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Vegetation and Wildlife


with w h a t
found in
29 Sal trees a r e rainfall?
a m o u n t of raintall
A s.certion
se (A) In mOuntainous regions a
variety forests with
of natural vegetation is found. found in
Sal trees a r e
70 and 200
Reason (R) Temperature decreases with increase between
the areas

in altitude. are
foun1 in
30 What kinds of forests rainfall?
Codes annual
70 cm
(al Both A and R are true and R is the correct with less than found in

forests are
explanation of A
Ans. Thornand scrub type of rainfal.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct 70 cm
with less than thorn
explanation of A animals
found in
the common

A is true, but R is false What are

(c) 31
a n d s c r u b forests?
(d) A is false, but R is true animals found
the common

and R is the explanation and scrub forests, lions, wild

(a) Both A and R are true correct
Ans. In thorn wolves, tigers,
mice, rabbits, foxes,
of A a r e rats,
and camels.
ass, horses
Trees in Tropical thorn forests have
23 Assertion (A) which type of
roots deep into the soil. Sundari tree is an example of
long 32
Reason (R) Long roots are helpful to get natural vegetation?
water. forests.
moisture from underground Sundari tree is an example of mangrove
Codes and
the correct cactus, a c a c i a
a Both A and R a r e true and R is 33 Which trees out of coconut,
explanation of A cinchona a r e found in m a n g r o v e
Both A and R a r e true,
but R is not the correct forests.
(b) found in
c o c o u t trees a r e
explanation of A Ans. Only
Cactus and acacia are found in thorn forests, while
(c) A is true, but R is cinchona trees are found in tropical evergreen
but R is truee
(d) A is false,
and R is the correct explanation medicinal use of the
Ans. (a) Both A and R are true
34 What is the main
of A Sarpagandha plant?
of the Sarpagandha plant is
Ans. The main medicinal
Very Short Answer to treat high blood pressure.
ferns and
24 Which plant out of algae, fungi, 35 Which medicinal plant has both anti-bacterial
orchids is a flowering plants? and anti-biotic properties?
while remaining
orchid is a flowering plant, Ans. The neem plant has both anti-bacterial and
11s, Only
the non-flowering plants. anti-biotic properties.
of forests.
36 What is the term used for a species
25 one erosion
control soil if it is introduced to another environment?
humus to soil,
Ans. rorests give
of water. Ans. The term exotic species is used for species if it is
regulate the flow
of tropical introduced to another environment.
co What a r e the
37 Name the biosphere reserves which have
evergreen forests? forests
evergreen been included in the World Network of
conditions of tropical (above
ST he climatic rainfall
Biosphere Reserves.
and hecavy

te high Ans. The Sunderbans, Nanda Devi,

200 cm per year). trees
Great Nicobar, Manas,
Nilgiri, Nokrek.
Simpipal, Pachmarhi,
Achanakmar- Amarkantak and Gulf of Mannar are
27 Wnat kinds of forests
the biosphere reserves which have
dre found in found in
the World Network
been included in
of Biosphere Reserves.
important rose'wood,

Ans T commercially mahogany,

forests are
38 In which state is Gir forest
rubber and cinchona.
Ans. Gir forest is located in
found in
CGujarat state of India.
a n d 200
28 W kinds of
100 39 How will you detinea

lound in
Ans. A Sanctuary?

offorests and sanctuary an area


ns Tropical moist
deciduous type
berween 100
200 cm.
wild animals. designated for the
protection of
d r e a s
204 Allinone Social ScienceC

Short Answer SA Type Questions

1 What is meant by veyetation? How much (iii There is detinite time tor trees to

natural is the natural vegetation of India leaves, such these torests appear shedte

year round.
green al t
Ans. Natural vegectation refers to a plant ommunity which 5 In which region äre the thorny forests
has grown naturally without human aid and has ar
scrubs found in India? Mention any
been left undisturbed by hunans for a long time. two
characteristics of such type of vegetation
Today, natlural vegetation ha: not been left natural
anymore beeause of the following reasons
Or Explain any three features of the thorm io
and scrubs.
)Various new spccics of plants are raiscd in
Ans. Thorny forests and scrubs are tound in the
laboratories. These are planted to get better results.
i) Human interference is continuously increasing
North-Western part of the country including
semi-arid areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan. Madhva
day by day. This is deteriorating the quality of Pradesh, Chhattisgarh. Uttar Pradesh and Han
nature and is harmful for humans too.
Characteristics of the thorn forests and serubs ar
2 A great variety of flora is found in India. Give follows
three geographical factors responsible for this () Trees are scattered and have
long roots penetrann
diversification of flora. pass into or through) deep into the soil in order
get moisture.
Ans. A grcat varicty of flora is found in India. About
47,000 plant species and 15000 flowering are found (ii) The stems are succulent (Juicy) to conserve wate
in the country. (i) Leaves are mostly thick and small to minimie
Following are the factors responsible for a great variety evaporation.
offlora found in India
6 How has the vegetation of thorn forests
i) Varied rclicf features (n Varied landforms
adapted to the climate?
(i) Terrains and soils iv) Climatic factors
Ans. The Thorn forests are found in the region with le
3 How do human beings influence the ecology than 70 cm rainfall.
of a region? Explain. The adaprivefeatures ofvegetationofthorn fores an
Ans. Human beings influenceecology of a region in the ) Roots are long which can penetrate deep into t
following ways soil to get moisture.
Duc to the excessive cxploitation of the plants and (7) Stems are succulent to conserve water.
animal resources by human beings, the ecosystem (ii) Leaves are thick to minimise evaporation
has been disturbed.
7 In which part of India, mangrove forests aie
The greed of human beings leads to found? Mention two characteristics of e
over-utilisation of natural resources.
Human beings cut the trees and kill animals, forests.
or Explain any three features of man
Creating ccological imbalance.
As a result, some of the plants and animals have forests.
reached the verge of extinction. Ans. Mangrove forests are found in the Ganga
Kaveri, Godavart u
Brahmaputra delta, Krishna,
4 Explain any three characteristics of tropical Mahanadi delta.
evergreen forests. Characteristics oftheseforests ave as follows
reas o
Ans. Three characteristics oftropical evergreen
) The mangrove forests are found in theSiltat
forests are
Coasts influenced by tides.
Mud and ge
) The trees reach a great height upto 60 m or even accumulated on such coasts.
above. Trees are tall, thick and have vigorous submerget
() Roors ofthese plants remain
() As the region is warm and wet throughout the
water salt

ycar, it has a luxuriant vegetation of all kinds- (ii) The tree specics can tolerate high vgen
for sucking
trees, shrubs and v) Roots develop aerial root
creepers giving it a nmullilayered
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 205

hand n
can go
8 Name the natural habitat of the followinq 8Overnment
initiatives, c o m m u n i t y
hand with government
animal species.
(i) Elephant (ii) one-horned Rhinoceros For example programne
(iii) Camels (iv) Indian Lion Commnunity carn
(vi) Yak about wildlife preservation.
(v) Tigers individual n o t t o
) Elephant Hot wet forests of Assam, Karnataka Community can promise
Ans down t r c e s .
in hunting o r cuting
and Kerala. it any o n e

Community cain report to police

(ii) One horned Rhinoceros Swampy, marshy lands is found.
laws regarding wildlife of
of Assam and West Bengal made by skins and horns
Stop buying products
(ii) Camels Thar Deserts animals.
(iv) Indian Lion Gir forest differences between
13 What are the
() Tigers Forest of Madhya Pradesh, the Sundarbans deciduous and dry d e c i d u o u s forests?

(West Bengal) and Himalayan Region and dry deciduous

between moist deciduous
Ans. Differences
(vi) Yak Ladakh forests are as follows
Deciduous Forests
10 Mention any four uses
of biosphere reserve.
Moist Deciduous
Forests Dry
a r e found in
Ans. Uses of biosphere reserves are
They are found in arcas They
aim is with annual rainfall
In each bio-sphere reserve, the core
to with annual rainfall
() fauna in their between 70 and 100 c m .
the flora and the between 100 and 200 cm.
preserve wildlife,
Teak, sal, neem and
natural forms. Teak, bamboo, sal,
found in
be utilised for

The surrounding zone would

shisham, sandalwood, peepal trees

(ii) these forests

research and experimentation
in developing khair, kusum, arjun and
trees a r e found
forests and other products. mulberry
the in these forests.
iii) Biosphere reserves help to ensure
areas of these
economic and social sustainability These forests have not Large
been cleared much. forests have been clearcd
wise use of natural
of the region, by encouraging for cultivation and
and human resources.
resolve land use grazing.
(iv) They provide practical
ways of They c o v e r about 30%
They cover about 34%
conflicts and to protect biological diversity. India's forested area. of India's forested area.
Parks and
many National
How the 14 How are thorn forests different from
been set-up by
heritage of
of natural mangrove forests?
to take care
established by Ans. Thorn forests and mangrove forests are d1fferent in the
have these
India? Why
the government?
following ways
heritage of India,
Thorn Forests Mangrove Forests
Ans, To take c a r e of natural and 535 wildlife
national parks These are found in areas
has set-up 103 These are found in the
sanctuaries. and wildlife with annual rainfall less delta regions of rivers
national parks than 70 cm.
Reasons for establishing and are not
sanctuaries are on amount of raintall.
of our flora and
the natural ecosystem Babool, kikar, palm, cactus Sundari, palm. coconut
) To protect
and acacia trees/bushes are keora and agar
fauna. destruction of
found here.
trees are

found here.
(1) To prevent
natural environment. These are found in most ot These are found in the
and government
go Rajasthan, Northern part coastal delta regions
How can community
of Gujarat and in some (delta arcas of rivers on
the arcas of Uttar Pradesh,
hand in hand to
protect the East coast of India).
with example. Haryana and Deccan
threat to the wildlife
is posed by Plateau.
The major Various human
activities like hunting,
They have lack of
human being. have led to These have adequate
forests e t c
down of noisture.
mosture as these are
pollution, cutting wildlite. By being a part of
of the submerged under walcr.
Cxtinction of some
206 Allinone Social Science Class

15 "Survival of man is at stake if we do not (ii) How do different types of soils provide basi
for different types of vegetation?
conserve our rich fauna." Justify the statement.
Source C Temperature
As. It is true that survival of man is at stake if we do not
conserve our rich fauna, because animals play a major The character and extent of vegetation are
role in our life. mainly determined by temperature along with
They provide us milk and milk products. Also, during humidity in the air, precipitation and soil. On the
drought season, they help us in cultivating and slopes of the Himalayas and the hills of the
ploughing the fields. The fish is nutritive too and Peninsula above the height of 915 metres, the fall
provides us rich proteins. Besides, many insects help in in the temperature affects the types of
pollination of crops and fruit trees. So, every species and its growth and changes it from
tropical to
has a role to play in the ecosystem. Hence, we have to subtropical temperate and alpine vegetation.
take some ettective measures to conserve these (iii) To what extent do you agree that
resourceful species. temperature affects the type of vegetation
16 Read the sources given below and answer the and its growth? State with example.
questions that follows Ans () It is true that, the nature of land influences the
Source A Land types of vegetation. For example, fertile land are
used for growing crops,
Land affects the natural vegetables and fruits. On
vegetation directly and the other hand, undulating and rough surfaces
indirectly. Do you expect the same type of vegetation generally develop either in grasslands or forests.
in mountainous, plateau and plain areas or in dry
and wet regions?
The nature of land influences the (i) Different types of soils provide basis for different
type of vegetation. The fertile level is generally types of vegetation. For example, alluvial or
devoted to agriculture. The deltaic soils (marshy, wet soils) of a river sustain
undulating and rough
terrains are areas where grassland and woodlands mangrove forests. Slopes of hills with some
develop and given shelter to a variety of wildlife. depth of soil have conical trees. The sandy soils
of desert sustain cactus and
i) To what extent do you agree that the nature of thorny bushes.
land influences the types of (ii) It is true that
temperature affects the type
Give vegetation? vegetation and its growth. It is because the climaie
only one aspect.
gets colder due to fall in temperature with
Source B Soil
The soils also vary over
space. Different types of For example, on the slopes of the Himalayas and
soils provide basis for different
types of vegetation. the hills of the Peninsula
The sandy soils of the desert above the height o
support cactus and 915 m, the fall in
thorny bushes, while wet, marshy, deltaic soils temperature affects thetypes
support mangroves and deltaic of vegetation and its growth. Here the vegetato
vegetation. The hill
slopes with some depth of soil have conical trees. changes from tropical to sub-tropical, tempcia
and alpine vegetation.

Long Answer (LA) Type Questions [5 Marks eachl

1 Does soil affect the flora and
fauna of a region?
Give any three (i) The wet,
examples to support
marshy, deltaic soils support
answer. angroves and deltaic vegetation. Royal be
Ans. Yes, the soil affects the flora and
ger, turtles, crocodiles, gharials and sn.ah
types of soil vary from of a region. The its fauna.
place to
place. It is
one of the I ) The hill
major physical factors of relief which slopes with some depth of sol
and fauna of a affects the flora conical
region. The common animals found
In the
following ways, soil affects the flora these forests are
Kashmir stag, spotted dear
() The sandy soils of the and fauna sheep, jack rabbit, Tibetan antelop
ope, yak.
desert support cactus and
thorny bushes. These snow leopard, squirrels, shaggy horn wildihev

North-Western part of thevegetation are found in

the bear and red

rats, mice, counury. In these forests thick hair.

panda, sheep and goa
rabbits, fox, wolf, tiger, lion,
horses and camels are the wild ass, Thus, it can be said that soil types affect Hor
conmmon animals. and fauna of a
Natural vegelalion
and Wildlife 207

The following examples justity given
How do forests play à productive role? the
and 2,000 m, wet
Explain. () Between the heights of 1,000
of forests are found. Evergreen
or Why are forests very important to human beings temperate type
trees such as oaks and
and the environment around them? Explain,. broad-leaf
predominate here.
For the following reasons, forests are very 1mportant to forests
Ans. (i) Between 1,500 and 3,000 m, temperate
human beings and the environment around them like pine, deodar,
containing coniferous

( Forests modify local climate, control soil erosion found.

silver fir, spruce and cedar

and regulate stream flow. than 3,600 m

(ii) At high altitudes, generally

i) Forests support a variety of industries, provide forests and

above the sea-level, temperate
Silver fir, junipers,
livelihood tor many communities. These also give way to the alpine vegetation. trees of these
ofer panoramic or scenic view tor recreation. and birches are the c o m m o n
(it) Forests control wind force, temperature and cause forests.
and lichens form part
rainfall. (iv) At higher altitudes, mosses
the soil and shelter to of tundra vegetation.
(iv) Forests provide humus to
mountainous area
the wildlife. Thus, it can be concluded that in
due to decrease
environment clean there is change in natural vegetation
(v) Forests help us to keep our

and pollution free. For example, by preventing in temperature.

dust from entering into the air, absorbing carbon "The main reason for the dwindling wildlife
dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen. 5
resources in India is hunting by greedy
Forests stop rainwater from flowing fast and
hold and suggest
(vi) hunters." Support the statement
down to enrich the
it so that it could percolate some steps to o v e r c o m e this

ground water level (water table). of floral and faunal

Ans. India is rich in diverse heritage due
put under threat
Explain the life. This rich biodiverssity is
3 "India is rich in its fauna.'"
their excessive exploitation by human beings.
statement with example.
forms. The The ecological disturbance created by human
Ans. India is country with variety of life
a vast
caused 1,300 plants species to become endangered
factors have contributed
various climatic and reliet become extinct.
and about 20 species to
to its biodiversity. and
be Quite a few animals species are also endangered
of India's faunal (animal) species
The richness tor the
some have become extinct. The main reason

explained by following examples by

dwindling wildlife resources in India is hunting like
of animals. It
) India has about 90,000 species wild ass, camel, greedy hunters. The hunter kills valuable fauna
includes elephants, rhinoceros, Rhinoceros, Tigers, etc. due to high demand for
etc. It is also the
yak, bisons, antelope, leopard their products.
world that has both tigers
only country in the threats
Steps that can be taken to stop these
and lions.
colourful bird life. It has about () Make people aware for the protection
(i) India also has conservation of wildlite. This can be done by
These include peacocks,
2000 species of birds.
and pigeon.
making them to realise the importance of wildlife.
ducks, parakeets,
fish stock (about (ii) Strict enforcement of law's and greater
(iin) India has around 12% of world laws.
both fresh and marine punishment and fines for violator of such
2,546) which includes in school
Inclusion of wild life conservation
water species. (ii)
5-8% of world's amphibians, reptiles curriculum.
(iv) India has turtles, crocodiles
and animals. The reptiles
include iv) Involving community in the process of
Gharial is the only representative
conservation e.g. community forestry, social
and gharials.
found in the world today. forestry etc.
of a variety of crocodile,
that India is rich in its (v) Providing employment opportunities to local
Thus, we can conclude
youth as tourist guide, forest guide etc.

there is change in
m o u n t a i n o u s area,
"In shares of torest products the
to decrease in
(vi) Providing to

natural vegetation due local community in return tor their

temperature." Justify by giving eftorts in protection and conservation
of wildlife.

from different zones.

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