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Understanding the Different

Domains of Social Sciences
Learning Targets

I can define social sciences as

the study of society

I can distinguish Social Sciences

and Natural Sciences and
Humanities; and

I can differentiate Social

Sciences from Natural Sciences
and Humanities.
Concept Map
Photo Analysis of Social Sciences

Based on the given picture, identify one major social issue or problem
that greatly affects the Philippine society. Explain how the social
sciences can be used to address this issue or social problem.
Instructions: Find three (3)
words in the word hunt puzzle
and provide a brief description
of each one.
Understanding the Different
Domains of Social Sciences
Understanding the Different
Domains of Social Sciences
Quiz & Assessment
Modified True or False

Directions:Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and

FALSE if the statement is incorrect and write the correct word
to make the statement true
Modified True or False
1. Social science involves alternative methods of
2. Humanities is doing repetitive and conventional
3. Natural science and social sciences are concerned
in human aspect.
4. The common in social science and humanities are
they are focused on economics, psychology and
also on human lives.
5. Social science is a branch that deals with
understanding natural phenomena.
Modified True or False
6. Social science are focused on the experiential data.

7. Natural science are focused on the experimental

8. The function of Humanities is to generate new
knowledge or information.

9. Social science and humanities deals with scientific


10. Social sciences embrace all subjects that deal with

the relationship of man to the society.
Instruction: Make a Triple Venn Diagram to
distinguish the similarities and differences of
Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Humanities.
The students shall be able to answer the guide
question below:
1. What are the similarities and differences of
natural science, social science, and humanities
in terms of the following?
a. Main areas of inquiry (purpose/meaning)
b. Opportunities in the future (Career Track)

Rubrics Fails to meet
Needs Exceeds
expectation Meets Expectation
Improvement Expectations
20 40
30 50

Clearly Organized, Disorganized, leaves Followed the pattern,

Disorganized and the The pattern was
Followed the pattern the reader wondering appealing to the eye,
reader cannot follow followed
given by the teacher what is being said easy to read

Content (Did the Provided correct

student provide Provided correct information with
Wrong Information Lacks information
correct information information appropriate
and references?) references
Learning Targets

I can define social sciences as

the study of society

I can distinguish Social Sciences

and Natural Sciences and
Humanities; and

I can differentiate Social

Sciences from Natural Sciences
and Humanities.
The learners will become engaged in
out-of-the-box thinking.

The learners will become prepared to acquire
knowledge and skills to achieve their goals.

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