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International Journal of Sumatran

Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

The Role of Parents in Managing the

Behavior of Temper Tantrum Early
Asla De Vega
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Isla YSTAI) Yayasan Tarbiyah Islamiyah (YASTIS) Padang
Winda Sherly Utami
Universitas Jambi
Juli Hartini
Universitas Jambi

Early childhood is an individual who has an age range where at that time parents are forming a
habit. At that time is the most appropriate period to provide stimulation to children, the more
optimal the stimulation provided, the better the growth and development of early childhood.
One of the problems that are often experienced by early childhood is the problem of controlling
emotions which can be called temper tantrums. Being a parent who has a child who has a
temper tantrum must have an understanding that every child has an unstable emotional
condition. The research uses a literature study method taken from several reputable
publication articles and up-to-date books. Based on the literature review, it shows that the role
of parents in overcoming children with temper tantrums include: 1) when the child tantrum ,
the first thing parents do is try to calm down, parents must calm their emotions by taking a
deep breath, then with a gentle tone of voice the child is embraced. or being hugged so that
when the child is feeling angry the tension in his body is reduced by the embrace of the
parents, 2) When the child has a tantrum, it is not recommended that parents give advice or
direction because it will not enter the child's ears. 3) Divert the child's attention 4). Give
appreciation to the child that the child is able or is better at managing his emotions. When
children experience temper tantrums at different times, parents must understand that children
train to manage their emotions, it takes time to practice and parents patiently become coaches
so that children can manage emotions that feel turbulent in their hearts
Key word. Temper tantrums, the role of parents, Early Childhood
1. Introduction
Early childhood is an age range where at that time when we instill positive things, we will reap
positive things too, and vice versa. At that time it was also known as the golden age.golden age
is the most appropriate time for parents or caregivers to provide stimulation to children. The
more optimal the stimulation of early childhood development, the better the growth and
development of early childhood will be. At that time all the functions of the nervous organs in
the child's brain develop very rapidly. Therefore, an early age is a valuable opportunity that

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

should not be ignored because at an early age it will not be repeated a second time. In early
childhood, children begin to be able to feel and express what they feel. They begin to recognize
feelings of joy, sadness, anger, disappointment and so on. When children express their
emotions, sometimes parents or educators pay less attention and guide children to be able to
accept what children feel so that children are able to express and channel their emotions
positively. Parents or educators are more likely to 'muffle' children's emotions which result in
children's emotions not being channeled. If this happens continuously, it will form a pile of
negative emotions in children which can later explode out of control.
Various kinds of problems that are often experienced by early childhood are imperfections in
the formation of children's development because there are several aspects that are not fulfilled
properly, so that it affects subsequent development. Problems related to emotions are a very
complex field, both in terms of symptoms and causes. An understanding of social emotional
can understand how children develop from birth. At that time we can choose the way the child
understands himself. One of the problems experienced by early childhood is the problem of
controlling emotions which can be called temper tantrums. Temper tantrum behavior is one of
the problems that are often encountered in early childhood. Many parents have difficulty
dealing with a child who has a tantrum. Temper tantrum is an extreme anger that cannot be
controlled such as crying, hitting, throwing things, shouting, banging the head against a hard
object and experiencing vomiting, shortness of breath due to the tantrum. This has a social
impact that affects the child's social emotional development if it is not addressed or allowed to
drag on. Tantrum behavior is a natural thing to happen but if it is not resolved it will affect the
child in his further development.
Being a parent who has a child who has a temper tantrum must have an understanding that
every child has an unstable emotional state. Temper tantrums that occur in children make
parents feel annoyed and bothered in overcoming them, but here lies the patience of parents in
overcoming these temper tantrums. Children's emotional problems that often arise are crying,
stomping, throwing, screaming, sulking, slamming doors, throwing objects and cursing. This
behavior makes it difficult for children to adapt in the face of a new environment.
Parents must be able to manage emotions or emotional regulation when dealing with children
who have temper tantrums [5]. If parents are able to control any emotions the child's problems
will be overcome by parents. In accordance with the opinion of Miragoli et al (2020) said that
someone who has the ability to manage emotion regulation will avoid problems related to
Things parents need to know that Temper tantrum is a normal condition that occurs in
children. This situation can be referred to as the process of early childhood development.
Parents who are able to express their emotions well have a positive impact on parenting.
Research Wantini, et al said that the success of parents when providing care for children can
be seen from the way the parenting is given. Parenting factors and the surrounding
environment can cause tantrum behavior that occurs in children which can affect children's
behavior when they are at home or in the school environment. In addition to the home of
parents at school, it also happens. Situations that cause anger in children include various
kinds of restrictions, including obstacles to the movement the child wants, both obstacles that
come from other people and from the child's inability to do so; obstacles to activities that have
been started by the child; obstacles to the wishes, plans, and intentions of the child (Hurlock,

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

Based on some of the studies above, the researchers conducted a literature study that
examined the problems of the role of parents in dealing with temper tantrum behavior in early
2. Method
The method used in this method is literature study research. Literature study is research that
uses library data collection methods, or research whose research objects are explored through
ideas and various library information. The study of sources of literature studies in this study
was related to using various reputable research articles and related books about the role of
parents in dealing with temper tantrum behavior.
3. Discussion
Temper Tantrum
Temper tantrums are a form of excessive and explosive emotional outbursts in children and are
uncontrolled in the form of anger, shouting, crying, screaming, stomping their hands and feet
or body on the floor if the child is in certain conditions. According to Zuhroh (2020) Temper
tantrum is a behavior that is part of a child's emotional development. The emotional
development of children is closely related to the conditions of the family environment,
especially parents. In line with Ramadia's research (2018), which states that temper tantrums
are emotional disorders in children that are seen through excessive emotional outbursts, one of
which can be caused by parenting.
Temper tantrums are emotional conditions in the form of behavioral problems that are common
in preschoolers. However, bias becomes a problem if it occurs more than usual and is followed
by injurious behavior. One of the contributing factors is the parent factor. According to Hasan
in Sembiring et al. (2017) Tantrums occur in active children with abundant energy. Tantrums
are also more likely to occur in children who are considered more difficult, with the following
characteristics: (1) Having irregular sleeping, eating, and defecating habits; (2) Difficulty liking
new situations, food, and people; (3) Slow to adapt to change; (4) Mood is more often negative;
(5) Easily provoked, easily angry, and annoyed; (6) Difficult to be distracted.
Temper tantrums are uncontrolled emotional outbursts that are normal for children aged 1 to 3
years. According to Supriyanti (2019) Temper tantrums are episodes of extreme anger and
frustration, which seem like a loss of control as characterized by crying, screaming, and violent
or aggressive body movements such as throwing things, rolling on the floor, banging the head
and stomping on the ground. floor[14]. Tantrums are emotional outbursts in early childhood
such as crying in a high tone, kicking their feet, rolling on the floor, to throwing things around
them. Furthermore, according to Handayani (2022) temper tantrums are children who are
excessively angry, this behavior often occurs in children aged 4 years, the habit of tantrums
will be more common if the child knows that in this way his wishes will be fulfilled.
From the various explanations above, it can be concluded that Temper tantrums are emotional
outbursts that occur in early childhood as an attempt to impose their will by screaming, crying,
hitting and throwing various objects around them.
Incidence Temper Tantrum in Early Childhood
In general, these tantrums appear at the stage of children aged 1-4 years. At this stage the
child has not been able to express his emotions well and has not been able to control emotions
like adults, therefore this behavior can appear unconsciously.

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

The occurrence temper tantrums is almost carried out by every child in the phase of changing
emotional social events. Temper tantrums often occur due to many factors including lack of
affection given by parents, irregular eating and sleeping patterns, excessive strictness in
parenting [20], feeling disappointed when not getting what they want, communication and
parenting patterns that are not appropriate, inability to communicate verbally, children feel
irritated and frustrated with the limitations that exist in themselves. When children feel
pressured by their environment. At that time, the child's mood is not okay which causes

Tantrum behavior is not always a negative thing for a child's development, but if examined
more deeply, it also has some positive things such as the child has a desire to show his
independence, begins to express his individuality in expressing opinions, expresses anger and
frustration, and tries to make adults or parents understand when a child feels confused, tired
or sick However, this does not mean that tantrums should be praised and encouraged. When
parents misbehave in dealing with tantrums, they are missing out on a good opportunity to
teach their children how to naturally react to normal emotions, such as anger, frustration, fear,
and annoyance.
Tantrum behavior indicates that the child is facing problems in his social-emotional
development. Children who tend to be recognized as having tantrums include having a
sensitive mood, getting angry easily, finding it difficult to distract, and also having difficulty
liking new food and people. The treatment of temper tantrums is often accompanied by crying,
hitting, rolling, throwing things, screaming, kicking and even vomiting. This trait arises when
there is a rejection of what the child wants with the aim that the child gets what his parents
Based on the age group tantrums are divided into (Zaviera, 2008):
a. Under 3 years
Children under 3 years of age have tantrumsof crying, biting, hitting, kicking, screaming,
squealing, arching their backs, throwing their bodies to the floor, banging their hands, holding
their breath, banging their heads and throwing tantrums. throw stuff.period Toddler continues
to increase awareness of a child's ability to control and delight
in the success of new skill ventures. This success makes them repeat efforts to control the
child's environment. Unsuccessful attempts at controlling can lead to negative behavior and
temper tantrums. Toddler children , for the community, are better known as toddlers or
children under 3 years. This child has a character who likes to explore the surrounding
environment. At this age development, children are seen to be independent in doing simple
household tasks, scribbling spontaneously, understanding simple commands, imitating other
people's work, telling simple stories from the results of their imagination.
b. Age 3-4 years
Children with an age range between 3 years to 4 years, the form of tantrumsincludes behavior
in children under 3 years old plus stomping feet, shouting, punching, slamming doors,
criticizing and whining.
c. Age 5 years or older

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

The form tantrums in children aged 5 years and over is increasingly widespread which includes
the first and second behaviors plus cursing, swearing, hitting, self-criticism, breaking things
intentionally and threatening.
behavior temper tantrum , Rina Eka in (Shanti, 2015) describes how to handle children with
temper tantrums: 1) parents and educators can do prevention by recognizing children's habits
and knowing for sure the conditions when tantrum behavior will arise, 2 ) when a tantrum
occurs, parents or educators should remain calm and try to maintain their emotions, 3) when
the tantrum behavior has passed, parents and educators should not give punishment or
reinforcement but give a sense of security to children, 4) parents and educators can provide
minimal attention to the child's anger and ensuring the safety of the child and others, 5) if
anger causes chaos, move the child quickly to a safe area or away from other children, and 6)
parents and educators can supervise the child closely to observe when anger occurs most
Usually, tantrum lasts for 30 seconds to 2 minutes and the highest seriousness occurs in the
first 30 seconds. Indications that start with crying and screaming can be said to be still listed
in a normal stage. But if you have started to roll over, kick, scream, hit, scratch, throw objects
and so on that can hurt yourself and others, it is listed in the direction of poor growth and can
continue until he is old if not supervised. Usually temperedtantrums are generally caused by
various things, including: a). Parents refuse or do not grant the child's request. b). The child is
not able to say what he wants, c). The child can be restless because he is not successful in
doing something he thinks he can do, d). Children feel their desire to be independent is
blocked. Children feel tired, hungry or feel insecure, e). Jealous f). Challenging parental orders,
g). Stubborn, h). The atmosphere of the child's heart is not good, and finally the child is trying
to attract the attention of his mother and father. To avoid tantrums so that they don't happen
to children, a parent's role is needed. One of the things that influences the behavior and
attitudes of children is how the parenting style applied by parents when educating their

There are several types of tantrums to be aware of;

1. Manipulative tantrums, occur when the child's wishes are not fulfilled, and when the
child's wishes are fulfilled, the child will stop tantrums. This tantrum is for the purpose of
encouraging parents and others to fulfill their desires. But not all children behave in this
way to fulfill their desires, this type of manipulative tantrum occurs when the child's
feelings are not in accordance with what he wants.
2. Verbal frustration tantrums, occur when the child is unable to express his wishes
clearly, the child will stop tantrums when the child is able to communicate clearly.
Symptoms of this type of tantrum occur when children are frustrated with unstable body
conditions, feel hungry, tired, experience a failure and are stressed by environmental
3. Temperamental tantrums, occur when the child's emotional level is too high and
cannot be controlled, the child has difficulty controlling himself so that the child has a
changed mental condition where the child does not know the time and place at that

According to Hurlock (2010) several causes of temper tantrums are:

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

a. Family problems
Having a family that is not harmonious is very influential on children, children feel the loss
of family, discomfort in the home that can disrupt mental stability in children. Children
whose basic needs are not met for love and security are usually found in a broken home
family environment where in the family environment there is no harmony between family
members or the mother and father often fight in front of the child, then the child imitates
and records because of the child's profile. Early childhood / Kindergarten are said to be very
good imitators and very strong recorders of what they encounter and are exemplified by
their environment.
b. Pampering children, Pampered children
will make children able to take advantage of their parents, because they believe that their
parents will fulfill their wishes.
c. Children who lack sleep
Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, children who feel tired will make children's emotions rise
and cause anger
d. Health problems
Health is a very important thing that is needed by humans, both adults and children. When
the child is not feeling well, there are health problems or physical disabilities, all of which
affect the power of self-control, or things that are not in accordance with him, will easily
make the child angry
e. Food problems, some foods can make children sensitive or allergic that make children lose
the power to control themselves, such as foods that contain dyes or preservatives, and
f. Disappointment, when the child realizes the limitations of his ability to express his wishes
and cannot do something, makes the child easily angry
g. Imitating adults, when they see adults who cannot solve or face difficulties, then get angry,
plus at parents' homes and at school teachers are also irritable, will make children imitate
them to become angry children.
Anger and tantrums are difficult to let go of because everyday life is uncomfortable for the
child, not in accordance with the child's situation, and can even harm the child. Parents will
feel happy if their child is rarely angry, rarely fussy and does not show tantrums. But, it is
important to understand that tantrum behavior will be experienced in every child under the
age of 4 years. There are a number of reasons to be aware of if your child is not showing
signs as he grows.

The consequences of tantrum are quite risky, for example a child who expresses his
frustration by rolling on a hard floor can cause the child to face physical injury. Children
who vent their anger can hurt themselves, hurt others or disturb the things around them. If
the objects around the child are hard items, it will be very dangerous because the child can
be hurt and face injuries as a result of tantrum. The long-term effect for children with temper
tantrums is that children have low self-control and are easily angry, so the temper tantrums
must be reduced little by little.
The role of parents in temper tantrums
The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

The role of parents is the most important role for children towards adulthood. They provide
education to children to find their identity and be able to be themselves. So, children are given
the opportunity to decide for themselves what profession they choose according to their
expertise. In that case, it is the parents who are in charge of providing direction, input and
consideration for what the child has chosen to make it successful in the future. Every parent
will certainly be a reflection for their children, therefore parents must set a good example for
their children. Providing proper educational facilities for their children is something that will
make children successful and make their parents proud of what they have achieved.
The family is the first place for a child to get an education and get to know the values and rules
that underlie the child to carry out social relations with the wider environment. However, with
the difference in experience and educational background, there are differences in parenting
patterns. The role of the family becomes important for educating children, both in terms of
religious views, social reviews and individual reviews. If education in the family can take place
well, it will be able to grow the child's personality into someone who has a positive attitude, a
strong and independent personality, physical and spiritual potential, and intellectually who
develops optimally.
Parenting can be a challenge for parents requiring extra time and energy, as well as new
parenting strategies. Learning new ways of parenting can be difficult, but parents should put in
the effort to take care of their children
Every parent has an alternative method of teaching their children. There are parents who
educate their children in rough childhood, there are gentle ones and there are also people who
tell their children to be independent. all of this is done to provide benefits to children so they
do not become spoiled in providing education.

Parents are the first environment of children who have an important role in the process of
social, emotional and personality development of children. In the family, parents play an
important role, because in a child's life most of his time is spent in the family environment.
Especially if the children are still in care or are teenagers. Parents are their first educators in
normal education. The education obtained in this family can be used by children as a basis for
further education at school. Examples that can be taken, such as instilling discipline in
children, then children will also apply it in the school environment and the surrounding
Not a few parents who understand the emotional development of children, some parents have
not been able to respond to the behavior of children who are experiencing temper tantrums.
Children aged 1-6 years who are experiencing temper tantrums are a natural part of a child's
emotional development. At that time the child is feeling such a great emotion and he does not
know how to manage it. When a child experiences a temper tantrum , that is the time for
parents to become emotional coaches for children. When children's emotions are exploding,
parents should not explode with them. According to Rifati (2018) research says that many
parents with children with temper tantrums are not able to manage their emotions well, the
emergence of negative emotions that causes parents' inability to think clearly when facing
children who are experiencing temper tantrums[30]. Therefore, it is very important for mothers
to know about the incidence of temper tantrums in early childhood. In addition to knowledge,
the application of knowledge and religious education also has an important role in the
emotional development of children. Giving punishment when a child's temper tantrum
subsides should be avoided, it is precisely to improve the behavior of this temper tantrum,
parents must be able to express their love and affection for their child. Give children the
The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

opportunity to realize how much their parents love them. With a climate full of love, if indeed
temper tantrums are caused by the behavior of children that must be corrected, then the
teaching of values and norms will be easier to instill in children. Therefore, the emergence of
temper tantrum behavior becomes a means of self-evaluation for parents. One of the
limitations that children have in the emergence of temper tantrums is the limited language
ability of children to express their feelings. So they can only express their emotions by
struggling, shouting, crying, screaming, and stamping their feet and hands on the floor. In
certain cases, tantrums in children may be caused by behavioral disorders or psychological
problems, such as autism and psychological depression, such as autism.
There are various factors that trigger children to behave in tantrums, including:
1) the child feels confused and irritated with his limited abilities, even though he knows he
can do it.
2) parents or caregivers always place limits on what children do
3) . 3.) parents or caregivers always prohibit children without explaining the reasons for the
4) the behavior shown by children when they face anger, most of them imitate the attitude of
their parents when they are angry.
Many parents use the wrong strategy in overcoming temper tantrums in children. Parents feel
ashamed of their surroundings when their child has tantrums in public. Most parents use
physical punishment such as pinching or spanking in the hope that the tantrum will end
soon[33]. But it is things like that that shape the child into a bad personality. Things that must
be done by parents in dealing with children who are experiencing temper tantrums include;
1. Try to be calm, parents must calm their emotions by taking a deep breath, then with a
gentle tone of voice the child is embraced or hugged so that when the child is feeling angry the
tension in his body is reduced by the embrace of the parent. If the tantrum has appeared and is
beyond the control of the parents, parents must also be wise in handling it. For example, when
children start whining and crying, parents should not immediately give bribes to children,
because children will always do it so that their wishes are fulfilled. The child also wants to be a
"spoiled" child because he feels that all his wishes have been granted.
2. When a child tantrum parents are strongly discouraged from giving advice or direction
because it will not enter the child's ears. When a tantrum is needed by a child not advice, but a
hug or a kiss, hug the child and make him as comfortable as possible. Kiss and say that "Mom
loves you" and other love phrases so that the child feels more cared for. The thing that is
strictly prohibited by parents when a child has a tantrum is physical violence such as hitting
and pinching. Parents should refrain from hitting or pinching them. This can actually make the
child like to hit to convey his wishes.
3. Divert the child's attention
When a child tantrum, divert the child's attention to something that catches his attention, so
that he knows first with his annoyance. Parents can use this to distract them during a
tantrum, for example bringing their child's favorite toys and food. With this diversion, the child
will forget his annoyance and be busy with his activities again.
4. Give appreciation to the child that the child can or is better at managing his emotions [34].
With appreciation, children feel that they are valued. Give small gifts to children or praise. With
this appreciation the child will become better.

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

5. When children experience temper tantrums at different times, parents must understand
that children train to manage their emotions, it takes time to practice and parents patiently
become coaches so that children can manage emotions that feel turbulent in their hearts[35].
Children need a long time to adapt and have difficulty expressing themselves.
According to Sari and Ariani (2019), there are various methods for dealing with children who
are having temper tantrums, namely accompanying the child and not letting the child behave
in a tantrum, and inviting the child to discuss. The need for discussion between children and
parents. With the discussion to make the misunderstanding between parents and children
away. If tantrum behavior in children is too late to be handled by parents, then tantrum
behavior will become a permanent trait in children when they reach adulthood. Some strategies
that should be done by parents to overcome temper tantrums are to prevent tantrums by
recognizing children's tantrum patterns and strategies to avoid tantrum triggers.
After following this method, gradually after the tantrum subsides, give directions so that
tantrums can be minimized, share illustrations and explanations and recognize the child's
character. To prevent a tantrum, it is usually resolved by first understanding the child's
tendencies and knowing the exact condition of what is happening to the child. For example, in
children who like to move and get bored easily, parents need to regulate conditions so that
children do not get tired while studying. Accompanying children to do schoolwork and doing
things that are considered troublesome can help children to reduce stress. Accompanying
children is not only in learning, but when playing is also important, so that children feel
comfortable with themselves.
The most important thing for parents is when children experience tantrums because their
desires are not fulfilled, therefore try to keep parents consistent not to give children's wishes.
However, parents must explain the reasons why the child's wishes cannot be fulfilled. Parents
must instill discipline as early as possible so that children know the limits set so that children
learn to respect the rules given. Children must know that their parents have a consistent
attitude towards themselves and children cannot use manipulative tantrum strategies.
Manipulative tantrums become a strategy for realizing their desires. One of the manipulative
tantrum strategies is self-harm. This behavior appears when the desire is not fulfilled and
stops when the desire has been fulfilled. behavior manipulative tantrum will stop or continue
depending on the parent's response. Therefore, parents must have a firm attitude in giving
rules to children.

If temper tantrum is a normal condition occurs in children aged 1-3 years. If not handled
properly, it can grow up to the age of 5-6 years. The ability to process or regulate emotions
plays an important role in the development of his personality. Therefore, children who easily
regulate their emotions will be able to adjust to their social environment.temper tantrum can
actually decrease or even disappear if you get good supervision from parents and caregivers.
Parents really need to know their children inside and out, know about eating hours, sleeping
hours, playing hours, where they feel comfortable and with whom children hang out, parents
should pay more attention to them. If all these things are fulfilled, the tempe tantrum will not
occur because the child feels happy and safe in the supervision of his parents.
Based on the results of the discussion above, it can be concluded that the role of parents in
overcoming children with temper tantrums include: 1) when a child tantrum , the first thing
parents do is try to calm down, parents must calm their emotions by taking a deep breath,

The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini
International Journal of Sumatran
Islamic Studies
Vol. 1, No. 4 (2022), pp. 49-60, doi :

then with a gentle tone of voice the child embraced or hugged so that when the child is feeling
angry the tension in his body is reduced by the embrace of the parents, 2) When the child has
a tantrum, it is not recommended that parents give advice or direction because it will not enter
the child's ears. 3) Divert the child's attention, divert the child's attention to something that
catches his attention, so that he is first with his annoyance, 4). Give appreciation to the child
that the child is able or is better at managing his emotions. When children experience temper
tantrums at different times, parents must understand that children train to manage their
emotions, it takes time to practice and parents patiently become coaches so that children can
manage emotions that feel turbulent in their hearts.
With the completion of this research, the researcher would like to thank Allah SWT with his
gratitude and grace fully the author was able to complete this article and the researcher would
also like to thank the parties who have contributed to this research. Researchers also hope
that scientific articles written can be useful and a means of information for parents, teachers
and the community.
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The Role Of Parents In Managing The Behavior Of Temper Tantrum Early Childhood
Asla De Vega; Winda Sherly Utami; Juli Hartini

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