GET Better Grades: Analysis of The Wedding Dance

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An essay is a long piece of writing and it is written in paragraphs An essay consists of three major parts: the introduction the

he main body the conclusion


The introduction and the conclusion, although very important, are often relatively short. The bulk of an essay, both in form and substance, is contained in the main body. The introduction is intended to lead the reader into the topic and clarify what the essay will specifically deal with. It usually consists of one paragraph, but this depends on the length of the essay and the amount of background information the context requires. The introduction will contain a key sentence (or, if necessary, more than one). The main body deals with the major ideas that support the the statement. Each main idea is presented in a separate paragraph and developed with supporting ideas in the form of explanations, definitions, or similar, and illustrated with examples where appropriate or necessary. The conclusion brings the reader back to the purpose of the essay and draws all the points together before making a final comment on the result of the discussion/argument. Often this final comment will point towards some consequence the discussion may have for the future or make some observation about what the discussion has revealed on a general level. Ultimately an essay will show a progression from a general level (in the introduction) down to the specific (the statement and body) and back up to the general level again(conclusion). The reader will be expecting this so it gives your essay a sense of completion.

Analysis Of The Wedding Dance

Culture Dominating Nature in The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio is almost always interpreted as a love story between two married couple Awiyao and Lumnay. Most readers thought the story focuses on how a man can be so selfish to hurt a woman like Lumnay, on how Lumnay sacrificed her happiness for the one she loved, on how painful the story of Awiyao and Lumnay ended, on how true love does not always have a happy ending. However, the story can also be interpreted more deeply as one reads between the lines not just analyzing the text literally. The story suggests the conflict between nature and culture. Simply defining those terms - nature describes how a human normally acts, while culture deals with how the society evolved based on human nature. Looking into the text, the conflict between man and woman can be seen as part of the conflict between nature and culture: the man - representing culture, and the woman signifying nature. Awiyaos


decision to get married again was because of the dictates of society. Lumnay, if I did this it is because of my need for a child. You know that life is not worth living without a child. The man have mocked me behind my back. ... Awiyao was concerned with what people would think about him. He was worried that his being a man might be questioned because of Awiyao and Lumnays failed effort to have a child. He decided to follow the culture of his tribe rather than what he really wanted. On the other hand, Lumnay was questioning the cultural law of their tribe. She wants Awiyao back because of her love for him. For her, love is greater than laws. Why did the unwritten law demand,

anyway, that a man, to be a man, must have a child to come after him? Lumnay ignored the law. She followed her emotions. Lumnay and Awiyao represent the paradoxical relationship between nature and culture. Though Awiyao loves Lumnay, the societal norms were still more influential for him. This shows how...

The article features the essay as one of the two basic forms of creative writing and gives an outlook on its major types and the way they should be written....

Basically, the essay is a piece of writing in prose on any subject-matter in which the author purpose to give an individual interpretation of material. The term 'essay' is derived from a French word meaning 'act of weighing' and came to denote 'attempt, effort or its product'. Thus, the essay signifies a trial or endeavor of a writer to present in writing any point containing general ideas of a writer on a certain subject. Essays are believed to be endevors of authors to understand their own ideas and to express their thoughts to others. Every day a great number of essays on various subjects appear in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Moreover, the essay is a preferable type of advanced writing practice at school. Essays differ in size. But a school essay commonly contains five hundred words on average. In accordance with the style in which the topic is treated, essays may be classified into the following types: reasoning, narration and description. The argumentative essay is a piece of creative writing in which authors express their thoughts and provide arguments for or against a specified idea. The narrative essay is a description of events as they follow one another. Facts are organized in keeping with the actual course of happenings. The descriptive essay is different from the narrative type in the order in which ideas and facts are arranged. It is not determined by the actual succession of events but rather by characteristics of happenings or the writer's pattern of the presentation.

The essay is made up by three main compulsory structural parts: the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. It is worth remembering that coherence, clarity, consistence and logic are features of a perfectly arranged essay. Here are a few tips on how to create a good essay. Before you get down to writing an essay it is of importance to find, observe, analyse and combine facts relevant to the subject of an essay. In other words, data-base and a good pattern of the future work are the prerequisites for an excellent essay. Given a topic, arrange facts in an order appropriate for the goals of your essay and decide on the type of your data arrangement (comparison, contrast, analogy on facts, classification). Make a complete outline that will help you stick to your scheme as you write. Keep to the specified limits of space and learn not to exceed them. Define your aims in the written form by making a thesis statement that expresses a topic. Write a preliminary draft to insure that you have ordered your essay logically and that your introduction and conclusion are clear-cut to make your piece of creative writing more effective. Your final draft should be formatted in accordance with the specified requirements. As seen from the above mentioned, to acquire the skill of creating an essay a writer should be well aware of its basic principles, features and types and keep practising, because practice makes perfect.

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