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Video Debate Questions Before you actually record your debate, answering the following questions will help create a “structure” for your debate. Once you decide who is on what side, do alittle research. This helps you develop an understanding about the “pros” and “cons” of both English Only and Bilingual Education. Each group only must create one document in total. However, | would still ike each of you to create a tab in your Weebly portfolio and upload the document there. * (one of my resources) *hilpsi/lvittana,ora/14-pros-and-cons-of-bilingual-education (one of my resources) Please answer the following questions: ~Roles? Who is on the Bilingual Education side? English Only? © English Only ‘© Meghan © Annaise Bilingual Education Sammy ° Mia ~Research Bilingual Education and English Only. Identify 3 pros for each, and 3 cons for each © English Only © Pros = Don't need to hire teachers that speak different languages = Forces students to learn english and not rely on their native language m= encourages students to socialize and learn from one another m= Students may feel frustrated when they are unable to communicate using native language, or when their teachers don’t understand them. = There is an increase failure rate m decreased participation of ELL students in classroom Bilingual Education © Pros a It provides children with future opportunities a Itcan improve the working memory tis easier to learn more languages once you know two © Cons = Bilingual educ: = Bilingual education can shift a students focus = Finding the staff may be difficult ~-Identify 3 key points you will discuss in your opening for Bilingual Education. Briefly describe why you believe the key points are relevantiappropriate for the debate, Do the same for English only. Video Debate Questions * English only ‘© Students can be fully immersed in the language This allows students to learn © You don't have to hire language specific teachers = This can allow the school to save money and spend it on other resources for students © Students can socialize and learn from each other = build a community for ELL students © Bilingual Education © Itprovides students with future opportunities = being bilingual can help for future things like getting a job © Itimproves the working memory = bilingual education provides for better processing capabilities when exposed to new sounds, new concepts, and new experiences © Its easier to learn more languages once you learn two every additional language leamed makes it easier to learn another language fluently ~-Create 3 questions the English Only side will ask the Bilingual Education side during the cross examination. Also vice versa English-Only (to bilingual ed) ‘* How could a bilingual education system be funded in schools in an economically disadvantaged area? * Do you think that bilingual education could put unnecessary pressure on a student who struggles with a concept when they have to learn that concept in English as well as a second language? ‘* How is the second language that is instructed selected? Bilingual Education (to English only) ‘* How do English- only classrooms intend to ensure they are not moving too quickly through material for ELL students? * Do you believe that itis important that students focus on just English in schooling or believe they should eventually learn a second language? * Do you think that an ELL student may struggle to understand material in an English- only speaking classroom, how can this material be made easier for ELL students to understand? Identify 3 key points you will address in your closing statements for both English Only and Bilingual Education English Only: ‘¢ English only allows ELL students to be immersed in English at a faster rate. ‘Allows all students to learn important listening/problem solving strategies. * Allows students and teachers to build a community as they learn and help one another. Video Debate Questions Bilingual Education: Its believed that learning a second language helps improve mental capacities. At a young age people tend to develop a language better due to the brain in the developmental phase. Itis said that children have better social-emotional skills and behavioral skills. This is due to them being able to better follow social cues of multiple languages. Students are able to better develop a liking towards school. Students tend to develop better test scores and be happier in the school environment.

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