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____________ - Discipline that focuses on ways

TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING AND to improve learning and performance for
LEARNING students of all ages and wide range of setting.
7. ____________ - The  branched  of  education
ISTE NATIONAL STANDARD FOR TEACHERS concerned   with   the   scientific study of
Standard 1: instructional design and development.
Standard 2: 8. __________ - Set     of knowledge, skills,
Standard 3: experience   and techniques  through  which 
Standard 4: humans change,    transform    and    use    our
Standard 5: environment in order to create tools, machines,  
products,   and   services that meet our needs
TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS 9. ___________ - Media are defined as the means
Standard 1: by which information is conveyed from one  
Standard 2: place   to   another.   In   the   past century,
Standard 3: various forms  of  media  have been used to
Standard 4: convey instruction and to support leaning.  
Standard 5: 10. __________ - The application of technology to
Standard 6: any of those process involved in operating the
institution which house the education enterprise.
a) ICT
b) Technology 5.
c) Educational Technology 6.
d) Technology in Education Additional Roles of ICTs in Teaching
e) Technology, Media, and Learning 1.
f) Instructional System 2.
g) Instructional Technology 3.
h) Technology Tools 4.
i) Techne 5.
j) Techno 6.
1. __________ - Mode of education that use
information and communications technology to
support, enhance, and optimize the delivery   of  
information. Or teaching tools and resources
used for transmitting, storing, creating, sharing, TEST D. Creating Trello: Organizing of the different
or exchanging data for information. concept through the use of concept mapping
2. ___________ - Combined use of computer Choices:
hardware, software, and educational theory and a) Concept Map
practice to facilitate learning. b) Concept
3. __________ - Refers to software,  primarily,  c) Relationship
the  can  be  used to develop    or    support     1. ___________ - Diagram that shows the
online    course content. relationships between different ideas
4. Technology comes from the Greek word 2. ____________ - by circles, ovals, or boxes and
__________ which means craft or art. are called “nodes.”
5. __________ - A “planned, systematic method of 3. ____________ - Represented by arrows that
working to achieve planned outcome a process connect the concepts, and the arrows often
not a product. Technology is the applied side of include a connecting word or verb
scientific development. ( Dale 1969)
Purposes of concept map the right to privacy, the right to communicate and
1. ________________ intellectual property rights. Access of the Use of Internet
2. ________________ and ICT. Access means the possibility for everyone to
3. ________________ use the internet and other media. In richer countries,
4. ________________ basic access to internet is almost available to all with
faster broadband connections. There are still countries
where access to the internet is still a challenge.
Types of concept mapping
Choices: Some Issues on ICT and Internet Policy and
a) Spider map Regulations
b) Flowchart
c) Hierarchy map Choices:
d) System map
1. __________ - The most complex of all of the a) Issue No 1: Freedom of Expression and
types of concept maps. As it shows all of the Censorship
different parts of a concept and how they’re b) Issue No 2: Privacy and Security
interrelated. Connecting lines can include a “ + “ c) Issue No. 3: Surveillance and Data Retention
or “ –“ to note positive and negative d) Issue No. 4: E- Pollutants From E-waste
2. __________ - Shows the steps of a process. 1. ___________ - Large amount of e-waste is
Arrow represent different choices that are made generated by ICT. These are, terminal
or action that are taken. Almost like choosing equipment’s used for computing (PCs, laptops),
your own adventure. broadcasting (television and radio sets),
3. __________ - Looks like a spider web. Start
telephony (fixed and mobile phones) and
with core idea at the center, then the branch
outwards to subtopics in a radial pattern. Your peripherals (fax machines, printers, and
subtopics can branch out into smaller subtopics, scanners). The accumulated e-waste is due to
and so on so forth. rapid turnover of equipment due to rapid
4. __________ - Shows the order of something. improvement of software. While material waste
can be destroyed by crushing, toxic material
_________ Is the visual work management tool that brought about by the different equipment
empowers teams to ideate, plan, manage, and celebrate requires utmost management.
their work together in a collaborative, productive, and 2. ___________ - Privacy policies are an issue.
organized way. Most commercial sites have a privacy policy.
REVIEW: The good When someone uses a site and clicks “I agree”,
1. ___________________ it is as if you have turned over private
2. ___________________ information to any authority that may access it.
3. ___________________ 3. ___________ - The use of electronic
4. ___________________ communications has enhanced the development
5. ___________________
of indirect surveillance, there is no direct contact
6. ___________________
REVIEW: The bad between the agent and the subject of surveillance,
but evidence of activities can be traced. The new
1. _________________
and powerful form of indirect surveillance is
2. _________________
dataveillance. Dataveillance is the use of
3. _________________
personal information to monitor a person’s
MODULE 2- ICT POLICIES AND SAFETY ISSUES activities while data retention is the storage and
ON THE INTERNET AND IMPLICATIONS TO use of information from communication system.
TEACHING AND LEARNING 4. ___________ - Under international human rights
Policies and Issues on the Internet and Implications to convention, all people are guaranteed the rights
Teaching and Learning for free expression. However, with the shift from
communicating through letter, newspapers and
__________ - Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of public meetings to electronic communications
issues in ICT Policy which are crucial to modern society. and on-line networking, a need to look into how
The other concern is civil liberties which refer to human these new means modifies the understanding of
rights and freedom. These include freedom of expression, freedom of expression and censorship.
Implications to Teaching and Learning - There are
great implications of this lesson to both the teachers who
Minor Misuse of ICT
are teaching and the learners who are learning. A few of
these are as follows: In school, some misuses made by learners including
the following:
For the Teachers and Teaching
2. 3.
__________ - takes care not only of internet
For the Learners and Learning - _________________
technologies but also of electronic communications via
_____________________________________________ mobile phones, games console and wireless technology.
_____________________________________________ It highlights the need to educate children and young
people about the benefits, risks, and responsibilities of
using information technology.
Benefits/Helps of E-Safety:
Safety Issues including Digital Safety Issues - Safety 1.
Issues on the Use of ICT including E-Safety Rules 2.
Some Risks in the Use of Information 3.
Communication and Technology (ICT)- Technology is 4. .
a phenomenon that seems to be uncontrollable.
Safeguards and protections should be the primordial role
of parents, teachers, and schools. There are so many Safety Rules or Online Safety Tips
risks that we must be aware of in the use of digital
A. Keep Personal Information Professional and
These are the following:
1. Exposure to inappropriate content, including on- B. Keep Your Privacy Settings On
line pornography, extremism (exposure to C. Practice Safe Browsing
violence associates with racist language). D. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is
2. Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicide Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection
sites, and hate sites. E. Be Careful What You Download
3. Cyber-bullying in all forms, receiving sexually F. Choose Strong Passwords
explicit images or messages. G. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites
4. Privacy issues including disclosure of personal H. Be Careful What You Post
information. I. Be Careful Who You Meet Online
5. Health and well-being (amount of time spent on- J. Keep Your Antivirus Program Up To Date
line, internet gaming and many more.
6. Prolonged exposure to on-line technologies, 1. ___________- People you meet online are not
particularly at an early age. always who they claim to be. Indeed, they may
7. Addiction to gambling and gaming. not even be real. As InfoWorld reports, fake
8. Theft and fraud from activities such as phishing. social media profiles are a popular way for
9. Viruses, Trojans, spyware, and other malware; hackers to cozy up to unwary Web users and
and pick their cyber pockets. Be as cautious and
10. Social pleasure to maintain online networks via sensible in your online social life as you are in
texting and social networking sites. your in-person social life
your bank account number. To further improve
2. __________- Potential employers or customers your Internet browsing safety, use secure VPN
don’t need to know your personal relationship connection (virtual private network ). VPN
status or your home address. They do need to enables you to have a secure connection between
know about your expertise and professional your device and an Internet server that no one
background, and how to get in touch with you. can monitor or access the data that you’re
3. _________ - You wouldn’t choose to walk
through a dangerous neighborhood—don’t visit
dangerous neighborhoods online. 7. ___________ - Passwords are one of the biggest
Cybercriminals use lurid content as bait. They weak spots in the whole Internet security
know people are sometimes tempted by dubious structure, but there's currently no way around
content and may let their guard down when them. Select strong passwords that are harder for
searching for it. The Internet’s demimonde is cybercriminals to demystify. Password manager
filled with hard-to-see pitfalls, where one software can help you to manage multiple
careless click could expose personal data or passwords so that you don't forget them. A
infect your device with malware. By resisting strong password is one that is unique and
the urge, you don't even give the hackers a complex—at least 15 characters long, mixing
chance. letters, numbers and special characters.

4. ___________- Marketers love to know all about 8. _____________ - Any time you make a
you, and so do hackers. Both can learn a lot from purchase online, you need to provide credit card
your browsing and social media usage. But you or bank account information—just what
can take charge of your information. As noted cybercriminals are most eager to get their hands
by Life hacker, both web browsers and mobile on. Only supply this information to sites that
operating systems have settings available to provide secure, encrypted connections. As
protect your privacy online. Major Websites like Boston University notes, you can identify secure
Facebook also have privacy enhancing settings sites by looking for an address that starts with
available. These settings are sometimes https: (the S stands for secure) rather than simply
(deliberately) hard to find because companies http: They may also be marked by a padlock
want your personal information for its marketing icon next to the address bar.
value. Make sure you have enabled these privacy
safeguards, and keep them enabled.
9. ___________ - Internet security software cannot
protect against every threat, but it will detect and
5. _________ - A top goal of cybercriminals is to remove most malware—though you should
trick you into downloading malware— programs make sure it’s to date. Be sure to stay current
or apps that carry malware or try to steal with your operating system’s updates and
information. This malware can be disguised as updates to applications you use. They provide a
an app: anything from a popular game to vital layer of security.
something that checks traffic or the weather. As
PCWorld advises, don't download apps that look 10. __________ - The Internet does not have a
suspicious or come from a site you don't trust. delete key, as that young candidate in New
Hampshire found out. Any comment or image
6. ___________ - Corporate cybersecurity experts you post online may stay online forever because
worry about “endpoints”—the places where a removing the original (say, from Twitter) does
private network connects to the outside world. not remove any copies that other people made.
Your vulnerable endpoint is your local Internet There is no way for you to “take back” a remark
connection. Make sure your device is secure, you wish you hadn’t made, or get rid of that
and when in doubt, wait for a better time (i.e., embarrassing selfie you took at a party.
until you’re able to connect to a secure Wi-Fi
network) before providing information such as

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