A Review of Sexava Research and Control Methods in Papua New Guinea

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Accelerat ing t he world's research.


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Agdex 602 $8.80 (GST included) ISBN 0 7245 3077 0

Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Tropical
Agricultural Entomology

Darwin 11 – 15 May 1998

Published May 2001

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................3
- ESC SMITH ................................................................................................................................................5
HAC FAY .................................................................................................................................................... 11
STRICKLAND............................................................................................................................................. 21
(COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) FROM THE NT - ESC SMITH AND MJ NEAL ............................... 27
YOUNG....................................................................................................................................................... 31
(WATERHOUSE) (COLEOPTERA: SCARABAEIDAE) - L ROBERTSON ............................................... 45
IN AUSTRALIA - K HALFPAPP................................................................................................................. 59
- D ASTRIDGE............................................................................................................................................ 75
CONTROL CASHEW INSECT PESTS - R PENG, K CHRISTIAN AND K GIBB ...................................... 81
THE NORTHERN TERRITORY - GR YOUNG AND L ZHANG.................................................................. 95
THE TOP END OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY - GR YOUNG AND L ZHANG................................. 101
AT THE DOUGLAS DALY RESEARCH FARM - GR YOUNG AND ESC SMITH ................................... 121
(MAY) (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) FRUIT FLY - H WALLACE............................................................... 133
SG DE FAVERI, RI STOREY, AND J WATSON...................................................................................... 137
1991 - 1997 - ESC SMITH AND HH BROWN .......................................................................................... 141
(HOM. : PSYLLIDAE) IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA - LS KUNIATA AND KT KOROWI ............................. 145
The Sixth workshop on Tropical Agricultural Entomology was held in Darwin from 11 to 15 May
1998. This publication contains contributed papers to the workshop by participants from
Queensland, the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Papua New Guinea. The first of
these workshops was held at Mareeba, north Queensland in 1979. The workshops are an
important forum for the exchange of ideas amongst tropical agricultural entomologists.

Prior to the workshop, it was the consensus amongst the potential delegates that papers from
the workshop be citable publications. The responsibility for refereeing of the contributed papers
has rested entirely with the authors.

The subject matter covered at the workshop included entomology in relation to agricultural
developments in north Queensland and the Northern Territory, fruit flies, cotton entomology,
pests of horticultural crops, biological control of weeds and pests of ornamentals.

It is to be hoped that agricultural entomologists retain their enthusiasm and finance to carry on
the workshops.

The publication of the workshop proceedings owes much to the efforts and advice of Deanna
Chin, Haidee Brown, Heather Wallace and Lanni Zhang, Entomology Branch NT DPIF.

Graham Young

Editor and convenor

ESC Smith
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

In contrast to the large production in other States of Australia, the value of the rural industries in
the Northern Territory (NT) is rather insignificant. In 1996, the total value of the rural industries
totalled about $306m of which the agricultural and horticultural components contributed only
16.4%. This presentation reviews the relative values of the respective components of the rural
industries in the NT; summarises the main developments in NT horticulture and agriculture over
the past seven years since the Townsville workshop of Applied Tropical Entomologists;
examines in some detail the development of our most important horticultural crop - mangoes;
and will attempt to predict developments over the next few years.

Overall, the rural industries in the NT are currently entering an interesting period with good
growth potential in several sectors and a “shaking down” in other areas.

The total value of four major rural industries in the NT (pastoral, fisheries, broad acre field crops
and horticulture) during 1996 was about $306m, of which horticulture accounted for <16% and
broad acre field crops about 0.8%. However, over the past six years, the value of the
horticulture industry has increased by around 125% while the pastoral industry increased by
about 50% and fisheries enjoyed a 25% increase in value (Table 1).

Table 1. Values of Northern Territory rural industries ($m) 1991-1996


1991 105 87 1.6 20.9

1992 133 90 4.0 28.9

1993 111 106 4.0 31.1

1994 170 108 3.3 41.0

1995 152 111 3.3 44.8

1996 149 107 2.4 48.0

The major areas of commercial horticultural and broad acre crop production in the NT were
described in the previous workshop. They consist of three main zones: tropical coastal (centred
on Darwin and extending in a semi-circle about 100 km in diameter), tropical inland (centred on
Katherine and extending about 50 km around it) and arid (within 50 km of Ti tree, in Central
Australia). Small areas of broad acre field crops are also grown in the Douglas Daly basin
between the Darwin and Katherine regions.

Values of the Various Components of the NT Agricultural and Horticultural
The values of the major components of the NT agricultural and horticultural industries over the
period 1991-1997 and estimated values for horticulture production are presented in Table 2.
The data indicates that the value of grain and seed production is quite low and has decreased
over the past few years. In the NT context, hay production is significant and is expected to be
considerably higher in 1997 due to the very large increase in demand by the live cattle export
trade. Within horticulture, the fruit sector has been the most impressive growth area over the
past six years. It increased 3.2 times in value, while the vegetable sector has been quite steady
(although statistics may be less accurate than for other sectors) and the value of nursery and
cut flower production has fluctuated, again perhaps due to the difficulty of gathering reliable

Table 2. Values of the main components in the Northern Territory agricultural and horticultural
industries ($m) 1991-1997


Grain Seeds Hay Total Fruit Veges Nursery Total
1991 1.3 0.2 N/A 1.6 14.3 3.2 3.4 20.9

1992 1.4 0.2 2.3 4.0 21.6 4.0 3.4 28.9

1993 1.0 0.2 2.8 4.0 24.0 3.7 3.4 31.1

1994 1.0 0.4 1.9 3.3 29.0 3.7 8.3 41.0

1995 0.8 0.3 2.2 3.3 34.1 4.0 6.6 44.8

1996 0.5 0.1 1.8 2.4 36.6 4.9 6.6 48.0

1997 N/A N/A N/A N/A 46.4 4.6 6.6 57.6

The value of NT horticultural production by sector and growing region over the past three years
is presented in Table 3. The figures indicate that the increase has been mainly in the Darwin
region. There is likely to be large increases in fruit production from Katherine in the next few
years as large areas of newly planted asparagus, citrus and mangoes come to bearing. Table 4
illustrates the relative values of the most widely grown crops in the fruit and vegetable sectors.
The estimated values for mango and banana production in 1997 again reflect the increased
plantings in the Darwin region while the rockmelon production is mainly based in Katherine.
Similarly, the healthy increase in bitter melon production has been achieved by a large increase
in plantings in the Darwin area by new Asian growers.

The destination of produce is little changed over the past years (Table 5). The excess produce
is exported either interstate or overseas due to the small and scattered population centres within
the NT.

Table 3. Value of NT horticultural production ($m) (by type and region)

1995 1996 Est. 1997

By Type

Fruit 34.1 36.6 46.4

Vegetables 4.0 4.9 4.6
Nursery 6.6 6.6 6.6

TOTAL 44.8 48.0 57.6

By region (Fruit and

Darwin 21.4 25.6

Katherine 9.6 8.6
Alice Springs 7.1 7.2

Table 4. Values of the major Northern Territory horticultural commodities

1995 1996 Est. 1997

FRUIT ($m)
Mango 19.8 19.4 26.0
Table Grapes 6.4 6.1 8.1
Banana 3.0 4.4 7.2
Rockmelon 2.5 3.4
Citrus 0.7 1.3

Pumpkin 485 549
Lettuce 419 539
Beans 403 474
Bitter Melon 389 892

Table 5. Market destination of Northern Territory fruit and vegetables

1989 1995 1996

Total Value ($m) 18.3 38.2 41.6


Interstate 75.5 80.0 79.6

Overseas 5.4 7.4 7.6

NT 19.1 12.6 12.8

Growth of the Mango Industry

Mango is the most successful horticultural or agricultural crop grown in the NT. Prices are
usually high compared with Queensland competitors because the NT harvest normally begins
early and in most seasons finishes as the Queensland crop matures. The effect of high prices
for early fruit explains the fact that although the NT produces about 15% of the Australian
mango crop, it receives some 26% of the total Australian market value.

Table 6. Northern Territory mango production (tonnes)

1984 84

1987 484

1990 1,784

1993 3,731

1996 5,357

1997 8,100

The trend of annual increases in production within the NT (Table 6) is very similar to that
exhibited in other mango growing areas of Australia. The table shows a steady increase during
the successive three-year intervals and a massive increase in the last year when conditions
were very good and many trees started bearing. The NT production is certain to further increase
rapidly over the next few years since a tree survey conducted in 1997 estimated that around
62% of all trees planted in the NT were under six years of age and therefore had not reached
full production.

Like other horticultural commodities, a major portion of NT mangoes are marketed interstate
where they attract higher prices because they are early in the market. Some 25% of NT fruit is
sold to Brisbane agents, although how much of this fruit is then resold to the Sydney or
Melbourne markets is unknown.

Short Term Future Prospects

To project the probable trends in agriculture and horticulture in the NT over the next five to ten
years I will discuss the broad-acre crops situation and three horticultural sectors: fruit,
vegetables and nursery/cut flowers.

Short Term Future Prospects - Fruit

Since many of the fruit trees planted are yet to achieve full production, we can expect increased
production without additional plantings. Although pest and disease problems will undoubtedly
affect the profitability of an enterprise, they will probably not be limiting for fruit production in the
NT except perhaps for fruit piercing moths. However, citrus canker and other exotic pest and
disease incursions will always pose a threat to horticulture, particularly in the Top End. There is
an increasing interest in the adoption of at least some Intergrated Pest Management (IPM)
principles for orchards and considerable local information is now available to growers who wish
to follow these recommendations.

The likely significant increases in horticultural production or plantings will be in the following
crops and growing regions:

• Mangoes: Both in the Darwin and Katherine regions.

• Citrus: Katherine and to a lesser extent Darwin. There will possibly be some increase in the
arid zone area if proposed plantings on aboriginal land occur. Market “windows” for lemons,
limes and red grapefruit appear to offer the best prospects.

• Bananas: Darwin area. Increased plantings will be limited by available suitable land.
Currently there are significant areas with young plants and intended areas for future

• Table grapes: Significant areas are still being planted in the arid zone and there is interest
in Aboriginal communities.

• Other tropical fruits: Darwin area. There is considerable interest in, and likely increased
plantings (albeit small) of a range of species, such as mangosteen, carambola, jackfruit and
durian in “mixed tree cropping” smallholder plots.

The interest in large-scale cashew plantations has declined over the past few years. However,
this nut crop, in addition to dates and figs in the arid zone may receive significant horticultural
investments in the future. Similarly, although there have been few new rambutan plantings over
the past five years, problems with production, pest and marketing are gradually being
overcome. Renewed interest should be generated as the local tourist industry expands and
better marketing arrangements for small quantities of specialty lines are developed in southern
markets. The recent development and promotion of a management system for Mastotermes, a
significant production pest in orchards, has been well received and should now be utilised by
most commercial growers.

Short Term Future Prospects - Vegetable Production

Compared with the situation for fruit production, pest and disease problems will probably have
major implications for vegetable crop production. Recently the incidence of disease has affected
the viability of asparagus, bean and basil crops. Melon thrips, two-spotted mites and nematodes
are major pests of many tropical vegetables and IPM practices are being developed and
promoted to growers. Although few vegetable growers have, as yet, accepted IPM as a
management system, the potential benefits of using high potassium soaps and the introduction
of predatory mites have been demonstrated on various properties.

The following crops are likely to continue developing steadily over the next few years:

• Tropical/Asian vegetables - currently mainly grown around Darwin, but there is good
scope for production in the Katherine region. In the Katherine area, one grower has
invested heavily in asparagus production under centre pivot irrigation. Most crops have a
good short-term future but there are doubts about the longer-term sustainability of land,
disease control and the commitment of current growers. The marketing and pest problems
appear to be becoming less important. There are good market prospects for most vegetable
crops, especially asparagus, beans, bitter melons, capsicum, eggplant, various herbs,
lettuce, loofah, okra, pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini and some other specialty vegetables,
such as Lebanese cucumber.

• Traditional vegetables - quality produce (e.g. asparagus, beans, brassicas, capsicum,

cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, pumpkin, various melons, tomatoes and squashes) have long
been grown in the Ti Tree area of the arid zone. Prospects for increased production there
and on Aboriginal land for sale into market “windows” appear promising. One enterprise
producing hydroponic “fancy” lettuces and other vegetables has recently discovered a very
profitable niche market both locally and in the South East Asian markets. In the northern
regions, growers already directing their production to markets overseas should continue to

The demand for tropical vegetables and good quality traditional vegetables will continue to
grow. The specialty lines such as bamboo shoots, gourds, herbs, “vine-ripened” or sun-dried
tomatoes and hydroponic vegetables should attract good demand and prices. As the marketing
arrangements are further improved and the difficulties of vegetable production in southern areas
increase due to water and land availability and environmental pressures, the prospects for
vegetables grown in the NT appear very good.

Short-term future prospects - Nursery and flower production

The nursery industry has undergone steady growth since climatic conditions in the Top End are
very suitable for most lines. Emphasis on flower production has been in the selection of suitable

species and marketing (e.g. gerberas, heliconias, orchids, torch and tulip gingers). Some
overseas markets for native cut flowers (kangaroo paw, geraldton wax) from Central Australia
have been developed but are generally in their infancy. There is scope to increase production in
most lines if the quality and marketing arrangements are satisfactory. The nursery sector has
already accepted the concept of IPM, particularly the use of “softer” chemicals and introductions
of beneficial organisms following research and surveys conducted several years ago by DPIF.

Short Term Future Prospects - Broad acre farming

Although broad acre farming has declined in the Top End in recent years (as shown in the
figures presented earlier in Table 2), the tremendous growth in the live cattle market especially
during the period 1994-1997, promoted hay and pasture seeds as valuable commodities within
a sustainable tropical ley farming system. Grain production has declined to almost negligible
levels. However, further investment in centre pivot irrigation systems will boost grain legume
production, particularly peanuts and soybean. There are good prospects for high value sesame
and seed crops.

We are likely to be in an exciting period of horticulture and broad acre farming over the next few
years as increased research in tropical horticulture and the Ord River Stage 3 development
proceeds. The establishment of the proposed CRC for Tropical Horticulture involving the
CSIRO, universities and state departments of primary industries would ensure that applied
research and technological developments are conducted in tropical regions.

There is likely to be increased investment interest in bananas, citrus, exotic fruits, figs, specialty
tropical vegetables and in higher value broad acre crops, such as peanuts, cotton, sugar cane
and grain legumes. The Keep River area within the Ord River Stage 3 development could
provide suitable land for crops of cereals, vegetables, grain legumes, pastures grown for seed
production and some fruits. As the live cattle trade improves, the demand for improved pastures
and hay will again be high.

However, production will be constrained by physical (e.g. climate, soil type, nutrition, reliable
water quantity and quality, new technology), human (e.g. land tenure, availability of finance,
management limitations, market opportunities), biological (e.g. suitable varieties, insect pests,
diseases, vertebrate pests) and other factors.

H.A.C. Fay
Queensland Horticulture Institute
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
PO Box 1054
Mareeba Queensland 4880

The gross value of horticultural production in Queensland reached the $1 billion mark in
1993/94, with the northern part of the state contributing around 40%. While horticulture has
continued to grow and diversify in the region, it was significantly disrupted by the detection of
the Asian Papaya fruit fly, Bactrocera papayae Drew and Hancock, near Cairns in October
1995. New requirements were imposed on growers for treating or evaluating fruit prior to
shipment from the Quarantine Area (north of 19oS). A campaign to eradicate the fly was
initiated, and supported by a national cost-sharing arrangement under SCARM. The campaign
was due for successful completion in August 1998, after expenditure approaching $35 million.
Despite the impositions growers faced, there have been substantial increases in production in
most commodities in recent years; particularly in the mango, papaw, bean and banana
industries. Significant crop diversification on the Atherton Tableland has seen the number of
commodities worth $1 million p.a. reach 13. However, horticulture in north Queensland has had
to face other developing entomological problems. These include silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia
tabaci (Gennadius) type B, in vegetable and melon crops, spider mites in papaws, sugarcane
weevil borer, Rhabdoscelus obscurus (Boisduval), in palms, a Sigastus weevil in macadamias,
and a Cryptophlebia sp. in avocados. Among several incursions of exotic pests into Torres Strait
and onto the mainland, two of the most significant have been the arrival of spiralling whitefly in
Cairns in 1998, and detection of mango leafhopper near Weipa in 1997.

Key words: Tropical fruit, vegetable and melons, Bactrocera papayae, Bemisia tabaci

Horticultural production in Queensland has continued its rapid growth, with the Gross Value of
Production (GVP) exceeding the $1 billion mark in 1993/94 (Source: ABS). North Queensland
contributes around 40% of Queensland’s horticulture GVP, and crop diversification has
remained a feature of the region through the 90s as circumstances in other industries (e.g.
tobacco, rice) have changed.

The most significant event for horticulture in north Queensland since 1991 was the detection of
the Asian Papaya fruit fly, B. papayae Drew and Hancock, near Cairns in October 1995.
Following a declaration of a 75,000 km2 Quarantine Area, produce from the region north of 19oS
had restrictions placed on it, requiring certain conditions be met before it could be moved. In
crops such as mangoes and papaws this meant dipping fruit in dimethoate or fenthion, in
bananas only hard green fruit could be shipped, or non-host status had to be determined. The
newly established mango trade to Japan, based on vapour-heat treated fruit, was suspended
pending data on the treatment relevant to B. papayae. These data were collected and the trade
re-established within a year. Nevertheless, losses to the region due to the incursion were
estimated to exceed $100 million in the year following detection. An eradication campaign,
based on the Male Annihilation Method, was launched in November 1995 (Fay et al. 1997). It
was supported by national funding through the Standing Committee for Agriculture and
Resource Management. At a cost, which approached $35 million, the campaign was due for
completion in August 1998, after no fly detections for over 12 months.

Commodity Production Trends
Figure 1 indicates the percentage increase/decrease in production in 10 major crops in north
Queensland between 1991 and 1996. In bananas and papaws production increases have
largely been a result of increased plantings, while in mangoes and macadamias they can be
attributed to tree maturation. Pumpkins are one of the few commodities to show a decline in
production, despite the expansion in varietal offerings.

Figure 1. Changes in production and yield in ten major crops in north Queensland between
1991 and 1996

Other production trends include:

Avocados: Few changes are occurring. A niche market has been created for early season
Shepherds from the Atherton Tableland. Very little product is exported.

Bananas: Plantings in southeast Queensland are declining, but those in north Queensland have
increased over the past two years. While most expansion has occurred on the wet coast, there
have also been developments on the Atherton Tableland.

Capsicums: The Bowen area produces about 80% of the Queensland crop. Moderate increases
in production are expected, with more processing.

Macadamias: Expansion in the industry in Queensland has been running at about 12% p.a.
Exports account for 64% of the crop. Plantings in north Queensland are static.

Mangoes: Over the past five years 50% of plantings throughout the State have been of the later
varieties Keitt, R2E2, Palmer and Nan doc mai. Exports, mainly from north Queensland, have
risen to 10% of the crop. Over the next five years production in central and southern
Queensland is expected to increase from 9% to 40% of the state level.

Melons: Any future expansion in the industry will be exports from north Queensland, but the
economic situation in Asia will drive this.

Papaws: About 90% of production is now derived from north Queensland, after recent rapid
declines in the industry in other parts of the State. There has been some diversification amongst
sugarcane and banana producers into pawpaw production.

Tomatoes: Bowen remains the main production area in the State. No production increases are
expected and grower numbers should decline.

Horticulture has significantly diversified and expanded in the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Area
on the Atherton Tableland, where historically tobacco has been the dominant crop. Horticultural
crops worth more than $1 million p.a. have increased from four in 1990/91 to 13 in 1996/97
(including macadamias, tea tree, longans, lychees, citrus, sweet potato and flowers) (Anon
1998). The value of the MDIA’s lychee industry alone has grown to over $10 million p.a.
However, sugarcane production is also expanding rapidly on the Atherton Tableland, occupying,
either previously uncropped ground or land planted to rice, peanuts, maize or potatoes. A new
mill has been commissioned west of Mareeba, with its initial crush during the 1998 season.

Other industry Issues

Other issues for horticulture in north Queensland include:

1. Poor returns to mango growers and inadequate research dollars from that industry,
2. The ‘selection’ of five exotic tropical tree crops with market potential - abiu, durian, longan,
mangosteen and rambutan;
3. The impending loss or restricted use of endosulfan, which has significance for many crops,
particularly those affected by fruitspotting bugs;
4. The establishment of a new post-harvest facility in Cairns, following the Asian Papaya Fly
incursion; and
5. The formation of the Queensland Horticulture Institute in 1997 as a business unit of DPI.

New or Resurgent Pests

Apart from the exotic pests outlined in Table 1, a number of other insects and mites have
caused concern for horticultural production in north Queensland since 1991. The silverleaf
whitefly, B. tabaci type B, has been increasing in prominence, particularly in the vegetable and
melon crops of the Burdekin Irrigation Area. The Queensland Horticulture Institute has recently
employed an entomologist to examine the problem, including the insecticide resistance issue.
Spider mites, and particularly the two-spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, have progressed
from being a seasonal or insecticide-induced problem to a perennial and severe pest for some
papaw growers. The sugarcane weevil borer, R. obscurus, has continued to trouble the palm
industry, and is again a concern for sugarcane growers with the wide adoption of green cane
harvesting. A new weevil pest of macadamias, an unknown Sigastus sp., appeared in Atherton
Tableland crops during 1994/95. Data collected so far suggest that this weevil can cause
significant nut losses in orchards, which are organic or minimally treated with insecticide. A
moth thought to belong to the genus Cryptophlebia has emerged as a serious threat to the
avocado industry on the Atherton Tableland. The female lays its eggs on the fruit surface, and
the emerging larvae rapidly bore through the epidermis. The insect appears in crops from late
January to early March and particularly threatens varieties such as Hass. Research on this pest
has become a high priority for the local industry. Another pest not previously known to north
Queensland horticulture is the small mirid, Taylorilygus nr. nebulosus (Malipatil pers. comm.). It
feeds on developing avocado and longan fruit, in the former causing lumpy fruit on maturity.

The exotic pest incursions into north Queensland since 1991 are given for both Torres Strait
and the mainland in Table 1. Following the detection of the Asian Papaya fruit fly in Cairns in
1995, spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus Russell, was located in the city in 1998. Its
containment is being undertaken by localised treatment, restricted movement of host plant
material and distribution of the wasp parasitoid, Encarsia. The detection of both mango

leafhopper and red-banded mango caterpillar in the Peninsula/Torres Strait areas is a concern
for the mango industry coming soon after their Asian Papaya fruit fly experience.

Table 1. Exotic pest incursions into north Queensland since 1991

Torres Strait Mainland

Bactrocera papayae, B. trivialis, Bactrocera papayae

B. cucurbitae (Cairns - Oct.1995)
(regularly since 1993)

Noorda albizonalis Aleurodicus dispersus

(Saibai - 1989/90) (Seisia - Mar. 1995)
(Dauan - 1996/97; ?Moa-1997) (Cairns - Mar. 1998)

Apis cerana, Varroa jacobsoni Idioscopus nitidulus

(Saibai,Boigu,Dauan - 1992/3) (near Weipa - Sept. 1997)

Some Issues Facing Northern Entomologists

1. The continued emergence of new pests;
2. The loss or restricted use of valuable insecticides due to the ongoing review process;
3. Increasing insecticide resistance, exacerbated by the loss of certain groups of compounds;
4. Lack of new chemicals to replace old ones;
5. Constraints on the import or release of exotic beneficials;
6. Limits to the development and availability of new technologies;
7. Ongoing expansion in the range of crops and the associated pest problems;
8. Consumer demands for cleaner, greener produce;
9. Market access/quarantine requirements; and
10. Increasing competition for research dollars.

The Queensland Horticulture Institute has authorised the publication of this paper.

Anon. (1998). Directions: A program for agribusiness on the Tablelands. Tablelands Advertiser,
Wednesday June 24, 1998. Pp. 21 - 28.

Fay, H.A., Drew, R.A. and Lloyd, A.C. (1997). The eradication program for Papaya fruit fly
(Bactrocera papayae Drew and Hancock) in north Queensland. Pp. 259-261. In Allwood, A.J.
and Drew, R.A.I. (Eds.) Management of Fruit Flies in the Pacific: A regional symposium, Nadi,
Fiji 28 - 31 October 1996.

Andrea Wilson
Biological Control Section, Weeds Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

The DPIF has initiated biological control programs against five weeds in conjunction with CSIRO
Entomology. To date, 11 biological control agents, nine insects and two pathogens, have been
released against the woody weed, Mimosa pigra in the Northern Territory. Of these, seven
insects and a pathogen have established. Three insects have been released against the
malvaceous shrub, Sida acuta. A chrysomelid beetle has established, is now widespread across
the Top End and appears to reduce seed production. Overseas exploration has commenced in
a program targeting the shrub Jatropha gossypifolia and plans to begin exploration for agents
against the annual herb, Argemone ochroleuca are underway. Work with Hyptis suaveolans is
on hold.

Invasive weeds have been recorded in the Northern Territory (NT) since European exploration
began. Hytpis suaveolens (L.) Poit for example, was first reported by the ill-fated explorer
Ludwig Leichardt at Port Essington in 1845 (Miller and Schultz 1997). Many invasive plant
species originate from tropical countries. A large number were introduced for pasture
“improvement” or as ornamental garden plants (Smith 1995).

The rapid spread of one such plant, Mimosa pigra L., was the stimulus for the Weeds Branch,
DPIF to initiate its first biological control program against the weed in 1979 (van Rangelrooy
1994). Mimosa pigra has the same origin (tropical America) as a number of other NT weeds.
Other projects were commenced in conjunction with the M. pigra program and in collaboration
with CSIRO Entomology.

I shall discuss the progress to date of biological control of M. pigra and Sida acuta Burman F.
and other current programs and studies undertaken by the Biological Control Unit of the Weeds
Branch, DPIF.

Mimosa pigra L.
Mimosa pigra, which originated in Central America, has now spread throughout the tropics and
threatens all wetlands of tropical Australia. The plant is thought to have been introduced into
Australia through the Darwin Botanic Gardens in the late nineteenth century as a curiosity plant.
By the 1950s M. pigra had spread to the Adelaide River township, at the end of the 1960s, the
Marrakai crossing and in 1975 had reached the Arnhem Highway bridge (Miller and Lonsdale
1987). From there the weed spread rapidly over the flood plains aided by floodwater and
overgrazing by buffalo (Lonsdale et al. 1988). At the present time the plant covers at least 80
000 hectares of the Northern Territory (Lonsdale 1992) and is arguably the worst weed of the
Top End. Mimosa pigra now occurs from the Fitzmaurice River in the west to the Phelps River in
the east. Scattered infestations at Maningrida, Arafura Swamp, Stray Creek on Jindare station,
Scott Creek west of Katherine and on North Perron Island are being controlled using herbicides
with a view to eradication. Larger infestations are chemically and mechanically treated to
prevent further spread and allow economic or cultural activity.

The main problem is the ability of M. pigra, in the introduced range, to produce a large number
of seeds. For example the seed bank at a site in the lower Adelaide River in the NT was found
to be 10,000 seeds/m2, two orders of magnitude higher than in Mexico (Lonsdale et al. 1988).

Thus a primary objective of the biological control program is to reduce viable seed production
and hence the ability of M. pigra to colonise new areas.

Mimosa pigra is a resilient plant. Eleven biological control agents, nine insects and two
pathogens, have been released against the weed (Table 1). All insects, except for
Chalcodermus serripes and Sibinia fastigiata, have established.

Table 1. Biological control agents against Mimosa pigra as of June 1998


Acanthoscelides puniceus Johnson Bruchidae April 1983

A. quadridentatus (Schaeffer) Bruchidae April 1983

Chlamisus mimosae Karren Chrysomelidae November 1985

Neurostrota gunniella (Busck) Gracillariidae February 1989

Carmenta mimosa Eichlin and Passoa Sesiidae July 1989

Coelocephalapion aculeatum Fall Apionidae January 1992

Coelocephalopion pigrae Kissinger Apionidae May 1994

Phloeospora mimosae-pigrae Coelomycetes March 1995

Diabole cubensis Urenidales March 1996

Chalcodermus serripes Fahreus Curculionidae April 1996

Sibinia fastigiata Clark Curculionidae December 1997

* First released in the Northern Territory

The bruchids, Acanthoscelides puniceus and A. quadridentatus were the first agents released
(Table 1). Both insects established quickly and spread rapidly. However, by 1990, seven years
after the initial release, less than one per cent of seed was consumed by these beetles prior to
dispersal (Wilson and Flanagan 1991). Another seven years later in a survey of biological
control agents of M. pigra conducted in September 1997 the overall pre-dispersal consumption
by the bruchids had risen to four per cent. Up to 25% pre-dispersal seed destruction was
recorded at one site (unpublished data).

The next insect to be released has had little impact. Chlamisus mimosae is a Brazilian stem-
grazing chrysomelid. The insect is sedentary, has established only on the Finniss River and not
spread far from release sites.

In 1989 two Mexican moths were released, the sesiid Carmenta mimosa and the gracillarid
Neurostrota gunniella (Table 1). Early instars of N. gunniella mine leaf pinnules while the older
larvae tunnel into stems and tips (Davis et al. 1991). Predictions have been made of a reduction
in seed production by up to 60% through N. gunniella activity. CSIRO Entomology in Darwin is
currently quantifying the insect’s impact. Today this moth is practically ubiquitous. Nearly all
infestations of M. pigra are colonised by the moth (unpublished data). The larvae of C. mimosa
tunnel into larger M. pigra stems. Edge plants are commonly heavily infested. This moth causes
considerable damage to plants in high numbers. The life cycle of C. mimosa is longer than that
of N. gunniella (12 weeks compared with 4.5 weeks at 25° C) (Forno et al. 1992). While this
insect has established over more than 220 km2 (unpublished data) numbers of C. mimosa have
fallen over the last two wet seasons. Record rainfall and subsequent high water levels appear to
have caused larvae to drown and populations crash (pers. obs.). Larvae are still being

harvested from plants grown at Berrimah Agricultural Research Centre (BARC) and are
currently being redistributed to sites on the Mary and Daly Rivers. Impact studies to quantify C.
mimosa effect on plant growth and seed production are underway.

Coelocephalapion aculeatum was the first of the apionid weevils released (Table 1). Both adult
and larvae consume buds and flowers of M. pigra, exclusively (Forno et al. 1994). The insect
established but has not been found away from release sites (M. Paskins pers. comm.). The
second apionid, C. pigrae, was released two years later. Within three years the insect was
found at Elizabeth Downs station, at least 80 km from the nearest release site (pers. obs.) and
now appears as ubiquitous as N. gunniella. Their success may be due in part to their diet as
adult of C. pigrae consume both flowers and leaves (Heard 1996) thus being able to survive the
dry season when flowering occurs infrequently.

In the plant’s native range, two green seed feeding weevils are estimated to consume more than
95% of green seeds of M. pigra (T. Heard pers. comm.). In 1996 the mature green-seed feeder
Chalcodermus serripes was first released in the NT. The female lays on green seeds greater
than 4 mm in length. This weevil appears to be univoltine, entering what appears to be an
obligate diapause at the prepupal stage and thus difficult to rear in the laboratory (Heard et al.
1997). Direct release permits were sought and C. serripes are released into the field after
stringent screening in quarantine. Establishment on the Finniss River has not been confirmed
but evidence of insect activity persists at the release site.

The second green seed feeder, Sibinia fastigiata, was first released in December 1997. Sibinia
fastigiata oviposit on seeds less than 3 mm long, thus complementing the impact of C. serripes.
Adult S. fastigiata feed only on nectar and pollen of M. pigra and a closely related plant (Heard
et al. 1997). Due to difficulty rearing these insects in the laboratory - concomitant flowering
seeds of a suitable size for oviposition and an ovipositing female are required (Heard et al.
1997). This weevil is also released directly into the field. As the insect is multivoltine and adult
emergence is triggered by rain (T. Heard pers. comm.) which also initiates flower production,
this weevil appears to be well adapted to northern Australian conditions.

At the present time the Weeds Branch is continuing to release the seed feeders and
redistributing C. mimosa. CSIRO Entomology in Brisbane is currently host-testing lepidopteran
leaf tiers. A comprehensive survey of the distribution of biological control agents on M. pigra in
the NT is almost complete. Present work also centres on experiments to determine the most
cost-effective control method of the weed and studies of the impact of N. gunniella, C. pigrae
and C. mimosa on M. pigra are underway.

Sida acuta Burman f.

Spiny head sida is native to central America and thought to have been introduced into the NT by
Chinese miners for use as brooms in the nineteenth century (Pitt 1992). Heavy grazing and the
plant’s unpalatability have led to the formation of monospecific stands of S. acuta in overgrazed
paddocks, around watercourses and stockyards (Lonsdale et al. 1995). Sida acuta has become
a problem throughout the Darwin, Gulf and Victoria River regions of the NT (Pitt 1992).

To date, three biological control agents have been released against S. acuta (Table 2). A leaf-
feeding chrysomelid beetle, Calligrapha pantherina was released on the Finniss River in 1989.
Both larvae and adult consume the leaves and flowers of the plant (Forno et al. 1992). The
beetle usually appears in destructive numbers in mid to late wet season in coastal areas.
Populations sweep through stands of S. acuta, completely defoliating plants. This year they
were found on the banks of the Katherine River (before the floods), in the Pine Creek area and
on most properties in the Darwin area (pers. obs.). In early 1997, five years after its initial
release, C. pantherina was found in high numbers on Mataranka station, 100 km south of
Katherine. The manager estimated a return of 70% pasture grass in what was a monoculture of
S. acuta after defoliation by the insect the previous wet season. Seed production at one site in
the Darwin region was reduced by an order of magnitude after defoliation by the beetle
(Lonsdale et al. 1995).

There are problems with C. pantherina. Firstly, defoliation often occurs after seeding (pers.
obs.). Secondly, C. pantherina occurrence is seasonal especially in the drier areas of the
weed’s range. Recovery from dry season population crashes may take several months. And
thirdly, the beetle often does not kill larger plants.

Other insects were selected to complement and enhance that action of C. pantherina. A stem
boring weevil, Eutinobothrus species was initially released in 1994 (Table 2). This insect is
currently being described. Larvae feed internally while adults graze on the stem of the plant.
Eutinobothrus sp. aestivates during the dry periods, so numbers of the weevil should survive the
dry season ready to emerge with the first rains (Day et al. 1995).

Table 2. Biological control agents released against Sida acuta


Calligrapha pantherina St. I Chrysomelidae September 1989

Eutinobothrus sp. Curculionidae January 1994

E. pilosellus (Boheman) Curculionidae March 1997

* First released in the Northern Territory

Observations of interaction between the agents appear promising. At a property near Darwin S.
acuta plants infested with the weevil and then grazed by C. pantherina had visibly higher
mortality than those defoliated by the chrysomelid beetle alone (pers. obs.).

A second weevil, E. pilosellus, was initially released in 1997 (Table 2). Larvae honeycomb the
stem while adults graze on leaves leaving characteristic scars. This insect can reproduce in
stems of smaller diameter than Eutinobothrus sp. (G. Fichera pers. comm.). Stem integrity is
also maintained: Eutinobothrus sp. creates holes where frass is pushed to the exterior of the
plant. Thus E. pilosellus appears better adapted for survival in areas prone to flooding. Studies
to quantify the impact of weevils are the underway.

Jatropha gossypifolia L.
Belly-ache bush or Jatropha gossypifolia is a significant pest in India, Jamaica, Brazil, Trinidad,
Africa, Papua New Guinea, northern Australia and eastern Indonesia (Pitt 1997). The plant was
probably introduced as a garden plant last century. Bellyache bush is a tough perennial plant
and forms dense thickets along waterways and degraded land. The plant is spread by seeds
and vegetative parts of the plants.

Overseas exploration for agents has begun. A cerambycid from Venezuela appears promising.
Host testing of the beetle should commence this year (IW Forno, pers. Comm.).

Argemone ochroleuca Sweet

As with many of the weeds in the NT, Mexican poppy, Argemone ochroleuca, originated in
Central America. Now considered as one of the world’s worst weeds, A. ochroleuca occurs
throughout the tropics (Wilson 1995). This thistle-like plant was probably introduced into NSW
through contamination of grain (Smith 1995). In recent years Mexican poppy has spread rapidly
through riverbeds of central Australia, changing the appearance of the country and posing a
threat to tourism and the pastoral industry. Overseas exploration for biological control agents
should begin within a year.

Hyptis suaveolans (L.) Poit.

Hyptis or horehound is an aromatic plant that grows to a height of two metres (Miller and
Schultz 1997). This plant is said to be the most abundant and widespread weed in northern

Australia. Potential biological control agents have been identified but work on the weed has
been placed on hold until extra funds become available or work on higher priority weeds is

I thank Grant Flanagan for valuable comments.

Davis DR, Kassulke RC, Gillet JD and Harley KLS. (1991). Systematics, morhpology, biology
and host specificity of Neurostrota gunniella (Buesk) (Lepidoptera: Gracillaridae), an agent of
biological control of Mimosa pigra in Australia. Entomological Society of Washington 93, 16-44.

Day MD, Forno IW, Segura R and Martinez M. (1995). Life cycle and host specificity of
Eutinobothrus sp. (Col: Curculionidae) an agent for biological control of Sida acuta (Malvaceae)
in the Northern Territory, Australia. Entomophaga 40, 345-355.

Forno IW, Heard TA and Day MD. (1994). Host specificity and aspects of the biology of
Coelocephalapion aculeatum (Coleoptera: Apionidae), a potential biological control agent of
Mimosa pigra. Environmental Entomology 23, 147-153.

Forno IW, Kassulke RC and Day MD. (1992). Life-cycle and host testing procedures for
Carmenta mimosa Eichlin and Passoa (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), a biological control agent for
Mimosa pigra L. (Mimosaceae) in Australia. Biological Control 1, 309-315.

Forno IW, Kassulke RC and Harley KLS. (1992). Host specificity and aspects of the biology of
Calligrapha pantherina (Col: Chrysomelidae), a biological control agent of Sida acuta
(Malvaceae) and S. rhombifolia in Australia. Entomophaga 37, 409-417.

Heard TA and Forno IW. (1996). Host selection and host range of the flower-feeding weevil,
Coelocephalapion pigrae, a potential biological control agent of Mimosa pigra. Biological Control
6, 83-95.

Heard TA, Forno IW and Burcher JA. (1997). Chalcodermus serripes (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae) for biological control of Mimosa pigra: host relations and life cycle. Unpublished

Heard TA, Segura R, Martinez M and Forno IW. (1997). Biology and host range of the green-
seed weevil, Sibinia fastigiata, for biological control of Mimosa pigra. Biocontrol Science and
Technology 7, 631-644.

Lonsdale WM. (1992). The biology of Mimosa pigra. In: A Guide to the Management of Mimosa
pigra (ed KLS Harley) pp.8-32. CSIRO, Canberra.

Lonsdale WM, Farrell G and Wilson CG. (1995). Biological control of a tropical weed: a
population model and experiment for Sida acuta. Journal of Applied Ecology 32, 391-399.

Lonsdale WM, Harley KLS and Gillett JD. (1988). Seed bank dynamics in Mimosa pigra, an
invasive tropical shrub. Journal of Applied Ecology 25, 963-976.

Miller IL and Lonsdale WM. (1987). Early records of Mimosa pigra in the Northern Territory.
Plant Protection Quarterly 2, 140 -142.

Miller IL and Schultz GC. (1997). Hyptis or Horehound (Hyptis suaveolans). Agnote No. 477,
September. Weeds Branch, Darwin. Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.

Pitt J.L. (1992). Spinyhead sida (Sida acuta). Agnote No. 496, February. Weeds Branch,
Darwin. Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.

Pitt J.L. (1997). Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia). Agnote No. 480, September. Weeds
Branch, Darwin. Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.

Smith N.M. (1995). Weeds of Natural Ecosystems. Environment Centre, Darwin.

Van Rangelrooy DS. (1994). Biological Control of Mimosa pigra. Agnote No. 594, September.
Weeds Branch, Darwin. Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.

Wilson C.G. (1995). Mexican poppy (Argemone ochroleuca). Agnote No. 632, May. Weeds
Branch, Darwin. Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.

Wilson C.G and Flanagan (1991). Establishment of Acanthoscelides quadridentatus (Schaeffer)

and A. puniceus Johnson (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on Mimosa pigra in the Northern Territory.
Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 30, 279-280.

A. J. Annells1 and G. R. Strickland2
Agriculture Western Australia, PO Box 19, Kununurra Western Australia 6743
Agriculture Western Australia, 3 Baron-Hay Court, Perth Western Australia 6151

The cotton research program in the Kimberley commenced in 1993 with a study on the
feasibility of growing INGARD® cotton (Strickland and Fitt 1993). The feasibility study found that
it should be possible to grow INGARD® but there were some major constraints that had to be
investigated if the industry was to be sustainable. The current cotton research program in the
Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA), carried out jointly by Agriculture Western Australia and
CSIRO, is investigating these constraints and developing a best management practice for

Commercial Cotton Production (1963 - 1974)

The only significant period of cotton production in the Kimberley occurred from 1963 to 1974 in
the ORIA. During this time the area planted to cotton peaked at 4,795 ha and the highest yield
was achieved in 1971 with 4.8 bales/ha which was equal to yields being achieved in eastern
Australia at the time. Today, with advances in technology, plant breeding and Australian
adapted cotton varieties, the average yield for the eastern States is around 8 bales/ha (The
Australian Cotton Grower 1998).

The early cotton industry in the ORIA was plagued with quality problems and pest management
difficulties, which eventually over-whelmed the industry. Problems associated with the cropping
system included:

• wet season cotton production;

• pest control and crop management delayed by rain;
• only broad spectrum insecticides were used;
• insect control was not done on an integrated pest management basis;
• ratooning practiced on at least 25% of crop;
• 12 month cropping cycle with other heliothis hosts (e.g. sorghum);
• harvesting occurred over a protracted period;
• insecticide resistance developed.

INGARD® Cotton Production (1993 →)

The feasibility study in 1993 decided that INGARD® cotton could not be grown sustainably in
the Kimberley using broad spectrum insecticides alone, or with the management practices of the
past (Strickland and Fitt 1993). So, how can we contemplate a cotton industry again?
Technological advances have led to:

• improvements in harvesting, transport and storage of lint prior to ginning;

• improvements in plant varieties and transgenic plant varieties;
• new insecticides which are very specific to the target.

However, new plant varieties, transgenics (INGARD®) and new generation insecticides are not
complete solutions to past problems. Many of these new products require very specific
conditions for application, or performance is compromised. Also, results under high pest
pressure may be disappointing. In many cases the new products control only 60% of the pest
population, meaning that at high densities you may still have above threshold pest pressure.
These new technologies are tools that are ideally suited to an integrated management package.

Most of the essential ingredients of an integrated pest management package, such as insect
development models, economic thresholds, computer based decision support tools, cultural,
biological and chemical control methods are already available to the cotton industry. However, it
is arguable whether these have ever been put together and used as one package. This is
attempted in the Ord research program where the cornerstone of the IPM package being
investigated, is the use of INGARD® transgenic cotton varieties to control lepidopteran pests.
Further control is being provided by cultural, biological and chemical methods built around this
foundation. I will now compare some of the new approaches with past practices.

Wet Season vs Dry Season Production

One of the most radical features we are trialing in the ORIA cotton production system is winter
(dry season) production rather than summer (wet season) production. Temperatures in the Ord
during winter are warm enough for cotton growth with maximum temperatures ranging from 30.3
- 38.3oC and minimum temperatures from 14.4 - 23.5oC. However, there is a 5% chance of the
minimum temperature falling below 12oC on any one night during the winter months. This
represents the critical threshold temperature for cotton growth. Below 12oC cotton stops growing
and the plant may be physiologically damaged.

By growing cotton through the winter two major pests of the previous cotton industry
Spodoptera litura and Pectinophora gossypiella (Richards 1948) are avoided. Heliothis activity
is generally less because temperatures are lower than in summer so the insect’s life cycles are
lengthened. There is also some improvement in insecticide efficacy brought about by cooler

Dry season cotton production has restricted growers in the ORIA to very narrow planting and
harvesting windows in order to avoid the wet season. The initial feasibility study indicated that
cotton could be planted from March to June. Such an extended planting window can favour pest
insects because it provides a long period of time over which favourable food is available. Time
of sowing trials carried out over a number of years indicated that mid-March to mid-April is the
optimum period for planting (Yeates and Constable 1998). Yields are maximised, compensating
for any quality discount due to short fibre length and flowering and boll development occur
during the months of May to July when pest numbers are low. By the time pest numbers build
up the crop has become a largely unfavourable food site. Mid-March to mid-April sowing dates
also ensure that harvesting is completed by late October so that rain does not cause weathering
of fibre or destroy the crop (Yeates and Constable 1998).

Dry season cotton production has created some interesting agronomic problems that are being
investigated by CSIRO. The major concerns are short fibre length, which is influenced by
temperature, and excessive early vegetative growth, which causes rankness. Early rankness
leads to problems with spray penetration and insect control later in the season.

Conventional Cotton versus INGARD® Cotton

In 1996 conventional cotton and INGARD® were grown with the same IPM program and the
numbers of heliothis larvae, sprays and yields were compared. The cotton was grown with
lucerne strips planted every 300 m. The lucerne acts as a trap/companion crop. The beneficial
food spray Envirofeast™ was also applied. Conventional chemicals were used to control pests
based on results obtained from crop scouting and EntomoLOGIC™ recommendations.

More heliothis larvae were found on the conventional cotton than on the INGARD® for the entire
season (Figure 1).




14 Conventional Cotton
Mean Larvae Per Metre



2 Ingard Cotton

May 13

May 20

May 27

Jun 3

Jun 10

Jun 17

Jun 24

Jul 1

Jul 8

Jul 15

Jul 22

Jul 29

Aug 5

Aug 12

Aug 19

Aug 26

Sep 2

Sep 9

Sep 16

Sep 23

Sep 30

Oct 7
Figure 1. The mean number of Heliothis larvae found on conventional cotton and INGARD®
cotton grown with the same IPM program in 1996 in the ORIA

The conventional cotton therefore required more sprays than the INGARD® in order to produce
a similar yield (Table 1).

Table 1. The total number of insecticide sprays applied for two major pests, mirids and heliothis,
to Conventional and INGARD® cotton grown with the same IPM program and the resultant
yields at harvesting

Treatment Mirid Sprays Heliothis Sprays Yield (bales/Ha)

L23conv + IPM 3.0* 7.5 7.02

L23i + IPM 1.25 1.75 7.43

* Some mirid sprays were also for rough bollworm

INGARD® Alone versus INGARD® with IPM

Many ask why are we bothering with IPM when other growers throughout the world are growing
INGARD® successfully without it. There are a number of important issues that particularly affect
the Kimberley and have not been fully addressed in other areas yet. These include:

• resistance to INGARD® may develop unless pre-emptive strategies are developed;

• there is usually a lack of prey (heliothis larvae) in INGARD® crops and this may
discourages predators; and
• INGARD® does not last all season and late season control of heliothis is important for both
INGARD® resistance management and insecticide resistance management.

Over the past two years INGARD® cotton has either been grown by itself or with lucerne and
IPM. All the crops were scouted for pests and sprayed on entomoLOGIC thresholds.
Insecticides used on each crop varied from year to year but first option chemicals were always
ones that were specific to the target and soft on beneficial insects, particularly in the IPM
treatments. We have found that in the ORIA there is a point reached late in the crop cycle where
we have no option but to abandon IPM and use knockdown insecticides.

In both 1996 and 1997 there were more heliothis larvae found on the INGARD® cotton grown
alone than on the INGARD® cotton grown with IPM. (Figure 2). The INGARD® cotton grown

alone therefore required more insecticide sprays than the INGARD® with IPM in order to
produce a similar yield (Table 2).

2.0 1996

Mean Larvae Per Metre




5/1/96 5/22/96 6/12/96 7/3/96 7/24/96 8/14/96 9/4/96 9/25/96
2.0 1997
Mean Larvae Per Metre




3/25/97 4/15/97 5/6/97 5/27/97 6/17/97 7/8/97 7/29/97 8/19/97 9/9/97 9/30/97 10/21/97

Ingard Alone Ingard with Lucerne

Figure 2. Mean number of Heliothis larvae per metre on INGARD cotton grown alone or
INGARD cotton grown with IPM in a. 1996 and b. 1997 in the ORIA

Table 2. The total number of insecticide sprays applied for two major pests, mirids and heliothis,
to INGARD® cotton grown alone and INGARD® cotton grown with IPM program and the
resultant yields at harvesting

Treatment Mirid Spray Heliothis Spray Total Spray

L23i alone 1.75 1.75 3.5 7.35

L23i + IPM 1.25 1.75 3.0 8.65

L23i alone 2.5 2.75 5.75 6.61

L23i + IPM 1.25 1.75 3.25 6.82

Once every week in 1997, 100 Helicoverpa spp eggs were collected from the leaves of
INGARD® cotton grown alone or from INGARD® cotton grown with IPM and the number of
Trichogramma which, emerged from the eggs was recorded. Trichogramma is one of the most
important natural control agents of heliothis in the ORIA. There was very little difference
between the INGARD® alone and the INGARD® with IPM in the number of heliothis eggs
parasitised by Trichogramma (Figure 3).



Proportion Parasitism 0.6



4/15/97 4/29/97 5/13/97 5/27/97 6/10/97 6/24/97 7/8/97 7/22/97 8/5/97
Ingard Alone Ingard with IPM

Figure 3. The proportion of Heliothis eggs parasitised by Trichogramma in INGARD® cotton

grown alone and INGARD® cotton grown with IPM in the ORIA in 1997

In 1997 Devac samples were taken regularly from the INGARD® cotton grown alone and also
from the INGARD® cotton grown with IPM. The insects were sorted to species and numbers per
metre were counted. In 1997 beneficial insects of heliothis included ladybird beetles (Coccinella
transversalis), green and brown lacewings, predatory Hemiptera (Nabis sp., Geocoris sp.,
Deraeocoris signatus, Orius sp.) and spiders. More beneficial insects were found on the
INGARD® with IPM than on the INGARD® grown alone, particularly late in the season (Figure


Mean Beneficials per Metre

Apr 11

Apr 18

Apr 25

May 2

May 9

May 16

May 23

May 30

Jun 6

Jun 13

Jun 20

Jun 27

Jul 4

Jul 11

Jul 18

Jul 25

Aug 1

Aug 8

Aug 15

Aug 22

Aug 29

Sep 5

Sep 12

Sep 19

Sep 26

Ingard Alone Ingard with Trap Crop

Figure 4. Mean number of total beneficial insects (excluding Trichogramma sp.) found in
INGARD® cotton grown alone and INGARD® cotton grown with IPM in the ORIA in 1997

Probably the most frustrating part of any IPM program, and one that is proving common in the
ORIA, is that there is always another pest which must be fitted into the system. In 1997 green
mirids, Creontiades dilutus, were a serious problem. Endosulfan was used to control mirids
because it has low toxicity to beneficial insects. Unfortunately it was not very effective because
the mirids were high mobility and endosulfan had low persistence. A number of alternative
chemicals have been trialled and we believe we have found an alternative to endosulfan.

In 1998 Monolepta australis, the red-shouldered leaf beetle was a serious threat to seedling
stands. The adult beetles strip the plants of leaves and terminals in minutes, killing the
seedlings. We are currently treating infestations with spot sprays of broad-spectrum
knockdowns before they become too large and widespread. Unfortunately monitoring for an
infestation is a problem because the aggregations develop rapidly and a large amount of

damage can occur in a short space of time. Also, if the aggregations are in the centre of the
crop they are hard to see until serious damage occurs. Work needs to be done on a more
efficient monitoring process and also on control of the beetles.

Over the next few years Agriculture Western Australia plans to continue developing and refining
the cotton IPM system. Validation work on many of the spray thresholds in the entomoLOGIC
program will be carried out for the ORIA.

Agriculture Western Australia has been generously supported in its collaborative research with
CSIRO and particularly acknowledges the support of the growers involved with the IPM studies,
CRDC, Monsanto, CSD, Deltapine, Colly Cotton and CSIRO.

Richards, K.T. (1968). A study of the insect pest complex of the Ord River Irrigation Area. M.Sc.
Thesis, University of Western Australia.

Strickland, G.R., Addison, S.J., and Annells, A.J. (1998) IPM and INGARD® in the Ord. The
Australian Cotton Grower 19 48-53.

Strickland, G.R., and Fitt, G.P. (1993) Assessing the potential for sustainable cotton production
in the Kimberley: Pest management study. Unpublished (available from Agriculture Western

The Australian Cotton Grower (1998) Cotton Yearbook. The Australian Cotton Grower,

Yeates, S.J. and Constable, G.A. (1998) Ord update: Refining the production system. The
Australian Cotton Grower 19 45-47.

Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

The orchid weevil is a serious pest of Dendrobium orchids in many parts of the world. It was
probably introduced to the Northern Territory (NT) on Phalaenopsis orchids purchased from
Cairns, north Queensland in 1986. Nursery surveys during 1991 indicated that it had a very
limited distribution in the NT, and an eradication program was mounted over a 10 month period
in 1992-93. Regular inspections over the subsequent 26 months failed to record the presence of
the pest. The quarantine area was revoked and the orchid weevil declared eradicated from the
NT in October 1995.

The orchid weevil is a serious pest of Dendrobium orchids in many parts of the world. It is
probably native to Malaysia and Thailand but now occurs in the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan,
Singapore, Hawaii and north Queensland. It was probably introduced to the NT on
Phalaenopsis orchids purchased from Cairns in 1986. Surveys of nurseries in the Top End
during 1991 indicated that it had a very limited distribution in the NT. After confirming that only a
single property was infested, an eradication program was mounted over a 10 month period in
1992-93. Regular inspections over the subsequent 26 months failed to record the presence of
the pest. Then the orchid weevil was declared eradicated from the NT in October 1995.

This paper briefly describes the life cycle, pest status, host range and the damage caused by
the weevil based on overseas information and outlines the eradication of the pest from the NT.

Life Cycle and Damage Caused by the Weevil

Adult weevils are small black beetles with a typical, long weevil "snout". These pests are about
4-5 mm long and feed on the succulent flowers, leaves, pseudo-bulbs and exposed roots of
orchids. The soft apical growth is preferred. They are long lived, surviving over a year under
shade house conditions in Hawaii.

Eggs are laid singly inside feeding cavities in the pseudo-bulbs or at the base of developing
leaves, or inside leaves in the laboratory (Mau 1983). The larvae (grubs) do not have legs and
feed soon after hatching, mainly inside the pseudo-bulbs. Larval development occurs within
galleries inside the pseudo-bulbs. The gallery is usually orientated downward and filled with
frass (excreta) to a short distance behind the larvae. The duration of larval development is from
three to more than five months and is longer in old, harder pseudo-bulbs. There are five,
possibly six, larval stages. The damaged pseudo-bulbs are not usually killed but often cease
growing or producing flowers.

Pupation occurs at the end of the gallery and takes between 13 and 18 days. Newly emerged
adults do not feed for ten days and remain in the pseudo-bulbs for two to three weeks before
emerging through a circular hole 2-3 mm across. They are initially light-dark brown but turn
black after three to four days.

Host Range and Overseas Control Methods
In Hawaii, these pests are commonly found on Dendrobium, Vanda and Phalaenopsis but have
also been collected from Renanthera, Saccolobium, Cymbidium and Spathoglottis (Mau 1983).

No natural controls are known for this pest but several insecticides (e.g. acephate, bendiocarb,
chlorpyriphos, methyl parathion) have shown good control when applied at three-weekly
intervals (Hara and Mau 1986). In Hawaii, it was found that after insecticides were used, flower
production increased and the incidence of white streaking (not due to thrips feeding) was
reduced (Hara and Mau 1986).

Occurrence in the NT
The pest was probably introduced to the NT on Phalaenopsis orchids purchased from Cairns in
1986. When noticed in 1988, the grower attempted to control the weevil with weekly
methidathion sprays, which after six months had given good control. However, low numbers
persisted. In April 1992, officers from the Entomology Branch inspected the property and noted
the presence of O. aterrimus adults and moderate damage to Dendrobiums and Vanda orchids.
Since recent surveys of nurseries in the Top End had failed to record the orchid weevil on other
properties we suspected that it had a very limited distribution in the NT. The Entomology Branch
sought information from both commercial and other orchid growers on the occurrence of this

During a five month period in 1992, letters were sent to the four orchid societies in the NT,
requesting information on the distribution of the orchid weevil and Entomology staff examined
any suspected sighting to confirm the presence of weevils.

The few responses and lack of positive sightings, indicated that it was likely that a single
infestation occurred in the NT and was confined to a relatively isolated property. A decision to
attempt eradication of this pest was made and O. aterrimus was declared a “pest” and a
“notifiable” pest in September 1992. The affected property was placed under a gazetted
quarantine area.

An eradication program was instituted in October 1992 which involved strict hygiene conditions:
the complete immersion of all susceptible plant materials in chemical dips; subsequent regular
insecticide applications to all plants in and around the shadehouse; and regular plant and
property inspections. Restrictions on the removal of any plant material from the property were
also imposed.

At the beginning of the program, any damaged orchids or excess plant material was sorted,
removed and burnt and the previously overgrown shadehouse re-arranged to provide easy
access for chemical treatments and inspections. All Dendrobium material was dipped in 400
ppm dimethoate solution whilst all other orchids and plant species were sprayed to run off with

Over the 10 month period to August 1993, 11 insecticide treatments were applied and orchids
and other material inside the shadehouse or surrounding areas thoroughly checked for the
presence of orchid weevils or plant damage. No fresh weevil damage was observed. Thorough
plant inspections were carried out on 10 occasions over the next 26 months. Although some
damage to plants was noted and adults, larvae or pupae of the orchid beetle Stethypachys
formosa Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were seen during this inspection period, no orchid
weevils were detected nor any damage attributed to this pest.

It was noticeable that, after the weevil was controlled, similar increases in flower production to that
recorded overseas occurred on the treated property.

In October 1995, after DPIF entomologists were satisfied that eradication had been achieved
and no weevils were sighted over the previous three years, the orchid weevil quarantine area
was revoked.

Current Situation
No further detection of O. aterrimus has been made (to May 1998) but the weevil is still gazetted
as a pest and a notifiable pest under the Plant Disease Control Act. This will enable swift action
under the Act if any weevils are detected. Although the commercial and amateur orchid growers
in the NT are generally alert to the risk of accidentally importing the orchid weevil on plant
material from Queensland, the risk to the NT remains.

Mau, DFL (1983). Development of the orchid weevil, Orchidophilus aterrimus (Waterhouse).
Proc. Hawaiian Ento. Soc., 24(2 and 3): 293-297.

Hara, AH and Mau, DFL (1986). The orchid weevil, Orchidophilus aterrimus (Waterhouse):
Insecticidal control and effect on vanda orchid production. Proc. Hawaiian Ento. Soc., 24(1): 71-

Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990

The tettigoniid tribe Sexavini contains the genera Segestes, Segestidia and Sexava. Some
species, within these genera, cause severe defoliation of bananas, coconuts, oil palm and
Pandanus spp. in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The tettigoniids are sometimes called treehoppers
but are usually known in PNG by the common name sexava.

Sexava adults and nymphs feed on the foliage of the host plant during the night and shelter on
the undersides of leaves and in the spear of the palm during the day. Mature females descend
from the palm crown at night and lay their eggs in the soil, before returning to the crown. Each
female lays 30 to 40 eggs. The number of nymphal instars varies from five to seven and the
duration of each instar ranges from 10 to 20 days. Adults live up to 110 days in captivity and
probably longer in the field.

The development of the eggs of two species of sexava shows an initial egg diapause. Diapause
enables the eggs to remain viable during relatively dry conditions. When rain follows a dry spell,
the increased soil moisture causes a synchronised egg hatch, giving rise to discrete
generations. The sudden increase in the population over one generation, results in the
defoliation of palms and consequent loss of production.

Most methods of cultural, mechanical and chemical control are either impractical or
uneconomic, although trunk injection using monocrotophos is still practised successfully on oil
palm. For these reasons much research over the past 55 years has concentrated on biological
control. The periodic release of the egg parasites Leefmansia bicolor and Doirania leefmansi to
control sexava outbreaks has been a standard method of biological control since before World
War II. However, there is evidence to suggest that egg mortality has a negligible effect on
sexava populations.

Stichotrema dallatorreanum is a strepsipteran parasite of sexava nymphs and adults. Female S.

dallatorreanum attack sexava while males parasitize ants. S. dallatorreanum appears to control
mainland sexava populations by reducing the fecundity of the host. The life history of the male
parasite is incompletely known, which has resulted in the failure of attempts to introduce the
parasite in areas where it does not occur naturally.

Key words: Segestes, Segestidia, Sexava, coconuts, oil palm, biological control, 1935 to 1990

The tettigoniid tribe Sexavini contains the genera Segestes, Segestidia and Sexava (Rentz
1996). Some members of these genera cause severe defoliation of bananas, coconuts, oil palm
and Pandanus spp. in PNG. The tettigoniids are sometimes called treehoppers but are usually
known in PNG by the common name sexava. Most sexava species have green and brown
colour forms with an adult body length varying from 45 mm to 60 mm and the antennae many
times longer than the body. Macropterpus and micropterous males are known from S. uniformis
(Froggatt and O’Connor 1940).

Coconuts (copra) are PNG's fourth most important export crop behind coffee, oil palm and
cacao. Oil palm is an important cash crop in the West New Britain and Oro provinces. Bananas
are an important secondary food over most of the country and a staple food in areas of low
rainfall, e.g. the Markham valley, Morobe province. The fruit of Pandanus julianetti is a

seasonally important part of the diet in highland villages, while Pandanus conoides and some
wild Pandanus spp. are dietary supplements (Bourke 1996).

Research into sexava started in 1929 and the Sexava Research Station was set up in the
Manus province during 1932 (Froggatt 1935). The station was moved to New Hanover, then to
Arawe, New Britain and finally back to Manus prior to 1940 (Froggatt 1935; Froggatt and
O’Connor 1940). After World War II sexava research continued at the Lowlands Agricultural
Experiment Station, Keravat, East New Britain, and Bubia Agriculture Research Centre, Morobe
province (J. Ardley; G. Dunn; C. Perry; personal communication; Bailey et al.1977; Young,
1985, 1987a and 1987b). Sexava outbreaks on oil palm during the late 1970s prompted the
start of research on sexava at Bialla, West New Britain province (S. Embupa personal

The identity of sexava species remained confused until F. Willemse (1977, 1979) revised the
classification of the Sexavini from the Melanesian region. As a result of the confusion work, prior
to World War II, was often carried out on more than one species in the belief that the data were
being gathered from a single species, e.g. Froggatt (1935) and O’Connor (1937).

The purpose of this review is to give an overview of sexava research and control methods,
collating data from published papers, extension bulletins and unpublished reports, over the
period from 1935 to 1990. Some suggestions are made as to future sexava research with
particular reference to biological control.

Pest Species and Host Plants

Ten species of the Sexavini tribe have been recorded attacking economically important plants
(table 1). Most species also feed on a wide variety of native and exotic palms in addition to the
economic species (Froggatt and O’Connor 1940; Young (1985).

Table 1. Host plant and locality of economically important sexava species


Sexava nubila (Stål) coconut (Cocos East Sepik Young 1987a

nucifera) Province

Segestes decoratus Coconut Mainland PNG, Young 1987a

(Redtenbacher) Siassi Island and
West New Britian

Segestes cornelii F. karuka (Pandanus Enga Province DAL records

(Willemse) julianettii)

Segestidia leefmansi Coconut Lihir Islands, New Young 1987a

(C. Willemse) Hanover and New

Segestidia rufipalpis Coconut Misima Island Young 1987a

(C. Willemse)

Segestidia uniformis Coconut Admiralty Islands, Young 1987a

(C. Willemse) Hermit Islands and
Wuvulu Island

Segestidia defoliaria Coconut East New Britian, Young 1987a

defoliaria (Uvarov) West New Britian,

oil palm (Elaeis New Ireland and C. Perry pers.

guineensis) Lihir Islands comm.
West New Britian

Segestidia Coconut Mainland PNG and Young 1987a

novaeguineae Kar Kar Island Oro
(Branscik) Province

oil palm Eastern Highlands R. Prior pers.

bananas (Musa spp.) Province comm. J. Barrett
pers. comm.

manila hemp (Musa Morobe Province J. Ardley pers.

textilis) comm.

Segestidia montana F. bananas Eastern Highlands J. Barrett pers.

(Willemse) Province comm.

Segestidia marmorata manila hemp Morobe Province J. Ardley pers.

(F. Willemse) comm.

unidentified sexava Karuka and Pandanus Eastern Highlands G.R. Young

species spp. and Morobe (unpublished data)

Life History and Biology
Young (1981) has given a generalised life history of sexava, while Froggatt and O’Connor
(1940) and Young (1985) have given detailed accounts for S. uniformis and S. decoratus
respectively. Coconut palm was the host plant in these studies. The account below is a
summary of the work of Froggatt and O’Connor(1940) and Young (1985).

Adults and nymphs feed on palm foliage mainly at night and shelter either in the spear of the
palm or on the underside of leaflets during the day. S. decoratus, adults and nymphs, prefer to
feed on mature coconut fronds while avoiding the young fronds (Young, 1984). Similar
observations were made in New Britain by Froggatt and O’Connor (1940). They stated that the
fuzz along the edges of leaflets from young fronds apparently clogs the mouthparts of sexava
(Froggatt and O’Connor 1940). Mature female sexava descend from the palm crown during the
night and lay their eggs in the soil. Sometimes eggs are laid in the butts of old fronds and the
roots of epiphytes on the palm trunk. Each female lays 30 to 40 eggs. Females continue to
mature eggs over their adult life and as a result eggs are laid over an extended period. The
eggs hatch in 50 to 60 days. Within 48 hours of hatching first instar nymphs climb the palm trunk
to the crown. The number of nymphal instars varies from five to seven, while the duration of
each instar ranges from 10 to 20 days. Adults live up to 110 days in captivity and possibly
longer in the field. Mating occurs 10 to 12 days after adult emergence. During copulation the
male transfers a spermatophore to the female’s external genitalia. Oviposition starts up to 31
days after mating. Mating occurs several times over the female’s life.

P. Room (pers. comm.) found Froggatt and O’Connor’s life history study of S. uniformis to be
accurate. Young’s study on S. decoratus indicates the need for further work to more accurately
determine the pre-mating and mating to oviposition periods of adult females. There are no
published life history studies of any of the other pest species.

Adult sexava have poorly developed powers of flight being only able to stay aloft for a distance
of 10 metres (Froggatt and O’Connor 1940). Conversely, both nymphs and adults are agile
runners and jumpers (Young 1984).

Nymphs and adults prefer a high humidity and tend to avoid direct sunlight (Young 1984). This
explains why Young (1985) found 98 percent of adults and late instar nymphs of S. decoratus
sheltering at the base of fronds adjacent to the spear of coconut palms, at noon - a behavioural
characteristic which has ramifications for any sampling program.

Froggatt and O’Connor (1940) remarked on the capacity of sexava eggs to withstand prolonged
dry conditions. Young (1985) found that the eggs of S. decoratus could survive for at least 75
days at relative humidities in excess of 70%. When S. decoratus eggs were incubated on
saturated sphagnum moss and weighed over the duration of their development, water uptake by
the eggs showed four separate phases (Young 1990). An initial short water uptake lasting one
day, followed by an obligatory quiescent phase of 16 days of no water uptake. A second water
uptake phase lasted 38 days during which time the eggs made a weight gain of 116 percent.
There was a slight decrease in weight prior to hatching. B. Gorrick (pers. comm.) found that the
embryonic development of S. defoliaria did not start until 15 days after oviposition. These
findings suggest that the obligatory quiescent phase may be common to many sexava species.
The phase is more correctly termed, an initial diapause (Hartley 1990). Fifteen days is the
minimum period for initial diapause, however the phase can be extended for several months
and the eggs still remain viable (Young 1985).

Froggatt and O’Connor (1940) kept eggs in very dry soil for 110 days and then moistened the
soil. Within ten days of adding water 40 percent of the eggs had hatched and produced normal
nymphs. Young (1985) found that eggs held in saturated soil developed normally, but hatching
was inhibited. When the soil was allowed to dry out hatching proceeded normally. The
possibility of an optional final embryonic diapause cannot be eliminated, although C. Perry
(pers. comm.) was unable to repeat Froggatt and O’Connor’s results (Young, 1985).

Losses and Economic Thresholds
Little work has been done to either estimate losses due to sexava damage or to determine
economic thresholds. Severe defoliation of coconut palms by sexava induces premature
shedding of nuts. Froggatt and O’Connor (1940) stated that a defoliated coconut may take up to
two years to resume normal production. Bailey et al. (1977) carried out a defoliation trial on
coconuts. They found that yield of nuts nine months after the start of defoliation, decreased
linearly with increasing defoliation. At 70 percent defoliation, the palms took 17 months to return
to normal production after the cessation of defoliation. They concluded that defoliation in excess
of 40 percent would affect yield. To obtain feeding rates over all stages of sexava, C. Perry
(pers. comm.) conducted a feeding trial with S. decoratus females fed on coconut leaflets. He
found that the rates varied from 1.4 cm2 of leaf/day for first instar to 47.7 cm2/day for adults
(Table 2).

Table 2. Instar duration, leaf area consumed and mean daily feeding rates from three laboratory
reared females of S. decoratus

Instar Duration (days) Total leaf area consumed Mean daily feeding rate,
(cm2) (cm2)/day

1 13.3 14.5 1.4

2 13.3 18.9 1.4

3 14.3 52.0 3.6

4 15.0 113.1 7.5

5 14.0 200.3 14.3

6 16.7 314.0 18.8

7 20.0 472.0 23.6

Adult 71.3 3398.9 47.7

Ecology and Outbreaks

Froggatt and O’Connor (1940) stated that sexava outbreaks were always worst and most
frequently occurred in areas, which experienced no regular dry season during the year. Room et
al. (1984) monitored a population of S. uniformis on coconuts over a five-year period. They
constructed static life tables and calculated k values for the duration of the study. The analysis
suggested that S. uniformis populations were sensitive to mortality in the crown of the palm.
This mortality appeared to be related to the duration of periods without rainfall. The number of
first instar nymphs ascending the palm trunks was positively correlated with the largest number
of consecutive days in a month without rain, that is more eggs hatched when rain followed a dry

Young (1984, 1985 and 1987a), working with S. decoratus on coconuts, described two types of
outbreak (Figure 1). Firstly, localised outbreaks in areas with an evenly distributed rainfall
throughout the year. This type of outbreak commonly occurs on overgrown coconut blocks and
is typified by a slow population increase over 12 to 18 months, e.g. Bubia near Lae. The
generations are not discrete. Secondly, a wide spread outbreak preceded by a drought or a
prolonged dry spell. The outbreak is typified by a synchronised egg hatch and rapid population
increase after normal rainfall resumes, for example, in the Bogia District of the Madang
province, where prolonged dry spells often occur between May and October. Initial egg
diapause leading to discrete generations explains the second type of outbreak (Young 1990).

Low population of S. decoratus e.g. less
than 4 adults/mature palm

Coconut block becomes Dry spell. Females continue to

overgrown. Grass and weeds up lay eggs which owing to low soil
to 1.5 metres under palms moisture go into an initial
Palms recover

High humidity beneath Rain at end of dry spell. Eggs

undergrowth creates conditions start to take up water. The
favourable to survival of eggs and development of eggs is
first instar nymphs synchronised

Populations of S.
decoratus decline

7 - 8 weeks later eggs hatch

Population of S. decoratus producing a discrete generation
increase over 3 generations with of first instar nymphs. The
resultant defoliation of palms nymphs climb the palm and
start to feed.

Improved plantation management

and/or influence of natural enemies
e.g. S. dallatorreanum

Severe defoliation of
S. decoratus exhaust
palms 4 - 5 months after
food supply
egg hatch

Defoliation of palms
becomes so severe that the Generations remain
palms are unable to discrete for up to 3
nourish coconuts. generations
Coconuts fall before

Fig. 1. A suggested dioristic model of S. decoratus outbreaks on coconut palms.

Natural Enemies
The following vertebrates have been recorded feeding on sexava nymphs and adults: the
Torresian crow, Corvus orru Bonaparte; Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus (Boddaert); willie wagtail,
Rhipidura leucophrys (Latham); goshawk, Accipter sp.; crested hawk, Aviceda subceristata
(Gould); sacred kingfisher, Halcyon sanctus Vig. and Horsf.; two lizards, the green skink,
Lamprolepis smaragdina (Barbour) and the gecko, Gehydra oceanica (Lesson); the terrestrial
frog, Platymantis papuensis Meyer (G. Baloch pers. comm.; S. Embupa, pers. comm.; Froggatt,
1935; Room et al. 1984; Young, unpublished data). Froggatt (1935) considered that vertebrate
predators were not numerous enough to influence populations of sexava - a perception that is
probably correct, since it has not been seriously challenged by entomologists since that time.

The predatory ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius), was thought to be a potential predator of
sexava and unsuccessful attempts were made to introduce the ant into some islands of the
Manus province where it does not occur naturally (P. Room pers. comm.). Young (1984) found
that O. smargdina was not a significant predator of sexava.

Egg parasites
The eggs of sexava are parasitised by a range of hymenopteran parasites (Table, 3). In 1933
Froggatt travelled to Ambon in Eastern Indonesia and returned to the Manus research station
with a colony of the egg parasite, Leefmansia bicolor Waterston (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).
The L. bicolor colony was multiplied at the research station and released on Manus and New
Hanover, where it became established. Another species of encyrtid was recovered from sexava
eggs on New Hanover (Froggatt, 1935). Froggatt (1935) stated the parasite was very similar to
L. bicolor, but as far as is known the status of the native New Hanover parasite has not been
determined. Froggatt (1937) considered only three species of egg parasite were of economic
importance namely; L. bicolor, Doirania leefmansi Waterston (Hymenoptera:
Trichogrammatidae) and an unidentified mymarid from New Hanover.

Table 3. Parasites recorded from sexava eggs


Encyrtidae Leefmansia bicolor Manus Island, New Froggatt (1935);

Waterston Hanover (1937); (1938)
Froggatt and
O’Connor (1940)
O’Connor (1937)

? New Hanover Froggatt (1935)

Eulophidae Tetrastichus dubius Manus Island, New Froggatt (1937)

(Waterston) Hanover, New Froggatt and
Ireland and New O’Connor (1940)
Britain (Islands of the

Tetrastichus nr Bogia coast of the Young (1987a)

dubius Madang Province

Tetrastichus sp Bubia, Morobe Young (1987a)


Mymaridae Anneckia oophaga Islands of the Embupa (pers.

Rao Platypatasson Bismarch comm.)
fransseni Ogloblin Archipelago
Anaphes sp
Stethynium sp.

Trichogrammatidae Doirania leefmansi New Hanover Froggatt (1935);

Waterston (1937); (1938)
Froggatt and
O’Connor (1940)
O’Connor (1937)

Scelionidae Triteleia atrella Islands of the Froggatt (1935);

(Dodd) Bismarch (1937) Froggatt and
Archipelago and O’Connor (1940)
mainland PNG Young (1987a)

Parasites of nymphs and adults

Two parasites have been recorded from sexava nymphs and adults: Stichotrema
dallatorreanum Hofender (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) and Exorista notabilis (Wilkinson)
(Diptera: Tachinidae) (O’Connor 1959; Young 1987a and 1987b). E. notabilis was not
considered an efficient parasite at Bubia since the number of adult S. decoratus parasitised by
the fly did not exceed ten percent (unpublished data).

The most important parasite is S. dallatorreanum (Young 1984). S. dallatorreanum is recorded

from mainland PNG. It has a complex life history with females parasitising three species of
sexava and the males parasitising ants. The sexava attacked are Sexava nubila, Segestes
decoratus and Segestidia novaeguineae (J. Ardley pers comm.; O’Connor 1959; Young 1987b).
The ant host is probably Camponotus papua Emery, which is more correctly known as
Camponotus novaehollandiae group Mayr (A. Andersen pers. comm.; R. Taylor pers. comm.;

Young 1987b). The male S. dallatorreanum was originally described from a specimen captured
at light, as Caenocholax (Rhipidocolax) acutipennis by Kogan and Oliveira (1964). Y. Hirashima
(pers. comm.) examined a male captured en copula with a female S. dallatorreanum, he
confirmed the view of Luna de Carvalho (1972) that C. acutipennis was the male of S.
dallatorreanum (Young 1987b).

The cephalothorax of the mature female S. dallatorreanum is extruded through the abdominal
wall of the host (Young 1987a). A free-living adult male flies to the parasitised host and settles
on the extruded parasite’s cephalothorax. The male mates by inserting his aedeagus through
the operculum of the brood canal, which is part of the female’s cephalothorax. Three to five
weeks later the operculum ruptures and first instar or primary larvae emerge from the brood
canal (Kathirithamby 1989; Luna de Carvalho and Kogan 1991).

The primary larvae show a distinct sexual dimorphism, which was first described by Carvalho
(1959) and later confirmed by Young (1987b). The female primary larva has a bilobed labrum, a
large buccal orifice and a labial plate half as long as it is wide. Eyes large, situated dorso-
laterally and midway between the tip of the head and the thorax (Figure 2). There are very short
setae on the dorsal surface of the ninth abdominal segment. The male primary larva is one third
smaller than the female, labrum continuous and a small buccal orifice. The flat labial plate is of
equal length and breadth, the nineth abdominal segment has two setae on the dorsal surface
extending beyond the base of the large caudal styles. Eyes, smaller than the female, are
situated dorso-laterally, well back on the head close to the thorax (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Head and thorax of female primary Figure 3. Head and thorax of male
larva showing bilobed labrum and large eye primary larva showing continuous labrum
situated dorso-ventrally midway between the and small eye situated dorso-ventrally
tip of the head and the thorax ≅ X 260 close to the thorax ≅ x 200
The male primary larva is believed to enter the ant larva and undergo its immature stages in the
larva and pupa before emerging as a winged adult from the abdomen of the adult ant (Carvalho
1959; Young 1987b). The female primary larva penetrates the abdominal cuticle of a sexava
host, undergoes ecdysis and the legless larva continues to grow inside the host's abdominal
cavity. Mean time from penetration by the primary larva until extrusion of the adult female's
cephalothorax from the host is 53.5 days (Young 1987b).

Young (1987a) found that first instar S. decoratus nymphs infected with primary larvae were
dead within 45 days. Parasitised adult female hosts matured 67 percent fewer eggs than
unparasitised hosts. Parasitism drastically reduced the fitness and therefore longevity of the
adult host (O’Connor 1959; J. Ardley pers. comm.). It would appear that S. dallatorreanum

controls mainland sexava populations by reducing fecundity, both by direct reduction of egg
production and reducing the time over which eggs can be laid.

There are no records of either nematode or microsporidian parasites from sexava.

Control Methods
Mechanical control
Froggatt and O’Connor (1940) reported that the smoke from fire lit under palms caused adults
and nymphs to fall down to the ground, where they were collected and destroyed - a method
which is still occasionally used in village coconut groves. Smoke will not dislodge sexava from
tall palms and shorter palms can be damaged by fire.

Froggatt (1935) applied sticky bands of “Tanglefoot” around coconut palm trunks. He found the
bands trapped many first and second instar nymphs. He concluded that this method might have
economic possibilities in small areas at the start of an outbreak, but would be too expensive on
a large scale (Froggatt 1938). More recently the polybutene based products, Osticon® (also
containing 15% trichlorfon) and Tacktrap® have been used on coconut trunks as sticky bands
with much the same results as those of Froggatt (Young unpublished data). Bands of
polybutene have the disadvantage of causing shrinkage of the trunk where the sticky bands
cover the bark and splitting of the bark adjacent to the bands (Young 1996). Adult sexava have
no trouble jumping over sticky bands when descending from the palm (Young 1984). Both
Osticon® and Tacktrap® are expensive and for the results achieved, uneconomic (unpublished

Raking and hoeing of soil under the palms in order to expose eggs to parasites and desiccation
has long been advocated (Froggatt 1935). There is no evidence that this practice has any
influence on sexava populations (unpublished data).

Chemical control
Froggatt (1935) reported that paris green and bran baits were not attractive to sexava.
Additionally, he mixed either sodium arsenite or mercuric chloride or sodium fluoride or paris
green with “Tanglefoot”, smeared the mixture on boards and allowed sexava nymphs and adults
to walk across the boards. Each treatment gave 100 percent mortality, but the cost of
application in the field was relatively high (Froggatt 1935). Laboratory trials with 5% arsenical
dusts gave over 80% mortality, while the same concentration of derris and pyrethrum gave poor
and variable results (Froggatt 1938). Froggatt and O’Connor (1940) stated that while arsenical
dusts caused high mortality to sexava in the laboratory, application in the field was impractical.
In 1958, M. Catley (pers. comm.) reported good control of sexava on New Hanover using 10
percent BHC dust applied through a power driven dusting machine.

G. Baloch (pers. comm.), C. Perry (pers. comm.) and Young (1981) have suggested spraying
the base of the palm trunk with chlordane or dieldrin to prevent first instar nymphs ascending
the palm. Young (1984) later pointed out it was better to spray the soil surface around the base
of the trunk. The insecticide remained active in the soil for up to three months as against three
to five days on the trunk. It is doubtful if the method was economic, in addition to which both
insecticides have since been banned.

Aerial spraying with malathion ULV to control sexava has had variable success. T. Bourke
(pers. comm.) reported that while good mortality of adults was achieved after aerial spraying
coconuts in the Manus province during 1970, populations returned to high levels six to eight
weeks later. C. Perry (pers. comm.) reported good control when Asuramba plantation was
aerially sprayed with malathion ULV in August 1974. There was concern that aerially spraying
with malathion ULV would affect the parasite/predator complex in coconut palms (C. Perry pers.

Trunk injection involves boring a 15 cm x 1.5 cm hole at an angle of 45 degrees into the palm
trunk. The hole is injected with 10 g a.i. of monocrotophos e.c. and is then plugged with a
dowel. Since monocrotophos is systemic the chemical is translocated into the leaflets where it
poisons feeding sexava. Monocrotophos remains at insecticidal levels in the leaflets for about

12 weeks. A second injection is carried out at 12 weeks to control those sexava nymphs, which
have hatched after the initial 12 weeks. Trunk injection is the only economic means of chemical
control that has been used on oil palm, where it has been in use for the past 20 years (S.
Embupa pers. comm.; C. Perry pers. comm.; R. Prior pers. comm.). However, the low price of
copra probably makes the use of trunk injection on coconuts uneconomic.

Biological control
Most cultural, chemical and mechanical methods proved to be either impractical or uneconomic.
For these reasons much research over the past 55 years has been devoted to biological control
(Young, 1987a). Initially, egg parasites received the most attention (Froggatt 1935, 1937, 1938;
Froggatt and O’Connor 1940).

Consignments of sexava eggs parasitised by L. bicolor, D. leefmansi and Stethynium sp. were
sent from New Hanover to most coconut growing areas of the Northern New Guinea mainland
and the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago (Froggatt 1935, 1937, 1938; Froggatt and
O’Connor 1940). O’Connor (1937) stated that, in New Hanover, egg parasites appeared to keep
sexava infestations at a low level. After World War II, regular releases of L. bicolor and D.
leefmansi were made on coconut plantations in numerous localities and more recently on oil
palm in West New Britain (J. Ardley, pers. comm.; S. Embupa pers. comm.). J. Ardley (pers.
comm.) doubted that egg parasites could be relied on as a means of biological control. Despite
the claims that egg parasites controlled sexava populations in New Hanover, A. Catley (pers.
comm.) recorded sexava outbreaks on coconuts in New Hanover during the 1950s. L. bicolor
and D. leefmansi both show higher rates of parasitism of eggs laid in epiphytes and the coconut
crown than eggs laid in soil (Franssen 1954; Froggatt 1935; Froggatt and O’Connor 1940).
Young (1987a) found that T. atrella and Tetrastichus spp. could not locate eggs buried in soil.
Since the majority of eggs are laid in the soil, there is a need to establish if L. bicolor and D.
leefmansi can parasitise eggs laid in soil. Room et al. (1984) found that egg mortality had little
effect on S. uniformis populations in Manus.

O’Connor (1959) first suggested the potential of parasites of sexava nymphs and adults. In
1941 he attempted to introduce S. dallatorreanum to Pak island, Manus province, by releasing
several hundred parasitised sexava which, he had collected on the mainland. When O’Connor
later visited Pak Island in 1945 he found no sign of the parasite (O’Connor 1959). Before
O’Connor left Manus in 1941 he collected nymphs and adult S. uniformis and placed them in
cages, which had been previously occupied by the parasitised mainland sexava prior to
releasing the hosts on Pak Island. The S. uniformis apparently became infected with primary
larvae left in the cages. The parasitised hosts were returned to Rabaul where the
cephalothoraxes of the female parasites were extruded through the body walls of the hosts. The
hosts died without any of the female parasites producing primary larvae (O’Connor 1959). Later,
J. Ardley (pers. comm.) sent parasitised sexava from Bainyik, East Sepik, to Keravat, East New
Britain, where G. Dunn raised the female parasites in S. defoliaria defoliaria hosts. Once again
the cephalothoraxes of the female parasites were extruded from the host but no primary larvae
were produced. Ardley (pers. comm.) remarked that both attempts to introduce the parasite into
off shore islands were predicated on the belief that S. dallatorreanum was parthenogenetic. He
concluded that the failure of female parasites to produce primary larvae was a result of their
eggs not being fertilised by males.

S. dallatorreanum has been recorded parasitising S. decoratus, S. novaeguineae and S. nubila

from mainland PNG. There appears to be good prospects of introducing the parasite to island
populations of S. decoratus, S. defoliaria defoliaria and S. uniformis, although there are two
aspects of the biology of host and parasite that need further investigation. Firstly, more work is
required on the biology of the male parasite and its ant host, C. novaehollandiae. Surveys of the
distribution and abundance of C. novaehollandiae in the target localities would be necessary to
determine if S. dallatorreanum had any chance of survival in areas where it does not occur
naturally. Secondly, the role of egg diapause in the population dynamics of the target host
needs further study. When the host population increases rapidly in one generation it could take
S. dallatorreanum two or three generations to exert control over the host population. Even if the
parasite became established it might not give the level of control found on mainland PNG.

Thanks are due to Dr. R. Peng, post doctoral fellow at the Northern Territory University, Darwin,
for his helpful comments on the manuscript and Mrs C. Gilkeson EM Unit, School of Biological
Sciences, Sydney Technical College for Figures 2 and 3.

Bailey, P., O’Sullivan, D. and Perry, C. (1977). Effect of artificial defoliation on coconut yields in
Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guin. A J. 28 (2, 3 and 4), 39-45.

Bourke, R. M. (1996). Edible indigenous nuts in Papua New Guinea. In Stevens, M. L., Bourke,
R. M. and Evans, B. R. Eds. South Pacific Indigenous Nuts. ACIAR proceedings No. 69.
Canberra, ACT. 45-55.

Franssen, C. J. H. (1954). Biologische bestrijding van de sabelsprinkhaan Sexava nublia St. op

de Talaude-eilanden. Ent. Ber. Amst. 15, 99-102.

Froggatt, J.L. (1935). The long horned tree hopper of coconut Sexava spp. New Guinea agric.
Gaz. 1, 16-17.

Froggatt, J.L. (1937). Egg parasites of Sexava spp. in the Territory of New Guinea. New Guinea
Agric. Gaz. 3 (2), 24-25.

Froggatt, J. L. (1938). Measures for the control of the coconut tree hopper (Sexava spp.). New
Guinea Agric. Gaz. 4 (3), 3-6.

Froggatt, J.L. and O’Connor, B. A. (1940). Insects associated with the coconut palm. New
Guinea Agric. Gaz. 6 (3), 16-32.

Hartley, J. C. (1990). Egg biology of the Tettigoniidae. In Bailey, W. J. and Rentz, D. C. F. Eds.
The Tettigoniidae: Biology, Systematics and Evolution. Crawford house press, Bathurst,
Australia, pp. 41-70.

Kathirithamby, J. (1989). Review of the order Strepsiptera. Systematic Entomology 14, 41-92.

Kogan, M. and Oliveira, S. J. (1964). New Guinean Mengeidae and Myrmecolacidae of the
American Museum of Natural History (Strepsiptera). Studia Ent. 7: 459-470.

Luna de Carvalho, E. (1959). Segunda contribuição para o estudo dos estrepsípteros

angolenses (Insecta: Strepsiptera). Publções cult. Co. Diam. Angola no. 41, 125-154.

Luna de Carvalho, E. (1972). Algumas considerações sobre Mirmecolacídeos da Nova Guiné

(Insecta Strepsiptera). Ciência Biológica, (Portugal) 1: 1-6.

Luna de Carvalho, E. and Kogan, M. (1991). Order Strepsiptera, in Stehr, F. W. Ed. Immature
Insects Vol.2. Kendal/Hunt Pub. Co. Dubuque, Iowa, pp 659-673.

O’Connor, B. A. (1937). Progress of work on Sexava spp., the coconut treehopper. New Guinea
Agric. Gaz. 3 (1), 1-4.

O’Connor, B. A. (1959). The coconut treehopper, Sexava spp., and its parasites in the Madang
district. Papua New Guin. Agric. J. 11 (4), 121-125.

Rentz, D. (1996). Grasshopper country, the abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia.

University of NSW Press, Sydney, Australia. P 105.

Room, P. M., Perry, C. H. and Bailey P.T. (1984). A population study of the coconut pest
Segestidea uniformis (Willemse) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) on an equatorial island. Bull. ent.
Res. 74, 439-451.

Willemse, F. (1977). Classification and distribution of the Sexavae of the Melanesian subregion
(Orthoptera, Tettigonioidae, Mecopodinae). Tijdschr. Ent. 120, 213-277.

Willemse, F. (1979). Additional notes on the Sexavae of the Melanesian subregion (Orthoptera,
Tettigonioidae, Mecopodinae). Ent. Ber., Amst. 39, 4-9.

Young, G. R. (1981). Sexava: a pest of coconut and oil palm. 3 pp. Lae, Papua New Guinea,
Dept. of Primary Ind. (Bubia, information bulletin no. 37).

Young, G. R. (1984). Sexava outbreaks on coconuts in northeast mainland PNG and some
islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. 11 pp. Lae, Papua New Guinea, Dept. Primary Ind. (Bubia,
information bulletin no. 48).

Young, G. R. (1985). Observations on the biology of Segestes decoratus Redtenbacher

(Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), a pest of coconut in Papua New Guinea. Gen. Appl. Ent. 17, 57-64.

Young, G. R. (1987a). Some parasites of Segestes decoratus Redtenbacher (Orthoptera:

Tettigoniidae) and their possible use in the biological control of tettigoniid pests of coconuts in
Papua New Guinea. Bull. Ent. Res. 77, 515-524.

Young, G. R. (1987b). Notes on the life history of Stichotrema dallatorreanum Hofender

(Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) a parasite of Segestes decoratus Redtenbacher (Orthoptera:
Tettigoniidae) from Papua New Guinea. Gen. Appl. Ent. 19, 57-64.

Young, G. R. (1990). Water uptake by the eggs of Segestes decoratus Redtenbacher

(Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae). Gen. Appl. Ent. 22, 17-19.

Young, G. R. (1996). An association between the crazy ant Anoplolepis longipes (Jerdon)
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the coconut spathe moth Tirathaba rufivena (Walker)
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on coconut palms in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. 2.
The effect on yield and nut shedding of ant and moth exclusion. Papua New Guinea J. Agric.
For. Fish. 39 (1), 7-11.

Les Robertson
Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations
PO Box 566
Tully Queensland 4854

The soil-living pest of sugarcane, greyback canegrub, has been managed for 50 years with
insecticides. Following withdrawal of the organochlorine insecticides, populations of the pest
have increased. Control of greyback canegrub requires combined use of insecticide, cultural
practices and biological controls. Cultural practices which reduce damage in individual fields
include manipulation of planting and harvesting dates, use of trap crops to attract ovipositing
beetles, tolerant varieties, retention of all crop residues as a trash blanket on the soil surface,
control of grass weeds, and avoiding applying lime close to the time of application of the
registered chlorpyifos formulation. Biological control may be enhanced by minimum tillage
planting, no-till ratooning, extended crop cycles, and augmentation with the biological
insecticide based on Metarhizium anisopliae. A decision-aid diagram is presented which allows
assessment of risk of greyback canegrub damage for farms and individual canefields, as well as
gives options to reduce the impact of greyback canegrub damage.

Key words: sugar cane, greyback cane grub, cultural practices, biological control

Greyback canegrub, Dermolepida albohirtum (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae), is the most
damaging of the insect pests of sugarcane in Australia. It is endemic to northeastern
Queensland and southern Papua New Guinea, and occurs in sugarcane from Sarina in central
Queensland to Mossman in far north Queensland. Infestations were also detected recently in
the new sugar-growing area around Mareeba on the Atherton Tableland. The pest usually
occurs on free-draining alluvial and volcanic soils. Greyback canegrub is univoltine and beetles
emerge with the onset of early summer rains, or with irrigation from October each year. The
beetles fly at dawn and dusk, seeking trees on which to feed, and tall cane and grasses under
which to lay eggs.

The larvae feed on the roots of sugarcane and other grasses generally from January until July.
Grub damage to sugarcane roots causes reduced growth and yield of crops, dislodgement of
the root system from the soil, poor regrowth of ratoon crops after harvest, and premature
replacement of the crop. Only one insecticide, controlled-release chlorpyrifos, is available for the
control of greyback canegrubs. This material is applied to the soil in the plant crop, and is
registered for control of greyback canegrub for only one year. Subsequent ratoon crops may be
unprotected. The average crop cycle for sugarcane in Queensland is five years (plant crop and
four ratoons).

Widespread outbreaks of greyback canegrub have occurred in sugarcane throughout the range
of the pest since 1990, with over 3,000 ha damaged each year since 1996. The outbreaks
followed withdrawal of organochlorine insecticides in 1986. Benzene hexachloride (BHC) had
been used since 1947 to prevent increases of grubs in sugarcane, and 26,000 ha of sugarcane
were treated annually with BHC (Wilson 1969). Heptachlor was also used as a preventative
treatment to control greyback canegrub on up to 3,000 ha per year, predominantly in the
Burdekin River district. Resurgence of pests is common when pesticide use is stopped or
becomes less effective.

During the 40 years when greyback canegrub was under good control with insecticides, there
was little research on alternative biological and cultural controls. The impetus for finding
alternatives to insecticides came when the controlled-release chlorpyrifos product became
ineffective on many farms in the Burdekin River district. This was a result of enhanced microbial
degradation in the alkaline soils of that area (Robertson et al. 1998). Organophosphate and
carbamate insecticides generally are susceptible to enhanced microbial degradation when used
repeatedly (Felsot 1989), and alkaline conditions also predispose organophosphates to
accelerated breakdown (Racke et al. 1990). Intensive research on non-chemical controls for
greyback canegrub was initiated by BSES in the early 1990s, and this paper is a review of
progress towards sustainable control of the pest.

Effect of Farming Practices on Greyback Canegrub Populations

Cane height
Greyback canegrub beetles preferentially lay their eggs in soil beneath tall crops of sugarcane
rather than under short cane (Illingworth 1918). Cane on ridges may also attract more
ovipositing beetles compared to similar-sized cane on lower parts of the same block. Cane
planted early in the season and crops harvested early, tend to be taller than crops planted or
harvested late. The effect of this on grub infestation was studied by Ward and Cook (1996) in
the Burdekin River district. They showed that most damage was suffered in early-planted cane
and in ratoons harvested early in the season. This research has led to widespread adoption of
late planting in the Burdekin, and subsequent concentration of damage on less valuable, early-
harvested, older ratoons.

Beetle preference for tall crops can be used to attract a high proportion of ovipositing females to
“trap crop” areas of early-planted or early-harvested strips of cane, or to tall-growing cultivars of
cane within blocks of a shorter cultivar. Cocco and Robertson (unpublished) recorded three
times as many grubs in the rapidly growing cultivar Q127 compared to Q96 or Q117 in the same
block (see also Robertson and Cocco 1998). Similarly, higher densities of grubs were found in
cane strips harvested early for planting material and then ratooned, compared to the bulk of the
blocks harvested later in the season. Future research aims to identify the proportion or area of a
field which needs to be managed as a trap crop, to reduce damage on the remainder of the

Manipulation of planting and harvesting dates and the use of trap crops may not reduce the
population density of greyback canegrub at the farm or district level, unless trap crops are
destroyed by cultivation when grubs are actively feeding in the root zone. These strategies
minimise economic losses by reducing damage on the most valuable crops.

Trash blanketing and no-till ratooning

Cane is usually managed in one of two ways. Cane can be burnt before harvest to remove
excess leaf material and remaining trash may also be burnt; weeds in the subsequent ratoon
crop may be controlled by cultivating the inter-row space. The second method involves
harvesting the green crop without prior burning, and retaining all of the crop residues as a
blanket on the soil surface. Weeds tend to be smothered by the trash blanket, but some weed
control may be required using herbicides. Robertson and Walker (1996) found that fewer
greyback canegrubs survived under green cane trash blankets compared to burnt and cultivated
ratoons. The mechanism leading to more grubs under burnt conditions is not known, although
grubs grew more slowly under green cane trash blankets, possibly because of cooler soil
conditions compared to that under bare soil surfaces (Robertson and Walker 1996). Beetles
oviposit equally under trash blankets and in burnt and cultivated ratoons.

Control of grass weeds

Greyback canegrub beetles are attracted to tall-growing grasses as well as sugarcane, and
sugarcane fields with abundant grass weeds may become severely infested irrespective of trash
blanketing (Robertson and Walker 1996) or late harvesting (unpublished observations). Guinea
grass (Panicum maximum) is common in Queensland cane growing areas and, if allowed to
infest canefields, can contribute to greyback canegrub infestation by attracting ovipositing

Tolerant cultivars
Some cultivars of cane are able to tolerate damage by greyback canegrub better than others. In
the wet tropics, Q158 showed least damage, Q138 intermediate damage and Q152 severe
damage when infested with similar numbers of greyback canegrubs in the same block (Anon.
1996). The relative size of the root system is inversely correlated with the level of damage
inflicted by canegrubs (P.G. Allsopp, unpublished data). Cane varieties with resistance to
canegrubs are being sought (Allsopp et al. 1997).

Effect of farming practices on insecticidal control

Chlorpyrifos is rapidly degraded under alkaline conditions (Racke et al. 1990). Application of
lime or other alkaline amendments and fertilisers to soil about the time when the canegrub
insecticide is also applied may result in accelerated loss of active ingredient from the controlled-
release formulation of chlorpyrifos (Chandler 1997). Lime should be applied well before
replanting (when insecticide is applied) to improve the efficacy of the insecticide.

Biological Control
Fungal biological insecticide
The green muscardine fungus (Metarhizium anisopliae) has been known to infect greyback
canegrubs since early this century (Illingworth and Dodd 1921). A virulent strain of this pathogen
was collected from greyback canegrub at Tully, cultured on rice, and tested as a biological
insecticide (Robertson et al. 1997a). Application of 33 kg of product per ha gave 50 to 60%
control of greyback canegrubs in the plant crop before the period when damage to cane
becomes evident (Robertson et al. 1997a). A single application in plant cane also controlled
70% of the grubs in each of the second and third years, suggesting that the material persists or
is propagated when grubs die of the disease. A commercial product (BioCaneTM, Bio-Care
Technology Pty Ltd) is currently being evaluated extensively under an experimental trial permit
in north Queensland sugarcane.

Incidence of entomopathogens
A survey and monitoring program of population changes in greyback canegrub has been
conducted since 1993 (Robertson et al. 1997b). Several microorganisms were identified in
greyback canegrubs, which died after collection during the monitoring program (Dall et al.
1995). A coccidian protozoan, Adelina sp., was prevalent in greyback canegrubs at sites where
grub numbers declined within and between seasons (Robertson et al. 1997b). The incidence of
this pathogen was highly variable, with grubs from the Burdekin River district consistently
showing 1% or lower incidence, while grubs collected from the Herbert River district 160 km to
the north had up to 88% infection by Adelina sp.

Metarhizium incidence varied less than Adelina, with a relatively constant 30% mortality each
year at a site near Tully despite changes in population density of the host. Other diseases
including Bacillus popilliae and a microsporidian near Nosema sp. were rare (Dall et al. 1995).

Crashes in populations of greyback canegrub were recorded at several locations and grubs at
all these locations had a relatively high incidence of Adelina infection (Robertson et al. 1997b).
Conversely, the persistent outbreak in the Burdekin River district is characterised by grubs with
very low levels of entomopathogens. Prior to the widespread use of organochlorines, cycles of
severe damage by greyback canegrub, followed by years of little or no damage, were recorded
in annual reports of the sugar industry (Robertson et al. 1997b). It is now thought that
entomopathogens such as Adelina were responsible for crashes in greyback populations, and
reduction in damage, in the pre-insecticide era.

Effect of farming practices on incidence of entomopathogens

Frequent cultivation may suppress the diseases of grubs by dispersing the infective spores or
otherwise reducing their viability. The pathogen Adelina is prevalent in greyback canegrubs in
ratoons, which are managed by green cane trash blanketing and no-till ratooning, and is less
common in burnt and cultivated ratoons. It is not common in plant cane, which is established
after cultivation. Cane in the Burdekin River district is almost invariably burnt before harvest,
ratoons are cultivated and crop cycles are generally short. Incidence of all pathogens was low in
grubs collected from the Burdekin over the past four years and grub numbers have remained

high since 1990. Cultivation was believed responsible for reducing the incidence of the
pathogens in the melolonthine scarab Costelytra zealandica in pastures (Miln 1982).

Minimum tillage planting is being evaluated for its ability to maintain effective levels of
entomopathogens for control of greyback canegrub in the plant crop. The old cane crop is killed
with herbicide and fallowed without cultivation until the next crop is established. Samson and
Phillips (1997) showed that minimum tillage following a herbicide fallow resulted in higher
densities of Metarhizium anisopliae spores remaining in the soil after replanting compared to
conventionally cultivated soil.

Integrated Pest Management

Integration of chemical, cultural and biological controls is necessary to achieve control of
greyback canegrub in the absence of the persistent organochlorine insecticides. Except in the
Burdekin River district, controlled-release chlorpyrifos should be applied during outbreaks, to
reduce damage in the plant crop. Care should be taken to apply lime products several months
before applying the insecticide. In the Burdekin where the insecticide has failed to protect crops,
early planting should be avoided. Older, less valuable crops should be harvested early and
ratooned to attract ovipositing beetles away from the more productive young crops. Trap crops
may assist in reducing overall damage to cane on a farm.

Cultivation should be kept to a minimum when replacing crops, to preserve entomopathogens

from one crop cycle to the next. Where possible, herbicide should be used to kill the old crop,
rather than cultivation. Once the old root system has decomposed, the soil is generally friable
enough along the row to allow replanting after one or two cultivations. Plant pathogens may also
persist with minimum tillage, and resistant cultivars need to be planted to avoid possible losses
to plant diseases.

Tolerant cultivars such as Q158, where available, should be planted when damage has been
severe. Varieties with a small root mass, such as Q152 in the wet tropics, and Eos in the
Burdekin, should be avoided in grub-prone areas.

All crops should be cut green and trash retained as an undisturbed blanket on the soil surface.
In addition, crops should be ratooned for as long as possible and profitable. These strategies
apparently favour the increase in entomopathogens in greyback canegrub, leading to natural
control of the pest. When commercially available, the biological insecticide based on
Metarhizium should be applied to give at least partial protection of plant and ratoon crops. This
product will be especially useful in the Burdekin where chlorpyrifos is commonly ineffective, and
where levels of Metarhizium are presently low.

A decision-aid diagram to assess the risk of infestation by greyback canegrub at the farm and
canefield level, and to give options to reduce infestations and damage, is given in Figure 1.
Adoption of IPM for control of greyback canegrub has been slow, although components of the
strategies have been implemented by some cane growers (e.g. late planting in the Burdekin).
The framework presented here is being promoted throughout north Queensland to develop and
extend IPM for greyback canegrub (e.g. see Robertson and Cocco 1998).

History of greyback canegrub damage
yes no
Recently developed loamy soil
yes no
Green cane trash blanketed ratoons
yes no

Intensive cultivation, in fallow or before planting

Chlorpyrifos granules applied in plant crop no
adopt chemical
yes cultural and
biological controls
Lime applied at planting, or high soil pH yes
for greyback
no canegrub

Late planted, or late harvested ratoon no

Abundant grass weeds in crop yes
Grub-tolerant variety of cane LOW RISK

Figure 1. Decision-aid diagram to assess risk of damaging infestations of greyback canegrub in

individual canefields in north Queensland

The Sugar Research and Development Corporation funded much of the research reported in
this paper. Numerous canegrowers in north Queensland have cooperated with on-farm trials
and evaluation of pest management strategies. This paper is presented with the permission of
the Director, Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations.

Allsopp, P.G., Shepherd, K.M., Smith, G.R., Cox, M.C. and Robertson, S.K. (1997). Use of host-
plant resistance as a component in IPM for canegrubs. Pp. 102-5 in Allsopp, P.G., Rogers, D.J.
and Robertson, L.N. (eds.), ‘Soil Invertebrates in 1997’. Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations,

Anon. (1996). BSES Bull. 56: 24.

Chandler, K.J. (1997). Alkaline soil amendments jeopardise soil-insect control with chlorpyrifos.
Pp.117-8 in Allsopp, P.G., Rogers, D.J. and Robertson, L.N. (eds.), ‘Soil Invertebrates in 1997’.
Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, Brisbane.

Dall, D., Lai-Fook, J., Robertson, L. and Walker, P. (1995). Microorganisms associated with
mortality of greyback canegrubs. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 17: 106-9.

Felsot, A.S. (1989). Enhanced biodegradation of insecticides in soil: implications for

agroecosystems. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 34: 453-76.

Illingworth, J.F. (1918). Cane grub investigation. Div. Entomol. Bull., BSES 8: 5-7.

Illingworth, J.F. and Dodd, A.P. (1921). Australian sugar cane beetles and their allies. Div.
Entomol. Bull., BSES 16: 1-104.

Miln, A.J. (1982). The effects of cultivation on disease incidence in grass grub populations.
Proc. NZ Weed and Pest Control Conf. 35: 86-9.

Racke, K.D., Laskowski, D.A. and Schultz, M.R. (1990). Resistance of chlorpyrifos to enhanced
biodegradation in soil. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 1430-6.

Robertson, L.N., Chandler, K.J., Stickley, B.D.A., Cocco, R.F. and Ahmetagic, M. (1998).
Enhanced microbial degradation implicated in rapid loss of chlorpyrifos from the controlled-
release formulation suSCon Blue in soil. Crop Prot. 16: (in press).

Robertson, L. and Cocco, R. (1998). Greyback canegrub - why do we still have a problem?
BSES Info. Meet. Burdekin, Feb. 1998, Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, 9-12.

Robertson, L.N., Dall, D.J., Lai-Fook, J. and Kettle, C.G. (1997b). Population dynamics of
greyback canegrub (Dermolepida albohirtum) in north Queensland sugarcane (Scarabaeidae:
Melolonthinae). Pp. 140-4 in Allsopp, P.G., Rogers, D.J. and Robertson, L.N. (eds.), ‘Soil
Invertebrates in 1997’. Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, Brisbane.

Robertson, L.N., Kettle, C.G. and Bakker, P. (1997a). Field evaluation of Metarhizium anisopliae
for control of greyback canegrub (Dermolepida albohirtum) in north Queensland sugarcane.
Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 19: 111-7.

Robertson, L.N. and Walker, P.W. (1996). Effect of green-cane harvesting and trash blanketing
on numbers of greyback canegrub. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 18: 78-81.

Samson, P.R. and Phillips, L.M. (1997). Farming practices to manage populations of sugarcane
soldier fly, Inopus rubriceps (Macquart), in sugarcane. Pp. 96-101 in Allsopp, P.G., Rogers, D.J.
and Robertson, L.N. (eds.), ‘Soil Invertebrates in 1997’. Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations,

Ward, A.L. and Cook, I.M. (1996). Effect of planting and harvesting date on greyback canegrub
damage in the Burdekin River area. Pp. 226-7 in Wilson, J.R., Hogarth, D.M., Campbell, J.A.
and Garside, A.L. (eds.). ‘Sugarcane: Research Towards Efficient and Sustainable Production’.
CSIRO Tropical Crops and Pastures, Brisbane.

Wilson, G. (1969). Insecticides for the control of soil-inhabiting pests of sugar cane. Pp. 259-82
in Williams, J.R., Metcalf, J.R., Mungomery, R.W. and Mathes, R. (eds.). ‘Pests of Sugar Cane’.
Elsevier, Amsterdam.

H.A.C. Fay and K.H. Halfpapp
Queensland Horticulture Institute
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
PO Box 1054
Mareeba Queensland 4880

Fruitpiercing moths (Eudocima spp.) are important pests of tree fruit and vine crops throughout
the summer rainfall areas of eastern and northern Australia. Effective control is currently limited
to netting trees or crops, or bagging fruit. This is costly and not always desirable for the crop
involved. Growers have been seeking an alternative control method, which is pest specific and
rapidly deployable if fruitpiercing moths pose a threat. This paper reports on the results of a
series of field trials designed to assess the type and effectiveness of baits containing synthetic
feeding attractants for moth control in citrus. Sugared-agar baits containing highly volatile fruity
esters (such as n-butyl acetate and methyl butyrate), aldehydes and an alcohol (together
totalling 25 µl/25 g bait) were more attractive to the primary moth species than baits that
contained esters only. When low volatility esters were substituted in the volatile mix, bait
attractiveness was substantially reduced. The best baits attracted 85% of primary moths (mainly
Eudocima fullonia [Clerck]) on baited citrus trees through to the first week of harvest. This then
fell to 75%, if the presence of Eudocima materna (L.) is discounted (as it was the least
responsive of the species attracted to the baits). Waxing the exterior of baits extended their field
life by several days. Attempts to find other ways of presenting the synthetic feeding attractants,
involving various types of dispensers, have proved unsuccessful. The implications of this work
are discussed, as are the future research needs.

Key words: citrus, fruit piercing moth, Eudocima spp, synthetic feeding attractants

Fruitpiercing moths, Eudocima spp. (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae), feed on ripening fruit after
piercing the skin or rind with a strong, barbed proboscis (Tryon 1898). They attack a large range
of tree and vine fruits, the main ones being lychees, guavas, mangoes, kiwi fruit, citrus, papaws,
persimmons and carambolas (Fay 1996). In Australia, fruitpiercing moths are common along the
eastern seaboard, primarily in coastal areas, and across the northern half of the continent. The
most important species are E. fullonia, E. materna, and Eudocima salaminia (Cramer).

Control of fruitpiercing moths cannot be achieved with conventional insecticide coversprays as

(1) insufficient contact of the moth with the fruit denies knockdown, and (2) fruit are attacked too
close to harvest to achieve an adequate withholding period. Effective control has only been
attainable through expensive exclusion techniques, such as crop netting or bag covers. Light
protection systems suppress moth feeding by 60-70% at low-moderate population levels (Fay
and Halfpapp 1994), but they require a substantial investment in infrastructure for a single pest,
which varies in severity annually and locally. Evolving IPM systems in several affected crops,
such as citrus and papaws, require that a targeted control method is developed for fruitpiercing
moths which can be rapidly deployed if, and when, these pests are a problem.

Development of baits incorporating feeding attractants commenced with electroantennography

on E. fullonia and E. materna in which differential responses to individual synthetic fruit odour
components signified the general fruity esters as prominent (Fay and Halfpapp 1994).
Combinations of odour components, particularly where two different chemical groups were
involved, produced electroantennogram responses greater than expected from the observed
responses to the same components offered singly. Combinations of chemicals were developed,
based largely on the major odour components of kiwi fruit. These were incorporated into
sugared-agar baits for flight cage and then field studies of attractiveness. Experiments with E.
fullonia, in which baits contained different ratios of specific fruit volatiles (esters, aldehydes and
alcohols) corresponding to the odours produced at different stages of ripeness, indicated that

ripe ‘fruit’, as opposed to mature or very ripe, were preferred. The current paper reports on
experiments conducted in citrus to evaluate bait type and effectiveness, and alternate volatile
dispensing methods, as the basis of a lure-toxicant system for fruitpiercing moths.

Materials and Methods

Study site
Trials were conducted in a citrus orchard of 29 trees on Southedge Research Station, 15 km
northwest of Mareeba. The orchard consisted on Clementine and hybrid mandarins, and
included the varieties Marisol, Denules, Page, Sunburst, Burn, Nova, Fina and Imperial. Fruit
started to mature from early March, with most trees completing fruiting by May. Trees usually
produced crops of several hundred fruit, but this depended on variety.

Experimental baits and dispensers

Agar baits were developed as artificial ‘fruits’ to test combinations of volatile attractants. These
baits, when attacked by moths, showed distinct feeding damage for both primary and secondary
species. Baits could withstand rain and be standardised across treatments. A full description of
the preparation of both the agar baits and dispensers can be found in Fay and Halfpapp (1997).

Attractant volatiles
A full list of the volatile chemicals used in this study, their purity and suppliers, can be found in
Fay and Halfpapp (1997).

In all experiments, baits and/or dispensers were placed in citrus trees about three hours before
dark. They were attached to the outer branches at 1.6-1.8 m above the ground. If fruitpiercing
moth activity was monitored, it was undertaken 30 minutes after sundown for a period of 1.5
hours, with all primary piercers on baits/dispensers and fruit recorded, as well as the major
secondary species. The morning after the exposure, agar baits were assessed for primary and
secondary damage (i.e. feeding marks).

1994 - These experiments compared the field attractiveness of baits containing esters only
against those that contained 80% esters plus aldehydes and an alcohol. They were conducted
in the crop from early colour break to the fully ripe stage. Baits were either attached to 2-m
poles adjacent to a fruit tree or to the tree itself. There were five treatment trees and associated
poles per occasion. Counts of fruit were undertaken on treatment trees for estimates of
moths/bait and moths/fruit. A subjective assessment of the proportion of the crop, which was
ripe, based on colour, was also made.

1995 - Baits were placed in a citrus crop from 16 March to 26 April, on a single night each week.
They were only attached to trees, but procedures were otherwise the same as in 1994. Three
different treatment baits were used per tree, with each tree receiving two baits of each
treatment. There were five baited trees. Three different volatile combinations were used: (1) four
high volatility esters, three aldehydes and an alcohol, (2) two high volatility esters, an aldehyde
and an alcohol, and (3) three low volatility esters, three aldehydes (as in 1) and an alcohol (as in
1). Esters contributed the same proportion of the volatile mix in each treatment. Each 25 mL bait
contained 25 µl of volatile attractants. During the course of the trial, fruit on treatment trees were
rated for colour from 0-100 (20 fruit/tree) and periodic measurements of Brix made to ascertain

1996 - Dispensers were made up as described in Fay and Halfpapp (1997), and included 0.25%
methomyl as the insecticide in the attractant/sugar solutions. Dispensers for each of the two
treatments (1 and 2 in 1995) were placed in 10 trees, with two of each treatment/tree.
Dispensers (and fruit) were observed for moth activity for two hours on the night they were
placed out and again 4-5 days later. They were left on trees for one week before replacement.
They were deployed between 14 March and 3 April. Through the experimental period, 20
randomly selected fruit from the treatment trees were assessed weekly for % Brix (using an
Atago hand refractometer) and pH (to project to acidity) (after Kilburn and Davis 1959).

1997 - Standard agar baits (containing three esters [80%], three aldehydes and an alcohol)
were compared against similar baits which had been dipped for a few seconds in hot paraffin
wax. Immediately prior to immersion, the volatile mix, in proportion by volume to that in the
baits, was added to the hot wax. There were 10 waxed and 10 non-waxed baits on each of 10
trees. Baits were assessed for moth damage the morning after the first night’s exposure. Night
monitoring of moth activity took place on the third night only to ascertain bait durability. This
experiment was duplicated on another occasion except that an additional treatment
incorporated 2% glycerine and 2% paraffin oil into the agar baits before waxing.

1994 - Figure 1 shows the average % of the different bait types attacked by moths over a
number of occasions in relation to crop maturity. For both bait types, the proportion of baits
attacked by primary species declined as the crop ripened, whereas the number of attacks by
secondary species increased. However, the baits that contained esters, aldehydes and an
alcohol were substantially more attractive to the primary species than those that contained
esters only.

100 100

90 90

80 80

Average % of fruit showing colour

Average % of baits attacked

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
17/03/1994 24/03/1994 20/04/1994
Primary & Secondary spp. (all baits) Primary spp.(ester only baits)
Primary spp.(80% esters+ald.+alc.) Fruit showing colour

Figure 1. Percentages of different agar baits attacked by primary and secondary moth species
in citrus in 1994

Period in which harvest
would normally occur
Baits damaged by primary moth species (%)

Bait type 1 (7 compts.)

Bait type 2 (4 compts.)
Bait type 3 (low volat.esters)







16/03/1995 22/03/1995 29/03/1995 5/04/1995 12/04/1995 20/04/1995 26/04/1995

Figure 2. Percentages of three different bait types damaged by primary moth species in 1995

1995 - Figure 2 indicates the changes in the % of each bait type attacked by primary moths over
the crop ripening period. More of the seven component baits were attacked through the first half
of the experiment and overall than the other two bait types. Baits containing low volatility esters
were far less attractive to moths (p < 0.05) than the other two bait types. E. fullonia was the
most numerous species during the first half of the experiment, with E. materna dominating
during the second half. E. salaminia and E. jordani were also recorded. Moth numbers peaked
during the first half of April.

7 100
Period in which harvest
would normally occur 90

Remaining fruit showing colour(%)

5 70
No. of moths observed


2 30
0 0

7 100
Period in which harvest

Remaining fruit showing colour (%)

6 would normally occur
No. of moths observed

5 70

2 30
0 0
16/03/1995 22/03/1995 29/03/1995 5/04/1995 12/04/1995 20/04/1995 26/04/1995

Moths on baits Moths on fruit (baited trees) Remaining fruit showing colour

Figure 3. Moths observed on baits and on fruit on baited trees when E. materna is a) included,
and b) excluded, from the data

Figure 3 compares the numbers of primary moths observed on all baits with those on fruit on
baited trees for (a) all primary piercing species; and (b) all primary piercers excluding E.
materna. When all species were considered in the comparison there was no difference in the
numbers of moths on baits or fruit (F = 0.68, P = 0.427), whereas the exclusion of E. materna
revealed significantly more moths (75%) on baits (F = 5.76, P = 0.037). During the first three
weeks of the trial, 85% of moths (all species) occurred on baits and only 15% on fruit on baited

1996 - No moths were observed on dispensers in the field, although moths were known to
respond to them in the laboratory. When dispensers were replaced by agar baits containing
insecticide, only a single moth was recorded on them. This suggested that the insecticide used
in both may have reduced the attractiveness of the volatile mix.

1997 - There was no significant difference in the numbers of waxed and standard baits pierced
on the first night they were exposed. However, on the third night, five moths (all E. fullonia) were
observed on the waxed baits but none on the standard ones. During the three-night exposure,
90% of waxed baits were heavily pierced compared with 50% of the standard baits (with some
piercing). Glycerine/paraffin supplemented baits received slightly more piercings and attracted
more moths than the non-supplemented waxed baits.

Baits that contained esters, aldehydes and an alcohol were more attractive to primary
fruitpiercing moth species than those that contained esters only. Ester type also appears
important to the level of attraction, with the highly volatile general fruity esters, such as n-butyl
acetate and methyl butyrate, eliciting a greater response than the less volatile and more specific
esters. Despite five different primary piercing moths being recorded on the baits, E. materna
was by far the least responsive. The trials indicated that E. materna may prefer a different
volatile mix, or that the ratios of the existing components in the best baits may need adjusting.
This is despite electroantennogram studies showing negligible difference in the responses of E.
materna and E. fullonia. Finding a bait attractive to E. materna will be essential for growers in
the Northern Territory and Western Australia where this species predominates. Nevertheless,
the work described here has shown that baits attracted 85% of moths on baited citrus trees to
the first week of harvest. This then declined to 75%, if E. materna is excluded. Waxing the
exterior of baits extended their field life by several days without compromising attractancy.
Baiting appears to offer better moth control than the light repulsion technique, but falls short of
the 100% control achievable by netting.

Baits containing synthetic feeding attractants work on the principle of short- range attraction in
competition with fruit odour, thus decoying fruitpiercing moths away from the crop. In this
respect, they are not like fruit fly lures which can attract males over hundreds of metres. As a
consequence, these fruitpiercing baits are unlikely to attract moths to a crop, which are
additional to those that would arrive anyway. Prior to moth numbers peaking in a crop it would
seem unnecessary to bait every tree to significantly reduce damage. Probably every third or
fourth tree would be sufficient. At peak harvest time bait deployment might need to be increased
to every tree, or every second tree, to be effective. However, previous studies (Fay and
Halfpapp 1993) have shown that most fruitpiercing moth damage in large square blocks of trees
occurs in the two outermost rows, which may mean confining the baits to the orchard periphery.
In some isolated situations the use of attractant baits prior to crop harvest may cause a
localised reduction in the fruitpiercing moth population, negating any potential problem.
Synthetic feeding attractants could also be used in fruitpiercing moth traps without the need for
specialised dispensers or insecticides. This method would provide some control and allow moth
activity levels to be ascertained prior to crop susceptibility.

Further research is required to; (1) confirm a suitable toxicant to incorporate in the baits, (2)
examine additional means to moderate volatile loss and extend bait field life (3) adjust the bait
components to make them more attractive to E. materna, and (4) test the technique’s
effectiveness in crops other than citrus. The technique may then offer fruit growers a specific
means to control fruitpiercing moths at minimal cost.

This research was supported by a grant from the Horticultural Research and Development
Corporation. The Queensland Horticulture Institute has authorised publication of this paper.

Fay, H. (1996). Fruitpiercing moths on citrus - a perspective including control developments.
QDPI Farmnote, Agdex 220/622.

Fay, H.A.C. and K.H. Halfpapp (1993). Non-odorous characteristics of lychee (Litchi chinensis)
and carambola (Averrhoa carambola) pertaining to fruitpiercing moth susceptibility. Aust. J. Exp.
Agr. 33 : 327-331.

Fay, H.A.C. and K.H. Halfpapp (1994). Feeding attractants and light barriers as control
measures for fruitpiercing moths - progress in their evaluation. Pp. 89-96. Fifth Workshop in
Tropical Entomology, Townsville, 1-5 July 1991.

Fay, H.A.C. and K.H. Halfpapp (1997). Attractants and repellents for fruitpiercing moths. HRDC
Final Report, Project No. CT 301, 30pp.

Kilburn, R.W. and T.T. Davis (1959). The taste of citrus juice. 2. Citrate salts and pH. Proc.
Florida State Hort. Soc. 72 : 271-276.

Tryon, H. (1898). Orange-piercing moths. Qld. Agr. J. 2: 308-315.

Keith Halfpapp
Queensland Horticulture Institute
Mareeba Queensland 4880

The palm leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima Gestro, was recorded from Moa Island in Torres
Strait in 1911, and the Australian mainland at Cooktown in 1976 (Fenner 1987). Since then it
has been recorded at Darwin 1979 (Fenner 1987), Broome 1989 (Strickland et. al. 1991) Cairns
1992, Innisfail 1995 and Kuranda 1997 (unpublished data). The parasite Tetrastichus
brontispae (Ferriere) (Hymenoptera: eulophidae) was introduced into Australia from Western
Samoa in 1982 (Fenner 1987) and host specificity testing was carried out by Bill Yarrow, QDPI
Indooroopilly, in that year. Four thousand parasites were then released in the Darwin area
during the first half of 1983, and 200 parasitised beetle pupae were sent to QDPI Mareeba for
release at Cooktown. No field recoveries were made after these releases. Ted Fenner is of the
opinion that these releases failed because the parasitoid colony came from a laboratory culture.

In May 1984, a second introduction of the parasite was sourced this time from ORSTOM in New
Caledonia. An estimated 220 F2 parasites were released in Darwin and later recovered on the
21 June 1984. Parasitism levels in pupal samples collected to November 1984 ranged from 0-
60.3% with an average of 20.7%. Palm leaf beetle was found in Redlynch and Freshwater
(northern suburbs of Cairns) in November 1992 (unpublished data). It is suspected that the
insect had been present in the area for approximately 12-18 months before its detection. At this
time T. brontispae could not be sourced from the Northern Territory. An application was made to
re-import the parasite, sourced from Guam, in May-June 1994. The original material was
quarantined at Sherwood and then mass reared at QDPI Mareeba. Tetrastichus brontispae was
released at 11 sites in the Cairns area, four sites at Thursday Island and three at Seisa and
Bamaga in late 1994/95. Parasitised pupae were also sent to the NT and WA. Field bred
parasites were recovered from most release sites on the mainland within one month. In October
1995 the author was seconded to work on the PFF program and further work on palm leaf
beetle control was suspended until the appointment of Sharyn Foulis in January 1997. Sharyn
again established a culture of the parasite, obtaining material from the NT as well as local sites.
Her followup surveys conducted in 1997 recovered T. brontispae from two sites in Cairns and
two in Cooktown. During 1997-98, a further 14 releases were made in the
Cairns/Cooktown/Innisfail area. Parasites have been recovered from four of these release sites
in 1997-98.

It has been established that parasites moved, unaided, 12 km from a release site north of
Cooktown to a population of palm leaf beetle at Hopevale Mission and also 4 km distance in the
Cairns area. Using the Climex Program and modified weather data for Mareeba, (Skarratt et al.
1995) a distribution map predicts that B. longissima would survive across the Top End, Cape
York and the length of the Queensland coast and into the coastal area of northern New South
Wales. This distribution is similar to that predicted when weather data for Noumea is used in the

Only in one instance in the North Queensland release program, at Endeavour Falls, has T.
brontispae demonstrated an ability to greatly reduce populations or limit the expansion of palm
leaf beetle. Successful release is dependent on the initial release of large numbers of the

Fenner, T.L. (1986). Biological control of Brontispa longissima in the Northern Territory. In
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Tropical Agricultural Entomology, p. 111-115.

Strickland, G.R., Shivas, R. and Young, S.J. (1991). The use of the green muscadine fungus
Metarhizium anisopliae, to control Palm Leaf Beetle, Brontispa longissima, (COLEOPTERA :
CHRYSOMELIDAE/ in Broome. In Proceedings of the Workshop in Tropical Entomology No. 5.
P. 134-137.

Skarratt, D.D., Sutherst, R.W. and Marywald, G.F., (1995). Climex for Windows Version 1.0.
CSIRO and CRC for Tropical Pest Management, Brisbane.

Deanna Chin and Haidee Brown
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

The eulophid parasitoid, Tetrastichus brontispae (Ferriere) was imported from New Caledonia
and released in Darwin to control the palm leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro). Coconut
palms at six sites were monitored before and after the introduction of the parasitoid.

B. longissima first appeared in Darwin in 1979. T. brontispae was first introduced into Darwin to
control B. longissima in 1982. The initial introduction did not establish, but a new introduction in
1984 established for five years and then died out (Fenner 1992). T. brontispae was re-
introduced into Darwin in 1994 and was established in moderate numbers for two years.
Between October 1994 and March 1997, the beetle damage to the coconut palms at the release
sites was reduced by 20%. The parasitoid was established in higher numbers at sites that were
irrigated with overhead sprinklers. After November 1996, the numbers of T. brontispae had
diminished and it could not be collected from any of the release sites or nearby areas. The
climate in the Top End of the Northern Territory may be responsible for the parasitoid’s failure to
establish, as it is probably suited to a milder tropical climate.

Key words: biological control, Brontispa longissima, Tetrastichus brontispae

In Darwin, coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) are grown for ornamental purposes and are
commonly planted in backyards, parks and amenity areas. B. longissima is a major pest of
coconut palms in Darwin, Palmerston and rural areas of the Top End of the Northern Territory.
Occasionally, severe damage can be seen on royal palms (Roystonea regia (H.B.K.) O.F.
Cook), and moderate to minor damage occurs on some ornamental palms such as carpentaria
palm (Carpentaria acuminata Becc.), fishtail palm (Caryota mitis Lour.) and clumping golden
cane palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens H. Wendl.) (Jones 1984). A host list has been included
in the DPIF Agnote by T. Fenner (1989). In Australia, B. longissima is also found in northern
Queensland, north Western Australia (Broome) and, overseas, it ranges from Java eastward to
New Caledonia, Tahiti, Western Samoa and American Samoa. B. longissima was first found in
Darwin in 1979. An eradication campaign was attempted, but was abandoned in 1981.

Chemical sprays are useful in controlling B. longissima, but, as the palms reach their mature
height, (over 10 metres), spraying is often difficult. To reduce reliance on chemical sprays and
to control B. longissima in tall coconut palms, the parasitic wasp T. brontispae was introduced.
T. brontispae is endemic to Indonesia (Java, Nusa Tenggara) and Irian Jaya (Kalshoven 1981).
T. brontispae attacks the late larval stages and 1-2 day old pupae of B. longissima.

T. brontispae was first introduced into Darwin and Palmerston in 1982 from Western Samoa, but
failed to establish. An introduction of New Caledonian stock in 1984 established successfully
and survived for about five years (Fenner 1992). In 1994, the Entomology Branch of the
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries re-introduced the parasitoid as field releases in
Darwin. T. brontispae was imported from New Caledonia to the Department of Primary
Industries in Brisbane, Queensland where it was reared and screened through quarantine. After
the wasps were reared for three generations, a small consignment of the parasitoid was sent to
Berrimah Research Farm, where it was mass reared for release in Darwin.

Study Sites
A total of six sites were selected in the Darwin City Council amenity areas (Table 1). These sites
included picnic areas, street plantings, experimental plantings and parks. All of the sites were
located near the foreshore except site 4.

Table 1. Study sites selected for monitoring B. longissima infestation levels in coconut palms.

Site No. Location Description

1* Cullen Bay Overhead irrigation in dry season

2* Mindil Beach Overhead irrigation in dry season

3 East Point Reserve Overhead irrigation in dry season

4* Coconut Grove No irrigation in dry season and was burnt

during the 1996 dry season

5* Nightcliff Beach Overhead irrigation in dry season

6* Near Nightcliff Swimming No irrigation in dry season


* Release site for T. brontispae

Materials and Methods

Monitoring B. longissima damage levels
Damage by B. longissima to the new leaves of coconut palms was assessed from March 1993
to December 1998. From March 1993 to March 1997, coconut palms at the sites were
monitored once every 6-8 weeks (the interval between production of new fronds) and from
March 1997 to December 1998 the sites were monitored once every six months. Monitoring
commenced 12 months prior to the release of T. brontispae. At each inspection, 12 coconut
palms were selected randomly and given a damage rating from 1 to 5 to assess the level of
damage (Table 2). The damage rating was assessed by an observer (standing at ground level)
viewing the newly opened frond and assigning a damage rating.

Table 2. Ratings used to assess the level of B. longissima damage to coconut palms

Damage Beetle damage to the

rating first opened leaf (%)

1 1-20

2 20-40

3 40-60

4 60-80

5 80-100

Laboratory rearing
T. brontispae was mass reared in a laboratory at 25-30ºC and 60-90% relative humidity, located
at Berrimah Research Farm. The rearing containers were clear cylindrical plastic tubes (45 x
110 mm) with fine mesh lids and bases. The wasps were fed honey smeared onto cotton wicks

and placed on the outside of the fine meshed lid. Twice a week, the wasps were provided with
late instar larvae or early pupae of B. longissima (field collected) for ovipositing. Each rearing
tube contained between 100-300 adult wasps and was provided with 10-30 beetle pupae. The
mean number of wasps reared per beetle pupa was 10, but ranged from 4-18.

To maintain genetic diversity in the culture, T. brontispae was also established in coconut palms
in the gardens at Berrimah Research Farm and on a regular basis, infested B. longissima pupae
were added to the laboratory cultures.

Field releases
Field releases were carried out between October 1994 and April 1996. Tubes of parasitised B.
longissima pupae were taken to field sites at weekly, fortnightly or monthly intervals. Each tube
was placed in a coconut palm, at the base of an infested leaf spear, with the lid removed so that
the wasps could disperse at emergence, generally within seven days. Overall, about 13,000 T.
brontispae were released in the selected sites between October 1994 and April 1996 (Table 1).

During field monitoring, samples of B. longissima pupae were collected and reared in the
laboratory to see if T. brontispae was established at the sites.

The effectiveness of T. brontispae in controlling B. longissima was determined by comparing the
damage to the coconut palms before and after release. Results of monitoring collected between
March 1993 and March 1997 are summarised in Table 3.

Within two years after the release of T. brontispae, there was a 20% decrease in the level of B.
longissima damage at three of the release sites (site 1, 2 and 5). Site 4 did not have a damage
assessment before release, however, from general observations of the site just before release,
the damage level was estimated to be about 60%. At site 6, there was no change in the beetle
damage after release. In the control site (site 3), damage levels fluctuated from 0-60%.

Between October 1994 and November 1996, parasitised beetle pupae were collected from all
release sites, indicating that T. brontispae was established. After November 1996, T. brontispae
could not be detected from any of the monitoring sites; however, it was still present in the
coconut palms at Berrimah Research Farm.

Table 3. The level of B. longissima damage on coconut palms at the study sites before and after
the release of T. brontispae (based on results collected between March 1993 and March 1997)

Site No. Level of B. longissima Infestation

Before release After release of Change in infestation level

of T. brontispae T. brontispae since release of parasitoid

1*+ 4 3 Decreased 20%

2*+ 3 2 Decreased 20%

3 1 2 Increased 20%

4* - 3 -

5*+ 3 2 Decreased 20%

6* 2 2 No change

* Release site for T. brontispae

+ Irrigated site

T. brontispae initially decreased B. longissima damage by 20% at sites that were watered by
overhead irrigation, however, it was not able to establish in the long term. The improvements in
the growth of the palms and the decrease in B. longissima damage was noticeable in the wet
season when the palms were vigorous in growth and the wet weather provided favourable
conditions for the survival and increase in numbers of T. brontispae. The effect on B. longissima
was further compounded by the presence of a fungal pathogen, Metarhizium anisopliae
(Metschnikoff) (the green muscardine fungus) (Banks 1979). This pathogen is prevalent during
the wet season (rarely seen in the dry season) and is effective in killing all stages of B.
longissima (D. Chin unpublished data)

T. brontispae and its effect on controlling B. longissima have been studied in the Pacific Islands.
In some cases T. brontispae was shown to be effective (Chiu and Chen 1985 and Stapley 1980)
and in others it only provided minor control (Hollingsworth et al. 1985 and Voegele 1989). T.
brontispae was released in North Queensland in 1994 and has been established successfully
and may provide control in the long term (K. Halfpapp pers. comm.).

In Darwin the main limiting factor restricting the establishment of T. brontispae appeared to be
due to climatic conditions. T. brontispae did not survive well during the prolonged dry season
(which is about six months). This strain may be more suited for establishment in a climate
similar to New Caledonia which has evenly distributed rainfall (Rudloff 1981). Strains of T.
brontispae from the drier areas of Indonesia or Papua New Guinea may be more suited to the
climate in the Top End.

There were higher numbers of T. brontispae (reared from B. longissima pupae) collected from
overhead irrigated sites compared to non-irrigated sites. In addition, adults of T. brontispae were
observed on coconut fronds at Berrimah Research Farm in a garden that was watered daily with
overhead sprinklers.

A small amount of competition may have occurred between T. brontispae and natural
pathogens and predators of B. longissima. Both T. brontispae and M. anisopliae were more
prevalent during the wet season. Since M. anisopliae affects all stages of B. longissima, this
could reduce the availability of hosts for T. brontispae. M. anisopliae may have hindered the
wasp’s ability to produce sufficiently large populations, which may have assisted its survival
over the dry seasons. The green tree ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius) appeared to be an
important predator of all stages of B. longissima. O. smaragdina was found in large numbers on
coconuts and as a result may have also limited the availability of hosts for T. brontispae. Fenner
(1996) noted that populations of B. longissima were reduced in coconut palms that were
inhabited by tree frogs, geckoes and a species of ant, Tetramorium simillimum (F. Smith).

T. brontispae was able to establish, and exert limited control of B. longissima in Darwin for two
years. Sites that were irrigated with overhead sprinklers provided more suitable conditions,
however, the climate was still unsuitable for long term establishment. The parasitoid appeared
to be adapted to climate that has lower temperatures and more consistent rainfall throughout
the year.

We thank Heather Wallace for assisting with the laboratory rearing and field monitoring. We
thank also Stuart Smith and Ted Fenner for helpful advice and suggestions on the release
program. We are grateful to Graham Young, Glenn Bellis, Stuart Smith and Ted Fenner for
reviewing the manuscript.

Brady, B.L.K. (1979). Metarhizium anisopliae. Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria.
Commonwealth Mycological Institute Kew, Surrey, England. No. 609.

Chiu, Shui-chen and Chen, Bing-huei. (1985). Importation and Establishment of Tetrastichus
brontispae, a Parasitoid of the Coconut Beetle in Taiwan. TARI. Special Publication No.19, pp

Fenner, T.L. (1992). Biological Control of Brontispa longissima in the Northern Territory.
Tropical Agricultural Entomology, 4th Workshop, Darwin NT, 10-15 May 1987. Pp 111-115.

Fenner, T.L. (1996). Palm Leaf Beetle. Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries. Agnote
no. 371.

Hollingsworth, R., Meleisea, S. and Iosefa. (1988). Natural Enemies of Brontispa longissima
(Gestro) in Western Samoa. Alafua Agriculture Bulletin. Pp 41-45.

Jones, D. (1984). Palms in Australia. Reed Books Pty Ltd. Australia. Pp 110, 173 and 184

Kalshoven, L.G.E. (1981). Pests of Crops in Indonesia. (Van der Laan, P.A. and Rothschild,
G.H.L. Trans.) PT Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve Indonesia (pp 449, 582-583).

Stapley, J.H. (1980). Coconut Leaf Beetle (Brontispa longissima) in the Solomons. Alafua
Agriculture Bulletin. Vol. 5. No. 4. Pp 17-22.

Rudloff, W. (1981). World-Climates with tables of climatic data and practical suggestions.
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart, Germany. Pp 563 and 579.

Voegele, J.M. (1989). Biological Control of Brontispa longissima in Western Samoa: An

Ecological and Economic Evaluation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Elsevier
Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. 27: 315-329.

Yarrow, W.H.T. (1982). A Report on the Host Specificity Testing for Tetrastichus brontispae
(Ferriere), a Parasite of the Palm Leaf Beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro). Department of
Primary Industries Qld. 8 pp. (Unpublished).

H.A.C. Fay1, S.G. De Faveri1 and R.K. Huwer2
1 2
Queensland Horticulture Institute CSIRO Entomology
Queensland Department of Primary Industries GPO Box 1700
PO Box 1054 Canberra ACT 2601
Mareeba Queensland 4880

Three different egg parasitoids of the banana-spotting bug, Amblypelta lutescens lutescens
(Distant), were found in Mareeba in 1992. The potential to mass-rear and strategically release
one or more of these parasitoids (Anastatus sp., Ooencyrtus caurus Huang and Noyes and
Gryon sp.) to reduce bug breeding success was examined in preliminary laboratory, glasshouse
and field experiments. Fruitspotting bugs produce eggs too slowly for mass-rearing parasitoids
and so the utilisation of alternate host eggs was investigated. O. caurus could be reared on the
eggs of some other coreids, e.g. Mictis spp.. The Anastatus sp. accepted a wide range of
alternate hosts, with the eggs of a Neomantis sp. and an Opodiphthera sp. producing good-
sized wasps in favourable sex ratios. In a series of glasshouse experiments which involved
spotting bug eggs fixed to the leaves of papaw and macadamia plants, no parasitism was
recorded after releases of either O. caurus or the Gryon sp. However, up to 84.4% parasitism of
bug eggs by the Anastatus sp. was attained under similar circumstances. Parasitism levels were
enhanced by increased numbers of bug eggs, releasing larger numbers of Anastatus or with
adult bugs present near the eggs. Releases of Anastatus sp. and O. caurus into crops in the
field in the absence of bug activity resulted in negligible parasitism of deployed bug eggs.
However, confining pairs of adult bugs with eggs on carambola trees resulted in maximum
parasitism levels of 22-50% following small-scale releases of Anastatus sp. Investigations
should now look at larger scale releases of Anastatus and elucidate bug breeding habits,
movement patterns and crop associations, to determine the potential value of these parasitoids
for fruitspotting bug control.

The banana-spotting bug, A. l. lutescens, and fruitspotting bug, Amblypelta nitida Stål, are
severe pests of a large range of tropical and subtropical tree and vine crops through
Queensland, parts of NSW, the Northern Territory and Western Australia (Ironside 1981,
Donaldson 1983). Nymphs and adults pierce plant growing points, flowers or developing fruits
and nuts. The damaged area of fruits becomes blackened and splits or cracks, and growth
terminals dieback. Premature fruit and nut fall is common (Waite 1990). Effective control in
susceptible crops is usually achieved through regular applications of endosulfan.

Prior to 1992 natural enemies of spotting bugs were poorly known in Australia, with only some
general predators (ants, spiders and assassin bugs) and the tachinid parasitoid,
Pentatomophaga bicincta de Meijere, reported by Ironside (1981). In October and November
1992 three different wasp parasitoids were recorded attacking the eggs of A. l. lutescens in
Mareeba (Fay and Huwer 1993). This parasitoid complex included an Anastatus sp.
(Eupelmidae), O. caurus (Encyrtidae) and a Gryon sp. (Scelionidae). Overall percentage
parasitism ranged from 37.5 – 91.6% over 3 sites, with the Anastatus sp. dominating. These
parasitoids, and the levels of parasitism measured, were similar to those recorded for related
coreids in other parts of the world (Phillips 1941, Greve and Ismay 1983, Oswald 1990).

Exploration of native egg parasitoids through their mass-rearing and strategic release has been
mooted to enhance control of dasynine bugs (Oswald 1990). This approach has been employed
in China since the 1960s where Anastatus spp. are mass-released seasonally to control lychee
stink bug (Tessaratoma papillosa Drury) in lychees and longans (Jianzhong 1990). Greater than
90% parasitism is achieved with this approach and costs are a third to a quarter of insecticidal

control. In Australia, there is increasing pressure on researchers to find alternative ways of
combating fruitspotting bugs. This pressure is being driven by (1) the threat to withdraw or limit
the use of endosulfan, (2) a lack of approved alternate chemicals in the large range of minor
tropicals affected by spotting bugs, (3) large losses to Amblypelta in some organically-grown
crops, ( 4) good progression of IPM and a reduction in insecticide use in a number of crops
susceptible to spotting bugs, and (5) some progress with bug pheromone identification.

Fruitspotting bugs are mobile pests, which may breed significantly on native host plants from
where they invade nearby orchards. Routine chemical control practices ensure limited breeding
in susceptible crops, as bugs in all developmental stages are killed by endosulfan. However,
spotting bugs enter orchards continually while crops are developing, and eggs would be laid
through the life of a crop. If insecticidal sprays are skipped, or the interval between sprays is too
great, eggs and nymphs will survive and damage levels will increase. The integration of
parasitoid releases with insecticidal sprays may reduce spray frequency while maintaining
control levels. As parasitoids are mobile, commercial growers could release them in the vicinity
of adjoining properties from where bugs may invade after breeding undisturbed, and over which
the growers would normally have no control. This paper undertakes a tentative examination of
the potential and limitations of rearing and releasing native egg parasitoids against A. l.

Materials and Methods

Laboratory procedures
Bug colony – Adults of A. l. lutescens were collected from a range of crop and ornamental hosts
throughout the Mareeba district during the latter half of 1991 to establish the spotting bug
colony. Complete details of how adults and nymphs were maintained can be found in Fay and
De Faveri (1997).

Parasitoid colonies – The wasp parasitoids described earlier originated from sites in Mareeba.
Details of how individual species were held and reared are described by Fay and De Faveri

Alternative host eggs – Spotting bugs have a low oviposition rate (2 to 4 eggs/day) which limits
the degree to which their eggs can be used for parasitoid production. Releases of parasitoids in
some commercial crops would require hundreds of thousands of wasps, and to produce these
would necessitate either an alternative mass reared host or artificial eggs.

A range of eggs of other insect species was tested as possible alternatives for rearing the
parasitoid species discussed here. Eggs were obtained from insects collected in the field, and
were selected on the basis of their size, known susceptibility to the parasitoid genera involved,
and/or likelihood of laboratory colonisation. The eggs of six alternative host species were
assessed for the Anastatus sp. and three for O. caurus. Gryon spp. are generally considered
host specific and were not included in these tests. Initial attempts were undertaken to rear some
of the alternative host species by caging/containing adults in the laboratory, providing
appropriate food and/or offering host plant material for oviposition. Data were obtained (in most
cases) on average egg weight, the sex ratio of wasps produced, male and female wasp size,
and observations made on parasitism levels and parasitoid development times.

Experiment details
Parasitoid assessments were undertaken in the confines of a large glasshouse or in crops in the

a) Glasshouse
The dimensions of the building were 10 x 20 x 5.5 m. Plants (including tea, mangoes, papaws,
macadamias, bananas and passionfruit) were held on 1 m high benches beneath an overhead
watering system. Macadamias and papaws were grown in clusters about 5 m apart in the centre
of the building.

Egg exposure method – Bug eggs were glued singly to 5 mm2 pieces of 0.4 mm thick rigid card
using a small drop of wood glue. Eggs were always freshly collected for use in experiments, and
were only exposed to parasitoids for 3-4 days before replacement or experiment termination.

Experiments – A series of 10 experiments were undertaken; the complete details are described
in Fay and De Faveri (1997). Different numbers of parasitoids (21-50/release) were used in the
various experiments and released 0.5 or 10 m from the bug eggs. The length of the
experimental period varied from 6-10 days. In two experiments, adult bugs were confined with
the plants holding the bug eggs. In all situations there were three plants with eggs/treatment,
and for all macadamia/papaw experiments plants either had some leaves coated with streaks of
honey or did not (i.e. there were four treatments per experiment). Where experiments had more
than one release of parasitoids they occurred three days apart. Where bugs were placed with
plants, a single pair was confined in a gauze-covered capsule amongst the treatment group of
plants containing the eggs. All parasitoids were more than one day old at release, with the
Ooencyrtus and Gryon released at emergence sex ratios, and the Anastatus at a male:female
ratio of 1:4.

b) Field
Sites – Experimental releases of parasitoids were conducted at two sites on the Atherton
Tableland, at Walkamin Research Station and on the property of I. Steinhardt, between
Mareeba and Walkamin. No insecticidal sprays were used on the experimental crops (papaws,
macadamias and carambolas) at Walkamin Research Station and only fungicides were applied
to the papaws at Steinhardt’s.

Experimental plots at Walkamin Research Station included a row of 100 papaws separated into
blocks of ten by single three year-old macadamia trees. Adjacent to this were eight year old
carambola trees (originally 4 blocks of 20 trees) of five different varieties. The Steinhardt site
contained about 800 widely spaced large papaws separated intermittently by small avocado

Experiments – A summary of the field assessments can be found in Fay and De Faveri (1997).
There were three exposures of eggs during each experiment at Walkamin Research Station,
and 11 at Steinhardt’s. The numbers of trees with bug eggs varied. Experiments were
conducted over 9-11 days at Walkamin, where only Anastatus were released in batches of 25.
At Steinhardt’s over the 60 day experimental period (21 October – 20 December) a total of 856
parasitoids (716 O. caurus and 140 Anastatus) were released. Adult bugs were confined near
the bug eggs on one occasion at Walkamin. Parasitoids were released at 2-4 day intervals at
Walkamin Research Station and at nine evenly spaced intervals at Steinhardt’s over 8½ weeks.
All parasitoids were several days old and fed at release. At Walkamin, eggs were used singly on
card, whereas at Steinhardt’s, five eggs/card were employed. Eggs placed on trees were
retrieved by marking appropriate leaves with flagging tape. During the last two weeks of the
Steinhardt experiment, eggs were placed on trees 15 m apart in a ring, with parasitoids released
from the centre.

Laboratory rearing
Table 1 compares the average egg weight and sex ratio of Anastatus reared in spotting bug
eggs against those for a range of alternative host eggs. The lunar moth, Ochrogaster lunifer
Herrich-Schäffer, produces large egg masses coated in deciduous scales. While an average
66.4% of its eggs were parasitised by the Anastatus sp. in the laboratory, for every male only
0.46 females were produced. However, for the eggs of most other bugs, the gum moth and the
mantid, a large female bias was recorded for emerging parasitoids, with no deterioration in wasp
size. In particular, eggs of the Neomantis sp. (which lays rafts of 40 or so eggs) and those of the
gum moth (which lays several hundred eggs at a time), were particularly well accepted by the
Anastatus sp. and produced wasps of a very similar size to those produced from spotting bug
eggs. O. caurus could be reared on the eggs of Mictis spp. (Coreidae), producing 12.07
wasps/egg, but it was far less receptive to alternate hosts than the Anastatus sp.

Table 1. A comparison of the suitability of a range of host eggs for rearing the Anastatus sp

Host species Host family Average egg weight Parasitoid sex-ratio

(g x 10-3) M:F

A. l. lutescens Coreidae 1.3 1 : 2.22

Mictis profana Coreidae 4.5 1 : 5.50

Austromalaya sp. Pentatomidae 2.0-3.0 1 : 1.00

Neomantis sp. Mantidae 1.5 1 : 4.67

Ochrogaster lunifer Thaumetopeidae 1.9 1 : 0.46

Opodiphthera sp. Saturniidae 1.5-2.5 1 : 4.55

Glasshouse experiments
In experiments where O. caurus and the Gryon sp. were released adjacent to bug eggs in
papaws and macadamias, no parasitism was recorded on each occasion.





% parasitism




Two releases of wasps
10 Two releases (increased nos. bug eggs)

0 3 7 10
Days after initial wasp release

Figure 1. Percent parasitism of fruitspotting bug eggs by Anastatus sp. released near-by in a

In experiments in which releases of the Anastatus sp. occurred adjacent to bug eggs, the
proportion of parasitism attained seven days after the initial release reached an average
maximum of 79% and 82% (or 84.4% if infertile eggs are excluded) (Figure 1). One experiment
included increased numbers of bug eggs and parasitism levels were sustained at an average
80.7% over three egg collections.

Where Anastatus sp. were released 10 m from plants containing the bug eggs, parasitism was
reduced an average 20% compared to the levels measured above. Figure 2 shows the
parasitism levels recorded under different experimental regimes. A maximum level of 61.0%
was recorded when adult bugs were contained near eggs on plants.



% parasitism




Single release of wasps

Two releases (with increased wasp nos.)
Two releases (with FSB adults on plants)
0 3 6 9
Days after initial wasp release

Figure 2. Percent parasitism of fruitspotting bug eggs by Anastatus sp. released 10 m away in a

Field experiments
In the initial field experiment at Walkamin Research Station, where eggs were placed on papaw
and macadamia trees, no parasitism by Anastatus was recorded. Predation by ants accounted
for 13.3% of eggs on macadamias and 4.4% on papaws. A follow-up experiment in papaws and
carambolas again produced no parasitism. In a third experiment, where adult bugs were
confined near eggs on trees, parasitism reached 22.2% on a single occasion in the release tree,
and 50% in an adjacent tree. Parasitism averaged 8.1% over the experiment (Figure 3).
Predation by ants averaged 5% of eggs.


50 Release tree Adjacent tree

Maximum % parasitism





0 3 7 10
Days from initial w asp release

Figure 3. Maximum percent parasitism of fruitspotting bug eggs by Anastatus sp. released into
a carambola orchard with adult bugs present

The series of Ooencyrtus and Anastatus releases in papaws at Steinhardt’s, where a total 346
bug eggs were exposed over 60 days, resulted in 1.2% parasitism and 9.8% egg predation. No
spotting bugs were observed or feeding damage recorded during this experiment.

The glasshouse and field trials implied that O. caurus and the Gryon sp. are unlikely to be of
value in releases against spotting bugs, although more work on them is justified. Most evidence
from S.E. Asia and China (Zhicheng et al. 1988) supports the view that Anastatus spp. have
more potential than many other parasitoids in heteropteran bug suppression. In the glasshouse
experiments reported here, the Anastatus sp. achieved a maximum 84.4% parasitism of bug
eggs, a level similar to that recorded in the field in China when large numbers of Anastatus were
released against lychee stink-bug (Zhicheng et al. 1988). Over the entire series of experiments
undertaken in the glasshouse, the maximum parasitism achieved by Anastatus per experiment
averaged 63.3% ± 18.1%, a level which would impact on bug numbers if it could be translated to
the field.

Further indications from the glasshouse experiments were that increased levels of or sustained
parasitism by Anastatus occurred when (a) increased numbers of bug eggs were used, (b)
increased numbers of parasitoids were released, and (c) spotting bug adults were present near
the eggs on the plants. It is known that some parasitoids are attracted by pheromones produced
by adult bugs (Aldrich et al 1984), which suggests that egg parasitoid host finding may be
strongly linked to bug presence.

Where relatively small numbers of parasitoids and bug eggs were used in the field in the
absence of adult bugs, virtually no parasitism was recorded in our studies, irrespective of the
crop or proximity of parasitoid releases to the host eggs. This implies that parasitoids could not
be released as a prophylactic measure preempting bug activity in crops. Bugs would need to be
in the crop already, or nearby, to justify releases.

The fact that low-moderate levels of parasitism were achieved by Anastatus when bug adults
were present in the field is promising. These trials used limited numbers of parasitoids, with no
more than 50 released per tree. In China, releases of 600 Anastatus per lychee tree are
reported to achieve maximum levels of parasitism (Zhicheng et al. 1988). However,

considerably more knowledge is required on bug behaviour and ecology before parasitoids can
be best utilised as control tools, or integrated into existing control systems.

Mass-rearing fruitspotting bug parasitoids needs to overcome the problem that bugs lay too few
eggs to form the basis of a production system for large scale wasp releases. In China,
Anastatus is reared in artificial eggs, which contain a component of insect (usually Oak
silkworm) pupal haemolymph (Li-Ying et al. 1988). Such a technique may not be practical in
Australia, unless an acceptable type and source of insect haemolymph can be found. Ideally,
artificial eggs requiring no insect component will be developed. The results described above
indicate that for Anastatus at least, a large range of insect eggs was acceptable for parasitoid
rearing, many producing wasps in favourable female:male ratios and good-sized individuals.
Despite this, use of alternate host eggs would require considerable development effort,
particularly into host rearing methods. Without ease of rearing and economy of production
alternate host eggs will not provide the solution to large-scale production of parasitoids.

The work described in this paper is of a very preliminary nature and more could be done to
further explore this methodology. This might include:

a) Evaluating the rearing of parasitoids in artificial eggs, whether developed locally or imported
frozen from China; this is essential to trialing parasitoid inundative release potential on a
large scale.

b) Large releases of parasitoids, timed with expected bug incursions into crops and the
integration of the technique with existing controls.

c) Elucidation of the association between parasitoid activity and bug pheromone emission.

d) Procurement of far more information on bug breeding habits, movement patterns and crop
associations, to determine the limits of an inundative release method.

The Horticultural Research and Development Corporation, the Macadamia Industry and the
Papaw Subcommittee of the Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers are all thanked for
contributing funds to this project. The Queensland Horticulture Institute has authorised
publication of this paper.

Aldrich, J.R., Kochansky, J.P. and Abrams, C.B. (1984). Attractant for a beneficial insect and its
parasitoids: Pheromone of the Predatory Spined Soldier Bug, Podisus maculiventris
(Hemiptera:Pentatomidae). Environ. Entomol. 13: 1031-1036.

Donaldson, J.F. (1983). The Australian species of Amblypelta Stål (Hemiptera:Coreidae). J.

Aust. Ent. Soc. 22: 47-52.

Fay, H.A.C. and Huwer, R.K. (1993). Egg parasitoids collected from Amblypelta lutescens
lutescens (Distant) (Hemiptera:Coreidae) in north Queensland. J. Aust. Ent. Soc. 32: 365-367.

Fay, H.A.C. and De Faveri, S.G. (1997). Egg parasitoids of fruitspotting bugs (Amblypelta spp.):
Potential for their mass-rearing and strategic release. Hort. Res and Devel. Corp. Final Report,
Project No. HG 308: 25 pp.

Greve, J.E. van S. and Ismay, J.W. (Eds.) (1983). Crop insect survey of Papua New Guinea
from July 1st 1969 to December 31st 1978. Papua New Guinea Agr. J. 32: 1-120.

Huang, D.W. and Noyes, J.S. (1994). A revision of the Indo-Pacific species of Ooencyrtus
(Hymenoptera:Encyrtidae), parasitoids of the immature stages of economically important insect
species (mainly Hemiptera and Lepidoptera). Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond (Ent.). 63: 1-136.

Ironside, D.A. (1981). Insect pests of macadamia in Queensland. QDPI Misc. Publ. 81007: 28

Jianzhong, B. (1990). Progress of the biological control research and application in China. Proc.
First Asia-Pacific Conf. Entomol., Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8-13 Nov. 1989. Pp 493-503. Ent. and
Zool. Assoc. Thailand, Bangkok: 855 pp.

Li-Ying, L. Wen-Hui, L., Chao-Shian, C., Shi-Tzou, H., Jai-Chi, S., Han-Sun, C. and Shu-Yi, F.
(1988). In vitro rearing of Trichogramma spp. and Anastatus sp. in artificial “eggs” and the
methods of mass production. In Trichogramma and other egg parasites, 2nd Int. Symp.,
Guangzhou (China), Nov. 10-15, 1986. Pp 339-352. INRA, No. 43, Paris.

Oswald, S. (1990). Possibilities for the use of Ooencyrtus albicrus ((Prinsloo) (Hym., Encyrtidae)
in an integrated pest management approach against the coconut bug Pseudotheraptus wayi
Brown (Hem., Coreidae) in Zanzibar. J. Appl. Ent. 110: 198-202.

Phillips, J.S. (1941). A search for parasites of dasynine bugs in the Netherlands Indies. Trans.
R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 91: 119-144.

Waite, G.K. (1990). Amblypelta spp. (Hemiptera:Coreidae) and green fruit drop in lychees. Trop.
Pest Mgmt. 36: 353-355.

Zhicheng, L., Zhiyong, W., Yiren, S., Jianfeng, L. and Wuhong, Y. (1988). Studies on culturing
Anastatus sp. a parasitoid of Litchi Stink bug, with artificial host eggs. In Trichogramma and
other egg parasites, 2nd Int. Symp., Guangzhou (China), Nov. 10-15, 1986. Pp 353-360. INRA,
No. 43, Paris.

David Astridge
Queensland Horticulture Institute
Centre for Wet Tropics Agriculture
P.O. Box 20
South Johnston Queensland 4859

Insect fauna surveys have been carried out on rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.), durian
(Durio zibethinus Murr.) and mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) in the coastal wet tropics of
north Queensland. Preliminary fauna lists are presented of pest and beneficial arthropods for
each crop. A brief description is also given of major pest damage and seasonal abundance.

The three most common exotic fruits commercially grown in north Queensland are rambutan,
durian and mangosteen. These are evergreen trees, with dense foliage, which have their origins
in Southeast Asia. Production is expanding to meet increased market opportunities both locally
and overseas. The exotic fruit industries of north Queensland have clear objectives to develop
sustainable pest management practices. Unfortunately, very little is known about the insect
fauna associated with these crops. The information gained from these surveys will identify major
pests and beneficial insects associated with each crop. The aims of this project were to identify
major and minor pests and associated beneficial species for all three fruit crops and to
determine seasonal and crop phenology impacts on pest abundance. Future research will target
individual insects responsible for causing economic damage with the aim to develop an
integrated approach to pest control. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of
arthropods encountered thus far in the surveys and provide a brief description of damage
symptoms and the seasonal abundance of major pests.

Materials and Methods

Five commercial orchards, which included all three crops, were monitored along the coast of
north Queensland. Monitoring sites were located south west of Mission Beach (146º: 00'E, 17º:
55'S), South Johnstone (146º: 00'E, 17º: 37'S), Babinda, (145º: 55'E, 17º: 20'S), Deeral (145º:
57'E, 17º: 12'S) and north east of Mossman (145º: 56'E, 16º: 17'S). Monitoring started on 20
July 1997 and was carried out monthly. Insects were collected using several methods that
included sweep nets, beating trays, manual collection, fogging and light traps using a stratified
random sample of 30 trees per crop at each location. Each tree was visually assessed for
obvious plant damage to the leaves, stems, flowers, fruit and trunk. Ten branches with new leaf
flush were randomly checked for insect activity and plant damage. All specimens were recorded
and unknown insects causing plant damage were collected for identification. Insects were
identified with reference collections at the Centre for Wet Tropics Agriculture at South
Johnstone or sent to taxonomists for identification.

Major and minor pests have been assessed by visual field observations throughout the year.
Minor insects were considered sporadic and rarely influenced yield decline or fruit quality. The
major and minor insect pests of rambutan, durian and mangosteen are presented in tables 1, 2
and 3, respectively. Beneficial arthropods are presented in table 4.

Table 1. Major and Minor Pests of Rambutan grown in north Queensland



Major Pests
Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Planococcus citri T, I, B, D, M fruit/stems/ flowers
Hymenoptera Formicidae Oecophylla smaragdina T, I, B, D, M farms mealy bug
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Othreis sp. T, I, B, D Fruit piercing
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Eudocima salaminia T, I, B, D Fruit piercing
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Conogethes punctiferalis T, I, B, D, M Fruit boring
Lepidoptera Tortricidae * * T, I, B, D Fruit boring

Minor Pests
Acarina Tenuipalpidae Brevipalpus sp T, I, B, D, M fruit/stems/flowers
Coleoptera Bostrichidae Sinoxylon sp T, I, B, D, M branches/stem
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Monolepta australis T, I, B, D, M flush leaves
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Rhyparida discopunctulata T, I, B, D, M flush leaves
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Rhyparida spp T, I, B, D flush leaves
Coleoptera Curculionidae Myllocerus sp T, I, B, D, M branches/stem
Hemiptera Coccidae Icerya sp T, I, B, D, M fruit/stems
Hemiptera Coccidae Pulvinaria psidii T, I, B, D, M fruit/stems
Hemiptera Coreidae Amblypelta lutescens lutescens T, I, B, D fruit/stems/flowers
Hemiptera Flatidae Colgaroides acuminata T, I, B, D, M stems/shoots/ fruit
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Plautia affinis T, I, B, D stems/shoots
Hemiptera Tessaratomidae Lyramorpha parens B, D sap sucking stems
Hymenoptera Formicidae Tetramorium bicarinatum T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Hymenoptera Formicidae Pheidole megacephala T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Hymenoptera Formicidae * * T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Lepidoptera Noctuidae * * T, I, B, D, M leaves
Lepidoptera Tortricidae * * T, I, B, D leaves
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Achaea janata T, I, B leaves
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Oxyodes tricolor T, I, B leaves
Thysoneoptera Thripidae Selenothrips rubrocinctus I,D shoots/flowers/fruit

* = To be identified. ** Codes for locations; Tully = T; Innisfail = I; Babinda = B; Deeral = D;

Mossman = M.

Table 2. Major and Minor Pests of Durian grown in north Queensland



Major Pests
Hemiptera Coreidae Amblypelta lutescens lutescens T, I, B, D fruit
Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Planococcus citri T, I, B, D, M fruit/stems/flower
Hymenoptera Formicidae Oecophylla smaragdina T, I, B, D, M farms mealy bug
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Rhyparida discopunctulata T, I, B, D, M flush leaves
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Conogethes punctiferalis T, I, B fruit borer
Lepidoptera Tortricidae * * T, I, B fruit borer

Minor Pests
Coleoptera Cerambycidae * Prosoplus Sp. T, D Trunk girdler
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Monolepta australis T, I, B, D, M flush leaves
Hemiptera Flatidae Colgaroides acuminata T, I, B, D, M stems/shoots/fruit
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Ancanthidiellum souefi T, I, B, D stems/shoots/fruit
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Accarana australica T, I, B, D stems/shoots/ fruit
Hymenoptera Formicidae Tetramorium bicarinatum T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Hymenoptera Formicidae Pheidole megacephala T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Hymenoptera Formicidae * * T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Autoba versicolor T, I, B, D, M leaves/flowers
Lepidoptera Noctuidae * * T, I, B, D, M leaves
Lepidoptera Tortricidae * * T, I, B, D, M leaves

* = To be identified. ** Codes for locations; Tully = T; Innisfail = I; Babinda = B; Deeral = D;

Mossman = M.

Table 3. Major and Minor Pests of Mangosteen grown in north Queensland


Major Pests
Hemiptera Coreidae Amblypelta lutescens lutescens T, I, B, D fruit
Hemiptera Pseudococcidae Planococus citri T, I, B, D, M fruit/stems/ flowers
Hymenoptera Formicidae Oecophylla smaragdina T, I, B, D, M farms mealy bug
Thysoneoptera Thripidae Selenothrips rubrocinctus T, I, B, D, M fruit/shoots

Minor Pests
Acarina Tenuipalpidae Brevipalpus spp T, I, B, D, M stems/shoots
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Geloptera miracula T, I, B, D, M leaves/shoots
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Monolepta australis T, I, B, D, M leaves/shoots
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Rhyparida caeruleipennis T, I leaves/shoots
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Rhyparida clypeata T, I, B leaves/shoots
Hemiptera Coreidae Amblypelta nitida T, I, B, fruit
Hemiptera Flatidae Colgaroides acuminata T, I, B, D, M stems/shoots/fruit
Hymenoptera Formicidae Tetramorium bicarinatum T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Hymenoptera Formicidae Pheidole megacephala T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug
Hymenoptera Formicidae * * T, I, B, D, M Farms mealybug

** Codes for locations; Tully = T; Innisfail = I; Babinda = B; Deeral = D; Mossman = M.

Table 4. Combined Beneficial Insects and Spiders of Rambutan, Durian and Mangosteen grown
in north Queensland



Araneida Lycosidae Lycosa spp. T, I, B, D, M General predator

Araneida Oxyopidae Oxyopes spp. T, I, B, D, M General predator
Araneida Heteropidae Holconia spp. T, I, B, D, M General predator
Araneida Salticidae Opisthoncus spp. T, I, B, D, M General predator
Araneida Araneidae Gasteracantha sp. T, I, B, D, M General predator
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Amidellus ementitor T, I, B, D, M ?
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Coelophora inoequalis T, I, B, D, M ?
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Coccinnella transversalis T, I, B, D, M moth eggs, thrips,
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Cryptolaemus montrouzieri T, I, B, D, M mealy bug
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Illeis galbula T, I, B ?
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Micraspis lineola T, I, B ?
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Micraspis frenata T, I ?
Coleoptera Coccinellidae Rodolia sp T, I, B, D Icerya spp. (scale)
Coleoptera Staphylinidae several * several * T, I, B, D, M General predator
Diptera Dolichopodidae Psilopus sp. T, I, B, D, M moth eggs
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Oechalia schellembergii T, I, B, D, M General predator
Hemiptera Reduviidae Pristhesancus plagipennis T, I, B, D, M General predator
Mantodea several * several * several * T, I, B, D, M General predator
Neuroptera Chrysopidae Mallada sp. T, I, B, D, M General predator
Odonata Coenagrionidae Ischnura fragilis T, I, B, D General predator
Odonata Coenagrionidae Agrionocnemis argentea T, I, General predator
Odonata Coenagrionidae Agrionocnemis dobsoni T, I, B General predator
Odonata Isostictidae Austrosticta fieldi T, I, B, D, M General predator
Odonata Isostictidae Isosticta simplex T, I, B, D, M General predator
Odonata Protoneuridae Alloneura coelestina T, I, General predator
Odonata Lestidae Austrolestes insularis T, I, B, D, M General predator
Odonata Megapodagrionidae Austroargiolestes aureus T, I, B, D, M General predator

* = To be identified. ** Codes for locations; Tully = T; Innisfail = I; Babinda = B; Deeral = D; Mossman = M.

Citrus mealy bug (Planococus citri Risso) and the green tree ant (Oecophylla smaragdina
Fabricius) are common pests to all three crops. Although green tree ants have been reported as
being beneficial in some fruit crops in drier climates (Peng et al. 1995), this has not been the
experience of fruit growers in the coastal wet tropics of north Queensland. Favourable
conditions along with the abundance of food and shelter favour the build up of large populations
of green tree ants. These insects are active farmers of the citrus mealy bug and encourage high
populations and subsequent sooty mould growth on fruit and leaves. In rambutans, green tree

ants web or tie fruit together making it difficult to clean. The territorial behaviour of the green
tree ant makes them aggressive if disturbed and large populations can pose difficulties for
efficient harvesting by attacking fruit pickers.

If green tree ant populations were managed by injecting nests with a suitable chemical they may
act as biological control agents of other insect pests. Alternatively, selective insecticides could
be used to control citrus mealy bug. The ladybird, (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant) was an
effective predator of the citrus mealy bug. Its juvenile stages mimic the citrus mealy bug and
move freely within green tree ant populations without being attacked. This predator has the
potential to play an important part in the biological control of the citrus mealy bug in north
Queensland as does the parasitoid, Leptomastix dactylopii (Howard) (Ceballo et al. 1998).

Other minor pests in common with all three crops include swarming leaf beetles (Rhyparida sp.,
Monolepta (Monolepta sp.) and plant hoppers (Colgaroides acuminata Walker). A number of
other beneficials have been previously recorded from many of the major pests mentioned for
rambutans, durian and mangosteen (Ceballo et al. 1998 and Smith et al. 1997). The efficacy of
biological control with these beneficials need to be quantified before consideration can be given
to their use in developing integrated pest management programs.

Plant Damage Descriptions and Seasonal Abundance for Major Pests of

Yellow peach moth (Conogethes punctiferalis Guenee.), an unidentified fruit borer and fruit
piercing moths (Eudocima salaminia Cramer and Othreis spp.), cause damage to the fruit. The
first two pests feed externally on green and mature fruit from December to March. On green,
developing fruit the larvae also feed on pedicels causing premature fruit drop. As the fruit
matures the larvae bore into fruit making it unmarketable. Fruit piercing moth adults feed on the
fruit juices of maturing fruit and by damaging the skin allow the entry of secondary rots. These
pests are most active from February to April. Citrus mealy bugs and green tree ants are active
throughout the year with peak numbers occurring between December and April.

Plant Damage Descriptions and Seasonal Abundance for Major Pests of

The Banana spotting bug (Amblypelta lutescens lutescens Distant) is most active in durians
between October and January causing large numbers of fruit to drop prematurely as a result of
bugs feeding on pedicels. On fruit, feeding causes cracked sunken areas as the surrounding
tissue dies and the fruit continues to grow. The yellow peach moth and an unidentified fruit borer
larva cause damage to the fruit as it matures between February and April. The larvae feed on
the fruit surface between the spines covering themselves with frass. Black swarming leaf
beetles (Rhyparida sp.) are active throughout the year with peak periods occurring between
October and April. Under high populations, black swarming leaf beetles can severely set back
tree development. Green tree ants and citrus mealy bugs are present on durian between
November and March.

Plant Damage Descriptions and Seasonal Abundance for Major Pests of

Red-banded thrips (Selenothrips rubrocinctus Giard.) develop high populations during hot dry
conditions between September and January. Thrips are very active in mangosteens from
flowering and will continue feeding on developing fruit up to harvest. Most of the damage occurs
as thrips feed on the fruit surface causing a russetting blemish, which results in downgrading or
rejection of the fruit from the market. Fruit-spotting bugs cause damage to young developing
fruit. Feeding sites develop into sunken lesions, which eventually crack as the fruit grows. Citrus
mealy bugs and the green tree ants are a minor problem in mangosteens, possibly due to the
thicker and more ridged leaves making them unsuitable for nest construction.

I thank John Donaldson and Ross Storey for their assistance in preparing specimens and
identification of insects, Bruno Pinese for general advice in the preparation of this manuscript
and the Queensland Horticulture Institute for permission to publish.

Ceballo, FA., Papacek, D., and Walter, GH. (1998). Survey of mealybugs and their parasitoids
in Southeast Queensland citrus. Australian Journal of Entomology 37, 275-280.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K., and Gibb, K. (1995). The effects of the green ant, Oecophylla
smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on insect pests of cashew trees in Australia. Bulletin of
Entomological Research. 85, 279-284.

Smith, D., Beattie, GAC., and Broadley, R. (Eds). (1997). Citrus Pests and their Natural
Enemies: Integrated Pest Management in Australia. Information Series QI97030. Queensland
Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Renkang Peng, Keith Christian and Karen Gibb
Faculty of Science
Northern Territory University
Darwin NT 0909

The green ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, is a dominant predator of the main insect pests in
cashew plantations in the Northern Territory, but its potential with respect to cashew yield must
be documented before cashew growers will accept the ants as a biological control agent. In
order to determine the appropriate technique and to provide the required documentation of the
effectiveness of the technique, experiments and surveys investigating levels of green ant
colonisation in relation to cashew yield were conducted in 1995, 1996 and 1997 at Wildman
River Plantation, Northern Territory. Yield was closely related to the abundance of green ants in
trees, and the yield pattern followed the following series: trees fully occupied by the ants > trees
partly occupied by the ants > trees with low presence of the ants or trees without the ants. Yield
was also positively correlated with ant colonisation level; 66 - 90% of the total variation in yield
was accounted for by the level of ant colonisation. After insecticides were not used in cashew
orchards, green ant colonisation levels increased from 0% to 80% over the first two or three
years and then the level of colonisation oscillated between 52% and 70%. This resulted in a
yield of 37 – 1,177 kg/ha at the level of 0 - 79% colonisation, respectively. However,
experiments demonstrated that trees with ant colonies which were isolated from other colonies
were much less damaged by the main insect pests and produced significantly higher yield than
those with ant colonies which were not isolated. This is because fierce boundary fights between
green ant colonies were eliminated. The level of ant colonisation in the isolated treatment was
100%, and the ant populations were high and stable, which resulted in yields of 1,943 to 2,683
kg/ha. It is suggested that cashew growers cannot rely on natural dispersal of the ants to control
cashew insect pests and the isolation of colonies is a way to achieve high yield. The use of
green ants as a key element to control insect pests of other tropical crops is also discussed.

The green ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius), is an effective predator, and it can
significantly reduce the numbers of over 30 important insect pest species of many tropical crops
(Way and Khoo 1992). The green ant can significantly reduce the damage levels of the main
cashew insect pests, such as the tea mosquito bug, Helopeltis pernicialis (Stonedahl, Malipetil
and Houston), the mango tip-borer, Penicillaria jocosatrix (Guenee), the fruit spotting bug,
Amblypelta lutescens (Distant), the leaf-roller, Anigraea ochrobasis (Hampson), and the green
vegetable bug, Nezara viridula (Fabricius) (Peng et al. 1995; 1997a, b; 1998). However, its
potential with respect to cashew yield, which is the major concern of cashew growers, has not
been fully demonstrated. In this paper, we present a series of large data sets to demonstrate
that yield is related to different levels of ant colonisation. We also address the question of
whether natural dispersal can be relied upon to obtain high yields and we describe the best way
to maintain green ants at high levels in cashew orchards.

Materials and Methods

The work was done at Wildman River Plantation, which is in the wet-dry tropical area of the
Northern Territory (12o64’S 131o87’E).

Field survey
Six field surveys were completed in three cashew blocks; block A with three surveys in 1995,
1996 and 1997, block B with two surveys in 1996 and 1997, and block C with one survey in
1997. Blocks A and B were 2.5 and 2.3 ha respectively, and the trees in these two blocks were

9 years old. Block C was 21 ha, and trees in this block were 6 years old. Blocks A and C had
not received insecticides for two years, and Block B had not received insecticides for four years.
Surveys were carried out during September and October of each year in blocks A and B. In
each survey, every tree in the blocks was inspected. For each tree, the dominant ant species in
the canopy, the number of ant trails on the main branches and the assessment of yield were
recorded. Yield of each tree was assessed by the equation: Y = (N × T)/168; where Y is yield
presented as kg/tree, N is the number of nuts/m2 in the shaded area under the tree canopy, T is
a total shaded area of the tree canopy and 168 is the mean number of nuts/kg. We counted the
number of nuts in each quadrat. Each quadrate was 1/4 m2, and two quadrates were done for
each tree. Block C was divided to nine plots. These plots were surveyed in June 1997, and
every tree in the plots was inspected. Yield was assessed in October 1997 for each plot.
Recording procedures were the same as above.

Field experiment
The experiment examining the effect of the isolation of green ant colonies on insect pests was
done in 1996 and 1997. The experiment had two treatments; isolation and no isolation. In 1996,
in the isolation treatment, four green ant colonies, which occupied a total of 14 trees, were
continuously isolated from April by chopping tree branches or twigs which linked to other trees
occupied by other colonies. The boundary of each colony was determined by following the ant
trails. In the no isolation treatment, the boundaries of 12 ant colonies were determined, and
these occupied a total of 68 trees. Branches and twigs connecting ant colonies in this area were
never cut. Trees used for this experiment were 10 years old and had not received chemical
pesticides for 8 years. In 1997, in the isolation treatment, five colonies, four of which were the
same as those used in 1996, occupied a total of 16 trees. These colonies were continuously
isolated from March 1997. In the no isolation treatment, the boundaries of 9 ant colonies, which
occupied a total of 33 trees, were determined but were not separated.

The populations of the main insect pests in the two treatments were monitored from June to
November. This is the period of flowering and fruiting for cashews, and it is also the period when
the yield is the most susceptible to insect damage. Pest populations were quantified by
recording the percentage damage of flushing shoots at the middle and bottom levels of the tree
canopy. The damage by the main pest species was uniquely identifiable, and only fresh
damage was recorded fortnightly at each sampling period.

Ant fights and the abundance of the ant were monitored in the two treatment areas at fortnightly
intervals from April to October by recording the number of ant fights on the colony boundaries
and by counting the number of ant trails on the main branches of each tree. If more than 10
individual ants were counted walking along a main branch, the trail was assigned a value of 1. If
less than 10 but more than one ant was counted walking along the branch, the trail was
assigned a value of 0.5. At each monitoring occasion, 14 trees in each treatment were

Data analysis
One way ANOVA and the group t test were used to compare yield among different ant
colonisation types and between treatments using the SYSTAT statistical package (Wilkinson
1990). Linear and polynomial regression analyses were used to explore the relationship
between the level of ant colonisation and yield.

Field survey
The use of insecticides was stopped in block A in June 1995, and a survey in October 1995
showed that the block had no green ants. The yield from this block was only 0.2 kg/tree.
Records of insect damage between June and September 1995 showed that 76% of the flower
and flushing shoots were attacked by the tea mosquito bug and the fruit-spotting bug. In 1996,
green ants started to colonise this block. From the distribution of green ants, meat ants
(Iridomyrmex sanquineus) and black ants (Paratrechina sp) (Figure 1), green ants were more
widespread than the other ants, and 37% trees had at least one green ant trail (Table 1). Trees
with more than one green ant trail produced higher yield than trees with only one ant trail or
trees with low numbers of green ants (Table 1). Trees without green ants had almost no yield. In

1997 after two years without insecticides, green ants had dispersed over most of the block
(Figure 2), and 79% of trees had at least one green ant trail (Table 2). This resulted in a greater
yield than in 1996 (Tables 1 and 2) and the same relationship between yield and ant
colonisation type.

In block B in 1996 after three years without insecticides, green ants had dispersed over most of
the block (Figure 3). The proportion of trees with at least one green ant trail was 80% (Table 3).
The relationship between yield and ant colonisation was the same as described above for block
A. In 1997, the distribution of green ants was in patches (Figure 4), and the ants occupied only
63% of trees. However, the pattern of yield with respect of ant colonisation was the same as in
1996 (Table 4).

In block C after two years without insecticides, the level of colonisation varied among plots from
32% to 79%, and the yield varied from 0.9 kg/tree to 6.4 kg/tree (Table 5). An analysis of the
relationship between the level of ant colonisation and yield showed that plots with higher levels
of ant colonisation generally produced higher yield, and that 66% of the total variation in yield
was accounted for by the level of ant colonisation, Y = -3.01 + 0.13X; R2 = 0.66, (Fig. 5).

Field experiment

+ P P G G P . G G G G . . G + + G G
P + . . . G G G + P G + + + P
. . . . . P + P P G G + P . G P P
. . P P . + P P + + + + + + P G P
. . G G . . + + + + . . . . + + +
. . P . . . + + . + + . . + G G G G
. . . . . . . . P + . . + + + P G
. . . . . . . . P + . . G P + G P G
. . . P . . P . + . + . P G . P .
B . . G G + + . . . G + G G G G G G
. . . . . . + + + . + . G + + + P
. . . . . . . + . P G P G G
+ . . . . . G G G + . G G . . G P
+ . . . . + . G . . . G G G +
. . + + + G P . . . + G P G + + M
. . . P G . G . . . . G G G +
. . . . G P P . . . . P P + + G G
+ . G P G + P + . . . + . G G
. . G . . + P . . . + P . . P
. . . . + P . . + . . . . P . . G
. . . P . . . P . G P P
. G . . . . . . . G P
P P P . . . . . . P . P . . . .
+ G P . . + . . . . G . P G P G +
. . . . . P . . . . G
. . P . + + P P .
. . + P P P G P +
. P P G G G G P + G G P
. . . P G G G G G G G G
G = Trees fully colonised by green ants (> 1 ant trail/tree).
P = Trees partly colonised by green ants (= 1 ant trail/tree).
+ = Trees with green ants, but no obvious ant trails.
M = Trees with the meat ant, Iridomyyrmex sanguineus.
B = Trees with the black ant, Paratrechina sp.
. = Trees without ants.

Figure1. Distribution of ant species in cashew block A in 1996 after one year without

The experiments showed that the average damage done during flowering and fruiting period by
the tea mosquito bug, the mango tip-borer and the fruit spotting bug was 22.6%, 8.4% and
13.8%, respectively in the no isolation treatment. However, in the isolation treatment the
damage caused by each of these insect pests was less than 1%.

When comparing the abundance of green ants between the two treatments, it is found that the
ants occupied 100% of trees in the isolation treatment, and each tree had 3 - 4 trails. However,
in the no isolation treatment, the number of ant trails gradually decreased from 1.3 to 0.2 trails
per tree and only 52 - 66% of trees were occupied by the ants.

Table 1. The effect of the level of ant colonisation on the yield of cashews in block A in 1996
(one year without insecticides)

Ant Colonisation Number of Colonisation Mean yield

type1 trees (%) + SD (kg/tree)2

Oecophylla G 91 21 2.80 + 2.84 a

O. smaragdina P 70 16 0.92 + 1.30 b
O. smaragdina + 79 18 0.36 + 0.72 c
Iridomyrmex M 1 0.2 1.26
Paratrechina sp B 1 0.2 0.00
None . 197 45 0.14 + 0.48 c
See Figure 1 for the explanation of the colonisation type.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

P P P G P P B . . + P P P G P P + M
G P P P . + . P G P P . + .
G P P + P P G . P G P G P . P
G . P G P G P G G P G . G P G G G G
P P P P G G G G P P G G + G G + G
G G P P + . P P P G P + P P + P G G
G P P P . P G G P . . P P G G G
P . G . + + + + P G . + P + G P G G
P P + . P G P G G G G G G P G G
+ G G P P P + P P P P G G P P G P
. P G G P G G P P G G P . P
P . G G P G + G G P P G P . M M
G P G G P G G G . P G P G G
P B . + . P G G G P G P G G G G G
. + . P P G P G . . G G P P G
. + P P + G P P P G P G P G G P M
. P G G P . G G G G P G G G G
P P . + G P . P . G + G P G G G G
P P P + P G G G P G . G G G G
+ P P P P G . G + G G G G G
G P G G G G G P + G G G
G P G G G G G . G P . G G G G M
P G + P P P P P G P P P . P + + +
+ G G G . P G P . . G
G G G . P + G . G G G
G + P + B P G P P M G G G
G G P . G G G P G G G P M P M M
G P G G . P G G P G G G M G G G G

Figure 2. Distribution of ant species in cashew block A in 1997 after two years without
insecticides. See Figure 1 for an explanation of the symbols in the figure

Table 2. The effect of the level of ant colonisation on the yield of cashews in block A in 1997
(two years without insecticides)

Ant Colonisation Number of Colonisation Yield + STD

type1 trees (%) (Kg/tree)2

O. smaragdina G 211 46 7.88 + 6.22 a

O. smaragdina P 151 33 5.20 + 4.25 b
O. smaragdina + 38 8 1.60 + 1.96 c
I. sanguineus M 10 2 8.89 + 6.33 ab
Paratrechina sp B 4 1 3.24 + 4.11 d
None . 47 10 2.25 + 3.44 cd
See Figure 1 for the explanation of the colonisation type.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

G P + G P G G + P G G G G G G G G
G P G G G P + . G P P G G . + + G
. P P G G G P P + G P P . P + P + M
. P P P G G P . . P . P . P P P G
P P . . . . . . . + . . + . P P P G
P P G G G P G + . G P P P P G G P P
G G G G . G G G P G G G . G G G G
G . P G G G + + + G G + G G G G P
G P + G P G P + + G G + + G .
P G G P P P + + G G P + + G G G P .
P G G P P P G G G G P G + + P P . M
P G P G G G G G . G G P G P . G G G
P P P P . P P + G + + + P G G
. P G G G G G G G G P + G P G G G
. G G P P + P P G G P G G G P G . P
P P G G G P + P G G G G G G G P P +
P G G G G G P P G G P P + G P P
P G G P . G P P G P G G P G G G P P
. P G P G + . G P G + G G P G G G
. + G G P + P M G G . G P G G G G G
. P + + + G G G . P G G G G G
P + P P G G G G G G P P G P G G G
+ P G G G G M G G G G . G P + G G G

Figure 3. Distribution of ant species in cashew block B in 1996 after three years without
insecticides. See Figure 1 for an explanation of the symbols in the figure

The numbers of ant fights observed in the no isolation treatment were 13 in 1996 and 10 in
1997. Almost no ant fights were found in the isolation treatment. Trees in the isolation treatment
produced a mean yield of 10.5 kg/tree in 1996 and 14.5 kg/tree in 1997, but in the no isolation
the yield was only 4.6 kg/tree in 1996 and 3.9 kg/tree in 1997 (Table 6). This difference in yield
was highly significant between the two treatments (Table 6).

Table 3. The effect of the level of ant colonisation on the yield of cashews in block B in 1996
(three years without insecticides)

Ant Colonisation Number of Colonisation Mean yield

type1 trees (%) + SD (kg/tree)2

Oecophylla G 221 52 7.66 + 3.92 a

O. smaragdina P 118 28 4.42 + 2.72 b
O. smaragdina + 48 11 1.82 + 1.58 c
Iridomyrmex M 4 1 8.20 + 3.28 a
None . 38 9 1.62 + 1.44 c
See Figure 1 for explanation of colonisation type.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

P G + P P P P G G G G G G G P G G
. . P P P . . + P P . G P P P G G
P + G . . P . . . G P G G G G G P G
+ + + P + . + + + P G + P + . G
P B B . . P . . . G . + P . . . M M
P P P P P + P + + P + P + . . . M M
G G G G G G G G P G . . . . . P G
G G G P G G G P G G . . . . . . . .
. + . + + + P B P . + . B + B B
P P P P P P + + + + + P B B M
. P P P P P P . P P P P P G G . . G
. + P G P P G G P . P G G P P G . G
. . P P M P P P G P P P P P P G G
. P G P G G G P G G G G G P P G M
P P G P P G G P . P + P P G P P +
P P P P G + + P + + . + . + P + .
P P G P P G . G G G P + . + P P . .
P + G P P + P P + + P + P G +
P . + P P G + + P P P P G G G M
G P G + P P P . G + . P P + + . . M
P P P P P + G M P + . P + + . P P M
G P P P M + P G G + P P G G G
G G G G . . M P . . . . + + P . G
G G G G P G P P P + G P P G G G P M

Figure 4. Distribution of ant species in cashew block B in 1997 after four years without
insecticides. See Figure 1 for an explanation of the symbols in the figure

Table 4. The effect of the level of ant colonisation on the yield of cashews in block B in 1997
(four years without insecticides)

Ant Colonisation Number of Colonisation Yield + SD

type1 trees (%) (kg/tree)2

O. smaragdina G 117 28 7.79 + 4.46 a

O. smaragdina P 149 35 5.47 + 4.13 b
O. smaragdina + 63 15 3.36 + 2.38 c
I. sanguineus M 14 3 7.08 + 6.72 ab
Paratrechina sp B 8 2 1.03 + 0.99 d
None . 73 17 3.39 + 2.34 c
See Figure 1 for the explanation of the colonisation type.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

Table 5. The relationship between yield and the level of green ant colonisation in block C

Plot number Colonisation (%) Yield ± SD (kg/tree)1 Yield (kg/ha)

1 79 6.36 ± 3.81 a 1,177

2 63 3.12 ± 1.24 c 577
3 60 5.89 ± 3.05 b 1,090
4 57 5.25 ± 2.04 b 971
5 54 1.75 ± 1.89 d 324
6 50 3.43 ± 1.82 c 635
7 48 3.24 ± 1.18 c 599
8 33 0.90 ± 1.22 e 167
9 32 1.13 ± 0.93 e 209
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

Fig. 5

Yield (kg/tree)

0 20 40 60 80 100
The level of ant colonisation

Figure 5. The relationship between the level of ant colonisation and yield of cashews

Table 6. The effect of the isolation of O. smaragdina colonies on the yield of cashews

Year Treatment No. of No. of trees Mean diameter of Mean yield

colonies tree canopy m

1996 Isolation 4 14 7.3 + 0.6 a 10.5 + 2.1 a

No isolation 16 68 7.0 + 1.1 a 4.6 + 3.0 b
1997 Isolation 5 16 6.9 + 1.5 a 14.5 + 4.9 a
No isolation 9 33 7.2 + 2.8 a 3.9 + 2.9 b
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

Green ants are very susceptible to insecticides (Peng, unpublished data). When cashew trees
were no longer sprayed with insecticides, green ants started to colonise the cashew orchard.
The colonisation rate increased when ant populations were low, but the colonisation rate
decreased when ant populations were high. In surveys of block A, two years after conventional
sprays were stopped, the level of ant colonisation rose from 0% in 1995 to 80% in 1997 (Figures
1 and 2; Tables 1 and 2). When green ant populations were high in block B after three years
without insecticides (Fig. 3; Table 3), the colonisation rate decreased from 80% in 1996 to 63%
in 1997 (Figures 3 and 4; Tables 3 and 4). This is because when ant populations were high,
fights between colonies took place, which resulted in a decrease in the ant populations (Peng et
al. 1997a; 1998). Therefore, some trees, which were previously occupied by green ants became
decolonised (Figure 3 vs Figure 4). The observed dynamics between green ant colonies
confirms the results of our previous field surveys of an area of 2.4 ha cashews. When green ant

colonisation was low (57%) in 1993 (after six years without insecticides), the level of
colonisation increased to 70% in the following year (Peng et al. 1997a). Thus, the level of ant
colonisation rate was found to oscillate below 80% under natural conditions (Table 7). However,
with isolation, ant colonisation was 100% in both years (Table 7), and ant populations in each
tree were stable. This is because the fights between colonies were eliminated, and trees in each
colony were fully occupied by the ants over the two years. By comparison, the level of ant
colonisation in the no isolation treatment was only 66% in 1996 and 52% in 1997 (Table 7).
Therefore, it appears that the elimination of fights between colonies is essential for high levels of
ant colonisation, and the isolation of colonies is an effective way to solve this problem.

Yield is closely related to both type and level of ant colonisation. A pattern of yield with respect
to the ant colonisation type was established, that is trees fully occupied by the ants had a
greater yield than trees partly occupied by the ants, and partly occupied trees had a greater
yield than trees with low presence of the ants or trees without the ants (Tables 1 - 4). This
demonstrated that trees with more abundant green ants produced higher yield. A summary of
the information with respect to the level of ant colonisation in different blocks with trees of a
similar age is shown in Tables 5 and 7, and the yield per hectare (one hectare contains 185
trees). Using the data from Tables 1 - 6 a regression analysis for block C (six-year-old trees)
suggested that higher ant colonisation rate resulted in higher yield (Figure 5), and 66% of the
variation in yield was explained by the level of ant colonisation.

Table 7. Summary of the relationship between ant colonisation and yield with respect to
different types of field management (raw data are from Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6)

Cashew Tree age Years without Colonisation Yield Type of

block insecticides rate (%)

A 8 <1 0 37 Natural dispersal

A 9 1 37 156 Natural dispersal
A 10 2 79 1,087 Natural dispersal
B 9 3 80 1,042 Natural dispersal
B 10 4 63 997 Natural dispersal
Wildman* 8 6 57 --- Natural dispersal
Wildman* 9 7 70 --- Natural dispersal
Non-isolated 10 8 66 851 Natural dispersal
Non-isolated 11 9 52 722 Natural dispersal
Isolated 10 8 100 1,943 Colony isolation
Isolated 11 9 100 2,683 Colony isolation
Data are from Peng et al. 1997a.

In block A, after the regular use of insecticides was stopped, the level of ant colonisation
increased from 0% to 79% and yield increased from 37 kg/ha to 1,087 kg/ha (Table 7). In block
B, an 80% level of colonisation resulted in a yield of 1,042 kg/ha. In the following year, the level
of colonisation decreased to 63% and yield was decreased to 997 kg/ha (Table 7). In the
isolation experiment, the level of ant colonisation was only 66 - 52% in the no isolation
treatment, and the resulting yield was 851 to 722 kg/ha. However, in the isolation treatment, ant
populations in each tree within each colony were stable throughout the year and trees within
each colony were all occupied by the ants (100% colonisation). This treatment gave a yield of
1,943 to 2,683 kg/ha (Table 7). A regression analysis (Figure 6) showed that 90% of the yield
variation is accounted for by the level of ant colonisation (Y = 66.28 - 5.82X +0.27X2; R2 = 0.90).

Fig. 6

Yield (kg/ha)


0 40 80 120
Level of ant colonisation (% )

Figure 6. The relationship between the level of ant colonisation and yield of cashews

Six-year-old trees that were treated with 9 - 10 insecticide sprays between April and September,
produced 1,230 kg/ha (Peng et al. 1997b). This yield is similar to the yield of 1,177kg/ha
obtained in block C with six-year-old trees (Table 5) that had a level of 79% ant colonisation.
Although no isolation experiments with six-year-old trees were done, the data obtained from 10
year old trees (Table 7) suggests that if the level of ant colonisation could be increased to 100%
through the colony isolation process, the trees would have produced higher yields than those
which were fully protected by insecticides. Therefore, it is suggested that the isolation of green
ant colonies in cashew plantations can be very effective in increasing yield.

Many tropical fruit crops share similar groups of insect pests with cashews, such as Helopeltis in
cocoa, coffee and tea, Amblypelta and Noctuidae caterpillars in paw paw, citrus, rambutan,
mango, jackfruit and macadamia etc. Therefore, green ants have the potential to be useful
biological control agents in a variety of tropical crops. The distribution of green ants is very wide
in southeast Asian countries from Sri-lanka, India, southern China through to the Solomon
Islands and northern Australia (Cole and Jones 1948). They construct nests out of the leaves of
over 100 species of native vegetation and many fruit trees in the tropical area (Majer 1990;
Andersen 1992; Peng et al. 1997a). To make the best use of this ant on other tropical crops,
three factors must be considered: (1) green ant population stability in orchards; (2) association
with some homopteran insect pests; (3) aggressiveness to people.

Green ants were traditionally used in southern China for many years, but were abandoned
around 1960. The main reason is that farmers could not stabilise ant populations in their
orchards and they had to repeatedly introduce the ants at least once a year. These activities
were much more expensive than the use of insecticides at that time. During a visit to China, we
found that farmers used to use the ants at the nest level, rather than considering the ant
colonies. Our experiments on existing colony isolation in this study and transplantation of partial
ant colonies with queens (Peng, unpublished data) suggest that using the ants at the colony
level appears to be a way to stabilise ant populations. In this study, trees in the isolated colony
area were never occupied by other ant species over the two year period because fights
between colonies were eliminated and each colony was strong enough to guard its territory.
However, in the non-isolated colony area, there were fights between colonies and as a result a
few trees were not colonised. Later these trees were occupied by other ant species such as
Crematogaster sp and Paratrechina sp. (Figures 3 and 4). Brown (1959) and Greenslade (1971)
reported that competition between the green ant and other ant species is considered to be a
problem in some areas of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. A study by Way and
Khoo (1992) suggests that the use of an ant bait (Amdro) is effective in stabilising Oecophylla
populations by killing or reducing other competitive ant species.

Green ants have a close association with some homopterans such as scales, mealybugs, flatids
and some species of aphids, and thus they do not control all the insect pests of tropical fruit

crops (Das 1959; Way 1963). However, the key question is whether the populations of scales
and mealybugs exceed the economic injury level of the crops. There are a wide range of
predators and parasitoids of scales, mealybugs, flatids and aphids. Chen (1962) suggested that
green ants have a close association with the citrus scales, the mealybugs and the flatids in
citrus groves in southern China, but they do not significantly affect the activity and population
size of the main natural enemies of these insect pests. A positive association between green
ants and coccids in citrus is also found in southern Vietnam, but coccids have never been
identified as major pests according to the interviews with many citrus growers (Barzman et al.
1996). Preliminary observations suggest that when green ants are present, they do not affect
homopteran predators and parasitoids resulting in very little damage to the cashew crop by
homopterans (Peng, unpublished data). For a few crops like custard apple, mealybugs are the
main insect pests during the fruiting period. An insect hormone pesticide known as Applaud is
reported to be effective in controlling insect pests in the order Homoptera (Zhang 1989; Chen
and Xiao 1990; Dai 1994). This pesticide is safe to many kinds of natural enemies (Zhang 1989;
Chen and Xiao 1990). Green ants should not be affected by Applaud, but experiments are
needed to confirm this.

Aggressive behaviour is well known in green ants. Most importantly, ants disturb people during
harvest (Way and Khoo 1989). Our experience over the last four years shows that green ants
are aggressive to people, but their bites are not harmful, and usually the pain caused by ant
bites lasts a few seconds and has no side effects after that. Ant aggression is not identified as a
problem by citrus growers in family-managed holdings in China and Vietnam (Barzman et al.
1996; Xu Hongji, pers. comm.). In contrast, labour in big plantations is usually supplied by
wage-earning workers who do not directly share the benefits of ant use and are therefore less
likely to tolerate ant aggression. In this case, a way of decreasing the aggressiveness of the
ants has to be found. Previous observations showed that the ants either went back to their
nests or were less active when it was raining (Peng, unpublished data). Preliminary results
using a plot of loofah vines showed that the number of ants on loofahs and the peduncles can
be reduced by over 85% for 30 minutes after spraying with water. This gap of low ant activity
can be even longer when the spray was carried out between 11:00 hrs and 15:00 hrs which is
the period of least activity for green ants during a day (Peng, unpublished data). Therefore, fruit
growers can use this method to reduce the disturbance from the ants during the period of

Against this background, the green ant has much potential for use as a biological control agent
in a wide range of tropical crops. The utilisation of the ant will be dependent on type of crops
because each crop has its own complex of insect pests. Therefore, further research is needed
to develop an integrated control program using the green ant as a key element for controlling
insect pests in other tropical fruit crops.

The study was supported by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and
Northern Territory University. We thank L.N. Zhang for helping with field work and for helpful
comments on the draft. We also thank Northern the Territory Land Corporation and Cashews
Northern Territory for providing us with study sites.

Andersen, A.N. (1992). The rainforest ant fauna of the northern Kimberley region of Western
Australia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Aust. Ent. Soc. 31: 187-192.

Barzman, M.S., Mills, N.J. and Nguyen, T.T.C. (1996). Traditional knowledge and rational for
weaver ant husbandry in the Mekong delta of Vietnam. Agri. Hum. Valu. 13: 2-9.

Brown, E.S. (1959). Immature nutfall of coconuts in the Solomon Islands. II. Changes in ant
populations and their relation to vegetation. Bull. Entomol. Res. 50: 523-558.

Chen, S. (1962). The oldest practice of biological control: the culture and efficacy of Oecophylla
smaragdina Fabr. in orange orchards. Acta Entomol. Sin. 11: 401-407.

Chen, X.F. and Xiao, Q. (1990). The efficient of using Applaud in tea plantations. China Tea 2:
25-27 (in Chinese).

Cole, A.C. and Jones, J.W. (1948) A study of the weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fab.).
Am. Midl. Nat. 39: 641-51.

Dai, X. (1994). The effect of Applaud on tea scales. Guei Zhou Tea, 4: 30-31 (in Chinese).

Das, G.M. (1959). Observations on the association of ants with coccids of tea. Bull. Entomol.
Res. 50: 437-448.

Greenslade, P.J.M. (1971). Interspecific competition and frequency changes among ants in
Solomon Islands coconut plantations. J. Appl. Ecol. 8: 323-352.

Majer, J.D. (1990). The abundance and diversity of arboreal ants in northern Australia. BTROA
22: 191-199.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1995). The effect of the green ant, Oecophylla
smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on insect pests of Cashew trees in Australia. Bull.
Entomol. Res. 85: 279-84.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1997a). Distribution of the green ant, Oecophylla
smaragdina (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in relation to native vegetation and the insect
pests in cashew plantations in Australia. Int. J. Pest Man. 43: 203-211.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1997b). Control threshold analysis for the tea mosquito
bug, Helopeltis pernicialis (Hemiptera: Miridae) and preliminary results of the control efficiency
by the green ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in northern Australia. Int.
J. Pest Man. 43: 233-237.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1998). Impact of native vegetation on cashew insect
pests with particular reference to the most important pest - Helopeltis pernicialis. Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, pp. 70.

Way, M.J., (1963). Mutualism between ants and honeydew-producing Homoptera. Ann. Rev.
Ent. 8: 307-344.

Way, M.J. and Khoo, K.C. (1989). Relationship between Helopeltis theobromae damage and
ants with special reference to Malaysian cocoa smallholdings. J. Plant Prot. Trop. 6: 1-11.

Way, M.J. and Khoo, K.C. (1992). Role of ants in pest management. Ann. Rev. Ent. 37: 479-

Wilkinson, L. (1990). SYSTAT: The System for Statistics (Evanston, IL: SYSTAT Inc.), pp. 677.

Zhang, J. W. (1989) A promising hormone insecticide (Applaud) to control the small leafhopper.
Hunan Agriculture 5, 1-14 (in Chinese).

G. R.Young and L. Zhang
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

Snake bean, Vigna unguiculata spp. sesquipedalis, is grown during the dry season in the Top
End of the Northern Territory. The crop is grown, on trellises, under trickle irrigation. The most
serious pests of snake bean are bean fly, Ophiomyia phaseoli, and two spotted mite (TSM),
Tetranychus urticae. Bean fly is easily controlled with dimethoate, however TSM has rapidly
developed resistance to the commonly used miticides. Snake bean crops protected with
conventional miticides have produced beans for two to six weeks before increasing mite
populations caused the abandonment of the crops.

A snake bean crop was grown at Humpty Do, during 1995, using soft chemicals to control minor
insect pests and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis to control TSM. P. persimilis was
released at a rate of 100 per metre row, when TSM was first detected on the crop. TSM was
successfully controlled by P. persimilis and as a result the productive life of the crop was
extended to 12 weeks. One application, of either petroleum spray oil or fenbutatin oxide, prior to
the release of P. persimilis enabled the predator to more quickly control TSM populations than
without the spray. The use of P. persimilis to control TSM on snake beans would allow growers
to plant two to three crops during the dry season as against the four to six crops currently grown
using conventional miticides.

Key words: Snake beans, Tetranychus urticae, Phytoseiulus persimilis, increased productivity.

Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis, yard long or snake bean, originated in tropical Africa and
is now widely cultivated throughout the tropics as a green vegetable (Lazarides and Hince 1993;
Verdcourt 1979). In the Top End of the Northern Territory snake beans, along with other tropical
vegetables, are grown within 80 kilometres south and south east of Darwin. The annual rainfall
varies from 1,600 mm in Darwin to 1,375 mm at Humpty Doo with 87 percent falling during the
period November to March. For eight months of the year, evaporation exceeds precipitation.
Mean maximum and minimum temperatures for Darwin during the wet season are 32.1 and
24.9°C respectively, while mean temperatures during the dry season, May to September, are
31.3 and 21°C (McDonald and McAlpine 1991). Snake beans are grown, on trellises, under
trickle irrigation during the dry season. Production of snake beans has increased from 94 tonnes
in 1994 to 136 tonnes in 1996 (PrimeStats 1995-96 and 1996). Most of the snake bean
production is exported to the capital cities of the southern states.

During the dry season the most serious pests are bean fly, Ophiomyia phaseoli (Tryon) (Diptera:
Agromyzidae) and two spotted mite (TSM) Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae).
Bean fly is controlled by two sprays of dimethoate within 10 days of germination (unpublished
data), but TSM has remained a largely intractable problem due to the rapidity with which the
mite became resistant to the recommended miticides; dicofol (Kelthane), fenbutatin oxide
(Torque) and propargite (Omite). Crops protected with miticides produced beans for two to
six weeks before increasing mite populations forced the abandonment of the crop (unpublished

The Chilean predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) was
first reported from Australia by Goodwin and Schicha (1979) and has been used to control TSM

on strawberries in southern Australia (Goodwin 1990). As a result it was decided to try releases
of the Chilean predatory mite to control TSM and consequently increase the productive life of
snake bean crops.

Materials and Methods

Five rows each 40 metres in length were selected from a snake bean crop grown on a Humpty
Doo property. The crop germinated on 29 April 1995 and was sprayed twice with 0.04% a.c.
dimethoate within seven days of germination to control bean fly. After the initial applications of
dimethoate, the crop was only treated with fungicides and insecticides which were known to be
non-harmful to P. persimilis (Table 1) (Goodwin and Bowden 1984, Gough, undated).

Table 1. Fungicides and insecticides used on the snake bean crop

Chemical oxycarboxin Pirimicarb Bt as DiPel carbaryl Petroleum spray

Treatment oil (PSO) as D-C-

Active na 0.024% 0.01% 0.01% 2%


Timing andNo. 2 weeks post 5 weeks post From flowering, 4 Spot Spot spray
of applications germination, 1 germination, 1 sprayinfes infested plants
ted plants

Reason Control rust Control Aphis Lepidopteran Leaf High TSM

craccivora Koch larvae feeding on feeding populations on
(Hemiptera: flowers and insects individual plants.
Aphididae) young pods

Eight leaves were sampled at random from, the lower, middle and top parts of plants in each
row, making a total of 24 leaves sampled per row and 120 from five rows. Leaf samples were
taken from six weeks post germination (pg) until the end of the crop. The leaves were returned
to the laboratory and counts were made of the numbers of TSM per leaf and later, after the
predator was released, the number of P. persimilis per leaf. Additionally, other predators found
on the leaves were tested in the laboratory to ascertain if they would feed on TSM.

Twenty thousand P. persimilis, purchased from a supplier in southern Queensland, were

released on the five rows of crop within 10 days of the first detection of TSM. P. persimilis was
released on the lower leaves.

Observations were made on subsequent snake bean crops grown on the Humpty Doo property,
during the 1996 and 1997 dry seasons, under the same conditions as described above, except
that 2% DC-Tron® or fenbutatin oxide was sprayed once in the week before the introduction of
P. persimilis. In all of these crops P.persimilis was released within 10 days of the first detection
of TSM.

Flowering started at six weeks and the first harvest of beans at eight weeks pg. Beans
continued to be harvested the next 12 weeks until week 20 pg when the crop became
senescent and was removed on 18 September 1995.

There were few leaf-eating insects on the crop and as a consequence little carbaryl was used.
TSM were first detected at seven weeks pg. The infestation appeared first on the lower leaves
and then progressed to the upper leaves (Figures 1, 2 and 3). TSM populations peaked on
lower leaves at week 12 pg, with 55% of leaves with greater than 5 TSM (Figure 1); on middle

leaves at weeks 13 and 14 with 17% of leaves having >5 TSM (Figure. 2); on top leaves at
week 14 with 22% of leaves having >5 TSM (Figure 3).

P. persimilis was released nine days after the initial detection of TSM. Populations of P.
persimilis peaked at 15 weeks on lower, middle and upper leaves with means of 10.2, 15.4 and
14.6 per leaf, respectively. The percentage of leaves infested with P. persimilis at 15 weeks was
80, 67 and 65 for lower, middle and upper leaves respectively (Figures 1, 2 and 3).

% leaves with >5 TSM

% lower leaves with TSM & P. persimilis

90 % leaves with P. persimilis 12
No. of P. persimilis per leaf

No. of P. persimilis per leaf

60 8
30 4
0 0
8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



% middle leaves with T.S.M >5

80 18
% middle leves with P.
% middle leaves with TSM & P. persimilis

70 No. of P. persimilis per middle 16



No. of P. persimilis per leaf


10 2

0 0
8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



% top leaves with T.S.M >5

70 16
% Top leves with P. persimilis
No. of P. persimilis per top leaf 14
% top leaves with TSM & P.

No. of P. persimilis per leaf


10 2

0 0
8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Weeks Post Germination



The predatory thrips Scolothrips ? sexmaculatus (Pergande) and larvae of Mallada basalis
(Walker) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) were recorded feeding on TSM from weeks 10 to 16 pg.
The larvae of the Cecidomyiid, Feltiella acarivora (Zehntner), were recorded feeding on TSM
from week 15 pg onwards. F. acarivora was a voracious predator of TSM in the laboratory, with
the last larval instar of the predator consuming up to 20 nymph and adult TSM per day.
Iridomyrmex reburrus Shattuck (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was observed foraging on the crop
and removing pod boring larvae of an unidentified Lepidoptera.

Observations on subsequent crops during the 1996 and 1997 dry seasons showed that P.
persimilis could not survive on crops grown into the wet season. Populations of the predator
would not persist in the humid conditions from October to March.

Single sprays of either 2% DC-Tron® or fenbutatin oxide, applied four days before P. persimilis
was released on beans, did not influence populations of the predator. In fact sprays of either of
these chemicals retarded the rate of increase of TSM populations and allowed P. persimilis to
control its prey in 20 days.

F. acarivora appeared on crops some weeks after the TSM population had started to decline.
Additionally, the following predatory mites were observed feeding on TSM; Amblyseius deleoni
Muma and Denmark and Amblyseius longispinosus (Evans) (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) and an
identified species (Acarina: Cunaxidae). S. ? sexmaculatus, M. basalis and the native predatory
mites did not appear to exert any control over TSM populations in the absence of either P.
persimilis or the use of miticides.

Integrated pest management of TSM during the Top End dry season using P. persimilis allowed
the harvest period of the snake bean crop to be extended from the usual four weeks to 12
weeks. P. persimilis controlled TSM in 35 and 49 days on lower and upper leaves, respectively.
The progression of the TSM infestation from the lower to the upper leaves would indicate that
sampling the lower leaves is sufficient when monitoring TSM populations on snake beans, prior
to the introduction of P. persimilis. An initial introduction of one hundred P. persimilis per metre
row appeared to be adequate to control TSM. Sprays with PSO and fenbutatin oxide applied
prior to the introduction of P. persimilis, allowed the predator to more quickly control TSM than
would have been the case without the sprays. Application of pesticides which are partially
effective against TSM, but harmless to the P. persimilis, require further investigation.

The naturally occurring predators, three species of predatory mite, S.? sexmaculatus and M.
basalis did not appear to exert any influence on TSM populations. F. acarivora was an important
predator but did not reach sufficient numbers quickly enough to control TSM. Gagné (1995)
reported similar observations with other species of Feltiella.

The appearance of the predatory ant I. reburuss shows the advantage of only using relatively
soft pesticides. I. reburrus probably contributed to the mortality of leaf, flower and pod feeding

The use of P. persimilis in the IPM of TSM on snake beans would allow growers to plant two to
three crops during the dry season as against four to six crops currently grown using
conventional miticides. This should provide considerable economic benefits to growers.

Thanks are due to; Mr Kit Lim, Arnhem highway, Humpty Doo for allowing us to experiment with
his crops; Dr Ray Gagné, Systematic Entomological Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Washington DC
and Danuta Knihinicki, Agricultural Scientific Collections Unit, NSW Agriculture, Orange, NSW
for identification of TSM predators; Deanna Chin, Entomology Branch, NT DPIF, for her
comments on the manuscript.

Gagné, R. J. (1995). Revision of the Tetranychid (Acarina) mite predators of the genus Feltiella
(Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 88: 16-30.

Gough, N. undated. Mites: Their biology and control on ornamental plants. Queensland
Department of Primary Industries, QNIA/ QDPI.

Goodwin, S. (1990). Seasonal abundance and control of spider mites (Tetranychidae) infesting
commercial strawberries in coastal New South Wales. Journal of the Australian Entomological
Society. 29: 161-166.

Goodwin, S. and Bowden, P. (1984). Laboratory testing of the side effects of pesticides against
predatory mites. In, Bailey, P. and Swincer, D. Eds. Proceedings of the Fourth Australian
Applied Entomological Research Conference, Adelaide 24-28, 1984. South Australian
Government Printer, Adelaide. Pp. 230-237.

Goodwin, S. and Schicha, E. (1979). Discovery of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis
Athias-Henriot (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) in Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological
Society. 18: 304.

Lazarides, M. and Hince, B. (1993). Eds. CSIRO handbook of economic plants in Australia.
CSIRO Melbourne Australia. 330 pp.

McDonald, N.S. and McAlpine, J. (1991). Floods and drought: the northern climate. In Haynes,
C. D., Ridpath, M.G. and Williams, M.A.J. Eds, Monsoonal Australia. Landscape, ecology and
man in the northern lowlands. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Pp. 19-29.

PrimeStat, rural and fishing industries in the NT, 1995-96. Economics branch, NT Department of
Primary Industry and Fisheries. Darwin.

PrimeStats, rural and fishing industries in the NT, (1996). Economics branch, NT Department of
Primary Industry and Fisheries. Darwin.

Verdcourt, B. (1979). A Manual of New Guinea Legumes. Botany Bulletin No.11, Office of
Forests, Division of Botany, Lae, Papua New Guinea. 645 pp.

G. R. Young and L. Zhang
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

Melon thrips, Thrips palmi, is a polyphagous pest, which causes serious damage to capsicum,
eggplant and Lebanese cucumber in the Northern Territory. Populations of T. palmi were
highest during the last half of the dry season, July to September. Low populations during the
wet season were thought to be the result of high prepupal and pupal mortality in saturated soil.

T. palmi is highly tolerant of most of the commonly used chemical insecticides. Trials on
eggplant showed that T. palmi can be controlled with potassium soap, a soft chemical, which
does not affect the natural enemies of the pest. The most important natural enemies were the
predators; Haplothips victoriensis, Deraeocoris sp. and Malada basalis. The use of persistent
chemicals such as endosulfan and permethrin led to high thrips populations probably as a result
of the insecticides killing thrips predators. It was concluded that T. palmi is an insecticide
induced pest on eggplant in the Northern Territory.

Key words: Thrips palmi, potassium soap, predators, persistent chemicals

Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), melon thrips, was first described by Karny in
1925 from tobacco collected in Java (Bournier 1983). Prior to 20 years ago, T. palmi had only
been recorded from Java and Sumatra (Bournier 1983). Since that time T. palmi has become
widely distributed throughout South East Asia, China Japan, Taiwan, Hawaii, Papua New
Guinea, a number of Islands of the South Pacific, Reunion, India, Pakistan, Africa, Central and
South America, Caribbean islands and Florida USA (Johnson 1986; Waterhouse and Norris
1987; Walker 1994; Tsai et al. 1995).

T. palmi was first detected from Australia in the Northern Territory (NT) in 1989 (Houston et al.
1991; Layland et al. 1994). Permanent populations of T. palmi are now established in the
Darwin rural area, NT and, southeast Queensland (J. Layland, pers. comm.).

The melon thrips is a polyphagus insect with a wide host range (Johnson 1986; Waterhouse
and Norris 1987; Kajita, H., et al. 1996). In the NT a wide variety of vegetable crops are
attacked including, beans (Vigna unguiculata and V. radiata), cucumber (Cucumis sativa),
watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), bitter melon (Momordica charantia), squash and zucchini
(Curcurbita pepo), pumpkin (Curcurbita maxima), capsicum and chili (Capsicum annuum) and
eggplant (Solanum melongena) (Layland 1991). The most seriously affected crops are
capsicum, eggplant and Lebanese cucumber (unpublished data).

T. palmi feeds primarily on developing shoots and young leaves although flowers and young
fruit are also attacked (unpublished data). Like most leaf feeding thrips, T. palmi punctures the
epidermis, thrusts its mouthparts deep into the leaf tissue and sucks out the cell contents. The
leaf surface develops a crinkly silvery appearance as a result of damage to the cells below the
surface. Lightly infested plants show silver feeding scars on the underside of leaves, while more
heavily infested plants show silvering and browning of leaves, stunting of terminal growth and
scarred and deformed fruit. If eggplant, capsicum and Lebanese cucumber are attacked as
seedlings, the plants remain stunted and eventually die (unpublished data).

T. palmi can reproduce sexually or by haplodiploid parthenogenesis (Kawai 1990). The female
inserts her eggs into actively growing leaf tissue, flower buds or fruit. After hatching, two mobile
and wingless larval stages feed on plant tissue. At the end of the second larval instar the larvae
drop to the ground and burrow into the soil where they moult and become prepupae. This is
followed by a further moult to the pupal stage. Winged adults emerge from the pupal stage,
burrow to the soil surface and move to the plant hosts (Kawai 1990; Layland 1991, Layland and
Brown, pers. comm.). High levels of soil moisture appear to predispose the prepupal and pupal
stages to attack by fungi and bacteria (unpublished data).

Tsai et al. (1995) reported the duration of life stages of T. palmi on eggplant at constant
temperatures and 12:12 photoperiod (Table 1).

Table 1. Mean development time for life stages of T. palmi on eggplant. (Adapted from Tsai et
al. 1995)

Temp. Egg Larva Prepup Female Male Mean Eggs Generation Population
°C (I and a+ Laid per Time (days) Doubling
II) Pupa Day Time (days)

15 15.9 13.8 13.6 24.1 13.7 18 58.4 17.8

26 7.6 5.3 3.5 23.6 12.6 29 29.1 7.4

32 4.2 3.8 2.9 13.9 11.1 20 16.6 4.5

Natural enemies of T. palmi recorded from the Northern Territory are the entomogenous fungus
Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) Viégas, which attacks newly emerged adults; the parasitoid
Geotheana shakespearei Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae); and the predators; Campylomma
austrina Malipatil and Campylomma sp (Hemiptera: Miridae), Geocoris lubra Kirkaldy and
Stigmatonotu minutum Malipatil (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), Orius armatus Gross and Orius
tantillus (Motschulsky) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), Haplothrips victoriensis Bagnall
(Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripae), ? Amblyseius sp (Acarina: Phytoseiidae); and spiders of the
families Aranidae, Oxyopidae, Salticidae, Theridiidae, Thomisidae and Uloboridae (NT DPIF
records; Layland and Brown pers. comm.; unpublished data).

T. palmi has been shown to be tolerant to a wide range of insecticides (Suzuki et al. 1982; De
Bon and Rhino 1989; Cooper 1990; Kawai 1990; Layland and Brown pers. comm.). Layland and
Brown (pers. comm.) working from 1989 to 1992 found that prothiophos and promecarb gave
the best control of the thrips, but prothiophos had a long with-holding period and consequently
was unlikely to be registered for vegetables. By 1995, promecarb had been withdrawn from sale
and endosulfan was widely used for control of T. palmi on vegetables (unpublished data).
Endosulfan gave poor control and it was decided to test the effect of soft chemicals, such as
soaps and petroleum spray oils, on melon thrips. Bioassays showed that potassium soap
(Natrasoap®) was the most active and at 16 ml/L gave up to 87% and 67% mortality of T. palmi
larvae and adults respectively (unpublished data).

Eggplant is planted as transplanted seedlings at the start of the Top End dry season and grown
under trickle irrigation (Young and Zhang 1998). The period from transplanting to flowering is
about 25 days. The crop is often ratooned at six to 12 monthly intervals extending the life of the
crop to 18 months.

During the dry season of 1995 a grower from Knuckey's Lagoon reported severe stunting of
eggplant seedlings as a result of attack by T. palmi. There were two adjacent eggplant crops at
Knuckey's Lagoon, one ratooned in July 1995 and the other transplanted as seedlings (plant
crop) in early August. Each crop consisted of five, 80-metre rows. When the crops were
inspected on 15 September 1995, the leaves of both crops were heavily infested with T. palmi.
The ratoon crop had started to flower but the plant crop was badly stunted.

It was decided to try to control the pest using potassium soap (Natrasoap) and to compare the
soap treatment to conventional chemical insecticides. Additionally, it was decided to look at the
phenology and natural enemies of T. palmi on eggplant.

Materials and Methods

Effect of potassium soap, Natrasoap®, on T. palmi populations
Ten leaf samples were taken at random from the stunted plant crop every week, for 11 weeks,
starting on 15 September 1995 (week one). The leaf samples were returned to the laboratory
and counts made of the numbers T. palmi adults and larvae. The crop was sprayed with
potassium soap at 16 ml/L using a knapsack sprayer, three days after sampling during weeks
two, three and four.

Phenology and natural enemies of T. palmi on eggplant

From 20 November 1995, weekly leaf samples were taken from the plant and ratoon crops, until
12 July 1996 for the plant crop and 22 July for the ratoon crop. Each week three rows were
selected from each crop and ten leaves sampled at random from each row, making a total of 30
leaves per crop. Counts were made of the numbers of adults and larvae T. palmi per leaf.
Predators found on the leaves were tested in the laboratory to ascertain if they would feed on T.
palmi. Up to the time of the first sample the plant crop had only been sprayed with potassium
soap. The ratoon crop had been sprayed with both permethrin and endosulfan at fortnightly
intervals from early October until 20 November 1995.

Effect of potassium soap on T. palmi and its natural enemies.

The plant crop was ratooned on 15 July 1996. Sampling of leaves started on the 20 August
(week one) and continued until the 1 November 1996 (week 11). The crop was sprayed with
potassium soap, at 16 ml/L, after sampling on weeks two, three, four and eight. There was one
spray of endosulfan, during week seven, to control the eggfruit caterpillar, Sceliodes cordalis
(Doubleday) (Lepioptera: Pyralidae). Ten leaves were sampled at random from each row per
week, making a total of 50 leaves. Counts were made of the number of T. palmi adults and
larvae as well as thrips predators.

Effect of potassium soap on T. palmi populations
Sprays of potassium soap reduced populations of T. palmi. Counts at week one recorded
means of 14.1 adults and 227.4 larvae per leaf and at week two, 29.8 adults and 211.3 larvae
per leaf. The population, of adult and larvae T.palmi, was progressively reduced after each
application of potassium soap to 0.6 adults and 6.5 larvae per leaf at week eight. While the
numbers of larvae increased at week nine to 30.5 per leaf, at week 11 mean numbers of adults
and larvae were 3.1 and 5.2 per leaf (Figure 1). By week seven the crop had recovered from the
thrips attack and normal growth had resumed.

Mean no T. palmi adults & larvae/leaf





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 1 Mean number of T. palmi adults & larvae per leaf

Phenology and natural enemies of T. palmi

The wet season started during November and finished in mid April (Table 2).

Table 2. Rainfall in mm over the period of the study (Bureau of Meteorology, NT Regional
Office, site 014015, Darwin)

1995 1996
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
59.4 291.8 198.4 292.4 274.0 272.0 137.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

Mean numbers of T. palmi on the plant crop were 1.4 and 7.0 per leaf for adults and larvae,
respectively, at the start of sampling (Figure 2 and 3). The numbers declined to less than one
per leaf by the end of February 96 and remained at these levels until June/ July 96, when the
population began to rise again. The last sample on 12 July 1996 recorded means of 2.5 and
16.5 per leaf for adults and larvae.

Mean numbers of T. palmi on the ratoon crop were 11.6 and 53.2 per leaf for adults and larvae,
respectively, at the start of sampling (Figures 4 and 5). The population declined sharply during
January 1996 to 0.2 and 0.4 adults and larvae on 29 January. Numbers remained at low levels

until June 1996, when the population began to rise. The last sample on 22 July 1996 recorded
means of 8.7 and 95.8 per leaf for adults and larvae.

Predators recovered during sampling were: larvae and adults of predatory thrips, H. victoriensis;
nymphs and adults of Deraeocoris sp. (Hemiptera: Miridae); larvae of Mallada basalis (Walker)
(Neuroptera: Chrysopidae); ? Amblyseius sp. and adult Orius sp. All the predators fed on T.
palmi larvae in the laboratory. M. basalis and Deraeocoris sp. also fed on Aphis gossypii Glover
(Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae). Deraeocoris
sp. and Orius sp. adults were observed feeding on up to seven T. palmi larvae per day. Adults
and nymphs of Deraeocoris sp. appeared able to survive solely on T. palmi larvae. H.
victoriensis adults fed on up to two T. palmi larvae per day. No pathogens or parasites were
recovered during sampling.


Mean no. of T. palmi larvae per leaf Mean no. of T. palmi adults per leaf Mean no. of T. palmi larvae per leaf
Mean no. of T. palmi adults per leaf








20/11/95 20/11/95 20/11/95
27/11/95 27/11/95 27/11/95
04/12/95 04/12/95 04/12/95
11/12/95 11/12/95 11/12/95
18/12/95 18/12/95 18/12/95
27/12/95 27/12/95 27/12/95
02/01/96 02/01/96 02/01/96 02/01/96
08/01/96 08/01/96 08/01/96 08/01/96
Fig. 4 & 5 Mean numbers of T. palmi adults and larvae per leaf

Fig. 2 & 3 Mean numbers of T. palmi adults & larvae per leaf
15/01/96 15/01/96 15/01/96 15/01/96
23/01/96 23/01/96 23/01/96 23/01/96
29/01/96 29/01/96
on the ratoon crop (endosulfan & permethrin)

29/01/96 29/01/96
06/02/96 06/02/96 06/02/96

on the plant crop (Potassium soap)

12/02/96 12/02/96 12/02/96 12/02/96
19/02/96 19/02/96 19/02/96 19/02/96
26/02/96 26/02/96 26/02/96 26/02/96
04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96
12/03/96 12/03/96 12/03/96 12/03/96
18/03/96 18/03/96 18/03/96 18/03/96
25/03/96 25/03/96 25/03/96 25/03/96
01/04/96 01/04/96 01/04/96 01/04/96
09/04/96 09/04/96 09/04/96 09/04/96
15/04/96 15/04/96 15/04/96 15/04/96
22/04/96 22/04/96 22/04/96 22/04/96
29/04/96 29/04/96 29/04/96 29/04/96

10/05/96 10/05/96 10/05/96 10/05/96
17/05/96 17/05/96 17/05/96 17/05/96
24/05/96 24/05/96 24/05/96 24/05/96
31/05/96 31/05/96 31/05/96 31/05/96
07/06/96 07/06/96 07/06/96 07/06/96
14/06/96 14/06/96 14/06/96 14/06/96
21/06/96 21/06/96 21/06/96 21/06/96
05/07/96 05/07/96 05/07/96
12/07/96 12/07/96 12/07/96
22/07/96 22/07/96 22/07/96
Effect of potassium soap on T. palmi and its natural enemies.
Initially the number of T. palmi adults increased from weeks one to two, from 159 to 254 per 50
leaves, then decreased in weeks three to six from 103 to 10 per 50 leaves (Figure 6). Adult
numbers again increased in weeks seven to nine, from 56 to 98, before declining to three per 50
leaves at week 11. Mean counts of T. palmi larvae per half leaf increased in weeks one to three,
from 28.6 to 38.2, then decreased in weeks four to seven, from 13.7 to 2.0, before increasing to
19.3 in week 8 and then declining to 1.3 in week 11 (Figure 7).

Predators recovered in order of abundance were; H. victoriensis, Deraeocoris sp., M. basalis

larvae and Orius sp. (Figures 8, 9 and 10). H. victoriensis was most numerous in weeks one to
six, with numbers ranging from 1 to 14 per 50 leaves, while Deraeocoris sp. and M. basalis were
most common from weeks 6 to 11. M. basalis numbers plateaued during weeks eight to eleven.
Orius sp was only observed in weeks two and 11. The single endosulfan application in week
seven did not appear to affect H. victoriensis, Deraeocoris sp. or M. basalis.
No. adult T. plami / 50 leaves

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 6 No. T. palmi adults on eggplant sprayed with potassiom soap

Mean no. of T. palmi larvae / half leaf




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 7 Mean number of T. palmi larvae per half leaf
on eggplant sprayed with potassium soap


40 14
T. palmi larvae
H. victoriensis
Mean no. T. palmi larvae / half leaf

No. H.victoriensis/50 leaves




0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 8 No. of T. palmi larvae and H.victoriensis

T. palmilarvae (L)
Mean no. of T. palmi larvae / half leaf

M.basali (R)

No. of M. basalis larvae/50 leaves





0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 9 Number of T. palmi larvae & M. basalis larvae

40 4
Mean no. of T. palmi larvae / half leaf

No. of Deraeocoris sp./50 leaves

30 3

T. palmi larvae(L)
20 Deraeocosp. (R) 2

10 1

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 10 Number of T. palmi larvae & Deraeocoris sp.

Effect of potassium soap on T. palmi populations
The initial field trial showed that potassium soap rapidly reduced the population of T. palmi
larvae from a mean of 211.3 per leaf at week two to 8.3 at week five (Fig.1). This result
confirmed previous bioassay data on the efficacy of potassium soap against T. palmi.

Phenology and natural enemies of T. palmi

The population of T.palmi, on the plant crop was low from the start of sampling and declined
further as the wet season progressed (Figures 2 and 3). On the ratoon crop the population was
initially high, probably as a result of permethrin and endosulfan killing T. palmi predators
(Figures 4 and 5). The T. palmi population on the plant crop was probably controlled by natural
enemies from the start of sampling to mid January 96 (Figures 2 and 3). By mid January the
ratoon crop population had dropped to similar levels to that of the plant crop (Figures 4 and 5).
The populations on both crops started to increase again during June about six weeks after the
end of the wet season. These population trends confirm earlier observations on the high
mortality of prepupae and pupae in saturated soil.

Anthocorid and mirid predators would seem to offer great potential for the control of T. palmi in
the NT. Hirose (1990) also recorded anthocorid and mirid predators in Thailand. Walker (1994)
listed nine species of anthrocorid, particularly Orius spp., considered to play an important role in
the biological control of T. palmi in Japan, China and South East Asia. However, experience
with T. palmi on eggplant suggests that anthocorids are not as important as predators in the NT
as they are in Asia (unpublished data). The larval parasite Ceranisus menes (Walker)
(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is regarded as the most important natural enemy of T. palmi in
Thailand, but the parasite has not been recorded from T. palmi in the NT (Hirose 1990; Hirose
et al 1993).

The effect of potassium soap on T. palmi and its natural enemies

The mean counts of T. palmi larvae per half leaf and the count of adult T. palmi adults per 50
leaves followed approximately the same population trends (Fig. 6 and 7).

While potassium soap reduced the population of T. palmi to relative low numbers, the low
counts of predators makes it difficult to assess their influence on the prey population (Figures 8,
9 and 10). Potassium soap did not appear to affect the three main predators. The brief
resurgence of T. palmi during week 8 may have been the result of the single spray of
endosulfan during week seven causing predator mortality, although there does not appear to be
any discernible effect on H. victoriensis, M. basalis and Deraeocoris sp. (Figures 8, 9 snd 10).

The counts of H. victoriensis and Deraeocoris sp. approximately follow the population trend of T.
palmi larvae with a one to two week time lag (Figures 8 and 10). While both species have been
recorded feeding on arthropod species other than thrips it would appear from the results that
they are primarily thrips predators (Bailey and Caon 1986). Observations on Deraeocoris sp.
since the current work have shown that the predator is usually detected just as the population of
T. palmi begins to decline (unpublished data).

M. basalis counts plateauxed after week eight at a time when the T. palmi population had
declined (Figure 9). This would suggest that M. basalis does not feed primarily on thrips. Later
feeding trials revealed that M. basalis showed no preference between T. palmi, T. urticae or A.
gossypii (unpublished data).

A more intensive sampling program would be necessary to accurately establish a relationship

between predator numbers and T. palmi populations. There is a need to repeat the feeding trials
with the three main predators to accurately determine their influence on T. palmi populations.

The results of the three trials show that T. palmi can be controlled initially by using potassium
soap, allowing predators to control the remaining population. It is reasonable to assume from
the results that T. palmi is largely an insecticide induced pest in the NT.

Thanks are due to Mr G. Padovan, Knuckey's Lagoon, for allowing us to use his crops; Dr M.
Malipatil, Institute of Horticultural Development, Agriculture Victoria, for identification of
Deraeocoris sp. and Deanna Chin, Entomology Branch, NT DPIF, for comments on the

Bailey, P. and Caon, G.(1986). Predation on two spotted mite, Tetanychus urticae Koch
(Acarina: Tetranychidae) by Haplothrips victoriensis Bagnall (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae)
and Stethorus nigripes Kapur (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on seed lucerne crops in South
Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 34: 515-525.

Bournier, J.P. (1983). A polyphagous insect: Thrips palmi Karny important cotton pest in the
Philippines. Cotton et Fibres, Tropicale 38: 286-289.

Cooper, B. (1991). Status of Thrips palmi Karny in Trinidad. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 39:

De Bon, H. and Rhino, B. (1989). Lutte contre Thrips palmi Karny a la Martinque. L' Agronomie
Tropicale 44-2: 129-136.

Hirose, Y. (1990). Prospective use of natural enemies to control Thrips palmi

(Thysanoptera:Thripidae). In FFTC-NARC International seminar on 'The use of natural enemies
to control agricultural pests'. FFTC book No. 40: 135-141. Tukubu-gun, Japan.

Hirose, Y. Katita, H., Takagi, M., Okajima. S., Napompeth, B. and Buranapanichan, S. (1993).
Natural enemies of Thrips palmi and their ffectiveness in the native habitat, Thailand. Biological
Control 3: 1-5.

Houston, K. J., Mound, L. A., and Palmer, J. M. (1991). Two pest thrips (Thysanoptera) new to
Australia, with notes on the distribution and structural variation of other species. Journal of the
Australian Entomological Society 30: 231-232.

Johnson, M. W. (1986). Population trends of a newly introduced species, Thrips palmi

(Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on commercial watermelon plantings in Hawaii. Journal of Economic
Entomology 79: 718-720.

Kajita, H., Hirose, Y., Takagi, M., Okajima, S., Napompeth, B. and Buranapanichan, S. (1996).
Host plants and abundance of Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: thripidae), an important pest
of vegetables in South East Asia. Applied Entomology and Zoology 31: 87-94.

Kawai, A. (1990). Life cycle and population dynamics of Thrips palmi Karny. Japan Agricultural
Research Quarterly 23: 282-288.

Kawai, A. (1990). Control of Thrips palmi Karny in Japan. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
24: 43-48.

Layland, J. (1991). Thrips palmi Agnote No. 481. NT Department of Primary Industry and
Fisheries. Darwin NT, Australia.

Layland J. K., Upton, M. and Brown, H. H. (1994). Monitoring and identification of Thrips palmi
Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 33: 169-173.

Suzuki, H., Tamaki, S. and Miyara, A. (1982). Physical control of Thrips palmi Karny.
Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu. 28: 134-137.

Tsai, J. H., Yue, B., Webb, S. E., Funderburk, J. E. and Hsu, H. T. (1995). Effects of host plant
and temperature on growth and reproduction of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Environmental Entomology 24: 1598-1603.

Walker, A. K. (1994). A review of the pest status and natural enemies of Thrips palmi. Biocontrol
News and Information 15: 7N-10N.

Waterhouse, D. F. and Norris, K. R. (1987). Thrips palmi in Biological Control Pacific Prospects.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, p 90-94. Inkata Press, Melbourne,

Young, G. R. and Zhang, L. (1998). IPM of snake bean, Vigna unguiculata spp. sesquipedalis,
in the top end of the Northern Territory. In Young Ed. 6th Workshop on Tropical Agricultural
Entomology. Darwin, NT. 11th to 15th of May 1998. NT Department of Primary Industries and
Fisheries, Darwin NT.

Renkang Peng, Keith Christian and Karen Gibb
Faculty of Science
Northern Territory University
Darwin NT 0909

The tea mosquito bug, Helopeltis pernicialis, is the most important insect pest in cashew
plantations in the Northern Territory. In order to provide plantation managers with suitable
methods of monitoring and control of the pest, the factors that are responsible for spatial
distributions of H. pernicialis in cashew orchards were investigated using rearing, field surveys
and observations in 1993 and 1994 at Wildman River Plantation, Northern Territory. The vertical
distribution of flushing shoots damaged by H. pernicialis suggested that this insect pest was
more active at the bottom level than at the middle or top levels of tree canopies. Based on field
observations, H. pernicialis were more active in the early morning and late afternoon than the
midday. Eggs of this insect pest were only found in foliar and floral flushing shoots. In these
shoots, over 75% of eggs were found at the base of young leaf petioles, the tender stems
between the young leaves and the tender stems of flower panicles. Bag rearing showed that
85% of H. pernicialis eggs hatched from shoots which were cultured with water, but no eggs
hatched from shoots which were kept under dry conditions. Bag rearing also showed that both
nymphae and adults preferred feeding on the tender parts of flushing shoots. Therefore, it is
suggested that flushing shoots are essential for H. pernicialis to survive. Spatial distribution of
H. pernicialis was patchier in non-sprayed orchards than in sprayed orchards. The distribution in
the sprayed orchards was associated with variability in the timing of flushing among cashew
varieties, while the distribution in the non-sprayed orchards was attributed to the distribution of a
predator, the green ant. The use of green ants as a biological control agent in cashew
plantations is discussed.

Helopeltis spp are the most serious insect pests of cashews in the tropics (Stonedahl 1991).
Helopeltis pernicialis (Stonedahl, Malipatil and Houston) is the most important pest in cashew
growing areas in the Northern Territory, such as Wildman River Plantation, Costal Plains
Station, Howard Springs and Katherine (Houston and Malipatil 1991). This insect causes
serious damage to the tender shoots, the inflorescence, the developing apple and the young
nut. Crops can be completely destroyed by this pest (Peng et al. 1997a). Basic bioecology of H.
pernicialis was described by Houston and Malipatil (1991) and Stonedahl et al. (1995), but the
factors that are associated with the spatial distribution of this pest in cashew orchards were not
investigated. This information is essential for the monitoring and control of H. pernicialis. The
aim of this study was to determine the factors that influence the distribution of this pest in
cashew orchards.

Materials and methods

Field and laboratory rearing, surveys and observations were done in 1993 and 1994 at Wildman
River Plantation (12o64'S 131o87'E), which is in the wet-dry tropics of the Northern Territory of
Australia. The trees used for this study were seven years old.

A flexible netting bag (45 × 28 × 18 cm) was developed to confine insects to an area on a field
cashew tree (Peng et al. 1998). Microclimate and flushing shoot conditions inside the bag are
closer to the field conditions than inside conventional insect cages. When nutrition of flushing
shoots inside the bag is poor due to insect feeding, the bag can be easily transferred to other
flushing shoots. This system was used in the field to rear H. pernicialis and to determine the
changes in damage symptoms. In order to determine whether fresh flushing shoots are

essential for development of H. pernicialis eggs, twenty healthy flushing shoots with newly-laid
eggs were bagged; ten of them were cultured with water to keep the shoots fresh and the other
ten were kept under dry conditions. The numbers of hatched eggs were counted after two

Previous observations indicated that H. pernicialis tend to hide when they are disturbed, but
their damage symptoms are easily recognised. Therefore, to determine the vertical distribution
of H. pernicialis within a tree, flushing shoots with fresh damage symptoms were used as
indicators. Each tree canopy was divided to nine zones; two zones at the top level, three at the
middle level and four at the bottom level. In each zone, the total number of flushing shoots and
the number of shoots freshly damaged by H. pernicialis were recorded. Damage that was one to
two days old was regarded as fresh damage (Table 1). Every cashew tree in a block of 1.3 ha
was inspected.

To determine the oviposition sites of H. pernicialis on cashew trees, foliar and floral flushing
shoots and non-flushing shoots at different positions of cashew trees were removed and taken
to the laboratory for examination under a binocular microscope. H. pernicialis eggs were
oviposited into the cashew tissue with two filaments of unequal length protruding from the
surface of the tissue, and they were easily seen under a dissecting microscope.

For the spatial distribution of H. pernicialis in the field, two types of cashew orchards were used,
a non-sprayed block of 2.4 ha and a sprayed block of 6 ha. Every tree in the non-sprayed block
was checked, and in the sprayed block every other tree in a row and every other row of trees
were checked. A total of 410 trees in the non-sprayed block and a total of 235 trees in the
sprayed block were inspected. Four field surveys were completed during the outbreak of this
insect pest over two years (August 1993 and August 1994 in the sprayed block; November 1993
and September 1994 in the non-sprayed block). Preliminary results showed that the green ant,
Oecophylla smaragdina (F.), was the most abundant predator in cashew orchards (Peng, et al.
1994). For each tree, the number of shoots freshly damaged by H. pernicialis, the total number
of flushing shoots and the dominant ant species in the tree canopy were recorded.

The ratio of the variance (s2) to the mean (M) was used to measure the distributions of H.
pernicialis in the field (Taylor 1984). If s2/M < 1, = 1 or > 1, the distribution is even, random or
aggregated respectively. One-way ANOVA was used to compare H. pernicialis damage among
levels of the tree canopy, the number of eggs oviposited in different parts of foliar and floral
flushing shoots and the damage among cashew varieties. The percentage data were
transformed before one-way ANOVA was applied.

Table 1 shows that flushing shoots sucked by H. pernicialis were identifiable by bruised marks
after one day and the marks were darker with light-brown colour after two days. The marks
turned to dark brown oval-shapes after three days, and the oval-shaped areas were reddish
black after four days. From bag rearing, it was observed that the fresh damage symptoms only
occurred on young leaves, tender stems and tender flower stems. Laboratory experiments
showed that (85 ± 11)% of H. pernicialis eggs hatched from the shoots that were cultured with
water, but no eggs hatched from the shoots that were kept under dry conditions.

Table 1. Changes in damaged area by Helopeltis pernicialis, n = 20 shoots

Sucking from tender parts of flushing shoots after

1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days

Bruised marks The bruised marks The bruised marks The oval-shaped
appeared in the expanded and became oval-shaped areas turned into
damaged area became darker (light and dark brown in reddish black patches
brown) colour

Table 2. Distribution fresh damage (%) of H. pernicialis within a cashew tree canopy, n = 235

Level Mean damage (%) in zones ± SD Mean

damage at
1 2 3 4 each level

Top 21.1 ± 27.2 23.6 ± 27.2 22.4 ± 26.3 a

Middle 34.2 ± 34.1 38.1 ± 35.3 35.2 ± 34.4 35.8 ± 34.6 b
Bottom 45.3 ± 38.2 47.1 ± 38.3 48.1 ± 38.5 51.2 ± 39.7 47.9 ± 38.7
Means for each level followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

The percentages of freshly damaged flushing shoots at different levels of tree canopies are
shown in Table 2. Significantly more flushing shoots were damaged by H. pernicialis at the
bottom level than at the middle or top levels.

No eggs were found in non-flushing shoots. The numbers of eggs that were found in foliar and
floral flushing shoots are shown in Tables 3 and 4. In the foliar flushing shoots, the base of
young leaf petioles and the tender stems between the young leaves contained 75% of the total
eggs, which was significantly higher than other parts of the shoots (Table 3). In the floral shoots,
the base of tender flower stems and the tender flower stems had significantly higher numbers of
eggs (78%) than any other parts of the inflorescence (Table 4).

Table 3. Distribution of H. pernicialis eggs on foliar flushing shoots (n = 24 shoots)

Position Numbers of eggs

Mean ± SD Total

Bud 0.0 d 0
Young leaf mid-rib 0.46 ± 0.76 c 11
Young leaf petiole 0.42 ± 0.76 c 10
Base of young leaf petiole 4.00 ± 4.45 a 96
Tender stem between young leaves 5.28 ± 6.12 a 132
Mature leaf mid-rib 0.96 ± 1.95 b 23
Mature leaf petiole 1.33 ± 2.59 b 32
Mature stem (green) 0.0 d 0
Means for each position followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

Table 4. Distribution of H. pernicialis eggs on floral flushing shoots (n = 31 panicles)

Position Numbers of eggs

Mean ± SD Total

Flower bud 0.10 ± 0.30 c 3

Tender flower stem 1.84 ± 1.25 a 57
Base of tender flower stem 1.58 ± 1.60 a 49
Base of fruit 0.10 ± 0.51 c 3
Mature leaf petiole 0.35 ± 1.09 b 11
Base of mature leaf petiole 0.42 ± 0.75 b 13
Means for each position followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

Spatial distributions of H. pernicialis varied with the types of orchards (Table 5). The ratios of the
variance to the mean were all much larger than 1, and the ratios were even larger in the non-
sprayed area than in the sprayed area. This result was consistent between the two years (Table

An analysis in the sprayed area, where green ants were absent, suggested that there was no
significant difference of Helopeltis damage between the trees occupied by different ant species
and the trees without ants. Helopeltis damage in relation to different cashew varieties was then
investigated, and the results are shown in Table 6. Thirteen varieties were all damaged, but A1,
K10-2 and V30/3, which flushed early, had more damage than the other varieties. The variety
V13 and V10, which flushed late, were less damaged than the other varieties (Table 6). In the
non-sprayed area, green ants were abundant and occupied 57% of the trees in 1993 and 70%
in 1994 (Table 7; Peng et al. 1997b).

Table 5. Spatial distributions of H. pernicialis presented as percentage fresh damage in different

types of cashew orchards

Month/Year Type of Mean (M) Variance (s2) s2/M Sample size

orchard (trees)

8/1993 Sprayed 37.78 492.84 13.04 235

11/1993 Non-sprayed 2.74 53.88 19.66 409
8/1994 Sprayed 48.76 913.85 18.74 235
9/1994 Non-sprayed 4.81 125.22 26.03 410

Table 6. The average fresh damage of H. pernicialis on different varieties of cashews which
were evenly planted in one block

Variety Mean percentage Sample size (trees) Flushing period

damage ± SEM

A1 74.4 ± 4.4 a 18 Early

A2 39.1 ± 6.2 b 17 Middle
ALA273-1 30.6 ± 8.2 b 19 Middle
H3-17 25.8 ± 6.2 b 18 Late
K10-2 53.3 ± 8.3 ab 18 Middle
NDR2-1 40.6 ± 6.2 b 18 Middle
V10 22.9 ± 5.0 b 19 Late
V13 18.7 ± 4.9 bc 18 Late
V30/3 53.1 ± 7.2 ab 18 Early
V59/2 25.4 ± 7.3 b 18 Middle
V77 35.2 ± 7.5 b 18 Middle
VLA3 36.5 ± 8.2 b 17 Middle
VMR/1 36.6 ± 8.8 b 18 Middle
Means for each variety followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level.

When cashew trees were grouped according to the trees occupied by different species of ants
and the trees without ants (Table 7), it can be seen that trees occupied by O. smaragdina,
Iridomyrmex sanquineus and Opisthopsis haddoni had significantly less damage than trees
occupied by Paratrechina sp or trees without ants. A similar result was also obtained in 1994
field survey (Peng et al. 1998).

Shelter appears to be an important factor in determining the vertical distribution of the pest.
Significantly more flushing shoots were damaged at the bottom level than the middle or top
levels of tree canopies (Table 2). The major difference was that flushing shoots at the bottom
level were more sheltered than those at middle and top levels.

Table 7. The average fresh damage caused by H. pernicialis in relation to trees occupied by
different species of ants

Trees with Number of trees Mean percentage

damage ± SEM

Oecophylla smaragdina 234 0.7 ± 0.2 a

Iridomyrmex sanguineus 8 1.9 ± 1.4 a
Opisthopsis haddoni 22 0.4 ± 0.3 a
No ants 94 5.4 ± 0.9 b
O. haddoni and Paratrechina 12 7.0 ± 2.6 b
Paratrechina sp 37 9.6 ± 2.5 c
Means for each species followed by the same letter are not significantly different at
the 5% level.

Houston and Malipatil (1991) showed that H. pernicialis were more abundant on mature cashew
trees than on young trees. The main difference between mature and young trees was that there
were many gaps between young trees, but almost no gaps between mature trees. Field
observations in this study showed that H. pernicialis were more active in the early morning and
late afternoon than the midday. This activity pattern suggests that this insect avoids strong light
and high temperature.

Tender tissue of flushing shoots is essential for H. pernicialis. From the results of bag rearing,
this insect preferred to feed on young leaves, tender stems and tender flower stems more than
any other parts of flushing shoots. For oviposition, this insect pest preferred the base of young
leaf petioles and the tender stems between young leaves more than other parts of the shoots in
foliar flushing shoots (Table 3). In floral flushing shoots, a larger proportion of eggs was found in
the base of tender flower stems and the tender flower stems than elsewhere (Table 4). From the
fact that H. pernicialis eggs only hatched from the shoots, which were cultured with water, it is
suggested that living flushing shoots are also essential in the development of the eggs.
Because of this behaviour, plantation managers can detect the early presence of this insect
pest by examining the tender parts of flushing shoots at the bottom level of tree canopies. Such
examinations are very important for controlling H. pernicialis.

Houston and Malipatil (1991) reported that H. pernicialis distribution in cashew orchards was
patchy. This has been confirmed by the data obtained in the sprayed block in this study (s2/M =
13 in 1993 and 18.7 in 1994, Table 5). In this block, H. pernicialis fed on those trees which had
abundant flushing shoots, such as varieties A1, K10-2 and V30/3 which flushed earlier than the
other varieties (Table 6). Varieties V13 and V10 were damaged less by this pest than other
varieties (Table 6) because these varieties flushed late, which did not coincide with the early
incidence of the pest. By the time of this survey, more adults of this pest were found on these
two varieties than nymphae, which suggested that they flew in from other varieties for feeding
and oviposition. Therefore, it is concluded that the patchy distribution of Helopeltis in the
sprayed block was associated with variability in the timing of flushing among cashew varieties.
None of the cashew varieties tested was resistant to H. pernicialis damage.

A very patchy distribution was found in the non-sprayed block (s2/M = 19.7 in 1993 and 26 in
1994, Table 5). In this area, a high proportion of trees occupied by O. smaragdina was almost
free from H. pernicialis damage (Table 7), and O. smaragdina distribution was patchy (Peng et
al. 1997b). However, trees without ants or with Paratrechina sp. were substantially damaged by
the pest (Table 7). Therefore, the very patchy distribution of the pest in the non-sprayed block is
closely associated with the distribution of O. smaragdina.

O. smaragdina have two forms of food: sugar and meat. They can obtain sufficient sugar from a
large number of extrafloral nectaries on the tender leaves, inflorescences, flowers and
developing nuts (Rickson and Rickson 1998). The meat the ants rely on in cashew orchards
includes the insect pests that attack flushing shoots, inflorescences, flowers and developing
nuts (Peng et al. 1995, 1997a,b). In order to catch their prey and to gather nectar, O.
smaragdina continuously patrol flushing terminals, inflorescences and developing nuts. This
activity greatly reduces insect pest numbers and prevents insect pests from feeding and
ovipositing on the trees. In the case of H. pernicialis, O. smaragdina is particularly effective
because they not only feed on Helopeltis nymphae, but also repel Helopeltis adults from feeding
on or ovipositing in flushing shoots. It is concluded that O. smaragdina can be used as
biological control agents to control the tea mosquito bug in cashew orchards.

The research was supported by the Northern Territory University and the Rural Industries
Research and Development Corporation. We thank Wildman River Plantation and Mr Ian
Duncan for providing us with study sites and necessary facilities. We also thank Mr Craig
Palmer and Mrs Keeley Palmer for their help with field work.

Houston, W. and Malipatil, M. (1991). Bioecology of cashew insects at Wildman River, Northern
Territory. 58 pp. A report to the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation,
Canberra. DPIF, Darwin.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1994). The effect of the green ant on cashew insect
pests with particular reference to the tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis sp.). Pp 75-81. Seventh
Cashew Research and Development Workshop, May 17-19, 1994, Cairns, Australia.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1995). The effect of the green ant, Oecophylla
smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on insect pests of cashew trees in Australia. Bull.
Entomol. Res. 85: 279-284.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1997a). Control threshold analysis for the tea mosquito
bug, Helopeltis pernicialis (Hemiptera: Miridae) and preliminary results of the control efficiency
by the green ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in northern Australia. Int
J. Pest Man. 43: 233-237.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1997b). Distribution of the green ant, Oecophylla
smaragdina (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in relation to native vegetation and the insect pests
in cashew plantations in Australia. Int. J. Pest Man. 43: 203-211.

Peng, R.K., Christian, K. and Gibb, K. (1998). Impact of native vegetation on cashew insect
pests with particular reference to the most important pest - Helopeltis pernicialis. 70 pp, Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia.

Rickson, F.R. and Rickson, M.M. (1998). The cashew nut, Anacardium occidentale
(Anacardiaceae), and its perennial association with ants: extrafloral nectary location and the
potential for ant defense. Am. J. Bot. 85: 835-849.

Stonedahl, G.M. (1991). The oriental species of Helopeltis (Heteroptera: Miridae): a review of
economic literature and guide to identification. Bull. Entomol. Res. 81: 465-490.

Stonedahl, G.M., Malipatil, M.B. and Houston, W. (1995). A new mirid (Heteroptera) pest of
cashew in Northern Australia. Bull. Entomol. Res. 85: 275-278.

Taylor, L.R. (1984) Assessing and interpreting the spatial distributions of insect populations.
Ann. Rev. Ent. 29: 321-57.

G.R. Young and E.S.C. Smith
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

A conventional cultivation/direct drill trial has been conducted for 13 years at Douglas Daly
Research Farm, Northern Territory. The trial was carried out on a red lateritic soil. A variety of
legume and poaceaous crops have been planted each wet season. Surveys of crops, one week
post emergent, showed that contrary to expectations the direct drill plots sustained more insect
damage than the conventionally cultivated plots.

Pitfall trapping was carried out in till and no-till plots, from August to the start of the wet season,
during the years 1995 to 1998. The object was to look at any differences in invertebrate fauna
between till and no till plots to try to explain the level of insect damage in the till plots.

It seems that minimum cultivation will not reduce insect damage under the soils and arid tropical
conditions existing in the Top End of the Northern Territory.

Key words: conventional cultivation, direct drill, phytophagus insects, predatory ants.

The term conservation tillage covers both reduced and no-tillage (direct drill) practices.
Conservation tillage has been developed to protect soil from water and wind erosion (Stinner
and House 1990). Additionally, conservation tillage reduces the rate of organic matter
breakdown and the decline of soil structure (Cogle et al. 1991). Sustainable cropping systems
are needed in the arid tropics in situations where fragile soils and periodic high intensity rainfall
leads to soil erosion (Robertson et al. 1994).

Stinner and House (1990) state that tillage influences the invertebrate fauna in three ways:
physical disturbance, residue placement and effects on weed communities. With no tillage the
crop residues are left on the soil surface. The organic matter is slowly incorporated into the soil
by invertebrate activity. The litter layer tends to stabilise soil temperatures and moisture levels
providing a favourable habitat for soil invertebrates. It is generally thought that retention of crop
residues on the soil surface favours decomposer and predatory soil fauna (Robertson 1994). A
surface layer of organic litter attracts decomposers which in turn supports a diverse and
abundant predatory fauna (Robertson 1993). However, the influence of invertebrate pests on
crop production in no tillage systems remains a controversial issue, with the effects of pests
varying among soils, crops and prevailing climate (Lal 1986).

A conventional cultivation/direct drill trial has been conducted at the Douglas Daly Research
Farm for 13 years. The trial has been carried out on a red lateritic soil known as Tippera. The
soil is a clay loam with a massive structure, usually well drained and hard setting when it dries
(Lucas et al. 1985). The mean annual rainfall is 1224 mm with 91% falling between November
and March (Anon. 1987).

A variety of legume and poaceous crops have been grown each wet season. In most years the
direct drill crops have sustained more insect damage than the conventionally cultivated crops.
Most of the insect damage has occurred in the three weeks post germination. The damage was
attributed to a variety of pest species, wireworms, false wireworms, crickets and acridid
grasshoppers. As a result it was decided to sample the ground dwelling invertebrate fauna in

the till and no till plots as well as record the amount of crop damage, one week post

Materials and Methods

The conventional cultivation/direct drill trial consisted of six plots with three replications. Each
replication had a conventionally cultivated plot and a direct drill plot. The plots were 69 m x 54
m. Herbicide was used to kill grasses and dicotyledonous weeds prior to sowing in direct drill

Eight pitfall traps were placed in each plot once a month from September until December during
the years 1995 to 1997. The traps consisted of polythene take-away food containers, 100 mm in
diameter and 110 mm deep. Holes were dug with a mattock and a motorised post hole-digger
and the traps were placed in the holes with the lip of the container flush with the soil surface.
The traps were placed in a grid pattern, the position of the grid being at random. The grid
consisted of two rows with four traps in each row. There was one metre between the rows and
traps were spaced at 2 m intervals within the rows. Each trap was filled to one third of its volume
with 70 percent ethylene glycol. The traps were placed in the field between 14.00 hrs and 16.00
hrs in the afternoon and collected the next day. Invertebrates were removed from the ethylene
glycol solution and placed in glass vials with 80 percent ethanol, before being returned to the
laboratory. The catch of insects from each month was sorted to family and in the case of ants to
genus and species. Because we were unable to match immature stages with adults, only the
adult stage was recorded.

A survey of insect damage to the wet season crops in till/no till plots was made one week, post
emergence. Surveys were carried out for the 1995/96 and 1996/97 seasons (table 4). Ten rows
were selected systematically at 5 m intervals across each plot. A 2 m sample was taken from
each row using random numbers, making a total of ten samples per plot. Counts were made of
the number of plants emerged and the number damaged by insects.

Eight species of phytophagous insects were recovered from pitfall traps (Table 1). In general
phytophagus insects were more commonly trapped in the no-till plots. The exception being
tenebrionids, which were more common from traps in the conventionally tilled plots. The yellow-
winged locust, Gastrimargus musicus (Fabricius), was trapped more than four times as often in
no-till plots compared with till plots. Gryllids were recovered from no-till plots more than twice as
often as from till plots.

Table 1. Phytophagous insects recovered from pitfall traps



Till No-Till

Coleoptera Elateridae 3 spp. 1.8 1.8

Tenebrionidae 2 spp. 4.2 2.1

Orthoptera Acrididae Gastrimargus <1 4.2

musicus (Fabricius)
1 sp.

Gryllidae 2 spp 5.2 11.8

Six species of predacious Coleoptera were recovered from the traps (Table 2). Carabinae were
more commonly trapped in no-till plots, while Cicindelinae were trapped twice as often in till as
in no-till plots. Cicindelines were more common after rain. One species of Staphylininae was
recovered from no-till plots.

Table 2. Predacious Coleoptera recovered from pitfall traps

Percent of traps

Family Subfamily Genus and species Till No-till

Chlaenius flaviguttatus


Carabidae Carabinae Clivina spp. 4.6 8.8

Gnathagus pulcher


Harpalina sp.

Cicindelinae 2 15.5 7.9

Staphylinidae Staphylininae 1 0 1.8

Twenty-two species of ants were recorded from pitfall traps (Table 3). I. Sanguineus and S.
germinata were more commonly recorded from till than no-till traps. R. aurata was more often
recorded from no-till than till traps, while R. reticulata and O. nr turneri were equally common
from till as no-till traps. The no-till traps yielded a greater diversity of species than the till traps.

Table 3. Ant species most commonly recovered from pitfall traps

Subfamily Genus and species Number of traps containing species

Till No-Till

Dolichoderinae Iridomyrmex
sanguineus Forel
19.2 7.9

Myrmicinae Solenopsis
(Fabricius) 6.7 < 0.1

Ponerinae Rhytidoponera
aurata (Roger)
14.9 27.1

R. reticulata (Forel)

10.3 11.6

Odontomachus nr
turneri Forel
7.0 6.1

Other species
from various
subfamilies 6.1 12.5

The surveys of insect damage showed 9% fewer establishments for mung bean in the no-till
plots by comparison with till plots during the 95/96 season, while in the 96/97 season
establishment of cavalcade in no-till plots was 33.5 % less than that of till plots. Insect damage
was over five times more common on mung bean in no-till plots during 95/96. Damage to
cavalcade in the 96/97 season was 30 % higher in no-till plots.

Table 4. Mean plants established and percent plants damaged in till and no-till plots

Mean plants Percent plants

established per damaged

Crop Date sampled

Till No-Till Till No-Till

Mung bean 27/12/95 12.0 10.9 3.75 20.09

“cavalcade” 21/1/97 16.07 5.39 12.60 16.40

Phytophagus insects were trapped more commonly in direct drill than conventionally cultivated
plots. The exceptions were the tenebrionids, false wire worms, which were more common in
cultivated plots. In view of the prevalence of false wire worm outbreaks in the Douglas Daly and
Katherine regions the effect of cultivation on false wire worm populations deserves further

The higher incidence of phytophagus insects in no-till plots compared with till plots, could be
explained by the ants, I. sanguineus and S. germinata, being more commonly trapped in till
plots. Both species of ant are voracious arthropod predators, which prefer the high temperatures
and high light intensity offered by bare cultivated ground (Hölldobler and Wilson 1990; Andersen
and Patel 1994). The higher incidence of cicindelines in till and carabines in no-till plots does
not have a ready explanation.

The higher damage to plants in no till plots confirms previous observations made in the Douglas
Daly and Katherine regions. The answer may be that crop residues do not persist in Tippera
soils and consequently there is no accumulation of organic matter. High soil temperatures in the
region ensure that organic matter is rapidly oxidised (K. Thiagalingam, pers. comm.). Since the
litter layer does not build up on the soil surface there is no habitat for decomposers and
predatory soil fauna as often happens in temperate soils after the practice of conservation

Thanks are due to Dr A. Andersen CSIRO, Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre Darwin, for
the identification of ants and the staff of the Douglas Daly Research Farm for their help and

Andersen, A. N. and Patel, A. D. (1994). Meat ants as dominant members of Australian ant
communities: an experimental test of their influence on the foraging success and forager
abundance of other species. Oecologia 98: 15-45.

Anon. (1987) Douglas Daly Research Farm Visit. Joint annual meeting of
DPP/CSIRO/Wada/CCNT. NT Department of Primary Production, internal report.

Cogle, A. L., Bateman, R. J., Heiner, D. H., (1991). Conservation cropping systems for the semi
arid tropics of North Queensland, Australia. Aust. J. Exper. Agric., 31: 515 –523.

Hölldobler, B. and Wilson, E. O. (1990). The Ants, Springer-Verlag, Harvard, USA. 732 pp.

Lal, R., (1986). No-tillage and surface tillage systems to alleviate soil-related constraints in the
tropics. In: No-tillage and surface tillage agriculture: the tillage revolution. (Eds Sprague, M. A.
and Triplett, G. B.) Pp 261 – 318. Wiley, New York.

Lucas, S. J. (1985). Soils of the cleared areas, A.D.M.A. Douglas Daly project farms. Technical
memorandum, Land Conservation Unit, Conversation Commission of the NT, Darwin.

Robertson, L. N. (1993) Influence of tillage intensity (including no-till) on density of soil-dwelling

pests and predatory animals in Queensland crops. In: Pest control and sustainable agriculture,
Eds. Corey, S.A., Dall, D. J. and Milne W. M., CSRIO Division of Entomology, Canberra. Pp.

Robertson, L. N., Kettle, B. A. and Simpson, G. B. (1994) The influence of tillage pratices on soil
macrofauna in a semi-arid agroecosystem in northeastern Australia. Agric, Ecosystems and the
Environ, 48: 149-156.

Stinner, B. R. and House, G. J., (1990) Arthropods and other invertebrates in conservation –
tillage agriculture. Ann. Rev. Ent, 35: 299 – 318.

ESC Smith
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

A successful eradication program for the exotic fruit fly Bactrocera philippinensis Drew and
Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae) was mounted between November 1997 and November 1998. At
the peak of eradication, about 80 people were employed in protein baiting and caneite block
placement. Trap monitoring continued for the full 12 months with a total of 82 B. philippinensis
and almost 397,000 other endemic fruit flies collected. The last exotic fly was caught on 26
December 1997, 36 days after the initial detection.

Fruit collections were made from all areas within the eradication zones. Over 6,500 samples of fruit
were collected from the field over the nine month period to the end of August 1998 while others
were selected from fruits confiscated at airport or road checkpoints. No B. philippinensis were
reared from any of the fruit collections.

A single specimen of the exotic fruit fly Bactrocera philippinensis was trapped in a permanent
Methyl eugenol (ME) trap at Berrimah in the Darwin urban area on 19 November 1997. An
additional two flies were caught the following day necessitating the declaration of an outbreak
and advising all States and the Commonwealth of the situation on 21 November. On 12
December 1998, a single fly was captured in a ME trap placed on a rural property at Humpty
Doo some 30 km east of the original detection, and which had sourced mango fruit from Darwin
suburban areas.

A successful eradication program was then developed and operated until June 1998. Monitoring
the entire quarantine zone by stratified fruit sampling, subsequent rearing of infested larvae and
collection of fruit fly adults in lure traps continued until 30 November 1998 when the outbreak
was declared eradicated and all quarantine checkpoints removed.

The Exotic Fruit Fly Program contained various legal, technical and regulatory components to
achieve the aim of eradicating the fly from the NT. These included:

• declaration of a gazetted Quarantine Area

• delineation of the area infested by B. philippinensis by trapping and fruit collection
• designation of “eradication zones”
• erection of checkpoints to prevent infested fruit leaving the Quarantine Area
• publicity to inform and gain the cooperation of all persons affected by the Program
• training of primary producers on regulatory requirements imposed on products marketed
outside the Quarantine Area
• regular reporting to Commonwealth and State authorities to ensure cost sharing
• verification of species eradication by trapping and fruit collection.

Methyl eugenol traps were used to detect and monitor adult flies both exotic and endemic species.
Almost 400 traps were placed within the Quarantine area and the majority serviced and cleared
twice weekly until the end of March 1998. Traps were serviced at weekly intervals thereafter. All
traps were global positioned and spatial analysis revealed that the number of traps could be

reduced to 290 without compromising the complete coverage of lure traps (Hempel and Roseverne
1998). This was achieved after May 1998.

Two eradication zones were designated: one encompassing more than 9000 properties in the
Darwin suburban areas of Berrimah, Karama, Malak, Anula, Wulagi, Wanguri, Leanyer, Moil,
Jingili, Alawa, Nakara and Wagaman; and the other covering more than 700 rural properties
over an area of about 18.5 sq. km in Humpty Doo.

The physical eradication strategy had three major elements:

• removal of as much “windfall” fruit as possible from within the zone to reduce breeding of
the fly
• protein baiting on all private properties and public areas within the majority of the
eradication zone at a rate of 2 L/ha
• placement of Methyl eugenol/maldison impregnated caneite blocks on all areas within the
zone at a rate of more than 600 per sq. km. (i.e. >6/ha).

Following the arrival of blocks from Queensland, blocking commenced on 04 December 1997
with the aim of placing one caneite block per suburban houseblock or about 8/ha. The blocks
were retrieved and replaced with new colour coded ones at 6-7 weekly intervals. Schools and
parklands within the area were treated during the school holiday period only.

Fruit collections were made from all areas within the eradication zones. These samples were held
in a quarantine secure laboratory to enable eggs or larva within the fruit to develop through to adult
fruit flies (Luders 1998).

Following the initial detection, supplementary ME traps were placed in adjacent areas and,
within a week, a total of 33 flies had been caught at Berrimah and the adjacent suburbs of
Karama and Malak. A total of 82 B. philippinensis flies were trapped in 20 trap locations (Table 1).
The majority of these were caught within two weeks in the suburb of Karama. No further exotic flies
were detected in Humpty Doo. The last exotic fly was caught on 26 December 1997, 36 days after
the initial detection. To the end of November 1998, more than197,000 endemic flies had been
collected and examined from the ME traps which monitored adult fly populations. Of these, more
than15,000 were B. opiliae (Drew and Hardy), the only endemic species in the Bactrocera
“dorsalis” complex, and which needs very detailed examination to separate this species from B.

Table 1. Total trap catches of B. philippinensis in the Darwin eradication program

1997 14 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2 15 35 S3 S1 S5 S2 S2 S2 S2 S5 S12 S7 S1 Daily Running

4 0 1 2 3 8 7 3 8 7 4 9 1 2 2 Total Total
20 Nov 1 1 1
21Nov 2 2 4 5
22 Nov 5 5 10
23 Nov 6 6 16
24 Nov 2 1 1 8 2 14 30
25 Nov 1 1 1 1 4 34
26 Nov 1 1 35
27 Nov 2 7 2 1 12 47
29 Nov 1 1 7 1 1 5 1 1 1 19 66
1 Dec 2 2 1 1 1 7 73
3 Dec 2 1 1 4 77
5 Dec 1 1 2 79
12 Dec 1 1 80
19 Dec 1 1 81
26 Dec 1 1 82

TOTAL 3 3 19 2 2 25 5 2 2 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 82

Trap Locations:14, S1, = CSIRO S14, S20, S21, S22, S23, 15, S38, S17, S28, S27, S24, S29, = KARAMA

Table 2. Ratified timetable for B. philippinensis eradication program in Darwin

February 1998

Increase fruit collection within and outside eradication areas

31 March 1998

Cease protein spot baiting in both eradication areas

Mid-April 1998

Cease caneite blocking placement in both eradication zones

Commence deblocking in both areas

31 May 1998

Complete caneite deblocking in both areas

Maintain intensive trap monitoring and fruit collection
Commence introduction of B. philippinensis Area Freedom protocols throughout the Quarantine
zone to facilitate interstate trade

31 August 1998

Cease fruit collection

30 September 1998

Complete fly rearing and close fruit handling laboratory

30 November 1998

If no further detections are made, declare full Area Freedom for interstate trade
Revoke declaration of Quarantine Area
Cease operations at road and airport checkpoints
Continue intensive trap monitoring

31 December 1998

Reduce trap monitoring to national grid level

31 May 1999

Declare eradication of B. philippinensis. AQIS will advise other countries of Australia’s freedom
from this species.

Protein bait applications commenced on 22 November 1997 and most areas were treated at
weekly intervals until 31 March 1998. The protein baits (protein autolysate and maldison as the
toxicant) were applied in coarse “squirts” of about 40 ml each to 4 or 5 fruiting trees in each
suburban houseblock and to many street trees.

More than 50,000 caneite blocks were placed during three rounds of blocking. The last round
was completed by late April and all areas deblocked by 31 May 1998.

Over 6,500 samples of fruit were collected from the field during the nine month period to the end of
August 1998 while >300 others were selected from fruits confiscated at the airport or road
checkpoints (Luders 1998). No B. philippinensis were reared from any of the fruit collections.

A proposed timetable for the eradication program was forwarded to all States for ratification
(Table 2) and subsequently accepted.

The B. philippinensis incursion was detected at an early stage and eradicated from the NT
within 12 months. Despite the lack of detection of exotic adult flies in the ME trap array beyond
December 1997, fruit monitoring continued until the end of August 1998 and the quarantine
checkpoints and trap monitoring continued at a high level until 30 November 1998 to satisfy
interstate and overseas trading partners that eradication had occurred. Since no further
detections were made, Area Freedom for interstate trade was then declared, the Quarantine
Area revoked and all checkpoints closed.

Provided no further detections are made, international area freedoms for B. philippinensis
should be declared for Australia at the end of May 1999.

I gratefully acknowledge and sincerely thank the numerous personnel appointed to the
eradication program who physically conducted the eradication, monitoring, quarantine functions,
roadblocks and administration, and without whom the success of the program would have been
in jeopardy.

Hempel, CJ and Roseverne, V (1998). Exotic Fruit Fly Eradication Program. Trap monitoring
and grid assessment report. Internal Report NT DPIF. 13 pp. + 7 pp. appendices. August 1998.

Luders, LG (1998). Exotic Fruit Fly Eradication Program. Fruit handling laboratory procedures
report. Internal Report NT DPIF. 18 pp. + 24 pp. appendices. September 1998.

Heather Wallace
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

To enable export of fruit and vegetables from tropical Australia to New Zealand (NZ) strict
quarantine regulations are demanded. In order to expand our market to NZ, the NZ Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) has supplied guidelines for disinfestation requirements. Hot
water dipping of produce enables reduction in the use of toxic chemicals during processing and
packing of produce. Trials on naked fruit fly larvae as well as infested fruit and vegetables are
necessary to establish the efficacy of this method of disinfestation. It is a requirement that all
stages of fruit fly infestation are controlled before produce will be accepted for export to NZ. The
aim of the project was to determine the most tolerant stage of the most tolerant species of fruit
fly to immersion in hot water. The Northern Territory fruit fly, Bactrocera aquilonis (May)
(Diptera: Tephritidae) is one of the common pest species of quarantine importance in the NT. It
was found that 1st instar larvae of B.aquilonis were the most tolerant to immersion in hot water
at 46°C and 48°C. Mature eggs followed by 1st instar larvae were most tolerant at 44°C. Young
eggs were least tolerant for all temperatures. Trials on other pest species endemic in Western
Australia and Queensland were carried out in those states as components in this project.

Key words: Bactrocera aquilonis, life stage tolerance to hot water dipping

Post harvest disinfestation of fruit and vegetable produce currently involves the use of chemical
agents. In order to reduce the use of toxic chemicals, methods such as hot water dipping are
being trialed with good results. This method has been used on a small number of organic
mango crops in the Northern Territory.

Australia has many pest species of fruit fly that infest economic crops causing products to be
unmarketable if protocols for control are not in place. When export of Australian produce to
other countries is desired it is essential that quarantine requirements for disinfestation are
adequate. New Zealand is a close neighbour of Australia. It is currently free of pest species of
fruit fly.

This project was set up to comply with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)
regulations for quarantine of produce being exported to New Zealand from Australia. In order for
Australian produce to be accepted we were asked to carry out trials on all major pest species of
fruit fly in tropical Australia. The aim of the project was to determine the most tolerant stage of
the most tolerant species of fruit fly to immersion in hot water. This should then allow a
conclusion that all other stages of all other species less tolerant would be killed under these
conditions. The MAF set specific guidelines for disinfestation methods that will be acceptable
and these have been incorporated in this project. Concurrent trials for this project were carried
out in WA, Queensland., and the NT to gather heat tolerance data on the most prevalent pest
species in each area. Work on the commonly occurring fruit fly B. aquilonis was assigned to the
Northern Territory.

Standardised equipment and methodology were used in all laboratories to establish a high
degree of uniformity. Pre-trial testing was carried out to determine the hatch rate and age (h) of
hatch for eggs and to establish the number of hours taken to reach 60% development.

Six life stages of B. aquilonis were subjected to hot water immersion at three temperatures for
varying times. The life stages were: eggs< 2h old, eggs at 60% development, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd
and non-feeding 3rd larval stages. Temperatures of 44, 46 and 48°C were used. Each life stage
was dipped at each temperature for varying time intervals in order to achieve eight time points
per temperature in the range between low and high mortality. The number of insects per dipping
tube was 100 for eggs, 100 for 1st instar larvae and 50 for other instars. Control tubes contained
insect numbers to match. Five replicates of each stage of development for each temperature
were conducted. Two sets of control insects were used for each replicate. Surviving treated and
control insects were reared through to pupation and eclosion on carrot media in an incubator set
at 26°C. Percentage of mortality was recorded at three phases post treatment:

Acute mortality - failure to hatch for eggs at 72h

- 24h post treatment for larvae

Chronic mortality - failure to pupate

Pupal mortality - failure of normal eclosion.

Young eggs (<2h) were the least tolerant to hot water immersion across all temperature ranges.
First instar larvae showed a high degree of tolerance for the three temperatures. The results for
each developmental stage at 44°C showed mature eggs as being the most tolerant to
immersion with 1st instars being the second most tolerant. At 46°C, 1st instars were the most
tolerant followed by mature eggs.

Table 1. Tolerance to immersion at three temperatures

Most tolerant to least tolerant.

44 degrees C 46 degrees C 48 degrees C

Mature eggs 1st instars 1st instars

1st instars mature eggs N/F 3rd instars

2nd instars 2nd instars 3rd instars

3rd instars N/F 3rd instars mature eggs

N/F 3rd instars 3rd instars 2nd instars

Young eggs young eggs young eggs

To be useful for disinfestation of fruit and vegetables the temperature of the hot water and the
time period used for immersion must not degrade the quality of the produce.

At 44°C an immersion time of 40 minutes resulted in 100% pupal mortality for the most tolerant
stage (mature eggs). Immersion of produce in hot water for that time is likely to affect the quality
of the produce as well as adding to the processing time. At 48°C the immersion time required to
achieve 100% pupal mortality for the most tolerant stage (1st instar) was 5 minutes. In this case
the time is short however the high temperature of the water may cause damage to the produce.
An immersion time of 12 minutes at 46°C achieved 100% mortality at the acute, chronic and
pupal phases for the most tolerant stage (1st instar). At this temperature and time, damage to
produce should be minimal whilst achieving adequate disinfestation.

Final analysis of results and comparison with other fruit fly species are not yet available. A final
report will be compiled by Mr R.J.Corcoran, Entomologist QDPI and presented to HRDC and
N.Z. MAF by the end of December 1998.

Mr. Stuart Smith, Principal Entomologist, DPIF, NT, for his support and supervision throughout
the project.

Mr. Robert Corcoran, Entomologist, Queensland DPI, for coordinating the project and providing
feedback and support. Miss Leeane Heslin, Queensland DPI, for befriending me during my stay
in Indooropilly.

Miss Pauline Peterson, Queensland DPI, for her advice and direction in the initial stages of
setting up the project.

The Project HG619, was funded by the Horticultural Research and Development Corporation
(HRDC) with support from the Australian Horticultural Exporters Association (AHEA) and the
Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers.

Drew R.A.I., Hooper G.H.S., Bateman M.A.(1978) Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific

Anon. (1994). MAF Regulatory Authority Standard 155.02.03. Specification for the determination
of fruit fly disinfestation treatment efficacy. MAF Regulatory Authority, Wellington, NZ.

Corcoran, R.J. (1993). Heat-mortality relationships for eggs of Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt)
(Diptera: Tephritidae) at varying ages. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 32: 307-

Corcoran R.J. (1996). Determination of Heat Tolerance in Immature Stages of Fruit Fly Pest
Species. Laboratory guidelines for Project HG619.

H.A.C. Fay, S.G. De Faveri, R.I. Storey and J. Watson
Queensland Horticulture Institute
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
PO Box 1054
Mareeba Queensland 4880

A large weevil was found infesting macadamia nuts on the Atherton Tableland during the
1994/95 season. It was unrepresented in various Australian insect collections but thought to
belong to the genus Sigastus. This paper reports some preliminary studies on its biology, pest
status and control. From 4-6 weeks after first nut-set adult females commence laying single
eggs through the husk, after first scarifying an oviposition site. The nut stalk is then cleaved
leading to rapid abscission. Nuts were generally attacked up until hard shell formation. Weevil
larvae consumed whole kernels, with % survival higher and larval duration shorter in larger nuts.
Infestation rates increased with increasing nut diameter, reaching 72.8% of fallen nuts by mid-
October. A crop loss of 30% could be attributed to weevils in an unsprayed orchard. However,
adult weevils are very susceptible to both carbaryl and methidathion sprays. In addition,
exposure of infested nuts to full sunlight over several weeks kills 100% of larvae. Crops should
be surveyed for weevil damage from the 5-10 mm diameter stage until mid-December.
Methidathion used as an initial spray for fruitspotting bugs should provide control. Organic
growers are advised to sweep infested nuts into mown interrows where solarisation will kill

The major pests of macadamia in north Queensland include macadamia nutborer,
Cryptophlebia ombrodelta (Lower), fruitspotting bugs, Amblypelta spp., and macadamia flower
caterpillar, Cryptoblabes hemigypsa Turner (Ironside 1981). Other pests, such as macadamia
lace bug, Ulonemia concava Drake, can cause severe damage at times but activity tends to be
localised. Weevil pests had been a rare feature of the macadamia industry worldwide, until the
appearance of the nut-infesting scolytid, Hypothenemus obscurus (Fabricius), in Hawaii in 1988
(Beardsley 1990). During the 1994/95 season a large weevil was found damaging developing
nuts in several commercial macadamia plantations on the Atherton Tableland. The insect was
unrepresented in the QDPI Mareeba insect collection, as well as those of the ANIC and the
Queensland Museum. The apparently undescribed species is thought to belong to the genus
Sigastus Pascoe (Curculionidae: Molytinae: Haplonychini)(Zimmerman pers. com.), and while
considered to be native, the possibility that it is a New Guinean species cannot be discounted.
The usual hosts of this group of weevils are species of Eugenia and Ficus. This paper reports
some preliminary studies on the Sigastus weevil, including its biology, pest status and control.

Study sites
Studies were conducted on a number of commercial macadamia plantations on the Atherton
Tableland, in the Atherton and Kairi areas. Most work was undertaken during the 1997/98
season on the Kairi property of J. Rees, which contained a block of about 1000 mature trees of
the varieties 344 and 741. These trees received no pesticide treatments and were not irrigated.

Behaviour and biology studies

Weevil behaviour was largely observed in the crop during surveys for fruitspotting bug damage.
Adult feeding and oviposition was noted. In addition, weevil damaged nuts were collected from
the ground to determine any relationship between nut size and weevil emergence rate. On two
occasions about six weeks apart 50 nuts were placed individually in 250 ml polystyrene
containers, sealed with gauze tops, and held at ambient temperature until adult weevils

Crop damage assessment
At fortnightly intervals from nut-set to maturity, nuts beneath 30 trees were sampled for weevil
damage. Up to 15 freshly fallen nuts were randomly selected from the ground beneath a tree
and the proportion with weevil oviposition scars recorded. Nut diameter was measured with
microcallipers. This data provided an estimate of fallen nuts with weevil damage, but not of total
crop loss per tree. However, as counts of nuts on panicles were taken before weevil activity
commenced, and at the time damage ceased, some crop loss estimates were possible. Virtually
all nuts with oviposition scars fell from panicles.

Insecticide evaluation
Macadamia branches were sprayed in situ with carbaryl, methidathion or β-cyfluthrin and
allowed 1-2 hours to dry. The application rates are given in Table 2. All insecticides and the
water control were applied with a wetting agent (Agral @ 25 ml/100L). Adult weevils then were
enclosed in 1 m long gauze sleeves over the treated branches for 24 hours. There were 5
weevils/sleeve and 6 replicates of each treatment. After 24 hours the weevils were assessed as
alive or dead, and later at 72 hours after holding in 250 ml polystyrene containers.

Behaviour and biology
Female weevils began laying eggs in nuts about 4-6 weeks after first nut-set. The female
scarifies an area about 3-4 mm in diameter in the husk and lays a single egg into it. The egg is
either lodged within the husk or intrudes into the surface of the kernel. After oviposition the nut
stalk is chewed about half through to induce drop. Generally, a single egg was laid per nut,
although up to three eggs (or larvae) were observed in a nut representing different oviposition
dates. Although a large proportion of nuts within a panicle could be affected it was rare to find
that all were. Nut fall was rapid and generally occurred from a few day after oviposition. Mating
was observed on nut panicles. After nut shells hardened (about mid-December) and were no
longer suitable for oviposition, adult weevils commenced to feed on the green surface of the
husk, in some cases completely removing the epidermis. Adults will also feed on young leaves.

Larvae consumed entire kernels before pupating and chewing exit holes as adults. Table 1
provides details of adult emergence based on different nut size ranges. Survival was higher and
average development time was shorter in larger nuts. Larger weevils emerged from larger nuts,
as reflected by emergence hole diameters. The minimum development time in nuts was about 6
weeks, but nuts were not retrieved from the time of oviposition to confirm this.

Table 1. Some relationships between macadamia nut size and utilisation by Sigastus

Collection date Average Nut size % adult Emergence Maximum

nut range (mm) emergence hole diameter time to
diameter (mm) emergence
(mm) (days)

17 Oct. 1997 16.9 14.3-21.8 29.0 5.5 80

26 Nov. 1997 28.1 22.5-32.3 40.6 6.7 49

Damage assessment
The first weevil-damaged fallen nuts were collected on 18 September 1997 (Figure 1).
Infestation rates increased with increasing nut diameter, reaching 72.8% of fallen nuts by 17
October. The infestation rate remained at about this level for about four weeks before declining
in December. Nuts reached their full size by early December, with shells hardening soon after.
The number of fallen nuts increased rapidly through September and early October, then
levelled-off before declining in early December.

80 120

% infeste d n uts / av era ge nu t dia m eter

F allen n uts (% of ma x. s am ple )


40 60




0 0
3/09/97 18/09/97 2/10/97 17/10/97 30/10/97 14/11/97 28/11/97 12/12/97

% infested nuts (ground) Average nut diameter (mm) Fallen nuts (% of max. sample)

Figure 1. Rate of infestation of macadamia nuts by Sigastus and nut fall induced in relation to
crop development

Insecticide evaluation
Both carbaryl and methidathion caused 100% mortality of adult weevils within 24 hours of
application (Table 2). β-cyfluthrin was slower acting, with some repellency indicated, but a high
level of mortality was recorded after 72 hours.

Table 2. The effect of 3 different insecticides on mortality in adult Sigastus

Treatment Product/100L Post-application % mortality

(+ wetting agent) 24 h 72 h
Control - 0.0 10.0
Carbaryl 125 g 100.0 100.0
Methidathion 125 ml 100.0 100.0
β-cyfluthrin 50 ml 46.7 86.7

Sigastus weevil can cause significant crop loss in macadamias where insecticidal control is not
practised. Although damage to nuts in individual trees varied greatly, an overall crop loss of
around 30% was estimated at the monitoring site. This weevil could be a significant pest for
organic growers, or those using minimal insecticidal treatments. However, trials in which
infested nuts were exposed to full sunlight over several weeks indicated that solarisation caused
100% mortality of larvae. Heat treatment has previously been suggested for dealing with larvae
of acorn weevils in India (Kaushal et al. 1993). For growers engaging in normal management
practices, existing chemicals can control adult weevils. Methidathion, employed as an initial
spray for fruitspotting bug, coinciding with the very first sign of nut drop, should provide effective
control of Sigastus weevil. Follow-up sprays for nut borers would ensure further control. Nuts
falling between mid-September and mid-December should be swept into mown interrows where
solarisation will kill larvae. However, it appears that Sigastus may reoccur in a crop each
season, irrespective of the control measures adopted previously. Weevil damage to nuts is

obvious and crops should be surveyed thoroughly when nuts reach between 5 and 10 mm in
diameter. Because weevils only appear to oviposit in nuts prior to shell hardening it seems
highly unlikely that adults would emerge from mature nuts. This suggests that the chance of
infested nuts being moved from the Atherton Tableland to southern shellers is negligible.
However, the adults are robust and could inadvertently be moved amongst bulk nuts. The
species will undoubtedly remain a nuisance to northern growers, and vigilance will be required
to minimise its impact.

John Rees is particularly thanked for access to his macadamia crop. The Queensland
Horticulture Institute has authorised publication of this paper.

Beardsley, J.W. (1990). Hypothenemus obscurus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), a new
pest of macadamia nut in Hawaii. Proc. Hawaii Entomol. Soc. No. 30: 147-150.

Ironside, D.A. (1981). Insect pests of macadamia in Queensland. QDPI Misc. Publ. 81007.

Kaushal, B.R.,Pant, M.C., Kalia, S, Joshi, R. and Bora, R. (1993). Aspects of the biology and
control of three species of acorn weevils infesting oak acorns in Kumaun Himalaya J. Appl. Ent.
115: 388-397.

E.S.C. Smith and H.H. Brown
Entomology Branch
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
GPO Box 990
Darwin NT 0801

This paper records the detections of new or potential arthropod pest species in the Northern
Territory between 1991 to 1997, which period corresponds to the staging of the 5th and 6th
Tropical Entomology Workshops. In addition, records for the significant expansion of known
pests and brief notes on each species mentioned are provided. The scope and frequency of
these new records signifies both the growth of the NT horticultural and agricultural industries
with associated pest development derived from interstate and local bush sources and the very
real risks involved with exotic arthropod incursions into the sparsely populated northern
coastline of Australia.

Pest Records

Severe defoliation of rambutans by the castoroil looper caterpillar Achaea janata (Linnaeus)
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae);

New fruit fly pest, Bactrocera cucumis (French) (Diptera: Tephritidae) found damaging cucurbits
in the Top End in a short-lived outbreak;

The newly described (from cashew) sucking bug Helopeltis pernicialis Stonedahl, Malipatil and
Houston (Hemiptera: Miridae) detected on mango trees in both Darwin and Katherine;

Swarming Graptostethus servus (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) on bananas caused

physical blemishes;

Cyrtopeltis sp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) causing considerable injury to sesame at Katherine;

Nezara viridula (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in high numbers and damaging

carambola fruit at Coastal Plains Horticultural Research Station;

First Australian record of Batrachedra sp. (Lepidoptera: Batrachedridae) collected on coconut

flowers in Darwin.


First record of longicorn beetle, Acalolepta mixtus (Hope) damage (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
to seedling mangoes;

Oviposition by cicadas possibly Illyria hilli (Ashton) (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) caused lesions on
seedling mango trees;

New record of Diocalandra frumenti (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) breeding on

ornamental Phoenix roebellini palm;

First observed damage to guava by H. pernicialis Stonedahl, Malipatil and Houston (Hemiptera:

Severe two-spotted mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae) damage to

Damage to ripening figs by Carpophilus sp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) (dried fruit beetle) at Ti

First Australian record of the mite Cisaberoptus nr. kenyae Keifer (Acarina: Eriophyidae) from
mango leaves in Darwin.


False wireworm, possibly Gonocephalum sp. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) damage to reduced

tillage sorghum on Douglas-Daly farms;

Major outbreaks of yellow-winged grasshoppers Gastrimargus musicus (Fabricius) (Orthoptera:

Acrididae) in the northern pastoral zone;

First detection of banana rust thrips Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera:

Thripidae) in Northern Territory bananas.


Seed crops of pasture legumes damaged by tomato thrips Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom)
(Thysanoptera: Thripidae);

First record of moth larvae, possibly the native Moroga sp. (Lepidoptera: Xylorictidae) damaging
mango trees;

First detection in Australia of poinsettia whitefly Bemisia tabaci Type B (Gennadius) (Hemiptera:
Aleyrodidae). The pest was severely damaging a rockmelon crop and had been introduced to
the NT on ornamental plants from the Eastern States;

New record of Brevipalpus mite (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) blemishing banana fruit;

Heavy infestations of Icerya aegyptiaca (Douglas) and I. seychellarum (Westwood) (Hemiptera:

Margarodidae) on mangoes, other fruit trees and ornamentals in the Darwin and Darwin rural

Severe but localised sucking bug, H. pernicialis Stonedahl, Malipatil and Houston (Hemiptera:
Miridae) infestations on bearing mango trees.


Reduced tillage seed establishment problems on Douglas-Daly farms;

Damage to pangola pastures by Oulema rufotincta (Clark) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae);

Green house whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) detected

for first time in NT on imported ornamentals. By May 1995 it appeared to have established in the

Red banded thrips Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) detected in field
planted mangoes at Katherine for the first time;

New species of Pseudodendrothrips darci (Girault) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) severely

damaging banyan trees up to 150 years old in Darwin;

First detection of coconut aphid Cerataphis palmae (Ghesqhuiere) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in


The native wasp Euryglossina melanocephala Exley (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) caused
significant damage to stems of commercial Kangaroo paw in Central Australia.


Severe infestations of root nematode Meloidogyne spp. on snake beans;

Oviposition damage caused by the cicadas Abricta castanea Distant and Illyria hilli (Ashton)
(Hemiptera: Cicadidae) to citrus near Darwin. Later, severe damage also detected at Katherine;

New mango problem - eventually determined as mango scab Elsinoë mangiferae;

Carpenter bees (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae) attacked soursop trees;

Severe defoliation by Ryparida sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to Jackfruit;

New record of Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in mango flowers.


New spider mite recorded on dates at Alice Springs. Subsequently described as Oligonychus
calicicola Knihinicki and Flechtmann (Acarina: Tetranychidae);

First detection of Oriental red mite Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) in
the NT from passion fruit vine, Heliconia leaves and carambola leaves;

Attack to aerial roots of commercial sorghum by Euproctis sp. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in

association with Amata sp. (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae);

Renewed complaints by householders bitten by psocids at Tennant Creek;

Coconut whitefly, Aleurodicus destructor Mackie (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) collected from water
apple (NAQS detection);

Foxtail palms killed by combined attack of Tirathaba rufivena (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae),
Xylotrupes gideon (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and Diocalandra frumenti (Fabricius)
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae);

Mangoes defoliated by a new swarming beetle pest, Agetinus aequalis Blackburn (Coleoptera:

Commercial lemon grass crop damaged by the swarming linear bug, Phaenacantha australiae
Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Colobathristidae);

First NT detection of oriental scale, Aonidiella orientalis (Newstead) (Hemiptera: Diaspidae) on

Dendrobium orchids;

Waterlily aphids, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Nelumbo

nucifera reached damaging levels and required control;

Severe infestation by two scales Pinnaspis strachani (Cooley) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae),

Parasaisetia nigra (Neiter) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and a mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus
(Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on commercial asparagus at Katherine;

Red banded thrips (Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)) damaging

rambutan fruit and Heliconias;

New thrips (Dicromothrips corbetti (Priesner) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) damaging Vanda orchid

First detection of mango leafhopper, Idioscopus nitidulus (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in
Australia from Darwin suburbs. Very shortly after, this species was detected on Cape York,
North Queensland;

New gall wasp (Hymenoptera) attacking and killing banyans (Ficus virens) in Darwin;

Detection and successful eradication program mounted against the exotic fruit fly Bactrocera
philippinensis Drew and Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae);

Diocalandra frumenti (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) extracted from severely distorted

emergent shoots of Royal Palm.

Records come from a range of collectors and the species were identified by various
taxonomists. We are grateful to them all.

L. S. Kuniata and K. T. Korowi
Ramu Sugar Limited
P.O. Box 2183
Lae Papua New Guinea

Psyllid, Heteropsylla spinulosa was first introduced in 1991 and now has established in Papua
New Guinea and good control of Mimosa invisa has been achieved from 1993 to 1998 seasons.
Although the 1997 drought severely affected H. spinulosa populations, these quickly re-
established and provided good control in 1998. Application of nitrogen to Mimosa plants
significantly increases the psyllid numbers. Large numbers of the psyllids (>1,000/30 cm tip) are
required for traditionally M. invisa problem areas before or at the onset of the wet season. The
early establishment of the psyllid in plants thus has the potential of inflicting the greatest
damage. Cost of herbicides has been reduced and areas once under M. invisa have been
reclaimed with up to 20% increase in calving rates observed at Ramu Sugar Ltd. However, the
introduction of the parasite for the biological control of Heteropsylla cubana is a concern to this

Keywords Mimosa invisa, Heteropsylla spinulosa, biological control, Papua New Guinea.

Mimosa invisa Mart. ex Colla (Mimosacease) commonly known as giant sensitive plant (GSP),
has become a serious weed in many parts of South East Asia and the Pacific Islands including
Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia (Holm et. at. 1977). It is now widespread in coastal and
island areas and spreading into the Highlands, and has become a major weed of agriculture,
pastures, wastelands and roadsides (Verdcourt 1979).

It is difficult to estimate economic losses and the cost of control of GSP for the whole of PNG.
However, Kuniata (1994) reported from cattle properties owned by Ramu Sugar Ltd in the
Ramu/Markham Valleys in Madang/Morobe Provinces that up to US$130,000 annually was
spent on the chemical control and slashing of this weed. On its sugarcane estate, up to three-
engine hours down time per day per harvester was experienced as a result of GSP interference
with normal sugarcane harvesting (green cane). Persistent herbicides such as 2, 4-D used for
GSP control are not only a hazard to people handling them but also can contaminate the
environment and cause pesticide residues in animal products.

The control of such widespread weed species like GSP requires sustainable efforts and
constant supply of resources, which are often limited. Biological control offers sustainable
control and also is safe to people and the environment, however, as a pre-requisite to a
successful program, the biology and ecology of both the agent and target weed species need to
be adequately established.

The psyllid (H. spinulosa) is a native of Central America and is probably confined to M. invisa as
a host plant (Muddiman et. al. 1992). From about 100 plant species tested by Wilson and Garcia
(1992), H. spinulosa developed successfully only on M. invisa indicating its high specificity to
this host. Kuniata (1994) observed that application of nitrogen to GSP indirectly increased the
psyllid populations and severe damage was inflicted on the plants. In this paper, we report on
the establishment and impact of Heteropsylla spinulosa Muddiman, Hodkinson and Hollis
(Homoptera : Psyllidae) for the biological control of GSP in PNG.

Materials and Methods
Most of the field trials and observations on H. spinulosa was made at Ramu Sugar Estate,
Gusap, Papua New Guinea between 1991 and 1998. The number of sites used varied each
season. As a result of some stations were destroyed before these could be sampled. The psyllid
numbers were estimated from the top 30 cm tip of GSP randomly sampled from a clump.
Number of eggs/nymphs found on leaf numbers 4 and 6 (unopened leaf tip as leaf number 1)
were used to estimate total psyllid numbers on the 30 cm tip. Ground cover by GSP was
subjectively scored between 1 (no GSP) and 6 (75 - 100% ground cover). Average clump height
was measured from the centre using a metre ruler. The number of clusters was estimated from
five randomly sampled 1 m x 1 m quardrats taken from within a clump. Then within each
quardrat, all the clusters in a 25 cm x 25 cm area was harvested and number of pods and seeds

In an attempt to demonstrate the effect of H. spinulosa damage on GSP, a field trial was
established at Gusap ranch in 1994. Infested cuttings of GSP from breeding sites and
distributed in the selected clumps. A total of 20 plots each consisting an area between 5-12 m2
were used (depending on clump size) where 10 plots were regularly sprayed with actellic and
not the others. Psyllid numbers were estimated one month after introduction. When the seed-
pods had matured, the seed production was estimated from each using a similar procedure as
previously described.

Two field cages (1 m x 1 m x 1 m) were set up and in one cage, 50 grams of urea was applied
to four week-old GSP. The psyllids were put on plants under these cages and observed for five
weeks for the effect of nitrogen. Sixteen M. invisa clumps (9-26 m2) in the field were used to
study the effect of nitrogen application on populations of H. spinulosa. Eight of these clumps
received 500-600 grams of urea while the others were used as controls (unfertilised). Nymph
numbers were estimated from 10 x 25-30 cm tips one month following applications of urea and
insect releases. The data were analyzed using paired t-test.

Field releases of H. spinulosa
The psyllid was first introduced into PNG from Tropical Weeds Research Centre, Charters
Towers, Queensland in April 1991 and was quarantined at Lowlands Agricultural Research
Station, Kerevat, East New Britain Province. A second consignment was received in the same
station in November 1991. However, both consignments failed in quarantine as a result of
contamination of breeding cages by the fungus Verticillium sp. The third consignment of more
than 1,000 insects was received at Laloki Research Station in early December, 1992 and were
successfully reared through one generation in quarantine. By the end of December, more than
1,000 F1 generation insects were sent to Ramu Sugar Ltd., Gusap (RSL), and a further 900
insects were received in January, 1993.

Field releases of H. spinulosa began in late February, 1993 and continued until June with a total
of 250,000 insects released into 36 sites around RSL estate and Gusap ranch (14 km away
from RSL). By August 1993 the psyllid was well established in the field and could be found 2-3
kilometres downwind from point of release. The dry season at RSL normally begins in May and
ends in September. Most GSP at RSL flower in April-May and start seeding in June-July. This
adversely affected the psyllid's activities in the rangelands and attempts were made to maintain
the populations on young irrigated plants elsewhere on the RSL estate.

In October 1993 the GSP growing along the Ramu River was inspected and it was found that
the psyllid was in larger numbers. By December, when GSP started growing vigorously in the
rangelands and sugarcane fields, the psyllids immediately moved into these areas. The same
thing happened in 1994 and 1995 seasons, indicating that the psyllid is firmly established in this
area and can spread naturally. In early 1994, the psyllid was recovered at Brahman High
School, some 80 km to the west of RSL. Further releases were made at Yonki dam area in the
Eastern Highlands and Leron and Munum Ranches in the Morobe Province. In all these sites,
the psyllids established and had an immediate impact on GSP.

In 1996 and 1997, the psyllid continued to provide good control of GSP in all the monitoring
sites at RSL estate and Gusap ranch (Table 1). However, the psyllid's impact on GSP in 1998
was delayed as a result of poor recolonisation after the prolonged drought in 1997. Although the
control was poor, this was still better than the infestations observed pre-1992. In October 1998
most of these sites were again visited and large numbers of psyllids were found on mature and
seedling GSP reducing them to a non-significant weed in pastures. In Lae where the climatic
conditions are humid with no distinct dry season, the drought of 1997 had no significant impact
on psyllid numbers and therefore control of GSP was excellent.

In monitoring sites at RSL, the psyllid has had a spectacular impact on GSP since its release in
the field (Table 1) reducing it to an insignificant weed in pastures and sugarcane fields. The
greatest damage was observed in the seedling stage to 8-10 weeks old GSP where infested
plants die prematurely without producing any seeds. This allowed pastures and other shrubs to
come through amongst the dying GSP and eventually taking over the area. We found that in
order to stop 10-18 weeks old GSP from seeding, the psyllid population had to be greater than
1000/30 cm tip (r =-0.658, p<0.001, df = 39). This population should be established well before
the beginning of the wet season. Despite heavy damage in mature GSP (>3 months), some
plants will still produce seeds, however, this will be significantly lower (p<0.001) than unattacked
plants (pre-1992). The damage is more apparent at the onset of the dry season (moisture

Table 1. The effect of H. spinulosa on GSP seed production at Ramu, Papua New Guinea; field
releases of the psyllid began in February, 1993

YEAR 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

No. of samples 40 40 75 44 51 36 43 43

Ground cover 5.9 5.8 5.2 3.4 1.8 1.6 1.8 3.8

Avg. clump height 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4

No. of clusters/m2 300.2 242.0 126.4 57.2 50.0 106.0 31.0 128.0

No. of 55.4 61.4 36.2 9.2 8.3 7.0 10.0 26.0


Est. no. of 16,630 14,860 4,580 530 415 439 326 3,546

* Score: 1 = 0-1%, 2 = 1-5%, 3 = 5-25%, 4 = 25-50%, 5 = 50-75%, 6 = 75-100% ground cover.

In the psyllid exclusion experiment it was difficult to keep the GSP plants insect free, however
populations on non-sprayed plots were significantly higher than sprayed ones (Table 2). Ground
cover, seed cluster numbers and seed production were highly significantly lower (p<0.001) than
sprayed plots further indicating the potential of the psyllid in the control of GSP at RSL.

Table 2. Populations of H. spinulosa and seed production in insecticide sprayed and non-
sprayed GSP at Gusap Ranch. Number of plots in each treatment was 10. (Ground cover score
is similar as for Table 1)

Sprayed Non-sprayed t-test

Ground cover score 3.1 2.0 9.22 ***

No. of clusters/m2 238 47.0 19.19 ***

No. of seeds/cluster 56.3 10.5 63.95 ***

No. of seeds/m2 13,400 494.1 484.32 ***

No. of psyllids/25 cm tip 309 1136 194.68 ***

*** means p<0.001

Distribution of H. spinulosa in PNG

The psyllids were mass reared in plots near the laboratory and also in several places on the
estate and Gusap Ranch. It was from these plots that insects were collected and distributed to
other parts of PNG. GSP tips or portions of 25-30 cm length infested with the psyllids (preferably
4-5 instars) were cut and packed into cardboard boxes (approx. 40 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm) and ice
blocks were used to chill the insects during transit. This was sufficient to keep the insects alive
for up to 36 hours. Up to 1 kg of urea fertiliser was also packed with the insects so that this
could be used to fertilize GSP before insects were released in the field.

Figure 1 shows provinces where the psyllids have been introduced since 1993 and except for
East and West New Britain provinces, the insects have established and excerting very good
control in all the release sites. The results have been quite spectacular in the Madang and
Morobe provinces and recently from New Ireland province (R. D. Thorold, personal

Figure 1. Releases and Establishments of H. spinulosa in PNG

Nitrogen application
In the cages, populations of H. spinulosa in urea treated M. invisa plants increased rapidly
reaching highest levels in early January, 1992 while those in the control showed a gradual
increase over a five week period (Figure 2). By 27 December, the damage in M. invisa was very
severe in urea-treated plants. Damage in the control cages was severe as from 7 January 1992.

These observations were also repeated in strip trials in the field. Clumps of M. invisa where urea
had been applied showed significantly higher numbers of nymphs compared with the controls (t
= 4.20, p < 0.01, df = 8). Damage in the urea treated clumps was also severe and M. invisa was
reduced to become a less significant weed in pastures two months after treatment.


Nymphs per 30cm tip (number) 700







13-Dec-91 20-Dec-91 27-Dec-91 03-Jan-92 07-Jan-92

Control Urea

Figure 2. Populations of H. spinulosa on M.invisa plants treated with urea. About 500 nymphs
were released in each cage and these were allowed to breed

The results from monitoring showed the psyllid had established and was spreading naturally
from release sites providing excellent control of GSP. It is quite difficult to quantify accurately
the benefits of this program, however, the greatest gains have been realised on cattle
properties. On RSL ranches, all the areas that once used to be under GSP (40%) have now
been returned to pastures and up to 20% increase has been observed in calving rates (RSL
internal report). The herbicide 2, 4-D is no longer used for the control of GSP thus saving on
chemical costs. These costs would have escalated annually had it not been for the introduction
of the psyllid. And also in sugarcane, no chopper harvester downtime was experienced from
1994 to 1997 seasons in the harvesting of traditionally GSP infested blocks at RSL. The impact
of the psyllid has significantly reduced the competitiveness of GSP resulting in this weed
attaining a minor status in Papua New Guinea. However, in prolonged dry seasons (e.g. 1997),
psyllid numbers were low and it took up to three months before the impact could be realised.
Although it is difficult to predict such events, it would be necessary to maintain psyllid
populations during the dry season with irrigated GSP or use plants growing along river banks.
Application of nitrogen has been shown here to increase psyllid numbers on fertilised GSP
which could be treated as part of the routine pasture management.

The previous infestations of GSP in PNG had produced a lot of seeds and these will take quite a
while to be depleted. However, the introduction of parasitic wasps, Psyllaephagus spp
(Encyrtidae) in Indonesia for the control of Heteropsylla cubana Crawford is of major concern to
Papua New Guinea since we share the same land mass. Tolerance of Leucaena leucocephala
to H. cubana damage should be exploited rather than use parasites, which will only jeopardize
the GSP biocontrol program. The results from small cage trials with predatory insects such as
lady bird beetles, lacewings, larvae of syrphid flies and spiders were not conclusive. However,

the impact of these predatory insects in the field usually come after the psyllids have caused
substantial damage to GSP and therefore do not pose a real threat.

Holm, L.G., Plucknett, D.L., Pancho, J.V. and Herberger, J.P. (1977). The world's worst weeds.
Distribution and Biology. Univ. Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, 609 pp.

Kuniata, L.S. (1994). Importation and establishment of Heteropsylla spinulosa

(Homoptera:Psyllidae) for the biological control of Mimosa invisa in Papua New Guinea.
International Journal of Pest Management 40 (1) : 64-65.

Muddimum, S.B., Hodkinson, I.D. and Hollis, D. (1992). Legume-feeding psyllids of the genus
Heteropsylla (Homoptera:Psyllidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research. 82:73-117.

Verdcourt, B. (1979). A manual of New Guinea Legumes. Botany Bulletin No. 11. Division of
Botany, Lae, Papua New Guinea. 645 p.

Wilson, B.W. and Garcia, C.A. (1992). Host specificity and biology of Heteropsylla spinulosa
(Hom.:Psyllidae) introduced into Australia and Western Samoa for the biological of Mimosa
invisa. Entomophaga 37(2) : 293-299.


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