about
the past is valuable for those living in the present. To support my point of view, I will first
discuss evolution of things, and then I will discuss mistakes.
Learning from the past helps us understanding the evolutions of things and can also give
insights into the future. For instance, how have we been fully aware that global warming is
occurring on Earth? Scientists used data over centuries to see the trends in Earth's average
temperature, and these data clearly showed that the temperature is globally rising.
Furthermore, the question of how life appears on Earth and how has it evolved cannot find an
answer without interests in the past.
Moreover learning about the past is a good way to avoid mistakes previously made, or simply
mistakes. In many domains there are records of everything that happened and that is worth to
be remembered about. For instance in the aircraft's industry, after every crash there is an
investigation which is made to know what happened, and results are saved and divulgated to
everyone involved in the field. Information from all these past events shapes the way new
aircrafts and pilot's trainings are designed, therefore mistakes or issues revealed by the
investigations in the past are avoided in the future. Besides, knowing about the history of one's
family is valuable as it can help to know about unknown relatives; thus it helps avoiding
unwanted incestuous marriages.
In sum, learning from the past is truly valuable to the mankind. It shows patterns of our
evolution and of evolutions of things around us that could impact us. In addition it helps
avoiding mistakes. While learning from the past is of great interest, taking right actions
accordingly is more than valuable. Then, we might ask why it is often remarked that 'History
repeats itself'?

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