Mem 202 Activity 4 - A. Apuyan

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Republic of the Philippines


San Juan, Aborlan, Palawan



Submitted by: APUYAN, AIRA MARIE B.

Course code: MEM 202 Organizational and Management of Educational
Professor: Ofelia Luarez

Questions/ Statements:

1. A few philosophers call “Direction of life spark of an enterprise”.


Directing is said to be a process in which the managers instruct,

guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve
predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management
process. Planning, organizing, staffing have got no importance if
direction function does not take place. It is a continues process initiated
at top level and flows to the bottom through organizational hierarchy.
Directing defined as what has to be done and in what manner
through dictating the procedures and policies for accomplishing
performance standards.
A few Philosophers call Direction as “Life spark of an
enterprise”. It is also called as an actuating function of management
because it is through direction that the operation of an enterprise
actually starts.

2. Enumerate the roles of a School Head. Among these roles, which

is/are frequently used and which is/are the least used role. Why?

Roles and Functions of School Heads

Pursuant to Section 54 of Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act 279,
otherwise known as “ARMM Basic Education Act of 2010,” the
following Rules and Regulations for the implementation of the Act are
hereby promulgated:
Sec. 16.1 The School Head – There shall be a school head for all
public elementary schools and public high schools or a cluster thereof.
The school head, who may be assisted by an assistant school head, shall
be both and instructional leader and administrative manager.
The school head shall form a team with the school
teachers/learning facilitators for delivery of quality educational
programs, projects and services. A core of non-teaching staff shall
handle the school’s administrative, fiscal and auxiliary services.
Sec. 16.2 Authority, Accountability and Responsibility of the
School Head – Consistent with the law, national educational policies,
plans and standards, the school heads shall have authority,
accountability and responsibility for the following:

1. Setting mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school;

2. Creating an environment within the school that is conducive to
teaching and learning;
3. Implementing the school curriculum and be accountable for higher
learning outcomes;
4. Developing the school education program and school improvement
5. Offering educational programs, projects and services that provide
equitable opportunities for all learners in the community;
6. Introducing new and effective modes of instruction to achieve higher
learning outcomes;
7. Administering and managing all personnel, physical and fiscal
resources of the school;
8. Encouraging and institutionalizing staff development;
9. Establishing school and community networks and encouraging the
active participation of teacher’s organizations, non-academic
personnel of public schools, and parents-teachers-community
10. Accepting donations, gifts, bequests and grants for the purpose of
upgrading teacher’s and learning facilitator’s competencies,
improving and expanding school facilities and providing
instructional materials and equipment. Such donations or grants
must be reported to the appropriate district supervisors and division
superintendents; and
11. Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper

Among these roles and responsibility given, I would say that all
of the following are frequently use by all school heads in their
respective school, because all given responsibilities are important to
promote and maintain the effectiveness of the school as well as the
teacher, parents, students and other stakeholders. Consistent with the
law, national educational policies, plans and standards, the school
heads shall have authority, accountability and responsibility for all of
3. Among the different performance evaluation tools used by DepEd
(PAST, IPCR, RPMS) and SUC (IPCR, NBC) which do you think is
teacher-friendly? Why? Differential each tool. In what aspect do they

Performance Evaluation Tools used by DepEd

1. IPCRF- The IPCRF or Individual Commitment and Review Form

shows what the teacher has been done for the school year.
The key result areas or KRAs is where the individual
performance is being measured. Consisting of paperworks, pictures,
tests results, computed grades, seminars/ workshops and other related
For teachers the sample key result areas are:
1. Teaching Learning Process

a. Developed daily lesson plans/learning logs and instructional

materials to adapt the curriculum to the needs of the learners
b. Provided both individualized and group instruction in all classes
assigned as teaching load for the current school year
c. Facilitated three engaging lessons with the help of ICT every quarter
(total of 12 ICT lessons for the whole school year)
d. Held demonstration teaching lessons in class once a year. Lesson
observation focusing on:
1. Higher order thinking skills
2. Note taking skills
3. Study skills
4. Retention skills

2. Pupils/ Students Outcomes


a. Administered group teacher-made and standardized tests set by the

Region/Division/School for the current school year.
b. Monitored and evaluated student progress for every quiz and activity
and encouraged the class to be responsible for their own and each
other’s learning.
c. Conducted regular remediation to improve scores of low peforming
d. Increased the general average of student scores by 2% at the end of
the school year.

3. Community Involvement
a. Communicated regularly with parents (in writing or through
conferences) to discuss learner’s progress and the current school
program for learning
b. Facilitated the improvement of identified gaps in learning through a
regular tutorial with the help of parent volunteers

4. Professional Growth and Development


a. Attended teacher training or seminar to improve teaching

competency at least twice a year
b. Facilitated professional development workshops/talks/Seminars for
other teachers at least once a year
c. Collaborated with fellow teachers, the school heads or the
appropriate authority to develop the method by which the teacher will
be evaluated

5. Class Management

a. Decreased average rate of absenteeism by 1% every quarter

2. RPMS- Result- Based Performance Management System

What is Performance Management?

It is an organization-wide process to ensure that employees
focus work efforts towards achieving DepEd’s Vision, Mission, and
Values (VMV).
Performance Management is a systematic approach for continuous and
consistent work improvement and individual growth.

Objectives of the Results-based Performance Management System

1. Align individual roles and targets with DepEd’s direction.
2. Track accomplishments against objectives to determine appropriate,
corrective actions if needed.
3. Provide feedback on employees’ work progress and accomplishments
based on clearly defined goals and objectives.
4. A tool for people development.

3. PAST – Performance Appraisal System for Teachers. Teachers

Appraisal refers to the evaluation of individual teachers to make a
judgment about their performance. Teacher appraisal typically has
two major purposes. First, it seeks to improve teachers own practice
by identifying strengths and weaknesses for further professional
development- the improvement function.

For me, all this evaluation tool for teachers are teacher friendly.
Teacher evaluation is a necessary component of a successful school
system, and research supports the fact that good teachers create
substantial economic value. Ensuring teacher quality with a robust,
fair, research- based, and well- implemented teacher system can
strength the teacher workforce and improvement. All this evaluation
can help teachers to improve their quality. It provides the means to
recognize and reward great teachers so we can learn from and replicate
their success. It also helps to identify those who need help so they can
get the extra training they need to be effective.

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