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When Ward 3 asked for protection ... Owen came through.

Lisa DePiano: "He was very present both emotionally and in action with the recent house fires. I personally felt at ease knowing that Owen was engaged in forming the Neighborhood Watch and working on the arson victims' fund."

Lola Reid: "I have been particularly struck by his ability to listen to various sides of an issue and was especially pleased that he was able to bring balance to the Neighborhood Watch, steering it from a hard-line approach it might have had."

Owen talks about gathering community consensus ... and that is what he has done.
Nicholas Horton: "I've had the great pleasure of interacting with Owen over the past few years through his work on the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and our advocacy of the expansion of the bike trails through town. He's the real deal and I know he is serious about bike issues." George Kohout: "Owen and I collaborated on the recent 2010 Census campaign and the committee discussions leading to the formation of the Zoning Revisions Committee. His enthusiasm, attention to detail and thoughtful contributions have made a big impression on me."

Dillon Sussman: "He helped build a relationship between the Smith College Landscape Studies Department and Ward 3. When I served on the Zoning Revisions Committee, he provided valuable feedback. He and I worked on creating two different neighborhood surveys regarding planning issues in Ward 3: one about green space and one about infill. What I respect most about Owen is that he doesn't just talk about things- he does them."

Jesse M. Adams: "Owen was my Treasurer and one of my top policy advisors when I successfully ran for City Councilor At Large. I know that he will encourage open and honest debates about all issues, will listen and weigh the concerns and interests of the people with an open mind, and will show shrewd judgment in his decision-making."

Joel Spiro: "I had the pleasure of working with Owen on Northampton's Complete Count Committee for the federal census. Owen volunteered his leadership in Ward 3, and helped organize other volunteers. Owen was always there when you needed him and inspired all of us."

Owen says he su~ports public education ... and has acted on it.
Ellen Nigrosh: "Owen has also been a valuable and dedicated member of the NEF Endowment Distribution Committee. He has great ideas, he follows through on his commitments, he listens to all points of view, and he thinks things through." Deb Christakos: "Owen worked on the Vote Yes campaign in Ward 3 as a highly motivated and informed volunteer. He worked with former School Committee member Tim Fisher to promote Safe Routes to School. He is also a member of the NEF Endowment Distribution Committee, which has funded several noteworthy public school initiatives including Green Action and Creative Classrooms."

Jack Finn: "I have worked alongside Owen Freeman-Daniels on committees for the Northampton Education Foundation and have been impressed with his eagerness to work hard. Owen's approach has always been to be intellectually rigorous and to fully grasp issues before proposing solutions."

He's done the worl<.

He doesn't quit.

Owen not only thinks about the economy ... he delivered.

Tara Brewster: "His dedication to the economy of this region is unwavering. Through the NAYP he has helped launch many projects that have improved the greater good for many residents of Hampshire County. I know that if elected he will work diligently for his hometown as he has for most of his life."

On Owen Freeman-Daniels:

Steven Bandarra: "Owen has shown himself to be someone who cares deeply about our ward. On the Chamber's Economic Development Committee he has consistently been a passionate advocate for our neighborhood. He is hard working, responsible, and not afraid to speak up on our behalf."

WhenWard3 needed representation, Owen stepped UP.. and stayea 1n.

"Owen quickly stepped into a leadership role on the ad hoc committee that formed to help raise money for the victims. Owen did an amazing job in helping represent his ward, organizing events ... helping ensure that there would be professional stewardship for the funds raised and that they would be distributed equitably." Michael Kusek

JennyLadd: "I have enjoyed working with Owen on the Core Committee of the Valley Time Trade, an organization dedicated to building local resiliency using time as a currency. He has put in a great deal of time helping this fledgling organization get off the ground. He has demonstrated integrity, passion for community, and direct, critical thinking."

Vote August 2nd

at the Senior Center on Conz Street
Need an absentee ballot? Contact us. email: Call Owen: 413.530.1054 Facebook Owenforward3 Twitter Owenforward3

"From the beginning of our work together on the Ward Three Neighborhood Association, I have been impressed by Owen's commitment and tenacity in working for the best interests of the ward. Significantly, even when we have disagreed, I appreciate his respectful manner and his ability to listen to others. Owen never excludes contrasting points of view from the table ... he has a proven record of being able to connect and collaborate with a diverse range of people to get things done for our ward and our City." Madeline Weaver Blanchette

Paid for by The Committee to Elect Owen Freeman-Daniels Madeline Weaver Blanchette, Treasurer, 41 Valley St, Northampton, MA 01060 Photography: David Newton Design: Zalkind

"He is not only active in the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association but has a perspective on city-wide issues that will help the City of Northampton for years to come. He has excelled in issues of education, city-wide planning, and is an excellent communicator." Marilyn Richards

Owen Freeman-Daniels for City Councilor Ward3

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