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Lacustrine Petroleum

Source Rocks
Geological Society Special Publications
Series Editor K. C 0 E

Lacustrine Petroleum
Source Rocks

A. J. F L E E T
Exploration and Production Division
B.P. Research International

K. K E L T S
Geology Section

M. R. T A L B O T
Geology Institute
University of Bergen

I 2


Published for
The Geological Society by
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Lacustrine petroleum source rocks.--
Typeset, printed and bound in Great Britain by (Geological Society special publication
William Clowes Limited, Beccles and London ISSN 0305-8719).
1. Lacustrine sediments. Petroleum deposits
I. Fleet, A. J. (Andy J) II. Kelts, K.
III. Talbot, M.R. IV. Series

Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Lacustrine petroleum source rocks.
(Geological Society special publication,
ISSN 0305-8719; no. 40).
Includes index.
1. Petroleum--Geology. 2. Paleolimnology.
I. Fleet, A.J. II. Kelts, K.R. III. Talbot,
M.R. IV. Geological Society of London. V.
TN870.5.L22 1988 553.2'82 88-2870
ISBN 0-632-01803-8

Introduction vii

Acknowledgements xi

Part I: Tectonic, Geological, Geochemical and Biological Framework

KELTS, K. Environments of deposition of lacustrine petroleum source rocks: an introduction 3

TALLING, J. F. Modern phytoplankton production in African lakes* 27

TALBOT, M. R. The origins of lacustrine oil source rocks: evidence from the lakes of tropical
Africa 29

DE DECKKER, P. Large Australian lakes during the last 20 million years: sites for petroleum
source rock or metal ore deposition, or both? 45

Microbial and biogeochemical processes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada 59

SUMMERHAYES,C. P. Predicting palaeoclimates* 77

Part II: Palaeoenvironmental Indicators

KATZ, B. J. Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems: an organic geochemical comparison
(Green River Formation and East African lake sediments) 81

VANDENBROUCKE,M. & BEHAR, F. Geochemical characterization of the organic matter from

some recent sediments by a pyrolysis technique 91

VOLKMAN,J. K. Biological marker compounds as indicators of the depositional environments

of petroleum source rocks 103

ZUMBERGE, J. Application of biological markers in the recognition of palaeo-hypersaline
environments 123

DAVISON, W. Interactions of iron, carbon and sulphur in marine and lacustrine sediments 131

YURETICH, R. F. Possible relationships of stratigraphy and clay mineralogy to source rock

potential in lacustrine sequences 139

BAHRIG, B. Palaeo-environment information from deep water siderite (Lake of Laach, West
Germany) 153

JIANG DE-XIN. Spores and pollen in oils as indicators of lacustrine source rocks 159

Part III: Case Studies

DUNCAN, A. D. & HAMILTON, R. F. M. Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry of the
Middle Devonian in the Orcadian Basin 173

* Extended abstract.
vi Contents

HILLIER, S. J. & MARSHALL, J. E. A. Hydrocarbon source rocks, thermal maturity and burial
history of the Orcadian basin, Scotland* 203

PARNELL,J. Significance of lacustrine cherts for the environment of source-rock deposition in

the Orcadian Basin, Scotland 205

LOFTUS, G. W. F. & GREENSMITH, J. T. The lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation--a

key to the deposition of the Dinantian Oil Shales of Scotland 219

PARNELL,J. Lacustrine petroleum source rocks in the Dinantian Oil Shale Group, Scotland: a
review 235

GORE, P. J. W. Lacustrine sequences in an early Mesozoic rift basin: Culpeper Basin, Virginia,
USA 247

Fu JIAMO, SHENG GUOYING& LIU DEHAN. Organic geochemical characteristics of major types
of terrestrial petroleum source rocks in China 279

Luo BINJIE, YANG XINGHUA,LIN HEJIE & ZHENG GUODONG. Characteristics of Mesozoic and
Cenozoic non-marine source rocks in north-west China 291

BRASSELL, S. C., SHENG GUOYING, FU JIAMO& EGLINTON, G. Biological markers in lacustrine

Chinese oil shales 299

WANG TIEGUAN,FAN PU & SWAIN,F. M. Geochemical characteristics of crude oils and source
beds in different continental facies of four oil-bearing basins, China 309

MCKIRDY, D. M., Cox, R. E. & MORTON, J. G. G. Biological marker, isotopic and geological
studies of lacustrine crude oils in the western Otway Basin, South Australia* 327

HUTTON, A. C. The lacustrine Condor oil shale sequence 329

GIBLING, U. R. Cenozoic lacustrine basins of South-east Asia, their tectonic setting,

depositional environment and hydrocarbon potential 341

ANADON, P., CABRERA,L. & JULIA, R. Anoxic-oxic cyclical lacustrine sedimentation in the
Miocene Rubielos de Mora Basin, Spain 353

CROSSLEV, R. & OWES, B. Sand turbidites and organic-rich diatomaceous muds from Lake
Malawi, Central Africa 369

Index 375

* Extended abstract.

Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks is a collection The volume is divided into three parts. The
of papers arising from a meeting held at the papers of the first part provide the overall
Geology Society, London, in September 1985. framework and background against which to
The meeting was organized by the IGCP Project consider the more specific studies presented in
219, 'Comparative lacustrine sedimentology in Parts II and III. No attempt has been made here
space and time', and the Petroleum Group of the to give a precis of the nature of petroleum source
Geological Society. rocks: the reader should refer to standard texts
Organic-rich lacustrine sediments, potential such as Tissot & Welte (1984) for such fundamen-
sources of oil and/or gas, represent a group of tals. Part II of the volume details a range of
lacustrine sediments whose interpretation is not techniques and approaches which can be used
only intellectually challenging but whose subsur- when interpreting the palaeoenvironments of
face prediction, in terms of location, nature and lakes. Part III provides various case studies from
lateral variation, is economically important. The around the world arranged in stratigraphic
papers in this volume represent an attempt to sequence.
bring together synthesized concepts, techniques
and real examples in order to provide ideas for
both interpretation and prediction. Frameworks
Petroleum source rocks deposited in lakes have
come more into focus over recent years as The first six papers of the volume provide an
petroleum exploration has shifted to new areas overview of lacustrine sedimentation, in particu-
and as more detailed analysis of known petroleum lar the factors which control organic matter
provinces has become an exploration necessity. deposition and preservation. These factors are
New areas include the multifarious basins of founded on fundamental tectonic and hydrologic
onshore China, for instance as described in this controls which cause a lake to exist and allow it
volume by Fu Jiamo et al., Brassell et al., Wang to persist. Organic matter supply is both autoch-
Tieguan et al. and Luo Binjie et al., and the rift thonous and allochthonous. Autochthonous sup-
basins of Africa (e.g. Sudan: Schull 1984; Frostick ply depends on nutrient availability and resulting
et al. 1986). Lacustrine sources of petroleum must biological productivity in the surface waters of
also be accounted for in some established petro- the lake. Allochthonous input reflects bordering
leum provinces ranging from passive margin vegetation and transport mechanisms into the
sequences, such as offshore Gabon (e.g. Brice et lake. Organic preservation is governed by various
al. 1980), to the North Sea (e.g. Duncan & factors. For labile, potentially oil-prone aquatic
Hamilton, this volume). Lacustrine source rocks detritus it depends most significantly on oxygen-:
are often unsampled, being among the first deficient or -depleted bottom-water conditions
deposits of a syn-rift sequence, in which case and thus on lake hydrodynamics. However, rapid
evidence for them is indirect, provided by oils sedimentation may also lead to preservation,
themselves (e.g. McKirdy et al., this volume). while sulphate reducing organisms may cause
Lacustrine petroleum source rocks represent significant destruction even after deposition
one suite of the very varied lithologies which can under anaerobic-anoxic conditions. The interre-
accumulate in lakes. This variety reflects the lated factors of geography, tectonics, hydrology,
broad range of dissolved and detrital inputs to lake circulation, inorganic and organic sediment
lakes and the large spectrum of environmental supply and preservational conditions, therefore,
conditions which can occur in lakes. Rapidly all need consideration when assessing the pres-
fluctuating conditions in individual lakes and, in ence, nature and variability of lacustrine source
some cases, the ephemeral nature of lakes often rocks.
complicates particular sequences further. The The scene is set by Kelts, who spans from the
variety of lacustrine sediments in general, and essential conditions for a lake (a topographic
the complexity of individual deposits, has meant depression and a hydrological balance adequate
that lacustrine sediments have, with notable to support surface water) to an outline of currently
exceptions (e.g. the Green River basins, western perceived problems relating to lacustrine kero-
USA), frequently received scant attention. IGCP gens, the sources of petroleum. Modern and
Project 219 has set out to rectify this by gathering ancient lakes and their tectonic settings are put
data and interpreting the distribution and varia- in context and the variable chemistry of lakes is
bility of lacustrine sediments in space and time. outlined. The stratigraphic distribution of lacus-

viii Introduction
trine source rocks and published models of their climates which can be used to assess the regional
formation are briefly reviewed. This leads to a environments of lake basins.
survey of how carbon cycles and deposition vary
between lakes with differing chemistries.
Recent African lakes provide natural labora-
tories. Talling's brief contribution focuses on a Palaeoenvironmental indicators
first step in the formation of lacustrine source
rocks: biological productivity. Talbot follows the Organic, inorganic, mineralogical and isotopic
process further by considering the nature and indicators of organic matter input and environ-
accumulation of Pleistocene organic-rich sedi- mental conditions are all considered in Part II of
ments in six tropical African lakes. The preserved the volume. (Information on the range and
organic matter is a mixture of aquatic and ecological significance of many limnic biota in
terrigenous higher-plant detritus. The richest the geologic record is generally lacking.) Organic
potential oil-prone source rocks accumulated in geochemistry is dealt with first. The first two
both stratified (meromictic) and annually mixed papers are concerned with bulk characterization
(monomictic) lakes when the climate was humid of the organic matter of organic-rich lacustrine
and winds slack. The humid climate ensured two sediments and the second two with molecular
things: firstly, dense land vegetation and thus parameters. Katz compares clastic lacustrine
minimal clastic input to the lakes which would sediments from three modem African lakes with
have diluted accumulating organic matter; sec- lacustrine carbonates represented by the ancient,
ondly, intense chemical weathering and thus a but thermally immature, Green River Formation
supply of nutrients. Stable stratification in the of Utah and Colorado. The former contain more
lakes allowed organic matter preservation under inert material than the latter but both types of
oxygen-deficient or -depleted bottom-water con- sediments are capable of generating oils, indicat-
ditions; occasional mixing may have occurred in ing that hydrogen-rich, oil-prone material can be
those lakes where organic accumulation rates preserved in both types of lacustrine environ-
were high. Overall Talbot finds no evidence from ment. Katz's pyrolysis-gas chromatography
his studies to support the idea that shallow saline results indicate that the oils derived from either
lakes are especially favourable as sites for the type of potential source rock on maturation would
deposition of potential oil-prone source rocks. have high wax contents. Vandenbroucke and
Organic matter preservation in various types Behar also discuss a pyrolysis technique. This
of lake is discussed by De Deckker. He considers involves fractionation of the pyrolysate into
three types of large Neogene lake from Australia: groups of organic compounds and analysis of the
deep lakes, lakes with ephemeral (and shallow) compounds by gas chromatography and gas
water and 'dry' lakes. He thus extends discussion chromatography-mass spectrometry. Their re-
to more saline conditions. His work suggests that suits tentatively suggest that lacustrine kerogens
petroleum source rocks are principally limited to can be distinguished from other kerogens and are
deep lakes in which organic matter is preserved indeed characterized by Type I kerogen.
under anaerobic bottom-water conditions. In In contrast to bulk analyses, molecular or
ephemeral lakes significant algal mat bioherms biological markers are very specific indicators of
can develop under hypersaline conditions but either organic matter inputs (types of organisms
these are subject to attack during early diagenesis or even specific genera) or depositional environ-
by sulphate-reducing organisms which destroy ment. They can be derived from either sediments
their organic content. Some ephemeral and 'dry' or oils. The first paper on this topic, by Volkman,
Australian lakes therefore tend to be sites of is a comprehensive state-of-the-art review. It
metalliferous deposits rather than petroleum highlights the pitfalls associated with blindly
source rocks. using some published biological markers and
Saline conditions are considered further in the suggests future directions for relevant research.
next paper. This illustrates the kind of detailed In contrast, the second biological marker paper,
study necessary to understand organic productiv- by ten Haven et al., is specific in scope dealing
ity and deposition in just one such lake. It with the molecular characterization of sediments
discusses the ongoing work of Oremland et al. or oils from hypersaline environments.
who are investigating microbial and biogeochem- Inorganic chemical or mineralogical indicators
ical processes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada, which of palaeoenvironment are the subject of the next
is stratified, 65 m deep and alkaline (pH 9.7). three papers. Because of the lack of dissolved
A final aspect of understanding the framework sulphate in freshwater lakes relative to seawater,
of lacustrine deposits is outlined by Summerhayes carbon-sulphur ratios and the partitioning of
who discusses recent work on predicting palaeo- sulphur between pyrite and organic matter have
Introduction ix

been used to distinguish lacustrine and marine of the next two papers. Loftus and Greensmith
environments. Davison reviews this approach identify a series of freshwater stratified lakes in a
and, while accepting that it is soundly based, wet tropical climate. These underwent cyclic
urges cautious use because of our limited under- changes and some connection to the open sea.
standing, particularly of pyrite formation in Oil-shale deposition occurred at intervals. Parnell
freshwater environments. Yuretich also suggests reviews the petroleum potential and composition
that there are gaps in our knowledge of lacustrine of the oil-shales and the associated sediments.
systems. He argues that the inherently heteroge- The Newark Rift System of eastern North
neous nature of lacustrine clays and the extremes America provides analogues of lacustrine sedi-
of porewater chemistries likely to occur beneath ments for some passive margin and intra-
lakes probably mean that lacustrine clays behave continental rift sequences. Gore provides a
very differently from their marine counterparts detailed review and interpretation of one of the
during diagenesis. He suggests this may affect the basins of the Rift System: the Culpeper Basin.
catalytic influence of clays during kerogen break- Late Triassic to Early Jurassic lacustrine sedi-
down to petroleum and thus explain the localized ments occur in the Culpeper Basin, which is a
migration in lacustrine oilfields and their small half-graben, along with fluvial and alluvial fan
size. Bahrig's contribution on siderite illustrates deposits. Gore recognizes freshwater, saline and
how isotopic evidence can be used to interpret hypersaline lakes as both lateral equivalents and
the origin of mineral phases and so help build up successive water bodies. Organic-rich laminated
the depositional and diagenetic histories of shales were deposited where the lakes were
lacustrine sediments. stratified and bottom waters 'anoxic'. Gore
Finally in this Part of the volume, Jiang De- suggests that climatic variations, controlled by
xin presents a novel technique for studying the Milankovitch-type cyclicity, influenced chemical
origin and migration history of oils. This involves sedimentation in the basin and thus the hydrology
using spore and pollen recovered from oils as of the area including lake formation.
indicators of both the source rock of the oils and The next four papers deal with petroleum-
the carrier beds through which the oils have bearing Chinese continental basins. These basins
migrated. From an investigation of the spores constitute the most significant area of lacustrine-
and pollen of Chinese oils, Jiang De-xin concludes sourced petroleum production in the world. They
that wet, hot climatic conditions are conducive vary in age from the Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic
for the deposition of lacustrine oil-prone source and cover the full range of possible lacustrine
rocks. environments. This wide spectrum is illustrated
by Fu Jiamo et al. and Luo Binjie et al. The
former authors emphasize the relationship be-
tween tectonic setting and lacustrine sedimenta-
Case studies tion, while the latter group suggests that humid
or semi-humid climatic conditions and deep to
The final part of the volume is devoted to fifteen intermediate lakes most favoured oil-prone
examples of actual or potential lacustrine source source-rock deposition. Both discuss the natures
rocks. The ordering of these case studies is of the source rocks and their oils. Brassell et al.
stratigraphic. The first three deal with the and Wang Tieguan et al. expand on these themes
Devonian Orcadian basin of Scotland. Duncan with detailed geochemical studies.
and Hamilton extend a depositional model for Two Australian studies are considered next.
organic-rich lacustrine laminites, based on out- McKirdy et al. use the indirect evidence provided
crop data, to the ill-defined subsurface of the by the chemical compositions of surface bitumens
offshore Moray Firth basin. They illustrate the to argue for Early Cretaceous lacustrine source
strengths of molecular marker geochemistry by rocks in the rift-valley sequence of the Otway
using the approach to argue for a component of basin, offshore of southeastern Australia. The
Orcadian lacustrine-derived oil in the Beatrice nature of Australian Tertiary oil shales as
field. Hillier and Marshall briefly summarize freshwater lacustrine deposits is then illustrated
points concerning the distribution and maturity by Hutton who describes the Condor Oil Shale of
of source rocks in the Orcadian Basin. Parnell Queensland as an example.
interprets cherts from the Orcadian Basin as Finally, three sets of Cenozoic lacustrine basins
evidence of saline, alkaline conditions of source- are considered. Gibling describes and interprets
rock deposition. oil shales and associated coals and sediments
The lacustrine Carboniferous Oil Shales of the which accumulated in various sized strike-slip
Scottish Midland Valley, the foundations of the basins of Thailand during Oligocene and Miocene
ancestral UK petroleum industry, are the subject times. In general, the oil shales represent early
x Introduction

episodes of aquatic productivity during the which illustrates the interplay of mass flow
history of the lakes, but in one case deposition sedimentation and productivity events in lakes.
occurred in a deep, persistent, 'perennially stag- Our understanding of the formation of lacus-
nant' lake. The existence of lacustrine carbonates trine petroleum source rocks is more diffuse than
and siliciclastic sediments in adjacent basins that of their marine counterparts (e.g. Brooks
points to the strong influence of localized sedi- and Fleet 1987). This volume should provide
ment supply and water compositions. Local and stimulation on directions to follow in attempting
temporally-variable controls on lacustrine depo- to improve this understanding. We believe that
sition are further emphasized by Anadon et al.'s future prospects are exciting. There is a new
study of anoxic-oxic lacustrine cycles in the challenge for geologists to formulate sophisticated
Miocene Rubielos de Mora basin of Spain. Lastly, models for lake deposits, integrating results from
Crossley and Owen return the volume to Africa diverse modern lake environments with those
with a detailed study of cores from Lake Malawi from ancient lake deposits.

BRICE, S. E., KELTS, K. R. & ARTHUR, M. A. 1980. J.-J. 1986. Sedimentation in the African Rifts.
Lower Cretaceous lacustrine source beds from the Geological Society Special Publication, 25, Black-
early rifting phase of the South Atlantic. Bulletin well Scientific Publications, Oxford.
of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, SCHULL, T. J. 1984. Oil exploration in non-marine rift
64, 680-681. basins of Interior Sudan. Bulletin of the American
BROOKS, J. & FLEET, A. J. 1987. Marine Petroleum Association of Petroleum Geologists, 68, 526.
Source Rocks. Geological Society Special Publica- TISSOT,B. d~WELTE,D. 1984. Petroleum Formation and
tion, 26, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Occurrence. 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

A. J. FLEET, Exploration & Production Division, B.P. Research International, Chertsey

Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW 16 7IN, UK.
K. KELTS,Geology Section, EAWAG/ETH, C8600 Dfibendorf, Switzerland.
M. R. TALBOT,Geologisk Institutt Avd A, Universitetet i Bergen, Allegt. 41, 5014, Bergen,
The meeting on 'Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks', and hence this volume, would not have been
possible without the financial support of the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP)
and the organization and help of the Geological Society. We are particularly grateful to Caroline
Symonds and her colleagues in the Society Office and Mr and Mrs Ewens and their helpers for the
smooth running of the meeting.
The volume itself reflects not only the efforts of the authors but also the contributions of the
questioning and constructive reviewers and the patience of Mary-Clare Swatman of Blackwell
Scientific Publications who pulled the book together.


Introduction vii

Acknowledgements xi

Part I: Tectonic, Geological, Geochemical and Biological Framework

KELTS, K. Environments of deposition of lacustrine petroleum source rocks: an introduction 3

TALLING, J. F. Modern phytoplankton production in African lakes* 27

TALBOT, M. R. The origins of lacustrine oil source rocks: evidence from the lakes of tropical
Africa 29

DE DECKKER, P. Large Australian lakes during the last 20 million years: sites for petroleum
source rock or metal ore deposition, or both? 45

Microbial and biogeochemical processes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada 59

SUMMERHAYES,C. P. Predicting palaeoclimates* 77

Part II: Palaeoenvironmental Indicators

KATZ, B. J. Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems: an organic geochemical comparison
(Green River Formation and East African lake sediments) 81

VANDENBROUCKE,M. & BEHAR, F. Geochemical characterization of the organic matter from

some recent sediments by a pyrolysis technique 91

VOLKMAN,J. K. Biological marker compounds as indicators of the depositional environments

of petroleum source rocks 103

ZUMBERGE, J. Application of biological markers in the recognition of palaeo-hypersaline
environments 123

DAVISON, W. Interactions of iron, carbon and sulphur in marine and lacustrine sediments 131

YURETICH, R. F. Possible relationships of stratigraphy and clay mineralogy to source rock

potential in lacustrine sequences 139

BAHRIG, B. Palaeo-environment information from deep water siderite (Lake of Laach, West
Germany) 153

JIANG DE-XIN. Spores and pollen in oils as indicators of lacustrine source rocks 159

Part III: Case Studies

DUNCAN, A. D. & HAMILTON, R. F. M. Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry of the
Middle Devonian in the Orcadian Basin 173

* Extended abstract.
vi Contents

HILLIER, S. J. & MARSHALL, J. E. A. Hydrocarbon source rocks, thermal maturity and burial
history of the Orcadian basin, Scotland* 203

PARNELL,J. Significance of lacustrine cherts for the environment of source-rock deposition in

the Orcadian Basin, Scotland 205

LOFTUS, G. W. F. & GREENSMITH, J. T. The lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation--a

key to the deposition of the Dinantian Oil Shales of Scotland 219

PARNELL,J. Lacustrine petroleum source rocks in the Dinantian Oil Shale Group, Scotland: a
review 235

GORE, P. J. W. Lacustrine sequences in an early Mesozoic rift basin: Culpeper Basin, Virginia,
USA 247

Fu JIAMO, SHENG GUOYING& LIU DEHAN. Organic geochemical characteristics of major types
of terrestrial petroleum source rocks in China 279

Luo BINJIE, YANG XINGHUA,LIN HEJIE & ZHENG GUODONG. Characteristics of Mesozoic and
Cenozoic non-marine source rocks in north-west China 291

BRASSELL, S. C., SHENG GUOYING, FU JIAMO& EGLINTON, G. Biological markers in lacustrine

Chinese oil shales 299

WANG TIEGUAN,FAN PU & SWAIN,F. M. Geochemical characteristics of crude oils and source
beds in different continental facies of four oil-bearing basins, China 309

MCKIRDY, D. M., Cox, R. E. & MORTON, J. G. G. Biological marker, isotopic and geological
studies of lacustrine crude oils in the western Otway Basin, South Australia* 327

HUTTON, A. C. The lacustrine Condor oil shale sequence 329

GIBLING, U. R. Cenozoic lacustrine basins of South-east Asia, their tectonic setting,

depositional environment and hydrocarbon potential 341

ANADON, P., CABRERA,L. & JULIA, R. Anoxic-oxic cyclical lacustrine sedimentation in the
Miocene Rubielos de Mora Basin, Spain 353

CROSSLEV, R. & OWES, B. Sand turbidites and organic-rich diatomaceous muds from Lake
Malawi, Central Africa 369

Index 375

* Extended abstract.

Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks is a collection The volume is divided into three parts. The
of papers arising from a meeting held at the papers of the first part provide the overall
Geology Society, London, in September 1985. framework and background against which to
The meeting was organized by the IGCP Project consider the more specific studies presented in
219, 'Comparative lacustrine sedimentology in Parts II and III. No attempt has been made here
space and time', and the Petroleum Group of the to give a precis of the nature of petroleum source
Geological Society. rocks: the reader should refer to standard texts
Organic-rich lacustrine sediments, potential such as Tissot & Welte (1984) for such fundamen-
sources of oil and/or gas, represent a group of tals. Part II of the volume details a range of
lacustrine sediments whose interpretation is not techniques and approaches which can be used
only intellectually challenging but whose subsur- when interpreting the palaeoenvironments of
face prediction, in terms of location, nature and lakes. Part III provides various case studies from
lateral variation, is economically important. The around the world arranged in stratigraphic
papers in this volume represent an attempt to sequence.
bring together synthesized concepts, techniques
and real examples in order to provide ideas for
both interpretation and prediction. Frameworks
Petroleum source rocks deposited in lakes have
come more into focus over recent years as The first six papers of the volume provide an
petroleum exploration has shifted to new areas overview of lacustrine sedimentation, in particu-
and as more detailed analysis of known petroleum lar the factors which control organic matter
provinces has become an exploration necessity. deposition and preservation. These factors are
New areas include the multifarious basins of founded on fundamental tectonic and hydrologic
onshore China, for instance as described in this controls which cause a lake to exist and allow it
volume by Fu Jiamo et al., Brassell et al., Wang to persist. Organic matter supply is both autoch-
Tieguan et al. and Luo Binjie et al., and the rift thonous and allochthonous. Autochthonous sup-
basins of Africa (e.g. Sudan: Schull 1984; Frostick ply depends on nutrient availability and resulting
et al. 1986). Lacustrine sources of petroleum must biological productivity in the surface waters of
also be accounted for in some established petro- the lake. Allochthonous input reflects bordering
leum provinces ranging from passive margin vegetation and transport mechanisms into the
sequences, such as offshore Gabon (e.g. Brice et lake. Organic preservation is governed by various
al. 1980), to the North Sea (e.g. Duncan & factors. For labile, potentially oil-prone aquatic
Hamilton, this volume). Lacustrine source rocks detritus it depends most significantly on oxygen-:
are often unsampled, being among the first deficient or -depleted bottom-water conditions
deposits of a syn-rift sequence, in which case and thus on lake hydrodynamics. However, rapid
evidence for them is indirect, provided by oils sedimentation may also lead to preservation,
themselves (e.g. McKirdy et al., this volume). while sulphate reducing organisms may cause
Lacustrine petroleum source rocks represent significant destruction even after deposition
one suite of the very varied lithologies which can under anaerobic-anoxic conditions. The interre-
accumulate in lakes. This variety reflects the lated factors of geography, tectonics, hydrology,
broad range of dissolved and detrital inputs to lake circulation, inorganic and organic sediment
lakes and the large spectrum of environmental supply and preservational conditions, therefore,
conditions which can occur in lakes. Rapidly all need consideration when assessing the pres-
fluctuating conditions in individual lakes and, in ence, nature and variability of lacustrine source
some cases, the ephemeral nature of lakes often rocks.
complicates particular sequences further. The The scene is set by Kelts, who spans from the
variety of lacustrine sediments in general, and essential conditions for a lake (a topographic
the complexity of individual deposits, has meant depression and a hydrological balance adequate
that lacustrine sediments have, with notable to support surface water) to an outline of currently
exceptions (e.g. the Green River basins, western perceived problems relating to lacustrine kero-
USA), frequently received scant attention. IGCP gens, the sources of petroleum. Modern and
Project 219 has set out to rectify this by gathering ancient lakes and their tectonic settings are put
data and interpreting the distribution and varia- in context and the variable chemistry of lakes is
bility of lacustrine sediments in space and time. outlined. The stratigraphic distribution of lacus-

viii Introduction
trine source rocks and published models of their climates which can be used to assess the regional
formation are briefly reviewed. This leads to a environments of lake basins.
survey of how carbon cycles and deposition vary
between lakes with differing chemistries.
Recent African lakes provide natural labora-
tories. Talling's brief contribution focuses on a Palaeoenvironmental indicators
first step in the formation of lacustrine source
rocks: biological productivity. Talbot follows the Organic, inorganic, mineralogical and isotopic
process further by considering the nature and indicators of organic matter input and environ-
accumulation of Pleistocene organic-rich sedi- mental conditions are all considered in Part II of
ments in six tropical African lakes. The preserved the volume. (Information on the range and
organic matter is a mixture of aquatic and ecological significance of many limnic biota in
terrigenous higher-plant detritus. The richest the geologic record is generally lacking.) Organic
potential oil-prone source rocks accumulated in geochemistry is dealt with first. The first two
both stratified (meromictic) and annually mixed papers are concerned with bulk characterization
(monomictic) lakes when the climate was humid of the organic matter of organic-rich lacustrine
and winds slack. The humid climate ensured two sediments and the second two with molecular
things: firstly, dense land vegetation and thus parameters. Katz compares clastic lacustrine
minimal clastic input to the lakes which would sediments from three modem African lakes with
have diluted accumulating organic matter; sec- lacustrine carbonates represented by the ancient,
ondly, intense chemical weathering and thus a but thermally immature, Green River Formation
supply of nutrients. Stable stratification in the of Utah and Colorado. The former contain more
lakes allowed organic matter preservation under inert material than the latter but both types of
oxygen-deficient or -depleted bottom-water con- sediments are capable of generating oils, indicat-
ditions; occasional mixing may have occurred in ing that hydrogen-rich, oil-prone material can be
those lakes where organic accumulation rates preserved in both types of lacustrine environ-
were high. Overall Talbot finds no evidence from ment. Katz's pyrolysis-gas chromatography
his studies to support the idea that shallow saline results indicate that the oils derived from either
lakes are especially favourable as sites for the type of potential source rock on maturation would
deposition of potential oil-prone source rocks. have high wax contents. Vandenbroucke and
Organic matter preservation in various types Behar also discuss a pyrolysis technique. This
of lake is discussed by De Deckker. He considers involves fractionation of the pyrolysate into
three types of large Neogene lake from Australia: groups of organic compounds and analysis of the
deep lakes, lakes with ephemeral (and shallow) compounds by gas chromatography and gas
water and 'dry' lakes. He thus extends discussion chromatography-mass spectrometry. Their re-
to more saline conditions. His work suggests that suits tentatively suggest that lacustrine kerogens
petroleum source rocks are principally limited to can be distinguished from other kerogens and are
deep lakes in which organic matter is preserved indeed characterized by Type I kerogen.
under anaerobic bottom-water conditions. In In contrast to bulk analyses, molecular or
ephemeral lakes significant algal mat bioherms biological markers are very specific indicators of
can develop under hypersaline conditions but either organic matter inputs (types of organisms
these are subject to attack during early diagenesis or even specific genera) or depositional environ-
by sulphate-reducing organisms which destroy ment. They can be derived from either sediments
their organic content. Some ephemeral and 'dry' or oils. The first paper on this topic, by Volkman,
Australian lakes therefore tend to be sites of is a comprehensive state-of-the-art review. It
metalliferous deposits rather than petroleum highlights the pitfalls associated with blindly
source rocks. using some published biological markers and
Saline conditions are considered further in the suggests future directions for relevant research.
next paper. This illustrates the kind of detailed In contrast, the second biological marker paper,
study necessary to understand organic productiv- by ten Haven et al., is specific in scope dealing
ity and deposition in just one such lake. It with the molecular characterization of sediments
discusses the ongoing work of Oremland et al. or oils from hypersaline environments.
who are investigating microbial and biogeochem- Inorganic chemical or mineralogical indicators
ical processes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada, which of palaeoenvironment are the subject of the next
is stratified, 65 m deep and alkaline (pH 9.7). three papers. Because of the lack of dissolved
A final aspect of understanding the framework sulphate in freshwater lakes relative to seawater,
of lacustrine deposits is outlined by Summerhayes carbon-sulphur ratios and the partitioning of
who discusses recent work on predicting palaeo- sulphur between pyrite and organic matter have
Introduction ix

been used to distinguish lacustrine and marine of the next two papers. Loftus and Greensmith
environments. Davison reviews this approach identify a series of freshwater stratified lakes in a
and, while accepting that it is soundly based, wet tropical climate. These underwent cyclic
urges cautious use because of our limited under- changes and some connection to the open sea.
standing, particularly of pyrite formation in Oil-shale deposition occurred at intervals. Parnell
freshwater environments. Yuretich also suggests reviews the petroleum potential and composition
that there are gaps in our knowledge of lacustrine of the oil-shales and the associated sediments.
systems. He argues that the inherently heteroge- The Newark Rift System of eastern North
neous nature of lacustrine clays and the extremes America provides analogues of lacustrine sedi-
of porewater chemistries likely to occur beneath ments for some passive margin and intra-
lakes probably mean that lacustrine clays behave continental rift sequences. Gore provides a
very differently from their marine counterparts detailed review and interpretation of one of the
during diagenesis. He suggests this may affect the basins of the Rift System: the Culpeper Basin.
catalytic influence of clays during kerogen break- Late Triassic to Early Jurassic lacustrine sedi-
down to petroleum and thus explain the localized ments occur in the Culpeper Basin, which is a
migration in lacustrine oilfields and their small half-graben, along with fluvial and alluvial fan
size. Bahrig's contribution on siderite illustrates deposits. Gore recognizes freshwater, saline and
how isotopic evidence can be used to interpret hypersaline lakes as both lateral equivalents and
the origin of mineral phases and so help build up successive water bodies. Organic-rich laminated
the depositional and diagenetic histories of shales were deposited where the lakes were
lacustrine sediments. stratified and bottom waters 'anoxic'. Gore
Finally in this Part of the volume, Jiang De- suggests that climatic variations, controlled by
xin presents a novel technique for studying the Milankovitch-type cyclicity, influenced chemical
origin and migration history of oils. This involves sedimentation in the basin and thus the hydrology
using spore and pollen recovered from oils as of the area including lake formation.
indicators of both the source rock of the oils and The next four papers deal with petroleum-
the carrier beds through which the oils have bearing Chinese continental basins. These basins
migrated. From an investigation of the spores constitute the most significant area of lacustrine-
and pollen of Chinese oils, Jiang De-xin concludes sourced petroleum production in the world. They
that wet, hot climatic conditions are conducive vary in age from the Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic
for the deposition of lacustrine oil-prone source and cover the full range of possible lacustrine
rocks. environments. This wide spectrum is illustrated
by Fu Jiamo et al. and Luo Binjie et al. The
former authors emphasize the relationship be-
tween tectonic setting and lacustrine sedimenta-
Case studies tion, while the latter group suggests that humid
or semi-humid climatic conditions and deep to
The final part of the volume is devoted to fifteen intermediate lakes most favoured oil-prone
examples of actual or potential lacustrine source source-rock deposition. Both discuss the natures
rocks. The ordering of these case studies is of the source rocks and their oils. Brassell et al.
stratigraphic. The first three deal with the and Wang Tieguan et al. expand on these themes
Devonian Orcadian basin of Scotland. Duncan with detailed geochemical studies.
and Hamilton extend a depositional model for Two Australian studies are considered next.
organic-rich lacustrine laminites, based on out- McKirdy et al. use the indirect evidence provided
crop data, to the ill-defined subsurface of the by the chemical compositions of surface bitumens
offshore Moray Firth basin. They illustrate the to argue for Early Cretaceous lacustrine source
strengths of molecular marker geochemistry by rocks in the rift-valley sequence of the Otway
using the approach to argue for a component of basin, offshore of southeastern Australia. The
Orcadian lacustrine-derived oil in the Beatrice nature of Australian Tertiary oil shales as
field. Hillier and Marshall briefly summarize freshwater lacustrine deposits is then illustrated
points concerning the distribution and maturity by Hutton who describes the Condor Oil Shale of
of source rocks in the Orcadian Basin. Parnell Queensland as an example.
interprets cherts from the Orcadian Basin as Finally, three sets of Cenozoic lacustrine basins
evidence of saline, alkaline conditions of source- are considered. Gibling describes and interprets
rock deposition. oil shales and associated coals and sediments
The lacustrine Carboniferous Oil Shales of the which accumulated in various sized strike-slip
Scottish Midland Valley, the foundations of the basins of Thailand during Oligocene and Miocene
ancestral UK petroleum industry, are the subject times. In general, the oil shales represent early
x Introduction

episodes of aquatic productivity during the which illustrates the interplay of mass flow
history of the lakes, but in one case deposition sedimentation and productivity events in lakes.
occurred in a deep, persistent, 'perennially stag- Our understanding of the formation of lacus-
nant' lake. The existence of lacustrine carbonates trine petroleum source rocks is more diffuse than
and siliciclastic sediments in adjacent basins that of their marine counterparts (e.g. Brooks
points to the strong influence of localized sedi- and Fleet 1987). This volume should provide
ment supply and water compositions. Local and stimulation on directions to follow in attempting
temporally-variable controls on lacustrine depo- to improve this understanding. We believe that
sition are further emphasized by Anadon et al.'s future prospects are exciting. There is a new
study of anoxic-oxic lacustrine cycles in the challenge for geologists to formulate sophisticated
Miocene Rubielos de Mora basin of Spain. Lastly, models for lake deposits, integrating results from
Crossley and Owen return the volume to Africa diverse modern lake environments with those
with a detailed study of cores from Lake Malawi from ancient lake deposits.

BRICE, S. E., KELTS, K. R. & ARTHUR, M. A. 1980. J.-J. 1986. Sedimentation in the African Rifts.
Lower Cretaceous lacustrine source beds from the Geological Society Special Publication, 25, Black-
early rifting phase of the South Atlantic. Bulletin well Scientific Publications, Oxford.
of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, SCHULL, T. J. 1984. Oil exploration in non-marine rift
64, 680-681. basins of Interior Sudan. Bulletin of the American
BROOKS, J. & FLEET, A. J. 1987. Marine Petroleum Association of Petroleum Geologists, 68, 526.
Source Rocks. Geological Society Special Publica- TISSOT,B. d~WELTE,D. 1984. Petroleum Formation and
tion, 26, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Occurrence. 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

A. J. FLEET, Exploration & Production Division, B.P. Research International, Chertsey

Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW 16 7IN, UK.
K. KELTS,Geology Section, EAWAG/ETH, C8600 Dfibendorf, Switzerland.
M. R. TALBOT,Geologisk Institutt Avd A, Universitetet i Bergen, Allegt. 41, 5014, Bergen,
Environments of deposition of lacustrine petroleum source rocks:
an introduction

K. Kelts

Introduction The distribution of large lakes in our present

world is dominated by settings related to Pleisto-
F. A. Forel (1892-1902) established the scientific cene glaciations (Fig. 1). During various geologi-
discipline of limnology with his integrated study cal time slices; climatic, tectonic and
of biology, chemistry, circulation and sedimen- physiographic conditions supported the long-
tation in modern Lake Geneva. Subsequent term existence of lacustrine giants covering
literature on lakes is largely separate from geology thousands of square kilometres. Preferred sites
in contrast to the historical development of were broad tectonic depressions and along the
marine geology. Strakhov (1970) is one exception trends of continental rifting. Such targets are the
and Pia (1933) another. Classic texts which current focus of most of the oil exploration in
summarize the limnological view of lakes include: continental basins. In order to interpret the
F. Forel (1901), F. Ruttner (1963), G. E. record from ancient lake basins it is essential to
Hutchinson (1957), D. Frey (1974), R. Wetzel view them in their correct palaeogeographic and
(1983), and F. Taub (1984a). None of these tectonic setting.
however emphasize the burial and preservation This chapter aims to provide a matrix (Fig. 2)
of reactive organic carbon. with which to analyse environments of deposition
A lake may be defined as an inland body of of lacustrine petroleum source rocks. It attempts
standing water occupying a depression in the to simplify some of the complexities of lacustrine
earth's crust. It is larger than a pond. As such, systems with models based on modern lake
lakes can exhibit a wide range of possible settings, studies. Lakes are dynamic systems with rates of
sizes, chemistries, concentrations and morpholo- change greater than marine environments. A few
gies. The Greek 'Limne' which is at the root of centimetres of sediment in some outcrop or core
the scientific disciplines Limnology and Limno- sections may record the changes from a dilute,
geology means marsh, lake or pool and by deep-water setting to a shallow, hypersaline brine.
implication has been generally applied to fresh- These changes may be archived by the geochem-
water environments. Thirteen of the world's 40 ical signals in organic matter and lacustrine
largest lakes, and innumerable smaller ones are carbonates, as well as changes in biota.
however without outlets and commonly quite We examine the lacustrine carbon cycle for
saline. Of the largest lakes, only 20 are deeper various settings in terms of productivity, sedi-
than 400 m but these hold most of the world's mentation and preservation potential. The
fresh lake water (23 000 km 3 in Baikal). Because source-rock potentials of lacustrine basins are
traditionally the study of modern lakes is linked promising. Per unit time, lakes probably bury
to securing water resources for man, only a minor more carbon than oceanic environments and the
emphasis has been given the brackish to hyper- preservation potential is commonly high. The
saline ecosystems. These, however, form import- importance of understanding lacustrine source-
ant parts of the geological record of lake basins. rock environments is to discern which type, or
Geology textbooks gloss over lakes as ephemeral types of lakes are likely to contain important
geological features, but in recent years it has petroleum reserves.
become increasingly obvious that vast lake The essential conditions for a lake are simply
deposits are preserved in the geological record a topographical depression, and a hydrological
and many of the ancient lake basins hold great balance that is adequate to support surface water.
promise for economic deposits including metals, The hydrological balance (input-output), in turn,
salts and hydrocarbons. The situation is perhaps is a function of the prevailing climate which is
similar to the Dolomite Problem in the 1960s. influenced by latitude-dependent zonal winds,
Very skimpy data are available from modern altitude, continentality and orbital parameters
systems to help formulate general models that (Street-Perrott & Harrison 1984; Kutzbach &
can be useful in an exploration strategy. Wherever Street-Perrott 1985). Arid zones are common in
one begins; whether in palaeontology, petrology, both cold and warm regions, particularly in the
geochemistry, seismic stratigraphy, or sedimen- continental interiors. Monsoon patterns deter-
tology, there is simply insufficient synthetic mine the amount of moisture excess reaching
information on lake deposits. interior Africa and Asia. Global moisture and

From: FLEET,A. J., K~LTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks,
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 3-26.
4 K. Kelts






Environments of deposition
HYDROLOGY FACIES CONCENTRATION COMPOSITION ously, the southern basin becomes more dilute
due to the smaller reservoir with respect to input,
and the extraction of salts in the northern basin.
Ca- CO 3
The sediment histories of this basin would
OPEN Na-Mg-CI-SO 4 therefore show parallel development to a point,
CLOSED SALINE and then opposite signs caused by the same
Na-HCO3-CO 3
PELAGIAL PENESALINE environmental change (lowering water level)

FIG. 2. Matrix for lacustrine systems.

Lake basin
lake distribution therefore would be radically Lakes are formed by numerous mechanisms that
altered by past plate positions (Parrish & Barron have been classified by Hutchinson (1957). For
1986). geological purposes we may simplify this scheme
Depending on the balance of input vs evapora- with event lake basins which are formed by short-
tion, a lake may be considered hydrologically open term processes and thus less likely to preserve
or closed. An open system is characterized by thick lake deposits in the geological record (see
relatively stable shorelines, and a limited resi- Table 1). These include meteorite and volcanic
dence time for solutes (Fig. 3a). Open systems craters, landslide and other dams, glacial lakes,
may also be linked such as in the Pleistocene karst sink-holes, groundwater lakes and river
pluvial lakes of Panamint Valley, California meanders. Paralic lake basins include cut-off
(Eugster & Hardie 1978). marine embayments and shoreline depressions
Topographically subdivided basins may ex- which are controlled by sea level fluctuations.
hibit reverse sediment facies sequences. High Tectonic lake basins have the highest preservation
lake levels may represent closed basin conditions potential for the geological record. These may be
whereas low levels re-establish open conditions broad crustal warps, foreland deeps, intermon-
(Fig. 3b). The Great Salt Lake provides an tane basins, or rifts and strike-slip. Pull-apart
example (Spencer et al. 1984). The lake is fed basins and continental rifts have the maximum
from the southern end. As lake level drops to less preservation potential because of their rapid
than 5 m water depth, flow is restricted to a subsidence and long histories (Biddle & Christie-
shallow channel and reflux stops. The result is Blick 1985). Ancient lacustrine basin deposits
that the northern basin becomes increasingly often record the conditions during the first stages
concentrated toward halite saturation. Synchron- of continental rifting of a plate.





/10.67 / ~ i~ LOw

i 6q l ~ ~ ~ 878.8


0.06~ I

F[G. 3a. Open Lake Titicaca to closed Poopo Salt Lake as an example of hydrologic balance. Although open, only
a small fraction of the inflow leaves the Titicaca basin. Long residence times lead to evolved water masses. Units
o f 10 9 m 3. After Serruya & Pollingher (1983).
6 K. Kelts

FIG. 3b. Diagrammatic cross section illustrating the reversal of concentration trends as water level falls in a
larger closed basin with topographic complexity. Where lake levels intersect and sub-basin margins have
asymetric water supply, one sub-basin may freshen while another desiccates. These lead to initially equivalent
sediment sequence trends then reversal of salinity signals.

Geochemistry elements from the drainage basin geology by

weathering determines the initial ionic ratios of
Rainwater composition is a function of distance most lakes fed by surface water (Eugster & Hardie
to oceans, wind strengths, and evolution of the 1978). This fingerprint is already present in the
vapour. Near oceans, rain may contain 60ppm early dilute to freshwater phases but becomes
TDS with seawater ratios. Continental interiors particularly important as concentration in-
may have less than 6 ppm TDS of a very different creases. In closed basins, the concentration of
ionic ratio than seawater. Thus the starting point brines may fluctuate widely, but the chemical
for filling a basin may differ. Isotopic composi- type will remain relatively uniform. As brines
tions for example are directly affected. A lake evolve, a main control is the calcium/carbonate
with drinking water (e.g. 200 ppm TDS) may ionic ratio and the early precipitation of calcium
show ~ l s o values of extreme evaporation that carbonates (calcite, aragonite) (Eugster & Hardie
are the same as a saline brine in another region. 1978). If the calcium ion concentration is less
One of the main differences between marine than that of the carbonate ion, it may be depleted
and lacustrine systems is that the initial ionic before significant brine concentration is reached,
balance of waters is not fixed; salinity and and thus reduce the buffering capacity of a lake.
composition are not the same. Mobilization of Without buffering components, lakes may have
Environments of deposition
TABLE 1. Origin of lake basins and examples
Mechanism Selected examples
Event basins
Meteorite L. Bosumtwi, Africa; Miocene Nordlinger Ries, Germany
Volcanic crater Laachersee, Germany; L. Toba & Maninjau, Sumatra; Crater Lake, USA; Nyos,
Cameroon; Cretaceous Kimberlite pipes, S. Africa
Glacial Perialpine Lakes; Great Lakes; L. Permian Karoo, Africa
Dam; meander L. Van, Turkey; Tai Hu, China
Paralic basins L. Maricaibo; The Coorong; Black Sea; Cretaceous Bohai, China; Baltic Sea; L.
(diverse origins) Carpentaria, Quat. Australia
Tectonic basins
Crustal warps L. Victoria, E. Africa; L. Chad; Eocene Green River Fm., USA; Permian Gondwana
Forland basin Caspian Sea; Aral Sea; Miocene Molasse
Intermontane Qing Hai, China; Neogene Iberia, Spain; Great Basin; Salt Lake Urmia, Iran; Great Salt
Lake, USA
Strike-slip Walker Lake,Nev. ; Dead Sea; Plio. Ridge Basin, Calif.; Miocene S.E. Asia; Bohai,
Rift Baikal; Tanganyika; Malawi; Albert; Turkana; Manyara; E. Africa; Triassic E. Coast
USA; L. Cret. S. Atlantic margin; Mesoz. Cent. Africa

pH ranges from less than 1 in some sulphuric- foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton are
acid-rich Japanese crater lakes to more than the most abundant basinal, calcareous compo-
11.0 in alkaline brines of several East African nents; there are few planktonic calcareous fossils
Rift lakes. There are, of course, concomitant in lake deposits. Most fine-grained lacustrine
effects in the corresponding ecosystems. basinal micrite is an inorganic precipitate, in-
Eugster & Hardie (1978) provide a chemical duced by biological or physical-chemical proc-
classification based on solute species from modern esses. Along marginal areas, oncolite, bioherms
lakes (Fig. 4a). It is however difficult to subdivide and stromatolitic carbonates are more prevalent
in most ancient deposits without trace element than in marine environments. Charophyte chalks
data or index minerals (e.g. trona). For the are typically lacustrine. Benthic ostracods, mol-
discussion of petroleum source rocks it is however luscs, and gastropods may form significant beds.
important to differentiate between alkaline affin- Fish, mollusca, ostracods, gastropods and other
ities and saline (i.e. oceanic composition) lakes. limnic fauna are particularly subject to ende-
The Green River Formation, Western African, mism. There are very few systematic palaeo-
Lower Cretaceous coastal basins and several ecological studies of past non-marine environ-
other lacustrine oil basins suggest alkaline affini- ments so that future work is promising. Picard &
ties. High (1972, 1981) concluded that there are few
Lakes may range from dilute, monsoonal criteria which by themselves are sufficient to
rainwater compositions (10 ppm) up to viscous indicate lacustrine deposits. A combination of
chloride brines of 500 000 mg/kg. We can thus positive and negative evidence is needed. Hardie
best classify the range of solute concentrations (1984) indicates sedimentological and geochemi-
for lakes by a logarithmic scheme (Fig. 4b). cal signatures that separate marine and non-
marine evaporites.
Marine vs non-marine environments
Table 2 is a schematic attempt to summarize Source-rock models
some aspects to consider when comparing marine
and lacustrine environments. Major differences Extraction of hydrocarbons from lake deposits
lie in the variable geochemical signatures, car- was already common in biblical times, for
bonate mechanisms and biota. Differences be- example, from the Dead Sea seeps. Chinese
tween lacustrine and marine environments are produced oil from bamboo wells (Mason 1980);
due mainly to the environmental sensitivity of Scots distilled lacustrine Carboniferous oil shales.
lakes to their regional setting and the accom- It was not until the classic monographs of the
panying biological diversity (cf. Fig. 5). vast oil shale deposits of the lacustrine Eocene
In contrast to the marine environment, where Green River Formation, USA (Bradley 1929,
8 K. Kelts

FIG. 4a. Ternary classification of lacustrine chemical types 9Simplified after Eugster & Hardie (1978).


1~ 1 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 ppm TDS
T 5 f s ] 5
. . . . . . PYRAMID
-..: ..-w~,ARA URMIA
"~"" , ,, ~ ~


FIG. 4b. Log-range of solute concentrations for selected lakes. Includes a suggested standard division.
TDS = total dissolved solids in ppm. Data after Hutchinson (1957), Talling& Tailing (1965), Golterman (1975),
Eugster & Hardie (1978), Beadle (1981), Serruya & Pollingher (1983), Taub (1984a) and Hammer (1986).

1964) that controversy among geologists arose by a regular succession of couplets of dark organic
concerning the kind of lakes conducive to sludge (6% C-org.) plus diatom frustules and
accumulation of such hydrocarbon deposits. light-coloured calcite crystals. The couplets fol-
The Green River Formation in Wyoming sits lowed the seasonal productivity cycle with a
well-exposed and relatively undeformed in a pelagic rain of precipitated calcite in the summer
shallow continental saucer. Bradley was struck months induced by biological depletion of CO2
by the long sequence of rhythmic laminations of (cf. Kelts & Hsii 1978). Bradley's deep permanent
carbonate and kerogen (up to 20% organic lake model was later criticized partly because the
carbon) that are common in the basinal areas. He Green River oil shales are associated with
interpreted these as annual varves after visiting evaporites (trona: NHCO3" Na2CO3" 2H20) and
a young pharmacist, Fritz Nipkow, in Zurich, because the carbonates are predominantly dolom-
who had just completed a thesis on the recent itic (Eugster & Surdam 1973). Numerous horizons
sediments of freshwater, deep Lake Zurich with sedimentary structures characteristic of
(Bradley, pets. comm. 1971). Nipkow (1920, shallow to ephemeral conditions led to the
1927) used a glass corer to show that the formulation of a playa-lake complex model
uppermost 20 cm of the lake were characterized (Eugster & Hardie 1975; Surdam & Wolfbauer
Environments of deposition
TABLE 2. Points of contrast for lacustrine vs marine environments of deposition

Aspect Lacustrine Marine

Aqueous reservoir Limited, variable Immense, uniform

Chemistry Highly variable, ion species function of Uniform Na-C1-
drainage basin geology and climate
Salinity Highly variable 101-105 mg TDS/1 35%o
pH Variable 3.0-11.0 8.3 in surface waters
7.7 in bottom waters
Size Highly variable, up to 80 000 km 3 today Immense, but source-rock areas similar
in size to lake basins
Deposits, thickness Generally thin within continental clastics Thin organic-rich zones
Sediment rates 0.1-2 m/ty rapid 0.001-0.35 m/ty modest
Tectonics Event basins or sags or rifts + fault control Sea floor spreading. Continental mar-
gin subsidence
Geodynamics Includes altitude variations, drainage cap- Sea level, epirogeny; slower changes
ture, sudden changes
Climate control Zonal latitude dependent
Climate change Immediate, drastic response; level changes, Long-term response; thousands of years
composition tens of years
Residence time 1-500 yr 1000 yr +
Cycles Annual, sun-spot, short-term climate Long-term climate, palaeo-oceanogra-
phy, Milankovitch
Tides No tidal, seasonal level variation Tidal dominated
Organic matter Algae/bacteria; land plants. Type I common Marine algae, or land plant. Type II &
Productivity Very high, high nutrient Modest, upwelling zones
Preservation potential High with high sed. rates. Anoxia, low Requires high sed. rates, or anoxia
sulphate, common
Bacteria/algae Special adaptations. Photochemotroph, etc. Marine

Silica microfossils Diatoms dominant since Eocene, sponges Diatoms since L. Cret., radiolaria
Calc. microfossils No pelagic calcareous Forams, Nannos dominant
Benthics Ostracods. Local endemism Forams. Worldwide index
Dinoflagellates Abundant, but few cysts preserved Cysts preserved
Vertebrates, etc. Micromammals, reptiles, fish (kills), insects, Vertebrates, insects rare
Littoral shelf No corals, gastropods, stromatolites com- Coralreefs, calc. algae, molluscs, strom.
mon, algal bioherms, charophyte chalks rare, subtidal, no marine charo.
Offshore Macrofossils scarce
Bioturbation Worms, insects, vertebrates. Few burrowers Numerous burrowers

Evaporites Derived, evaporitic concentration variable Marine, fixed sequence, giants, may be
types, reworked, thin, fractionated basins kms thick
Carbonates No barrier reefs, no calcareous plankton Mostly biogenic, calcite dominant
oozes, mostly chemical, dolomite common
Oolites Saline and brackish lakes Turbulent upwelling
Silica Abiotic chert common Biogenic chert common
Basinal Commonly anoxic sediments Anoxia not common
Deltas Short-term, rapid variance response to level Long-term stability
Turbidites Common in dilute waters Rare events
Sands Fan-delta complexes, flood plain, fluvial Clastic shores, beach
Transgression/regression Very short period Long period phenomena
Stratigraphy Often not by Walthers' law, rapid supplan- Walthers' law, transitional
Life span 1 ma is old, up to 35 ma 1-100 ma
Kerogen Variable Type I to III, common high wax,
amorphous, low sulphur, high or low pour
Biomarkers Botryococcane, bacterial common
Io K. Kelts

FIG. 5. Scheme of marginal and basinal depositional areas for lakes. Terminology modified after Hutchinson
(1957). The eulittoral zone of annual flooding constitutes a major difference to marine coastal basins with their
diurnal tides.

1975; Surdam & Stanley 1979) which commonly species and thus represent high-potential environ-
is viewed as an industry standard of lacustrine ments. This theme is further developed by Warren
petroleum source-rock environments. Recent (1986) favouring organic matter, particularly
studies are more differentiated and emphasize from cyanobacterial mats, accumulating in shal-
the dynamic changes in such basins with rapid low-water environments with anoxic, highly
fluctuations of concentration and depth (e.g. saline brines. Powell (1986) takes a more differ-
Eugster 1985, Boyer 1982, Ryder et al. 1976, entiated view based on Australian and Chinese
Desborough 1978). For example, dolomite in conditions and recognizes multiple environments
rhythmic laminites is interpreted as an early with source-rock potential including oligotrophic
diagenetic product within the organic-rich sedi- lakes, humid fluvial flood plains and saline to
ments of a meromictic, brackish, alkaline lake hypersaline lakes. His view is that most lacustrine
rather than as a storm deposit from hypersaline source rock is formed in oligotrophic, meromictic
mud fiats (Kelts & McKenzie 1985). lakes with a major component of land-plant
For US geologists, the Green River Formation organics that are biodegraded. Considerable
became the prototype environment for lacustrine confusion persists, partly because elements of the
oil shales. Organic geochemical analyses of Green carbon cycle (particularly Type I kerogen envi-
River oil shales have also encouraged the standard ronments) have not been adequately identified in
view for a predominance of Type I amorphous modern lakes (see Talbot, this volume) and partly
kerogen in lacustrine settings (Tissot & Welte because detailed sedimentological models for
1978) and the ensuing controversy as to its origin. many ancient and modern deposits remain
With the motto 'oil is where you find it' the unpublished. A starting look at the analyses of
industry paid little attention to the systematics of the East African Rift sedimentation (Frostick et
source-rock depositional environments although al. 1986) shows the complexity in detail.
it was known that non-marine sources were
important in Chinese mainland basins, West
Time windows
Africa marginal basins, Brazilian marginal bas-
ins, Sumatra and in Australia. Hedberg (1968) The geological record of major lacustrine basins
raised the question of the unusual waxiness of the with hydrocarbon potential (Fig. 1), shows a
Green River hydrocarbons and implied that non- preference for certain periods with a favourable
marine oils are generally related to more saline combination of climate, palaeogeography and
environments and land-plant input. structural setting (Fig. 6).
Demaison & Moore (1980) developed the Palaeogeographical reconstructions (Ziegler et
concept of large anoxic lakes as an ideal source al. 1985) are the starting point of a basin analysis.
environment. They used Lake Tanganyika as a In the Palaeozoic, widespread Devonian dark
model with aspects also applied to the Green lacustrine source beds are associated with conti-
River Formation oil shales. Kirkland & Evans nental, semi-arid basins near the Iapetus opening.
(1981) stressed that hypersaline lakes have partic- Shallow Carboniferous lakes of Britain persisted
ularly high productivity of limited phytoplankton in humid climate, with abundant land-derived
Environments o f deposition II



/ \
' I


FIG. 6. Palaeogeographic controls on lacustrine environments of deposition and production/preservation of

organic matter.

plant matter. The configuration of Gondwana- surrounded lakes of Miocene Sumatra and Thai-
land in the Permian provides the setting for land (Gibling et al. 1985). Studies of Pleistocene
widespread, fluvial-lacustrine, giant lowland lake evaporite lakes have provided important palaeo-
deposits in a taiga-like, cool-temperate climate. climatic information as well as the models for
These include the Permian Gippsland and such basins in the past (Hardie 1984; Warren
Cooper Basin area of Australia (Powell 1986) and 1985).
Karoo of southern Africa as well as the Parana Questions that arise for these settings within a
oil shale basin of South America. The Permian differentiated lacustrine matrix include:
hypersaline Zechstein of Europe and the Dela-
--Origin, size, and duration of the structural
ware basin of Texas behaved as giant saline lakes
in arid climates. Triassic lacustrine basins are
- - L a k e depth, stability and duration of the
common along the US East coast concomitant
lacustrine phase ?
with N. Atlantic rifting. Many show playa
--Original lake chemistry and concentration at
characteristics (Demicco & Gierlowski-Kordesh
lake at the time of maximum organic burial?
1986). Manspeizer (1981) attributes these partly
Open or closed system ?
to rift-associated orographic rain shadows. Africa
--Rates of production, sedimentation, and pres-
has Upper Jurassic semi-arid lake basins,
ervation of organic matter and sediments ?
whereas Jurassic fluvial-lacustrine floodplain
--Source of organic matter? Nature of flora and
facies occur in Eromango Basin, Australia (Pow-
ell 1986) consistent with more temperate lati-
--Sedimentary facies patterns ?
tudes. Lower Cretaceous rift lake basins occur
--Criteria for depositional environment ?
parallel with Gondwana break-up along South
Atlantic margins (Brice et al. 1982) and the
interior Central African Rift (Fairhead 1986) as The carbon cycle in lakes
well as in the Otway Basin Australia (McKirdy,
this volume). The giant Songliao inland lake in The amount of oil-prone organic carbon in a
Middle Cretaceous, China (Yang et al. 1985) was potential source rock is determined by the history
a dominantly humid zone feature as were the lake of production, sedimentation and preservation in
basins of the Bohai region. Eocene and Oligocene the precursor lacustrine environment.
lacustrine source rocks of China are more Depending on the setting, size, facies, climate,
associated with arid climates. The Eocene giant and chemistries of the lake basins, organic matter
Uinta Complex, USA was in a subtropical, semi- with source-bed potential may be dominated by
arid environment with strong seasonality similar input of transported land-plant debris, or the
to the conditions expected in other Great Basin endogenic production of algae and microbes.
Tertiary lakes, or the Tertiary Qaidem Basin of Organic carbon content is very much determined
interior China. More tropical wooded conditions by input rates versus dilution by mineral input
12 K. Kelts

(chemical, biogenic or detrital sediments) as well ceous plants with C-3 and C-4 photosynthetic
as preservation and dissolution. Because most pathways. For many lacustrine environments
lakes bury organic carbon at high rates, their such as Lake Victoria one must evaluate the
preservation potential is generally higher than importance of fringing swamps, and littoral water
most marine settings (see Fig. 7a, 7b). plants (roots submerged and leaves emerged) as
Land-plants include woody plants and herba- sources of buried organic matter.

FIG. 7a. Elements of the carbon cycle in lakes.

FIG. 7b. Model of lacustrine organic-inorganic carbon cycle.

Environments of deposition 13
The aquatic system may supply organic matter however, been reported as a major constituent of
from emergent cyanobacteria mats, submerged basinal deposits of modern lakes, although Botry-
macrophytes and microphytes, rhizopod algae, ococcus and Pediastrum traces are common in
charophytes, phytoplankton, microbial plates, some oil shales (Cook et al. 1981).
zooplankton, or even benthic organisms, fish and
faeces from grazing or resting animals (e.g.
hippos in L. George; cf. Beadle 1981). Aquatic productivity
In modern oligosaline and mesosaline lakes, The carbon cycle in lakes (Fig. 7a, b) comprises
diatoms are some of the most prolific plankton external inputs and internal interactions among
and incidentally the most important silica sink. particulate inorganic carbon (PIC: e.g. calcite),
We cannot trace their non-marine geological particulate organic carbon (POC: wood frag-
history further back than the Eocene. Cyano- ments, chitin, algae, bacteria), dissolved organic
phytes and chlorophytes are thus considered the carbon (DOC: humic acids, carbohydrates), and
likely precursors to algal-sourced organic matter dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC: CO2, bicarbon-
in ancient deposits such as the Green River ate, HCO3-, and carbonate, CO32-). Environ-
Formation. Some algae are special to specific mental signals on lake conditions are stored in
chemical environments. For example, Spirulina the various lacustrine carbonate facies given
is a prolific blue-green algae in alkaline hypersa- schematically in Fig. 8. In the following we
line lakes of East Africa. As one of the healthiest examine aspects of productivity, sedimentation and
meals known with 60-65% protein, it is the preservation of organic matter in lakes that have
preferred food for hoards of flamingos which some bearing on the interpretation of source-rock
consume tons per day. Flamingos may consume environments.
90% of the primary production per day (Living- The main factors affecting the condition of a
stone & Melack 1984). It is perhaps not a lake are climate, solar input, wind energy,
coincidence that fossil flamingo footprints are precipitation, chemistry and temperature. Solar
also common along the periphery of the Laney input provides light for primary production and
Shale basin of the Green River Formation. heat for the vertical gradients that stratify lakes.
Cyanophyte blooms from Lake George in the Annual solar input is mainly controlled by latitude
western Rift and Lake Chad for example (Beadle with values ranging from 0-1000 cal cm -2 d -1
1981) provide a microbial sludge ooze which is (Taub 1984b). Arctic areas have only a short
locally harvested. Dinoflagellates (e.g. Peridium) production season; temperate areas two, and
are abundant in oligo- to mesosaline lakes, but tropical areas a long continuous season. Wind
their cysts are rare compared with marine provides the energy for mixing. Annual rainfall
environments. Botryococcus is a modern, lipid- patterns show global patterns modified by altitude
rich green algae, which occurs in most brackish and wind. The nutrient input is commonly a
and freshwater lakes, but only rarely in significant function of the drainage area geology.
amounts. Exceptions such as the shoreline depos- It is generally accepted that inorganic ortho-
its of the Aral Sea and the Coroong (Cane 1969) phosphorous is one of the main nutrients limiting
have been used to argue it as a precursor of Type the primary production in lakes. For example, in
I oils. Botryococcus floats when dead, and is freshwater Lake Zurich, an epilimnion produc-
washed up by winds onto shorelines. It has not, tivity maximum of 500mg C m -2 d -1 is

FIG. 8. Habitat model of lacustrine carbonates.

I4 K. Kelts

accompanied by 10 mg m -2 d-1 phosphorous Arctic lakes

uptake (G/ichter 1968). The P : C ratio is 1:40,
Arctic lakes show low species diversity but
and at the above rates the entire PO4 content of
populations may be large. Most arctic lakes seem
the lake must be recycled in a matter of days. A
to be oligotrophic for lack of nutrients. Chemical
C : N: P ratio of 106:16:1 is considered a reason-
weathering is limited by the cold. Commonly
able average for lake biomass (Stumm & Morgan
primary production ranges only from 0.6 to 21 g
1970) although strong divergence occurs during
C m -2 y-1 but is higher than nearby Arctic
the productive seasons (G/ichter & Bloesch 1985).
Ocean waters during the season of maximum
Table 3 gives an overview of the relationship
insolation. Shallow tundra lakes are part of a
between phosphorous concentration and produc-
carbon ecosystem where emergent plants and
tivity in a number of modern lake environments.
shrubs play an important role along with bacteria.
Most measurements in the temperate zone have
Insect larvae become a major component and
been made on freshwater lakes that have had
benthic algae are more important than phyto-
considerable anthropogenic phosphorous loading
plankton. Proglacial lakes have seasonally turbid
and thus represent maximums. The nutrient
waters that drastically limit production. Solar
potential of an open system depends on the timing
heated salt lakes, such as CaC12 L. Vanda,
of major inflow, mixing and outflow. If the
Antarctica, form exceptions that have higher
outflow maximum occurs when the lake is
productivity due to prolific microbial mats (Hob-
stratified, nutrient-poor waters exit. Lake waters
bie 1984).
are enriched in nutrients in contrast to lakes with
It is not surprising that most of the fluvio-
outflow maximum during mixing. Oligotrophic
lacustrine lowlands of the Siberian taiga and
lakes generally have 5-10 ~tg/1total phosphorous;
Canadian shield are dominated by land-plant
mesotrophic lakes 10-30~tg/1; and eutrophic
organic sources. These environments may be
lakes over 30 ~tg/1 total epilimnetic phosphorous
modern analogies to important parts of the
(Wetzel 1983) (Table 3).
Palaeozoic Gondwana deposits in Africa, Ant-
arctica, and Australia which are likely to be
TABLE 3. Some examples of aqueous productivity dominated by Type III-II kerogen. The early
ranges in modern lakes post-glacial, paralic Baltic Sea had intermittent
Lake Estimated anoxia but the source of its buried organic matter
g C m - 2 y -1 is unclear.

Dystrophic lakes, acid, bog, humic 20-70

Oligotrophic lakes 5-10 ~tg/1P Large temperate lakes
L. Huron 100
L. Ontario 180 In large lakes, such as the Great Lakes, internal
cycling of organic matter is usually of greater
Mesotrophic lakes 10-30 ~tg/lP
L. Esrom, Denmark 260 significance than land-plant influxes from the
L. Erie 310 watershed. Production from the pelagic zone is
L. Zurich 200 commonly dominant over littoral/benthic zones.
Biota are present in spatial and temporal patterns
Eutrophic Lakes > 30 p.g/1P
and vertical composition gradients.
L. Zug/Greifensee, Switzerland 400-440
L. Lugano 350-460 Lake Lugano, Switzerland, serves as a useful
L. Victoria, E. Africa 680 temperate lake model recently studied by Niessen
L. Tanganyika 430 (1987). It is a complex, deep (270 m) perialpine,
L. Kivu open, freshwater, temperate, eutrophic lake
Hypereutrophic (closed basin, saline)1 damned by glacial deposits. The Holocene sedi-
Borax L., CA. Alk 1050 ments are elastic-dominated in contrast to the
Great Salt Lake (N. Arm) 1800 carbonate-dominated Holocene sediments of
Great Salt Lake (S. Arm) 145 Lake Zurich. The sediment record shows that the
L. Turkana, Alk. 300-1500 lake circulation has been sluggish throughout the
L. Aranguadi, Alk. (3-7 mg/l P) 3000-6000 Holocene, with generally reducing sediments,
L. Natron, 2600 meq. Alk. (3 mg/l P) 900-1200 and pigment evidence of intermittent anoxia in
L. Nakuru, Alk. (11 mg/1 P) 900-1200 bottom waters. Bottom waters commonly re-
Monolake, Alk. 1000 ceived oxygen pulses, at least during part of an
1 Warren 1986,includesadditional data for saline lakes. annual cycle, sufficient to support an impover-
Data selected from Wetzel 1983; Tailing & Tailing ished benthic fauna. Surface productivity is
1965; Melack 1981; G~ichter & Bloesch 1985; and estimated at up to 90 mg C m - : y- 1 throughout
references in Eugster 1985. the Holocene. The sediments contain an average
E n v i r o n m e n t s o f deposition 15

2-4~ organic carbon, at detrital sedimentation volcanic ashes. Their higher pH values are thus
rates of 0.4-2.6 ram/yr. Turbidites with land- concomitant with phosphorus concentrations
derived organics are common. Approximately 5- that are higher than the most polluted temperate
10~ of the primary production appears to be lakes. Even Lake Tanganyika, which has a low
preserved in the sediments (Niessen 1987) as a nutrient input, can maintain a rather large
result of: (1) seasonal anoxia in deep waters, (2) plankton biomass due to upwelling of deep waters
bottom fauna inhibition by anoxia, (3) sedimen- having alkaline affinities (Burgis 1984). Shallow
tation pulses of organic matter leading to short lake Manyara is an example near the Tanzanian/
residence time in the water column, (4) rapid Kenyan border. The lake has a black organic
burial by clastics leading to short exposure at the ooze sediment, and TDS of about 70 g/1. The
boundary layer, (5) low sulphate concentrations phosphorus concentration is one of the highest
leading to low anaerobic degradation rates by known at about 65 mg/1 (Talling& Talling 1965)
sulphate reducers. compared with about 0.2 mg/l for eutrophic Lake
Zug, Switzerland. Lake Kivu also has alkaline
affinities but mesosaline surface waters. It is also
Acid lakes
reported to have 70 mg/1 phosphorous in the
Acid lakes are rare for the geological record, but anoxic bottom waters (Degens et al. 1973). Even
modern volcanic lakes from Japan illustrate some the surface waters contain 0.5 mg/1 P which is
aspects of the carbon cycle distinct from marine ten times that of eutrophic lakes. These values
situations. These lakes have pH values as low as can support tremendous algal blooms during
1.5-2.0 as a result of sulphuric and hydrochloric overturn, or episodic mixing events which is
emanations from volcanic sources (Mori et al. reflected in the 15~o TOC of the sediments.
1984). The productivity problem in acid lakes is Similar high phosphorus contents are reported
the utilization of carbon sources. In other words, from other mesosaline, soda lakes; Lake Van
they may become carbon-limited because total (Kempe 1977), Walker Lake and Pyramid Lake
carbon occurs only as dissolved CO2 species (Koch et al. 1977).
which is less than 0.2 ppm C in atmospheric Lake Van is 3574 km 2, over 450 m deep and
equilibrium. Fish cannot survive, but chironom- contains 607 km 3 of alkaline water at pH 9.3, and
ids and diatoms may be abundant. Bacterial with a brackish salinity 2/3 that of seawater. As
decomposers are limited. Dystrophic bog lakes a closed basin, the water residency can be
are examples of such ecosystems with low expressed by a 9 1/2 of more than 100 years, or a
productivity but high preservation potential that renewal time of about 900 years (Kempe 1977).
leads to thick accumulations of Type III lignitic The evolution of carbonates, biota, and waters
kerogen. within this unique environment provide a basis
for a geological model of an ancient deep,
alkaline, brackish lake.
Alkaline lakes
Lake Van is a soda lake, with practically no
The high pH of many alkaline lakes has tremen- dissolved CO2 gas species. Potassium is enriched
dous effects on the carbon cycle. The system is relative to seawater. Sulphate is relatively low.
more open to atmospheric carbon dioxide and No direct measurements have been made of
may store more DIC. Due to the shift in dominant primary or secondary productivity. The region is
carbonate species to more CO32- ion, there is a a continental steppe with only modest sources of
rapid invasion of CO2 if any carbon is fixed by land-derived (C-4?) organic matter. High pH
photosynthesis. The O H - ion accelerates the gas values and volcanic source terrain result in
exchange of atmospheric CO2 (Herczeg & Fair- extremely high phosphorus concentrations of 0.4
banks 1987). The result is that the system can to 0.6 mg/1 in Lake Van waters. High production,
support a larger biomass than many correspond- mainly of diatoms would thus be expected. Most
ing but neutral pH lakes. The alkalinity effect on diatom frustules dissolve in the high pH (9.55)
the availability of carbon can be illustrated by water column. The sediments display stunning
Lake Aranguadi, Ethiopia Rift. With 60 meq rhythmic laminations comprising aragonite, cal-
alkalinity at a pH 10.3, and an ionic strength of cite, organic matter, and detrital clay.
0.08 at 20~ a change of 0.1pH unit means a Ash layers and evidence of slumping or
change of 13 mg C/1 (or 47 mg/l CO2) (Tailing & turbidity currents are common. The laminae are
Talling 1965). cream, dark brown, green and red-brown. With
A second important factor is that solubility of an assumption of varve sedimentation, accumu-
phosphorus and other nutrients is highly pH lation rates are estimated at 40-90 cm 103y.
dependent. The Gregory Rift lakes of East Africa Calculations suggest 207o of this is authigenic
derive solutions from terrane with reactive alkali carbonate. Several aspects are of interest in terms
I6 K. Kelts

of source-rock potential. The organic carbon food chain ends with masses of brine shrimp and
content ranges from 1.5 to 4 ~ although the lake fly larvae.
is not permanently stratified (Degens et al. 1984). The Dead Sea waters support only Dunaliella
Although C-org decreases with depth, spikes over algae and halobacterium. High Mg and Ca
2~o occur below the 10 000 bp level indicating a concentrations are considered toxic to zooplank-
high preservation potential; also suggested by the ton. In comparison with the Great Salt Lake,
retention of green chlorophyll pigment. biomass is less than 1/10 and little seems to
The Wadi Natrun, Egypt, is another example survive settling to the lake bottom due to sulphate
of a hypersaline alkaline lake. Extremely halo- reduction. Although primary productivity is high,
philic red-coloured bacteria and cyanobacteria, the recycling of organic matter in hypersaline
differing considerably from the Na-C1 type lakes, lakes is rapid. Low settling velocities in high
occur in abundance. Some are even alkaliophilic density solutions also lead to longer retention of
(pH optimum--8.5 to 10.5) (Larsen 1980). In organic matter in the water mass.
some lakes, sulphate reduction is high, even
contributing significantly to alkalinity (Abe-el-
Malek & Rizk 1963). The hypersaline alkaline Bacteria and lakes
lakes contain no organisms above unicellular The contribution of bacteria to the carbon budget
protozoa. Phototrophic bacteria therefore tend to in lakes with hydrocarbon potential has largely
form dense mats. Halobacteria remain suspended been ignored. In some lake environments, the
in the brine. production of organic matter by bacteria may
exceed algal primaEr production. According to
Hypersaline Na-C! lakes Golterman (1975),/however, the growth rate of
bacteria in natural waters is poorly known.
Warren (1986), Eugster (1985), and Kirkland & Phototrophic bacteria (e.g. purple bacteria) living
Evans (1981) review the high productivity of at pycnocline and sediment interfaces may
numerous saline lakes, although they do not photosynthesize via H2 using reduced sulphur or
differentiate alkaline types from Na-C1 type organic compounds as an electron donor. They
environments. use CO2 as a sole source of carbon. Chemolitho-
If a seawater sample is concentrated and trophic bacteria derive their energy from the
fertilized in a laboratory experiment, the produc- oxidation of inorganic compounds such as
tivity of the media declines with salinity. This of H2,NH3NO2-, S, and Fe z+. There is little
course, is not surprising since salt is a common addition of organic matter to the system, because
preservative. However, Zobell (1946) had already the energy released on oxidation is used to reduce
determined that samples of hypersaline waters compounds derived from precursor organic mat-
(Great Salt Lake) were productive, but bacteria ter. This may either derive from allocthonous
declined as the samples were diluted. The sources or primary algal production. Hetero-
conclusion was that indigenous populations trophic bacteria serve to change primary isotopic
adapt, even prefer the conditions in a strong and chemical characteristics of the organic matter
brine (Larsen 1980). Unfortunately not many preserved in the sediments (Golterman 1975).
data are available on the relative significance for Desulphovibrio desulphuricans, a typical sul-
productivity of specific elemental concentrations phate reducing bacterium, is not a strict chemo-
(Mg z+, Ca 2+, Na +'" ') in natural brine waters. lithotroph because cell carbon is not just derived
Many organisms in hypersaline brines seem to from CO2, it also derives its energy from inorganic
require high magnesium concentrations. sources:
The green alga Dunaliella attains a biomass of
150 g/m 3 in 22~ salt solutions of the Great Salt H2SO4 + 4H2 -~ H2S + 4H20.
Lake (Larsen 1980). We must remember that Indigestible acetic acid is excreted. Rates of
these salt-tolerant algae have very high carbon/ sulphate reduction are commonly high. In Lake
cell values because cells are filled with glycerol in Vechten with a sulphate concentration of 15 g/
order to counteract osmotic pressures. The glyc- m 3 for example, sulphate reduction utilizes 0.1 g
erol returns to solution as the cell dies, and thus C cm -2 d-1 which is sufficient to degrade the
saline brines commonly have extremely high 25% of the annual algal production which reaches
DOC values (up to 100 mg/l). Nearly salt- the sediment.
saturated waters of the North Basin showed very Many meromictic lakes commonly have a high
impressive concentrations of chemo-organo- concentration of phototrophic bacteria at a
trophic bacteria (biomass > 300 g/m 3, Post 1977) pycnocline in the photic zone. Examples include
which exceed the algae ten-fold. Growth was Lake Suigetsu, Japan, Big Soda Lake, Nevada,
thought to be limited mainly by temperature. The USA (Oremland et al., this volume), and Cadagno
Environments o f deposition 17

Lake, Switzerland (Hanselmann 1986). A bacte- the source, food chain, stratification, density
rial plate of 30 cm thickness commonly occurs at gradient and depth differences to marine systems.
the interface of the chemocline and the monolim- Most organic carbon in lakes is dissolved, with
nion in small saline lakes of the Canadian Shield. POC contributing only about 10%. Detrital input
In Waldsea Lake (Hammer 1984, 1986), the plate of particulate organic carbon can be carried by
comprises green sulphur bacteria (Chlorobacter- river and flood or be reworked from the littoral
iaeceae). The annual production rate has been belt. River beds are flushed during highwater
estimated at 32 g C m - 2 which equals the total of stages of their collected detrital organics and fine
the phytoplankton productivity zone which is 25 clastics. The density of flood-stage suspensions is
times thicker. commonly greater than the water in oligosaline
Lake Suigetsu in Japan, is a freshwater lake, lakes so that these flow as continuously-fed
meromictic because of the groundwater injection bottom turbidity currents that may efficiently
of saline water from neighbouring lakes. Mori et transport large quantities of particulate organic
aL (1984) have modelled its carbon cycle. Bottom matter to basin plains. Turbidite sedimentation
waters have a 7-year residence time. Sulphate is thus almost the rule in many deep oligosaline
reduction proceeds at 470-780 mg S m -2 d - lakes. Commonly the lacustrine turbidites are
near the sediment interface. Characteristically silty to muddy with low porosities. In several
high rates of photo- and chemosynthesis occur at perialpine lakes, these event-deposits contain 2-
the boundary layer between oxic and anoxic 6% land-plant TOC which forms an ideal sub-
water. Lake Suigetsu showed 133 mg C m -3 d-1 strate for early methanogenesis. These form
by photosynthesis, but over 485 mg C m -3 d-1 spongy layers charged with tiny exsolved gas
fixed by chemosynthesis. bubbles which can be mapped by high-resolution
Similarly, Cohen et al. (1977) describe produc- seismic profiling.
tivity in Solar Lake, a hypersaline pond along the At other times, particulate carbon input is
shores of the Gulf of Aquaba. The primary distributed quickly in the epilimnion by overflows
production of surface waters is only about 59 g C and interflows and settles out as part of the
m - 2 y- ~ from the epilimnion. Almost all of the pelagic plankton rain. Turbulence above a vis-
organic matter production of 923 g C m-2 y- cous thermocline interface tends to homogenize
derives from hypolimnial microbial mats and the epilimnion content. The transfer is enhanced
phototrophic bacterial plates. during overturn. Because most lakes are shallow
Other bacterial effects on the carbon cycle, in comparison with marine basins, the efficiency
especially in higher concentration lakes, include of transfer of organic matter from surface waters
iron and manganese reducers and oxidizers as to the sediment surface is greater. The preserva-
well as chemotrophic methane-oxidizing bacteria tion potential is thus higher. The amount of
(e.g. Methanomonas) which may produce charac- primary production reaching sediments is esti-
teristic lipids (Schleifer & Stackebrandt 1983). mated between 25% for small marl lakes (in
Bacteria may also form deep-water microbial Wetze11983) and about 10% in mesotrophic deep
mats. Filamentous colonies of the chemotrophic perialpine lakes (Niessen 1987).
sulphur bacteria; Beggiatoa colonize the sedi- Studies of modern oligosaline lakes show
ment/water interface of the basin plain 70-110 m typical rates in large lakes for the sedimentation
deep in Lake Zurich. Beggiatoa live at the of POC ranging from 0.5 to 2 m/day (Bloesch &
boundary between oxic water and anoxic sedi- Sturm 1986). These are faster than Stoke's settling
ment where they utilize 02 as an energy source to and suggest faecal pellet mechanisms. Although
reduce H2S to elemental sulphur which is stored faecal pellets are found in sediment traps of
in their cells. The loose, white, nerve-like, nodal modern freshwater lakes, they are rarely de-
network also serves to protect some areas from scribed in sediments (Sturm et al. 1982).
winnowing by weak bottom currents. This helps Few data are available for saline and alkaline
impart stability to gelatinous oozes and an systems. In systems with low predator popula-
irregular pillow like morphology to the sediment tions, the percentage of primary organic matter
surface. Thiobacillus, a flagellate form, lives in reaching the sediments increases. In saline lakes
the hypolimnion and uses either 02 or NO 3- to bouyancy and fauna change the depositional rates
reduce H20. for organic matter. Recycling in the epilimnion
is increased for example by a large viscosity
gradient at the thermocline or chemocline. Faecal
Sedimentation of organic matter
pellets are important. Artemia brine shrimp occur
Organic matter settles in lake basins by much the in masses in many hypersaline environments and
same mechanisms as in marine basins. Recon- consume immense quantities of algae. They are
structions must however take into consideration prolific producers of millimetre size faecal pellets
I8 K. Kelts
that characterize the sediments of hypersaline alkaline, or brackish to saline is poorly known,
lakes Urmia and Great Salt Lake (cf. Kelts & but some differences to pathways in marine
Shahrabi 1986). systems are expected. For example, oligosaline
lakes show a tendency for biogenic methane
Preservation production via the path of direct acetate fermen-
tation rather than CO2 reduction (Whiticar et al.
Demaison & Moore (1980) stressed the signifi- 1986), which will affect the isotopic composition
cance of large anoxic lakes as a favourable of the carbon reservoir.
environment for source-rock deposition. In water Sediment surfaces may be aerobic, dysaerobic,
lacking oxygen, organic debris is more likely to or anaerobic depending on the relative position
be preserved, but this is more a result of of the redox boundary (Fig. 7a). Anoxic processes
limitations on bioturbation and irrigations than may thus begin in the water column in meromictic
the efficiency of oxidation by aerobic vs anaerobic lakes. The sequence of these processes is illus-
processes. Oxidation of 1 mole of organic matter trated by their respective energy yield or free
consumes 138 moles of 02; or about 1.25 g of energy per mole of electrons exchanged (Fig. 9)
oxygen per gram of organic matter (Redfield et and leads to a definite pattern of ion concentra-
al. 1963). tions in pore waters of sediments (Fig. 10).
The TOC content of lake sediments reflects the Reactions governing the biologically mediated
balance of relative sedimentation rates of organic oxidation of organic matter are summarised in
matter and mineral matter with the rates of Table 4.
decomposition or microbial additions. Lake Most organic matter in oxic marine waters is
Turkana, for example, has commonly been degraded in the top 2-5 cm of sediment, not at
ignored as a productive system because only 1% the interface alone. The rate of bioturbation is
organic carbon occurs in the sediment. With an undoubtedly the most important factor for effi-
overall sedimentation rate of centimetres per cient microbial degradation of organic matter.
year, however, this represents an enormous burial Typical marine oxidation rates are 0.084-
rate of organic matter (Cerling 1986). Bioturba- 0.025~M O2 cm -2 d -1. Oxygen is quickly
tion is also reduced by high sedimentation rates. depleted in surface sediment layers but irrigation
Clastic dilution is common in many mesotrophic, can replenish it sufficiently to reduce reactive
temperate lakes with modest organic production. organic matter within a season or two.
In high-sulphate lakes with relatively slow sedi- Hypersaline and penesaline alkaline systems
mentation rates of organic and mineral matter do not support bottom fauna. In shallow lakes
such as the hypersaline Lake Urmia (0.1-0.3 mm/ even with bottom anoxia, larger animals (hippo-
yr; Kelts & Shahrabi 1986), sulphate reduced in potamus, flamingos) and insects can be important
pore waters can be replenished by diffusion until bioturbators that need not be considered for
most organic matter is destroyed. marine systems. Submersible investigations of
Microbial degradation of organic matter uti- oxic environments at the bottom of deep lakes
lizes oxidants in a definite order, proceeding such as Lake Superior (Flood & Johnson 1984)
finally to methanogenesis (Table 4). The micro- show unimagined profusion of benthic life includ-
biology of lacustrine environments, particularly ing thick carpets of Opossum Shrimp. Polychaete

TABLE 4. Model reactions o f microbial degradation

Organic matter (OM)= (CH20)106(NH3)16H3PO 4 106: 16:1
Aerobic zone: OM+ 10602 --~ 106CO2 + 16NH3 + H3PO4
[CH4 + 202 -~ CO2 + 2H20]
Manganese reduction: OM+212MnOz 438HCO 3- + 16NH4 + +HPO, 2- + 212Mn42+
Nitrate reduction: OM + 84.8NO 3- --* 7.2CO2 +98.8HCO3 - + 16NH4 + + 42.4N2 +
HPO42- +49H20
Iron reduction: OM + 424 Fe(OH)3 + 756CO2 --* 862HCO3- + 16NH4 + + HPO42- + 424Fe z+ +
Sulphate reduction: OM + 53SO42- -* 39CO2 + 67HCO3- + 16NH4 + + HPO42- +
53HS- + 39H20
Methane fermentation/carbonate reduction: OM + 14H20 -~ 39CO2 + 14HCO3- + 53CH4 + 16NH4 + +
CO2 + 4H2 CH,~+ 2H20
After Redfield 1983.
Environments of deposition 19

FIG. 9. Relative OM-oxidizing capacity of various electron donors. After data from Reeburgh (1980).

worms are common in oligo- to penesaline lakes sulphate reducing bacteria are severely limited
and can survive at high population densities to above a critical hypersalinity or sulphate concen-
very low oxygen concentrations ( ~ 0.1 ml/l) as tration.
important benthic scavengers along with ostra- Krom & Berner (1980) measured the Fick's
cods and molluscs. Seasonal stratification and Law diffusion transport rates of sulphate into
short-term anoxia may however be sufficient to FOAM marine sediments as Ds~so4)= 5.0_+ 1.2 x
prevent their repopulation during months with i0 -6 cm 2 s -1, 20~ Real values in lakes are
oxic bottom water. This explains a common lack dependent on salinity, concentration gradient
of trace fossils in lake deposits. Either muds are and porosity, but order of magnitude estimates
laminated, or else completely churned. show that with sedimentation rates of 1 mm/yr
Algal mats along margins of oligo- to hypersa- which are common in many lake basins, sulphate
line lakes commonly exhibit a low preservation replenishment is probably limited (Table 5a).
potential because of desiccation, wind-deflation Howarth & Teal (1979) suggest that sulphate
and wave splash or storm events. If buried reduction alone is sufficient to consume the net
quickly, however, microbial mats have ideal production in highly productive marine salt
precursor source-bed qualities. Microbial mats marshes. Sulphate reduction of 75 mole/yr oxi-
form dense multilayered communities that allow dizes 1800g C m -2 yr -1 leaving almost no
oxidation on the surface, and sulphate reduction preservation potential. In these environments the
in anoxic environments at depth. The ecosystem sulphide is rapidly converted to pyrite and thus
is only 2-5 mm thick, with up to five distinct H2S remains below toxic levels.
sublayers. The Great Salt Lake and Lake Urmia, Iran,
Sulphate reduction is almost as efficient as are shallow, perennial lakes with commonly
oxygen utilization for microbial decomposition. hypersaline brines containing up to 20 000 ppm
Figure 9, for a marine example, illustrates clearly sulphate. It is thus not surprising to find that
that because of the differences in initial concen-
tration between oxygen and sulphate in systems,
TABLE 5a. Rates of sulphate reduction
sulphate actually has the greatest potential OM-
oxidizing capacity. This oxidizing capacity in Setting g S m - l y -1 mmol m-2 d -1
lakes will thus greatly depend on the initial
concentration of sulphate in lake waters (e.g. Black Sea 0.5-44
Table 5). Rates of sulphate reduction have also Fresh waters 2.2-10
been shown to be dependent on the amount and Saline lakes 4-445
type of organic matter and the concentration of Tropical lowlands 77-2450
sulphate. Some information suggests that sul- Chesapeake bay,
estuary 6-335
phate reduction rates are significantly slowed by Big Soda Lake 6.6
low temperatures (high altitude and arctic lakes).
Recently, Lupton et al. (1984) indicate that After Trudinger 1979.
20 K. Kelts
CONCENTRATION TABLE 5b. Sulphate concentrations in some
lakes and the ocean
/i Lake mg/l

/ ISO: L. Zurich
L. Greifensee
I L. Urner 12
J! l L. Baldegg
L. Constance
L. Cadagno 154
/ L. Kivu 25 surface water
220 bottom water
s t

J Qing Hai Lake China 2402

Saline (Ocean) 2712
Big Soda Lake 5600
Great Salt Lake 16000
Urmia 22000
Dead Sea 450
of microbial decomposition reactions (Table 4),
iron reduction, manganese reduction and sul-
phate reduction produce considerable alkalinity
in pore waters, particularly if HzS can escape.
The result is that under such conditions, carbon-
ate minerals may be well-preserved, or even
precipitated. The phases and types ofsuch'anoxic
carbonates' (Kelts & McKenzie 1982), should
reflect the overlying conditions in a lake (Talbot
& Kelts 1986).
Methanogenesis is one of the terminal reactions
for the anaerobic carbon cycle. In lakes with low
salinities, it is often however the dominant
reaction. Many lakes with organic-rich deposits
are known for the bubble ebullition of methane.
This may even impart a spongy texture to
sediments in tropical lakes. Methanogenesis may
FIG. 10. Hypothetical gradients of pore water species continue to considerable depth. Because of the
in near-surface, organic-rich lake sediments. Sequence specific substrate requirements for methanic
after Table 4. Z in millimetres to centimetres. bacteria, the efficiency of degradation of organic
matter is limited. The process diminishes before
total organic matter is consumed.
beneath the sediment surface pyrite is quickly In deep meromictic oligo- to hypersaline lakes,
formed, organic content decreases rapidly, and anoxia in the water column commonly leads to
the main bulk of Holocene age aragonitic, saline complete reduction of sulphate, iron and man-
lake sediment has less than 1X organic carbon; ganese, as is observed in the Black and Dead Seas
probably refractile (Kelts & Shaharabi 1986). (Neev & Emery 1967). Gradients within the
Freshwater perialpine lakes have initial sul- anoxic water mass are minimized by internal
phate concentrations of only 10-51 mg/1 with the circulation. Organic matter arriving at the sedi-
exception of the bacterial, alpine, Lake Cadagno ment thus has a very high preservation potential.
(Hanselmann 1986) which has 154 mg/1 sulphate This situation probably explains the very high
fed from springs from gypsum deposits (cf. Table TOC values of deep anoxic Lakes Tanganyika,
5b). These contrast markedly with the 2712 mg/1 Kivu, and Malawi (Talbot, this volume).
sulphate in the oceans. The ultimate content and quality of organic
Inorganic processes are coupled with the bio- matter preserved in a sequence with potential for
geochemical oxidative sequence in anoxic sedi- lacustrine source rocks is a balance between
ments. Authigenic phosphates, sulphides and organic input, production and degradation rates,
carbonates may form (Fig. 8; Hanselmann 1986; and the dilution by non-organic sedimentation
Talbot & Kelts 1986). As is shown by the sequence (Table 6). This interaction is schematically given
Environments of deposition 2 !
in Fig. 11. Most smaller lake basins have
relatively high elastic or chemical sedimentation 101 -
rates with respect to marine basins. High contents
of oil-prone organic matter thus suggests not only
exceUent preservation (anoxia), but also a large
enough basin and situation to reduce elastic ~ 10~
Bralower & Thierstein (1984) proposed a model
of preservation potential for marine environ- ,~ "-" 10-1
ments based on various Holocene sites. Although ~ -~
only limited data is available, the theoretical
considerations for lacustrine basins suggest that z o
fresh, brackish, and hypersaline lakes would fall m~ ~ 10-2
in the uppermost range of preservation potential o<
(Fig. 12). z-~
< 10-3
Lacustrine kerogen problems
One of the problems concerning lacustrine source
rocks remains the origin and significance of Type l t I I
10 ~ 101 10 2 10 3
I, alginite, low sulphur kerogen (Tissot & Welte
1978). A high hydrogen index suggests algae, but (.g C m"2yr -I)
high wax suggests land-plant. All lake deposits
certainly do not display Type I OM, but where it FIG. 12. General model of production, accumulation,
occurs, the sediments have been identified as and preservation of marine and lacustrine organic
matter. Modified after Bralower and Thierstein (1984).
lacustrine. The prevalent ideas on its origin may
be summarized as follows:
precursor have been identified from the Holocene
1 Special kind of lacustrine lipid rich algae. in the basinal area of Lake Victoria (Talbot,
2 Bacterial reduction of land-derived organics private communication).
to an amorphous state Lipid-rich green algae such as Botryococcus or
3 Processes of selective preservation of lipid Pediastrum have thick, robust cell walls, com-
compounds. monly preserved as characteristic organic fossil
4 Microbial tissue.
5 Late diagenetic feature.
TABLE 6. Total organic content of some lake
The organic-rich sediments of modern proto- sediments
type anoxic basins of E. Africa more generally
display Type II characteristics (Talbot, this Dystrophic 2-30% Humic
volume), although sediments closer to a Type I Oligosaline
L. Zurich (marl) 6-2% recent
TQO FAST 1-2% Holocene
L. Lugano (elastic) 2-4% Holocene
/ ~ uzl~
L. Walensee (clastic) 1%
L. Cadagno (bacteria) 1-10%
Alkaline affinity t
L. Tanganyika 2-11%
L. Kivu 2-15%
L. Victoria 1-8%
L. Maninjau 4-8%
~ TANGANYIKA Mesosaline
0.1 O R I A
L. Van (carbonate) 2-4%
u~ Diminishedclasticinfluence Dead Sea ( C a C l z ) 2 < 0.4
L. Urmia < 1%
TOO SLOW 2 6 10 Great Salt Lake < 1% recent
ORGANICS Corg (%) Great Salt Lake > 6% late glacial

FIG. 11. Schematic model of sedimentation rate 1 Talbot (this volume).

control on organic carbon burial in lacustrine basins. 2 Warren (1986).
22 K. Kelts
shapes in thin sections. A few scattered specimens Elko Shale, USA, Eocene (Solomon et al. 1979),
imbedded in amorphous OM stand out conspic- Green River Fm., Eocene (Bradley 1964), Scot-
uously. Pure laminae of these algae are, however, tish Lowlands Oil Shale, Carboniferous (Green-
uncommon in most lacustrine oil shales (Cook et smith 1968). A parallel is drawn to the Precam-
al. 1981). brian Gunflint Iron Formation which also ex-
Powell (1986) notes that the waxy Type I oils hibits light-amorphous kerogen ( - 25 to - 30%0)
are paradoxically located farthest from the terres- in shallow-water facies and heavy-amorphous
trial plant sources, and proposes that microbial kerogen ( - 15 to - 20%0) in deeper water facies.
degradation of cellulose in mildly oxic basinal Perhaps the light carbon values which are often
areas concentrates hydrogen rich components considered land-plant derived in Phanerozic
supplemented by bacterial biomass. sequences, may derive from archebacterial con-
Proteins, carbohydrates and lipids are all highly figurations that are common to the Precambrian
susceptible to bacterial degradation under aero- and many modern lake environments.
bic conditions. Lipids on the other hand, may be The origin of Type I, amorphous waxy kerogen
selectively concentrated by degradation under remains unclear. Progress will derive from further
anaerobic conditions (Lewan 1986; Zobell 1946) studies of floral, microbial, geochemical and
and therefore Type I kerogens may also be most isotopic signals from cores and ecosystems of
indicative of sedimentation in anoxic water modern lakes which display hydrogen-enriched
masses. Because lipids tend to be isotopically organic-rich sediments.
lighter than proteins or carbohydrates (Degens et
al. 1968), their selective preservation in sedi-
mented algae may shift a bulk 8C-13 signal more Conclusions
negative, causing confusion with land-derived
sources. Future studies on lacustrine source-rock environ-
Bacteria, particularly of the Beggiatoaceae ments will deal with the integration of produc-
family, have been proposed as a major source of tion-preservation data in modern systems within
organic matter in some laminated kerogenites a sedimentological framework of lacustrine bas-
(Williams 1984). Chemotrophic bacterial mats ins such as given in Reading (1986). Perhaps the
should inherit, to a large degree, the isotopic optimum, though not exclusive, setting for petro-
carbon ratios of precursor organic matter al- leum source-rock accumulation combines the
though few isotopic investigations have been features of a large, relatively deep, mesosaline,
published. Other microbial processes may com- alkaline, closed basin lake, in subtropical, tec-
plicate this interpretation. Phototrophic purple tonic setting. This lake would have (1) adequate
bacteria (Chromatiaceae) which fix carbon di- nutrients from chemical weathering for long
rectly by a sulphur-based photosynthesis have productivity seasons, (2) a stressed environment
also been shown to have carbon isotope signatures with low predator numbers, (3) seasonal stratifi-
similar to C-3 land-plants (Schidlowski 1987). cation and limited circulation, with probably
Although few data are available, methanogens permanent anoxia, (4) low sulphate concentra-
have been reported to produce a lipid-rich cell tions, and concentration of OM by dissolution of
structure that may be preserved in sediments silica and (5) a minimum dilution by clastic input.
(Schleifer & Stakebrandt 1983). Several lami- Evaporites are a closely related facies because of
nated Type I lacustrine oil shale occurrences have the delicate balance achieved in a closed basin
early diagenetic carbonate laminae with carbon environment and the rapid rate of response to
isotope signatures indicating zones of extensive any hydrological change.
methanogenesis (Kelts & McKenzie 1982, 1985).
Extensive methanogenesis near the sediment/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Many colleagues have contrib-
water interface is one characteristic difference uted to these ideas during excursions to various modern
between marine and oligo- to mesosaline non- and ancient lake sites, and during the sessions of IGCP-
marine organic-rich systems. 219. In particular, I acknowledge M. Talbot, H. Eugster,
Lewan (1986) suggests a model which links M. Arthur, H. Faure, K. Yemane, F. Niessen, A.
carbon isotopes in lake organic matter to mor- Losher, M. Sturm, K. Hsu, M. Gibling, G. Lister, M.
Esteban, and J. McKenzie. A Swiss National Science
phology and reports that the following lacustrine Foundation fellowship in France was essential. Frau
units have amorphous kerogen that is character- H. Bolliger and P. Schlup helped with illustrations. B.
istically light in carbon isotopes: Peace Valley, Schwertfeger and Macintosh are especially thanked for
USA, Pliocene (Link & Osborne 1978), Mae the text. A. Fleet, M. Talbot and F. Niessen kindly
Moh, Thailand, Oligocene (Sherwood et al. 1984), criticized versions of the manuscript.
Environments of deposition 23

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26 K. Kelts
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KERRY KELTS, Geology Section, EAWAG/ETH, CH8600 Dfibendorf, Switzerland.

Modern phytoplankton production in African lakes
J. F. Tailing

Characteristics of modern phytoplankton pro- 1958), but an approach to year-long near con-
duction in African lakes reflect the great diversity stancy is uncommon even near the equator
of basin form, chemical composition (Talling& (Melack 1979b; Tailing 1986).
Talling 1965), climate, and flow regimes. The Rates of photosynthetic carbon assimilation
species assemblages involved are predominantly (g C m -2 day-1) have been measured in many
recruited from taxa of latitudinally widespread lakes and reservoirs (e.g. Tailing 1957, 1965;
distribution (van Meel 1954; Kalff & Watson Melack & Kilham 1974; Ganf 1975; Melack
1986), although there are distinctive tropical 1979a, 1981). High values are often encountered,
elements and some specifically African or appar- for which a high specific activity per unit algal
ently endemic forms (Comp6re 1981, Talling biomass is partly responsible (Tailing et al. 1973).
1987). The depth-extent of activity varies widely, regu-
Quantitatively, the population densities per lated by the varying quantities of background
unit water volume typically vary by up to three colour and seston (typically low in basins of long
orders of magnitude (e.g. 1 to 1000 gg chlorophyll retention) and by the algal pigments themselves
a 1-1) in different lakes, with implications for the (e.g. Robarts 1979).
associated amounts of organic C, N and P Transfer of phytoplankton biomass, and resi-
(Talling 1981). As the denser crops are usually dues, from water-column to sediments is some-
associated with shallow basins or shallow upper times conspicuous and episodic. Returns from
strata, the corresponding variation of areal cover sediment surface to water-column may also be of
density is more limited. The seasonal duration of ecological importance. Examples are provided
volumetric or areal abundance is responsive to by certain diatoms (e.g. in L. Victoria: Fish 1957;
factors both hydrographic (e.g. Viner 1985) and Tailing 1966, 1969) and blue-green algae (e.g. in
hydrologic (water-flow) (e.g. Prowse & Tailing L. George: Ganf 1974).

COMPI~RE,P. 1981. Phytoplankton. Biogeography and --& KILHAM, P. 1974. Photosynthetic rates of
systematics. In. BURGIS,M. & GAUDET,J. J. (eds) phytoplankton in East African alkaline, saline
The Ecology and Utilization of African Inland lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 19, 743-755.
Waters. United Nations Environment Pro- PROWSE, G. A. & TALLING, J. F. 1958. The seasonal
gramme, Nairobi, 37-39. growth and succession of plankton algae in the
FISH, G. R. 1957. A seiche movement and its effect on White Nile. Limnology and Oceanography, 3, 223-
the hydrology of Lake Victoria. Colonial Office 238.
Fisheries Publications, London, 10, 1-68. ROBARTS, R. D. 1979. Underwater light penetration,
GANF, G. G. 1974. Phytoplankton biomass and distri- chlorophylla and primary production in a tropical
bution in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake George, African lake (Lake Mcllwaine, Rhodesia). Archiv
Uganda). Oecologia, 16, 9-29. fur Hydrobiologie, 86, 423-444.
- - 1975. Photosynthetic production and irradiance- TALLING,J. F. 1957. Diurnal changes of stratification
photosynthesis relationships of the phytoplankton and photosynthesis in some tropical African
from a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, waters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Uganda). Oecologia, 18, 165-183. B, 147, 57-83.
KALFF, J. & WATSON,S. 1986. Phytoplankton and its - 1965. The photosynthetic activity of phytoplank-

dynamics in two tropical lakes: a tropical and ton in East African lakes. Internationale Revue der
temperate zone comparison. Hydrobiologia, 138, gesamten Hydrobiologie, 50, 1-32.
161-176. - - The annual cycle of stratification and
1 9 6 6 .

MELACK, J. M. 1979a. Photosynthetic rates in four phytoplankton growth in Lake Victoria (East
tropical African fresh waters. Freshwater Biology, Africa). Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydro-
9, 555-571. biologie, 51,545-621,
- - 1979b. Temporal variability of phytoplankton in - 1969. The incidence of vertical mixing, and some

tropical lakes. Oecologica,44, 1-7. biological and chemical consequences, in tropical

- -1981. Photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton in African lakes. Verhandlungen der internationale
tropical African soda lakes. Hydrobiologia, 81, 71- Vereinigung fftr theoretische und angewandte Lim-
85. nologie, 17, 998-1012.

From:FLEET, A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 27
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 27-28.
28 Abstract
1981. Phytoplankton. The conditions for high -- & TALLING, I. B. 1965. The chemical composition
concentration of biomass. In: BURGIS, M. & of African lake waters. Internationale Revue der
GAUDET, J. J. (eds), The Ecology and Utilization of gesamten Hydrobiologie, 50, 421-463.
African Inland Waters. United Nations Environ- - - , WOOD, R. B., PROSSER, M. V. & BAXTER, R. M.
ment Programme, Nairobi, 41-45. 1973. The upper limit of photosynthetic productiv-
- - . 1986. The seasonality ofphytoplankton in African ity by phytoplankton: evidence from Ethiopian
lakes. Hydrobiologia, 138, 139-160. soda lakes. Freshwater Biology, 3, 53-76.
-- 1987. The phytoplankton of Lake Victoria (East VAN MEEL, L. 1954. Le phytoplankton. Exploration
Africa). I n MUNAWAR, M. (ed.), Proceedings of Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika 1946-47, 4 (1),
the Symposium on the Phycology of Large Lakes of 681 ft.
the World. Archlyfur Hydrobiologie Beihi~fte Ergeb- VINER, A. B. 1985. Thermal stability and phytoplankton
nisse Limnologie, 25, 229-256. distribution. Hydrobiologia, 125, 47-69.

J. F. TALLING, Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 0LP, UK.

The origins of lacustrine oil source rocks: evidence from the lakes
of tropical Africa

M. R. Talbot

S U M M A R Y: New data from core samples are presented on organic matter accumulation
during the last 10 000-15 000 years in six tropical African lakes. Pyrolysis and maceral
studies indicate that in most of these lakes the preserved organic matter is a mixture of
phytoplankton and higher plant remains showing varying degrees of bacterial degradation.
Organic assemblages dominated by phytoplankton material have not been encountered.
Sediments with the richest oil potential accumulate in meromictic or monomictic lakes
during periods when the climate is humid and surface winds are relatively slack. The
evidence from tropical Africa does not support current theories that shallow saline lakes may
be especially favourable sites for the accumulation of oil prone sediment.

Introduction saline, alkaline lakes developed within major

playa systems. The oil shales are associated with
Although it has long been recognized that oil can carbonates, bedded evaporites and sediments
be generated from source rocks of non-marine showing abundant evidence of very shallow water
origin, the global importance of hydrocarbons of or subaerial conditions. Others, impressed by the
this sort has only recently become apparent. Two high productivity of some modern playa lakes,
factors in particular seem to be responsible for have suggested that this environment should
this development. The first is the great increase generally provide an ideal setting for source rock
in information available from Chinese oil fields, deposition (Reyre 1984; Warren 1986).
bringing with it the realization that most produc- A playa lake origin for the oil shales of the
tion in this country comes from non-marine Green River Formation has been challenged,
basins. The second has been the discovery of a however; an alternative explanation being that
succession of major oil fields in Mesozoic conti- these sediments represent periods in the basin's
nental rift basins within the African continent history when the lakes were deeper and fresher
and along the South Atlantic margins of Africa (Desborough 1978; Ryder 1980; Boyer 1982).
and South America. These new data, plus Eugster (1985) has recently clarified his and his
previously known occurrences in North America, co-workers use of the playa lake model, indicating
Europe and Australia, and periodic bursts of that it was specifically intended as an explanation
interest in oil shales, demonstrate that non- for the Wilkins Peak member, where the facies
marine oils come mainly from organic-rich associations mentioned above are well-estab-
lacustrine sediments. The main purpose of this lished. Reference to the 'Green River Model' in
paper is to attempt to identify the optimum the present account implies the original playa
environmental conditions for lacustrine petro- lake model. Tiercelin & Le Fournier (1980)
leum source rock accumulation based on evidence suggest that Lake Bogoria (Kenya), a shallow,
from modern African lakes. meromictic, hypersaline sodium carbonate lake,
contains a suite of facies analogous to those
regarded as typical for the Green River Model.
Models of lacustrine source rock accumulation
(2) Deep anoxic lake model (Demaison &
A variety of depositional models for lacustrine oil Moore 1980; Fan Pu et al. 1980; Ryder 1980).
source rocks have been proposed, some based on Demaison & Moore (1980) chose Lake Tangan-
studies of ancient non-marine basins, others on yika as the type basin for this model and suggest
modern lakes. Three different models are promi- that organic-rich sediments will most readily
nent: accumulate in anoxic waters below the thermo-
(1) The Green River model (Bradley & Eugs- cline of deep, permanently stratified, fresh to
ter, 1969; Bradley, 1970; Eugster & Surdam, mildly brackish water lakes. They suggest that
1973; Eugster & Hardie, 1975). Arising out of a the optimal conditions required to maintain high
long series of studies on the sediments of the rates of surface productivity and a permanently
Green River Basins, this model suggests that anoxic epilimnion would occur in a warm, humid
source rock (oil shale) deposition occurs in the climate regime, with minimal season contrasts.
shallow but anoxic waters of stratified, brackish- Associated sediments are of deep water origin.

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 29
Geological SocietySpecial Publication No. 40, pp. 29-43.
30 M. R. Talbot

Both these and the organic-rich muds themselves rather paraffinic, waxy and sulphur-poor. The
will generally show fine, primary lamination, due high wax content is generally thought to reflect
to lack of disturbance by waves, currents or the important contribution made by components
benthic organisms. from higher plants (Hedberg 1968; Hunt 1979;
(3) Ephemeral lake model (Bauld 1981 ; Burne Barker 1982; Tissot & Welte 1984; Powell 1986).
& Ferguson 1983). Observations of extensive Because it is probably the best and certainly the
blue-green algal mat development around the most widely known, attention has been focussed
margins of seasonally flooded coastal lakes and in particular upon the Green River Formation,
lagoons in various areas of Australia has led to especially some of the richest oil shale units,
the suggestion that such mats may be the which are commonly regarded as forming the
precursors of some laminated oil shales. These 'type' Type I kerogens (Espitali6 et al. 1977;
mats contain up to 30% total organic carbon Tissot & Welte 1984). This attention has in turn
(TOC) and are associated with sediments of brought about a widespread belief that Type I
entirely shallow water to subaerial origin, often kerogens are typical of lacustrine source rocks in
containing early diagenetic evaporites of an general. However, a compilation of Rock-Eval
essentially marine character. Similar environ- analyses of source rocks from various Chinese
ments may also see periodic blooms of the basins shows a complete spectrum of composi-
planktonic green alga Botryococcus (Chlorophy- tions from Type I to Type III (Wanli et al. 1981 ;
ceae), remains of which may aggregate in such Fig. 1). Wanli et al. (1981) suggests that what
numbers that they form a rubbery organic they define as Type IIA kerogens (Hydrogen
material known as coorongite (Hutton et al. Index ca. 400-600) are probably the most char-
1980). Such occurrences have attracted attention acteristic Chinese lacustrine source materials.
because of the importance that is often attached
to Botryococcus as a possible contributor to
ancient lacustrine source rocks (see below).
Algal mats formed in ephemeral lakes seem 1200-
unlikely analogues for the thick packages of C l a s s i f i c a t i o n of nonmarine
organic-rich shales known to exist in many oil- kerogen from various basins
producing continental basins, but both the other in China b a s e d on
Rock-Eval analyses after
models seem plausible. At present no consensus
Wanli,Yongkang & Ruigi ,
seems to exist as to which of the latter is the more 1981
appropriate for major lacustrine source rock
900- 1...=
- -
accumulations, nor indeed if there is a unique
environment for these sediments. Common to
both models, however, is the emphasis placed on X ~/Evolution path
Itl of kerogen
stratified water bodies and there does seem to be a
general agreement that stratification is essential _z
for source rock accumulation. Jones & Demaison Z
(1982 p. 54), for example, state that 'lakes must w 600-
be density stratified and stagnant on the bottom
. . . ' . One objective of the present survey will rr
therefore be to test the relative merits of the a
Green River and deep lake models by comparison
with modern African lakes. The degree to which
"1- , /
permanent stratification is essential for source %'~,.7 e3 ~_1
rock development is also examined.
B n~/q] x x
Composition of lacustrine oil source rocks
The principal features of some of the better
known lacustrine source rocks have been re- ..
. . . .
viewed by Hutton et al. (1980) and Powell (1986).
TOC content varies from less than 1% to over o 5o 100 150 200
60~, although the bulk are in the range of 1-10% OXYGEN INDEX
Kerogen composition ranges from Type I to Type
III, with bacterial, algal and higher plant remains FIG. I. Rock-Eval analyses of Chinese lacustrine
all making important but variable contributions. organic shales. Symbols represent different basins
Oils derived from such source rocks are typically (redrawn from Wanli et al. 1981).
Origins o f lacustrine oil source rocks 31

These kerogens are apparently of mixed origin, major climatic changes throughout the Quater-
containing significant qualities of planktonic and nary, changes which often had dramatic effects
terrestial plant remains. Type I kerogens of on lacustrine environments. Since hydrologic
lacustrine origin are composed of organic accu- conditions rather different from the present
mulations dominated by planktonic green algae, existed in many lake basins at times in the past,
particularly Botryococcus, or of amorphous ma- understanding the late Quaternary deposits adds
terial, which may be of blue-green algal (cyano- an extra dimension to the search for an optimal
bacterial) or bacterial origin (Hutton et al. 1980; lacustrine source rock environment.
Cook et al. 1981 ; Jones & Demaison 1982; Powell In recent years Quaternary climatic variations
1986). In addition, as an attempt to explain the in tropical Africa have been reconstructed by a
waxy nature of oils derived from some Type I combination of palaeontological, geological and
kerogens, Powell (1986) has proposed that the geomorphological evidence. (For comprehensive
latter can also be formed from those materials reviews see Livingstone 1975; Street 1981 ; Ham-
that remain after bacterial and fungal degrada- ilton 1982.)
tion of higher plant debris under mildly oxidizing
conditions. He suggests that cellulose and lignins ( a ) Precipitation-evaporation balance
would be selectively removed, leaving a concen-
One of the most successful methods for tracing
trated residue of waxy, oil prone cuticle, resin
tropical climatic variations has been the study of
and spores supplemented by bacterial remains.
lake level changes. The principles behind this
It is apparent from this brief review that
approach are discussed in detail by Street-Perrott
lacustrine source rocks are highly varied in
& Roberts (1983), who demonstrated that short-
composition and origin and that some confusion
term (i.e., over periods of a few thousand years
probably exists as to what the typical composition
or less) lake level changes have in almost all cases
of lacustrine source rocks might be.
been a direct result of variations in the precipita-
As yet, comparatively little detailed use has
tion-evaporation balance (P/E). Lakes have
been made of modern lakes as model basins
shown remarkably consistent behaviour across
where the accumulation of the likely precursor
tropical Africa (Fig. 2). Levels were uniformly
sediments to source rocks can be examined. The
low during the late Pleistocene, such that several
depositional models outlined above, refer to
now open lakes seem to have been reduced to
information from two African lakes. These,
closed basins (e.g., Victoria: Kendall 1969; Stager
Lakes Tanganyika and Bogoria, are just two of a
et al. 1986; Tanganyika, Kivu: Hecky & Degens
great diversity of lakes to be found in tropical
1973). A major change occurred some time after
Africa (see Livingstone & Melack 1984, for a
12 000-13 000 B.P., when lakes begin to rise in
recent review). New insights into the major
response to the advent of a major humid phase.
controls on lacustrine oil source rock genesis can
By the early Holocene lake levels were high,
probably only be gained by examining organic
many closed basins overflowed, at least episodi-
matter accumulation in a variety of these lakes.
cally, and previously saline waterbodies became
Comprehensive data on modern productivity,
organic matter types and preservation are lack-
Dramatic vegetational changes accompanied
ing, but sufficient core material is available from
the transition to more humid conditions. Forests
enough lakes to give a clear indication of the sorts
began to expand and by 10 000-8000 B.P. had
of source rocks that are likely to be formed in
achieved similar or greater extent than today.
large tropical lakes. Cores used in this study span
Humid conditions, interrupted by one or two
sufficientlylong periods of time for major climatic
drier intervals, continued until around 4500-
changes to have occurred. The effects of environ-
4000 B.P., when a rather abrupt change to drier
mental change on sedimentary and post-deposi-
conditions occurred (Talbot 1982). Although
tional processes must therefore be given careful
there have been some notable oscillations, the
attention when considering variations in organic
P/E of tropical Africa has since that time
matter accumulation through time.
generally approximated present-day conditions.
Lake levels have therefore been somewhat lower
Environmental change in tropical Africa and its than in early- to mid-Holocene times, and by
influence on lacustrine systems assumption, more saline as well.
This survey examines organic matter accumula-
( b) Wind
tion under modern conditions and at various
times in the more recent past. Extending the One other factor in addition to P/E balance has a
study back into the late Quaternary has several significant influence on tropical lakes. In the
advantages. The tropics have been subject to absence of major seasonal variations in surface
32 M. R. Talbot

FIG. 2. Relative lake level changes in various African lakes over the past 14 000 years. (Compiled from data from
Kendall 1969; Servant 1973; Hecky & Degens 1973; Tiercelin et al. 1981 ; Harvey & Grove 1982; Talbot et al.

temperature, the stability of any thermo- or ized by generally windy conditions, while early-
halocline is often determined by wind shear. to mid-Holocene times were marked by a rather
More or less permanent mixing of Lake Mobutu slack circulation system. The last 4000 years have
(Albert), for example, is due to the orientation of seen a return to windier conditions.
the basin parallel to the dominant wind direction,
and in several otherwise stratified lakes (e.g.,
Victoria, Tanganyika), partial or complete mix-
ing coincides with the windiest season (Beadle
1981). Livingstone & Melack (1984) have recently
reviewed stratification and mixing regimes in
tropical African lakes. They emphasize the
important role played by the wind and note that
basin shape and orientation with respect to the
prevailing winds can have a decisive effect upon
water column mixing. Wind shear clearly has a
major influence on the maintenance or otherwise
of stratification in African lakes; it is therefore
important to give some consideration to possible
long-term changes in windiness across the conti-
The most complete record of changes in wind
regime comes from accumulations of aeolian dust
in the Atlantic Ocean off north-west Africa
(Bowles 1975; Sarnthein & Koopman 1980). FIG. 3. Vertical distribution of terrigenous wind-blown
Figure 3 summarizes the history of dust accumu- sand and silt ( > 6 ~tm) and principal modal grain sizes
(carbonate and opal-free) in sediments from Valdivia
lation in that region for last ca. 100 000 years.
cores 13289-1 & 2 (18~ 04'N, 18~ 00'W). (Redrawn
Similar results have been obtained from other from Sarnthein & Koopman 1980.) Variations in
tropical oceans (Street 1981), so Fig. 3 can be modal grain size mainly indicate changes in wind
assumed to present a record that is valid for the speed and demonstrate that the late Pleistocene was
whole of tropical Africa. From this record it generally a period of strong winds, while early- to mid-
appears that the late Pleistocene was character- Holocene times were, in contrast, much calmer.
Origins of lacustrine oil source rocks 33
Organic matter accumulation and palaeoclimates Samples have come mainly from the core collec-
tions of Professor D. A. Livingstone at Duke
Three different time periods are selected for a
University, and from the Woods Hole Oceano-
comparison of organic matter accumulation and
graphic Institution.
Smear slides from all samples have been
(1) Late Pleistocene: Climate dry and windy; examined by standard petrographic techniques
lakes generally shallow, often rather saline (transmitted and ultra-violet light). Total organic
and alkaline. contents were determined using a LECO combus-
(2) Early- to mid-Holocene: Warm, humid cli- tion furnace. Hydrocarbon potential was assessed
mate, slack winds; lakes deep, fresh to mildly by means of Rock-Eval pyrolysis (Espitali6 et al.
alkaline. 1977), using a second generation Rock-Eval
(3) Late Holocene-Present: Sub-humid, moder- pyrolyser, supported in some cases by pyrolysis
ately windy; lakes at intermediate levels and gas chromatography, performed on a Phillips-
salinities. Pye Unicam PU 4500 gas chromatograph. Re-
suits from the latter are expressed as an oil-gas
potential index (OGPI).Analyses were carried
Data base and methods
out at the Norsk Hydro Research Centre, Bergen.
The lakes selected for study are shown on Fig. 4. Pyrolysis analyses on the sorts of samples used

FIG. 4. Map of tropical Africa showing lakes covered in this survey, total dissolved solids of present surface
waters, present stratification regime and mean organic carbon content of pre-modern sediments (see Table 1).
Tanganyika, Malawi, Kivu, Edward, Mobotu, Bogoria and Turkana are rift lakes. Victoria and Chad occupy
intracratonic sags and the Lake Bosumtwi basin is a meteorite impact crater.
34 M. R. Talbot
in this study are not w i t h o u t d r a w b a c k s a n d may, t h o u g h t unlikely t h a t m a t r i x effects will h a v e
in particular, be influenced by m a t r i x effects seriously distorted the analytical results (Waples
( H e r b i n 1979; Espitali~ et al. 1980; K a t z 1983; 1984; K a t z this volume). In a n y case, relative
K a t z this volume). Clay minerals can be especially differences b e t w e e n samples f r o m a n y one basin
problematic. G i v e n the high organic c o n t e n t s o f are almost certainly real. A n a l y t i c a l results are
the samples used in this study, however, it is s u m m a r i z e d in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Analytical data from samples used in this survey. Lake, core designation, core latitude and
longitude, water depth at core site. TOC." total organic carbon content (weight percent dry
sediment). Principal organic and biogenic components based upon microscopic examination: A,
amorphous; B, Botryococcus sp. ; C, plant cuticle; D, diatoms; S, spores, pollen," V, sponge spicules;
W, wood; Y, blue-green algae. Rock-Eval analyses" $1, hydrocarbon shows (kg t- 1 sediment) ; $2,
hydrocarbons generated under heating (kg t- 1 sediment) 9$1 + $2, genetic potential (kg t- i
sediment) ; HI, hydrogen index; OL oxygen index. OGPL oil/gas potential index based upon
pyrolysis gas chromatography
TOC ~ Principal Rock-Eval Analyses OGPI
S1 $2 $1 +$2 HI OI

Edward Core 3PC

00 ~ 26.9'S,
29 ~ 27.5'E. 55 m
100 cm 12.10 A,C,?Y,D 5.86 52.32 58.18 432 186 0.16
200 cm 14.46 A,C,S,?Y,D 7.43 69.85 77.28 483 155 0.18
300 cm 12.26 A,C,?Y,D 5.02 5 6 . 1 5 61.17 458 171 0.17
400 cm 11.24 A,?Y,D 7.30 5 8 . 4 3 65.73 520 161 0.17
504-515 cm 16.18 A,C,S,?Y,D 9.61 97.93 107.54 605 127 0.16

Edward Core 4 PC
00~ 21.15'S,
29 ~ 27.0'E. 100 m
52 cm 3.46 A,C,S,?Y 0.50 4.84 5.34 139 262 0.31

Mobutu Core 2 PC
01 o 29.2'N,
30 ~ 42.9'E. 40 m
Top 3.20 C,A,S,B,D,Y 0.48 4.56 5.04 142 220 0.36
100 cm 3.17 A,C,S,B,D 0.46 6.09 6.55 192 185 0.30
202 cm 3.97 A,C,P,S,B,D,S, 0.76 6.16 6.92 155 173 0.30
304 cm 2.91 A,C,B,S,D 0.43 2.72 3.15 93 178 0.35
405 cm 1.53 A,B,C,S,D 0.15 0.61 0.76 39 283
499 cm 1.70 A,P,B,C,D 0.15 0.74 0.89 43 239
525 cm 1.44 A,P,C,B,D 0.00 0.00 0.00 N.D. 8

Kivu Core 1 PC
02 ~ 17'S,
29 ~ 04.7'E. 225 m
98-102 cm 5.88 A,S,C,B,Y,D 4.52 24.67 29.19 419 122 0.17
200 cm 6.00 A,C,S,B 1.79 1 1 . 5 7 13.36 192 106 0.30
296-298 cm 6.67 A,S,C,B,D 2.47 1 2 . 8 0 15.27 192 141 0.26
397-400 cm 3.12 A,S,C,D 0.63 1.13 1.76 36 146

Kivu Core 6 PC
02 ~ 14'S,
29 ~ 07'E. 310 m
50 cm 8.40 A,C,D 8.91 35.57 44.48 423 157 0.13
150-152 cm 6.67 A,C,S,D 8.30 24.78 33.08 372 127 0.17
247-253 cm 7.94 A,S,C,P,D 6.61 34.51 41.12 434 123 0.17
301-303 cm 6.78 A,S,B,C,D 6.76 23.41 30.17 345 170 0.16
400 cm 7.95 A,C,S,D 4.85 23.81 28.81 301 105 0.19
Origins of lacustrine oil source rocks 35
TABLE 1 (cont.)

TOC % Principal Rock-Eval Analyses OGPI

$1 Sz $1 +Sz HI OI
Tanganyika Sta 15
29~ 663m
0 cm 7.53 A,S,D 3.71 34.29 38.0 455 99 0.24
100 cm 8.40 A,C,D,Y 5.21 36.81 42.0 438 85
200 cm 3.83 A,C,D,Y 0.78 7.40 8.2 193 147

Tanganyika Sta 18
05 ~ 45'S,
29~ 64m
0 cm 3.70 A,C,S,D,Y 0.80 5.63 6.43 152 167 0.53
70 cm 3.37 A,C,D,Y 0.66 4.43 5.1 131 162
140 cm 3.73 A,C,S,D,Y 1.18 7.38 8.56 198 156

Tanganyika Sta 19
29~ 361m
0 cm 7.99 A,C,D,Y 3.84 38.6 42.24 483 93 m

75 cm 6.89 A,C,D,Y 2.98 12.98 15.96 188 101 m

150 cm 1.52 A,C,Y 0.35 0.27 0.62 18 130 m

200 cm 1.54 A,Y 0.27 0.46 0.73 30 122 1.86

Victoria Ibis C
D a m b a Channel. 32 m
0 cm 18.31 A,C,B,P,S,D 14.56 93.3 107.9 510 89 0.19
570 cm 19.05 A,P,B,C,S,D 10.56 108.5 119.1 570 69 0.18
860 cm 4.22 A,C,N,D 0.39 1.38 1.77 33 135 0.63
970 cm 3.34 A,B,C,V,D 0.37 4.41 4.78 132 102 0.47

Bosumtwi B-3
l~ 75m
~ 3 0 0 cm 17.08 Y,C,S 8.03 90.74 98.77 531 73

Botsumtwi B-6
--~6~ 30'N,
1o 25'W. 78 m
122 cm 11.91 A,C,Y,S 7.66 60.72 68.38 509 95 B

435 cm 18.96 C,A,S 2.31 55.55 57.86 292 95

1327 cm 5.35 A,C 2.00 15.98 17.98 299 98

Bosumtwi B-7
~ 6 ~ 30'N,
1~ 25'W.
43 cm 16.82 Y,A,C,S,V 8.09 82.76 90.85 492 108 i

53.5 cm 16.53 Y.A.C.S. 6.90 81.60 88.5 493 119 R

132 cm 12.49 A,Y,C 3.90 54.28 58.18 434 140

485 cm 8.51 C,A,Y 9.44 38.65 48.1 454 94
490 cm 9.32 C,A,S 6.41 43.51 49.92 466 99
788 cm 8.40 C.A.Y 9.61 40.3 49.91 479 93 m

1394 cm 8.43 A,C 2.17 49.42 51.59 586 73 0.22

1688 cm 18.60 A,C 9.27 101.79 111.06 547 60 0.25
36 M. R. Talbot
Influence of stratification on sediment organic TOC's, at least in the case of Lake Turkana
content (Yuretich, 1979), the permanently well-mixed
Data from this study and from published work nature of these waterbodies is likely to be the
have been used to assess the degree to which the principal limitation on organic matter preserva-
stratification regime in African lakes controls the tion.
amount of organic matter preserved in the The main conclusion to be drawn from these
sediments. Figure 4 summarizes the relationship data is that although permanent stratification is
between these two parameters. With the excep- favourable to the accumulation of organic-rich
tion of Bogoria, lakes with a permanent thermo- sediments, it seems to be by no means essential.
cline (Bosumtwi, Kivu, Tanganyika, Malawi) Some systems (e.g., Lake Victoria) are capable of
have high to very high TOC value, as does Lake withstanding recurrent periods of mixing without
Edward, which apparently shows complete mix- any apparent adverse effects on the amount of
ing only episodically, during particularly severe organic matter that is ultimately preserved.
wind storms (Beadle 1981). In addition, Lake
Victoria, which mixes annually during the season
Organic matter composition
of strongest trade winds (Beadle 1981), also
contains highly organic-rich sediments. Even Bulk organic matter composition, and thus likely
Lake Mobutu, with only rare periods of stratifi- hydrocarbon source potential of the sediments,
cation, is accumulating sediment with TOCs of has been assessed by means of Rock-Eval
1.4-4.0%. In sharp contrast to these waterbodies pyrolysis, pyrolysis gas chromatography and
are lakes like Chad and Turkana, which despite smear slide microscopy (Table 1). Rock-Eval
high rates of primary productivity and moderately data are presented in Fig. 5, and show that the
organic-rich surface sediments (Mothersill 1975; sediments would produce Type II and III kero-
Beadle 1981; Serruya & Pollingher 1983; Cohen gens. The prominence of Type II precursors in
1984) have less than 1% TOC preserved in the African lakes compares well with the relative
pre-modern sediments. Although high sedimen- abundance of source rock types encountered in
tation rates may in part be responsible for the low Chinese basins. The richest samples analysed are

FIG. 5. Rock-Eval analyses of Quaternary-Recent sediments from African lakes (Bogoria data from Herbin
1979). Samples without age symbol are either of uncertain age or, in the case of Lake Bosumtwi, of pre-17 500
B.P. age.
Origins o f lacustrine oil source rocks 37

comparable to what Wanli et al. (1981; 1985) for the poor oil potential of some Victoria,
have termed Type IIA kerogens. No Type I Tanganyika and Kivu samples will be discussed
precursors have been identified in the present in a later section. In the case of Lake Mobutu,
study. none of the analysed samples would be of interest
Despite the absence of Type I assemblages, as potential oil source rocks. Although Mobutu
several of the analysed sediments would upon seems capable of accumulating organic matter-
maturation nevertheless provide rich oil source rich sediments in spite of an active mixing
rocks. Genetic potential as measured by Rock- regime, it is clear that the preserved organic
Eval ($1 + $2 : Table 1) is in many samples greater matter must be dominated by humic material.
than 20 and in some sediments from Lakes Diatom frustules are common in the Lake Mobutu
Edward, Victoria and Bosumtwi exceeds 100. sediments but evidently little of the hydrogen-
Pyrolysis gas chromatography also reveals that rich organic matter from these organisms has
some samples from Edward, Victoria and Kivu been preserved. It appears, therefore, that at least
are highly oil prone (OGPI < 0.2: Table 1). regular periods of stratification (monomixis) are
Precursor kerogen composition based upon a prerequisite for source rock accumulation.
Rock-Eval analyses are confirmed by visual Lake Mobutu possibly exhibits the sort o f ' . . .
inspection of sediment smears which show the mildly oxidizing conditions...' that Powell (1986
identifiable organic components to be generally p. 215) envisages as being favourable for the
of mixed origin (Table 1). Virtually all samples formation of Type I kerogens from higher plant
contain at least some higher plant debris, together remains. Although the lake can generally be
with varying amounts of autochthonous phyto- regarded as well-mixed, periods of low oxygen
plankton remains and amorphous material. concentrations occur regularly at the bottom in
Amorphous organic matter is dominant in most deeper waters (Beadle 1981). However, despite
samples and has presumably been produced by the abundant supply of plant debris from the
bacterial degradation of the other components heavily vegetated Albert rift to the deep waters
(Masran & Pocock 1981 ; Robert 1985). of the lake, there is neither visual nor geochemical
Of the phytoplankton, diatoms are abundant evidence for the selective oxidation of cellulose
in Tanganyika, Kivu and Edward sediments, and and lignin leading to preferential preservation of
common in Mobotu and parts of the Bosumtwi exinitic material.
sequence. Planktonic green algae do not generally
appear to be an important component of the
Changes in organic matter accumulation through
organic matter preserved in African lake sedi-
ments. Botryococcus and Pediastrum are relatively
common in the Lake Victoria samples and are Figure 6 shows the range of TOC values for
also said to be-"Erominent in sediments that sediments of late Pleistocene to Recent age from
accumulated during some of the dilute phases in five lakes. Although there is considerable varia-
Lake Bogoria (Ti6rcelin et al. 1982), but are tion, and some lakes consistently have very high
otherwise present in only small amounts. Recog- TOC contents (e.g., Edward, Bosumtwi), highest
nizable blue-green algal remains are also uncom- values seem to occur in sediments of early- to
mon; they have confidently been identified only mid-Holocene age. When the Rock-Eval analyses
from Lake Bogoria (Tiercelin et al. 1982) and in are subdivided into groups of different geologic
an early- to mid-Holocene sapropel unit from age, it is clear that Hydrogen Indices as well as
Lake Bosumtwi (Talbot et al. 1984). TOC content tends to be highest in the lower
Studies of modern phytoplankton in tropical Holocene samples (Fig. 5). Some upper Holocene
African lakes indicate that the flora is typically and Recent samples also have relatively high
dominanted by diatoms and blue-green algae Hydrocarbon Indices. In contrast, samples with
(Melack 1976; Hecky & Kling 1981; Beadle low TOC, HI and genetic potential are almost all
1981). Sediment composition suggests that this of late Pleistocene age, even from lakes which
was probably also the case in the late Quaternary. otherwise contain sediments of relatively good
Infrequent observations of algal remains reflect source rock potential (Table 1, Fig. 5).
their low preservation potential rather than any The reasons for these contrasts are environ-
inherent scarcity. Some of the amorphous ma- mental. The late Pleistocene was a period of low
terial may well represent bacterially reworked lake levels and strong winds. Frequent turnover
blue-green algae. in the relatively shallow waterbodies would have
In sharp contrast to the generally rich source favoured higher bottom water oxygen contents
potential of many samples are the sediments with and more persistent oxidizing conditions, thereby
low to very low Hydrogen Indices (HI) and greatly reducing the preservation potential of the
genetic potential (Fig. 5, Table 1). The reasons more labile organic components. In some basins,
38 M . R. T a l b o t

FIG. 6. Generalized stratigraphy, mineralogy and organic carbon content of cores from African lakes, compared
with vegetational history of surrounding land areas.

low lake levels during the late Pleistocene exposed Two additional factors contributed to the
extensive areas of lake floor. Samples with very widespread accumulation of especially rich sedi-
low HI from Victoria, Tanganyika, and probably ments in early- to mid-Holocene times. As Fig. 2
also Kivu, came from areas which must have shows, the terminal Pleistocene-early Holocene
been shallow or subaerially exposed at that time. was marked by a dramatic deepening of the lakes.
Oxidation, plus in some cases reworking by soil Transgressions on this scale would have led to
flora and fauna are almost certainly the reasons starved basin conditions in many lakes, the bulk
for the poor hydrocarbon potential of these of the clastic sediment being trapped in newly
sediments. The Tanganyika samples come from formed estuaries. At the same time, major
the base of a core taken in 361 m of water (Station vegetational changes were occurring; forest re-
19, Table 1). Evidence for a dominance of placed grassland or savanna over large areas of
degraded organic matter in these sediments thus tropical Africa (Fig. 6). This transition led to
provides independent support for Hecky's & reduced sediment yields. In Lakes Victoria,
Degens' (1973) contention that the lake was very Mobutu and Bosumtwi, a marked reduction in
much lower than present during late Pleistocene sediment accumulation rate clearly coincided
times. with the establishment of denser vegetation cover
During the early- to mid-Holocene, on the (Kendall 1969; Harvey 1976; Talbot et al. 1984).
other hand, the climate seems to have been It is thus probable that most tropical African
generally humid with rather slack winds. Under lakes received reduced supplies of clastic sedi-
these conditions lakes were at high levels and ment during the first half of the Holocene.
meromixis probably existed in many waterbodies, Humid climatic conditions together with a
even those which today mix regularly. The stable vegetation cover would have favoured deep
quantity and quality of organic matter preserved chemical weathering, so although clastic sedi-
in lower- to mid-Holocene sediments indicates ment yeilds were reduced, the abundant runoff
that in the tropics, at least, deep, dilute waterbod- must have carried a plentiful supply of dissolved
ies are more favourable than shallow, more saline nutrients. Lakes are therefore probably particu-
lakes for the accumulation oil prone sediments. larly productive during humid intervals like the
O r i g i n s o f l ac us t r i ne oil s our ce r o c k s 39

early Holocene. A combination of high surface dites generated at delta fronts or other shallow
productivity, a deep, stratified water column and water sites of accumulation. Such processes are
starved basin conditions must have enhanced apparently common in African lakes (Beadle
both the relative organic content of the sediment 1981 ; Talbot, 1976 and unpubl., Tiercelin et al.
and the accumulation and preservation of oil 1980; Johnson 1984; Crossley et al. this volume)
prone material. and it thus seems inevitable that the sediments
will commonly contain a mixed assemblage of
organic components. Upon maturation these
would normally yield Type II kerogens.
This survey of organic matter accumulation in Although Type II kerogens seem to be the
tropical African lakes strongly suggests that the typical lacustrine oil source material, it is worth
most favourable conditions for oil source rock reflecting on the likely conditions under which
accumulation occur during periods of humid Type I kerogens may be formed. The absence of
climate with reduced surface wind activity. At the latter from this survey may merely be a result
such times lakes are deep, fresh to mildly alkaline of inadequate sampling, suitable sites for their
with stable stratification regimes. This generali- accumulation simply not having been encoun-
zation includes the saline Lake Bogoria. During tered during the coring programmes. However,
early to mid-Holocene times the lake was much the steep, often tectonically active margins to
deeper than it is at present (Tiercelin et al. 1981) many of the basins covered here provide ideal
and there are clear faunal indications of fresh- settings for the initiation of mass flows, so, as
water conditions at that time (Carbonel et al. Barker (1982) has previously noted, mixed or-
1983). Evidence presently available from Africa ganic assemblages are probably the norm for rift
does not therefore favour the saline lake model or similar basins. Lake Victoria, however, is
for source rock accumulation. Previous discus- distinctly different from such basins in being very
sions of this model have commonly placed much large but relatively shallow and thus having only
emphasis upon the high organic productivity of gentle lake floor gradients. Transport of material
surface waters in some saline lakes (e.g., Warren from the margins into the central part of this
1986). This is certainly striking, but surface basin is therefore likely to be relatively inefficient.
productivity is not a reliable guide to the amount Samples from Victoria included in this study
ofoil prone organic matter that may be preserved come from a core taken in water 32 m deep at a
in the sediments. The nutrient content of a closed site only a few kilometres from the northern shore
body of water is finite; without periodic renewal (Stager 1984), where sedimentation is probably
from external sources high levels of productivity influenced by the swamps that are common along
in saline lakes can only be sustained by efficient this part of the lake margin (Livingstone &
recycling of nutrients. Much information now Melack 1984). It is probable that further out in
exists to indicate that nutrient recycling is of the basin, beyond, for example, the 60 m depth
major importance in many productive playa lakes contour (Fig. 7), higher plant remains make up a
(see Melack 1976; Livingstone & Melack 1984 much smaller proportion of the TOC than at the
for review of data relevant to Africa). If high core site. Sediments dominated by phytoplankton
levels of productivity in closed lakes are sustained remains have probably been accumulating in the
over long periods, it is clear that little organic central part of the basin since the terminal
matter can become immobilized in the bottom Pleistocene. During the earlier Holocene, when
sediments. winds were light, there is a strong possibility that
Humid climatic conditions will promote dense Lake Victoria was meromictic, so by now a
terrestrial vegetation cover, so higher plant substantial deposit of phytoplankton-rich sedi-
remains must be moved in relatively large ment should have accumulated in the central part
amounts by the abundant runoff. A significant of the basin.
proportion of this material, together with debris Lake Victoria possibly provides one of the best
from the extensive swamps which line the shores modern analogues to palaeolake Gosiute, in
of many tropical African lakes (Livingstone & which the Green River Formation accumulated.
Melack 1984), is readily transported far into the Although in contrast to Gosiute, carbonates seem
lake basins. Inspection under low magnification to be relatively unimportant in Victoria, the lake
of all the cores utilized in this study shows waters are of the Na +, HCO3 type (Tailing &
abundant plant remains, either concentrated in Tailing 1965) and would, if concentrated suffi-
discrete laminae or intimately mixed with clastic ciently, produce carbonates, plus a suite of sodium
material. These fragments have probably been carbonate-dominated evaporites similar to those
transported by density inter- or underflows and found in the Green River Basin. In addition,
resedimentation processes, principally as turbi- both basins have been subject to periodic vulcan-
40 M. R. Talbot

FIG. 7. Comparative maps of Green River basin with Lake Gosiute sediments (Paleocene-Eocene) and present
basin of Lake Victoria.
Origins of lacustrine oil source rocks 41
icity, have surface areas of the same magnitude densely vegetated, thus reducing clastic sediment
(Fig. 7) and carry evidence of major fluctuation supply and thereby enhancing the organic matter
in water depth. The occurrence in Victoria of relative to clastic content of the lake sediments.
Holocene organic-rich muds immediately over- At the same time, intense chemical weathering
lying a desiccated and weathered surface of ensures a steady supply of dissolved nutrients to
evaporite- bearing shallow water sediments (Ken- promote high rates of primary productivity within
dall 1969; Stager 1984; Stager et al. 1986; Fig. 6) the lakes. Dry climatic intervals, when lakes are
finds exact parallels in the Green River Forma- low and rather saline, seem much less favourable
tion (Bradley & Eugster 1969; Hardie et al. 1978; for the accumulation of oil prone organic matter.
Eugster & Hardie 1978). The excellent chronolog- (3) With a heavy vegetation cover in the basin,
ical and palaeo-environmental control available the lake sediments will normally contain a
in upper Quaternary sequences shows unequivo- mixture of phytoplankton (alginite), swamp and
cally that there is no genetic relationship between terrestrial plant (exinite) material, reworked to
the sapropelic and shallow water facies. This varying degree by bacteria. Such sediments will
fact, plus the general association of organic-rich typically yield Type II kerogens. The morphology
muds with humid climatic intervals, provides of most rift basins will generally ensure that
strong support for those who have argued that higher plant remains are distributed thoughout
accumulation of the rich oil shales of the Green rift valley lakes. Type I kerogens should therefore
River and similar basins must have occurred be characteristic of low gradient basins where
when the lakes were deep and relatively fresh distribution of terrestrial components is relatively
(e.g., Desborough 1978; Ryder 1980; Boyer 1982). inefficient.
(4) Lake Victoria provides a possible modem
analogue for those basins within which the Green
River and related formations accumulated.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:This study would not have been
(1) Based on examples from modern tropical possible without the generous help of several individuals
African lakes, conditions favourable to the and institutions. Thanks are due in particular to:
preservation of organic matter from which Professor Daniel Livingstone and Dr Curtis Stager,
lacustrine oil source rocks may be formed are Duke University, for core material from Lakes Bos-
umtwi and Victoria; to Jim Broda and Paul Andrew of
most likely to occur in deep, fresh to mildly the McLean Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic
alkaline lakes. Meromictic conditions enhance Institution, for assistance in sampling from the Lake
the preservation potential, but are not essential. Tanganyika, Kivu, Edward and Mobutu (Albert) cores;
Where rates of organic detritus supply are high coring operations were supported by the U.S. National
enough, the system may be able to withstand Science Foundation; to Gordon Speers and his staff at
periods of mixing without any significant deteri- the Organic Geochemistry Unit, Norsk Hydro Re-
oration in the quality of the preserved organic search Centre, Bergen; to Aase Scheie for technical
matter. assistance; to Ellen Irgens and Jane Ellingsen for their
(2) Climate has a major influence upon organic drafting skills; and to Aslaug Pedersen for word
processing. Dan Livingstone and Kerry Kelts are
matter preservation. Ideal environmental condi- thanked for critical reading of an earlier version of this
tions are provided by a warm and humid climate paper and many stimulating discussions on organic
with light surface winds. At such times lakes are matter in lake sediments. This work was in part
deep with very stable stratification due to low supported by a grant from the Royal Norwegian
surface wind shear. Surrounding land areas are Research Council (NAVF).

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Studies in Continental Margin Geology, Memoir, equatorial North Atlantic. Quaternary Research, 5,
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 225-235.
34, 549-565. BOYER, B. W. 1982. Green River laminites: does the
BAULD, J. 1981. Geobiological role of cyanobacterial playa-lake model really invalidate the stratified
mats in sedimentary environments: production lake model ? Geology, 10, 321-324.
and preservation of organic matter. BMR Journal BRADLEY,W. H. 1970. Green River oil shale--concept
of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 6, 307-317. of origin extended. Bulletin of the Geological Society
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M. R. TALBOT, Geologisk Instituttt Avd A, Universitetet i Bergen, Allegt. 41, 5007 Bergen,
Large Australian lakes during the last 20 million years: sites for
petroleum source rock or metal ore deposition, or both?

P. De Deckker

S U M M A R Y: Three basic 'regimes' of large lakes are recognized: (1) deep lake, (2) lake
with ephemeral (and shallow) water, and (3) dry lake. The characteristics of these three lake
types are discussed with regard to the composition of their water and sediment chemistry,
but also to their potential for the production and preservation of organic matter, as well as
the adsorption and accumulationof metals. Large Australian lakes, some with a sedimentation
record spanning the last 20 million years, are examined in line with the above concept.
Because of the low sedimentation rates in those lakes and the present-day water chemistry
predominantly leading to the precipitation of gypsum and halite (especially in the
groundwater below the lakes), it appears that any organic matter that would have been
produced in the lakes during their carbonate phase in Miocene time would have been
consumed by bacterial activity mainly in the groundwater. It is therefore suggested that the
search for sites of metalliferous accumulation may prove more rewarding than will
exploration for oil within sediments deposited since the early Miocene. As a comparison
with large lakes on other continents, suggestions are presented as to what would have
happened if sedimentation rates were much greater and if the lakes were in proximity to

Introduction Three basic lake types

De Deckker (1987) distinguished three lake types
In recent years there has been increased interest (which, accordingly, relate to hydrological re-
in the economic aspects of large lakes. Not only gimes) in his description of the biological and
have the evaporites received much attention,but sedimentary features characteristic of Australian
there is now ample recognition that lake basins salt lake facies. The first type is a permanent lake
can host significant quantities of petroleum source because it retains perennial water; the second
rocks as well as being sites for metalliferous occasionally fills up and therefore retains ephem-
deposits of economic importance. Already, a eral water; and thirdly, there is the lake which
number of models have been proposed on continuously remains dry. For brevity, those three
lacustrine sedimentation associated with petro- lake types are mentioned throughout the text and
leum source rocks (Demaison & Moore 1980; are referred to graphically in a basic triangle (Fig.
Friedman 1980; Bauld 1981; Dean 1981; Kirk- 1). Respective characteristics of these lake types
land & Evans 1981; Eugster 1985) and ore are also presented on triangular diagrams (Figs
deposits (Renfro 1974; Eugster 1985). 1, 4, 5). For example, an increase in aridity (viz.
The data presented here looks at the situation an increase in the evaporation/precipitation (E/
of Australian lakes and their deposits spanning P) over the lake) will change the status of a lake,
the last 20 million years to ascertain their from permanent to ephemeral, and with further
economic importance with regard to petroleum increase in E/P the lake will finally become dry
and metalliferous deposits. Because of the pre- (see Fig. 1). In addition, permanent lakes are
scribed short length of this article, emphasis is usually characterized by minimal physico-chem-
placed on a series of schematic diagrams describ- ical changes in comparison to those witnessed in
ing the conditions under which organic matter ephemeral lakes. Nevertheless, in the case of
and metal ions occur in lakes and also those permanent lakes, some parameters do change
circumstances under which they can be preserved over time like oxygen levels, temperature etc.
and become economically important. Although Accordingly, this can have significant implica-
all the examples presented here are based on tions for the aquatic biota. Some organisms will
Australian sites, conditions encountered on other have to withstand the rapid changes affecting
continents (viz. high sedimentation rates and their host environment; some may barely survive
proximity to volcanism, neither of which occur through these changes, whereas others will
in Australia), are discussed with reference to require these changes during their life cycle (e.g.,
petroleum source rocks and metalliferous deposit to hatch in low salinity water and later on thrive
potentials. and reproduce in high salinity water). On the

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 45
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 45-58.
46 P. De Deckker

FIG. 1. Schematic triangular diagram showing the relationship between the three basic lake types and climatic
conditions and salinity fluctuations (the latter summarizing other physico-chemical conditions like dissolved
oxygen levels, temperature etc.).

other hand, organisms living in ephemeral water which readily fossilize in deep lakes [either fresh
would tend to require particular and constant ( < 3%0 salinity) or saline ( > 3%0)] and where they
physico-chemical conditions to live and repro- can be transported by phenomena like turbidity
duce, and consequently would be unable to flows/undercurrents. For more details on the
tolerate dramatic changes of their environment. latter see Sturm & Matter (1978). Ooids also
However, it is more than likely that only a few deserve a mention here because they help recog-
species will be found inhabiting both permanent nize lake shore facies. Note also that calcareous
and ephemeral systems. Since a variety of organisms can become dissolved or partly etched
organisms can be linked to the production and in the hypolimnion if waters are undersaturated
accumulation of organic matter and their associ- in calcium carbonate. Evidence of deep water
ation to metals in lakes (see below), it is necessary may therefore disappear if calcareous fossils have
to identify the lake types in which those organisms dissolved. Calcareous nannoplankton (see Kelts
live, and also where they occur in the lakes. & Hsii 1978, p. 297 and Dean 1981, p. 219) are
Facies and biota which help recognize the not represented in this diagram since they are not
three different lake types are documented at restricted to any particular facies.
length in De Deckker (1987). They will not be There are few differences between either a
discussed here except for the biota of deep lakes fresh or a saline deep-water lake since the major
which were not sufficiently documented in De biological groups which fossilize are usually
Deckker (1987). equally represented. However, with regard to
Figure 2 shows the distribution of organisms diversity, differences do occur: in saline lakes,
Large Australian lakes 47




~ ,..~

~ ,..~

~ .~ ~ .,..~

9 ~
. ,...~

~ ~.~
48 P. De Deckker

species diversity is generally much lower, but thaler 1969), thus causing the formation of
population density of some species may be efflorescent salts (some of which may turn later
extremely high. This applies to the flora, espe- into gypsum clay pellets, see Bowler 1973),
cially the algae, as well as the fauna. The former polygonal cracking and associated with these are
is of interest here because of its potential to teepee structures and brecciation (see Muir et al.
become a source for petroleum. Note also the 1980; Warren 1982; De Deckker 1987).
representation on Fig. 2 of where organic matter The near-surface occurrence of the ground-
is produced, sometimes partly transported (in the water will also stimulate microbial activity
case of turbidity flows etc.), and finally preserved resulting in cyanobacterial (algal) mat growth
or decayed. For more details on these phenomena (Bauld 1981 ; De Deckker in press). Below these
refer to Dean (1981). Of note also is the influx of mats, bacterial sulphate reduction usually occurs
wind-blown terrestrial organic matter into lake (Teller et al. 1982, Skyring et al. 1983) and organic
systems, especially into saline lakes which occur carbon is consumed in the process.
in desertic regions. Galat et al. (1981), for Permanent lakes (Fig. 4) most characteristically
example, have estimated that 50~ of a tumble have carbonate-rich waters; this type of water
weed standing crop adjacent to Pyramid Lake in chemistry also applies to the ephemeral coastal
Nevada would be transported into it, thus lakes in Australia, among which the lakes
contributing an input of over 2000 kg C yr- 1 to associated with the Coorong are the best known
the lake budget. Such input cannot be ignored. (yon der Borch 1965). Some permanent lakes are
also saline (>3%0 salinity) and have a more
varied water chemistry, but, under the present-
Chemical characteristics: water and sediments
day (climati c ) conditions in Australia, most
Nearly all saline lakes in Australia share a permanent saline lakes have NaCl-dominant
particular characteristic; Na and C1 are the waters. If the lakes are of volcanic origin, like the
dominant ions in their waters. They all belong to well-studied maar lakes in Western Victoria (see
pathway II of Eugster & Hardie (1978) and, Williams 1981), they will also have bicarbonate-
therefore, the most common salts precipitated rich waters. In any case, most permanent lakes
from their waters, with an increase in water are characterized by carbonate precipitates, some
concentration, are CaCO3, CaSO 4 92H20 and of which may form interstitially (Muir et al. 1980;
NaC1. This chemical 'uniformity' in Australian De Deckker 1987).
waters, as already discussed in De Deckker Ephemeral lakes (Fig. 4) are usually character-
(1983), is related to the stability of the Australian ized by the predominance of NaCl-rich waters
continent, as well as to the absence of active and with gypsum and halite in their sediments.
volcanism and rift-type sedimentation (and as- Interstitial precipitation of gypsum and halite
sociated mineral springs), which otherwise would also occurs as a result of groundwater concentra-
supply a greater variety of ions and minerals. tion in association with evaporation, especially
Before discussing the chemical properties within the capillary fringe. Erosional phenomena
which characterize the three lake types, it is are also commonly associated with the drying
important to note that nearly all lakes are the phase of these ephemeral lakes. Mechanical
above-ground component of a hydrological basin. destruction of sedimentary structures, including
When the water table is below the lake floor, the algal mats (for more details see Walter et al. 1973;
lake remains dry, unless its surface (or near De Deckker 1987), formed under subaqueous
surface) is sealed by a hard layer (like indurated conditions, commonly follows during the dry
clay- or carbonate-band) for example and water phase. Aeolian activity and associated phenom-
enters the lake from a river or directly from ena (e.g., deflation, formation of clay lunettes)
rainfall. When the lake is dry, aeolian processes play a significant role with increasing aridity.
are most active and deflation of sediments and Note, however, that aeolian deposits which
organism remains may occur, and more import- originated from lakes may later act as reservoir
antly oxidation of organic matter is extensive. rocks, hence it is important to recognize and
When the regional groundwater is obviously of locate them.
different density from the brine pool below the In the case of continuously dry lakes (Fig. 4)
lake, a Ghyben-Herzberg interface will occur efflorescence of some salts operates, especially
(Freeze & Cherry 1979) (Fig. 3). As a consequence around the seepage zone when the groundwater
of this, potential flow lines converge towards the is close to the surface (and also in association
edge of the lake. This results in a marginal with a Ghyben-Herzberg interface). If the
seepage-spring zone. There, a number of pro- groundwater reaches saturation with respect to
cesses operate: they include evaporative pumping NaC1 or CaSO4 92H20, and if there is little loss
in the upper capillary fringe (see Hsii & Siegen- through the aquifer (viz. the basin being hydro-
Large Australian lakes 49

FIG. 3. Diagram representing a typical saline lake affected by the brine-water pool below it. In this particular
case, a Ghyben-Herzberg interface operates between the regional groundwater and the brine pool, thus forcing
both waters to converge towards the lake surface near the lake shore in an area characterized by seepage and
springs. There, a number of processes operate, including the growth of algal mats which, in turn, could adsorb
metal ions if they were transported there via the groundwater.

logically closed), a salt crust can form, thus alga, if adequately preserved, such as by rapid
preventing any further substantial sediment loss burial (e.g., during flash floods associated with
through deflation. Nevertheless, microbiological adjacent alluvial fans), have the potential to form
activity may continue below the salt crust, rich petroleum source rocks and oil shales.
especially in regard to algal growth and bacterial Conditions favouring preservation of organic
activity. matter in deep lakes are highly variable. In
general, with the lowering of water level in a deep
lake, there is less likelihood of stratification
Organic matter and metals in lakes within the lake. This prevents the occurrence of
Phytoplankton productivity is usually very diver- anaerobic conditions at the sediment/water inter-
sified in fresh and permanent lakes. An increase face. Thus the potential for organic matter
in salinity has an adverse effect on productivity preservation decreases. Similarly, as soon as a
except under certain circumstances when some lake becomes ephemeral (or in the shallow parts
algae grow under 'bloom' conditions. The alga of a deep lake) the potential for organic matter
Botryococcus is one of the best known examples, preservation is minimized because of mechanical
and is of interest here, because it contains high erosion and transport during receding water
amounts of hydrocarbons (Hillen & Wake 1979). levels, but also because benthic respiration and
Accumulation of Botryococcus, along the shores decay (caused by microbial organisms) are inten-
of lakes or within lagoons connected to lakes, sified during those circumstances (see Fig. 2 and
results from the positive buoyancy of this alga Dean 1981).
(Bauld 1983). In Australia, gelatinous deposits of Cyanobacterial (algal) mats, on the other hand,
Botryococcus are called Coorongite but elsewhere are best developed in ephemeral lake systems.
have received a variety of names (e.g., Balkashite, They usually thrive under extreme physico-
N'hangellite). Substantial accumulation of this chemical conditions (Bauld 198 l) where they can
50 P. De Deckker

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. . . . . . . . . . . . - ~%%S%

Large Australian lakes 51

be less subject to grazing by organisms. They are have been adsorbed by organic matter, they will
also often aerially exposed and easily survive not necessarily remain at the site of fixation. They
exposure. Note also that in hypersaline perma- can be remobilized depending on changing
nent water conditions, some cyanobacteria can chemical conditions. This is the common case in
grow to form larger bioherms (see De Deckker Australia with uraniferous solutions from ground-
1987) (up to several metres high and wide). water which eventually contribute to carnotite
Significantly, these bioherms may become poten- mineralization (see Arakel & McConchie 1982).
tial hydrocarbon sources if they are adequately Further, sulphides which also concentrate below
preserved. Specific conditions are indeed neces- algal mats as a result of bacterial activity (Skyring
sary for bioherm preservation since below algal et al. 1983) may accumulate sufficient quantities
mats sulphate reduction normally occurs with of metals worthy of economic interest.
anoxic conditions and this causes the consump- All the above mentioned phenomena are
tion of organic carbon (Bauld 1981, Skyring et al. summarized in Fig. 5. It is important to know
1983). An equilibrium between rate of sedimen- that petroleum source rocks are basically linked
tation and conditions for (optimal) algal growth to deep lake systems and that Botryococcus-rich
is therefore necessary to prevent the biological or deposits probably originate in shallow water and
mechanical (e.g., erosion by wave action) destruc- perhaps ephemeral and slightly saline systems.
tion of algal mats. Metalliferous deposits on the other hand are
As mentioned earlier, algal mats are commonly linked to ephemeral and dry lake systems, pro-
found on the edge of lakes, especially in the areas vided groundwater discharge areas occur and are
associated with a Ghyben-Herzberg interface enriched in metal ions. Association with algal
where a continuous, or near continuous, seepage mats is also necessary in the latter case. Never-
of groundwater occurs (Fig. 3). They even theless, it is important to realize that a close
commonly occur and grow below salt crusts or in association exists between organic matter and
association with teepee structures. The best metals in lacustrine systems.
documented example in Australia of large stro-
matolitic structures associated with polygonal
Australian lakes, sites for hydrocarbon or metal
cracking at Marion Lake in South Australia is
deposits, or both?
published in von der Borch et al. (1977) and
Warren (1982). There, the structures are well Compared to the situation on other continents,
preserved but there is no organic matter left. A some Australian lakes have been in existence for
significant additional phenomenon is observed in a long time. In fact, some lakes have been sites of
association with cyanobacterial mats: commonly sedimentation since the early Tertiary. For
the latter can trap metal ions which become example, the elongated playa lakes in Western
adsorbed on organic matter. This phenomenon Australia which occupy ancient drainage systems
was demonstrated experimentally by Disnar have existed since the mid-Miocene (van de
(1981) who showed the capability of cyanobac- Graaf et al. 1978). In central Australia there are
teria to select particular metal species under also mid-Miocene lacustrine carbonate sediments
specific Eh and pH conditions. This is particularly below Lakes Eyre and Frome (Callen 1977) and
relevant here because, as mentioned earlier, mats Eocene lacustrine sediments below Torrens
do grow along groundwater seepage zones where (Johns 1968) (for more details see De Deckker
waters are often highly concentrated in many 1983). Also, Lake George in eastern Australia
elements, and therefore may be relatively en- has a well documented record of sedimentation
riched in some metal ions. Degens & Ittekkot that started in early Miocene (Singh et al. 1981).
(1982) have also pointed out the common forma- Since the early Miocene, the Australian tec-
tion of metal-organic complexes in association tonic plate has moved northward, away from the
with the growth of authigenic sulphide, phos- Antarctic plate, across about 5-8 ~ of latitude (see
phate, oxide and carbonate minerals. One of the Fig. 6). Unfortunately, there are insufficient data
processes which they described is the natural to determine the climatic changes which occurred
staining of organic matter by metals (best during the last 20 million years in Australia to
described by these authors as a kind of 'scaveng- postulate what would have happened to the large
ing of metals from the environment by organics'). lakes. Nevertheless, there is evidence from
This could eventually lead to the possible forma- lacustrine carbonate sediments and from the
tion of stratabound ore deposits. Already, Draper fossil biota recovered in the vicinity of Lake
& Jensen (1976) have documented the close Frome that a warm, high rainfall climate pre-
association between Mn and the presence of algal vailed during mid-Miocene time (CaUen 1977).
mats on the floor of the large playa Lake Frome. This is quite different from today, because now
However, it must be noted that once some metals the lakes occur in the arid portion of Australia
52 P. De Deckker

~, ~._~
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-o ,..~ o
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.~ - ,.o

:.~o~ 9



,.r .

i-t t,,,,,

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9 =1
GROWTH M o S T bu,-,~ 03
Large Australian lakes 53
and are the sites of gypsum and halite sedimen-
An examination of the position occupied by
most known Australian lakes on the basic triangle
referring to water and sediment chemistry for
three periods of the geological time scale (early
Miocene, late Miocene and Present) (see Fig. 7)
points to the following: nearly all lakes
changed position (or would have if they had been
in existence during the last 20 million years, e.g.,
the crater lakes and Lake Corangamite formed
by damming of a lava flow are much too young)
on the triangle and moved in an anticlockwise
fashion. This, therefore, indicates that the lakes'
water/sediment composition changed through
time. Some lakes, however, remained ground-
water-seepage areas (e.g., Lakes Amadeus and
Napperby in central Australia) and would there-
fore only be sites of metal accumulation, but not
hydrocarbons. The lakes which changed compo-
sition, and which would have been sites for
hydrocarbon formation and storage (e.g., Lakes
Eyre, Torrens and Frome: see Fig. 7), have
undergone dramatic chemical changes through
time, especially in the groundwater pool below
them. Since the composition of the groundwater
below most of these lakes is sulphate-rich today
(and has been for some time), intense bacterial
activity would have destroyed any organic car-
bon-rich sediments. However, the metals which
originally were adsorbed by organic matter could
have remained within the sediments, even if
organic matter disappeared at a later stage. But
they may also have been subsequently transported
elsewhere by leaching processes via the ground-
As a consequence of the changes which
occurred in Australia, especially as a result of an
overall increase of aridity since the Miocene, the
search for metals in large-lake sediments is likely
to be more rewarding for the exploration geologist
than the search for hydrocarbons.

Figure 8 provides a summary of the concepts
presented in this article. The left hand portion of
the diagram shows the evolution of a lake under
Australian conditions with an increase in aridity
(in an upward sequence on the diagram) with
regard to water and sediment conditions. It shows
FIG. 6. Maps of Australia showing the location of the
lakes mentioned in the text and in Fig. 7, and their the transition from sediment deposition to sedi-
respective latitudinal positions for three periods: early ment deflation, and how this would favour either
Miocene, late Miocene and Present. organic matter or metal preservation and accu-
mulation. All the above phenomena relate to a
system with low sedimentation rates. Water
chemistry in Australian lakes which evolved
54 P. De Deckker

FIG. 7. Schematic diagram representing the three basic lake types and the position Australian lakes have today,
but also had (or would theoretically have had if they were in existence then) during the early Miocene and late
Miocene. Note also that since early Miocene, Australia has shifted 5-8 ~ in latitude (= 500-800 km) and since late
Miocene, it has moved 2-4 ~ in latitude (or some 200-400 km).

through the CaCO3-CaSO4-NaC1 pathway, and hand portion of Fig. 8, which fully documents
which underwent an overall change during the those possibilities, it becomes obvious that high
last 20 million years from carbonate to gypsum- sedimentation rates are necessary for the preser-
halite dominant sedimentation, has thus favoured vation of organic matter, especially in a deep-
the potential accumulation of metals and the lake situation with an anoxic hypolimnion. Thus,
destruction of organic matter. in general, a lake in a tropical region would
Elsewhere on other continents, the proximity become more favourable to organic matter pres-
to volcanism, and high sedimentation rates due ervation than in a temperate one because com-
to high tectonic activity, would engender condi- monly deoxygenated waters occupy a much
tions favourable to the production and preserva- greater portion of the water column in tropical
tion of organic matter and accumulation of lakes (see Beadle (1974) for tropical African lakes
metalliferous deposits. By examining the right and Kohzov (1963) for a comparison with Lake
Large Australian lakes 55


~'~ 0 0 ~

0 ,-c:l ~.0

~ ~ 0


,~ "~ ,.~


""~ 0 * " .-~. ~



o 0 ~ , . ~ .,..~


.~'= ~ ~

~'= ~ ~'~

o ~

"~'~ = =.=I
= ~ ..~ o ~ .
_~ ~

.,.~ , ~ ~,
56 P. De Deckker

FIG. 9. Schematic diagram illustrating two adjacent lakes; one is a deep saline lake and the other is shallow and
less saline. Distinctive physico-chemical characteristics of these two lakes (dissolved oxygen, temperature,
salinity) are shown graphically along a depth profile. Sedimentological and palaeontological features which
characterize facies within these two lakes are graphically presented and their association through a series of eight
sequential, synchronous events, but operating in different parts of the lakes, are shown in four schematized
stratigraphical columns (A-D). These events are briefly described below. Event 1 (represented at the bottom of
every column) relates to a phase during which both lakes were connected, thus with the larger lake margins
forming an incision high up in the landscape. Extensive beach ridges also indicate (high) lake levels. The
hypolimnion is enlarged during this phase at sites A and B and its presence favours the preservation or organic
matter not decomposed or destroyed through the oxygenated part of the water column. Botryococcus blooms from
the entire lake, due to the predominant winds, may accumulate in the shallower part of the large lake at site D.
This hydrocarbon-rich alga should be preserved there if sedimentation rate is also rapid, thus preventing its
decomposition by bacterial activity. During event 2, water level recedes and the lakes separate; stratification still
occurs in the large lake and organic matter can preserve at sites A and B; in the former because of the high
sedimentation rate related to undercurrent flows, and at site B because of anoxic conditions and the substantial
supply of sediment from the turbidity flows. Note that the graded bedded sequences can act as hydrocarbon
reservoirs especially along the margins of the lake due to their high porosity. Botryococcus-rich beds may
accumulate along the right margin of the lake in among algal bioherms. The latter, if they are substantial (this is
principally controlled by water depth) and lithified (most often by a carbonate matrix) they can act as both source
rocks and reservoir rocks (the latter because of the large number of cavities they have). During event 3, lake level
dropped to such an extent that stratification vanished in the large lake. Incision along the lake margin was
substantial and this is visible below water level of the present lake ( = represented by event 8). The shallow lake
dried up and pedogenic phenomena destroyed evidence of past sedimentary structures down to a certain depth;
fossil shells were also destroyed. If salinity is adequate for Botryococcus to bloom in the lake, it could accumulate
at site B. Site C also suffered erosion, and material from this site as well as from site D is deflated and reworked,
so as to become redeposited along the margins of the lake (on the right hand side of both lakes as controlled by
the direction of the predominant winds). Some reworked material also accumulates there during the rise of water
level during subsequent events. As lake level rises, anoxia reappears intermittently at site B and shells from
oxygenated phases become partially dissolved during the anoxic ones. This intermittence of oxic-anoxic events
causes the destruction of organic matter even in the deep parts of the lake. Elsewhere in the lake during that
phase, and subsequent ones, one can see repetition of the events described previously. (Diagram modified from
De Deckker (1987) and re-interpreted regarding the presence of organic matter in the two lakes.)
Large Australian lakes 57
Baikal), but naturally there are exceptions to this salinity changes). All these features are examined
rule. Demaison & Moore (1980) discuss this so as to distinguish the facies which are favourable
concept at length. Lakes in tectonically active for the production of organic matter and its
areas, associated to mineral springs and high preservation. Refer to the caption of Fig. 9 for a
rates of erosion and weathering, would be more detailed description of the eight synchronous
naturally propitious for the accumulation of events relating to the evolution of both lakes.
metalliferous deposits, and in addition they may Figure 9 should also be examined while paying
be sites of hydrocarbon source rocks. attention to the common association of metals to
To sum up, Fig. 9 provides a schematic view organic-rich sediments (as caused by the natural
of the possible facies which can be recognized in adsorption of metals to organic matter), and also
association with a deep (and also permanent) lake, to the presence of some conditions in lakes (like
and a shallow (and occasionally ephemeral) lake, anoxia) which favour the formation of metallifer-
adjacent to one another. Four stratigraphic ous sediments.
columns ( A - D in Fig. 9), detailing schematically
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I am very grateful to Phil
the evolution and changes of facies which might Macumber who introduced me to the concept of
occur in both lakes during a series of eight events, groundwater systems affecting lakes in Australia, and
relate to fluctuations in lake level and conse- to Bill Last who critically went through a last version of
quently to fluctuations of other physico-chemical the manuscript and suggested numerous changes to
parameters (e.g., presence or absence of anoxia, clarify the text.

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P. DE DECKKER, Department of Geography and Cenozoic Research Unit, Monash

University, Clayton, Vic. 3168, Australia.
Microbial and biogeochemical processes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada

R. S. Oremland, J. E. Cloern, Z. Sofer, R. L. Smith, C. W. Culbertson,

J. Zehr, L. Miller, B. Cole, R. Harvey, N. Iversen, M. Klug,
D. J. Des Marais & G. Rau

S U M M A RY: Meromictic, alkaline lakes represent modern-day analogues of lacustrine

source rock depositional environments. In order to further our understanding of how these
lakes function in terms of limnologicaland biogeochemical processes, we have conducted an
interdisciplinary study of Big Soda Lake. Annual mixolimnion productivity (ca. 500 g m- 2)
is dominated by a winter diatom bloom (60% of annual) caused by upward transport of
ammonia to the epilimnion. The remainder of productivity is attributable to chemoautotrophs
(30%) and photosynthetic bacteria (10%) present at the oxic-anoxic interface from May to
November. Studies of bacterial heterotrophy and particulate fluxes in the water column
indicate that about 90% of annual productivity is remineralized in the mixolimnion,primarily
by fermentative bacteria. However, high rates of sulphate reduction (9-29 mmol m-2 yr- i)
occur in the monimolimnion waters, which could remineralize most (if not all) of the
primary productivity. This discrepancy has not as yet been fully explained. Low rates of
methanogenesis also occur in the monimolimnionwaters and sediments. Most of the methane
is consumed by anaerobic methane oxidation occurring in the monimolimnionwater column.
Other bacterial processes occurring in the lake are also discussed. Preliminary studies have
been made on the organic geochemistry of the monimolimnionsediments. Carbon-14-dating
indicates a lower depositional rate prior to meromixis and a downcore enrichment in 13C of
organic carbon and chlorophyllderivatives. Hydrous pyrolysis experiments indicate that the
sediment organic matter is almost entirely derived from the water column with little or no
contribution from terrestrial sources. The significance of the organics released by hydrous
pyrolysis is discussed.

Introduction Study site hydrological properties

Big Soda Lake is located in the vicinity of the
Big Soda Lake is an ideal environment to study Carson Sink near Fallon, Nevada (Fig. 1). The
microbial reactions occurring in aquatic environ- lake became meromictic in this century as a
ments and to determine the impact of these consequence of irrigation practices (Kimmel et
reactions on geochemical processes. Because it is al. 1978). It occupies a closed-basin crater having
meromictic, the lake's monimolimnion provides a narrow (about 10-15 m) littoral zone and steep
a deep and unchanging anoxic water column bottom slope. Surface area is 1.6 km 2, mean
where anaerobic bacterial processes may be depth is 26 m, and maximum depth near the lake
quantified under conditions of elevated pH and centre (the site of most studies described here) is
salinity, as well as low redox potential. This 65 m. Salinity is 26 g 1-1 in the surface layer
greatly facilitates the study of microbial reactions (Kharaka et al. 1984), pH is 9.7, and the very
occurring under anoxic conditions or at oxic- sharp pycnocline-chemocline has persisted at a
anoxic interfaces. In addition, because certain depth of 34.5 m throughout our studies (1981-
lacustrine petroleum deposits appear to have 1985). Salinity below the chemocline is 88 g 1-1
been derived from the sediments of alkaline and this vertical density gradient inhibits mixing
meromictic lakes (Demaison & Moore 1980), the between the lower monimolimnion and the upper
study of bacterial processes in this lake should be mixolimnion.
of importance to our understanding of the early The monimolimnion is permanently anoxic
diagenetic reactions related to oil and gas forma- and has very high sulphide concentrations (ca.
tion. Indeed, a detailed knowledge of the nature 7 mM), in addition to other reduced sulphur
and function of water column microbial flora, as compounds (ca. 7 mM), ammonia (2.8 raM) and
well as its downward flux into the sediments, dissolved organic carbon (60 mg 1-1 ; Kharaka et
should aid in deciphering the organic geochem- al. 1984). Sediments of the pelagic zone are
istry of lacustrine source rocks (Didyk et al. 1978). characterized by an overall green colour inter-
This paper summarizes the findings of our spersed with numerous coloured laminations (see
interdisciplinary investigations of Big Soda Lake. section on organic geochemistry of the pelagic

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 59
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 59-75.
60 R.S. O r e m l a n d et al.

FIG. 1. A map of the location of Big Soda Lake.

sediments). Although the monimolimnion is rapid vertical mixing in winter (Fig. 2), with
relatively static (for example, temperature is short transition periods between these two states.
constant at 12~ the mixolimnion has large
seasonal changes in microbial processes and the Production and vertical fluxes of organic matter
distribution of solutes (primarily nutrients) that
in the mixolimnion
result from seasonal mixing. From spring through
autumn the mixolimnion is thermally stratified The annual cycle of mixing controls the distribu-
and partitioned into three distinct vertical zones tion of nutrients, dissolved gases, autotrophic
(Fig. 2): the epilimnion, the aerobic hypolimnion, bacteria, phytoplankton, and rates of production,
and the anaerobic hypolimnion. Thermocline all of which vary markedly between seasons of
depth is typically at 10-15 m during summer- stratification and mixing (Cloern et al. 1983a, b;
autumn (Table 1), and the oxycline (separating Cloern et al. 1987).
the aerobic and anaerobic hypolimnion) is found
at 20m. However during winter, following
surface cooling and wind mixing from winter
storms, the thermocline falls almost to the depth During the period of thermal stratification,
of the chemocline (Table 1) and the mixolimnion dissolved inorganic nitrogen becomes depleted in
becomes an aerobic well-mixed layer with a the epilimnion and phytoplankton biomass is low
shallow (2-5m) anaerobic zone. Hence the (< 30 mg m -2 chlorophyll a; Table 1). Bioassays
annual cycle is characterized by an alternation confirm that phytoplankton are nitrogen limited
between thermal stratification in summer and during summer, although trace metal (Fe) limi-
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 61

FIG. 2. Seasonal variation in the limnological properties of Big Soda Lake. E = epilimnion; AH = aerobic
hypolimnion; ANH = anaerobic hypolimnion; Mon = monimolimnion.

tation is also important (Axler et al. 1978; Priscu six. W h e n production is dominated by bacteria,
et al. 1982). Oxygen disappears at the compensa- vertical fluxes of particulate organic matter
tion depth of phytoplankton photosynthesis (measured with sediment traps just above the
( = 2 0 m) and large gradients of other solutes chemocline; Cloern et al. 1987) are small, ranging
coincide with the oxycline: the anaerobic hypo- from 45-110mg C m -2 d -1 and 12-20mg N
limnion has detectable concentrations of reduced m - 2 d-1, Table 1). These small vertical fluxes
sulphur compounds (ca. 0.2-1 mM), ammonia (about 10~o of daily productivity) are presumably
(2 gM), and methane (1-5 gM). Low light levels the result of slow sinking rates of autotrophic
( < 1~ surface irradiance) penetrate to the depth bacteria, and suggest that most new organic
of oxygen disappearance and sustain anoxygenic matter is mineralized in the water column before
photosynthesis by purple sulphur bacteria (Chro- it sinks to the monimolimnion (see later section
matium sp. and Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata) that on microbial heterotrophy).
are confined to a dense plate (Fig. 2). Biomass of
the photosynthetic bacteria is very high (500-
1000mg m -2 bacteriochlorophyll a; Table 1),
and bacterial productivity (both anoxygenic Vertical distributions of solutes and autotrophs
photosynthesis and chemoautotrophy) exceeds are radically different in winter when the mixo-
phytoplankton productivity by about a factor of limnion is isothermal to below 30 m. Erosion of

TABLE 1. Properties of the Big Soda Lake mixolimnion contrasting the summer-autumn
period of thermal stratification with the winter-spring period of mixing
Summer-Autumn Winter-Spring
Thermocline depth (m) 10~ e 26g-33 h
D I N ( = N H 4 + + N O 3 - + N O 2 - ) in p h o t i c z o n e 0XM) < 1~ 15 f
Phytoplankton biomass (mg m- 2 chl a) 11a--26b 100h--950f
Photosynthetic bacteria biomass (mg m- 2
bacteriochlorophyll a) 500d--1040 b 90h--130 g

Productivity (mg C m- 2 d- 1):

Phytoplankton 90b,e 2800f
Bacteria 570b--620r 30f

Total 660b-710 c 2830f

Vertical fluxes to the chemocline:
mg C m -2 d- 1 4Y-110 a 400h
mg N m- 2 d- 1 12~_20d 47h

July 1981 ; b November 1981 ; c July 1982; d July 1984; e October 1984; f February 1982; g February
1985; h May 1985.
Data from Cloern et al. (1987).
62 R . S . Oremland et al.
the thermocline allows vertical mixing of NH4 § carbon and nitrogen increased about four-fold
and other constituents from the anaerobic during May 1985, reflecting both the faster
hypolimnion to the photic zone, and increased sinking rates of diatoms relative to bacteria and
concentrations of DIN (Table 1) stimulate phy- the higher rates of production during the bloom.
toplankton growth and lead to a bloom dominated As a consequence, there is seasonal variability in
by the pennate diatom Nitzschia palea. Phyto- the sinking flux of biogenic materials (C, N, Si)
plankton biomass increases by a factor of 10-100 to the monimolimnion, and the increased vertical
and phytoplankton productivity increases about flux during the winter bloom is a potential
thirty-fold (Table 1). Conversely the biomass and mechanism of layer formation in the pelagic
productivity of autotrophic bacteria decline. sediments.
Vertical mixing disperses the plate of autotrophic
bacteria, and it brings oxygen well below the
Water column microbial biomass
photic zone (Fig. 2) so anoxygenic photosynthesis
is not sustained in winter. Hence the winter Profiles of microbial biomass (cell protein, aden-
period is characterized by increased community osine triphosphate, cell counts, and turbidity) in
productivity (by a factor of four) that is dominated the lake's water column during autumn and
by planktonic diatoms, and greatly diminished spring are shown in Fig. 3. The most apparent
significance of autotrophic bacteria. Sediment difference between these two seasons was the
trap measurements following the decline of the presence of a dense bacterial layer ('plate') at
winter bloom in 1985 show that vertical fluxes of 21 m depth during October but not during May.
particulate organic matter are also enhanced The plate harboured a population of purple
then. For example, vertical fluxes of particulate sulphur photosynthetic bacteria (as well as other

FtG. 3. Depth distributions of cell protein ( 9 adenosine triphosphate (z~); bacterial cells (0)__+ 1 standard
deviation; and light transmittance determined during (A) October 1982, and (B) May 1983 in Big Soda Lake.
The water column became anoxic at depths greater than 19 m in October and 16 m in May.
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 63

bacteria), which was reflected in high values of indicate that the lower uptake rates observed at
bacteriochlorophyll a and low values of light or beneath the 35-m chemocline were due to a
transmittance (Cloern et al. 1983a, b). Values of physiological response of the bacterial flora to the
cell protein and adenosine triphosphate in the harsh chemical environment of the monimolim-
monimolimnion were similar for both seasons nion. Thus, although the monimolimnion har-
(Fig. 3). Direct counts of bacterial cells were bours most (ca. 60%) of the water column
made using acridine orange epifluorescence tech- microbial biomass, these cells exhibit little activ-
niques (Harvey 1987). Bacterial density in the ity and are probably mainly derived from sinking
mixolimnion ranged from 2.5 • 10 9 t o 10• out of the mixolimnion.
10 9 cells 1-1. Cell density increased to 30 • 10 9 Chemical factors which may retard bacterial
cells 1-1 at the chemocline (35 m) and decreased heterotrophic activity in the monimolimnion
to constant values (about 14 • 10 9 cells 1-1) in the include high salinity and free sulphide levels. In
water column of the monimolimnion (Fig. 3). contrast, the mixolimnion (especially the anoxic
The monimolimnion seasonally contained most region) appears to be the zone in which most (ca.
of the total water column microbial biomass (ca. 90%) of the primary productivity is mineralized
60%), while lesser amounts were found in the (Cloern et al. 1987; Zehr et al. 1987). The bulk of
anoxic mixolimnion (ca. 24-33%) and aerobic this activity appears to be linked to fermentative
mixolimnion (ca. 15-17%) (Zehr et al. 1987). reactions, because of the low rates of sulphate
reduction, methanogenesis and undetectable de-
nitrification in this region.
Microbial heterotrophy
Uptake of 3H-glucose by microbial assemblages
in the water column of Big Soda Lake was linear
at all depths studied during the course of a 5-day From spring to autumn, high rates of chemoau-
experiment. Incorporation rates were 20-60 times totrophy (dark 14CO2 fixation) were evident just
higher in the mixolimnion than in the monimo- beneath the oxycline (21 m). This activity coin-
limnion (Fig. 4). Seasonal uptake profiles for cided with the depth interval occupied by the
either 1*C-glutamate or 3H-thymidine exhibited bacterial plate (Cloern et al. 1983a). Addition of
maxima just beneath the photosynthetic plate chemical inhibitors of nitrifying bacteria (nitra-
(Zehr et al. 1987). Very low rates were usually pyrin or acetylene) decreased dark CO2 fixation
observed in the monimolimnion. These results by 40-80%. Addition of thiosulphate to washed
cell suspensions taken from 21 m stimulated dark
COz fixation. These results indicated that oxida-
I I I tion of ammonia and reduced sulphur compounds
at the oxic-anoxic interface (21 m) was respons-
ible for the observed bacterial chemoautotrophic
fixation of COz. Chemoautotrophy accounted for
30% of annual water column productivity (Cloern
et al. 1983a). Estimates of rates of sulphide and
ammonia oxidation, however, have not as yet
w 24
been measured.
z 32
:z:" Hydrocarbons and 513 CH4
40 Most of the methane formed in Big Soda Lake
originates in the sediments of the monimolimnion
at a depth of more than 1 m below the lakebed.
However, geochemical evidence also suggests
that small quantities of methane are produced by
56 - bacteria in the anoxic portion of the water column
(Oremland & Des Marais 1983). Methane concen-
64 I I I trations beneath 1 m in monimolimnion sedi-
0 1 2 3 ments were as high as 418gmol kg -1 and
T R I T I A T E D GLUCOSE UPTAKE, dissolved methane concentrations in the moni-
MICROCURIES PER LITER PER HOUR molimnion waters were 50-60 g i . Methane con-
FIG. 4. Uptake of tritiated glucose by microbial centrations decreased markedly (about ten-fold)
assemblages in the water column of Big Soda Lake. above the chemocline and again above the
Experiments were performed during May 1983. oxycline. Surface waters were supersaturated
64 R.S. Oremland et al.
with respect to the atmosphere and contained nion water column ( - 5 5 to -60%o). A further
0.2 ~tM methane. Methane efflux from the lake's enrichment of water column 6t3CH~ values in
surface was estimated to be about 36 gmol m-2 13C was evident in the anoxic monimolimnion.
d-1 (Iversen et al. 1987). Ethane, propane and In this zone, 92% of the samples had values
both normal and iso-butane were abundant in the between - 48 and - 20%0. Bacterial processes
monimolimnion and displayed maximum con- were cited as the cause of the 13C enrichment
centrations of 260, 80, 22 and 23 nM, respectively. (Oremland & Des Marais 1983). These processes
A bacterial origin either in the monimolimnion include anaerobic methane oxidation and meth-
water or surficial sediments was indicated for anogenesis from isotopically 'heavy' substrates.
these gases (Oremland & Des Marais 1983), A typical profile of 613CH4 is shown in Fig. 5.
perhaps via mechanisms similar to those in
estuarine sediments (Oremland 1981 ; Vogel et al.
Isotopically 'light' values of 6~3CH4 ( - 70 to Methanogenic activity was detected both in the
- 74%0) were encountered in the deeper (> 1 m) monimolimnion sediments (Oremland et al.
sediments of the monimolimnion. However, 1982a) and anoxic mixolimnion waters (Orem-
values became enriched in ~3C at the surface of land & Des Marais 1983). Methanogenic sub-
these sediments (-55%0) and in the monimolim- strates in these and other high sulphate

FIG. 5. Stable carbon isotopic composition of methane (813CH4)determined in the anaerobic water column of
Big Soda Lake during October 1982. Data is from Oremland & Des Marais (1983).
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 65
environments appear to be compounds such as with Ni 2+. Nickel addition caused an initial
methanol and methylamines rather than acetate stimulation (< 10 days), after which time no
or hydrogen (Oremland et al. 1982a, b; Oremland further methane was produced. The results for all
& Polcin 1982). This phenomenon is caused by conditions after 83 days incubation are shown in
the channelling of acetate and hydrogen to the Table 2. Only methanol and trimethylamine
metabolically more efficient sulphate-reducing enhanced methanogenesis, while BES and Ni: §
bacteria. However, because sulphate reducers inhibited the process.
have relatively little affinity for methanol or The stimulation of methanogenesis by metha-
methylated amines, methanogenic bacteria can nol and trimethylamine, as well as the absence of
metabolize these compounds, thereby allowing stimulation by acetate, was consistent with earlier
for both methanogenesis and sulphate reduction observations with sediment slurries (Oremland et
to occur simultaneously. Recently, dimethysul- al. 1982a), as was the inhibition achieved by BES.
phide was identified as another poss- Methanogenic bacteria have nutritional require-
ible methane precursor (Kiene et al. 1986). ments for Ni: § Co: +, and Fe: § (Daniels et al.
In a preliminary study of methanogenesis in 1984). Because the chemistry of the lake water is
the water column of Big Soda Lake, lake water such that these metals are probably present only
from 40 m depth was incubated in the laboratory. at extremely low levels (Kharaka et al. 1984),
The collected water samples were stored for 3 these substances were added in an attempt to see
months prior to the experiment at 12~ in if methanogenic bacteria in the monimolimnion
completely filled, 4-1 glass bottles fitted with were limited by the availability of trace metals.
ground glass stoppers. Water was degassed of However, with the exception of slight initial
methane and dispensed into serum bottles which stimulation by C o 2+ and Ni 2§ no long-term
contained a small headspace of N2 (Iversen et al. enhancement was observed. Kaolinite was added
1987). as a control to determine if the presence of
The results for some samples are shown in Fig. increased surface area would enhance activity,
6. Methanogenesis occurred in the unsupple- since addition of metals resulted in the formation
mented bottles and was stimulated by methanol. of sulphide precipitates. Since no obvious en-
Water containing BES, a specific inhibitor of hancement occurred, additional surface area did
methanogens (Gunsalus et al. 1978), formed not enhance methanogenesis.
much less of the gas, as did water supplemented Methanogenic activity in the water column of

FIG. 6. Methane production by monimolimnion water. MeOH = methanol; BES = 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid.
Results represent the mean of three bottles and bars = 1 standard deviation.
66 R.S. O r e m l a n d et al.

TABLE 2. Production of methane by monimolimnion

water (40 m) after 83 days of a laboratory
incubation (12 ~ C)
Addition Concentration Methane
(nmol 1-1)

None -- 794 (84)

BES 5 mM 79 (11)
Methanol 50 ~tM 5129 (1331)
Trimethylamine 50 p.M 6325 (2122)a
Acetate 50 ~tM 897 b
FeCI2 H20 100 mg1-1 938 (116)
NiC12 6H20 120 mg 1-1 30 (6.6)
COC12 6H20 100 mg 1-1 915 (127)
Kaolinite 1 g 1-1 1119 (287)
Values represent the mean of the three samples with a
standard deviation indicated within brackets.
a represents average and range of two samples.
b represents one sample (due to breakage). After 20
days, triplicate acetate-amended samples were 49.5_
5.5nmol1-1 and methanol-amended were 93.9+
4.0 nmol 1-1.

Big Soda Lake was measured with freshly

recovered samples during October 1983 and July
1984 (Iversen et al. 1987). Methanogenic activity
ranged between 0.1 and 1.0 nmol 1-1 d - 1 in the
anaerobic mixolimnion and between 1.6 and
12 nmol 1-1 d - 1 in the monimolimnion. The
experiments conducted under in situ conditions FIG. 7. Effect of BES (37 mM) on methanogenic
activity in water samples taken from (A) the
differed from the laboratory experiments in two mixolimnion (28 m); and (B) the monimolimnion
respects. First, no enhancement of methane (40 m) of Big Soda Lake. Experiments were conducted
formation was observed when 40-m water sam- during May 1984.
ples were supplemented with either methanol or
trimethylamine (each 50 gM). This suggests that
these substances were not limiting methanogenic evident in some of the earlier reported Big Soda
bacteria in the field experiments, although they Lake sediment slurry-incubations (Oremland et
were in the preliminary, long-term laboratory al. 1982a).
experiments. Second, although 5 mM BES inhib-
ited methanogenesis in the preliminary, long-
Methane oxidation
term laboratory experiments (Fig. 6), no inhibi-
tion was achieved using 10 mM BES at any of the Incubation of lake water under in situ conditions
eleven depths tested during October 1983. In the with 14CH4 demonstrated the production of
July 1984 experiments 37 mM BES caused a 14CO2 with time (Iversen et al. 1987). Rates in
partial inhibition in mixolimnion samples, but the aerobic mixolimnion were very low (0.2-
did not inhibit monimolimnion samples (Fig. 7). 1.3 nmol 1-1 d-1) and accounted for only 0.04%
These mixed results with inhibitor concentrations of the bacterial methane oxidation occurring in
may have been caused by differential susceptibil- the water column. Therefore, anaerobic methane
ity by the methanogenic flora to BES. For oxidation was the process which accounted for
example, acetoclastic methanogenesis in diges- over 99% of the water column methane consump-
tors was blocked by 1 mM BES, but that formed tion. Rates were first order with respect to
via H2 reduction of CO2 required 50 mM (Zinder methane and were higher in the monimolimnion
et al. 1984). The fact that 37 mM BES worked in (49-85 nmol 1-1 d-1) than in the anoxic mixo-
the mixolimnion, but not in the monimolimnion limnion (2-6 nmol 1-1 d- 1). Rates of anaerobic
(Fig. 7) indicates that a situation of ineffective oxidation always exceeded those of production,
concentrations occurred in these experiments. thus indicating a net consumption of the gas
Similar difficulties with BES (1.4-14 mM) were occurred in the anoxic water column. Anaerobic
Microbial a n d biogeochemical processes 67

oxidation could be blocked by filter-sterilization, samples were incubated with Na2WO4 (20 mM).
but was uninfluenced by Na2WO4 (an inhibitor Rates of sulphate reduction were not influenced
of sulphate-reducing bacteria). Although a net by either the removal or addition of methane to
consumption of methane occurred in the lake's the samples. Results indicate that sulphate reduc-
anoxic zone, the daily rate of oxidation was about tion is not directly coupled to anaerobic methane
1000-fold lower than the ambient levels of oxidation.
dissolved methane. Thus, a decrease in the
dissolved methane content of incubated water
Nitrogen cycle
samples could not be observed over a 97 h time
period. However, anaerobic methane oxidation Attempts were made to measure nitrogen fixation
was probably responsible for the isotopically and denitrification in the mixolimnion of the lake
'heavy' CH4 detected in the anoxic mixolimnion using the acetylene reduction and acetylene block
(Fig. 5). assays, respectively. Seven depths (1, 5, 10, 15,
20, 25 and 30 m) were routinely assayed over the
course of the four seasons during 1981-1983.
Sulphate reduction Bottles containing 200 ml of lake water and ca.
Sulphate reduction is the apparent source of the 50 ml N2 (or air) gas phase were incubated in situ.
high sulphide levels in the anoxic mixolimnion Acetylene (10 ml) was added to the gas phase of
(ca. 0.7 mM) and monimolimnion (ca. 7 mM) as all but the control bottles. Selected bottles were
well as for the observed 634sulphate values in the amended with NaNOa (1 mM) and/or glucose
monimolimnion (-34%o), mixolimnion (-6%0) (1 g 1-1) to enhance denitrification, or with
and monimolimnion 634sulphide values ( - 26%0) NH4C1 (1 mM) to inhibit N 2 fixation. After 24 h
(Kharaka et al. 1984). Estimates of the rates of incubation, headspace analyses revealed only
water column sulphate reduction were achieved background level of C2H4 (< 0.1 nmol ml- 1)
by performing in situ incubations with 35S- and N20 ( < 0.6 pmolm1-1) in all the bottles,
sulphate (Smith & Oremland 1987). Rates of including the controls lacking c 2 n 2. Therefore
35S2- production were linear over 5 days. Five neither denitrification nor N 2 fixation were
depths sampled in the monimolimnion (35, 38, detected in the mixolimnion during the four
40, 50 and 60 m) all had seasonal rates between seasonal sampling intervals. In addition, amend-
0.9 and 3 I.tmol SO42- reduced 1-1 d-1. This ment of anoxic mixolimnion water with nitrate
agrees well with the overall estimate of 6.6 ~tmol and/or glucose did not elicit any detectable
SO42- reduced 1-1 d-1 deduced by analysis of denitrification (N20 accumulation). It is prelim-
past and current chemical data (Kharaka et al. inarily concluded that these two processes do not
1984). Sulphate reduction rates decreased to ca. occur in the lake's water column. The aerobic
1.4 and ca. 0.6~tmol 1-1 d-1 at 33 and 30m mixolimnion of Big Soda Lake is severely
respectively. Rates in the anoxic mixolimnion nitrogen-limited for much of the year (Priscu et
were below 0.025 ~mol 1-1 d-1. Annual moni- al. 1982; Cloern et al. 1983a).
molimnion sulphate reduction was estimated to Extremely high rates of nitrogen fixation
be 9-29 mmol m-1 d-1 (Smith & Oremland (,-~100ktmol m -2 h -1) were detected in the
1987). This extrapolated to a monimolimnion littoral zone. Fixation was caused by cyanobac-
sulphate turnover of 60-270 years, not accounting terial epiphytes (Anabaena sp.) colonizing the
for oxidation of sulphide. Equivalent carbon abundant macrophyte (Ruppia sp.) present in the
mineralized was 210-700 g m - 2 yr- 1, which littoral zone. These cyanobacterial aggregates
could account for most, if not all, of the also evolved H2 (6.8 ~tmol m -2 h - 1), however
mixolimnion productivity. The apparent discrep- this activity was caused by fermentative bacteria
ancy between the carbon mineralized by moni- living within the matrix and occurred only in the
molimnion sulphate reduction and that occurring dark (Oremland 1983). Other littoral zone sites of
via fermentative reactions in the mixolimnion nitrogen fixation include anaerobic, shallow 'cul-
has not been fully reconciled. Possibilities include de-sacs' which are infested with purple sulphur
downward flux of additional carbon from the photosynthetic bacteria. Areal rates of fixation
littoral zone and the steeply-graded mixolimnion (about 100 gmol m - 2 h - 1) were equivalent to the
sediments. Sulphate reduction in monimolimnion high rates exhibited by the cyanobacteria (J. Duff
waters was stimulated two-fold by addition of et al. in prep.). The extent to which this littoral-
FeS (in contrast to methanogenesis) or H2. zone-fixed nitrogen is transported to the pelagic
Acetate or lactate caused only 28 and 16% region of the lake is not yet known. In addition,
enhancement, respectively. No stimulation oc- it is not entirely clear why the mixolimnion is
curred with MnS, methanol or kaolinite. Sulphate devoid of cyanobacterial NE-fixation, although
reduction was inhibited by about 67% when possibly a trace element limitation could exist.
68 R.S. O r e m l a n d et al.

Active denitrification was found to occur in

some littoral zone sediments. Sediments of the
Ruppia beds had the greatest activity; however
high concentrations of added nitrate ions (1 mM)
were required to elicit such a response. Thus, the
'potential' for denitrification was about 1O0 ~tmol
N2 m - 2 h - 1, which was equivalent to inputs via
nitrogen fixation. However, the apparent K m for
nitrate was estimated to be 87 ~tM. Since nitrate +
nitrite levels in the interstitial waters are 5 laM 1-1
(or less), it is clear that in situ rates of denitrifica-
tion are well below the 'potential' rate estimate
(S. Paulsen et al. unpublished data). Estimates of
littoral zone denitrification were also made using
a novel N 2 0 reductase assay (Miller et al. 1986).
A rate of 6 ~tmol N 2 m -2 h -1 was arrived at
using this technique.
Nitrification occurs at the oxic-anoxic inter-
face (21 m) of the mixolimnion (Cloern et al.
1983a). However, ammonia oxidation rates have
as yet not been measured. In addition, a dissolved
N 2 0 maximum that usually accompanies the
zone of water column nitrification (McElroy et
al. 1978) was not evident in Big Soda Lake (Fig.
8). It is possible that N 2 0 is not released by
nitrifying bacteria under the highly alkaline
conditions (pH = 9.7) characteristic of the lake. FIG. 8. Dissolved N20 profile determined during
November 1981. At this time of the year, the water
column became anoxic at depths greater than 21 m.
0 ther processes Arrows indicate the N20 concentrations in the
atmosphere (top of graph) as well as values of NzO
Anaerobic decomposition of oxalate was studied indistinguishable from background contamination
in the sediments of both the littoral and pelagic (bottom).
zones of Big Soda Lake (Smith & Oremland
1983). Although the total oxalate content of these
sediments was similar (ca. 100 ~tM), degradation
gases to methane and ethane (Kiene et al. 1986;
rates were about fifty-fold higher in the littoral
R. Oremland et al. in prep.).
zone. This lower activity in the monimolimnion
sediments may also be a response to the harsh
chemistry of the bottom waters. Organic geochemistry of the pelagic sediments
Uprooted Ruppia sp. plants along with their
associated decomposing cyanobacterial epi-
General character&tics
phytes eventually are forced into shallow, littoral-
zone 'cul-de-sacs'. This rotting plant material can Only preliminary investigations have been con-
be as thick as 50cm deep. Bubbles rich in ducted upon the monimolimnion sediments;
methane (ca. 40~) are associated with this plant nonetheless several interesting aspects are appar-
matter, and both ethane and propane are present ent. These sediments are unusual in that they
as trace constituents. The bubbles have a distinct, have a distinctively green colour (from preserved
obnoxious mercaptan odour. Anaerobic incuba- chlorophylls and their degradation products).
tion of this material results in the formation of Usually, sediments in a highly sulphidic environ-
methane and traces of ethane. Methane for- ment are black due to the presence of amorphous
mation was stimulated by addition of methan- iron sulphides. However, because of the low iron
ethiol, dimethylsulphide and dimethyldisulphide content of the lake, iron sulphides are not present
(Kiene et al. 1986), while stimulation of ethane in sufficient abundance to mask the 'organic'
production (traces) was achieved with diethylsul- colouration. Pennate diatoms, derived from the
phide (Fig. 9) or ethanethiol. Because the forma- winter bloom (see pp. 61-62) are abundant in the
tion of these gases was blocked by BES, upper 30 cm. Multicoloured layers are also evi-
methanogenic bacteria are responsible for the dent within the sediments and occur from the
conversion of methylated and ethylated sulphur surface to at least 2 m depth (Plate 1). A very low
PLATE 1. Core from monimolimnion (depth interval = 95-150 cm) used in the hydrous pyrolysis experiments.


PLATE 2. Particulate organic matter in untreated lake sediments (scale: 1 cm = 25~t). Note pennate diatoms and
amorphous organic matter under transmitted light (a) and U V light (b).


PLATE 3. Chitinous remains of zooplankton and sheet-like amorphous organic matter after removal of mineral
matter by acid treatment (scale: 1 cm = 25~t). (a) transmitted light' (b) U V light.
PLATE4. Lake sediments after hydrous pyrolysis, solvent extraction and mineral matter removal (1 cm = 251x).
The relative amount of woody plant fragments and possibly altered chitinous material appear to increase in
samples after hydrous pyrolysis. The fine grained nature of the amorphous material may be a result of thermal
alteration. No fluorescence was observed after hydrous pyrolysis.
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 69

1 1 I shed excluded significant input from terrestrial
plant material (a fact reinforced by the organic
chemistry data below), such isotopic variations
36 must reflect changes in processes internal to the
lake. Some possibilities include: (1) changes in
phytoplankton communities and associated pref-
+ DES erential isotopic abundance during carbon fixa-
3O tion (e.g., Wong & Sackett 1978); (2) alteration
in phytoplankton isotope abundance induced by
changes in epilimnetic temperature (e.g., Degens
24 et al. 1968) or salinity; or (3) other possible effects
-5 (Deines 1980).

18 Nature of the organic matter (Z. Sofer)
The bottom sediments in the lake are highly
t- reducing resulting in preservation of abundant
12 organic matter. A portion of the sediment (55 cm
representing the 95-150-cm interval below the
sediment-water interface) was homogenized,
freeze-dried, and studied microscopically and
chemically. Based on the microscopical study
No Additions (Plate 2) the organic matter is primarily amor-
phous; abundant pennate diatom frustules are
also present and indicate that, along with bacte-
I 1 i 1 1 1 ria, they are a major contributor to the organic
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 matter. Table 3 shows that the dried sediment
DAYS contains 2.65% organic carbon. After removal of
FIG. 9. Formation of ethane from diethylsulphide the mineral matter from the sediment (by treat-
(10 mM) in Big Soda Lake littoral zone sediments. ment with HC1 and HF), the isolated organic
Results represent the mean of three bottles and bars matter consists of abundant amorphous material,
indicate _ 1 standard deviation. spores, pollen, woody plant fragments and large,
tan fragments, possibly the chitinous remains of
crustaceans (Plate 3).
pre-meromixis sedimentation rate (ca. 0.25 mm The freeze-dried sediment was soxhlet-ex-
yr- 1) was indicated by performing 14C-dating on tracted with chloroform: methanol (9:1) and the
core organic matter (Fig. 10). Stable carbon extractable matter was quantitatively separated
isotope values (613C) of total organic carbon as into ClS+ aliphatics, aromatics, heteroatomic
well as chlorophyll degradation products exhibit (NSO) compounds, and asphaltenes (i.e., large
a downcore shift from relatively heavy values at heteroatomic compounds insoluble in cold pen-
the surface to signficantly lighter values at 34-cm tane). As seen in Table 3, about 0.6% of the
depth (Fig. 11). Because the surrounding water- organic matter is soluble, and most of it is in the

TABLE 3. Organic and isotopic composition of Big Soda Lake sediments before and after hydrous pyrolysis
~o Organic carbon Ct s + Organic extract (ppm)
Total Insoluble Alkanes Aromatics NSO Asphaltenes Total C15 +
Organic composition
Before HP* 2.65 2.04 32 278 1601 6937 8847
After HP 1.63 0.28 2253 2205 4458 34421 43337
Carbon isotopic composition
(513C - PDB %0)
Before HP - 23.80 -22.92 -26.48 -26.26 -26.26 -24.98
After HP -24.34 -25.76 -24.97 -24.42 -24.13
*HP = hydrous pyrolysis.
7o R.S. Oremland et al.

FIG. 10. Apparent ~4C age of organic carbon in monimolimnion sediment core.

FIG. 11. Stable carbon isotope values (~13C)of total organic carbon (+), phaeophytins (/% O) and
phaeophorbides (O) in sediment core. Compounds were extracted with acetone/methanol solvent and separated
by HPLC.
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 71
form of asphaltenes. In addition, the freeze-dried organic matter derived from vascular plants
sediments were subjected to a mild thermal contributes only a small fraction to the total
alteration by means of hydrous pyrolysis (300~ organic carbon in Big Soda Lake.
for 72 h, as described by Schiefelbein, 1982), in The gas chromatogram of the aliphatic fraction
order to evaluate the 'petroleum-like' material in the lake sediment (Fig. 12a) shows a very
that such sediments would generate. strong predominance of the odd numbered higher
After hydrous pyrolysis the total organic carbon plant n-alkanes (Eglington & Hamilton 1963)
in the lake sediments was reduced from 2.65 to indicating some contribution of land-derived
1.63~ due to the formation of carbon dioxide, organic matter. The gas chromatogram of the
and hydrocarbon gases which are not accounted aliphatic fraction after thermal alteration (Fig.
for in the total organic carbon. The resulting 12b), shows a waxy n-alkane distribution maxi-
insoluble organic matter (kerogen) is reduced, as mized at n-C2~ to n-C2s and a slight even-over-
shown in Table 3, to approximately 1/7 of the odd n-alkane predominance has often been
original amount (from 2~o to 0.3~o). The thermally observed in carbonate environments (Dembicki
altered'kerogen' (Plate 4) appears to be composed et al. 1976); however, the waxy n-alkane distri-
mainly of woody matter. The observed decrease bution was unexpected in a depositional environ-
in the amount of the amorphous and chitinous ment that is dominated by aquatic organisms
material suggests that these materials were such as bacteria and algae. A low Pr/Ph ratio is
transformed into organic soluble matter. Hydrous in agreement with a highly reducing depositional
pyrolysis of the sediment resulted in a five-fold environment (Powell & McKirdy 1973). Another
increase in the extractable C15+ compounds interesting feature in the aliphatic gas chromato-
relative to the precursor material (see Table 3: gram of the hydrous pyrolysed sediment (Fig.
aliphatics increased 70 x, aromatics 8 x, NSO 12b) is the presence of a homologous series of C21
2.8 x, and asphaltenes 5 x). The amount of to C35 branched alkanes which were positively
extractable matter relative to total organic carbon identified by GC/MS mass spectra (Fig. 13) as
after hydrous pyrolysis is about 4.3-fold larger 10-methylalkanes. The origin of these branched
then what was observed in sediments from Mud alkales (i.e., the organism in which the precursors
Lake (Florida) where the dominant organic are synthesized) is not yet clear.
matter is peat derived from higher plant frag- GC/MS analysis of the di- and triterpanes
ments (Schiefelbein 1982). This suggests that (m/z=191) and steranes (m/z=217) in the ali-

FIG. 12. Gas chromatograph of the aliphatic fraction of (a) lake sediments, and (b) hydrous pyrolysed lake
sediments. Peaks with asterisk in (b) indicate 10-methylalkanes(see Fig. 5).
72 R . S . O r e m l a n d et al.

FIG. 13. Mass spectra of 10-methylalkanes(peaks with asterisks in Fig. 12b).

phatic fraction (Fig. 14) of the lake sediments containing non-marine organic matter as well as
shows only few of the compounds commonly in non-marine oils (unpublished data).
observed in more mature sediments. The less The carbon isotopic composition of the various
thermally stable terpenoid compounds (such as fractions (aliphatic, aromatic, etc.) before pyro-
the 17fl(H)C3o triterpane and other unidentified lysis range from - 26.5 to - 24.9%0 and - 25.8 to
compounds) are diminished after hydrous pyro- -24.1%o after pyrolysis (Table 3). The isotopic
lysis; however, under the conditions of this composition of the total untreated organic matter
experiment, the remaining terpanes (triterpanes is -23.8%0. This value is more positive (by about
and steranes) are still typical of low maturity. 4.5%0) than values reported for other recent non-
Because C2s sterols are predominant in diatoms marine organic matter (e.g., Schiefelbein 1982;
(Lee et al. 1980) it is very likely that the 5~(H) Scalan & Morgan 1970) and again indicates that
and 513(H)C2s steranes seen in the GC/MS higher plant organic matter contributes only a
patterns represent the abundant diatoms ob- small fraction to the total organic carbon. Mass
served in the Soda Lake sediments. Small balance calculations that include the TOC and
amounts of gammacereane were identified by the insoluble organic matter before hydrous
mass spectra analysis of the pyrolizate. The pyrolysis indicate that the extractable organic
diterpanes after hydrous pyrolysis show a pre- matter should have an isotopic composition of
dominance of the C2o compounds. This predom- -26.7%0. This is in good agreement with the
inance has also been observed in sediments measured isotopic composition of the individual
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 73

FIG. 14. GC/MS traces ofdi- and triterpanes (m/z = 191) and steranes (m/z = 217).

C15+ fractions (see Table 3). The isotopic on the microbial geochemistry of Big Soda Lake
composition of that extractable organic matter is have already made an important impact on our
more negative than the composition of the total interpretation of ~13CH4values found in nature
organic carbon, suggesting that it contains larger (Oremland & Des Marais 1983) and upon
proportions of higher-plant-derived organic mat- mechanisms of methanogenesis in high-sulphate
ter, mainly in the aliphatic, aromatic, and NSO environments (Oremland et al. 1982a, b; Orem-
fractions. After hydrous pyrolysis the different land & Polcin, 1982). The lake has now been
C15 + fractions become isotopically more positive, well-characterized in terms of its hydrogeochem-
indicating the addition of (soluble) compounds istry, nutrient dynamics, mixing and productiv-
that were previously bonded to the (isotopically ity. Recent investigations have centered upon
more positive) insoluble organic matter. bacterial decomposition processes occurring sea-
sonally in the water column of the lake, and how
this relates to inputs of carbon derived from
Summary and future work primary productivity. However, although meth-
Work on Big Soda Lake to date represents the ane oxidation in the water column has been
first detailed data set conducted on modern day investigated, estimates of sulphide and ammonia
analogues of lacustrine oil source rocks as oxidation have not been made. Thus, the lake's
identified by Demaison & Moore (1980). Studies carbon budget is the most comprehensive, while
74 R.S. Oremland et al.
the sulphur and nitrogen budgets are as yet aspect should be stressed in future investigations.
incomplete. All of these budgets require further It would be of particular interest to isolate
studies. The contribution of the littoral zone to alkalophilic anaerobes from the different zones
the C, N and S budgets must also be assessed. of the lake because little is known about the
In terms of the lake's sediments, only a physiology, ecology or bioenergetics of these
preliminary data set exists with regard to its types of bacteria (Horikoshi & Akiba 1982). This
microbial carbon mineralization reactions, bio- work is being pursued currently.
geochemistry and organic geochemistry. This

AXLER, R. P., GERSBER,R. M. & PAULSON,L. J. 1978. organically enriched, alkaline lakes. Limnology and
Primary productivity in meromictic Big Soda Oceanography, 32, 993-995.
Lake, Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist, 38, 187- IVERSEN, N., OREMLAND,R. S. & KLUG, M. J. 1987.
192. Big Soda Lake (Nevada). 3. Pelagic methanoge-
CLOERN, J. E., COLE, B. E. & OREMLAND,R. S. 1983a. nesis and anaerobic methane oxidation. Limnology
Autotrophic processes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada. and Oceanography, 32, 804-814.
Limnology and Oceanography, 28, 1049-1061. KHARAKA, Y. K., ROBINSON, S. W., LAW, L. M. &
, & - - 1983b. Seasonal changes in the CAROTHERS, W. W., 1984. Hydrogeochemistry of
chemical and biological nature of a meromictic Big Soda Lake, Nevada: an alkaline, meromictic
lake (Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA). Hydrobiolo- desert lake. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 48,
gia, 105, 195-206. 823-835.
()'Nevada&. WlENKE, S. M. 1987. Big Soda Lake KIENE, R. P., OREMLAND,R. S., CATENA,A., MILLER,
4. Vertical fluxes of particulate matter L. G. & CAPONE, D. G. 1986. Metabolism of
in a meromictic lake: Seasonality and variations reduced methylated sulfur compounds to methane
across the chemocline. Limnology and Oceanogra- and carbon dioxide by anaerobic sediments and a
phy, 32, 815-824. pure culture of an estuarine methanogen. Applied
DANIELS,L., SPARLING,R. & SPROTT, G. D. 1984. The and Environmental Microbiology, 52, 1037-1045.
bioenergetics of methanogenesis. Biochimica et KIMMEL, B. L., GERSBERG, R. M., PAULSON, L. J.,
Biophysica Acta, 768, l 13-163. AXLER, R. P. & GOLDMAN, C. R. 1978. Recent
DEGENS, E. T., GUILLARD,R. R. L., SACKETT,W. M. changes in the meromictic status of Big Soda Lake,
& HELLEBUST,J. A. 1968. Metabolic fractionation Nevada. Limnology and Oceanography, 23, 1021-
of carbon isotopes in marine plankton--I. Tem- 1025.
perature and respiration experiments. Deep Sea LEE, C., GAGOSIAN,R. B. & FARRINGTON,J. W. 1980.
Research, 15, 1-9. Geochemistry of sterols in sediments from Black
DEINES, P. 1980. The isotopic composition of reduced Sea and southwest African shelf and slope. Organic
organic carbon. In: FRITZ, P. & FONTES, J. C. Geochemistry, 2, 103-113.
(eds), Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochem- MCELROY, M. B., ELKINS,J. W., WOFSY,S. C., KOLB,
istry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 329-406. C. E., DURAN, A. P. & KAPLAN, W. A. 1978,
DEMAISON, G. J. & MOORE, G. T. 1980. Anoxic Production and release of N20 from the Potomac
environments and oil source bed genesis. Bulletin Estuary. Limnology and Oceanography, 23, 1168-
of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1182.
64, 1179-1209. MILLER, L. G., OREMLAND,R. S. & PAULSEN,S. 1986.
DEMBICKI,H. JR., MEINSCHEIN,W. G. & HATTIN,D. E. Measurement of nitrous oxide reductose activity
1976. Possible ecological and environmental sig- in aquatic sediments. Applied and Environmental
nificance of the predominance of even carbon Microbiology, 51, 18-24.
member C2o-C30 n-alkanes. Geochimica et Cos- OREMLAND,R. S. 1981. Microbial formation of ethane
mochimica Acta, 40, 203-208. in anoxic estuarine sediments. Applied and Environ-
DIDYK, B. M., SIMONEIT, B. R. T., BRUSSEL,S. C. & mental Microbiology, 42, 122-129.
E~LIN~TON, G. 1978. Organic geochemical indi- 1983. Hydrogen metabolism by decomposing
cators of palaeoenvironmental conditions of sedi- cyanobacterial aggregates in Big Soda Lake,
mentation. Nature, 272, 216--222. Nevada. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
EGLINGTON, G. & HAMILTON,R. J. 1963. The distribu- 45, 1519-1525.
tion of alkanes. In: SWAIN,T. (ed.), Chemical Plant - -& DES MAgAIS, D. J. 1983. Distribution, abun-
Taxonomy, Academic Press, London, 187-217. dance and carbon isotopic composition of gaseous
GUNSALUS, R. P., ROMESSER, J. A. & WOLFE, R. S. hydrocarbons in Big Soda Lake, Nevada. An
1978. Preparation of coenzyme M analogues and alkaline, meromictic lake. Geochimica et Cosmo-
their activity in the methyl coenzyme M reductase chimica Acta, 47, 2107-2114.
system of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. - -& POLLIN,S. P. 1982. Methanogenesis and sulfate
Biochemistry, 17, 2374-2377. reduction: competitive and non-competitive sub-
HARVEY, R. W. 1987. A fluorochrome-staining tech- strates in estuarine sediments. Applied and Environ-
nique for enumeration of bacteria in saline, mental Microbiology, 44, 1270-1276.
Microbial and biogeochemical processes 75
, MARSH, L. & DES MARAIS, D. J. 1982a. Methan- SMITH, R. L. & OREMLAND, R. S. 1983. Anaerobic
ogenesis in Big Soda Lake, Nevada: An alkaline, oxalate degradation: Widespread natural occur-
moderately hypersaline desert lake. Applied and rence in aquatic sediments. Applied and Environ-
Environmental Microbiology, 43, 462-468. mental Microbiology, 46, 106-113.
- - , - - & POLCIN, S. P. 1982b. Methane production - & OREMLAND,R. S. 1987. Big Soda Lake (Nevada).

and simultaneous sulfate reduction in anoxic, salt- 2. Pelagic sulfate reduction. Limnology and Ocean-
marsh sediments. Nature, 296, 143-145. ography, 32, 794-803.
POWELL, T. G. & MCKIRDY, D. M. 1973. The effect of VOGEL, Z. M., OREMLAND, R. S. & KVENVOLDEN,K.
source material, rock type, and diagenesis on the K. 1982. Low-temperature formation of hydrocar-
n-alkane content of sediments. Geochimica et bon gases in San Francisco Bay sediment. Chemical
Cosmochimica Acta, 37, 623-633. Geology, 37, 289-298.
J. E., ARNESON, P. A. & GOLDMAN, C. R. 1982. WONG, W. W. & SACKETT,W. M. 1978. Fractionation
Vertical profiles of primary productivity, biomass of stable carbon isotopes by marine phytoplankton.
and physiochemical properties in meromictic Big Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 42, 1809-1815.
Soda Lake, Nevada, U.S.A. Hydrobiologia, 96, ZEHR, J. P., HARVEY, R. W., OREMLAND, R. S.,
113-120. CLOERN, J. E., GEORGE, L., & LANE, J. L. 1987.
SCALAN, R. S. & MORGAN, T. D. 1970. Isotope ratio Big Soda Lake (Nevada). 1. Pelagic bacterial
mass spectrometer instrumentation and applica- heterotrophy and biomass. Limnology and Ocean-
tion to organic matter contained in recent sedi- ography, 32, 781-793.
ments. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry ZINDER, S. H., ANGUISH,T. & CARDWELL,S. C. 1984.
and Ion Physics, 4, 267-281. Selective inhibition by 2-bromoethanesulfonic
SCHIEFELBEIN, C. F. 1982. Hydrous Pyrolysis as a acid of methanogenesis from acetate in thermo-
Thermal Alteration Simulation Technique. M.Sc. philic anaerobic digestor. Applied and Environmen-
thesis, University of Tulsa, Okla. tal Microbiology, 47, 1343-1345.


COLE & R. HARVEY, Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park,
Ca. 94025, USA.
Z. SOEER, Cities Service Co., Tulsa, Okla. 74102, USA.
N. IVERSEN,Institute of Water, Soil and Environmental Technology, Aalborg, Denmark.
M. KLUG, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, Mi. 49060, USA.
D. J. DES MARAIS& G. RAY, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Ca. 94035, USA.
Predicting palaeoclimates
C. P. Summerhayes

The existence of lakes depends on several first (Scotese & Summerhayes 1986) involve a com-
order controls, one of the most important being parison of predictions of coastal upwelling
climate*. Understanding climate to the point currents (made using computer-produced palaeo-
where it becomes predictable is an important pressure maps) against indicators of upwelling
facet in assessing how this first order control has (opal-rich sediment detected in DSDP cores
operated in the geological past. Recently, geolo- by Miskell et al. 1985).
gists at the University of Chicago have shown For the Maastrichtian, upwelling was pre-
how palaeoclimate models can be used to map dicted off N W Africa, SW Africa, N W Australia,
the distribution of rainfall and of upwelling eastern USA, and Venezuela. Opal-rich sediment
oceanic currents for selected time slices (Parrish of this age was concentrated in all of these areas,
1982; Parrish & Curtis 1982; Parrish et al. 1982; as well as off the east coast of Africa. Although
Parrish et al. 1983). Use of the computer to upwelling was also predicted for the west coast of
perform this exercise is being perfected by other the Americas, there were no DSDP sediments of
geologists (Barron 1984; Barron & Washington that age from that area to test the model.
1982, 1984). Furthermore, the approach of the Why is there a discrepancy between upwelling
Chicago school is now also computerized-- predictions and opaline sediment distribution off
allowing palaeopressure maps to be produced for eastern Africa ? Does this mean the palaeoclimate
any time slice for which palaeogeographic data model is wrong? To answer these questions we
are available (Scotese & Summerhayes 1986). must recognize that not all upwelling is wind-
Predictions of upwelling made from palaeocli- induced. Geostrophic currents can induce up-
mate models can be tested against the distribution welling, as in the Somali Current today. The
of climatically-sensitive geological variables (e.g. Somali Current off northeastern Africa is the
opaline silica, phosphorite, and black shales). return flow for northern Indian Ocean water
Tests suggest that the models are reasonable pushed south by the SW Monsoon. Seasonal
(Parrish et al. 1982; Scotese & Summerhayes accelerations in such currents tilt interior density
1986). Accepting that palaeopressure maps pro- surfaces up towards the coast to balance the
duced by palaeoclimate modelling, and rainfall current geostrophically, leading to upwelling at
predictions made from such maps, are reasonable the coast. Such upwelling is geographically
best guesses as to what the Earth's climate may steady, seasonal, and independent of coastal
have been like in the past, we can use this winds (though it may be augmented by them). It
approach to make generalized predictive state- seems likely that the east African discrepancy
ments about the presence or absence of lakes of may reflect the influence of an ancestral Somali
different kinds. Current system, and does not invalidate the
This extended abstract draws attention to the palaeoclimate model. For other examples of this
use of computers in enabling the rapid prediction kind see Scotese & Summerhayes (1986).
of readily testable palaeoclimate maps for any Are rainfall predictions made from palaeopres-
chosen time slice. Such maps form crude working sure maps reasonable ? Parrish et al. (1982) predict
models, or thumbnail sketches of climate. While from palaeoclimate models that in the Triassic,
they lack subtle features, they are better than before Pangaea rifted apart, the continental
anything previously available. The user may interior was dry. The data show widespread
choose a complex computer model (Barron & desert sands, dunes, redbeds, and evaporites:
colleagues) or a simpler one (Scotese & col- thus the model is reasonable. Using Parrish's
leagues). Triassic rainfall maps we would expect to find
Palaeoclimate maps have two main uses: lakes typical of humid climates around the edges
of Pangaea, and lakes typical of dry environments
1. to help explain what we see in the rock record;
in the Pangaean interior.
2. to help predict what.we might expect to see.
After Pangaea broke up, seaways separated
The most recent tests that we have undertaken the different parts of Gondwanaland, bringing
the former interiors of Pangaea closer to water.
* It is often forgotten that the key prerequisite Parrish et al. (1982) predict that many of these
for a lake is a hole in the ground (I. Price, personal formerly dry areas would have become wet (e.g.
communication 1985). in the Cenomanian), depending on wind patterns

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 77
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 77-78.
78 Abstract
and the location of pressure cells. We would while others become dry or accumulate playas.
expect more extensive lakes typical of humid Hay uses this understanding to explain why lake
climates, and greater restriction of lakes typical deposits were typical of the western side of the
of dry climates, compared with the Triassic. Triassic-Liassic proto-North Atlantic, whereas
These global patterns derived from global evaporites accumulated in the centre.
palaeoclimate models obscure the effects of local Given (a) a global palaeoclimate model, show-
variability that may be introduced by topography, ing wind directions, and a (b) detailed palaeogeo-
for instance. Hay et al. (1982) show how local graphic map, showing main topographic highs
topography forces airstreams to rise and cool or and lows, local rainfall patterns might prove
to fall and warm. Air cooling adiabatically predictable within reasonable limits. Such
becomes saturated with moisture, leading to models, tested or improved by feedback from the
precipitation; sinking air warms adiabatically, rock record, could then be used to explain and
becoming undersaturated, leading to evapora- predict lake type with stated degrees of confi-
tion. Thus some depressions become water-filled, dence.

BARRON, E. J. 1984. Numerical climate modeling, a PARRISH,J. T. 1982. Upwelling and petroleum source
frontier in petroleum source rock prediction: beds with reference to Paleozoic. Bulletin of the
results based on Cretaceous simulations. Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 66,
of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 750-774.
69, 448-459.
PARRISH, J. T. & CURTIS, R. C. 1982. Atmospheric
BARRON,E. J. & WASHINGTON,W. M. 1982. Cretaceous
circulation, upwelling, and organic-rich rocks in
climate: a comparison of atmospheric simulations
the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. Palaeogeography,
with the geological record. Palaeogeography, Pa-
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,40, 31-66.
laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,40, 103-13 3.
BARRON,E. J. & WASHINGTON,W. M. 1984. The role PARRISH,J. T., ZIEGLER,A. M. & SCOTESE,C. R. 1982.
of geographic variables in explaining paleocli- Rainfall patterns and the distribution of coals and
mates: results from Cretaceous climate model evaporites in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Palaeo-
sensitivity studies. Journal of Geophysical Research, geography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 40,
89(D1), 1267-1279. 67-101.
J. L. 1982. Late Triassic-Liassic paleoclimatology R. G. 1983. Upwelling in the Paleozoic Era. In:
of the proto-central North Atlantic rift system. THIEDE, J. & SUESS,E. (eds) Coastal Upwelling.'Its
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecol- Sediment Record, B, NATO Conference Series IV,
ogy, 40, 13-30.
10B, Plenum Press, New York, 553-578.
1985. Global patterns in opal deposition from Late SCOTESE,C. R. d~SUMMERHAYES,C. P. 1986. A computer
Cretaceous to Late Miocene. Bulletin of the model of paleoclimate that predicts coastal upwell-
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 69, ing in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geobyte, 1, 28-
996-1012. 42.

C. P. SUMMERHAYES,Stratigraphy Branch, Exploration & Production Division, BP Research

Centre, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex.
Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems: an organic geochemical
comparison (Green River Formation and East African lake
B. J. Katz

S U M MARY: Source rock properties were determined on samples obtained from three
modern African lakes--Tanganyika, Kivu and Edward--and on thermally immature
material from Eocene Lake Uinta of Utah and Colorado (Green River Formation). The
modern rift lakes represent largely clastic lacustrine systems, whereas Lake Uinta is a
carbonate-dominated system. The sediments from both systems exhibit a wide range of
organic enrichment: up to ~ 13 wt.~o TOC in the clastic lake samples and sometimes greater
than 30 wt.~ TOC in the carbonate-dominated system. Total hydrocarbon generation
potentials, as determined by 'Rock-Eval' pyrolyses, also indicate higher yields in the
carbonate system (up to ~ 200 mg HC g- 1 rock) as compared to the clastic systems (up to
-,~90 mg HC g- 1 rock). Differences in hydrocarbon yield are greater than can be explained
by the organic content. They appear to be the combined result of mineral matrix effects and
kerogen character. Elemental and visual analyses of isolated kerogen also support the idea
of differences in organic character. The kerogen from the Green River Formation was used
to define the Type I reference curve. The kerogen isolated from the clastic lakes appears
intermediate between the Type I and Type II reference curves and contains varying and, in
some cases, very significant proportions of Type III and/or residual (inert) organic material.
In both cases, the principal product will be a high-wax crude oil. The primary differences in
organic enrichment and character appear to be related to the relative quantity of
allochthonous sedimentary material, both organic and inorganic.

Introduction lower analytic thresholds for source rock defini-

tion. Numerous authors have attempted to define
Conventional petroleum exploration strategies the threshold using organic carbon content (see
have typically relied upon the presence of marine Jones 1985, for a review). A more direct measure
source rocks. Exploration in parts of Africa, of generative capacity may be obtained through
Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Russia and pyrolysis. The results from pyrolysis incorporate
the western United States have increasingly not only the level of organic enrichment but
shown the presence of non-marine lacustrine include the effects of organic matter type,
sources. For example, lacustrine source facies diagenetic history, mineral matrix and level of
account for 95~ of China's hydrocarbon produc- thermal maturity. Based on a statistical study of
tion (Halbouty 1980) and 54~ of Brazil's known pyrolysis data, Bissada (1982) suggested that a
reserves (Ponte et al. 1980). Individual fields may hydrocarbon yield of -~ 2.5 mg HC g- 1 rock
be quite significant. The Taching field, located in would be the minimum necessary for good source
the Sungliao basin of China, was sourced from rocks. This yield threshold is independent of rock
Jurassic/Cretaceous lacustrine shales and has type or depositional environment.
estimated reserves of up to 14 billion barrels The deposition of a source rock requires that
(Chen, 1980). As a consequence, there has been the supply of organic matter is greater than
increased interest in both the character and oxidative demand. This organic matter is typi-
depositional settings of these oil generative cally composed of a mixture of material derived
sequences and their modern analogues. from autochthonous (principally planktonic ma-
Oil source rocks (potential, effective and/or terial) and allochthonous (higher plants and
exhausted) by definition either are presently, or grasses) sources. The aim of this paper is to
have been capable of, generating and expelling examine how the ratio of these two organic
commercial quantities of hydrocarbons. At low sources varies in carbonate and siliciclastic-
levels of thermal maturity they contain above dominated lacustrine systems and how this
average quantities of indigenous organic carbon influences source rock potential and product type.
and organically bound hydrogen. Upon pyrolysis
they yield above average quantities of hydrocar- Study a r e a
bons (Bissada 1982). Samples were obtained from piston cores from
The literature is ambiguous concerning the three East African Rift valley lakes--Lakes

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 81
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 81-90.
82 B. J. K a t z

Tanganyika, Kivu and Edward (Fig. 1)--and

outcrops and cores from oil shale horizons of the
Green River Formation (Eocene Lake Uinta of
Utah and Colorado; Fig. 2). The African lakes
were selected to represent carbonate-poor sys-
tems. Calcium carbonate contents are typically
less than 10~, but may occasionally dominate, as
in the Bukavu basin of Lake Kivu, where CaCO 3
may be as high as 70% (Degens & Kulbicki 1973).
No samples from the carbonate-rich areas of the
African lakes were included in this study. The
Green River Formation was selected to represent
a carbonate-rich system. The carbonate mineral-
ogy includes not only calcite and dolomite, but
also ankerite, dawsonite and nahcolite (Desbor-
ough 1978).
The limnological characteristics of the three

FIG. 2. Location of Lake Uinta.

African lakes have been well documented (see

Serruya & Pollingher 1983, for a review). The
lakes exhibit significant morphometric variation.
Lakes Tanganyika and Kivu are permanently
stratified (Degens et al. 1971; 1973). The water
below 40 m in Lake Edward is typically devoid
of oxygen except during the August (and possibly
February) mixing period (Verbeke 1957). The
high organic content of the sediment rapidly
consumes the available oxygen during these
turnover periods. All three lakes exhibit high
levels of productivity, greater than 250
g C m -2 yr-1 (Degens & Kulbicki 1973).
The limnological characteristics of Lake Uinta
during Green River deposition are poorly docu-
mented. Some authors have argued that the
Green River Formation was deposited in a
perennial, stratified lake with undefined water
depths (Bradley & Eugster 1969; Desborough
1978), while others suggest a playa lake with a
shallow central lake surrounded by carbonate
mudflats acting as both a source and trap for
sediments (Eugster & Surdam 1973). In either
case, the lake basin was ,-~310 x ,-~ 130 km (Eugs-
ter 1985), larger than Lakes Edward and Kivu
but smaller than Lake Tanganyika.
In the playa lake model the primary periods of
organic deposition would have been associated
with higher lake stands (i.e., more brackish water
conditions). Temporary euxinic conditions would
be established and maintained by elevated levels
of productivity (Eugster 1985). In Lake Gosiute,
another 'Green River basin' lake, Bradley
(1963) estimated that primary productivity was
FIG. 1. Location of Lakes Tanganyika, Kivu and ~ 270 g C m - 2 yr- 1. Similar productivity values
Edward. were probably achieved in Lake Uinta.
Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems 83

Analytical methodology suites exhibit above-average levels of enrichment

(> 1.0 wt.~; Bissada 1982). While the maximum
Dried samples were ground to ~44/.tm. The
level of enrichment was significantly greater,
organic carbon content (TOC) was determined
more than double in the carbonate system, both
on each sample using a LECO combustion system
sample suites exhibited modal values between
after decarbonating. Samples with TOC >0.5%
3 wt.% and 5 wt.%
were also subjected to pyrolytic assay using a
'Rock-Eval' system as described by Espitali+ et
al. (1977). The remainder of the analytical "Rock-Evar pyrolysis
programme was determined principally upon the Pyrolysis measures the free ($1) and generatable
availability of sample material and the results of ($2) hydrocarbons. The East African lake samples
the two screening analyses. An attempt was made yielded values of $1 + $2 between 0.9 and 87.1 mg
to examine both the soluble (bitumen) and HC g-1 rock (Fig. 5). This compares with 4.2-
insoluble (kerogen) organic fractions in all sam- 204.7mg H C g -1 rock for the Lake Uinta
ples wherever possible. Samples were extracted samples (Fig. 5). Nearly all of the pyrolysed
using an azeotropic mixture of methanol, acetone samples have yields consistent with good or
and chloroform. The extracts were deasphaltened excellent source rocks ( > 6 m g HC g-1 rock;
with pentane and fractionated for group-type Tissot & Welte 1984).
analysis using high performance liquid chroma- Espitali+ et al. (1977) suggested that pyrolysis
tography. Kerogen was isolated following extrac- may also be used to characterize the type of
tion using standard acid treatments and heavy organic matter. Organic matter characterization
liquid separation. Isolated kerogens underwent is accomplished using a modified van Krevelen
elemental analysis (C, H, O and N) and/or visual diagram, where the hydrogen index (S2/TOC) is
microscopic examination. Several samples under- substituted for the H/C ratio and the oxygen
went pyrolysis-gas chromatography to assist in index (S3/TOC; S 3 is organically derived CO2) is
the determination of the principal hydrocarbon substituted for the O/C ratio (Fig. 6).
products. The African samples appear to be associated
with the Type II and Type III reference curves.
The high oxygen indices in many of the samples
Analytical results may be the result of large humic acid concentra-
tions which are commonly encountered in modern
Organic carbon sediments. In contrast, the data from the Green
River Formation are closely aligned with the
Fifty-four samples were analysed from the Afri- Type I reference curve.
can lake systems. Organic carbon contents ranged Differences in the hydrogen indices of the two
from 1.2 wt.%to 12.8 wt.~(Fig. 3). One-hundred- data sets are greater than can be explained as a
and-ninety-eight samples from several of the 'oil result of rock matrix effects alone (Katz 1983).
shale' intervals of the Green River Formation Carbonate rocks containing the same quantity
were also analysed. Organic carbon contents and type of organic matter as argillaceous rocks
ranged from 0.2 wt.~ to 29.6wt.% (Fig. 4). have a higher hydrocarbon yield and conse-
All but five samples from the combined sample quently a higher hydrogen index value.

I- m 5 4 samples
8 m

0 B

>. 6 m

0 m

uJ 4-

uJ 2--

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


FIG. 3. Organic enrichment of East African sample suite.
84 B. J. Katz

1 9 8 samples

z 30
(j 20


O 5 10 15 20 25 30


FIG. 4. Organic enrichment of Lake Uinta (Green River Formation) sample suite.

200 .. f"

100 9 e~_=

oL . . 9 .


E 20

I- 10 ~S 9Io,
14.1 oo
O 5
z --
O m

14J 1 -
o --

..I --

O 0.5-
I- --


O.1 I i i It Illl I I I I a liil I i I I

0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50

FIG. 5. Total generation potential vs organic carbon content, 9 East African lakes; 9 Lake Uinta (Green River
Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems 85

I el lWl/ 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 ! I 1 ! I I I I.~

750"1 )
., 9 ..,
az 600 - -
-. _l / ' TYPE I! 9 9 i BB
Z * 9 9 i 9
m 450
n.. I
300 , w
-r' I.. " | . 9
150 '

0 I 1 I I I 11 1 l J l l 9I l l l I I I I I111 I I I I t
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

FIG. 6. Modified van Krevelen diagram, 9 East African lakes; 9 Lake Uinta (Green River Formation).

Bitumen characterization hydrocarbons were present in the Green River

precursor material.
The abundance and character of bitumen are
influenced by both the precursor material and the
degree of thermal maturation. In shallowly buried Elemental analysis
rocks (present depth near burial maximum) and
Elemental analysis provides a measure of the
recent sediments, differences in both bitumen
bulk chemical properties of an isolated kerogen.
character and yield may be attributed to the
Commonly, the results are used to classify
character and quantity of the original organic
material according to type (Tissot et al. 1974).
matter. Total bitumen yields (TOE) in the East
African field samples ranged from 486 ppm to
17 370 ppm (Fig. 7). All but one of these samples 50000 S /
exhibited good to excellent potential source rock
properties (TOE > 1000 ppm; GeoChem Lab- 20000 - 9
oratories, Inc. 1980). The TOE/TOC ratios are
typically less than 0.2. Hydrocarbons (saturates I,-- 10000 -- 99 ii D "
and aromatics) commonly account for less than <c TOE/TOC O. ;.

sooo / / y_, -
15% of the extract (Fig. 8). The saturate to
aromatic ratios are less than 1.0.
The Lake Uinta samples have total extract

,, "_,,

yields ranging from 11 430 to 42 022 ppm (Fig.

7). All of these samples would be considered <
~ 1000 / / _ _ _,, 9
excellent potential source rocks (TOE >
4000 ppm; GeoChem Laboratories, Inc. 1980).
500 / - - T O E / T O C O . 2
These higher yields relative to the African
samples are, in part, attributable to higher levels 200
of organic enrichment. However, the TOE/TOC
ratios are elevated compared to the African 100 I It=ttl I I=LKAI 1 J
samples, typically between 0.2 and 0.3 (Fig. 7). 0. 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20
In addition, hydrocarbons account for ,~ 30% of TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON WT.%
the extract (Fig. 8) and saturates dominate FIG. 7. Relationship between total organic extract and
(saturate to aromatic ratios > 1.0). These data organic carbon content, 9 East African lakes;
imply that a greater proportion of saturated 9 Lake Uinta (Green River Formation).
86 B. J. Katz


-o/ \;o

7 \:o
,0 7
. .,. 9

u) 0 -/ ~ -/ \ -/ \ -/ \ (NSO'S & ASPHALTENES)
~. 50 r0 40 ~ 30 q~ 20 ~o 10


FIG. 8. Ternary diagram depicting composition of organic extract, 9 East African lakes; 9 Lake Uinta (Green
River Formation).

Although the literature commonly implies that print' of the pyrolysate (Dembicki et al. 1983).
specific depositional environments may be as- PGC is thought to be more sensitive to individual
cribed to each kerogen type (see for example components than bulk kerogen analyses (e.g.,
Tissot & Welte 1984), kerogen composition elemental analysis; Larter & Douglas 1980).
should be viewed as a product of preservation
1.8 ,,,"TYPE I
state and source input. /
The elemental analysis data are summarized
in Fig. 9. The results obtained on the African 1.6 %/
lake samples show that they are less hydrogen- 9 i , I";
enriched and more oxygen-enriched than those 1.4 t 9
obtained from the Green River material. The TYPE II
Green River kerogens are closely aligned with
the Type I reference curve, with H/C ratios > 1.3 1.2 | /" 9 9
U I| /
and O/C ratios <0.1. Greater variability is / 9

observed in the African lake data; H/C ratios i I

range from 1.05 to 1.56 and O/C ratios from 0.13

to 0.26. These data form a rather large scatter
~< ~|1-~'3 ,--- TYPE III
cloud about the Type II reference curve and 0.8 !1 % ,I
suggest significant contributions of allochthonous ;', / /5~,.,,
organic matter. As with the pyrolysis data, the INDETERMINATE
elevated oxygen levels in the African data suite
may be due in part to the presence of humic acids.
:?'!o! ! "3

Pyrolysis-gas chromatography
0.2 I I I ! I
Pyrolysis-gas chromatography (PGC) provides a 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
means of qualitatively and/or quantitatively ATOMIC O / C
characterizing the principal generation products FIG. 9. van Krevelen diagram, 9 East African lakes;
of a sample utilizing the chromatographic 'finger- 9 Lake Uinta (Green River Formation).
Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems 87
The chromatograms obtained from the two kerogen (Fig. 10). This further supports the idea
sample suites (Fig. 10) are similar. The pyrolysate that although both the 'Rock-Eval' and elemental
is dominated by a series of doublets of normal analysis data suggest that the African sample
alkanes and alkenes. Aromatics appear as minor suite exhibits a strong Type II affinity, the PGC
components. The dominance by alkane-alkene results indicate that the 'live' carbon has a greater
doublets and the lack of aromatics is typical for affinity to the Type I kerogen of the Green River
alginite (Larter & Douglas 1980). Long-chain Formation.
hydrocarbons are important contributors to the Further examination of the two sample suites
total pyrolysate. This pattern is clearly different reveals that there are differences. Samples from
from that obtained from Type II marine-derived Lake Uinta exhibit a slightly greater abundance
of long-chain hydrocarbons compared to those
obtained from the East African samples. This
most probably can be attributed to the specific
precursor material. There is also a predominance
of even-numbered n-alkanes in the Lake Uinta
material. This is typical of carbonate-evaporite
environments (Tissot 1981). No such predomi-
nance was observed in the East African material.

Bulk rock properties clearly differentiate between
the two sample suites. The Lake Uinta samples
exhibit both higher generative capacity and the
potential for higher levels of organic enrichment
when compared to the East African lake material
(Fig. 5). This is, in part, a result of clastic input
into the East African lakes which not only dilutes
the organic matter present but also introduces
allochthonous hydrogen-depleted organic matter.
The relative importance of this hydrogen-
depleted organic matter may be estimated by
examining the relative percent of the total carbon
which remains after pyrolysis (i.e., residual
carbon). These data are presented in Fig. 11. In
the data from the East African samples the
percentage of residual organic carbon was ob-
served to be as high as 96%. The proportion is
greater in the leaner rocks, indicating that there

FIG. 10. Representative pyrolysis-gaschromatograms;

(a) East African lakes; (b) Lake Uinta (Green River FIG. 11. Relationship between residual carbon content
Formation); (c) an Albian 'black shale' (DSDP 93- and level of organic enrichment, 9 East African
603B-34-1-30/33 cm) with strong marine affinities. lakes; 9 Lake Uinta (Green River Formation).
88 B . J. K a t z

is a background signal (--~1-2 wt.~) of residual East African material, on the other hand, appears
carbon. closely aligned with the Type II reference curve
Lake Uinta samples exhibit low residual and the kerogen would be expected to produce an
carbon contents (typically < 25~ of the carbon oil dominated by naphthenes and aromatics
content), indicating very little terrestrial input, (Tissot & Welte 1984).
as would be expected in a carbonate environment. The bitumen data are consistent with the
The apparent increase in residual carbon with elemental and pyrolysis data. The Lake Uinta
increasing carbon content as observed in these material yielded an extract richer in hydrocarbons
samples (Fig. 11) is an artifact of FID (flame than the African lake samples. The higher
ionization detector) saturation. percentage of lipids in the Lake Uinta material
Differences in absolute organic enrichment may represent a greater environmental stress or
between the two data suites appear to reflect variations due to differences in algal source. The
differences in the sources for the autochthonous hydrocarbons in the Lake Uinta material were
organic matter. In the East African lakes, dominated by saturates while aromatics played a
autochthonous organic matter is principally de- greater role in the African extracts. However,
rived from diatoms. The diatom tests dilute the these hydrocarbons represent indigenous ma-
organic matter and appear to place an upper limit terial and not thermally generated products.
on organic carbon content of ~ 15 wt.%. The These indigenous components are diluted by
organic matter for Lake Uinta was not associated thermal products as generation occurs.
with test-forming organisms. The dominant A more reliable indicator of product character
source of the organic matter, according to Bradley can be obtained through PGC, which indicates
(1970), was blue-green algae, with contributions that both lake systems will generate very similar
from yellow-green and green algae and minor products viz. high wax crudes. The primary
contributions from bacteria, fungi, protozoa and difference between the two sample suites is their
wind-borne pollen and spores. generative capacity. This is reflected in the bulk
Differences in hydrocarbon yield relative to analyses. Minor compositional differences, as
organic carbon content between the two sample observed, would be expected as a result of the
suites (Fig. 5) decrease with increasing organic different contributors to the 'live' carbon.
carbon content. This is the combined result of The characteristics of organic matter appear
three related factors. The first is the ability of the to be associated with the availability of alloch-
clay matrix to retain hydrocarbons (Espitalib et thonous input and autochthonous source. Conse-
al. 1980; Katz 1983). At low levels of enrichment, quently, while the data presented above are, in
the quantity of generatable hydrocarbons is low part, lake-specific, they should provide a general
and a significant proportion of these hydrocar- framework for the deposition of organic matter
bons may be retained by surface active clays. in carbonate or siliciclastic lacustrine systems.
With increasing levels of enrichment, the quan- An examination of the literature tends to support
tity of generatable hydrocarbons increases, the this hypothesis. Published data from clastic
surface sites become saturated and expulsion lacustrine sequences appear very similar to the
percentage increases. In the East African sam- African lakes results, principally as a result of
pies, with increasing carbon content, matrix clay allochthonous input. Elemental data from the
content decreases and siliceous diatom tests Tertiary of Queensland, Australia (Linder 1983)
become more abundant. The retentive capacity and from the Shahejie Formation, Bohai basin,
of silica is less than that of the clays and similar China (Zhou 1981) suggest a Type II affinity, as
to that of carbonates. The third is a decrease in do the 'Rock-Eval' data from the Fushun and
percent residual carbon with increasing carbon Maoming regions of China (Nuttall et al. 1983).
content in the East African lake samples. Addi- Similar values have been observed in the lacus-
tional carbon deposited in the system is hydrogen- trine units of the Mesozoic basins of the U.S. east
enriched and adds substantially to the generative coast, Cretaceous sequences in Brazil (Mello et
capacity. al. 1984) and West Africa and the Tertiary of the
The elemental and'Rock-Eval' data are ambig- Great Basin (Poole & Claypool 1984; Palmer
uous with respect to expected products. These 1984).
data suggest two distinctive populations (Figs 6 While other examples of argillaceous lacustrine
and 8) which would yield different hydrocarbon rocks may be found in the literature, organic
products upon thermal maturation. If classical geochemical data associated with carbonate
interpretations are utilized, both systems would lacustrine rocks, other than the Green River
be considered capable ofoil generation. The Lake Formation, are generally lacking. Limited data
Uinta material, being Type I, would produce an are available from the Elko Formation and
oil dominated by normal and iso-alkanes. The Nuttall et al. (1983) published 'Rock-Eval' data
Clastic and carbonate lacustrine systems 89
on one sample from the Aleksinac Formation, carbonate environment, thus reducing the total
Tertiary of Yugoslavia. These limited data do generation potential of the system. The genera-
indicate a Type I affinity with a low residual tion potential in the clastic system was also
carbon content ( ~ 3 0 ~ ) . Other analyses per- reduced through hydrocarbon retention by sur-
formed on the Aleksinac Formation also indi- face active clay minerals.
cated a strong Type I affinity with some minor (3) Both environments will produce a princi-
amounts of what appear to be Type III material pally paraffinic crude with a high wax content.
(Vitorovic 1980). Ross & Harwood (1979) also The carbonate environment will produce a crude
suggested that the organic matter contained in with an even carbon-number predominance in
the lacustrine Todilto (Limestone) Formation of the n-alkane distribution. Such a preference will
the San Juan basin is hydrogen-enriched, but no not be apparent in oil from clastic environments.
data are presented. Minor compositional differences result from
differences in precursor material.

Conclusions ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Analytical assistance was pro-

vided by the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory of the
(1) Both depositional settings were capable of Texaco Houston Research Center. Earlier drafts of this
producing and preserving sufficient hydrogen- manuscript were criticized by L. W. Elrod, J. E. Lacey
enriched organic matter for the sediments to be and D. J. Schunk. Louise Jackson and Dianne DeLeon
considered of good hydrocarbon source quality. assisted with the preparation of the manuscript.
While higher maximum levels of enrichment Samples from Lakes Tanganyika, Kivu and Edward
were observed in the carbonate environment, were supplied to the author by the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution (NSF Grant OCE76-0262
both sample suites had modal values between 3 and ONR Contract N00014-74-C-0262), DSDP sample
and 5 wt.~. 93-603B-34-1-30/33cm (Fig. 10) was supplied by the
(2) The organic matter contained in the clastic Deep Sea Drilling Project. This paper, Texaco Contri-
environments included a larger proportion of bution Number 3030, has been published with the
residual (inert) material compared with the permission of Texaco Inc.

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CHEN, C. 1980. Non-marine setting of petroleum in the - - , MADEC, M. & TISSOT, B. 1980. Role of mineral
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DEGENS, E. T. & KULBICKI,G. 1973. Data file on metal American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 64,
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HALBOUTY, M. T. 1980. Methods used, and experience POOLE, F. G. & CLAYPOOL, G. E. 1984. Petroleum
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B. J. KATZ, Texaco Inc., E & P Technology Division, 3901 Briarpark, Houston, TX77042,
Geochemical characterization of the organic matter from some
recent sediments by a pyrolysis technique

M. Vandenbroucke & F. Behar

S U M M A R Y: A comparative study of humic acids and kerogens from recent sediments

was performed using geochemical analyses of hydrocarbons released by pyrolysis of these
fractions. Lacustrine samples came from the Eastern African Rift (Lake Bogoria, Lake
Tanganyika) and Europe (Lake Leman), marine samples from upwelling zones (Mauritania,
Arabia), and coastal land-derived sediments from Kerguelen and Svalbard islands and from
a deltaic facies in Indonesia. The deposited aquatic organic matter consisted of clearly
identifiable algae (diatomae, coccolithophoridae). C14+saturated and unsaturated hydrocar-
bons generated by programmed temperature pyrolysis under an inert gas flow (argon) were
recovered, hydrogenated and analysed by GC. The iso- + cyclo-alkane fraction was separated,
then analysed by GC-MS. Pyrolysates of humic acids, kerogens and fulvic acids reveal
diverse compositions important for comparative studies. Hydrogenated hydrocarbon
distributions of kerogens and humic acids can be distinguished by diminished amounts of
C14+ hydrocarbons in the latter, whereas fulvic acids generate unique hydrocarbon
distributions atypical of both kerogens and humic acids. Major iso-+ cyclo-alkanes in the
kerogens, the main fraction of the organic matter, are isoprenoids (pristane and phytane),
steranes (~ cholestane) and triterpanes (C27 and C29 hopanes and moretanes), whatever the
origin of the kerogen, whether lacustrine or marine.

Aims of the study leum potential, can be obtained by breaking the

complex macromolecules into smaller fragments.
Geochemists classify sedimentary organic matter This can be achieved using programmed pyrolysis
into three main types depending on its atomic under an inert gas flow, as has already been done
ratios H/C and O/C (Tissot et al. 1974). Type I is for kerogens and asphaltenes from ancient sedi-
typified by kerogen from lacustrine sediments ments (Bordenave et al. 1970; Behar & Pelet
from the Green River Shales in the USA; Type 1985; Pelet et al. 1986).
II is represented by the kerogen of early Jurassic This method was applied to organic fractions
marine sediments from West Europe and Type separated from recent sediments (fulvic acids,
III by the terrigenous organic matter of deltaic humic acids, stable residues, i.e. the non-hydro-
sediments from West Africa and Indonesia. lysable part of humin which can be physically
This classification being based on bulk chemi- recovered after acid digestion of minerals), so as
cal analysis, similar atomic ratios may correspond to compare their composition. Various sediments
to very different chemical structures. However, it containing known biomasses and coming from
is known that there is a relationship between the different sedimentary environments were ana-
type of the deposited organic matter and its lysed so as to search for chemical markers of the
chemical structure (Tissot et al. 1974). Studies on organic input and environmental influences. We
recent sediments give a way to link chemical present here analyses on three samples containing
analysis and genetic typing, as the nature of the algae deposited in lacustrine environments, three
initial biomass and its alteration in the sedimen- samples containing algae deposited in marine
tary environment can be studied. environments, and three samples including land
However geochemical analyses are made diffi- plant detritus deposited in nearshore marine
cult because of the polymeric nature and the environments.
variety of chemical functionality of organic
matter in recent sediments. Detailed structural
analyses are generally carried out on hydrocar-
bons separated from organic extracts. Organic
fractions isolated from recent sediments, by The analytical procedure used for fractionation
alkaline extraction for instance, are analysed by of organic matter from recent sediments is shown
bulk methods such as elemental analysis, IR, in Fig. 1. Recovery of residual organic matter
N M R etc. (humin and grey humic acids) is done by acid
Information on the structure of the carbon digestion of the mineral fraction. This procedure
skeleton in the organic fractions from recent was initially developed for isolation of kerogen
sediments, which is useful for estimating petro- in ancient sediments (Durand & Nicaise 1980),

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 9I
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 91-101.
92 M . V a n d e n b r o u c k e & F. B e h a r

RECENT ] 9 Mineraland organiccarbon

SEDIMENT 9 Rock-Eval

Carbonate destruction (HCI, N)
Extraction (Na OH, N/IO, pH 13)

I so,o,o. I
Flocculation (Na CI)

Precipitation (HCI, pH 2)
I 1
[ i [ Fu,vic AC,OS!
Redissolution I
Demineralization Dialysis Dialysis
(HCI 6 N, HF 40%) Decationization Oecationization
Lyophitization Lyophilization

Is""'"'s'oo'! I.u sl FULVIC ACIDS

9 Elementalanalysis
9 Rock-Evaland other types of pyrolysis

FIG. 1. Isolation procedure of organic fractions from recent sediments.

but it is less convenient with recent sediments, as input has been assessed for all the samples except
humin is readily hydrolysable. The insoluble for Lake Leman. It consists of autochthonous
organic residue obtained after acid digestion is algae without any significant detrital input. In
defined as the 'stable residue'. In some pyrolyses, Lake Leman, geochemical data show that there
stable residues were also extracted by chloroform is probably a detrital contribution of inert carbon.
in order to compare their pyrolysates with those This lacustrine organic matter can be compared
of non-extracted stable residues. The complete to that reported from marine sediments contain-
procedure modified from Behar & Pelet, 1985, ing either marine or terrestrial organic matter.
for pyrolysis and C14+ effluent analysis is sum- Marine sediments were considered from offshore
marized in Fig. 2. Arabia (Pelet 1981) containing algae with carbon-
ated (M 1) or siliceous (M2) tests, and from the
Black Sea (Huc et al. 1978) containing algae wih
organic tests. Three nearshore marine sediments
Sample selection
containing terrestrial organic matter were also
Some geochemical data on the samples are given studied. They contain debris from lower plants
in Table 1. Lacustrine sediments come from the (terrestrial algae, mosses, lichens--sample T1
Eastern African Rift: Lake Tanganyika and from Svalbard Islands) or from higher plants,
Lake Bogoria, and from Europe: Lake Leman. (trees, etc.--sample T3 from the Mahakam River
Lake Bogoria is saline : up to 90 g/1 in October 77 delta in Indonesia: Combaz & de Mathare11978),
(Tiercelin et al. 1980), the two other lakes contain or a mixture of higher and lower plants (sample
freshwater. The nature of the primary organic T2 from the Kerguelen Islands).
Geochemical characterization 93

FIG. 2. Analytical procedure on pyrolysed compounds.

Results and discussion for stable residues and humic acids, but those for
fulvic acids seem to differ. This is supported by
the chromatograms of saturates and unsaturates
Comparison of the different organicfractions of the C14+ fraction released by pyrolysis (Fig.
Quantitative data on pyrolyses performed on 3). In the fulvic acid fraction, which represents
organic fractions (stable residues, humic acids, less than 10% of the sedimented carbon, saturates
fulvic acids) isolated from samples L1, M1 and and unsaturates from pyrolysis are mainly normal
T1 are given in Table 2. Data are fairly similar alkanes with even carbon numbers in the C14-
94 M. Vandenbroucke & F. Behar
TABLE 1. Geochemical data on initial stable residues

Sample Source Organic input Climate C* Atomic Atomic Rock-Eval HI

ident. (%) H/C O/C (mg/g C)

L1 Lake Tanganyika Diatomae Hot 56.7 1.17 0.244 517

L2 Lake Bogoria Spirulines Hot 67.5 1.43 0.181 801
L3 Lake Leman n.d. Temperate 45.3 0.90 0.225 237
M1 Oman Sea Coccolithophoridae Hot 73.4 1.16 0.230 496
M2 Oman Sea Diatomae Hot 43.4 1.32 0.232 510
M3 Black Sea Dinoflagellates Hot 54.7 1.47 0.255 676
T1 Spitzbergen Lower plants Cold 49.6 1.12 0.455 460
T2 Kerguelen Higher/lower plants Cold 36.6 1.22 0.347 394
T3 Mahakam Higher plants Hot 32.6 1.12 0.338 313

*% weight of the stable residue, including some remaining ashes.

FIG. 3. Chromatograms of saturates + unsaturates isolated from C14 + pyrolysates of stable residues, humic acids,
fulvic acids from lacustrine organic matter (Sample L1, Lake Tanganyika), marine organic matter (Sample M1,
Oman Sea) and terrestrial organic matter (Sample T1, Svalbard Islands).
Geochemical characterization 95

TABLE 2. Quantitative data on pyrolyses performed on stable residues, humic acids,fulvic acids,from
samples L1 (Lake Tanganyika), M1 (Oman Sea), T1 (Svalbard Island)
Sample Organic Pyrolysate amount Residue Estimated SATt AROt NSOt Residue analysis
ident, fraction C14 + (1) (2) C14- *
(weight ~) (mg/g C) (weight ~) (weight ~) (~) (~) (~) at. H/C at. O/C

L1 SR 33.1 584 38.5 28.4 8.1 8.8 83.1 0.50 0.121

HA 15.9 290 40.5 43.7 6.1 5.6 88.3 0.48 0.116
FA 9.1 208 36.0 58.9 20.0 4.6 75.4 0.46 0.203
M1 SR 26.7 364 29.5 43.8 3.9 10.3 85.8 0.50 0.091
HA 19.5 326 36.7 43.8 3.3 9.3 87.4 0.55 0.109
FA 6.4 163 39.2 54.4 6.0 4.3 89.7 0.48 0.212
T1 SR 12.8 258 39.5 47.7 10.1 6.1 83.9 0.50 0.187
HA 18.7 379 33.9 47.4 2.0 10.2 87.8 0.54 0.151
FA 7.8 188 35.5 56.7 3.9 2.2 93.9 0.46 0.207
* Calculated as 100 - (1) - (2). Main constituents are CO, CO2, H20 and hydrocarbons < C~4.
t SAT = saturates + unsaturates, ARO = aromatics + slightly polar compounds, NSO = nitrogen-, sulphur- and

C20 range, hence they could be derived from fatty observe that the pyrolysate yield decreases when
acids or alcohols. Hydrocarbons released by going from lacustrine organic matter to terrestrial
pyrolysis of humic acids and stable residues are organic matter. This follows the decrease of H/C
fairly similar, as shown by the mass balance and ratio and hydrogen index in the initial samples.
the chromatograms of Fig. 3. The carbon distri- As confirmed by pyrolysis data on many other
butions in the chromatograms are typical of the samples, the ratio of the fractions of the pyrolysate
nature of the organic matter which has been labelled SAT and ARO seems to be typical of the
pyrolysed. This agrees with data reported by organic matter. This ratio SAT/ARO is around 1
Verheyen et al. (1985) as their humic acid in lacustrine organic matter, around 0.5 in marine
fractions were obtained after a prior extraction organic matter and greater than 1 in terrestrial
of all the lipidic fraction of the sediment. Thus organic matter. The same relation is observed
the fulvic acid fraction being a minor part of the between saturates and aromatics in chloroform
organic matter and showing atypical hydrocarbon extracts from mature source rocks containing
pyrolysates seems not to be representative of the Type I, Type II or Type III organic matter. This
bulk structure of the organic matter and will not suggests that the main structural features of
be further considered. Stable residues which kerogens are already present at an early stage in
make up most of the sedimented organic matter the recently deposited organic matter.
(often more than 50~) and generate hydrocarbon
pyrolysates similar to those of humic acids will Distribution of alkanes in pyrolysates from stable
be considered as representative of the total residues
organic matter.
The distribution of saturates and unsaturates in
the C~4+ pyrolysates (Fig. 4) gives a picture of
Amounts and composition of pyrolysates from the carbon structures in the organic matter.
stable residues Pristene- ! is often a major peak. Presence of the
Quantitative data on pyrolysates from the three n-alk-l-ene just before each n-alkane peak is a by-
lacustrine stable residues are compared to those product of the pyrolysis, but as each set of the
of the six other stable residues (Table 3). It can two compounds have a related origin, the inter-
be seen that data for sample L3 from Lake Leman pretation of carbon distributions based solely on
are more similar to those of the terrestrial samples n-alkane peaks does not alter the general picture.
than to those of the other lacustrine samples. In lacustrine organic matter, the carbon distri-
However it will be shown later than the GC of bution is fairly flat between C15 and C25 ; in
the hydrocarbons released during pyrolysis can marine organic matter, the maximum is around
indeed be related to algal organic matter. In this C16 and the decrease beyond this carbon number
sample, organic matter is probably a mixture of is fairly rapid. In terrestrial organic matter, the
algae and inert detrital carbon; all values nor- carbon distribution encompasses a larger range
malized to total organic carbon are thus lowered. and carbon numbers beyond C30 are abundant;
If for this reason, sample L3 is excluded, we can moreover odd or even predominance can be
96 M . Vandenbroucke & F. Behar

TABLE 3. Quantitative data on pyrolysates from stable residues

Sample Source Pyrolysate amount Residue Estimated SATi" AROt NSO

ident. C14+ (1) (2) C14-*
(weight ~) (mg/g C) (weight ~o) (weight ~) (~) (~) (~)

L1 Lake Tanganyika 33.1 584 38.5 28.4 8.1 8.8 83.1

L2 Lake Bogoria 46.6 690 25.8 27.6 7.3 11.5 81.2
L3 Lake Leman 10.4 230 60.7 28.9 15.2 17.1 67.7
M1 Oman Sea 26.8 364 29.5 43.8 3.9 10.3 85.8
M2 Oman Sea 24.7 569 41.9 33.4 5.9 13.0 81.1
M3 Black Sea 37.1 678 28.5 34.4 5.4 10.4 84.2
T1 Spitzbergen 12.8 258 39.5 47.7 10.1 6.1 83.9
T2 Kerguelen 16.5 451 50.0 24.9 20.2 n.d. n.d.
T3 Mahakam 9.3 285 57.0 33.7 21.3 14.7 64.0
* Calculated as 100- (1)- (2). Main constituents are CO, CO2, H20 and hydrocarbons < C~4.
t SAT = saturates + unsaturates, ARO = aromatics + slightly polar compounds, NSO = nitrogen-, sulphur- and

observed. These C1~+ carbon distributions of We can obtain an idea of the relative amounts
hydrocarbons evolved from pyrolysis of stable of steranes and hopanes in the GC traces, as the
residues are similar to those of oils generated flame ionisation detector gives a linear response
naturally. according to the carbon weight. A high amount
The isolation of iso-+ cyclo-alkanes obtained of pristane (Pr) and phytane (Ph) compared to
by hydrogenation and molecular sieving of polycyclic biomarkers is observed in lacustrine
saturates and unsaturates released by pyrolysis and marine samples. The ratio of steranes to
allows analysis of some biomarkers which can be hopanes increases when passing from lacustrine
discussed in terms of nature of the organic matter to marine to terrestrial sediments. It also seems,
input or the depositional sedimentary environ- although less clear, that the relative amounts of
ment. The similarity of GC traces (see Fig. 8, C27 and C29 molecules in steranes and triterpanes
left) between algal material originating in lacus- are a characteristic feature of lacustrine versus
trine or marine environments is obvious. Pristane marine or terrestrial organic matter. To tell the
and phytane are generally major peaks, together truth we do not yet know exactly what parameters
with steroids and triterpenoids in the C30 range. influence these various distributions in iso-+
In terrestrial organic matters, the picture is very cyclo-alkanes from pyrolysates, but we suggest
different, and the major peaks are homologous that the influence of the sedimentary environ-
series of iso-alkanes, every three carbons over a ment, for instance the nature of the micro-
very large carbon range. The detailed structure organisms typical of aerobic or anaerobic envi-
of these iso-alkanes is not yet known. Other ronments, is probably as important as the nature
homologous series of iso-alkanes are also present of the initial organic input (algae or land plants).
in algal material of L3 and M3 samples, but their
carbon range is shifted towards lower numbers,
with a predominance of C16 and C1 s.
GC-MS analysis of hopanes (m/z = 191, Fig. 5)
Comparison of iso- + cyclo-alkanes in pyrolysates
of stable residues and related humic acids
and steranes (m/z=217, Fig. 6) allows further
identification of some peaks in the GC trace of These compounds have been considered as fairly
iso-+cyclo-alkanes and hydrogenated alkenes similar previously on the basis of quantitative
from the pyrolysates of the stable residues. The pyrolysis data and GC of the saturates + unsatur-
presence of tiff isomers of hopanes is remarkable ates fraction. When comparing mass fragmento-
as these epimers are thermodynamically less grams of triterpanes (Fig. 5) and steranes (Fig. 6)
stable than the aft epimers observed in the in samples L1, M1 and T1, there is no clearcut
geological environment. It shows that, in our difference between stable residues and related
pyrolysis method, secondary reactions are not humic acids. Moreover the GC traces of the iso-
significant and thus, that the method is well + cyclo-alkanes (Fig. 7), which allow a quantita-
adapted for structural studies of the organic tive estimation of these biomarkers, indicate that
matter in recent sediments. pyrolysates of humic acids are enriched in
Geochemical characterization 97

FIG. 4. Chromatograms of saturates + unsaturates isolated from C14+ pyrolysatesof stable residues. From top to
bottom: lacustrine organic matter from samples L1, L2, L3; marine organic matter from samples M1, M2, M3,
terrestrial organic matter from samples T1, T2, T3.

biomarkers, particularly in steroids, compared to residues. They are similar to those which are
other iso-+cyclo-alkanes. An increase of Ph generated naturally and found in extracts and
relatively t 6 P r J s also noticeable. This could be oils. As in ancient sediments, three main types of
due either to the procedure used for isolating the organic matter can be differentiated on the basis
humic acids (differences due to molecular weight of the structures from the point of deposition.
or functionality) or to different origins for these This observation could not be deduced from bulk
two organic fractions (condensation products in analysis of recent sediments, such as elemental
stable residues, bacterial degradation products in analysis or Rock-Eval pyrolysis, because in very
humid acids). young sediments such data are very similar. The
pyrolysis of fulvic acids shows that their carbon
structures are very different from those of the
Conclusions other fractions, and that they do not allow us to
identify the type of the organic matter from
Our pyrolysis method allows us to characterize which they are formed.
the carbon structures in humic acids and stable This pyrolysis study seems to confirm that
98 M. Vandenbroucke & F. Behar

FIG. 5. Mass fragmentograms of triterpanes in pyrolysates of stable residues and humic acids from samples L1,
C27/~--]-(C29 --[-C30 --[--C31 + C32) ~
V (C29 --~-C30 --~-C31) ]~ o~
* C270~--[--(C29--1--C30--1--C31 ) 0~/~
Geochemical characterization 99

FIG. 6. Mass fragmentograms of steranes in pyrolysates of stable residues and humic acids from samples L1, M1,
T1. The peaks under the circles are, from left to right, C2~ and C29 steranes.
I oo M. Vandenbroucke & F. Behar

FIG. 7. Chromatograms of iso- + cyclo-alkanes isolated from pyrolysates of stable residues and humic acids from
samples L1, M1, T1. Symbols are the same as on Figs 5 and 6. The cross is a solvent pollution.
Geochemical characterization I0 1

lacustrine sediments are characterized by Type I complementary study on other sediments from
kerogen. The hydrocarbon yield is high and the various lakes is needed to test the generality of
carbon distribution of the generated hydrocar- this conclusion.
bons is fairly flat in the range C15-Cz5, but a

BErlAR, F. & PELET, R. 1985. Pyrolysis-gas chromatog- PELET, R. 1981. G6ochimie organique des s6diments
raphy applied to organic geochemistry. Structural marins profonds du golfe d'Aden et de la mer
similarities between kerogens and asphaltenes d'Oman--vue d'ensemble. In: ORGON IV, Golfe
from related rock extracts and oils. Journal of d'Aden, Mer d'Oman, Editions du CNRS, Paris,
Applied and Analytical Pyrolysis, 8, 173-187. 529-547.
BORDENAVE, M., COMBAZ, A. & GIRAUD, A. 1970. PELET, R., BEHAR,F. & MONIN, J. C. 1986. Resins and
Influence de l'origine des mati6res organiques et asphaltenes in the generation and migration of
de leur degr~ d'6volution sur les produits de petroleum. In: LEYTHAEUSER,D. & RULLKOTTER,
pyrolyse du k6rog6ne. In: HOBSON,G. D. & SPEERS, J. (eds), Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1985,
G. C. (eds), Advances in Organic Geochemistry Pergamon Press, Oxford, 481-498.
1966, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 389-405.
COMBAZ, A. & DE MATHAREL, M. 1978. Organic
RICHERT, J. P. 1980. In: Geodynamic Evolution of
sedimentation and genesis of petroleum in Ma-
the Afro-Arabian Rift System, Accademia Nazion-
hakam delta, Borneo. Bulletin of the American
ale dei Lincei, Roma, 47, 143-163.
Association of Petroleum Geologists, 62, 1684-1695.
DURAND, B. & NICAISE, G. 1980. Procedures for TtSSOT, B., DURAND,B., ESPITALII~,J. & COMBAZ,A.
kerogen isolation. In: DURAND,B. (ed.), Kerogen, 1974. Influence of nature and diagenesis of organic
Editions Technip, Paris, 35-53. matter in formation of petroleum. Bulletin of the
Huc, A. Y., DURAND,B. & MONIN, J. C. 1978. Humic American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 58,
compounds and kerogens in cores from Black Sea 499-506.
sediments, Leg 42B--Holes 379 A, B and 380 A. VERHEYEN, T. V., PANDOLFO,A. G. & JOHNS, R. B.
Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 1985. Structural relationships between a brown
United States Government Printing Office, Wash- coal and its kerogen and humic acid fractions.
ington, XLII, 737-748. Organic Geochemistry, 8, 375-388.

M. VANDENBROUCKE& F. BEHAR, Institut Fran,cais du P&role, BP 311, 92506 Rueil

Malmaison Cedex, France.
Biological marker compounds as indicators of the depositional
environments of petroleum source rocks

J. K. Volkman

S U M M A RY: Recent studies concerned with the use of biological marker compounds for
assessing the source of organic matter in sediments and crude oils are reviewed and critically
assessed. Compounds which are indicative of inputs from bacteria and phytoplankton are
reviewed as well as some compounds for which origins have not been determined. The use
of ratios of C27 and C29 steranes for assessing the depositional environment of petroleum
source rocks is shown to be particularly open to misinterpretation. Some inferences based on
pristane/phytane ratios also need to be reassessed. Areas of research where more studies
would be valuable are highlighted.

Introduction found in geological samples. Those compounds

which still retain structural features inherited
The organic matter present in sedimentary rocks from the lipids (fats and other compounds) of
consists of complex assemblages of organic living organisms also tend to be found in this
molecules. These include a wide range of struc- fraction. This is not to say that more polar
tural types, molecular weights, functionalities complex compounds, such as sulphur and nitro-
and polarities. From this mixture, the organic gen heterocycles, chlorins and porphyrins do not
geochemist is able to identify compounds with also contain 'biomarker' information but our
specific structures which can be related to known understanding of the sources of these compounds
biochemicals produced by organisms present is much less developed. Techniques based on
when the sediment was deposited. From the pyrolysis and stable isotopes can also be invalua-
presence, or absence, of these biological markers ble sources of information but these areas are
(commonly used synonyms include chemical outside the scope of this paper.
fossil, molecular fossil or biomarker) one can Parameters devised by organic geochemists are
identify the major sources of organic matter and now in routine use to assess the maturity of an oil
hence deduce aspects of the sedimentary deposi- and the extent to which it has been biodegraded.
tional environment. In some cases this type of These are usually expressed as molecular ratios
information can be obtained from the geological calculated from peak areas for the respective
context of the sample or from a study of the fossils compounds in gas chromatograms or GC-MS
present but often such data do not provide the analyses. Progress has also been made in studying
whole picture. Many organisms leave only a the effects of migration on the composition of an
partial fossil record and the classical techniques oil, and a large number of biomarker parameters
of geology and palaeontology provide little infor- have been used to relate one oil to another and to
mation concerning the chemistry or microbiology relate oils with possible source rocks. Similar
of the depositional environment. However, when techniques are also widely used in environmental
one combines these techniques with organic research for studying the fate of petroleum
geochemistry one can usually develop a far more hydrocarbons released into the environment and
detailed picture of the palaeoenvironment than for 'fingerprinting' oil spills.
that from any of these disciplines taken in Progress in the use of biomarkers to assess
isolation. palaeoenvironmental conditions of deposition
In this review, I will mainly discuss those has been slower than in the areas mentioned
studies of compounds in oils and sediments that above but significant advances are now being
have structures based on carbon, hydrogen and achieved. Such techniques could have considera-
oxygen and which are amenable to study by ble value to the oil exploration industry since they
capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry create the possibility of deducing what type of
(GC-MS). This approach has been adopted since source rock must have been the source of an oil,
this is still the most commonly used technique in simply from a study of the composition of the oil
organic geochemistry largely because it allows itself. Such data, combined with maturity meas-
one to separate and identify minute amounts of urements, reduce the number of potential source
compounds present in the complex mixtures rocks that need to be examined and ultimately

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, IO3
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 103-122.
104 J. K . V o l k m a n

can enhance the chances of finding further oil some of these environments are unlikely to give
deposits in an area. An example illustrating the rise to petroleum source rocks, and thus they may
potential of this approach has recently been seem to be of academic interest to the petroleum
published (McKirdy et al. 1986 and this volume). geologist, it is only from a comparison of organic
There is a demonstrable need for more organic geochemical data from all these different environ-
geochemistry studies of a range of sediment types. ments that the validity or usefulness of a biological
These environments should be well defined in marker can be established.
terms of their geological and biological settings Many environments have features in common,
so that a reliable inventory of biological markers so it should come as no surprise that the
for different depositional environments can be distribution of compounds in some lipid classes
established. Both Recent and ancient sediments look remarkably similar irrespective of the type
should be studied so that the effects of diagenesis of sediment. Pentacyclic triterpenoids of the
can be ascertained. Unfortunately, many poten- hopane type provide an excellent example.
tially valuable biomarkers do not survive for Derivatives of hopanoids occur widely in bacteria
sufficiently long in the geological record to be of and, hence, they have been found in every
use for petroleum studies. Another area of sediment studied to date (Ourisson et al. 1979).
research that does not receive the attention it However, differences in the proportions of com-
deserves is the study of the lipid compositions of pounds within this series have been noted which
organisms likely to contribute organic matter to may be useful as palaeoenvironmental indicators
sediments. Such studies can lead to the identifi- (see later). This illustrates that the amount of a
cation of new biological markers and help to given biomarker may be of more significance
clarify what compounds are truly characteristic than merely its presence or absence. For example,
of a particular environment. Several excellent the ratio of steranes to hopanes (Mackenzie et al.
reviews have been published detailing some of 1982), or of methylsteranes to desmethylsteranes
the organic compounds found in Recent sedi- (Shi Ji-Yang et al. 1982), can be used to group
ments (e.g., Simoneit 1978; Cranwel11982; Johns related source rocks or oils, but the underlying
1986). A bibliography of studies in marine organic reasons for these variations in terms of different
geochemistry is also available (Gagosian 1983), depositional environments are still poorly under-
and Mackenzie (1984) has written a valuable stood (Mackenzie 1984).
overview of organic geochemistry techniques The main sources of organic matter in sedi-
applied to petroleum research. In view of this ments are phytoplankton, bacteria and vascular
extensive literature, the present review is mainly plants with (usually) smaller contributions from
concerned with more recent developments partic- aquatic fauna and other organisms. Within each
ularly those related to the use of biomarkers for group of organisms one can expect that there will
assessing palaeoenvironmental depositional con- be some common features of biochemistry as well
ditions. Some of the difficulties and ambiguities as some major differences. Sometimes a single
in the use of biological markers will also be species might contain an unusual lipid distribu-
highlighted. tion, but more commonly a group of taxonomi-
cally-related organisms have distinctive and
diagnostic lipid compositions. However, it is only
Marine and lacustrine environments
when such organisms are restricted to a specific
The terms 'marine' and 'lacustrine' clearly signify environment that the organic geochemist will
different depositional types, but they fail to find compounds useful as biological markers for
convey the enormous diversity of environments a given depositional environment.
included within these categories. In the broader
sense, marine environments include coastal, shelf
Biological markers for vascular plants
and open ocean settings, each of which includes
recognizably different areas in terms of produc- It is a relatively straightforward task to recognize
tivity and depositional environment. Similarly, compounds derived from vascular plants in
the term lacustrine could include freshwater and immature sediments. Typically one finds high
saline lakes of vastly differing areas and ecologies, concentrations of long-chain (C25-C35) n-alkanes
hypersaline environments such as sabkhas, playa with a strong predominance of odd chain-lengths,
lakes and algal mat communities to name just a long-chain (C22-Ca2) n-alkanoic acids and n-
few. Each of these environments will leave a alkanols with a high predominance of even chain-
different lipid signature in the sedimentary rocks lengths, certain hydroxy acids and dicarboxylic
and the task facing the organic geochemist is to acids characteristic of plant cutin and suberin,
determine which compound, or group of com- diterpenoid (resin) acids, long-chain (C40-C64)
pounds, is characteristic of each type. Although saturated alkyl (wax) esters and pentacyclic
Biological marker compounds 105
triterpenoids of the oleanane, ursane, friedelane of the compound remains unexploited. A good
and lupane type. These compounds are discussed example is perylene (III), the origin of which is
in detail by Cranwell (1982). still the subject of much debate (e.g. Wakeham et
In more mature samples one finds fewer al. 1979).
biological markers (see Fig. 1 for examples), since
many of the compounds mentioned above are
Pentacyclic triterpanes
degraded or converted to other compounds. Over
geological time most compounds are broken Crude oils contain only a few unambiguous
down but some are simply defunctionalized with, biological markers for vascular plants. Penta-
in many cases, concomitant aromatization, ring cyclic triterpanes have proven to be the most
cleavage or rearrangement. A good example is useful and of these 18~(H)-oleanane (V) is the
the formation of the aromatic hydrocarbon retene most commonly cited (Brassell & Eglinton 1983a).
(II) from abietic acid (I) which occurs quite early This pentacyclic alkane has been identified in
in the diagenetic sequence (e.g., LaFlamme & many oils and shales, most of which can be clearly
Hites 1978). The clear link established between attributed to a terrestrial source and in some
this product and its precursor permits one to use cases specifically to a deltaic depositional envi-
retene as a biological marker for organic matter ronment. Examples include oils and shales from
from conifers. However, there are many other the Niger (Hills & Whitehead 1966; Ekweozor et
diagenetically formed compounds for which a al. 1979a, b) and Mahakham deltas (Hoffman et
clear product-precursor relationship has not yet al. 1984), oils from south-east Hungary (Sajgo
been established and the information potential 1984) and Brunei, Sabah and Indonesia (Gran-

FIG. 1. Structures of compounds proposed as biological markers for vascular plants. I: abietic acid; II: retene
(diagenetically formed from abietic acid); III: perylene (origin unknown, doubtful status); IV: olean-13(18)-ene;
V: 18ct(H)-oleanane; VI: C24 cycloalkene (presumed diagenetic product from cleavage of the A-ring of 3-
oxytriterpenoids); VII: 28,30-bisnorlupane (status uncertain); VIII: pimarane; IX: isopimarane; X: abietane;
XI: phyllocladane; XII: ent-beyerane; XIII : ent-kaurane; XIV: eudesmane.
IO6 J. K . V o l k m a n

tham et al. 1983) and source rocks from China Bicyclic alkanes
(Brassell et al. 1986a). An unsaturated analogue,
C14-C16 alkanes are found in most crude oils and
olean-13(18)-ene (IV), has been identified in
these can be readily recognized from m/z 123
immature shales from the Niger Delta (Ekweozor
mass fragmentograms. Some have drimane or
et al. 1979a), and this compound is thought to be
rearranged drimane skeletons which are probably
an intermediate in the diagenetic transformation
formed from hopanoid precursors during diage-
of oxygenated 'oleanoids' (Brassell & Eglinton
nesis (Kagramanova et al. 1976; Alexander et al.
1983a) to 18~(H)-oleanane.
1984) whereas others, such as those with the
It should be noted that the presence of 18~(H)-
eudesmane skeleton (XIV; Alexander et al. 1983)
oleanane, or other triterpenoids of higher plant
are clearly linked to a higher plant source. In
origin, in an oil is not sufficient evidence that the
crude oils, these lower molecular weight cyclic
oil originated from a terrestrial source rock. Large
alkanes are often more abundant than pentacyclic
amounts of terrigenous matter also occur in some
triterpenoids but their potential as source and
marine sediments from coastal and deep-sea
diagenesis indicators has yet to be exploited fully.
areas. Brassell et al. (1981 a) identified olean- 12-
en-3-one, urs-12-en-3-one and taraxer-14-en-3-
one in immature sediments from the Middle General comment
America Trench and a similar range of ketones
and alcohols has also been found in sediments The above data highlight a general problem
from the Japan Trench (Brassell & Eglinton facing the organic geochemist. Even though a
1983a). Both suites of sediments contained signif- given compound may have a known source, such
icant amounts of other biological markers for as vascular plants in this case, this is usually not
vascular plants. Some deep-sea sediments (Bras- sufficient evidence to define the palaeoenviron-
sell & Eglinton 1983a) also contain a series of C24 ment. In most cases, information from several
cycloalkenes and cycloalkanes (e.g., VI) which biological markers must be obtained before a
appear to be derived from cleavage of the A-ring self-consistent picture can be established. The
of 3-oxytriterpenoids (Corbet et al. 1980), and absolute concentration of the biomarker also
thus indirectly indicate the presence of terrigen- provides important information. Clearly, one
ous organic matter. 28,30-Bisnorlupanes (VII) would only expect high concentrations of biolog-
which are abundant in some Tertiary sediments ical markers for vascular plants in environments
from West Greenland, may also represent degra- where terrigenous matter accumulates such as in
dation products of oxygenated lupanes of plant lakes, estuaries and some coastal sediments but
origin (Rullkotter et al. 1982a). moderate amounts have been detected in some
deep-sea sediments far from land as a result of
inputs from turbidity currents and atmospheric
Tri- and tetracyclic diterpanes transport. In cases where most of the terrigenous
The isolation and identification of polycyclic organic matter is from aeolian sources one would
diterpanes, and their oxygenated analogues, in expect to find mainly plant wax compounds such
coals, lignins, resins, sediments and oils is an as long-chain hydrocarbons, fatty acids and
active area of organic geochemistry research alcohols but not oxygenated triterpenoids or
which is too broad to review here. Tricyclic steroids (e.g., Gagosian et al. 1982). Where
diterpanes with pimarane (VIII), isopimarane riverine inputs are important, the organic matter
(IX) and abietane (X) skeletons, which are is likely to be highly reworked and degraded but
abundant in conifer resins, are commonly re- some of the more resistant compounds, such as
ported as are tetracyclic diterpanes having phyl- certain triterpenoids and 24-ethylcholesterol, are
locladane (XI), ent-beyerane (XII) and ent- likely to be present in significant amounts.
kaurane (XIII) skeletons (Noble et al. 1985).
Although a few diterpanes are not derived from
Biological markers for phytoplankton
vascular plants (e.g., Zumberge 1983), most are
unambiguous biological markers for organic The lipid compositions of most phytoplankton
matter of plant origin and in some cases they can species are dominated by esterified fatty acids
be related to specific types of plants. However, (mainly triacylglycerols and phospholipids) to-
the diagenetic pathways by which these hydro- gether with smaller amounts of free fatty acids,
carbons are produced in sediments are not well hydrocarbons and sterols. The use of sterols as
understood, and many structures still remain to biological markers for phytoplankton has been
be elucidated. For leading references, the reader discussed recently (Volkman 1986). Fatty acid
is referred to Simoneit (1977), Livsey et al. (1984) distributions are often quite different from one
and Mackenzie (1984). algal class to another and so these compounds are
Biological marker compounds 107
often used to determine sources of organic matter number of related alkenes having the general
in Recent sediments (e.g., Volkman et al. 1980c). formula CnH2n_10 (n=30-37) have also been
Hydrocarbon distributions tend to be less distinc- identified in the same alga (reviewed by Volkman
tive and generally of less value as biological & Maxwell 1986).
markers. A possible exception is the occurrence Botryococcane, and related alkanes, have been
of 7- and 8-methylheptadecane in cyanobacteria. found in oils from Indonesia (Moldowan & Seifert
Also, hydrocarbons are generally not abundant 1980; Seifert & Moldowan 1981), which is
in algae. Both compound classes tend to be consistent with the lacustrine source inferred for
degraded in sediments either because the com- these oils. More recently, Brassell et al. (1986a
pounds are relatively short-chain (i.e., < C20) or and this volume) have identified C31 and C33
contain several double bonds. Consequently, with 'botryococcanes' in the lacustrine Maoming oil
few exceptions, they tend to be of limited use as shale in China. It is interesting that this shale did
palaeoenvironmental indicators for ancient sedi- not contain the C34 botryococcane which could
ments. Fortunately for the organic geochemist a indicate that the algal source was a different race
few algae synthesize unusual lipids with distinc- of B. braunii to that which is common in lakes
tive structures which can be related to geologically today.
occurring compounds. Recently, botryococcane was found in a num-
ber of coastal bitumens recovered from stranding
sites in South Australia and Victoria, Australia
(McKirdy et al. 1986 and this volume). Carbon
Botryococcane (XV, Fig. 2) is an unusual C34 isotope data indicate that these bitumens origi-
acyclic isoprenoid alkane which appears to be nate from algal organic matter and the abundance
very restricted in its geological occurrence. It is of botryococcane suggested that deposition oc-
thought to derive from hydrogenation of C34 curred in a fresh to saline lacustrine environment.
alkenes, termed botryococcenes, which have the Those bitumens containing most botryococcane
same skeleton and occur in very high concentra- exhibited pristane to phytane ratios of about 2,
tion in some races of the freshwater green alga sulphur contents of about 0.3%, high hopane to
Botryococcus braunii (Maxwell et al. 1968; Cox et sterane ratios ( ~ 55) and high concentrations of
al. 1973; Metzger et al. 1985) but not in other 4-methyl steranes; the latter probably originating
algae. Biopolymers produced by this alga have from the 4-methyl sterols of dinoflagellates. From
been shown to be an important source of algal these data, McKirdy et al. (1986) postulated that
kerogens (Largeau et al. 1986). Recently, a these oils were derived from extensive organic

FIG. 2. Structures of some unusual acyclic lipids. XV: botryococcane; XVI : 2,6,10-trimethyl-7-(3-methylbutyl)-
dodecane; XVII : 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)-pentadecane; XVIII: alkene of XVII; XIX, XX: C21
and C 2z analogues of XVII; XXI: heptatriaconta- 15,22-dien-2-one; XXII: octatriaconta- 16,23-dien-3-one.
108 J. K . V o l k m a n

rich source beds deposited in deep meromictic green alga Enteromorpha prolifera. It seems
lakes along Australia's southern continental mar- unlikely that this particular species is the source
gin. This was an important result since potential of these hydrocarbons in most sediments but this
source rocks have yet to be penetrated by the drill finding does point to an origin from algae rather
and the geochemical data conclusively demon- than from bacteria. Significant amounts of the
strated the presence of a new class of non-marine alkane and alkene have been found in particulate
crude oils in this region. Another interesting matter from estuarine waters (Bayona et al. 1983;
feature of the data was that these bitumens were Albaiges et al. 1984b) suggesting a planktonic
very waxy (i.e., they contained high concentra- source. High concentrations have also been found
tions of long-chain alkanes) despite being primar- in sediments from a hypersaline basin (Dunlop &
ily of algal origin. Waxy crudes are usually Jeffries 1985), and it is of interest that oceanic
attributed to a terrigenous source since long- sediments nearby contained only small amounts.
chain compounds are abundant in vascular Many more sediments contain high concentra-
plants, but these and other data suggest that waxy tions of acyclic C25 alkenes having two, three
crudes can also be produced from organic matter and four double bonds (see papers by Albaiges et
derived from certain algae such as Botryococcus. al. 1984a, b; Dunlop & Jeffries 1985; Rowland et
al. 1985 for leading references). On hydrogena-
tion, these are reduced to a single isoprenoid
2,6, l O-trimethyl- 7- ( 3-methylbutyl)-dodecane and
alkane thought to be 2,6,10,14-tetetramethyl-7-
related compounds
(3-methylpentyl)pentadecane (XVII; Bayona et
This C2o alkane (XVI) has an unusual isoprenoid al. 1983; Rowland et al. 1985) which is poorly
structure composed of four isoprene units linked separated from n-Czl alkane on non-polar GC
in a non-linear fashion. This compound appears phases. These alkenes do not appear to be present
to be just one member of a new class of isoprenoid in freshwater lacustrine environments, and the
compounds which also includes Cz5 and C30 fact that they are abundant in organic rich
analogues, and perhaps Cz~ and C22 hydrocar- sediments from the Peru upwelling (Volkman et
bons as well (Dunlop & Jeffries 1985). The value al. 1983a) is significant since similar environ-
of such compounds as palaeoenvironmental in- ments are thought to have been important in the
dicators is still not clear but their wide occurrence formation of some marine petroleum source
in many Recent sediments is sufficient reason to rocks. It seems likely that a planktonic organism
merit further study. produces at least some of these compounds since
The C20 alkane, and a related monoene, are high concentrations of Cz5 trienes and tetraenes
widely occurring in both marine and lacustrine have been found in sediment traps deployed in
Recent sediments (reviewed by Rowland et al. the waters off Peru (Volkman et al. 1983a).
1985), although only rarely are they major Enteromorpha prolifera also contains a C25
constituents. There are few reports of their acyclic diene which probably has the same
occurrence in older sediments but this may reflect skeleton as the Cz5 alkenes which occur in marine
the fact that the C20 alkane is poorly resolved sediments (Rowland et al. 1985), but differs in
from pristane and hence easily overlooked unless the positions or geometry of the double bonds. A
GC-MS techniques are used. Significant amounts related monoene, thought to have structure
of XVI have been found in Plio-Pleistocene XVIII, has also been identified as the major
marine sediments from the eastern Mediterra- hydrocarbon in sediments from the hypersaline
nean and the alkene occurs in marine sediments basin studied by Dunlop & Jeffries (1985). These
from the Cariaco Trench (see Rowland et al. sediments also contained significant amounts of
1985). This alkane does not appear to be related C21 and Czz acyclic isoprenoid alkanes
abundant, or widespread, in crude oils with the (tentatively assigned as XIX and XX), which
notable exception of the Rozel Point crude oil dominated the hydrocarbon profiles in deeper
from Utah where it is the second most abundant sediments attesting to their stability (Dunlop &
alkane present (Yon et al. 1982). Since the source Jeffries 1985). These hydrocarbons may well
of this oil is not yet known, it is of obvious interest prove to be useful markers for this type of
to the geochemist to determine the type of hypersaline environment. A branched C25 triene,
depositional conditions which gave rise to such a of unknown origin, has also been found as a
high abundance of this unusual alkane. Recent major constituent in a sapropelic mud from a
studies indicate that the source rocks could have playa lake (Albaiges et al. 1984a).
been deposited in a hypersaline environment (see
later). Very long-chain alkenones, esters, and alkenes
Recently, Rowland et al. (1985) identified the In 1980, Volkman et al. (1980b) reported that a
alkane and a C2o monoene in the macroscopic cosmopolitan marine alga, the coccolithophorid
Biological marker compounds 109

Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae), synthes- are continually being identified in sediments but
izes an unusual suite of straight-chain unsaturated all too often the biological sources of these
C37 and C38 methyl ketones (XXI) and alkenes compounds have not been identified.
and C38 and C39 ethyl ketones (XXII). In Although the specificity of these compounds as
subsequent work, Volkman et al. (1980a) also biological markers for marine Prymnesiophycean
identified methyl and ethyl esters of a diunsatur- algae now appears to be doubtful, these studies
ated C36 n-alkenoic acid and various C31 and have nonetheless provided much important infor-
C33 n-alkenes in this alga. The ketones are mation. Firstly, they showed that unicellular
abundant in a wide variety of marine sediments algae can be significant contributors of very long
(Volkman et al. 1980b; De Leeuw et al. 1980; (C37-C4o) straight-chain lipids to sediments with
Marlowe et al. 1984a, b and references therein) the logical extension that waxy crude oils could
and for a time it was thought that they might be have an algal origin. Secondly, the occurrence of
specific markers for organic matter derived from these compounds in sediments over 100 million
E. huxleyi, at least in Recent sediments. Perhaps years old (Brassell et al. 1986b) attests to the
not surprisingly, further work (Marlowe et al. remarkable geological stability of such long-chain
1984a, b) established that a few other species of compounds. Thirdly, feeding experiments in
Prymnesiophytes, which unlike E. huxleyi do not which E. huxleyi was fed to the copepod Calanus
bear coccoliths, also synthesize these compounds helgolandicus (Volkman et al. 1980b) demon-
although the distributions are not identical. strated that these compounds are also resistant to
Subsequently Cranwell (1985) and Volkman et biological degradation and hence they tend to
al. (1986b) showed that these compounds do survive in biologically active sediments in which
occur in some lake sediments, but again the shorter-chain lipids are rapidly degraded (Volk-
distributions are distinctively different from those man et al. 1986b). This may be due to their long
which occur in marine sediments. These latter chain-length and/or due to the presence of trans
results imply that other species of algae must also double bonds instead of the more biologically
be capable of synthesizing these compounds. common cis geometry which has recently been
The rapid expansion in our knowledge of the demonstrated from infra-red spectrometry stud-
sources of these ketones and their applications in ies (J. K. Volkman, unpublished data, 1985).
organic geochemistry is typical of many of the Lastly, and perhaps of most interest, is that the
advances in this field of research. In particular, ratio of ketones having two and three double
this topic highlights how dramatic improvements bonds appears to correlate with growth tempera-
in analytical methodology for sediment lipid ture which has raised the possibility of using
analyses have not been matched by a correspond- these stable compounds as palaeoclimatic indi-
ing increase in our knowledge of the occurrence cators (Brassell et al. 1986b).
of these newer compound classes in plants,
animals and bacteria. These long-chain ketones
Biological markers for bacteria
were first recognized in sediments from Walvis
Ridge (Boon et al. 1978) using direct insertion Bacteria are now recognized as important sources
mass spectrometry but full details of their of lipids in sediments and petroleums (Ourisson
structures were not published until 1980 (De et al. 1984) and most of the main bacterial groups
Leeuw et al. 1980; Volkman et al. 1980a), largely have distinctive distributions. Since environmen-
due to the difficulty of analysing these high tal conditions often determine which bacterial
molecular compounds with capillary columns groups predominate in any given sediment there
available at that time. Capillary gas chromatog- is a real prospect of finding specific bacterial
raphy techniques have advanced dramatically lipids which can be used as markers for certain
since then and it is now possible to study very depositional conditions.
high molecular weight compounds such as wax Fatty acids are major constituents of many
esters and triacylglycerols (e.g., Cranwell & bacteria, with the notable exception of the
Volkman 1981) and even porphyrins (e.g., Mar- Archaebacteria, and specific acids characteristic
riott et al. 1982) directly by gas chromatography. of different groups are readily recognized in most
Another important consideration is that these Recent sediments (e.g., Perry et al. 1979; Gillan
unusual ketones and hydrocarbons had not been & Sandstrom 1985). Unfortunately, these fatty
reported in the natural products literature of the acids are readily degraded and thus of limited
time and it was only through the efforts of organic value for studying the ancient sediment record.
geochemists that plausible biological sources Other more stable lipids such as acyclic isopren-
were identified (Volkman et al. 1980a; Marlowe oids, ether lipids and triterpenoids (Figs 3 and 4)
et al. 1984a) which accounted for many of the have a long geological record and are potentially
known geological occurrences. New compounds much more useful.
I IO J . K . Volkman

FIG. 3. Structures of acyclic isoprenoid alkanes which may be indicative of bacterial inputs. XXIII: pristane
(probably not bacterial); XXIV: phytane; XXV: 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyleicosane; XXVI: 2,6,10,15,19-
pentamethyleicosane; XXVII : squalane; XXVIII : lycopane (status uncertain).

One group of bacteria that is of particular These bacteria can also be important sources of
interest to organic geochemists is the Archaebac- phytane (XXIV) and C30 acyclic isoprenoids such
teria which includes the methanogens, thermoac- as squalane (XXVII) and partially reduced
idophiles and haloalkaliphiles (Woese et al. 1978). squalenes in sediments (Brassell et al. 1981b;
Methanogenic bacteria synthesize a variety Albaiges et al. 1984a; Volkman et al. 1986a). C~0
of lipids based on acyclic isoprenoid skele- alkanes, including tail-to-tail linked lycopane
tons. These include free hydrocarbons and gly- (XXVIII), have also been identified in oils and
ceride-analogues where the ester bond to gly- these are also thought to be derived from
cerol is replaced by an ether bond. The C25 iso- Archaebacteria (Michaelis & Albrecht 1979;
prenoid alkane 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicos- Brassell et al. 1981b; Albaiges et al. 1985)
ane (XXVI), which has an irregular isoprenoid although there are insufficient data to link them
skeleton, appears to be a useful marker for specifically to methanogens. These bacteria do
methanogenic bacteria (Brassell et al. 1981b). not appear to be a significant source of pristane

FIG. 4. Structures of cyclic hydrocarbons associated with bacterial inputs. XXIX: C35 hopanetetraol (probable
precursor of most hopanoids in sediments); XXX : fern-7-ene; XXXI : 28,30-bisnorhop-17(18)-ene; XXXII:
28,30-bisnorhopane; XXXIII : 25,28,30-trisnorhopane; XXXIV: C17 co-cyclohexyl fatty acid; XXXV:
alkylcyclohexane (possibly diagenetically derived from XXXIV).
Biological marker compounds III

(XXIII; Risatti et al. 1984). For a further tive differences exist between environments (e.g.,
discussion of this topic, the reader is referred to Comet 1982). Such parameters may well prove to
the review by Volkman & Maxwell (1986). be very useful indicators of palaeoenvironmental
The Archaebacteria also includes an interest- conditions. For example, Volkman et al. (1986a)
ing group which thrive under harsh saline and observed high concentrations of acyclic isopren-
alkaline conditions. These halophilic and haloal- oid alkanes relative to hopanoid hydrocarbons in
kaliphilic bacteria synthesize lipids containing sediments from an anoxic meromictic lake which
acyclic isoprenoid skeletons such as phytane reflected the high proportion of the microbial
(XXIV) and 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyleicosane biomass that was derived from methanogenic
(XXV). Such bacteria are important sources of bacteria in that environment.
lipids in present day Dead Sea sediments (Ander- Recent studies have demonstrated that bacte-
son et al. 1977) and ancient hypersaline environ- ria are possible sources of other pentacyclic
ments (see later). triterpenoids such as fernenes, 28,30-bisnorho-
Pristane/phytane ratios have been used for pane and 25,28,30-trisnorhopane (Fig. 4). Fer-
many years as indicators of redox potential in nenes (XXX) have been identified in several
sediments (Didyk et al. 1978), with a surprising Recent and ancient sediments and it is now
degree of success when one considers that the thought that they are mainly derived from certain
underlying premise that both compounds are bacteria and not from ferns, despite the abun-
derived from phytol is clearly not correct in many dance of fernenes in the latter (Brassell & Eglinton
cases. Archaebacteria can be important sources 1983a; Volkman et al. 1986a). Fern-7-ene and
of phytane and thus low pristane/phytane ratios fern-9(11)-ene have been identified as minor lipid
may simply reflect high populations of methano- constituents of an anaerobic photosynthetic pur-
genic bacteria in that depositional environment. ple bacterium (Howard 1980) but there are still
Phytane can also be contributed from haloalkali- no other reported occurrences in bacteria perhaps
philic bacteria and so low pristane/phytane ratios because few studies have been carried out. The
are also found in hypersaline environments (ten recent identification of fern-7-ene (XXX) as a
Haven et al. 1985 and this volume). An additional major hydrocarbon in anoxic sediments from a
source of pristane is from tocopherols (Brassell et saline, meromictic lake in Antarctica (Volkman
al. 1983). Clearly, pristane/phytane ratios need et al. 1986a), shows that this hydrocarbon is a
to be used with caution but they are still useful major constituent in at least one bacterium which
provided that the importance of Archaebacterial is clearly important as a source of sedimentary
contributions has been established from other lipids. Volkman et al. (1986a) also proposed that
biological markers, such as C25, C30 and C40 the presence of fernenes in sediments could
acyclic isoprenoid alkanes, diphytanylglyceryl indicate that the sediments were deposited under
ethers and dibiphytanylglyceryl ethers (Chappe highly reducing conditions, since they found only
et al. 1979, 1982; Moldowan & Seifert 1979; trace amounts of fernenes in oxic sediments from
Albaigbs 1980; Volkman & Maxwell 1986). the same lake. The saturated analogue of fer-
Pentacyclic compounds with the hopane skel- nenes, i.e., fernane, has not yet been identified in
eton (XXIX) are abundant in many bacteria and ancient sediments or crude oils.
consequently hopanes have been found in most 28,30-bisnorhopane (XXXII) and a related C27
mature sediments and crude oils (e.g., Ourisson triterpane, 25,28,30-trisnorhopane (XXXIII)
et al. 1979, 1984). Although the hopanes are have been identified in a limited number of
particularly useful as indicators of thermal ma- sediments and petroleums (Seifert et al. 1978;
turity (see Mackenzie 1984, for a review), to date Grantham et al. 1980; Rullkotter et al. 1982a, b;
they have been of limited value as palaeoenviron- Volkman et al. 1983a; Fowler & Douglas 1984;
mental indicators. High concentrations of C34 Moldowan et al. 1984). This bisnorhopane is
and C35 hopanes may be indicative of hypersaline particularly abundant in the Miocene Monterey
conditions (McKirdy et al. 1983), but it is Formation (Seifert et al. 1978), and it has been
generally true that the distribution of hopanes are suggested that it may be derived from reduction
remarkably similar in quite unrelated oils. Mack- of 28,20-bisnorhop- 17(18)-ene (XXXI) which has
enzie (1984) has noted that a high concentration been tentatively identified in a sediment from the
of hopanes relative to steranes is common in Gulf of Carpentaria (Rullkotter et al. 1982b).
samples derived primarily from Type III organic Grantham et al. (1980) and Fowler & Douglas
matter (i.e., terrestrial vascular plants), and that (1984) have suggested that it may be associated
such ratios are useful for correlation purposes. with anaerobic microorganisms, but the full
Little use has been made of ratios which compare significance of these compounds has yet to be
the concentrations of different lipid classes or established.
compound types, despite the fact that quantita- Alkylcyclohexanes (XXXV) containing a long
I I2 J . K . Volkman
hydrocarbon chain attached to a cyclohexane or These processes have been reviewed elsewhere
methylcyclohexane ring are major constituents of (Mackenzie et al. 1982; Brassell & Eglinton
some crude oils. It is possible that they originate 1983a; Brassell et al. 1983, 1984; McEvoy &
from the cyclization of algal fatty acids (Johns et Maxwell 1983), so only those aspects which relate
al. 1966), but an origin from bacterial lipids is to the use of steroids as source indicators will be
also considered likely (e.g., Fowler & Douglas discussed here.
1984 and refs. therein) since structurally related Complex mixtures of sterols occur in all Recent
C17 and C1909-cyclohexyl fatty acids (XXXIV) sediments, and more than 90 sterols have been
have been found in the thermoacidophilic bacter- identified in some marine sediments (Brassell &
ium Bacillus acidocaldarius (De Rosa et al. 1972). Eglinton 1983a). These differ in the positions of
The presence of high concentrations in some the double bonds, side-chain structure and pres-
organic-rich Ordovician rocks (Fowler & Douglas ence or absence of a methyl group at C-4 (e.g.,
1984), suggests that vascular plants are not Smith et al. 1982, 1983; Brassell & Eglinton
probable sources of these compounds, at least in 1983a). The distributions in lacustrine sediments
those sediments. are generally less complex, but this is not always
The importance of green sulphur bacteria so (e.g., Robinson et al. 1984). The sterol
(Chlorobiaceae) as a source of compounds in distributions found in dissimilar environments
reef-hosted oils in the Silurian of the Michigan do show some significant differences which can
Basin, Canada, and the Devonian of Western be related to the type and abundance of eukaryotic
Canada has recently been demonstrated by organisms present. As yet there is no convincing
Summons & Powell (1986). These authors identi- evidence that prokaryotic organisms are signifi-
fied a suite of 1-alkyl-2,3,6-trimethylbenzenes as cant sources of sterols in sediments although
major constituents and showed from carbon small amounts do occur in some cyanobacteria
isotope data and the low abundance of other (reviewed by Volkman 1986) and at least one
isomers that these hydrocarbons were probably bacterium (Bird et al. 1971).
derived from specific aromatic bacterial caroten- The relative proportions of C26-C30 5~(H)-
oids. These oils also had very low pristane/ steranes (XXXVII) in crude oils are often
phytane ratios consistent with the strongly reduc- different and such distributions have proved to
ing conditions required by anoxygenic photosyn- be extremely useful for correlating one oil with
thetic sulphur bacteria. another or for correlating oils with presumed
source rocks. A common approach has been to
look at the relative abundances of the regular
Sterols and steranes
C27, C28 and C29 5~(H), 14~(H), 17ct(H)-steranes,
The stability and distinctive structure of the i.e., 5~(H)-cholestane (XXXVIIa), 5ct(H)-24-
steroid skeleton (XXXVI; Fig. 5) has made it methylcholestane (XXXVIIb) and 5~(H)-24-
possible to study in great detail the transformation ethylcholestane (XXXVIIc) since these are usu-
reactions that convert the sterols found in Recent ally fairly prominent in m/z 217 mass fragmen-
sediments to sterenes in ancient sediments and tograms. These data are presented either as a set
steranes in crude oils and mature sediments. of ratios or in the form of a triangular diagram.

FIG. 5. Examples of steroidal compounds. XXXVI : AS-unsaturated sterol; XXXVII : 5~(H),14~(H),17~(H)-

sterane, a-c: common side-chains, a: cholesterol side-chain; b: 24-methyl; c: 24-ethyl. d-g: unusual side-chains;
d: 23,24-dimethyl; e: 22,23-methylene-23,24-dimethyl (gorgosterol); f: n-propyl; g: isopropyl.
Biological marker compounds I 13
Huang & Meinschein (1979) suggested that matter, by rivers. Remarkably similar distribu-
samples from similar environments should have tions are also found in many lake sediments, such
similar ratios of sterols or steranes, and thus such as those from Loch Clair (Cranwell & Volkman
triangular plots would allow one to distinguish 1981), and this raises considerable concern about
between different depositional environments. the usefulness of sterol or sterane ratios as
Unfortunately, while some samples do plot as indicators of depositional environment. For a
expected, this approach has proven to be too fuller discussion of this topic, the reader is
simplistic for general use. This is perhaps not referred to Volkman (1986).
surprising since the abundances of only three One of the underlying reasons for such ambi-
steranes are measured and yet the original sterol guity is that few sterols can be considered as
distribution from which they were derived might unambiguous markers for a specific group of
have contained ten times that number of different organisms or environment. In a recent review,
compounds. Volkman (1986) has shown that few, if any, algal
In Fig. 6, I have plotted a few examples from classes can be considered to have a characteristic
my own studies which do not exhibit the sterol sterol distribution although certainly, some sterols
ratios expected by the scheme of Huang & are more common in particular algal groups than
Meinschein (1979). The seawater samples contain others. For example, 'diatomsterol' (24-methyl-
far m o r e C29 sterols than one would expect if the cholesta-5,22E-dien-3fl-ol) is the major sterol of
only major source of such sterols was vascular many diatoms but it also predominates in some
plants. Clearly marine sources can also be Prymnesiophytes and occurs in many other algae
important. The Antarctic sediments are particu- (Volkman 1986). Only one sterol, dinosterol
larly interesting since there are no vascular plants (XXXVIII: 4e,23,24-trimethyl-5e-cholest-22E-
present and yet C29 sterols predominate. The en-3fl-ol; Fig. 7), has been shown to be restricted
sediments from Peru also contain significant to a single algal class, the dinoflagellates. Further
amounts of Cz9 sterols despite the fact that this work may establish that other 4-methylsterols are
is an area of high algal productivity and the good markers for dinoflagellates, but the possibil-
adjacent land is largely desert. In this case, the ity of bacterial sources for some of these com-
C29 sterols are most likely derived from vascular pounds has also been suggested (Mermoud et al.
plants that have been transported into the coastal 1982). Also, there is no reason to expect that the
zone, along with the other terrigenous organic sterol distribution in sediments from a diatom-

FIG. 6. C27 , C28 , C29 sterol abundances in selected sediments and samples of seawater particles plotted according
to the scheme of Huang & Meinschein (1979).
I I4 J.K. Volkman
dominated lake environment would be very for inputs from marine organisms. C3o sterols are
different from those found in sediments from a certainly common in marine environments but
diatom-dominated upwelling environment. To they are also abundant in some phytoplankton
further complicate matters, one often finds from the Cryptophyceae and Chrysophyceae
environments where only a few species of algae (Volkman 1986), which raises the possibility that
dominate and if these should have unusual or significant amounts may be found in some
atypical sterol distributions then the sediments lacustrine environments. Further work to estab-
would also exhibit an unusual sterol distribution. lish the side-chain structure of the C30 steranes
The possibility of selective degradation of specific (e.g., n-propyl or isopropyl; f and g, Fig. 5), and
sterols by bacteria and within food-webs also more detailed studies of the sterols in lacustrine
needs consideration. sediments are needed to establish the usefulness
Many authors have used the predominance of of this parameter. The significance of high
C29 steranes in an oil as evidence that the source concentrations of C26 steranes in some oils (e.g.,
rock was rich in terrigenous organic matter. Since Shi Ji-Yang et al. 1982) also needs to be examined.
it is now clear that algae or cyanobacteria can be It is apparent that the stage has not yet been
important sources of C29 sterols in some sedi- reached when one can reliably use the distribution
ments (Matsumoto et al. 1982; Volkman 1986), of steranes in an oil to deduce what type of source
one should always check for other indications of rock must have produced that oil. Indeed, such a
higher plants such as the presence of various goal is unlikely to be reached unless sterane
triterpanes as discussed earlier. Several examples distributions are examined in far more detail
of oils and sediments having a high proportion of than is presently the case.
C29 steranes which are not related to a vascular There are, however, two classes of steranes
plant origin (McKirdy et al. 1983, 1986; Fowler which do appear to have potential as source
& Douglas 1984) are now known and undoubtedly markers. These are the 4-methylsteranes
more will be found. Conversely, some lacustrine (XXXIX, Fig. 7) and the A-norsteranes (XLI).
sediments, such as those from China, have similar The 4-methylsteranes are believed to derive from
ratios of C2v , C2s and C29 steranes (Shi Ji-Yang the 4-methylsterols (e.g., XXXVIII) produced by
et al. 1982). dinoflagellates (e.g., De Leeuw et al. 1983;
One way to overcome these problems is to look Robinson et al. 1984; McKirdy et al. 1986). Such
for minor steranes with distinctive side-chain sterols are not abundant in sediments from
structure such as 23,24-dimethyl (d, Fig. 5) or
cyclopropyl (e, Fig. 5) substitution since sterols
with these structures appear to be more common
in marine environments (e.g., Wardroper et al.
1978). Unfortunately, this is difficult using exist-
ing GC-MS techniques. Sterane distributions in
crude oils are very complex due to the presence
of a variety of isomers differing in their stereo-
chemistry at C-5, C-14, C-17, C-20 and C-24
(XXXVII). In some cases, non-steroidal com-
pounds can also interfere in m/z 217 and m/z 218
mass fragmentograms used to characterize ster-
ane distributions (e.g., Hoffman et al. 1984). The
use of better capillary columns for gas chromatog-
raphy and improved mass spectrometry tech-
niques (e.g., Warburton & Zumberge 1983;
Brooks et al. 1984), combined with quantitative
measurements (Rullkotter et al. 1984), should
improve this situation but it will be some time
before these techniques are widely adopted by
the oil industry. A step in this direction is the
study by Moldowan (1984) who used GC-MS FIG. 7. XXXVIII : dinosterol; XXXIX: general
structure of 4-methylsteranes--both 40tand 4fl isomers
techniques to identify C3o (4-desmethyl) steranes
have been found in sediments; XL: 3fl-
in about 40 oils from marine and lacustrine hydroxymethyl-A-norsteranefound in sponges; XLI:
sources. The C30 steranes were present in all general structure of A-norsteranes possibly
marine oils younger than the Cambrian but they diageneticallyformed from XL; XLII : tetrahymanol
were not detected in the lacustrine oils suggesting found in protozoa; XLIII: gammacerane (possibly
to Moldowan that they can be used as markers diageneticallyderived from XLII).
Biological marker compounds I 15

upwelling areas (Wardroper et al. 1978; Smith et Biological markers for hypersaline environments
al. 1982, 1983; Gagosian et al. 1983). Although
dinoflagellates are common in both marine and Organic rich sediments having the potential for
lacustrine environments, most reports of high generating oil and gas are produced in some
concentrations of 4-methylsteranes in oils appear hypersaline environments. Most organic geo-
to be associated with lacustrine source rocks chemistry studies have focused on contemporary
(Brassell et al. 1986a; McKirdy et al. 1986; Wolff examples but an increasing interest in the study
et al. 1986). of ancient sediments in the last few years has led
C26-C28 steranes with modified A-rings (A- to some exciting new results (De Leeuw et al.
norsteranes; XLI) have been found in a Creta- 1985; ten Haven et al. 1985, this volume;
ceous black shale (van Graas et al. 1982), and Sinninghe Damst6 et al. 1986). These environ-
Middle Miocene sediments from the Southern ments are characterized by distinctive microbial
California Bight (McEvoy & Maxwell 1983). It communities so one might expect to see a
seems likely that these steranes are derived from recognizable lipid 'fingerprint' left in these
the 3fl-hydroxymethyl-A-norsteranes (XL) which sediments.
are abundant in some sponges (Minale & Sodano Early studies established that a characteristic
1974). Since most sponges are found in coastal of many samples from evaporitic facies is an
and continental shelf marine environments these unusual predominance of even carbon C20-C34
compounds may prove to be useful markers for n-alkanes together with a pristane/phytane ratio
these environments. less than 1 (ten Haven et al. 1985 and references
therein). A predominance of n-C22 alkane has
Gammacerane also been observed in some sediments (Schenck
1969; Powell & McKirdy 1973; De Leeuw et al.
The pentacyclic triterpenoid gammacerane 1985; ten Haven et al. 1985), which may also
(XLIII) has attracted considerable attention from prove to be a biological marker for this type of
geochemists since it is only found in a few oils environment. The regular C25 acyclic isoprenoid
and it is readily detected using m/z 191 mass alkane 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyleicosane (XXV)
fragmentograms. It has been suggested that has also been suggested as a marker for saline
gammacerane is produced in sediments from conditions (Waples et al. 1974), based on its
degradation of tetrahymanol (XLII) which occurs occurrence in Tertiary lagoonal sediments. Polar
in protozoa (e.g., Hills et al. 1966; Brassell & lipids containing this C25 isoprenoid chain are
Eglinton 1983a) but there may be other sources abundant in certain haloalkaliphiles (De Rosa et
and until these are determined the value of al. 1983), but this alkane is also found in some
gammacerane as a palaeoenvironmental indica- methanogenic bacteria (Risatti et al. 1984).
tor will remain limited. Ten Haven et al. (1985) have identified a
Gammacerane was first identified in the Green number of new compounds in evaporite basin
River shale (Hills et al. 1966), and since then it sediments in the Messinian Formation of north-
has been identified in other 'terrestrial' samples. ern Italy which may prove to be markers for
It occurs in several immature Chinese oils and it hypersaline environments. These include 4~,24-
could be used to correlate these oils with various and 4fl,24-dimethylcholestanes (XLIV; Fig. 8),
potential source rocks (Shi Ji-Yang et al. 1982). 4-methylspirosterenes (XLV), 4,4-dimethylhom-
Seifert et al. (1984) have detected gammacerane opregnanes (XLVI) and homopregnanes (XLVII).
in a number of oil seeps from Greece and they These samples also contained a series of
used a 'gammacerane index' (defined as the ratio 17ct(H),21fl(H)-hopanes which exhibited an un-
of the concentrations of gammacerane to 17~(H)- usually high abundance of C34 and C35 compo-
hopane multiplied by 100), to distinguish the nents (XLIX) together with a similar distribution
various groups of oils. They further showed that of hop- 17(21)-enes (XLVIII). From the similarity
gammacerane is highly resistant to biodegrada- of the two distributions these authors suggested
tion which is a very useful feature for any that the hopanes are formed from reduction of
biological marker. Gammacerane is also present the hop- 17(21)-enes, and not from isomerization
in oils from Indonesia which are thought to be of of the 17fl(H),21 fl(H)-hopanes which is generally
'terrestrial' origin (Seifert & Moldowan 1981), considered to be the more common mechanism.
but minor amounts have also been detected in High concentrations of C3s hopanes have also
Gulf of Suez oils of presumed 'marine' origin been found in crude oils derived from pre-
(Rohrback 1983). A very interesting recent Ordovician carbonates from alkaline playa lakes
finding is the occurrence of gammacerane in (McKirdy et al. 1983). Although the origin of the
sediments from hypersaline environments (see C35 hopenes and hopanes has not been estab-
below). lished, it seems highly probable that they are
I I6 J.K. Volkman

FIG. 8. Structures of unusual lipids proposed as biological markers of hypersaline conditions. XLIV: 4fl,24-
dimethylcholestane; XLV: 4-methylspirosterene; XLVI: 4,4-dimethyl-5ct(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-homopregnane;
XLVII: homopregnane; XLVIII : pentakishomohop- 17(21)-ene; XLIX: 17ct(H),21fl(H)-pentakishomohopane;
L: 30-(2'-methylenethienyl)-17fl(H),21fl(H)-hopane; LI : 3-methyl-2-(2,6,10-trimethyldodecyl)-thiophene.

derived from bacteria or cyanobacteria which abundance in C35 hopanes in some oils also
appear to be associated with hypersaline environ- warrants further study.
These Messinian sediments have also been
Biological markers for upwelling environments
found to contain high concentrations of organic
sulphur compounds (Sinninghe Damst6 et al. The upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich waters onto
1986), and indeed crude oils produced from continental shelves produces areas of high pro-
carbonate-evaporite source rocks usually contain ductivity and leads to the formation of organic-
high sulphur contents (Tissot & Welte 1978). rich sediments. The potential of biological marker
There is now increasing evidence to suggest that compounds as indicators of such environments
bacterially formed sulphur is incorporated into in the ancient sediment record was assessed by
organic matter at an early stage of diagenesis (see Brassell & Eglinton (1983b). These authors
Valisolalao et al. 1984; Brassell et al. 1986c for concluded that no specific markers were known
leading references) but unfortunately this area of at that time to distinguish upwelling areas from
organic geochemistry has received little attention other regions of high productivity. The same
until now. It would be unwise given the limited statement appears to be true today despite the
data available to state with any certainty which fact that our understanding of the lipids likely to
of these organic sulphur compounds might be be found in sediments from upwelling areas has
markers for hypersaline environments but the improved considerably.
predominance of isoprenoid thiophenes, partic- In general terms, the phytoplankton popula-
ularly 3-methyl-2-(2,6,10-trimethyldodecyl)-thio- tions in upwelling environments tend to be
phene (LI), is worth noting, and could be related dominated by diatoms and one would expect
to the predominance of the corresponding alkane lipids from these algae to be abundant in the
(XVI) in Rozel Point crude oil (ten Haven et al. sediments. Indeed, diatom-derived sterols are
1985). The relationship, if any, between the readily recognized in contemporary sediments
occurrence of high concentrations of a C35 from the Peru upwelling (Gagosian et al. 1983;
hopanoid thiophene (L) in some Cretaceous Smith et al. 1983) and Walvis Bay (Smith et al.
sediments (Valisolalao et al. 1984) and a high 1982). In productive lakes one often finds high
Biological marker compounds 117
concentrations of small flagellates such as dinofla- deposited under different environmental condi-
gellates and green algae which have distinctively tions. Organic geochemistry has advanced from
different sterol distributions (Robinson et al. simply identifying new compounds in oils and
1984; Volkman 1986). In high productivity areas, sediments to the stage where compositional data
one would also expect steroids to be considerably are now routinely used as a tool to assess the
more abundant than the bacterial hopanoids maturity, source and extent of biodegradation of
leading to higher sterane/hopane ratios in ancient a crude oil. In most cases, it is still not possible to
sediments from upwelling systems. infer what type of sediment must have produced
Remineralization of the high concentrations of an oil simply from the composition of the oil, but
organic matter produced in upwelling areas leads many features of the depositional environment
to oxygen-depleted bottom waters and anoxic can be defined using biological marker tech-
surface sediments. Enhanced concentrations of niques.
biological markers for methanogenic bacteria Many biological markers for vascular plants
such as phytane (XXIV) or 2,6,10,15,19-penta- have been identified, and their presence in many
methyleicosane (XXVI) would be expected in oils, including some from 'marine' environments,
such sediments but not to the extent that they testifies to the quantitative importance of this
dominate the lipid distributions unless the anoxic source of organic matter. There is also a growing
conditions are persistent and the activity of other list of biological markers for bacteria, including
anaerobic bacteria, such as the suphate-reducers, markers for specific groups such as methanogens
is suppressed. Such conditions are more common and haloalkaliphiles, which have excellent poten-
in meromictic lakes or enclosed basins. tial as indicators of palaeoenvironmental condi-
Since upwelling occurs near the coast this raises tions. Although phytoplankton are clearly major
the possibility that the sediments might receive sources of organic matter in many aquatic
significant inputs of terrigenous organic matter. environments, we still have few specific com-
Indeed, Brassell & Eglinton (1983b) found signif- pounds to use as markers for contributions from
icant concentrations of biological markers for the different algal groups, or for distinguishing
higher plants in sediments from areas of high between marine and lacustrine species. Botry-
marine productivity in the Japan Trench, Middle ococcane and 4-methylsteranes stand out as
America Trench and Walvis Ridge. There is exceptions to this generality.
growing evidence that lipids associated with The increasing analytical sophistication of
terrigenous organic matter are less readily de- techniques used to study the lipids in sediments
graded than marine lipids (e.g., Prahl et al. 1984; and oils has led to the identification of many new
Volkman et al. 1983b). In the case of the Peru compounds whose origins remain unknown.
upwelling, this is reflected by lipid distributions Some of these, such as 28,30-bisnorhopane, are
in deeper sediments which look remarkably either major constituents or found in a very
similar to those found in some lake sediments restricted range of samples and clearly point to
(Volkman et al. 1983b; Volkman 1986). Studies important sources of organic compounds about
of how lipid distributions change with depth in which we know very little. There is a demonstra-
other areas of upwelling, such as Walvis Bay, are ble need for more detailed comparative studies
needed to determine the importance of this of the lipid compositions of well defined Recent
phenomenon. and ancient sediments as well as more informa-
Perhaps the best possibility of finding biologi- tion on the lipid compositions of organisms likely
cal markers characteristic of upwelling areas is to contribute organic matter to sediments. Such
from a study of the bacterial flora. In this regard, studies have demonstrated that interpretations
the sporadic occurrence of bacterial mats of based on widely used parameters such as pristane/
Thioploca sp. in sediments from high productivity phytane ratio and ratios of C27, C28 and C29
areas of Chile, Peru and Walvis Bay (Gallardo steranes have often been overly simplistic and in
1977), clearly points to one topic needing further some cases misleading. However, such data can
examination (Volkman et al. 1983b). provide useful information provided that they
are used in conjunction with information from
other biological markers. New parameters need
to be developed, and those which compare the
Conclusions abundances of selected compounds in different
compound classes such as acyclic isoprenoids,
Intensive research over the last decade has led to steroids and triterpenoids appear to have most
major advances in our understanding of the types, potential as indicators of depositional environ-
distributions and abundances of organic com- ment and relative contributions of organic matter
pounds likely to be preserved in sediments from different organisms.
I I8 J.K. I/'olkman
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I am grateful to the many Mackenzie provided very helpful critiques of early
colleagues cited in the references whose collaboration drafts of this manuscript. P. Chandler (WHOI) and B.
on joint projects and stimulating discussions have Baker (CSIRO) typed the paper and B. Hansen and J.
contributed to the ideas and results reported in this Nunn contributed the artwork.
paper. Drs S. C. Brassell, J. W. Farrington and A. S.


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J. K. VOLKMAN,CSIRO, Division of Oceanography, GPO Box 1538, Hobart, Tasmania

7001, Australia.
Application of biological markers in the recognition of palaeo-
hypersaline environments

H. L. ten Haven, J. W. de Leeuw, J. S. Sinninghe Damst6, P. A. Schenck,

S. E. Palmer & J. E. Zumberge

S U M M A R Y: In this study the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of a marl

sample from a Messinian (late Miocene) evaporitic basin located in the northern Apennines,
and four oils, Rozel Point oil (Utah, USA; Miocene) and three seep oils from Sicily
(Messinian), have been studied by GC with simultaneous FID and FPD detection and by
GC-MS. All samples show characteristics which might be linked to hypersaline conditions
prevailing during the time of deposition. Some of these characteristics are: a very low
pristane/phytane ratio (<0.1), a relatively high abundance of docosane (C22) and
gammacerane and a series of extended hopanes and/or hop-17(21)-enes maximizing at C35.
The aromatic hydrocarbon fraction of all samples is dominated by organic sulphur
compounds of which 2,3-dimethyl-5-(2,6,10-trimethylundecyl) thiophene is the most
abundant compound. The suggestion of Meissner et al. (1984), that the source rock of Rozel
Point oil was deposited under hypersaline conditions in a playa-lake system, is supported by
the organic geochemical characteristics of this oil.

Introduction by Sinninghe Damst6 et al. (1986). Some prelim-

inary geochemical results of the Sicily seep oils
Biological markers, compounds which originate (SSO) and their geological setting were published
from specific structures occurring in living organ- by Palmer & Zumberge (1981). The Italian
isms, are widely used in petroleum exploration. samples are all Messinian (late Miocene) in age.
Mostly, they are applied to discriminate between It is thought that during the late Miocene the
a continental versus a marine origin, for oil/ most geographically widespread anoxic event
source rock correlations and for thermal maturity since the Cretaceous took place (Thunell et al.
estimates of source rocks (e.g., Tissot & Welte 1984), resulting in the deposition of organic-rich
1984). The different sources of marine input can, sediments, such as the Monterey shale and its
at present, be specified most exactly by biological contemporary deposits from the circum Pacific.
markers. For example, it is believed that 4- In and around the Mediterranean area the late
methylsteranes are the diagenetically altered Miocene is characterized by thick evaporatic
imprints of dinoflagellates (Boon et al. 1979; deposits, interbedded with organic-rich layers
Robinson et al. 1984; de Leeuw 1986). (Cita 1982). The origin and age of the Rozel Point
Recently several characteristic biological oil is not exactly known. Meissner et al. (1984)
markers and their specific distribution patterns suggested that this oil is sourced by playa-lake
have been correlated with hypersaline conditions deposits of the Miocene Salt Lake group.
prevailing during time of deposition (ten Haven
et al. 1985 ; Sinninghe Damst6 et al. 1986).
It is the intention of this paper to present data
with similar characteristics observed in a marl The extraction procedure and the separation of
layer from the northern Apennines (NAM) and the extracts and oils into saturated hydrocarbon,
seep oils from Sicily (SSO E1 and E5), the aromatic hydrocarbon and polar fractions are
depositional conditions of which are known, and described by Sinninghe Damst6 et al. (1986).
to apply this information to reconstruct the Prior to gas chromatography the elemental
palaeoenvironmental facies of the source rock of sulphur was removed with activated copper. Gas
the Rozel Point oil (RPO). We will, therefore, chromatography of the saturated hydrocarbon
discuss only those compounds which are relevant. fractions was performed using a Carlo Erba 4160
Detailed descriptions of the geological setting instrument with on-column injection, equipped
of the northern Apennines marl layer and of the with a 25 m fused silica column (0.32 mm) coated
saturated hydrocarbon fraction extracted from with CP-sil 5, programmed from 125 to 330~ at
this sample are given by ten Haven et al. (1985). 4~ with H 2 as carrier gas. Gas chromato-
The aromatic hydrocarbon fraction is described graphy of the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, I23
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 123-130.
124 H . L . t e n H a v e n et al.

was performed using a Varian 3700 instrument TABLE 1. Selected compounds identified in the
with simultaneous flame ionization detection saturated hydrocarbon fraction
(FID) and flame photometric detection (FPD),
equipped with a 50m fused silica column A 2-methylpentadecane
(0.22 mm) coated with CP-sil 5. The conditions B 2,6,10-trimethylpentadecane
C 2-methylhexadecane
of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
D 3-methylhexadecane
analyses are described by Sinninghe Damst6 et E 2,6,10-trimethyl-(3-methylbutyl)dodecane
al. (1986). Identifications of compounds are based F 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane (pristane)
on comparison of relative retention times and G 2,6,10,14-tetramethylhexadecane (phytane)
mass spectra with those of standards and data H 2,6,10,14-tetramethylheptadecane
reported in the literature (e.g., Sinninghe Damst~ I 2,6,10,14-tetramethyloctadecane
et al. 1986; Philp 1985 and references cited J 5~(H),14ct(H),17ct(H)-+ 5ct(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-
therein). pregnane
K 2,6,10,14,18-and/or 2,6,10,14,19-pentamethylei-
L 2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyltetracosane (squal-
Results and discussion ane)
M 5fl(H),14~(H),17~(H)-20R-cholestane+
Saturated hydrocarbon fraction 5~(H), 14~(H),17~(H)-20S-cholestane (esp.
The gas chromatograms of the saturate fraction N 5~(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-20R-cholestane +
of four samples are shown in Figure 1. The 50t(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-20S-cholestane
numbers in this figure indicate n-alkanes and O 5ct(H),14~(H),17ct(H)-20R-cholestane
correspond with their number of carbon atoms. P 5ct(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-20R-24-methylcholestane
The R2z index, defined as 2 x C2z/(C2~ "~-C23), is Q 5~(H),14~(H),17~(H)-20R-24-methylcholestane
greater than one for all samples ( R P O = I . 7 ; R 4~,24-dimethyl-5~(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-20R-cho-
N A M = I . 9 ; SSO E l = 3 . 0 ; SSO E5=3.1). This lestane + 5ct(H), 14ct(H), 17~(H)-20S-24-ethyl-
predominance of docosane is interpreted as a cholestane (esp. RPO)
marker for hypersaline environments (ten Haven S 4~,24-dimethyl-5~(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)-20S-choles-
et al. 1985) and is also observed in Chinese oils, tane + 5~(H), 14fl(H), 17fl(H)-20R-24-ethylcho-
the source rock of which was deposited in saline lestane + 5~(H), 14fl(H), 17fl(H)-20S-24-
lakes (Wang et al. this volume). Tetracosane is ethylcholestane
even more abundant than docosane in the RPO T 5ct(H),14ct(H),17~(H)-20R-24-ethylcholestane
U 4ct-methyl,24-ethyl-5~(H),14~(H),170t(H)-20R-
sample, a phenomenon sometimes also observed
cholestane + 17~(H),21ct(H)-hopane
in Chinese oils (Wang et al. this volume). The V gammacerane
alkanes of RPO show an even over odd predom- W 22R-pentakishomohop-17(21)-ene
inance (CPI(24_34) = 0.82) in contrast with those 22S-pentakishomohop- 17(21)-ene
of the N A M (CPI=2.20) and SSO E5 X 17~(H),21fl(H)-22R-pentakishomohopane
(CPI = 1.20). It has been postulated several times 17~(H),21fl(H)-22S-pentakishomohopane
that an even over odd predominance of n-alkanes
characterizes a hypersaline environment (see ten (G) is the most abundant compound in the
Haven et al. 1985 and references cited therein). saturate fraction of all samples. The pristane/
Sometimes, though, such an even over odd phytane ratio is very low (<0.1), which is
predominance can be obscured due to an addi- indicative of hypersaline environments (ten
tional input of continentally-derived alkanes. We Haven et al. 1985; see also Albaiges & Torradas
believe, therefore, that the R22 index is a better 1974; Fu Jiamo et al. this volume; Wang et al.
criterion for hypersaline environments as henei- this volume). The C25 isoprenoid (K), either
cosane (C21) and tricosane (C23) are relatively 2,6,10,14,18- and/or 2,6,10,14,19-pentamethylei-
low components among continentally-derived cosane, is also present in all samples and it is
hydrocarbons. noteworthy to mention that the 2,6,10,14,18-C25
Monomethyl branched alkanes, such as 2- isoprenoid has been suggested as a biological
methylpentadecane (A in Fig. 1) and 2-methyl- marker for hypersaline environments (Waples et
hexadecane (C) are relatively abundant and are aL 1974). The 2,6,10,15,19-C25 isoprenoid is
thought to reflect the original presence of hetero- virtually absent. The presence of squalane (L)
trophic bacteria. Also in the RPO sample 7- suggests that halophilic bacteria were present in
methyl- and 8-methylheptadecane were observed the original depositional environment, although
and these compounds are thought to be derived a contribution from other bacteria such as
from cyanobacteria (Gelpi et al. 1970). methanogenic bacteria cannot be precluded.
Isoprenoid alkanes are abundant and phytane Recently large quantities of highly branched
FIG. 1. Gas chromatograms of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of Sicily seep oils E1 and E5 (E2 and E5 gave
identical gas chromatograms), northern Apennines marl sample, and Rozel Point oil. Identifications of letter-
labelled compounds are given in Table 1.
126 H. L. ten Haven et al.

alkanes and alkenes were found in sediments the presence of gammacerane (V in Fig. 1; see
from some hypersaline basins of Western Aus- also Fig. 2). Gammacerane is also ubiquitous in
tralia (Dunlop & Jefferies 1985). The isoprenoid Chinese oils derived from saline environments
alkane 2,6,10-trimethyl-7-(3-methylbutyl) dode- (Fu Jiamo et al. this volume; Xie Taijun et al.
cane (E) is an important compound occurring in 1986). In the RPO 50~(H),14~(H),170~(H)- and
the RPO (Yon et al. 1982) and is also present in 50~(H),14fl(H), 17fl(H) pregnane (J), homopreg-
small quantities in the other samples. This nane and 4-methylpregnane were encountered,
compound might be a biological marker for but only in small amounts. Sometimes pregnanes
Enteromorpha prolifera (Rowland et al. 1985), a and homopregnanes are present as the major
species which is known to have a salinity tolerance steranes in samples from hypersaline environ-
up to 65%0 (Ehrlich & Dor 1985). ments (ten Haven et al. 1985; see also Fu Jiamo
Figure 2 shows mass chromatograms of m/z et al. this volume).
191 and 367 of the RPO. The distribution patterns The sterane composition and distribution of
of the extended hop-17(21)-ene series, exempli- the Italian samples (NAM, SSOs) are almost
fied by the m/z 367 trace, and the extended identical (Fig. 1), supporting the presumed origin
170c(H),21fl(H)-hopane series are very similar if of the seep oils from Messinian formations in
not identical and maximize at C35. This phenom- Sicily (Palmer & Zumberge 1981). One remark-
enon is thought to be very typical for hypersaline able characteristic is the almost complete absence
environments (ten Haven et al. 1985). Similar of 20S 50c(H),14ct(H),17~(H) sterane isomers,
distribution patterns of the hopanoids are ob- whereas the 20S and 20R 50~(H),14fl(H),17fl(H)
served in the other samples (Fig. 1) and also in steranes (N, P, S) are present in relatively high
marl extracts from Sicily evaporitic deposits amounts. This 'maturity' discrepancy can be
(Palmer & Zumberge 1981) and in some Chinese explained by an alternative diagenetic pathway
oils derived from salt lake evaporitic formations of steroids, assuming precursor steroids with a
(Fu Jiamo et al. this volume). There are, how- A7, As and/or As(14) double bond (ten Haven et
ever, some similar distribution patterns report- al. 1986). Other relatively important steranes are
ed from non-hypersaline environments (e.g., 4-methylsteranes (R, S, U). These compounds
McEvoy 1983). A reduction ofhopenes to the cor- may point to an input of dinoflagellates (Boon et
responding hopanes was suggested to explain al. 1979; Robinson et al. 1984; de Leeuw 1986),
the similar distribution patterns of these com- which is not surprising considering the wide
pounds (ten Haven et al. 1985, 1986). Another salinity tolerance of dinoflagellates (Wall & Dale
feature which all samples have in common, is 1974). However, a bacterial origin for the 4-

FIG. 2. Mass chromatograms of m/z 191 and 367 in the hopanoid region of the RPO. Hop-17(21)-enes are
indicated black and 17~(H),21fl(H) hopanes are shaded.
Recognition of palaeo-hypersaline environments 117

FIG. 3. FPD-gas chromatograms of the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction of Sicily seep oils El, E5, northern
Apennines marl and Rozel Point oil. Identifications of selected compounds are given in Table 2.
128 H. L. ten Haven et al.

TABLE 2. Selected compounds identified in the environment seems rather speculative. However,
aromatic hydrocarbon fraction in view of their dominant presence in all samples,
the suggestion of Sinninghe Damst~ et al. (1987)
a unresolved hump of a.o. thiolanes that these OSC characterize hypersaline deposi-
b mixture of mid-chain Cz0 isoprenoid thiophenes tional environments, seems to be justified. More-
c 2,3-dimethyl-5-(2,6,10-trimethylundecyl)thiophene
d 3-methyl-2-(3,7,11-trimethyldodecyl)thiophene over the existence of high-sulphur petroleums has
e 3,5-dimethyl-2-(3,7,11-trimethyldodecyl)thiophene been ascribed to sulphur incorporation into
g 5-ethyl-3-methyl-2-(3,7,11-trimethyldodecyl)thio- organic matter in carbonate-evaporate environ-
phene ments (Tissot & Welte 1984).

methyl steranes can at present not totally be Conclusions

precluded, since Bouvier et al. (1976) reported
the occurrence of a 4-methyl-A s(l~)-sterol and a 4- All samples show similar biological marker
methyl-A8(14)'24-sterol in the bacterium Methylo- characteristics, which can be attributed to the
coccus capsulatus. environment of deposition. Table 3 summarizes
these biological markers and their typical distri-
bution patterns.

Aromatic hydrocarbon fraction

TABLE 3. Organ& geochemical phenomena related
The majority of compounds present in the so- to hypersaline depositional environments
called aromatic hydrocarbon fraction consists of
organic sulphur compounds (OSC). In view of 9Phytane >>pristane
this it is noteworthy that Thompson (1981) 2 x n-C22
reported a sulphur content of 13.95% for the RPO 9 R22 - > 1.5
n-C21 + n-C23
and Colombo & Sironi (1961) measured up to
9High abundance of regular C25 isoprenoid
10.10% sulphur in Messinian seep oils. Figure 3 9High abundance of squalane
shows the gas chromatograms as recorded with 9 High abundance of organic sulphur compounds
an FPD giving a selective response for OSC. A especially 2,3-dimethyl-5-(2,6,10-trimethylunde-
detailed description of the OSC of the N A M cyl) thiophene
sample is reported by Sinninghe Damst6 et al. 9 14fl(H),17fl(H)-sterane concentration relatively high
(1986) and OSC of the RPO are reported by de in comparison with the 14ct(H),17ct(H)-20Ssteranes
Leeuw (1986) and by Sinninghe Damst6 and de 9 Relatively high abundance of gammacerane
Leeuw (1986). The most abundant compound in 9Typical distribution patterns of C31-C35hop-17(21)-
all samples is identified as 2,3-dimethyl-5-(2,6,10- enes and 17ct(H),21fl(H)-hopanes, both maximiz-
trimethylundecyl) thiophene (c in Fig. 3). The co- ing at Cas
occurrence of this C2o isoprenoid thiophene and
phytane as the most important compounds in the
respective component classes, seems to favour The Rozel Point oil has been suggested to be
the hypothesis that this isoprenoid thiophene sourced by playa-lake deposits of the Miocene
results from an early diagenetic incorporation of Salt Lake group (Meissner et al. 1984), and based
sulphur in, for example, archaebacterial phytenes on the distribution of biological markers and
(Brassell et al. 1986). In the RPO a mixture of their relative quantities observed in the saturated
uncommon isoprenoid thiophenes is observed and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions, we support
with the 2,6,10-trimethyl-7-(3-methylbutyl) do- this suggestion. It seems that the phenomena as
decane carbon skeleton (Sinninghe Damst6 et al. described in Table 3, can be used as a key to the
1987). These types of sulphur compounds are past to recognize palaeo-hypersaline environ-
relatively abundant in the aromatic fraction. In ments.
the saturated fraction the corresponding alkane,
2,6,10-trimethyl-7-(3-methylbutyl) dodecane, is
an important compound, which supports the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : This study was partly supported

incorporation theory. More information concern- by the Netherlands Foundation for Earth Science
Research (AWON) with financial aid from the Neth-
ing the OSC of the seep oils investigated here is erlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure
published elsewhere (Sinninghe Damst6 et al. Research (ZWO) (grant 18.23.09). B. C. Schreiber
1987; Schmid et al. 1987). collected the seep oil samples from Sicily. The geological
As the precise nature of the OSC is still poorly survey of Utah kindly provided the Rozel Point oil. M.
understood, a direct link with the depositional A. de Zeeuw gave analytical assistance.
Recognition ofpalaeo-hypersaline environments 12 9

ALBAIGES, J. & TORRADAS,J. M. 1974. Significance of PALMER, S. E. & ZUMBERGE, J. E. 1981. Organic
the even carbon n-paraffin preference of a Spanish geochemistry of upper Miocene evaporite deposits
crude oil. Nature, 250, 567-568. in the Sicilian basin, Sicily. In: BROOKS, J. (ed.),
BOUVlER,P., ROHMER,M., VENVENISTE,P. & OURISSON, Organic Maturation Studies and Fossil Fuel Explo-
G. 1976. AS(14)-steroids in the bacterium Methylo- ration, Academic Press, London, 393-426.
coccus capsulatus. Biochemical Journal, 159, 267- PHILP, R. P. 1985. Fossil Fuel Biomarkers. Applications
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LEEUW, J. W., YOSHIOKA,M. & SHIMIZU,Y. 1979. CRANWELL, P. A. 1984. Dinoflagellate origin for
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late blooms. Nature, 277, 125-127. in lake sediments. Nature, 308, 439-441.
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Isoprenoid thiophenes: novel diagenetic products methylbutyl) dodecane and related hydrocarbons
of sediment diagenesis? Nature, 320, 160-162. in the green algae Enteromorpha prolifera and
sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 8, 207-213.
CITA, i . B. 1982. The Messinian salinity crisis in the
Mediterranean: a review. In: BERCKHEMER,H. & SCHMID, J., CONNAN, J. & ALBRECHT, P. 1987. Occur-
HsfD, K. J. (eds), Alpine Mediterranean Geodynam- rence and geochemical significance of long-chain
ics, Geodynamic Series, 7, 113-140. dialkylthiacyclo-pentanes. Nature, 329, 54-56.
COLOMBO,U. & SIRONI,G. 1961. Geochemical analyses SINNINGHEDAMSTfi,J. S. & DE LEEUW, J. W. 1986. The
of Italian oils and asphalts. Geochimica et Cosmo- origin and fate of isoprenoid C20 and C15 sulphur
chimica Acta, 25, 24-51. compounds in sediments and oils. International
Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 23,
DUNLOP, R. W. & JEFFERIES,P. R. 1985. Hydrocarbons 1-19.
of the hypersaline basins of Shark Bay, Western
Australia. Organic Geochemistry, 8, 313-320, , TEN HAVEN,H. L., DE LEEUW, J. W. & SCHENCK,
P. A. 1986. Organic geochemical studies of a
EHRLICH, A. & DOR, I. 1985. Photosynthetic micro- Messinian evaporitic basin, northern Apennines
organisms of the Gavish Sabkha. In: FRIEDMAN, (Italy) II: Isoprenoid and n-alkyl thiophenes and
G. M. & KRUMBEIN, W. E. (eds), Hypersaline thiolanes. In: LEYTHAEUSER,D. & RULLKtSTTER,J.
Ecosystems--The Garish Sabkha, Ecological Stud- (eds), Advances in Organic Geochemistry, 1985,
ies 53, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 296-321. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 791-805.
Hydrocarbons of geochemical significance in mi- ZEEUW, M. A., DE LANGE, F., RIJPSTRA, W. I. C.
croscopic algae. Phytochemistry, 9, 603-612. & SCHENCK, P. A. 1987. The occurrence and
TEN HAVEN, H. L., DE LEEUW, J. W. & SCHENCK,P. A. identification of series of organic sulphur com-
1985. Organic geochemical studies of a Messinian pounds in oils and sediment extracts. I. A study of
evaporitic basin, northern Apennines (Italy) I. Rozel Point oil (U.S.A.). Geochimicaet Cosmochim-
Hydrocarbon biological markers for a hypersaline ica Acta, 51, 2369-2397.
environment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, THOMPSON, C. J. 1981. Identification of sulfur com-
49, 2181-2191. pounds in petroleum and alternative fossil fuels.
, , PEAKMAN,T. M. & MAXWELL,J. R. 1986. In: FRIEDLINA, R. KH. & SKOROVA, A. E. (eds),
Anomalies in steroid and hopanoid maturity Organic Sulfur Chemistry, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
indices. Geochimicaet CosmochimicaActa, 50, 853- 189-200.
DE LEEUW, J. W. 1986. Sedimentary lipids and 1984. Anoxic events in the Mediterranean in
polysacharides as indicators for sources of input, relation to the evolution of late Neogene climates.
for microbial activity and short term diagenesis. Marine Geology, 59, 105-134.
In: SOHN,i . L. (ed.), OrganicMarine Ge~ TISSOT,B. P. & WELTE,D. H. 1984. PetroleumFormation
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lipids in sediments from the San Miguel Gap. DEGENS, E. T. & Ross, D. A. (eds), The Black
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of source rocks in the Greater Rocky Mountain WAPLES, D. W., HAUG, P. & WELTE, D. H. 1974.
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the Greater Rocky Mountain Region, Rocky Moun- saline environment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
tain Association of Geologists, Denver, 1-34. Acta, 38, 381-387.
130 H. L. ten Haven et al.

Formation of oil and gas fields in Jianghan saline 2,6,10-trimethyl-7-(3-methylbutyl) dodecane, a
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University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Organic Geochemistry Unit, De Vries van Heystplantsoen 2, 2628 RZ Delft, The
S. E. PALMER • J. E. ZUMBERGE**.Cities Service Oil and Gas Corporation, P.O. Box 3908,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74102, USA.

* Present address: Institute of Petroleum and Organic Geochemistry (ICH-5), KFA-Jtilich

GMBH, P.O. Box 1913, W-5170 Jiilich-I, Federal Republic of Germany.
** Present address: Raska Laboratories, 3601 Dunvale, 77063 Houston, Texas, USA.
Interactions of iron, carbon and sulphur in marine and lacustrine

W. Davison

S U M M A R Y: Sulphur occurs in marine sediments chiefly as pyrite, which can form both
directly or diagenetically within the sediment, or directly at the surface of the sediment.
Direct formation occurs when reducing and oxidizing conditions co-exist, whereas diagenesis
of monosulphides to pyrite involves oxidative transfer of electrons by, for example,
decomposition of organic matter. The limited data available indicate that pyrite occurs in
low concentrations in freshwater sediments and is formed directly at a redox boundary.
Although most of the sulphur is bound within organic compounds, there is relatively little
compared with that present in marine sediments. The absolute concentrations of pyrite, and
the ratios of carbon to total sulphur, carbon to pyrite sulphur and organic sulphur to pyrite
sulphur all have their uses as palaeosalinity indicators. Although their use is soundly based
due to the elevated concentrations of sulphate in sea compared with fresh waters, their
validity is not proven. There are sufficient gaps in our knowledge, particularly about pyrite
concentrations and formation processes in freshwater environments, to suggest that at
present they should be used cautiously.

Introduction a basis for appraising the use of elemental ratios

as palaeosalinity indicators.
Once sulphur and iron have been delivered to
sediments their pathways and fates are largely Formation of pyrite
determined by the rates of supply and decompo-
sition of organic material. When microbiologi-
cally-mediated turnover of organic carbon is Solubility considerations
high, reducing conditions are often created Iron sulphides are formed when the ion activity
allowing sulphate to be converted to sulphide. product, calculated from the concentrations of
Ferrous iron, which is stable in oxygen-free free ferrous and sulphide ions, exceeds the
environments, reacts with sulphide and traps solubility product. Two solubility products are
sulphur in the sediment as an iron-sulphur pertinent to this preliminary discussion: that of
compound. Considerable concentrations of iron amorphous FeS and that of pyrite. They can both
sulphides can form in sulphate-rich marine be expressed as:
sediments. By contrast iron sulphide formation
in freshwater sediments is limited by low concen- Ksp=a Fe 2+ x a H S - / a H +,
trations of sulphate. Berner & Raiswell (1984) where 'a' represents the actiyity of an ionic
have exploited this difference in sulphur concen- species.
trations by using the ratio of carbon to sulphur to
diagnose whether sedimentary rocks were formed For amorphous FeS the appropriate reaction
in marine or freshwater environments. The lack is:
of sulphur in freshwater sediments has also led to
F e S + H + = F e 2+ + H S - ,
the suggestion that monosulphides, FeS, may be
preserved, rather than being converted to pyrite, whereas for pyrite it is:
FeS2 (Berner et al. 1979). Pyrite formation is not
FeS2 + H + = F e 2+ + H S - + S ~
limited by sulphur availability in marine sedi-
ments and so the ratio of pyrite to monosulphides Pyrite is assumed to be in equilibrium with an
may provide an additional indicator of the salinity excess of elemental S which, as a solid phase, has
prevalent during the deposition of sedimentary an activity of unity. It is a slightly more oxidized
rocks. form of sulphur than sulphide.
New information, regarding the formation and Amorphous FeS is the most soluble of the iron
transformations of iron sulphides within sedi- sulphides, all of which are fairly insoluble, it has
ments, has recently become available. This paper a pKsp ( = - log Ksp) of 3 (Davison 1980), which
reviews current ideas of pyrite formation pro- means that at a concentration of Fe 2 + of 10- 5 M,
cesses in marine and lacustrine systems to provide typical of reducing environments, total dissolved

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, I3I
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 131-137.
132 W. Davison
sulphide cannot exceed 2 • 10 -5 M at pH 7 and in character, have an oxidizing component in the
10-6 M at pH 8. Pyrite is much less soluble. Free form of oxygen which is supplied directly from
energy data give a value of pKsp of 13.6 the roots of the marsh-grass. Elemental sulphur,
(Goldhaber & Kaplan, 1974), but direct solubility generated by reaction with sulphides, or from
measurements of Tewari et al. (1978) indicate a incomplete reduction of sulphate (Fig. 2), reacts
value of 7. Based on the latter value, if the with ferrous and sulphide ions to form pyrite.
concentration of Fe 2 + was 10- 5 M, total dissolved A similar mechanism may operate at the
sulphide would be limited to the exceedingly surface of reducing marine sediments which are
small concentrations of 2 x 10 -9 M at pH 7 and overlain by well oxygenated waters (Goldhaber
10- io M at pH 8. Evidently pyrite can form when & Kaplan 1974). However, it cannot explain
the sulphide concentration is very small and recent observations (Howarth & Jorgenson 1984)
insufficient to precipitate amorphous FeS. of rapid pyrite formation at a depth of 15 cm in
sub-tidal sediments. Molecular oxygen is not
available under these conditions and it has been
Marine systems
suggested (Howarth & Jorgensen 1984) that
Marine systems are characterized by high concen- elemental sulphur may be formed by iron or
trations of sulphate which can be reduced to manganese oxides oxidizing sulphides. A more
sulphide. Iron, the second most abundant metal likely possibility is that energy from the inorganic
in the earth's crust, is rarely limiting, and so oxidation of sulphide is used by micro-organisms
under anoxic conditions bisulphide and iron are to synthesize organic material from carbon
usually present in sufficient concentration to dioxide and volatile fatty acids in a process
exceed the solubility product of both pyrite and known as mixotrophy (Fig. 2). Several organisms
amorphous FeS. Amorphous FeS of indetermi- including Beggiatoa can participate in such
nate structure precipitates preferentially. It is a reactions (Jones 1985 and pers. comm.). Slow
high energy form and so may be transformed on diagenetic formation of pyrite from monosul-
aging into lower energy, more crystalline, and phides must involve a similar electron transfer
hence less soluble analogues, such as mackinawite mechanism.
and greigite (Fig. 1). Transformation to pyrite is Direct pyrite formation occurs most readily in
not so simple because an oxidation step is acidic environments (Howarth 1979). As pH
required. However, if elemental sulphur is pres- decreases larger concentrations of free sulphide
ent, the monosulphides may be oxidized to pyrite and iron are required to achieve the solubility
in a slow process which takes several years. product (see previous section). Thus, the s3,stem
Diagenetic transformations resulting in an in- may become undersaturated with respect to
creasing pyrite concentration with depth have monosulphides, but saturated with respect to
been observed in, for example, sediments from pyrite which consequently forms.
the Gulf of Mexico (Filipek & Owen 1980).
Pyrite can also form as a primary phase in
Freshwater systems
marine sediments. Howarth (1979) has shown
that in tidal salt marshes substantial amounts of There have been very few direct determinations
pyrite may form within 24 hours. The sediments, of pyrite in freshwater sediments. The only
which are organic-rich and essentially reducing reliable data sets are in two papers published
during 1985 (Davison et al. 1985; Nriagu & Soon
DIAGENETIC FORMATION OF PYRITE 1985). Previous estimates (Sugawara et al. 1953,
1954) used doubtful methodology which may
2+ have failed to unequivocally measure pyrite
Fe + HS = FeS am. + H
(Nriagu & Soon 1985). Because of the lack of

(aging) y
I data little is known about the mechanism of
pyrite formation in freshwater sediments. Cur-
rent views have been deduced from the variation
in the concentration of pyrite with depth (Figs
The very high concentrations in the surface
(oxidation) , S~ I sediments from McFarlane and Kelley lakes (Fig.
3) must be viewed cautiously. These two lakes are
V near Sudbury, Ontario, where there are extensive
FeS 2 (PYRITE) mining and smelting activities. The lake waters
contain elevated concentrations of sulphate, and
FIG. 1. Diagenetic formation of pyrite. the sediments are so enriched in nickel and
Interactions of iron, carbon and sulphur I33


-- +

HS + 89 + H = S ~ + H20 sulphide oxidation

SO42- + 1 89 + 2H + = S o + 1 8 9 2 + 2 8 9 sulphate reduction

2+ -
Y +
Fe + HS + S ~ = FeS 2 + H

m +
HS + 2Fe(OH) 3 + H = S ~ + 2Fe(OH) 2 + 2H20 iron reduction
HS + CH20/ 89 H :S ~ + 1 89 + 89 mixotrophy

FIG. 2. Direct formation of pyrite.

copper that a substantial part of the sulphur for the Santa Catalina Basin (Goldhaber &
attributed to pyrite may be bound to these metals Kaplan 1974), are much higher than the available
(Nriagu & Soon 1985). freshwater values (Figs 4 and 5).
The other five lakes for which data are available Pyrite concentrations in the sediments of
are in relatively unpolluted regions. Concentra- Turkey and Batchawara Lakes in Ontario, Can-
tions of pyrite in their sediments may be sensibly. ada (Fig. 4), are very low, rarely exceeding the
compared with values for marine sediments. The detection limit of 30 I-tg of S g- 1 dry weight. The
latter, with values of pyrite-S in dry weight of waters of these oligotrophic lakes are low in
sediment of 0.5-2 mg g- 1 for the Gulf of Mexico sulphate, ca. 5 mg1-1, and their sediments
(Filipek & Owen 1980), 2-10 mg g- 1 for a Danish contain no measurable acid volatile sulphide, the
Fjord (Howarth & Jorgensen 1984) and 2 mg g- 1 operational definition for the collective monosul-

FIG. 3. Variation of pyrite sulphur with depth in sediment from two lakes near Sudbury, Ontario. Data taken
from Nriagu & Soon 1985.
I34 W. Davison

FIG. 4. Variation of pyrite sulphur with depth in sediment from three lakes in an unpolluted region of Ontario.
Relatively constant low levels reflect the detection limit of 0.03 mg g- 1. Data taken from Nriagu & Soon (1985).

phides. Evidently there is insufficient reduction are now known to be four times too high), show
of sulphate to form iron sulphides, which has led appreciable concentrations of pyrite (Fig. 5).
to the suggestion (Nriagu & Soon 1985) that Acid volatile sulphide in these sediments is low,
pyrite formation is unlikely to occur in oligo- but detectable at 20-100 gg g- 1 for depths greater
trophic lakes containing less than 5 mg 1-1 of than 3 cm, so some reduction of sulphate must
sulphate. occur. The absence of both pyrite and acid
Independent measurements (Davison et al. volatile sulphide from the top 3 cm of sediment
1985) in an oligotrophic lake, Ennerdale Water, which have some oxidizing characteristics, has
in the English Lake District, where the sulphate prompted the suggestion (Davison et al. 1985)
concentration of the water is also ca. 5 mg 1-1 that pyrite is formed directly in the sub-surface
(note, concentrations given in a previous paper sediments. Low values of acid volatile sulphide

FIG. 5. Variation of pyrite sulphur with depth in sediment from three lakes in the English Lake District.
Interactions o f iron, carbon a n d sulphur 135

imply that sulphate reduction is slow, which in adequate supplies of decomposable organic ma-
the vicinity of the more oxidizing conditions may terial to facilitate reduction of sulphate, and of
encourage pyrite formation. The presence of iron, in a reducible form which can react with
pyrite in Ennerdale Water but not in Turkey and sulphide.
Batchawara lakes may be linked to a difference Implicit, in the use of C/S ratios, is the
in pH. The sediments of the Ontario lakes had a assumption that most sedimentary sulphur is
much lower pH, 5-5.5, than Ennerdale Water, bound to iron. Thus, sedimentary material con-
6.5. taining barite, gypsum or anhydrite will confound
The two other Lake District lakes (Fig. 5), the use of C/S ratios. Rocks which are unusually
Windermere and Blelham Tern, are eutrophic high in carbon, such as coal, have also been
according to the definition of Vollenweider recognized as a problem (Berner & Raiswell
(1976). High concentrations of acid volatile 1984). The abundance of organic matter may lead
sulphur were present in their sediments, presum- to pyrite formation being limited by iron availa-
ably due to an ample supply or organic matter bility. More importantly, however, more sulphur
and high concentrations of sulphate (ca. may be present in the organic material than as
10 mg 1-) in the overlying waters. Pyrite was pyrite.
present at all depths. It did not systematically Recent analyses of freshwater sediments show
increase with depth, as observed for marine that if there is a low rate of decomposition of
systems where diagenetic formation from mono- organic carbon they may be virtually devoid of
sulphides has been inferred (Berner 1980). How- pyrite because there is insufficient reduction of
ever, the possibility of diagenetic formation sulphate. Moreover, when there is considerable
cannot be entirely discarded because in the sulphate reduction, as in productive lakes, pyrite
sediments of Blelham Tarn pyrite concentrations is again a minor component (Davison et al. 1985).
are larger at depths greater than 30 cm. Acid volatile sulphides are present in the near
Pyrite is thought (Davison et al. 1985) to form surface sediments of productive lakes, but they
directly at the sediment-water interface. Ferrous are drastically depleted at depth. They are not,
and sulphide ions are supplied from the highly however, converted diagenetically to pyrite. The
reducing sediment, whereas oxygen in the over- elevated levels may represent an increased sul-
lying waters provides the necessary oxidizing phur burden due to pollution (Nriagu & Coker
components. In Blelham Tarn, which becomes 1983) or more probably sulphide is lost from the
seasonally anoxic, there is the additional possi- sediment to the overlying water by a recycling
bility of direct pyrite formation within the water mechanism which has yet to be understood
column. (Berner & Westrich 1985). Thus in older sedi-
The authors of the two recent papers on ments most of the sulphur is present within
lacustrine systems (Davison et al. 1985; Nriagu organic compounds. Generally, pyrite formation
& Soon 1985) agree that freshwater pyrite in freshwater lakes does not appear to be related
formation does not appear to be directly related to the supply of organic carbon (Davison et al.
to concentrations of acid volatile sulphur, pore 1985; Nriagu & Soon 1985), and the major form
water sulphate, elemental sulphur or organic of sulphur in sedimentary rocks with freshwater
carbon. Pyrite appears to form directly when origins is unlikely to be pyrite. So what of C/S
reducing sediments are subject to oxidizing ratios ? Table 1 shows the mean ratios of carbon
influences. to total sulphur, C/St, and carbon to pyrite
sulphur, C/S o, for the near surface and deeper
sediments of the freshwater systems previously
Indicators of past salinity discussed. Excluding Kelley and McFarlane lakes
the ratios for the deeper material are C/St = 40-
The use of carbon-sulphur ratios to distinguish 120 and C/Sp= 170->6000. The much higher
freshwater from marine sedimentary rocks is values for C/Sp compared with C/St reflect the
based on a simple premise (Berner & Raiswell very low concentrations of pyrite sulphur. How-
1984). In marine systems formation of iron ever, C/St ratios are still sufficiently removed
sulphides is not limited by lack of sulphur because from the ratio of 0.5-5 for marine sediments
there is a considerable concentration of sulphate, (Berner & Raiswell 1984), where most sulphur is
ca. 30 mmol 1-1, in the water. By contrast, fresh- present as pyrite, for there to be a clear distinction.
waters have much less sulphate, usually 0.05- Apparently the alternative, organic sulphur,
0.3 mmol 1-1, which may limit iron sulphide pathway in freshwater sediments is small com-
formation. The sediments must be suitable for pared with inorganic pyrite formation in marine
producing iron sulphides and so there should be sediments. Note that even in the polluted Kelley
no other limiting factors. There should be and MacFarlane lakes the ratios in the deeper
136 W. Davison

TABLE 1. Carbon and sulphur data*for freshwater sediments

(mgStg-l) C/Sp C/St FeS2/FeS

Lake Sediment C
(mg g - 1) (m gS•

Kelley and Top 2-6 0.1-8 0.4-3 15-20 20-80 2-3 0.2-2
McFarlane Deeper 3-11 0-2 0.03-0.3 1.2-3 300-1000 20-30 0.3-0.5
Ennerdale Top 5-10 0-0.2 0.1-1 2-3 300 30 26
Deeper 6--8 0-0.1 0.4 1.8 170 40 5
Windermere Top 7-9 0-3 0.1 2-6 700 20 0.9
Deeper 6-11 0-0.2 0.1 1-2 710 60 1.3
Turkey Whole 13 < 0.03 < 0.03 1.5 > 4000 90 --
Blelham Top 13 1-6 0.3 5-12 430 20 0.07
Deeper 13 0.5-1 0.6 3-4 220 40 0.5
Batchawana Littoral 14-19 <0.03 0.03 1.4 6000 120 >0.5
Profundal 22-25 < 0.03 0.04 3.6 6000 70 > 0.5

* Range or typical values are given for the whole sediment when concentrations are uniform, or for the top and
lower sections separately when the top is enriched in AVS or pyrite. Data for Kelley and McFarlane lakes have
been combined, and data are given for both littoral and profundal sediments of Batchawana Lake.

sediments were appreciably larger than those for TABLE 2. Typical values for palaeosalinity
marine sediments (Table 1). indicators
As these conclusions are based on a limited
freshwater data set higher concentrations of Indicator Marine Freshwater
pyrite in freshwater sediments cannot be ruled
C/S t 0.5--5(1) 40--120(2)
out. Concentrations of acid volatile sulphide may C/Sp 0.5-5 (1) 170-6000 (2)
reach 10 mg g - 1 (Davison et al. 1985) implying FeS2/FeS 0.2-100 (3) 0.5-5 (4)
that low sulphate concentrations do not limit Pyrite S (mg g- 1) 1_20(5), 0_0.9(4.6)
pyrite formation. Moreover, some source rocks, Org. S./Pyrite S < 0.1 (5) 3-100 (4,6)
which are believed to have freshwater origins
contain pyrite at concentrations of 10 mg g - Data taken from (1) Berner & Raiswell (1984); (2)
(Duncan & Hamilton this volume). Table 1, this paper; (3) Berner et al. (1979); (4) Davison
The ratio of pyrite sulphur to acid volatile et al. (1985); (5) Goldhaber & Kaplan (1974); (6)
Nriagu & Soon (1985).
sulphur has also been suggested as a salinity * Exceptional data for Pacific Trench sediments, where
indicator (Berner et al. 1979). It was based on the pyrite was undetectable, was not included.
idea that in freshwater systems diagenetic trans-
formations of FeS to FeS2 will be limited by lack of this ratio, but the various sulphur fractions are
of sulphur. However, there is little evidence for
now more amenable to measurement (Davison et
either FeS preservation or of diagenetic pyrite
al. 1985; Nriagu & Soon 1985). However, until
formation (Davison et al. 1985), so not surpris-
more is known about the diagenesis of organic
ingly the FeS2/FeS ratios for older lake sediments sulphur (Guerin & Braman 1985), especially the
(Table 1), 0.5-5, lie within the range of 0.2-100 possibility of its conversion to pyrite, such a ratio
reported for estuarine samples (Table 2).
must be regarded cautiously. All these palaeosal-
There are other potential palaeosalinity indi-
inity tests, exploit the difference in concentration
cators (Table 2). As many marine sediments are
between sulphate in marine and freshwater
generally rich in pyrite and freshwater sediments
environments. Their general validity is therefore
deficient, high concentration of pyrite can almost
assured, but only through the appraisal of
certainly be attributed to marine systems or
numerous data sets for recent sediments and
closed-basin lacustrine systems which are rich in
source rocks can the range of values, and therefore
sulphide. A more refined approach may be to
the confidence of the test, be established.
consider the ratio of organic to pyrite sulphur.
Organic sulphur is usually the dominant fraction
in freshwater sediments, giving ratios > 1. In ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" I thank John Hilton, Gwyn
marine systems the large concentrations of pyrite Jones, David Kinsman and Colin Reynolds for their
sulphur produce ratios < 1. In the past, method- constructive comments, Joyce Hawksford for typing
ological difficulties would have prevented the use and the NERC for financial support.
Interactions of iron, carbon and sulphur 137

BERNER, R. A. 1980. Early Diagenesis. Princeton - & JORGENSEN, B. B. 1984. Formation of 35S-

University Press, Princeton, NJ. labelled elemental sulphur and pyrite in coastal
- - & RAISWELL,R. 1984. C/S method for distinguish- marine sediments (Limfjorden and Kysing Fjord,
ing freshwater from marine sedimentary rocks. Denmark) during short-term 35SO4z- reduction
Geology, 12, 365-368. measurements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
- - & WESTRICH, J. T. 1985. Bioturbation and the 1807-1818.
4 8 ,

early diagenesis of carbon and sulfur. American JONES, J. G. 1985. Microbes and microbial processes in
Journal of Science, 285, 193-206. sediments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
- - , BALDWIN,T. & HOLDREN,G. R. 1979. Authigenic Society, London, Series A, 315, 3-17.
iron sulphides as palaeosalinity indicators. Journal NRIAGU, J. O. & COKER, R. D. 1983. Sulphur in
of Sedimentary Petrology, 49, 1345-1350. sediments chronicles past changes in lake acidifi-
DAVlSON, W. 1980. A critical comparison of the cation. Nature, 303, 692-694.
measured solubilities of ferrous sulphide in natural - & SOON, Y. K. 1985. Distribution and isotopic

waters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 44, 803- composition of sulfur in lake sediments of northern
808. Ontario. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 49,
- - , LISHMAN,J. P. & HILTON, J. 1985. Formation of 823-834.
pyrite in freshwater sediments: implications for SUGAWARA, K., KOYAMA, T. & KOZAWA, A. 1953.
C/S ratios. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, 49, Distribution of various forms of sulphur in lake-,
1615-1620. river- and sea-muds. Journal of Earth Sciences
FILIPEK, L. H. & OWEN, R. i . I980. Early diagenesis (Nagoya University), 1, 17-23.
of organic carbon and sulphur in outer shelf & -1954. Distribution of various forms

sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. American of sulphur in lake-, river- and sea-muds. Journal of
Journal of Science, 280, 1097-1112. Earth Sciences (Nagoya University), 2, 1-4.
GOLDHABER,M. B. & KAPLAN,I. R. 1974. The sulphur TEWARI, P. H., WALLACE,G. 8s CAMPBELL,A. B. 1978.
cycle. In: Goldberg, E. D. (ed.), The Sea Vol. 5, The solubility of iron sulphides and their role in
Marine Chemistry. Wiley, New York, 303-336. mass transport in Girdler-Sulphide heavy water
GUERIN, W. F. & BRAMAN, R. S. 1985. Patterns of plants. Report of the Atomic Energy of Canada
organic and inorganic sulfur transformations in Limited, AECL-5960, 1-34.
sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 8, 259-268. VOLLENWEIDER, R. A. 1976. Advances in defining
HOWARTH, R. W. 1979. Pyrite: its rapid formation in a critical loading levels for phosphorus in lake
salt marsh and its importance in ecosystem eutrophication. Memorie dell Istituto italiano di
metabolism. Science, 203, 49-51. Idrobiologia, 33, 53~83.

W. DAVISON, Freshwater Biological Association, The Ferry House, Ambleside, Cumbria,

LA22 0LP, UK.
Possible relationships of stratigraphy and clay mineralogy to source
rock potential in lacustrine sequences

R. F. Yuretich

S U M M A RY: Petroleum accumulations in lacustrine environments often possess charac-

teristics different from those in marine settings. In general, lacustrine petroleum fields are
smaller, the oil has often not migrated far from the source, and oil shales are common. Some
of these differences can be attributed to the relative youthfulness of lacustrine basins and to
differences in the type of organic matter present. However, additional influences may arise
from the stratigraphic framework and clay composition of the source rocks. The scale of the
environment may be a major controlling factor. Gradations between large lakes and marginal
marine basins exist, but lake basins will more often be areally small, relatively shallow and
subject to frequent lateral migrations in depositional environments. These characteristics
make the resulting sedimentary sequences much more heterogeneous, both in stratigraphic
relationships and in sediment composition. Stratigraphy will ultimately influence the
migration and accumulation of the oil; the sediment composition--particularly clay
mineralogy--will affect the generating potential of the source rock. Shifting sediment source
areas coupled with lake level fluctuations and early diagenetic reactions may produce thin
mudstones containing very heterogeneous clay mineral assemblages, which, accordingly,
may not undergo significant transformations during burial diagenesis.

Introduction from lacustrine and related non-marine sedimen-

tary rocks (Yang 1985).
The potential for petroleum production from
Characteristics of lacustrine petroleum
lacustrine rocks has not yet received a thorough
evaluation from explorationists. Until very re-
cently, the popular wisdom assumed that lake From these renewed investigations, several gen-
sediments comprised only an insignificant portion eral qualities of lacustrine oil fields can be
of the geologic record. Since the world's largest ascertained. In the first place, they are generally
petroleum accumulations were discovered in smaller than their marine-derived counterparts.
marine-shelf environments (Moody 1975), most Klemme (1980) classified petroleum basins into
petroleum geologists paid scant attention to eight different varieties. Of these, the intracra-
lacustrine environments and processes. On the tonic and rift basins (Klemme's Type 2 and 3)
other hand, the extensix~e research on the Green are those in which significant lake deposits are
River Oil Shale in Wyoming and Utah (Bradley likely to occur. In toto, these basins comprise
1929, 1970, 1973; Eugster & Surdam 1973; some 32% of the area of continental and offshore
Desborough 1978) kindled an awareness that lake sedimentary basins world-wide, and account for
deposits could be abundantly petroliferous. Sub- about 37% of known recoverable reserves. Sec-
sequent exploration and research has documented ondly, petroleum derived from lacustrine sources
the importance of lacustrine hydrocarbons. The is often trapped relatively close to the source
Green River Formation in Utah is also an active rock. Much of the production from the Tertiary
petroleum province with the potential for 130 Uinta Basin in Utah is from small sand bodies
million barrels of recoverable petroleum (Ritzma surrounded by hydrocarbon-rich shale (Hunt et
1972). Research in the modern rift lakes of East al. 1954; Pitman et al. 1982). Finally, extensive
Africa has demonstrated that many of these large regions of oil shale are a notable lacustrine
lakes are actively generating hydrocarbons (De- phenomenon: approximately 70% of potential
gens et al. 1973) and this has prompted further hydrocarbon recovery from oil shales occurs in
investigations of ancient tectonic rift settings lake deposits (Tissot & Welte 1978). Oil shales
such as the Mesozoic rifts of eastern North are known from numerous lake basins on several
America. Finally, the re-establishment of scienti- continents, with the largest being in North
fic ties with the People's Republic of China has America (Green River) and Brazil (Paraiba
opened the eyes of western explorationists since Valley).
a large fraction of their active production comes There can be several explanations for this state

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 139
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 139-151.
I40 R. F. Yuretich

of affairs. Many lacustrine petroleum fields are geographic variations. In general, it seems that
producing from Tertiary formations. Accord- the heterogeneity increases as the size of the
ingly, they may simply not have had enough time basin decreases. Clay minerals in the open ocean
to mature into major accumulations. This could usually consist of extensive mappable areas where
account for the relatively small size, short a particular clay assemblage dominates. Fre-
migration distances and large amounts of oil quently, these areas comprise an entire ocean
shale. Age, of course, cannot be the only factor basin (Biscaye 1965; Griffin et aL 1968). For
here. The Uinta Basin oil fields, despite their example, smectites make up 53% of the clay
relative youth, have been heated to the tempera- minerals in the South Pacific and 41% in the
tures required for abundant petroleum genesis Indian Ocean.
(Pitman et al. 1982) yet all of the typical lacustrine Along continental margins the variability in
characteristics are present. Indeed, about 31 ~ of clay mineral assemblages increases. Hathaway
all recoverable petroleum is in Tertiary reservoirs, (1972) and Pevear (1972) studied the clay minerals
and several of the largest giant fields (including of the continental shelf sediments of the eastern
Bolivar Coastal in Venezuela and Ahwaz in Iran) United States and were able to group the
are Tertiary in age (Tiratsoo 1984). So it seems assemblages into broad geographic zones which
likely that some fundamental characteristics of reflected the characteristics of the sediment
lacustrine sedimentary sequences may be source areas. These zones are still on the order of
responsible for the observed features of associated several hundred square kilometres, and the
petroleum fields. As one possible hypothesis, I transitions between the groups are often quite
propose that stratigraphic relationships in con- subtle with smectite being the dominant mineral.
junction with the clay mineralogy of the source Such patterns emphasize the importance of long-
rock may be important influences upon the size, distance transport and redistribution of clay
distribution and maturity of lacustrine oil. minerals from fluvial sources by wave and current
Clay mineral distribution in sedimentary basins In near-shore, restricted basins, lateral changes
in clay mineral composition can be quite large.
The sedimentary processes which control depo-
For example, Hiscott (1984) noted that the clay
sition in lacustrine and shallow-marine environ-
minerals in Cretaceous marine strata of off-shore
ments are basically the same. The analysis of
eastern Canada display pronounced variations
Picard & High (1972) demonstrated that there
among wells in close proximity to one another.
are few individual characteristics which could
Smectite, in particular, exhibited large lateral
unambigously distinguish between the two. How-
changes. Hiscott attributed this to the preponder-
ever, it is quite clear that the sum total of several
ance of small basins and local sediment source
indices can separate lacustrine stratigraphic
areas prevalent at that time. Areas of exposed
sequences from those of marine origin (Picard &
plateau basalts contributed the smectite to the
High 1981). In general, the scale 9f the original
muds. The absence of redistribution by bottom
environment imparts most o f t h e diagnostic
currents also likely contributes to the heteroge-
features to the resultant deposits. Larger-scale
basins usually exhibit a greater homogeneity in
This inverse relationship between basin size
the sediments deposited within them. Although
and clay mineral variability is preserved in
there is a gradation between large lakes and
ancient marine deposits as well. Hiscott's (1984)
small, restricted marine basins, lacustrine envi-
study of eastern Canada showed pronounced
ronments most often occupy the lower end of the
vertical variability in the clay mineral assem-
size spectrum.
blages from oil wells and DSDP cores. In
Small basins will display more lateral and
particular, the clays become very homogeneous
vertical variability in the distribution of sedi-
in the Tertiary as major continent-wide rivers
ments. This can be displayed in two principal
developed and spread detritus over a wide area.
ways: (1) a more restricted development of
The persistence of uniform clay assemblages
sandstones and correspondingly less lateral con-
has also been documented for many other marine
tinuity of lithotypes; (2) extensive compositional
petroliferous basins. The Niger Delta Region,
heterogeneities in shale and mudstones. My
dominated as it is by a very large river system,
primary focus in this review is on the latter
has a consistent clay mineral composition in
shales ranging in age from Eocene to the present,
representing thicknesses in excess of 3000 m
Marine environments (Lambert-Aikhionbare & Shaw 1982). Karlsson
Clay minerals in both near-shore and profundal et al. (1979) performed detailed analyses of the
parts of the modern ocean basins have noticeable clay mineralogy from a core in the North Sea,
Stratigraphy and clay mineralogy 141
generally above the temperature zone in which sediment sources for this lake (Fig. 1). To the
burial diagenetic reactions are expected to occur. north is an extensive basaltic volcanic plateau
Although there are some variations in clay with a humid tropical climate. The perennial
mineral ratios from sample to sample, the Omo River delivers the weathering products from
mineralogy on the whole is remarkably constant. this region to the northern part of the lake. In the
There is a gradual vertical change in mineral western and south-western parts of the drainage
abundances with depth, reflecting the lateral basin, the Turkwel and Kerio Rivers drain a
migration of sedimentary facies with time during predominantly metamorphic source area in the
the deposition of this 2500 m of sediment. Loriu hills and along the rift valley escarpment.
Data from a 5000-m thick Miocene shale The climate here is generally arid, and most of
sequence in Lousiana show similar consistencies the detritus is introduced into the middle section
(Hinch 1980). Progressive diagenesis decreases of the lake. Along the eastern and western shores,
the relative proportion of expandable clays with very small ephemeral streams provide sediment
depth in the well, but otherwise the overall clay to the lake from very localized sources.
assemblages remain remarkably constant. Ob- These various lines of sediment supply have
viously, changes in the tectonic and geochemical left their distinctive imprints upon the clay
conditions will influence the stability of clay minerals in the sediments of Lake Turkana (Fig.
mineral types in any basin, yet it seems apparent 2). Kaolinite is more prevalent in the extreme
that basin scale will be a primary control on the north and illite is abundant in the central portions
initial variability of extant clays. of the lake. Although smectite is ubiquitous, the
highest concentrations are found along the east-
Lacustrine environments ern shore. Circulation in the lake is quite vigorous
(Ferguson & Harbott 1982), but is still not
In lacustrine sequences, long sections of relative sufficient to obliterate the source area influences.
constancy are rarely, if ever, achieved and data Such facies relationships become more com-
for these environments are much less abundant. mon when examined in three dimensions. Lakes
In fact, thick stratigraphic sections of any kind are notable for rapid fluctuations in size and
are very rare in lacustrine sedimentary rocks. The shape; many modern lakes have undergone
mean thickness of 106 units ranging from substantial changes at several times during the
Precambrian to Pleistocene age in the western Holocene Epoch, usually in response to climatic
United States is about 300 m, with only a few variations (Kutzbach & Street-Perrot 1985). Clay
exhibiting thicknesses of greater than 1000 m mineral suites can shift dramatically during
(Picard & High 1972). Even within these rela- climatic excursions in response to (a) migrating
tively short intervals, lake environments show sedimentary facies; (b) changes in weathering
more stratigraphic variability, reflecting a greater processes and sediment supply to the lake basin
sensitivity to small-scale facies changes than most and (c) variations in lake water chemistry. This
marine deposits. Diversity in clay mineralogy is latter variable will affect the nature and degree of
a hallmark of most lacustrine sediments, reflect- early diagenetic reactions occurring in the sedi-
ing these numerous facies changes (Picard & ment mass, and is particularly well illustrated in
High 1972). cores collected from East African lakes. Stoffers
One reason for such variability in lake sedi- & Singer (1979) observed radical changes in clay
ments is the ubiquitous influence of local source mineral composition over very short intervals in
areas on lake sediment mineralogy. In the open cores from Lake Albert (Mobutu Sese Seko). The
marine realm, the prevalence of large river principal feature is the alternating presence of
systems contributing to the sediment budget on smectite, interstratified illite-smectite and illite
continental shelves serves to homogenize the (Fig. 3). On the basis of diatom assemblages plus
sediment composition brought to the depositional the presence of other salinity-sensitive minerals,
site. In addition, long-shore or on-shore currents the authors interpreted the clay minerals as
can often re-work the original accumulation into responding to changes in water chemistry induced
a more uniform assemblage (Pevear 1972). These by climatic fluctuations. Other studies of various
secondary processes are often less vigorous in lacustrine settings (Gac et al. 1977; Jones & Weir
most lakes. Even in very large lake basins, local 1983) have confirmed the general picture: kaolin-
source areas can leave their distinctive imprint ites are more prevalent in freshwater environ-
upon sediment composition and subsequent re- ments, whereas smectite, interstratified smectite-
working is usually insufficient to obliterate these illite and illite can form under increasing lake
signals. water alkalinity and salinity.
A case in point is Lake Turkana in Kenya Although the foregoing observations are based
(Yuretich 1979, 1986). There are three major on modern lakes, comparable patterns have been
142 R. F. Yuretich

FIG 1. Geology and drainage network of principal sediment source areas around Lake Turkana, Kenya (from
Yuretich 1986).

identified in ancient lacustrine sequences. While restricted to the basin centre and highly concen-
analysing the clay mineralogy in the Eocene trated; clays would have been entirely converted
Green River-Formation of Utah, Dyni (1976) to more crystalline, stable minerals (zeolites and
observed a pronounced facies dependency on feldspars). When the lake was larger, it was also
their distribution (Fig. 4). This is most likely fresher and the clays reflect this as well.
caused by both physical processes of sedimenta- Such diagenetic processes can lead to even
tion (hydrodynamic sorting, cf. Gibbs 1977) as further complications in clay mineral stratigra-
well as post-depositional reactions with lake phy. In the Mesozoic rift lakes of the Connecticut
water. During low lake levels, the water was River valley, the clay mineral relationships are
Stratigraphy and clay mineralogy I43

prevailing clay mineral assemblage to undergo a

predictable and regular change. The general
pattern is for expandable smectites and mixed-
layer clays to gradually increase the relative
proportion of illite layers in the crystal lattice
(Fig. 6). Contemporaneously, kaolinite usually
decreases with depth, and chlorite often makes
an initial appearance at greater depths within the
sedimentary sequence. The overall reaction for
these mineralogical alterations is believed to be
(Hower et al. 1976):

smectite + K-feldspar + mica

= illite + chlorite + quartz.

Many authors have subsequently believed that

the smectite-to-illite conversion, in particular, is
of importance to processes of primary migration
from shale source rocks because it occurs over
the same depth and temperature interval as
hydrocarbon generation (Foscolos & Powell 1979;
Tissot & Welte 1978; Bruce 1984). During the
transition of smectite to illite, the clays lose water
in two principal stages (Fig. 7). First, at relatively
low temperatures interlayer water is lost; at
greater depths, roughly coinciding with the
maximum stage of hydrocarbon production,
bound water is removed from the clay structure.
As Burst (1969) has observed, this latter process
FIG. 2. Clay minerals in the surface sediments of Lake probably occurs gradually over a long interval of
Turkana which reflect the source rock types and time.
climate in the various sediment source areas (from
Yuretich 1986). This water loss is viewed by many to be of
potential importance to petroleum migration. A
net increase in the amount of liquid water in the
considerably diverse (April 1981). In addition to shale source rock could assist in the movement of
the changes caused by lake level fluctations and petroleum hydrocarbons into reservoirs. In addi-
sediment-water interactions, the expulsion of tion, a slight porosity increase usually accompan-
highly concentrated pore waters during compac- ies this de-watering (Fig. 7) and is often cited as
tion altered the clay mineral assemblages of a means of providing some 'breathing room' in
overlying lake beds (Fig. 5) giving rise to a mixed- an otherwise suffocating environment. A third
layer chlorite-smectite. Such complications em- effect is that loss of mineral water can often cause
phasize that the natural state of affairs in severe undercompaction in clay-rich sequences.
lacustrine environments promotes extensive vari- Considerable disagreement exists about the
ability in size, shape, lake water chemistry, relative importance of any of these factors. The
sediment source areas and diagenetic processes. need for water in petroleum migration is debat-
Therefore it is more difficult than in marine able, since many authors argue for movement of
situations to accumulate thick sequences of hydrocarbons in an oil phase (McAuliffe 1979).
mudstone of reasonably uniform clay mineral However, it seems likely that there are several
composition. mechanisms of petroleum migration operating
coincidentally and the addition of water into the
Burial diagenesis system could enhance these other processes
(Barker 1980). The effectiveness of the porosity
The burial diagenesis of clay minerals in shales increase is also open to question. Many people
has been documented for numerous marine feel that the relative magnitude of the increase is
sequences (Dunoyer de Segonzac 1970; Perry & too small to provide additional significant pore
Hower 1970; Pearson et al. 1981). Most research- space for petroleum migration and others feel it
ers now agree that progressive compaction and may actually inhibit petroleum movement be-
concomitant temperature increase cause the cause shale permeability remains low (Magara
I44 R. F. Yuretich

FIG. 3. Changes in clay mineral assemblages with depth and age in cores from Lake Albert (Mobutu Sese Seko).
These changes are most likely a function of fluctuating hydrology and salinity, shown at right.

FIG. 4. Inferred palaeoenvironments and clay mineral assemblages in the Eocene Green River Formation, Utah.
Changes in clays result from both hydrodynamic phenomena and post-depositional diagenetic reactions.
Stratigraphy and clay mineralogy 145

FIG. 5. Interpretation of clay mineral changes in the lake deposits of a portion of the Jurassic strata, Connecticut
rift valley. Upward migration of magnesium from black shale during compaction promoted formation of unusual
chlorite/smectite as diagenetic product.

1975). To counter this, the role of clay de-watering ation should occur in lacustrine rocks as well.
in maintaining undercompacted zones for long Information on these is much scantier at present.
periods of time can keep potential migration Heling (1974) has studied the smectite-to-illite
pathways open (Bruce 1984). However, once conversion in several cores from drill holes in the
again there is a diversity of opinion on this Rhine Graben of Germany which intersect some
subject. lacustrine sedimentary rocks. The conversion to
Regardless of the exact mechanisms, similar illite does occur in both marine and non-marine
burial diagenetic processes and petroleum gener- formations, but the apparent temperature (i.e.,
depth) of the change is more variable in the
lacustrine rocks, apparently reflecting the effects
of interstitial water chemistry on the reaction.
Dunoyer de Segonzac (1970) recognized the
importance of interstitial water composition on
the clay mineral transformation. He concluded
that smectite was stable at temperatures greater
than those normally encountered during diage-
nesis, but that the presence of sufficient magne-
sium, sodium and, particularly, potassium was
most important for the formation of mixed-layer
clays. In many freshwater lacustrine settings,
these ions may be in short supply, thereby
inhibiting the conversion of smectite. Further-
more Heling (1974) recognized an intrinsic clay-
assemblage variability in the non-marine deposits
of the Rhine Graben which is a function of
fluctuations in the environment at the time of

The Belfry lake beds

A good example of clay mineral variability within
a lacustrine setting is provided by the Paleocene
Fort Union Formation in the Bighorn Basin of
Montana and Wyoming (Yuretich et al. 1984).
The northern part, or Clarks Fort Basin, contains
a well developed non-marine sequence which
centres around both swamp and lake deposits
(after Hower ef al, f976) (Fig. 8). The lake deposits are contained within
FXG.6. Clay mineral changes in Tertiary shale the Belfry Member (Yuretich et al. 1984) in which
sequences, offshore Gulf of Mexico. I have recently identified three sub-facies. The
I46 R. F. Yuretich

FIG. 7. Water loss from expandable clays and corresponding porosity increase in potential source rocks
approximately coincides with maximum production of petroleum hydrocarbons (compiled from various sources).

lowermost unit is a mudstone-dominated facies that these sedimentary rocks have never been
which may be representative of an on-shore buried very deeply and no progressive diagenesis
deltaic backswamp. The middle unit is the most of the clays is expected. The abundance of
distinctive part, characterized by numerous lat- smectite and expandable clays throughout the
erally continuous sandstones. These are probably sections corroborates the lack of elevated temper-
either crevasse-splay or subaqueous delta-front atures. Since these are outcrop samples, there
sandstones right along the lake margin. The third was some concern that the clay assemblages
and topmost lithology consists of mudstone and might be controlled by the weathering of the
limestone which may represent a return to a exposed mudstones. However, excavations and
meandering-stream environment. In general, I detailed samplings at several sites demonstrates
view this as a shallow lake (about 15m[?] that these are primary clay assemblages reflecting
maximum depth) with a low energy muddy original depositional conditions.
shoreline. The size and water chemistry of the Our initial investigation also showed that there
lake fluctuated repeatedly in response to tectonic was an extraordinary degree of variability in the
pulses from the uplands to the west. clay mineral assemblages as seen in two vertical
The resultant stratigraphy is, indeed, complex. sections (Yuretich et al. 1984). Subsequent an-
Of particular interest to this analysis are the clay alyses coupled with precise lithostratigraphic
minerals in the mudstones. In our initial survey correlation show that this variability is main-
(Yuretich et al. 1984), four principal clay mineral tained over a wide geographic area (Fig. 9).
assemblages were identified. Type 1 contains an However, at least one pattern is emerging: the
expandable mixed-layer clay (perhaps a smectite- upper parts of the lacustrine facies in the north-
vermiculite) as its most abundant component, eastern part of the study area contain fewer
with subordinate illite and kaolinite. In Type 2, expandable clays. The initial lithologic and
illite becomes more prominent and chlorite is palaeocurrent studies place this region in the
also present. Type 3 has the expandable phase deeper, basinward part of the lake environment.
looking more like a pure smectite and kaolinite Exactly why expandable clays should be absent
shows increasing importance. Finally, Type 4 is from this facies is still under investigation, but
the most distinctive assemblage with no expend- whether it is a function of source area changes,
able clays: illite is dominant with chlorite and hydrodynamic segregation or early diagenesis,
kaolinite also present. the net result is the same: the variation in initial
The available palaeotectonic evidence suggests expandable clay content would limit the degree
Stratigraphy and clay mineralogy I47

FIG. 8. Outcrop map of sedimentary facies in the Paleocene Fort Union Formation of the Clarks Fork Basin,
Montana and Wyoming. Belfry Member coincides approximately with the mapped distribution of lacustrine
facies. Inset: regional location map (after Yuretich et al. 1984).

of progressive transformation of the clays during version of smectite to illite to occur during burial,
burial. and the release of water from this thermal
transformation may assist in petroleum migration
by either promoting undercompaction of the
Discussion and summary
shales or assisting in the migration of hydrocar-
The scenario developed here implies that basin bon fluids. Many sandstones within such se-
size, environmental fluctuations and interstitial quences will also have a large lateral extent and
water chemistry may cause the clay minerals in petroleum forced out of the shales into these
lacustrine sedimentary sequences to behave dif- sandstones can migrate fairly long distances (Fig.
ferently under compaction and burial than those lOa).
in marine settings. Many marine sequences, In lacustrine sequences, the smaller scale of the
particularly those on continental shelves or in stratigraphic relationships tends to restrict many
deltaic areas with good petroleum potential, will aspects of petroleum generation and migration.
contain thick shale formations. Because of the Shales are usually thinner and the clay mineral
ability of large source areas, well-developed assemblages they contain may vary greatly over
transport systems and submarine currents to short vertical and horizontal distances. In addi-
homogenize sediment composition, the shales tion, fluctuations in lake water chemistry will
can frequently possess a consistent clay mineral also affect the timing of smectite-to-illite conver-
assemblage with smectites and mixed-layer clays sion. During freshwater episodes, there will be
an important fraction. Marine pore waters will insufficient cations in the pore waters to effect
contain sufficient dissolved cations for the con- burial transformation at the usual temperatures.
I48 R. F. Yuretich

FIG. 9. Correlated sections of Belfry Member in Clarks Fork Basin. Numbers along sections refer to different
clay mineral assemblages (see text). Palaeocurrent direction based on mean of eighty-seven measurements in
sandstones across the map area.

On the other extreme, high salinity and alkalinity in stratigraphy with fewer laterally extensive
can cause diagenesis to occur very early, long sandstone beds could help ensure that primary
before the breakdown of kerogen into petroleum migration is restricted to regions proximal to the
hydrocarbons can occur. Consequently, transfor- source rock (Fig. 10b).
mation of smectites in this environment would As in all things geological, gradations will exist
be a localized and somewhat erratic process. between marine and lacustrine characteristics.
Subsequent conversion of kerogen to liquid Small, marginal marine basins can exhibit a
hydrocarbons could be less efficient owing to a facies variability akin to lakes; on the other hand,
lower catalytic effect in smectite-poor locales as large lakes are more resistant to change than their
well as a proportionately lower volume of water smaller counterparts and can possess many
released during compaction. This may help marine-like characteristics, particularly if they
explain why oil shales seem so common in are saline. However, my (outrageous ?) hypothesis
palaeolake settings. Furthermore, the variability presented here helps explain some very noticeable
Stratigraphy and clay mineralogy 149

FIG. 10. Possible scenarios for petroleum generation and migration in marine and lacustrine environments.
(A) In marine settings, abundant water released during smectite diagenesis promotes fluid movement. Laterally
extensive sandstones can receive fluids and allow for long-distance migration. (B) In lacustrine situations, there is
less fluid released because of highly variable clay mineral content. Stratigraphic complexities, particularly small
sandstone bodies, restrict migration and result in localized petroleum accumulations.

distinctions between marine and lacustrine petro- Chamley of an earlier version of this paper raised
leum accumulations. Our present knowledge of several thought-provoking questions some (but, unfor-
lacustrine clay minerals is, admittedly, very tunately, not all) of which I have tried to address in the
limited, and further research on lacustrine source revision. Sincere thanks also go to Marie Litterer,
rocks and their behaviour during burial diagene- Technical Illustrator, University of Massachusetts, for
sis is n e e d e d to see how widespread these patterns her expert drafting of the diagrams contained in this
are. paper. The studies of the Fort Union Formation are
being supported by grant EAR83-06153 from the U.S.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The thorough review by H. National Science Foundation.
150 R. F. Yuretich

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R. F. YURETICH, Department of Geology and Geography, University of Massachusetts,

Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA.
Palaeo-environment information from deep water siderite (Lake of
Laach, West Germany)
B. Bahrig

S U M M A RY: A comparative study from modern and ancient sediments from the Lake of
Laach was performed by means of chemical and stable isotope analyses. In the modern
environment siderite is precipitated around CO2-spring vents. In contrast, siderite from the
Pleistocene/Holocene boundary occurs as small layers in a varved sequence. The stable
isotope data provide strong evidence for an analogous formation of both types of siderite.
The different CO2 sources of the siderites allow reconstruction of a distinct rise of productivity
at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. It is proposed that siderite may be developed as a
useful tool for tracing both palaeo-environmentaland early diagenetic processes.

Siderite i s a common mineral phase in oil shales algal blooms induce an open water precipitation
(Weber & Hofmann 1982; Negendank et al., of low-Mg-calcite. The lower water mass is
1982), coal-bearing sequences (Curtis 1967) and characterized by O2-depletion (Matterne &
other potential petroleum source rocks. Up to Scharf 1977; Bahrig 1985).
now, stable isotope analysis of siderite has only The most important features of the modern
been applied in order to solve diagenetic problems lake are CO2 springs at the lake margins and on
(e.g., Gautier 1982). As such it may be used to the lake bottom, where volcanic gas bubbles rise
identify marine or fresh pore waters, and often to (Fig. 1).
trace certain diagenetic sources of CO2. Recent
work on siderites from the German coal measures
and from different Eocene oil shales (Bahrig &
Conze 1986) gives evidence for the value of stable
isotope and chemical investigations on siderite
for the reconstruction of the conditions of
accumulation and preservation of different types
of organic matter.
Isotopic ratios of the siderite presented in this
study stress the idea that palaeo-environmental
information also may be preserved in the stable
isotope composition of this mineral, because of
the strong linkage of early diagenetic and sedi-
mentary conditions.

Setting and geology

The Lake of Laach is situated in the western part
of the Rhenish Massif. It occupies an 11 000-year
old caldera structure that was formed during a
short eruption phase at the end of the Late
Glacial period (Firbas 1953). Today the lake is
54 m deep; it was situated in a hydrologically
closed basin, until an artificial outlet was built in
1164 A.D. The water from the small catchment
area (tufts and older scoria cones) enters the lake
mostly by sub-surface percolation (Henning
1965). FIG. 1. Sketch map of the Lake of Laach and sample
The lake is of holomictic-dimictic type, i.e., localities. The distribution of different types of CO2
the water mass is completely mixed twice a year. springs at the lake bottom is indicated. Siderite occurs
During the summer period two separate water around spring vents along a N-S trending fracture
layers develop. In the warmer, upper water mass zone.

From' FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, I53
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 153-158.
154 B. Bahrig
Data and discussion
Siderite from the modern lake environment
The surface sediments show a distinct zonation
of the lake bottom into: (1) a marginal zone of
clastics; (2) a carbonate zone; and (3) a basinal
zone with diatomaceous and organic-rich muds.
In the western part of the lake this pattern is
disturbed by a tectonic fracture zone, where
acidic, CO2-rich springs debouch into the lake
water, and any calcite is dissolved (Fig. 1). -2-
Individual spring vents exhibit red aureoles of
iron minerals, mostly siderite. In these aureoles ~80
up to 50% of the sediment is composed of 2- -'a ' -a ' 6 ' ~.
10 micron-sized, round-shaped siderite crystals. 9 Late Pleistocene 41- Early Holocene 9 Recent
The model in Fig. 2 is proposed to explain the
precipitation of the siderite. FIG. 3. Stable isotope data of ancient and recent
Acidic spring water enriched in CO2 and siderites from the Lake of Laach. The similarity of the
Fe E+, rising in the spring vents, mixes with the data indicates that no substantial change in the
precipitation mechanism has taken place. However,
anoxic, more alkaline pore solutions and lake the composition of the early Holocene siderites seems
water. Both the precipitated calcite and shell to indicate a distinct change in at least one CO2
debris are dissolved. The resulting removal of component during the lake history. For further
CO2 and rising pH lead to an oversaturation of discussion, see text.
the solution with respect to siderite, which is
precipitated at the sediment/water contact and prep.); samples were cleaned of organic matter
in the sediment. by heating to 400~ for half an hour in a vacuum.
The 61so of siderite from different sites (Fig. 3)
Stable isotope data is within the normal range of a freshwater
carbonate (Hoefs 1980). The scattering of the
Stable isotope analysis was performed following data is due to different water depths, and resulting
the usual phosphoric acid method, the reaction differences of the precipitation temperatures, and
temperature was 60~ a temperature correction local fluctations of the proportions of different
was made to 25~ after Bahrig & Oberh/insli (in solutions.
The (~13Cis relatively heavy and indicates an
additional source of 13C besides the lake water
(613C = - 11%o). Such positive fil 3C might result
Lake water
from microbial methanogenesis, but analyses of
-pH the gas rising from the lake bottom showed no
Dissolution of calcite trace of methane. Additionally, the concentration
of the siderite around spring vents points to a
primary source of the isotopically heavy CO2.
There are two possible sources for this:
(1) Volcanic C02. The 613C is in the region of

- 2%0 PDB. Equilibration with pure water would
-9- - lY 9o,,e.,.o. =i.e.a,s result in a 613C of about +8%0 (fractionation
factors from Friedman & O'Neil 1977).
(2) Carbonate from dissolution of calcite. The
very common charophyte remains exhibit a 613C
of + 8%0, shells from snails of + 3%0, precipitated
.~_ calcite shows a 613C in the same order. Bicarbon-
ate resulting from dissolution of these carbonates
would show a 6x3C of + 1 to +6%0. Recycling of
FIG. 2. Chemical model for the precipitation of this calcite would also offer an explanation for
siderite around spring vents. The Fe carbonate is the high Ca content of the siderite, which is in
thought to be precipitated because of a lowering of the the range of 15% CaCO3.
pH of the rising mineral-enriched waters, produced by
degassing of CO2 and mixing with the more alkaline As a result, three different sources of CO2 can
pore solutions. be distinguished in the modern environment: (1)
Palaeo-environment information I55

TABLE 1. Stable &otopedata from Lake of Laach precipitation at or near the sediment/water
sediments contact is presumed.

Sample Depth 613C 6180 Carbonate

(cm) ~ PDB ~o PDB Stable isotope data
$23 15-20 + 1.40 - 4.92 siderite The stable isotope data of these late- to post-
25-30 + 3.05 - 5.33 siderite glacial siderites are in the same range as those of
40--45 + 2.13 - 6.53 siderite the modern data (Table 1, Fig. 3). The slightly
55-60 + 2.99 - 4.70 siderite higher 613Cof the latter may be due to the higher
productivity of the lake and the resulting 12C
$33 0-5 + 3.57 - 1.29 siderite
10-15 + 2.43 - 2.27 siderite depletion of the lake waters (McKenzie 1982), or
to a recent increase in the production of volcanic
S 42 0-15 + 2.49 - 3.19 siderite CO2. Thus, the data indicate a similar formation
23-26 + 3.33 - 0.50 siderite process in the modern and ancient environments,
Lot 3 223-225 + 7.37 - 3.48 calcite but the periodic and stratiform occurrence points
+ 4.59 - 4.93 siderite to a laterally more extensive precipitation in the
231-233 +6.54 -5.44 calcite ancient lake.
+ 4.97 - 2.85 siderite Siderite can only form in a restricted, oxygen-
247-249 + 8.33 - 5.34 calcite depleted environment with a high CO2 partial
+ 2.40 - 6.99 siderite
pressure (Huber 1958; Curtis & Spears 1968;
260-263 + 6.23 - 4.59 calcite
+ 0.90 - 0.62 siderite Stumm & Morgan 1981). Taking into account the
265-267 + 1.85 - 6.87 siderite great water depth of the lake--about 90 m - - a t
276-278 -0.33 - 3.37 siderite that time (Bahrig 1985), the connection between
286-287 + 0.35 - 6.84 siderite siderite formation and warmer seasons, as shown
297-299 +0.18 -4.17 siderite by the siderite distribution in the varves, indicates
that a periodic stratification of the water mass
took place.
bicarbonate from lake water, with components Two models for a formation under these
of biodegradational and atmospheric CO2; (2) conditions are possible:
volcanic gas; and (3) bicarbonate from dissolution
(1) Static model: the mineral was precipitated
of Ca carbonate.
at the contact of the sediment to an overlying
stagnant, O2-poor, water mass which was pro-
Siderite from ancient, varved sediments vided with excess CO2 and Fe 2 + from volcanic
The profile of the piston core Lot 3 (for location
(2) Dynamic model: a situation similar to that
see Fig. 1) shows a complete sedimentary se-
of model 1 developed during summer stratifica-
quence from the deep water facies area (Fig. 4).
tion. At times of turnover, oxygen was added to
It is composed of a younger part, exhibiting
the hypolimnion by mixing of the water masses.
different mud types, and an older part composed
The high amount of Fe 2 + became unstable, Fe
of varved clastic sediments. The latter belong to
was precipitated as hydroxide. By this mecha-
the Dryas 3 to Preboreal stages (11 000-9000
nism, it accumulated at the sediment/water
years B.P.). At the time of their deposition the
contact. Remobilization as Fe(II) occurred in
lake was about 90 m deep, the scarce vegetation
this still anoxic boundary layer, resulting in a
cover and the steep slopes of the crater basin
supersaturation and precipitation of siderite.
promoted a high input of clastics (Bahrig 1985).
A single varve is composed of a coarse-grained The stratigraphic distribution of the ~13 C data
silt layer that accumulated during snow melt, (Fig. 4) shows a marked shift from the early
overlain by a medium- to fine-grained silt repre- Dryas 3 siderites to those at the Pleistocene/
senting summer to winter sedimentation. Diatom Holocene boundary. At the same depth the
distribution supports this interpretation. The organic carbon and diatom contents of the
siderite grains occur in the part of the varve sediment are rising and a calcite occurs that is
sublaminae that corresponds to late spring to characterized by an extremely heavy 613C. From
autumn deposition. In most cases the maximum the crystal shape, rhombohedra with a step-like
concentration of up to 70~o is reached in the surface structure, these calcites seem to have been
transition zone from coarse- to fine-grained precipitated in the open water (Otsuki & Wetzel
sediment. The 2-4 micron-sized crystals exhibit 1974; Kelts & Hsii 1978). The extreme 613C can
a xenomorphic shape. As no characteristic fea- only be explained by a strong kinetic (biogenic)
tures of diagenetic formation can be observed, effect, and their formation seems to be coupled to
156 B. Bahrig



~ 0"0

~ o
~ o"~


" ~

.~.~ ~

Palaeo-environment information 157
the rise of the other productivity-dependent (3) Volcanic springs: The third CO 2 source, the
parameters like diatom content and organic volcanic springs, only allows discussion of a more
matter. speculative alternative. A higher level of activity
How could the signal of this ecologic shift near or stronger gas evasion due to a drop of the lake
the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary reach a level would have provided additional 13C-en-
benthic carbonate? To solve this problem, one riched CO: to a hypolimnetic water mass.
has to consider the three reservoirs of the modern
siderite-CO2 (lake water, dissolution of calcite,
volcanic springs).
(1) Lake water C02: This could have changed
its composition due to increased productivity. All these explanations include transfer of climatic
Planktonic algae, as well as macrophytes, selec- and ecologic data to the benthic environment,
tively extract 12C for their tissues. The positive thus demonstrating the strong connection of the
shift of diatom content and organic carbon early diagenetic environment of lakes to the
fraction suggests a marked rise in net productivity climate-dependent chemical and biological pa-
and in sedimentation of plant material. Thus, a rameters of sedimentation.
continuous depletion of 12C from the lake water Dispersed and layered siderite types are mostly
may have occurred, leaving the residual carbon restricted to very early diagenetic phases of
pool enriched in 13C. organic-rich sediments and may thus show not
(2) C 0 2from dissolution o f calcite: From Fig. 4, only a signal of microbial decomposition pro-
it is evident that at the same time as the cesses, as in oil shales (Bahrig & Conze 1986), but
enrichment in 13C in the siderite started, the first also give information about the climatic and
calcite appeared in the sediments. If this calcite limnologic reasons for the accumulation of or-
was precipitated higher in the water column, e.g., ganic matter. The example from the Lake of
in the epilimnion, dissolution might have taken Laach demonstrates that an analysis of the
place in a more acid, CO2-enriched hypolimnion different sources of CO2 of early diagenetic/
(lower water mass) or at the sediment surface. By synsedimentary carbonates provides data for a
this mechanism 13C-enriched HCO~- could be more detailed reconstruction of an ancient lacus-
provided to the sediment surface without mark- trine environment and may thus help to trace
edly changing the isotopic composition of the potential petroleum source rocks.
whole water mass, resulting in a strong effect on The special value of siderite for these purposes
the 613C of the bottom water. lies in its restriction to anoxic environments that
According to Fig. 4, a link may exist between are characterized by a high potential for preser-
the climate-dependent rise in productivity and vation of organic material.
precipitation of the isotopically heavy calcite.
This offers a possibility of an indirect transfer of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:This project was supported by
the ecologic signal to the benthic water mass. the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Nr. Fii 66/29).

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Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Springer-Verlag, New derscheid (SW-Eifel). Mainzer Geowissenschaf-
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phierung und Restaurierung de Laacher Sees. alkalinity budgets and calcium carbonate precipi-
Archiv f~r Hydrobiologie, 80, 506-518. tation of a small hardwater lake. Archiv f~r
MCKENZIE, J. A. 1982, Carbon-13 cycle in Lake Hydrobiologie, 73, 14-30.
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SCHLANGER,S. O. d~ CITA, M. B. (eds), Nature and 2nd edn. Wiley, New York, 780 pp.
Origin of Cretaceous Carbon-rich Facies, Academic WEBER, J. & HOFMANN, U. 1982. Kernbohrungen in
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NEGENDANK, J. F. W., IRION, G. & LINDEN, J. 1982. Darmstadt. Geologische Abhandlungen Hessen, 83,
Ein eoz/ines Maar bei Eckfeld nord6stlich Man- 58 pp.

B. BAHRIG, Institut fiir Wasserforschung, Zum Kellerbach 52, D-5840 Schwerte--Geisecke,

West Germany.
Spores and pollen in oils as indicators of lacustrine source rocks

Jiang De-xin

SUM MARY: More than 200 species of fossil spores and pollen extracted from 68 crude
oil samples collected from the lacustrine sedimentary basins of China, including the Talimu
Basin, the Zhungeer Basin, the Jiuquan Basin, the Chaidamu Basin, the Eerduosi Basin, the
Xialiaohe Depression, etc., have been investigated. The spores and pollen found in the crude
oil are interpreted as a kind of 'trace element' indicating the pathway of the petroleum
migration from the source rock to the reservoir. The principle of why some of the spores and
pollen found in the crude oil can act as a kind of indicator of source rock, and the methods
used to find and recognize this kind of indicator, are explained in this paper. Based on the
investigations of the spores and pollen from the crude oils, the spore and pollen indicators of
lacustrine petroleum source rocks of the continental sedimentary basins are proposed.
The spores and pollen acting as the indicators of the lacustrine petroleum source rocks
usually indicate a tropical or subtropical wet depositional climate. It is therefore, concluded
that a wet and hot climate is favourable for the deposition of lacustrine petroleum source

As long ago as the year 1923, when White found Materials and methods
the spore sacs of Protosalvinia and some mega-
spores of Lycopod from the Upper Devonian Seventy-five crude oil samples were collected
black shales of Kentucky in the United States of from 17 oil-fields of the continental petroliferous
America, it was suggested that these plants could basins of China, including the Talimu Basin, the
be a mother substance of natural petroleum Zhungeer Basin, the Chaidamu Basin, the Jiu-
(White & Stadnichenko 1923). In 1937, Sanders quan Basin, the Eerduosi Basin, the Sanshui
(1937) found some fossil spores and algae in Basin and the Xialiaohe Depression (Fig. 1).
Mexican and Romanian crude oil samples so More than 200 species of fossil spores and pollen
further supporting the theory of the organic extracted from the crude oil samples were
genesis of petroleum. Then Waldschmidt (1941), examined, and some of them were found to be
Timofeev & Karimov (1953), Banerjee (1965) indicators of the lacustrine petroleum source
and Dejersey (1965) all found plant microfossils rocks.
in crude oils from America, Russia, Australia All the crude oil samples were prepared for
and India. Subsequently some experiments on examination using a filtering method (Jiang De-
petroleum migration were made by Chepikov xin et al. 1974) (Fig. 2):
and others in the Soviet Union (Chepikov & 1. The samples were diluted with benzene or
Medvedeva 1971). gasoline for filtration. Three to five litres of
Since 1974, I have found more than 200 species crude oil was used for each sample.
of fossil spores and pollen in crude oil samples 2. The diluted samples were filtered through the
collected from the petroleum provinces of the filter papers under temperature of 70~176 to
continental sedimentary basins in China. Based remove the organic solvents.
on the palynological investigations, it was consid- 3. The filter papers together with the remaining
ered that these fossil spores and pollen can serve residues were extracted with benzene, ether,
not only as a witness of the organic genesis of ketone, alcohol and other appropriate organic
petroleum, but also as indicators of the nature of solvents to remove the oily, waxy and bitumi-
the source rock. The source rocks of some nous matter using a Soxhlet apparatus.
petroleum provinces of China were assessed 4. The residues including insoluble organic mat-
using this approach (Jiang De-xin & Yang Huiqiu ter (kerogen) and mineral matter were concen-
1980, 1981, 1982, 1983) and are discussed in this trated and water washed by centrifuging, and
paper. Why the fossil spores and pollen in crude in some cases separated by heavy liquid
oils can act as indicators of lacustrine petroleum flotation.
source rocks, and how to find and recognize them, 5. The organic residues were mounted in glyc-
is also explained in detail. erine jelly for study by light microscopy.

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 159
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 159-169.
160 Jiang De-xin
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

40 10


F ,

20 II'"
Scale 20
0 400 800
t I t
90 100 110 120 130
FIG. 1. Locations of continental petroliferous basins of China. 1 Zhungeer (Junggar) Basin, 2 Tulufan (Turpan)
Basin, 3 Talimu (Tarim) Basin, 4 Chaidamu (Qaidam) Basin, 5 Jiuquan Basin, 6 Eerduosi Basin, 7 Sichuan
Basin, 8 Huabei Basin, 9 Jianghan Basin, 10 Songliao Basin, 11 Xialiaohe Depression, 12 Subei Basin,
13 Sanshui Basin.

Most of the crude oil samples were found to spores and pollen extracted from crude oil
contain fossil spores and pollen, but some of them samples can be used as a kind of 'trace element'
contain few or no microfossils. indicating the pathway of the petroleum migra-
tion from the source rocks to the petroleum pool.
The laboratory experiments on petroleum migra-
Principles tion conducted by Chepikov demonstrated that
the microfossils entrapped by oil and gas from
The fossil spores and pollen of petroleum source source and carrier rocks can migrate not only
rocks can be carried to petroleum accumulations together with the oil, but also with the gas, and
during the course of petroleum migration, because they can also be separated from the oil and gas
the spores and pollen are minute, light and have without any appreciable change in structural
strong walls (exine). Also the microfossils from features (Chepikov & Medvedeva 1971). It was
the formations through which the oil and gas suggested that the spores and pollen should serve
migrated can be picked up by the petroleum fluid. as a kind of reliable indicator of the petroleum
In addition, the spores and pollen from the migration route. The above mentioned idea that
reservoir rocks may be found in the petroleum. the spores and pollen can act as the trace elements
Consequently, the spores and pollen extracted of the petroleum migration track might be
from a crude oil sample are usually a three-part corroborated by the results of experiments.
assemblage. For the sake of convenience, it is The spores and pollen involved in a petroleum
called the petroleum sporo-pollen assemblage sporo-pollen assemblage are usually different in
(Jiang De-xin & Yang Huiqiu 1980). geological age, because the source rocks, the rock
The spores and pollen indicate the geological formation through which oil and gas passed and
ages of the original rock formations in which the the reservoir rocks of a petroleum province are
spores and pollen were originally buried. This is usually of different ages. The reservoir rocks of
especially so for the index species. When you find an oil-field or a petroliferous province are always
them in crude oils, you can know which strata a known, so the spores and pollen of the reservoir
petroleum has migrated through. Therefore, the rocks can also be identified. If we subtract these
Spores and pollen in oils 161

Sample of crude oil

Dilution with benzene/gasoline

] Dilutedcrudeoil ]
Filtration (70~176
I Filtrate [

1. benzene
2. dimethyl benzene
3. ether
III Extraction 4. ketone
with 5. benzene-alcohol
6. alcohol

Residue (Kerogen) ] Waste solution
ii !

iv[ Water wash and heavy liquid flotation

l Residue (fossil spores/pollen)

Mineral impurity [

v[ Preparation of microscope slides

FIG. 2. Method of extraction of spores/pollen from crude oil samples.

spores and pollen from the petroleum sporo- and carrier beds belong to the same formation.
pollen assemblage, we will find that the remainder For peculiar types of the petroleum pools, such
indicate the source rocks and the carrier beds. In as palaeocryptodome reservoirs, metamorphic-
the continental lacustrine petroliferous basins, rock fissure reservoirs, etc., the microfossils
anticlines are an important type of trap. With extracted from the crude oils can also indicate
this type of trap, the source rocks underlie the the age of the source rocks. Under these circum-
carrier beds which the reservoir rocks, in turn, stances, the source rocks are younger than the
overlie, because oil and gas always migrate reservoir rocks.
upwards along fissures, faults and unconformi-
ties. The source rocks are, therefore, the oldest Results
beds present and the reservoir rocks the youngest.
The source rocks of a continental lacustrine
petroliferous basin can be deduced, therefore, Eerduosi Basin (Table 1)
from the petroleum sporo-pollen assemblage. The The Eerduosi Basin is situated in the centre of
most ancient spores and pollen in the assemblage North China (6, Fig. 1). The Mesozoic arched
usually indicate the source rocks, those of inter- stratified petroleum pools are widespread in the
mediate age the age of the carrier beds and the basin. Some Late Triassic species of spores and
youngest the reservoir rocks. Sometimes the pollen, such as Punctatisporites triassicus, Puncta-
petroleum sporo-pollen assemblage is of one age tisporites textatus, Calamospora impexa, Marattis-
indicating that the source rocks, reservoir rocks, porites scabratus, Pityosporites divulgatus, etc.,
162 Jiang De-xin

TABLE 1. Spore/pollen indicators of petroleum source rocks of Eerduosi Basin

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of crude Reservoir Source

oil samples rocks rocks
Cyathidites minor Zhangqing Yanan Yanan
Gleicheniidites senonicus Loc. No. Z1-7 Formation Formation
Cycadopites nitidus (Jl-2) (J1-2)
C. typicus
C. minimus
Classopollis classoides
C. annulatus
Punctatisporites triassicus Zhangqing Yanan Yanzhang
P. textatus Loc. No. Z2-5 Formation Formation
Calamospora impexa (Jl-z) (T3)
Marattisporites scabratus
Pityosporites divulgatus

have been found from the crude oil samples taken maniL Leptolepidites major, Apiculatisporis ovalis,
from the Jurassic reservoir of the basin. Jurassic Bennettiteaepollenites lucifer, Cycadopites nitidus,
species as Cyathidites minor, Gleicheniidites sen- Cyeadopites typicus, Cycadopites minimus, Cyca-
onicus, Cycadopites nitidus, Cycadopites typicus, dopites carpentieri, Chasmatosporites elegans,
Cycadopites minimus, Classopollis classoides, etc. Classopollis classoides, Classopollis annulatus, Po-
have also been found in the petroleum sporo- docarpidites major, Podocarpidites multesimus,
pollen assemblage. All of the species are widely Parvisaccites enigmatus, Quadraeculina limbata,
distributed in the lacustrine black shales and grey Caytonipollenites pallidus, Pteruchipollenites tho-
siltstones of the Upper Triassic Yanzhang For- masii, Alisporites grandis, Alisporites bilateralis,
mation or the Lower-Middle Jurassic Yanan Eucommiidites troedssonii, etc . . . . All of the
Formation of the region. They must have come species have been found in the Jurassic deposits
from these two formations. According to the of the Eurasian continent and the North Ameri-
above reasoning, the Late Triassic species indi- can continent. And most of the species are the
cate that the Yanzhang Formation is the source index species of the Middle Jurassic. They are
rock of the basin. The Yanan Formation might widespread in the Middle Jurassic lacustrine
be another source rock. Consequently, the above deposits in this and adjacent regions. Many
species may be regarded as the spore or pollen Neogene species of spores and pollen have also
indicators of the lacustrine source rocks in the been found in the crude oil samples, but the
region. Jurassic species are the most ancient species in
the petroleum sporo-pollen assemblage. They are,
therefore, considered to have been brought from
the source rocks into the petroleum pool by oil
Talimu Basin (Table 2) and gas in the course of the petroleum migration.
We have good reason to say that the Middle
The Talimu Basin of South Xinjiang is the largest Jurassic species indicate that the Middle Jurassic
continental basin in China (3, Fig. 1). It is known Yangye-Taerga Formation should be the source
as the heart of Central Asia. Arched stratified rock of the region. The above Jurassic species,
petroleum pools are common there. Two petro- therefore, can serve as the spore and pollen
leum provinces of the basin have been studied indicators of the lacustrine source rocks of the
here. region.
The following Jurassic species of spores and The spores and pollen extracted from the crude
pollen have been found in crude oil samples from oil samples taken from the Jurassic reservoir of
the Neogene reservoir of the Yecheng Petroleum the Kuche Petroleum Province of the Talimu
Province of the Talimu Basin: Deltoidospora Basin (Table 3) are as follows: Deltoidospora
perpusilla, Deltoidospora gradata, Cyathidites aus- perpusilla, Deltoidospora gradata, Cyathidites mi-
tralis, Cyathidites minor, Cibotiumspora paradoxa, nor, Hymenophyllumsporites deltoidus, Cingulatis-
Dictyophyllidites harrisiL Dictyophyllum rugosum, porites problematicus, Cibotiumspora paradoxa,
Gleicheniidites senonicus, Gleicheniidites rouseL Osmundacidites wellmanii, Cycadopites nitidus,
Undulatisporites concave, Osmundacidites well- Cycadopites typicus, Podocarpidites multesimus,
Spores and pollen in oils I63
TABLE 2. Spore/pollen indicators o f petroleum source rocks of Yecheng
Petroleum Province of Talimu Basin

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of crude Reservoir Source

oil samples rocks rocks

Deltoidosporaperpusilla Kekeya Ashi Yangye-

D. gradata Locs. No. K6 Formation Taerga
Cyathidites australis No. K10 (N:) Formation
C. minor (J2)
Cibotiumsporaparadoxa Pakabulake
Dictyophyllidites harrisii Formation
Dictyophyllum rugosum (NO
G. rousei
Undulatisporites concave
Osmundacidites wellmanii
Leptolepidites major
Apiculatisporis ovalis
Cycadopites nitidus
C. typicus
C. minimus
C. carpentieri
Chasmatosporites elegans
Classopollis classoides
C. annulatus
Podocarpidites major
P. multesimus
Parvisaccites enigmatus
Quadraeculina limbata
Pteruchipollenites thomasii
Alisporites grandis
A. bilateralis
Eucommiidites troedssonff

TABLE 3. Spore/pollen indicators o f petroleum source rocks of Kuche (Kuga)

Petroleum Province of Talimu Basin

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of crude Reservoir Source

oil samples rocks rocks

Deltoidosporaperpusilla Kangcun Kangcun Kuzilenuer

D. gradata Jilishi Formation Formation
Cyathidites minor Heiyingshan (N 1) (J2)
Hymenophyllumsporites deltoidus Yiqikelike
Cingulatisporitesproblematicus Yangxia
Cibotiumsporaparadoxa Formation
Osmundacidites wellmanii (J1)
Cycadopites nitidus
C. typicus Kuzilenuer
Podocarpidites multesimus Formation
Alisporites grandis (J:)
A. bilateralis
Parvisaccites enigmatus
A. minimus
164 Jiang De-xin
A lisporites grandis, A lisporites bilateralis, Parvisac- ous province of the basin: Cyathidites minor,
cites enigmatus, etc . . . . All of these species have Dictyophyllidites harrisii, Cycadopites nitidus,
been found in the lacustrine deposits of the Lower Cycadopites typicus, Cycadopites minimus, Calli-
Jurassic Yangxia Formation or the Middle alasporites dampieri, Araucariacites australis,
Jurassic Kuzilenuer Formation in this region. Podocarpidites canadensis, Podocarpidites multesi-
Neither older nor younger spores and pollen are mus, Parvisaccites enigmatus, Caytonipollenites
found in the crude oil samples. The petroleum pallidus, Alisporites grandis, Alisporites bilateralis,
sporo-pollen assemblage contains only the con- Pteruchipollenites thomasii, Pteruchipollenites mi-
temporaneous spores and pollen. This suggests crosaccus, Abietineaepollenites dunrobinensis, Abie-
that the source rocks are much the same age as tineaepollenites minimus, Eucommiidites troeds-
the reservoir rocks. Consequently, the Jurassic sonii, etc . . . . A lot of Tertiary species of spores
species indicate both the reservoir rocks and the and pollen have also been found in the crude oil
source rocks, they qualify as the spore and pollen samples, but the Jurassic species are the most
indicators of the lacustrine source rocks in the ancient elements in the petroleum sporo-pollen
region. In addition, some of the above Jurassic assemblage. The Jurassic species, therefore,
species, such as Deltoidospora perpusilla, Cyathi- indicate that the Jurassic lacustrine deposits
dites minor, Cibotiumspora paradoxa, Cycadopites should be the source rocks of the southern
nitidus, Cycadopites typicus, Parvisaccites enigma- petroliferous province of the basin, thus the above
tus, Abietineaepollenites minimus, etc., have also mentioned species should be the spore and pollen
been found in the crude oil samples taken from indicators of the lacustrine source rocks in this
both the Cretaceous and Neogene reservoirs of region.
the present petroliferous province. Therefore,
they are also taken to be the petroleum source
Jiuquan Basin (Table 5)
I have found Early Cretaceous species of spores
and pollen such as Schizaeoisporites zizyphinus,
Zhungeer Basin (Table 4) Cibotiumspora paradoxa, Monosulcites minimus,
The Zhungeer Basin of North Xinjiang (1, Fig. Psophosphaera grandis, etc. in the crude oil
1) is a well known continental petroliferous basin samples taken from both the Early Cretaceous
in China. The following Jurassic species of spores reservoir and the Tertiary reservoir of the Yumen
and pollen have been obtained from the oils of Petroleum Province of the Jiuquan Basin (5, Fig.
the Tertiary reservoir of the southern petrolifer- 1) in Gansu Province of China. In addition, some

TABLE4. Spore/pollen indicators of petroleum source rocks of southern petroliferous province of

Zhungeer Basin
Spore/pollen indicators Localities of c r u d e Reservoir Source
oil samples rocks rocks

Cyathidites minor Dushanzi Shawan Xishanyao-

Dictyophylliditesharrisii Locs. Formation Toudenhe
Cycadopites nitidus No. D58 (E3-N) Formation
C. typicus No. D63 02)
C. minimus No. D68
Callialasporitesdampieri No. D201 Badaowan-
Araucariacites australis Sangonghe
Podocarpiditescanadensis Formation
P. multesimus (J1)
Quadraeculina limbata
Q. minor
P. microsaccus
A. bilateralis
A. minimus
Eucommiidites troedssonii
Spores and pollen in oils 165
TABLE 5. Spore/pollen indicators of petroleum source rocks of Jiuquan Basin

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of c r u d e Reservoir Source

oil samples rocks rocks
Schizaeoisporites zizyphinus Laojunmiao Baiyanghe L. Xinminbu
S. cf. cretacius Yaerxia Formation Formation
Cibotiumspora paradoxa Shiyougou (N) (K1)
Monosulcites minimus Baiyanghe Huoshaogou
Bennetiteaepollenites sp. Formation
Psophosphaera grandis (E)

Early Cretaceous species have been obtained, from the Early Cretaceous black shales appear
even from the fissured Silurian metamorphic both in the Tertiary reservoir and in the Silurian
reservoir of the region. The above Early Creta- reservoir results from the petroleum migration. It
ceous species of spores and pollen are common in shows that the black shales of the Lower
the lacustrine black shales of the Lower Xinminbu Xinminbu Formation may be considered to be
Formation. The fact that the spores and pollen the source rocks of the region and the above Early

TABLE 6. Spore/pollen indicators of petroleum source rocks of Chaidamu Basin

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of c r u d e Reservoir Source

oil samples rocks rocks
Deltoidospora regularis Youquanzi Youshashan Ganchaigou
Cyatheacidites annulata Daifengshan Formation Formation
Polypodiaceaesporites haardti Xianshuiquan (N) (E3-N1)
P. nutidus Huatugou
Polypodiisporites favus U. Ganchaigou
Cycadopites giganteus Formation
Ginkgopites dubia (N1)
Podocarpidites nageiaformis
P. paranageiformis
Abietineaepollenites cembraeformis
Pinuspollenites labdacus
P. banksianaeformis
Piceaepollenites alatus
P. tobolicus
Cedripites deodariformis
Tsugaepollenites igniculus
T. viridifluminipites
Quercoidites henrici

Cyathidites minor Yuka Hongshuigou Daimeigou

Dictyophyllidites harrisii Lenghu Formation Formation
Osmundacidites wellmanii (J3) (J2)
Duplexisporites problematicus
D. gyratus Daimeigou
Cycadopites nitidus Formation
C. typicus (J2)
C. carpentieri
Callialasporites dampieri
Podocarpidites major
P. multesimus
Parvisaccites enigmatus
Pteruchipollenites thomasii
Alisporites bilateralis
166 Jiang De-xin
Cretaceous species of spores and pollen may be the species have been found in the Oligocene
referred to as the spore and pollen indicators of deposits and some of them have been found in
the lacustrine source rocks in the basin. the Miocene deposits of this region and the
adjacent regions. Based on the investigation of
the petroleum sporo-pollen assemblages, both the
Chaidamu Basin (Table 6) Lower-Middle Jurassic Formation and the Oli-
The Chaidamu Basin (4, Fig. 1) is a large gocene-Miocene Formation may be considered
continental petroliferous basin in Qinghai Prov- to be the favourable source rocks, and the above
ince of China. I have found some Jurassic species species may be regarded as the spore and pollen
of spores and pollen, such as Cyathidites minor, indicators of the lacustrine source rocks in this
Dictyophyllidites harrisiL Osmundacidites well- basin.
manii, Duplexisporites problematicus, Duplexispor-
ites gyratus, Cycadopites nitidus, Cycadopites
Xialiaohe Depression (Table 7)
typicus, Cycadopites carpentierL Callialasporites
dampierL Podocarpidites major, Podocarpidites The Xialiaohe Depression (l l, Fig. 1) is a
multesimus, Parvisaccites enigmatus, Alisporites petroleum province in Northeastern China. The
bilateralis, Pteruchipollenites thomasii, etc., in the following Tertiary species of spores and pollen
crude oil samples taken from the Jurassic reser- have been found from the crude oil samples taken
voir of the northern edge of the Chaidamu Basin. from the Oligocene reservoir of the Liaohe oil-
I have also found some Tertiary species of spores field of the depression: Stridiporosporites bistria-
and pollen in the crude oil samples taken from tus, Multicellaesporites margaritus, Multicellaes-
the Neogene reservoir of the basin. The Tertiary porites desmodes, Multicellaesporites tenerus,
species of spores and pollen obtained from the Multicellaesporites ovatus, Dicellaesporites popovii,
Neogene reservoir are of Deltoidospora regularis, Inapertisporites rotundus, Pterisisporites undulatus,
Cyatheacidites annulata, Polypodiaceaesporites Plicifera decora, Abietineaepollenites cembraefor-
haardtL Polypodiaceaesporites nutidus, Polypodiis- mis, Abietineaepollenites microsibiricus, Cedripites
porites favus, Cycadopites giganteus, Ginkgopites diversus, Keteleeria dubia, Ephedripites cheganicus,
dubia, Podocarpidites nageiaformis, Podocarpidites Quercoidites asper, Chenopodipollis microporatus,
paranageiformis, Abietineaepollenites cembrae- Chenopodipollis multiporatus, etc . . . . All species
formis, Pinuspollenites labdacus, Pinuspollenites distributed in the Eocene to Oligocene Shahejie
banksianaeformis, Piceaepollenites alatus, Piceae- Formation in this and adjacent regions. Neither
pollenites tobolicus, Cedripites deodariformis, earlier nor later species are found in the petroleum
Tsugaepollenites igniculus, Tsugaepollenites viridi- sporo-pollen assemblage, indicating that the
fluminipites, Quercoidites henricL etc . . . . Most of Shahejie Formation should be the regional source

TABLE 7. Spore/pollen indicators of petroleum source rocks of Xialiaohe Depression

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of crude Reservoir Source
oil samples rocks rocks
Stridiporosporitesbistriatus Liaohe Dongying Shahejie
Multicellaesporitesmargaritus Locs. Formation Formation
M. desmodes No. L7-5 (E3) (E2-a)
M. tenerus No. LI-1
M. ovatus No. L5-2 Shahejie
Dicellaesporitespopovii No. L8-11 Formaton
lnapertisporites rotundus No. L213 (E2_3)
Pterisisporites undulatus
Plicifera decora
A. Microsibiricus
Pinuspollenites labdacus
Cedripites diversus
Keteleeria dubia
Ephedripites cheganicus
C. multiporatus
Spores and pollen in oils I67
TABLE 8. Spore~pollen indicators of petroleum source rocks of Sanshui Basin

Spore/pollen indicators Localities of c r u d e Reservoir Source

oil samples rocks rocks

Sphagnumsporitesantiquasporites Sanshui Buxin Buxin

Cyathidites cf. minor Locs. No. S1 Formation Formation
Plicifera decora No. SS12 (E) (E)
C. deodariformis
P. minutus
P. bankianaeformis
Momipites coryloides
Quercoidites minutus
Q. asper

rock. The above species, therefore, may be taken distance of petroleum migration is comparatively
as the spore and pollen indicators of the source short, it is possible to find numerous spores and
rocks in the region. pollen in the crude oils. I have found 506
specimens of 67 species of spores and pollen
referred to 39 genera in crude oil from the Qiketai
Sanshui Basin (Table 8)
oil-field of the Tulufan Basin, Xinjiang (Fig. 1,
The Sanshui Basin (13, Fig. 1) is a small Table 9). The abundances of the spores and
continental petroliferous basin in Guangdong pollen in the crude oils are relevant to their
Province of China. The petroleum sporo-pollen original contents in the source rocks, their sizes
assemblage from the Eogene reservoir of this and the distance of petroleum migration.
petroleum province consists mainly of Sphagnum-
sporites antiquasporites, Cyathidites cf. minor,
Plicifera decora, Polypodiaceaesporites haardtL Conclusions
Dacrydiumpollenites rarus, Cedripites eocenicus,
Cedripites deodariformis, Pinuspollenites labdacus, The results of this study come to the conclusion
Pinuspollenites minutus, Pinuspollenites bankianae- that the Late Triassic, the Middle Jurassic, the
formis, Momipites coryloides, Quercoidites minutus, Early Cretaceous and the Oligocene are the
Quercoidites asper, etc . . . . All of the species have principal times of formation of lacustrine petro-
been found in the Eogene lacustrine deposits in leum source rocks in the continental petroliferous
South China. It implies that the source rocks of basins in China. The influence of palaeoclimate
the region should belong to the Eogene System and palaeoenvironment can be seen on the
and the above species may serve as the spore and palynofloras of these periods. The palynofloras of
pollen indicators of the lacustrine source rocks in the Late Triassic, the Middle Jurassic, the Early
the basin. Cretaceous and the Oligocene species, all usually
indicate a tropical or subtropical wet climate. It
may, therefore, be considered that the lacustrine
Discussion deposition under hot or warm and wet climate
conditions was most favourable for the formation
According to the theories about the origin, of the lacustrine petroleum source rocks in
migration and accumulation of petroleum, the continental facies.
fossil spores and pollen in the crude oils must
have come from the source rocks, carrier beds ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The writer wishes to thank
and reservoir rocks. Judging from the results of Professor Hsti Jen, Professor A. Traverse and Professor
Zhu Xia for their invaluable help and advice. The
this study, fossil spores and pollen can be expelled writer is grateful to Mr Hu Boliang and Mr He
from source rocks and carried to petroleum pools. Zhuosheng for their help in discussionsof geochemical
Most species of the spores and pollen can pass and stratigraphical problems and in providing many
through the pathway of petroleum migration, samples. Thanks are also due to Ms Yang Huiqiu, Ms
because they have minute sizes ( < 100 gm). If the Du Jine and Mr Wu Ping for technical assistance.
168 Jiang De-xin
TABLE 9. Fossil spores and pollen in crude oil from Qiketai oil-field o f Tulufan Basin

Spores/pollen Number of specimens Spores/pollen Number of specimens

(abundance of spores/pollen) (abundance of spores/pollen)

Deltoidospora magna 4 Pseudowalchia ovalis 4

D. gradata 2 P. landesff 3
Cyathidites australis 9 P. biangulina 2
C. minor 19 Podocarpidites unicus 12
Dictyophyllidites harrisii 18 P. major 22
Cibotiumspora paradoxa 4 P. multicina 14
C. jurienensis 3 P. multesimus 12
Gleicheniidites rousei 5 P. rousei 6
G. conflexus 4 P. wapellaensis 3
Concavisporites sp. 7 Platysaccus lopsinensis 4
Biretisporites sp. 2 Parvisaccites enigmatus 26
Undulatisporites concavus 4 Ovalipollis minor 11
Granulatisporites arenaster 2 O. canadensis 6
G. minor 3 A lisporites grandis 12
Osmundacidites wellmanii 7 A. bilateralis 14
Todisporites minor 7 A. thomasii 7
Apiculatisporis globasus 2 Pityosporites similis 4
Converrucosisporites venitus 2 P. divulgatus 3
Leptolepidites major 4 Piceites expositus 5
Aratrisporites cf. scabratus 3 P. podocarpoides 3
Cycadopites nitidus 6 P. latens 2
C. typicus 3 Protopicea exilioides 8
C. subgranulosus 2 Pseudopicea variabiliformis 2
Chasmatosporites elegans 8 Piceaepollenites complanatiformus 8
Classopollis classoides 14 Abietineaepollenites dunrobinensis 11
C. itunensis 37 A. microalatus 4
C. annulatus 10 A. minimus 6
C. qiyangensis 6 Cedripites minor 34
Callialasporites dampieri 11 C. sp. 12
C. radius 4 Eucommiidites troedssonii 5
Araucariacites australis 2 Total 506
lnaperturopollenites dettmannii 3
Protoconiferus funarius 3
Paleoconiferus asaccatus 2 Reservoir rocks Toudenhe Formation (J2)
Caytonipollenites pallidus 3
Vitreisporitesjurassicus 14 Source rocks Xishanyao-Toudenhe Formation 02)
V. jansonii 2 Badaowan-Sangonghe Formation (J I)

BANERJEE, D. 1965. Microflora in crude petroleum from spores and pollen. Memoirs of Lanzhou Institute of
Assam, India. Transactions of Mining Geology and Geology, Academia Sinica, 1, 99-110 (in Chinese).
Metal Institute, India, 62, 51-66. & 1982. Sporo-pollen and oil source.
CHEPIKOV, K. R. & MEDVEDEVA, A. M. 1971. Spores Proceedings of the Symposium on Petroleum Geosci-
and pollen in oil and gas as migration indices. ence, Academia Sinica, Science Press, Beijing, 157-
Journal of Palynology, 7, 56-59. 162 (in Chinese).
DEJERSEY, N. J. 1965. Plant microfossils in some & -- 1983. Petroleum sporo-pollen assem-
Queensland crude oil samples. Publication of the blage and oil source rock of Kuche sag in Xin-
Geological Survey of Queensland, 329, 1-9. jiang. Acta Botanica Sinica, 25, 179-186 (in
JIANG DE-XIN & YANG HUIQIU 1980. Petroleum sporo- Chinese).
pollen assemblages and oil source rock of Yumen - & Du JINE 1974. Significance and method

oil-bearing region in Gansu. Acta Botanica Sinica, 'of sporo-pollen analysis of crude oil. Journal of
22, 280-285 (in Chinese). Botany, 1, 31-32 (in Chinese).
-- & 1981. Studies of source rocks judging from SANDERS, J. M. 1937. The microscopical examination
Spores and pollen in oils 169
of crude petroleum. Journal of the Institution of scopic examination of Permian crude oils. Bulletin
Petroleum Technologists, 23, 525-573. of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
TIMOFEEV, B. V. & KARIMOV,A. K. 1953. Spores and 25, 934.
pollen in mineral oil. Reports of Academy of Sciences WnrrE, D. & STADNICHENKO,T. 1923. Some mother
of USSR, 92, 151-152 (in Russian). plants of petroleum in the Devonian black shales.
WALDSCHMIDT,W. A. 1941. Progress report on micro- Economic Geology, 18, 238-252.

JIANG DE-XIN, Lanzhou Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, Lanzhou, Gansu, China.
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry of the Middle Devonian
in the Orcadian Basin

A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

S U M M A RY: An interdisciplinary study of the Middle Devonian lacustrine laminites

from the Orcadian Basin of NE Scotland has enabled the construction of a predictive source-
rock model which we have applied to the Moray Firth area.
Parameters characterizing areal source-rock extent, primary organic input, and the depths,
salinity levels and redox potential of the depositional water column are discussed, together
with the quantity and maturity of the preserved sedimentary organic matter.
On the basis of this model, we suggest that a Middle Devonian component is present in
the Beatrice crude (an atypical North Sea oil) in the Moray Firth Basin. This proposal is
largely supported by molecular geochemical evidence.

Context of the Orcadian Basin quence (e.g. Rayner 1963), the general sequential
arrangement and individual layer definition can
outcrop area only be described as variable.
Organic contents as plotted on the simple three
Recent source-rock studies using mostly bulk component system (Fig. 1) range up to 5~ with
organic geochemical techniques (Hamilton & no obvious relationship linking variance with a
Trewin 1985; Marshall et al. 1985; Parnell 1985) carbonate or detrital dominated host. Microno-
have demonstrated that the Middle Devonian dular textures with accompanying stylolitization
'fish bed' laminites from the Orcadian Basin are commonly developed in carbonate-rich lam-
outcrop area have good petroleum source-rock inites and are related to diagenetic pressure-
potential. The inference from palaeocurrent solution effects. Intrastratal deformation features
vectors (Mykura 1983), however, is that the such as microfaults, slumps and complete dislo-
present outcrop represents only the southern and cation planes are common.
western flanks of a much larger basin which, Typically, laminite rock units vary up to 2 m
accepting the extrapolation of Ziegler (1982), in thickness and grade through synaeresis-
extended some 600 km from the present day cracked siltstone/shale laminites into coarser
southern shores of the Moray Firth across the siltstone and fine sandstone beds bearing desic-
North Sea to the Hornelen area on the west coast cation-cracked surfaces and current oscillation
of Norway. The aims of this study were to ripples. This lithological gradation is commonly
undertake detailed source-rock characterization repetitive and forms the rhythms or cycles
and an assessment of palaeolimnological condi- (Crampton & Carruthers 1914; Donovan 1980)
tions, in order to provide a basis for predictive so characteristic of the Orcadian Basin and
source-rock modelling in the Orcadian Basin. indeed many other ancient lacustrine sequences.
Individual cycle thickness varies from 3-10 m
with a mean at ca. 6 m. The sequential arrange-
'Fish bed' laminites ment, thickness variations, and inferred period-
icities of stacked cyclic sequences in Caithness
The most common rock types in the Orcadian have been related to long-term climatic variations
Basin to have been considered as potential source (Donovan 1980). Fourier analysis of several
rocks are the dark, organic-rich microlaminated sequences from the Lower and Upper Caithness
units commonly known as 'fish beds', due to the Flagstone Group has suggested that a Milankov-
beautifully preserved fossil fish they often con- itch-type climatic forcing model was the domi-
tain. Their lithology usually comprises a tripartite nant control over cycle development (Hamilton
association of micritic carbonate (calcite and/or 1986).
dolomite), detrital material, and organic layers.
The total thickness of the triplets averages from
0.01-1.0 mm. Modal proportions of individual Depositional models
components vary, but 'carbonate laminite' and
'detrital laminite' represent convenient end mem- General models
bers. Although certain examples exhibit the The two general models proposed for the produc-
classic, seasonally related tripartite 'varve' se- tion of the distinctive organic-rich microlami-

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, I73
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 173-201.
174 A . D. D u n c a n & R. F. M . H a m i l t o n

Org C

9 9

9 9 9
C a rb o n a te laminites

100 % 100 %
FIG. 1. Compositional variation within Orcadian Basin fish bed laminites expressed in terms of a simple
carbonate-organic carbon-detrital ternary system.

nated lake sediments are the shallow algal mat rock sequences within the Green River Forma-
lake and the deep stratified lake models. The tion (Eugster & Surdam 1973; Eugster & Hardie
shallow algal mat lake or 'playa lake model' 1975; Lundell & Surdam 1975) including, more
(Eugster & Surdam 1973) produces organic recently, the organic laminites of the Laney
microlamination through the colonization of the Member (Buccheim & Surdam 1977; Surdam &
sediment surface by epipelic algae and bacteria Wolfbauer 1975) which are similar in lithological
in continuous mats. Alternating layers of allo- character and setting to the Orcadian Basin 'fish
chthonous carbonate or clastic material are swept bed' laminites.
in as intermittent influxes from the lake margins. According to the stratified lake model, origi-
Analogy is made with modern examples of high nally proposed by Bradley (1929), the delicate
productivity water bodies in arid areas, such as organic microlamination is produced by seasonal
the lakes and lagoons in South and Western variations in the type and quantity of material
Australia (Logan et al. 1974; vonder Borch et al. settling out of a stratified water column. Accu-
1977) and the Red Sea (Friedman et al. 1973). mulation occurs below wave base within the
Similarly, the occurrence of mats is constrained anoxic hypolimnion of a perennially stratified
by water clarity and depth to satisfy the photosyn- (meromictic) lake. Organic input is derived from
thesis levels necessary for growth. Typically, fiat planktonic algal 'blooms' in the photic epilimnion
algal mats are restricted to very shallow and and allochthonous organic detritus transported
fluctuating water depths (0-4 m) with associated from the land and the shallow margins. Laminites
stromatolites and desiccated surfaces. pass landward into a zone of non-microlaminated
The playa lake model has been applied to many sediment and marginal deposits which may
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 175

contain epipelic algal colonization features, such proaching two orders of magnitude smaller than
as stromatolite domes and mats, and are subject the maximum water depth.
to intermittent desiccation. Another approach is to trigonometrically cal-
In terms of source-rock modelling for an culate water depth by extrapolating an inferred
ancient lacustrine basin, the differences between lake marginal slope angle across a single lacus-
the two models carry important implications. The trine sedimentary unit (Hubert et al. 1976).
principal differences are: original water depth, However due to the small angles involved and
types of biotic communities, lateral morphology morphometrical variations possible over a lake
of the organic laminite (source rock) lithosome, basin, this method may also be discounted.
and the types of vertical sedimentary sequences The differential relief of a lake floor which can
developed in one area. be proven to have been completely submerged
Although the Orcadian Basin fish bed laminites provides a minimum value for maximum water
and associated sediments have been interpreted depth during that particular lake phase. At
within the context of a stratified lake model several localities near the western margins of the
(Rayner 1963; Donovan 1975, 1980; Mykura Orcadian Basin outcrop area, the irregular Cale-
1976), many of the sedimentary features resemble donian basement topography is exhumed below
those of playa lake systems (Eugster & Surdam a complex of coarse immature clastics and
1973). This, augmented by our expanding knowl- marginal carbonates (Donovan 1975). In at least
edge of organic production and preservation two examples, individual limestone units may be
within shallow algal mat lakes (e.g. De Deckker traced over an original depositional surface of
this volume) validates a reappraisal of these some 10 m differential relief.
sediments. Another method uses the delicate microlami-
As modern algal mats are most commonly nation of the sediment itself, and the fact that
limited to relatively shallow water depths of less whole undisturbed fish carcasses are commonly
than 4 m, any estimate of depositional water preserved through several bedding planes imply-
depth for a particular organic laminite horizon ing that the lacustrine laminite units accumulated
could be used to discriminate between the two below wave base. The depth of wave base in
depositional models. Although extensive algal modern low latitude lakes is directly influenced
mats form today only in specialized environments by wind-induced wave action within the lake
which are effectively hostile to grazing animals, body (Beadle 1981; Serruya & Pollingher 1983),
it is not reasonable to apply this limitation to except in hypersaline examples where the propa-
ancient sequences due to uncertainties regarding gation of wave energy down through a water
the adaptation and effectiveness within groups of column is restricted through attenuation in the
grazing animals through geological time. How- commonly established hypersaline density strati-
ever, it is perhaps fair to assume that the principal fication.
limitation on photosynthesis, namely depth of Smith & Sinclair (1972) have produced an
light penetration, has remained the same since empirically derived formula relating wave period
the appearance of algae in the Precambrian. (T), wind speed (w) and fetch (Lf) which may be
applied to non-hypersalinelakes,
Water depth estimates g. T/w=O.46.(g.Lf/w2) ~ (I)
Several methods have been used to estimate the
By assuming wave base (WB)= 2/2 and wave-
water depths in ancient lakes. One assumes that
length (2)= 1.56T 2 (Hgtkanson & Jansson 1983),
a lake basin, once formed, fills up with sediment
and gravity (g) = 9.81 m s- 2, the original equation
to the level of its outlet, such that the depth of
(I) may be restated in terms of wave base, fetch
water is equal to the compaction-corrected rock
and wind speed:
interval between the deepest lake phase sedi-
ments and beds containing the first evidence of WB = 0.00616 LJ~ ~ (II)
emergence (Van Houten 1977; Fannin 1970).
This model is not reliable, however, in view of For ancient lake examples, a minimum value
documented examples such as Lake Bonneville for potential fetch may be reasonably regarded
(Morrison 1966) or the East African Rift lakes as the lateral extent of an undisturbed microlam-
(Beadle 1981), where the maximum water depths inated horizon (Fig. 2). Palaeowind speeds and
inferred from fossil outlet points bear no fixed or directions which govern the effective fetch may
necessary relationship to the corresponding sedi- be derived from direct measurement of aeolian
mentary sequences deposited during the last deep features within the lake basin or inferred from
lake cycle. Indeed the thickness of the regressive global palaeoclimate models (e.g. Parrish 1982;
sedimentary sequence may be anything ap- Summerhayes this volume) based on palaeogeo-
176 A . D. D u n c a n & R. F. M . H a m i l t o n

FIG. 2. Schematic model illustrating empirical relationship between wave fetch (Lf), wave base (WB), and wind
speed (w).

graphic reconstructions for the area (e.g. Smith levels of confidence can be attached, depths of
et al. 1973). 75 m or 122 m can be calculated for wave base
Within the Orcadian Basin, the generally poor during Achanarras time (Fig. 3). The first
level of exposure, structural complexity and an correlation involves only the Caithness-Orkney
unsatisfactory biostratigraphic control (Richard- area, where the horizon can be traced laterally to
son 1965; Donovan et al. 1974; J. Marshall, give a potential fetch of some 95 km which
personal communication 1985) serve to hinder produces a wave base depth of 75 m. Detailed
lateral correlation of individual fish bed horizons. sampling at four localities, Niandt (N), Achan-
One fish bed horizon, however which c-ontadns arras (A), Baligill (B) and Sandwick (S), produces
the distinctive Achanarras fish fauna, has been an essentially identical vertical distribution of at
traced across the entire outcrop area (Donovan least 8 fish genera (all at species level) and a
etal. 1974; Westol11977; Trewin 1986; Hamilton, strongly similar lithological succession (Trewin
unpublished data). This correlation is due more 1976, 1986; Hamilton, unpublished data). A more
to the relatively rich and diverse fauna than any tenuous correlation, which involves an interpret-
lithological peculiarity. Essentially identical lam- ational restoration of the post-Middle Devonian
inite horizons occur within cyclic sequences movements on major transcurrent faults (Mykura
above and below each of the Achanarras correl- 1983) such as the Great Glen Fault, links the fish
atives. beds on the south side of the Moray Firth with
Potential wave fetch may be derived from the the Melby fish bed (M) in Shetland. This
lateral extent of undisturbed microlaminated extrapolation gives a potential fetch of some
lithosome delineated by the Achanarras horizon 225 km with a calculated wave base of 122 m.
correlatives. Estimates of reasonable maximum This method takes no account of other signifi-
(storm) wind speeds and directions are derived cant current sources such as seiches, turbulent
from the contemporaneous draas and some coarse inflow, or long period internal waves which all
grained barchanoid dune sets fringing the basin propagate energy down through the water column
margin. These data (kindly supplied by David (Sly 1978; Beadle 1981). However, the wave base
Rogers of Cambridge), when augmented with the approximations generated clearly favour the deep
palaeogeographic reconstructions and associated stratified lake model over shallow algal mat
palaeoclimate modelling, are consistent with the playas. Accepting the water depth estimates, the
strongest winds blowing along the axis of the discrete siltstone units which occur interbedded
basin from the south. Analogy is drawn with with laminite through some 300 m of strata above
African lake basins today where strong winds are and below the Achanarras horizon in Caithness
funnelled down the rift valleys and directly and often contain basal rip-up clasts and sole
influence the depth of wave mixing (Beadle 1981). structures, may be interpreted as turbidites
For the purpose of this calculation, a conservative accumulating in a deep lake environment. Cur-
storm wind speed of 30 m s- 1 is proposed for the rent directions from flute and groove casts on the
Middle Devonian in the Orcadian Basin. turbidite bases are from the N W suggesting that
Using two correlations, to which different water depth increased down a palaeoslope to the
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin I77

ate types within fish beds. Studies of microtex-

9 Achanarras equivalent fish-bed localities: l i t tures using stained thin section, cathodolumin-
M- Melby, S- Sandwick, B- B a l i g i l l , escence (CL) and scanning electron microscopy
A- Achanarras, N- Niandt, Cr- Cromarty,
Ea- Eathie, Cl - Clava, L- Lethen Bar,
(SEM) (Hamilton, unpublished data), provide
Ed- Edderton, T- Tynet Burn, G- Gamrie. evidence for a primary and/or early diagenetic
7 Palaeocurrent
origin for the dolomite. Examples from laminites,
where the fine interlayer distribution of dolomite
Basin Margin
concentrations and the dolomite/calcite ratio are
preserved within 10% variance over distances of
50-100 m, and in one case 7 km (Donovan 1971 ;
Hamilton, unpublished data), also support an
early origin.
Stable isotope analyses of over a hundred
samples from the fish beds which contain coexist-
ing calcite-dolomite pairs reveal a consistent
~ ~ I kf=225km 6180 enrichment within the dolomite fractions.
Overall, the calcites range from around - 9 . 0 to
- 2.0%0 and the dolomites from - 6.0 to + 1.0%o.
Additionally, the 6180 dolomite-calcite lies pre-
dominantly within the range of + 3-4%0. Land
(1980) found that the value of 6180 dolomite-
calcite formed in isotopic equilibrium under
sedimentary temperatures should be + 3___1%o
and McKenzie (1981), showed that for naturally
occurring dolomite-calcite mixtures the value is
+ 3.2%0. This overall isotopic evidence is sup-
ported by vertical isotopic profiling through a
carbonate laminite fish bed using a fine 5 mm or
10 mm sampling interval (Fig. 4). In this example
61so and 613Cenrichment cycles are sympathet-
ically related to discrete mass fish mortality
horizons and primary/early diagenetic chert
FIG. 3. Middle ORS palaeogeography of northern
Scotland (after Mykura 1983) showing the position of nodule development.
the Achanarras equivalent fish-bed laminite horizons The early dolomite implies that Mg concentra-
used to delineate the area of undisturbed tions within the depositional waters were at, or
microlaminated lithosome. approaching, saturation with Mg/Ca > 2 (Muller
et al. 1972) and they thus forced a primary
dolomite precipitation. Given the limited docu-
mentation of this phenomenon in 'normal' mod-
SE and greater development of deep lake facies ern lacustrine environments, any primary
may be reasonably predicted in this direction. precipitate was more probably a high-Mg calcite
or aragonitic precursor which was rapidly con-
verted to dolomite during early diagenesis. Any
additional Mg would be provided through clay
Palaeosalinity determinations breakdown reactions (McHargue & Price 1982)
or decomposition of chlorophyll-bearing organic
Due to the importance of water salinity levels in compounds (Desborough 1979). Such situations
influencing lacustrine bioproduction and subse- exist today only in lakes with high salinities
quent organic preservation levels (Kelts this (Callander 1968; Muller 1971 ; Degens etal. 1973;
volume), estimates of palaeosalinity were made Botz &von der Borch 1984).
for the Orcadian Basin fish bed laminites using In the context of typical 6180 values for
general lithological features and geochemical carbonates and cherts from sedimentary rocks
parameters. (Fig. 5), the Orcadian Basin carbonates, which
lie predominantly within the range - 7 . 5
to 0%0, overlap both continental and marine
Carbonate chemistry
carbonates. This is consistent with carbonate
Dolomite and calcite, in ferroan and less common evolution from evaporitically-modified (saline ?)
non-ferroan species, are the predominant carbon- continental groundwaters.
I78 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

FIG. 4.6180 and 6130 carbonate isotope profile through an Upper Caithness Flagstone Group fish bed
demonstrating the sympathetic relationship between carbonate composition and primary depositional features;
mass fish mortality horizons and chert nodule development.

Synaeresis cracks under sedimentary conditions (e.g. Peterson &

von der Borch 1965) are recorded mostly from
Subaqueous shrinkage cracks, which upon com-
brackish-saline environments with alkaline affin-
paction produce fang structures (Donovan &
Foster 1972), are ubiquitous within the flagstone
successions of the Orcadian Basin. 'Fangs' com-
monly occur within the shale and laminated C/S ratios
siltstone beds of the B and C divisions of Donovan
The ratio of organic carbon to reduced sulphur
(1980) and rarely within fish bed laminates with
can be used to distinguish freshwater from marine
which they exhibit gradational contact. The
sediments and also saline (high sulphate) from
production of synaeresis cracks is dependent
non-saline lacustrine phases (Berner & Raiswell
upon the presence of a swelling clay component
1984). This method relies upon the fact that much
within the sediment layer being cracked, and
lower concentrations of dissolved sulphate char-
most importantly upon saline water influx (Jungst
acterize fresh waters compared to marine or
1934; Burst 1965; Donovan & Foster 1972).
saline lake environments. It assumes that all
available sulphate within a particular salinity
environment is reduced bacterially to produce an
Chert nodules
amount of sedimentary pyrite which is environ-
Nodular chert, in the form of bedding parallel ment-specific for the corresponding organic en-
lenticles and discrete oblate nodules, is sporadic- richment. In this context, Davison (this volume)
ally developed within laminite horizons in the has demonstrated experimentally that the for-
Orcadian Basin. Textural relationships show that mation and accumulation of sedimentary pyrite,
the host sediment has commonly been squeezed although far more complex than originally pos-
and deformed plastically around the nodule tulated by Berner and Raiswell (1984), is essen-
margins suggesting a primary/early diagenetic tially controlled by the sulphate concentration of
chert origin. A Magadi-type model has been the primary depositional waters.
proposed for the chert (Parnell this volume); C/S ratios were obtained from fish bed laminite
essential to this model are elevated Na concentra- samples which contained a ferroan carbonate
tions within the depositional waters to allow the species and pyrite as the sole sulphide mineral,
formation of a Na-silicate precursor mineral. most commonly occurring as microscopic fram-
Other examples of inorganic chert formation boidal aggregates within organic layers. For
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 179

FIG. 5. Typical range of t5180values from sedimentary rocks including Orcadian Basin carbonates (Keith &
Weber 1964; Hudson 1977; Margaritz & Gat 1981).

comparison C/S data sets are presented for pared to normal freshwater. Leventhal (1983) has
modern freshwater lakes (Berner & Raiswell interpreted 'excess' sulphide trends as a product
1984) and two other ancient lacustrine sequences of water column iron-sulphide formation supple-
from similar settings to the Orcadian Basin (Fig. menting sediment pyrite formation. We suggest
6); the Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation of that the limitation of organic enrichment to
the Newark Supergroup (supplementary Newark values of less than ca. 5.0% organic carbon could
data kindly supplied by Paul Olsen) and the be due to a restricted allochthonous organic input
Laney Shale Member of the Eocene Green River related to a sparse, poorly diversified Devonian
Formation. land flora, and/or high rates of bacterial degra-
Compared to the trend of C/S ratios obtained dation of organic material within near-surface
for modern freshwater sediments, the Orcadian sediments thus reducing the preservable organic
Basin laminites exhibit marked S enrichment (up enrichment. This may be further supported by
to 1%) particularly in the 1-2~ TOC range. The the low C/S values within the 1-2% TOC range
Orcadian data is distinct from those for the Green which perhaps reflect a tendency towards an end
River Laney which, despite the relatively small point of bacterial turnover reactions due to some
data set, are all consistent with a low sulphate physical limitation such as top sediment perme-
freshwater origin. They are more similar to those ability.
for the Newark Basin data. Indeed the Lockatong
sequence of the Newark Basin also contains
synaeresis cracks, dolomite, gypsum, glauberite,
halite pseudomorphs and abundant syngenetic The complementary results from the palaeosal-
analcime, the sodium-rich zeolite (Van Houten inity indicators used here support the model of a
1964). saline-brackish water closed lake system. The
The Orcadian Basin laminite trend is therefore fact that the data set was gathered from all
interpreted as resulting from deposition within stratigraphic levels within the Middle Devonian
an environment where sulphate levels within the lacustrine sequence suggests that this general
water column were consistently elevated com- depositional regime prevailed over a long time
180 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M . H a m i l t o n

FIG. 6. C/S ratios from the Orcadian Basin, Newark Supergroup of the Newark Basin, Laney Member of the
Green River Formation, and modem freshwater lakes (sources as in text).

period. To sustain these levels of ionic concentra- are predominantly low-Mg, non-ferroan calcite.
tion a steady solute inflow must have occurred. Subsequent precipitation of high Mg calcite and
Given the inferred relative ionic abundances it dolomite formation, as already described, would
seems most probable that the inflow was strongly have left brines enriched in more soluble salts
influenced by the weatlaermg ot the thick tgam- such as Na § and K § which require, by modern
bro-Ordovician shelf carbonate succession pres- analogue further concentration factors in the
ently cropping out in the N W Highlands. Direct order of 25 to 250 (Hardie 1968; Jones et al. 1977)
chemical weathering of dolomitic limestones and before direct precipitation of evaporite minerals
evaporite facies beds (Allison & Russell 1985) such as halite or trona will occur. This is consistent
from the Durness Group and the Fucoid Beds with the extremely rare occurrence of 'evaporite'
could provide inflow solutions with C a _~ Mg>> minerals in the Orcadian Basin deep lake lamin-
Na, K and both bicarbonate and sulphate anions. ites.
Solutes may have also been periodically ac- The absence of gypsum is noteworthy, espe-
quired through volcanic activity from direct cially considering the relatively high (ca. 1~) S
fallout of airborne ejecta i.e. ash and gases. concentrations as pyrite in the anoxic 'fish bed'
Groundwaters from the weathering of lava piles sediments. By analogy to the explanation given
around the Orkney and Shetland volcanic centres by Neev and Emery (1967) for the Dead Sea
may also have contributed to the inflow. As a sediments, the absence of gypsum is attributed to
consequence of the limited Devonian terrestrial bacterial reduction.
vegetation cover capable of binding and fixing The general absence of evaporite minerals in
sediment, the quantity of dust held in the the playa lake facies desiccated beds which occur
atmosphere must have been greatly increased. As in deep stratified lake-playa lake sedimentary
such, the process of solute acquisition from cycles throughout the Flagstone Group, requires
rainfall after atmospheric dust dissolution should a more involved model. It is possible that any
also be considered. evaporite mineral accumulation during a desic-
The evolution of Orcadian Basin inflow waters cation phase took the form of thin crusts
would have been first influenced by the early disseminated through the top sediment; subse-
precipitation of insoluble carbonates, as is sup- quent lake transgression and re-wetting then
ported by the basin margin limestones and open- caused evaporite dissolution thus removing any
work cements of marginal alluvial screes which trace. The rarity of pseudomorphs and sediment
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 181
collapse structures in these playa lake beds thus reducing organic enrichment in all but the
negates the importance of this process. most impermeable source rock units.
It is also possible that lake system salinity
levels remained critically buffered by ionic dis-
charge via runoffto a possible marine connection The organic geochemicalapproach
to the SE (Pennington 1975), which would have
In recent years, organic geochemistry has become
made the Orcadian Basin a restricted open lake
an important exploration tool, with source-rock
system. This model however requires a careful
characterization of samples cropping out on the
balancing of lake levels and corresponding outlet
point datum levels. flanks of a sedimentary basin representing a
particularly useful approach. This section of the
We therefore postulate that an evaporite facies,
study therefore addresses the questions of the
forming from brine concentration during desic-
type, amount and maturity of the organic matter
cation phases, was developed in parts of the
(OM) present in the Middle Devonian laminites
Orcadian Basin central area (Fig. 7), presently
of the Orcadian Basin. A variety of complemen-
located in the offshore northern North Sea area.
tary analytical techniques have been used with
Such concentric facies zonations have been
considerable emphasis being placed on biological
recorded from numerous other modern and
marker data. Mackenzie (1984) indicated that
ancient saline lake examples (Eugster & Hardie
specific molecular compound classes can be used
1978). This model is consistent with the sedimen-
tological data which suggest that the deepest area to assess:
of the Orcadian Basin existed to the east of the (a) the maturity of a crude oil or potential source
present outcrop. The composition and effect of rock,
such basin centre brines on organic preservation (b) the extent of biodegradation and migration
may be important; a sulphate-rich brine forced of subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations,
down through the sediment pile by capillary and
action pumping would allow bacterial degrada- (c) genetic relationships between families of
tion to occur at greater depth within the sediment, crude oils and potential source beds.

FIG. 7. Schematic model which shows the depositional and preservational features of fish bed laminite (source
rock) horizons within the Orcadian Basin.
182 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton
Analytical procedures horizons around the Orcadian Basin (Fig. 8). The
A comprehensive account of experimental meth- bulk geochemical and lithological data presented
ods is given in Duncan (1986). However, prepa- in Table 1 show that the lithological variation
ration, fractionation and analytical techniques within the sample set is slight (with the exception
employed throughout are directly analogous to of RH) and suggests only limited variation in
those referenced in e.g. Mackenzie et al. (1984). kerogen type. The present day relative strati-
graphic positions of each sample are indicated by
a depth index (l = highest, 5=lowest). Both
Bulk geochemistry marginal and more distal basin sediments were
Ten samples of Eifelian to Givetian age, repre- analysed. Despite the variations noted in Table
sentative of the Middle Devonian lacustrine 1, relationships between lithology, organic con-
laminites, were taken from five stratigraphic tent and hydrocarbon yield are not apparent, and

FIO. 8. Distribution of Lower, Middle and Upper Devonian sediments in northern Scotland, and the location of
the Beatrice oilfield.
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 183
+ +
~ +


v v ~ ~ ~ s

~ot"q~o~ ~,-.~o t~. o~



0 0 f:
f: f: "-


~8,, ~ ~'~ ~


"~ ~ 0
"~ "-d
184 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton
the bitumen ratio does not conform to an Molecular geochemistry I
increasing, depth-related trend.
Transmitted light microscopy reveals limited The results of gas chromatographic analyses of
amounts of terrestrially-derived cuticular ma- the ten samples are summarized in Table 2, whilst
terial and palynomorphs, consistent with the representative gas chromatograms are shown in
restricted vegetation cover during Middle Devon- Figs 9 and 10. An arbitrary subdivision into types
ian times. The bulk of each of the preparations A1 and B1 was made according to the principal
comprises amorphous organic matter (AOM) of features of the resulting C15 + distributions. Both
probable algal origin, thus constraining the categories describe unimodal, low-molecular-
kerogen to Types I or II. Rock-Eval data were weight skewed aliphatic hydrocarbon profiles,
not available for this sample set. However, whilst the essential differences are listed in Table
hydrogen indices from the data of Parnell (1985), 3. Minor internal variations in these distributions
display non-maturity related variations suggest- were designated A~ 1 and B11. For example, the
ing changes in kerogen type for contemporaneous high molecular weight carotenoid components
sediments. A similar scatter of data points was characteristic of type B distributions represent
also noted by Marshall et al. (1985) for Middle the fully saturated, geologically-stable equiva-
Devonian Orcadian Basin laminites and confirms lents of the ubiquitous naturally occurring pig-
the limitations of Rock-Eval pyrolysis for typing ments, fl-carotane is most commonly attributed
organic matter, as noted by Katz (1983). The to an algal source (Tissot & Welte 1984) and has
conclusion of Parnell (1985), that a number of been reported from a variety of lacustrine
samples show good source potential, is confirmed sediments including the Middle Devonian of the
by the bitumen extract and TOC data presented Orcadian Basin (see Hall & Douglas 1983; Jiang
in Table 1. Samples RFB and HH-30 represent Zusheng & Fowler 1985 and references therein).
particularly good source rocks (high yield, high The smaller peak eluting before fl-carotane has
TOC), with the Achanarras and SFB samples an identical mass spectrum with that for ?-
also showing good source potential. Generally carotane as indicated by Jiang Zusheng & Fowler
low asphaltene yields are consistent with maturity (1985). However, maturity ratios calculated using
estimates derived from molecular geochemistry. the V/fl-carotane index proposed by these authors
Spore colouration data for selected samples places do not parallel the data from more widely used
the Achanarras material and RFB (Table 1) close maturation parameters (e.g. Mackenzie et al.
to the principal zone ofoil generation (e.g. Batten 1980). All distributions are consistent with a
1981; Tissot & Welte 1984) although, again, no substantial algal/bacterial input as indicated by
consistent depth-related trend is apparent. Hillier common maxima in the n-C17 to n-C19 region,
& Marshall (this volume) show that conflicting although further differentiation is not possible
indices, hence of doubtful validity, may be owing to the lack of substantial n-alkane predom-
obtained using this technique. We ascribe these inance in this region.
variations to matrix effects. The low concentration of alkanes above n-Cz5

TABLE 2. Molecular geochemical parameters I

Sample Distribution n-alkane Pristane a Pristane b cPI(c25_33), fl-carotane _~carotanea
depth type maximum Phytane n-C17 (C17-33) a fl
1" RFB B1 C19 1.39 0.80 1.55 1.03 + + 0.25
2 HH-30 Bll C2o 1.49 0.57 1.08 1.12 +++ 0.34
BP-CL All C21 2.08 0.30 1.08 1.12
BP-4 A11 C21 2.00 0.26 1.12 1.25
BAL FB AI C19 0.94 0.17 1.01 1.02
3 SFB Bli C17=C19 1.44 0.46 0.97 1.02 + 0.42
ACH 75/7 B1 Ca7 1.08 0.70 1.13 1.08 ++++ 0.23
ACH 112-4 B1 C17=C19 1.04 0.91 1.10 1.09 + + 0.27
4 RH A1 C17 1.32 0.24 1.03 1.01
5 SHFB A1 C19 0.70 0.32 1.03 1.05
* Indicates relative stratigraphic position (depth index).
aCalculated from peak heights on gas chromatograms.
bCalculated from m/z 85 traces.
+ Indicates relative abundance.
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 18 5

FIG. 9. Gas chromatograms of saturates distributions A, and B,. Peaks labelled according to carbon number:
Pr = pristane, Ph = phytane, ~,fl= ~- and fl-carotane, respectively.

and lack of odd-over-even predominance (OEP) et al. 1978). Values for these samples (Table 2)
in most samples is considered a function of indicate deposition in an anaerobic environment,
maturity and the lack of terrigenous input below a fluctuating oxic/anoxic interface in the
available for autochthonous microbial reworking. water column (e.g. Didyk et al. 1978). Differences
The n-C21 maximum and 'stepped' n-alkane in the isoprenoid/n-alkane ratios, expressed by
profile common to the Blackpark samples may Pr/n-C,v and Ph/n-Cls ratios (Tables 2 and 3),
reflect a specific organic matter input from an can also assist in the classification of aliphatic
unknown source, or possibly bacterial reworking. hydrocarbon distributions. Possible interpreta-
Despite their fresh petrographic appearance and tions of these are described by Philp (1985; see
collection from quarried rock section at up to 5 m also Leythaeuser et al. 1984).
from the original outcrop surface, organic weath- Variations in the Pr/n-C17 ratio observed in
ering of these samples cannot be discounted. this sample set are attributed to non-specific
However, chromatographic evidence suggests source effects, although all values are consistent
that it has not been pervasive. with deposition in open water conditions (Didyk
Pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios are subject to et al. 1978). It is of interest to note that the
a variety of interpretations (e.g. Philp 1985), on presence of fl- and ~-carotane is concurrent with
account of their susceptibility to a variety of the higher Pr/n-C 17 and Ph/n-C 18ratios, although
geological processes. Although both of these a direct reason for this empirical relationship is
lipids are now known not to be exclusively not known. However, these B1- and Bl~-type
derived from chlorophyll (e.g. Goossens et al. distributions also contain prominent unresolved
1984), Pr/Ph ratios remain most commonly complex mixtures (UCMs) of naphthenic com-
applied as environmental parameters (e.g. Didyk pounds which may imply impregnation with
186 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

FIG. 10. Gas chromatograms of saturates distributions A 11 and B 11 ' annotation as for Fig. 9.

migrated petroleum (e.g. Simoneit 1978); these Retention time and mass spectral data suggested
samples also generally display the highest bitu- that the branched acyclic compounds most
men ratios. prominent in type B1 samples, belonged to the
The isoprenoid distributions for classes A and regular head-to-tail linked series (e.g. Holzer et
B are also in marked contrast to each other. al. 1979), although lack of molecular ions pre-

TABLE 3. Parameters used for differentiation of chromatogram types

Type Type

A1 All B1 Bll

fl-,7-carotane m + +
Pristane/n-C i: < 0.40 < 0.40 <0.65 0.40-0.65
Phytane/n-Cls 0.10-0.14 0.65-1.00 0.30-0.40
Regular acyclic absent or in very low abundant
isoprenoids abundance
UCM* absent prominent low and high high mol. wt. hump
mol. wt. naphthenic only
Distribution Clv, C19 max' C2~ max; stepped ramped, low mol. wt. more abundant low
smooth profile profile profile mol. wt. alkanes
C17-C20 max
* Unresolved complex mixture.
Palaeolimnology a n d organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 187

cluded their unequivocal assignment. These from these Devonian sediments. It is thought
compounds, which signify an origin from meth- that peaks eluting in the C27 and C2s region may
anogenic archaebacteria, have been previously represent higher molecular weight members of
noted from the Officer Basin carbonates, South the tricyclic and tetracyclic terpane series (e.g.
Australia, by McKirdy et al. (1985), and from Hall & Douglas 1983).
certain lacustrine sediments in China (Fu Jiamo A substantial variation in both the internal
et al. this volume). distribution and relative concentration of tri-
cyclic triterpanes with respect to the pentacyclic
Molecular geochemistry II triterpanes was observed, and is shown in Fig.
12. These compounds are also thought to have a
Biological marker compounds, i.e. those reflect- microbial or possibly algal origin. Seifert &
ing an unambiguous link with a natural product Moldowan (1978, 1981) and Palacas (1984)
or precursor, were present in most cases in rather considered the tricyclic components as powerful
low abundance; this supports other maturity source-specific parameters, and based on both
determinations made on these samples. A number visual inspection of m/z 191 fragmentograms and
of conventional biomarker ratios which reflect quantitation of their abundance relative to the
maturation and source differences (e.g. Macken- hopanes, were able to distinguish oil families and
zie 1984 and references therein) were calculated establish oil-source correlation. However,
from the sterane and triterpane distributions. Aquino Neto et al. (1983) showed that the relative
The results of these molecular geochemical abundance of tri- and tetracyclic triterpanes
parameters are tabulated in Table 4. increased with increasing thermal maturation.
Configurational changes at C-22 and stereo- In this case, source differences are believed to
chemical changes at C-17 and C-21 for the C32 exert the principal control over the qualitative
and C30 pentacyclic hopanes respectively, indi- and quantitative variations noted, with the
cate that in both cases, isomerization reactions possible exception of RH (localized heating due
involving these molecules, are complete (e.g. to slickensiding?--see Table 1), as there appears
Seifert & Moldowan 1980). On this basis, the to be no correlation between both the ratio of
maturity of the samples can be classed as, at least, tricyclic triterpanes to pentacyclic hopanes, the
early catagenetic. (It is not known if some of the internal C23/C21 ratio proposed by Ekweozor &
higher values in Table 4 for the first ratio are Strauss (1983), and other molecular geochemical
distorted by coelution, or if they are artefacts of maturation parameters. The rather limited lith-
the quantitation programme.) ological variations and algal-dominated chroma-
Although McKirdy et al. (1983, 1985) and tograms documented in Tables 1 and 2 indicate
Rullkotter et al. (1985) noted that low concentra- that the source differences may be secondary, i.e.
tions of the 18~(H)-trisnorneohopane (Ts) ap- related to depositional environment, such as
peared characteristic of carbonate source rocks, salinity, water temperature and pH, rather than
a rise in the TJTs+ Tm ratio with increasing a reflection of variation in the primary organic
maturity may still be expected (e.g. Seifert & input. Figure 14 shows the distributional varia-
Moldowan 1978). The carbonate content of these tion recorded from the ten samples. Investigation
samples is extremely variable (12-73%; mean of better characterized, predominantly marine
42%), and the uniformly low values for this ratio Jurassic source rocks from the Inner Moray Firth
(<27~) obtained by the above authors were Basin shows (Duncan 1986) that tricyclic triter-
exceeded in each case for the Orcadian Basin pane distributions are dominated, for the greatest
samples. This feature and the lack of a maturity part, by the C23 component, and resemble the
trend, may imply that source/environmental SHFB example (Fig. 13).
control in this case is more important than the Further source and maturity information is
nature of the inorganic matrix. provided by an examination of the sterane
A representative distribution of the bacterially- distributions using m/z 217 and m/z 218 fragmen-
derived hopanes is shown in Fig. 11. In all but tograms (Figs 14 and 15).
one example C29 (ctfl)-norhopane was subordinate Primary sterol input is of predominantly algal
to C3o (efl)-hopane, and the C32 + homologues origin (e.g. Brassell et al. 1983); isomerization
are present in extremely low abundance. Frag- reactions within the most thermodynamically
mentograms for m/z 191 and m/z 177 (not shown) stable of these compounds, the steroidal alkanes,
indicate that the C28 (afl)-bisnorhopane, a char- reflect their response to thermal stress. These
acteristic component of many North Sea crude include the reactions involving configurational
oils (Mackenzie et al. 1984) and also prominent changes at the C-20 chiral centre and stereochem-
in many Upper Jurassic source rocks from the ical changes at positions C-14 and C-17. These
Moray Firth Basin (Duncan, 1986), is absent record the thermal transformations of the mole-
I88 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

9, (~1







Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 189

FIO. 11. Representative hopane distribution (peaks labelled as in text; C32 isomers labelled S and R) from m/z
191 mass fragmentogram.

cules, from bio- to geolipids. The first of these, molecular and bulk geochemical parameters
recorded by the C29 ~ 20S/20S + 20R sterane listed in Tables 1, 2 and 4, but also the age and
ratio (e.g. Mackenzie et al. 1984), is the most inferred burial history of these sediments (Ham-
maturation-specific and kinetically ideal of the ilton & Trewin 1985); together they confirm that
aliphatic biomarker ratios, the reaction end point several of the onshore samples lie within the oil
( ~ 55~), being coincident with peak generation window.
(e.g. Mackenzie 1984). The spread in maturities The hopane/sterane ratio is largely maturity
recorded here is inconsistent with their present independent, ostensibly reflecting the relative
day stratigraphic level, but the Achanarras, HH- contribution of bacterial and algal lipid material
30 and RFB samples may be ranked as extremely incorporated into the sediment. However, the
mature. sterane concentration is a measure of the autoch-
The ~/~/~/~+~/~/~ ratio, measured for C29 thonous eukaryotic algal production in the water
steranes also shows considerable variation (Table column (Mackenzie et al. 1984), whilst the hopane
4). Although the measurements signify that all concentration reflects not only the bacterial input
samples have obtained a substantial degree of to the sediment, but also the extent of microbial
maturity (reaction end point ~80-85~), the reworking of e.g. higher plant material. The
general lack of parallelism with the 20S/20S + effects of both primary and secondary microbiol-
20R ratio indicates that this interpretation is ogical processes are therefore inherent in this
oversimplistic. The problematic nature of this ratio. High values are believed to indicate a
measurement is discussed by Mackenzie (1984). substantial terrestrially-derived component (e.g.
Rullkotter et al. (1985) considered investigation Mackenzie 1984). In this sample set, the ratios
of steroid aromatization essential in corroborat- recorded fall into three categories, with most
ing maturity assessments of carbonates based on samples having values of 4 or less. Values of 7.2,
saturated biomarker ratios. However, the extents 12.9 and 17.5 were recorded for the Blackpark
of hopane and sterane isomerization recorded and Baligill samples (Table 4), while the ex-
here (Table 4) are consistent not only with other tremely low concentration of hopanes and ster-
190 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

FIG. 12. m/z 191 mass fragmentograms documenting the extent of variation in the relative abundance of tricyclic
to pentacyclic triterpanes for Middle Devonian samples; peaks labelled as in text.
P a l a e o l i m n o l o g y a n d o r g a n i c g e o c h e m i s t r y in the O r c a d i a n B a s i n 191

samples, consistent with a higher degree of

terrigenous influx. Lower values for this ratio are
restricted to those samples considered to reflect
the deeper, more distal lacustrine facies. Several
of the lower values appear to have marine
affinities, based on the distributions presented by
Mackenzie et al. (1984). However, McKirdy et
al. (and reference therein, this volume) show a
considerable spread in values for Australian
lacustrine sequences of variable age and salinity,
and populated by very different biotas.
Plotting the relative abundances of the regular
C27, C2s and C29 sterane components on a
triangular diagram highlights source variation
within a sample suite (e.g. Rullkotter et al. 1985;
Sajgo 1984). By restricting the assessment to only
one, or a pair of diastereomers, maturity effects
resulting from isomerization of the complex
mixture of components can be minimized (al-
though see Shi Ji-Yang et al. 1982). The o~flfl R
and S isomers plotted in Fig. 17 indicate that six
of the nine samples for which the measurement
was made, plot in a tight cluster, close to the C28-
C29 baseline, while three plot more centrally, thus
indicating genetic differences between the Bali-
gill/Blackpark group and the other samples. The
unusual depletion in C27 sterane components
(Fig. 15) was also recorded by Hall & Douglas
(1983) for Orcadian Basin Devonian samples, &
by McKirdy et al. (1985) for Australian carbon-
ate-sourced oils.
Further internal variations in the sterane
distribution are apparent from a consideration of
the diasterane content of the samples (Table 4;
e.g. Fig. 14). Diagenetic formation of these
backbone rearranged steranes from regular ster-
adiene precursors is well documented (e.g. Seis-
kind et al. 1979). The clay-catalysed protonation
mechanism responsible, results in their ubiqui-
tous distribution in clastic and argilaceous sedi-
ments (Rullkotter et al. 1985), while their absence
is usually indicative of a carbonate-rich lithology
(e.g. McKirdy et al. 1985; Palacas et al. 1985).


FIG. 13. Internal variation recorded in tricyclic
triterpane distribution; peaks normalized to the The suggested source/environmental specificity
most abundant component. (# :C24 tetracyclic of the tricyclic triterpane distribution does not
triterpane.) appear to correlate with any other major source-
related feature--overlapping trends are recorded.
These sediments may perhaps be regarded as
anes, in the Robbery Head and South Head atypical in that only five of the samples contain a
samples precluded measurement of the ratio. As predominance of the C23 tricyclic component,
can be noted from Fig. 16 the higher hopane/ the most common major peak (e.g. Aquino Neto
sterane ratios are recorded for the more marginal et al. 1983; Palacas et al. 1985).
19 2 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

FIG. 14. m/z 217 mass fragmentogram of basin margin sample, recording presence of diasteranes (peaks labelled
by carbon number, C29 isomers labelled S and R).

McKirdy et al. (1985) attributed the distinctive the hopane/sterane ratio was controlled by the
C2s- and Cz9-dominated sterane distributions relative abundance of the steranes. Uniformly
recorded from Australian sediments to a cyano- low hopane/sterane ratios recorded for the less
bacterial and archaebacterial lipid input, which marginal samples and the consistent lack of a
included a halophilic component. This environ- marked n-C15-n-Clv predominance indicate di-
mental assessment was consistent with: lution of the prokaryotic input by a eucaryotic
algal source. This is supported by the considerably
(i) predictions from the sedimentology of the
lower relative abundances of acyclic isoprenoid
Officer Basin carbonates; and
alkanes present in the Devonian laminites com-
(ii) the occurrence ofsqualane and other isopren-
pared with the Officer Basin carbonates (Mc-
oid alkanes, common in procaryotes tolerant
Kirdyetal. 1985), implying onlylimited microbial
of such environmental extremes, in the
reworking by, for example, methanogens. The
Officer Basin oils and source rocks.
C27-depleted steranes distribution within this
Although the same sterane signature was ob- sample suite is a generally consistent feature; it
tained for the Orcadian Basin samples, and exhibits no sympathetic variation with other
similarities in the isoprenoid distribution are also more subtle genetic (e.g. tricyclic triterpane
apparent, the consistent lack of evidence for an profile, chromatogram type) and maturity
extensive evaporitic facies (e.g. gypsum, anhy- changes. Such a pattern is itself considered
drite, trona) in the Caithness succession indicates representative of lacustrine sequences by Jiang
that a hypersaline depositional environment need Zusheng & Fowler (1985).
not necessarily be invoked. However conditions The low to marginal predominance of hopanes
of elevated salinity almost certainly prevailed as over steranes (with the exception of the marginal
recorded by the inorganic geochemical palaeosal- samples) suggests that the abundance of bacterial
inity indicators (see above). heterotrophs kept pace with that of the primary
It was noted in this study that fluctuation in algal producers, possibly augmented by limited
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 193

FIG. 15. m/z 218 mass fragmentograms showing compositional variation between offshore lacustrine laminites
(upper diagram) and proximal samples (lower diagram); aflflisomers shaded.

fluctuations in a nutrient supply of fluviatile believed to be a common feature of carbonate

origin. The principal control on the extent of the source rocks (Palacas 1984) were not recorded
photoautotrophic cyanobacterial and algal pop- here. Sulphur concentration in the analysed
ulation supported by the lake would have been samples (< 1% by weight) are high by non-marine
the depth of the euphotic zone. standards (Berner & Raiswell 1984) and imply
Pr/Ph ratios substantially less than unity, reducing bottom water conditions.
I94 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton
Detrital iron minerals + H2S reduction > FeS2+ CO2 + oxidized OM

reduction by e.g. oxidation by e.g.

Desulphovibrio Thiobacillus
during seasonal

OM (2CH20)

The restricted occurrence, often in high con- The organic geochemistry is therefore suppor-
centration, of carotenoid-derived alkanes is con- tive of a deep stratified lake origin for these
sistent with deposition in both anaerobic and sediments. Free-floating cyanobacteria and algal
elevated salinity conditions (e.g. Jiang Zusheng phytoplankton represent the main OM input,
& Fowler 1985). The sporadic occurrence of fl- with preservation occurring below the chemo-
and ~-carotane in these Devonian laminites, cline in anoxic waters after percolation down
although associated with higher sterane maturity through the water column. The relatively modest
ratios, most probably reflects such environmental extent of reworking by methanogenic, sulphate-
fluctuations, and may furthermore represent a reducing and halophilic bacteria in most cases
sensitive monitor of the primary algal input. does not favour an alternative scenario whereby

FIG. 16. Schematic illustration of stratigraphic, geographic and maturity relationships for Middle Devonian
sample suite.
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 195

FIG. 17. Triangular diagram representation of the carbon number distributions ofC27 to C29regular steranes
(from m/z 218 fragmentograms).

epipelic cyanobacterial communities undergo only the second was observed in these samples
suspension and transportation from the shallow (Table 4). The two marginal Blackpark samples
lake margins to a deeper water site. may be distinguished from the others by the
Algal stromatolites are very rare in the Caith- presence of these compounds. Although both
ness succession but, where found in the Middle represent marginal lithologies, only BP-4 con-
Devonian, are confined to basement margin tained appreciable clay. (20S/20S+20R ratios
outcrops (Donovan 1975). Given that the hopanes for the 13fl (H), 17~ (H)-C27 components indicate
are also constituents of blue-green algae (Ourisson complete isomerization.)
et al. 1979), a greater variation in hopanoid
concentration than that recorded, might be
expected for the deeper water samples as a result
of mobilization of algal mat communities.
Beatrice--a test of the model
Of the other proposed carbonate-specific bio-
In a geochemical investigation of North Sea
marker features proposed by McKirdy et al.
crude oils and potential source rocks, Mackenzie
(1983, 1985), i.e.
et al. (1984) demonstrated compositional dissim-
(i) a predominance of the C35 hopane over its ilarities between the Beatrice oil (Inner Moray
C34 homologue, and Firth; Fig. 8) and the remainder of the sampled
(ii) the absence of diasteranes, Central, Viking and Witchground Graben oils.
196 A. D. Duncan & R. F. M. Hamilton

The latter are all considered to be sourced by the The extent of Old Red Sandstone subcrop
"hot" Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Mackenzie preserved within the limits of the Mesozoic Inner
et al. 1984; Cornford 1984) and can be correlated Moray Firth Basin is largely unknown. From the
with a generally uniform kerogen type. IGS deep seismic survey of the Moray Firth
Basin, Chesher & Lawson (1983) considered Old
Red Sandstone to be preserved throughout the
Jurassic source problems
bounds of the basin; acoustic attenuation pre-
The Beatrice oil differs from other North Sea oils cluded any comprehensive account of depths and
on the basis of bulk geochemistry, isotopic thicknesses over the area. On the adjacent
signature and biomarker distributions. It has coastline 22 km to the NW of Beatrice, some
long been thought to originate, in whole or in 2.5 km of the Caithness Flagstone Group se-
part, from a source other than the oil-prone quence is presently exposed. Also, large blocks of
Kimmeridgian facies. Barnard & Cooper (1981) Old Red Sandstone, including fish bed laminite
cited the Bathonian algal oil shales as a possible lithologies, occur in abundance within the Upper
source of the high-wax Beatrice crude. However, Jurassic Helmsdale Boulder Beds confirming the
Mackenzieetal. (1984) recognized the volumetric presence of Orcadian Basin source-rock facies on
constraints on locally-drained Middle Jurassic the upthrown side of the Helmsdale Fault during
source beds, extensive lateral migration being Mesozoic times. Recent publications by Richards
rare in the formation of North Sea hydrocarbon (1985a, b) verify the preservation of rocks of
accumulations (Parsley 1984). Lower and Upper Devonian age, both argilla-
The majority of the Upper Jurassic material ceous and predominantly arenaeeous sequences
around the Beatrice structure attains a maximum being represented, several of the latter being of
depth of only around 2000 m (e.g. Linsley et al. reservoir quality. Extension of the relatively
1980). A phase of early Tertiary uplift, variously shallow Lower and Middle Jurassic drilling
estimated as 500-700 m by Pearson & Watkins objectives will be needed to delineate the offshore
(1983), 1000 m (McQuillin et al. 1982; Mackenzie succession. However, biomarker ratios derived
et al. 1984) and 1500 m (Chesher & Bacon 1975), from these upfaulted Middle Devonian outcrops
is recognized within the Inner Moray Firth Basin. do not imply overmaturity of the offshore succes-
However, a detailed study of the Upper Jurassic sion where present in the Inner Moray Firth
across blocks 11 and 12 (Duncan 1986)confirms Basin.
that it is largely immature, with basal Oxfordian Comparison of maturity measurements for
shales only locally achieving marginally mature most of the deep Orcadian lacustrine samples
status. and the Beatrice crude (Mackenzie et al. 1984)
Interpreting the compositional differences in support a contribution from a Devonian source
the oils as a response to a facies change, rock to the oil. Although the Devonian bitumens
Mackenzie et al. (1984) tentatively proposed a cannot be classed as waxy this is possibly a
deeply buried ( > 3 km) Upper Jurassic source for function of maturity. The high n-alkane content
Beatrice, where the prerequisite high input of of Beatrice could conceivably be derived from
terrestrial lipids could be provided via sediments the in-reservoir mixing of two non-biodegraded
shed SE across the Great Glen Fault. Figure 17 oils.
includes both sterane distributions of the Beatrice Disparity is observed between the hopane/
crude (taken from Mackenzie et al. 1984), and sterane ratios for the majority of the Devonian
the range of compositions obtained from analyses material and that for Beatrice oil (Mackenzie et
of Upper Jurassic shales, both onshore and al. 1984). However, the very high degree (,,~ 70~)
offshore, from the Inner Moray Firth Basin. It of aromatization (Mackenzie et al. 1984) observed
should be noted that the sterane distributions of for the oil is indicative of high maturity. Thermal
Middle Jurassic material cropping out on the degradation of kerogen is known to release high
Helmsdale coast are virtually identical with their concentrations of hopanes from the bound lipid
Upper Jurassic analogues. fraction (S. Brassell personal communication);
this may perhaps explain the observed differ-
The Devonian contribution
Despite the age-dependence demonstrated by
There is an obvious depletion in the C27 sterane Degens (1969) for oil-isotopic compositions, they
component for Beatrice and, although not as are predominantly source-controlled (Schoell
marked as that obtained for the bulk of the 1984). Sorer (1984) however, stated that the
Devonian samples, suggests a hybrid origin for isotopic value of a single oil component (as
the oil, with contributions from both Devonian measured by Mackenzie et al. 1984) is not unique
and Jurassic source rocks (Fig. 17). to its depositional environment, advocating anal-
Palaeolimnology and organic geochemistry in the Orcadian Basin 197
yses of both saturates and aromatics fractions to palaeocurrent data predict a greater develop-
infer terrigenous-sourced input. We anticipate ment of deep lake (source rock) facies towards
that detailed carbon isotope and aromatic bio- the original basin centre; presently the Moray
marker measurements would confirm our pro- Firth and North Sea areas.
posal of a Devonian source contribution. 3. The abundant dolomite carbonate found in
Barnard and Cooper (1981) proposed that good many fish bed laminites has a primary or very
quality Devonian source rocks from the Orcadian early diagenetic origin.
Basin were largely attributable to bitumen im- 4. Organic and inorganic geochemistry indicates
pregnation from younger overlying sediments, that Orcadian Basin lake waters were saline-
subsequently removed by erosion. Hydrocarbons brackish during deep lake phases encouraging
of Jurassic age cannot be responsible, as evi- high levels of bioproductivity.
denced by both source (e.g. sterane distributions) 5. The development of evaporite facies is postu-
and maturity parameters. Where impregnation is lated for the basin centre during low lake
suspected, intraformational oil staining seems stand desiccation phases.
more likely (see also Parnell 1985). Biomarker 6. Cyanobacteria and algal lipids represent the
signatures of the Liassic Lady's Walk Shale do primary organic input to the basin.
not differ significantly from those of their later 7. Distinction between marginal and offshore
Jurassic counterparts; this unit is however, lacustrine samples on the basis of their
notably organic poor (Duncan 1986). The availa- molecular distributions is indicated; carbon-
ble evidence suggests that oil derived from mature ate and clay-rich lithologies may be differen-
Middle Devonian lacustrine laminites augments tiated using similar criteria.
the Jurassic input, although the actual strati- 8. Biomarker maturity ratios, based on analysis
graphic age of the Mesozoic component may not of aliphatic hydrocarbons, indicate that sev-
be differentiated from the available data. eral of the onshore Middle Devonian laminites
From this test, it is clear that a similar approach have achieved oil-generation status.
would be useful in exploration play development 9. A Middle Devonian componentto the Beatrice
for other areas of the Moray Firth where suitable oil is suggested.
structures have been geophysically identified, but
the timing and nature of petroleum migration ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:Valuable criticism of the man-
and entrapment from 'traditional' Mesozoic uscript was made by Dr B. Kneller and other Aberdeen
source rocks precludes hydrocarbon accumula- Departmental staff members. Helpful discussions with
Dr S. Grigson and Dr T. Fallick are also acknowledged.
tion. We are grateful for all technical services rendered in
the preparation of this manuscript. All carbonate
isotope work was carried out at SURRC, East Kilbride.
Conclusions The authors acknowledge financial support for this
study from Exploration and Production Services (UK)
North Sea Ltd., and the Department of Geology and
1. Orcadian Basin fish bed laminites were depos- Mineralogy, University of Aberdeen, whilst in the
ited below wave base in the anoxic bottom tenureship of NERC studentships. Dr R. Archer and
waters of deep stratified lakes. Dr G. Speers who reviewed the manuscript are also
2. Onshore sedimentary facies zonation and thanked for their comments.

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A. D. DUNCAN*& R. F. M. HAMILTON,',Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University

of Aberdeen, Marischal College, Aberdeen, AB9 1AS.

*Present address: The British Petroleum plc, BP Research Centre, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-
on-Thames, Middlesex, TW 16 7LN.
tPresent address: Shell Exploration and Production Company, PO Box 162, 2501 AN The
Hague, The Netherlands.
Hydrocarbon source rocks, thermal maturity and burial history of
the Orcadian Basin, Scotland

S. J. Hiilier & J. E. A. Marshall

Potential hydrocarbon source rocks of lacustrine Shetland are all significantly overmature and
origin from the Devonian Orcadian Basin have contain TOC contents of only minor richness.
been evaluated for organic matter richness, type The main Caithness and Orkney development of
and maturity. Techniques used involve pyrolysis, the Orcadian Basin does contain significant
TOC, visual kerogen typing, spore colour and hydrocarbon source rocks rich in oil-prone kero-
vitrinite reflectance. A widespread anomaly in gen and with maturities from the mid-oil window
assessing maturity is that a significant variation to into the dry gas zone. The survival of the
in spore colour from the AOM rich lacustrine hydrocarbons which must have been generated
sediments is observed. These give lower maturity from this sequence is in doubt with its shallow
values by up to 189points (on a 1-10 scale) than burial since the end Devonian. A major deep
spores from corresponding woody dominated oxidation episode almost certainly occurred in
kerogens. This discrepancy is reduced at higher the Permo-Carboniferous. Some hydrocarbons
maturity levels, disappearing at a spore colour of may have survived in sandstone reservoirs formed
about 8. Small scale surveys of the Orcadian by packets of aeolian sediment deposited on the
Basin thus give a disproportionate content of margins of major lake units. Offshore accumula-
lower rank kerogens than in fact exist. tions may also be preserved in half-graben
The results of a regional survey across the structures filled with coarse Devonian clastics
Orcadian Basin show that the sequences of the and surrounded by distal organic-rich lacustrine
Walls Sandstone, Fair Isle and South East sediments.

S. J. HILLIER & J. E. A. MARSHALL,Dept. of Geology, The University, Highfield,

Southampton, SO95NH, UK.

From: FLI3ET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 203
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, p. 203.
Significance of lacustrine cherts for the environment of source-rock
deposition in the Orcadian Basin, Scotland

J. Parnell

S U M M A R Y : Middle Old Red Sandstone lacustrine sequences in the Orcadian Basin

include rocks of petroleum source-rock potential, most extensively exposed onshore in
Orkney and Caithness. The richest source rocks are carbonate laminites, in which carbonate
and carbonaceous laminae are believed to be the deposits of algal blooming and mortality in
a stratified lake (Donovan 1980). Many carbonate laminites and some other organic-rich
laminites contain chert nodules, interpreted as magadi-type chert enclosing pseudomorphs
after (?) trona. The cherts and evaporites were precipitated in sub-lacustrine sediment from
groundwaters rich in dissolved sodium carbonate/bicarbonate. This implies that the source
rocks were deposited from saline, alkaline lake waters.

Introduction resulting in asymmetric cycles as shown in Fig.

The source-rock potential of the cyclic lacustrine There are however cyclic sequences which
sequences of Middle Old Red Sandstone (ORS) show no evidence of fluviatile sedimentation
in the Orcadian Basin is a subject of much recent where the various lithologies in each cycle
interest. Analyses by gas chromatography and represent different lake levels in an enclosed
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Doug- basin. The symmetrical cycle in Fig. 1B (modified
las et al. 1983), Rock-Eval pyrolysis (Parnell from Donovan 1980) is composed of four litho-
1985a) and spore colour/vitrinite reflectance logical associations which represent the basic
(Marshall et al. 1985) have been published, and lacustrine facies. The descriptions and interpret-
it is clear that the sequence contains viable source ations of these lithologies are summarized here
rocks. Some of the rocks with the richest source- from the work of Donovan (1980) to which the
rock potential contain cherts (Parnell 1986a). reader is referred for further details:
This contribution briefly reviews the distribution (A) grey-black carbonate laminite, composed
of organic carbon in the cyclic sequences, and of 0.5 mm triplets of micritic carbonate, organic
discusses the significance of the cherts for the carbon and siliciclastic laminae, the deposits of a
conditions of source-rock deposition. thermally stratified lake (see below). Some car-
The cyclic sediments of the Middle ORS, bonate laminites lack siliciclastic matter and are
exposed principally in Orkney and Caithness, petrographically limestones;
have long been appreciated as lacustrine (God- (B) grey-black alternating carbon-rich shale
win-Austen 1856; Geikie 1879) and have been and grey coarse siltstone (pair up to 7 mm),
described by Donovan (1975, 1980) using a deposits of a shallow, sediment-starved, perma-
widely-quoted model of lake stratification and nent lake;
lake-margin sedimentation. The Middle ORS (C) alternating dark grey carbon-rich shale and
stratigraphy of Orkney and Caithness is described grey coarse siltstone (pair up to 10 mm); silts are
by Mykura (1976) and Donovan et aL (1974) lensoid and often current-rippled, also deposits
respectively. of a permanent lake;
(D) alternating green-grey shale and siltstone/
Cyclic sedimentation and distribution of organic fine sandstone, deposits of an impermanent
carbon lacustrine environment. Current ripples, wave
ripples and desiccation cracks are abundant, and
Middle ORS sediments in Orkney and Caithness pseudomorphs after gypsum may occur.
comprise cycles (typically about 10 m thick) from
black mudrocks at the base through laminated
siltstones to sandy beds with desiccation cracks
Carbonate-rich beds
(Fig. 1). The cycles represent lacustrine regression
and transgression, with fluviatile incursions at Carbonate-rich beds are common within the
low lake level (Mykura 1976). Sediment accumu- dark, carbon-rich sediments. Two principaltypes
lation was generally during the regressive episode, may be distinguished; the carbonate laminites

From: FLEET, A. J., KELTS, K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 205
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 205-217.
206 J. P a r n e l l

FIG. 1. Fluviolacustrine (A) and lacustrine (B) Middle ORS cycles. Log A from Lower Stromness Group, Muckle
Glen, Orkney (HY 225055); log B from Latheron Subgroup, Caithness (after Donovan 1980). Note asymmetry of
cycle A due to sediment accumulation during lacustrine regression.

(lithology A above) and thin dolomicrite beds phanite) and rare collophanite laminae are
which occur in lithologies B, C and D. The recorded. Alternatively triplets of carbonate,
stratigraphic distribution of the two types of organic carbon and siliciclastic laminae may be
carbonate is recorded by Donovan et al. (1974). preserved. Diagenetic modification of the carbon-
Cherts occur in the carbonate laminites and in ate laminae resulted in local recrystallization to
other organic-rich laminites which lack dolomi- microspar and fibrous calcite. Many other b e d s
crite beds (some lithology B). Because of this of organic-rich laminites (lithology B) may lack
apparent mutual exclusion of two types of the carbonate laminae, and consist of couplets of
chemical sedimentation, it is important to review siliciclastic grains and organic matter/clay, both
briefly the origin of the carbonates. of which may nevertheless contain authigenic
The carbonate laminites are composed of carbonate. Donovan (1975, 1980 for detailed
couplets of micritic carbonate (calcite or dolom- accounts) envisages the carbonate and organic
ite) and organic matter (Fig. 2a); the organic laminae as the products of seasonal algal bloom-
matter may be associated with phosphate (collo- ing and mortality in a thermally stratified lake,
Significance of lacustrine cherts 207

FIG. 2. (a) Photomicrograph of carbonate laminite, consisting of calcite laminae (thick, light) and kerogenous
laminae (dark). Calcite is recrystallized to fine sparite, Papa Westray, Orkney (HY 501558) ( x 14). (b) Domes of
dolomicrite (above hammer) reminiscent of domal stromatolites, overlying beds containing desiccation cracks
and overlain by bed of lacustrine sandstone, Harra Ebb, Orkney (HY 216148).

but the more abundant carbon/siliciclastic lam- defined tops whilst showing gradational bases.
inites were probably deposited in non-/intermit- These crusts sometimes occur as low-amplitude
tently-stratified waters. domes (Fig. 2b), particularly on desiccated
The dolomicrite beds are up to 5 cm thick; the surfaces where the domes may be separated by
thickness varies laterally but beds can be traced desiccation cracks. Although the dolomicrites
over at least several hundred square metres. generally weather to a distinctive orange colour,
Sequences containing up to several dozen beds some beds incorporate sufficient organic matter
occur in sections of a few metres (Fig. 5A). In (up to 1~ ) to remain grey/black. Donovan (1978)
some cases the beds are seen to incorporate, and suggests that the dolomicrites may be due to a
partially replace, siltstone/sandstone laminae. seepage reflux of brines during low lake level.
Other beds are pure dolomicrite; the carbonate However their morphology is very similar to that
in these beds may penetrate desiccation cracks in of stromatolitic deposits, also dolomitic, which
the substrate and appears to have formed 'crusts' occur in the same lithologies (including black
on the sediment surface. The beds may have well- organic-rich laminites) and in the same strati-
208 J. Parnell
graphic intervals. Indeed some dolomicrite fossil fish are partly replaced by hydrocarbon. In
domes have a stromatolitic coating to them. In a 162 m section figured by Donovan (1980), the
many cases it is difficult to determine whether a lithologies A - D account for 6.5, 11.0, 38.5 and
dolomitic deposit contains algal sediment, and I 44.0~ of the whole respectively, equivalent to an
have noted dolomicrites with a texture compar- average organic carbon content of 0.8% over the
able to the thrombolites of Aitken (1967). There 162 m. Lithology C, deposits of a shallow imper-
is thus a distinct possibility that algae had a role manent lake, accounts for the highest proportion
in the genesis of the dolomicrites. Magnesium of organic carbon in the total section. It should
preferentially concentrated by algae could be be emphasized that some cycles are incomplete
released during degradation and made available and do not include the carbonate laminite. The
for dolomite precipitation (Gebelein & Hoffman symmetrical lacustrine cycles represent sedimen-
1973). Some etched samples of dolomicrite show tation in the basin centre. Mixed lacustrine and
sparite/pyrite pseudomorphs after gypsum. The fluviatile cycles are more characteristic of sedi-
precipitation of dolomite would have lowered the mentation at/near the basin margins. The or-
Mg/Ca ratio of the lake water/pore water and ganic-rich carbonate laminites and black
made calcium ions available for gypsum precipi- mudrocks may occur in cycles proximal or distal
tation. to the basin margin as they represent high lake
levels, but the average organic carbon content
over a whole cycle is higher in the distal setting.
Organic carbon contents
The difference in organic carbon content
The organic carbon contents of the lithologies A - between the carbonate laminites and other dark
D range up to 4.5~ (average 3~), 2.5~ (1.5~), mudrocks is indicated in Fig. 3 (original Rock-
1.5~ (0.8~) and 0.8% (0.3%) respectively (based Eval pyrolysis data in Parnell 1985a). The
on 100 samples, including those reported in carbonate laminites are generally richer in carbon
Parnell [1985a]). The carbonate laminites are but a cross-plot against hydrogen index (HI, an
clearly the richest in organic matter. All carbonate expression of hydrocarbon yield which takes
laminites contain traces of hydrocarbon. Oil account of TOC) shows that the hydrocarbon
bleeds from freshly opened joints, tension frac- yield per organic carbon content in these samples
tures are infilled with solid hydrocarbon, and is also richer. The cross-plot shows that the total

FIG. 3. Cross-plot of hydrogen index against total organic carbon for Middle ORS samples. Note increase in yield
with TOC content and greater yield/TOC of carbonate laminites. Data from Parnell (1985a).
Significance o f lacustrine cherts 209

yield does not increase proportionally with TOC to detect except where highlighted by differential
content, and the yield per organic carbon content weathering. Because the carbonate laminites
is greater in the richer samples than in the lean which host the cherts have the highest hydrocar-
samples. The data could indicate that in the bon source-rock potential, both in terms of total
leaner samples the proportion of terrigenous yield and yield per volume of organic matter,
(land plant) or inert organic matter is greater. information which can be gleaned from the cherts
This would be acceptable geologically because about the lacustrine environment is valuable.
the leaner samples represent shallower water Organic-rich carbonate laminites are promi-
environments with evidence for sediment trans- nent in the Lower Stromness Group of Orkney
port, and geochemically because the proportion (Robbery Head and Lybster Subgroups of Caith-
of migrated bitumen in the TOC content is ness). This Group is followed by an unusually
greater in the leaner samples (Parnell 1985a, and thick (60 m) cycle containing the Sandwick Fish
unpublished petrographic data of A. C. Hutton). Bed (Niandt Limestone of Caithness ). The cycle
Rock-Eval pyrolysis experiments by Katz (1981) consists predominantlyoflaminite and represents
have yielded similar data which show a greater the period of maximum expansion of lacustrine
yield from samples with a carbonate matrix as conditions (Mykura 1983). Chert occurs in each
compared to an argillaceous matrix, and an of the carbonate laminites in the Lower Stromness
increasing yield per carbon content in richer Group succession exposed in Orkney. Two
samples. It is therefore possible that the pyrolysis prominent beds of nodular chert even form
technique exaggerates the yield from carbon-rich marker horizons (Mykura 1976). The succession
samples relative to the others. is exposed in at least eight sections in south-west
Orkney; chert beds can be identified in all of
these sections (Parnell 1986a). Carbonate lamin-
Cherts ites in equivalent sections in Caithness, beneath
the Niandt Limestone at Niandt and Halkirk,
similarly yield chert (e.g., in the Robbery Head
Stratigraphic and geographic distribution
Limestone at Niandt, ND 222333). The carbon-
Beds of replacement chert nodules and laminae ate laminite and other laminites within the
occur in the organic-rich lithologies A and B, Sandwick Fish Bed cycle near Stromness, Orkney
which are believed to represent permanent (HY 243080), contain numerous thin ( < 2 mm)
lacustrine sedimentation. Some carbonate lam- chert lenses.
inites (lithology A) include thin (up to 2 cm) beds Overlying the Sandwick Fish Bed cycle, the
of laminite poor in carbonate (lithology B). Upper Stromness Group and lower Rousay
Although chert occurs in both phases, nodules Group in Orkney (Latheron and Ham-Scarf-
are concentrated in the carbonate-poor beds (Figs skerry Subgroups of Caithness) contain a few
6a and b). carbonate laminites. In the upper Rousay Group
Cherts are recorded in carbonate laminites at (Mey Subgroup of Caithness) red beds become
localities throughout the main outcrop of lacus- increasingly important, but some prominent
trine deposits in Orkney and Caithness (Fig. 4). carbonate laminites occur, commonly containing
The relative importance of different lithologies at chert. Examples occur in each of the three Mey
each stratigraphic level in Caithness has been Subgroup outcrops in Caithness, at Pennyland
assessed by Donovan et al. (1974). Their data (ND 108690), Harrow (ND 288743) and Ackergill
show that carbonate laminites are an important (ND 358545).
(> 5~) component of two particular stratigraphic In both Orkney and Caithness the cherts occur
intervals, the Robbery Head/Lybster Subgroups in sequences which also include tuffaceous sedi-
and the Mey Subgroup (see below). A similar ments. There are several tuffaceous horizons in
distribution of carbonate laminites is found in the Lower Stromness Group/Sandwick Fish Bed
Orkney. Cherts occur in the carbonate laminites sequence of Orkney (Mykura 1976), and in the
deposited during both intervals. The several equivalent sequences at Halkirk and Niandt,
published records of chert (Steavenson 1928; Caithness (Fortey & Michie 1978).
Donovan et al. 1974; Mykura 1976; Donovan
1978; Fortey & Michie 1978) can be attributed to
Magadi-type chert model
beds belonging to these intervals. A recent
examination of the main sections in southern A detailed petrology of cherts in the basin is
Orkney and Caithness has shown that cherts are given elsewhere (Parnell 1986a). In summary, the
more important than hitherto has been recog- cherts are believed to be early-diagenetic magadi-
nized. Carbonate laminites contain chert more type cherts, i.e., cherts converted from a hydrated
often than not. In many cases the chert is difficult sodium silicate precursor (magadiite) by loss of
2 IO J. Parnell

Fit~. 4. Location of chert-bearing sections in Middle ORS of Orkney and Caithness. Further details of sections in
south-west Orkney in Parnell (1986a). Cherts occur in organic-rich laminites in all sections.

water and release of sodium into solution. They than directly in the lake water column (see
exhibit salt-casts, shrinkage and soft-sediment Rooney et al. 1969 for a modern analogue in
deformation features which characterize this type Oregon). The chert occurs as laminae and as
of chert (Eugster 1969; 1985). The chert includes tabular to vertically elongate nodules (Fig. 6b).
length-slow chalcedony and zebraic chalcedony, Elongate nodules are linear/polygonal in plan
which indicates alkaline conditions of formation (Fig. 6c) with central fractures up which sediment
(Folk & Pittman 1971). Lamination within the has been injected (Fig. 6b). The fractures, with
cherts is continuous with lamination in the host injected sediment, continue outside the chert
rock, suggesting that the precursor magadiite was nodules. Those fractures were interpreted by
precipitated by groundwater reactions rather Parnell (1983a) as desiccation cracks, but they do
Significance of lacustrine cherts 211
not contain sediment infillings from above and part of the Sandwick Fish Bed cycle at Noust
they occur in carbonate laminites which are (HY 242080), including a carbonate laminite
thought to be the deposits of a permanent (Fig. 5B). This section shows no evidence for
stratified lake. They may alternatively be due to desiccation, and pseudomorphs occur in the fish
syneresis during the magadiite-chert transfor- bed sensu stricto (see Mykura 1976), in which
mation or induced by sediment injection during fossil fish are particularly abundant and relatively
compaction. The chert laminae and nodules complete. Fossil fish even occur within the
contain radiating pseudomorphs after an evapor- pseudomorph-bearing layers. The pseudomorph-
ite mineral. bearing section (base of Fig. 5B) immediately
overlies a 0.5 m section which shows an upward
transition from beds containing desiccation
Pseudomorphs within cherts
cracks through beds with ptygmatic sedimentary
The pseudomorphs are isolated crystals, sheaves structures (see Donovan & Foster 1972) to a bed
of crystals and radiating crystal clusters up to of mud-flake breccia. Another chert-bearing bed,
1 mm diameter (Fig. 6d). Individual crystals have 14 m below the Sandwick Fish Bed, occurs above
an acicular habit, with parallel or slightly diver- and below beds containing stromatolites/stro-
gent lengthwise faces and occasionally well- matolite debris (HY 243080, 227092). However
preserved terminal faces. The best preserved there is no evidence for sediment transport
examples show that the primary mineral was (current and wave ripples, coarse silt lenses, scour
monoclinic. They cross-cut depositional lamina- surfaces, mud-flake breccias) in the chert beds.
tion and sediment is incorporated between indi- The chert laminae and nodules are rarely laterally
vidual blades. Pseudomorphs occur particularly continuous. They show an intermittent lateral
adjacent to the central fractures in the chert development, and thin laminae cannot be traced
nodules. The pseudomorphs are presently quartz for more than a few metres (compare two sections
(single crystals or mosaic quartz), chalcedony, or through the same bed in Fig. 5B, only 100 m
carbonate replacive after quartz. apart but with chert laminae preserved at
Pseudomorph-bearing chert laminae are abun- different horizons. All laminae contain pseudo-
dant and show good preservation in the lower morphs).

FIG. 5. (A) Sequence in Upper Stromness Group, Burwick, Orkney (ND 442835), containing numerous
dolomicrite beds. Dolomicrites occur with and without evidence for exposure, and locally contain pseudomorphs
after gypsum. (B) Log through Sandwick Fish Bed cycle, Noust (HY 242080), a thick lacustrine unit. Lower part
of bed is magnified from two localities 100 m apart, repeated by faulting, to show rapid lateral variation in
distribution of chert laminae. Key as in Fig. 1.
212 J. ParneH

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~-~..~ ~
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Significance o f lacustrine cherts 213

Other features relating to evaporite deposits (Eugster 1985) which, as noted above, are deposits
include the occurrence of pseudomorphs after of saline lakes rich in dissolved sodium carbonate/
borates (Westoll 1979) and authigenic aegirine in bicarbonate. The magadiite-chert transforma-
Caithness. The aegirine occurs in proximity to tion involves the release of sodium ions which
cherts within organic-rich laminite (Fortey & become available for the precipitation of trona
Michie 1978). Pseudomorphs after gypsum occur and other sodium carbonates.
in the Orcadian Basin Middle ORS, in dolomi- Radiating clusters of trona crystals with similar
crites, siltstones and sandstones (Parnell 1985b), crystal morphology are figured from the Eocene
but I have not observed them in organic-rich Green River Formation by Bradley & Eugster
sediments. They have a rhomboid morphology (1969), Deardorff & Mannion (1971) and Birn-
and are commonly pyritized. The pseudomorphs baum & Radlick (1982), although the Eocene
within the cherts have a distinct morphology and examples are generally larger. There is supporting
are not pyritized. evidence for the importance of sodium in the
brine chemistry, in the occurrences of authigenic
aegirine and pseudomorphs after borates, and
Discussion sodic plagioclase overgrowths in some dolomitic
sediments. The only other documented occur-
Chemistry of lake waters rence of authigenic aegirine in a sedimentary
sequence is in the trona-bearing sediments of the
Occurrences of magadiite and magadi-type chert Green River Formation (Milton et al. 1960). The
are the deposits of saline, alkaline lakes rich in association of magadi-type cherts with tuffaceous
dissolved sodium carbonate/bicarbonate (Hay sediments has also been noted in sequences
1968). Sodium carbonate brines have a high pH elsewhere (e.g., Eugster 1985). The association is
(generally > 9.5; Hay 1968), and the high solubil- significant to the chemistry of the lake waters.
ity of silica in such brines is important to the Fortey & Michie (1978) suggest that appreciable
precipitation of magadiite. Jones et al. (1967) quantities of volcanic material rich in sodium
record 2700 ppm dissolved silica in the type would have been available to the Orcadian Basin
locality at Lake Magadi, Kenya, a consequence during these times.
of evaporative concentration. Magadiite can be Electron microscopical examination of the
precipitated from silica-rich sodium carbonate cherts has failed to identify any surviving trona.
brines as a result of mixing with fresh water This is hardly surprising. Even in the Eocene
which lowers the pH (Eugster et al. 1968). In a Green River Formation, many soluble sodium
stratified lake with fresh water overlying a sodium minerals are recorded only in well cuttings. Trona
carbonate brine, the interface between waters of is highly soluble and therefore a transient mineral
different composition is potentially a zone of and we are fortunate to have any evidence for its
magadiite precipitation (Hay 1968). The Orca- existence in sediments of Devonian age.
dian cherts appear to have been precipitated by
groundwaters (see above). However, the chemis-
try of the groundwaters is likely to reflect the Conditions of trona precipitation
chemistry of the lake, and the occurrence of
magadi-type cherts does suggest that the lake Chemistry. Trona and borates are unique to saline
waters were alkaline. lake deposits (Picard & High 1972). For trona to
precipitate the parent brine must have been rich
in bicarbonate ions (HCO3), the HCO3/Ca 2+ +
Identity of pseudomorphs Mg 2+ molar ratio must have exceeded unity and
The most plausible monoclinic precursors for the other anions (CI-, SO] - ) must be insignificant
pseudomorphs are gypsum and trona (NazCO3. (Eugster & Hardie 1975). Alkaline earth carbon-
NaHCO3.2H20). Pseudomorphs after gypsum ates must have already precipitated such that the
have not been recorded in organic-rich sediments brine was dominated by Na § and carbonate
in the basin. The lack of pyritization of radiating species (Eugster 1970). The trona may grow within
pseudomorphs, which might be expected in the carbonates. Several of the Orcadian occur-
anoxic sediments, suggests that they may not be rences are in carbonate laminite (calcite or
a sulphate mineral. If the cherts are magadi-type dolomite), and trona in the Green River Forma-
then gypsum is a very unlikely precursor. Calcium tion occurs in dolomitic mudstone (Smoot 1983).
supplies are rapidly exhausted in an alkaline Trona deposits in the Green River Formation
basin so that gypsum saturation is never achieved have been the subject of much discussion by
(Hardie & Eugster 1970). Trona is much more Eugster and other workers (various papers cited
likely to be associated with magadi-type cherts above) who have debated, without consensus,
2 I4 J. Parnell
whether the trona was deposited from the saline nodules, but has only been preserved within
hypolimnion of a stratified lake or as a result of them. Despite the high solubility of trona, a sub-
direct evaporation of a very shallow lake. Lakes lacustrine setting for trona precipitation is not an
which precipitate trona today are not perma- unrealistic model. There are several other in-
nently stratified: Lake Magadi becomes season- stances of trona precipitation in the organic-rich
ally stratified when pluvial run-off covers sodium- sediments of alkaline lake deposits.
rich brines, but the epilimnion then evaporates, A comparable example of pseudomorphed
stratification breaks down and ionic concentra- sodium carbonate minerals in an alkaline playa-
tions eventually reach the trona-precipitating lake sequence is in the Cambrian Officer Basin,
stage (Eugster 1970). Eugster (1985) prefers a South Australia. As in the Orcadian Basin, the
playa-lake model for trona precipitation in the sequence includes organic-rich mudrocks with
Green River Formation. However I believe that good source potential, within which are magadi-
in the Orcadian Basin, trona is precipitated in type chert nodules. The cherts are cross-cut by
the sediment from connate waters inherited from rosettes of bladed crystals, thought to be after
the saline hypolimnion. The cross-cutting rela- trona (White & Youngs 1980). Oil bleeds from
tionship with lamination suggests that they grew cavities in both the Cambrian cherts (White &
displacively during early diagenesis. The host Youngs 1980) and the Orcadian cherts (Parnell
sediments do not exhibit sedimentary structures 1983b). Radiating crystal moulds after (?) trona
like ripple marks, cross-bedded channel sands similarly occur in laminated black mudstones,
and desiccation features shown by some trona- bearing fossil fish, in the Jurassic East Berlin
bearing sediments of the Green River Formation Formation, Connecticut (Demicco & Gierlowski
(Birnbaum & Radlick 1982). It is possible that Kordesch 1986). The black mudstones are re-
trona, along with other minerals, was deposited garded as the deposits of a perennial lake with
in efltorescent crusts on lake-margin fiats due to anoxic bottom waters (Hubert et al. 1976) and
intense evaporation, and was then dissolved are a source of local hydrocarbon shows (Parnell
during lacustrine transgression. This process 1986b). A recent analogue for the occurrence of
would have significantly increased the salinity of magadiite and acicular crystals of trona in basinal
the lake waters (Jones et al. 1977). As trona is facies organic-rich laminites occurs in the Holo-
highly soluble, selective dissolution of trona cene sediments of Lake Bogoria, northern Kenya
would have created a brine more enriched in rift valley (Tiercelin et al. 1982). At present the
sodium than the waters flowing into the basin. lake is a closed-basin saline lake with concen-
Although there is evidence for gypsum in the lake trated sodium carbonate/bicarbonate brines
flat sediments (see above) and gypsum would not (Tiercelin et al. 1981). The lake is shallow
be cogenetic with trona, some modern playas ( < 15 m) but meromictic, and shows evidence for
show frequent fluctuations in brine chemistry fluctuations in level due to short-term climatic
and alternate between gypsum and trona precip- cycles. A comparison between regressive-trans-
itation. gressive cycles in the Orcadian lake with those in
Quaternary African deposits has already been
Sub-lacustrine precipitation. The mode of occur- made by Donovan (1980).
rence of the cherts and their enclosed pseudo-
morphs suggests a sub-lacustrine precipitation of
Importance o f organic-rich sediment
trona rather than precipitation in a salt-pan. The
section below the cherts at Noust, containing Magadiite and trona were precipitated in a sub-
desiccation cracks and mud-flake breccias, rep- lacustrine setting because (1)the waters in the
resents a lacustrine transgression during which sediment inherited from the hypolimnion were
erosion of lake-margin fiats occurred. The fact sodium carbonate brines, and (2) a supply of CO2
that trona was precipitated at times when the was available in the sediments.
lake was permanent, and hence at relatively high Sodium carbonate-rich bottom waters in the
level and low salinity, is an argument for Orcadian lake would have enhanced density/
stratification. chemical stratification of the lake. The alkaline
The intermittent nature of the chert laminae, and highly anoxic nature of the hypolimnion
exemplified by their different distribution would have prevented macrofaunal activity,
through two adjacent sections through the same explaining the lack of bioturbation and the fine
sequence (Fig. 5B) suggests that the conditions in lamination of the laminites. The epilimnion was
which chert/trona was precipitated may have by contrast oxic and supported planktonic algae,
been more prevalent than is now apparent. It is whose deposits were preserved in the hypolim-
likely that trona would have been precipitated nion. Anaerobic decay in the organic-rich sedi-
both within and without the chert laminae/ ment deposited during permanent lacustrine
Significance of lacustrine cherts 215
intervals could have played an important role in representing quiescent conditions show the high-
magadiite precipitation by increasing the Pco2 est concentration of organic carbon, but the bulk
and lowering the pH of the groundwaters. The of the organic carbon over the whole sequence is
pH could also be reduced by dilution with run-off preserved in the shallow water lithologies.
but this is considered unlikely in the case of cherts Many dark carbon-rich beds are also carbon-
at the base of a 20 m (at least) section of organic- ate-rich. Sediments of shallow water lithologies
rich permanent lake deposits (Fig. 5B). contain dolomicrite beds, whilst the deposits of a
Trona precipitation may similarly have been stratified lake, with the highest source-rock
enhanced by the release of biogenically derived potential, are carbonate laminites. The carbonate
CO2. CO2 can induce precipitation in a brine laminites, and some other organic-rich laminites,
undersaturated with respect to trona (Bradley & contain cherts which are more widespread than
Eugster 1969; Abd-EI-Malek & Rizk 1963). has previously been recognized. The cherts have
Bacterial generation of CO2 (e.g., via fermenta- been interpreted as magadi-type cherts (Parnell
tion reactions) continues within organic-rich mud 1986a), which are deposited today in saline,
during burial, and trona crystals grow within the alkaline lakes rich in dissolved sodium carbonate/
sediment (Eugster & Smith 1965). As Pco: bicarbonate. They contain pseudomorphs after a
increases, the solubility of trona decreases mark- monoclinic mineral which may have been the
edly (Eugster 1966) and trona precipitates. Where sodium carbonate-bicarbonate mineral trona.
pseudomorphs occur adjacent to fractures in Trona is also a deposit of saline, alkaline lakes.
chert nodules, trona appears to have been Both chert and (?) trona show evidence of growth
precipitated by waters escaping from the sedi- within the organic-rich sediment at the bottom
ment during syneresis or compaction. of the Orcadian lake rather than direct precipi-
The occurrence of magadi-type cherts and tation from the lake waters. The chemistry of the
pseudomorphs after trona in rocks which have pore waters in the sub-lacustrine sediment would
relatively good source-rock potential is probably to a large degree have reflected the chemistry of
not coincidental. The high Pco2 that inevitably the overlying lake waters. The epilimnion, where
results from anaerobic decay of organic matter in organic productivity was high, may have been
the hypolimnion may have been essential for comparatively fresh even during the periods
their formation. when chert was precipitated. However, the
hypolimnion was alkaline and anoxic during
those periods, hence the preservation of organic
Summary matter was good and the deposits of the Orcadian
Lacustrine rocks with petroleum source-rock lake in a stratified state are the best quality source
potential occur in the Middle ORS of the rocks in the basin.
Orcadian Basin. Middle ORS sequences in
Orkney and Caithness consist of fluviolacustrine ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:I am grateful to E. Lawson and
cycles, and lacustrine cycles showing evolution S. Watters for cartographic and photographic assist-
from a stratified lake through shallow permanent ance. T. Janaway kindly supplied Fig. 2b and helped
to impermanent lake conditions. The lithologies record Fig. 5A.

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26, 20-26. associated authigenic minerals of the Green River
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J. PARNELL,Department of Geology, Queen's University, Belfast, BT7 1NN, UK.

The lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation a key to the
deposition of the Dinantian Oil Shales of Scotland

G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith

S U M M A RY: Oil shales, and the less common limestones associated with them, represent
freshwater lacustrine phases within the Dinantian Oil Shale Group at the eastern end of the
Midland Valley of Scotland. The understanding of the areally extensive Burdiehouse
Limestone Formation is fundamental to an appreciation of the palaeolimnology of the lake
in which algal oozes (consisting mainly of planktonic algae analogous to the modern form
Botryococcus braunii), later to become oil shales, accumulated. The lake, referred to as Lake
Cadell, was shallow (< 100 m) with gently sloping margins. It was meromictic and formed a
closed system during deposition of the limestones, draining eastwards to the sea during oil
shale deposition. The climate was wet tropical ensuring ideal conditions for a prolific flora of
algae and vascular plants both around and within the lake, and providing a regular freshwater
input. The lacustrine phase forms part of the cyclical Oil Shale Group succession in which
each sedimentary cycle can be resolved into four phases indicating long-term lake expansion
and contraction.

Geological setting uished by the accumulation, at intervals, both of

thin limestones, of which the Burdiehouse lime-
In the Midland Valley of Scotland the lowest stones are the best known, and kerogen-rich oil
major lithostratigraphic division of the Carboni- shales. Oil shales and Burdiehouse limestones are
ferous is the Calciferous Sandstone Measures the most laterally persistent horizons in the
(MacGregor 1960) of Dinantian age. Within the Group. Ashes, marls, cementstones, ironstones,
Edinburgh area at the eastern end of the Midland coals, seat earths and marine shales are more
Valley the Calciferous Sandstone succession can sporadic in appearance and constitute about 10%
be lithologically subdivided into the 1100 m thick of aggregate thickness (Mitchell & Mykura 1962).
Cementstone Group overlain by the up to 2000 m Lateral facies changes are rapid in the Group,
thick Oil Shale Group (Francis 1983). The main more especially among the siliciclastic terrigenes.
outcrops of the latter occur around the Firth of The Burdiehouse limestones and the oil shales
Forth in West Lothian, Midlothian and southern vary in thickness, but both tend to be laterally
Fife. persistent, probably reflecting periods of lake
The Oil Shale Group sediments accumulated expansion and diminished clastic input into
in a series of north-south trending tectonically depocentres.
and volcanically active basins (George 1958) and
were for most of the time land-locked to the Oil shales
north, south and south-west. They periodically The discovery in 1885 of oil shales at Broxburn
also became barred in the east cutting off the sea in West Lothian stimulated economic interest in
and forming a group of standing bodies of water, the Lothian succession and dominated geological
collectively referred to as Lake Cadell (Greens- interest in the region for the next century. Oil
mith 1968) (Fig. 1). The relief, geological make- shale mining began in the same year, rapidly
up, climate and drainage of the surrounding land accelerated to 1913, virtually collapsed in 1919,
areas determined the nature of the sediments and finally ceased in 1962. About half of the
deposited within the lakes and resulted in the probable oil shale resources remain unexploited
complex interaction between freshwater lacus- (Cameron & McAdam 1978). Industrial interest
trine, transitional lagoonal and fully marine today is focused upon mineral oil believed to
conditions recorded in the succession (Loftus have originated from the kerogenous source rocks
1985). represented by the Oil Shale Group (Parnell
Fluvio-deltaic sandstones, siltstones and shales 1984).
dominate the Oil Shale Group, forming some
90% by thickness. These were introduced into the
lake system from nearby land sources and more Composition and lithology
distant northeasterly sources (Greensmith 1962, Oil shales form about 3% by thickness of the
1966) (Fig. 1). Sedimentation was also disting- succession and consist of highly kerogenous

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 219
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 219-234.
~zo G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith

, ,,u

~ .


Lacustrine Burdiehouse L i m e s t o n e F o r m a t i o n 221

sediments ranging in thickness from a few had relatively stable shorelines during each phase
centimetres to 5 m in a single seam. Some are of oil shale accumulation, a view supported by an
developed as multiple seams e.g., the Broxburn absence of evaporites. In fact there are no
Shale, where up to five seams constitute as much evaporites observed in the Oil Shale Group
as 18 m aggregate thickness productive shale in (contrast with Green River Formation of Wyo-
42 m of strata. The oil shales have total organic ming; Bradley & Eugster 1969). The overall
carbon contents of up to 35~o, are mostly implication is that within the water body when
immature, and in the past have yielded up to 200 the oil shales were forming there was a relative
litres of petroleum spirit per tonne on retorting. balance between recharge, evaporation and out-
There are 11 workable oil shale horizons that are flow to the east, maintaining a relatively steady
widely distributed and can be traced in West level with only minor fluctuations (cf., Hutchin-
Lothian, Midlothian and to a lesser extent, Fife. son 1957).
Certain horizons may also be present beneath the The kerogenous components of the oil shales
Central Coalfield to the west. are generally argued to have been deposited as a
Thin-sections of the oil shales reveal a ground- result of the mass mortality of algal blooms at or
mass consisting of thinly laminated (20-30 ~tm) near the oxygenated surface of a water body.
brown structureless organic material. The lami- Though difficult to identify, the species are
nations are lenticular probably as a consequence analogous to the modern form Botryococcus
of compaction and rarely extend laterally for braunii (Blackburn & Temperley 1936). The areas
more than a few millimetres. Anastamosing adjacent to the shorelines were colonized by a
bituminous films resembling alginite B are pres- rich land flora (Cadell 1925), as evidenced by
ent. The groundmass supports a variety of thin in situ coal seams, which provided a ready
allochthonous grains, including translucent, or- source for detrital plant remains. The transport
ange to yellow resinous globular bodies (resem- of siliciclastic debris into the water body may
bling alginite A, ibid.) that are considered to be have been partially inhibited by such vegetation
of algal origin (Conacher 1917, 1938; Blackburn (Moore 1968). In general, however, the oil shales
& Temperley 1936; MacGregor 1938; Green- show little post-depositional disturbance other
smith 1968; Cane 1969; Parnell 1984), spore and than compaction. By analogy with modern lakes
plant detritus, fish remains, calcareous algae, a (e.g., Treese & Wilkinson 1982; Tiercelin et al.
few ostracods and accessory quantities of detrital 1981) the oil shales probably collected as floccu-
quartz, with detrital and autochthonous pyrite lent phytoplanktonic oozes in deeper water
and carbonate. protected from decomposition in an hypolimnion
by anoxic conditions, a view supported by the
occurrence of framboidal pyrite believed to have
Environments of deposition
precipitated as an autochthonous early diagenetic
A variety of depositional settings have been phase (Love & Amstutz 1966) and the absence of
proposed for the oil shales. These range from bioturbation. In this situation the algae were
marine (Robinson & Dineen 1967) to fresh water progressively transformed, perhaps by fungal and
(Greensmith 1968) in either a lagoonal (Green- bacterial decay, into a denser, homogenized
smith 1962), stratified lake (Moore 1968), paludal organic mass (Moore 1968).
(Miknis et al. 1979) or playa context (Parnell The uniform constitution of the persistent oil
1984). As the oil shales are very fine grained and shale levels suggests a low bottom relief of the
originally appear to have been very finely and water body. Depth is unknown but the water
evenly laminated (though the latter is now largely column must have been sufficient to accommo-
lost), they were probably deposited in a body of date a hypolimnion undisturbed by surface
water unaffected by bottom turbulence and turbulence and an epilimnion capable of support-
temporarily isolated from siliciclastic input. ing large carnivorous fish. As slope deformation
Moreover the absence of a marine fauna suggests features and turbidites are extremely rare the
that they were laid down in an environment implication is that bottom slopes were gentle.
protected from marine influence. In East Fife,
the facies equivalents are predominantly sand-
stone bodies of fluvio-deltaic aspect. It is tongues
Cyclic sedimentation
of these sandstones in the form of barriers which Recognition of the position occupied by oil shale
appear to have intermittently blocked the entry seams in the context of depositional cycles is
of the sea into the Edinburgh Basin (Greensmith relevant to appreciating their depositional envi-
1966). The lateral passage ofoil shales into areally ronment. This cyclicity has been evaluated and
restricted coals (Anderson 1942; Richey 1942; refined on many occasions with broadly consist-
Kennedy 1943) suggests that the body of water ent agreement (Richey 1935; Robertson 1948;
222 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith

Greensmith 1962, 1968; Belt et al. 1975; Francis (2) A lagoonal/lacustrine phase represented by
1983). The ideal cycle illustrated in Fig. 2 is the accumulation of oil shales and including
summarized as follows. occasional ostracodal limestones. Oil shales
sometimes overlie marine bands. This phase
(1) A transgressional phase represented by shales
frequently concluded with the development
interleaved by thin limestones or cementstone
of algal, often stromatolitic limestones that
ribs and including rare marine bands.
are frequently sun-cracked and brecciated,
indicating a contraction and lowering of the
lagoon or lake levels.
(3) A progradational phase represented by
broadly coarsening upward sequences of
deltaic aspect. These deltaics are recognized
in the Group and its contiguous equivalents
in East Fife (Greensmith 1966), although the
geometry of many of the sandstone bodies
requires detailed investigation. The distal
location of a cyclical sequence relative to
delta source may exclude the development of
the more proximal delta facies, hence cycles
in the depocentres lack sandstone units (Fig.
(4) An aggradational phase representing the final
stages of delta progradation, confirmed by
the presence of fining up, cross-bedded
channel, bar, crevasse splay and washover
sandstones and siltstones (Belt et al. 1975)
laid down on the fluviodeltaic plain, but more
significantly including fireclays and coals.
The coals are areally restricted, suggestive of
extensive braiding of the river systems and
impersistence of peat producing conditions.
Causes of delta abandonment and retreat are
various and include delta switching, phases of
decreased subsidence in the receiving basin and
periodic climatic change. The latter is capable of
achieving a rise in water level resulting in delta
retreat, as demonstrated in Quaternary East
African lakes (I. Reid, pers. comm. 1984). A rise
in the water level of Lake Cadell may well have
been the dominant reason for delta retreat in the
Oil Shale Group. The consequences of this retreat
are expressed by the presence of ostracodal
limestones such as the Burdiehouse limestones
and oil shales, both of which are widespread over
the basin and probably represent the maximum
extent of the water body.

The Burdiehouse Limestone Formation

The Burdiehouse Limestone Formation occupies
the same relative position in the sedimentary
cycles as do the oil shales (Fig. 2). Moreover, the
formation is closely associated with areally
restricted oil shales, such as the Camps Shale in
West Lothian, and is itself represented by calcite
FIG. 2. Diagrammatic section of one complete ideal supported oil shale in depocentres (i.e., the
cycle in the Oil Shale Group. profundal deep water facies). Limestones lend
Lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 223


o ,..q






~ ,..~


~ ,..~
224 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith
themselves more readily than the oil shales to
environmental analysis and on this basis the
Burdiehouse Limestone Formation has been
investigated in more detail and used as an
analogue for the oil shales. The Burdiehouse
Limestone Formation is a major stratigraphic
horizon in the Oil Shale Group, marking the
boundary between the lower and upper divisions.
It is laterally persistent being traceable through-
out the Edinburgh area and into southern Fife.

The formation consists of between one and six
limestone members, from 16 m to 20 cm thick,
interbedded variably with bituminous and calcar-
eous shales, sandstone, seat earths and coals,
depending upon its geographical position within
the basin. The limestones typically reveal regular
couplets (Fig. 4) consisting of alternating mud-
stone-wackestone and packstone-grainstone lay-
ers ranging from 1 mm to 10 cm in thickness.
These are the dark bands of earlier workers
(Carruthers et al. 1927).
The limestones are made up of varying propor-
tions of calcite, organic detritus, silica (chert) and
siliciclastic material. Detrital clay minerals and
clay grade siliciclasts are very rare. The lime-
stones range from bituminous mudstones to
algalclastic grainstones often with a rich fauna
and flora characteristically restricted in diversity.
Burdiehouse limestones are predominantly calci-
tic; any other carbonate minerals are exceptional
and evaporites are absent. Detrital inorganic
grains of calcite ranging from 20-350 ~m in
length are common and occur in a variety of
shapes and sizes (Fig. 5a and b). They are
observed as aggregates encrusting stems and
roots of hydrophytes (epigenic), as single, iso-
lated, hexagonal, intricately zoned grains be-
lieved to have formed by accretion during
suspension in the water column (endogenic).
Endogenic grains are frequently poorly preserved
having been abraded before settling or corroded
on the sediment/water interface after settling.
The largest and best preserved grains are found
back-filling rare biogenic burrows. The settling
velocity of the largest recorded hexagonal prism
(240p.m diameter when approximated to a
sphere) was calculated using Stokes's Law and
found to be 0.18 m/s, assuming a constant water
temperature of 10~ An upcurrent of similar
magnitude would be necessary to allow the grain
FIG. 4. A cut and polished core from the top of the
to have remained in suspension long enough to Burdiehouse Limestone Formation at Brucefield, West
achieve zonation and is consistent with those Calder displaying regular couplets of wackestone and
observed in modern hydrological systems (Smith grainstone. The specimen illustrates the only known
1975). These grains are termed calcimorphs occurrence of slope deformation features in the
(Loftus 1985) and are often observed in both the formation. Scale bar 40 mm.
Lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 225

FIo. 5. (a) Epigenic calcimorphs (C) encrusting tubes (probably root traces) filled with authigenic sparry calcite
(T). Encrustration along sediment interface also probably occurred (B). The calcimorphs are not zoned. Scale bar
100 txm; (b) intricately zoned hexagonal endogenic calcimorph with diffuse centre (? nucleus). Scale bar 50 ~tm.

modern and ancient freshwater deposits (Kelts & bivalves are few and sporadically distributed. A
Hsii 1978; Talbot et al. 1984). single species of each was identified. Sponge
spicules were recognized from a single outcrop,
but not identified to generic level.
Fauna andflora
Vertebrate remains are common throughout
The fauna is dominated by ostracods forming the Burdiehouse Limestone Formation ranging
microcoquinoidal limestones in certain parts of from skeletal detritus (scales, bone fragments,
the basin. Of the non-marine genera recognized, spines and teeth) to complete body fossils and
only one, Paraparchites, is found in any great coprolites. A variety of vertebrates have been
numbers. Ostracods are rarely absent. Spirorbids identified, including amphibians, sharks and
are less widespread, and even more restricted in carnivorous fish up to 7 m in length (Rhizodus
diversity. Two forms only are recognized, one hibberti; Loftus 1985), all of which are considered
adnate or fixed (Spirorbis pusillus) and one free- to have been freshwater dwellers (R. Paton, pers.
living (Spirorbis sp.). Gastropods and thin-shelled comm. 1984).
226 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith

Comminuted plant remains are common in level may also account for the rhythmic couplets
central parts of the basin. Twenty-two species of observed in Burdiehouse limestones.
vascular plants have been determined in the
limestones (Loftus 1985). The basin margins
display in situ rootlets where the original lime Diagenesis
muds show evidence of pedogenic reworking.
The diagenetic history of Burdiehouse limestones
Chert lenses are sometimes associated with these
varies with depositional environment (Table 1).
disturbed muds. However, calcified algae have
Vadose fabrics such as dissolution cavities and
contributed by far the largest volumetric propor-
collapse breccias (Fig. 9a) confirms that the basin
tion of detritus to the Burdiehouse limestones.
margins were subjected to periods of emergence.
Eight genera of cyanophytic algae, three chloro-
With the exception of limestones sampled from
phytic algae and a number of indeterminate
the profundal facies (Fig. 6), all limestones show
forms have been identified directly (ibid.) (Fig.
some degree of biogenic reworking. Bioturbation
10). Their possible influence on the nature of
is seen as laminar discordancy or destruction and
sedimentation in Burdiehouse limestones is dis-
by grain fabric disorientation. Few actual back-
cussed later.
filled burrows are preserved. In exceptional cases,
pedogenesis occurred, characterized by features
such as needle fibre calcite, rhizoliths, clay cutans,
Lithological distribution circumgranular cracking and alveolar textures
(Fig. 9b). However, the majority of the limestones
A number of distinct lithological trends are
are free of vadose fabrics and were probably
observed in the limestones and the evidence
unaffected by meteoric pore waters, remaining
suggests that they represent changes in the style
permanently submerged beneath the standing
of sedimentation across the basin from the
waters of the basin. These followed a phreatic
depocentres to the shoreline. The trends are: (1)
diagenetic history involving no more than two
increase in bedding thickness and variability in
phases of calcite spar authigenesis with less
thickness of individual beds; (2) increase in grain
common cavity infillings of authigenic kaolinite,
size and clastic content; (3) increase in quantity
dolomite, silica (Fig. 9a) or chlorite.
of epigenic calcimorphs; (4) increase in algal
diversity and influence; (5) increase in the
occurrence of in situ floras, pedogenic character
and in occurrence of desiccation features; (6)
Algal influence
increase in bioturbation and in the degree of Algae had a dominant influence upon sedimen-
sedimentary reworking; (7) increase in the degree tation during the formation of Burdiehouse
of compaction; (8) decrease in the occurrence of limestones, assuming a complex role as rock
displacive carbonate; (9) decrease in quantity of building organisms by providing both the sedi-
vertebrate remains and endogenic calcimorphs; ment and by modifying that sediment following
(10) decrease in overall kerogen content; and (11) deposition. Detrital algae constitute up to 85% of
decrease in pyrite content. the limestones in the sublittoral facies. Many are
In summary, thick (up to 16 m), pale yellow, neomorphosed, micritized or have been bored by
bioturbated, ostracodal, algal limestones occur at other algae.
the margins and thin (< 1 m) finely laminated, The recognition of algal fabrics commonly
black, kerogenous, pyritous limestones with cop- depends on indirect evidence such as the presence
ious vertebrate remains occur towards the basin of stromatolites in the littoral facies. Within the
centre (Fig. 6). These changes enable four main limestones there are also preserved other indirect
facies to be recognized: paludine, littoral, sublit- lines of evidence such as cryptalgal clasts,
toral and profundal. A distinct littoral mudflat encrustations, algae fenestrae, thrombolites and
facies may have existed at the north-eastern laminites. However, the direct evidence is that
margin of the body of water (Fig. 7). algalclasts are by far the most important contrib-
The littoral facies is critical to the understand- utors of detritus to the limestones (Fig. 9c). They
ing of water level fluctuations in Burdiehouse signify a constant reworking of algal growths at
times. It invariably comprises minor cycles of the margins of the water body by gentle wave
shoreline mudstones passing up into stromatolitic and current activity. Algae from Burdiehouse
and oncolitic grainstones and capped by shales limestones provide a useful tool for comparative
(Fig. 8). The implication is that each cycle environmental analysis, being closely allied to
represents a progressive deepening and expan- modern freshwater forms (Loftus 1985). The
sion of the water body and clearly this occurred assemblages are restricted in diversity and con-
several times. The fluctuating stands in water trast strongly with those described from Carbon-
Lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 227

. e~




2z8 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith

"~, 0



0 ~




9 ~

, ,,,,~
9 ~.~
Lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 22 9

FIG. 8. Littoral cycles displayed by lower limestone members of the Burdiehouse Limestone Formation at

iferous marine environments (e.g., Chuvashov & Palaeolimnology of Lake Cadell

Riding 1984).
The algae may have played another role in Since Hibbert's original detailed description in
sedimentation in raising the alkalinity of the 1836, workers have described the Burdiehouse
surface waters by assimilation of CO2 and limestones as being lacustrine in origin. This
HCO3 during photosynthesis (Schneider 1977), assertion was based upon negative evidence of
perhaps sufficiently to effect the direct chem- marine conditions rather than on positive evi-
ical precipitation of calcite in the form of cal- dence of a non-marine environment. The nature
cimorphs (Loftus 1985). Such conditions are and distribution of cyanophytic algae, vertebrate
most readily achieved in a closed hydrological and invertebrate assemblages, algal fabrics, the
system. predominance of calcite deposition and the styles
230 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith

TABLE 1. Cement stratigraphy of the limestone members of the Burdiehouse Limestone Formation

Cement stratigraphy
Diagenetic history
Basinal limestones Marginal limestones Pedogenic limestones
Meteoric phreatic Drusy autochthonous Drusy autochthonous Drusy autochthonous
diagenesis calcite calcite calcite
Scalenohedral Scalenohedral Scalenohedral
autochthonous calcite autochthonous calcite autochthonous calcite
Minor neomorphism and Kaolinite
grain enlargement
Brittle fracture Brittle fracture Brittle fracture
Limpid dolomite Kaolinite cement
Kaolinite cement Chlorite ?
Subaerial vadose Microquartz chalcedony and Needle fibre calcite
diagenesis megaquartz
Bioclastic moulds Rhombohedral brown
stained carbonate
Vadose silts and cavity Clay cutans
breccias Micritization (chert)
Emergence Cemented stromatolites Algal laminates and
oncolites, intraclasts and desiccation cracks
desiccation cracks

of limestone diagenesis (outlined in Table 1) Discussion

indicate that they were deposited in an ancient
fresh water lake (Lake Cadell). Lake Cadell The Burdiehouse Limestone Formation and the
covered an area of between 2000 and 3000 km 2 oil shales in the Oil Shale Group almost certainly
during the deposition of the formation (Fig. 1). accumulated under similar environmental con-
The growth of dense vegetation around the ditions. However, the former is calcitic while the
margins and the scarcity of marginal desiccation oil shales are not, suggesting physico-chemical
suggests that the lake was sustained by regular differences in the depositional waters. The Burd-
runoffperpetuated by a wet tropical climate from iehouse limestones record evidence for fluctuating
the surrounding, often volcanic, terrain. The stands in lake level (Fig. 8). In contrast, the lakes
physical characteristics, quality of organic pres- in which the oil shales accumulated seem to have
ervation and the absence of bioturbation in possessed relatively stable shorelines. Open lakes
deeper parts of the lake indicates permanent (i.e. lakes with an outlet) are characterized by
meromictic stratification of the waters, achieving stable shorelines and chemically dilute waters
a depth great enough to both support large free (Eugster & Kelts 1983) so it is possible that this
swimming vertebrates and upwelling currents is the model which is most appropriate for the oil
sometimes of the order of 0.18 m/s. Upper limits shale phases. In contrast during Burdiehouse
on the depth of Lake Cadell are imposed by its times, sand barriers, some locked onto a volcanic
restricted size, the extent of carbonate shelves, archipelago, probably blocked the eastern outlet
and the scarcity of slope deformation features that normally drained the lake, changing its
and turbidites implying the gentlest of bottom hydrological character from that of an open lake
relief. Comparison with modern lakes suggests to that of a closed lake (Loftus 1985) (Fig. 1).
that it was 50-100 m deep at the depocentres (cf. Removal of the outlet may account for the
Bradley 1966; Murphy & Wilkinson 1980). Short- apparent presence of fluctuating shorelines pre-
term fluctuations in the depth are probably served in Burdiehouse limestones. A progressive
reflected partly by interbedded sediments and saturation of the waters with respect to Ca 2§ and
partly by the limestone couplets and littoral cycles CO32- would have created conditions suitable
recorded at the margins of the lake. The latter for the preservation of algae, especially at the
may have been seasonal, reflecting annual partial lake margins.
overturn of the nutrient charged waters from the The Camps Shale, though one of the least
hypolimnion into the epilimnion and short-term laterally persistent of all the workable oil shales,
contractions with expansions of the lake margins. is intimately associated with the Burdiehouse
FIG. 9. (a) Dissolution fabric in silicified micritic mudstones, East Calder. The paludine facies displays collapse
brecciation and cavity generation with the sedimentation of vadose silt and subsequent fill by megaquartz of the
cavities. Scale bar 1 mm. (b) Pedogenic micritic mudstone, East Calder showing peloids (P), quartz grains with
circumcrusts (Q) and a rhizoid (root structure) with a four-stage infilling: (1) clear sparry calcite, (2) a dark
limonite (after siderite?) coating, (3) a geopetal vadose silt and (4) clear drusy calcite. Scale bar 200 ~tm. (c)
Spalled or collapsed periphytonic algae (C), Cayeuxiaspp., found in the sublittoral wackestones and packstones.
Each of the bright chambers are thalli filled with early calcite cement, as are the articulated ostracods (O). The
bioclasts show little evidence of transport. Scale bar 1 mm.
232 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith


. ,,.~

, ,,,~

. ,,,q
Lacustrine Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 233

Limestone Formation. The profundal deep water landlocked on three sides. The lake was subject
facies of the limestone formation shows similar to long-term fluctuations in lake stand expressed
characteristics to oil shales (fine laminations, as sedimentary cycles, intermittently opening via
bituminous, black, pyritous, lacking bioturba- lagoons into the sea at its distal eastern end. It
tion). The oil shales, however, have a much was variously bounded by sandy beaches, deltas
broader areal distribution than the profundal and barriers. Lake closure led to the deposition
facies of the Burdiehouse Limestone Formation of a range of algal-dominated limestones of which
(Fig. 7) (compare with Plate III from Mitchell & the Burdiehouse limestones were the most im-
Mykura 1962), suggesting that they correspond portant with deeper water facies resembling oil
to deeper water phases of an open Lake Cadell shales. Chemical changes and deepening of the
i.e., with depths of about 100 m. The dominance lake waters, with a degree of reconnection to the
of planktonic algae in the oil-shales, contrasting open sea, saw the periodic mass accumulation of
with the dominance of benthic algae in the planktonic algae analogous to the modern form
Burdiehouse Limestone Formation, suggests that Botryococcus braunii. These collected as flocculent
conditions were unsuitable for benthic algae oozes on the low relief bottom of the lake and
during oil shale deposition. It is suggested here progressively converted into oil shales.
that the shelf areas around the lake, which
provided a substrate for benthic algae during
Burdiehouse times (Fig. 10), were either reduced
in width or were at a further remove from the
depocentres while the oil shales were accumulat- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:We are grateful to many individ-
ing. Whatever the actual circumstances, benthic uals and organizations for assisting in this work, more
algae do not appear to have been positive especially R. Riding, G. F. Elliott and S. Monro and
contributors to the algal oozes (oil shales) accu- his colleagues in the British Geological Survey. Also
mulating in the depocentres. LASMO, Tricentrol, BP, Moray Petroleum, Anvil
Petroleum, Taylor Woodrow, Livingston New Town
Conclusions Development Corporation, the Royal Scottish Museum
and the Hunterian Museum. NERC supported GWFL
Lake Cadell was a complex of freshwater mer- for 3 years. The bulk of the figures were drawn by Colin
omictic lakes, set in a wet tropical climate and Stuart of University College.

ANDERSON,J. G. C. 1942. The oil-shales of the Lothians. CARRUTHERS,R. G., CALDWELL,W., BAILEY,E. M. &
Area II Pumpherston. Geological Survey Wartime CONACHER, H. R. J. 1927. The oil-shales of the
Pamphlet No. 27. Lothians, 3rd edn, Memoir of the GeologicalSurvey
BELT, E. S. 1975. Scottish Carboniferous patterns and of Scotland, Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
their palaeoenvironmental significance. In: BROUS- Edinburgh.
SARD, M. L. (ed.), Deltas. Models for Exploration, CHUVASHOV,B. & RIDING, R. 1984. Principal floras of
Houston Geological Society, Houston, 427-449. Palaeozoic marine calcareous algae. Palaeontology,
BLACKBURN,K. B. & TEMPERLEY,B. N. 1936. Botry- 27, 487-501
ococcus and the algal coals. Transactions of the CONACHER, H. R. J. 1917. A study of oil-shales and
Royal Society of Edinburgh, 58, 841-868. torbanites. Transactionsof the Geological Society of
BRADLEY,W. H. 1966. Tropical lakes, copropel and oil- Edinburgh, 16, 164-192.
shale. Bulletin of the GeologicalSociety America, 77, --1938. Coorongite and its occurrence. In: Oil-
1333-1338. Shales and Cannel Coals, Part 1, Institute of
- - & EUGSTER,H. P. 1969. Geochemistry and paleo- Petroleum, London, 42-49.
limnology of the trona deposits and associated EUGSTER,H. P. & KELTS,K. 1983. Lacustrine chemical
authigenic minerals of the Green River Formation sediments. In: GOUDIE, A. S. & PYE, K. (eds),
of Wyoming. Professional Paper. United States Chemical Sediments and Geomorphology, Academic
Geological Survey, 496-B, 1-71. Press, London.
CADELL,H. M. 1925. The Rocks of West Lothian, Oliver FRANCIS, E. H. 1983. Carboniferous. In: CRAIG, G. Y.
& Boyd, Edinburgh. (ed.), Geology of Scotland, 2nd edn, Scottish
CAMERON,I. & MCADAM,A. D. 1978. The oil-shales of Academic Press, Edinburgh, 253-296.
the Lothians, Scotland: present resources and GEORGE,T. N. 1958. Lower Carboniferous palaeogeog-
former workings. Report of the Institute of Geologi- raphy of the British Isles. Proceedings of the
cal Sciences, No. 78. Yorkshire GeologicalSociety, 31,227-318.
CANE, R. F. 1969. Coorongite and the genesis of oil- GREENSMITH, J. T. 1962. Rhythmic deposition in the
shale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 33, 257- Carboniferous Oil-Shale Group of Scotland. Jour-
265. nal of Geology, 70, 355-364.
234 G. W. F. Loftus & J. T. Greensmith
- -1966. Carboniferous deltaic sedimentation in east MURPHY, D. H. & WILKINSON,B. H. 1980. Carbonate
Scotland: a review and re-appraisal. In: SHIRLEY, deposition and facies distribution in a central
M. L. & RAGSDALE, J. m. (eds), Deltas in Their Michigan marl lake. Sedimentology, 27, 123-135.
Geologic Framework, Houston Geological Society, PARNELL, J. 1984. Hydrocarbon minerals in the
Houston, 143-166. Midland Valley of Scotland with particular refer-
- -1968. Palaeogeography and rhythmic deposition ence to the Oil-Shale Group. Proceedings of the
in the Scottish Oil-Shale Group. United Nations Geologists Association, 95, 275-285.
Symposium on the Development and Utilisation of
Oil Shale Resources. Section B, Tallinn, 1-16. RICHEY, J. E. 1935. Areas of sedimentation of Lower
HUTCHINSON, G. S. 1957. A Treatise on Limnology. Carboniferous in the Midland Valley of Scotland.
Volume 1. Geography, Physics and Chemistry, John Summary of Progress, Geological Survey of Great
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KELTS, K. & HSi), K. J. 1978. Freshwater carbonate - - 1 The oil-shales of the Lothians: structure:
9 4 2 .

sedimentation. In: LERMAN, A. (ed.), Lakes: Area I (West Calder). Geological Survey Wartime
Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Springer-Verlag, Ber- Pamphlet No. 27.
lin, 293-323. ROBERTSON, T. 1948. Rhythm in sedimentation and its
KENNEDY, W. Q. 1943. The oil-shales of the Lothians: interpretation: with particular reference to the
structure: Area IV (Philpstoun). Geological Survey Carboniferous sequence. Transactions of the Edin-
Wartime Pamphlet, No. 27. burgh Geological Society, 14, 141-175.
LOFTUS, G. W. L. 1985. The petrology and depositional
ROBINSON,W. E. & DINEEN,G. V. 1967. Constitutional
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aspects of oil-shale kerogen. Proceedings of the 7th
stone Formation of Scotland. Ph.D. thesis, Uni-
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G. W. F. LOFTUS,EP/13 Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschapp, Oostduinlaan 75, The

Hague, The Netherlands.
J. T. GREENSMITH,Department of Geological Sciences, University College, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT, UK.
Lacustrine petroleum source rocks in the Dinantian Oil Shale
Group, Scotland: a review

J. Parnell

S U M M A R Y: The Lower Carboniferous Oil Shale Group includes lacustrine rocks with
petroleum source-rock potential. Existing data is reviewed, and new pyrolysis data is
presented which shows that the oil shales sensu stricto are excellent source rocks with up to
30~ TOC and yields of up to 180 mg/g. Other shales and dark limestones in the group also
have some source-rock potential. The oil shales contain mixtures of laminar algal matter
(lamalginite) and discrete algal bodies (telalginite) which represent planktonic and benthonic
algal deposits. The algal bodies are Botryococcus-type and referable to Pila. There is a general
correlation between ~ alginite and hydrocarbon yield.

Introduction maximum thickness of the Oil Shale Group is

about 2000 m, of which 29/ois oil shale.
Oil shales were discovered in the Lower Carbon-
iferous of West Lothian in 1858 and were distilled
Oil Shale Group sediments
for oil over a period of 100 years. The shale
mining industry in that region is now of only Oil Shale Group sedimentation was rhythmic,
historical interest. Nevertheless, the high oil reflecting episodes of delta progradation and
potential of the oil shales may make them a viable retreat relative to a lake of several thousand km 2
resource once more in the future, and a recent size. Shales, including oil shales, and limestones
assessment has been made of their reserves were deposited in the lake basin. Periodic
(Cameron & McAdam 1978). The oil shales sensu emergence is indicated by desiccation cracks in
stricto (those once mined for oil distillation) are limestones and some shales. Thin marine lime-
excellent lacustrine source rocks: Barnard & stones and shales are also recorded (Greensmith
Cooper (1981) have inferred from distillation 1968).
yields that 'as potential source rocks they are ten Moore (1968) ascribed the oil shales to deposi-
to a hundred times better than an average good tion in a stratified lake in which algae and
source rock'. The oil shales were probably associated fungal/bacterial organic matter were
responsible for many oil shows in the region preserved in the hypolimnion. Dick (1981) further
(Parnell 1984a), some of which have been suggested permanent stratification, i.e., with no
commercially exploited. In addition, other shales seasonal overturn of the hypolimnion. Although
and limestones within the Oil Shale Group may the oil shales have been generally attributed an
contain significant quantities of organic carbon. 'algal' origin, like many other laminated kerogen-
This review summarizes those lithologies in the ous lacustrine deposits, detailed descriptions of
Oil Shale Group which are organic-rich and may the oil shales are lacking and the nature of the
have source-rock potential, lists scattered existing algal component has not been clarified. The
information about the bulk organic geochemistry nature of the algae is discussed below.
of the oil shales and presents pyrolysis data. The Several lithologies within the Oil Shale Group
nature of the organic matter in the sediments is deserve consideration as source rocks. In addition
discussed, but I have not attempted a detailed to the oil shales sensu stricto, of which there are
sedimentological analysis of Oil Shale Group twelve principal beds or groups of beds (Cameron
sedimentation. For this the reader is referred to & McAdam 1978), there are other shales in the
papers by Greensmith (1968) and Loftus & sequence which contain significant quantities of
Greensmith (this volume), which this review is organic matter. These shales are predominantly
intended to complement. lacustrine but include horizons which yield
The Dinantian Oil Shale Group forms the marine fossils. Some dark-coloured limestones
upper part of the Scottish Calciferous Sandstone show a lateral and/or vertical gradation to
Series in the eastern part of the Midland Valley kerogenous shales and themselves may be viable
of Scotland (Figs 1 and 2). Basin subsidence, with source-rocks.
syndepositional faulting, was probably an im- Figure 3 shows two examples of Oil Shale
portant control on sedimentation: the region of Group sequences at Society (NT 094793) and
oil shale deposition coincides with that of South Queensferry (NT 142785), adapted from
maximum subsidence (Greensmith 1968). The the records of Cadell et al. (1906) and MacGregor

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 235
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 235-246.
236 J. P a r n e l l

FIG. 1. Generalized vertical section of the Lower Carboniferous of the Lothian region (after Cameron &
McAdam 1978).

(1973) respectively. The limestones are kerogen- clastic grains, generally 'floating' in an organic
ous and the shales are calcareous, emphasizing matrix, (ii) plant remains, (iii) yellow algal bodies
the transitional nature of the lithologies. In both (Fig. 4), equivalent to the alginite A (telalginite)
sequences, shales and limestones contain desic- of Hutton et al. (1980), (iv) very thin (10-20 ~tm)
cation cracks, and some limestones are stroma- coalesced laminae of organic matter which have
tolitic. The Pumpherston Shell Bed is a marine an intimate anastomosing relationship with the
shale (see below) which shows no discontinuities mineral matter of the rock (Fig. 5), equivalent to
with the rocks above or below. TOC data are the alginite B (lamalginite) of Hutton et al. (1980),
given for many beds, and pyrolysis determina- (v) phosphatic fish remains and coprolites, (vi)
tions are recorded in Table 1. shell fragments, particularly ostracods, common
at certain horizons, (vii) penecontemporaneous/
early diagenetic carbonate minerals, (viii) authi-
Petrography of oil shales and related sediments
genic minerals, e.g., pyrite, albite and chalce-
The kerogenous sediments of the Oil Shale Group dony. The relative proportions of these
consist of variable mixtures of (i) detrital silici- components can vary very markedly within a
Dinant&n Oil Shale Group 237

FIG. 2. Localities in Table 1 and text. (a) Regional setting of Oil Shale Group (boundary of main outcrop ruled),
(b) Lothian region.

single bed. Several oil shale beds are represented ( < 100 lam) indistinguishable from laminae in the
at some localities by comparatively lean shales oil shales. Transitional lithologies consist of
(Richey 1942; Anderson 1942; Kennedy 1943). abundant siliciclastic grains, or sparite lenses, in
Individual beds also vary in thickness from a groundmass of organic matter. Desiccation
several metres down to several centimetres. cracks are abundant in the shales and limestones,
Vertical transitions between lithologies are but very rare in the oil shales.
often indistinct; limestones pass upwards into Near the top of the Oil Shale Group a cherty
decreasingly calcareous shales, and oil shales pass limestone with kerogenous laminae occurs within
upwards into decreasingly kerogenous shales. a series of lavas and tufts at East Kirkton (Table
Some limestones include kerogenous layers 1). The limestone is interbedded with black shales
238 J. P a r n e l l

FIG. 3. Oil Shale Group sequences at Society, and a section near South Queensferry including the Pumpherston
Oil Shales. Asterisks indicate TOC (~) determinations; encircled asterisks indicate pyrolyses(mg/g; see Table

and tufts (Muir & Walton 1957; and see log in occurs disseminated in the dolomite and as thin
Howell & Geikie 1861). Kerogenous laminae ( < 10 ~m) isolated laminae. There are also hori-
( < 5 0 ~ m ) are separated by sparite layers zons of anastomosing organic laminae and car-
(500~tm). Some kerogenous layers consist of bonate with up to 30 kerogenous laminae per mm
several anastomosing laminae, with calcite spher- thickness, reminiscent of the oil shales. Hesselbo
ulites up to 2 mm diameter (Fig. 7). The spheru- & Trewin (1984) describe and figure laminae of
lites show nucleii of siliciclastic grains or plant concentrated organic matter associated with
fragments. Sparite layers contain numerous len- dolomite in the Gullane bed. The organic ma-
soid (50 x 20 pseudomorphs after gypsum. terial, which occurs in a similar form at Granton,
These are the only pseudomorphs after evaporites is in fact a plastic bitumen, which was probably
recorded in the Oil Shale Group. generated within the beds. It is associated with
Laminated dolomitic limestones, well known displacive fibrous dolomite (Fig. 6), which may
as fossiliferous 'shrimp beds', occur within black be a consequence of over-pressuring; several
shale sequences at Granton (Tait 1925; Briggs & other bitumen-enriched beds in the Oil Shale
Clarkson 1983) and Gullane (Traquair 1907; Group sequence contain displacive carbonate.
Hesselbo & Trewin 1984). The beds are less than The dolomitic laminites lie below the lowermost
0.5 m thickness. Organic matter in the beds oil shales sensu stricto, but shales at a similar
Dinant&n Oil Shale Group 239
TABLE 1. Rock-Eval pyrolys& data for oil shales, shales and limestones of the Oil Shale Group

No. Rock type Locality Stratigraphy TOC S1 $2 S2/TOC S1

(% wt) (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg HC/
gTOC) $1+$2

1 Oil shale Pitcorthie Lower OSG 21.10 -- 44.06 209 --

2 Oil shale S. Queensferry Dalmahoy OS 19.90 -- 117.41 590 --
3 Oilshale Newton PumpherstonOS 9.88 1.17 41.42 419 0.03
4 Oilshale S. Queensferry PumpherstonOS 28.52 1.72 177.71 623 0.01
5 Oilshale Society CampsOS 4.25 1.65 14.64 344 0.10
6 Oilshale W. Calder DunnetOS 19.59 1.34 i 2 4 . 3 6 635 0.01
7 Oilshale Bridgend ChampfleurieOS 16.30 -- 51.96 319 --
8 Oilshale Faucheldean BroxburnOS 14.90 0.28 76.43 513 0.00
9 Black shale Dean Bridge Wardie Shales 13.78 0.68 16.69 121 0.04
10 Blackshale E. Kirkton UnderLst. 22.67 2.70 98.36 434 0.03
11 Gypsiferous laminite E. Kirkton Under Lst. 1.50 . . . .
12 Blackshale Granton GrantonSst. 1.67 0.46 2.56 153 0.15
13 Dolomitic laminite Granton Granton Sst. 3.21 0.39 1.91 59 0.17
14 Marine black shale S. Queensferry Pumpherston SB 4.74 -- 3.90 82 --
15 Marine black shale Randerston Lower OSG 11.60 -- 30.64 264 --
16 Blacklimestone Society Burdiehouse Lst. 1.94 0.60 5.66 292 0.10
17 Grey limestone Society Burdiehouse Lst. 1.71 0.27 1.81 106 0.13
18 Black shale adjacent to sill Dodhead Burdiehouse Lst. 8.10 0.68 1.83 23 0.27

stratigraphic level are sufficiently kerogenous to torbanite (boghead coal) formation (Cane 1976).
have w a r r a n t e d distillation trials ( P e a c h et al. Torbanites consist almost entirely of yellow algal
1910). bodies w h i c h are visualized as colonizing the
surface of small shallow w a t e r bodies with low
Depositional environment of source rocks d r a i n a g e input, replenished by rainfall and
seepage t h r o u g h lake m a r g i n peats, or the centres
Oil shales: significance of algal bodies of larger w a t e r bodies (Moore 1968). T h e Oil
One of the most widely used models for oil shale Shale G r o u p oil shales also c o n t a i n yellow algal
formation is an a d a p t a t i o n of the m o d e l for bodies although in lesser a m o u n t s ( C o n a c h e r

FIG. 4. Discrete Botryococcus-type algal bodies (light) in oil shale, Pumpherston Oil Shale, South Queensferry
( x 47).
240 J. Parnell
Carboniferous torbanites and oil shales (Stadni-
kow & Weizmann 1929; Douglas et al. 1969b).
Figure 8 demonstrates the relationship between
hydrocarbon yield and percentage total alginite
(telalginite + lamalginite) in the Oil Shale Group.
A similar relationship has been determined for
Australian oil shales by Hutton et al. (1980).

Laminar organic matter

Although yellow algal bodies are abundant in the
sediments, there is also a substantial proportion
of laminar organic matter (lamalginite). This
organic matter would be described as bituminite
(e.g. Stach et al. 1982) or dispersed organic matter
by some workers. The lamellar form of the
lamalginite in sections normal to bedding (Fig.
5) and rounded form parallel to bedding strongly
suggest that it too is derived from algal matter
(A. C. Hutton, pers. comm.). Stach et al. (1982)
similarly infer their 'bituminite' to be a decom-
position product of algae. The lamalginite can be
envisaged as the deposit of flocculent oozes of
blue-green planktonic algae. A comparable com-
bination of benthonic and planktonic algal matter
is found in Tertiary oil shales in Thailand
FIG. 5. Fine laminar fabric of oil shale. Large object is
coprolite, rhomboid/rectangular grains are authigenic
albite. Broxburn Oil Shale, Bridgend. (SEM • 440,
courtesy of H. Shaw.)

1917; MacGregor 1938), and hence oil shale

deposition has been considered as similar to that
of torbanites but with a greater influx of silici-
clastic sediment and plant debris (Carruthers et
al. 1912).
The yellow algal bodies in the oil shales are of
the Pila-type (see Stach et al. 1982). The similarity
of the algal bodies in oil shales and torbanites to
the recent alga Botryococcus braunii (Zalessky
1914; Blackburn & Temperley 1936) has enabled
analogies to be drawn between the ancient
sediments and the recent alga-bearing sediments.
Botryococcus braunii is the principal constituent
of a number of highly resilient sapropelic deposits
of recent ephemeral lakes, including balkhashite
(Kazakhstan) and coorongite (South Australia).
The algal bodies in the oil shales are of
particular relevance to the oil potential of the
shales. The analogous recent algae and algal
sediments have a high hydrocarbon yield (Berg-
mann 1963; Brown et al. 1969), and ancient
sediments with a significant content of these
algae are good source rocks (Traverse 1955 ; Gelpi
et al. 1968). The analogy is supported by organic
geochemical studies of balkhashite (Zelinsky FIG. 6. Dolomitic laminite with seams of bitumen
1926) coorongite (Douglas et al. 1969a), the associated with fibrous displacive dolomite and
isolated alga (Maxwell et al. 1968) and the bitumen disseminated in dolosparite. Granton ( x 28).
Dinantian Oil Shale Group 241

FIG. 7. Kerogenous laminite with calcite lenses and calcite spherulites, East Kirkton Limestone ( x 16).

FIG. 8. General correlation between hydrocarbon yield ($2) and percentage alginite in oil shale/other samples (1-
4, 6-10, 15). Percentages from 2-D counts of 500 data points.
242 J. Parnell
(Sherwood et al. 1984) and Australia (Hutton et 1984b for discussion of playa environment in
al. 1980). The nature of the organic matter in which these mudflat sediments may have been
these oil shales, including those of the Oil Shale deposited). The well-defined laminae, well-pre-
Group, is typical of low to moderate salinity served and abundant algal matter, and lack of
lacustrine deposits (see Sherwood et al. 1984). exposure or significant sediment transport in the
oil shales sensu stricto suggest their deposition in
a permanent lake, possibly stratified such that
Vegetable matter: relationship to oil shales
anaerobic bottom conditions prevailed. Thus
In addition to algal matter, the oil shales and elements of both playa-lake and perennial lake
other sediments include a significant proportion models may be applicable. Present-day playa
of vegetable matter (Douglas et al. (1983) report lake deposits are best developed in an arid
the presence of vitrinite and inertinite). In some climate, whereas the Oil Shale Group was
shales, plant debris is the predominant type of deposited in a more tropical climate (see below).
organic matter. Several thin coals occur in the Organic productivity reached a maximum during
Oil Shale Group sequence (Fig. 1). The coals may permanent lacustrine phases, but was still high
have occupied a similar palaeogeographic posi- during impermanent phases. The mudflats con-
tion to the oil shales (Fig. 9) and it is of sisted of carbon-rich mud or carbonate mud or
palaeoclimatic importance that they occur within an intermediate between these two end members.
the same succession. Their palaeogeographic Thicknesses of carbonate sediment increase
equivalence is exemplified by the Two Foot Coal towards the basin margin at some levels (see
horizon (Fig. 1), which varies through coal, poor Parnell 1984b). Whilst carbonate grains depos-
coal, shaly coal, bituminous shale and oil shale ited through basin-centre anaerobic waters tend
(Kennedy 1943). Very thin ( ~ 5 cm) coal lenses to redissolve, grains deposited nearer the aerobic
occur at several localities within limestones, margins of a lake are preserved and accumulate
particularly in the Burdiehouse Limestone For- (Degens & Stoffers 1976).
mation (Connell 1836; Peach et al. 1910; Ander-
son 1942; Love 1960).
Other lithologies
Similar examples of closely related oil shale
and coal deposits are found in Cenozoic inter- Gradations from oil shale to other shales or
montane basins in Thailand. Gibling et al. (1985) limestones represent further dilution of algal
envisage the Thai oil shales, which have a very sediment by siliciclastic or carbonate sediment
similar petrography to those of the Oil Shale (the interplay of carbonate and carbonaceous
Group, as forming when 'peat swamps close to a sedimentation is discussed by Loftus & Green-
steep basin margin were flooded by shallow lakes, smith, this volume). Several dark shales yield a
allowing algae to replace rooted vegetation'. marine fauna, but some (including those from
South Queensferry and Randerston) additionally
contain Botryococcus-type bodies. These algae do
Lacustrine sedimentation
not occur in marine environments, and it must be
The oil shales were deposited as algal oozes in concluded that the beds represent marginal
shallow lakes which periodically dried out to environments which allowed restricted access to
expose vast expanses of mudflat (see Parnell marine waters. The Pumpherston Shell Bed at

FIG. 9. Schematic relationships between Oil Shale Group lithologies, showing distribution relative to basin
centre and margins.
D i n a n t i a n Oil S h a l e Group 243

South Queensferry occurs in a series of non- North Africa (West et al. 1979) shows that the
marine shales and oil shales (Fig. 3). As oil shales juxtaposition of vegetation and evaporites in the
represent periods of relatively permanent lacus- Oil Shale Group is not anomalous.
trine conditions, i.e., high lake-stand, it is
conceivable that at these times the lake had an
outlet to the sea. Atypical fossil assemblages (e.g. Hydrocarbonpotential
Love 1960; Mitchell & Mykura 1962) support the
notion that some beds with 'marine' faunas
Existing data
actually represent restricted marginal environ-
ments. The dolomitic laminites may similarly Numerous older accounts report oil yields from
have been deposited in a marginal setting. the distillation of the oil shales, up to 2001/tonne
Hesselbo & Trewin (1984) concluded that the bed (Cameron & McAdam 1978). Little other data
at Gullane is the deposit of a stratified lake or directly relating to hydrocarbon potential has
lagoon, whilst the very similar bed at Granton been published. Samples of Fells Shale from
contains a marine fauna, including conodonts Westwood (West Calder) yielded 11.2% TOC.
(Briggs & Clarkson 1983). The lithologies are (Bitterli 1963) and were the subject of a combined
otherwise identical and surely represent environ- gas chromatography-mass spectrometry investi-
ments more similar than the faunas suggest. The gation by Douglas et al. (1969b) who extracted a
mushes of lenticular gypsum crystals in the range of hydrocarbon molecules. Carbon-13
sediments at East Kirkton are analogous to N M R spectrometry of another sample by Miknis
modern occurrences which grow during early et al. (1982) showed that the oil shale has a high
diagenesis below algal mats in sabkha/playa proportion of aliphatic carbon, which indicates a
environments. good hydrocarbon generating potential. Cornford
(1984) has suggested that these may represent the
richest beds, but TOC yields of up to 30% are
recorded by the present writer. A mass chroma-
togram, gas chromatogram and kerogen pyro-
The Oil Shale Group sediments were deposited gram of three different oil shale samples are
in a palaeoclimate transitional between the presented by Douglas et al. (1983).
preceding semi-arid Old Red Sandstone/lowest
Dinantian and the later humid tropical climate
Pyrolysis data
of the Upper Carboniferous. The Lower Dinan-
tian Cementstone Group (Fig. 1) consists of Data for the hydrocarbon yield of a variety of
sabkha sediments with evidence for gypsum and samples, determined by pyrolysis, are recorded
halite deposition. The passage upwards into a in Table 1 (see stratigraphy in Fig. 1). Measure-
sequence including oil shales, the deposits of ments were made of hydrocarbons already gen-
more permanent water bodies, marks a gradual erated and retained within the rock (S1) and
climatic amelioration. In the Lower Oil Shale those yielded by kerogen in the rock during
Group, limestones are more common than oil pyrolysis ($2). The hydrogen index (S2/TOC)
shales but this trend is reversed in the Upper Oil generally increases with source-rock potential.
Shale Group (Greensmith 1962) as the aridity The yield generally increases with percentage
became less marked. Coals occur at several levels alginite (Fig. 8). The stratigraphy of the Lower
towards the top of the Upper Oil Shale Group. Oil Shale Group is highly variable and largely
The overlying Lower Limestone Group (latest omitted from Fig. 1 : the samples from the Wardie
Dinantian) and Namurian/Westphalian se- Shales and Granton Sandstones are from about
quence saw an increasing prevalence of coal- 400 m and 600 m respectively below the Dalma-
bearing sediments under a more humid climatic hoy Shale. Two samples (Nos 1 and 15) are from
regime. In the Oil Shale Group, trees are recorded East Fife (Fig. 2) where correlation with the
in growth position within oil shale (Conacher Lothian region is vague; they are probably from
1917) and limestone (Howell & Geikie 1861). The low in the Lower Oil Shale Group. Sample no. 15
presence of gypsum near the top of the Upper Oil is from immediately above Randerston Lime-
Shale Group suggests that, despite the deposition stone VII (bed 41 of Kirby 1901). In general, the
of coals not far above and below, and the presence oil shales sensu stricto yield up to 30% TOC, and
of Lepidodendron and Stigmaria within the gypsi- other black shales up to 15% TOC. Up to 11.4%
ferous beds (Howell & Geikie, 1861) semi-arid TOC has been determined in shales containing
conditions could still prevail at those times. desiccation cracks. The H/C atomic ratios of oil
However, a direct association between trees and shales range from 1.5 to 2.0. The quality of a
gypsiferous sabkha sediments in present-day single oil shale horizon can vary markedly (see
244 J. Parnell
above): the yields noted here for oil shales may dolomites contain migrated bitumen; and note
be higher or lower at different localities. These records of oil/gas in the Spilmersford borehole,
examples however show that the oil shales reach East Lothian (Davies 1974)). Extrusive volcanic
exceptionally rich hydrocarbon potential. Some rocks in the Edinburgh district which Parnell
other black shales, including a 'marine' sample (1984a) concluded had generated hydrocarbons
also have rich yields. By comparison the lime- by heat, pre-date Oil Shale Group sediments,
stones have poor yields but in absolute terms the implying that hydrocarbon source rocks already
black limestone has a good potential. Indeed a existed. Furthermore, bitumen-enriched Ce-
bitumen distillate was obtained from dark Bur- mentstone Group shales occur adjacent to sills in
diehouse limestone 150 years ago (Connell 1836). the North Berwick district (P. Eakin pers.
This is not surprising: the limestone contains comm.), offering direct evidence that igneous
organic laminae identical to those in shales and activity generated hydrocarbons from these
oil shales and is essentially a calcite-supported rocks.
algal deposit. Of three 'oil shale' samples
analysed by Douglas et al. (1983), two (10 and Conclusions
13% TOC) were carbonate-rich (>40%), the
other (20% TOC) carbonate-poor (2.5%). The The Oil Shale Group contains rocks with excellent
marine samples and limestones contain similar, source-rock potential. The richest beds are the oil
but fewer, algal bodies to the oil shales. shales sensu stricto with TOC contents of up to
The S 1 and transformation ratio (S 1/S 1 + $2) 30% and $2 yields of up to 180 mg/g. Other shales
data suggest that migrated hydrocarbons are in the sequence, with up to 15%, also have
generally unimportant in oil shale analyses, but significant potential. The organic matter in the
more important in the limestones. The analysis oil shales and shales is predominantly algal, a
of sample no. 18 confirms thin section observa- mixture of laminar algal matter and discrete
tions that shales adjacent to late Carboniferous Botryococcus-type algal bodies which probably
sills contain a significant quantity of migrated represent the deposits of planktonic and ben-
bitumen (see Geikie (1900) for details of intru- thonic algal communities respectively. The hy-
sions into shales at Dodhead). The present drocarbon yield is greatest in those shales which
maturity of the oil shales varies with proximity to are richest in alginite. Dark limestones contain
igneous intrusions and structural highs/lows, but organic laminae identical to those in the shales,
is generally early/mid-mature with respect to oil and themselves have some limited source-rock
generation (Cornford 1984). potential.
The main region of oil shale deposition in the The rich oil shales are the deposits of a stratified
Lothians (Fig. 2) from which sample nos 2-8 lake, whilst abundant evidence for exposure in
were collected, occupies about 3000 km 2, but the the other shales and limestones suggests a playa
occurrence of thin, but rich, oil shales in East environment for their deposition. Widespread
Fife (sample no. 1) extends the total region of oil evidence for vegetation, including coals, shows
shale deposition to at least 10 000 km 2. that the Oil Shale Group was not deposited in an
No samples from the lowest Dinantian Ce- arid basin like many modern playas, but in a
mentstone Group (Fig. 1) have been analysed in more tropical climate.
this survey, but the Group contains dark lacus- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I acknowledge with pleasure
trine shales and dolomitic laminites which may discussion with G. Loftus; technical assistance pro-
have some hydrocarbon generating potential (e.g. vided by E. Lawson, M. Gill and S. Watters; and H.
at North Berwick, where black shales and Shaw for making available Fig. 5.

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J. PARNELL,Department of Geology, Queen's University, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK.

Lacustrine sequences in an early Mesozoic rift basin: Culpeper
Basin, Virginia, U S A

P. J. W. Gore

S U M M A RY: Lacustrine sequences in the Culpeper Basin, Virginia, USA were deposited
in a half-graben dominated by fluvial sheetfiood deposition. During periods of increased
precipitation and runoff, lakes formed within the basin. Numerous lacustrine sequences,
ranging from less than 1 m to more than 35 m thick, document the expansion and contraction
of perennial freshwater and saline lakes controlled by Milankovitch-type cyclic climatic
change. Many of the lacustrine sequences contain black, laminated shale, deposited in deep,
anoxic water in stratified lakes. Most of the lakes were hydrologically closed, as indicated by
the presence of evaporite crystal moulds and pseudomorphs in associated mudflat deposits.

Introduction paper is to present a basin-wide synthesis of

lacustrine deposition by describing the palaeoen-
The rift basins of the Newark Supergroup, eastern vironmental setting of the lacustrine deposits,
North America (Fig. 1), contain a complex comparing the palaeoenvironmental setting of
mosaic of early Mesozoic lacustrine and fluvial the Bull Run and Buckland Formations to that of
deposits. Lacustrine strata are present in all of the Waterfall Formation, and discussing reasons
the basins, and a wide variety of types of deposits for the change in style of lacustrine deposition
have been described, ranging from playa lakes to within the basin. Nine lacustrine facies are
extensive, deep, stratified lakes (Hubert et aL described, representing deposition in offshore,
1976, 1978; Wheeler & Textoris 1978; Olsen nearshore, and mudflat environments in an early
1980b; Manspeizer & Olsen 1981 ; Olsen 1984a; Mesozoic rift basin.
Hentz 1985; Demicco & Kordesch 1986). The
Culpeper Basin is one of the larger basins in the
Geological setting
southern part of the Newark Rift System, and
the southernmost basin containing Jurassic rocks. The Newark Rift System is a series of early
The sedimentary record of the Culpeper Basin Mesozoic fault-bounded basins in eastern North
spans an interval of about 30 million years from America which formed during the earliest phases
Karnian (Late Triassic) to Pliensbachian (Early of rifting prior to the opening of the Atlantic
Jurassic). Within the Culpeper Basin, several Ocean (Fig. 1). The rocks in these basins are
types of lake deposits are present representing dominated by continental sediments deposited in
deposition in both freshwater and saline lakes, fluvial, alluvial fan, and lacustrine environments.
and in both shallow and deep lakes. Lacustrine Most of these sediments are red, but grey to black
sequences are commonly interbedded with mud- lacustrine deposits are also common. In addition,
flat and fluvial sheetflood deposits, and numerous some basins contain coal, aeolian sandstone, or
episodes of lake expansion and contraction are evaporites. The sedimentary rocks, together with
recorded. In the Early Jurassic Waterfall For- interstratified Early Jurassic basalt flows, com-
mation alone, there were at least 10 episodes of prise the Newark Supergroup (Froelich & Olsen
lake expansion and contraction (Hentz 1985). 1984, 1985). Diabase intrusives are present
Lake deposits in the Waterfall Formation average throughout much of the Newark Supergroup,
about 35 m thick, representing deposition in deep some of which are interpreted as feeder dykes to
stratified lakes with anoxic bottom waters (Hentz the Early Jurassic basalt flows (Martello et al.
1985). The Waterfall Formation, however, con- 1984; Froelich & Gottfried 1985).
tains only 16% of the stratigraphic column of the The Culpeper Basin, located in Virginia and
Culpeper Basin. Lacustrine deposits are also Maryland, USA is an elongate half-graben
present in the underlying Bull Run and Buckland containing approximately 9000 m of interbedded
Formations, which together comprise 74% of the fluvial, alluvial fan, and lacustrine deposits of
stratigraphic column. Lacustrine deposits in these Late Triassic and Early Jurassic age (Fig. 2). The
two formations differ significantly from those in basin is a maximum of about 20 km wide and is
the Waterfall Formation in lithology, thickness, more than 180 km long. Late Triassic rocks crop
and stratigraphic sequences. The purpose of this out in an arcuate pattern in the northern, eastern,

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 247
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 247-278.
248 P. J. W. Gore
and southern parts of the basin, and Early
Jurassic rocks are confined to the west-central
part of the basin (Fig. 2). Structurally, the basin
is bounded on the west by a zone of east-dipping
listric normal faults which separate the early
Mesozoic strata from Precambrian and lower
Paleozoic granitic, metasedimentary, and meta-
volcanic rocks of the Blue Ridge Province. The
eastern border of the basin is in part an
unconformable overlap onto Precambrian and
lower Paleozoic crystalline rocks of the Appala-
chian Piedmont Province, and is in part fault-
bounded (Leavy 1980; Froelich et al. 1982).
Tectonic movement along the western-border
fault system tilted the basin floor down toward
the west, forming a half-graben. Bedding in the
basin dips west toward the fault zone, and dip

FIG. 2. Generalized geologic map and stratigraphic

column for the Culpeper Basin, based on Lindholm
(1979). Geologic cross-section is based on Ratcliffe &
Burton (1985), Schamel et al. (1986), and Schamel
(Earth Sciences & Resources Institute, University of
South Carolina, written communication, July 1986).
FIo. 1. Distribution of the Newark Supergroup rift The Reston Formation, Manassas Sandstone, and
basins in eastern North America (from Froelich & much of the Bull Run Formation are Late Triassic in
Olsen 1984, 1985). age. The upper part of the Bull Run Formation, and
the Buckland and Waterfall Formations are Early
Jurassic in age. These five formations comprise the
Culpeper Group.
L a c u s t r i n e s e q u e n c e s in C u l p e p e r B a s i n 249

steepens westwards (Froelich et al. 1982, p. 57) mudstone and siltstone, with local conglomeratic
(Fig. 2). Synsedimentary movement along the units), Buckland Formation (a sequence of five
fault system led to the formation of alluvial fans basalt-flow units with interbedded sedimentary
along the western basin margin, and the upfaulted rocks), and Waterfall Formation (a sequence of
highlands to the west supplied coarse clastic interbedded sandstone, shale and conglomerate,
sediment to east-flowing fluvial systems. Asym- with a basalt flow near the top). Lacustrine
metric subsidence and westward tilting of the sediments are present in three of the five
basin floor caused ponding of water against the formations, the Bull Run, Buckland and Water-
western edge of the basin, forming large lakes fall Formations, which are described below.
which shallowed eastward. During the latter part
of basin filling, a change to west- and north-west-
Bull Run Formation
flowing fluvial systems suggests subsidence near
the fault zone coupled with uplift in the central The Bull Run Formation (Late Triassic and Early
part of the basin (Hentz 1985). Jurassic) is dominated by greyish-red to reddish-
Early studies of the Culpeper Basin determined brown plagioclase-rich mudstones and siltstones,
that most of the sediments were fluvial in origin, with thin beds of claystone and fine-grained,
including alluvial fan and floodplain deposits, micaceous, pale red sandstone. Most of the rocks
and pointed out that some of the sediments were are massive or mottled, but some of the coarser
deposited in temporary stagnant bodies of water units are laminated or cross-laminated. Mud-
(Roberts 1928). Between 1928 and the late 1970s cracks and bioturbation are common in the
there were few geological investigations in the claystone and mudstone, and small caliche-like
basin. Among those studies are reports on fish- pedogenic calcite nodules and evaporite crystal
bearing black shales (Baer & Martin 1949; moulds and pseudomorphs are present locally.
Applegate 1956), and on the sedimentary petrol- Conglomeratic units are present along the faulted
ogy of a unit of lacustrine, oolitic limestone in a western border of the basin and are interpreted
quarry near Culpeper, Virginia (Young & Ed- as alluvial fan deposits (Lindholm et al. 1979).
mundson 1954; Carozzi 1964). In the 1970s, The Bull Run Formation is the thickest unit in
increasing attention turned toward the stratigra- the Culpeper Basin, ranging up to 5100m
phy and sedimentology of the Culpeper Basin. At (Lindholm 1979). This formation is referred to
this time, the first Early Jurassic spores and by several other workers as the Balls Bluff
pollen were discovered in the Newark Supergroup Siltstone (Lee 1977, 1979, 1980; Olsen 1984a).
(Cornet et al. 1973; Cornet 1977). Prior to this,
all of the rocks in the Newark Supergroup were
Buekland Formation
believed to be late Triassic in age. The presence
of fossiliferous, grey and black lacustrine shales The Buckland Formation (Early Jurassic) con-
and carbonates was mentioned by Cornet (1977), sists of a series of basalt flows with interbedded
Lee (1977, 1979), and Lindholm (1979) in their sedimentary units. Five basalt-flow units are
reports on basin stratigraphy. These studies mapped, but several of these are composite,
revealed the first information about the distribu- consisting of multiple flows separated by rela-
tion and character of lacustrine beds, and tively thin sedimentary sequences (Lindholm
stimulated more detailed research on the sedi- 1979). The sedimentary rocks are dominantly
mentary history of the basin by Lindholm et al. sandstone, mudstone, mudshale, and siltshale
(1979), Hentz (1981, 1982, 1985), Froelich et al. (Lindholm 1979). Because of poor exposure, the
(1982), Lindholm et al. (1982), Gore (1983, 1984, detailed stratigraphy of the sedimentary units in
1985a, 1985b, 1985c, 1986, in press), Gore & this formation is not known. The mean thickness
Lindholm (1983), Sobhan (1985), Gore & Trav- of the Buckland Formation is 1670 m (Lindholm
erse (1986), and Smith & Robison (1986). 1979), and later workers have subdivided it into
Stratigraphic nomenclature in the basin has several thinner formations (Olsen 1984a; Froelich
had a long and complicated history, and is in prep).
currently under revision by the U.S. Geological
Survey (Froelich in prep.). In this report, the
nomenclature of Lindholm (1979) is used (Fig. Waterfall Formation
2). The rocks in the Culpeper Basin belong to the The Waterfall Formation (Early Jurassic), ex-
Culpeper Group, which consists of five forma- posed only in the west-central part of the basin,
tions, from oldest to youngest (Lindholm 1979): consists of about 1500 m of interbedded sand-
Reston Formation (a conglomeratic unit), Man- stone, shale, and conglomerate (Lindholm 1979).
assas Sandstone (a unit dominated by red sand- Lacustrine sequences in the Waterfall Formation
stone), Bull Run Formation (a sequence of average about 35 m thick (Hentz 1985). These
250 P. J. W. Gore

sequences are dominated by nearshore, grey, the Waterfall Formation is typical of non-marine
wavy-bedded sandstone and offshore, black, source rocks, and is dominated by unicellular
calcareous shale with turbidites (Hentz 1985). algae and palynomorphs (spores and pollen), with
Lacustrine sequences are separated by fluvial less abundant woody material (Smith & Robison
deposits ranging from 5 m to approximately 1986).
240m thick (Hentz 1985, p. 105). Mudflat Stratification within lake waters leads to a loss
deposits are present locally between the nearshore of oxygen in the deep water below wave base as
lacustrine and fluvial beds (Hentz 1985, p. 104). the result of respiration and decay, and large
Mudflat deposits are dominated by thin beds of quantities of organic matter may be preserved in
red sandstone, siltstone, or mudshale with mud- the sediments (Allen & Collinson 1986). The
cracks, burrows, intraclasts, traces of cross- upper water mass (epilimnion) is saturated or
lamination, and small calcite-filled vugs (Hentz supersaturated with oxygen derived from the
1985). The calcite-filled vugs were probably atmosphere or from photosynthesis, but in the
originally caliche or evaporite minerals, and lower water mass (hypolimnion), oxygen may be
suggest an arid to semi-arid climate (Hentz 1985, depleted or completely eliminated. Lakes may be
p. 104). perennially stratified with permanently stagnant
bottom waters (meromictic), overturn infre-
quently (oligomictic), overturn once yearly (mon-
Lacustrine facies
omictic), or twice yearly (dimictic). Overturn
Newark Supergroup lacustrine sediments are causes the lake waters to be mixed, transporting
typically recognized on the basis of fine grain oxygen to the bottom, and nutrients into surface
size, laminations, and presence of non-marine waters. Organic matter can also accumulate in
fossils. However, not all lacustrine sediments are shallow playa lakes with high organic productiv-
fine grained; lacustrine sandstones and conglom- ity and low sediment influx (Eugster & Hardie
erates are present locally. In addition, laminations 1975). Stratified lakes and shallow playa lakes are
are not present in all lacustrine deposits; they not necessarily mutually exclusive. A shallow
may have been destroyed by bioturbation. Also, saline lake surrounded by extensive playa mud-
some lacustrine units lack fossils. Lacustrine flats can become chemically stratified if there is
rocks may be red, brown, green, grey, tan, or an increase in freshwater inflow, forming a
black, but grey or black beds generally signal the freshwater cap over saline bottom waters (ecto-
presence of lacustrine deposits. Red, non-lacus- genic meromictic lake).
trine sediments can be altered to grey hornfels in Hydrological conditions within a lake affect
contact metamorphic aureoles surrounding dia- the nature and arrangement of sedimentary
base intrusives, and may resemble grey lacustrine facies. A distinction must be drawn between
deposits. Lithology, mineralogy, sedimentary lakes which have an outlet and are hydrologically
structures, sedimentary sequences, and lateral open, and lakes which lack an outlet and are
gradation into red non-lacustrine deposits away hydrologically closed. During its history, a lake
from the intrusive indicate that these grey rocks may pass through both open and closed stages,
are not lacustrine. Dark grey or black colour in depending on local conditions. Perennial inflow
lacustrine shales is due to the presence of organic to a closed basin will result in a rise in lake level
matter or pyrite (Pettijohn 1975; Potter et al. until the water fills the basin and spills out,
1980). In the Newark Supergroup, total organic causing the lake to become hydrologically open
carbon (TOC) contents of lacustrine beds range (Smoot 1985). Hydrologically open lakes have
from less than 1% to 40% (Ziegler 1983; Olsen relatively stable, fixed shorelines because inflow
1985b). Lacustrine deposits of the Waterfall and precipitation are balanced by outflow and
Formation have an average TOC of approxi- evaporation (Eugster & Kelts 1983; Allen &
mately 2% (Smith & Robison 1986). The average Collinson 1986). Sediments in open lakes are
TOC of the Bull Run and Buckland Formations generally fluvial-derived; chemical sediments
is slightly lower (Smith & Robison 1986). may form, but are restricted to the lake itself and
Organic matter in lacustrine sediments is a do not occur in fringing mudflats or spring areas
mixture of allochthonous material (spores, pollen, (Eugster & Kelts 1983; Allen & Collinson 1986).
leaves, needles, seeds, wood, etc.) and autochtho- Hydrologically closed lakes have a water budget
nous material (planktonic algae, microbial mats, in which inflow and precipitation may be ex-
aquatic plants) (Dean & Fouch 1983). Most ceeded by evaporation and infiltration (Allen &
lacustrine organic matter is believed to be derived Collinson 1986). This imbalance results in dra-
from planktonic algae (Dean & Fouch 1983), or matic water level changes and rapid, frequent
from bottom dwelling blue-green algal and fungal shoreline movements resulting in transgressive-
mats (Eugster & Hardie 1975). Organic matter in regressive sedimentary sequences (Eugster &
L a c u s t r i n e sequences in Culpeper B a s i n 251

Kelts 1983; Allen & Collinson 1986). Sediments lacustrine units are grouped into nine lithofacies,
in closed basin lakes tend to be a complex mixture differentiated primarily on the basis of lithology
of fluvial-derived sediment, reworked intraba- and sedimentary structures, and to a lesser extent
sinai sediment, and chemical and biochemical on colour, mineralogy, and fossil content. The
deposits. Chemical sediments in closed basins lithofacies are: (1) black shale, (2) graded sand-
form not only in the lake itself, but also in stone, (3) conglomerate, (4) olive-grey to greyish-
adjacent mudflats and spring areas (Eugster & red laminated mudshale and clayshale, (5) lime-
Kelts 1983). Salinity increases as lake levels drop, stone, (6) grey to tan ripple-cross-laminated to
such that a change from deep, relatively fresh massive sandstone and siltstone, (7) red laminated
water to shallow saline or hypersaline water may and cross-laminated sandstone, siltstone, and
be recorded within only a few centimetres of mudstone, (8) disrupted laminites, and (9) mas-
sediment. sive siltstone and mudstone.
Closed basin deposition has been proposed for
at least some lacustrine sediments in all of the
Newark Supergroup basins (Smoot 1985). Evi- (1) Black shale (facies BS)
dence for closed basin conditions in the Newark A wide variety of primary (depositional) and
includes (Smoot 1985): (1) decrease in grain size secondary (biogenic, compactional, and diage-
toward the basin centre, (2) palaeocurrent pat- netic) sedimentary structures are present in the
terns indicating flow toward the basin centre, (3) Culpeper Basin black shales. Hentz (1985) rec-
local sources for coarse-grained terrigenous sedi- ognized three types of laminae in black shales in
ments, (4) presence of evaporites, or evaporite the Waterfall Formation, unevenly-laminated
crystal moulds and pseudomorphs, and (5) pres- type 1 (deposited from currents in anoxic water),
ence of repeated transgressive-regressive lacus- unevenly-laminated type 2 (deposited by settling
trine sequences within the basins. A closed basin from suspension in anoxic water), and finely
model also implies certain relationships between laminated (deposited below wave base by settling
lacustrine and fluvial deposits. For example, the from suspension in periodically oxygenated
presence of a fluvial sandstone which was water). Although there are several varieties of
deposited in a relatively deep, perennial river black shale in the basin, two major types are
near the centre of a basin suggests that the basin distinguished on the basis of lamination style,
was open, or that the present basin is only a small authigenic minerals, and fossil assemblages, and
erosional remnant of a much larger basin (Smoot are referred to here as type A and type B.
1985, p. 9). Perennial river deposits should exist
only near the margins of closed basins, and should Type A black shales (facies BS-A ). Description:
be laterally-equivalent to perennial lake deposits. These shales have graded and homogeneous
Ephemeral fluvial deposits may extend far into laminae, consisting of light-coloured calcite-rich
the basin, but they generally interfinger with layers alternating with dark-coloured organic-
lacustrine shale or playa mudstone (Smoot 1985). rich layers on a submillimetre scale (Fig. 3).
Many of the Culpeper Basin lakes were Lenticular laminations and soft-sediment defor-
hydrologically closed. This is indicated by (1) mation structures, such as convolute laminations
grain size distribution within the basin (Lindholm and microfaults are present locally, and carbon-
et al. 1979), (2) palaeocurrent patterns (Lindholm ate-rich sand layers are present in some units.
1979), (3) sediment provenance (Lindholm et al. These shales contain pyrite, phosphate nodules
1979), (4) presence of evaporite crystal moulds (some of which are coprolites), and abundant
and pseudomorphs in lacustrine and mudflat fossils, including conchostracans (Cyzicus sp. and
deposits (Froelich et al. 1982; Gore 1983), and Cornia sp.), ostracods (Darwinula sp.), plant
(5) presence of transgressive-regressive lacus- remains, and well-preserved, phosphatized fish
trine sequences (Lindholm et al. 1982; Gore 1983; (Fig. 3). Type A black shales are common in the
Hentz 1985). In addition, thick fluvial deposits Early Jurassic Buckland and Waterfall Forma-
representing deposition in deep perennial rivers tions, but they are rare in the Bull Run Formation.
are not present near the centre of the basin. The three types of black shale laminae described
Fluvial sandstones near the centre of the basin by Hentz (1985) are included with type A black
(particularly in the Bull Run Formation) are shales.
generally thin, and resemble sheetflood deposits Interpretation: The presence of submillimetre
(Froelich et al., 1982, p. 61 ; Sobhan 1985). Both scale laminations, fine grain size, and non-marine
saline and freshwater lacustrine deposits are fossils suggests deposition in relatively quiet
present, and the sequence of facies records the lacustrine waters. Fine-grained, organic-rich,
expansion and contraction (transgression and laminated sediments are accumulating in modern
regression) of perennial lakes. Culpeper Basin lakes in areas that are protected from bioturba-
252 P . J. W . G o r e

FIG. 3. Photographs of type A black shale facies. (a) Photograph of laminated black shale. Note thin,
discontinuous laminations; Buckland Formation, Midland fish-bed (Fig. 13E). (b) Photograph of laminated
black shale with thicker, more continuous laminations than in (a), above; Buckland Formation, Midland fish-
bed (Fig. 13E). (c) Photograph of fish fossil from the Midland fish-bed; Buckland Formation (Fig. 13E).

tion, high clastic input, strong bottom currents, 1983, p. 332). In addition, laminations may be
and oxidation of organic matter. These conditions preserved in organic-rich, anoxic sediments be-
are found in anoxic bottom waters in modern neath an oxygenated water column if the fauna is
meromictic to oligomictic lakes, such as Lake restricted to small grazers and if burrowers are
Tanganyika, East Africa (Degens et al. 1971; absent (Eugster & Kelts 1983, p. 332). In the
Degens & Stoffers 1976; Stoffers & Hecky 1978; marine environment, however, it seems that
Demaison & Moore 1980), Lake Malawi, East laminations and organic carbon are preserved
Africa (Degens & Stoffers 1976; Crossley 1984), only when the overlying water column is anoxic
Lake Kivu, East Africa (Degens etal. 1972, 1973; (<0.1 ml/l dissolved oxygen), such as in the
Degens & Stoffers 1976), Lake Zurich, Switzer- Pacific oxygen minimum zone and in the Califor-
land (Kelts & Hs/i 1978), Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana nia borderland basins (Rhoads & Morse 1971;
(Talbot 1976, 1983; Talbot & Kelts 1985; Talbot Byers 1974; Berner 1981 ; Maynard 1982; Waples
et al. 1984), the Dead Sea, Israel-Jordan (Ryder 1983; Savrda et al. 1984; Thompson et al. 1985,
1980), and Green Lake, New York, USA (Ludlam p. 176). Organic content can be used as a rough
1969). Laminated sediments can also be deposited estimate of oxygen conditions. Black shales with
in lakes which are not permanently stratified, TOC less than approximately 2 ~ were probably
such as Lake Turkana, East Africa, which has deposited in waters with some oxygen (Waples
oxygenated bottom waters (Yuretich 1979; Cohen 1983). For example, laminated sediments of Lake
1984). Lakes in which the deposition of organic Turkana, which were deposited under an oxygen-
matter (primarily planktonic algae) exceeds the ated water column, generally have TOC contents
rate of oxygen replenishment for at least part of of less than 1~ (Yuretich 1976, 1979; Cohen
a year will lack bioturbation (Eugster & Kelts 1984). Sediments with greater amounts of organic
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 2 53

matter were probably deposited under anoxic or in a meromictic lake, but it is possible that some
near anoxic conditions (Waples 1983). Smith & of these shales (particularly those beds containing
Robison (1986) reported average TOC for Water- phosphate nodules) may have been deposited
fall Formation lacustrine sediments of about 2%. under one of the following conditions: (1) in the
Those samples with TOC greater than 2 ~ were transition zone (metalimnion) between oxic (dys-
likely deposited in anoxic water, but samples aerobic) and anoxic (anaerobic) water near the
with less than 2~ TOC may have been deposited thermocline in a stratified lake, or (2) in dysaero-
in at least partially oxygenated water. bic water where the oxic-anoxic boundary lay at
Pyrite forms under anoxic conditions in asso- or below the sediment-water interface, or (3) in
ciation with organic matter decomposition, sul- anoxic water in a stratified lake into which
phate reduction by anaerobic bacteria, and the turbidity currents occasionally introduced oxygen
production of hydrogen sulphide (Berner 1970, (Demaison & Moore 1980, p. 1187), or (4) under
1981), but it is not a good indicator of anoxic conditions which fluctuated between oxic and
bottom waters. Pyrite can form in stratified lakes anoxic, possibly related to lake overturn, or to an
with anoxic bottom waters, but it can also form oscillating oxygen-hydrogen-sulphide boundary
below the sediment-water interface in organic- (Degens & Stoffers 1976).
rich sediments deposited in oxygenated water, or
in anoxic microenvironments in otherwise oxidiz- Type B black shales (facies BS-B). Description:
ing sediments (Goldhaber & Kaplan 1974; Berner Type B biack shales have graded laminae
1981 ; Waples 1983). averaging about 1 mm thick, ranging to about
Modern marine phosphate nodules form in the 7 mm thick, with planar to scoured bases (Fig.
transition zone between aerobic and anaerobic 4). The lower sediment fraction of the graded
waters, or where the water column is oxygenated, laminae consists of tan silt, grading up into dark,
but conditions are anoxic and strongly reducing organic-rich lutite. Some laminae are lenticular
at or below the sediment-water interface (Cook and discontinuous (Fig. 4). Most of these shales
1976, p. 530). Type A black shales which contain are calcareous, and some contain remnant eva-
phosphate nodules may have been deposited in porite crystal forms which have been dissolved
dysaerobic waters near the oxic-anoxic transi- and filled, or replaced by calcite (Fig. 4). X-ray
tion. Dysaerobic conditions (0.1-1.0 ml/l dis- diffraction reveals the presence of small amounts
solved oxygen) are capable of supporting the of anhydrite or gypsum, or both (mineralogy by
invertebrates commonly present in these black D. A. Textoris, University of North Carolina,
shales. Conchostracans can tolerate waters with 1985). Most of these shales lack fossils but a few
dissolved oxygen content as low as 0.3 ml/1 at bedding planes in some units contain scarce,
temperatures of 23~ in the laboratory (Moore & small, poorly preserved conchostracans (Cyzicus
Burn 1968). sp. and Paleolimnadia? sp.), and scarce plant
The exquisite preservation of fish fossils in fragments are present locally. Type B shales are
some beds of this facies (Fig. 3) indicates absence restricted to the Bull Run Formation.
of scavengers, suggesting anoxic bottom condi- Interpretation: The presence of laminations
tions. In addition, preservation was probably and fine grain size suggest deposition in relatively
enhanced by the diagenetic effects of phosphate- quiet lacustrine water. The graded laminae are
rich interstitial waters derived from partial probably the result of introduction of terrigenous
decomposition of organic matter within the silt to the lake by runoff, followed by suspension
sediment (Jenkyns 1986). deposition. Scours and lenticular laminae suggest
On the basis of modern analogues, this facies occasional bottom currents or sporadic stirring of
was probably deposited in anoxic water in a the sediment by waves. Laminations, organic
relatively deep, stratified lake. The interpretation content, and lack of bioturbation all suggest
of some of the sedimentary features is somewhat deposition in a stratified lake with anoxic bottom
ambiguous, however. Laminations generally in- water. The presence of evaporite crystals in some
dicate anoxic sediment, however they are known beds indicates that at times these lakes were
to form under oxygenated waters. Organic con- saline or hypersaline. Elevated salinity promotes
tent suggests anaerobic conditions for some organic productivity because of faunal restriction
samples, but more data are needed to relate TOC and decreased consumption of algae (Eugster &
to particular lacustrine facies. Pyrite can form Kelts 1983). In addition, denser saline waters in
under a variety of conditions if the sediment is a stratified lake become anoxic, and preservation
anoxic, and the presence of phosphate suggests of organic matter is enhanced (Kirkland & Evans
dysaerobic conditions, assuming comparison to 1981; Eugster & Kelts 1983). Both elevated
marine sediments is valid. Most of these sedi- salinity and anoxia were probably responsible for
ments were probably deposited in anoxic waters the near absence of invertebrates in this facies.
254 P. J. I41. Gore
cross-laminated (Fig. 5). Hentz (1985) described
sequences of sedimentary structures in these beds
which resemble Bouma sequences (Bouma 1962).
The basal parts of the beds are graded to massive
sandstone (A), overlain by parallel laminated
sandstone (B), ripple cross-laminated or wavy-
laminated sandstone and siltstone (C), and topped
by shale (D or E). The most common sequences
are AE, consisting of graded or massive sandstone
layers several centimetres thick, interbedded with
facies BS-A (Fig. 5). These beds have scoured
and load-marked bases, locally overlain by shale
rip-up clasts. Some beds contain a transported
biota consisting of plant fragments, conchostra-
cans, and fish scales.
Interpretation: The graded bedding, scour-
marked bases, and rip-up clasts in these sand-
stones suggests deposition from bottom currents.
The resemblance between the sedimentary struc-
tures in these sandstones and Bouma sequences
strongly suggests that these beds are lacustrine
turbidites (Hentz 1985). These turbidites were
probably deposited from sediment-laden river
water entering the lake, resulting in hyperpycnal
flow (high density underflow) down a delta front
to the deepest part of the lake (Sturm & Matter
1978; Allen & Collinson 1986). Sediment-laden
river waters can also introduce oxygen to the
anoxic hypolimnion in a stratified lake (Demaison
& Moore 1980, p. 1187). Temporary oxygenation
can result in short periods of bioturbation by
organisms which are transported in by the
turbidity current, or which migrate in naturally;
bioturbation would cease after the oxygen is used
up in respiration and decay (Savrda et al. 1984).
In some stratified lakes, sediment-laden river
water may be denser than the epilimnion but less
dense than the hypolimnion, resulting in an
interflow along the thermocline or chemocline
(Sturm & Matter 1978). Coarser material would
FIG. 4. Photographs of type B black shale facies. (a) settle throughout the lake, and the fines would
Graded and lenticular laminations in black shale; Bull
Run Formation, section G-1 (Fig. 13c), Manassas remain in suspension until the lake waters
National Battlefield Park, Virginia. (c) overturned (Sturm & Matter 1978). Sandstone
Photomicrograph of calcite pseudomorphs of beds deposited from interflows would lack
evaporite crystals in (b). scoured bases. Most of the Culpeper Basin graded

Conchostracans do not tolerate salinities above 6

parts per thousand (Webb 1979), and darwinulid
ostracodes inhabit only fresh to brackish water
(Benson et al. 1961, p. Q253-254). The presence
of scarce invertebrates on a few bedding planes
may be related to freshening events or lake

(2) Graded sandstone (facies GS) FIG. 5. Photograph of graded sandstone facies. Note
scoured base (arrow) overlying black shale; Waterfall
Description: These sandstones are grey, normally- Formation, stream cut near Millbrook Quarry,
graded to massive, and some are laminated or Thoroughfare Gap, Virginia.
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 255

sandstones have scoured bases and are inter- of the fauna suggests deposition in fresh to
preted as turbidite deposits. brackish, slightly alkaline, oxygenated water.
The low organic content also suggests deposition
in oxygenated water.
(3) Conglomerate (facies CG)
Description: Both clast- and matrix-supported
conglomerates are associated with black shales
(5) Limestone (facies LS)
and graded sandstones. Clast-supported con- Description: Several types of limestone are pres-
glomerates are horizontally stratified, normally- ent, including stromatolitic limestone, mud-
graded, or massive, with imbricated clasts, basal cracked laminated limestone, limestone with
erosion surfaces and channel-form shapes up to graded laminae, massive bioturbated limestone,
120 m wide and 10.5 m deep (Hentz 1985). Some intraclastic limestone, pelleted-ostracodal lime-
of the conglomerates are overlain by trough- stone, and oolitic limestone (with some complex
cross-bedded sandstone (Hentz 1985). Matrix- reworked ooids) (Fig. 7). Most of the limestone
supported conglomerates are normally-graded or units are medium grey, but the stromatolites are
massive, with basal erosion surfaces and load dark grey to black, and are associated with
structures, and occur as isolated beds in facies stellate evaporite crystal pseudomorphs.
BS-A (Hentz 1985). Lacustrine conglomerates Interpretation: Calcite in lacustrine deposits
are restricted to the Waterfall Formation, al- originates through four main processes (Kelts &
though intraclastic limestones are present in the Hsii 1978): (1)inorganic precipitation induced
Bull Run Formation (see limestone facies). by biological activity (photosynthesis) or physical
Interpretation: Horizontal stratification, clast changes in the environment (temperature, evap-
imbrication, grading, and channel-form shape oration, or mixing of waters), (2) accumulation of
suggest that clast-supported conglomerates were shells, (3) introduction of carbonate from extra-
deposited from currents flowing down channels basinal sources, or re-sedimented carbonate de-
on a delta front (Hentz 1985). The association of rived from fringing playa flats, nearshore, or
sedimentary features is similar to Walker's (1975) slope deposits, and (4) diagenetic precipitation.
graded-stratified model of conglomerates associ- The several types of limestone in the Culpeper
ated with turbidites. Matrix-supported conglom- Basin each formed under slightly different con-
erates may be due to debris flows or slumps into ditions, but in general, all represent deposition in
the deeper part of the lake. relatively shallow water, or on lake margin
carbonate-flats. Fine-grained carbonate in many
of the limestones probably results from inorganic
(4) Olive-grey to grey&h-red laminated mudshale
precipitation or bioinduced precipitation by
and clayshale (facies SH)
planktonic algae. Laminae and graded laminae
Description: These shales are olive-grey to grey- were produced by suspension deposition, and the
ish-red, with graded and homogeneous laminae presence of mudcracks in some laminated units
(Fig. 6). Mudcracks, scour marks, and small indicates occasional subaerial exposure. Sedi-
intraformational clasts are present in some beds. ment-binding by microbial mats may have aided
Fossils are locally abundant, consisting of con- preservation of laminae in shallow water (Neu-
chostracans (Cyzicus sp.), ostracods (Darwinula mann et al. 1970). Intraclastic limestones contain
sp.), notostracans (Triops cf. cancriform&), pele- clasts derived from mudcracked carbonate mud-
cypods, insects, disarticulated fish remains, and flats. The pelleted-ostracodal limestone is an
plant fragments (including pollen and spores) accumulation of shells and calcareous, organic-
(Gore & Traverse 1986) (Fig. 6). Organic content rich pellets. The carbonate in the pellets is
is generally low. probably derived from bioinduced precipitation.
Interpretation: The fine grain size and presence The presence of oolites indicates current or wave
of laminations indicate suspension deposition in activity in shallow nearshore areas of saline
quiet water away from major sources of coarse closed basin lakes (Eugster & Kelts 1983, p. 343).
terrigenous input. Preservation of laminations The complex nature of some of the ooids in the
may have been aided by the presence of microbial oolitic limestone indicates reworking, and repre-
mats (Neumann et al. 1970). Scours and intrafor- sents deposition in a shallow lake with fluctuating
mational clasts suggest occasional current or depth and wave base, probably resulting from
wave activity. The presence of mudcracks in climatic change (Young & Edmundson 1954;
some beds indicates occasional subaerial expo- Carozzi 1964). The association of stromatolites
sure and desiccation, suggesting shallow water with stellate evaporite crystal pseudomorphs
deposition (or drying up of a deeper lake suggests that elevated salinity precluded algal
culminating in subaerial exposure). The character grazers, permitting algal mounds to form in
256 P. J. IV. Gore

FIG. 6. Photographs of olive-grey to greyish-red laminated mudshale and clayshale facies. (a) Graded and
discontinuous lenticular laminations in olive-grey mudshale to clayshale; Bull Run Formation, section G-1 (Fig.
13C), Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia. Scale in mm. (b) Mudcracks on bedding plane showing
several scales of cracking; Bull Run Formation, Culpeper Crushed Stone Quarry, Culpeper, Virginia. Pencil for
scale is 13 cm long. (c) Conchostracans (Cyzicussp.) in olive-grey clayshale; Bull Run Formation, section G-1
(Fig. 13C), Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia. Scale in mm.
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 257

FIG. 7. Photographs of limestone facies. (a) Limestone with graded laminae. Intraclasts and tiny coated grains
are present just above the base of this layer. Note scoured base overlying black shale (arrow); Bull Run
Formation, section C-I (Fig. 13D), Cedar Run, near Calverton, Virginia. (b) Stromatolitic limestone (black)
overlying discontinuous layer of calcareous silt containing stellate calcite pseudomorphs of evaporite crystals;
Bull Run Formation, section G-1 (Fig. 13C), Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia. (c) Limestone with
graded laminae and mudcracks; Bull Run Formation, section 8/B (Fig. 12A), Manassas National Battlefield
Park, Virginia. Scale in mm. (d) Photomicrograph of pelleted ostracodal limestone in early diagenetic
concretion; Buckland Formation, Midland fish-bed at Licking Run (Fig. 13E), Midland, Virginia. (e)
Photomicrograph of oolitic limestone with oolitic intraclasts, compound nuclei in reworked ooids, and pressure
solution stylolitization; Bull Run Formation, Culpeper Crushed Stone Quarry, Culpeper, Virginia (Fig. 18).
Photograph courtesy of Tucker Hentz (Texas Bureau of Economic Geology). Scale unknown. (f) Negative print
of thin section of limestone with graded laminae shown in (a). Note coated grains with white rims near the
bottom of the layer.

shallow water. The dark colour of the stromato- contain soft-sediment deformation features such
lites may be due to algal-derived organic matter. as load casts, convolute laminations, or ball-and-
pillow structures (Fig. 8). Some beds are nearly
massive, but retain wisps and traces of lamina-
(6) Grey to tan ripple-cross-laminated to massive
tion. Mud drapes, mudstone intraclasts, and
sandstone and siltstone (facies SS)
burrows are present locally. These sandstones
Description." These sandstone and siltstone beds and siltstones contain conspicuous muscovite
are commonly ripple cross-stratified with wave- flakes and plant fragments. Stellate crystal moulds
rippled tops, or wavy-laminated, and some or pseudomorphs are present in some beds. This
z58 P. J. W. Gore

FIG. 8. Photograph of wave-rippled sandstone; Bull

Run Formation, section G-7 (Fig. 13A), Manassas
National Battlefield Park, Virginia. Scale in mm.

facies is commonly interbedded with facies SH.

In the Waterfall Formation, facies SS typically
lies between fluvial and sublittoral lacustrine
deposits (Hentz 1985).
Interpretation: The wave-generated structures
indicate deposition in shallow water near a source
of terrigenous sediment input. The local presence
of mud drapes indicates fluctuations in wave
energy, with mud deposited during times of slack
water. Fluctuating wave action and bioturbation
suggest deposition in a nearshore, shallow water
environment (Hentz 1985). These beds are inter-
preted as shallow water, lacustrine delta-fill
deposits because of the ripple cross-stratification,
soft-sediment deformation structures, massive
bedding, abundant muscovite, and plant frag-
ments, based on comparisons with a modern
analogue from the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana,
USA (Coleman 1966). The position of these
sandstones within the lacustrine sequences also FIG. 9. Photographs of red laminated and cross-
suggests a shallow water, deltaic origin. laminated sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone facies;
Bull Run Formation, section G-3 (Fig. 12F), Manassas
National Battlefield Park, Virginia. (a) Wavy
(7) Red laminated and cross-laminated sandstone, laminations and climbing-ripple cross-laminations in
siltstone, and mudstone (facies RX) coarse siltstone. Scale in mm. (b) Lenticular, ripple-
form beds of cross-laminated coarse siltstone with
Description: This facies consists of thinly in- mud drapes. Scale in mm. (c) Cast of reptile tracks
terbedded alternating layers of red sandstone, (Rhynchosauroides)on ripple-marked bedding plane
siltstone, and mudstone to mudshale, with lami- covered by mud drape. Scale in mm. (Identification of
nations, cross-laminations, climbing-ripple cross- tracks by Paul E. Olsen, Lamont-Doherty Geological
laminations, symmetrical and asymmetrical rip- Observatory, New York, pers. comm. 1983).
ple marks, load casts, small ball-and-pillow
structures, mudcracks, burrows, and reptile
tracks (Fig. 9). Sandstone beds are generally quite disrupted laminites (facies DL) and massive
thin, usually less than 10cm thick. Cross- siltstone and mudstone (facies MS).
stratified bed sets average 1-2 cm thick; some of Interpretation: The thin, red sandstone beds
them are lenticular, and some have wave-rippled are interpreted as fluvial sheetflood deposits,
tops with mud drapes (Fig. 9). Detrital muscovite some of which entered the shallow lacustrine
is common. Rarely, invertebrate fossils (ostra- environment. The style of cross-lamination and
codes or conchostracans) are present in the red asymmetrical ripples suggest deposition from
mudshale. This facies comprises much of the currents rather than from waves. Most of these
section in the Culpeper Basin. In the Waterfall deposits are probably non-lacustrine, but sym-
Formation, this facies lies between alluvial plain metrical ripples in some beds are probably the
deposits and littoral to sublittoral lacustrine result of sediment reworking by waves in shallow
deposits (Hentz 1985). With increased bioturba- ponded water (see for example, Hardie et al.
tion and mudcracking, which disrupt primary 1978, p. 17). Mud drapes on ripples indicate
sedimentary features, this facies is transitional to suspension deposition during periods of slack
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 259

water. Scarce invertebrate fossils present in some Interpretation." Subaerial exposure ofnearshore
of the finer-grained beds also suggest lacustrine lacustrine or sheetflood deposits on a lake margin
conditions; either ponded water on mudflats, or mudftat during times of low lake stand led to
shallow water near the edges of lakes into which intense, prolonged mudcracking, bioturbation,
sheetfloods have entered. Reptile tracks also crystal growth, and soil-forming processes. The
attest to deposition in shallow water or on presence of burrows and rootmarks suggests that
mudflats, and mudcracks indicate occasional the massive character of these beds is due in part
subaerial exposure. to bioturbation. Evaporite crystal moulds attest
to growth of salts within the sediment, which can
also destroy depositional sedimentary structures
(8) Disrupted laminites (facies DL)
(Hardie et al. 1978). Intense mudcracking formed
Description: These rocks are red or grey, and mud intraclasts. Irregular clay films indicate soil-
contain graded laminae which are intensely forming processes, suggesting that this facies is
disrupted by mudcracks, burrows, crystal moulds at least in part a palaeosol. Relict traces of
or pseudomorphs, and massive patches (Fig. 10). lamination suggest that these rocks were origi-
Conchostracans, ostracods, and plant fragments nally like facies SH and RX. Locally abundant
are present in some beds. detrital muscovite, particularly in the red silt-
Interpretation: These beds record the early stones, further suggests that some of these
stages of destruction of laminae in sediments of sediments were derived from the homogenization
facies RX and SH by mudcracking, bioturbation, of facies RX. Scarce invertebrate fossils in some
evaporite crystal growth, and soil-forming proc- of the grey massive rocks also suggest similarity
esses on lake margin mudflats. Similar facies are to facies SH, and mudcracks in these rocks attest
present in the Lower Jurassic East Berlin For- to subaerial exposure. The presence of crystal
mation of the Hartford Basin (Demicco & moulds, calcite-lined vugs (possibly pseudo-
Kordesch 1986). Given enough time, these morphs after gypsum or anhydrite nodules), and
processes would alter the sediment to a massive caliche-like pedogenic calcite nodules suggests
siltstone or mudstone, as in facies MS. an arid to semi-arid climate.

(9) Massive siltstone and mudstone (facies MS) Palaeoenvironmental setting of lacustrine deposits
Description: This facies consists of red and grey Culpeper Basin lacustrine rocks were deposited
massive siltstone and mudstone commonly con- in three major subenvironments, each having its
taining mudcracks, mud intraclasts, and evapor- own distinctive lithologic character: offshore
ite crystal moulds (stellate and swallow-tailed) (central lake), nearshore (littoral or lake margin),
(Fig. 1lb). Wisps and traces of remnant lamina- and mudflat. The offshore, deeper water lacus-
tions are present in some beds. The red massive trine rocks consist of black shale (BS), locally
rocks are siltier than the grey rocks, and locally with interbedded graded sandstone (GS) and
they contain burrows, root marks, calcite-lined conglomerate (CG). The nearshore, shallow
vugs, caliche-like pedogenic calcite nodules, clay water lacustrine rocks are dominated by olive-
films lining irregular cracks, and locally abundant grey to greyish-red laminated mudshale and
detrital muscovite. Some of the grey massive clayshale (SH) with associated limestone (LS)
rocks contain scarce ostracods and conchostra- and grey to tan ripple-cross-laminated to massive
cans. sandstone and siltstone (SS). The mudflat deposits
consist of disrupted laminites (DL), and massive
siltstone and mudstone (MS). The red laminated
and cross-laminated sandstone, siltstone, and
mudstone facies (RX) is interpreted as sheetflood
deposits which are locally associated with shallow
water lacustrine units and mudflats. These facies
are arranged in several types of sequences which
document expansion and contraction of perennial

Lacustrine sequences
Lacustrine facies are arranged in symmetrical
FIG. 10. Photograph of disrupted laminite facies; Bull and asymmetrical sequences. Symmetrical se-
Run Formation, section G-3 (Fig. 12E). Scale in mm. quences exhibit the following environmental
26O P. J. W. Gore

FIG. 11. Photographs of massive siltstone and mudstone facies; Bull Run Formation. (a) Massive red siltstone
with burrows and white calcite-filledmudcrack; section 8/B (Fig. 12A). Scale in mm. (b) Swallow-tailed
evaporite crystal moulds (probably of sulphate minerals) in tan massive claystone to mudstone; section G-3 (Fig.
12F). Scale in mm.

transitions: mudflat ~ nearshore lacustrine dominated by facies SH, LS, and MS, represent-
offshore lacustrine ~ nearshore lacustrine ---, ing deposition in the nearshore, shallow water
mudflat. These sequences document gradual lake lacustrine environment and on associated mud-
expansion and deepening (transgression) fol- fiats (Fig. 12). These deposits generally consist of
lowed by gradual shallowing and sediment infill- only one or two lacustrine beds in sections
ing (regression). The upper, regressive part of dominated by sheetflood deposits and palaeosols,
these sequences is generally thicker. The asym- and record relatively shallow water or playa
metrical sequences are characterized by a dias- conditions. These deposits are present in both the
temic surface abruptly overlain by deeper water Bull Run and Buckland Formations, but facies
deposits, which shallow upward, resembling the LS is more common in the Bull Run Formation.
regressive parts of the symmetrical sequences. They have not yet been recognized in the
Three general types of lacustrine sequences are Waterfall Formation.
distinguished here on the basis of thickness and Many of the 'very thin' lacustrine sequences
facies present: (1)'very thin' sequences, (2) 'thin' contain a fossil assemblage consisting of some or
sequences, and (3) 'thick' sequences. These all of the following: ostracods, conchostracans,
sequences are separated by fluvial red beds and pelecypods, disarticulated fish scales, and plant
palaeosols ranging from centimetres to tens or fragments (including pollen and spores). The
hundreds of metres thick. presence of the invertebrate fossils and fish
(1) 'Very thin' lacustrine sequences: These indicates relatively fresh water. During the time
sequences range from 10 cm to 1 m thick, and are these beds were deposited, precipitation and
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 261

freshwater inflow to the basin exceeded evapo- fossiliferous, freshwater deposits, particularly
ration and infiltration. Mudcracked horizons are where evaporite crystals are absent from associ-
present at the tops of some of the lacustrine beds, ated mudflat deposits, may represent deposition
indicating a drop in lake level, associated with in hydrologically open lakes. The characteristics
decreased precipitation or infow, or increased of associated fluvial deposits need to be examined
evaporation. Stellate and swallow-tailed evapor- to determine whether they represent ephemeral
ite crystal moulds and pseudomorphs, probably or perennial streams (following Smoot 1985).
produced by calcium sulphate crystals, are pres- Fossils are typically scarce in lacustrine se-
ent locally in the lacustrine beds and in surround- quences which contain type B black shales, and
ing mudflat or floodplain sediments, indicating in sequences which contain abundant evaporite
that the lake waters occasionally became saline crystal moulds or pseudomorphs. The presence
or hypersaline, and that the basin was hydrologi- of evaporite crystal moulds or pseudomorphs
cally closed (see for example, Hardie et al. 1978; signals a semi-arid to arid climate, and deposition
Eugster & Kelts 1983). Closed basin sedimenta- in saline to hypersaline waters. The presence of
tion is also signalled by the thinness of the relict evaporites and the thinness of the lacustrine
lacustrine sequences, indicating rapid shoreline sequences refect rapidly-moving shorelines, in-
movements. The lacustrine beds are commonly dicating deposition in a hydrologically-closed
overlain by red mudflat and sheetflood deposits, basin. In one outcrop in the Bull Run Formation
suggesting a drop in lake level with subaerial (Fig. 13C), evaporite crystal pseudomorphs are
exposure of the lake bottom sediments, or present in facies BS-B (and higher in the sequence
progradation of fuvial sheetfloods into the lake. in facies SS and in association with stromatolites).
The dominance of shallow water and mudflat Overlying shallow water deposits of facies SH
deposits in 'very thin' sequences indicates depo- contain an abundant, relatively freshwater fauna
sition in small, shallow lakes, or at the edges of (Gore in press; Gore & Traverse 1986). The
large lakes; the presence of limestone indicates presence of brines coupled with an overlying,
low terrigenous sediment input. nearshore deposit with a freshwater fauna sug-
(2) 'Thin' lacustrine sequences: 'Thin' lacus- gests either a decrease in the salinity of the lake
trine sequences range from 1 to 7 m thick and are with time, possibly as a result of increased
dominated by facies BS, SH, SS, and MS, with precipitation or inflow, or more likely a stratified
minor LS, representing deposition in both off- lake with a saline or hypersaline anoxic hypolim-
shore and nearshore lacustrine environments, nion, capped by a freshwater epilimnion (ecto-
and on associated mudflats (Fig. 13). Thin genic meromictic lake).
sheetflood deposits of facies RX are interbedded (3) 'Thick' lacustrine sequences: 'Thick' lacus-
with the shallower water facies in some sections. trine sequences are present only in the Waterfall
'Thin' lacustrine sequences are present in both Formation, and average about 35 m thick accord-
the Bull Run and Buckland Formations, and first ing to Hentz (1985, p. 105) (Fig. 14). From section
appear approximately 1850-2400 m above the descriptions in Hentz (1981), the thickness of
base of the Bull Run. These beds, like the 'very grey (i.e., lacustrine) deposits in the Waterfall
thin' lacustrine sequences, are overlain and Formation ranges from about 7 m to more than
underlain by mudflat and fluvial sheetflood 38 m. Most of these sequences are not entirely
deposits of facies MS and RX (Fig. 13). exposed (top or bottom covered), but of nine
A typical 'thin' lacustrine sequence consists of lacustrine sequences described, the mean thick-
0-1.5 mMS ~ 0-1 mSH ~0.1-2.3 mBS ~ 0.6- ness is at least 20m. These sequences are
2.6 m interbedded SH and SS ~ RX (Fig. 13). dominated by facies BS, GS, and SS, with minor
'Thin' lacustrine sequences are generally sym- CG, representing deep water offshore deposits
metrical in terms of depositional environment, and nearshore to shoreline deposits (Fig. 14).
indicating gradual expansion and contraction of Some of the thicker sequences studied in more
perennial lakes. Black shales comprise the central detail by Hentz (1985) consist of 6-8 m SS -~ 1-
part of symmetrical sequences (and the lower 4.7 m BS (with associated GS and C G ) ~ 9-
part of asymmetrical sequences), and may be 20 m BS (with associated GS) --, 6-10 m SS ~ 5-
either type A or B. Sequences with type A shales 240 m RX, DL, and MS (fluvial and mudflat
are generally fossiliferous throughout, indicating deposits). These sequences are interpreted to
relatively fresh water. These sequences are represent the deepening and shallowing of large
generally overlain by fluvial-dominated se- perennial lakes (Hentz 1985).
quences (rather than mudflat-dominated se- The presence of invertebrate and fish fossils in
quences or palaeosols), suggesting perennial most of these beds indicates relatively freshwater
inflow to the lake which was probably responsible conditions. Small calcite-filled vugs interpreted
for maintaining low salinities. Some of the as caliche or pseudomorphs of evaporite minerals
262 P. J. W. Gore

FIG. 12. Stratigraphic sections illustrating 'very thin' lacustrine sequences in the Bull Run Formation. Grey beds
and red beds containing fish scales and/or invertebrate fossils are lacustrine in origin. Most of the strata in these
sections are non-lacustrine, representing fluvial sheetflood deposits and palaeosols. Sections are presented in
stratigraphic order. See Gore (1983) for more detailed section locations. (A) A bed of grey, laminated and
stromatolitic, mudcracked limestone with intraclasts (Fig. 7c) deposited in shallow water or on a mudflat, is
overlain by a thin red clastic sequence (probably sheetflood deposits near the edge of a shallow lake), overlain by
lacustrine grey clayshale. The thick grey sandstone (SS) may be deltaic; section 8/B. Massive siltstone at bottom
of the section is illustrated in Fig. 11a. (B) Grey, intraclastic limestone with evaporite crystal moulds or
pseudomorphs and plant fragments (nearshore to mudflat) is overlain by red laminated mudshale (shallow water)
which locally contains invertebrate fossils; section 8/B. (C) Mudcracked and rooted grey and red siltstone and
sandstone (mudflat deposits) are overlain by fossiliferous red to grey laminated mudshale (shallow water
lacustrine). Higher in the section, above a series of sheetflood deposits, there is another 'very thin' lacustrine unit
consisting of shallow water fossiliferous, grey clayshale; section 8/B. (D) Grey massive siltshale fines upward into
laminated mudshale. The top of the bed is mudcracked and the upper few centimetres contain sparse
conchostracans (shallow water to mudflat). Higher in the section, some beds of red mudstone interbedded with
sheetflood deposits contain sparse ostracodes (shallow water lacustrine); section 8/G. (E) Mudcracked mudflat
deposits with associated invertebrate fossils indicate deposition in ponded water. Disrupted laminites at base of
section are illustrated in Fig. 10. Evaporite crystal moulds are present in red clayshale and siltstone (mudflat).
Conchostracans are present in a thin layer of grey clayshale, indicating deposition in ponded water; section G-3.
(F) Grey claystone to mudstone units in this interval were probably deposited in nearshore lacustrine conditions.
Grey massive claystone to mudstone with evaporite crystal moulds is illustrated in Fig. 1 lb. Note reptile tracks
(Fig. 9c) in red bed sequence (Fig. 9a-b); section G-3.
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 263

are present in the fluvial/mudflat deposits (Hentz Distribution of lacustrinefacies andfacies

1985, p. 104). Calcite-filled vugs suggest an arid sequences
to semi-arid climate and continued closed-basin
deposition. These vugs are present in only a few The lithology and thickness of lacustrine deposits
sequences, however, which suggests that some of vary across the Culpeper Basin. Lacustrine units
the Waterfall lakes may have been hydrologically are absent from the lower part of the Bull Run
open. The greater thickness of the Waterfall Formation. About 1150-1500 m above the base
deposits may indicate greater water depth than of the Bull Run, 'very thin' lacustrine sequences
the thinner deposits, or greater shoreline stability. first appear with sedimentary features indicative
264 P. J. W. Gore

FIG. 13. Stratigraphic sections illustrating 'thin' lacustrine sequences. Sections are presented in stratigraphic
order. See Gore (1983) for more detailed section locations. (A) The upper, regressive part of a symmetrical
lacustrine sequence is shown, illustrating the transition from offshore black shale (type B with scarce
conchostracans), to nearshore grey clayshale with wave-rippled sandstone (Fig. 8), passing upward into relatively
massive red palaeosol and mudflat deposits; Bull Run Formation, section G-7. (B) Symmetrical lacustrine
sequence with abundant evaporite crystals in the surrounding mudflat deposits, indicating gradual lake
expansion and contraction during relatively arid climatic conditions. The black shale is type B, and contains a
few scarce conchostracans on isolated bedding planes; Bull Run Formation, section G-8. (C) Near the base of
this section, a 'very thin' lacustrine sequence abruptly overlies a mudflat palaeosol (note diastemic surface
separating these units). The lacustrine shale is darker at the bottom, contains graded laminae (Fig. 6a), has a
mudcracked top, and contains extremely abundant, large conchostracans (Fig. 6c). This 'very thin' sequence
represents the abrupt deepening of a lake, followed by shallowing and subaerial exposure. Thin sheetflood
deposits separate this lake from a 'thin' symmetrical sequence which dominates this section. The 'thin' sequence
represents the gradual deepening and shallowing of a perennial lake with anoxic bottom waters. Evaporite
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 265
of deposition in shallow water, nearshore lacus- water deposits. In general, the lacustrine deposits
trine and mudflat environments. The dominance are coarser in the Waterfall Formation than they
of these sequences by shallow water and mudflat are in the Bull Run or Buckland Formations. The
deposits indicates shallow lakes, or deposition nearshore lacustrine units in the Waterfall are
near the edges of large lakes. Higher in the Bull dominated by sandstone (facies SS), and the
Run (about 1850-2400 m above the base) 'thin' offshore units contain sandy turbidites (facies
lacustrine sequences appear which contain sedi- GS) and conglomerate beds (facies CG). In
mentary features indicative of deeper water, contrast, the Bull Run and Buckland lacustrine
offshore deposition in addition to nearshore and sequences are dominated by finer-grained depos-
mudflat deposits. its; shallow water, nearshore units in the Bull
Farther west and higher stratigraphically, 'very Run and Buckland are mainly mudshale and
thin' and 'thin' lacustrine sequences are present clayshale (facies SH), with only a few interbedded
in the Buckland Formation. Little is known of sandstone layers (facies SS). Fine-grained mudflat
these lacustrine sequences because exposures are deposits (facies MS and DL) are more abundant
almost non-existent. A notable exception is the in the Bull Run and Buckland than in the
Midland fish-bed, a symmetrical sequence about Waterfall Formation. Offshore deposits in the
6 m thick, which lies sandwiched within a red Bull Run Formation lack turbidite sandstones,
fluvial and mudflat sequence above the lowermost and those in the Buckland Formation have only
basalt flow (Fig. 13E). Within the red bed thin, scattered sandstone interbeds. The differ-
sequence between the Midland fish-bed and the ence in the texture of the deposits across the basin
underlying basalt flow, a 35 cm, 'very thin' is related to proximity to the western source area.
lacustrine sequence is present. Some workers Lindholm (1979) documented that most of the
refer to the sedimentary sequence overlying the palaeocurrents in the Bull Run and Buckland
lowermost basalt flow which contains the Mid- Formations indicate a western source, although
land fish-bed, as the Midland Formation (Olsen Smoot (pers. comm. 1986) noted more scatter in
1984a). Freshwater fossils are present in both of palaeoflow directions. In addition, studies of the
the Midland lacustrine deposits. Evaporite crystal location of alluvial fan deposits, clast lithologies,
moulds in underlying mudflat and floodplain and clast size-distributions indicate dominance
deposits indicate a semi-arid to arid climate and of a western source area. Dominance of a western
closed basin deposition. A unit of trough cross- source area is atypical because the west-tilted
bedded sandstone, which overlies the Midland half-graben basin geometry produces a larger
fish-bed, was deposited in a fluvial environment. drainage basin to the east than to the west. The
The character of these fluvial deposits needs to dominance of the western source area may be
be examined in more detail to help determine related to palaeoclimatic patterns (see section on
whether the lake may have deepened to the point climate below). The Waterfall Formation re-
that it became hydrologically open (following ceived sediment from both the west and the east.
Smoot 1985). Waterfall Formation conglomerates contain
The Waterfall Formation, located in the west- clasts derived from the Blue Ridge Province
central part of the basin, contains 'thick' lacus- which lies to the west of the basin, and basalt
trine sequences, dominated by offshore, deep clasts which were derived from the underlying

crystals pseudomorphs are present in the black shale (Fig. 4b-c), in some of the convolute-laminated sandstone
and siltstone beds, and in association with the stromatolites (Fig. 7b), indicating saline to hypersaline waters.
The presence of a relatively diverse freshwater fauna in the grey and red clayshales and mudshales near the top of
the section indicates a change to freshwater conditions, probably associated with ectogenic meromixis
(freshwater cap over a saline hypolimnion). Sheetflood deposits are associated with nearshore, shallow water red
mudstone near the top of the section; Bull Run Formation, section G-l, Manassas National Battlefield Park,
Virginia. (D) Symmetrical(?) lacustrine sequence containing type A black shale. Limestone near the base of
sequence is illustrated in Figs 7a and f. Above the main lacustrine sequence, a thin bed of red sheetflood deposits
(RX) overlies grey, calcareous shale. The top of this red bed is scoured and is overlain by fossiliferous dark grey
to black shale which is capped by a series of red mudflat and sheetflood deposits, grading upward into fluvial
deposits; Bull Run Formation, section C-l, Cedar Run, near Calverton, Virginia. (E) Symmetrical lacustrine
sequence representing the gradual deepening and shallowing of a lake. The lower part of the section is dominated
by red mudflat or floodplain deposits with evaporite crystal moulds, overlain by grey, massive, mudcracked,
rooted mudstone with abundant plant fragments. The black shales near the centre of the sequence are known as
the Midland fish-bed (Fig. 3). A photomicrograph of a concretion near the base of this bed is shown in Fig. 7d.
The sandy character of the upper part of the sequence suggests shallowing due to delta-fill deposits. The sequence
is capped by a red to tan fluvial unit; Buckland Formation, Licking Run, Midland, Virginia.
266 P. J. IV. Gore

FIG. 14. 'Thick' lacustrine sequences in the Early Jurassic Waterfall Formation near Thoroughfare Gap,
Virginia. Data used in compiling this section are from Hentz (1981, 1985), supplemented by my own field
observations, sampling, and description. The lacustrine sequences in this section are dominated by grey to black
mudshale and siltshale with interbedded sandstone layers interpreted as lacustrine turbidites. Lacustrine
sequences are separated by nearshore, mudflat, and fluvial deposits. Note the difference in scale between this
figure and Figs 12 and 13. See Hentz (1981) for more detailed section location.
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 267

Buckland Formation, presently exposed to the the middle to late Early Jurassic. If lacustrine
east of the Waterfall outcrop belt (Lindholm sequence thickness is related to water depth, then
1979, p. 1731 ; Lindholm et al. 1979; Hentz 1981, the westward, upsection increase in thickness
p. 112, 128; Hentz 1985). Palaeocurrent measure- can be interpreted in several ways. Water depth
ments in the Waterfall Formation indicate flow within the lakes may have increased toward the
primarily to the west and north-west (Hentz 1981, fault (as is suggested by the westward-tilted basin
1985). This suggests uplift in the central part of floor), or climate and tectonic activity may have
the basin during the Early Jurassic. changed, causing an increase in water depth
The thickness of lacustrine deposits varies during the Early Jurassic. Alternatively, the
across the basin. In general, lacustrine sequences thickness change may be explained by a change
thicken toward the western-border fault, from from predominantly hydrologically-closed lakes
less than 1 m in the lower part of the Bull Run in the Bull Run and Buckland Formations to
Formation in the central part of the basin to more predominantly hydrologically-open lakes in the
than 35 m in the Waterfall Formation in the Waterfall Formation. Hydrologically-open lakes
western part of the basin (Fig. 15). Bedding in have stable shorelines and would produce thicker
the Culpeper Basin dips westward toward the lacustrine sequences. The thickness change is
western-border fault, such that the youngest beds based on surface exposures of separate lacustrine
are located in the west-central part of the basin, sequences. It is not known whether individual
and older beds are exposed to the east (Fig. 2). lacustrine sequences thicken systematically in
Thus, a westward change in the thickness of any particular direction because of the lack of
lacustrine beds in surface exposures is also a subsurface data and poor outcrop continuity;
change in thickness upsection. The thickest resolution of this problem will require subsurface
lacustrine beds lie within 2 km of the faulted data.
basin margin. The trend is not gradual; lacustrine Lateral trends in lacustrine sequence thickness
sequences in the Bull Run and Buckland Forma- exist in other Newark Supergroup basins. In the
tions are comparable in thickness, but those in Hartford Basin, located about 600 km to the
the Waterfall Formation are 5-10 times thicker north (Fig. 1), the thickness of lacustrine black
(Fig. 15). The abrupt change in thickness of shale beds gradually increases toward the faulted
lacustrine units between the Buckland Formation basin margin from less than 1 m to nearly 5 m in
and the Waterfall Formation is puzzling. The three formations (Portland, East Berlin, and
abrupt change may be an artifact of a lack of Shuttle Meadow Formations) and the thickest
data from the upper part of the Buckland, or to lacustrine beds lie within about 1.5 km of the
an abrupt increase in subsidence, or a westward basin margin (LeTourneau 1985). The increase
shift in the locus of maximum subsidence during in thickness of these beds toward the fault
suggests that the lakes were deepest and most-
persistent adjacent to the faulted basin margin,
and shallowed away from the fault. In the Newark
Basin, which lies about 300 km north of the
lID Culpeper Basin (Fig. 1), lacustrine sequences in
= 40
the Towaco Formation thicken from a mean of
"~ 9 Waterfall Fm.
20 m to a mean of 30 m toward the Ramapo fault
9 Buckland Fro. which bounds the basin on the northwest (Olsen
1984a). Microlaminated black shales in the
20 0 Bull Run Fm.
,o Zl Towaco Formation thicken by more than an
order of magnitude toward the fault from less
.~=. lO, z l ~
than 1 m to 5 m (Olsen 1980b, p. 365-366; Olsen
o 9 9 to| _ 1984a, p. 379). In contrast, the Lockatong
" 0 5 10 15 20 Formation (Newark Basin) is thickest near the
Distance from w e s t e r n - b o r d e r fault ( k m )
basin centre and thins toward the edges of the
basin (Olsen 1980a, p. 10; Olsen 1980b, p. 354).
Fz(;. 15. Graph illustrating the thickness of lacustrine Individual sequences thin laterally from 5.7 to
sequences plotted against distance from the western- 1.5 m, and associated facies changes indicate that
border fault. Solid black symbolsrepresent sequences water depth was greatest near the basin centre
which are exposed so that total thickness can be
measured. Open symbolsrepresent sequences which (Olsen 1984a, p. 21). The difference in thickness
are partially covered; total thickness cannot be patterns of lacustrine sequences in the Newark
determined. Thickness of lacustrine sequences Basin is related to a change in the locus of
increases abruptly within 2 km of the western-border maximum subsidence. During the Karnian (Late
fault. Triassic) when the Lockatong Formation was
268 P. J. W . G o r e

deposited, subsidence was greatest near the basin once 300 m deep, it is represented by a sedimen-
centre. During the Hettangian (Early Jurassic) tary sequence only 0.2 m thick (Spencer et al.
when the Towaco was deposited, subsidence was 1984). On this basis, any of the lacustrine
greatest along the border fault. A similar change sequences in the Culpeper Basin, regardless of
in subsidence history may have occurred in the thickness, could have been deposited in an
Culpeper Basin, as suggested by the abrupt extremely deep lake, just as easily as in a much
increase in thickness of lacustrine sequences from shallower one. Sediment thickness would have
the Buckland Formation to the Waterfall For- no relationship to original water depth. Thickness
mation. More information is needed on the lateral of lacustrine sequences is more a function of
thickness changes of individual lacustrine se- shoreline fluctuation, resulting from the balance
quences in the Bull Run and Buckland Forma- between precipitation plus inflow, versus evapo-
tions to assess whether they display any ration, than of water depth. However, few of the
systematic patterns in thickness. Culpeper Basin lacustrine sequences are topped
by mudcracked horizons. Many lacustrine se-
quences coarsen upward and are overlain by
Water depth
fluvial deposits (Figs 12-14), suggesting deltaic
Several methods have been proposed to determine filling of the basin. Because of these facies
the water depth of Newark Supergroup lacustrine relations, the thickness of the regressive part of
deposits, none of which are entirely satisfactory some lacustrine sequences (including those in the
for the Culpeper Basin. The main methods that Waterfall Formation described by Hentz 1985)
have been used to determine water depth include: may be related to original water depth, but no
(1) lake-filling model, (2) basin-floor tilting model, simple relationship exists, and attempts at quan-
and (3) lateral extent model. These methods and tification of depth are misleading.
several others are discussed in more detail by (2) Basin-floor tilting model: Lake depth may
Olsen (1984a, p. 269-284). be estimated by assuming that a planar basin
(1) Lake-filling model: This model is based on floor was tilted toward the border fault, and that
the assumption that regressive lacustrine deposits the lake was ponded against the upfaulted
are produced by the gradual, complete filling of a highlands. Water depth can be calculated trigon-
stable (non-subsiding) lake with sediment. If so, ometrically by finding the difference in palaeo-
then the original, pre-compactional thickness of elevation between lake shore deposits and the
the regressive part of the section would be deepest part of the lake (probably adjacent to the
approximately equal to the depth of the lake. The border fault in most basins, except for the
amount of compaction is difficult to determine Lockatong Formation in the Newark Basin) for
for heterolithic sedimentary sequences. Compac- various assumed angles of basin floor tilt (Fig.
tion ratios for some black shale beds range from 16). Manspeizer & Olsen (1981) demonstrated
3:1 to 5:1 or more, as determined from exami- that water depth can vary by several orders of
nation of early diagenetic concretions (Gore magnitude for basin floor tilt angles ranging from
1986). The compaction ratios of the sand units 0.001 ~ to 1.0 ~ (Fig. 16). Considering a lake about
have not been determined, but they are undoubt- 20 km wide (reasonable for parts of the Culpeper
ably less than those of the shale. If a modest Basin), calculated maximum depths range from
compaction factor of 50% (2:1) is assumed less than 1 m to several hundred metres (Man-
(following Burst 1969), then the water depth speizer & Olsen 1981, p. 83) (Fig. 16). This
would have been approximately twice the thick- method is considered unreliable because of the
ness of the regressive part of the sequence wide range of possible water depths.
(Conybeare 1967). This method led Hentz (1985) (3) Lateral extent of subwave base facies: This
to conclude that the Waterfall Formation lakes method to estimate water depth was presented
were approximately 35 m deep. by Manspeizer & Olsen (1981) and Olsen (1984a),
The major problem with the lake-filling model and is based on the relationship between lake
is that not all lakes become completely filled with fetch (distance the wind can blow over the surface
sediment. Lakes dry up in response to increasing of the lake, generating waves), wind speed, and
aridity, producing an abnormally thin sedimen- depth to wave base. Assuming that the black
tary record in comparison with water depth. For shales were deposited below wave base, their
example, the modern Great Salt Lake (Utah, geographic extent defines the minimum area of
USA) was about 300 m deep approximately the deepest part of the lake. The size of the lake
15 000-17 000 years ago; within about 500-2000 is determined by the maximum distance over
years, lake level dropped to its current depth of which the black shale facies can be traced in the
about 12 m (Hardie et al. 1978; Eugster & Kelts field. Lake size is used to determine fetch. Wind
1983; Spencer et al. 1984). Although the lake was speeds are assumed to be like those in modern
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin z69
The presence of widespread coal deposits in
several of the basins suggests a humid climate.
Arid to semi-arid conditions are indicated by
features such as caliche nodules (Hubert 1977,
1978), playa lakes with limestone and chert
(Wheeler & Textoris 1978), eolian sandstones
(Hubert & Mertz 1984), and evaporite crystal
moulds and pseudomorphs. Fluctuations in spe-
cies diversity of pollen and spores have also been
used to interpret palaeoclimate (Cornet 1977).
High species diversity of spores is interpreted to
indicate a more humid climate; low spore
diversity and pollen dominance (primarily coni-
fers) is interpreted to indicate a more arid climate
(Cornet 1977, p. 69).
Palaeogeographic reconstructions for Late
Triassic and Early Jurassic time indicate that the
continents were assembled into a single landmass,
Pangaea (Robinson 1973; Hay etal. 1982; Parrish
FIG. 16. Graph illustrating the range of possible water
depths resulting from varying lake bottom slope angle, et al. 1982; Ziegler et al. 1983). Throughout the
using the basin-floor tilting model in a 20 km wide early Mesozoic the supercontinent drifted north-
basin. Because of the wide range of possible water ward (Parrish et al. 1982), and the Culpeper Basin
depths, this method is unreliable. Modified from moved from about 10~ to 15~ latitude.
Manspeizer & Olsen (1981). Palaeoclimatic maps based on atmospheric cir-
culation patterns are successful at predicting the
rift valleys, and depth to wave base is calculated distribution of climatically sensitive sedimentary
(see Manspeizer & Olsen 1981, p. 44; Olsen deposits (such as coals and evaporites), and
1984a). For Lockatong Formation lake beds indicate that during the Late Triassic and Early
(Newark Basin), depth to wave base was calcu- Jurassic, the Culpeper Basin was located in the
lated to be 40-90 m, and Olsen (1984a) stated intertropic dry belt, and would have been dry
that water depth was probably in excess of 100 m. year-round (Robinson 1973; Parrish et al. 1982;
This method is not applicable in the Culpeper Scotese & Summerhayes 1986). Predicted rainfall
Basin at this time -because the lateral extent of for the Culpeper Basin area in the Pliensbachian
individual lacustrine sequences is not yet known. (Early Jurassic) was 'moderately low' (Parrish et
al. 1982).
Climate and cyclic sedimentation
Details of the local climate depend not only on
the climatic pattern of Pangaea, but also on
Interpretation of the palaeoclimate of Newark topographic effects associated with rifting. Pa-
Supergroup sediments has been based on sedi- laeogeographic reconstructions place the Newark
mentologic and palaeontological criteria. Fea- Rift System in the belt of easterly trade winds,
tures indicative of both humid and arid to semi- and assume that the mountains on either side of
arid conditions exist in the Newark Supergroup. the rift valley were of unequal height, with the

FIG. 17. Sketch illustrating the effects of topography on climate in a rift valley with easterly winds. Modified from
Hay et al. (1982).
z7o P . J. W . G o r e

higher range to the west (Hay et al. 1982). This (Van Houten 1962, 1964, 1969; Olsen 1984a,
model of local palaeoclimate indicates orographic 1984b, 1985a). The Lockatong sequences have
precipitation on the eastern side of the mountains been termed 'Van Houten cycles'by Olsen (1985 b)
which lay to the east of the rift valley (Fig. 17). for Franklyn B. Van Houten, who first reported
The eastern sides of the rift valley lay in a rain them. These 'thin' cycles are arranged in clusters
shadow; air descending into the valley from the to form 25 m and 100 m cycles, interpreted to
east heated adiabatically, increasing in evapora- represent 100 000- and 400000-year climatic
tion potential and decreasing in relative humidity. cycles (Olsen 1984a, 1984b, 1985a). The 100 000-
As a result, the eastern side of the valley was and 400 000-year cycles are related to the eccen-
extremely arid, with no freshwater input from tricity of the Earth's orbit (Olsen 1984b). Cycles
the east (Fig. 17). Evaporation occurred within of roughly 2 000 000 years are also present (Olsen
the rift valley, and as the air rose up the western 1985a). Cyclic lacustrine sediments in the New-
mountains, it cooled, causing precipitation on ark Basin are interpreted to be the result of
the western side of the rift valley. Rainfall on the changes in water depth as a function of precipi-
western slopes caused runoff into the basin, tation and evaporation rates within the basin.
forming lakes. This palaeoclimatic pattern results Cornet (1977) also identified 500 000-year cli-
in lakes on the western side of the rift valley, matic cycles in the Late Triassic Richmond,
synchronously with arid conditions on the eastern Taylorsville, and Sanford Basins (Fig. 1) on the
side of the valley (Hay et al. 1982, p. 28). Wind basis of fluctuations in species diversity of pollen
directions may have changed seasonally, revers- and spores. (The Sanford Basin is also known as
ing the pattern, as suggested by Manspeizer the Sanford Sub-basin of the Deep River Basin).
(1981). The moisture pattern predicted by the Long-term climatic cycles of availability of
model of Hay et al. (1982) agrees in general with moisture during the Late Triassic, and presum-
the observed distribution of sedimentary deposits ably during the Early Jurassic, strongly affected
within the basin. Lake deposits are thicker in the plant populations, lacustrine water depth, salin-
western part of the basin, reflecting greater depth ity, duration of lakes, and probably also the
and shoreline stability. In the eastern part of the hydrocarbon potential of these deposits.
basin, lake deposits are thin and associated with Cycles are also present in other formations in
extensive mudflats containing abundant evapor- the Newark Basin. The Passaic Formation (also
ite crystal moulds and pseudomorphs. However, known as the Brunswick Formation) overlies the
these facies changes may be due to a westward- Lockatong Formation (Olsen 1980a). The Passaic
tilted basin floor, to climatic change, or to changes is strikingly similar to the Bull Run Formation in
in basin closure through time. The strongest its dominance by red clastics, with associated
evidence in support of the model of Hay et al. grey and black lacustrine beds. Both formations
(1982) in the Culpeper Basin is the palaeocurrent occupy similar stratigraphic positions below the
pattern, which indicates flow predominantly from Early Jurassic basalt flows within their respective
the west during the deposition of the Bull Run basins, and both have alluvial fan conglomerate
and Buckland Formations (Lindholm 1979). along the basin edge, fining basinward into
Both freshwater and saline lakes existed in the sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. Clusters of
Bull Run Formation. This indicates fluctuations 'thin' lacustrine cycles like those of the Locka-
in the balance between precipitation plus inflow, tong, but separated by red fluvial units, are
and evaporation plus infiltration during the Late present throughout the Passaic (Olsen 1984a).
Triassic and Early Jurassic, which may have been The Early Jurassic Towaco Formation, also in
controlled by climatic cycles. Lacustrine facies the Newark Basin, contains sedimentary cycles
sequences share certain similarities throughout which resemble Lockatong cycles, separated by
the Culpeper Basin, but whether or not these red fluvial deposits (Olsen 1984a). Towaco cycles
sequences are repeated on a periodic basis (i.e., are 4-6 times thicker than Lockatong cycles (20-
whether they are cyclic) is uncertain. The spacing 30 m), and the sediments are generally coarser
between successive lacustrine sequences gener- grained (Olsen 1980b, 1984a). Hentz (1985)
ally cannot be determined due to a lack of long, compared the lacustrine sequences in the Water-
continuous sections. fall Formation to the Towaco cycles, noting their
Thickness patterns of lacustrine sequences in similar lithologic sequences, and the presence of
the Lockatong Formation (Newark Basin) have lacustrine turbidites and conglomerates interbed-
been shown to indicate Milankovitch-type cli- ded with black shales (see also Olsen 1980b,
matic cycles. Lacustrine sequences ranging from 1984a).
1 to 5 m thick in the Lockatong are interpreted Cyclic sedimentary sequences are also present
as the products of a 23 000 year cycle, resulting in the Hartford Basin. Hubert et al. (1976, 1978)
from variations in the precession of the equinoxes reported symmetrical lacustrine cycles in the
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 2 71

Early Jurassic East Berlin Formation which Van Houten cycles, is present in the Culpeper
range from 2 to 7 m thick, and are separated by Crushed Stone Quarry in the Bull Run Formation
floodplain red mudstone. These sequences con- (Fig. 18). Olsen (1984a) referred to the sequences
tain fish-bearing black shale, and resemble some in this quarry as cycles, and noted that they occur
of the lacustrine sequences in the Bull Run and in clusters which comprise larger scale cycles
Buckland Formations. Demicco & Kordesch 20 m thick (Olsen 1984a, p. 48). At the base of
(1986) counted 15 lacustrine cycles in the upper each sequence, offshore lacustrine dark grey to
100 m of the East Berlin Formation. Some of black shales (BS-B) abruptly overlie red fluvial or
these lake beds are very extensive and have been mudflat deposits (RX or MS). These black shales
traced over at least 108 km north-south (along are calcareous, and apparently barren of fossils
strike) and 20 km east-west, covering a minimum (Albert J. Froelich, U.S. Geological Survey, pers.
area of 2160 km 2 (Hubert et al. 1976). comm. August 1985). Grey, wave-rippled, car-
In the Culpeper Basin, a series of 4 m thick bonate-rich sandstone, and red, mudcracked
asymmetrical lacustrine sequences, similar to shale are present higher in the sequence, and

FIG. 18. Photographs of cyclic lacustrine sequences in the Culpeper Crushed Stone Quarry, Virginia. (a) View of
quarry wall. Note thin, continuous layers of black shale. (b) Close-up of a lacustrine sequence. Note black shale
overlying a diastemic surface. Black shale passes upward into grey and red sandstone, siltstone, and shale.
Bedding thickens upward.
272 P. J. W. Gore
bedding thickens upward (Fig. 18b). Thin beds surrounded by mountains that were higher on the
of oolitic limestone are present in some sequences western, faulted side of the basin. The dominant
(Young & Edmundson 1954; Carozzi 1964) (Fig. climatic pattern of easterly winds placed the
7e). At the top of a sequence, the strata are red to eastern side of the basin in a rain shadow, with a
brown and mudcracked or massive; dinosaur semi-arid to arid climate (orographic desert). Air
trackways are present locally (Robert E. Weems, rising up the higher mountains on the west caused
U.S. Geological Survey, pers. comm.). These orographic precipitation, forming streams which
lacustrine sequences have little or no variation in flowed into the basin (Fig. 17). Although the
thickness or lithology across the quarry (Fig. drainage basin was larger to the east of the half-
18a), suggesting deposition in relatively large graben, there was little freshwater inflow or
lakes. The asymmetrical character of the se- sediment input from the east during much of the
quences indicates rapid lake deepening or basin history because of the effects of topography
transgression followed by gradual shallowing or on the climate.
regression, and mudcracks indicate subaerial Alluvial fans developed along the western edge
exposure (Fig. 6b). The presence of oolites of the basin, and sheetfloods transported sand,
suggests elevated salinity (Eugster & Kelts 1983), silt, and mud to the east across a broad alluvial
which probably explains the lack of fossils in the plain (Fig. 19a). Water ponded locally on the
black shales. alluvial plain, forming shallow playa lakes. When
The periodicity of lacustrine sequences in the subsidence occurred along the western margin of
Newark Basin corresponds with Milankovitch- the basin, the basin floor tilted and water ponded
type astronomical cycles (Olsen 1984a, 1984b, against the alluvial fans and western highlands,
1985a). Similar patterns appear to be present in forming extensive lakes which shallowed east-
nearly all of the Newark Supergroup basins (Paul ward (Fig. 19b). The slope of the basin floor was
E. Olsen, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observa- probably low because the lacustrine deposits are
tory, pers. comm. November 1985). If the climate interspersed with fluvial sheetflood deposits de-
during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic was rived from the west. The lakes expanded when
controlled by astronomical forcing, then the inflow exceeded evaporation. Depending on the
lacustrine sequences in the Culpeper Basin must rate of lake level rise, either asymmetrical or
be arranged in Milankovitch-type cycles, as symmetrical lacustrine sequences formed. Asym-
exposures in the Culpeper Crushed Stone Quarry metrical sequences formed when lake level rise
suggest. was rapid, producing a diastemic surface directly
overlain by deeper water deposits. Symmetrical
sequences formed when lake level rise was
Palaeoenvironmental interpretation
gradual, allowing transgressive deposits to accu-
During the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic, the mulate. The lakes were perennially stratified
Culpeper Basin was an asymmetrically-subsiding (meromictic to oligomictic) with anoxic bottom
half-graben. Subsidence was greatest along the waters, like modern Lake Tanganyika or Lake
faulted western basin margin, and the basin floor Malawi, and black shales were deposited in the
tilted down toward the west (Fig. 19). Tectonic deepest water. Most of the time, the lakes were
tilting was probably the dominant control on hydrologically closed. Near the shoreline on the
depositional geometry. A closed basin formed, western side of the basin, close to sources of

FIG. 19. Palaeogeographic reconstructions of Culpeper Basin lakes. (a) 'Very thin' lacustrine sequences represent
deposition in playa lakes, or near the edges of large lakes. Some of these lakes may be restricted to the central
part of the basin, as suggested by an eastward fining of grain size within the Bull Run Formation. Sheetflood
deposits are derived from the west. (b) Subsidence in the western part of the basin, coupled with an increase in
precipitation leads to the formation of large, deep, stratified lakes. Coarser sediment is concentrated along the
western edge of the basin, and turbidity currents carry sand eastward into the deepest part of the lake. From
stage (b), the lake proceeds to stage (c) if the climate remains relatively humid, or to stage (d) if the climate
becomes more arid. (c) The lake is infilled totally or partially by prograding delta and shoreline deposits from the
west. Total infilling leads to an eastward sloping alluvial plain covered by fluvial channel and sheetflood deposits,
similar to (a), unless renewed subsidence occurs. (d) If the climate becomes increasingly drier, then the lake level
drops, exposing vast mudflats on the east side of the basin, and salinity increases if the basin is closed.
Stromatolites grow in the shallow saline waters, and evaporite crystals may be precipitated in the lacustrine
sediments and in surrounding mudflat deposits. Palaeosols develop on sediments which remain subaerially
exposed for long periods. With an increase in precipitation, or an increase in freshwater inflow, a freshwater cap
may cover the dense saline waters, forming an ectogenic meromictic lake, and the lake proceeds to a stage similar
to (b). If precipitation remains low or decreases, and the lake dries up almost entirely, then the lake may proceed
to a stage similar to (a).
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 273
274 P. J. IV. Gore
clastic input, wave-rippled sandstones and silt- stratified (meromictic or oligomictic), and black,
stones were deposited. Sporadic floods or earth- organic-rich, laminated shales were deposited in
quakes along the western margin of the basin the anoxic bottom waters. Some of these lakes
produced turbidity currents, which deposited were fresh, as indicated by the presence of
thin beds of graded sandstone and occasionally freshwater fossils, and others were saline or
conglomerates derived from shallow water (Fig. hypersaline, as indicated by the presence of
19b). Farther from sources of terrigenous input, evaporite crystal moulds and pseudomorphs and
laminated clayshales, mudshales, and limestones the absence of freshwater fossils. The saline or
were deposited in shallow water and were hypersaline lakes and some of the freshwater
probably bound by microbial mats. Fresh water lakes were hydrologically closed, as indicated by
covered extensive shallow areas on the eastern the presence of evaporite crystal moulds and
side of the lake, and supported an invertebrate pseudomorphs in mudflat deposits. In some
population dominated by ostracods and conchos- sequences, the association of evaporite crystals
tracans, occasionally associated with pelecypods, (gypsum and/or anhydrite) with the offshore
notostracans, insects, and fish. As the black shales, and the presence of a fresh to
lakes filled with sediment from fluvial sheetfloods brackish water fauna in nearshore deposits
and deltaic input, regressive, coarsening-upward suggests ectogenic meromixis, in which density
sequences were deposited (Fig. 19c). Or, when stratification originated by flooding a saline lake
the lakes contracted due to increased evaporation with fresh water. Thicker lacustrine sequences
rates, salinity increased, and stromatolites grew, and scarcity of evaporite crystal moulds and
and shallow water sediments were subaeriaUy pseudomorphs in the Waterfall Formation sug-
exposed on vast mudflats (Fig. 19d). Mudcracks gest greater shoreline stability and open basin
formed, and evaporite crystals (gypsum and/or deposition.
anhydrite) precipitated in the mudflat sediments.
Locally, extensive bioturbation from roots and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This research was sup-
infaunal invertebrates homogenized the mudflat ported by the National Geographic Society (grant
deposits into massive sediment, and palaeosols 3008-84), two research grants from the Emory
developed, locally containing caliche or caliche- University Research Committee, a Faculty De-
like pedogenic calcite nodules. Renewed fresh- velopment Award from Emory College, two
water input to saline lakes led to ectogenic grants-in-aid from Sigma Xi, and a grant from
meromictic stratification, with a freshwater epi- the George Washington University Chapter of
limnion and a saline, anoxic hypolimnion (Fig. Sigma Xi. The cooperation of the U.S. National
19b). Park Service for allowing me to collect rock
In the Early Jurassic, subsidence increased samples in the Manassas National Battlefield
along the western margin of the basin, coupled Park is appreciated. The Department of Paleo-
with uplift and erosion in the central part of the biology, Smithsonian Institution is acknowledged
basin. At this time, most of the lakes were fresh, for its assistance during a visit to the excavation
and may have been hydrologically open, as of the Midland fish-bed during the summer of
suggested by the scarcity or absence of evaporite 1984. Thanks are extended to those who accom-
crystal moulds and pseudomorphs in associated panied me in the field or helped through discus-
mudflat deposits of the Waterfall Formation. sions: Roy C. Lindholm (George Washington
University), Daniel A. Textoris & Walter H.
Wheeler (University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill), Albert J. Froelich, Joseph P. Smoot,
Conclusions Eleanora I. Robbins & Robert E. Weems (U.S.
Geological Survey), Paul E. Olsen (Lamont-
Culpeper Basin lakes formed in a half-graben Doherty Geological Observatory), Alfred Trav-
dominated by fluvial sheetflood and alluvial fan erse (Pennsylvania State University), Tucker
deposition. As the climate became wetter, vast Hentz (Texas Bureau of Economic Geology),
lakes formed within the basin, probably deepen- Peter LeTourneau (Connecticut Geological Sur-
ing to the west under the influence of a westward- vey), Thomas H. Shaw (Emory University),
tilted basin floor. Lacustrine sequences ranging Thomas J. Gore III, Khalid Maletan, and many
from less than 1 m to more than 35 m thick others. Patricia L. Renwick and E. Lynn Zeigler
document the expansion and contraction of (Emory University) assisted with bibliographic
perennial lakes that formed in the basin during work, and manuscript preparation. Comments of
long-term periods of increased precipitation Richard Yuretich (University of Massachusetts),
under the control of Milankovitch-type cyclic Kerry Kelts (EAWAG, Zurich), and an unknown
climatic change. The waters in the lakes were reviewer are especially appreciated.
Lacustrine sequences in Culpeper Basin 275

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P. J. W. GORE, Department of Geology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA.

Organic geochemical characteristics of major types of terrestrial
petroleum source rocks in China

Fu Jiamo, Sheng Guoying & Liu Dehan

SUMMARY: Terrestrial source rocks, deposited under non-marine conditions in

continental environments, have been divided into five major groups: Group A, sedimentary
formations of big lake basins in the interior of the Chinese plate; Group B, lacustrine clastic
formations in fault-bounded basins; Group C, salt lake evaporite-clastic formations in fault-
bounded basins; Group D, lagoonal-lacustrine volcano-clastic formations of intermontane
basins; and Group E, paralic coal-bearing formations of platform areas. The abundance,
type and evolutionary characteristics of the organic matter, as well as the biomarker
characteristics of various groups of source rocks are discussed briefly. There are several
problems relating to evaluation of hydrocarbon prospects in terrestrial sedimentary basins,
including the origin of Type I kerogens and their hydrocarbon potentials, immature oils, and
coal-bearing formations as potential source rocks.

Introduction especially the association of source rocks and

reservoir rocks, are controlled by depositional
Most oil fields found so far in China are in non- conditions, and markedly affect the primary
marine sedimentary basins ranging in age from migration of hydrocarbons. For example quite
Carboniferous to Palaeogene. Conditions in the different petroleum prospects occur in the Jian-
basins changed greatly with time. ghan and Dongpu Basins even though their
Because the formation and distribution of source rocks are similar.
hydrocarbons in a sedimentary basin are closely The geothermal regime controls the maturation
related to its formation, it is especially important of source rocks and generation of hydrocarbons.
in hydrocarbon exploration and prospect evalua- The depth of the 'Moho' is a key factor which has
tion to classify and compare basins. The forma- controlled the thermal evolution of Chinese
tion and distribution of source rocks, and the basins.
generation of their hydrocarbon products are also
controlled by the basin type. Although much has Source-rock classification
recently been published on crude oils of non-
In view of the differing characteristics of oil- and
marine origin (Swain 1980; Thomas 1981; Shi
gas-bearing basins in China (Fig. 1), five major
Jiyang et al. 1982; Huang Difan & Li Jinchao
groups of terrestrial source rocks are recognized"
1982; Fu Jiamo et aL 1983; Tissot 1984; Wang
Tieguan et al. this volume), comparative studies (1) Group A: Sedimentary formations of large
of different source-rock groups and their hydro- lake basins in the interior of the Chinese
carbon potential in terms of basin classification plate. A typical example is the Songlia Basin.
nature have seldom been undertaken. Sedimen- (2) Group B: Lacustrine clastic formations in
tary basins can be divided in terms of different fault-bounded basins. Almost all important
factors, of which the most important is tectonism. source rocks of Cenozoic oil- and gas-bearing
From the viewpoint of source-rock studies, basins in eastern China belong to this group
palaeoclimate, depositional conditions and the or, sometimes, to Group C.
geothermal regime must also be taken into (3) Group C: Salt lake evaporite-clastic forma-
account. Tectonic conditions in a basin relate to tions in fault-bounded basins. The typical
the global regime and the specific basin-forming examples of this type are Palaeogene sedi-
processes. For example Mesozoic-Cenozoic bas- ments of the Jianghan and Dongpu Basins:
ins in eastern China are mainly fault-bounded or both were deposited under hypersaline con-
'rift valley' basins, a special type of tensional ditions but differing primary migration led to
basin, while those of western China are intermon- the latter being more prospective (see above).
tane basins resulting from compressional forces. (4) Group D: Lagoonal-lacustrine, volcano-clas-
Differing palaeoclimatic conditions result in tic formations in intermontane basins. This
various groups of source rocks, such as evaporites, very special group of source rocks is only
freshwater sediments and coal-bearing forma- known in western China, e.g., the Carboni-
tions, all of which are known to be good sources ferous-Permian sediments of the Zhungeer
for crude oil in China. Lithological associations, Basin. The source rocks are composed of

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 279
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 279-289.
z8o F u J i a m o et al.

FIG. 1. Map of China, showing distribution of major groups of terrestrial source rocks. A-E : Group A-Group E.

basic tuff, tuffaceous mudstone and mud- adopted recently in China, such as Type IA,
stone, of which the mineral composition is standard sapropelic kerogen; Type IB, humus-
quite complicated, including montmorillon- containing sapropelic kerogen; Type IIA, humic-
ire, illite, chlorite and mixed layer clays, as sapropelic kerogen; Type IIB, sapropelic-humic
well as small amounts of analcime, albite, kerogen; Type IIIA, sapropel-containing humic
plagioclase, quartz, dolomite, ankerite, cal- kerogen; and Type IIIB, standard humic kerogen
cite, siderite etc. (unpublished data of Gui- (Yan Wanli & Li Yongkang 1982).
yang Geochemistry Institute); Group A source rocks are mainly composed of
(5) Group E: Paralic coal-bearing formations of Type I and Type IIA kerogen. The organic matter
the platform. One example of this group is distribution is controlled by the sedimentary
the Carboniferous-Permian coal-bearing for- facies in the large lake basin, Type I kerogen
mations of the Suqia region, which contain a being generally developed within the deep lake
special kind of coal-liptobiolites considered facies.
to be a good source for natural gas and Group B source rocks are much more compli-
condensate (Liu Dehan et al. 1985). cated. Most contain Type II kerogen, with some
Type III and Type I kerogens (Tables 1 and 2).
Abundance, type and evolutionary characteristics The main reasonsfOr this complicated Situation
of the organic matter of the major source-rock are the changes in environment related to the
types fault movements and the distance of the sag from
the adjacent area of uplift (Fig. 2). For instance,
This brief discussion of the abundance, type and the source rock of the Ruoyan Sag is farther away
evolutionary characteristics of organic matter is from the uplift area than that of the Langgu Sag
based on analytical data from different hydrocar- and so is better developed, being less influenced
bon-bearing basins. by clastic input.
Kerogens of the Group C source rocks are
Type and abundance of organic matter normally Type II, and those of Group D source
Kerogen is generally divided into Types I, II and rocks are possibly Type II and Type I. The
III (Tissot & Welte 1978). Subtypes have been organic matter of Group E source rocks depends
Organic geochemical characteristics 28I

TABLE 1. Abundance and type of organic matter major sedimentary formation group in oil- and gas-
bearing basin, China
Location Epoch Abundance of types of organic matter Types of kerogen

Co~g Bit. A HC. A/Co~g HC/Co,g I II III

(%) (%) ppm (%) (%)
Group A
Songlio Basin K 2.40 1467 6.11 I
K 09 285 4.01 IIA
K 0.33 28 0.85 III
Group B
Liohe W.D. E 2.29 09 2002 15.28 8.74 I
Hanghua (Qikuo.Sag~ E 1.49 0.19 12.75 I
D ~ t~anqlao f E 0.94 0.05 5.32 II
" [ Sag IE 0.60 0.02 3.33 III
Central fLanggu Sag f E 1.19 0.07 451 69 3.79 II
Hebel 9 ~ ( E 0.70 0.05 351 7.57 5101
D'(Ruoyan Sag E 0.86 0.02 1055 23.84 12.27 I +II
rZhanhuaa E 2.80 0.28 1500 10.00 5.36 IB
Jiyang D.~ Dongying E 1.30 0.15 250 11.54 1.92 II
[Dawanzha E 0.70 0.03 78 4.00 1.11 III

Biyang Sag fi 0.60

1.33 0.05-0.2 870-1718 8-10
Group C
E 0.55 0.29 1476 51.82 26.84 II
JianghanfGuang huasi E 0.51 0.33 2230 64.90 43.73 II
Basin [ Zhongsi E 0.66 0.11 457 15.90 6.92 II
E 0.52 0.10 550 19.89 10.58 II
Jiyang D. E 1.05 0.28 26.74 II
Central Hebei E 0.54 IIA
Chaidamu Manya D. N 0.05-0 9 0.04-0.4 18-143 89 39 III
Group D
Zhungeer Basin P 1.01 1970 19.50
Group E
Hebei:~ C- *45 19 2900-4000 3-10 0.5-0 9
Dongpu P2 t2-15 09 68-180 3.8-20 0.09-0 9
*Data of this line are from coal.
tData of this line are from carbonaceous shales.
:~Fushun resinite coal belongs to Type I kerogen.
N :Neogene; E :Palaeogene; K :Cretaceous; P :Permian; P2 :Upper Permian; C :Carboniferous 9

on their coal maceral composition, liptobiolites possibly the highest (Table 1), having certain
are thought to be Type II kerogen, while vitrinite similarity to those of carbonate source rocks (Fu
belongs to Type III. Jiamo & Jia Rongfen 1984).
Carbon contents of Group A and Group B
source rocks are high, generally 0.6-2.2%, while
Controls on thermal evolution
those of Group D are low, and those of Group C
are the lowest, only 0.4-1%. Group E source Key factors which affect the thermal evolution of
rocks have the highest organic carbon contents, organic matter are considered to be palaeogeoth-
but these are variable, depending on the sedimen- ermal gradient and unconformities. Owing to the
tary and diagenetic environment. It is of interest different depths to the Moho and other conditions,
that, although the organic contents of Group C the average palaeogeothermal gradient of source
are lowest, their bitumen A/Cor 0 ratios (e.g., rocks in eastern China is normally higher than
soluble organic matter/total organic matter) are that of western China. Each group of source rock
282 Fu Jiamo et al.

TABLE 2. Elemental composition of kerogen of different source rocks

Group Location Epoch C H O Ratio of atom Type

(%) (%) (%) kerogen

Group A f K 79-75 9.21 3.61 1.39 O.03 I

Songlio Basin ~. Cretaceous K 72-40 8.06 7.65 1.34 0.08 II
K 63-80 4.19 17.09 0.79 0.20 Ill

Group B Liohe W.D. Palaeogene E 1.22-1.31 I

Central ( Langgu ~ Palaeogene E 1.28 0.12 II
Hebei D. Sag Palaeogene E 0.82 0.14 III
( Zhanhua Palaeogene E 1.28-1.41 0.15-0.29 Ia+III
Jiyang J Dongying Palaeogene E 55.5- 5.18- 6.31- 1.07-1.2 0.07-0.13 II
62.8 5.76 11.1
D. ~Danwan-
1 Palaeogene E 61-61 5.45 22.34 1.06 0.27 III
f Palaeogene E 66-76 6.63 14-68 1.19 0.16 II
Biyang Sag Palaeogene E 65-73 8.98 13-34 1.63 0.15 IA
Palaeogene E 76-55 8.85 12-91 1.37 0.13 II

GroupC Jiang- Guang* Palaeogene E 1.16 0.19 II

han hust
Central Hebei Palaeogene E 1.50-1.25 0.1-0.2 IIA
Neogene N 51-12 3.36 21--54 0.79 0.32 III
Chaidamu Manya D. Neogene N 69-97 3.60 12--56 0.62 0.13 III
Neogene N 67-58 4.26 11--75 0.76 0.13 III
P 78-85 8.98 3.66 1.35 0.05 I
Group D Zhungeer Basin "( Permian C 78-41 7.17 5.72 1.09 0.05 II
GroupE HebelDongpu ( Carbonifer- C- 78-75 5.10 7.52 0.78 0.10 III
Hebei Suqiao ~ ousto p 74-66 7.27 12--38 1.16 0.12
Zhejiang Permian 74-44 6.98 7.71 1.12 0.08

has its own burial history. For example, that of basins of eastern China were high, up to 0.2-0.3
the Group A source rocks of the Songlia Basin is mm per year. The average geothermal gradient
quite simple but that of the Group B and C source of six major oil- and gas-bearing basins in the
rocks of the fault-bounded basins is complicated. Beijing-Tianjing region is about 3.7~
Sedimentation rates in the Palaeogene fault- The geothermal gradient in salt lake basins (e.g.,
bounded lake basins, including the salt lake the Jianghan Basin) averages 3.1~ but

FIo. 2. Pre-Neogene palaeotectonic cross profile of the Raoyang and Langgu Sags, showing the different
distances of the two sags from nearby uplifted areas (Group A source rocks).
Organicgeochemicalcharacteristics 283
varies from 2.3~ m (main area of salt beds) 9-23% for oils from the Langgu Sag. In addition
up to 3.7~ m (area with almost no salt). to hopanoid alkanes (Wang Xieqing & Lang
Depth to OGT (oil generation threshold), taken Rengchi 1980), many triterpanes of high plant
as 90-95~ in fault-bounded basins is generally origin have been detected, including onocerane,
about 1700-2700 m but the Songlia Basin also oleanane and lupane etc. Oils of the Eerduosi
has a very high geothermal gradient, with OGT Basin are rich in 18~(H) oleanane, for instance
at only 1330 m and a temperature of 66~ the TE3_4 oil of well Ling-55 contains equal
amounts of oleanane and C30~fl hopane, which
possibly originate from a higher plant precursor:
oxygen containing betulinol (Shang Huiyun et al.
Main biomarker composition characteristics of 1982). Gammacerane, a triterpane originating
major source-rock groups from aquatic organisms, has also been detected
in crude oils and source rocks, such as the
Palaeogene oils of the Shengli oil field and the
Group A and Group B
Biyang Depression. Porphyrins detected in oils
Both Group A and Group B source rocks have of the central Hebei and Jiyang Depressions are
similar biomarker compositions. Normal alkanes almost entirely Ni-porphyrins. The highest con-
have wide ranges (up to C4o), and bimodal tent of Ni-porphyrins, up to more than 500 ppm,
distributions with main peaks at C~7, C~9 and has been analysed in Palaeogene Gaosheng oil
C22, C23 or C27. High molecular weight normal from the Liaohe oil field. In addition to porphyrins
alkanes of crude oils sometimes show odd-even detected in oils, chlorin and unknown red organic
predominance, such as OEP values of 1.14-1.29 pigments have been found in the source rocks of
for oils from the Donying Depression. The main the Shengli, Renqiu and Changqing fields etc.
components of the isoprenoid alkanes are pristane (Sheng Guoying & Fu Jiamo 1984).
and phytane, having very low amounts of isopren- It is not easy to differentiate Group A and
oid alkanes of lower molecular weight than Group B source rocks on the basis of their
pristane and rare amounts of isoprenoid higher biomarker contents. Group A source rocks
than phytane. The iC~s+iCm6+iC~5/Pr+Ph generally contain less gammacerane and triter-
ratio is usually less than 1, and even as low as panes of higher plant origin than Group B, while
0.2--0.5 for low maturity oils. The Pr/Ph ratios Group B is very rich in biomarkers, especially
are near or greater than unity for most oils. C2v- hopanoid and steroid hydrocarbons (Fig. 3).
C29 steranes and C27-C29 diasteranes are com- Typical examples of oils from Group A source
mon components of the source rocks and crude rocks are those of the Songlia Basin which
oils. 4-methylsteranes and 4-methyldiasteranes originated from plankton algae of deep lake facies
are also sometimes found. The distribution of and contain no oleanane or gammacerane. Typi-
C27-C29 steranes varies depending on organic cal examples for Group B source rocks are those
input. Although most crude oils have sterane of the Langgu Depression, which contain Type
isomerization ratios reaching their isomerization II kerogen (Zhang Zhencai et al. 1983) and those
equilibrium values, low maturity oils often have in the Biyang Depression which contain Type I
very low isomerization values, such as 20S/(20S + kerogen of bacterial origin. Type I kerogen of the
20R)-5a(H), 14a(H), 17a(H)C:9 sterane ratios of Biyang Depression was shown to contain triter-

FIo. 3. RIC trace of An-3 dark mudstone of Group A source rocks. Pr: pristane; Ph: phytane; St + Tr: steranes
and triterpanes; nC15 : C15 normal alkane; nC21 :C21 normal alkane.
z84 Fu Jiamo et al.
panes of high plant origin, such as oleanane, hopanoid hydrocarbons, that is, the content of
spirotriterpane, taraxstane, serratane etc. (Zhen C35, C34 homohopanes is equal to those of C3o~/3
Xianzhang unpublished data; Kimble etal. 1974). hopane and higher than those of C3~, C32 and
According to biomarker quantitation (Rullk6tter C33 homopanes (Fig. 4).
et al. 1984), C30 hopane reaches up to 8.04~ of The biomarker composition of the aromatics
the total alkane fraction in the An-3 mudstone is quite unusual (Sinninghe Damst6 et al. 1986).
(Group B source rocks) (Fig. 3). Botryococcane The major components are sulphur-containing
homologues have been found in the Maoming oil compounds rather than simple hydrocarbons,
shales (Brassell et al. 1986 and this volume). comprising mainly alkyl-thiolane (Fig. 6), with
less abundant sulphur-containing steroids and
Group C hopanoids. For example, the aromatic fractions
of two oils are composed of five series of alkyl-
Group C source rocks and their oils often show thiophenes (CnHzn_~.S) with base ion m/z 101,
even-odd predominance of n-alkanes (Sheng 115, 129, 143 and 157 (Fig. 6). Their specific
Guoying et al. 1980), very high concentrations of structures and their distribution patterns show a
phytane, relatively high gammacerane/C3o~ fl partial similarity with the corresponding alkanes,
hopane ratio (Sinninghe Damst6 et al. 1986) and having n-alkyl and isoprenoid thiophenes and
abundant metal, mainly nickel, porphyrins. Ac- thiolanes, even-odd predominance within ranges
cording to a recent study (Fu Jiamo et al. 1986), of C12-C30 and a main peak at Cz0 (Sheng
Pr/Ph and gamacerane/C30~//hopane ratios for Guoying et al. 1986). Jianghan oils, especially
a suite of Jianghan samples have been measured oils produced from shallow depths, often contain
to be 0.05-0.46 and 0.35-2.16 respectively (Fig. large amounts of metal porphyrins, mostly Ni-
4). In addition to C27-C29 steranes, there are also porphyrin (Yang Zhiquiong et al. 1983), in which
less abundant 4-methyl steranes (C28-C30 com- an unusual compound: C3zDPEP with one six
pounds, possibly from dinoflagellates, Boon et al. member ring has been detected recently by Xu
1979; Robinson et al. 1984) as well as pregnane Fengfang et al. (1985).
and homopregane present. In one sample col-
lected from the south of the Jizhong Basin, a
Group D
whole series of low molecular weight steranes
(C2o-C26 , except the C25 compound) have been Group D source rocks and related crude oils show
detected, showing pregnane as the main peak of normal alkane distributions of algal origin,
the alkane fraction (Fig. 5). Occasionally Group abundant isoprenoid alkanes and, rarely, high
C samples have an unusual distribution of abundances of carotane and its derivatives. A

FIG. 4. RIC and m/z 191 trace of E21 (1704 m, Group C source rock) aliphatic hydrocarbons, r =gammacerane,
C3o= C3o hopane etc., c~fl= 17~(H), 21/~(H)hopane, flc~= 17fl(H), 217(H) hopane, S = 22S 17~(H), 21fl(H) hopane,
R = 22R 17~(H), 21/3(H)hopane.
Organic geochemicalcharacteristics 285

FIG. 5. RIC and m/z 217 trace of CHAO-2 (3015 m, Group C source rock) aliphatic hydrocarbons. C2o-
C29 : C2o-C29 steranes.

FIG. 6. RIC, m/z 115 and m/z 129 trace of aromatic fraction in J18 oil, Jianghan oil field, showing the
distribution of alkylthiolanes.
286 Fu Jiamo et al.
wide range distribution of n-alkanes in the oils identified, including abietane, fichtelite and io-
with main peaks at C17, C19 and C20, as well as sene etc. In addition, a number of aromatic
odd-even predominance at ClS, Clv and C19 sesquiterpenoid and diterpanoid compounds
indicate an algal or bacterial precursor. About have been detected, i.e., 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydroca-
20~ of saturated hydrocarbons are composed of dalene, 13-methylpodocarpa-8, 11, 13-triene, 19-
isoprenoids, such as 25.8~ of the Feng 3 oil from norabieta-8, 11, 17-triene and abieta-8, 11, 17-
the Zhungeer Basin in which the most abundant triene etc. (Simoneit & Mazurek 1982).
compounds are norpristane, pristane and phy-
tane. Also low molecular weight isoprenoids,
iC~3-iC~8/iC~3-iC20 are very abundant (up to Some problems relating to the evaluation of oil
67-79.5~). Some high molecular weight isopren- and gas prospects with terrestrial source rocks
oids of iC21-iC3o, even lycopane (C4oH82) have
been detected in certain oils. In the saturated
alkane chromatograms or TLC traces of the oils
Origin of Type I kerogens and their hydrocarbon
generated from this group of source rocks, /~-
carotane (C4oH86) and sometimes y-carotane can Owing to variation in sedimentary and diagenetic
be seen clearly (Fig. 7). The mass chromatogram environments, as well as organic input, various
of m/z 125 indicates a whole series of carotane groups of source rocks have their own character-
homologues, including C l 3-C4o carotane homo- istics even though the kerogen types are similar.
logues, in the Feng 3 oil (Jiang Shusheng 1983). For example organic matter of Group E source
rocks can be divided into Type I, Type II and
Group E Type III kerogens as usual, but their origins and
characteristics are quite different from that of
Group E source rocks have abundant biomarkers Group A to Group D source rocks. This is shown
of higher plant origin, such as diterpanoid by Type I kerogen which has been studied in
hydrocarbons. According to our recent primary detail from Group A, Group B and Group E
research results on Fushan Palaeogene resinite, source rocks. Type I kerogen from the Songlia
the aliphatic fraction is composed mainly of Basin is considered to originate from a planktonic
diterpenes and diterpanes in the range of C~7- or algal precursor deposited in a deep lake facies,
C23. The most important compounds are C19- while that from Group E relates to maceral of
Czo diterpenes and diterpanes, with many iso- higher plant origin, such as resinite. Type I
mers, having skeletons ofabietic acid and pimaric kerogen of the Biyang Basin originated from
acid (Fig. 8). Many compounds have been mixed precursors, showing evidence of bacterial

FIG. 7. RIC of Z-114 oil produced by Group D source rocks aliphatic hydrocarbon.
Organic geochemical characteristics 287

FIG. 8. RIC and m/z 85 trace of Fushun Palaeogene resinite (Group E source rock). Pr: pristane; Ph: phytane;
C15 :C15 normal alkane.

degradation and a certain amount of higher plant (Yi-18) and Changqing oil fields (Linshen-2) are
input. All of these Type I kerogens have good as low as 11.5-17%. A commercial immature oil
potential for hydrocarbons, but differ in the has recently been studied in detail from Jianghan
relative amounts of gases and liquid hydrocarbons oil-bearing Basin (Fu Jiamo et al. 1986). Geolog-
which they can generate, as well as in their ical and geochemical data, including molecular
compositions. ratios and quantitative biomarker data, show
that the maturity of the oil can be considered
lmmature oils equivalant to about R0 0.45%. The biomarker
character of the oil is quite similar to that of
A number of low maturity or even immature oils immature source rocks, showing high contents of
have been found in lacustrine and salt lake phytane and other biomarkers, and low ratios of
sedimentary formations of Palaeogene fault- 20S/(20S + 20R) C 29ctctctsteranes, 22S/(22S + 22R)
bounded basins in eastern China (Shi Jiyang et C32~flhopanes and D P E P / D P E P + E T I O por-
al. 1982; Fu Jiamo et al. 1983). Immature oils phyrins.
usually occur in shallow strata, above the OGT. It would be especially interesting to study the
Because of the low maturity, the content of OGT of source rocks of Palaeogene fault-bounded
saturated hydrocarbons in the oils is very low, basins in eastern China in more detail, and to
usually less than 30%. Biological markers can be understand the commercial prospects and accu-
used to measure the maturity of the oils. The mulation conditions of immature oils. This may
biomarker isomerization values of immature oils result in a new frontier for petroleum exploration
are much less than those of commonly occurring in eastern China and the Chinese continental
oils, and far from equilibrium values. As shown shelf in future.
by recent studies conducted by Mackenzie et al.
(1984) on the maturity of North Sea oils, the
Coal-bearing formations as source rocks
sterane ratios of all oils studied have reached
their isomerization equilibrium values, i.e. equal Recently coal has been reported as an important
or more than 50-55% for 20S/(20S +20R) C29 potential source for crude oils in Canada and
sterane, 65-75% for flfll(ee+flfl) C29 sterane. Australia (Snowdon & Powell 1982). An example
Sterane ratios of low mature or immature oils of similar significance has been discovered and
from Groups A and B source rocks are much less studied in the Suqia region, North China (Liu
than those of North Sea oils. The 20S/(20S+ Dehan et al. 1985). Based on fluorescent micros-
20R) C29 sterane ratios for oils from the Gudo copy studies, analyses of organic compositions
288 Fu Jiamo et al.

and simulation experiments on many core sam- origin. Group B source rocks and oils have very
ples and cuttings, it was found that Carbonifer- high concentrations of biomarkers, especially
ous-Permian coal-bearing formations in the hopanoid and steroid hydrocarbons, with triter-
Suqia region have intervals rich in spores, panes of higher plant origin. Group C source
cuticles, resins and bark. These intervals have rocks have quite high contents of phytane,
large hydrocarbon potentials, with high St + $2 showing high ratios of Pr/Ph, gammacerane/
yields up to about 200 kg/gC, high yields of liquid C30c~flhopane, even-odd predominance of n-
hydrocarbons, of 73.5 mg/g or more, and of alkanes and unusual sulphur-containing com-
natural gases up to 184 ml/g. Geological and pounds. Group D source rocks contain abundant
geochemical data suggest that they are important isoprenoid alkanes and carotanes, including fl-
sources of the natural gases and condensates carotane and 7-carotane. Group E source rocks
found in the region. and oils are quite rich in biomarkers of higher
plant origin such as diterpanoid hydrocarbons
with abietic and pimaric acid skeletons.
(4) Several problems are of special significance
Conclusions in the evaluation of petroleum prospects in the
terrestrial sedimentary basins in China. The
Several preliminary conclusions can be drawn organic matter of different source-rock groups
concerning the organic geochemical characteris- may contain similar kerogen, e.g. Type I kerogen,
tics of the major types of terrestrial petroleum but have different characteristics and hydrocar-
source rocks in China. bon potentials. A number of low mature or even
(1) In terms of the type and nature of the oil immature oils have been found in lacustrine and
and gas-bearing basins, five major groups of salt lake sedimentary formations of Palaeogene
terrestrial source rocks have been identified: fault-bounded basins in eastern China. Studies of
Group A, sedimentary formations of large lake the commercial prospects and accumulation
basins in the interior of the Chinese plate; Group conditions of these immature oils may result in a
B, lacustrine clastic formations in fault-bounded new frontier for petroleum exploration in eastern
basins; Group C, salt lake, evaporite-clastic China and the China continental shelf. A new
formations in fault-bounded basins; Group D, natural gas and condensate field has been ex-
lagoonal-lacustrine, volcano-clastic formations in plored recently and a preliminary study on related
intermontane basins; and Group E, paralic coal- liptobiolites has been conducted to confirm the
bearing formations of the platform. hydrocarbon potential of coal-bearing forma-
(2) The type and abundance of organic matter tions.
are related to the source rock types. They are also
related to the sedimentary facies in lacustrine ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:The authors acknowledge mem-
basins, particularly the distance of a depression bers of Organic Geochemistry Unit, University of
from the area of uplift and the occurrence of the Bristol U.K. and Organic Geochemistry Division,
source rocks within a certain sag. The main Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica, especially
factors controlling the thermal evolution of the Professor G. Eglinton, Dr S. C. Brassell, Mrs A. P.
organic matter are palaeogeothermal gradient Gowar, Dr Zhou Zhongyi, Dr Wang Benshan and Mrs
and unconformities. Ye Jisun for assistance with the analytical work,
supplying unpublished data, helpful discussion and in
(3) The main biomarker compositions of the the preparation of the manuscript. UNESCO and
source-rock groups have been discussed briefly. UNDP are thanked for partial financial support (CPR/
Group A source rocks and related oils are 84/005). We are also grateful to Drs A. J. Fleet, N. J. L.
characterized by an absence or low abundance of Bailey and P. J. D. Park for reviewing and assistance
gammacerane and triterpanes of higher plant in preparation of this paper.

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Characteristics of Mesozoic and Cenozoic non-marine source rocks
in north-west China

Luo Binjie, Yang Xinghua, Lin Hejie & Zheng Guodong

S U M M A RY: The formation and distribution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic lacustrine source
rocks in north-west China is determined by climatic factors and the tectonics of terrestrial
sedimentary basins. The most suitable condition for the formation of non-marine source
rocks was a humid to semi-humid climate and a deep to intermediate lacustrine basin during
the expansion stage of the lakes. Dominantly fresh to brackish water bodies with sluggish
hydrodynamic bottom environments were conducive to the accumulation and preservation
of organic matter. The non-marine source rocks show low to high organic matter contents,
mainly from a mixture of terrestrial and aquatic sources. Thus, they are characterized by
high wax, low sulphur, high nickel and low vanadium. They also have a series of
corresponding organic-geochemical signatures. All of these are important indicators in
studies of terrestrial source rocks, crude oil and oil-source correlations. A chart with the 6~3C
value of the crude oil against the log plot of pristane/phytane values can be used to
discriminate the environment of deposition of the source rock of the oil.

It is well known that the Mesozoic-Cenozoic depends on the time of the formation of the
petroleum in north-west China mostly formed in basins.
continental strata (e.g. Yang Wanli et al. 1985). The oldest continental basin in north-west
Palaeolakes are important sites for generating oil China is the Permian Zhungeer Basin. Palaeo-
and gas, as are palaeolake-bog complexes. The lakes and palaeobogs developed in the Permian,
distribution and characteristics of non-marine Triassic, Jurassic and Tertiary periods. Four
source rocks depend on the climate, generation main sequences of source rocks were correspond-
and development of basins, sedimentary proc- ingly deposited. Lakes developed in the Shanxi-
esses and hydrodynamic conditions. These fac- Gansu-Ningxia Basin in the Triassic period.
tors influence the types of organic source material Lake-bogs developed, and corresponding source
and hydrocarbon formed. The main aspects of rocks formed in the Jurassic and Cretaceous
non-marine source beds have been given in Luo periods. The Tulufan, Chaidamu, Jiuquan, Chao-
Binjie et al. (1981) and Fan Pu et al. (1980). This shui a n d Minhuo Basins contained lakes from
paper provides a short summary of present views the Jurassic period and the main source rocks of
without repeating data. the Jiuquan Basin formed in the Cretaceous.
Lakes and bogs of the Chaidamu Basin developed
in the Tertiary and Quaternary periods with
corresponding source rocks. (Fig. 1).
Distribution of terrestrial source
rocks in north-west China Climate control
The palaeoclimate in north-west China under-
Mesozoic-Cenozoic continental basins
went a cyclic evolution from the Permian to
The Zhong-Chao Palaeoland, and Chaidamu and Quaternary. The distribution of organic matter
Talimu Platforms were situated between the was controlled by these palaeoclimatic cycles.
Asia-Europe and Gondwana Plates. These con- We can conveniently divide the period into five
tinental pieces grew and then coalesced after the general palaeoclimatic intervals. Within the first,
Caledonian and Hercynian movements (Lanzhou from the Carboniferous-Permian humid phase
Institute of Geology, 1982). Differential basin to the Early-Middle Triassic semi-humid phase,
subsidence was controlled by NW, NE, NS and the source rocks of the Permian series developed.
EW faults related to the Sino-Indian movement. Within the second interval, from the Late Triassic
As a result, a series of rifts, tilted basins, platform- semi-humid phase to the Early-Middle Jurassic
sags and intermontane basins formed with var- humid phase and then to the Late Jurassic semi-
ious tectonic styles, lithologies and degrees of arid phase, source rocks formed during the Late
consolidation of the strata. During steady subsid- Triassic and Middle Jurassic. Within the third
ence of the basins, the lakes formed and terrestrial interval, from the Early Cretaceous semi-humid
source rocks were deposited. The age of the strata phase to the Palaeocene and Eocene arid phase,

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 291
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 291-298.
292 Luo Binjie et al.

FIG. 1. Distribution of non-marine basins in Northwest China. 1. Oil-gas basin; 2. T3-depression; 3. J3-
depression; 4. K-depression; 5. E-depression.

Early Cretaceous source rocks were deposited. chloride ion content of the source rocks is, in
Within the fourth interval, from the Oligocene general, less than 0.02% for those of Permian,
semi-humid phase to the Miocene arid phase, Early Triassic and Late Jurassic age. Middle-
source rocks formed mainly in the Oligocene Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous source rocks
epoch. The fifth climatic interval was short; average 0.02-0.03%, but are locally 0.03-0.10%.
spanning the Pliocene semi-humid phase to the The Tertiary source rocks formed in the brackish
Holocene arid phase, during which time natural and salt-water environment and have chloride
gas was generated in the Pleistocene of Chaidamu ion contents of 0.06-0.55%. The growth of aquatic
Basin. It should be pointed out that the first and biota and the properties of the deposited sedimen-
second intervals were only of regional character. tary organic matter were influenced by the salinity
of the lakes (Scientific Research Institute, 1982).

Sedimentary environment of source

Lake depth
In general, the evolution of the palaeolakes in the
north-west of China shows a progressive sequence
Salinity of the lakes
of generation, development, expansion, contrac-
The source rocks of north-west China were tion and extinction. In this process the lake body
deposited under a variety of conditions. In the changed from small to large and then back to
Zhungeer Basin, they formed in a freshwater small; the lake depth from shallow to deep, then
environment during Permian, Middle-Late to shallow again; the sediments from coarse to
Triassic and Middle-Late Jurassic times. They fine, then to coarse again; the colour of the
were deposited under fresh-brackish conditions sediments from pale to dark grey, then to pale
during the Jurassic in the Talimu Basin and grey again. The source rocks developed mostly in
during the Late Cretaceous in the Jiuxi Basin. the middle period of the sedimentary cycles in
However, during the formation of Tertiary source the deep or intermediate stages of lake expansion,
rocks in the Chaidamu Basin the lake environ- while oil shale and coal layers formed in the lake-
ment was saline. The non-marine source rocks of bogs which were present in the early and late
north-west China are therefore mostly fresh- stages of sedimentary cycles. For example, the
brackish in origin though salinities tend to Early Cretaceous of the Jiuxi Basin contains
increase from Mesozoic to Cenozoic times. The deep-intermediate lacustrine deposits formed as
Characteristics o f source rocks in N W China 293
the size of the lake increased and the basin sedimentary basin in China. The Upper Triassic
steadily subsided. The lithology is mostly black strata (T3Y2-T3Y3) of the basin represent the
and grey-green mudstone, shale and marl (ac- expanded stage of a lake. They consist of an
counting for 80~ of the strata) with plant enormous volume of thin bedded, dark mud-
fragments and abundant estherites and ostra- stones, with abundant organic matter, which in
codes. It is the main source-rock section in the places are oil shales. They are deep and interme-
basin, with a thickness of 800-1000 m. diate lacustrine deposits and the main source
New lakes followed the extinction of earlier rocks of the basin. The other principal source
lakes as a result of later tectonic movements and rocks of the basin are Middle-Lower Jurassic
palaeoclimatic variation. Lakes with multiple and Upper Cretaceous in age; there are also lake-
sedimentary cycles occurred because of frequent bog source rocks.
tectonic movements and gave rise to multiple
generations of source rock-reservoir-cap rock
sequences in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic. For exam-
ple, in the Zhungeer Basin, the source rocks of
the Upper Permian are deep and intermediate Studies of the hydrodynamics and sediments in
black and grey-green lacustrine mudstones with the modern Qinghai Lake (Fig. 2), which is 27 m
oil shale. The Upper Triassic Baijiantan Group deep and brackish (Luo Binjie 1980) show that
is grey-green conglomeratic mudstone with pele- the organic carbon and nitrogen contents of the
cypoda and plant fossils which may have the sands and silts of the high energy, shallow
source potential. The Middle Jurassic Shan- marginal area are less than 1~ and 0.1%
gonghe Group is a lake-bog facies which consists respectively. In the mud and silt-sludge of the
of grey and yellow-green silt rocks and silt- deep-water, low energy, central area, they are
bearing mudstone and makes up the source rocks more than 2% and 0.2~ respectively. The high-
developed in the southern depression of the basin. energy belt extends into the mouths of the main
The Oligocene Wulungu Formation is a relatively rivers which feed the lake. In the central, most
good reservoir containing grey-green lacustrine restricted area of circulation, the organic carbon
sandstone and mudstone with shelly limestone. content is more than 2.8%, especially in the
The Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Basin which cov- southern part of the lake which is a stable
ers an area of 230 000 km 2 is the second largest hydrodynamic area of the lake. Here H2S appears

FIG. 2. The modern, 5000 km 2, 27 m deep, brackish Qinghai Lake as a model of circulation and organic matter
accumulation (data from Lanzhou Institute of Geology ! 974). Contours of organic carbon contents of sediment
in percent. Data for lithology from bottom samples.
294 Luo Binjie et al.
in the bottom water, the Eh value of the sediments Migration of the oil-forming centre in the basins
is lower than - 2 0 0 mV, and the asphaltene
The depocentres of many basins frequently
content is higher than that in other areas. The
shifted resulting in movement of the centres of
organic carbon content more than doubles in the
organic accumulation. For instance, in the Wul-
north of the stagnant-water area in which there
umuqi pediment depression of the southern
is the same depth of circulating water. It can be
margin of the Zhungeer Basin, the depression
concluded that lake currents control the distribu-
during the Triassic was in the area east of
tion of sediments and the accumulation and
Wulumuqi, during the Jurassic and Cretaceous
preservation of organic matter (Fig. 2).
periods at Malas, and then in the Tertiary at
In general, a lake has only one or a few main
Anjihai and Dushanzi, west of Malas. The
supply rivers, which control these hydrodynamic
depressions of the Chaidamu Basin were at the
conditions. The source rocks of the Cretaceous
north-western and southern margins of the basin
Qingshankou Formation in the Songliao Basin
in the Jurassic and Cretaceous but the Oligocene
were influenced by the palaeo-Renjiang River.
depression was in the south-west part of the
The basin contains two areas where the organic
basin, while, in the Pliocene epoch, the depression
carbon content is 1.5-4.0%. Of these two areas of
gradually shifted to the north-east, and then to
source rock the western one, which has better
the eastern part of the basin in the Quaternary
potential for the generation of oil, is interpreted
(Fig. 3). In T3Y2 of the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia
to have experienced more stable hydrodynamic
Basin, the depression was located in the south-
west part of the basin, and in T3Y3, T3Y,, T3Ys,
The main source rock unit TaYz (Tertiary 3) of
it gradually shifted towards the north-east. Al-
the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Basin was divided
though many separate depressions formed in the
into five areas which have more than 5%
Jurassic period, the centre of the depressions
mudstone in the strata by several rivers. Three of
shifted to the west of the basin. The shift of the
these areas are distributed in the west and south
sedimentary centre controlled the position of the
of the basin, and contain more than 60-70%
oil-prone area centre.
mudstone, they are the main oil-forming areas
and reflect stable anoxic lake conditions.
The western parts of the northerly trending
basins and the southern part of easterly trending
basins of China generally experienced long-term Coexistence of oil-prone source rocks
hydrodynamic stability. and coal
In some cases the distribution of oil-prone source
rocks in time and space in the continental basins
is associated with coal and in others with salt
Multiple depressions and oil-forming centres
deposits. In the freshwater lake-bogs of humid
Within basins, source rocks are found in the climatic periods, the organic-rich rocks are zoned
depressions. Although some basins were deepest from the margin to the centre of the basin. The
in the centre, others had central upwarps with zones are, in turn, coal, oil shale and oil-prone
depressions on either side. Block faulting, with source rocks. Moreover, the coexistence of coal
alternate upheaval and depression influenced and oil is common. At the top of the Upper
sedimentation. The deep depressions with deep Triassic series in the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia
water and a thick stagnant water-layer were those Basin, the margin of the basin forms swamp
conducive to the accumulation and preservation facies with abundant coal. Towards the middle
of organic matter. part of the basin, kaolinite clays, kaolinton, pyrite
The long-term and uniform development of and oil shales occur. Their contents of gallium,
deep depressions was favourable to the develop- germanium and uranium are relatively high. The
ment of very thick source-rock sequences. For oil-prone sediments exhibit a gradual transition
example, there are four north-westerly trending into lacustrine facies with more dark mudstone
depressions in the Lower Cretaceous strata in the and organic matter due to well-developed reduc-
Jiuxi Basin, among which the Qingxi depression ing conditions. In the lower-middle Yanan For-
with the greatest subsidence and the most fine- mation of the Lower-Middle Jurassic series, the
grained sediment is the main source unit. The Lingwu-Yianchi area in the west of the basin
source rocks are as thick as 1000m. In the contains swamp facies having coal beds with an
Permian period of the Zhungeer Basin, four accumulated thickness of 30 m. Coal beds grad-
depressions, Malasihu, Zhongyang, Wucaiwan ually pinch out and the lacustrine oil-prone source
and Jimusar, developed. rocks appear towards the east of Huachi and
Characteristics o f source rocks in N W China 295

FIG. 3. Examples of the Eocene to Quaternary shift in the lacustrine depocentres of Chaidamu Basin, and thus
source-rock area, as a consequence of large-scale shear tectonics within the northern Tibetan Plateau.
1. Basement; 2. Isopachs of source rocks (m).

Qing Yang. The middle and upper Yanan Geochemical characteristics of

Formation forms a set of strongly rhythmical coal
strata and dark mudstone with a thickness of continental source rocks in north-
120 m; the area which is favourable for source west China
rocks is 46 000 km 2. The palaeogeographic land-
scape contained river networks and groups of
Abundance of organic matter
lake-bogs. The distribution of coal and oil-prone
source rocks thus forms a network with vertical According to studies of petroleum generation in
or lateral variations. the continental basins in China, gas can be
In the arid and semi-arid climatic periods, generated when organic carbon contents are 0.3-
saline lakes contain rock-salt deposits formed in 0.4%, but such conditions are unfavourable for
the marginal area, but organic-rich mudstone in oil formation (Huang Difan & Wang Jie 1980).
the centre; the oil-prone sediments formed in the In general, source rocks should have organic
relatively freshened region, while the salt-rock carbon contents higher than 0.4-0.8% for oil to
formed in the saline region. In addition, different be generated, while the contents in good source
source-rock associations can have formed where rocks are 1-6% (locally 10%). Lacustrine source
environmental conditions varied with time. Dif- rocks with suitable types of organic matter have
ferent source-rock associations have been ob- organic carbon contents of 1-4%. The contents
served, e.g. of 10-27% in the carbonaceous rocks of bog facies
are favourable for the formation of gas, and only
coal series gypsum, salt rock a certain amount of oil can be formed. The
oil shale carbonate organic matter content in the source rocks of
clastic rock clastic rock north-west China is usually high (1-10%). The
carbonate oil shale organic matter forming oil and gas is mostly
gypsum, salt rock coal series dispersed organic matter. The lower limit of
chloroform asphalt A and the content of total
Dark mudstone and shale are considered to be hydrocarbons in the source rocks are of the order
the main lacustrine source rocks, associated with of 10-5% and 100 ppm, respectively, while the
sandstone, or interbedded sandstone and mud- contents of chloroform asphalt A and total
stone. Dark siltstone and marlstone are regarded hydrocarbon in good source rocks are of the order
as possible source rocks. of 10-4% and more than 500 ppm.
296 L u o Binjie et al.

Types of organic matter tenes 4-20~. These values can vary with environ-
ment and reflect the organic composition of
The fossils in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic terres-
source rocks formed in different environments.
trial source rocks of north-west China are
During the transition lakes to lake-bogs to
predominantly of aquatic lacustrine organisms,
swamps, the organic matter of source rocks and
such as ostracods, algae, chara, fish, estherites,
the compositions of the crude oils generated from
pelecypoda, gastropoda, etc. with ostracods es-
the source rocks change progressively. The
pecially abundant. Spores, pollen and various
saturated hydrocarbon compounds of the organic
kinds of plant are common. The principal feature
matter in the non-marine source rocks decrease
is that aquatic and terrestrial plants are mixed,
gradually, while aromatic hydrocarbons, asphal-
in variable amounts depending on the period.
tenes and compounds containing oxygen increase
Similar mixing of modern organisms from differ-
gradually. The condensation of aromatic hydro-
ent environments also occurs in the modern
carbons also increases, but alkyl-replacement is
Qinghai Lake, the largest lake in China.
reduced. There can be similar changes of the
In the non-marine source rocks of big fresh-
organic matter composition of source rocks when
water lakes, the kerogen is Type I and Type IIA.
lacustrine conditions change from freshwater to
In brackish lakes, it is Type IIA and Type IIB,
brackish to saline.
while it is Type II-Type III in saline lakes (Tissot
The structure of aromatic hydrocarbons in
& Welte 1978). It is mainly Type III in deposits
organic matter varies with depositional environ-
from freshwater swamps (Yang Wanli et al.
ment. Based on triangular graphs of aromatic
1985). The kerogen in the source rocks in north-
structure there is a linear increase in aromatic
west China predominantly belongs to Type II,
content progressing from swamp, through fresh-
but Type III is common, and Type I is found
water lacustrine, brackish-water lacustrine and
locally. The maturity threshold for petroleum
saline lacustrine facies.
generation depends on the type of organic matter
Due to the flourishing of aquatic organisms,
undergoing maturation. In north-west China the
such as algae and plankton, in fresh and brackish
degree of maturity varies from basin to basin and
lakes, the content of low-molecular alkanes is
between different regions in the same basin
rather high in their source rocks and crude oils.
(Institute of Geochemistry 1982).
In particular those less than C22 are highly
abundant. Inputs of terrestrial organisms pro-
Other environmental indicators mote high-molecular alkanes (C22+). Owing to
Authigenic pyrites formed within non-marine the flourishing of both aquatic and terrestrial
kerogen can be used as mineralogical indicators organisms in the lake-bog facies, two peaks
for kerogen classification. Spheroids with cubic located either side of C22 appear on the n-alkane
and octahedral monocrystals are associated with distribution. Odd-numbered carbon compounds
sapropelite kerogen (Type I), spheroids with predominate over even-numbered ones in fresh-
pentagonaldodecahedra are associated with hu- water sediments, while the opposite is the case in
minite (Type III). Mixtures of both forms of saline lacustrine sediments.
mono-crystals indicate mixed kerogen (Type II). The distribution of iso-alkanes in organic
matter and crude oil shows an obvious difference
in source rocks formed in different environments.
Element composition and organic compounds
On a triangular graph of Pr/nC17, Pr/Ph and Ph/
from different environments
nC18 (Fig. 4), freshwater swamp, fresh-brackish
Non-marine sourced crude oil in northern China lacustrine, brackish lacustrine and saline lacus-
can be distinguished from marine-sourced oil by trine oil-prone source rocks show a clear separa-
high wax, low sulphur, high nickel and low tion. Crude oils show corresponding distributions
vanadium contents. The original organic matter but the range is narrower, and the distinction
contained a large proportion of cutinite, spores, between each group is more apparent. In the
resinite, phyllem and other organic components swamp facies, the content of pristane is more
with high contents of wax which are produced by than that of phytane and the ratio of Pr/Ph is
both aquatic and terrestrial plants. The low more than 2.5-3; in freshwater facies, the pristane
sulphur contents of non-marine crude oils reflects content is equal to phytane, and the ratio of Pr/
deposition of their source rocks in fresh-brackish Ph is 0.8-1 ; in the saline lacustrine facies, pristane
water environments (Huang Difan & Li Jinchao is less than phytane, and the ratio of Pr/Ph is less
1984). than 0.7.
In non-marine sourced oils, saturated hydro- Biological markers, such as steranes, triter-
carbon contents can be as high as 60-90~, those panes, hopane, norhopane and ~,- and fl-carotane,
of aromatic hydrocarbons 10-20~ and of asphal- have been found in the non-marine source rocks
Characteristics o f source rocks in N W China 297

FIG. 4. Triangular plot of isoprenoids for different types of Chinese lacustrine source rocks and crude oils: I.
Freshwater swamp source rock; 11. Freshwater swamp crude oil; II. Fresh to brackish source rocks; 111. Fresh to
brackish crude oil; III. Brackish-water source rocks; III1. Brackish crude oil; IV. Saline lake source rocks; IV1.
Saline lake crude oil.

FIG. 5. Carbon isotope vs Pr/Ph as a discrimination index for hydrocarbon source environments: I. Fresh to
brackish lake environment. I. 1. Shanganning, 2. Songliao, 3. Jiouquan, 4. Zhungeer. II. Saline lake
environment; 5. Chaidamu, 6. Jianghan. III. River-lake-bog environment; 7. Eromanga-Cooper Basin
(Australia), 8. Shanganning (Permian), 9. Dongqioulitake. IV. Peat-swamp environment. V. Marine
environment, 10. Kekeya.
298 Luo Binjie et al.
and crude oil of China (Fan Pu & K i n g 1984). these source rocks is - 2 3 to -26%o. The 513C of
18~(H)-oleanane is also found, commonly asso- the freshwater and brackish-water source rocks
ciated with terrestrial angiosperms. and their crude oils is - 27 to - 32%0 and - 26 to
Where environments changed from lake facies - 33%0, respectively.
into swamp facies, biomarkers such as C27 and We propose the following method for identify-
Czs sterane and paraffinic hydrocarbons gradu- ing the environments of deposition of the source
ally decrease, these being derived from plankton, rocks of non-marine crude oils. As on Fig. 5, we
bacteria and algae. Biomarkers such as C29 plot the 613C value for the crude oil as the
sterane, oleanane and Y-lupane, however, grad- abscissa and the logarithmic value of pristane/
ually increase, these being derived from terrestrial phytane as the ordinate. The different regions in
organisms and higher plants. In the crude oil Fig. 5 represent the different environments in
from freshwater or brackish-water sources, the which the source rocks of the various types of
ratio of C27 cholestane to total steranes is nearly crude oils were deposited. In Fig. 5, I indicates
0.1, while in the saline-water crude oil, it is 0.2- fresh-brackish-water lacustrine environments
0.3. (e.g. crude oils from Shanganning, Songliao,
Trisnorhopane (Tm) and benzo-hopane reflect Jiouquan and Zhungeer), II indicates the saline-
swamp environments. Due to the fact that the water lacustrine environments (e.g. Chaidamu,
influence of environment on the percentage of Jianghau), III the river-lake-bog environments
aromatic hydrocarbon proton (PAP) and aro- (e.g. the crude oils from the Eromanga-Cooper,
matic degree is stronger than that of thermal Australia: Powell 1984; the Jurassic of Shangan-
evolution, PAP and aromatic degree can be ning and Dongqioulitake), IV the p e a t - s w a m p
considered to be a parameter for source material. environments, and V the marine environments.
The mean 613C value of terrestrial plants is As the types of crude oil in China are many
- 25.5%0; it is - 27 to - 32%0 for the freshwater and complex, the study of the environment of
plankton, and - 9 to -23%0 for marine orga- deposition of the source rocks of the different
nisms. Generally speaking, the 613C value in the types of crude oil is profitable for the development
different types of kerogen are as follows: Type I of the theories of hydrocarbon formation, espe-
< - 2 7 ~ , Type II - 2 7 to -26%0 and Type III cially for non-marine sources of oil and gas.
> -26%0 (Huang Difan & Li Jinchao 1984). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; We thank Dr. K. Kelts of the
The 313C of the saline-water source rocks is Geological Institute, ETH-2, CH 8092 Zurich, for
- 25 to - 29%0, and that of crude oil derived from assistance with preparation of the manuscript.

FAN PU & KING, J. D. 1984. Characteristics of Evolution of organic matter and formative stage
biomarker compounds (cycloakanes) in oil formed of petroleum in the continental sediment. Proceed-
under various depositional environments. Acta ings of Lanzhou Institute of Geology, Academia
Sedimentologica Sinica, 2, 1-17. Sinica. Science Press, Beijing, 1-62.
study on effectiveness, limitation and interrelation RONGYAD, SHAOHONGSHUN,WANG YOUXIAO&
of their identification. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, RONGGUANGHUA.1980. Formation and migration
2, 18-33. of continental oil and gas in China. Scientia Sinica,
& WANG JIE. 1980. Genesis of oil and gas of 23, 1286-1295, 1417-1427.
POWELL,T. G. 1984. Advances in concept of hydrocar-
- -

continental origin in the Mesocenozoic basins.

Acta Petroleum Sinica, 1, 3142. bon generation by terrestrial organic matter.
Petroleum Geology Conference, Beijing.
Organic Geochemistry. Science Press, Beijing, 95- RATION AND DEVELOPMENT. 1982. Terrestrial Oil
109. and Gas Formation in China. Petroleum Industry
1982. Terrestrial Oil and Gas Formation, Evolution TISSOT,B. P. • WELTE,D. H. 1978. Petroleum Formation
and Accumulation in China. The Gansu People's and Occurrence. Springer-Verlag, New York, 111-
Publishing House, Lanzhou, 25-64. 131.
LUO BINJIE. 1980. Hydrodynamics of the lake water. YANG WANLI, LI YONG KANG & GAO RUIGI. 1985.
In: Comprehensive Investigation of Qinhai Lake. Formation and evolution of non-marine petroleum
Science Press, Beijing, 67-88. in Songliao Basin, China. Bulletin of the American
, YANG XINGHUA & WANG YOUXIAO. 1981. Association of Petroleum Geologists, 69, 1112-1122.


Academia Sinica, Lanzhou, China.
Biological markers in lacustrine Chinese oil shales

S. C. Brassell, Sheng Guoying, Fu Jiamo & G. Eglinton

S U M M A R Y: A major objective in molecular organic geochemistry is the assessment and

characterization of sedimentary depositional environments from the occurrence of specific
biological marker compounds related to particular source organisms. The aliphatic
hydrocarbon distributions of petroleums and/or sediments from Chinese freshwater and
hypersaline lacustrine environments are described and contrasted in the search for diagnostic
features among their biological marker distributions. The Eocene Maoming oil shale, which
crops out in Guangdong Province, shows major differences in hydrocarbon composition
through its stratigraphic succession. These variations reflect changes in lithology and in the
origins of the sedimentary organic matter, as seen from petrographic examination. The lower
lignite and vitrinite layers contain significant contributions of biological markers from
bacterial sources, plus components derived from terrigenous higher plants, such as C29
steroids. In contrast, the overlying shales show a dominance of dinoflagellate-derived 4-
methylsteroids and culminate in an horizon with botryococcane homologues as their
dominant alkanes. Thus, the geochemical profile suggests that a swampy environment, in
which peats accumulated, deepened to support populations of dinoflagellate and, finally,
blooms of Botryococcus green algae. The aliphatic hydrocarbons of a series of sediments and
petroleums from the Eocene hypersaline sequence of the Jianghan Basin in southern Hubei
Province shows various features that may be typical of such facies. These include a
dominance of even-numbered n-alkanes, high amounts of phytane and gammacerane, and
an abundance of C35-hopanes. Similar characteristics are observed in shales from the Eocene
Green River Formation and in Rozel Point crude oil, a petroleum thought to originate from
sediments deposited under hypersaline conditions. The same features also appear in a lower
Tertiary evaporitic mudstone from south of the Renqui oil field in Hebei Province, together
with 4-methylsteranes, fl-carotane and 18c~(H)-oleanane, a marker for terrigenous higher
plants. These data illustrate the potential of biological markers in the differentiation of
different lacustrine environments and suggest that such characteristics may provide
signatures for environmentallysimilar, but geographically distant, deposits.

Introduction green algae (Moldowan & Seifert 1980), which

only live in fresh or brackish waters.
The biological marker characteristics of petrole- Biological marker information can therefore
ums, like their isotopic signatures (e.g. Sofer contribute to the task of recognizing the signifi-
1984), are largely inherited from their source cance of, and differentiating between, the various
rocks. Hence, a major objective in molecular depositional environments that can be respons-
organic geochemical studies is the recognition of ible for the formation of petroleum source rocks.
diagnostic features among the biological marker In particular, the growing recognition of the
distributions of petroleums, which can help importance of lacustrine sediments (Powell 1986),
describe and distinguish the original depositional prompts a search for specific features that may
environments of their source rocks, for example, serve to characterize such environments. The
whether marine or lacustrine. This goal can be geographic and temporal diversity, variety and
addressed empirically through the examination size of the lacustrine deposits in the People's
of the characteristics of well-defined sedimentary Republic of China provide many excellent ex-
environments. Thus, for example, the presence amples for the study of such sedimentary environ-
of C30 steranes (24-propylcholestanes) is held to ments and their associated petroleums. In this
be indicative of contributions from marine paper the characteristics of specific biological
organic matter (Moldowan et al. 1985). Alterna- marker components among the aliphatic hydro-
tively, the assemblage and abundance of com- carbon distributions of two Chinese lacustrine
pounds derived from organisms of restricted environments are examined and compared with
habitat can provide circumstantial evidence of each other and other environments. The first
aspects of the sedimentary depositional environ- example is the freshwater Maoming oil shale
ment. For example, the presence of botryococ- sequence (BrasseU et al. 1986) from southern
cane is indicative of inputs from Botryococcus China (Fig. 1). The second principal suite of

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 299
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 299-308.
30o S . C . Brassell et al.

FIG. 1. The locations of Maoming, the Jianghan Basin and the Renqiu oil field in Guangdong, Hubei and Hebei
Provinces, respectively, in the People's Republic of China.

sediments and petroleums are those from the samples and a more comprehensive survey and
hypersaline Jianghan Basin (Fig. 1; Xie Taijun evaluation of their biological marker character-
et al. 1984; Fu Jiamo et al. 1986). istics are detailed elsewhere (Brassell et al. 1986).
For the Jianghan Basin, the distributions of
aliphatic hydrocarbons of several sediments and
Samples and experimental procedures petroleums have been previously documented
(Fu Jiamo et al. 1986). Here, these data are
complemented by additional information from
other sediments, comprising mudstones (coded
The basal lignite of the Eocene Maoming oil WX63, GX715 & W X l l 3 a ) and a glauber salt
shale sequence lies unconformably on Cretaceous (mirabilite; NazSO4.10H20) sample (WX 113b),
red sandstones. Six sediment samples from the and petroleums (B1, W1349) reservoired at
stratigraphic section, including the basal lignite shallow depths (ca. 600 m and 1200 m, respec-
(M-4), a vitrinite lens (M-5) from the overlying tively). Such accumulated petroleums only occur
claystone and four sections of oil shale from in the Qianjiang depression of the Jianghan Basin
increasingly higher levels (M-l, M-2, M-3 and where saline lake sediments are buried in concert
M-M, respectively) have been studied. This paper with reservoir sandstones (Fig. 2; Fu Jiamo et al.
concentrates on the interpretation and compari- 1986).
son of the biological marker composition of the Other samples considered here include the
lignite (M-4) and the two uppermost shales (M-3 Rozel Point crude oil (e.g., ten Haven et al. this
and M-M). The visual descriptions of all six volume), the Green River shale (e.g., Murphy et
Lacustrine C h i n e s e oil s h a l e s 301

FIG. 2. A map of part of the Jianghan Basin showing the Qianjiang Depression (central area with oil fields) and
well sites of: (a) B1 oil, (b) WX sediments, (c) W1349 oil and (d) G33 oil.

al. 1967), plus a Tertiary hypersaline sediment to indicate that their presumed source organisms,
(Z2) from ca. 40 km south of the Renqiu oil field Botryococcus green algae, were major contributors
in Hebei Province (Fig. 1). of its organic matter. 4-methylsteranes are the
major components of the M-3 oil shale as seen in
Experimental procedures its RIC trace (Fig. 3b). They are sufficiently
abundant to be readily recognized in the m/z 217
All sediment and petroleum samples were ex- mass fragmentogram (Fig. 4b), although this
tracted with CH2CL2/MeOH by Soxhlet or typically only depicts sterane distributions. In-
ultrasonication, and the extracts separated by deed, this sample contains markedly higher
chromatographic methods to yield aliphatic hy- proportions of 4-methylsteranes, notably the C30
drocarbon fractions which were analysed by gas members, than steranes. The reverse is true for
chromatographic (GC) and gas chromato- the M-M oil shale (Fig. 4a). Significantly, petro-
graphic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) tech- graphic inspection of M-3 shows an abundance
niques as previously described for these, or of hydrocarbon wisps attributable to dinoflagel-
comparable, sample suites (Brassell et al. 1986; lates (Brassell et al. 1986). Hence, since 4-
Fu Jiamo et al. 1986). methylsteranes are held to derive from 4-methyl-
sterol precursors contributed by dinoflagellates
Maoming oil shale (Boon et al. 1979; Robinson et al. 1984; Wolffet
al. 1986), both visual and biological marker
The distributions of aliphatic hydrocarbons (Fig. information suggest a major contribution from
3) for the oil shales (M-M and M-3) and the basal dinoflagellate algae to M-3.
lignite (M-4) are significantly different, as are The n-alkane distributions of the oil shales are
their petrographic characteristics (Brassell et al. dominated by higher, odd-numbered members
1986). The uppermost shale (M-M) contains (C27 and C29), presumably derived from higher
abundant colonial algae and exhibits a domi- plant sources. Both samples also possess slightly
nance of C31 and C33 botryococcane homologues greater amounts of pristane than phytane (Fig.
among its aliphatic hydrocarbons (Fig. 3a; 3a and b). The M-3 oil shale contains marginally
Brassell et al. 1986). These components are higher proportions of these, and other, acyclic
probably related to those with similar mass isoprenoid alkanes, including lycopane (peak c
spectral features observed in Sumatran crude oils in Fig. 3b). The distributions of hopanoids in M-
(Seifert & Moldowan 1981). The prominence of M and M-3 are generally similar (Fig. 5a and b,
these compounds in the M-M shale can be taken respectively), except for the higher amounts of
3o2 S.C. Brassell et al.

FtG. 3. Annotated reconstituted ion chromatogram (RIC) from GC-MS analysis of the aliphatic hydrocarbons
of: (a) M-M oil shale, (b) M-3 oil shale and (c) M-4 lignite, n-alkanes are numbered according to their chain
length. C16i, C18i, Pr, Ph and C40idenote C16, C18, C19, C2o and C4o isoprenoids (Brassellet al. 1986),
respectively. C3obr indicates the peaks corresponding to branched isoprenoids (Brassell et al. 1986). iso-32 and
iso-34 refer to 2-methylhentriacontane and 2-methyltritriacontane, respectively.

22R C 31 17~(H),21fl(H)-hopane and C3o 17fl(H), The combined evidence from petrographic and
21 fl(H)-hopane in the latter. biological marker data suggests that the Maoming
Higher n-alkanes (e.g., C2v) with a low CPI oil shale sequence was laid down in a swampy
are prominent components of the aliphatic environment giving rise to peats. These waters
hydrocarbon distributions of the basal lignite (M- may then have deepened to support populations
4). It contains significant amounts of iso alkanes of dinoflagellate algae, and, finally, blooms of
(notably C32 and C34) and its hopanoids are in botryococcoid green algae.
markedly higher abundance than in the other The combination of the occurrence of thermally
samples. In addition, the proportion of individual unstable components (e.g., hopenes, diasterenes,
hopanoids in the lignite differs from that of the 5fl-steranes, 4fl-methylsteranes and 17fl(H),
other samples, especially in terms of its higher 21fl(H)-hopanes), together with the low concen-
amounts of hop- 17(21 )-enes and neohop- 13(18)- trations or absence of biological markers pro-
enes (Fig. 5c). Such features presumably stem duced during catagenesis (e.g., 20S steranes and
from the differences in the contributions from 22S extended hopanes) indicate the low maturity
bacteria to the shales and lignite. The lignite also of the Maoming oil shale sequence (Brassell et al.
has a dominance of pristane among its acyclic 1986). Such information from the biological
isoprenoids and C29 diasterenes among its major marker distributions is consistent with the low
steroidal components, whereas 4-methylsteranes vitrinite reflectance values of 0.34 and 0.38 for
were barely detectable among its constituents. the M-2 oil shale and M-4 lignite, respectively
All of these characteristics, namely high propor- (Brassell et al. 1986).
tions of pristane, hopanes and hopenes (van Botryococcane and 4-methylsteranes co-occur
Dorsselaer et al. 1977), and 24-ethylsteroids (C29), in various proportions in non-marine crude oils
are recognized features of lignites and coals from the western Otway Basin (McKirdy et al.
(Hoffmann et al. 1984). 1986). Hence, the association of botryococcane
Lacustrine Chinese oil shales 3o3

FtG. 4. Annotated partial m/z 217 chromatograms depicting the distributions of steranes and 4-methylsteranes
among the aliphatic hydrocarbons of: (a) M-M oil shale and (b) M-3 oil shale.

homologues and 4-methylsteranes in the Maom- diagnostic value for lacustrine environments
ing oil shale seems comparable, especially as any since it can occur as a significant component of
petroleum generated from these strata would marine sediments, such as those from the Cariaco
most probably be pooled from the various levels, Trench (Brassell et al. 1981). Overall, the major
thereby mixing their hydrocarbon characteristics. diagnostic biological markers in freshwater lake
A dominance of 4-methylsteranes, such as in the sediments, like the Maoming oil shales, appear
M-3 horizon of the Maoming oil shale, is observed to be homologues of botryococcane and 4-
in other lacustrine sediments, including the methylsteranes.
Messel shale (Kimble et al. 1974) and Oligocene
Chinese shales from Hebei Province (e.g., Wolff
et al. 1986). Although the presumed precursors of Jianghan Basin
4-methylsteranes, namely 4-methylsterols, are
prominent components of both recent marine (de The aliphatic hydrocarbon distributions of the
Leeuw et al. 1983) and lacustrine (Robinson et al. petroleums and mudstones from the Jianghan
1984) environments, it appears that 4-methylster- Basin show a number of common features (cf. Fu
anes only dominate steranes in non-marine Jiamo et al. 1986), although those of the glauber
environments. Lycopane is present in M-3 and is salt differ in several respects. First, the n-alkane
also a prominent constituent of the Messel shale distributions often show an even over odd
(Kimble et al. 1974). However, it has little predominance (EOP) (Fig. 6a-c); a feature
304 S.C. Brassell et al.

FIG. 5. Annotated partial m/z 191 chromatograms illustrating the distributions of hopanes and hopenes among
the aliphatic hydrocarbons of: (a) M-M oil shale, (b) M-3 oil shale and (c) M-4 lignite. Peak numbers refer to the
carbon number of the individual hopanoids.

observed previously for other samples from this Third, gammacerane is a prominent compo-
basin (Xie Taijun et al. 1984; Fu Jiamo et al. nent in the m/z 191 mass chromatograms (Fig.
1986). This EOP in the n-alkanes may reflect 7), typically dominating the 17~(H),21fl(H)-ho-
their derivation from functionalized precursors panes. Abundant gammacerane, as observed here
(e.g., n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols), rather than in the Jianghan Basin (Xie Taijun et aL 1984; Fu
an origin from direct biological contributions of Jiamo et aL 1986), was first reported in the Green
n-alkanes. However, it is uncertain whether the River shale (Hills et aL 1966) and is a feature
EOP in n-alkanes is principally a function of common to other hypersaline sediments (e.g., ten
specific biological inputs to these environments Haven et aL 1985) and oils, including Rozel Point
or as a result of their peculiar diagenetic path- (ten Haven et aL this volume). Its absence in the
ways. glauber salt prompts the suggestion that its source
Second, phytane (Ph) is always markedly more organisms, unknown at present, may be unable
abundant than pristane (Pr; Fig. 6), and is usually to tolerate highly saline regimes, as implied by
the dominant branched/cyclic aliphatic hydro- the deposition of glauber salt. Gammacerane,
carbon. Low Pr/Ph ratios can be interpreted as however, is not restricted to saline lake sediments;
an indication of anoxic depositionat conditions it also occurs as a minor component in many
(Didyk et al. 1978), but in this instance it seems marine environments (e.g., Moldowan et al.
most probable that the high amounts of phytane 1985).
reflect contributions from archaebacteria (e.g., Fourth, C35 and/or C34 hopane homologues
halophiles; Kates 1978), rather than chlorophyll are often dominant over the C3~ to C33 (Fig. 7;
degradation products. Related contributions of ten Haven et al. 1985, this volume; Fu Jiamo et
C2s (both 2,6,10,15,19- and 2,6,10,14,18-penta- al. 1986), in contrast to their usual observed
methyleicosanes) and C3o (both 2, 6,10,14,18,22- decrease in relative abundance with increasing
hexamethyltetracosane and squalane) acyclic carbon number. Such a feature suggests either
isoprenoid alkanes are also observed, especially different distributions of their precursor polyhy-
in the glauber salt (Fig. 6), and they further droxybacteriohopanes, or diagenetic reactions
indicate significant lipid inputs from archaebac- that favour the retention and survival of the C3s
teria (e.g., Holzer et al. 1979; Brassell et al. 1981). and/or Ca4 hopane skeleton.
The prominence of such components in the Finally, ~fl-carotane occurs in several of the
glauber salt (Fig. 6d) illustrates the apparent samples from this location, including the glauber
tolerance of the archaebacteria to high salinities, salt and one 0fthe oils (G33). This feature is even
such as those necessary for the precipitation of more marked in sediments and oils from Xinjiang
evaporite minerals, including glauber salt. province (Fu Jiamo et al. unpubl, data), and in
L a c u s t r i n e C h i n e s e oil s h a l e s 3o5

FIG. 6. Annotated RIC showing the aliphatic hydrocarbon distributions of: (a) W 1349 oil, (b) B 1 oil, (c) WX63
mudstone and (d) WX113b glauber salt. Selected n-alkanes are numbered according to their chain length. Pr,
C25i and C3oi refer to pristane and C2s and C3o acyclic isoprenoids, respectively. St and G denote steranes and
gammacerane, respectively.

FIG. 7. Annotated partial m/z 191 chromatograms showing the triterpenoid distributions of: (a) W 1349 oil, (b)
B 1 oil, (c) WX63 mudstone and (d) WX 113b glauber salt. The carbon numbers of the suite of C29 to C35
17~(H),21fl(H)-hopanes are given.

the Green River shale, wherein fl-carotane was carotane, all appear in Rozel Point crude oil (ten
first identified (Murphyet al. 1967). It is, however, Haven et al. this volume), in a marl from the
an intermittent characteristic, rather than a northern Apennines in Italy (ten Haven et al.
uniform one, probably reflecting an autochtho- 1985) and in seep oils from Sicily (ten Haven et
nous input from a specific class of bacteria. al. this volume). Hence, the biological marker
These features, except for the presence of fl- characteristics of the Jianghan Basin samples
3o6 S.C. Brassell et al.
seem to be generally representative of hypersaline above for the Jianghan Basin. It has a high
depositional environments. phytane content, an EOP in its n-alkanes (Fig.
The maturity of the sediment samples is 8a), possesses a significant amount of gammacer-
relatively low (Fu Jiamo et al. 1986), as indicated ane and high relative proportions of C35 hopanes
by their biological marker distributions, such as (Fig. 8b), and also contains fl-carotane (Fig. 8a).
the EOP for n-alkanes. Similarly, the oils are all In addition, it contains minor proportions of 4-
early-generated petroleums. methylsteranes (significantly less than steranes;
Fig. 8c) and 18e(H)-oleanane (Fig. 8b), a charac-
Renqiu oil field teristic higher plant triterpenoid found in Nige-
rian crude oils (Whitehead 1974; Ekweozor et al.
A hypersaline sediment from south of the Renqiu 1979).
oil field in north-east China (Fig. 1) exhibits all Hence, this sample shows the features charac-
(Fig. 8) of the characteristic features described teristic of a hypersaline depositional environment

FIG. 8. Annotated illustrations of the distributions of aliphatic hydrocarbons in Z2. (a) RIC with n-alkanes
numbered, phytane and fl-carotane denoted, and with the coelution of C28 and C30 n-alkanes with C27 and C29
steranes, respectively, also shown. (b) Partial m/z 191 chromatogram showing triterpanes, including the series of
C29-C35 17~(H),21fl(H)-hopanes. (c) Partial chromatograms of m/z 217 and m/z 231 depicting steranes and 4-
methylsteranes, respectively.
Lacustrine Chinese oil shales 307
coupled with evidence of terrigenous contribu- petroleums, given that evolutionary changes may
tions of organic matter. Perhaps it was deposited influence the biological populations of such
close to the shoreline of a saline lake and therefore environments and, hence, their geochemical
received inputs from the surrounding vegetation. characteristics. The one exception is the observed
The biological marker composition of Z2, association between 4-methylsteranes and botry-
notably its low relative concentrations of 20S and ococcane, since the lacustrine oils from the Otway
14fl(H), 17fl(H)-steranes, indicate its immaturity, Basin which contain these compounds are Cre-
comparable to samples from the Jianghan Basin. taceous.
An interesting observation regarding the oc-
currence of botryococcane homologues, 4-meth-
ylsteranes, and phytane samples, respectively, in
Conclusions their tendency to dominate the biological marker
distributions. Similar behaviour is shown by
The major diagnostic features in the biological other branched/cyclic compounds, such as 28,30-
marker distributions of the freshwater Maoming bisnorhopane which dominates the cyclic fraction
shale are the presence of botryococcane homo- of many immature sediments and petroleums
logues and the dominance of 4-methylsteranes (e.g., Monterey shales, Seifert et al. 1978). This
over steranes in the oil shales. The lignite is tendency for certain terpenoids to dominate
characterized by high amounts of pristane, n- biological marker distributions has analogies
alkanes and hopanes and hopenes. Such charac- (Brassell et al. 1983) to the existence of monospe-
teristics contrast directly with the major features cific fossil assemblages in certain sediments.
of the Jianghan Basin samples, namely an EOP Hence, there is evidence from both conventional
for n-alkanes, a dominance of phytane, high and molecular fossils that the establishment of
amounts of gammacerane and high proportions particular depositional conditions may be con-
of C35 and/or C34 hopanes. Carotanes may also ducive to the blooming of individual opportunis-
be present. On this basis it becomes possible to tic species.
differentiate such environments. However, the
Z2 sample shows a combination of these features, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS;SCB and GE thank the NERC
reflecting its inferred deposition in a hypersaline for support of the C-GC-MS facility at Bristol (GR3/
lake receiving terrigenous inputs. 2951 & GR3/3758). SG and FJ acknowledge the
support of the United Nations Development Project
A further consideration is that all of the (CPR/84/005). This contribution stems from a collabo-
sediments, both freshwater and hypersaline, are rative research programme between the Institute of
Tertiary. It therefore remains to be seen whether Geochemistry in Guiyang and the Organic Geochem-
the diagnostic features in their biological marker istry Unit in Bristol, a joint project supported by the
distributions hold for pre-Tertiary sediments and Academia Sinica and the Royal Society.

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carbons in the Messel oil shale. Geochimica et environment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
Cosmochimica Acta, 38, 1165-1181. 49, 2181-2191.
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Advances in OrganicGeochemistry 1975, Enadimsa,
MOLDOWAN, J. M. & SEIFERT, W. K. 1980. First Madrid, 53-59.
discovery of botryococcane in petroleum. Journal WHITEHEAD, E. V. 1974. The structure of petroleum
of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pentacyclanes. In: TISSOT,B. & BIENNER,F. (eds),
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S. C. BRASSELL*& G. EGLINTON,Organic Geochemistry Unit, University of Bristol, School

of Chemistry, Cantock's Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK.
SHENG GUOYING & FU JIAMO, Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica, Guiyang,
Guizhou Province, The People's Republic of China.

*Present address: Department of Geology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-

2115, U.S.A.
Geochemical characteristics of crude oils and source beds in
different continental facies of four oil-bearing basins, China

Wang Tieguan, Fan Pu & F. M. Swain

S U M M A R Y: In order to correlate Chinese continental crude oils with their sources and,
thus, the different depositional facies of the sources, the geochemical characteristics of crude
oils and of extracts from related source rocks in four different types of continental facies were
studied. The four types of facies were those of (1) inland and paralic freshwater to brackish
lake basins, (2) saline lake basins, (3) inland swampy lake and swamp basins, and (4)
terrestrial and marine intertonguing facies basins. Oils from these facies show both
similarities and differences. Some specific biomarkers, such as the stereoisomers of
onocerane, serratane and long chain acyclic polymethylalkanes which could be useful
indicators of a palaeoenvironment, are also discussed. All the components were identified
using mass spectrometry and a few retention index data: therefore, the identificationof some
compounds must be tentative.

Introduction section 3 to section 1 of Shahejie Formation (He

Jinyu 1977). Glauconite is scarce in the underly-
Crude oil fields in continental sediments have ing section 3, but it is relatively enriched in the
been discovered in many countries. These have lower section 1, reaching up to 1.6~ of the heavy
formed under a variety of geological conditions. minerals. Within the section, glauconite coexists
Most Chinese oil fields, however, formed in with freshwater ostracods, which have smooth
freshwater lake basins ranging in age from surfaces and thin shells, and a brackish water
Permian to Neogene. form (Chinocythere) which has complex orna-
In recent years, many authors have studied the ment. A few foraminifera (?), one star-shaped
formation of continental freshwater basins crinod fragment and a Pecten fragment (?) were
(Swain 1980; Huang Ruchong et al. 1981 ; Huang also reported. Thus, it appears that the Shahejie
Difan et al. 1982), but the characteristics of crude Formation is a fresh-brackish water deposit. On
oils in different basins and from source rocks the other hand, the Oligocene lower Gancaigou
deposited in various types of aqueous environ- Group, Chaidamu Basin is an example of an
ment have seldom been compared in detail. inland fresh-brackish water basin, free of sea-
The source rocks of Chinese continental oil water influence. In this case, it was the arid or
formed under a variety of lacustrine conditions. semi-arid conditions that controlled the salinity
(1) Freshwater and fresh-brackish water lake of lake water.
basins are widely distributed in China. Freshwa- (2) Inland saline lake basins contain only a
ter lake basins have an abundant supply of both small number of oil fields in China. The most
terrestrial organic material and freshwater during typical is the Jianghan Basin (Qiangjiang For-
wet climatic periods. Under conditions of rapid mation, Oligocene). Another example is Chai-
deposition, oil source beds, such as the Upper damu Basin (Miocene to Pliocene sequence). In
Triassic ones of the Shanganning Basin develop the deposits of salt lakes, petroleum source rocks
in deeper parts of the lake. During the semi-arid are interbedded with salt and gypsum-bearing
climatic periods, the lake water may become rocks owing to the cyclic changes of dry and
brackish. Overall, this type of lake basin has semi-arid climate. Dark-coloured mudstones and
source rocks consisting mainly of dark-coloured gypsiferous mudstones appear to be the most
mudstones. Paralic freshwater basins are some- likely source intervals and probably develop
what different from inland ones. Temporary when the saline water of the lake became
marine transgressions result in mixing of fresh- freshened by runoff. Although this kind of lake
water and seawater. This has a profound influence contains relatively few organisms and the organic
on the characteristics of the accumulated organic content of any resulting source rock is only 0.5-
and inorganic matter. The Shahejie Formation 0.8~ lower than that in other kinds of lacustrine
of Eocene-Oligocene age in Huonghua Depres- source rocks, the organic material is well pre-
sion, Bohai Bay Basin, provides an example of served because of the high salinity and strong
paralic lake deposits. Glauconite was discovered reducing environment. Good depositional con-
in the northern part of the depression from ditions for source rocks are therefore a possibility

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 3o9
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 309-325.
31 o W a n g Tieguan et al.

in inland saline lake basins (Huang Difan et al. terrestrial paralic swamp deposits, while the
1982). Taiyuan Formation formed in a terrestrial
(3) Inland swampy lake basins with conditions swampy deposit with a marine transgressive unit.
suitable for coal formation commonly occurred Source intervals formed in both formations and
during Jurassic and Tertiary times in China. the oils found in the Permian reservoir of the
Jurassic rocks in Chaidamu Basin are developed Shanganning Basin are believed to come from
as freshwater lake deposits. Coal-forming condi- these source rocks (Huang Ruchong et al. 1981).
tions existed here principally in the early and the In this study, a total of nine typical oil and
late stages of the lake existence. The source rocks seven source rock samples were selected for
occur mainly in the middle part of the succession comparison from the Huanghua Depression in
and consist of dark grey to black mudstones and the Bohai Bay Basin, Jianghan Basin, Chaidamu
siltstones. Peat developed along the margins of Basin and Shanganning Basin (Figs 1 and 2,
the lake basin, while oil-prone sediments formed Table 1). The purpose of the study was to
particularly in the deeper parts of the basins, determine the similarities and differences of
resulting in intertonguing of the oil-prone and continental crude oils formed in the four deposi-
coaly layers (Swain 1980). tional palaeoenvironments discussed above.
(4) Interdigitated terrestrial and marine de-
posits can form during intervals of transgression
and regression. Marine plankton and terrigenous Experimental
flora can therefore be found mixed in the same
sediments. Such sediments are preserved in the
Sample preparation
Shanganning Basin, and are represented by the
Benxi and Taiyuan Formations of Middle to The oil samples studied were separated on silica
Upper Carboniferous age. The Benxi Formation gel columns into an n-hexane eluate, a benzene
consists of typical intertonguing marine and eluate and a pyridine and methanol eluate. A

FIG. 1. Location of the basins and samples discussed in the text.

Geochemical characteristics of crude oils 311

FIG. 2. Stratigraphic system in the four Chinese basins studied.

100-g sample of each source rock was extracted 5750G equipped with a 72 x ~ inch stainless steel
in Soxhlets with a benzene and methanol mixture column (3~oApiezo L on 80/100 mesh supeleoport
(80:20). The extracts after removal of sulphur solid phase) programmed from 80 to 280~ (6~
were separated on silica gel columns as was done min) with a flow rate of 50 ml/min He.
with the oil samples.
Computerized gas chromatography-mass
Gas chromatography spectrometry ( C-GC-MS)
The saturated hydrocarbon (n-hexane eluate) The saturated hydrocarbon samples were ana-
analysis were carried out on a Hewlett Packard lysed by the Department of Biochemistry, Uni-
312 Wang Tieguan et al.

TABLE 1. Description of samples

No. Sample Aget Formation or group Strati- Depositional environment

I Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
H-3 Crude oil Oligocene No. 2 Shahejie Formation Es2 "1
H-2 Crude oil Oligocene Paralic fresh-brackish
No. 3 Shahejie Formation Es3
H-1 Mudstone Oligocene water lake
No. 3 Shahejie Formation Es3
II Jianghan Basin
J-1 Mudstone Oligocene No. 4 Qianjiang Formation Eq4 )
J-2 Crude oil Oligocene No. 4 Qianjiang Formation Eq4 Inland brackish-brine lake
J-3 Crude oil Oligocene Qianjiang Formation Eq
III Chaidamu Basin
C-1 Crude oil Miocene Upper Ganchaigou Group Ni Inland brackish lake
C-2 Crude oil Oligocene Lower Ganchaigou Group E3 Inland fresh-brackish
water lake
C-3 Crude oil Middle Jurassic Dameigou Formation J2 Inland swampy lake
IV ShanganningBasin
S-4 Crude oil Late Triassic Yanchang Formation T3 Inland freshwater lake
S-10 Crude oil Permian -- P Continental facies
S-5 Calcareous Late Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation C3t Inland swampy lake and
mudstone marine
S-6 Siltstone Late Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation C3t Inland swampy lake and
S-7 Mudstone Carboniferous -- C ) Terrestrial and marine
S-8 Mudstone Middle Carboniferous Benxi Formation C2b j~ intertonguing paralic
S-9 Mudstone Middle Carboniferous Benxi Formation C2b swamp
t Age of reservoir in the case of oil.

versity of Minnesota using a LKB 9000 C-GC- contrast, about half of the black mudstone in the
MS with a two-foot packed 3% OV-1 column. Benxi Formation, Middle Carboniferous, which
The G C was programmed from 70-300~ at 6~ reaches up to more than 330 m in thickness,
min. belongs to marine facies. In the mudstone, organic
carbon contents can be as high as 3.11% (Huang
Ruchong et al. 1981).
In freshwater or fresh-brackish water facies,
the organic content of source rocks are less than
Organic content
that in the two types mentioned above. In this
Differences between various aquatic environ- type of basin in China, the source rocks are rich
ments have a profound influence on the accumu- in various kinds of charophytes, algae, ostracods,
lation and preservation of organic matter and bivalves and gastropods. These organisms may
development of source rocks (Swain 1970). A favour the formation of oil and gas.
relatively greater amount of organic matter is In comparison with the Upper Triassic source
found in the source rocks of both inland swampy rocks in Shanganning Basin, the Oligocene source
lake facies (Chaidamu Basin, Jurassic) and rocks in Huanghua Depression have somewhat
terrestrial and marine intertonguing facies (Shan- higher organic contents. Thus it appears that the
ganning Basin, Carboniferous) than in other conditions in paralic lakes are favourable for the
types. This is because conditions in these two accumulation of organic matter from both terres-
depositional environments favoured the forma- trial and marine sources. On the other hand,
tion of coal. In addition to plant material, the inland saline lake source rocks have few fossils
source material in the Carboniferous may have and low organic contents. Overall, it seems that
included marine aquatic organisms. For instance, saline lake conditions are not suitable for the
a few layers of biogenic shelly limestone, which accumulation of organic matter. Furthermore,
are rich in fusulinid foraminifera, have organic diagenetic processes in inland saline lakes,
carbon contents of up to 2.89~ and bitumen involving the consumption of organic matter by
contents which reach 2770 ppm. In general, sulphate-reducing bacteria contribute to this
though, these layers are less than 10 m thick. In situation.
Geochemical character&tics of crude oils 313
Bitumen group composition the various samples. However, there are some
differences in the number of major carbon peaks,
The bitumen group compositions of the extracts
(C21 + C2z)/(C2s +C29) ratios and CPI values
from source rocks also reflect the difference in
(Table 2, Figs 4 and 5). The S-10 and C-3 oils are
sedimentary palaeoenvironments (Table 2, Fig.
of relatively high maturity as indicated by their
3). The bitumen group compositions of clayey
major peaks and (C21 +C22)/(C28+C29) ratios
source rocks from different lake facies are much
(4.3 and 3.9 respectively). This is consistent with
more closely related to those of crude oil than are
their CPI values (1.0 and 0.95 respectively), high
those of terrestrial and marine intertonguing
saturates contents, and older ages. The other oils
swampy facies. The former have more saturates
are less mature (see Fig. 4), possibly reflecting
and less aromatics than the latter though both
some characteristics of their depositional pa-
may have similar asphaltene and resin contents.
laeoenvironments. The examples are: the C-1 oil
This distinction can be attributed to differences
from inland brackish-brine lake basin (Chai-
in source materials. The large amount of lignin
damu Basin), and the H-2 oil from paralic fresh-
in higher plants may be the major source of
brackish lake basin (Huanghua Depression),
aromatics in swamp facies source rocks. The
which have the same (C21 d1-C22)/(628--1-C29)
mixture of terrestrial plants and aquatic orga-
ratio (2.6), but different major peaks (C22 and
nisms is the most likely parent material of lake
C17). One possible explanation is that if the
facies oils, including lipids, wax, etc. which can
form a considerable quantity of saturates.
(C21 --1-C22)/(C28-~-C29) ratio (2.6) means the two
oils have an equal maturity, the difference of
There are no significant differences in the
major peak numbers may indicate that paralic
bitumen group composition of various oil types
lake basins like Huanghua Depression received
studied (Fig. 3), but the maturity of oils differ
more aquatic organic material, including some
significantly from sample to sample. Among
marine material, than the inland lake basins like
them, the S- 10 oil from the Permian, Shanganning
the Chaidamu Basin. According to the (C21 +
Basin, and C-3 oil from Jurassic, Chaidamu
Basin, are from the oldest reservoir, representing
C22)/(C28 -Jr-C29) ratio, the sample J-2 is the least
mature oil among the samples examined (Fig. 4d)
the most mature oils, having more than 80%
and has the highest major peak number (C24).
saturates. All the Triassic and Tertiary oils seem
This implies that, in inland brine lakes, more
to have the same degree of maturity.
organic material was supplied in the form of
terrestrial plants and lesser amounts came from
aquatic organisms than in inland and paralic
Normal alkanes
freshwater lakes because the brine lakes are not
The distributions of n-alkanes differ little among suitable for aquatic productivity.

TABLE 2. Column and gas chromatography analysis data

No. Sample Age Bitumen group composition Normal alkane Branched

alkanes pristane/
Saturates Aromatics Resins and Carbon number Major CPI phytane
asphaltenes distribution peak
H-3 Crude oil Es2 62.92 14.06 23.02 C15-C30 C15 0.98 2.31
H-2 Crude oil Es3 66.22 28.86 4.92 C11-C33 C17 0.98 1.57
H-1 Mudstone Es3 54.60 9.59 35.81 Cll-C32 C26 0.97 n.d.
J-1 Mudstone Eq4 38.46 8.77 52.82 C12-C32 C2z 0.91 n.d.
J-2 Crude oil Eq4 70.26 11.59 18.15 C13-C32 C24 0.78 0.08
J-3 Crude oil Eq 69.93 11.82 12.25 C14-C32 C22 0.60 0.18
C-1 Crude oil N1 40.55 13.07 46.57 C 12-C3o C22 0.74 0.27
C-2 Crude oil E3 68.35 14.38 17.27 C13-C3o C22 0.72 0.30
C-3 Crude oil J2 83.40 11.82 4.78 C13-C31 C17 1.0 2.90
S-4 Crude oil T3 65.21 22.62 12.17 CI 1-C31 C15 1.0 1.25
S-10 Crudeoil P 85.16 7.42 7.42 C12-C31 C15 0.95 4.63
S-5 Calcareous C3t 13.85 37.26 48.89 C15-C32 C18, C19 1.02 1.91
S-6 Siltstone C3t 11.06 24.67 64.27 C13-C31 C19 0.95 1.78
S-7 Mudstone C 13.59 34.22 52.19 C13-C28 C19 1.02 2.80
S-8 Mudstone C2b 20.79 36.98 42.33 C14"C32 C19 1.01 2.00
S-9 Mudstone C2b 18.40 39.06 42.54 C15-C26 C19 1.03 1.03

n.d. = no data.
314 W a n g T i e g u a n et al.

FIG. 3. Ternary diagram of bitumen group composition. Arrow indicates trend of bitumen evolution.

Four oil samples, including J-2, J-3 (Oligocene, samples occur in which evaporites, gypsum and
Jianghan Basin) and C-l, C-2 (Miocene and carbonates are closely associated. We have
Oligocene respectively, Chaidamu Basin), show obtained similar results for our Oligocene samples
a notable even-odd predominance (EOP) of n- from Jianghan Basin, suggesting similar pa-
alkane within the C20-C28 range (Table 2, Fig. laeoenvironmental conditions to those described
4). Welte & Waples (1973) suggested that under by Shen Guoying et al. (1980).
very reducing conditions, reduction of n-fatty GC traces of the Oligocene-Miocene samples
acids, alcohols from waxes and phytanic acid or from the Chaidamu Basin which were deposited
phytol is prevalent over decarboxylation, result- in a fresh-brackish water environment also show
ing in predominance of even carbon-numbered even--odd n-alkane predominance. Thus, it is
n-alkane molecules (CPI< 1) and a predomi- possible that even-carbon predominant oils also
nance of phytane over pristane. Dembicki et al. form from source rocks deposited in brackish
(1976) indicated that bacterial activity in a water environments of inland basins under dry
hypersaline environment could produce an or- climatic conditions (Wang Youxiao et al. 1983).
ganic-rich deposit containing a predominance of
even carbon-numbered C20-C3o n-alkanes. Shen
Branched alkanes
Guoying et al. (1980) reported an example of
remarkable preponderance of even over odd Based on the data obtained by GC-MS analysis,
alkanes in the source rocks and crude oils from the different type of isoprenoids, including head-
Shahejie Formation, Shengli Oil Field, Bohai to-tail linked 'regular' isoprenoids (2, 6, 10, . . .
Bay Basin. They also pointed out that those and 3, 7, 11 . . . . polymethylalkane series) and
Geochemical characteristics of crude oils 315

FIG. 4. Saturates hydrocarbon gas chromatograms of typical oils.

316 W a n g Tieguan et al.

FIG. 5. The relationship of n-alkane distribution and organic maturity in different palaeoenvironments
designated Ia, Ib, and II.

head-to-head and tail-to-tail linked 'irregular' These are due to the redox conditions and the
isoprenoids, were identified (Table 3, Figs 6 and relative salinities. Moreover, higher salinites in
7). the aqueous environments favour reducing con-
Among the 'regular' isoprenoids, pristane and ditions and some lipids of halophilic bacteria are
phytane (Fig. 6a, b) are the most important believed to be a source for phytane in saline
members. The pristane-to-phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio environment (Kaplan & Baedecker 1970). The
is an effective organic geochemical indicator of decrease of the crude oil Pr/Ph ratio with the
palaeoenvironment. Didyk et al. (1978) suggested increase of the relative salinity in the water body
that anoxic conditions favour preservation of C:o is illustrated in Figure 8.
isoprenoid skeletons, thus giving low Pr/Ph The crude oils of the paralic environments,
values, while oxic conditions cause greater deg- which would have had higher salinities than
radation so that the C20 skeleton is less likely to inland freshwater environments, have higher Pr/
survive intact in the sediment, leading to a high Ph ratios. This could be due to the influence of
Pr/Ph ratio. In the case of the four Chinese basins seawater. Transgression would bring some ma-
studied in this paper, the Pr/Ph ratio of crude oils rine organisms into the paralic environment as
displays a close relationship with their sedimen- previously mentioned. Although both pristane
tary palaeoenvironments (Fig. 8). Paralic swamp and phytane are mainly thought to originate by
and inland swampy lake have higher Pr/Ph geochemical diagenesis of phytol (Welte &
ratios, freshwater and fresh-brackish water bas- Waples 1973; Didyk et al. 1978), pristane can
ins have intermediate Pr/Ph ratios, while brack- also be generated by certain marine organisms
ish-brine lakes have considerably lower ratios. (Blumer et al. 1971). In addition, the S-10 oil
Geochemical characteristics of crude oils 3]7


o~o~ ~ ~ ~
0~0 ~ = O0 000 ~ 0

~ ~ ~ "6 "6

"--~ 0



5-.-., ~ 5--,,

ea e~

~ %-,,'-"

~ ~o

318 Wang Tieguanet al.

FIG. 6. Mass spectra of head-to-tail linked isoprenoids (a-d).

sample from a paralic swamp palaeoenvironment the different organic compounds, the CPI values
has the highest Pr/Ph ratio, up to 4.63. The latter in swamp environments discussed are about 1
may also be caused by weakly reducing sedimen- which indicates the same redox conditions as the
tary conditions in swamp environments. Sup- Pr/Ph ratio does.
porting evidence is provided by the correspond- Besides pristane and phytane, the Czs isopren-
ence of the CPI of n-alkane and Pr/Ph curves. oid hydrocarbon (2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyleicos-
Although the CPI and Pr/Ph data are based on ane, Fig. 6c) among the 2, 6, 10, . . . series of
Geochemical characteristics o f crude oils 319

FIG. 7. Mass spectra of head-to-head and tail-to-tail linked isoprenoids (a-d).

regular head-to-tail isoprenoids has previously lated to the halophilic bacteria. Its homologous
been reported as a constituent of various oils, compounds, including C21, C23, C24, C26 and
shales and other sediments (Brassell et al. 1981). C2s, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, have also been
Waples et al. (1974) suggested that this C2~ found in the samples examined.
isoprenoid may represent a biological marker, As a minor compound, the 3, 7, 11. . . . series
possibly typical of lagoonal-type, saline environ- of regular isoprenoid hydrocarbons exist in most
ment. In the present study, the 2,6,10,14,18- of the oils and source rocks studied (Table 3) and
pentamethyleicosane occurs in oils both from the range from C14 to C25. The compound 3,7-
paralic fresh-brackish water (H-2) and inland dimethyltrieicosane is shown in Figure 6d as an
brackish-brine (J-2) environments. This is re- example of this series. Albaig6s (1980) proposed
32O W a n g T i e g u a n et al.

FIG. 8. Comparison of pristane-to-phytane ratio, CPI of crude oil, and relative salinity in aqueous

that thermocatalytic degradation could account 1981). It seems that the 2,6,10,14,19-pentamethyl-
for the formation of the regular 3, 7, 10,... series. eicosane may be related to halophilic or meth-
Irregular head-to-head isoprenoid hydrocar- anogenic archaebacteria. One of its isomers,
bons, which range from C15 to C28, are only 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane has been des-
tentatively identified. For example, 2,6,9,13- ignated as a biological marker for methanogenic
tetramethyltetradecane and 2,6,9,13-tetramethyl- activity in marine sediments of different ages
heptadecane are shown in Fig. 7a, b. Moldowan (Brassell et al. 1981; Rowland et al. 1982).
& Seifert (1979) indicated that the head-to-head Preliminary results of our study indicate that the
structural feature has only one known biological distribution and evolution of C25 2,6,10,14,19-
natural product analogue, og,~o~ pentamethyleicosane are indeed worth additional
which is found in cell wall membranes of investigation.
thermoacidophilic bacteria of the Calderiella
series. Thus the discovery of head-to-head linked
Cyclic alkanes
isoprenoids in petroleum provides compelling
evidence for a ubiquitous and substantial contri- The cyclic alkanes, encompassing lower molecu-
bution of bacterial cell wall lipids to crude oils. lar weight alkylcyclohexanes, dicyclohexylal-
In our case, the head-to-head linked isoprenoids kanes and higher molecular weight steranes and
are found in almost every sample examined. They pentacyclic triterpanes, hava been recognized in
may indicate a microbial source input and have the crude oils and source rocks examined. The
no specific sedimentary facies significance. alkyl cyclohexanes consist of C12, C15 to C21 ,
The irregular tail-to-tail polymethylalkanes and C23, but the dicyclohexylalkanes only of C15.
have also been tentatively identified in four The C~6 alkylcyclohexane and C15 dicyclohexyl
samples from paralic and inland lakes. But the alkane are shown in Fig. 9. Such structures are
C25 2,6,10,14,19-pentamethyleicosane and C26 reported to be uncommon in the biosphere and
2,6,10,14,19-pentamethylheneicosane occur only thus it is difficult to postulate biological precursors
in a paralic brackish water lake. Both of them for these compounds, although intramolecular
may be derived from the degradation of lycopane cyclization of unsaturated fatty acids could
(Fig. 7c, d). Lycopane is thought to be found in account for their presence in geological conditions
significant quantities in recent and ancient (Maxwell et al. 1971). Consequently the formation
marine sediments and also could have been of these compounds cannot be linked to condi-
directly derived from bacteria (Brassell et al. tions in the sedimentary palaeoenvironment.
Geochemical characteristics of crude oils 321
9-(1) H-2
C16 alkylcyclohexane
100 83
@ C10H21



0 50 100 150 200 250


9-(2) C-1
C15 dicyclohexylalkane


40 55

j l
~ _,k
a~L.t~., ,L,LJd,I ~
200 250

FIG. 9. Mass spectra of cyclic alkanes.

Steranes have been found in most of the Basin (Zhang Zhencai et al. 1983). The various
samples studied. Table 4 shows a relatively stereoisomers of serratane and onocerane seem
complete list of steranes found in samples from to have different distributions. The results of our
Jianghan Basin. A more complete sterane series study suggest that serratane-I may be limited to
was reported from the same basin by Yang freshwater palaeoenvironment, and onocerane-
Zhiquiong et al. (1983). III to relatively low salinity environment. Serra-
A hopane series is present in S-5, a black, tane-II (Fig. 10) and onocerane-II (Fig. 11)
fossiliferous calcareous mudstone of the Taiyuan appear to be present in environments ranging
Formation, Late Carboniferous, Shanganning from freshwater to brackish-brine environments.
Basin (Table 5). In brine environment, the two biomarkers prob-
Although sometimes the individual pentacyclic ably are not developed (Fig. 12).
triterpane may not always be separated from
other components under the chromatographic
conditions in the GC-MS system in the present Discussion and Conclusions
study, it is still possible to identify onoceranes
and serratanes in the oils and source rocks from The four basins discussed in this report contain
the different palaeoenvironments, although, up predominantly continental sediments and terres-
to now, only onoceranes have been reported from trial and non-marine aquatic organic matter.
one formation, the Oligocene Shahejie Formation However, sediments in two of the basins also
of the Jizhong Depression, which is about 100 km contain paralic sediments and subordinate
west of Huanghua Depression in the Bohai Bay amounts of marine organisms.
322 Wang Tieguan et al.

TABLE 4. Steranes and pentacyclic triterpanes isolated from crude oils and their source rocks
in Jianghan Basin
No.* Assignment Molecular Molecular Sample no.
formula weight

1 Coprostane 20R C:7H48 372 J-2

2 24-Methylcoprostane 20R C28H5o 386 J-l, J-2, J-3
3 Ergostane 20R C28H50 386 J-1
4 Unknown C29 sterane C29Hs2 400 J-1
5 Unknown C29 sterane C29H52 400 J-1
6 24-Ethylcholestane 20S C29H52 400 J-1
7 24-Ethylisocholestestane 20R C29H52 400 J-I
8 24-Ethylcoprostane 20R C29H52 400 J-2, J-3
9 Onocerane-II C30H54 414 J-3
10 Stigomastane C29H52 400 J-1
11 Hopane C30Hs2 412 J-1

*The relative retention time is that referred to by Seifert & Moldowan (1979).

TABLE 5. Hopane series isolated from S-5 source rock, Taiyuan Formation,
Shanganning Basin
No. Assignment Molecular Molecular
formula weight

1 18~(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane II C27H46 370

2 17~(H),21fl(H)-30-homohopane C27H46 370
3 17~(H),21fl(H)-hopane C30H52 412
4 17~(H),21fl(H)-30-homohopane 22S C31H54 426
5 17~(H),21fl)-30-homohopane 22R C31H54 426

Reducing conditions in lacustrine depositional Firstly, the four oil-bearing basins contain
e n v i r o n m e n t s are a necessary prerequisite for the enough organic source material to form continen-
formation of continental petroleum source rocks. tal crude oils even though their depositional
Although these conditions prevailed in all the p a l a e o e n v i r o n m e n t s were quite different, ranging
basins studied, the oils formed in different basins from inland and paralic swamp and freshwater
display both some similarities and some differ- lake to inland salt lakes. The results of our study
ences in their organic geochemical characteris- indicate that inland and paralic fresh-brackish
tics. water basins are best suited for petroleum source

100 - 57

>, 8 0 - MI" Serratane-II

M2 C27 alkane
o 60-

"-d 2 0 -
rr - I
0 i ! il i i Ii , , , I II ' ' I ,
]I ,
, ,
', I
I , ] l I, I I , I, i I i I i ~397
~ , I I
lI i I F i

0 100, 200 300 400


123 Scrratane-I m/el91 _> 231 -< 259 > 274 14~3(H)-
ii ---- -II m/el91 > 231 > 259 > 274 14a(H)-

FIG. 10. Mass spectrum of serratane-II isolated from C-3 crude oil.
Geochemical characteristics o f crude oils 323

100 - 57
80 MI" Onocerane-II
M2:C32 alkane
=~ 60

, i i
I i i

I LJI,, ! li i
i , i i i
i i

i 1 ~
~ ~,,~
i t i i

, ,
i 1 I
, ~ ,,i 1 i
74; '
i i

1193j M/e

191 ~
A ~ J
Onocerane-I m/el91 > > m/el93 813(H),14a(H)-
-II m/el91 ~> m/el93 8a(H),14a(H)-
-III m/el91 < m/el93 8a(H),14[3(H)-
FIG. 11. Mass spectrum of onocerane-II isolated from J-3 crude oil.

Biomarker salinity (R.S.)
Serratane-I - Brine

Serratane-II ~ : ;.;: :.'2 z//////////////////////////////.~ . 9

R , S .

Onocerane-i - Brackish

V//////////////. ...... ~ .....
Onocerane-IlI - Fresh

No. C-3 H-2 H-3 ! S-9 S-10 S-5 C-1 J-3 J-I
Age J E E C P C N E E
Sample Oil oil oil Rock Oil Rock Oil Oil Oil
Sedimentary Swampy Paralic Terrestrial and marine Inland fresh-
environment lake] Lake intertonguing facies brackish-brine lake

FIG. 12. Serratane and onocerane distribution and sedimentary palaeoenvironments.

rock formation. In fact, almost all large oil fields Differences only relate to maturity. The carbon
discovered so far in China are located in these number distributions of the n-alkanes are very
kinds of basins. Continental oils can also occur similar and range from Ca 1 to C33. This range in
in salt lake and swampy lake basins, but n-alkane distribution implies the existence of two
conditions in these basins are less favourable for kinds of sources of organic matter in the four
petroleum occurrence. In salt lake basins, the Chinese oil-forming basins: terrestrial higher
organic carbon content is smaller than in swampy plant material giving rise to the alkanes with
lake basins although the quality of bitumen is higher carbon numbers, and aquatic lower orga-
better and conditions are more suitable for nisms providing alkanes with the lower carbon
preservation of organic matter. Only middle- numbers. Based on the (C21 +C22)/(C2s-JvC29)
sized oil fields have been discovered in salt lake ratio and the carbon number of n-alkane major
basins, and a few oil-pools occur in the swamp peaks on the gas chromatograms, one can clearly
and swampy lake basins in China. distinguish both different oils and different source
Secondly, the compositions of the bitumen contributions in inland and paralic environments.
groups of the oils formed in the different Moreover, both pristane-to-phytane ratio and
depositional palaeoenvironments are similar. CPI values are effective parameters for palaeo-
324 Wang Tieguanet al.
reconstruction, particularly of redox conditions polymethylisoprenyl alkanes, which exist as the
and salinities. principal lipid fraction in so-called archaebac-
Thirdly, steranes and pentacyclic triterpanes teria (i.e., thermoacidophilic, halophilic, and
can be used as reliable palaeoenvironmental methanogenic bacteria), belong to the C25 penta-
indicators. In China, some complete sterane and isoprenyl, C3o squalenyl and C4o lycopenyl series.
hopane series have been identified in the oils Archaebacteria seem to be an important contrib-
from Shanganning Basin (Wang Xieqing et al. utor of lipids to both sediments and crude oils.
1980; Shang Huiyun et al. 1982) and Jianghan The specific acyclic isoprenoid alkanes could also
Basin (Yang Zhiqiong et al. 1983). In addition, be palaeoenvironmental indicators. Recently, it
biomarker compounds have been found to be has been proved that the C25 alkane 2,6,10,15,19-
indicators of continental organic inputs; for pentamethyleicosane is only known to exist in
example, oleanane in Shanganning Basin (Wang methanogenic bacteria and in marine sediments
Xieqing et al. 1980) and perylene in Jianghan of Recent to Cretaceous ages (Brassell et al. 1981 ;
Basin (Yang Zhiqiong et al. 1983). Due to the Rowland et al. 1982). Its regular isomer
limited data, we were unable to generate addi- 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyleicosane is found in
tional information on these compounds. How- thermoacidophilic bacteria (Brassell et al. 1981).
ever, it appears that some stereoisomers of In our examples, the C25 2,6,10,14,18-pentame-
onocerane and serratane may prove to be import- thyleicosanes are found in the oils from the non-
ant as specific biomarkers for some palaeoenvi- marine saline palaeoenvironment and the ir-
ronments. regular Cz5 2,6,10,14,19-pentamethyleicosane
Last but not least, in recent years long chain and C26 2,6,10,14,19-pentamethylheneicosane
( > C2o) polymethylisoprenyl hydrocarbons have are tentatively recognized in the oils from paralic
become of considerable interest to scientists, palaeoenvironment. It is possible that future
because they have been shown to be the major studies will show them to be useful indicators of
compound in the lipids of archaebacteria. In our continental and marine palaeoenvironments.
study, we identified 21 polymethylisoprenyl hy-
drocarbons (Table 3), including regular head-to- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:J. F. Wehmiller, University of
tail linkage (38.1~), irregular head-to-head lin- Delaware, assisted with gas chromatographic analyses;
Thomas Krick, University of Minnesota, performed
kage (28.6~), and tail-to-tail linkage (33.3~), in the C-GC-MS analyses. Burnaby Munson, University
the oils and source rocks from the four Chinese of Delaware, provided advice on interpretation of mass
basins. Up to now only a few analogues, such as spectra. The Department of Geology, University of
perhydrocarotene, have been reported from Delaware, provided laboratory facilities and research
Chinese crude oil (Jiang Zhusheng 1983). The funds in support of the study.

ALBAIG~/S, J. 1980. Identification and geochemical the northern part of Huanghua Depression. Inter-
significance of long chain acyclic isoprenoid nal publication, PRC.
hydrocarbons in crude oils. In: DOUGLAS,A. G. & HUANG DIFAN, LI JINCHAOet al. (Scientific Research
MAXWELL,J. R. (eds), Advances in Organic Geo- Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Develop-
chemistry 1979, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 19-28. ment, Beijing) 1982. Formation of Oil-pools in
BLUMER, M., GUILLARD, R. R. & CHASE, T. 1971. Continental Facies, China. Petroleum Industry
Hydrocarbons of marine phytoplankton. Marine Press, Beijing.
Biology, 8, 183-189. HUANGRUCHONG,LUO BINJIE,FAN Pu et al. (Lanzhou
BRASSELL,S. C., WARDROPER,A. M. K., THOMSON,I. Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica) 1981.
D., MAXWELL,J. R. & EGLINTON,G. 1981. Specific Formation, Evolution and Migration of Continental
acyclic isoprenoids as biological markers of meth- Oil and Gas in China. Ganshu People Press,
anogenic bacteria in marine sediments. Nature, Lanzhou.
290, 693-696. JIANG ZHUSHENG1983. Carotane and its geochemical
DEMBICKI,H., MEISCHEINJR, W. G. & HATTIN,D. E. characteristics in crude oil, Kalamyi oil field. Oil
1976. Possible ecological and environmental sig- and Gas Geology, Jiangling, 4, 151-159.
nificance of the predominance of even-carbon KAPLAN, I. R. & BAEDECRER,M. J. 1970. Biological
number C2o-C3o n-alkanes. Geochimica et Cosmo- productivity in the Dead Sea, Part II evidence for
chimica Acta, 40, 203-208. phosphatidyl glycerophosphate lipid in sediment,
DIDYK, B. M., SIMONEIT,B. R. T., BRASSELL,S. C. & Israel Journal of Chemistry, 8, 529-533.
EGLINTON, G. 1978. Organic geochemical indica- MAXWELL, J. R., PILLXNGEg,C. T. & EGLINTON, G.
tors of palaeoenvironmental conditions of sedi- 1971. Organic geochemistry, Quarterly Review, 25,
mentation. Nature, 272, 216-222. 571-628.
HE JINGYU 1977. The glauconite of Lower Tertiary in MOLDOWAN, J. M. & SEIFERT, W. K. 1979. Head-to-
Geochemical characteristics of crude oils 32 5
head linked isoprenoid hydrocarbons in petroleum. WANGXIEQING,LI KE & LANG RENCH11980. Biological
Science, 224, 169-171. marker hydrocarbons in source rock and crude oil
ROWLAND, S. J., LAMB, N. A., WILKINSON, C. F. & of some Chinese basins. Acta Petrolei Sinica,
MAXWELL, J. R. 1982. Confirmation of 2,6,10, Beijing, 52-62.
15,19-pentamethyleicosane in methanogenic bac- WANG YOUXIAO,CHENGXUCHUI,Wu YIHUA& CHUEN
teria and sediments. Tetrahedron Letters, 23, 101- LANLAN 1983. Geochemical characteristics of
104. crude oils from Qaidam Basin. Oiland Gas Geology,
SEIFERT, W. K. & MOLDOWAN,J. M. 1979. The effect Jiangling, 4, 121-127.
of biodegradation on steranes and terpanes in WAPLES, D. W., PAT HAUG & WELTE, D. H. 1974.
crude oils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 43, Occurrence of a regular C25 isoprenoid hydrocar-
bon in Tertiary sediments representing a lagoonal-
SHANG HUIYUN, TONG YUYING, JIANG NAIHUANG & type, saline environment. Geochimica et Cosmo-
ZHU BAOQUAN 1982. Geochemical characteristics chimica Acta, 38, 381-387.
of steranes and triterpanes. In: Erduosi Basin,
Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2, 19-25. WELTE, D. H. & WAPLES, D. W. 1973. Uber die
SHEN GUOYING, FAN SHANFA, LIN DEHAN, SU NE- Bevorzugung geradzahlier n-Alkane in Sediment-
NGXIAN& ZHOU HONGMrNG 1980. The geochem- gesteinen. Naturwissenschaften, 60, 516-517.
istry of n-alkanes with an even-odd predominance YANGZHIQUIONG,TONG RUYING& FAN ZHAOAN1983.
in the Tertiary Shahejie Formation of northern Biological marker compounds of source rocks and
China. In: DOUGLAS, A. G. & MAXWELL, J. R. crude oils from Jianghan salt basin and their
(eds), Advances in Organic Chemistry 1979. Perga- geological significance. Oil and Gas Geology,
mon Press, Oxford, 115-122. Jiangling, 4, 269-282.
Cambridge University Press, 445 pp. ZENG XIANJHANG 1983. Gonanes and terpanes
- - 1980. Petroleum in continental facies. In : MASON, from crude oil and source rocks in Tizhong
J. F. (ed.), Petroleum Geology in China. PennWell Depression. Oil and Gas Geology, Jiangling, 4, 89-
Books, Tulsa, 1-25. 99.

WANG TIEGUAN, Department of Geology, Jianghan Petroleum Institute, Jiangling, Hubei,

People's Republic of China.
FAN Pu, Lanzhou Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, Lanzhou, Ganzu, People's
Republic of China.
F. M. SWAIN,Department of Geology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA.
Biological marker, isotopic and geological studies of lacustrine
crude oils in the western Otway Basin, South Australia

D. M. McKirdy, R. E. Cox & J. G. G. Morton

Oil seeps, real and illusory, have played an moderate biodegradation. The fourth family
important role in the history of petroleum comprises non-waxy asphaltite. The carbon iso-
exploration in the Otway Basin. An alleged oil topic composition of the C12§ saturated and
seep at Alfred Flat near Salt Creek, SA led to the aromatic hydrocarbons, in conjunction with low
drilling of Australia's first oil exploration well in pristane/phytane ratios (Pr/Ph~< 2), and C27--
1892. The dark green to black rubbery material C29 sterane distributions in which C2~ (choles-
mistaken for weathered oil was in fact coorongite. tane) is a major compound, reflect the primary
This enigmatic substance originated from blooms algal source of all four bitumen families. Sterane
of the freshwater green alga Botryococcus braunii and triterpane-based biomarker parameters show
which stranded around the edges of small that the bitumens are mature crude oils, several
ephemeral lakes east of the Coorong Lagoon. of which also display evidence of fractionation
These lakes formed between Pleistocene beach effects attributable to migration. The presence in
ridges after periods of exceptional rainfall. the coastal bitumens of botryococcane, the satu-
Coorongite was first discovered in the type rated equivalent of an unusual C34 acyclic
area in 1852, and last reported there in the mid triterprenoid hydrocarbon synthesized only by B.
1950s. By 1915, some explorers had turned their braunii, signifies that their parent oils were
attention to the bitumen and fresh waxy crude oil generated from lacustrine source rocks (McKirdy
periodically washed ashore on beaches near et al. 1986). Preservation of the remains of
Kingston and at localities further south. The Botryococcus in source beds deposited under
existence of adjacent submarine oil seepage was anoxic conditions in a deep stratified lake with
correctly inferred, and in 1916 wildcat wells were an increasingly saline hypolimnion would ac-
drilled close to the coast at Kingston and Robe. count for both the waxy character of the three
Subsequent drilling onshore and offshore has main bitumen types and their botryococcane and
failed to locate commercial oil. Nevertheless, sulphur contents. Source rocks rich in lacustrine
continued widespread strandings of coastal bitu- organic matter (Type I kerogen) of algal and
men and the existence of abundant reservoir bacterial origin so far have not been penetrated
bitumen throughout the Pretty Hill Sandstone in by the drill but are suggested here to occur in
Esso Crayfish-l, constitute unequivocal proof presumed Early Cretaceous rift-valley sediments
that oil has been generated in the subsurface of (Otway Basin) of the offshore western Otway
the western Otway Basin. Basin. The existence of at least four chemically
A suite of low gravity (5-27 ~ API) coastal and isotopically distinct oil families implies
bitumens was recently collected from 18 separate considerable vertical and/or lateral changes in
strandings sites between Kingston, SA and the organic facies of this lacustrine source bed
Portland, Victoria. These bitumens range from sequence. Major oil accumulations have been
paraffinic to aromatic-intermediate in bulk com- discovered in ostensibly similar Early Cretaceous
position, and may be divided into four families lacustrine source-reservoir sequences within rift
on the basis of their sulphur contents (S--0.3- basins along the South Atlantic margin in Brazil
3.3%) and carbon and sulphur isotopic signatures. (Reconcavo Basin), Gabon (Gabon Basin) and
Three of the bitumen families are weathered high Angola (Cabinda Basin).
wax crudes which have undergone slight to

McKIRDY, D. M., Cox, R. E., VOLKMAN, J. K. • of Australian non-marine crude oils. Nature, 320,
HOWELL, V. J. 1986. Botryococcane in a new class 57-59.

D. M. MCKiRDY* & R. E. Cox, Australian Mineral Development Laboratories, Frewville,

South Australia.
J. G. G. MORTON, South Australian Department of Mines and Energy, Parkside, South
*Present address: Department of Geologyand Geophysics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
South Australia.

From : FLEET, A. J., KELTS, K. & TALBOT, M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 327
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, p. 327.
The lacustrine Condor oil shale sequence

A. C. Hutton

S U M MARY: Organic matter in sedimentary rocks is derived from numerous types of

organisms that lived in many different environments. Australian Tertiary oil shales, for
example the Condor deposit, are termed lamosites and were formed in a lacustrine
environment with the bulk of the organic matter derived from freshwater planktonic algae
such as Pediastrum. The Condor oil shale deposit, located near Proserpine, Queensland,
contains four oil shale units and a brown coal unit. The oil shales contain abundant
lamalginite (or lamellar alginite), derived from planktonic freshwater algae, with a small
quantity of vitrinite derived from terrestrial plants and other minor constituents. The lower
oil shale unit contains a dark brown oil shale whereas the upper three oil shale units contain
predominantly brown oil shale. The coal unit contains liptinite-rich cannel coals. Reflectance
data for vitrinite indicate that the lower oil shale unit and the underlying coal unit are within
the oil generation window.

Introduction Queensland, Australia. The graben was formed

by Late Cretaceous or Early Tertiary block
The Tertiary Condor oil shale deposit is located faulting (Paine 1972) and is bounded on the
15 km south of Proserpine (Fig. 1) in the northern eastern and western edges by the volcano-
part of the Hillsborough Basin which is a sedimentary Midgeton Block and on the northern
sediment-filled north-west-south-east trending edge by the volcano-sedimentary Airlie Block.
graben, most of which lies under Repulse Bay Seismic and magnetic surveys have shown that
and the Hillsborough Channel of Central Eastern the basin is an asymmetrically synclinal basin

i Gladstone~
*-,, ,~

I Brisbane~.
L- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '~" ~.1,,$

........ E \ ~N ,~ . /


kilometre$ | /

FIG. 1. Location of the Condor deposit, Queensland, Australia.

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 329
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 329-340.
33O A . C. H u t t o n

(Ampol Exploration (Queensland) Pty Ltd, 1965) Experimental

with dips of 10-14 ~ along the western edge of the
Three hundred and fifty core samples from 12
basin and 12-19 ~ along the eastern edge.
Condor drill holes were examined for included
The Hillsborough Basin was tested for petro-
organic matter with particular reference to the
leum potential with two drill holes in 1956-1957
liptinite macerals. Reflectance from vitrinite was
and a further hole in 1965. Subsequently the
measured using monochromatic light of 546 nm
Geological Survey of Queensland drilled two
wavelength and in oil immersion (N23= 1.5180
stratigraphic holes in 1971. During the late 1970s
~'e= 44) at a temperature of 23 _+ 1~ The photom-
Southern Pacific Petroleum NL and Central
eter was calibrated against glass and synthetic
Pacific Minerals NL surveyed the area as a
spinel standards of 0.42-1.82~ reflectance. The
prospective oil shale deposit and drilling com-
illuminated field was 0.03 mm 2 and the back-
menced in 1979.
projected image of the measuring stop 0.002 mm 2.
Green et al. (1984) defined three stratigraphic
Fluorescence examination was carried out in
units which were subdivided into seven subunits
oil immersion using a Leitz Ortholux microscope
(Fig. 2). The deposit extends 16 km along strike
which incorporated a TK400 dichroic mirror
and 4 km downdip from the southwestern margin.
fitted in an Opak vertical illuminator. Fluores-
The sequence, which has a maximum thickness
cence colours quoted relate to a filter system
of 1000 m near the centre of the deposit, has been
comprising a BG3 excitation filter with BG38
extensively drilled (156 fully cored drill holes
and K490 suppression filters in conjunction with
totalling 16 000 m). Dominant lithologies are oil
an objective of • 50 nominal magnification.
shale (termed lamosite) brown coal, sandstone
Maceral analyses were carried out in fluores-
and claystone.
cence mode but with repeated checking using
In situ resources total 9.65 • 109 barrels of shale
white light whenever nonfluorescing matter was
oil using a cutoff grade of 50 1 per tonne at 0H
encountered. A minimum of 500 points per
moisture (LTOM).
sample was obtained using a grid with 0.05 mm
between steps and 0.2 mm between traverses.

Sedimentary rocks contain organic matter which
is usually derived from a variety of precursors
which include terrestrial vascular and non-
Lascelles vascular plants, freshwater algae (planktonic and
benthonic) as well as marine algae, dinoflagellates
and acritarchs. Oil shales are organic-rich rocks
which produce liquid hydrocarbons when sub-
Brown Oil Shale jected to pyrolysis. Five per cent organic matter
is commonly given as the lower limit for oil shales
CONDOR UNIT (Tissot & Welte 1978). Oil shales contain insoluble
organic matter, commonly called kerogen, and
Goorganga usually, a small quantity of soluble organic matter
called bitumen. In many oil shales the kerogen is
derived from a variety of precursors and thus, in
these oil shales, it is a mixture of different types
Oil Shale of organic matter that, in some cases, are not
I,--- m m
closely related chemically.
Green S w a m p Maceral terminology, as defined by the Interna-
tional Committee for Coal Petrology (ICCP,
1963, 1971, 1975) and Stach et al. (1975, 1982) is
Basement useful when describing the insoluble organic
components of oil shales with the exception of
organic matter derived from algae. Two distinc-
FIG. 2. Stratigraphic section, Condor deposit (after tive types of algal-derived organic matter are
Green et al. 1984). recognized. Lamalginite is derived from thin-
Condor oil shale sequence 331
walled unicellular or colonial algae that has a (4) Carbonaceous shale is a dark grey to black
characteristic lamellar shape in sections perpen- shale or claystone that contains <50 vol.~
dicular to bedding. Telalginite is derived from vitrinite/inertinite/liptinite.
thick-walled unicellular or colonial algae that is (5) Claystone is a laminated or massive rock
rounded to disc-shaped in sections parallel to containing < 5 vol.~ organic matter; where
bedding and exhibits internal structure. Lamal- organic matter occurs vitrinite is the dominant
ginite has weaker fluorescence intensity than organic matter; claystone in the lamosite-bearing
telalginite where the two occur in the same units contains minor lamalginite whereas that
sample. A list of macerals found in oil shales is occurring in coaly units contains liptinite derived
given below (Table 1). from terrestrial plants.
(6) Limestone is a massive carbonate-richrock
Rock types containing less than 5 vol.~o organic matter;
siderite is a common constituent of many lime-
Australian Tertiary oil shale deposits, such as the
stones of the Condor deposit.
Condor deposit, are well-bedded sequences that
(7) Sandstone is a massive rock of similar
contain seven rock types: lamosite, carbonaceous
organic composition to claystone but is coarser
lamosite, coal, carbonaceous shale, claystone,
grained. It mostly occurs in the lower units of the
sandstone and limestone.
sequence. Rocks with silt-sized grains are in-
(1) Lamosite (first defined by Hutton et al. cluded in this category because they contain the
1980) is a brown to dark greyish-brown laminated same types and abundance of organic matter.
or massive oil shale composed of at least 5 volume
per cent (vol.~) lamalginite with accessory
Organic petrography of the Condor deposit
(generally < 2~) telalginite, vitrinite, inertinite,
sporinite and rare bitumen. The Condor oil shale deposit has been divided
(2) Carbonaceous lamosite is a dark brown to into three units which have been further subdi-
black laminated or massive lamosite that contains vided to give seven informally-named, conform-
not less than 5 vol.~ vitrinite and/or inertodetrin- able units (Green et al. 1984; Fig. 2). The lower
ite; two types occur: that composed of interlay- unit, the Lethebrook unit, is dominated by coal,
ered lamosite and coal and that which is sandstone, claystone and carbonaceous shale.
predominantly lamosite but which contains abun- The younger Condor and Gunyarra units have
dant ubiquitous vitrinite and/or inertinite. lamosite, claystone, limestone and minor coaly
(3) Coal is a dark greyish-brown to black rock layers.
that contains not less than 50 vol.~ of vitrinite
and/or inertinite with accessory to abundant
Lethebrook unit
liptinite derived from terrestrial plants such as
resinite, cutinite, sporinite, liptodetrinite but not The Lethebrook unit is divided into the Green
alginite; coal with > 5 vol.~ liptinite is termed a Swamp subunit which unconformably overlies
cannel coal. basement, and the Lilypool subunit.

TABLE 1. Simplified table of commonly-occurring macerals in oil shale and brown coals
Maceral Submaceral Normal fluorescence colours Precursors
Vitrinite Group
Ulminite Nil to rarely dull brown Cell walls of higher plants
Corpohuminite Nil Cell excretions and humic gels
Vitrodetrinite Nil Unoxidized attrital plant matter
Inertinite Group Nil Charred wood, oxidized cell walls, fungal
Liptinite Group
Sporinite Yellow-green to orange-brown Spores, pollen
Cutinite Yellow to orange-brown Leaf and stem cuticle
Resinite Yellow to brown Resins, fats, waxes and oils
Bituminite Yellow to brown Humic and bituminous matter
Telalginite Green to orange Thick-walled colonial and unicellular algae
Alginite Lamalginite Green to orange Thin-walled colonial and unicellular algae,
dinoflagellates and acritarchs
Liptodetrinite Detrital liptinite
332 A. C. Hutton

(1) Green Swampsubunit. This basal subunit increases and a fine network of organic matter is
comprises interbedded volcanolithic sandstone visible. Much of this organic matter is similar in
and claystone with minor coal and carbonaceous shape and size to lamalginite and an algal
shale. Organic matter in the sandstone and precursor for some, if not all, is probable.
claystone is rare and comprises sparse to rare
primary vitrinite with very rare resinite, liptode- (2) Brown Oil Shale subunit. The Brown OilShale
trinite and secondary coal grains up to 0.3 mm subunit ranges in thickness from 300 to 400 m
diameter. These coal grains contain vitrinite with and is characterized by massive dusky, yellow-
included inertinite, sporinite, cutinite and resin- brown to brown lamosite with 20-100 m thick
ire. It is most abundant in the sandstone and this layers of claystone.
mode of occurrence together with grain size, are Hand-specimen colour is darkest near the base
consistent with an allochthonous origin, possibly of the subunit where highest lamalginite (the
from the Early Permian Calen Coal Measures dominant organic matter, Table 2) contents, and
which occur to the west and the east of the correspondingly, highest shale oil yields occur.
Hillsborough Basin. Primary vitrinite is probably Modified Fischer assays, over 2-m intervals,
hypautochthonous, that is, it has been derived average 55 LTOM for the subunit as a whole and
from vegetation growing close to that part of the 63 LTOM for the lower half of the subunit.
basin in which the sediments were deposited. The groundmass in most lamosite lacks the
darker brown colour that is characteristic of the
(2) Lilypool subunit. The Lilypool subunit is tran- groundmass in lamosite from the Brownish-black
sitional to the older Green Swamp subunit and Oil Shale unit although the groundmass becomes
contains dull black cannel coal, coal, carbona- darker towards the base of the subunit. Prolonged
ceous shale, sandstone and claystone. irradiation of samples with a pale groundmass
Coals of the Lilypool subunit and the underly- does not significantly increase the fluorescence
ing Green Swamp subunit are composed of vitrite from the groundmass. It is assumed that less
and clarite layers. Vitrite layers are composed of organic matter occurs in the groundmass of paler
vitrinite (ulminite and corpohuminite) with < lamosite from the Brown Oil Shale subunit than
5% liptinite (dominantly resinite and cutinite in the groundmass oflamosite from the Brownish-
with rare liptodetrinite). Clarite layers contain black Oil Shale subunit.
vitrinite (mostly attrinite with ulminite) and up
to 20~ liptinite (resinite, liptodetrinite and minor (3) Goorganga subunit. A sandstone wedge,
cutinite and sporinite). termed the Goorganga subunit occurs within the
Brown Oil Shale unit. It comprises up to 22 m of
Condor unit sandy oil shale and fine- to medium-grained
sandstone overlying up to 163 m of graded, fine-
The Condor unit is subdivided into the Brownish- to very coarse-grained sandstone with minor
black Oil Shale, Goorganga and Brown Oil Shale shaley layers. This subunit represents a localized
subunits. A 200 m section, comprising the lower facies variant and may represent the pathway of
part of the Brown Oil Shale subunit and the upper much of the clastic detritus which entered the
part of the Brownish-black Oil Shale subunit, basin during deposition of the Brown Oil Shale
constitutes the main economic oil shale. Average subunit.
shale oil yield for this section is 65 LTOM (Green
& Bateman 1981).
Gunyarra unit
(1) Brownish-blackOil Shale subunit. This subunit The Gunyarra unit conformably overlies the
contains yellowish-brown to brownish-black la- Condor Unit and consists of the Lascelles and
mosite and claystone. Minor lithologies include O'Connell subunits. Both subunits are character-
carbonaceous lamosite and coal. Boundaries with ized by interbedded lamosite, claystone, sand-
the Lilypool and Brown Oil Shale subunits are stone and limestone.
gradational. Details of the organic matter are
given in Table 2. (1) Lascellessubunit. This unit ranges in thick-
The groundmass in samples from the Brown- ness from 80 to 170 m. Sandstone layers are
ish-black Oil Shale subunit is a darker brown generally < 150 mm thick and contain much less
than that in samples from the overlying subunit than 1~ organic matter. Claystone and limestone
and this probably contributes significantly to the contain the same organic assemblages as in
hand-specimen colour. A weak fluorescence corresponding lithologies of other subunits. La-
emanates from the groundmass and with pro- mosite is of two types. In the first type, lamalginite
longed irradiation for 1 hour or more intensity is ubiquitous within a clay-sized groundmass (as
Condor oil shale sequence 333
TABLE 2. Organic matter in lamosite from the Brown Oil Shale and Brownish-black Oil Shale subunits

Brownish-black Oil Shale subunit Brown Oil Shale subunit

Dominant Lamalginite
Features lamellae 0.05-0.1 mm long; up to 0.005 mm lamellae 0.05-0.2 mm long; up to 0.005 mm
thick; (O; m) derived in part from thick; (O; m) derived in part from Pediastrum
Abundance generally 5-20~ 5-40~, generally 10-30~
Other Lamalginite
Features 0.04-0.01 mm long; < 0.005 mm thick; Y; m to 0.04-0.1 mm long; < 0.005 mm thick; (Y; m to
i) derived in part from Septodinium)minor i); derived in part from Septodinium;
component only constitutes up to 5~, rarely 10H of samples
also lamellae <0.01 mm long; (O; m; S); may also lamellae <0.01 mm long; (O; m; S to A);
be derived in part from algal spores; may be derived in part from algal spores;
0.05-0.2 mm long; up to 0.01 mm thick; (G to 0.05-0.3 mm long; up to 0.04 mm thick; (G to Y;
Y; i; S); single to several lamellae iS) single to many lamellae
0.05-0.1 mm diameter, (Y; m to i; S to A); 0.005-0.1 mm diameter; (Y; m to i; S to A);
partly replaced by pyrite; structure generally partly replaced by pyrite; structure generally
poorly-preserved poorly preserved; minor replacement by
Other Organic Matter
sporinite (Y; m; R); liptodetrinite derived from sporinite (Y; m; R); liptodetrinite derived from
lamalginite (Y to O; w to m; S to A); cutinite lamalginite (Y to O; w to m; S to A); cutinite
(O to B; w), humodetrinite (S to A); ulminite (O; m; R); humodetrinite (S); ulminite (S);
(S); stems, twigs and leaves; inertodetrinite twigs and leaves; inertodetrinite (S);
(R); bitumen; (YO to O; w; R) sclerotinite (R); bitumen (YO to O;w; S);
most abundant in the lower half of the unit
groundmass with abundant fine-grained groundmass generally with little fine-grained
organic matter some of which fluoresces; also organic matter
brown non-fluorescing alginite-like organic

Fluorescence." O--orange, YO--yellowish-orange, Y--yellow, G--green, w--weak intensity, m--moderate

intensity, i--intense intensity. Abundance: A--abundant (1 to 5~ of bulk rock), S--sparse (< 1~ of bulk rock),
R--rare (observed but not counted in point count of 500 points).

in lamosite from other subunits); the lamosite limestone. Lamosite constitutes 30-60~0 of each
commonly grades into claystone. cycle. However the overall lamosite :other rock
A second type of lamosite is microlaminated type ratio is less than that in the Lascelles subunit.
and is composed of interlaminated lamosite, Organic assemblages of each rock type are the
claystone, coal and limestone laminae. Microlam- same as those for corresponding rock types in the
inae range in thickness from 0.01 to 0.2 mm. Lascelles subunit.
Boundaries between lamosite and coal or clay-
stone microlaminae are generally gradational
Reflectance data
whereas boundaries between limestone and other
microlaminae are generally sharp. Lamalginite Drill hole AEQ Proserpine 1 (AEQ-1), which was
content of lamosite laminae ranges from 5 to drilled as a petroleum wildcat hole, has mostly
80~. No apparent relationship between alginite lamosite above 460 m, and below this depth,
content and microlaminae thickness was ob- sandstone and claystone. The latter two rock
served. types contain rare to sparse primary vitrinite and
Bitumen occurs in all oil shale subunits but is secondary coal grains (in which the vitrinite
much more abundant in the Lascelles subunit reflectance ranges from 0.80 to 1.08~o).
than underlying subunits. The reflectance from primary vitrinite (mostly
vitrodetrinite) in claystone and sandstone from
(2) O'Connell subunit. This subunit contains the below the lamosite ranges from 0.35-0.58~o (Fig.
same lithologies as the underlying Lascelles 3) with a reflectance gradient of 0.15~o per
subunit and is made up of fining upwards, cyclic 1000 m.
sequences of sandstone-lamosite-claystone- Vitrinite reflectance data for two drill holes,
334 A. C. Hutton
, Vltrinlte in Lemoelte

9 Vitrlnlte In Shale
or Sandstone

Ooet 9



~ 800-


0 012 0'.4 0:6

% Reflectance

FIG. 3. Reflectance data for drill hole AEQ Prosperpine-1 (28 data points).

which did not intersect basement, are presented section had been buried at the respective depths
in Figs 4 and 5. Above the base of the Brown Oil for a considerable time or the samples from
Shale subunit, values are generally between 0.3 greater depth had been exposed to a higher
and 0.42% However, within the Brownish-black geothermal gradient.
Oil Shale and Lilypool subunits, reflectance The limited data available indicate that vitrin-
values rapidly increase to 0.6-0.7% Maximum ite reflectance values are lower, at corresponding
vitrinite reflectance (taken on corpohuminite) for depths, on the eastern side of the deposit.
the Lilypool subunit was 0.78% Reflectance data
for ten other drill holes (Hutton 1982) show
similar trends.
In lamosite samples from the Brown Oil Shale
and Brownish-black Oil Shale subunits, reflec- Origin of alginite
tance values are related, in part, to the size of the
Samples from the Condor deposit contain five
vitrinite (larger vitrodetrinite has highest reflec-
types of lamalginite:
tance values), alginite content (increased lamal-
ginite is associated with decreased reflectance) (1) well-preserved to poorly-preserved lamalgin-
and depth (Hutton 1982). Increased reflectance ite derived from Pediastrum;
with depth would occur if deeper parts of the (2) discrete lamellar lamalginite of similar size
Condor oil shale sequence 335

Lascellea Subunlt %

ego 9

B r o w n Oil S h a l e gO 9


9 VItrodetrlnlte
0o 9
9 Ulmlnlte


9 9



Brownish-Black Oil
Shale Subunit

Lilypool Subunit

5000 0.2 O.4 0-6

% Reflectance

FIG. 4. Reflectance data for drill hole CDD-1 (92 data points).

and similar fluorescence properties to Pedias- Pediastrum as an indicator of the environment of

trum but derived from a different parent alga; deposition
(3) lamalginite derived from smooth-walled di-
Pediastrum, a common component of freshwater
noflagellates including Septodinium;
plankton, is a colonial stellate, but disc-shaped
(4) lamalginite derived from abundant small
alga with constituent cells arranged in a single
(< 0.01 mm diameter), well-preserved algae;
layer. Constituent cells of the coenobium or
colony are multinucleate. In laboratory cultures,
(5) liptodetrinite, fragments of larger lamalgin-
cell division takes place during the night and
swarming occurs during the day or a little later in
Palynological studies by Foster (1980) showed cooler weather (Harper 1918). Such characteris-
that the acritarchs Leiofusa and Micrystridium tics are conducive to a bloom-forming alga.
are also found in Condor oil shale. Fifteen extant species of Pediastrum have been
Telalginite is a minor component in most recognized in the United States of America
lamosite and claystone samples. It is derived from (Smith 1950).
the colonial green alga Botryococcus. Fossil Pediastrum is known from: Cretaceous
336 A. C. Hutton
ine molluscs in the same sediments as Pediastrum.
They presumed a river mouth environment with
a strong seawater influence. Singh et al. (1973)
interpreted admixed marine and freshwater as-
semblages as indicating 'near-shore conditions of
deposition, perhaps estuarine or inland seas'.
B r o w n Oil S h a l e Mathur (1964) surmised a subtropical to tropical
Subunit climate from the microfloral assemblages which
II Vitrodetrlnite
included hystrichosphaerids and pollen grains as
oo 9 Ulmlnlte
well as Pediastrum.
9 9 If the occurrence of Pediastrum in the Condor
~9 200
deposit is analogous to Tertiary deposits from
9 9 India and Japan the occurrence indicates a
9~ 9 freshwater, near-shore environment with possible
9 9 marine influence and tropical to subtropical
L* Assuming that conditions needed for the
Brownish-Black Oil growth of Pediastrum are the same as those when
S h a l e Subunit it grew in Lake George (New South Wales,
9" . _ ; . , Australia) during the Cainozoic, the presence of
Lllypool Subunit Pediastrum, which has a salinity tolerance of
1.7 g/l, is an indicator of water depths of at least
7 m for 'reasonably long periods' (Singh et al.
0"2 0.4 0.6 1981). Thus high grade lamosite intervals with
% Reflectance abundant Pediastrum (which alternate with lower
grade intervals throughout the Brown Oil Shale
FIG. 5. Reflectance data for drill hole CDD-2 (47 data
points). subunit, Fig. 6) probably represent high water
levels, maximum growth of algae and highest
rates of accumulation. The paucity of Pediastrum
in carbonate-dominated layers possibly indicates
sediments of Pakistan and California, USA (Evitt shallower, more saline waters (with salt levels
1963); Tertiary deposits of India (Mathur 1963, above that of the tolerance of Pediastrum) during
1964; Salujha eta/. 1969; Singh et al. 1973 ; Singh the deposition of those layers.
& Khanna 1978); Tertiary sediments from Aus- Because Pediastrum lamalginite is more per-
tralia (Cookson 1953); Tertiary sediments from sistent throughout the deposits, Pediastrum may
Sumatra (Wilson & Hoffmeister 1958); and have been more tolerant to small changes in
Pleistocene deposits of Japan (Matsuoka & Hase conditions than the minor algal components.
1977). Changes in the abundance of minor alginite
The Indian and Australian occurrences were components may reflect minor fluctuations in the
stated to be from freshwater lacustrine deposits depositional environment better than Pediastrum.
and in some cases Botryococcus was present
(Cookson 1953; Mathur 1964; Singh & Khanna
1978). Petroleum generation potential
Cretaceous occurrences were in marine strata Vitrinite reflectance is regarded as one of the
and Evitt (1963) offered two hypotheses as to more reliable indicators of coal rank and matur-
their occurrence : 'either some Cretaceous species ation levels of petroleum source rocks. Many
of Pediastrum were marine or more likely, the recent studies (e.g., Kantsler et al. 1978; Smith &
resistant cell walls enabled the remains of Cook 1984; Smyth et al. 1984) have used vitrinite
coenobia to be transported from bodies of fresh reflectance as an indicator of the maturity of a
water in which the organisms lived, into bodies petroleum source rock. In the cited studies the
of marine waters in whose sediments they were type and abundance of organic matter are used
buried or preserved'. Singh et al. (1973) and Singh in conjunction with maturation levels to predict
& Khanna (1978) discussed both alternatives and likely oil generation zones.
suggested that occurrences in the two different Tissot & Welte ( 1978, 1984) and Thomas (1982)
environments could be explained if the marine concluded that significant oil generation from
and freshwater bodies were interconnected. Mat- land-plant dominated organic matter occurs
suoka & Hase (1977) found an admixture of where vitrinite reflectance is in the range of 0.7-
marine and freshwater diatoms as well as estuar- 0.9%. However, Snowdon & Powell (1982) sug-
Condor oil shale sequence 337

,2~q~._3 ~ 2o0 o 80 2.0 1.3 0 200 o 80

, .-
~--. i I
.J )/
, ,~

/ I( -
_. t\

0 '

fb ' ) --
i b.

-1 ~ -
' I I).-).
i r

~ 'o--



1 4i 3,9rrl

FzG. 6. Distribution of organic matter in drill holes CDD-1 and CDD-2. (Lp: Lilypool subunit, BI-Br: brownish-
black oil shale subunit, Lsc: Lascelles subunit. SG: specific gravity of the oil shale, LTOM: Fischer assay in 1/t at
0% moisture, O.M." organic matter. = alginite, - . . . . . vitrinite, 9. . . . . terrestrial plant liptinite.)

gested that naphthenic oil generation occurs in producing hydrocarbons at lower levels of matu-
resinite-rich rocks at a maturation level corre- rity than liptinite.
sponding to 0.4% vitrinite reflectance. Similarly, Care should be exercised when interpreting
Smith & Cook (1984) suggested that in the maturation levels from vitrinite reflectance as
Gippsland Basin (Australia), hydrocarbons were factors other than temperature and time may
derived from vitrinite and liptinite at shallow affect vitrinite reflectance. For example, Hutton
depths and low maturation levels (vitrinite reflec- & Cook (1980) showed that in a torbanite-coal
tances of 0.4-0.8~) with vitrinite capable of seam, vitrinite reflectance was higher in coal than
338 A. C. Hutton
in torbanite with reflectance inversely related to (1) It may represent heavy residual, viscous
the percentage of telalginite. fractions of an oil that has migrated through
The Condor oil shale deposit is a thick sequence the sequence.
with two types of petroleum source rocks: the (2) It may have been derived from degraded
liptinite-rich lamosites of the Brownish-black Oil animal tissue.
Shale subunit and younger subunits and the (3) It may have been formed by bacterial or other
vitrinite/liptinite-rich cannel coals of the Lilypool biogenic degradation of alginite during or
subunit. Vitrinite in lamosite from the Condor after diagenesis.
deposit is dominantly vitrodetrinite for which (4) It may have been formed by thermal altera-
reflectance values are related partly to the size of tion of alginite after lithification of the
the vitrodetrinite and partly to depth (Hutton sediments.
1982). Thus reflectance of vitrinite in lamosite is Bitumen was formed during thermal alteration
probably not a useful indicator of maturity. of lamalginite adjacent to a sill in the Stuart oil
However, maturation studies can be carried out shale deposit. This occurs where the vitrinite
using vitrinite reflectance for claystone, sand- reflectance values are approximately 0.4-0.5~
stone and coal samples from below the lamosite (Hutton & Henstridge 1985). If reflectance values
units. of >0.4-0.5% are an indicator of bitumen
On the western side of the Condor deposit, the formation, the bitumen in the Condor oil shale
lower limit of the oil generation window (0.4% may have been formed by a similar mechanism.
vitrinite reflectance) is within the Brownish- Within the Brownish-black Oil Shale subunit
black Oil Shale subunit (for example at a depth reflectance values are 0.4-0.5%; below this
of approximately 300 m in CDD-2 and 450 m in subunit, reflectance values are up to 0.6%.
CDD-1). In addition, for the nine drill holes Lamalginite (in the Brownish-black Oil Shale
sampled, the Lilypool subunit has mean maxi- subunit) and resinite and cutinite derived from
mum reflectances (Rvmax) of greater than 0.5% terrestrial plants (Lilypool subunit) may be
Thus the western part of the deposit has both sources of the bitumen.
liptinite-rich and vitrinite-rich source rocks that The loss of volatile components from lamalgin-
are at present well within the oil generation ite during oil generation would also account for
window. the weaker fluorescence intensities and brownish-
Reflectance data for drill hole AEQ Proserpine- orange fluorescence colour of alginite in samples
1 (Fig. 3), drilled on the eastern side of the basin, from greater than 600 m in another of the sampled
suggests that the lower limit of the oil generation drill holes.
window occurs at a similar depth to that on the It is most likely that much of the bitumen was
western side. However the uniform reflectance derived from alginite or resinite by thermal
profile for AEQ Proserpine-1 (which is located alteration that occurred as a result of the deeper
on the eastern side of the deposit) of 0.15~ per burial of the lower units. More mobile petroleum
1000 m is quite different to the sharply increasing fractions may have migrated from the onshore
profiles of CDD-1 and CDD-2 (which were sediments through the south eastern offshore
located on the western side of the deposit). Mean extension of Hillsborough basin.
maximum reflectance values at 1000 m depth in
AEQ Proserpine-1 are 0.6~--values that occur
at 500 m in CDD-1 and 300 m in CDD-2. Thus Conclusions
the western part of the Hillsborough Basin may
have higher geothermal gradients and therefore The Condor oil shale deposit is a thick sequence
higher rates of heat flow than the eastern part of of Tertiary lacustrine sedimentary rocks located
the basin. This would indicate that the western on the coastal plain near Proserpine, Queensland
part of the Condor deposit could have greater oil (Australia). It overlies a thick section comprising
generation potential than the eastern part of the sandstone and claystone topped by a resinite- and
deposit. cutinite-rich cannel coal with a vitrinite reflec-
Bitumen is a minor constituent of the lamosites, tance of 0.6~.
especially those in the Lascelles and O'Connell Four oil shale subunits contain interbedded
subunits. It is interstitial to framework grains lamosite and claystone. Condor lamosite contains
and also fills microfractures, solution cavities and predominantly orange fluorescing lamalginite,
spaces within and between bones. derived from Pediastrum, a discrete, smooth-
Bitumen is generally derived by the secondary walled lamalginite derived from Septodinium, a
alteration of other organic matter. Four possible freshwater dinoflagellate, and minor telalginite
modes of formation of the bitumen in the Condor derived from the colonial green alga Botryococcus.
deposit are as follows: Reflectance data show that the lower oil shale
Condor oil shale sequence 339
subunit and the cannel coal are within the oil the presence of other weakly fluorescing organic
generation window. The occurrence of bitumen matter in the lower oil shale subunit may indicate
throughout the lamosite, the subdued fluores- that petroleum has been generated from these
cence intensity from some of the lamalginite, and sections of the sequence.

AMPOL EXPLORATION(QUEENSLAND)PTY LTD. 1965. for hydrocarbon exploration. Australian Petroleum
Proserpine No. 1 well completion report (CR Exploration Association Journal, 18, 143-156.
1783). Geological Survey of Queensland Record MATHUR,K. 1963. OccurrenceofPediastrum in Subathu
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COOKSON, I. C. 1953. Records of the occurrence of Science and Culture, 29, 250.
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Memoirs of the Natural Museum, Melbourne, 18, Culture, 30, 607-608.
MATSUOKA, K. & HASE, K. 1977. Fossil Pediastrum
EVlTT, W. R. 1963. Occurrence of freshwater alga from the Pleistocene Hamamatsu Formation
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FOSTER, C. B. 1980. Report on Tertiary spores and Japan, 104, 432-441.
pollen from core samples from the Hillsborough PAINE,A. G. L. 1972. Proserpine, Queensland. Explan-
and Duaringa Basins. Geological Survey of atory notes 1 : 250 000 Geological Series. Bureau of
Queensland Record, 1980/2 (unpubl.). Mineral Resources. Geology and Geophysics, 1-25.
GREEN, P. W. & BATEMAN,R. J. 1981. The geology of SALUJHA, S. K., SRIVASTAVA,N. C. & RAWAT, M. S.
the Condor oil shale deposit--onshore HiUsbor- 1969. Microfloral assemblage from Subathu sedi-
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sociation Journal, 21, 24-32. Society India, 12, 25-40.
GREEN, P. A., MCIVER, R. G. & O'DEA, T. R. 1984. SINGH, G., OPDYKE,N. n. &BOWLER,J. M. 1981. Late
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Proceedings of the Second Australian Workshop on ogy and vegetational history from Lake George,
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HARPER, R. A. 1918. Organization, reproduction and 28, 435-452.
inheritance in Pediastrum. Proceedings of the SINGH, H. P. & KHANNA, A. K. 1978. Some fossil
American PhilosophicalSociety, 57, 375-438. species of Pediastrum in the Subathu Formation of
HUTTON, A. C. 1982. Organic petrology of oil shales. Himachal Pradesh. Palaeobotanist, 25, 466-474.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Wollongong. & SAIl, S. C. D. 1973. Problems and
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tifique, Paris. Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin, 428 pp.
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340 A. C. Hutton
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A. C. HUTTON, Department of Geology, University of Wollongong, PO Box 1144,

Wollongong, NSW 2500, Australia.
Cenozoic lacustrine basins of South-east Asia, their tectonic setting,
depositional environment and hydrocarbon potential

M. R. Gibling

S U M M A R Y : Cenozoic strike-slip tectonism, which caused local crustal extension in

South-east Asia, generated many short-lived but deeply subsiding basins. Under tropical
conditions and assisted by intensive karstic weathering, the basins formed ideal sites for
lakes during early basinal history in Oligocene to Miocene times. In several basins in
northern Thailand, a shallow-lacustrine assemblage of mudstone and coal contains thin,
alginite-rich oil shales of moderate grade which formed under oxic or anoxic conditions
during the initial flooding of the lake, which was accompanied by high organic productivity.
In the Mae Sot Basin, a carbonate-rich lacustrine assemblage contains thick, alginite-rich oil
shales of high grade which formed under anoxic conditions in deeper, probably stratified
lakes where the organic material was well preserved. The kerogen in both assemblages is
Type I, hydrogen-rich. Under conditions of rapid sedimentation and abnormally high heat
flow associated with active tectonism, the shallow-lacustrine oil shales have generated
hydrocarbons which are exploited in several basins.

Introduction Uyeda 1973) probably was also related to these

regional events.
The recent hydrocarbon developments in onshore Strike-slip faults are presently active in South-
Mesozoic to Cenozoic basins of China have east Asia (Le Dain et al. 1984) and some major
stimulated great interest because giant reservoirs faults are shown in Figs 1 and 2. A strike-slip
have been ascribed to lacustrine source rocks (Hu regime has been operative in the region since the
Chao Yuan & Qiao Hanseng 1983; Li Desheng Palaeogene or early Neogene, and many sedimen-
1984; Yang Wanli et al. 1985; Chen Quanmao & tary basins are closely related to the fault systems.
Dickinson 1986), previously considered of limited Pull-apart basins have formed along fault zones
importance. The adjoining region of South-east in the Gulf of Thailand (Fig. 1). The Phitsanulok
Asia contains many Cenozoic lacustrine basins Basin lies at the junction of the Mae Ping and
which, despite several hydrocarbon discoveries, Uttaradit Fault Zones (Fig. 2), where crustal
remain relatively unexplored. The present paper extension was accompanied by downwarping and
documents lacustrine assemblages in basins in
Thailand, and briefly discusses similar basins
over an area of 2 million km 2 in peninsular
Malaysia, Indochina and Burma. ~ C'HINA

Tectonic setting
South-east Asia, located at the junction of the I NDI .A...............
::...... :
Eurasian, Indian and Pacific plates, has under-
gone regional uplift since the mid-Mesozoic. Its
geological development since that time is related
primarily to the northward movement of India
and its collision with the Eurasian continent in
the late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic to form the
Himalayan Mountain chains (Johnson et al. FIG. 1. Map of South-east Asia to show position of
1976). The subsequent transcurrent displacement major tectonic features. Heavy lines show major faults
of large tectonic segments (Fig. 1) produced or plate boundaries. Solid barbs indicate subduction,
open barbs indicate intracontinental thrusts. Thin
strike-slip faulting throughout the region during paired lines show spreading centres (Andaman Sea)
the Cenozoic (Tapponnier & Molnar 1977; and pull-apart basins (Gulf of Thailand). Arrows on
Tapponnier et al. 1982; Le Dain et al. 1984). Sea- faults in western Malaysia and Gulf of Thailand do
floor spreading in the Andaman Sea (Rodolfo not correspond to present-day motions. Modified from
1969) and the South China Sea (Ben-Avraham & Tapponnier et al. (1982).

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 34I
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 341-351.
342 M. R. Gibling


/~ o



~\ X :: .....

iI #
8"27 ~"

\ 9-24

i i ii ii.(

0 km 100
. , i

FANG Basin
Major fault
D Oilfield
72 ~" Geothermal ara(

FIG. 2. Major basins of north-central Thailand. Basin areas are taken from Gibling & Ratanasthien (1980); fault
lines from Knox & Wakefield (1983) and Chantaramee (1978); geothermal gradients from reliable data in
Thienprasert et al. (1978).

listric faulting (Knox & Wakefield 1983). The erupted since the Middle Miocene in many areas
Lansang Basin lies in a complex strike-slip zone (Barr & Macdonald 1981; Knox & Wakefield
(Chantaramee 1978). Other basins may have 1983). Geothermal gradients in western Thailanff
developed in a similar manner, although the lack are locally high, up to 93~ (Fig. 2) and
of exposure makes this difficult to prove. abundant hot springs are present (Barr et al.
Heat flow was probably high throughout the 1978; Thienprasert et al. 1978). Geothermal
Cenozoic in Thailand. Rb-Sr dating of granitic gradients average about 40"60~ and up to
rocks suggests that major intrusive events took 73~ in some intervals under the Gulf of
place in the Lower and Middle Cretaceous, and Thailand (Paul & Lian 1975; Trevena & Clark
Cenozoic K-Ar dates have been attributed to 1986), but they average only 10-40~ under
reheating through hydrothermal circulation northeastern Thailand apart from high values in
(Beckinsale et al. 1979). Basaltic volcanics have the Petchabun Basin (Fig. 2) (Thienprasert et al.
Cenozoic lacustrine basins 343
1978). Heat flow thus appears to decrease east- laminated to non-bedded. Megafossils include
ward from the tectonically active region border- gastropods, bivalves, shelled arthropods, trace
ing the Andaman Sea into the more stable interior fossils, fish, turtles, charophytes and vascular
of South-east Asia. plants. Calcareous nodules associated with roots
The sedimentary basins are elongate north- are locally abundant enough to form thick zones.
south following the tectonic strike of the basement Laminae composed of vascular plant fragments
rocks, and range in present-day area from the are common.
Chao Phraya Basin (60 200 km 2 onshore) to Coal occurs in seams over 30 m thick in at least
small, high-altitude basins (less than 1 km2). four basins, and in seams several metres thick in
They are bordered by mountains up to 2500 m in many others (Fig. 3). Preliminary data, summa-
elevation. In general, because of the relative rized by Gibling & Ratanasthien (1980), show
youth of the basins, their present topography can that the coal is of lignite to high volatile
be used as a guide to their topography at the time bituminous rank with a heating value from 10.5
of deposition. The basins contain as much as to 35.6 MJ/kg. The rank appears to be higher in
10 km of strata in the Gulf of Thailand and 8 km the hills between the Burmese border and
onshore, although even the smallest basins can Lampang than further east. Coal at Mae Mob,
contain hundreds of metres of strata. The strata which consists of finely detritic humic compo-
are dated from Oligocene to Holocene (Woollands nents, with small amounts of woody tissue,
& Haw 1976; Hamilton 1979; Gibling & Ratan- resinite, scterotinite and palynomorphs, was
asthien 1980; Knox & Wakefield 1983). ascribed to herbaceous plants by Gardner (1967),
Lacustrine sediments were deposited in many and is unusual in containing well-preserved
onshore basins during the Oligocene to mid- gastropod shells and carbonate grains. Mudstone
Miocene, after which thick sequences of coarse partings are common, and the coals are autoch-
alluvial sediments were deposited. The uncon- thonous, resting on rooted mudstones. At Mac
formable contact observed in many basins be- Tip, a coal seam grades laterally towards the
tween the two depositional units suggests that basin margin into reddish carbonaceous mud-
tectonic forces were the prime cause. Changes in stone (Gibling et al. 1985b), and hence terminates
tectonic stress patterns related to the progressive by increase in terrigenous content rather than by
Indo-Eurasian collision, such as those docu- splitting.
mented by Le Dain et al. (1984), could have Oil shales are known from at least nine basins,
resulted in the evolution of depositional style where they form units several metres thick. They
within the basins. Many authors have attempted are grey-brown, poorly laminated, and are com-
to relate stratigraphic sequences to evolving posed of clay and quartz-rich silt with fish and
structural style in strike-slip basins, but the only plant fragments. The oil shales are interbedded
conclusion that can presently be drawn for the abruptly to gradationally with coal (Fig. 4) and
immature South-east Asian basins is that lacus- mudstone, and locally can be traced for more
trine conditions were common in the early stages than 1 km. Most beds contain little benthonic
of basinal history. fauna, but at Ban Pa Kha, Li, a thin oil shale that
separates coal from an overlying thick claystone
unit consists of well-defined beds each with a
Lacustrine assemblages distinctive benthonic assemblage that includes
gastropods, bivalves, and burrows. Planolites
Two lacustrine assemblages are recognized in the burrows are present in oil shale at Ban Huai Dua
Thai basins. Fluvial assemblages with minor (Gibling et al. 1982). The organic matter consists
lacustrine strata, such as occur in the Ban Huai of lamalginite (filamentous algal material includ-
Dua Basin (Gibling et al. 1982) and in the upper ing Pediastrum) with minor telalginite (including
strata of many other basins, are not described the colonial algal BOtryococcus), liptodetrinite,
here. sporinite, resinite and bitumen; huminite or
inertinite form less than 10% of the organic
Facies assemblage A: mudstone-coal-oil shale component, apart from one canneloid oil shale
from Ban Pa Kha which contains abundant
huminite (Sherwood et al. 1984). The oil shales
yield up to 153 1/tonne, with average yields of
This terrigenous-organic assemblage is found in about 501/tonne (Gibling et al. 1985b), and are
many basins and consists of the three main rock equivalent to lean, low and moderate grades of
types, listed in order of abundance. The mud- oil shale in the Green River Formation (Cole &
stones, commonly in units as much as 30 m thick, Picard, 1975).
are pale to dark grey and brown and vary from Minor rock types in some basins include non-
344 M. R. Gibling

FIG. 3. Mudstone and coal of facies assemblage A in the Mae Moh basin, Thailand.

FIG. 4. Oil shale unit within coal seam, facies assemblage A, in the Mae Tip Basin, Thailand (Hammer (30 cm)
for scale).

laminated marlstone and chert in thin beds, and 1 km z. As water levels fluctuated, swamps with
quartz-rich siltstone and sandstone. rooted vegetation (coal) alternated with shallow
lakes too deep for vegetation to take root
(mudstone and oil shale). The small size and
Environment of deposition narrow outlets of the fault-controlled basins
The assemblage is present in basins hundreds of allowed water levels to fluctuate rapidly.
km 2 in area to basins as small as Ban Po, Li, The development of many basins was undoubt-
where a 35-m coal seam was mined in a basin edly assisted by karstic weathering of the wide-
C e n o z o i c lacustrine basins 345

spread bedrock carbonates, the present-day Mae Sot basin on the Thai-Burmese border,
topography of which is extremely irregular. These where it was studied in detail at Ban Huai Kalok
rocks have been subjected to prolonged tropical (Gibling et al. 1985a). The three main rock types
weathering as Thailand lay close to its present are listed in order of abundance, although their
position throughout the Cenozoic (Jurdy & van proportion varies with position in the basin. The
der Voo 1975). Sudden drainage changes have basinal fill, at least 800 m thick, contains repeated
been known to produce lakes within closed alternations of marlstone with sandstone and oil
depressions in karstic regions of Thailand. The shales, in sequences a few metres to tens of metres
persistence of carbonate shells and grains in the thick.
coals, and the unusual co-occurrence of coal and The marlstone is pale yellow-grey and ranges
nodular calcrete, may reflect high levels of from poorly laminated to non-bedded in individ-
dissolved carbonate in the groundwaters. ual units up to several metres thick. The units
Fluvio-lacustrine coarse clastics are absent contain polygonal desiccation cracks I0 cm deep
from lacustrine sections in many basins, probably and visible on the basal surfaces of interbedded
because fluvial inflow was limited to small creeks. sandstones, during the deposition of which the
The Phitsanulok Basin is exceptional in that the cracks were scoured and infilled with sand and
major zone of lacustrine rocks contains fluvio- fine gravel. The scarcity of lamination and the
lacustrine sandstones and lacks coals (Knox & random orientation of mica flakes reflect perva-
Wakefield 1983). sive bioturbation, as trace fossils are commonly
seen on the basal surfaces of the sandstones, and
Distribution of bituminous material a benthonic shelled fauna of gastropods, and rare
ostracods is present. The marlstone is composed
The oil shales of Facies Assemblage A are of calcite and terrigenous minerals with small
commonly interbedded with coal or intercalated amounts of dolomite, but contains little organic
between coal and mudstone, showing that the material.
organic material accumulated during the shallow- The oil shale forms units up to 10 m thick that
est stage of lake development. In contrast, studies can be traced for several kilometres with little
of some modern African lakes suggest that change in thickness or internal arrangement (Fig.
maximum organic accumulation takes place in 5). The beds are rhythmically laminated, with
the deep anoxic zones of the lakes (Demaison & couplets of carbonate and organic/terrigenous
Moore 1980; Talbot this volume). The shallow laminae associated with loop bedding. Although
water, organic-rich beds in the Thai basins may the oil shales are predominantly carbonate rocks
be explained by abnormally high organic produc- rich in dolomite, the higher grades tend to be
tivity during the initial flooding of the swamps. enriched in silicate minerals including analcime.
During the early flooding of manmade Lake The distinctive planktonic and nektonic biota i s
Kariba, the waters became nutrient-rich due to composed of fish, plant fragments, insects, co-
the submergence of poorly leached soils and the prolites and snakes, the latter found in highly
death and decay of the drowned biota; vast algal sinuous form on bedding surfaces at two localities.
blooms, explosive growth of water ferns and huge The insect material, which includes thick-bodied
increases in the fish population resulted (Harding hymenopterids, wings and faceted eyes, is pre-
1966; Mitchell 1969). Alternatively the terrigen- served in a few beds of lower-grade oil shale and
ous input in the early transgressive stages of the marlstone, along with unidentified soft-bodied
Thai lakes may have been relatively low com- organisms, probably larval forms.
pared to the organic input. The presence of The organic material consists of lamalginite
benthonic organisms and burrows in some beds and minor telalginite (up to 20% of Botryococcus
shows that the bottom waters were oxygenated in some laminae) with liptodetrinite, bitumens
during deposition, and the preservation of the and humic components (Sherwood et al. 1984).
organic material probably reflects rapid sedimen- Bitumen is present within some porous fish bones.
tation with the deposition of an overlying mud- The filamentous algae are believed to be plank-
stone seal, rather than anoxic conditions. tonic, but the presence of benthonic mats cannot
be discounted.
Facies assemblage B: marlstone-oil shale- Ultimate analysis of one oil shale sample
sandstone showed a relatively high H/C ratio and low O/C
ratio characteristic of Type I kerogen (Sherwoo d
et al. 1984). From Rock Eval analysis, the
hydrogen index (ratio of amount of hydrocarbons
This mixed carbonate-terrigenous-organic as- produced to amount to total organic carbon) of
semblage has so far been documented only in the most samples is higher than values for the Green
346 M . R. Gibling

FIG. 5. High-grade oil shale unit forming a continuous scarp. Facies assemblage B, Mae Sot Basin, Thailand
(hammer (30 cm) for scale).

River Formation (Cole & Picard 1975). The abundant algal material, nektonic biota, lack of
maximum yield from Fischer assay analysis was benthonic fauna, and preservation of delicate
341 l/tonne, with an average yield exceeding fossils suggest deposition in perennial lakes, with
1501/tonne over the richest metre-thick zones. anaerobic conditions below the sediment surface
Thin sandstone and siltstone units are interca- or within the water column. Desiccation cracks
lated with the marlstone and rarely with the oil were not observed, and the ubiquitous loop
shale. They show groove and flute casts and bedding is interpreted as a syneresis or compac-
small-scale cross-beds indicative of current ac- tional feature (Cole & Picard 1975). The marl-
tion, and adjacent to the basin margin the units stone-sandstone sequences with their poorly
thicken, increase in proportion and show lensoid stratified nature, benthonic fauna and desiccation
channel fills up to 60 cm thick (Fig. 6). cracks, suggest shallow aerated lakes and exposed
Beds of fibrous calcite a few centimetres thick marginal flats. The sandstone and siltstone beds,
within the marlstone (Gregory 1923) have prob- which are interbedded with desiccation-cracked
ably replaced evaporites, but although bands and marlstone and in a few cases with the highest
lenses of gypsum are present in the basin (Brown grade oil shales, suggest that runoff from the
et al. 1951) drilling has failed to indicate the surrounding hills periodically inundated the
presence of bedded evaporites. The presently exposed, marginal flats and continued as density
known occurrences are probably of diagenetic currents into the deeper parts of the lakes. It is
origin. Thus the Mae Sot oil shales resemble those presumed that the marlstone-sandstone and oil
of the Green River Formation in their lamination shale sequences were laterally equivalent in the
and organic material, but the strata lack the thick marginal and central parts of the basin, respec-
evaporites which are a prominent feature of some tively; however, no lateral transition has yet been
members and regions of the Green River For- documented and rapid changes in depositional
mation (Bradley & Eugster 1969). conditions could have resulted in the basin-wide
extent of each lithological association in turn.
The steep margins and narrow outlet of the
Environment of deposition
large basin would have allowed the formation of
The Mae Sot basin is 65 km long by 35 km wide, lakes sufficiently deep and long-lived for stratifi-
and oil shale sequences are known to crop out for cation to develop, while the limited seasonal
at least 30 km along the basin axis. The oil shale changes in water temperature under tropical
sequences with their well-defined lamination, conditions would have encouraged stable strati-
Cenozoic lacustrine basins 347

FIG. 6. Sandstone (above and below 30 cm hammer) interbedded with massive, gastropod-bearing marlstone
near the basin margin. Note the erosional base of the sandstone at upper right. Facies assemblage B, Mae Sot
Basin, Thailand.

fication. Although the lakes could have been suggests diagenetic dolomite formation under
many metres deep at their maximum extent, the alkaline, anoxic conditions within the lakes
abrupt contact of the laminated oil shale units (Baker & Kastner 1981 ; Kelts & McKenzie 1982),
with desiccation-cracked marlstones suggests rather than formation from saline groundwaters
that the oil shales began to form under relatively within the marginal fiats followed by transport
shallow conditions. Estimates from couplet thick- into the perennial lake. The relative enrichment
ness suggest that perennial-lake conditions per- of silicate and depletion of carbonate minerals in
sisted for about 25 000-50 000 years (Gibling et the higher grade oil shales suggests relatively
al. 1985a), and climatic changes with long-term greater carbonate productivity near the lake
fluctuations in rainfall are the most probable margins (Dean 1981) with relatively greater
cause of the fluctuating lake levels. The scarcity terrigenous input to the central parts of the lakes,
of woody material in the marlstones and oil shales or possibly dissolution of the carbonate under
suggests that the lakes were not surrounded anaerobic conditions offshore (Degens & Stoffers
directly by dense growths of trees and shrubs, 1976).
although a herbaceous cover might have left little The carbonate-rich strata of facies assemblage
direct trace. Coals and rooted clays, not seen in B in the Mae Sot basin are of similar age to the
the area studied, are present in apparently coeval terrigenous strata of facies assemblage A in other
strata near the northern basin margin at Mae basins. The local occurrence of carbonate sedi-
Ramat. ments can be explained by the transport of
The freshwater biota and the scarcity of dissolved carbonate to the Mae Sot lakes in great
evaporites within the basin suggest fresh to amounts, from Triassic and older bedrock car-
brackish waters. Oxygen-isotope data indicate bonates around the basin which show intensive
that the lake was fresh during oil shale deposition karsting, coupled with a low terrigenous input.
but became more brackish during marlstone
deposition (K. Kelts, pers. comm. 1985). The
Distribution of bituminous material
presence of analcime, which is common in
modern saline and alkaline lakes (Hay 1978), The oil shales were deposited in shallow to
probably reflects high alkalinity of the Mae Sot moderate-depth lakes under anoxic bottom con-
lakes. The abundance of dolomite in the oil shales ditions, and their organic material shows a
and its scarcity in the shallower water marlstones marked periodicity that represents pulses of high
348 M. R. Gibling
organic productivity coupled with optimal con- Hydrocarbons
ditions for preservation.
Laminae less than 1 mm thick reflect seasonal
phytoplankton blooms or possibly benthonic The geological data collectively suggest that
mats; the latter interpretation would imply an maturation and entrapment of hydrocarbons
aerobic water column with anaerobic conditions could have occurred widely within the South-east
confined to the subsurface sediment. Some un- Asian basins, which subsided deeply during
usually thick organic laminae which overlie active Cenozoic tectonism. Lakes formed period-
sandstones and carbonate microturbidites reflect ically within the steep-sided and confined basins,
organic accumulation associated with 'random' and the high productivity of Type I, algal-rich
density-flow events. The reasons for this are kerogen allowed source rocks to be deposited and
unclear, but as some laminae contain abundant preserved during very shallow stages (assemblage
woody fragments, it is probable that the flows A) and deep anoxic stages (assemblage B) of lake
transported large amounts of terrestrial organic evolution.
matter along with material reworked from the Twenty-four samples of oil shale from the
lake floor. Additionally, the flows could have upper strata of seven basins show huminite
promoted phytoplankton blooms by recirculating reflectances from 0.22 to 0.53%, indicating brown
nutrients trapped within stratified bottom waters coal to sub-bituminous rank (Sherwood et al.
or by bringing additional nutrients into the lakes. 1984), comparable to the rank of the associated
In either case, a significant connection exists coals. These maturation indicators (Hood et al.
between terrestrial runoff and organic accumula- 1975) suggest that, especially at deeper levels, the
tion. strata are locally approaching the oil window,
Beds of high-grade oil shale, a few centimetres despite their young geological age, a condition
to 1 m thick, within the oil shale sequences reflect attributed to the high Cenozoic geothermal
periods of maximum organic accumulation gradients. The general westward increase in rank
within the stratified lake, probably at its highest of the coals suggests that heat flow was consist-
levels, and contain the lowest proportion of ently higher in the west throughout the Cenozoic.
mineral matter and the thinnest couplets. The The fluvial and fluvio-lacustrine sandstones in-
sequences of laminated oil shale up to ten metres terbedded with mudstones in many basins form
thick reflect periods when the lakes were stratified suitable reservoir rocks.
or when subsurface sediments were anoxic. Oil and gas are currently produced from two
onshore basins in Thailand. In the Phitsanulok
Basin, almost 14 000 BOPD was produced in
1984 in the Sirikit Field (Fig. 2) (Soeparjadi et al.
Other basins in South-east Asia 1985). The reservoirs are fluvio-lacustrine sand-
stones at 1500-2000 m depth. The associated
Cenozoic lacustrine deposits similar to those of organic-rich clays are the source rocks, and
Thailand are known in Burma (Chhibber 1934; observations of oil and vitrinite reflectance data
Krishnan 1968; Goossens 1978), Malaysia (Stauf- suggest that generation took place at depths
fer 1973) and Laos, Vietnam and Kampuchea greater than 4000 m (Knox & Wakefield 1983).
(Fontaine & Workman 1978). Most deposits In the Fang Basin (Fig. 2) oil seepages have long
contain mudstone and coal and resemble facies been collected for medicinal use, and the basin
assemblage A. Laminated oil shale of facies has produced small amounts of oil since 1963
assemblage B is reported only from the Mae Sot (Piyasin 1979). The hydrocarbons are produced
basin and contiguous strata in Burma (Gregory from sandstone and coal interbedded with bitu-
1923). Other lacustrine deposits occur in China minous shale in the lower part of the basinal fill,
and probably throughout the Himalayan region, which is estimated at 2800 m thick. Thin, oil-
as well as on the Pacific margin of Asia where the bearing sandstones were also drilled in the Chiang
basins are more directly related to subduction Mai basin at 880-1070 m depth (Piyasin 1979).
(Koesoemadinata 1978). The Gulf of Thailand, The source rocks in the Phitsanulok and Fang
the Irrawaddy Valley of Burma and the Bay of Basins are bituminous mudstones, closely associ-
Bengal are major structural troughs that were ated with coal at Fang, and belong to facies
occupied by large southward-flowing rivers dur- assemblage A.
ing the Cenozoic, so that their deposits include Offshore in the Pattani Basin of the Gulf of
deltaic and marine strata (Paul & Lian 1975). Thailand, Tertiary sandstones from 1370 to
Several basins with oil shales that abut the 2745 m depth contain hydrocarbons, and produc-
Andaman Sea near Krabi in southern Thailand tion in 1985 was 15 000 BOPD of condensate, as
also contain marine beds (Brown et al. 1951). well as large amounts of gas (Trevena & Clark
Cenozoic lacustrine basins 349
1986). Hydrocarbons (23 000 BOPD in 1985) are to develop perennially stagnant bottom waters.
produced from the central Tertiary basin of The periodic fluctuation of the lake levels was
Burma and its offshore extension (Paul & Lian probably a consequence of regional climatic
1975; Soeparjadi et al. 1985). All these basins changes on the order of a few tens of thousands
contain marine strata which may have acted as of years, superimposed on local basinal factors.
source rocks. Minor amounts of hydrocarbons Fluctuations in lake depth and area exerted a
are produced in the Red River Basin of Vietnam fundamental control on the accumulation of
(Fig. 1) but few data are available. Trevena & organic material: algal material accumulated
Clark (1986)noted a severe deterioration of preferentially when land surfaces were periodi-
reservoir quality with depth in the Pattani Basin, cally submerged, and when the lakes were deep
which they attributed to diagenetic effects pro- enough for anoxic bottom conditions to develop.
moted by the high geothermal gradients. The coexistence of carbonate lakes and terrigen-
ous lakes in adjacent basins indicates that the
local clastic supply and groundwater chemistry
Conclusions strongly influenced the nature of the lake sedi-
Lakes were widely distributed in South-east Asia Hydrocarbons which occur in several basins
during the Oligocene to Miocene. Their presence were generated from the aliphatic-rich oil shales
was largely a result of strike-slip faulting, related and bituminous mudstones under conditions of
to the collision of India and Eurasia, which rapid burial and high heat flow associated with
generated confined basins where standing water the active strike-slip tectonism.
accumulated under the prevailing humid tropical
climate. Karstic weathering assisted in creating
basinal topography locally.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I thank Kerry Kelts, Michael
Most basins contained relatively shallow and Talbot and Larry Wakefield for discussion; Paul
short-lived lakes which alternated with peat Buchheim and John Marshall for their helpful review
swamps, but algae flourished especially during of the manuscript; and Norma Keeping for typing.
the initial stages of lake expansion. Only one Funds were provided by Natural Science and Engineer-
basin contained a lake deep and persistent enough ing Research Council of Canada Grant A8437.

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M. R. GIBLING, Department of Geology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,

Canada, B3H 3J5.
Anoxic-oxic cyclical lacustrine sedimentation in the Miocene
Rubielos de Mora Basin, Spain
P. Anad6n, L. Cabrera & R. Julih

S U M M A R Y : The Rubielos de Mora Basin is a Miocene half-graben (3 x 10 km) with a

sedimentary fill of over 600 m of alluvial and lacustrine sequences. Three main units make
up this basin infill: lower (alluvial) and middle and upper lacustrine units. The upper
lacustrine unit is mainly formed in the western part of the basin, by cyclical sequences. These
sequences consist of organic-poor, non-laminated mudstones and marls cyclically alternating
with thinly laminated facies such as sandy mudstones, bioclastic laminae, oil shales,
rhythmites (carbonate-clay, varve-like couplets) and marls. Low-Mg calcite and non-
stoichiometric (Mg-poor) dolomite are the dominant carbonate minerals in the non-laminated
facies, whereas variable amounts of low-Mg calcite, high-Mg calcite, aragonite and non-
stoichiometric dolomite have been recorded in most of the laminated facies. Low-Mg calcite
is the main carbonate mineral in sandy mudstones and bioclastic laminae which occur at the
lower part of laminated intervals in the cycles. Analysis of oil shaIes reveals a major
macrophyte contribution of organic matter, displaying an early diagenetic evolutionary
stage. Cyclical sequences record alternating oxic-anoxic bottom conditions in marginal
zones of a meromictic lake, due to cyclical changes in lake water volume. This feature is
recorded in the cyclical sequences of mineralogical changes and facies transitions. Strong
tectonic subsidence (not balanced by sedimentation and taking place in an active rift setting)
and palaeoclimate were the most striking features which could favour the establishment of a
meromictic lake during this stage of the basin history.

Introduction tal conditions which resulted in their cyclical

The occurrence of oil shale deposits in the
lacustrine Mora de Rubielos Basin was already
Geological setting
recorded by the beginning of this century (Fer-
nfindez-Navarro 1914; Gavala 1921). From then The Rubielos de Mora Basin is located in the
on, although in a very discontinous way, the south-east part of the Iberian Chain (north-east
basin-fill deposits have been studied from diverse Spain). The N W - S E oriented Iberian Chain is
points of view, in order to establish the age as composed of a Hercynian basement unconform-
well as the potential economic interest of the ably overlain by a thick sedimentary cover of
bituminous facies (Crusafont et al. 1966; De Mesozoic and Palaeogene rocks. An array of
Bruijn & Moltzer 1974; I G M E - C G S unpubl., N W - S E orientated folds and thrusts, mainly
I G M E 1986). developed during the late Palaeogene, stretches
A broad two-fold subdivision of the oil shale along this chain. During the Neogene a wide-
deposits in the basin-fill sequence can be estab- spread rifting affected the north-east Iberian
lished on the basis of their sequential arrange- Peninsula giving rise to several half-grabens
ment: which were superimposed on the pre-existing
structural features (Vegas et al. 1980).
(1) Thick, monotonous laminated oil shale de-
The Miocene Rubielos de Mora Basin is a half-
posits with frequent rhythmic intervals,
graben which belongs to this rift system. The
(2) thinner oil shale and other laminated deposits
basin is bounded by E N E - W S W to N E - S W
which cyclically alternate with non-lami-
striking faults and from its present exposures it
nated, organic-poor, terrigenous and carbon-
can be inferred that it was at least 10 • 3 km (Fig.
ate deposits.
This paper deals with these cyclical sequences The Lower Cretaceous outcrops which sur-
observed in the western sectors of the Mora de round the Rubielos de Mora Basin are mainly
Rubielos Basin. The aims are the description of formed by a lower thick red-bed sequence
the main sedimentological features of the oil (sandstones and mudstones) overlain by thick
shales and associated, organic-poor deposits in marine limestones with minor interbedded dolo-
order to outline the evolving palaeoenvironmen- stones, carbonate mudstones and sandstones.

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 353
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 353-367.
354 P. Anad6n et al.





Anoxic-oxic lacustrine sedimentation 355
This limestone unit underlies an upper arkosic zones (Figs 1 and 2). Exposures are not good
sandstone unit. The Miocene basin-fill sequence enough to allow precise correlation between the
is made up of over 600 m of terrigenous and sequences observed in each zone. Three main
minor carbonate deposits of alluvial and lacus- depositional units have been defined: Lower (A),
trine origin. The whole sequence forms an overall Middle (B) and Upper (C). These major units can
synclinal structure. Two fossil mammal localities be traced through the basin (Figs 1 and 2) and
in the middle and upper parts of the basin-fill record three different, successive evolutionary
sequence indicate an early-middle Miocene age stages of the basin infilling (Anad6n 1983). The
(Crusafont et al. 1966; De Bruijn & Moltzer two lower units crop out in the northern part of
1974). Upper Miocene to Pliocene alluvial fan the basin. The upper unit, which crops out in the
deposits (conglomerates, red sandstones and southern basin sectors, records the latest evolu-
mudstones) make up the upper sequences which tionary stage of the basin infill. It shows distinc-
unconformably overlie the basin-fill deposits as tive facies changes which enables one to establish
well as the surrounding Cretaceous exposures, in a three-fold mapping division (Fig. 1). The main
the western part of the basin. depositional features of each unit can be sum-
Stratigraphy of the Rubielos de Mora Basin (A) Lower unit: Formed by up to 300 m of
The Miocene basin-fill sequences in the Rubielos sandstones with minor interbedded mudstones
de Mora half-graben are to a large extent and conglomerates. This unit unconformably
concealed by alluvial and colluvial Quaternary overlies Lower Cretaceous limestones and sand-
deposits, thereby defining two main outcrop stones, but in some places the contact is faulted.





lOOm -........

L Brown coal
( lignite )

FIO. 2. Generalized stratigraphic logs of the Rubielos de Mora Basin infill showing the location of the studied
356 P. Anad6n et al.
This unit records an early evolutionary stage of section composed of these cyclical sequences
the basin, largely dominated by alluvial sedimen- (Cerro Porpol section) has been studied in detail
tation. (Fig. 3). This succession overlies a terrigenous
(B) Middle unit: This unit is up to 70 m thick sequence made up of mudstones, sandstones and
and mainly consists of lacustrine limestones with conglomerates, which corresponds to a tongue of
interbedded mudstones, sandstones and brown unit C2. Exposures are not good enough to trace
coals (lignites). Limestones show a high content the complete lateral extent of the cyclical se-
of bioclastic remains (gastropods, bivalves, ostra- quences, but in some cases they can be traced for
cods and charophytes). about 1 km.
(C) Upper unit: This unit is up to 300 m thick non-laminated
and it has been divided into three minor units I ~ laminated
(Figs 1 and 2).
~ Mudstone
(C1) This minor unit is up to 250 m thick and
consists mainly of very thinly laminated
mudstones (oil shales) and interbedded
rhythmite beds showing a very scarce or (R)
(R) j r~ Marl
absent bioturbation. The rhythmites consist
of alternating laminae of carbonate (mainly r,,
aragonite) and clays. The laminated mud-
stones have a high organic matter content i Rhythmite (R)
and delicately preserved fossil remains (n) J
(leaves, insects, amphibia, etc.) are often G
recorded. The deposits of C 1 unit are very
uniform and cyclical sequences have not
been observed.
(C2) Sequences up to 150 m thick made up this
minor unit which mainly consists of sand-
stones, mudstones and conglomerates. Roots
These terrigenous deposits interfinger with
the C 1 and C3 minor units.
(C3) This minor unit is up to 200 m thick and
consists of laminated marls and organic- S5 Burrows
rich shales cyclically alternating with non-
laminated mudstones and marls. Rhythmite
beds (carbonate-clay couplets) also occur,
although less frequently than in the C 1 unit.
The oil shale and rhythmite deposits show q ~

the same general features as those observed

in C1 unit. Organic matter content in the ,-,0 G' Gastropods
laminated mudstones is variable but they
are often true oil shales. Outcrops of these P~
units are restricted to the western part of
the basin (Fig. 1). Macrophyte
Despite these minor units showing close stra- __~fJ
-- a
tigraphic relationships, they record rather diverse ,-,0
palaeoenvironmental conditions, varying from 9 9 9 Potamo, g e t o n
__ B seeds
alluvial (unit C2) to lacustrine (C1 and C3). In
broad outline when compared with unit B, the ~6
features of C1 and C3 deposits (oil shales and
thinly laminated rhythmites) reflect the occur- Charophytes
rence of relatively 'deeper' lacustrine conditions.

Cycfical sequences in the upper unit i Bioclastic

Well-developed, small-scale cyclical sequences a
few metres thick characterize the upper unit (C3) FIG. 3. Depositional cycles in the C3 unit at Cerro
in the western part of the basin. A 50-m thick Porpol. See Figs 1 and 2 for location.
Anoxic-oxic lacustrine sedimentation 357
Two main alternating facies assemblages have Bioturbation is frequent and burrows are often
been recognized in the cyclical sequences. One of filled by green clays. The biogenic content mainly
them consists of massive, non-laminated facies consists of exotic carbonaceous macrophyte
(a) and the other is mainly made up by laminated debris and ostracod shells, often reduced to casts
facies (b). These facies are sometimes intergra- by dissolution.
dational and their recognition is based on Grey bioturbated mudstones (a2). This facies
mineralogical, textural, sedimentological and mainly consists of massive, lumpy mudstones
sequential criteria. which make up beds from 0.5 to 4.5 m thick and
show a typical light greenish grey colour. Non-
stoichiometric dolomite and LMC are the main
Facies description
carbonate minerals. The former is clearly domi-
nant. Pyrite is frequent either as spots scattered
Non-laminated facies assemblage (a)
in mudstone or linked to bioturbation traces.
Two main rock types constitute this facies Quartz, feldspar and clay minerals (illite and
assemblage: white marls (al) and grey biotur- kaolinite) make up the bulk of the finer terrigen-
bated mudstones (a2). They mainly differ from ous fraction in this rock type. Coarser quartz
each other in their carbonate content, colour and grains up to 3 mm in size often appear floating in
relative position in the cyclical sequences. the mudstone.
White marls (al). This facies makes up whitish Bioturbation is always widespread and burrows
beds ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 m thick. The main can display a high bioclastic content. Moreover
carbonate minerals are low magnesium calcite at the top of the massive carbonate mudstone
( = L M C ) and non-stoichiometric dolomite in beds string-like, vertically arranged and some-
varying proportion. Low magnesium calcite is times bifurcated ferruginous traces, up to 1 mm
usually dominant but dolomite content can be up in diameter are common (Fig. 4). These biotur-
to 60% Scattered very fine quartz grains can be bation traces can occur at intervals of 0.03--0.3 m
observed in the matrix. Marl beds usually occur and may be attributed to subaqueous macrophyte
between an underlying laminated facies (b) and plant roots. At the top of these bioturbated beds
overlying grey bioturbated mudstones (a2). They often occur scattered fossil seeds of Potamogeton.
are rarely found as interbedded in laminated Thus root traces may be attributed to this sub-
facies. The upper contacts of the marl beds are aqueous plant. Other carbonaceous remains of
usually gradational into the overlying facies (a2). macrophytes are often recorded in the carbonate

FIG. 4. Sharp, erosive surface at the top of a non-laminated mudstone (a2) bed with subaqueous plant roots.
Erosive surface is crowded by Potamogetonseeds included in a thin sandy mudstone bed (bl). Scale bar = 1 cm.
358 P. Anad6n et al.
mudstones. Moreover, charophyte oogonia, mi- is the most frequent mineral but minor amounts
nor gastropod bioclasts and ostracods are the of H M C have also been recorded.
usual biogenic remains, sometimes preserved just Shales (b3). The bulk of the laminated se-
as casts. Bioclasts can be scattered in the fine quences consists of organic-rich, brown to dark
grained matrix or, as mentioned above, concen- grey shales. These occur either as very thin
trated in burrows. laminae alternating with clastic accumulations of
ostracods and Potamogeton seeds (facies b2) or as
individual beds up to 3 m thick. Organic matter
Laminated facies assemblage (b)
contents can be quite high and they can be
This facies assemblage includes a variety of finely considered oil shales. Bioturbation traces are very
laminated rock types. The presence of unstable scarce and horizontal burrows with iron sulphide
carbonate minerals (aragonite and high-magne- infilling have been observed locally. Carbona-
sium calcite (HMC)) distinguishes them also ceous vegetal debris, including very well pre-
from the homogeneous marls and mudstones. served fossil leaves (which are often concentrated
The sequences made up by these facies show a in thin beds or laminae), are abundant. Occasion-
sharp and sometimes slightly erosive base and ally thin shelled ostracods, rare gastropod shells
they range from 0.3 to 4.5 m in thickness. and Potamogeton seeds are scattered in the
The following rock types have been included mudstone. Articulated skeletons of Chelotriton
in the laminated facies assemblage (b): paradoxus (amphibia, Salamandridae) have also
Sandy mudstones (bl). Thin, faintly laminated been recorded (B. Sanchiz pers. comm.).
sandy mudstone beds with a relatively high Rhythmites (b4). Rhythmites mainly consist of
content of quartz grains commonly occur at the couplets of very thin white and dark laminae,
base of laminated sequences. The base of these respectively made up of carbonates and clays.
beds is sharp, sometimes even slightly erosive, The beds of this facies are from a few mm to
and overlies grey bioturbated mudstones (Fig. 4). 0.85 m thick (Fig. 5). Carbonate lamina thickness
The carbonate content of this facies consists of ranges from 35 txm to 0.1 mm, while clay laminae
LMC, although contents of HMC of up to 35% are from 0.01 to 1 mm thick. Sometimes rhyth-
have been recorded. Traction laminae, contain- mite facies grades into laminated marls (b5) with
ing ostracod shells, charophyte oogonia, vegetal interbedded clay laminae (see logs 1 and 5 in Fig.
debris and large amounts of Potamogeton seeds 6). Carbonate mineralogy in the white laminae is
are very common. not uniform. Low-magnesium calcite is in some
Bioclastic layers (b2). Laminae crowded mainly cases the only mineral present. More often it
by ostracod shells and other carbonate bioclasts occurs together with aragonite and/or HMC.
(charophyte remains) frequently occur. In some Aragonite can be in some cases the dominant
cases high concentrations of Potamogeton seeds mineral phase, while H M C is always subordinate.
and other plant remains are selectively accumu- Dolomite, when present, only accounts for a very
lated too. Clastic laminae range from less than 1 minor part of the carbonate content.
to 4 m m in thickness and they occur either Marls (b5). Finely stratified to laminated white
grouped and alternating with dark clay laminae marls often occur in the laminated parts of the
or isolated, interbedded in thick beds of organic- studied sequences. These marls make up laminae
rich shales (b3). The carbonate content in this or beds ranging from 1 mm to several metres in
facies is mainly biogenic. Low-magnesium calcite thickness. Scattered ostracod shells and bioclasts

FIG. 5. Rhythmite facies (b4) with a interbedded thin laminated marl bed. Rhythmite intervals consist of
carbonate-clay couplets. In this case calcite (LMC) is the dominant carbonate mineral, but minor amounts of
aragonite prisms have been recorded in SEM. Scale bar = 1 cm.
Anoxic-oxic lacustrine sedimentation 359
Q [__non-laminated
~ F Iorninated
@ | |
l~l 02 t,~,) o2 F~'~] u--) 02
02 ~_~-~- (~1_,_ b3-2 ol l-z-F-[
b4-5 T b5 ; b4
^ -_~ ~ b3
-:~ b2 b5-5
~---- "- b2 b4 I._ .~ J_
~ I
z---- ~ f bl ,'--~' b3-5 ~- -~
9 ._~

~- --: P--) J-
..L .a-
.a- .a_ i
-L- .a.I
b3-2 ..L-.
-L .a- I

b5 l b4 .-t-
-.t.. ~
b5 (~
2 ~ ~c ~ ...L ..x. _q
b4 L----------1 ~:/ b5
: P-',)
2_---CJ ol u-.~ -b ~ ..~ ..q

b 2 - 5 :7. - --___~ .-. ~ b2-5 b5 "--

.9. . . - ~ J-
~ 1

ol ~-,-~-~- - ~ bl b2 ~" b3-2 e~

I Im a2 ~

FIG. 6. Detailed logs of several cycles in the Cerro Porpol section. See Fig. 3 for legend and location in the
I "-')


and minor poorly preserved vegetal debris are

the most frequent palaeontological remains in
these deposits. ~ g
Thinner marl laminae and beds (up to 5 cm (D

thick) are always interbedded in the brown to

Z 0
dark grey shales which form most of the laminated c

sequences. Some of these thin marl beds show a Morl

chalky appearance and are devoid of lamination.
Carbonate content mainly consists of dolomite .~ ~ _,.[ OI [ ~ Rhythmite
(usually dominant) and LMC. Minor amounts of
aragonite also occur.
b4 -"- ""-" Ostrocods
Thicker laminated marl beds are interbedded I_0

in the dark shales or represent the dominant ~ b3

facies at the upper part of the laminated intervals. d b2 .... Polornogeton
In the latter case, the upper part of the laminated bl seeds
marl beds grades upwards into the base of the
non-laminated facies assemblage sequences. o2 ~ S~$S Burrows
Green clay and very thin detrital quartz laminae
are often interbedded in the marl beds. Carbonate
mainly consists of LMC and dolomite which can
5 ol Roots
be dominant. Aragonite and/or H M C also occur
frequently. FIG. 7. Composite ideal cyclical sequence inferred
from the observed cycles in the Cerro Porpol and other
outcrops in the western part of the basin.
Sequential facies analysis
The diverse facies here described succeed one
another cyclically (Fig. 6). From the detailed facies (a2) is always present and its contact to the
analysis of the studied section and overall laminated facies is always sharp and marked by
observations made on other cyclical sequences, a detrital and skeletal grain accumulations. Sandy
composite ideal cycle can be deduced, including mudstones (b 1) bioclastic accumulations (b2) and
all the facies here described (Fig. 7). shales (b3) are always the lowermost laminated
The real cycles recorded in the studied section facies in each cycle. Rhythmites (b4) and lami-
differ from the composite or ideal cycle, on the nated marls (b5) never occur in this sequential
basis of absence and or recurrence of some facies position. The sequential distribution pattern of
(Figs 3 and 6). The grey bioturbated mudstone these carbonate facies seems also related to the
36o P. Anad6n et al.
relative development of the cycles. Thus the CPI = Z~7 7 C2n + 1
thinner laminated episodes are in general devoid 17
Zn=7 C2n
of carbonate deposits. On the contrary rhythmite
deposits (b4) and laminated marls (b5) are are about 5. This high odd over even n-alkanes
especially well developed in the thicker cycles at predominance points to a good organic matter
the upper part of the section (Fig. 3). Non- preservation and poorly advanced diagenetic
laminated marls (a l) can be considered as evolution (McKirdy et al. 1983, Didyk et al.
transitional deposits between the laminated marls 1978). Presence of sterenes in the extractable
(b5) and the non-laminated grey mudstones (a2). organic matter corroborates the CPI interpreta-
tion (Gagosian & Farrington 1978). The pristane/
phytane ratio has been considered as indicative
Organic matter and carbonates in the cycles of the oxidizing or reducing conditions of the
depositional environment. This ratio in the
Carbonate mineralogy and organic matter analy- studied samples is about 0.5, showing that
sis provided useful data in order to establish a transformation took place in an anoxic environ-
first approach to the palaeolimnological condi- ment (Powell & McKirdy 1973; Cardoso &
tions which resulted in the sedimentation of the Chicarelli 1983) and recording a still early
lacustrine sequences as well as in their early diagenetic evolutionary stage (Costa 1983).
diagenetic evolution.

Organic matter
Organic matter content in the studied facies is
Carbonate mineralogy
very variable. Organic matter pyrolysis tests
made on samples of non-laminated facies show a Sediment mineralogy was determined by means
content of less than 5 l/t. The average organic of X-ray diffraction (XRD) supplemented by
matter content in the oil shales ranges from 20 to SEM and EDAX investigations. Clay mineralogy
40 l/t, with a maximum content of 70 1/t ( I G M E - was studied in the < 2 ~tm size by XRD. A semi-
CGS unpubl, data). Reyes & Feixas (1984) quantitative estimation of the individual carbon-
attributed kerogen included in the oil shales to ate minerals was made by comparing peak heights
the Type I of Tissot & Welte (1978). with prepared standards. Clay minerals (illite,
Several features reveal the source of the organic kaolinite) quartz and feldspars are the main
matter accumulated in the Rubielos de Mora components recorded among the terrigenous
lacustrine oil shales. Reyes & Feixas (1984) record elastics. Minor amounts of early diagenetic pyrite
Botryococcus, undetermined algal remains, pol- have also been identified (Fig. 8).
len, spores and amorphous materials in the oil Moreover, diverse carbonate contents have
shales. Moreover, macrophyte leaves and other been recorded through the studied section in the
carbonaceous vegetal debris are abundant. Sev- non-laminated, homogeneous facies as well as in
eral tree genera (Ulmus, Salix, Quercus and the laminated ones. Paper-thin carbonate lami-
Glyptostrobus) have been recorded on the basis of nations in rhythmites, laminated marls and
their fossil leaves (Fernfindez-Navarro 1914). On homogeneous marl layers are the most conspicu-
the other hand the widespread occurrence ous carbonate deposits. Calcite, dolomite, ara-
through the studied section of debris and seeds of gonite and magnesium calcite are the carbonate
littoral subaqueous macrophytes (Potamogeton) minerals recorded in these deposits (Table 1).
is outstanding. It may be especially significant These minerals are especially interesting in order
that at the base of the laminated sequences occur to establish a first approach to the study of the
dense accumulations of Potamogeton seeds (facies palaeolimnological conditions which resulted in
bl and b2). the sedimentation of the lacustrine sequences.
Preliminary studies of organic geochemistry Calcite (LMC) is present in all the described
carried out on the extractable organic matter lacustrine facies. Carbonate content in some of
from two samples of oil shales (facies b4) have the carbonate rhythmite laminae and thicker
shown (X. de las Heras pers. comm.) a high laminae, as well as in most of the bioclastic
content of n-alkanes in the C25-C33 range, laminae, exclusively consists of this mineral. In
maximizing at C3~. This data enables one to the mainly terrigenous facies LMC is largely
postulate a significant contribution from terres- biogenic and is restricted to bioclastic laminae
trial plant wax (Eglinton & Farrington 1967). and small-scale lenses. In the rhythmite lamina-
The carbon preference index values (Bray & tions and in the thicker carbonate laminae, LMC
Evans 1961): makes up very fine grained (less than 1 p,m), sub-
Anoxic-oxic lacustrine sedimentation 361
Non-stoichiometric dolomite (Mg-poor dolom-
ite: 4 2 - 4 6 ~ Mg) is usually present in significant
amounts in the non-laminated facies, where it is
exclusively associated to LMC. Carbonate lami-
nae interbedded in the oil shale layers display a
wider range of dolomite content (4-93~). In these
laminae dolomite always occurs together with
calcite. Aragonite and/or H M C may be present
too. Dolomite occurrence is rather scarce in
bioclastic laminae and the thinner carbonate
rhythmite laminae. No euhedral or subeuhedral
dolomite crystals have been detected by SEM in
samples where X R D showed that dolomite was
present in significant amounts. Anhedral crystals
are generally dominant.

Although a certain clastic input of allochthonous
FIG. 8. Early diagenetic framboidal pyrite in oil shale carbonates was likely to be fed into the lake it is
facies (b3). Scale bars = 10 gm. here assumed that most of these carbonates are
not terrigenous, but resulted from biogenic and/
euhedral to dominantly anhedral crystals. These
crystals may form small-scale aggregates. Large
polyhedral or blocky calcite crystals have not
been observed.
Magnesium calcite ( H M C up to 14~ tool Mg)
and aragonite are not present either in the non-
laminated terrigenous and carbonate facies or in
the bioclastic laminae. However they are often
present in carbonate laminations.
Aragonite is more frequent than H M C , whose
occurrence is rather scarce. Carbonates in some
of the carbonate rhythmite laminae and marl
laminae can consist of nearly 70~ aragonite.
Aragonite occurs associated with dolomite and/
or HMC. In those samples where X R D shows a
clear predominance of aragonite, characteristic
subeuhedral to euhedral aragonite prisms up to
3 ~tm long, have been observed in SEM (Fig. 9).
In a few cases diagenetic change from aragonite
prisms to very fine anhedral to subeuhedral L M C FIG. 9. Aragonite prisms in a carbonate laminae from
crystals have been observed. rhythmite facies (b4). Scale bars = 1 gm.

TABLE 1. Summary of carbonate content and mineralogy ranges

Non-laminated facies Laminated facies

al a2 bl b2 b3 b4 b5

Carbonate 64-71 40-48 25-60 20-65 10 42-90 45-75

LMC 39-88 65-100 (65)*-100 100 t 9-100 10-100
HMC -- -- - (35)* -- t 0-27 0-40
Dolomite 16-61 0-35 - (2.6)* -- t 0-7 0-93
Aragonite . . . . -~ 0-70 0-68
* Values within brackets correspond to percentages recorded only in one sample.
~"Presence of carbonate in gm thick interbedded laminae seen by SEM.
362 P. Anad6n et al.

or inorganic precipitation in the water column as must be established (i.e., diagenetic changes
well as from early diagenetic reactions in the lake induced by recent meteoric waters, possible
bottom sediment. This assumption is based on contribution of bicarbonate resulting from bac-
the following points. terial sulphate reduction and methanogenesis).
Anyway, according to the above mentioned facts,
(1) The carbonate mineralogical content of the
aragonite, some HMC and some LMC can be
nearer source area rocks (calcite and minor
interpreted as endogenic deposits precipitated in
dolomite) does not relate to the changes in
the upper zone of the lacustrine water column.
the carbonate mineral assemblages through
Dolomite, LMC and some HMC may be early
the sequences.
diagenetic and formed in the bottom sediment of
(2) Unstable mineral phases as HMC and ara-
the lake. Finally some calcite may have formed
gonite could not be derived from the Mesozoic
in late post-depositional diagenetic stages.
source rocks. Their preservation in the stud-
Carbonate mineral assemblages similar to
ied lacustrine sequences must result from
those described here have been recorded in
special diagenetic conditions.
several ancient and modern lacustrine deposits
(3) The frequently varved or more crudely lami-
(Miiller et al. 1972; Degens et al. 1973; Kelts &
nated arrangement of the carbonate domi-
Hsii 1978; Spencer et al. 1984; Talbot & Kelts
nated deposits, cannot be interpreted as the
1985). Despite the rather large quantitative
result of terrigenous event contributions.
variations observed, our carbonate mineral as-
(4) There is an absence of carbonate terrigenous
semblages fit quite well those resulting from
grains in SEM, despite the occurrence of very
sedimentary and early diagenetic processes de-
fine detrital quartz grains among the sheet-
veloped in alkaline lakes. Mineral composition
like clay grains.
of the carbonate deposits suggests the occurrence
(5) There is an absence of noticeable amounts of
of transition from LMC to HMC and aragonite
dolomite (at least more than 1~), not detected
mineral assemblages (b l, b2 to b5, b6). These
by XRD analysis, in those lacustrine facies
changes usually reflect evaporative concentration
where clear terrigenous inputs have been
of lake waters as well as increasing Mg concentra-
tion (Mfiller et al. 1972; Degens et al. 1973; Hsfi
Aragonite and/or HMC have been recorded in & Kelts 1978; Spencer et al. 1984) although early
several recent to late Neogene lacustrine se- diagenetic processes in organic-rich bottom sedi-
quences (Neev & Emery 1967; Begin et al. 1974; ments affecting carbonate mineralogy must also
Kelts & Hsii 1978; Spencer et al. 1984) but these be taken into account (Desborough 1978; Talbot
minerals (specially HMC), are rather unstable & Kelts 1985).
and rarely preserved in older sedimentary se-
quences despite its likely early occurrence (Des-
Model of cyclical sedimentation
borough 1978). The frequent occurrence of
aragonite and minor amounts of HMC in the The idealized lacustrine cycle defined above (Fig.
early Miocene lacustrine sequences described 7) enables us to establish a model of the
here is a remarkable phenomenon. This may be evolutionary trends of the lacustrine sedimenta-
attributed to the sheltering of the early carbonate tion in the basin during its latest lacustrine stage.
mineral assemblages by the 'dry' conditions This model is suggested on the basis of a complete,
resulting from the presence of oil shale deposits ideal cycle which would be formed by all the
and the clay deposits dominance (Lippmann recorded facies (Fig. 10). Of course more complex
1973). The very low thermal gradient which has and varied trends can be deduced from the real
affected the lacustrine sequences, as deduced cycles observed in the studied section. These
from the organic matter data, has probably cycles are very variable and so truncations and
contributed too. These conditions have been recurrences can alter the proposed ideal cyclical
emphasized to favour preservation of unstable lacustrine evolution (Fig. 6).
carbonate minerals (Lippmann 1973; Koch & Intense burrowing, low organic matter content,
Rothe 1985). absence of unstable carbonate minerals (HMC,
At present it has not been possible to precisely aragonite) and a widespread occurrence of dolo-
evaluate the amounts of carbonate linked either mite are the characteristic features of the non-
to early diagenetic or to endogenetic precipitation laminated facies (a). In broad outline, these facies
(Desborough 1978; Talbot & Kelts 1985). In developed under oxygenated bottom conditions
order to determine more accurately the real as is shown by the intense burrowing. Disturbance
importance of each kind of process the relative of sediment by bioturbation favoured the organic
influence exerted on the carbonate assemblages matter decay under oxidizing conditions. These
by diverse late and early diagenetic processes early diagenetic conditions precluded the devel-
Ano xic-o xic lacustrine sedimentation 363
Carbonate minerals F A C I E S

1 ...... env,ronmen,
. . . .

b~_ rhythmites ear,y aoae,o ioI ____

c~ I b3 mudstones(oil shale ~,a0enes,s I~----~
E b_z biodastic accurr

9 mudstones ae
('/ -- bottom

o /a 1 marls anaerobic diagenesis ~[ II )) 1~


FIG. 10. Main sedimentological features and interpretation of the ideal composite cyclical sequence resulting
from alternating oxic-anoxic bottom conditions. * Indicates occasional occurrence of carbonate minerals in
interbedded laminae within oil shales.

opment of the 'dry conditions' needed for preser- LMC in the facies developed during early
vation of early unstable carbonate minerals transgressive stages.
possibly formed (Lippmann 1973; Koch & Rothe Similar facies relationships, revealing increas-
1985). The dolomite content of these facies may ing energy conditions linked to transgressive
indicate the early occurrence of these unstable lacustrine stages, have been previously described.
carbonate precursors. The striking occurrence of Singh et al. (1981) record, as related to lacustrine
root bioturbation and the abundance of Potamo- transgressive events, the sandy and shelly deposits
geton seeds at the top of the non-laminated grey overlying disconformities in Lake George Qua-
mudstone beds (a2) record occasional shallowing ternary deposits (south-east Australia). Flat peb-
upwards trends involving a change from oxic, ble conglomerates and lime sandstones
aphotic bottom conditions to oxic, photic condi- underlying oil shale facies were also interpreted
tions under which littoral subaqueous macro- in a similar way in the cycles of the Wilkins Peak
phytes could proliferate. Member of the Green River Formation (Eugster
The beds consisting of non-laminated facies & Hardie 1975).
(a) are overlain by laminated facies deposits (b). The detrital episodes recorded by bl and b2
The contact between these facies is sharp, fiat, laminated facies are followed by oil shale (b3),
sometimes slightly erosive. This fact is empha- rhythmite (b4) and laminated marl (b5) facies.
sized by the occurrence in the lower parts of the Thin laminations, sometimes arranged as rhyth-
laminated episodes of larger amounts ofreworked mites, very scarce or absent bioturbation and
components (mainly quartz grains, skeletal debris preservation of delicate fossil remains (macro-
and Potamogeton seeds) than in the underlying phyte leaves, insects, articulated amphibia skele-
grey bioturbated mudstones (a2). Laminated tons, etc.) show that these facies were deposited
facies closely related with the contact (bl-b2) under anoxic bottom conditions. High contents
were deposited by tractive currents and resulted of organic matter (preserved in an early diage-
from a mechanical accumulation under high netic stage under the mentioned anaerobic bot-
energy conditions. On the other hand an early tom conditions) and preservation of unstable
exclusive occurrence of LMC and very low carbonate minerals (HMC and aragonite) are
amounts of dolomite (perhaps reworked) charac- also distinctive features of these facies. The
terize these facies too. These features suggest that noticeable thickness of some of the beds made up
b 1 and b2 facies developed as a consequence of a by these laminated facies (up to 4.5 m) suggests
lacustrine 'transgression' which in turn could that the lake water mass was quite permanently
result from an increase in the volume of the lake stratified (meromictic lake). However short epi-
waters. Increasing volume probably led to an sodes of intensive burrowing, very sparsely found
increase of depth and to a decrease in the solute in the laminated beds, could record inputs of
concentration in the lake water, the latter oxygenated water from the mixolimnion, linked
resulting in the nearly exclusive occurrence of to turbiditic flows. These flows might be related
364 P. Anad6n et al.
with mass flow deposits similar to those recorded Low organic matter content and absence of
in older lacustrine facies from eastern basin areas unstable carbonate minerals enable one to record
(subaqueous debris flows and olisthostromes; the rather different sedimentary conditions in
Anad6n 1983). relation to the underlying laminated facies. In
The occurrence ofoil shale facies (b3) overlying any case the sedimentary record observed in the
the detrital laminated episodes made up of facies studied sequences reveals neither any kind of
bl and b2 sustain the development of transgres- evaporitic saline deposits nor dessication fea-
sive stages in the lacustrine basin. The rising of tures. So a permanent lake remained in the basin
water level would favour stratification of the even during the culminating stages of the lacus-
bottom water mass and/or rising of the oxycline. trine shrinkage.
As a consequence, the sedimentation of organic-
rich mudstones develops in the anoxic lake
On the other hand the transition from oil shales In broad outline the lacustrine sequences studied
to rhythmite (b4) and laminated marl facies (b5) in the Rubielos de Mora Basin display an
record a progressive concentration of solute in evolutionary trend similar to others recorded in
the lake waters. The carbonate mineralogy several modern and ancient lakes (Eugster &
(HMC, aragonite and dolomite) of the laminated Hardie 1975, 1978; Surdam & Stanley 1979;
facies which made up the upper part of the cycles Ryder et al. 1976; Last & Slezak in press).
can be interpreted as a result of evaporative Cyclically arranged lacustrine sequences from
concentration in an alkaline lake. In some cases the Wilkins Peak Member (Eocene Green River
oil shales with interbedded carbonate laminae Formation; Eugster & Hardie 1975) show a
(rhythmites) pass upwards to laminated marl certain resemblance when compared with the
deposits (b5). High-magnesium calcite and ara- studied sequences. In both cases organic-rich oil
gonite, which probably record a more concen- shales occur sequentially related with deposits
trated water stage, form laminated deposits. The which record retraction phases during lacustrine
frequent varved-like pattern of the carbonate- evolution. However several conspicuous differ-
clay couplets could be caused by the alternation ences can be established between both case
of carbonate precipitation and very fine terrigen- studies. Sedimentation of Wilkins Peak Member
ous contributions. Carbonate precipitation could oil shales was frequently terminated by rapid
be generated in the water column either by algal- desiccation resulting in evaporite deposition or
blooms or by mixing of waters of diverse salinity. in sedimentation of carbonate mudstones display-
In any case, it is difficult to be precise about the ing well-developed subaerial exposure features
possible seasonality and/or cyclical frequence of (Eugster & Hardie 1975, 1978; Eugster 1985). On
these processes. the contrary, in the Rubielos de Mora Basin
Evaporative concentration was probably laminated oil shales are overlain by deposits with
linked to a water level drop, with reduction of a gradually larger carbonate content. These
water volume, as is indicated by the overlying deposits record a process of evaporative concen-
non-laminated bioturbated white marls (al) as tration linked to a water level drop. However,
well as by widespread quartz sand laminae evaporite deposits, emersion traces or any other
interbedded in the laminated marls (b5). These sedimentological features which could indicate
sandy laminae probably record the basin-ward extremely severe lacustrine restriction, have not
spreading of the terrigenous contributions which been recorded in the studied cyclical sequences.
resulted from the lowering of the base level in the The cyclically alternating oxic and anoxic
lacustrine basin. The occurrence of oil shale bottom conditions in some of the areas of the
deposits overlain by facies which record lacus- Rubielos de Mora Basin have alternative inter-
trine contraction has been recorded by several pretations.
authors. In extreme cases evaporites are the
(1) Sequences record alternation of holomictic
deposits which result from contraction from
(seasonally stratified) and meromictic (per-
larger, deeper and fresher lakes to more saline
manently stratified) stages during the history
conditions (Eugster 1985, p. 621) and dessication
of the lake.
features can appear at the top of the sequences.
(2) Sequences are the result of alternate rises and
In the Rubielos de Mora lacustrine cycles the
falls of the oxycline which would have affected
bioturbated marls (al) reflect the pronounced
the sublittoral, marginal zone of a meromictic
change from anoxic bottom conditions to oxic
conditions during the culminating phase of the
lake level drop. At this point the initial conditions Some ancient examples referable to the first
of the ideal cycle would have been reached again. alternative have been discussed by Boyer (1981),
Anoxic-oxic lacustrine sedimentation 365
who postulated the occurrence of ectogenic Basin were strongly influenced by tectonic evo-
meromixis to explain the alternation of holomic- lution. Alluvial and lacustrine deposits of units A
tic and meromictic conditions in several shallow and B record the beginning of differential
lacustrine sequences. However, the stratigraphic subsidence along the faults which bounded the
relationships between the diverse sequences basin. An increase in tectonic activity along the
observed in the basin, suggest that the second southern, steep basin margin, during sedimenta-
alternative is more convincing, at least for the tion of unit C, is recorded by frequent occurrence
lower parts of the unit C (Fig. 2). In fact, these of slumps, olistholiths and chaotic breccia facies
lower cyclical sequences in the western zones of affecting the thick, non-cyclical oil shale deposits
the basin are laterally equivalent to thick, uniform deposited in the eastern parts of the basin. This
laminated oil shale sequences. This lateral rela- increasing tectonic activity may have resulted in
tionship would reflect the existence of deep, a larger subsidence rate unbalanced by sedimen-
permanently stratified waters, fringed by shal- tation. As a result a deepening of the basin, could
lower sublittoral areas into which anoxic bottom favour the stratification of the water column.
conditions occasionally spread (shifting anaero- During the early and middle Miocene the
biosis). general tectonic and climatologic setting of the
From this point of view the environmental lacustrine Rubielos de Mora Basin was suitable
evolution which led to the sedimentation of the for the development of permanently stratified
lacustrine sequences of the unit C would show a (meromictic) lakes. Rifting processes (Vegas et
better resemblance with the oil shale bearing al. 1980) resulted in formation of rapidly subsid-
sequences of the Piceance Creek and Uinta ing half-grabens where relatively deep lacustrine
Basins and the Laney Member of the Green basins could develop. Moreover stratification of
River Basin (Eugster 1985; Ryder et al. 1976). In lacustrine waters could be enhanced by the
these sequences evaporitic episodes were less climatological conditions. Thus, warm subtropi-
frequent and less intense than in the Wilkins cal to tropical climatic regimes were well estab-
Peak Member, and lacustrine evolution was lished by the early to middle Miocene in the
steady enough to result in sedimentation of thick north-western Mediterranean area (Bessedik
oil shales deposits (Eugster 1985). In any case, 1985).
the regressive stages observed in the Rubielos de The later tectonic evolution of the Rubielos de
Mora sequences, although resulting in saline Mora Basin did not favour the generation of
conditions which enhanced precipitation of ara- mature oil. Low pressure and temperature con-
gonite and HMC, did not lead to strong evaporite ditions prevented oil maturation. However, in
sedimentation. On the other hand, taking into structural settings where adequate burial condi-
account the size and general geometric features tions could develop, small basins similar to the
of the Rubielos de Mora Basin (a relatively small, Rubielos de Mora half-graben could give rise to
assymetrical half-graben) it is improbable that significant amounts of mature oil.
extensive playa areas developed around the inner
lacustrine zone during lacustrine regression. This
fact is a quite distinguishing feature between the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We wish to thank X. de las
Heras for organic geochemistry analyses. We are
general settings of the sequences developed at the grateful to Drs. P. A. Allen, K. Kelts and A. Matter
Wilkins Peak Member and the Rubielos de Mora who provided thoughtful suggestions and criticisms on
Basin. an earlier version of the manuscript. This work has
The sedimentary evolution as well as the received financial support from the CSIC-CAICVT
diagenetic conditions in the Rubielos de Mora Research no. ID 851.

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Hsf2, K. J. & KELTS, K. 1978. Late Neogene chemical and Occurrence. Springer-Verlag, New York,
sedimentation in the Black Sea. In: MATTER, A. & 538 pp.
Anoxic-oxic lacustrine sedimentation 367
VEGAS, R., FONTBOTf~, J. M. & BANDA, E. 1980. ium; Evolution and Tectonics of the Western
Widespread Neogene rifling superimposed on Mediterranean and Surrounding Areas. Publica-
Alpine regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Proceed- ciones del Instituto Geografico Nacional, Madrid,
ings of the European Geophysical Society Sympos- 201, 109-128.

P. ANADON& R. JULIA, Institut 'Jaume Almera' C.S.I.C., C/.Marti i Franqu6s s.n., 08028
Barcelona, Spain.
L. CABRERA,Departament de Geologia Din~tmica Geofisica i Paleontologia, Facultat de
Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.
Sand turbidites and organic-rich diatomaceous muds from Lake
Malawi, Central Africa

R. Crossley & B. Owen

S U M M A RY: Seven cores taken from 350 m water depth are described, near the foot of a
rift valley boundary fault, in the anoxic hypolimnionof Lake Malawi. The sediments average
29% sand turbidites, 18~ largely undisturbed 'pelagic' mud and 53% 'pelagic' mud disturbed
by slumping and bottom currents. Diatom-rich laminae can be correlated between cores and
comparison of the lithostratigraphy with limnological records permits age estimation. Sand
turbidite bed thickness/maximum grain size ratios are also examined. Blooms of
phytoplankton production appear to have made a major contribution to the organic-carbon
content in the undisturbed 'pelagic' muds.

Introduction depth in Lake Malawi (Fig. 1a; site x). They also
describe a 2.9 m core, from site 12 in a water
Biologically productive lakes with extensive areas depth of 1190 m in the North Basin of Lake
of anoxic bottom waters, such as Lakes Malawi Tanganyika, with a mean organic carbon content
and Tanganyika, seem to offer good sites for of 5.8% (SD = 1.66). The lithologies of both cores
deposition of sediments with source-rock poten- reportedly comprise finely laminated units in-
tial (Desmaison & Moore 1980; Crossley 1984). terbedded with turbidites.
A mean organic carbon content of 4.7% The organic carbon percentages suggest that
(SD=I.01) is reported by Heckey & Degens these sediments might offer potential as economic
(1973) for a 2.4 m core obtained from 550 m hydrocarbon sources. Interestingly, an African
Lakes Corporation steamer captain reportedly
referred to 'the presence of jets of petroleum in
a 35~ b the vicinity of Lake T a n g a n y i k a . . . ' (Anon 1896)
10 km
and a seep of crude oil has recently been found
I0~ on that lake (Rosendahl 1984).
9 USISYA We obtained a box core and six gravity cores
LIEHISI x,~ FAULT from 350 m water depth off N k h a t a Bay in Lake
Malawi, at sites approximately 10 km from the
RIVER~ )~ NKHATA core locality of Heckey & Degens (1973) (Fig. 1).
BASIN L F v ~ ~''" BAY
The coring sites are close to the N k h a t a Bay
RIVER %.y" I ~ standard limnological station and are within the
IKl~ BASIN "~ ". anoxic hypolimnion.
BA c
The aims are: (1) to describe the sediments in
q order to assist identification of equivalents in the
S 90;BB geologic record; (2)to examine whether diatom
RIVER~ ~ , ' , ,, 87"..,,B9 sedimentation can be correlated with recorded
limnological/biological data, and whether dia-
350m tom-rich laminae can be used to correlate between
cores; and (3) to interpret the deposits in terms of
NKHATA ? ". ", i00m sedimentary processes.
200-50~ 0 1 2 3kin Methods
i i i i
The gravity corer consisted of 2 m long, 50 mm
diameter, PVC pipes and a weight stand made
FIG. 1. Lake Malawi. (a) Depth contours, core site of
Heckey & Degens (1973) indicated by filled circle at from Landrover brake-drums. The pipe ran
site x. (b) Main drainage basins entering the lake at through the weight stand to prevent excess
Nkhata Bay and location of Usisya fault (Crossley, penetration and no valve or other core-retention
1984). (c) Depth contours off Nkhata Bay and location system was used lest it cause elevated water
of core sites. pressure within the pipe that might 'blow away'

From: FLEET,A. J., KELTS,K. & TALBOT,M. R. (eds), 1988, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, 369
Geological Society Special Publication No. 40, pp. 369-374.
370 R. Crossley & B. Owen
the sediment surface. The top few millimetres of 92 91 49 89 87 88 90
the gravity cores were disturbed, but not lost, 0-

during lake to ship transfer. The box core was
obtained using a 150 mm square Eckman dredge.
The top few millimetres of the box core were lost.
The cores were kept vertical during transport
to the laboratory. They were allowed to air-dry 10-
and the box core was additionally dried in an
oven at 60~ Differential shrinkage caused the
cores to split along lithological boundaries and
also to crack approximately perpendicular to
lamination. The lithology was described by R.C. 20-
using a binocular microscope, by scanning the
entire surface of successive peeled-offlaminae, or
by examining several cross-sections of successive
layers where 'peeling' proved impractical. All
colours are described for dry sediment using 30-
Munsell colour charts.
Larger clastic grains, arthropod remains and
diatom frustules tended to protrude from the
shrunken surfaces, thereby facilitating identifi-
cation. Size measurements were made using an t,0_
eyepiece graticule. Identification and qualitative
estimates were made of relative abundances of
the diatoms from selected subsamples. (The
researcher was not provided with the strati-
graphic context of the subsamples since this 50-
might have influenced his abundance estimates.)

The gravity cores can be subdivided into mud 60-
and sand units (Fig. 2). The box core, and the top Em
70 mm of each gravity core, was examined in FIG. 2. Core logs showing mud (black) and sand
detail and three principal types of lithologic units (stippled).
were differentiated: sands, laminated muds and
unlaminated muds (Figs 3 and 4). The main
features of these sedimentary units are described noted. Mica flakes are generally angular, but
below. heavily abraded flakes are also present.
Carbonized and non-carbonized plant debris,
Sand beds chitinous arthropod exoskeletons and fish bones
Sand beds fine upwards, in some cases into fine are present though usually in fragmented states.
sand and in others into mud. Two of the beds Complete remains of arthropods are preserved,
show erosional bases which locally cut at least however, in the muddy tops of two units. Partially
2 mm into underlying laminae. The lower part of decomposed plant fragments are abundant in
each sand unit is unlaminated and contained some sand units. Planktonic diatom frustules
mica flakes are often imbricated at steep angles. occur throughout. Frustules of the littoral diatoms
The mid-parts of some sand beds show continuous Cymbella turgida, Epithemia zebra, Rhopalodia
or discontinuous parallel lamination and cross gracilis, Amphora ovalis, Hantzchia amphioxis and
lamination occurs in the upper part of two beds. Synedra ulna are rare. Littoral diatoms were not
The sands are composed primarily of mica found in the other types of deposits.
(mainly biotite), quartz and feldspar. Quartz and
feldspar grains range up to 0.6 mm diameter
Laminated mud units
whilst mica flakes are up to 0.8 mm across. Grains
of pyroxene, amphibole and garnet are present. Laminae thicknesses reach 1 mm. Three types of
The quartz and feldspar grains are usually laminae are distinguished: (1) white, pure diatom
angular, though a few sub-rounded grains were deposits to pale-grey diatom-rich detrital muds;
Sand turbidites and organic-rich diatomaceous muds 371
(2) pale olive to grey diatom-rich detrital mud;
and (3) rare, dark brown organic matter.
The pure diatom laminae generally contain
Z L.J ~,, ~ C) u_
.~ 5- rnz rare flakes of mica up to 0.15 mm diameter. The
dark brown laminae suffered shrinkage in excess
+ ~ o ~ o ~
N J-- " ' -- ~ ,~ of 7 0 ~ upon drying, which produced conchoidal
fracturing. When placed in 2 0 ~ hydrogen per-
m ~
~'- (21 ~ ~[ rr~ C:~ C ~ C~. ~'-c~Z .~ u_ --
oxide, the dark brown components of the organic
matter laminae oxidize rapidly, leaving an or-
10 ange, birefringent, flakey residue which oxidizes
~._~ slowly. Mica flakes up to 0.15 mm diameter and
J diatom frustules occur only rarely in these

20- ---se" laminae.

The diatomaceous muds are the richest in non-
diatom fossils; fragile carbonized plant remains
are common, insect and copepod exoskeletons
retaining fine hair-like appendages are present,
pupal cases of Chaoborus or Chironomus, insect
30 wings, fish bones and pollen grains occur rarely.
Faecal pellets composed of remains of diatoms,
crustacea and fish are also present.

Other mud units
Two types can be distinguished. Type A is
pinkish to yellowish brown stained, and shows
50- parallel orientation of micas and other platey or
elongate clasts. Diatom preservation is poor.
~ ....
Mica grain sizes are coarsest (0.5 mm) at the base
of some beds. Fragile organic remains are absent.
Type B is pale grey and either homogeneous or
shows indistinct wavy lamination defined by
irregular patches of diatom enrichment. De-
formed diatomite laminae occur near the bases
of some beds. Diatom preservation varies from
good to poor, and fragile organic remains are

LL . c, .... i

m m

FIG. 3. Detailed log of box core 49. Key: A--size of

i mica clasts, scale in 0.2 mm units; B--size of quartz
and feldspar clasts, scale in 0.1 mm units; C--
.... i
sedimentary structures, thick wavy lines = erosive
base, parallel lines = continuous and discontinuous
parallel lamination, wavy lines = discontinuous wavy
9 .... lamination; D--filled circles = vivianite, open
circles = carbonate; E--black = dark brown organic
100 matter laminae; F--black = diatomite and diatom-
rich laminae; G--diatom subsamples and abundance,
with units representing sparse, common and
abundant; H--diatom preservation, with units
t:i D 9 i ~ l m
representing all broken, some whole, many whole,
" Tc DE F G H I most whole; I--abundance of main diatom genera,
with units representing sparse, common, abundant;
J--interpretation, blank = undisturbed 'pelagic'
sediment, stipple = sand turbidites,
squiggles = disturbed 'pelagic' sediment.
372 R. Crossley & B. Owen
A uthigenic minerals press). It is therefore possible that the undisturbed
diatomite laminae in the cores represent these
Blue-green vivianite generally occurs as irregular
blooms. Scant records suggest that the diatoms
patches, sometimes coating fragments of fish
bone. It is particularly common on or in the dark
Stephanodiscus, Melosira and Surirella are com-
mon members of the phytoplankton community
brown organic matter laminae and in Type A
of N k h a t a Bay (Illes 1960; Eccles 1964). Degnbol
mud units. A 2.5 mm diameter 'rosette' of
& Mapila (1982) also record Melosira off N k h a t a
vivianite occurs in one Type A unit and a 0.5 mm
Bay in 1978 and 1979, but Heckey & Kling (in
diameter 'rosette' occurs in a sand unit. Carbon-
press) report that in 1980 Nitschia and Stephan-
ate, occurring as 0.5 mm diameter clusters of
white polyhedra about 0.03 mm across, rests
odiscus were prominent, and Melosira was rare.
Our coring was undertaken at the end of
directly on diatomite laminae at 20 and 79 mm
December, 1985, so undisturbed diatomite lam-
depths in the box core. Carbonate also occurs at
ina number 5 (Fig. 4) might be expected to
60 mm depth in the box core, as a single lamina
represent the 1980 diatom population maxima.
about 0.2 mm thick.
The prominence of Nitschia in this lamina is
compatible with the 1980 records, though Ste-
Correlation with limnological records phanodiscus seems to be under represented in the
deposit. It may be that the lamina is largely
The limited data available suggest that the derived from a major Nitschia bloom that oc-
diatoms of Lake Malawi bloom during April to curred between the monthly sampling intervals
September (Tailing 1969; Heckey & Kling in used by Heckey & Kling (in press).

92 91 1.9 89 87 88 90
mmI"I I ~_ L_______O
ST_ ~ - I


60~ 6

i l I I I I I I I I I

N m N i xxxxxxxxxxx I

Hi n

- ' - ' xxxxxxxxxx l i m n n i l

i m m R xxxxxxxxxxx I i xxxxxxxxxxxx

i i n I i i 9 U nJ u

~ 1 I i i ! i i I I / I I i I i i I I /

~ ~- , --- m m 9 m

92 91 49 89 87 88 90
FIG. 4. Log of the upper parts of all cores, with diatom-rich laminae in white, diatomaceous mud in black, and
sand stippled. The relative percentages of Melosira (M), Stephanodiscus(S) and Nitschia (N), in each diatom-rich
lamina are also shown. On the basis of these percentages, and positions in the cores, six diatom laminae can be
correlated between cores. Absence of any of these six laminae in a core is indicated by crosses.
S a n d turbidites a n d organic-rich diatomaceous m u d s 373

Correlation between cores ical records indicate that total pelagic zooplank-
Correlations were made between the upper parts ton numbers did not, in 1980, show any major
of the cores using diatomite laminae (Fig. 4). Six seasonal variations (Degnbol & Mapila 1982). If
laminae were used in the correlation, but they this is typical, their association with the diato-
were not all present in all cores. The absence of maceous muds would suggest that these units
laminae in cores 88 and 89 is attributed to erosion represent much of the annual pelagic 'rain'. The
or slumping since the muds at the positions where rivers entering the lake in the Nkhata Bay area
the laminae might be expected are of Type A or carry significant quantities of sediment only
Type B character (see interpretations later). during and immediately after major rainstorms.
Additional diatomite laminae are also present Their sediment inputs are therefore limited to the
in some cores. These laminae are thought to be November to April wet season. It seems probable
the result of resuspension/redeposition by bottom that much of the terrigenous mud fraction is
currents because: the diatoms they contain are deposited during this period. However, strong
often poorly preserved; the proportions of genera easterly winds in August and September drive
in the laminae may be evenly mixed (rather than waves that remobilize substantial amounts of
dominated by a single genus as in the other six sediment in bays protected from the prevailing
laminae); the proportions of genera in the laminae southerly and northerly winds and this might
tend to vary substantially from core to core. provide a second mud source.

Other mud units

Interpretation of the lithologic units
Type A mud units are interpreted as the results
Sand beds of reworking by bottom currents. Muds of this
type occur above and below diatomite number 5
These are interpreted as turbidites in the light of in all seven cores, which suggests that bottom
their fining-upwards textures and sedimentary currents may at times be widespread and may
structures. The presence in some units of heavily follow the bathymetric contours. There is some
abraded mica flakes, partially decomposed plant evidence that a deep south-bound return current
debris and littoral diatoms, suggest that these may develop off Nkhata Bay during periods of
turbidity currents originated in shallow water. strong southerly winds: a Fisheries Department
long-line, anchored in 150 m of water off Nkhata
Laminated muds Bay, broke free and drifted several kilometres
southwards on one such occasion (J. Mweni-
The laminated muds represent largely undis-
fumbo, pers. comm.) despite strong southerly
turbed sediments deposited from suspension
(though evidence for some redeposition of dia-
Type B mud units might be the result of
toms within the laminated mud units was noted
slumping of pelagic deposits, possibly from the
earlier). Correlation with the limnological records
submerged section of the Nkhata Bay fault scarp.
suggests that the diatomite laminae represent
annual blooms. Rapid sedimentation from a
single major diatom bloom, rather than the Discussion
integration of several months of diatom 'rain', is In terms of position relative to sediment source,
suggested by the monogeneric dominance of the and in terms of basin floor gradient, the core sites
laminae, and by the paucity of remains of can be considered proximal. The bed thickness/
arthropods, fish, carbonized plant debris and grain size relationships found (Fig. 5) straddle
mica flakes. The presence of carbonate polyhedra the field of thin proximal and distal turbidites
on two diatomite laminae may indicate that the reported by Sadler (1982). In contrast however,
photosynthesizing diatoms occasionally caused Sadler's proximal examples showed a graded
supersaturation of carbonate in the epilimnion. Bouma A-division with a rippled top and no
Dark brown organic laminae contain few internal lamination, whereas the sands off
diatom frustules and mica flakes, suggesting Nkhata Bay often additionally show internal
rapid deposition. Determining the nature of the parallel lamination.
organic matter was not achieved, although chlo- We had expected that diatom frustules would
rophyta, cyanophyta or bacteria all seem possible. suffer substantial damage during turbidity current
The four thickest dark laminae all succeed flow, but the diatoms in some sand units show
important diatomite laminae perhaps suggesting moderate to good preservation. This suggests that
unusual bursts of biological activity. grain-grain collisions within the turbidity cur-
The diatomaceous muds contain most of the rents are insufficiently powerful or numerous to
arthropod remains and faecal pellets. Limnolog- break a significant proportion of diatom frustules.
374 R. Crossley & B. O wen
The average contents of the different types of
10 deposit forming in the largely undisturbed 'pe-
THIN lagic' mud are: 30% diatomite, 5% dark brown
organic laminae and 65% diatomaceous mud.
M a n y forms of organic carbon are deposited in
these sediments: diatoms; dark brown organic
matter; arthropod exoskeletons, wings and pupal
cases; carbonized plant remains; and faecal
pellets. We have presented evidence that the
T , HIN diatomites and organic matter laminae result
from events of short duration, such as major
= ~ 0.1"
plankton blooms. Since the resulting deposits
<to form 35% of the total'pelagic' sediment thickness,
these events are very important--particularly in
depositing organic carbon.
Consequently, part of the explanation for the
1 10 100 cm high organic carbon content of these sediments
BED THICKNESS may lie in 'bursts' of phytoplankton production
FIG. 5. Maximum grain size (quartz and feldspar that overwhelm the feeding capacity of the
clasts) and bed thickness relations for turbidites off zooplankton. As a result, an unusually large
Nkhata Bay. Fields of'proximal' and 'distal' thin quantity of carbon settles into the hypolimnion.
turbidites reported by Sadler (1982) are also shown.
The relative inefficiency of freshwater fermenta-
tion processes (Desmaison & Moore 1980) then
The average annual sedimentation rate over permits a large proportion of this carbon to be
the last 5 years at these sites was 8 mm (dry preserved in the sediment.
thickness). The composition of the sediment at
the sites averages 29% sand turbidites, 18%
largely undisturbed 'pelagic' mud and 53% dis- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:We are grateful to the Univer-
turbed 'pelagic' mud (on dry thickness basis). sity of Malawi, Amoco Production Co., and Bob
Raynolds, for funding and equipment. The Malawi
Recognition of disturbed mud units is difficult. Fisheries Department kindly allowed us to use their
Failure to appreciate the large quantity of boat and Tony Seymour provided crucial assistance at
reworked microfossils in these sediments might Nkhata Bay. Comments by G. Lister materially
cause erroneous palaeoenvironmental/palaeocli- improved the paper and Robertson Research Ltd.
matic interpretations. helped with manuscript preparation.

ANON 1896. The proposed railway route Chiromo to Holocene chemical stratigraphy and palaeolimnol-
Blantyre. The Central African Planter, 132 pp. ogy of the Rift Valley Lakes of Central Africa.
CROSSLEY, R. 1984. Controls of sedimentation in the Technical Report of Wood's Hole Oceanographic
Malawi Rift Valley, Central Africa. Sedimentary Institute, 73-28.
Geology, 40, 33-50. - - & KLING, H. J. (in press). Phytoplankton of t h e
DEGNBOL, P. & MAPILA,S. 1982. Limnological obser- great lakes in the western rift valley of Africa.
vations on the pelagic zone of Lake Malawi from Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, Bichiifte.
1970 to 1981. In: Biological Studies on the Pelagic ILLES, T. O. 1960. Activities of the Organisation in
Ecosystem of Lake Malawi, FAO, Rome, ref: Nyasaland. In: Annual Report of the Joint Fisheries
FI :DP/MLW/75/019, 5-47. Research Organisation, Northern Rhodesia, 9, 7-41.
ROSENDAHL, B. R. 1984. Exploring the rift lakes of
DESMAISON, G. T. & MOORE, G. T. 1980. Anoxic Africa. Topic, 148, 9-13.
environments and oil source genesis. Bulletin of the SADLER, P. M. 1982. Bed-thickness and grain size of
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 64, turbidites. Sedimentology, 29, 37-51.
1179-1209. TALLING,J. F. 1969. The incidence of vertical mixing,
ECCLES,D. H. 1964. Research results, Lake Nyassa. In: and some biological and chemical consequences,
Annual Report of the Joint Fisheries Research in tropical African lakes. Verhandlungen der Inter-
Organisation, Northern Rhodesia, 10, 51-58. nationale Vereinigung fur theoretische und ange-
HECKEY,R. E. & DEGENS,E. T. 1973. Late Pleistocene- wandte Limnologie, 17, 998-1012.
R. CROSSLEY* • B. OWEN, Department of Geography & Earth Sciences, University of
Malawi, P.O. Box 280, Zomba, Malawi, Central Africa.
*Present address: Robertson Research International Limited, Llandudno, Gwynedd
LL30 1SA, UK.

Pages on which figures appear are printed in italic, and those with tables in bold

Achanarras fish bed, Orcadian Basin 176 anoxia 14, 253

aeolian activity, ephemeral lakes 48 deep meromictic oligo- to hypersaline lakes 20
aeolian dust, wind change records 32 seasonal 15
aeolian processes, and dry lakes 48 shortterm 19
African lakes anoxic bottom conditions 347, 349, 364
modern phytoplankton production in 27 anoxic bottom waters 15,252, 253,272, 274, 369
recent viii anoxic conditions 316
tropical, stratification state 33 Thai Basin lakes 347
Albert, Lake anoxic depositional conditions 304
clay mineral composition 141 anoxic event, late Miocene 123
mineral assemblages 144 anoxic lake (deep) model, lacustrine source rock
Aleksinac Formation 89 accumulation 29-30
algae 13, 48, 49, 107, 108, 283,296, 301,312, 330, 349 anoxic processes 19
benthic 233 anoxic/oxic bottom conditions, interpretations 364
blue-green 13, 37, 88, 195, 240, 250 aquatic productivity 13-14
calcified 226 aragonite 356, 358, 360, 361,362, 363, 364
chlorophytic 226 aragonite precipitation 365
cyanophitic 226 Aranguadi, Lake (Ethiopia Rift) 15
detrital 226 archaebacteria 110-11,320
dinoflagellate 301 methanogenic 187
and dolomicrite genesis 208 tolerant of high salinity 304
epipelic 174 arctic lakes 14
green 16, 21, 37, 117, 299, 301,327, 335,338 Artemia 18
periphytonic 231 arthropods 370, 373, 374
planktonic 214, 250 shelled 343
salt-tolerant 16 asphaltanes 71
as sterolsource 113-14 asphaltenes 71,184, 296, 313
suitable preservation conditions 233 asphaltite, non-waxy 327
unicellular 111,250 attrinite 332
algal blooms 49, 62, 69, 153, 174, 206, 302 Australian lakes
and carbonate precipitation 364 evolution of 53-7
mass mortality 221 large, petroleum source rock or metal ore deposition
algal bodies, yellow 239, 240 45-57
relevance to shale oil potential 240 sites for hydrocarbon and/or metal deposits 51, 53
algal genera, Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 232 authigenic minerals, Lake Malawi diatomaceous muds
algal influence, Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 372
226, 229 Bacillus acidocaldarius 112
algal mat lake model (shallow), microlaminated lake bacteria 174
sediments 174 autotrophic 62
algal mats 30, 51,174, 250 biological markers for 109-12, 117
low preservation potential 19 chemolithic 16
modern 175 fermentative 67
see also bacterial mats; cyanobacterial mats; green sulphur 112
microbial mats haloalkaliphilic 111
algal matter, laminar 244 halophilic 111,124,319
algal oozes, accumulation of 233 heterotrophic 16
alginite 87, 221,236, 240, 243 and lakes 16-17
biodegradation of 338 methanogenic 110, 111,117, 124, 324
origin of 334-5 nutritional requirements 65
alluvial fans 265, 272, 274, 355 phototrophic 16, 17
Amadeus, Lake (Australia) 53 purple 22
anaerobic bottom conditions 242 possible source of pentacyclic triterpenoids 111
anaerobic decay and magadiite precipitation 214-15 purple
anaerobic oxidation 66 photosynthetic 62-3, 67-8
analcime 280, 345, 347 sulphur 61, 62-3
syngenetic 179 source of lipids 109
anhydrite 135, 253 as sterolsource 113-14
ankerite 82, 280 sulphate reducing 312

376 Index
bacterial degradation 286-7 Chinese lacustrine oil shales 299-307
bacterialmats 117 diagnostic of freshwater lake sediments 302-3
chemotrophic 22 higher plants 117
see also algal mats; cyanobacterial mats; microbial hypersaline environments 115-16
mats for lagoonal-type saline environment 318, 319
bacterial plates 17, 61, 62-3 measuring maturity ofoils 287
bacterial productivity 61 methanogenic bacteria 117
bacterialreworking 185, 194 for methanogenic activity in marine sediments 320
balkhashite 240 northwest China oils 296, 298
ball-and-pillow structures 258 for phytoplankton 106-9
barite 135 upwelling environments 116-17
basin centre brines, Orcadian Basin 181 used in recognition of palaeohypersaline
basin subsidence, differential 291 environments 123-8
basin type, controlling formation and distribution of for vascular plants 104-6, 117
source rocks and hydrocarbon products 279 see also biomarkers
basins biomarker composition characteristics, Chinese basin
closed 5, 48-9 source rocks 283-6
brine composition fluctuations 6 biomarker features, carbonate-specific 195
continental, Mesozoic-Cenozoic, northwest China biomarker parameters, relating oils and possible
291 source rocks 103
hypersaline, Australia 126 biomarkers 96
intermontane 291 polycyclic 96
lacustrine, SE Asia 341-49 showing environmental changes 298
open 5 western Otway Basin 327
nutrient potential 14 biomass 14, 15, 16
primary productivity 14 microbial 62-3
restricted, lateral changes in clay mineral composition photosynthetic bacteria 61
140 phytoplankton 27, 62
rift, Culpeper, Newark Supergroup 247-74 plankton 15
sedimentary 279 bioturbation 18,226, 249, 254, 258,259, 274, 345,
clay-mineral distribution 140-3 357, 362
SE Asia 341-49 root 363
Batchawana, Lake (Canada), pyrite concentration bioturbators, lacustrine 18
133-4 bisnorhopane 111,307
Beatrice oil 195-7 bituminous material, Thai basins, distribution of
Devonian contribution 196-7 345, 347-8
Jurassic source problems 196 bitumen 330, 333, 339, 343, 345
Beggiatoa 17, 132 and Botrycoccane (Australia) 107-8
Beggiatoaceae 22 coastal 327
Belfry Lake beds, clay mineral variability 145-7, 148 formed during thermal alteration of lamalginite
Belfry Member, Fort Union Formation 338
facies 145-6 in lamosites 338
stratigraphy 146 migrated 209, 244
benthonic mats 345, 348 plastic 237
Benxi Formation 310, 312 possible modes of formation 338
Big Soda Lake bitumen characterization, East African lakes and
microbiological and biogeochemical processes in LakeUinta 85,88
59-74 bitumen content, Chinese Basins 312
organic geochemistry of the pelagic sediments bitumen group composition, Chinese Basins 313,314
68-73 bitumen groups 323-4
a modern analogue of lacustrine oil source rocks bitumen impregnation 197
73-4 bitumen ratio 184
seasonal variation in limnological properties 61 bituminite 240
Bighorn Basin (Montana and Wyoming) 145-7 bivalves 312, 343
biogenic calcite 360-1 BiyangDepression, China 283
biogenic degradation, ofalginite 338 oils 283-4
biogenic reworking 226 Black Sea 20
bioherm preservation 51 Blelham Tarn (Lake District), pyrite concentrations
bioherms 7 135
potential hydrocarbon sources 51 bog lakes, dystrophic 15
bioinduced precipitation 255 Bogoria, Lake 31, 36, 37, 39, 92
biological marker compounds 187-91 recent analogue for occurrence of magadiite and
biological markers viii, 103 trona crystals 214
for bacteria 109-12, 117 Bohai Bay Basin (China) 309
Index 377
Bonneville, Lake 175 calcium dissolution 154
borates 213 Calderiella 320
botryococcane 107-9, 302-3, 327 caliche nodules 269, 274
botryococcane homologues 284, 301,302-3, 307 Camps Shale 222, 233
Botryococcus 13, 21, 30, 37, 49, 108, 299, 301,335, cannel coal 331,332, 339
336, 338, 343, 345, 360 Lilypool subunit 338
Botryococcus braunii 240, 327 carbon content
Botryococcus-rich deposits 51 Chinese basin source rocks 281
Bosumtwi, Lake 36, 37, 38 organic
bottom fauna 18 in carbon-rich beds 208-9
Boumasequences 254, 373 of lake basins 11-12
breccias, mud-flake 211,214 carbon cycle
brecciation 46 and alkaline lakes 15-16
brines anaerobic 20
lake bacterial effects 16-17
evolution of 6-7 lacustrine 3, 11-22
rapid fluctuations of concentration and depth 10 carbon isotopes in lake organic matter 22
parent to trona 213 carbon-sulphur (C/S) ratios 180
seepage reflux 207 distinguishing freshwater from marine sedimentary
sodium carbonate 213 rocks 135
Broxburn Shale 221 uses of 178-9
Buckland Formation 247,249 carbonate 372
lacustrine sequences 260, 262, 265, 268 anoxic 20
Bull Run Formation 247, 249 authigenic 16
black shales 253 ferroan 178
freshwater and saline lakes 270 from calcium dissolution 154
lacustrine sequences 260, 261,263,265,267,268 micritic 173
asymmetrical (Van Houten cycles) 271-2 stromatolitic 7
'very thin' 262-3 carbonate chemistry, palaeosalinity determinations,
Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 222-9 Orcadian Basin 177
algal influence 226, 229 carbonate facies, lacustrine 13
bitumen distillate 244 carbonatelaminites 205-7, 215
diagenesis 226 hydrocarbon traces 208
fauna and flora 225-6 carbonate minerals, early diagenetic 236
key to deposition of Dinantian Oil Shales 219-33 carbonate polyhedra 373
lithological distribution 226 carbonate precipitates 48
lithology 224-5,227 carbonate precipitation 180, 364
and Oil Shale Group, similar accumulation carbonate productivity 347
environments 230, 233 carbonate-clay couplets 356
burial diagenesis 143-5 carbonate-rich beds, Middle Old Red Sandstone,
burrowing 362 Orcadian Basin 205-8
burrows 258,259 carbonates 314
cyclical sequences, Rubielos de Mora Basin 360-2
Cadagno, Lake, bacterial 20 origin of 361-2
Cadell, Lake 219, 220, 233 in rhythmites 358
during Burdiehouse Limestone Formation times Carboniferous source beds 10-11
228 carnotite mineralization 51
palaeolimnology 229-31 carotanes 184, 185, 194, 284, 286, 288, 296, 304-5,
calcimorphs 224-5 306, 307
calcite 82, 154, 155-7, 173, 177, 253,280, 345, 360 cement stratigraphy, limestone members,
dissolution of 157 Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 230
drusy 231 Cementstone Group (Dinantian), sabkha sediments
fibrous 206, 346 243
high magnesium (HMC) 358,361,362, 363, 364 Cerro Porpol section, Rubielos de Mora Basin 356-
precipitation of 180 60
in lacustrine deposits 255 Chad, Lake 13, 36
low magnesium (LMC) 357, 358, 360-1,362, 363, Chaidamu Basin (China) 291
364 coal-forming conditions 310
calcite grains 224-5 depressions 294
calcite nodules 249 inland saline lake basin, Miocene-Pliocene
pedogenic 259, 274 sequence 309
calcite spear authogenesis 226 organic matter 312
calcite spherules 238 source-rock environment of deposition 292
calcium carbonates, early precipitation of 6 spore/pollen indicators 165-6
378 Index
Chaidamu Platform 291 clay-mineral distributions, sedimentary basins 140-3
chalcedony 210, 236 lacustrine environments 141-3
Chao PhrayaBasin (Thailand) 343 marine environments 140-1
Chaoshui Basin (China) 291 claystone 331,332, 338
chara 296 climate
charophyte chalks 7 and cyclic sedimentation, Culpeper Basin 269-72
charophyte oogonia 358 humid viii
charophytes 312, 343 tropical Africa 38, 39
Chelotriton paradoxus 358 influence on organic matter preservation 41
chemical sediments 250 local, Culpeper Basin 269-70
in closed basins 251 and Pediastrum 336
chemical weathering climate control, terrestrial source rocks, northwest
and nutrients 38 China 291-2
and Orcadian Basin solute inflow 180 climatic changes 37-8
chemoautotrophy 61 and fluctuating lake levels 347
Big Soda Lake 63 climatic cycles, and petroleum source rocks 309
chemocline 17 climatic fluctuations, effect on clay mineral suites
Big Soda Lake 60, 63 143
interflow along 254 climatic patterns, Culpeper Basin 272
chemosynthesis 17 climatic variation, and stacked cyclic sequences 173
chert 209-15, 344 CO2
in carbonatelaminites 206 bacterial generation of 215
magadi-type 213, 215 from dissolution of calcite 157
model 178,209-11 lake water 157
nodular, as marker horizon 209 sources, Lake of Laach 154-5
Orcadian, precipitated by ground waters 213 volcanic 154, 155
pseudomorphs within 211-13 CO2 springs, Lake of Laach 153, 154
stratigraphic and geographical distribution, coal 242, 331,332
Orcadian Basin 209 Thai basins 343
coal deposits 269
chert laminae, intermittent nature of 214
coal seams 221
chert lenses 226
coal-bearing formations as source rocks 287-88
chert nodule development, early/primary diagenetic
collophanite 206
177, 178
compaction 143
chert nodules 178,212 difficulties in determination 268
in carbonate-poor beds 209 conchostracans 251,253, 254, 255,259, 260, 274
magadi-type 214 Condor oil shale sequence, Australia 329-39
China 139 organic petrography of 331-3
biological markers in lacustrine oil shales 301-7 petroleum generation potential 336-8
continental petroliferous basins 160 Condor unit, Condor oil shale sequence 332
lacustrine source facies for hydrocarbon production conglomerate beds 265
81 conglomerates, Culpeper Basin, clast- or matrix-
Northwest, Mesozoic and Cenozoic source rocks supported 255
coexistence of oil-prone source rocks and oil- connate waters and trona precipitation 214
prone coal 294-5 coorongite 49, 240, 327
distribution of terrestrial source rocks 291-2 coprolites 236, 251,345
geochemical characteristics of continental source Corangamite, Lake (Australia) 53
rocks 295-8 corpohumite 332, 334
sedimentary environment of source rocks 292-4 Cretaceous source beds 11
organic geochemical characteristics, terrestrial cross-laminations 258, 370
petroleum source rocks (major types) 279-88 climbing-ripple 258
Chinocythere 309 ripple 254
chlorin 283 crude oil seeps 369
chlorite 143,146, 280 crude oils
chlorite-smectite 143 from carbonate-evaporite sources 116
Chlorobacteriaeceae 17 hopanesin 115-16
chlorophytes 13, 373 measurement of biodegradation of 117
cholestane 288 non-marine, northwest China 296
Chromatiaceae 22 paralicenvironments 316, 318
clarite layers 332 progressive change in composition, northwest
Clarks Fork Basin 145-7 China 296
clastic dilution, mesotrophic temperate lakes 18 steranedistribution 114
clastic laminae 358 cryptalgal clasts 226
clastic sediment yields reduced, tropical Africa 38 Culpeper Basin, lacustrine units 251-9
Index 379
Culpeper Group 249 incorporation of bacterially formed sulphur
cutinite 331,332, 338 116
cyanobacteria 51,107, 115-16, 194 progressive 141
cyanobacterial mats 10, 13, 48 diagenetic concretions, early 268
in ephemeral lakes 49, 51 diagenetic effects, phosphate-rich interstitial
trapping metal ions 51 waters 253
see also algal mals; bacterial mats; microbial diagenetic modification, carbonate laminites 206
mats diagenetic precipitation, calcite 255
cyanophytes 13,373 diagenetic pressure-solution effects 173
cycles, fluviolacustrine and lacustrine, Orcadian Basin diagenetic processes
215 and clay mineral stratigraphy 142-3
cyclic sedimentation 221-2 early 362
and climate, Culpeper Basin 269-72 inland saline lake 312
and distributionoforganic carbon 205-9 diastemic surface 260
model of 362-4 diasteranes 191,192, 283
cyclic sequences, stacked 173 diasterenes 302
diatom bloom, Lake Malawi, correlation with
cyclical sequences, Rubielos de Mora Basin 356-65
cores 372-3
cyclization, intramolecular, of fatty acids 320 diatom laminae 371
diatom rain 373
diatomaceous muds 371,374
Dalmahoy Shale 243 diatomite laminae 372-3
dawsonite 82 diatoms 13, 37, 62, 72, 116, 155, 157, 336, 374
de-watering, of clay 145 littoral 370
Dead Sea 16, 20, 111 pennate 68-9
delta progradation 235 dicarboxylic acids 104
denitrification 67 dimethyltricosane 319
active 68 dimethysulphide 64
depositional environments dinoflagellates 13, 113, 115, 117, 301,330
biological markers used to differentiate 299 dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) 13, 16
carbon cycle in lakes 11-22 dissolved organic carbon (DOC) 13, 16
hypersaline diterpanes 72, 286
Jianghan Basin biological markers tri- and tetracyclic 106
characteristic 305-6 diterpenes 286
Rengui oilfield 306-7 diterpenoid acids 104
lacustrine 106, 141-3, 149 docosane, marker for a hypersaline environment 124
Culpeper Basin 259-72 dolomicrite beds 206, 207-8,215
marine 104, 140-1,149 dolomicrite domes 207, 208
oil shales, Scotland 221 dolomite 82, 173, 179, 280, 345,358, 359, 360, 362,
source rocks 363
Dinantian Oil Shale Group 243 diagenetic formation 347
models 7-11 diagenetic origin for 177
of non-marine crude oils, proposed fibrous displacive 237
identification method 297, 298 non-stochiometric 357,361
Thai basins 344-5, 346-7 in rhythmic laminites 10
use of sterols or steranes to distinguish dolomite formation 180
between 113 dolomite laminites 238,243
depressions, multiple, and oil-forming centres, dolomite precipitation 208
northwest China 294 primary 177
desiccation cracks 205,207, 210, 211,214, 235 dolomite-calcite pairs 177
236, 243 dolomitic laminates 244
polygonal 345 Dongpu Basin (China), salt lake evaporite-clastic
Desulphovibrio desulphuricans 16 formations, fault-bounded basin 279
Devonian lacustrine source beds 10 Donying Depression (China) 283
diagenesis dry lakes 45
and biomarkers 104 Australian, chemical characteristics (water and
Burdiehouse Limestone Formation 226 sediments) 48-9
burial 143-5 Dunaliella 16
early 177,243 Durness Group 180
related to oil and gas formation 59 dysaerobic conditions 253
and trona precipitation 214
formation of pyrite 132, 135
geochemical, of phytol 316 East African Rift Lakes 92, 139, 175
in high salinity-alkalinity conditions 148 changes in clay mineral suites 141
380 Index
East Berlin Formation 259 'Fishlaminites', OrcadianBasin 173
symmetrical lacustrine cycles 270-1 Flagstone Group 196
trona 214 absence ofevaporite minerals 180
ectogenicmeromixis 250, 261,365 flamingoes 13
Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata 61 flooding, and sedimentation of organic matter 17
Edward, Lake 36, 37, 82 fluorescence 331,339
Eerduosi Basin (China) fluvialdeposits, ephemeral 251
oils 283 foraminifera, fusulinid 312
spore/pollen indicators 161-2 Fort Union Formation 145-7
efflorescent crusts 214 fossils
efflorescent salts 48 fish and invertebrate 261
element composition and organic compounds from scarce 261
different environments, northwest China fractionation
296-8 of bitumens due to migration 327
elemental analyses, East African lakes and Lake of recent sediments (analytical procedure) 91-2
Uinta 85-6 freshwater systems, little known about pyrite
elemental ratios as palaeosalinity indicators 131 formation 132-5
Elko Formation 88 fringing swamps I2
Emiliania huxleyi 109 Frome, Lake (Australia) 51, 53
Ennerdale Water, pyrite concentrations 134-5 Fucoid Beds 180
Enteromorphaprolifera 110, 126 fulvic acids, pyrolysis of 93, 95, 97
environmental analysis, using algae, Burdiehouse
limestone 226, 229
environmental change, Tropical Africa, influence on gallium 294
lacustrine systems 31-2 gammacerane 115, 126, 283,306, 307
environmental indicators, northwest China 296 in hypersaline sediments 304
ephemeral lake model, lacustrine source rock resistant to biodegradation 115
accumulation 30 gammaceraneindex 115
ephemeral lakes 45 gammacerane/hopane ratio 284, 288
Australian, chemical characteristics (water and Gancaigou Group, Chaidamu Basin, arid conditions
sediments) 48 309
sapropelic deposits 240 gastropods 7,225,296, 312, 343, 345
epilimnion 13, 17, 60, 215,250 genetic potential 37
anoxic 29 George, Lake (eastern Australia) 13, 51,363
freshwater 261 geostrophic currents and upwelling 77
oxic 214 geothermal gradients
recycling in 17-18 Chinese salt lake basins 282-3
supersaturation of carbonate in 373 SE Asian basins 348
epiphytes, cyanobacterial 67 Thailand 342-3
erosion, and ephermerallakes 48 geothermal regime 279
estherites 293, 296 germanium 294
euphotic zone 193 Ghyben-Herzberginterface 48, 49, 51
eutrophic lakes, Windermere and Blelham Tarn 135 Gippsland Basin 337
evaporative concentration 362, 364 glauber salts 300, 304
evaporative pumping 48 glauberite 179
evaporite crystal moulds 259, 261,265,269 glauconite 309
evaporitecrystals 253,274 Glyptostrobus 360
evaporite dissolution 180-1 Gondwanaland (Permian), and lake deposits 11
evaporite facies, Orcadian Basin 181 Gooranga subunit, Condor unit, Condor oil shale
evaporites 8, 22, 251,314, 364 sequence 332
evaporitic facies 115 Gosiute, Lake 39,40, 82
eventlake basins 5, 7 grainstones, algalclastic 224
Eyre, Lake (Australia) 53 Granton Sandstone 243
Great Lakes, the 14
Great Salt Lake 5, 16, 19, 268
faecal pellets 17, 18, 371,373, 374 Green River Basin 39
Fang Basin (Thailand) 348 accumulation of rich oil shales 41
Fells Shale 243 Green River Formation 7, 8, 10, 29, 30, 39, 139, 144
fermentative reactions 64, 67 clay mineralogy 142
fernenes 111 deposition of 82
FeS, amorphous 131-2 playa lake model 174
fichtelite 286 tronadeposits 213-14
fish fossils 211,274, 296, 343, 345 Green River model, lacustrine source rock
exquisite preservation of 253 accumulation 29
Index 381

Green River shale 115, 139, 300 hydrothermal circulation 342

carotanes 304-5 hydrous pyrolysis, organic matter, Big Soda Lake 71
gammacerane 304 hyperpycnal flow 254
Green Swamp subunit, Lethebrook unit, Condor oil hypersaline environments 111,126
shales 332 bacterial activity 314
Gregory Rift Lakes (E Africa) 15 biological markers for 115-16, 123
griegite 132 hypolimnion 17, 46, 215
groundwater concentration 48 aerobic 60
groundwater seepage 51, 53 anaerobic 60, 61
Gunyarra unit, Condor oil shale sequence 332-3 anoxic 54, 174, 261,369
gypsum 48, 135, 179, 213,243,253,314, 346 and alkaline 214
absence of 180 oxygen loss 250
gypsum precipitation 208 preservation in 235
gypsum sedimentation 51, 53 saline 214

halite 48,180 illite 141,146, 280, 357, 360

halite pseudomorphs 179 inertinite 242, 331,332, 343
halite saturation 5 inorganic precipitation, calcite 255
halite sedimentation 51, 53 inorganic processes in anoxic sediments 20
haloalkaliphiles 115 insects 345
halobacterium 16 interstitial water, in clay mineral transformation 147
Ham-Scarfe Subgroup 209 intraclastic limestone 255
Hartford Basin (Newark Supergroup basins) intraformational clasts 255
lateral trends in lacustrine sequence thickness 267 intrastratal deformation features 173
sedimentary sequences 270-1 ionic discharge, buffering Orcadian lake system
heat flow, high, Thai basins 342-3 salinity level 181
Hebeidepression, central (China) 283 ionic ratios 6
Helmsdale Boulder Beds 196 iron sulphide, formation of 131
Helmsdale Fault 196 iron-sulphur compound 131
high potential environments 10 isoprenoid alkanes
Hillsborough Basin 330 acyclic 111,192, 301,304
geothermal gradient and heat flow 338 as palaeoenvironmental indicators 324
Holocene (early-to-mid), accumulation of rich isoprenoid compounds 108
sediments, tropical Africa 38 isoprenoid hydrocarbons 318--20
homopregnanes 126, 284 isoprenoid/n-alkane ratios 185-6
hopane homologues 304 isoprenoids 314-20
hopane/steraneratio 96, 107, 196 acyclic 109, 110, 112
fluctuations controlled 192
source and maturity information 189, 191
hopanes 96, 111,115, 192-3, 284, 296, 302, 307, 321 Jianghan Basin (China) 303-6, 310, 314, 324
bacterially derived 187, 189 hypersaline 299-300
pentacyclic 187 inland saline lake basin 309
hopanoids 301-2 salt lake evaporite-clastic formations, fault-bounded
hypersaline environments 126 basin 279
hopenes 115, 302, 307 steranes and pentacyclictriterpanes, crude oils
hot springs 342 and source rocks 322
Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin 309, 310, Jiuquan Basin(China) 291
313 spore/pollen indicators 164-5
organic content 312 Jiuxi Basin (China)
humic acids depressions in 294
pyrolysates enrichedin biomarkers 96-7 lacustrine deposits in a subsiding basin 292-3
pyrolysis of 93, 95 source-rock environment of deposition 292
huminite 343 Jiyang depression (China) 283
huminite reflectance 348 Jizhong Basin (China) 284
hydrocarbon maturation, SE Asian basins 348 Jurassic source beds 11
hydrocarbon potential, Oil Shale Group 243-4
hydrocarbon provinces, lacustrine, potential 4
hydrocarbon yield kaolinite 141,143, 146, 357, 360
carbonate laminites, and TOC 208-9 kaolinite clays 294
East African lakes and Lake Uinta 88 Kerio River 141
hydrological balance 3, 5 kerogen composition
hydrodynamic stability, modern and palaeolakes, lacustrine oil source rocks 30
northwest China 293-4 a product of preservation state and source input 86
38z Index
kerogenites, laminated 22 lacustrine source rocks vii, viii, 295
kerogenous laminae 237 case histories ix-x
kerogenous laminites 241 composition of 30-1
kerogens 71, 83, 91, 95, 330 Devonian Orcadian Basin 203
algal 107 Dinantian Oil Shale Group 235-44
Chinese basin source rocks 280-1,282 models of accumulation 29-30
Green River 86 for Otway Basin coastal bitumens 327
precursor composition 34--5, 37 spores and pollens as indicators of 159-67
precursors, African lakes 37 lacustrine systems, clastic and carbonate 81-9
Type I 10, 21, 30, 83, 101,184, 280, 281,296, 348 Lady's Walk Shale 197
indicative of sedimentation in anoxic waters lake basins 5
21-2 ancient 3
lacustrine origin, composition of 31 freshwater, China 309
origin of, and hydrocarbon potential 286-7 inland 313
origin unclear 22 and paralic fresh-brackish as petroleum
precursors 286-7 source rocks 322-3
sapropelic 296 saline 309-10
Type II 39, 41, 83, 184, 280, 281,296 swampy 310
characteristics found in E African basins 21 organic carbon content of 11-12
precursors in African lakes 36 origins and examples 7
TypelIa 30, 280 paralic 5, 7
Type III 83,280, 281,296 freshwater, China 309
lignitic 15 tectonic 5, 7, 341-3
ketones 109 lake biomass 14
Kivu, Lake 15, 20, 36, 37 Lake Cadell Basin 227
permanently stratified 82 lake, defined 3
lake depth, palaeolakes, northwest China 292-3
lake floor relief, and water depth estimates 175
Laach, Lake of (W Germany), palaeo-environment lake level changes 31,32
information from deep water siderite 153-7 lake sediment mineralogy, influence of local source
lacustrine assemblages areas 141
Thai basins 343-8 lake types, basic 45-6
marlstone-oil shale-sandstone 345-7 related to presence of organic matter and metals and
mudstone-coal-oil shale 343-5 their preservation 52
lacustrine clastic formations, fault-bounded Chinese relationship with climatic conditions and salinity
Basins 279 fluctuations 46
lacustrine environments 104 lake water CO2 157
clay-mineral distributions, sedimentary basins lake waters
141-3 chemistry of 53-4, 213
petroleum generation and migration 149 geochemistry of 6--7
lacustrine facies lakes
and facies sequences, distribution of, Culpeper as above-ground component of hydrological basis
Basin 263-8 48
Middle Old Red Sandstone 205,206 acid, carbon-limited 15
Newark Supergroup 250-9 alkaline 15-16
lacustrine kerogen problems 21-2 and carbonate mineral assemblages 362
lacustrine petroleum accumulations, characteristics of anoxic, favourable environment for source rock
139-40 deposition 18
lacustrine sediments vii biologically productive 369
Buckland, Bull Run and Waterfall Formations brine 313
249-50 buffering capacity of 6-7
lacustrine sequences carbon cycle in 11-22
Culpeper Basin 259-63,264-5, 266 and climate 77
lateral trends in thickness of, Culpeper Basin 267, closed 272, 274
268 deep, distributionoforganisms 46, 47
Newark Supergroup basins 267-9 dimictic 250
restriction of petroleum generation and migration dry 45
147-9 ectogenic meromictic 250, 261
Rubielos de Mora Basin, evolutionary trend 364 environmental sensitivity of 7, 10
symmetrical and asymmetrical, Culpeper Basin ephemeral 45
272 evolution of under Australian conditions 53-7
thickness of 268 existence of vii
Lockatong Formation, showing Milankovitch- factors affecting condition of 13
type climatic cycles 270 freshwater 313
Index 383
groundswater-seepage areas 53 Orcadian Basin
homictic-dimictic 153 deep stratified lake origin supported by organic
hypersaline 10, 16, 17 geochemistry 194-5
Na-CI 16, 48 sulphur enrichment 179
large lamosite 331,332, 333, 334, 336, 338
anoxic, as source environment 10 carbonaceous 331,332
economic aspects of 45 liptinite-rich 338
temperate 14-15 microlaminate 333
meromictic 17, 59-74, 174, 233,250, 363, 365 Laney shale basin 13
modern Laney Shale Member, Green River Formation 174,
chemical classification 7, 8 179, 180, 365
distribution of 4 Langgu sag (China) 283
examples of aqueous productivity 14 oils 283
large, distribution of 3 palaeotectonic cross profile 282
oligosaline and mesosaline 13 soui,~ rocks 280
study of 3 Lansang Basin (Thailand) 342
monomictic 250 Lascelles subunit, Gunyarra unit, Condor oil shale
multiple sedimentary cycles 293 sequence 332-3
oligomictic 250 Latheron Subgroup 209
oligosaline 17, 18 Leiofusa 335
oligotrophic 14, 134-5 Leman, Lake 92, 95
open and closed 5,250-2
Lepidodendron 243
Lethebrook unit, Condor oil shales 331-2
Lake CadeU 220, 230, 233
Liaohe oil field (China), Gaosheng oil 283
organic matter and metals (Australia) 49-51
lignite, basal, Maoming oil shale 300
paralic 312
hopanoids in 302
permanent 45-6, 48 Lilypool subunit, Lethebrook unit, Condor oil shales
rapid fluctuations in size and shape 141
332, 338
rates ofchange 3
limestone 331
rift 142-3,145 cherty 237
saline 46, 48, 50 Culpeper Basin 255, 257
salinity of, northwest China 292 dark 244
stratified 254, 261 lacustrine 356
in tectonically active areas 57 laminated, dolomitic 238
thermally stratified 206 Oil Shale Group 243
lamalginite 236, 330-1,332, 334--5, 338, 343, 345 oolitic 255
derived from algal matter 240 ostracodal 222, 255
laminae stromatalitic 222
anastomosing 237 limestone couplets 224
bioclastic 361 limestone unit, Rubielos de Mora Basin 353, 355
in black shales 251,252 lipid composition, phytoplankton 106
carbonate 358 lipid signature 104
clastic 358 lipids 21, 22, 103, 111, 117, 304
clay 358 of archaebacteria 324
graded 259 from bacteria 109
and lenticular 253 halophilic bacteria, as source for phytane 316
kerogenous 237 polar 115
Lake Malawi mud units 370-1 study of 117
marl 359, 361 liptinite 331,337
mudshales and clayshales, Culpeper Basin 255 liptobiolites 281
organic 374 liptodetrinite 331,332, 335,343,345
rhythmite 361 lithological and bulk geochemical parameters, Middle
and suspension deposition 255 Devonian lacustrine laminites, Orcadian Basin
traction 358 182-4
laminates littoral water plants 12
disrupted 258,259 Lockatong Formation, Newark Supergroup 179,
dolomitic 244 267-8
lamination 363 loop bedding 345, 346
indicating anoxic sediment 253 Lower Limestone Group 243
parallel 370 Lower Rousay Group 209
laminites 226 Lower Stromness Group, organic-rich laminites 209
carbonate 205-7, 208,215 Lugano, Lake, temperate lake model 14-15
dolomitic 238,243 lupane 283,298
kerogenous 241 lycopane 286, 301
384 Index
lycopane degradation 320 microbial mats 14, 255, 274
deepwater 17
hypolimnial 17
maceral analyses, Condor shale sequence 330 ideal precursor source-bed qualities 19
macerals 330-1 see also algal mats; bacterial mats; cyanobacterial
commonly occurring in oil shale and brown coal mats
331 microfossils, reworked 374
mackinawite 132 microlaminations, organic 173-5
macrophyteplant roots 357 micronodular textures 173
Mae Sot Basin (Thailand) 345,346 microspar 206
Magadi, Lake 213, 214 microturbidites, carbonate 348
magadiite 209-10, 213 Micrystridium 335
magadiite precipitation 213 Midgeton Block 329
and anaerobic decay 214-15 Midland fish-bed 265
reasons for 214 Midland Formation 265
magnesium concentrations 177 migration, primary 279
Malawi, Lake 20, 36 Milankovitch-type climatic forcing model 173
sand turbidites and organic-rich diatomaceous muds Milankovitch-type cycles 274
369-74 Lockatong Formation 270
Manassas Sandstone 249 Newark Basin 272
Manyara, Lake, phosphate concentration 15 mineral abundances, changes with depth 141
Maoming oil shale 284, 299, 301-3 mineralogical alteration 143
biological market distributions, diagnostic 307 MinhuoBasin (China) 291
low maturity 302 mirabilite 300
marine systems, and pyrite formation 132 mixed-layerclays 146, 280
marine vs. non-marine environments 7, 9 mixolimnion
marls aerobic 63
bioturbated 364 anaerobic 65
Cerro Porpol section 356-60 anoxic 63, 64, 66
laminated 356, 360 bacterial density in 63
marlstone 345 Big Soda Lake 60, 61
laminated 344 production and vertical fluxes of organic matter,
maturity discrepancy, Italian samples 126 summer and winter 60-2
maturity measurements, Beatrice crude and deep sulphate reduction 67
Orcadianlacustrine samples 196 mixotrophy 132, 133
Melosira 372 Mobutu, Lake 36, 37, 38
meromictic conditions 41 permanent mixing 32
meromictic lakes 17, 174, 233,250, 363 Moho 279,281
Big Soda Lake, microbial and biogeochemical molecular geochemistry, Middle Devonian lacustrine
processes 59-74 laminites, OrcadianBasin 184-91
Messel shale 303 molluscs 7
Messinian Formation 115, 116 monimolimnion 63, 65
metal accumulation, Australian lakes 53 permanently anoxic 59
metal remobilization 51 sulphate reduction 66-7
metalliferous deposits 51 monimolimnion sediments
methane, Big Soda Lake 64-6 Big Soda Lake 68-73
methane oxidation 73 and methane 64
Big Soda Lake 66 monolimnion 17
methanogenesis 17, 18, 20, 22, 68, 362 monomixis see stratification
Big Soda Lake 64-6 monosulphides 131,132
microbial 154 Monterey Formation 111
stimulation of (experimental) 65 Monterey shale 123
methanogenic activity, use of inhibitors montmorillonite 280
(experimental) 65-6 mud drapes 257,258
methylsteranes 301,302, 302-3, 306, 307 on ripples 258-9
Mey Subgroup 209 mud intraclasts 259
mica 370, 371 mud units, laminated, Lake Malawi 370-1
mica flakes 370, 371 mudcracks 249, 255, 258, 259, 261,272, 274
micrite, lacustrine basinal 7 mudrocks, black 208
microbial biomass 62-3 mudshales and clayshales, Culpeper Basin 255,256
microbial decomposition reactions 20 mudstone
microbial degradation 18 bituminous 224
microbial heterotrophy, Big Soda Lake 63-8 grey bioturbated, Cerro Porpol section 356-60
retarded by chemical factors 64 micritic 231
Index 385
muscovite 258 oil shales, Scotland
detrital 259 composition and lithology 219, 221
flakes 257 environments of deposition 221
as flocculent phytoplanktonic oozes 221
kerogenous components 221
nahcolite 82 oil-forming centres, northwest China 294, 295
Napperby, Lake (Australia) 53 oil-prone sediments 295
Newark Basin (Newark Supergroup basins), trends in Old Red Sandstone 196, 205
lacustrine sequence thickness 267-8 oleanane 283, 284, 298, 306, 324
Newark Rift System 247 oligosaline lakes
Newark Supergroup biogenetic methanogenesis 18
closed basin deposition for some lacustrine sedi- modern 17
ments 251 oligotrophic lakes 14
lacustrine facies 250-9 EnnerdaleWater 134-5
rift basins 247 olistoliths 365
Niandt Limestone (Caithness) 209 oncolites 7
nickel porphyrins 284 onocanane 283
Niger Delta Region, clay mineral composition 140 onocerane 321,323
nitrification, at oxic/anoxic interface of the ooids 46
mixolimnion 68 oolites 255,272
nitrogen contents, Qinghai Lake 293-4 oolitic limestone 255
nitrogen cycle, Big Soda Lake 67-8 opaline sediment distribution 77
nitrogen fixation 67 Orcadian Basin
littoral zone sites 67-8 hydrocarbon source rocks, thermal maturity and
Nitzschia 372 burial history 203
Nitzschia palea 62 lacustrine cherts, significant for environment of
norhopane 296 source rock deposition 205-15
norpristane 286 Middle Devonian palaeolimnology and organic geo-
North Sea, clay mineralogy 140-1 chemistry 173-97
notostracans 255, 274 depositional models 173-7
nutrient recycling 39 palaeosalinity determinations 177-81
nutrients 13, 14, 60 organic carbon 69, 70, 155, 157
recirculated 348 East African lakes and Lake Uinta 83, 84
and pyrite formation 135
Qinghai Lake 293-4
O'Connell subunit, Gunyarra unit, Condor oil shale organic carbon content 11-12, 295
sequence 333 carbonate-rich beds 208-9
Officer Basin 192 Chinese basin source rocks 281
pseudomorphed sodium carbonate minerals 214 Lake Tanganyika 369
oil seeps organic enrichment
Fang Basin 348 East African lakes and Lake Uinta 88
Otway Basin 327 limitation of 179
oil shale deposition 29 organic fractions, recent sediments, comparison of
oil shale facies, occurrence of 364 93-5
Oil Shale Group 219, 220 organic matter 103
alluvial fan-delta complex 223 accumulation in shallow playa lakes 250
ideal cycle 222 adsorption of metal ions 51
lacks evaporites 221 anaerobic decay of 215
lacustrine petroleum source rocks 235-44 changes in accumulation through time 35-7
relationships between lithologies 242 characteristics of, East African lakes and Lake
Oil Shale Group sediments 235-6 Uinta 88
oil shales 139, 294, 330, 356, 365 Chinese basins 312
accumulation of 41 abundance, type and evolutionary characteristics
Australian, rock types 331 of major source-rocktypes 280-1
Chinese lacustrine, biological markers in 299-7 conditions favourable to preservation of 41
deposited as algal oozes 242 cyclical sequences, Rubielos de Mora Basin 360
Green River Basin 41 decay under oxidizing conditions 362
high oil potential 235 as estimate of oxygen conditions 252
laminated, Type I 22 from the aquatic system 13
and related sediments, petrography of 236-8 fungal/bacterial 235
rhythmically laminated, Thai basins 345,346-7 hydrogen-depleted 87
Thai basins 343 internal cycling of 14
formed under shallow conditions 347 lacustrine, carbon distribution 95
Thailand, Tertiary 240, 242 lacustrine sediments 250
386 Index
organic matter (cont.) prediction of climatically sensitive sedimentary
lamalginite 332 deposits 269
laminar 240-2 uses of 77
lamosite, Brown Oil Shale and Brownish Black Oil palaeoclimatic patterns and source, Culpeper Basin
Shale subunits, Condor unit, Condor oil shale 265,267
sequence 333 palaeocurrents, Culpeper Basin 265,267
main sources in sediments 104 pattern of 270
and metals in lakes 49-51 palaeoenvironmentalconditions
Middle Devonian laminites, Orcadian Basin 181- assessed by biomarkers, importance of 103-4
95 indicators of 117
nature of, Big Soda Lake 69, 71-3 palaeoenvironmentalindicators viii-ix
northwest China palaeoenvironmentalinterpretation, Culpeper Basin
abundance of, continental source rocks 295 272-4
preservation in deep depressions 294 palaeoenvironments
types of 296 paralic swamp 316, 318
recent sediments, geochemical characterization of pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios as geochemical
91-101 indicators 316, 318
sedimentation of 17-18 palaeogeographic controls on lacustrine environments
terrestrial 96 of deposition and production/preservation of
carbon distribution 95-6 organic matter 11
wind-blown 48 palaeogeographic reconstructions 10
Thai basins 345 Culpeper Basin lakes 272-3
Waterfall Formation 250 palaeogeothermalgradient 281,288
organic matter accumulation and palaeoclimates 33- palaeolake-bog complexes 291
9 palaeolakes 291
organic matter composition 36-7 palaeopressure maps 77
organic matter content 358 palaeosalinity determinations, Orcadian Basin 177-
organic matter preservation conditions, deep lakes 81
49 palaeosalinity indicators 136
organic microlaminations 173-5 palaeosols 259, 260, 274
organic preservation vii, viii palynomorphs 250
orthophosphorous, inorganic 13-14 Paraparchites 225
ostracods 7,225,231,236, 251,255,259, 260, 274, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) 13
293, 296, 309, 312, 345, 358 particulate organic carbon (POC) 13, 17
Otway Basin (western), South Australia 327 particulate organic matter, vertical fluxes of 62
Passaic Formation (Brunswick Formation) 270
oxalate, anaerobic decompositionof 68
Pattani Basin (Gulf of Thailand) 348, 349
oxic, aphotic and photic bottom conditions 363
Pediastrum 13, 21, 37, 334, 338, 343
oxic conditions 316
as an indicator of the environment of deposition
oxic environments (deep), benthic life 18-19
oxic/anoxic bottom conditions, interpretations 364 pedogenesis 226, 259
oxidation, anaerobic 66 pedogenic reworking 226
oxidation episode, Permo-Carboniferous 203 pelagic mud 374
oxidizing capacity, in lakes 19 pelagic rain 7
oxycline 364 pelagic sediments
Big Soda Lake 60 Big Soda Lake, organic geochemistry of 68-73
oxygen depletion 153 potential mechanism for layer formation 62
oxygen disappearance depth, Big Soda Lake 61 pelecypods 255, 260, 274, 296
oxygen index, East African lakes and Lake Uitna 83, pentacylic compounds 111
85 pentamethyleicosanes 324
oxygen loss 250 perhydrocarotene 324
oxygenated bottom conditions 362 perialpine lakes, freshwater, sulphate concentrations
oxygenation, temporary 254 19-20
Peridium 13
permanent (deep) lake model (Bradley), environments
palaeoclimate models, effects of local variability 78 of deposition 8
palaeoclimates viii, 279 permanent lakes 45
Australia 51, 53 Australian, chemical characteristics (water and sed-
Newark Supergroupsediments 269-72 iments) 48
northwest China, cyclic evolution 291-2 implications of changes over time 45-6
Oil Shale Group 243 Permian source beds 11
prediction of 77-8 perylene 324
palaeoclimatic cycles 270, 272, 274, 291-2 petroleum exploration, use of biological markers 123
palaeoclimatic maps petroleum migration 143, 145, 146
Index 387
Chinese continental petroliferous basins 160-7 pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios 71, 112, 115, 185,
in marine sequences 147 283,288,296, 323-4, 360
petroleum source rocks, related to deep lakes 51 carbonate source rocks 193
Phitsanulok Basin (Thailand) 341,342 geochemical indicator of palaeoenvironment 316,
lacks coal 345 318
oil production 348 low, indicating anoxic depositional conditions
phosphate 206 304
phosphate nodules 251,253 and redox potential 111
phosphorous 14 product character and generative capacity, East
photosynthesis 17 African lakes and Lake Uinta 88
anoxygenic 61, 62 product-precursor relationships, biological markers
photosynthetic carbon assimilation, rates of 27 107
phytane 96, 111,128,283,284, 286, 288,296, 301, productivity
304, 306, 314, 316 high
phytol, geochemical diagenesis of 316 East African Rift lakes 82
phytoplankton 117, 194 upwelling areas 116
biological markers for 106-9 organic 242
phytoplankton biomass 27, 62 proglacial lakes 14
phytoplankton blooms 348 pseudomorphs, within cherts 211,213
phytoplankton productivity 62 identity of 213
fresh and permanent lakes 49 Pumpherston Shell Bed 236, 242
modern, Africa lakes 27 pycnocline 17
Piceance Creek Basin 365 pyrite 19, 236, 251,294, 357
plankton 296 diagenetic formation of 132, 135
Planolites 343 early diagenetic 360, 361
plant debris 242, 370, 371 formation of 131-5
at sediment/water interface 135
plant fragments 255, 257, 258, 259,260, 293, 345, 370
under varying conditions 253
plant material, rotting 68
framboidal 178,221,361
playa characteristics, Triassic source beds 11 sedimentary 178
playa lake deposits 242 pyrites, authigenic 298
playa lake origin, Green River Formation 29, 82, 174 pyrolized compounds, analytical procedures 93
playa lakes 51 pyrolysates, from stable residues 95, 96
nutrient recycling important 39 distribution of alkanes in 95-6
Western Australia 51 pyrolysis
playa-lake complex model, environments of deposition and generative capacity of oil source rocks 81
8,10 Rock-Eval
playa-lake model data for Oil Shale Group 241, 245-6
microlaminated lake sediments 174 East African lakes and Lake Uinta 83-7
trona precipitation 214 pyrolysis-gas chromatography, East African lakes and
playas, modern, fluctuations in brine chemistry 214 Lake Uinta 86-7
polygonal cracking 48, 51
polymethylalkanes 320
pore waters Qianjiang depression, Jianghan Basin 302, 303
chemistry of 215 Qiketai oilfield 169
concentrated, expulsion of 143 Qinghai Lake (China) 298
marine 147 hydronamics and sediments 295-6
meteoric 226 quartz 282, 359, 360, 362, 372
porosity and petroleum migration 143, 145,146 Quercus 362
metal 284
Ni-porphyrins 283 rainfall maps, Triassic 77
Potamogeton 360 rainfall predictions, from palaeopressure maps 77-8
Potamogeton seeds 357, 358, 360, 363 rainwater composition 6
precipitation, orographic 269, 270 Ramapo Fault 267
precipitation-evaporation balance, African lakes 31 red beds 209, 260, 353
pregnane 126,284 Red River Basin (Vietnam) 349
preservation potential 17, 49 redox boundary 19
lake basins 5 reducing conditions 69, 131,314, 360
reduced 37-8 reducing environments 309
Pretty Hill Sandstone 327 reflectance data, Condor Oil Shale sequences 333-4
primary migration 279 remineralization 117
pristane 96, 283,286, 296, 301,302, 304, 314, 316 Rengiu oil field (China) 301,306-7
pristanealkanes, n-alkanes 307 reptile tracks 258,259
388 Index
resedimentation processes 39 and preservation of organic matter 54
resinite 331,332, 338,343 seepage zone, dry lakes 48
Palaeogene Fushan (China) 286 seepage-spring zone 48
Reston Formation 249 Septodinium 335, 338
retene 105 serratane 284, 321,322, 323
Rhizodus hibberti 225 Shahejie Formation 309, 314, 321
rhythmic laminations 8 Shanganning Basin (China) 309, 310, 321,324
Lake Van 15-16 organic matter 312
rhythmic sedimentation 235-6 Shangonghe Group 293
rhythmite beds, Rubielos de Mora Basin 356 Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxi Basin (China) 291
rhythmites 356, 359, 360, 361,364 depressions 294
rift lakes, Connecticut River valley, clay-mineral main source rock unit 294
relationships 142-3,145 source rocks 293
rifting, topographic effects from affecting local oil-prone coexisting with oil-prone coal 294-5
climate, CulpeperBasin 269-70 sheetfloods, Culpeper Basin 272, 274
ring cleavage 105 Shenglioil field, China 283
rip-up clasts 254 shrimp beds 237
ripple marks 258
siderite 280
Robbery Head Limestone 209 from ancient, varved sediments 155-7
Rozel Point oil 123, 128, 300, 305
models for formation 155
Rubielos de Mora Basin (Spain) 353-65
modernlake environment 154-7
facies description 357-9
siderite precipitation, chemical model 154
sequential facies analysis 359-62
siltstones (massive) and mudstones, Culpeper Basin
stratigraphy 355-7
Ruoyan sag (China)
slumping 373
palaeotectonic crossprofile 282
smectite 141,143, 146
source rocks 280
Ruppia beds 68 smectite-illiteconversion 143, 145, 147
soda lakes 15, 59-74
sodium ions 213
saline/salt lakes 49 soft-sediment deformation 210, 251,257
Australian, chemical characteristics (water and solar input 13
sediments) 48-9, 50 Solar Lake 17
petroleum source rocks 309 solute concentration 364
solar heated 14 decrease in 363
species diversity low 46, 48 solute inflow, Orcadian Basin 180
salinity viii solutes, change in seasonal distribution 60
elevated 253,255 SongliaBasin (China) 282
and lake level 251 oils 283
past, indicators of 135-6 sedimentary formations 279
Salix 360 source rocks influenced by palaeo-Renjiang River
salt crusts 49, 51 294
Salt Lake Group 123, 128 Type I kerogen 286
salt-casts 210 source differences, effects of 187
sand beds, Lake Malawi 370 source rock associations, northwest China 295
sandstone 331,332 source rocks
Culpeper Basin 254-5 Chinese basins 30-1
fluvial 251 Chinese continental oil, formed under varying
siltstone and mudstone, Culpeper Basin 258-9 lacustrine conditions 309-10
wave-rippled 274 of continental lacustrine petroliferousbasin 161
sandstones and siltstones, Culpeper Basin 257-8 inland saline lake 312
Sandwick Fish Bed cycle, pseudomorph-bearing chert northwest China
laminae 211 continental, geochemical characteristics 295-8
Sandwick Fish Bed (Niandt Limestone) 209 sedimentary environment 292-4
Sanford Basin 270 oil-prone coexisting with oil-prone coal 294-5
Sanshui Basin (China), spore/pollen indicators 166-7 shale, primary migration from 143
Scottish Calciferous Sandstone Series 235 terrestrial, problems relating to the evaluation of oil
seasonal mixing, and microbial processes 60 and gas prospects 286-8
sediment facies sequences, reversed 5, 6 Thai basins 348
sedimentreworking 258, 373 within Oil Shale Group 235
sedimentary basins source-rock classification, Chinese oil- and gas-
clay-mineral distribution in 140-3 bearing basins 279-80
sedimentation rates sparite layers 238
Chinese basins 282 spirorbids 225
Index 389
Spirorbis pusillus 225 stratigraphic variability, lake sediments 141
spirotriterpane 284 stromatalitedomes andmats 175
Spirulina 13 stromatolites 174, 195,211,226, 255,274
spore colour, variation in and maturity 203 stromatolitic carbonates 7
spore colouration data 183, 184 stromatolitic deposits 207
spores and pollens 296 stromatolitic limestone 255
fluctuations in species diversity and palaeoclimates stylolitization 173
269 subsidence
indicating geological age of original rock formation asymmetric 249
160 basin 291
indicating source rocks 161 SE Asian basins 348
Jurassic, Newark Supergroup 249 Suigetsu, Lake (Japan), sulphate reduction 17
of reservoir rocks identifiable 160-1 sulphate 179
as 'trace element' for petroleum migration pathway converted to sulphide 131
160 high concentrations in marine conditions 132
sporinite 331,332, 343 sulphate reducers 64, 117
squalane 110, 124, 126 sulphate reduction 16, 17
squalenes 110 bacterial 48, 178, 362
stable residues, recent sediments, pyrolysis of 93, 94, Big Soda Lake 64, 66-7
95-7 and microbial decomposition 19
stellate crystalmoulds 257,259 sulphides
Stephanodiscus 372 acid volatile 135
sterane ratios 287 concentrations high, Big Soda Lake 59
A-nor steranes 115 from bacterial activity 51
steranes 72, 96, 99, 112-15, 191,283,284, 296, 298, sulphur
301,320, 321,324 elemental 132
distributions in freshwater sedimentary rocks 1354
Australian sediments, environmental assessment organic 136
192 pyrite/acid, as salinity indicator 136
in crude oils 114 sulphur compounds, organic 116, 128
Italian samples 126 sulphur concentrations 20, 193
source and maturity information 187, 189, 192, sulphur content, non-marine sourced oils 296
193 sulphur enrichment 179
as source rock markers 114-15 sulphur reduction, rates of 20
sterenes 112, 360 Suqia region (China), paralic coal-bearing formations
steroid aromatization 189 280
sterols 72, 106, 107 surface productivity, not a reliable guide to organic
algal origin 187 preservation 39
diatom-derived 116-17 Surirella 372
sources 113-14 suspension deposition 255,258-9
and steranes 112-15 swelling clay component 178
S tigmaria 243 syneresis (synaeresis) 211,346
stratabound ore deposits 51 syneresis(synaeresis) cracks 178, 179
stratification 49,253 synsedimentary movement, Newark Rift System 249
bottom water 364
ectogenic meromictic 274
enhanced by climatological conditions 365
influence of on sediment organic content 36 TaiyuanFormation 310, 321
influence of wind shear in African lakes 32 hopane series 322
meromictic, Lake Cadell 230 Talimu Basin (China)
Orcadian lake 214 source-rock environment of deposition 292
and oxygen loss 250 spore/pollen indicators 162-4
permanent 82, 235, 365 Talimu Platform 291
regular periods needed for source rock accumulation Tanganyika, Lake 10, 20, 31, 36, 37, 92
37 deep anoxic lake model 29-30
seasonal 19 permanently stratified 82
and source rock accumulation 30 plankton biomass 15
stable viii, 39, 41 taraxstane 284
Thai basin lakes 346-7 tectonic evolution, affecting Rubielos de Mora Basin
thermal 60-1,206 365
and trona precipitation 214 tectonic tilting, Culpeper Basin 272
stratified lake model, organic microlaminations 174- teepee structures 48, 51
5 telalginite 236, 331,335, 343, 345
and wave base approximations 176 and vitrinite reflectance 337-9
390 Index
terpanes 72 Uinta Basin 365
terrestrial organisms 296 oil fields 140
terrestrial plant wax 360 Uinta, Lake 82, 83, 88
terrestrial plants 298,330, 338 generative capacity and potential for organic
terrestrial runoff and organic accumulation 348 enrichment 87
terrigenous material 345 ulminite 332
Tertiary source beds 11 Ulmus 360
tetracosane 124 Upper Rousay Group 209
thermal alteration, ofalginite and lamalginite 338 UpperStromness Group 209
thermal stratification 60-1,206 upwarps, in depressions 294
thermal stress 187, 189 upwelling environments, biological markers 116-17
thermocatalytic degradation 320 upwelling, prediction of 77
thermocline 17, 29 uranium 294
Big Soda Lake 60, 62 Urmia, Lake (Iran) 18, 19
interflow along 254
permanent, high TOC values 36
Thiobacillus 17 vadose fabrics 226
thiophene 128 Van Houten cycles, Lockatong Formation 270
thrombolites 226 Van, Lake, soda lake 15
time windows 10-11 Vanda, Lake(Antarctica) 14
tocopherols 111 vascular plant remains 226
Todilto (Limestone) Formation 89 vascular plants 343
torbanite 239, 240 biological markers for 104-6, 117
vitrinite reflectance 337-8 sterol source 113
Torrens, Lake (Australia) 53 Vechten, Lake, sulphate concentration 16
Towaco Formation 267, 268 vegetable matter, related to oil shales 242
sedimentary cycles 270 vegetal debris 358
trace fossils 343 vegetation cover
lack of 19 heavy 41
traction laminae 358 restricted during Devonian 184
tractive currents 363 vegetational change, Tropical Africa 31, 38
transgressions vertebrate remains 225
lacustrine 214, 363,364 vertical mixing 60
leading to starved basin conditions 38 Victoria, Lake 37, 38
and regressions lacustrine environment 12
Culpeper Basin 260-3 modern analogue ofpalaeolake Gosiute 39, 40, 41
cyclic sedimentation 205 shallowness of 39
interdigitated terrestrial and marine deposits vitrinite 242, 300, 331,332, 333, 337
310 vitrinite reflectance 302, 330, 333, 336-8, 348
trisnorhophane 298 vitrite layers 332
triterpanes 72, 96, 98, 187, 190, 191,283,296 vitrodetrinite 333, 334
higher plant origin 288 vivianite 372
pentacyclic 105-6, 320, 324 volcanic springs, CO source 157
triterpenoids, pentacyclic 104-5 vugs
trona 8, 180, 213 calcite-filled 249, 261,263
solubility of 214, 215 calcite-lined 259
tronaprecipitation 213-14, 215
reasons for 214
sub-lacustrine 214 Wadi Natrun (Egypt), hypersaline lake 16 ,
turbiditic flows 363 Waldsea lake 17
Tulufan Basin (China) 291 Walls Sandstone 203
spores and pollens 167 Wardie Shales 243
tundra lakes, shallow 14 water depth, Culpeper Basin
turbidite sedimentation, oligosaline lakes 17 basin floor tilting model 268, 269
turbidites 15, 39, 176, 373 lake-filling model 268
lacustrine 254 lateral extent of sub-wave base facies method 268-
sandy 265, 374 9
turbidity currents 274 water depth estimates, in ancient lakes 175-7
Turkana, Lake 18, 36 water loss, porosity increase and petroleum migration
laminated sediments 252 143, 145, 146
major sediment sources 141,142, 143 water table 48
Turkey, Lake (Canada), pyrite concentration 1334 water/sediment composition, changed with time 53,
Turkwel River 141 54
Index 391
Waterfall Formation 247,249 Windermere, Lake, pyrite concentrations 135
lacustrine conglomerates 255 Wulumuqi Pediment Depression, Zhungeer Basin
lacustrine sequences 265,267, 268 294
sandstone, siltstone and mudstone 258-9 Wulungu Formation 293
sandstones and siltstones 258
thick lacustrine sequence 261,263 Xialiaohe Depression (China), spore/pollen indicators
TOCoflacustrinesediments 253 166
wave action, fluctuating 258
wave fetch, wave base and wind speed, and water
depth estimates 175-7 Yanan Formation 294-5
waxy bitumens 108
waxy crude oil 88, 89, 108,327 zeolites 142
algal origin for 109 Zhungeer Basin (China)
Beatrice oil 196 depressions in 294
waxykerogens 21, 22, 30, 31 lagoon-lacustrine, volcano-clastic formations,
waxy n-alkanes, Big Soda Lake sediments 71 intermontane basins 279-80
weathering palaeolakesand palaeobogs 291
chemical 38, 180 saturated hydrocarbons 286
karstic 344-5,349 source rocks
tropical 345 formed in freshwater environment 292
Wilkins Peak Member, Green River Formation 29, Upper Permian 293
363, 364, 365 spore/pollen indicators 164
wind, influencing tropical lakes 31-2 Zong-Chao Palaeoland 291
wind shear 32 Zurich, Lake 8, 13-14

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