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Our biggest challenge while planning the lesson was planning out our assessment.

It was difficult

to come up with an assessment that would be effective for the students as well as us to assess

their learning. With the assessment, it was challenging to come up with a creative assessment for

the topic such as an activity that involved group work or interactions.

I feel like we could have included a little more interaction during the lesson. We included a few

questions throughout the power point that involved the students discussing with each other and

then as a class. However, most of our lesson was the power point and lecturing. I think if we did

this again, we could include a more engaging and collaborative activity. This could include

having the students complete an activity in groups or provide more opportunities during the

lesson for interactions instead of using the power point for the main portion.

I think my partner and I co-taught pretty well for this lesson. Although we did designate slides

for each of us, we knew all of the information so we could bounce ideas off of each other and

contribute to all parts. If we did this lesson again, I think we could do more with each speaking

and contributing information on each slide.

As teachers, we achieved our two objectives that we had for the lesson. The first objective was to

recall the main language of Ireland and we know that they learned that because that was a

question on the worksheet and everyone answered it correctly. Our second objective was to

describe parts of the government which we discussed that as a class when the students compared

their government to the United States government. Additionally, they described it on the

worksheet as well. The last part was to identify a fun fact about Ireland which all students did in

the beginning of the lesson by writing it on a post it and putting it on the board. I think our

assessments were effective in that the students were able to express what they learned through

the worksheet and discussions.

I think our visuals were effective in our lesson because they provided a better explanation and

understanding of the topic we were discussing. It gave the students a better insight into the

culture and aspects of Ireland. I think we could have done a better job with not reading off the

slides. At times, I caught myself reading off the slides but we also used other information to

explain the topic. However, I do think we could have expanded on certain topics more and given

a better explanation.

Overall, I think we managed the lesson pretty well. I think the power point took less time than

we expected and we went through it pretty quick. Also, I thought that the students would spend

more time on the worksheet, but that was not the case. However, I think that al

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