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1. What’s your favourite kind of weather? Does the weather affect how
you feel?
What’s your favourite kind of weather?
I'm actually not fond of any particular kind of weather, well, … in my
hometown, I mean CT city, there are only two seasons, the dry season and the
wet season, however, I think every season has its own unique beauty and it’s
up to us to enjoy it or not. For example, not many people like the freezing
weather in the winter, but in my opinion, winter is my favorite one because it
is a perfect occasion for me to bundle up and show off my clothes. Besides, it
has very little rain in the winter and the weather is rather favorable, and nice. I
love going out at night in the cold days to enjoy the cold atmosphere.
Does the weather affect how you feel?
Yes, defintely. The weather is always changing and somehow it affects our
feelings. People often use the phrase “the sunny morning, and the rainy
afternoon” to describe a person’s erratic temperament, which changes like the
weather. Because hot weather or cold rain will affect their health and mood.
On sunny days, I would feel so energetic and want to go outside. It makes me
happier and more optimistic. On the other hand, if it keeps raining day by day,
my work would be affected, my mood would often go down as the sky is grey
and there are dark clouds which look so dull. Nice weather would contribute
to success in everything we do while bad one stops us from completing it,
which lowers down our satisfaction. Therefore, the weather has greatly
affected my mood, and when the weather is very pleasant then I feel ecstastic,
and when the weather is nebulous or rainy, and I feel bored and tired.

2. Are you a happy person?What makes you happy?

Are you a happy person?
That’s an interesting question. I would say yes, I am a very cheerful person
even when facing difficulties. I seldom get disappointed and ussually
encounter my difficulties positively, and this thing really enhances my
confidence and makes me happy. Moreover, I am also an optimistic person, so
I always sees things on the bright sides. I am thrilled with my life, as God
gifted me a satisfied job with nice colleagues, happy family and some close
friends that is enough for my life.
What makes you happy?
In my life, there are many little things which make me happy like playing
with my cats, spending time with family or friends, enjoying some exotic
foods, helping some poor peple or just simple thing like getting early in the
morning to enjoy the fresh atmosphere of a warm, sunny day. Happiness is a
very abstract concept, and different people have diffrent opinions about it. To
me, happiness is all about having a happy family, who are always there for
me. So that I can cope with anything life throws at me with a smile on my
face or spending some time sipping a cup of coffee or tea with my collgues or
close friends really cheers me up. It also depends on the situations. Well,
happiness means different things to different people. For me if you are a
positive person, you can enjoy everything in this life with happy attitude.

3. Describe the best part of your city for visitors? Would you like to live in
your city for your whole life?
Describe the best part of your city for visitors? Would you like to live in your
city for your whole life?
“Can Tho is the place with white rice and pure water, all who come there
wish never to leave”. I was born and grew up in Can Tho city, it is my
motherland. Can Tho is not a hustle and bustle city like Hochiminh but its
peacefulness and people’s friendliness always attract the visitors. There are
many interesting destinations like Truc Lam Pagoda, Stork garden, floating
market, My Khanh Tourist Village but my most favortie place is Ninh Kieu
Quay because of its fresh atmosphere and romantic sight seeing at night.
Travellers can walk along the river enjoy the night with colorful lights along
the river bank and enjoy some local special dishes. Well, I think Can Tho is a
nice place to live for the reason that it is not only my motherland, but also a
peaceful and safe to settle life. Therefore, I would like to live here for my
whole life.
4. 1. Which TV program do you like best? 2. Why do you like that
program?3. What are some advantages/ or disadvantages of watching TV
Which TV program do you like best?
I really enjoy watching TV since I was young until now. I used to be a couch
potato if I had more free time, I can spend hours sitting in front of the screen
to watch my favourite programs. It really makes me feel refreshed and all
daily stressfulness is set aside when I immerse myself in one specific TV
program like music, movie or commedy.
Why do you like that program?
I’m interested in watching TV drama series or premiere movies. I feel they are
not only entertaining but also useful sometimes For example, when I watch
one Korean or Chinese drama series, I usually burst into tears because
the plot is emotional and very touching and the cast is talented.
What are some advantages/ or disadvantages of watching TV regularly?
However, there are are some advantages or disadvantages of watching TV
regularly. One the one hand, Television plays an important role in our daily
life. It’s very informative.Through television,we can get the latest
information/ latest news easily and rapidly without leaving home or buying
newspapers and our knowledge is broadened/upgraded in many ways.
Secondly, TV helps us to enrich our spiritual lives. There are many practical
courses which are taught on television. We can be good and clever at making
cake, cooking, or arranging flowers etc. After a hard-working day, it's so
comfortable and exciting to sit at the armchair and watch a favorite movie or
a hilariuos comedy. There are also educational programs on television, so
children can learn a lot from these programs.
On the other hand, TV also has some disadvantages. Some movies contain
violence or crime.Therefore, the evil influence of TV on the young generation
is unavoidable. It encourages them to commit crime,or make children grow up
to be violent adults. What’s more, watching television too much makes us
passive and lazier, our brains don’t need to work, then our brains become
lazier. Watching TV too much is also bad for our eyes.This is the main cause
that leads to short-sightened or eyes irriation.
All things considered,everything has two sides,advantages and
disadvantages.Television will be useful to us of only we know how to use it
correctly and suitably.
5. - Can you drive a car? - How is the traffic situation in your country? -
Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger? Why?
Can you drive a car?
No, definitely not. I don’t know how to drive a car and I also dislike driving
because it is very stressful and I always get carsick when I’m in a moving car.
How is the traffic situation in your country?
Nowadays, traffic is one of the biggest problems that Vietnam has to deal
with. The first problem is traffic jams. There are too many people using the
roads, especially in rush hours when everyone is in a hurry to travel to work in
the morning or get home in the evening. Another problem is that many roads
are narrow and bumpy. Moreover, many streets in town are usually flooded
when lt has heavy rain making it difficult to move. Traffic accidents are the
biggest problems. Every day, there are more and more accidents happening
because of careless drivers like driving alcohol, not wearing helmets, using
cellphone while driving and so on. So in order to travel on the roads safely, I
think we should obey the traffic rules and traffic signs as well. Moreover,
carefulness is very necessary. Therefore, solving traffic problems is not only
the duty of the government but also awareness of each individual as well.
Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger? Why?
For me, I would like to go for being a passenger simply because it is much
less stressful. Actually, being a passenger allows me not to really focus on
traffic situations, so I can spend times doing such things as listening to
Youtube or chatting with my friends, playing games or surfing the FB. If I
were a driver, I might lose my way or got stuck in a traffic jam, which could
be really annoying and disastrous.

6.Fast food restaurant - Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant? -
What’s your favourite fast food? - Is it healthy to eat fast food?
Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant?
Well, I would say that I’m not a picky eater and I can eat like the whole
universe. But if I have to choose, I would definitely go for a fast food
restaurant named Pizza Hut because which is so close to where I’m living at
the moment. Normally it takes me only 5 minutes to walk to the restaurant. I
go to Pizza Hut quite often actually, because I’m very lazy to cook, I would
say that I come there around 2 to 3 times a week, and most of the times I go
there for lunch or dinner after finishing my work
What’s your favourite fast food?
The main type of food that is served in McDonald’s is pizza, but there are
several different types of other fastfood like burgers, fried chicken or some
delicious drinks. Beef pizza, vegetarian pizza and seafood pizza are my
favourite types. Also, the restaurant offers very nice ice creams.
Is it healthy to eat fast food?
Although fastfood is not healthy for us but the main reason that I like this
restaurant is because the food is very tasty. And the prices are quite
affordable, the staff members at the restaurant are incredibly friendly and

7. - How often do you have a day off? - What activities do you often do on
that day? - Which do you prefer: spending the day on your own or with
someone else?
How often do you have a day off?
Normally I have to work 7 days a week. I seldom have a day off except in
some special occasions or holidays. So, I would like to talk about what
activites I would do if I had a day off. Actually, I haven’t been able to rest
properly lately, so I am desperately longing for a day off to completely
recharge my energy.
What activities do you often do on that day?
If I had one day off, the first thing I would do is turn off my cell phone, so
that I was uncontactable and no work could bother me. I wouldn’t even bother
to call my students, since I want to totally shut myself off from everything and
just laze around at home. Let’s see, there are so many things I want to catch
up on, like reading a book and my favourite TV series. Getting up very late
and then I guess I would probably spend the morning binge-watching the
latest season of premier movie. In the afternoon, I would go simming in the
river nearby. And then I will cook my dinner and enjoy it with my daughter.
To be honest, I have moved into a new house a few months ago, but have
never had a chance to visit the around neighborhood. That’s why I am
thinking it would be nice to check it out when I am free. There is no specific
reason why I want to stay home on my day off. I simply feel that I am in
serious need of some time for myself. Too much socializing and working
really stress me out, so I want to forget about all of that for a while. Of course,
I believe this will help me regain my stamina and boost my productivity.
That’s the end of my answer.
Which do you prefer: spending the day on your own or with someone else?
I think it has to depend on the situation as well. When it comes to some spare
time after work, I’d rather just stay at home and lounge about. But on other
occasions, I believe that hanging out with a group of friends can be a great
fun. You know, the more the merrier.

8. - Do you live in a house or flat? - Do you intend to live there in the

future? - What would you change about your house?
Do you live in a house or flat?
I live in a rented house with my family, which is located in a small alley in
Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city. Because of NK is considered as the heart
of CT city, all amenities are available within walking distance, like markets,
schools, churches, hospitals and all kinds of fashion shops and restaurants.
That means I can easily grab anything I need in just a few minutes. So I really
enjoy my life there.
- Do you intend to live there in the future?
Although my current accommodation is perfectly fine, I would love to
experience living in a cottage once in the surburd of CT when I get older.
Since it was my childhood dream to live in a small thatched-roof and rustic
house located quietly near a river, would be my dream house.
What would you change about your house?
It’s a rented house, the paint is worn out, all around the house, I would want
the walls to be painted in bright colors, maybe the white one and I would
arrange the furniture with some good interior decoration, and I would plan
some small flower pots if I have more free time and money.
9. 1. Which book did you read in the last year? 2. How long did it take you
to finish it? 3. Why did you decide to read that book?

Which book did you read in the last year? 2. How long did it take you to
finish it? 3. Why did you decide to read that book?
I consider myself as a bookworm so when it comes to describing a book I
read, I am really confused since I don’t know which one to choose from
Vietnamse authors to foreign writers but I will tell you about the book that I
finished last year and it was also my most impressive one, it is– “My Mother”
by Nguyen Ngoc Tu, a Young Vietnamse writer – She is the well known
writer to the youngters. I only read this book within 4 days. The whole story
revolves around the protagonist named Khanh, a 14 year old boy, who has a
very poor chidhood, he was an orphan. In order to struggle for living, he had
to take care buffallos and did the odds thing for the other rich men in the
village. The reason I love this book because it involves a lot of childhood
memories, it can easily attract all kinds of readers as tone is simple but lovely
with the plain contryside Vietnamese language. It also has the stunning crucial
moment when the protagonist, Khanh discovered that his mother who was the
begger in the village, he ran crying as fast as he could to find her with his
tearful eyes….Well, I was so touched by this book , and I really hope
somedays it will be adapted into movie afterwards.
What I especially like about the book is that it is very thought-provoking and
it kept me thinking for a very long time after I had finished reading. I
appreciate the moral lessons of the book. All in all, it is an outstanding book
that I would definitely recommend to my friends.

10. What is your favourite type of birds? - How do people in your country
treat birds? - Do birds have any special meanings in your country?
To me, birds are beautiful and adorable creatures that should be well-
protected and loved. My memories came flooding back whenever mentioning
about birds. Back then, my grandparents used to raise some birds. Their chirp
sounds are really interesting which often woke me up every morning. It’s
indeed a fabulous way to start a new day, isn’t it? I’m still very fond of all
kinds of birds. Especially the nighting gales with the wonderful sound.
Overall, In Vietnam, only elderly people are fond of keeping birds. Most of
people only like to eat them especially game birds like pheasants.  People in
remote areas often hunt for birds in the wild and roast them over an open fire.
They are considered a delicate food.
Every bird has it own meanings for examples, Pigeon is very common
domesticated birds in Vietnam and they can be seen everywhere, but mostly
in public square or park. In fact, in our country, pigeons have made
contributions of considerable importance to humanity, especially in times of
war, which has been put to use by making them messengers. Pigeons
symbolizes for Peace; Parrots is for Intelligence. The seagull stands for
Spring…. I only know some types of them with the special mieanings.
Birds, in particular, are truly fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes,
sizes, and colors. They have complex social and mating behaviors that are fun
to witness. Bird watching is one of my favorite things to do during the spring.
It is the best time if you want to see a lot of different bird types as it is the
egg-laying season.

11. Favourite music website - Do you listen to online music? Why or why
not? - What’s your favourite website to listen to music? Can you describe
it? - What makes it your favourite website to listen to music?
Of course yes. Listening to music is part and parcel of my daily activities
and I cannot imagine how my life would be like without music. Listening to
music is an excellent way to unwind after a long working day. I often enjoy
online music in the early morning when I just wake up and before I go to bed
every night.
My favorite websites are WOIM and zing MP3, I ussually enjoy listening to
music on my favorite websites which is WOIM (It means WOLRD OF
INSTRUMENT MUSIC) listerner can find almost kind of music here,
especially syphonym and they have to pay a small free to make the website
more stable, and sometimes, If I cannnot find my favorite song on WOIM, I
will search it on the internet or YOUTUBE.
12. - What is your favorite color? Why? - Are there any colors that have
special meanings in your country? - Do you think different people like
different colors? Why / why not?
What’s your favourite colour? Why?
Answer: My favourite colour is "green" as I find it easy and soothing on my
eyes. I also like this colour because it is the colour of the refreshing “nature”
around us, and I just love “nature”. Finally, I like "green" because of
“religious and spiritual” reasons.
Do any colours have a special meaning in your culture?
I don’t really think that colours have any special meaning in my culture
except that women in my country prefer to wear “red” dresses during their
wedding days. However, if the colour we use in our national flag, then it
would be a different story.
 Do you think different people like different colors?
In my view, a person’s favourite colour does not necessarily reflect his or her
personality. In fact, it really is up to one’s own preference, so we should not
make any assumptions just through people’s choice of colour. Well, I am not
really a “personality reading expert” by the colour a person likes, but it is said
that colours tell a lot about the personality and mood of a person. For
example, people, who like black, tend to be usually sensitive and artistic while
those, who prefer “red”, just enjoy their lives to the fullest.

13. - What is your favourite country in the world? - Would you prefer to
go there alone or with someone else? Why? - What will you do when you go
Which city in the world you would like to visit? Why?
I would like to visit Bern, the fairytale capital city, located on the banks of the
Aare River, is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places in Switzerland.
Bern is the city you must visit if you want to feel transported back in time. To
top this, the majestic Alps form the quintessential signature Swiss backdrop in
the horizon, which makes Bern one of the top places to visit in Switzerland.
Would you prefer to go there alone or with someone else?Why?
Travelling alone is nice, but I prefer going with someone else. They say two
heads are better than one, and I would feel a lot safer with a partner in a new
place than without. No matter where you are, danger or unexpected
emergencies are always lurking around the corner, and it’s always nice to
have someone to back you up. I prefer to travel with others. It’s nice to share
an experience you can reminisce about with others. Also, while traveling,
you’re bound to get lost, or in some uncomfortable situation, and it’s nice to
have someone else there for reassurance. Plus, depending on the country, I
still feel a bit awkward doing things alone, like going out to eat, so another
person would be nice.
What will you do when you go there?
When going there, I will take a walk through these luxurious streets that also
comprise of houses with vibrant flowers, beautifying the city further. I will
visit as many famous places as I can, I will enjoy some local foods and find
out some new custom and tradition there.
Bern is called the City of Fountains, I will take a lot of photos of the different
fountains.  Bern is also the home to excellent museums and art galleries that I
must visit, such as the  Einstein’s house, Art lovers like me will also enjoy
visiting the Bern Museum of Art. I will also enjoy a picnic in the Rosengarten,
which offers stunning views of the Aare river and the Old Town.

14. Do you like swimming 2. Do you like to swim alone or in a group? 3.

Do you think it is important for children to know how to swim?
Do you like swimming
Of course, I love swimming. It is a very healthy and motivational sport. I
think swimming can endear itself to many people because water-related
activities always deliver a sense of excitement and refreshment. Swimming is
definitely my favorite sport. It brings me such a great sense of freedom that no
other activity can allow me. I’ve found that swimming is the most effective
way to take my mind off things that are troubling me.
Do you like to swim alone or in a group
I enjoy swimming in a group, especially if you go with your friends because
we can spend time chatting, relaxing or enjoy some happy moments together,
especially if you go with your friends, and then there’s the fact that it could
save your life one day if you know how to swim, or you could even save
someone else’s life if they are in trouble. 
Do you think it is important for children to know how to swim?
In my opinion, it is very important for children to know how to swim because
Swimming is the only sport which can save your child's life. Drowning is still
one of the most common causes of accidental death in children, so being able
to swim is an essential life-saving skill Besides, Swimming provides loads of
health benefits which can help to keep children healthy and happy at the same
time. They will have plenty of opportunities to make friends and grow in

15. Relationship with your parents - Who are you closer to: your mother
or father? Why? - What do you like to do when you are together? - Do you
want to live with your parents when you get married?
Who are you closer to: your mother or father? Why?
I live in a small family in Can Tho city with 5 people who are my parents, two
older brothers and me. I go pretty well with my family. They are the most
precious things I have in my life, I have a close relationship with family. I
love everyone in my family very much, but I am the closest to my mom. I
think it is because we are the only women in the family. So, we share the
same ideas about many things and she always supports me. Whenever I have
troubles or something difficulties, I always prefer to discuss my plans with my
mother, I often seek her advice on important personal issues.
What do you like to do when you are together?
My family often enjoys cooking together and afterwards having special meals.
We catch up on news and talk about our lives. Sometimes, we have family
reunion party if we have long holiday vacation.
Do you want to live with your parents when you get married?
I think that, when I get married, I would like to live with my parents because
my two brothers are gong to get married and they will move to another place
to setlle their own family, moreover, my parents are gettering older and older,
so that I the only girl in my family who can take care of them carefully.
16. What is your favourite subject at school? - Is that subject popular in
your country? - Do you get on well with your classmates?
As a student I was never much keen on studying. I used to spend most of my
time doing my part time job, but British Literature was an exception that I
learnt with a lot of interest. I regarded Literature to be my favorite subject
because Literature has a familiar ring to me and I’ve read most of the stories
and poems in the books. As a result, it was the only subject that I passed with
flying colours at university. Although literature is not a very popular in
Vietnam but I really enjoy it.
Well, I have to say that I’ve had quite a good relationship with my classamtes.
We work well on team projects and are able to communicate effectively with
one another. I guess this is because our personalities are quite similar and we
also share a lot of common interests, besides, I’m an easy going and out going
person, I never have any arguments with them, so our relationship is pretty
17. - How many hours per day do you spend on sleeping? - How
important is it to have a good sleep? - What should we do to have a good
- Well, it actually depends on how heavy my workload is on that day.
Whenever I work to meet a deadline, I have to stay up very late and just get 4
or 5 hours sleep. I am not a night owl so I try to get at least 6 hours of sleep in
order not to doze off for the next working day. However, at the weekend, I
can let my hair down and sleep in.
How many hours per day do you spend on sleeping?
I usually spend like five to six hours a day on sleeping, which is not really
recommended by doctors, I know. What's worse is that I'm only in my early
50s but I'm already experiencing something called sleep deprivation. There
are days when I cannot even shut my eyes down in the middle of the night.
How important is it to have a good sleep?
From my perspective, sleeping plays an important role in people’s physical
health. It’s the time for our body to take a rest after a long day. A good night’s
sleep also helps us release our emotions and forget all the bad things that
happened during the day. I guess people have different ways to get a sound
What should we do to have a good sleep?
But if you ask me, I would say that drinking herbal tea before you go to bed
is really effective. This type of tea will calm you down and let you sleep
easily. Therefore, I believe we have to follow several rules to get a good sleep
regularly. Firstly, go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when
you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss and turn all night. Besides,
make sure your bed is comfortable so that you can stretch and turn in bed
comfortably. As well as that, stay away from big meals at night or try to make
dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods before going to

18. What is your neighborhood like? Do you know your neighbors? do

you get along with your neighbors?
My neighbourhood is quite peaceful since there are not many houses here.
The atmosphere in the area is fresh compared to other nearby palces. This
makes it a great place to raise kids in my opinion. Well I like most of them.
They all seem to be quite friendly, supportive, amiable and generous.
However, there are a few people who have a very low educational level and
keep making loud noises at night, especially when they sing karaoke.
However, there is a proverb that says “A stranger nearby is better than a far-
away relative”. So, having conflicts and disputes or arguments with neighbors
may do more harm than good, so I always get along well with them.

19. What was your childhood hobby? Why did you like it? Do you still
like this hobby now that you are older?
When I was a child, I ussually played “Hide and Seek” with my counsins if
we had chances to get together, but most of my time spent for playing with
my cats, I adopted this hobby as my rountine, and it was also because my
parents didn’t really want me to go out too much because I would get
influenced by bad elements in society. Moreover, my family was very poor, I
had no toys to play. At that time, TV was very expensive, my family was not
rich enough to afford one. I just played with cats all days, So, I guess that I
didn’t have any other option like watching the cartoons, playing internet
games like today. Until now, I still love keeeping cats as my pets, I think I
still enjoy this hobby if I get older because I’m really addicted to cats. Now,
keeping cats is not only my hobby but also my habit.
20. - What are the purposes of a charity organization? - Would you like
to work for a charity organization? Why or why not? - Is charity work
popular in your country?
A charity organization whose purpose  is to give money, food, or help to those
who need it, or to carry out activities such as medical research that
will help people who lack the basic necessities of life, such as the disabled,
the elderly, the orphans. Moreover, a charity organization is not to make
a profit by providing direct help, giving information, or raising awareness of
an issue. 

21. What clothes do you wear to school/work?Do you think people

should wear uniforms at school/work?What kinds of clothes do you like to
I’m a teacher, I also work in a formal environment, I not only choose to stick
to the formal way of dressing but also try to look sharp when going to
university. As a result, a suit, a uniform, a vest, a long skirt, or áo dài (are
frequently required), Besides, It is also the regulation of my school.
Actually, I think it depends on what people do. One of the most popular types
among manual laborers is thick pieces of garments with protective gear as
these help them to prevent injuries and dirt. However, those working in the
office have different dress code for sure. More precisely, office workers tend
to dress more formally like uniforms, or a pair of trousers and shirts for males
or a long dress for females.
When I’m at work, I dress formally, but if I’m just hanging out with my
friends I’m more likely to be dressed casually: a random pair of jeans, a T-
shirt, and some sneakers or sandals. I prefer to dress in comfortable clothes
and feel so most of the time. On special occasions I prefer to wear smart, or
gorgeous clothes, I ussualy choose to stick to the formal way of dressing. I
would rather dress to please myself than wear clothes that others would
choose to follow trends/fashion.
That’s all I want to say.
22. - How would you describe yourself? - In what ways are you similar to
your friends? - What are some common characteristics of people in your
I would say I am an extrovert person so I really like to hang out with my
friends in the weekends whenever I have spare time. I am also a person who
doesn’t lose my temper easily, for I am patient and  considerate for other
Well, I can say that we have a lot in common, especially when it comes to our
interests. Also, all of my friends are honest, reliable and easy-going like me,
plus we are extroverted that means outgoing and socially confident.
I’m living in CT city, the people here are quite well behaved and amiable. If
someone visits our town will get a good impression about the local
people. They are also very friendly and kind. I really like the hospitality of
the people in my place. Whenever someone needs help, we are willing to give
others a hand.

23. Where is a place you would never want to go back? - Why wouldn’t
you want to go back to that place?- What did you dislike about that place?
15 years ago, I had a chance to visit China, it was my worst memory and I
would never go back to that place again because of the following reasons: The
weather, the food, and the high-price products.
15 years ago, I went to China with my husband for my honeymoon, we came
there at the Chrismas time, the weather was extremely cold, I couldn’t stand
the harsh cold climate/weather like that so I got sick for a few days, I had to
stay in bed, and my husband had to buy some food for me, but not many
Chinese people used English, so we had to learn some basic Chinese to
communicate with them. Chinese food was not very good like Vietnamse, so
we had to eat instant noodles frequently. Moreover, we had been getting
overcharged all time while visiting China. All exprecience that make us
dissapointed therefore, I decided I would never go back to that place again.
24. 1. How often do you exercise? 2. Do you like to exercise alone or with
somebody else? 3. How important is it to exercise?
I have got diabeties types 3, so everyday, I often get up a little bit early to do
morning excecise because my doctor has advied me to do that. Exercise helps
people keep a healthy weight and lower their risk of my disease. I choose
walking for my exercise, I walk regularly every morning to keep my body fit
because Walking has a wide range of health benefits. It makes the people fit
and it is convenient to all ages of people. I often prefer to walk with my
husband or my daughter because Exercising with someone is always more fun
and I will get more motivated than doing excercies alone.
Regular excercise is proven to help prevent and manage noncommunicable
diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and several cancers. It also
helps prevent hypertension, maintain healthy body weight and can improve
mental health, quality of life and well-being. For example: I used to be very
fat. I weighed 80 kilos and I was obsessed with junk food. I got so much fat
that I started hating myself. One day I made a commitment to myself that I
would lose my weight and that could only be done by exercise. Now I only
weigh 60 kilos.

25. 1. How often do you use body language? 2. In what situation do you
use your body language? 3. What are the benefits of using body language?
Body language is non-verbal communication that includes our posture,
gestures and the movements we make. It’s just as vital as verbal
communication but it’s usually something we don’t think about when we’re
talking or presenting. So I almost use body language all day whenever I’m in
class or at home because it is the unspoken part of communication that I use
to reveal my true feelings and to give my message to others.
Using body language can tell people more about my thoughts and opinions
more than my words can. It also helps me understand someone else's feelings
so I can adjust my communication (using body lanaguge can create
relationships. Body language is also the key to confidence, if you look
confident, your students are more likely to believe in your words and follow
your lecture. 
A foreign friend will be visiting your country and he is asking your advice on
the best season to visit: spring, summer or autumn?
In my opinion, the best time to visit Vietnam is spring when we have Lunar
New Year, when coming to Vietnam this time, you will have a chance to enjoy
a lot of traditional activities and know more about culture, traditions, habits,
and custom of my country.
There are several explanation for this option. First of all, I have a long holiday in Spring, therefore, I can
spend much time on traveling with you. My holiday vacation lasts about 3 weeks, It will be great chance
for me to help you discover the beauty and special attraction sites in Vietnam. I will also taste some
traditional food and many kinds or fruit in Springtime. Moreover, Spring is an ideal time for tourism. I’ll
take you to some beaches and enjoy the fresh air there. Another interesting idea is to walk on the sand
along the beach and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere at night. It is so cool and fresh in Spring in London
in the evening. In spring, I think the weather is very favorable, It has a very little rain. Therefore, you
can go every where without worrying about rain.
You should come here in the summer time because we often have too much heavy rain and the streets
are often flooded when the tie is high.

Women’s day is coming up soon. Your class is thinking of an activity to

celebrate women’s day. Three activities are suggested: picnic, miss contest,
party & karaoke. Which is best option?

Firstly, it’s simple to organization. We don’t have to think about the

where the party will be held since we can use the classroom after study.
Secondly, we just need to prepare some snacks and drinks which is cheap for
students. Actually I don’t choose a beauty contest because it takes a lot
of time and I don’t think a lot of girls want to participate in that contest. A
karaoke night is not a good choice since not everyone can go out late and the
price for singing karaoke on Woman’s Day is costly.
For all the reasons I put above, I’ll choose a class party as the best activity to
celebrate the Woman’s Day in class. Well, if I have to decide a gift for my

Your sister is going abroad to study. You want to give her a present. Three
options are suggested: copy of her favorite book, a bottle of perfume, or a
handmade scarf. Which do you think is the best option?
I would choose a self-designed photo album. There are some reasons leading
to this option. In the first place, I’m keen on handmade items. I often make
some cards or flowers by myself in my free time. I think that it is a nice
hobby. I strongly believe that my friend will be amazed and excited about my
self-designed photo album. It will be a special present before her studying
abroad. With this photo album, she can keep a lot of photos which we took
together. It is helpful for her to remind several unforgettable memories that
we shared together. Moreover, I personally think that she can keep some
photo of her family in this photo album to lessen her homesick. I know that
studying abroad and living far away, she will miss her family a lot. Therefore,
with some photos, it is useful for her to ease her homesick and get more
encouragement to study better.
I don’t choose a book because I think that it is not suitable for her. She is a
open- minded and talkative girl, therefore, she seldom selects a book and sit in
a quiet place. In addition, I believe that if I give her a book, she probably read
it once. She has many things to discover in a strange country. A silk scarf is
also a good idea, however, it is a little bit expensive to me. Furthermore, it is
summer now, thus I think that it is not suitable to give her a silk scarf as a gift.
In conclusion, from my point of view, a self- designed photo album is the most
ideal present for my friend.
Your friend wants to prepare for an English test in the next 6 months. She is
considering 3 options: self-studying with a home tutor, taking an online
course, or attending an English class. Which do you think is the best option?

- There are many websites which offer various materials for me to choose from (videos/e-books/podca sts..). -
Save a lot of money - Convenient (study from the comfort of my home). - Lack professional learning
environment to communicate. - Ineffective with lazy people. Finding a private tutor - Give me one-to-one
attention ฀ Understand my learning style give me suitable learning/teaching methods. - Provide me with the
very best materials (Qualified tutors can choose effective references which help me familiarize myself with Ielts

Topic: Facebook is getting more and more popular.

- Entertainment
- Learning
- Source of information
- (Your own ideas)
 Follow-up questions:
- What are the negative effects of Facebook?
- How has the number of Facebook pages changed in 10 years? 
- What will Facebook be like in the future?

Nowadays, going along with the rapid development of information

technology, social media especially facebook is becoming very popular for
youth. It brings many benefits for users.
First and foremost, it is a huge source of entertainment for everyone. No
matter where you are, you are able to entertain yourself with many kinds of
entertainment. For example: listening a beautiful song, reading an interesting
ghost story or enjoying a new released movie or even playing an online game
with your own smartphone.
Second, Facebook is an excellent tool for learning or education. Professors
can share lectures and other course materials with the class, and students can
even interact with each other to have debates about the course material.
Teachers are able to connect with their students, and parents are able to get
updates on a student’s progress at school. The site also has a forum that
teachers can use when they need help with questions from their students. For
instance, IELTS is my daughter’s interest so that she likes and follows pages
that related to English. Whenever she logs on facebook, she will see a lot of
useful things about IELTS which help broaden and improve her English.
Third, facebook is an ideal place to disseminate information. One of the best
things about Facebook is that most people already have a Facebook account,
so it’s easy for them to share what you post. If you’re posting a link, the
reader just has to click on the link to visit your site. This makes it easier for
them because they don’t need any special software or other download.

Last but not least, Facebook also helps find people with similar interests and
preferences – Facebook provides us with new opportunities to meet people
who share similar interests or goals. We can find others who have gone
through the same struggles, and support each other as we work on overcoming
them together.

In conclusion, being a facebook user and taking its advantages is a good way
to involve with this nonstop developing world.
What are the negative effects of FB?
Nowadays although facebook brings us many benefits, it has a lot of
disadvantages. First and foremost, Using too much FC can cause addiction
because – Facebook can be distracting, rather than being helpful. Instead of
checking your Facebook feed and addressing the tasks that need to be done, it
can take over your life. Wasting too much time on FC will affect our daily
activities. Another disadvantage is that facebook have bad effects on our
health. When we surf FB on the computer screen or smartphone screen, if we
are glued to the screen in long hours, we will feel stressed and tired and our
eyes are in danger of short-sight or eyes irritation. Finally, our private life can
be violated and many scam can happen should our account is stolen by a
hacker. For example, hacker takes advantage of our friend’s trust to juggle
them out of money.
In short, I think facebook will be harmful to us if we don't know how to use it
10 years ago, I mean in 2012 there were 1.23 billion FB users. But now,
nearly 2.9 billion people use FB all over the world with different purposes. In
the next 10 years, I think it will be developing much more than ever, I think it
will be 5 or 6 billion FB users.

Topic: Handwritten letters are unpopular means of communication

- Social network websites
- Mobile phones
- Emails
- Your own idea(s)
Follow-up questions: 
- Why do some people still prefer handwritten letters?
- How do you think people will communicate with each other in the future?
- What are the disadvantages of using emails or mobile phones for personal
In this modern era, technology is developing day by day. People are using
modern communication methods like skype, facebook and many more. Some
people believe that modern communication is the best way whereas, others
believe that today letter writing papers are unpopular means of
communication. . So, I am going to discuss some view points with some
To begin with, some people believe that modern communication is the best
way to communicate with people that are far from us like some of our
relatives are living in different parts of the world.. People nowadays prefer
social websites like Facebook, mobile phones or emails for communication
purposes. These apps save time as well as money. So, It is hard for us to
communicate with them by writing handwritten letters to them. As letters take
too much time to reach them. Because if we post letters to our loved ones it
will take our precious time to write it down as well as we will definitely spend
enough money to post those letters. Moreover, with the help of the modern
communication, people do video calls with their loved ones as well as people
who have a business have more benefits of modern communication. Because
it saves a lot of time of traveling. Now adays people easily do conferences,
meeting through Skype.
Handwritten letters waste paper, time and money, it’s so old fashioned and
outdated, even though some people might consider a letter to be more
Why do some people still prefer handwritten letters?
On the other hand, some people believe that letters have their own value.
Firstly, letters are also important because we can easily store the important
information in written form. Sometimes, people love to write letters so that
the person whom they are writing for should store them as a token of love.
Secondly, modern communication is hard for older people because they do
not have enough knowledge to use modern technologies like the internet and
other social media apps. So they prefer letters for communication. Last but not
least, in this world, some people are unable to afford the high prices of
internet packages, so they prefer to communicate through letters.
How do you think people will communicate with each other in the future?
In the future, I think, modern communication is still the best way to
communicate because it saves time as well as money. As we all know that in
this fast pace world, people do not have much time to travel to other places to
communicate, so they prefer modern communication.
What are the disadvantages of using emails or mobile phones for personal
As for disadvantages – I can’t think of any. However, obviously to send an
email to someone, the other person must have a computer or mobile phone to
be able to receive it. That’s about the only limitation.
In this world, some people are unable to afford the high prices of internet
packages, so they prefer to communicate through emails or internet mobile
phones for personal communication. Moreover, when using emails or mobile
phones, the users have to be competent at computer use.

Topic: Raising pets is beneficial to the elderly.

- Release stress
- Increase social interaction
- Have an exercise partner
- (Your own ideas)
Follow-up questions
- What pets are popular in your country?
- Do you think pets are well-raised in your country?
- Do you think people will spend more money on pets in the future?
Raising pets is beneficial to the elderly.

Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. The

unconditional love of a pet can do more than keep you company. Pets may
also decrease stress, improve heart health, and even help children with their
emotional and social skills.
Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a
stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found
that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and
boost your mood.
“Animals can become a way of building a bridge for those social
interactions,” Animals may help you in other unexpected ways. A recent
study showed that caring for fish helped people who have diabetes will
manage their disease better.
Most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that come with sharing
their lives with companion animals. Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce
stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and
playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for an
animal can help children grow up more secure and active. Pets also provide
valuable companionship for older adults. Perhaps most importantly, though, a
pet can add real joy and unconditional love to your life.
The first thing is the love for animals (1). A pet is like a little friend to the kid, who plays with him
or listens to what he says. (This connection leads to the kid developing the love for the pet and, for
the world of animals in general. In the future, he will make effort to protect them)

Secondly, they learn responsibility (2). It’s important for the pet to have good meal, to get bath or to
go to the vet at the right time. If he fails to do these for the pet, there will be troubles. (By being aware
of this, the kid becomes responsible for the ones he’s taking care of, not only the pet but also people
around, and the works he will do in the future)

Thirdly, this will help him grow the care for the others (3). Pets have problems like human. They may
be happy, sad or worried, sometimes they get sick and don’t feel good. The kids will pay attention to
these feelings and will learn to ease their pets. (Furthermore, they will develop the care for other

What pets are popular in your country?

As I mentioned above, Pets, especially dogs and cats, are very popular in
Vietnam, perhaps. In the countryside, each household typically has a dog to
watch their house as dogs usually bark when they see strangers or to guard the
house against all the possible odds. In the cities, many people, especially the
young, do not hesitate to spend money on buying a dog and take care of them
like babies or just to have a pet in their home..
Do you think pets are well-raised in your country?
“Yes, I think most people like pets. In the past, it was less common, but now more and more
people have a pet. Normally, they own a dog or a cat. I think pets make a good friend
and give people company when they’re lonely.”. It used to be that animals were a source of
food – even animals normally associated with pets – or they were a source of labour – like
a buffalo to plough the fields. Now that people are wealthier, they often like to have a pet
for companionship.” So, pets are well-raised in my country
Do you think people will spend more money on pets in the future?
Definitely yes. I think having a pet in the house is very important because it
allows the kids to learn about love, patience, respect and so much more. So
people will spend more money on pets because It brings happiness and
togetherness but it also depends on everyone’s hobby

Topic: Traditional music should be promoted.

- Cultural values
- Historical values
- Educational values
Follow-up questions:
- What should be done to keep traditional music?
- What is the current status of traditional music?
- How does attitude towards traditional music differ from generation to
generation in your country?
It’s often said that “music is like magic” and it is indeed true, since music
work as a divine magic for us. Music, for many of us, is a way of living.
There are many who can’t live a life without listening music each day. Music
is the foods of a soul to them.
Music impresses us, inspires us, tells an untold story, remedy us and let us
understand others. There are many different types of music almost in each
language of the world and they vary from religious type to anthem and even
hard rock or rap. The listeners of the music decide what to listen and it greatly
depends on upon mood, time, level and age. But I believe no matter what type
of music one listens, we need to listen and preserve our own traditional music
hence traditional music says what we really are. There are lots of importances
of music in our life. Music let us know the position of a nation against war
and music it's a message that reaches to all for all over the ages. Music
refreshes ourselves and inspires us to do something. 
With the modern communication facility, satellite channels and the internet,
people today hear music from other parts of the world. Teenagers are greatly
influenced by the western music and they even don’t like the traditional or
country music. It’s very natural that generation will follow their own trends
and choices and will accept only what they feel like to accept, but traditional
music bear the old history, lifestyle and tradition of a country. And as part of
education, everybody should know about his/her own tradition. So we should
listen to the music that attracts us and really inspires not matter where are they
from what whatever their genre are, but we should not ignore our own
traditional music.

Young people in my culture these days usually like to listen to any kind of
music which has a strong beat and “not-so” traditional lyrics. This types of
music may include hard rock, pop, raps and other types whichever may appeal
to their young and “restless” minds.  Lately, they are listening to folk music
also since they sound uniquely sweet and mellow by blending the tunes of
western musical instruments with the local and traditional instruments
 Folk music and country music usually fall into the category of traditional
music in my culture. Both folk music and country songs use local musical
instruments that are easy to play. Besides, the lyrics of both these type of
music very beautifully reflect the natural beauty of my country as well as the
joys and sorrows of its sons and daughters. In fact, some of our folk music is
so unique and melodious in their sounds that they have been “copied” by the
music industries of several other countries in the world.

Musical traditions of a country reflect the lifestyles, culture, religious &

spiritual traditions and history of a country in a very authentic and appealing
manner. Therefore, it is absolutely important for a country and its culture to
preserve its musical traditions as best as possible. But, should we ever fail to
have our own musical traditions, the chances are that some other kinds of
“alien traditions” will make their “merry” ways into our culture and threaten
to weaken, if not destroy, our “national identity”.

Music is one of the most imperative factors creating life. People all over the
world use music for entertainment, business and serveral different purposes.
Although nowadays there is a wide variety of music in the world, the
traditional music of a country is thought higher than the International music
people have heard everyday.
It is obvious that music plays an important role in our lives. Music makes life
become lively with nice tune and meaningful lyrics. For example, it is very
boring when shopping in supermarkets and shops without music or there is a
terrible thing if we are in loads of speaking and noisy. Moreover, music can
express even the hardest thing to say. In fact, a man often uses romantic music
to show love to his girl instead of saying a long speech about his feelings with
shame. Furthermore, in many countries, the develop of music helps them
create the musicall industry. Take Korea for example, music is one of the
strongest industry in this country and it contributes not a small part in Korea’s
Although listening International music is a brilliant way to intergrate into the
world, traditional music of a country plays a more essential role than any
other kinds of international music. Music is one of the main ways to express
national tradition. For instance, every country has their own songs about new
year and each has different melody as well as their typical feartures. In
addition, traditional music also reflects culture of that country. Ethnic music
of Vietnam is a wonderful example in this case, which makes music of
Vietnam become famous and different. This kind of music is create by using
timbal and other instruments, combining with poem and folk-song.
In conclusion, the world is not fun any more without music because of its
usefulness such as enjoyment, relaxation, economic and so on. Although
listening International music is a style nowadays, people should know about
traditional music of their countries and preserve it because it contains soul of
the country.
First of all, traditional music has cultural values (1). Music is believed to be a symbol for a nation’s
culture and different countries have different genres of music. Based on the rhythms, people can
recognize where a song comes from.

Secondly, traditional music brings historical values (2). It’s obvious that music teaches us about the
history of the country. For example, songs during the revolutionary period encouraged people to
live and fight against invaders during the war.

Another reason is that educational values (3) are present in traditional music. Songs are considered
basic building blocks of language. Traditional music especially lullabies that our mothers sing can
help us to develop speech and language. Repeating sounds, rhythm and melody in songs are essential
for language development in kids.

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