Practice Exercises Unit 7

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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verb in brackets.
Example: I need to go to the bank. (go)
1 I can’t afford ________________ a car any more. Petrol’s so expensive. (have)
2 She tried ________________ tickets for the concert but it was too late. (get)
3 We never feel like ________________ out during the week. (go)
4 How good are you at ________________ names? I’m terrible. (remember)
5 The teacher made them ________________ late at the end of lesson. (stay)
6 I can’t imagine ________________ to each other every day. (not talk)
7 You should stop ________________ so many pizzas. It’s unhealthy! (eat)
8 It’s much more difficult ________________ tickets for football matches now. (buy)
9 They told me ________________ my videogame, but I did it anyway. (not play)

2 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Example: Tim said he would take Helen to the station.
Tim offered to take Helen to the station.
1 He doesn’t help me with my maths homework any more.
He’s given up ________________ with my maths homework.
2 My wife thinks I should take more time off work.
My wife wants me ________________ more time off work.
3 Their boss said they could go home early.
Their boss let ________________ home early.
4 She said she would call Max tomorrow.
She agreed ________________ Max tomorrow.

3 Underline the correct words.

Example: I grew up in Scotland / grew in Scotland up.
1 When are you going to your clothes put away / put away your clothes?
2 He’s busy at the moment. Can you back call him / call him back later?
3 Turn off / Off turn your phone! I can’t concentrate.
4 The food was terrible so we sent it back / sent back it.
5 Have you seen my pen? I’ve been looking it for / looking for it all morning.
6 I don’t get on with my neighbour / get my neighbour on with.
7 We’ve decided to set off early / set early off to avoid the traffic.
Grammar total 20
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


4 Complete the phrasal verbs in the correct form.

Example: We’re going to be away for two weeks.
1 My husband wants to c________ out the repairs to our house himself.
2 The car br________ down again yesterday, so we’re getting a new one.
3 I lent you £100 last month. When are you going to p________ me back?
4 Why don’t you c________ round for lunch next week?
5 The children k________ on arguing, so I took the game away.
6 I left my phone in a taxi, but amazingly I g________ it back.
7 These painkillers are very good at t________ pain away.
8 Oh, I g________ up. I haven’t a clue what the answer is.

5 Underline the odd one out.

Example: stalls programme circle
1 performance matinee final whistle
2 crowd row seats
3 box office tickets scene
4 music score curtain
5 audience opponents spectators
6 half time interval fans
7 plot story stage

6 Choose the correct answer. They are all related to cash machines.
Example: When you’ve finished, remove your cash.
enter remove insert
1 If you make a mistake and need to start again, press ‘________’.
withdraw cancel finish
2 Press ‘print ________’ when you want a paper record.
recipe receive receipt
3 The letters PIN stand for ‘________ Identification Number’.
Private Personal Person’s
4 When a machine isn’t working, you see ‘________ service’.
out of off with up with
5 If you want to know how much money is in your account, you check your ________.
deposit cash balance
Vocabulary total 20
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


7 Match the words with the same sound.

theatre curtain stalls

audience prefer interval

Example: store stalls

1 circle ________, ________
2 spectator ________, ________
3 score ________

8 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: a|ccount
1 with|draw
2 i|den|ti|fi|ca|tion
3 pro|gramme
4 de|po|sit
5 cha|ri|ty
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

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