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Level 4

End-of-year practice test: B1

in the style of Cambridge B1 Preliminary for Schools

Paper 1: Reading

Name: __________________________
Class: __________________________
Teacher: __________________________
Time: 45 minutes


Do not open this question paper until you are told to.

Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.

Answer all the questions.

You must complete the paper within the time limit.


There are six parts to this test.

Parts 1–6: Questions carry 1 mark each.

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Level 4

Part 1
Questions 1–5
For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). There is one example.

Ellie, A Ellie should rest.
I hear you have a stomach ache. B Ellie must go to bed.
You’d better go home, lie down and rest. C Ellie is at home resting.

A Tom shouldn’t be at the station.
I’ve been waiting here at the station
B Tom’s at the station.
for 45 minutes! Where are you?
C Tom might be at the station.

2 To: Sam Jasmine thinks

From: Jasmine A Sam’s thumb must really hurt.

B Sam shouldn’t break his thumb.
I’m sorry to hear about your broken
C if Sam broke his thumb, it would be
thumb. That sounds painful!
Get well soon.

3 Megan
Hi Jess, A wasn’t able to book the tickets.
I’m afraid I didn’t manage to book the B wishes she could book the tickets today.
tickets today. I’ll try again tomorrow. C can’t have booked the tickets.

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Level 4

Part 1 continued

Thanks, but I can’t come out for lunch A Justin can’t have had breakfast.
right now. I’m still studying. (I started at B Justin’s been studying all morning.
8.30 this morning!) I’ll eat later. C Justin shouldn’t have lunch while he
Justin studies.

T-SHIRTS PRINTED HERE A You must have printed a T-shirt here.
B You can print yourself a T-shirt here.
Choose a T-shirt!
C You can have a T-shirt printed here.
Choose a design!

Choose a colour!


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Level 4

Part 2
Questions 6–10
For each question, choose the correct answer (A–H). There is one example.

The people below all want to go on holiday this summer.

Read the adverts for eight holidays.
Decide which holiday would be the most suitable for each person.

0 Luke’s very interested in art and architecture. He’d

like to visit a historic city and experience the culture
there. B
6 Rachel broke her leg six weeks ago, so she doesn’t
want a very active holiday. She’s interested in art
and she’d like to learn a new skill and to meet new
people. ___
7 Karl loves nature. He wants a break, but he doesn’t
like lying around and doing nothing. He thinks he’d
probably enjoy himself more if he did some work
when on holiday. ___
8 Wes and Fiona love sightseeing. Wes loves
photography and Fiona likes collecting souvenirs
from all the places they visit. They both love going
out in the evening. ___
9 Mary loves swimming and walking. She’s recently
become concerned about climate change and is
trying to find ways to use less energy. ___
10 Mel and Alice want to sunbathe by a pool in the day
and go out and have fun in the city at night. They
don’t have time to book hotels, taxis and
restaurants in advance. ___

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Level 4

Part 2 continued

A Island Apartments B Venice Break

If you want to get away from it all, fly to our self- A four-day break for art lovers and history fans
catering apartments in the middle of the ocean! everywhere. Explore the culture and history of
You’re a long way from mainland, but if it’s this stunning Italian city. Our experienced guide
peace and quiet that you want, this is the holiday will show you works of art most tourists are
for you. There are lots of walks and water sports never able to see.
to do. If you rent a motorbike, you can easily
explore the island in a day. D Hotel Breaks
Our package holiday organizers will get you from
C Eco-friendly Lakeside Cabins the airport to your hotel (with pool) and back
Our holidays combine luxury and sustainability. again. Breakfast, lunch and evening meals are
Our eco cabins are set in beautiful settings next included. And, it’s just a short walk into the city if
to the lake. You can walk, cycle, swim, relax and you want to try something different.
feel good about the environment.
F Conservation Volunteering
E Your World, Your Art Go where the tourists don’t go! Help a team of
Love nature? Love art? This is the holiday for experts in South Africa carry out exciting
you. In the morning, you’ll walk and draw in the conservation tasks. Activities include tracking
mountains. Back in the studio after lunch, our endangered species, observing animal
experts will help you transform your drawings behaviour and taking photos of animals.
into paintings, sculptures and textiles.
H Paris de Luxe
G Studio Time This five-star sightseeing holiday in Paris
We offer short courses in drawing, painting, includes three walking tours of the city. During
textiles and computer graphics. Accommodation trips to the many attractions in this city, there’ll
and meals are provided, and you’re sure to be plenty of opportunities to take photos, and to
make new friends at our evening events. visit shops and markets.
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Level 4

Part 3
Questions 11–15
For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). There is one example.

Art therapist, Monica Cook, talks about her work

When we were children, art was often the best part of school. Who didn’t enjoy drawing, painting and making
things? It was creative, fun, relaxing, and we all got a great feeling from creating something.
I believe everyone needs art, not just children. Experts now understand that art therapy can help cure people’s
physical and emotional pain. It can’t stop people feeling pain completely, but it can alter the way people feel
about themselves and their pain.
I’ve been working as an art therapist for about ten years. I always thought I wanted to be an artist, so I got an
art qualification at college and then worked as an artist for a while. I was able to sell my paintings and ceramics,
but it was a lonely job. I realized I wanted to help others, so I decided to study as an art therapist. I studied for
another two years and got an art therapy qualification.
People think you have to be good at art if you want art therapy to help you, but that’s not true. Making
something and then talking about what you’ve made is a great way to express your feelings about difficult
I work with children and adults who have social and emotional issues. I provide lots of good quality art
materials so they can draw or paint, or do textiles, or whatever’s right for them. Sometimes people talk a lot,
other times they don’t say much. I watch and listen carefully, and over a period of time, we build a relationship
which helps them feel better.
Recently I’ve been taking part in a wonderful community street art project in my town. I think art can help
whole communities feel better about themselves as well as individual people.

0 Monica Cook believes that

A children should do more art at school.
B if people did more art, they wouldn’t need to take medicine.
C when people do art, they feel better.
D adults don’t enjoy art as much as children.

11 What is Monica trying to do in the text?

A explain exactly how art therapy works
B describe how art helped her feel better about herself
C advise people how to become art therapists
D explain why she believes her work is important

12 Why did Monica study art therapy?

A Because she wasn’t able to sell her work.
B Because she wanted to work with people.
C Because she wanted to be a student again.
D Because there were art forms she couldn’t do.

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Level 4

Part 3 continued
13 What would Monica say to someone who needed help, but who wasn’t very good at art?
A What kind of art would you like to try?
B You should have some art lessons then come back and see me in six months.
C If you made a sculpture, it would help you feel better.
D Tell me all about your problems.

14 How does Monica feel about the street art project?

A It must have been very important.
B It will be good for her town.
C She’s been doing it for too long.
D It raises people’s awareness about social issues.

15 Which would be a good introduction to this article?

Art therapist, Monica Cook, has been
Monica Cook wishes more individuals
working as an art therapist since she
and communities used art to improve
first left college. Here she explains why
themselves. She tells us why.
she thinks her job is so special.

In this article, Monica Cook describes When Monica Cook realized she was
how her work as an art therapist helps no longer able to work as an artist, she
people and groups feel better about discovered a new career as an art
themselves. therapist.

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Level 4

Part 4
Questions 16–20
Six sentences have been removed from the text below.
For each question, choose the correct answer (A–H). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to
use. There is one example.

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

Born in 2000, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is an environmental activist and a hip-hop artist. He’s also youth director of Earth

Guardians, a group of young activists, artists and musicians from around the world who want to bring about social and

environmental change. (0) D

Xiuhtezcatl (whose name is pronounced ‘shuTEZcat’) is from Colorado, USA. His mother, Tamara Roske, founded

Earth Guardians in Hawaii, in 1992. (16) ___ He taught Xiuhtezcatl to understand from a very young age that all life on

Earth is incredibly special and powerfully connected.

When Xiuhtezcatl was 6, he watched a documentary about the environment which moved him deeply. (17) ___ He

cares passionately about conservation, and he also understands that there are some important social issues that are

closely connected to environmental issues.

Xiuhtezcatl has spoken several times to the United Nations in New York about climate change, and thousands of

people have seen the videos online. (18) ___ In 2013, he won the United States Community Service Award. He has

been involved in a tree-planting project in twenty countries.

At school, Xiuhtezcatl was in a band which performed a protest song about how the search for oil and gas damages

the environment. (19) ___ ‘It was scary,’ says Xiuhtezcatl. ‘But we are fighting for the health of the waters, the air, our


To many people, Xiuhtezcatl is a hero. But his message to young people is simple. (20) ___ Find what you’re

passionate about, and use that to make the world a better place.

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Level 4

Part 4 continued

A He’s also helped stop the use of chemicals in parks in his city and he’s supported the argument for shops to
charge money for plastic bags.
B Xiuhtezcatl writes and produces hip-hop music about the environment with his younger brother and sister.
C People in the fossil fuel industry who were unhappy about this wrote angry comments about Xiuhtezcatl on the
Earth Guardian’s website.
D He believes young people have the power to change the world.
E His father, Siri Martinez, is of Aztec heritage.
F You don’t have to be an activist to make a difference.
G He spends around two months of the year travelling to other countries to raise awareness about global
H Since then, he has been speaking about climate change and trying to save the planet.

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Level 4

Part 5
Questions 21–26
For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). There is one example.

Making a difference

Lots of us are keen to do things to make the world a better

place. Many people (0) C money for charity by getting

involved in organized running, cycling and swimming

events. While it’s great that so many people take (21) ___

in these sports events, not everyone is able to join in. So

what else can people do to (22) ___ good causes? Here

are some ideas:

• Organize a cake sale. Ask people to donate cakes which you can sell for (23) ___ .

• If you’re a creative person, you could use your art or music to (24) ___ people’s awareness about issues you care


• Feeling brave? Have your hair or beard (25) ___ or shaved off for a good cause.

• Finally, if you want to make a difference without even leaving the house, remember there are always lots of online

petitions you can (26) ___ .

0 A donate B support C raise D increase

21 A part B time C place D turns

22 A support B protect C save D raise

23 A cause B event C campaign D charity

24 A vary B help C raise D lift

25 A removed B dyed C painted D pierced

26 A collect B write C protest D sign

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Level 4

Part 6
Questions 27–32
For each question, write the correct answer.
Write ONE word for each gap. There is one example.

Electric cars and other vehicles

At a time when people are increasingly aware of the harmful effects of global (0) warming, many people are looking for

ways to reduce their impact on the environment.

Millions of people travel (27) ___________ car every day. Regular cars produce large quantities of emissions which

cause air pollution. If more people drove electric cars, the air (28) ___________ be much cleaner.

And why stop at cars? All big cities have public (29) ___________ systems, with buses, taxis, undergrounds and

trams. It would be so much better for the environment if all buses and taxis (30) ___________ electric.

It’s a shame that electric cars and other vehicles are (31) ___________ expensive at the moment. Perhaps it won’t be

long before prices come down. In the meantime, it’s important to raise people’s awareness of how powerful these cars

could be in the fight against climate (32) ___________ .

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