CH 3 Reflection

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Hello my name is Minuk and Im going to reflect about chapter 3 creation god makes.

Chapter 3 have 8 topics and all of them were related to creation

The first book of the Bible is Genesis and it goes into the detail about creation. Even, the first line of
Genesis says that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God created everything
from nothing, such as cretures human, heavens, and earth. Until God prepared things for humans,
the skies and the land were without form and void. Everything was empty state. genesis 1-2
recorded that god took 6 literal days to prepare the land for human habitation. Through this I was
able to realize how powerful he is since it isn’t something that anybody can do, only God has power
to do so.

While I was reading, the most memorable thing was that God is beautiful. The doctrine says that God
could have created air filtration machines, but He chose to create trees, and God could have chosen
to have this world in black and white, but he made it incredibly colorful. By reading this part, I was
able to see how delicate and detailed God is.

I also remember creationism vs naturalism part. I was excited to read this part since it was a
common debate for a long time. I am in a posi tion to support the fine tuning argument, which is
simply like everything in Earth was finely tuned for life on planet. This indicates that God made an
environment for us to live. And also, I think it is more logical than big bang theory.

Lastly, as I read Chapter 3, I continued to pray for God and felt thankful to God. Thinking of God who
sacrificed for us, I decided to live without sinning.Thank you

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