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DATE: May 26, 2021 (for finalization)

Important Guidelines:
1. All groups across all sections will participate for this cosmetic pitch on May 26, 2021
2. The class will be grouped accordingly. Each group shall have 1 pitch output according to the
presentation content format mentioned below.
3. A pitch proposal paper shall be submitted prior to the presentation. Kindly send your proposal
in PDF file to this email: before May 22, 2021 (Saturday)
11:59PM. Proposal shall include the following:
I. Front Page – includes section, group number and list of names (Group leader first
then names of members in alphabetical order)
II. Company Description
a. Background of the Company
b. Company Logo Description/ Rationale
III. Product Innovation
a. Objectives of the proposal
b. Background/ Rationale of the Needs/Problem
c. Rationale of choosing the product design
d. Description of the products (You can present a maximum of 3 products you
wished to be innovated by your company.)
e. Present the Product Formulation
f. Expected Impact of the Product
IV. References
4. Proposal shall not exceed to 5 pages. Follow normal margin, single spacing, Arial 11pt.
5. The presentation shall be in pre-recorded creative video and should cover the following:
a. Company name and logo of the group
b. Brief description of your company name and logo
c. Presentation of products
- Rationale
- Description of the product/s including the edge of your product line
6. The pitch presentation is limited to 5-minute time limit. A 1-point deduction to the total scoring
shall be applied every 2 minutes beyond the time limit.
7. All pre-recorded video shall be submitted to this email,
before May 25, 2021 (Tuesday) 11:59PM.
8. A Q&A session will follow after each pitch presentation to allow clarification from the judges.
9. Rubrics – will be posted before this Friday (for Dean’s approval).


a. Completeness 5%
b. Organization 5%
c. Writing mechanics 5%
d. Clarity and thoroughness of the proposal 5%
a. Overall Presentation 10%
- Includes creativity, clarity and aspects of delivery
of the proposal
b. Suitability and feasibility of the proposed innovation 15%
DATE: May 26, 2021 (for finalization)

- Provides evidence of suitability and feasibility of

the product in accordance with existing
manufacturing approaches
- Appropriate Formulation and Function
- Coherence of the Formulation to the Product

c. Competitive Advantage 15%

- Provides clear understanding to the existing
trends in cosmetic competition and provide
compelling evidence of the advantages of the
a. Merits of the proposal 20%
- Provide good rationale of the needs and
opportunities of the innovation to the cosmetic
- Provide explanation on how the proposal meets
the identified needs and clear reasoning why it is
a good and feasible proposal.
b. Purpose Potential 20%
- Provide clear impact of the product to the people
- This is where they can see how the Pharmacist
knowledge can impact product purpose
TOTAL (100%)

10. This pitch constitutes 60% of the final grade in Cosmetics Laboratory.

11. Recognition of Winners

a. Overall Awards: To give due credit to our winners the following are the added incentives:

a. 1st to 5th groups – (+ 1.5 final grade incentive)

b. 6th to 10th groups –(+1 final grade incentive)
c. 11th to 21st groups – (+ 0.5 final grade incentive)

b. Special Awards
Best Proposal (Group) – Top 1 in Proposal Format Rubric
Best Formulation (Group) – Top 1in Technicality
Best Speaker (Individual) – Judges’ choice
Best Company Logo (Group) – Faculty
People’s Choice – Most hearts

= END =

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