01 eLMLS Activity 1

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Read and understand the readings provided. Give what are asked below.

 Reading 1: List at least 15 words you first encounter from the text, then find the
meaning of each word. (2pts each)
You can access the Reading List on the "Handouts, Skills Checklist, task Performance, &
Worksheet" tab.
1. Humanitas - Latin noun meaning human nature, civilization, and kindness. People in the state of
culture in civilized society
2. Divinitas - gods that live in perfection in the heavens.
3. Pietas - a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus Christ on her lap
or in her arms.
4. Homo Humanus - comes from the Latin humanus, thought to be a hybrid relative of homo,
meaning “man,” and humus, meaning “earth.
5. Barbaritas - savages in the state of nature for survival
6. Fallibility - the tendency to make mistakes or be wrong.
7. Barbarisim - The condition of having no civilizing influences or refined culture.
8. Paleographer - Paleography is the study of old handwriting.
9. Ornithologist - An ornithologist is someone who studies ornithology — the branch of science
devoted to birds.
10. Pseudo-impressionistic - also spelled pseudo-realism, is a term used in a variety of discourses
connoting artistic and dramatic techniques, or work of art, film and literature perceived as
superficial, not-real, or non-realistic.
11. Appreciationism - naïve observers
12. Connoisseurship - clinical examination in terms of provenance and authorship, evaluation in
terms of quality and condition.
13. Vita contemplative - Latin term used by Augustine and scholastics means contemplative life.
14. Vita activa - active life
15. Eruditio - it is a profound knowledge that is based on learning. It's related to the city region
being called "City of Scholars".

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