Bản Sao Của SMART Marketing Goal Template

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How to Determine

Your SMART Marketi

Goals [Template]

Free HubSpot Academy Lesson: Setting Business Goals

Discover different frameworks for setting goals to focus and align your business.

Get Started
How to Use This Template:
Each template in this kit is designed
to help you achieve a different task
-- defining, calculating, and
evaluating your SMART goals.

Follow the unique instructions on

each individual tab in this
workbook to get started.

iness Goals
n your business.
Define Your SMART Marketing Goal

About the SMART Goal Framework

How to Use This Template
The SMART goal setting framework allows you to set clear and measurable goals
Below, you'll find an example of a SMART marketing goal on the left
while encouraging you to think about how you'll get there. Whether you're setting
goal on the right. We recommend starting at the top in the "Initial Goa
goals for this week or this year, this template can help you clarify your thinking and
through each aspect of a SMART goal, ensuring that your initial goal m
set up tracking so that you know when you've accomplished what you've set out to

SMART Goal Attributes & Definitions Example Initial Goal

I want to generate more leads.

Specific Step 1: Make it specific.

Without defining exactly what you're trying to improve, it's difficult to outline the
steps you need to take to make progress. A specific goal is one that you could share I want to generate a greater number of qualified
with your CEO in 10 seconds that would clearly explain what you're trying to leads from our blog for our sales team.

Measurable Step 2: Make it measurable.

It's crucial that your goal is trackable and numeric. Many teams simply say that they
want to grow their social media following, for example, but they don't specify by
I want to grow the number of leads generated per
how much they'd like to grow it. As soon as you attach a number to your goal, you'll
month from our blog by 20%.
be able to track exactly how far you've come since you set the goal and how far you
have left until you reach it.

While aiming to break records can be beneficial -- and here at HubSpot we're all
about exceeding our targets -- it's important to keep these goals realistic. If your Since we generate around 100 leads Step 3: Make it attainable.
per month
company has historically gained 10 social media followers per month, aiming to from our blog right now, I want to grow the
grow your social following by 1,000 followers next month would be drastic. Don't let number of leads generated per month from our
your team members feel so discouraged by a huge goal that they lose motivation. blog to 120 per month.
Instead, set your team and yourself up to succeed by creating goals that are realistic.
Relevant Step 4: Make it relevant.

I want to grow the number of leads generated per

Ask yourself why you're setting the goal that you are. How is it going to contribute to
month from our blog to 120 per month because
the company's bottom line? Ultimately, the marketing goal you set should be tied
our sales team finds that blog leads convert to
back to business impact. If it's not, consider how you can change or adjust your
customers at 3X the rate of leads from PPC
initial goal.

Time-Bound Step 5: Make it time-bound.

The final aspect of the SMART framework is one of the most important: setting a I want to grow the number of leads generated per
timeline for meeting your goal. Without a timeline, you won't be able to determine month from our blog to 120 per month because
whether the smaller changes you're making are keeping you on track toward our sales team finds that blog leads convert to
achieving your ultimate goal. Setting a timeline is also key for internal alignment. customers at 3X the rate of leads from PPC
When you're generating significantly more leads, for example, you'll need to make advertising. I'll reach 120 blog leads generated
sure your sales team has the bandwidth to reach out to all of them. per month by 6 months from today.
marketing goal on the left and adjacent spaces for your own
the top in the "Initial Goal" box and working your way down
uring that your initial goal meets SMART standards along the

Your Initial Goal

[Write your initial goal here.]

p 1: Make it specific.

[Write your specific goal here.]

2: Make it measurable.
[Write your specific, measurable goal here.]

3: Make it attainable.
[Write your specific, measurable, attainable goal

4: Make it relevant.

[Write your specific, measurable, attainable,

relevant goal here.]

5: Make it time-bound.

[Write your SMART goal here!]

Calculate Your SMART Marketing Goals

How to Use These Calculators

Simply input the number of visitors and leads that you generate currently and your target increase in the lightly yellow-, orange-, and red-shaded cells

We'll calculate your recommended goals in the darker yellow, orange, and red cells.

VISITS Number of monthly visits

[Insert your current monthly site visits in

the cell just below this one. Share
information about your goal in the two
below that cell.]

Current 1000

Month-over-month % increase goal 5%

How many months out is your goal? 6

Recommended monthly traffic goal:

Recommended Goal 1340
LEADS Average number of monthly website visits Visitor-to-lead conversion rate

[Insert your current monthly site visits in [Insert your current vistor-to-lead CVR in
the cell just below this one.] the cell just below this one.]

Current 1000 5.00%

By what % would you like to increase your

vistor-to-lead conversion rate each month?

How many months out is your goal? 6

Recommended visitor-to-lead CVR goal:

Recommended Goals n/a -- leave blank 5.97%

CUSTOMERS Average number of monthly leads Lead-to-customer conversion rate

[Insert your current number of monthly [Insert your current lead-to-customer

leads in the cell just below this one.] CVR in the cell just below this one.]

Current 100 5.00%

By what % would you like to increase your
lead-to-customer conversion rate each 5%

How many months out is your goal? 6

Recommended lead-to-customer CVR goal:

Recommended Goals n/a -- leave blank 6.70%
orange-, and red-shaded cells (the cells with black
Number of leads

We estimate that you currently generate this

many leads per month from your website


Recommended monthly lead goal:


Number of customers

We estimate that you currently generate this

many customers per month from your
marketing efforts:

Recommended monthly new customer goal:
Evaluate Your SMART Marketing Goal

What is your SMART marketing

[Write your SMART goal here!]

Do you feel that this goal is

realistically attainable in the time
frame you've set?

How many hours per week can

you dedicate to inbound

What is the biggest marketing

challenge preventing you from
achieving this goal?
What are three steps you can take
to reduce or remove that
challenge and succeed in reaching
this goal?
Please note that your SMART goal from the first tab (cell
F23), if you've filled it in, will populate in the cell to the left.

Otherwise, you can write your own goal in cell D3 here.

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