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ABS by The Book Shop Bindery + 5809 W, Division St. - Chicago 5), 1 NO MONEY IN ADVANCE The Chicago House Wrecking Co. would not dareshiy| Dani Ne youscarondof baildiog material valued anywhere iromSioi) farenteoe anette, ‘hout one cent down, if We anistepresented one | SPOOR pas Beta _ ingle item, You are pertectly safe, ‘we take ail the risk. "No ono else in all tho world ean mako such low price# on now Building Material. Our reputation as cash buyers places at our command, first—every bargain worth having. We are satisfied with one small profit—iet the in-between Droits remain in your pocket—means an immense saving—that means all previous Design No. 117 KT + ry SEBS Be aes TT, eon cog ext Noseterygn ot was to voy aad bow to ey st oa Feta Hrecallent inte nMESIONS prices Is combined with the expert knowledge of our most complete, Architectural Baoset Joti Wan Bn coma ie We Gan ant he aan, camel ec Depart see rations ania pene Fe ee aoe tha aee a epee soe Reieted bing, nas ch Soret Pat Bla prpnted Gy SvEe aren Syosset sce Eine Bees Peet oe, evens sovens sree, nd mone our emery 1d poe wits be tsatistied ‘that none can compete with our price aaa ae eg ma 38 A truly wonderful book given away Free. One hundred pages of modem, up-t date designs. Free to all pans of the Unlied States Other poluts upon receipt of 25e No, 58 ; Pee "SixRooms and : Bathalfreome ‘ convententan 4 a : my. Biz aa by St The object of this advertisement fs not to fell plans, but if you are interested in any.of the designs sown on, this page, we vill, (9 eave time, send. complete eet oF Plans Specifications and fall deserptive Matcrial List, ghowing sizes, etvlo, qual: iy and catalog number of the material that we turn. The bere par of fel, oat the entire 82 will be credited on sgur order, or {f plans do not suit, you aay retara them ‘and ali Dut de will be relubded,- Im addition, we wil also name, upon ‘request, delivered prices for complete Plumbing Outét aud Heating Plant of any kind and {amish compicte speciicatlous free of charge. end for our Special Bulling Material Catalog Nev ite, Plambing Ostalog No. 158 and Heating Catalog No. 120 showing a complete ling of construction of house, bara, Or aay ouet building, ‘The newest aud latest featares each lie at low prices. an Cae, Comceniee 1:16 See, Praiecatet Desir No 50 mg Material Lict in afl Eropep “— weap of the grade, sizes, style, quality and catalog GSTS iasieces wae id in quantities sufficient to complete the design strictly. accord- Atuactve Ee. Ing to the plans. We also guarantee prompt shipment of order. All material load terior, Fiye'Closets, Airy ed ln one cat from our nlant here. Our Paid-Up Canital Stock, $2,000,000 Balcony. Size 28 ft. by 28. Write for our Bicte bathroom: Suite: We gears aed sow House Wrecki se A BOOK OF PLANS, © “hep 7 Companye a fee | Sceeemeerereeerean Chicago, I, wi Rin "Letus ent Imaio on rour re- Guicomonts. Big Design No. 53, Saving. ‘Seven Rome 960 ses: Loree Chicago House Wrecking $s Bedroom, Modern in Company, Dept. F-7 every respect, Size 27 x 36 ft CHICAGO SS a County... ‘Send me your $10,000 Plan Book FREE. Iam also interested in POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION ee ee ee ee Ee es I your lite—the age of making your decision, Are you going to post pone deciding on a permanent, beneficial life work, or will you drift on from pillar to post, sticking to nothing and getting no permanent good cout of anything? Unless you have made a firm decision on something you intend to make your life Work, investigate the United Stares Navy. Find out what it will do for you—as a life work, or as a course of training. Four years in the Navy will build you up a fine physique and will train > you in self reliance and discipline, This training will stand by you to the end of your life, If you show special aptitude the Navy may teagh you some valuable trade that will make you a fine living, even if vou don’t stay in the Navy. Call atthe nearest Navy Recruiting Station (we'll send you the address) and find out the whole truth about Navy pay, hours, promotion, training, fine companionship, the 50 different trades, chances to see the world, a opportunity to lay by money. Write for the interesting free book, *The ‘Making ofa Man-o’-Warsman,’” which describes in simple language and clear pictures the daily life of the enlisxed men. Have your parents read it, to% If you put of sending you'll forget, so write for this book before you Jay this magazine aside. Write to BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, BOX 69, NAVY DEPT., WASHINGTON, D. C. UNITED STATES NAVY This One Te 4 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION HE WHO USES CYPRESS BUILDS BUT ONCE iat as To allother countries inthe Postal Union = 2 2 200 Al rbeninions are dicated at expztion. Plate examine the date printed on your wapper Entered as Stcond Class Mate Sept 15,190 atthe Poreice at Chiago, lo, oder Act ot March say 17. Pibllated monthly by POPULAR MECHANICS CO, ‘The attention of prospective advertisers is called to the policy of this magazine accordance with which the publisher waives all claim for payment of any advertisement appearing in any issue Where the number of copies actually printed and circulated is less than the number printed on the front cover page. Contents for January, 1913 Scots Still Test Skill with Ancient Caber. 1 White-Lighe nstalation for /Photozraphers 2 Trolley Car Bends in the Middle... 2 “Magnet “Bill” an Important Unit 3 Windmill Mounted on’ Live ‘Tree 4 gam Army from Aerial 4 Deze’ dmpales ‘Ttsell'on, Picker. Fence. 6 ig for. Funnele of Battleships. 6 Auto Delivery Wagon Lees Like Locometive.. ‘Tungsten Lamp Burns in Spite of Collision z Cutting "the Portholes ina Great Liner...... 7 Enormous Loss of Water at Gatun Lake....1) 8 Use Telescopic Most, to Trim Trees. a losives as Medicine, 9 Police Zebras of German Africa: SSS a0: Device Makes Engine Spark Visibie..0.00000..1. 10 Flying Motorboats the 4918 Spore. a1 Motion-Picture Show in Passenger Station... .. 12 Duck Shooting from Flying Motorboats.-----.-- 13 Gas Smokehouse for the Curing of Hams..00..1. 14 e Alvance af Shipping, the “att, ear 4 An’ Aeially’ Propelied “Water Bug” pH Apartment House Oniy One Story Miglin... .0.. 16 Dressing the Faithful, Light Buoys for’ thelr Stormy Winter Sea Service... 16 London to Have Subway for Posial Service... 18 ‘What the Popular Furs Really Are: 18 Stealing with the Heel of a Shoe. 1» A’ "Perambulating” Machine Shop. 11.17 20 ‘Air Gun Store: Power for Sixty Shots Elephants Haul Boiler Through Jungle. ......: Motor Mail Collecting Male. Easy. Freight Transportation in Alaska New Last-Resort Method of Resusci Aeroplane. Reports, War, Moves. by London Has the, Prize Freak ‘Automobile. Wireless... 2 33 2 Fuge Flagpole for !xposition Settling Cement Dust by Electricity ‘ Golossit Statues Carved Irom Single Biocks. 111 35 Trophy of Merit for ‘Park Employes. 26 Jow Safety Rules for Transatlantic Liners. . 26 Aviation” Now as Safe as Football. Lt EacPlung Messaces of Government’ Wireless..." $9 Comment’ and Review... Ben By HH. Windsor | Eighteen Tons of Iron Lost Daily by Rust.... 35 Voting Tents Used in Los Angeles...........-. 3 Scenes Attending the War in the Balkans Progress, Markers in the Aviation, Show, ‘By Victor Lougheed A Ten-Story Office Building Collapses.......... 41 The Government ae an Expres Company a Hydro-Aeroplane ‘Launching Ways for” Battle- ships: 42 Portabie ‘Control for’ Biectric “Cranes. < 48 Krupps Subject Guns to Severs Tests. 000001.1. 44 Gates Form Runaway Stopping Chute.. Flying Corps Asked to Try Parachutes... Great’ German Protecting. and. Power. Dai. Telephoning Fifty Miles’ by Wireless. .-- Temporary Burial Place fof Panama Chinese Glass Tubes Finer than Hair. e A “Boomerang” Blow-Pipe Gilder”. Automobile Headlight as Trouble Signal. Portable Retort. for Surgeons. = Memorial to, “Titanic’s” Wireless Operator. A“*Raincost” for the. Straw Hat Aeroplane Landing of Philsdelphia, Hote. Pontoon Bridge ‘at Bagdad : Pneumatic Woedearving Tool. : Electric Towboat Used on French’ Canals Kaigcost Converted inte "Motorsycle Suit. Al New Type of Propeller... England Loves anoiher Submarine and’ Crew New, Silencer for Motorcycle, Engines... combined Mercury-Vapor and ‘Tungsten Lani Ercgment of Armor Plate ae Memorial... ous-Compartment Side-Dumping Motor’ ‘Prick Ae Mechanical Anvil Hammer. - ‘ Marble Mosaic for Windows imitive Well Boring in. Ch Disinfetor Motor Cais for Use in Germany... pal Satery “racks Siop Runaway Trains Fireproot. Clothes. for the Future : Neptune” in a Hatteras Northwesver girbarrel Grigin of Automobile Shape Gorrugeted Hulls sor Battleships. Collision of Auto Fire Engines Wrecks House. Concrete Slabs ‘as Fine af, Porcelain Dwart Suspension Bridge in Long. Service ‘Testing the Gondala'of the Brucker Airshin. Bove Mood Pull Made by’ Dull Grindstones A’ Formidable Musical Tastrument Otc Tank "Rejuvensted by, Use of Concrete Passenger Stations Have White “Dead Line™ Submafine Wrecked in the Sui Jack-and-the-Beanstalk., Chain Trick. Goals. Identifed by Coking ert Scouting the Border on a Mowreycle Bhosphorescent Fish of the Desp Sea ‘Two 'Motion-Picture Shows in One Theater .-... 70 A’ Mono-Grroplane Bullt for Ocean Trp.-.--.-. 70 Binnacle with Double Lighting System.....01... 71 Gorrect Steir Climbing, Taught Children. ...0... TL Sustaining Lite with saa AL H. Marti Alaskan Steamer High Agrounds ==. 2 ‘The New Military Double-Seated Monoplanes. | 73 Turbine Vachtesergbles Torpedo Destroyer.” 74 Draft Producer for Chimneys... B Electric Power Plant for the Kita o Glsss-Bottomed Boat. for Sea-Pormation ‘Si 6 New Specifications for Scouting Aeroplines...... 76 [Continued on Page 6] to secure subscriptions. Popular Mechanics offers no premiums; does not join in“ clubbing offers,”” and employs no solicitors It is for sale by nearly every newsdealer in the United States and Canada. (6) Contents—Continued Pumping Tires from Propeller Shafts.+.....-..++ 77 New! Liekting Unit Gives Wide Disiibution.. An “Ingenious German Blectric ‘Bell. ‘Target’ Practice of the Atlantic Fleet. Electric “Daylight” “Egg. Tester Leather Holder for Spare Wheels Bleycle Hanger on French Police Automobile: Special Telephone ‘Set for Paralytic i Street Perrige for Use at Crowded: Crossings. Electricity Pumps Water to Irrigate Rice Spotting the Antics of Distant. Cyclones Electric’ Current irom. Bicycle. Wheel i New Form of fusert for. Concrete. Walls... 0..2! Ac"poreand-Ate” Direction Indicators 0.2... Exchangeable HardSteel Treads for” Rails. ‘gyrotcopen “ested on U. 8. Besttoyers jrmometer Represents Costly Resear, Growing, ‘Tropical Fruits in. Washington. Pitless “Turntable for Automobiles. Combination Watch... Combined Biecteie Pen-Pulling Device... ‘Automobile jack that Fits Smali ‘Space: ‘An Automatic Door Handle. Srainacy "Camera ‘Mate’ Stereoscopic: Automobile Provited with Rudder. ie Wing Covers. Made of Steel ing Design for Safety Lamp. if, Blectrie-Connection “Box How to Predict Changes in the Seasons. Simple and Effective, Ineulator.. . 0 “Hounds and Hares” Game on Motorcycles... 91 Growing Flowers that Will Keep Fresh. on Manicuring an Ocean Liner at Her Dock. Using Eggs as Germ Destroyers... Zocanestgc Mantis for Autemobiie Headlights: German “Wingless Aeroplane... f Oldest Railroad Ticket Otice Guill Stands. Hw the Spicer Uses Structural Principles Like Skiled “Enzinecs y J. Murphy Giraffe Marked Like’s Picture’ Puzzle Shipping Gold. Across ‘the Atlantic. Removable Linings for Hospital Ambular Our Canal Builders to English Byes. ‘Two-Span Aerial Railway in Rio de Artificial Cow's. Milk Made from Beans. Fir-Tree Odor, Disgusts Boll Weevils Spiral Stare Converted into Freight Chutes... 102 fachine to Make a Rug a Minute... a Farman Biplane Has Detchable Cabin. New “Saiety” Crank for Automobiles. Aerially Propelled Bicycle Sledge Diesel ‘Type’of Engine for Farm Wraciors. Detroit’ Catching Automobile... - gueer Sonoplane Has Japanese engine: per Insulation Lasts Twenty-three Years... Hundred-Foot "Log Bridge ‘Spans iver... 106 Leaded Sik'ts Safeguard for Klay Operitors. ‘the Way for Glass Houses Anti-Hatpin Crusade in Bavaria. ‘Explosion™ Locomouives for Desert Railways. Orchard ‘Tractor Driven. by. Boy’ secre Studying the Colors in Brick... Impressions of Acronaut ‘Turned’ Airman.” New Superdreadnought Launched in Engiand.- Measure: Wind Velocity with Electricity... --.. Under-Water Signal System for Nav; ‘Motor-Car Lock. Grips Clutch Lever: Repairing Arteries with Glass Tube. Motor Cars, Two to ‘One on Maszsch British Military Biplane of Advanced Type Great Rock Resemblet Human Head... Bullock Power on Roof of Turkish Bi 1s Your Intended Home, Well B WM," W. “Douglas German “Air-Yacit” Club Pennants Operating Hotel with Telautograph: SHOP NOTES A, Wagon ak 4, Bogen ast, i Eta Gee Sac Sma Aigineg” Gate! ‘Zeal Rh a tau Ag ees A. Countersink ‘A Brush Bridle a ‘TO "Make “Cement Tests: Bicking "Flour. in, Sacks: A Sandpaper. Stick. Bands for Pipe Covering. Spraying Insulation Liquids into “Armature Wind, ling a Hiot Bearing. Oil-Can Holder for an Automobile. A Tube-Cutting Tool A Knife tor Extracting “Slivers A Private Ice “House. Antidotes for Poisons. A. Line. Spreader. Homemade. Rexisiering’ Gauie To Hold the Ends of ‘Bo: Straightening a Motorcycle. Fork... Laying Out ‘Sections for'a Hollow Metal ‘An’ Unusual Gone Painting Concrete: Rotary Couging “Too! i fdiating Bend ina Stovepipe, Genter i pe, ‘Temporary ‘Repair om a Valve. Repairing a Leak in a Water Jacket Starting a Tap True with the Work. Wagon-Tire Fasteners. - Protecting Windows While Pai line-Kagine Valve” Litter of” Large Ca yards on a Small Str fest_for Long Milling- Machine Work. Valve fora Gasoline-Tank Vent... =. Drawing Board for Long Drswi E : Square Attachment to Determine Die-Ciearance 1 Wire Joint cycle Engine Eye Shield for Gun Sighting... How to Make a Fluting Machine’ for ‘Columns Air Cooled Commutator’ Brushes!) An Emergency Pour-Jawed Chuck’ “Made Faceplate Storage-Bin Marker “Fiate for ‘Twist ‘Drills: Connecting Eads for Col A Vegetable Slicer... ‘An Anvil Calking. ‘Tool AY paint-Pot Stand. icles without’ a’ Compass’ Saw.) Springs. 5, Soldered’ ‘with “Heat from” a’ cae AMATEUR MECHANICS A Flash-Light Telegraph on a Kite Line, Hangers for Bara ‘Tools Guide Ropes on a Bobsi Brush Hanger for a Dark ‘Roos Lighting ‘a Basement Light. Projecting. Protractor Resd A’ Boor “Stop. ‘Time Indicatgr for Medicine Bottles. AWashtub: Stand. Pipe Used as Leather’ Punch. ‘To Prevent Oilcloth from Cracking. Combination Lock for a Drawer. An Umbrella Holder for Holder for a Milk Card. Frame for Pri ing Post Cards from Negaiives. . 146 Finger Protection on Laboratory Vestels...--.--148 A’ Novel ‘Show-Window. Attractio ‘Wringer A Vise’ Used asa Caliper Gauge How to Make a Mo Homemade Tack Puller... How to Make a Radium Phoiograph. Pulling Wire Through Curved Electric Fi Aa Astomatically Cl 4) Cone Puller. To Prevent, Corks Sticking in B Eraser Holder ‘A Soap Shake. ar Repair on a Cleaning Di A Fisn Lacking! Strews Patents Practical or Unique... Jokes .--..+-+ ‘rom ‘Tufts in Upholstering Substitute for a Rubber Stamp. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION a Z WITH DETERMINATION _ GET|} WHAT YO OU ASK FOR ENOCH MORGAN’S SONS COMPANY SOLE MANUFACTU Please Mention Popular Mechanics nsieteemrenpncemicsneesseep mmnannvendviniitibiee 8 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION WOULD YOU Tomer tes GIVE $12 TO sons LEARN THE AUTO TRADE? Then READ Carefully $30 would not buy my course, After got through Book 4/of Instructions 13\and 44, 15 and 36, T had a ob grinding valves, 1 did the job in four hours. Next day T put on four piston rings, which took six hours ‘These’ two jobs paid for my Course. | am now overhauling an engine for 2 party, “Tam not tackle any job now. "i{T get stuck Lam suret can hind the remedy in the instructions. 1 knew nothing af all about an auto before,and LWwant to thank rou {or helping me— Henry G. Ehredi, S23 E. ‘bth dv., Homestead, Pas If we prove to you that we have started hundreds of others into the repair business and as chaulfeurs—who had no previous experience and who knew no. more about an auto than you do right now—will you enroll ?—of course you would. Now the next thing for you to do is to write me just as quick as possible and let me prove it. ean MeFi 04 8 Shc ath erdtate, te now rine ® mi Sere Wicks NJ, 1 year eeien 82% Whi Se Attra Twas an auto driver. Became arte Adee coal continne intl ot hd led ison teterat mare fer ‘AH the Result of thke Dykce System ‘We can so thoroughly train you that you can open 2 repair’ shop or and make many times more than you are making now. Don't forget, we help you ‘get your start with our Zmpleyment Pian, if you want it DYKE’S NEW IDEA OF TEACHING BY MAIL WITH WORKING MODELS Insomething new. Wa naa rin? working modelt—not Suit one but seer On thee models vou wet metusl proctioe, woo the fetal operation aad leern ore (han you could from the auto feclt- SCs eaay ie" You dom hve wo madly hard with tH eywtom ne reach toro Weare the ror of the state of frachin ie teea® 19 of Sheen aad nctionm ‘and, Hopeirman sins Ktsottsimoleas AB Our Employment Plan for Students Bauer it saree tos eos eee ile siesta Ripa sg inventor, #3pplt rablished the rst book egend incldetstorns i cea ~~ WRITE TO-DAY for Delails of Employment Plan and THIS FREE BOOK ctiye and interseting—does not, cost places you ender mo obligations nivake, Aor sntican ire ‘Wyou act immediately DYKE'S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF MOTORING Box 88, Roe Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. {OTR —Thie es ehance you may never have agua tse nto the fastest [Bocmg tee paving tndensy the world hus cper known, a eld that ‘Rouity atte fit isen ear quay for the works Be a Doctor of Chiropractic The NewDrugless Healing Science ‘OF SPINAL ADJUSTMENT A Dignified, Profitable Profession Easily Learned ay Home, Steady Homand forFractiiontre Every where Our Students Surprisingly Si Make $3000 to $5000 aYear ‘Your income as a Chiropractor can be this much or more year after year. At the aame time vou. will be Serving suffering humanity. Dr. Walter made $500 third month after RM. Jobnoon has added ‘ver $3000 year to hi hurpsteen makes $00 a day. In addition, thie fancinating profession building up for these former stusents of ours @ splen: did social and professional reputation. We taught thee men tn, their spare time by correspondence, and in clase, to be Doctors 0 " Chiropractic—the peck ees =e NEW DRUGLESS HEALING SCIENCE rand Bical coed them inde- pendent ee Hoo, “a chearn ebeel Set. kaa er ine siti tae is FREE eee AN ART SCHOLARSHIP FREE nes ‘Giarge, no cttigal enn eines a ca eeeen eee A) MAGIC Tricks, Books ‘Amateur plod ox ll athe areal Professionals Rear er cee Eetacweeia re 106 ‘of Spinal Adjustment antee to teach ‘Sou Si Soest begin our eimplded taining fellate Natissal School of Chiropradic, Dept. 130, 1553 W. Madison St, Chicago Sti Stee telngs you bandon and Supplies Easy, interesting and entertaining, ead & Covert, 821 E. 43d St, Chieage, Il. est Pocket Practieal Compend of Elec: Wm, Witing, Dyoamosand dye winslow fetgraohy. ot Different Wires—Electric f Eactristy.Sube mater, Dc: Postpaid by LAIRD © LEE, Publishers, pchigan Ave. Chileno, 200 KINDS wie ee PUTTLES ‘Sample with Catalog. 10 cents ‘or londers for 25 cots. WESTERN PUZZLE WORKS ‘Minn. ‘St.Paul, Sy, Every Bo! His 6 om ered ee ee Sosihate POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 9 Complimentary Tuition Credit Auditor "Ameriat Citrepattence Sehial of Lay Uf applicarion of Se. 8% Pg of pagal fae red ow This $100.00 before 306 sore please cvedis Hse Crescent Book StS, $20 South tlsted. Chicas, RECHANICAL Tooke, 100 Giles Tet Bee cheat fy alan Berroa tok Ce Take Bi, Chleagn, I nite aecires Ferma We "out guide—100' Stoney-making” selenes sGetifie Took Stun, Byrachse, N.Y Ee DRAGS TAB Bis Morar, Chicago. EDUCATIONAL AND INSTRUCTION Ty, goectn_ ih Fo, cca wat Ree aa? aA Seigler ae Se Ae an ae mediately” ot letying” our Teach Joa At enull ekpense to Hea lumber Drattemin oe Mowid Write Immediately Cosme, mein" lel Iifuols “Street, Chleago, Tk” Nate 100 words a minute wr out knowin Shorthand Auteevinted [amen «imple tingle Sori ried" Usted Ramp iea 20d, lars free. Write todey. A, Dept ry, hem ethot neler thn Per “speclat tno Cal “URARN Tattoring Our iar win ta ‘used "by Seols, “of for $1, Standard IL Lock tee rou hon, “Stet Tenet all Fi ‘det, x TNE a Halls Te Mhirge dolls reduced price Money atk, Estallichal feu Tears.” Chculata W. He Young, Thon an. Geer! tite, “Grab Maida, Bile, oe si uaactar ara fie aN a lasite “moulds, “casting “from life, casting a hg ada Big. hea lt" ae Sither, "Tit Hike Se, ross, Eat Ten Sea otf Bs, Sow tes ee, yas Gar ake tah eos oe ae Se fany. "Devt, Le Ste oe, Suto Wet acl a i Pipe nee ae Sa aa ee taking ‘our home study” instruction. ee Trade, Suen ‘Wonderful secret. How. 10 open any, Took ser witnout evs, pleas oe ‘Comlinted “ta Hetetions ‘cha k, ‘Willams, Ba Wat Atlanta 6 Stn Je a Liberal Boploner dada oe “Score “fog g e Hebei, yal tg cee vitite fos foe tree took Chi service Sehools Wask= “AMERICA’S ‘est, pet Your naue on, 2 Tends." Happiness and real ie sane, HG Nexington Aven “HOW to Make Punting Cute and ued formalna? ie, "Putte! i) clits ‘Quek at Figures, tok “bettie in, Chl eu antiga, Wis are wy nates “Shasinese Oppodtties are thes? “Dp you. agree Wilh the,seletion resulting. from the si fernuuton pout of greatest scertists taken iy Poplar Mechanics Magazine? The Mesut of ths vate showing the OF e Chonuders together witN a Histerieat “sketch ofeach ne. reprinted. Ih Fete form. matted to ‘eng sditress for ‘Mecianies st Pouiteat, Srciah aragiewait af nett tnteress Six nmr ofc te! on oot ne Magvaine “Garuars fo" June. Stee) “representing” the bet iti of she Sr he “Seu Fr eattoonm ATION wade cay for al he CCalcuitor “Figures” oats in. the ltfing of a ‘eye, every concelrable pro Ki that aceurs in the Oiee, Sores Shon Dank, Fam or Factory, Greate Une an Wibor‘saving work gn figure Corrine “inle'™ Prices st He, Ponislar Mechanics ook Dent, Ws Chlenge Tea wait qu rag reste, SEL cit we ga Aline ea welt, HER, wt 20a ROOKREEHING, napia _ Cxleustions, Expert Auditing, “Banking, ete" Set 385 Tea raced Chinen eae Youd Germantown Aves ‘Philadephia, By TELEPHONE Trouhies aid Howto Pind Them (50 ee BRE, let wie _T9GE CO 1S AMBITIOUS peonjo wanted. to Tear the Linen. “Str (ORS Heal Fxate Courve, Whi 108i" vleasane Stet, Cincita BHIEPHAND ciatles you 10 write 100 i lonian characters nest pabeltale re are didelinting S008 (Of the completyaelf-teaching Blot ‘contateing 2.900 ilustea= ‘order one today COMPETE Sion Piciure Playeriting oui fa form, wih adreces of {wen-ap ber Ail gour Hews as one ""Toak? pozpatd,"25"enis taser, Taited vlay Brokerage, Dek A, Fostoria, een ee nee ee Se ane, "Bookie re. ‘oxginniyy school eg aie BoP NE, th acta) ior cert leee ie hia nebeen® He Miewgan = THE, Mastery of Words How to com pantie risk, Wort vals. Weite BED ver Attain SHORTHAND. Stenogra Trp ay t FOR Sule, 1. G,.8. tecture) ‘drafting: wut sell cheap ore tfiatee, foe good motorescie. “Lewis Pikes a Dallvers, Hrattleboros Ve 1,200,000, COUNTRY ant small town pony eaghed weculy. by clasalied ad Hope's" Weeki at ee Feit ote a. Clasted Dept, 800 ‘gl Prevention.” ‘Sout “oweai, ubes—C gent aa es es Sass TRADE SCHOOLS MIAH 45 to $8 m day ae ghiied Hie inclan Hatintt Mhrtettan® Banter, Dae Tuten” Man Pte perigee We teas tble trade Free employment hres places ‘Gadunien tn cod dota. Sneek nied rent, 8 vtate. at nce tor eatilosne a ai bart ‘Sen fines Bee CHAUFFEUR, Repair Man, Tester, Salex usa and “Denointritor, We reniee 6 sual yeu for all of yectons Int Mort hume’ of "we lt Refund oyu mote, Come to Dette “the Automonile. Center and haar te Wuss gan Beate Rata. ‘Schoo io Ty Sette Are,, near Woodward, Dept AUTOMDEILE School, gout, and ter the sup a, earn Te ia) MEN Wanted—For auto salemin, De opatrators, and) drivers. Our graduates i aon ‘eal Ante ate for oot, Hi rein Nircts ew York PAINTING, ‘Decorating, wight Uy pedual netic ‘nea choo! of Painting, 414 Dearborn Seeenieuse, pean ont 1,200.06 ‘oa Helun “checking Hook fetterheas outed Hepes G40 Dearborn Ave. CME 0, i

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