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Review Article

UHPC evolution, development, and utilization in

construction: a review

M.A. Bajaber*, I.Y. Hakeem

Civil Engineering Department, Najran University, King Abdulaziz Road, P.O Box 1988, Najran, Saudi Arabia

article info abstract

Article history: An advanced development in construction industry was achieved by applying ultra-high-
Received 12 August 2020 performance concrete technology (UHPC). Intensive research efforts had been concen-
Accepted 17 December 2020 trated in construction to produced amazing levels of qualities with strength greater than
Available online 20 December 2020 150 MPa and high durability that had never been thought possible before. With this tech-
nology, it is possible to construct structures beyond the usual designs but with limited use
Keywords: in construction since it is not commercially viable to replace conventional concrete in most
Ultra-high-performance concrete applications. This is attributed to the high cost of materials, the lack of their availability,
(UHPC) limited design codes, and complicated manufacturing and curing techniques. This paper
Fundamental reviews the evolution of UHPC and the suggested ideas to replace its expensive composites
Raw materials by cementitious materials. However, concrete made with these alternative materials will
Properties not be of the same quality as the standard UHPC. Another promising choice, which seems
Application to be more practical and easier to promote UHPC technology in construction, is looming on
the horizon. It is based on the utilization of UHPC in hybrid structures by combining UHPC
with other construction materials. The cost of production will hopefully be reduced with
such composite structures that have the advantages of the combined materials. Therefore,
it is recommended to continue research into this choice which will increase the potential
of UHPC to be more accepted in many different construction applications.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

Roman materials was reduced, with builders depending on

1. Introduction the use of stones and mortar.
However, modern concrete was introduced in the 19th
Historically, concrete has been used in construction since century. It was developed extensively during the 20th century,
Roman times. Roman concrete consisted of aggregates such as as a major component of most construction and building op-
pieces of rocks, bricks, or ceramic tiles, with gypsum and erations. It has become one of the most frequently used ma-
quicklime as a binding material, and volcanic dust called terials everywhere in construction. By the turn of this century,
pozzolana to resist salt water [1]. It was used in many Roman an amazing advanced development in concrete was accom-
structures, like the Colosseum, an open-air venue [2], and the plished by applying ultra-high-performance concrete
Pantheon, a former Roman temple [3]. After that, the use of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.A. Bajaber).
2238-7854/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4 1059

Fig. 1 e Breakdown structure for the brief review.

technology, known by the acronym, UHPC. This new tech-

nology allowed amazing levels of qualities that had never 2. Modern concrete and UHPC evolution
been thought possible before. The major significance of this
paper is to: represent all important components and charac- 2.1. Traditional production
teristics of the ultra-high performance concrete; highlight the
UHPC applications in construction; and introduce the field of Modern concrete began with sand and different sizes of
designing structures either by UHPC alone or UHPC with other gravel, which were mixed in the presence of water with the
construction materials that are friendly to the environment, great binding material, Portland cement, which binds all ag-
less costs, and more strong and durable. Fig. 1 shows the gregates together into stone-like material [4]. Portland cement
breakdown structure of this brief review including three basic was invented by Joseph Aspdin in 1824; it is made by heating
headings: modern concrete and UHPC evolution; the supple- and grinding the minerals of limestone and clay with a small
mentary materials used to enhance UHPC in construction; and addition of gypsum. Later, it was advanced by his son, William
the general applications and hybrid utilization of UHPC in Aspdin in the 1840s [5]. The plain concrete made of Portland
construction. cement and aggregates is usually considered as the first gen-
eration of concrete [4].

Fig. 2 e The increase in compressive strength of concrete

Fig. 3 e The relationship of compressive strength with
over 100 years (Spasojevic, [7]).
water:binder (w/b) ratio (Yang et al., [9]).
1060 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4

Fig. 4 e Traditional concrete versus UHPC (Mishra and Singh, [13]).

However, this concrete was associated with a lack of ten- figure, the compressive strength was between 20 and 40 MPa
sile strength and ductility, leading to failure in beam and slab during the first half of the century [6].
structures. Accordingly, this led to the second generation of After the middle of the 20th century, a challenge arose to
concrete, in which reinforcement with steel bars was thought increase the strength to carry greater loads for more advanced
to be a solution to these problems. Joseph Monier and Francois constructions. During those decades, the compressive
Coignet were the first pioneers of concrete reinforcement strength exceeded 40 MPa, as shown in Fig. 2 [4]. This was
during the second half of the 19th century. They granted many achieved through careful selection of aggregates since weak
patents for reinforcing different types of structures. Since ones may not be strong enough to carry heavy loads, and
then, the combination of steel bars and concrete was the through decreasing the ratio of water to binder material. This
dominant construction material throughout the 19th and 20th ratio is inversely proportional to the compressive strength, as
centuries. Fig. 2 shows the increase in the compressive shown by Fig. 3. The reduction of water content was possible
strength of concrete during the 20th century. As shown in the through the invention of water-reducing admixtures [8] which
enable the engineers to increase the strength without
affecting workability.

2.2. New generation of modern concrete

2.2.1. Principles and definition

In spite of the previous improvements, still there was a need
for: (a) concrete with higher strength; (b) a solution to stop the
penetration of Chloride ions and other harmful materials into
the concrete which would lead to iron rebar corrosion and
poor concrete durability; and (c) alternative materials that
could substitute Portland cement to reduce the CO2 emissions
discharged into the atmosphere during cement production.
Accordingly, Ultra-High-Performance Concrete or UHPC
was developed as a new concrete technology that could meet
the desired criteria. Its development is based on the under-
standing that lowering the water to cement ratio is not
enough alone to achieve the required properties. In addition,
an optimized packing is required of fine and ultrafine parti-
cles; the size distribution, as well as the shape and texture
quality of these particles must all be carefully controlled
Fig. 4 illustrates the difference of the packing system be-
tween UHPC and conventional concrete. As shown in the
figure, the density of the UHPC matrix is more enhanced. This
requires coarse aggregates to be eliminated and ultrafine
Fig. 5 e Basic components of UHPC Material. particles to be distributed at the microstructure level to fill the
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Table 1 e Optimum mix proportions for 1 m3 of UHPC Table 2 e Physical and chemical/mineralogical properties
mixturea. of the dune sand.
Mix component Weight (Kg) Typical Range (Kg)b Property Range (%)
Premix Materials Fineness modulus 0.9e3.0
Fine dune sand 1005 490e1390 Coefficient of uniformity 2.0e4.0
Portland cement 900 610e1080 Specific gravity 2.6e2.7
Silica Fume 220 50e334 Water absorption 0.4e0.5
Water 163 126e261 SiO2 (quartz) 80e98
Superplasticiser 40 9e71 CaSO4 2H2O (gypsum) 4e14
Steel Fibres 157 40e250 CaCO3 (calcite) 3e12
Total Weight 2485
Ahmad, Hakeeem, and Maslehuddin [22].
Tayeh et al. [23]. along with very fine quartz sand (0.15e0.60 mm), quartz
powder (smaller than 10 um) and fibres without coarse
aggregate. Nematollahi et al. [19] defines UHPC as a cement
voids between larger particles [12]. Improvement in the UHPC based composite material which consists of fine materials
packing system will surely increase strength and enhance with optimized grading curves, very high strength discrete
durability and the overall performance of UHPC concrete. micro steel fibers and a very low water cement ratio less than
In fact, UHPC is a new form of concrete with a new type of 0.25. Other researchers define the UHPC based on its superior
composite construction material. Its high compressive mechanical and durability properties. For example, Aroraa
strength and ductility are achieved by an optimized packing of et al. [20] defines UHPC as a multi-scale microstructure-
fine and ultrafine particles, as well as the inclusion of steel designed material tailored for very-high compressive
fibres. This optimization, in particular, will evenly distribute strength, high flexural and tensile strength, and high ductility.
all particles at the micro scale to pack the spaces, surrounded Li, J. et al. [21] defines the term as an innovative composite
by larger particles. Accordingly, a dense matrix is achieved material that can serve as a potential candidate for concrete
with low permeability, to provide a concrete with superior structures exposing to aggressive environments.
properties [10,14e16]. Based on the above definitions, we could come up with a
Different definitions have been given to UHPC. Some re- definition which combines UHPC major component and su-
searchers define the term based on its major components. For perior properties along with the basic technologies behind the
example, Farzad et al. [17] defines UHPC as a cement-based UHPC production. Thus, UHPC is a new generation of cement-
material formed with an enhanced gradation of granular based construction material tailored for very high compres-
components, a water-to-cementitious materials ratio less sive strength, high ductility, and sustainability based on:
than 0.2, and a significant portion of internal fibers. Mishra & micro-scale optimization of fine and ultrafine aggregates (sil-
Singh [13] define UHPC as a special type of concrete that ica fume and sand), lower content of water to cement ratio
consist of highly fine-grained reactive admixtures (i.e. silica with added superplasticizer, and reinforcement with high-
fume and fine quartz), fibers and superplasticizers while strength steel fibers.
having more binder content and low water-to-binder ratio.
Azmee & Shafiq [18] define the term as a fiber reinforced, 2.2.2. UHPC components
superplasticized, silica fume-cement mixture with a very low High-strength, ductile, and sustainable UHPC concrete is
water to cement ratio (W/C), characterized by the presence of made up of constituent materials like fine-grained sand,
a very fine quartz sand that ranges from 0.15 to 0.60 mm in Portland cement, silica fume, water, superplasticizer, and
diameter, instead of the ordinary aggregate. Ahmad et al. steel fibres, as shown in Fig. 5 [19,22].
(2016) define UHPC as a mixture produced by using high con- Details of these constituent materials are given in the
tents of cement, silica fume (0.1e1 um) and superplasticizer following subsections. Typical mix proportions of these ma-
terials for one cubic meter of UHPC are presented in Table 1
and presented graphically in Fig. 6. Fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is an essential con-

stituent material for UHPC strength and workability. It

Table 3 e Particle size distribution of dune sand.

ASTM sieve no. Size (mm) Percentage passing (%)
4 4.75 100
8 2.36 100
16 1.18 100
30 0.6 75
50 0.3 10
100 0.15 5
Fig. 6 e Optimum proportions for 1 m3 of UHPC mixture.
1062 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4

leads to a dense matrix which enhances the mechanical and

durability properties of the concrete [4,16,27].
Silica fume can be used in UHPC mixtures within a range of
150e250 kg/m3 (10e30% of the cement mass) [28,29]. Fig. 7
shows the relationship between compressive strength and
silica fume content in UHPC concrete. As shown in the figure,
concrete of a strength up to 81 MPa can be obtained without
silica fume. However, by increasing the content of silica fume,
the compressive strength is rapidly increased. One of the main
disadvantages of this material is that it requires more water
because of its extremely fine particles, but with super-
plasticizers, the same water content can be maintained [26]. Water. Water is an essential material for making

Fig. 7 e Relationship between compressive strength and
UHPC. Potable water is suitable, as is usually used for ordinary
silica fume content (Shihada & Arafa [30]).
concrete. The quantity of water must be enough to complete
the hydration process and to maintain workability [6]. The
maintains the stability of the concrete due to its ability to minimum water to cement (w/c) ratio for ordinary concrete is
carry greater loads. It can, also, resist weathering due to its about 0.4e0.5, including water for workability [6,24]. The
inertness. Its granular size is the largest size in the UHPC amount of water is inversely proportional to the compressive
matrix, ranging from 150 mm to 600 mm [16]. It can be silica strength, i.e., if water increases, the strength decreases [9].
sand, quartz sand, or natural sand [13]. Excess water, not used in hydration, would develop voids in
Silica sand is expensive for UHPC. Quartz sand, on the the concrete mixture, which would increase permeability and
other hand, is available but it takes time to be crushed from reduce the strength of the concrete.
coarse aggregates or natural rocks [24]. Natural sand, in In UHPC technology, using a high-range water-reducing
contrast, can be used easily and effectively as a fine aggregate admixture helps to maintain workability without the need for
for UHPC. The Eastern province of Saudi Arabia, for instance, excess water [31]. Accordingly, the w/c ratio will be reduced to
has fine dune sand with specific properties shown in Table 2 an optimum level within a range of 0.14e0.22 [13,24]. This
and particle size distribution shown in Table 3 [22]. leads to increased compressive strength and enhances all
other properties of the concrete. Portland cement. Ordinary Portland cement is the
primary binding material which, when mixed with water, High-range water reducer. Since the workability of the
hydrates and becomes a solid that binds all aggregates of the concrete mix is reduced when it is mixed with low water
UHPC concrete. It is produced mainly from two basic raw content, a water reducer or superplasticizer, like poly-
materials; limestone and clay. After crushing and grinding, carboxylate, is required to be added to the UHPC concrete
these materials are heated in a kiln to produce cement clinker, during the mixing process to improve its workability [31]. With
which is ground further, with a small amount of gypsum into respect to the impact of the chemical content, it should be
fine powder [4]. It is about double (600e1000 kg/m3) the con- within the range of 0.5e2.0%, as shown by Courtial et al. [32].
tent that is used in ordinary concrete [25] with an average However, the optimum content, as revealed by many re-
diameter of 15 mm. Therefore, it is considered the second searchers, is 1.5e2.4 [13].
largest particle size in the UHPC matrix [16]. The part of the
cement that is not hydrated, due to the small proportion of Steel fibres. Concrete without reinforcement is liable
water, will be used with other aggregates for packing to fracture, since it is brittle in nature and cracks cannot be
optimization. stopped. Therefore, steel fibres are used to reinforce the UHPC
matrix to provide a better resistance towards crack generation Silica fume. Silica fume, or micro silica, is a waste by- and a better tensile strength and resistance to fracture [19].
product material coming from the furnace smoke of the pro- Steel fibres are characterized by their shape, length, diameter,
duction of silicon metal and ferrosilicon alloys [4]. The volume, orientation, and strength. The mechanical properties
rounded particles of silica fume have a diameter of 0.15 mm on of steel fibres are shown in Table 4 [19,23].
average, and most of the particles are less than 1 mm [26]. Deformed fibres, such as hooked-end fibres are much bet-
Thus, they are the smallest particles in the UHPC matrix, 100 ter than straight ones. Also, long fibres are better than short
times smaller than cement particles. This is why it is ones. With respect to the fibres’ volume, an increase will
considered an excellent filler to fill the voids between larger improve ductility up to a certain limit, beyond which addi-
particles in the UHPC matrix. Using this ultrafine material tional content will not be beneficial [33]. A content of 1e2
percent of the expensive fibres has been proved to be enough
to achieve the required properties at a wise economy. Also,
Table 4 e Mechanical properties of steel fibres. fibres with a good orientation (i.e., along the direction of the
tensile load) lead to a good homogeneous distribution of fi-
Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Volume (%) Strength (MPa)
bres, which will improve the mechanical properties of the
10e20 0.10e0.25 2 >2000
concrete [34,35].
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4 1063

its high durability. A decrease in the water absorption capacity

Table 5 e Mechanical Property Comparison between
of the concrete means a drop of the concrete matrix pores.
normal and UHPC concretes.
These pores will be reduced when the water to binder ratio is
Normal UHPC Concrete
lowered [21]. Since the water to binder ratio of the UHPC
concrete is much lower than that of the conventional con-
Compressive 20e40 MPa 120e200 MPa crete, the water absorption coefficient of the UHPC, as shown
by the investigation of Dobias et al. [41], is five times lower
Split Tensile Strength <5 MPa Up to 20 MPa [13,22,51]
Flexural Strength <6 MPa Up to 30 MPa [13,22,50]
than that of the conventional concrete. The matrix of the
Durability Weak Extremely high durable UHPC concrete will be impermeable when the pores are less
Ductility Weak Extremely high ductility than one-tenth of those in normal concrete [42].
Another indication of good durability is the concrete’s
ability to resist chemical attacks such as chloride ions. In case
2.2.3. UHPC basic characteristics the concrete matrix is permeable, chloride ions can penetrate Durability properties. One of the major goals of UHPC through the matrix, damage the passivation of the steel, and
concrete is to be durable, like rock, that can exist for a long facilitate the beginning of the corrosion process. Steel are
time without significant deterioration in quality. Generally, protected from corrosion by a passive alkaline layer which will
concrete structures can be set in a place to be stick to the be damaged by the aggressive action of the chloride ions.
direct environments and might be exposed to severe condi- However, UHPC concrete has shown a good resistance for the
tions that cannot be avoided such as: water penetration, steel corrosion due to the negligible penetration of the chlo-
chemical attacks, steel corrosion, alkaliesilica reaction, ride ions because of the densified and impermeable matrix of
freeze-thaw cycles, and carbonation [21]. Long exposure to the UHPC concrete [43e45].
such severe conditions may deteriorate concrete structures Different environmental exposures, such as freeze-thaw
leading to increase the costs of structure maintenance [36]. and weather actions have been studied by many re-
The key point of these durability issues is the permeability of searchers. Freeze-thaw actions happened when the particles
the concrete matrix. The concrete will be more durable if it is of water that entered in the concrete matrix freeze and
less permeable. The types of constituent materials as well as expand beyond the concrete pores [21]. Many researchers
the new technologies used for UHPC concrete will be able to have observed almost no deterioration after several hundreds
develop concrete with superior durability that can stands se- of freeze-thaw cycles up to 800 cycles with negligible loss of
vere environment for a long service life. mass [46]. Also, wet-dry and heat-cool cycles were studied by
The main factors that control permeability are the density Hakeem, Azad, and Ahmad [33]. They showed that UHPC
microstructure and the porosity of the concrete matrix [37,38]. maintains its strength with possible applications in aggressive
The exclusion of coarse aggregates, inclusion of fine and ul- exposure conditions. The concrete matrix, in fact, will be du-
trafine particles such as dune sand and silica fume, and the rable enough to last for a long time without being coated or
lowering of water to binder ratio along with diluted super- painted.
plasticizer will work together to homogenate the mixture,
substantially decreasing its fine pores [39,40]. Mechanical properties. The experimental investiga-
The water absorption capacity is the permeability coeffi- tion conducted by [47] showed the excellent mechanical
cient of UHPC concrete and can be considered an indication of properties of UHPC as a construction material. Compressive

Fig. 8 e Tensile behavior of UHPC [58].

1064 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4

mechanical properties of UHPC are much superior to those of

normal concrete. Table 5 shows a comparison between
normal and UHPC concretes in some of their important me-
chanical properties.
Also, the flexural strength of UHPC is shown as a value up
to 30 MPa which is achieved either in high temperature curing
regime or under prolonged 28 days normal regime. This value
has already been mentioned in many references. It was
mentioned over 30 MPa [19], up to 40 Mpa [13], or within the
range of 30e50 MPa [22,50]. Because of the result come up with
the investigation of reference [22] with an average 28-day
flexural strength of 31 MPa, and the rule of thumb of refer-
ence [13] which states that flexural strength of UHPC is more
Fig. 9 e Idealized simplified response of strain-hardening
than five times of the normal concrete, the flexural strength of
FRC composites in tension [35].
UHPC is shown in our table as a value up to 30 MPa.
The split tensile strength of UHPC is shown in the table as a
value up to 20 MPa. This value has already been mentioned in
many references. For example, ref. [13] states that “UHPC
strength is the main mechanical property of the UHPC con-
matrix with fibers addition, generally have a tensile strength
crete, which is essential to ensure that the structure can carry
in the range of 15e20 MPa”. Also, ref. [22] states that “mixtures
the assigned loads. It is also considered an indication of other
are reported to possess splitting-tensile strength in the ranges
mechanical properties, as well as high durability. In fact, high
of 8e15 MPa”. The tensile resistance of UHPC can be consid-
concrete strength is a result of two main principles: packing of
ered as one-tenth of its compressive strength i.e. 15 MPa
the material particles and water to binder ratio [13]. Fig. 3
tensile strength if the compressive strength is 150 MPa [51].
shows the impact of the water to binder ratio on the
UHPC tensile properties are distinct from those of con-
compressive strength of UHPC [9]. Compressive strength can
ventional concrete due to the increased tensile cracking ca-
also be enhanced by the content of silica fume, as shown in
pacity of the cementitious composite matrix and the crack-
Fig. 7 [30]. The method of curing also has a significant effect on
bridging behavior of the fiber reinforcement. In contrast to
compressive strength, with steam curing being better than
fiber-reinforced conventional concretes, UHPC can exhibit
normal curing.
significant, sustained post-cracking tensile capacity prior to
Steel fibres do not have a significant effect on compressive
crack localization, fiber pullout, and loss of tensile capacity
strength, but they could, on the other hand, enhance the
tensile strength of the UHPC concrete. With steel fibres, the
With the growing use of UHPC in modern construction,
tensile strength of the UHPC is usually within the range of
determining its tensile and compressive properties is essen-
15e20 MPa, a value that is almost double the tensile strength
tial in the study of its structural behavior, numerical model-
value of UHPC without steel fibres [13]. This value is almost
ling and fracture mechanics [53].
one to two tenths of the compressive strength of UHPC con-
Doo et al. [Strain 34] stated that the characteristics of fibers
crete [48].
such as fiber content, shape, aspect ratio, orientation, and
For the value of the compressive strength, some re-
distribution are considerably affect the tensile performance of
searchers stated that compressive strength is usually greater
fiber-reinforced ultra-high performance concrete
than 120 MPa [30,49,50], while some others stated that it starts
[14,35,54e57]. Increasing the amount of fiber is the most
from 150 MPa [13,19,22,42]. In either case, it is incomparably
convincing method to improve the tensile performance
greater than the strength of normal concrete. As revealed by
including tensile strength and fracture energy capacity. This
these researchers, the compressive strength, and all

Table 6 e Properties of some supplementary cementitious materials.

Properties FA GGBS SF
Fresh Concrete Properties Workability Increased Increased Decreaseda
Heat of Hydration Reduced No effectb
Set time Increased Increased No effect
Hardened Concrete Properties Strength Increasedc Increased Increased
Permeability and Absorption Reduced Reduced The most Reduced
Chloride and Sulphate Resistance Good resistance Good resistance Good resistance
Physical Dimension Most of particles 45 mm 45 mm 1 mm
Average 15e20 mm 0.1 mmd
Need to use superplasticizer.
However, when superplasticizer is used with SF, it can be increased.
With a low rate of strength gain.
Which is about 1/100 of the cement particle diameter (10 mm).
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4 1065

strength by almost double compared to those of UHPC without

fibers. This is a significant benefit for concrete structures
where punching shear failure is an important consideration
such as with bridge deck designs. Moreover, ductility in both
tension and compression were improved substantially. In
contrast, their influence on the compressive strength and
modulus of elasticity was relatively small. They reported that
the Maximum tensile strain attained at peak strength was in
range of 1.5e3% compared to the values of 0.15e0.25% for the
UHPC (without fibers).
Fig. 10 e Seonyu footbridge, Korea. Kay et al. [35] conducted a research work on the optimi-
zation of strength and ductility of ultra-high performance
concretes (UHPC) under direct tensile loading. In their
means that the demanded tensile strength can be achieved by research they focused on the development of strain-
using adequate amount of fiber. hardening UHP-FRC characterized by: (1) a relatively high
Habel et al. [58] show a schematic of the three distinct tensile strength (exceeding 13 MPa, (2) a high ductility,
tensile behaviors that UHPC can exhibit: I) linear-elastic expressed by the strain at peak stress εpc in tension exceeding
behavior before cracking; II) post cracking strain hardening 0.3%, and (3) a relatively low fiber content (not exceeding 2.5%
behavior and dispersed discrete cracking; and III) softening by volume). Their results show that, with appropriate high
behavior during strain localization across specific cracks strength steel fibers, and 1% fiber volume fraction it is suffi-
(Fig. 8). cient to trigger strain hardening behavior accompanied by
The addition of steel fibers to UHPC matrices successfully multiple cracking, this characteristic essential to achieve high
increased the fracture toughness, tensile strength, ductility ductility. Also, by improving both the matrix and fiber pa-
and energy absorption capacity of UHPCs, although their rameters, an UHP-FRC with only 1.5% deformed steel fibers by
performance were various according to the types of fiber [59]. volume resulted in an average tensile strength of 13 MPa and a
Nguyen et al. [59] investigated the direct tensile stress maximum post-cracking strain of 0.6%.
versus strain response of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete The researchers also illustrated a simplified response of
(UHPC) with various sizes and geometries. The UHPFRC used strain-hardening FRC comprising Part I (Elastic behavior up to
in their research contained 1% macro twisted and 1% micro 90e95% of cracking strength, followed by development of
smooth steel fibers by volume. The effects of gauge length, micro cracks and activation of fibers; Part II (Strain hardening
section area, volume and thickness of the specimens on the behavior with multiple cracking, small crack width, and in-
measured tensile response of the UHPC were experimentally elastic strain); and Part III (Softening behavior) (Fig. 9).
discovered. They found out that the different sizes and ge- They concluded that by improving the fiber bond behavior
ometries of specimens did not generate significant influence through: (1) increasing matrix density and strength (up to
on the post cracking strength of UHPC whereas they produced 200 MPa), (2) increasing fiber strength (up to 3100 MPa), and (3)
clear effects on the strain capacity, energy absorption capacity improving the mechanical bond of the fiber through fiber
and multiple cracking behavior of UHPC. The strain capacity, deformation (end hook or twisted), an UHP-FRC can be
energy absorption capacity and the number of multiple micro designed to achieve a relatively high tensile strength (up to
cracks within unit length obviously decreased as the gauge 15 MPa) and ductility (εpc ¼ 0.6%) with a low fiber volume
length, section area and volume of UHPC specimens fraction (about 2%).
increased. In contrast, as the thickness of the specimen
increased, different tendency was observed. Workability. In general, water is necessary for the
Hassan et al. [53] concluded that the steel fiber content in workability of concrete. For UHPC concrete, however, the
UHPC had a significant effect on improving the tensile strength has to be increased by reducing water, which will

Fig. 11 e Some urban furniture and decorative arts made from UHPC.
1066 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4

1. CSA, December, 2015, the Canadian Standards Association

(CSA) formed a new “Working Group on UHPC” under
A23.1, Chapter 8, with the mandate to develop a new annex
on UHPC materials (CSA A23.1, 2014). The new annex cover
everything on UHPC materials [60].
2. NF P18-470, July 2016 French standard, related to UHPC
specification, performance, production and conformity. It
is a self-supporting document with distinct scope, however
with the same outline as NF EN 206/CN, the French stan-
dard for ordinary structural concrete consistent to the Eu-
ropean standard. Appendices detail test protocol
adaptations as well as standardized methods associated to
Fig. 12 e Hybrid beams with bottom UHPC layer [88]. the determination of relevant UHPC characteristics. It
covers both structural and non-structural UHPC [61].
3. NF P18-710, April 2016, French standard Stands as a na-
tional complement to Eurocode 2 for the design of UHPFRC
affect workability as a result. In spite of this, UHPC can still be structures (both buildings and bridges). It covers UHPFRC
made workable by removing coarse aggregates from the with metallic fibers and characteristic compressive
mixture, using ultrafine powders, and adding an optimum strength higher than 150 MPa. It is provides design rules
amount of superplasticizer to the fresh concrete [31]. Adding for structures in UHPFRC”, according to NF P18-470 (2016)
this kind of high-range water reducer agent will allow an [62].
adequate flow which will enable the mixture to be cast, even 4. NF P18-451, Dec. 2018, French standard, Concrete - Execu-
in very slender shapes. tion of concrete structures - Specific rules for UHPRFC.
Deals with the execution of UHPFRC structures, which Aesthetic and engineering. With UHPC technology, it is provides complements, precisions or amendments to the
possible to construct beyond usual designs. The densified ul- execution standard NF EN 13670/CN. It is being prepared
trafine particles and strong fibres which are distributed in a and sets out the provisions to be implemented for
homogeneous and flowable mixture will enable the con- executing structures in UHPFRC”, according to NF P18-470
struction of irregular shapes of aesthetic appearance and (2016). The standard NF P18-451 will also increase the
surfaces of extraordinary finish. It is also possible to set up knowledge but also encourage contractors to use UHPFRC
innovative engineering designs, such as structures with a when it exists a standard for executing of structures in
longer span or structures lighter than ordinary concrete [42]. UHPFRC. The NF P18-451 Standard gives general in-
dications based on the gained industrial experience in this Eco-friendly product. By using UHPC technology, the domain, detailed precasters’ skills beyond the standard are
concrete will be friendly to the environment. Replacing clearly associated to the success of such UHPFRC
cement by waste materials such as silica fume, will reduce applications, as a result of the material sensitivity to its
CO2 emissions into the atmosphere from cement production. placing process and early-age treatment and restraints
This gas emission is considered to be a major factor in global [63].
warming [13,42]. 5. ACI committee 239 (ACI 239C) 2018, Ultra-High-
Performance Concrete: An Emerging Technology Report
2.2.4. UHPC standards (ETR) on the Structural Design of UHPC. ACI Committee 239
There are no code or standard exist on UHPC materials that has made advances in the testing, design, and specification
provides a clear definition nor guidance on categorizing UHPC, for the use of UHPC. This new sub-committee, a diverse
so that there is a need to develop new standards that provide group of international industry experts, has commenced
meaningful test results for a full range of UHPC material the task of writing a Terms of Reference (TOR) for the new
properties. These standards are necessary in order to catego- ETR on the Structural Design of UHPC. However, their ef-
rize different UHPC’s and to provide reliable and reproducible forts have been focused on structural applications for
material properties for structural engineers to use in the bridges (led by the Federal Highway Administration) and
design of UHPC structures. primarily UHPC manufactured with metallic fibers and
Only technical guides and professional recommendations compressive strength higher than 150 MPa. A portion of the
were previously available in some countries like France, activities of this committee, in collaboration with the
Japan, the United States and Switzerland. These guides did not American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) was to
have an “official” status, which made referencing and using provide a new standard practice for fabrication and testing
them in projects difficult. Their standardization now will specimens of UHPC (ASTM C1856/C1856M, 2017) reinforced
allow clear and codified specifications to be established. with metallic and non-metallic fibers. Nevertheless, again
The following UHPC codes and standards were collected this new standard is only applicable to UHPC with a spec-
from all the available references in different places all over the ified compressive strength of at least 120 MPa, with nom-
world presented here. inal maximum size aggregate of less than 5 mm and a
spread flow between 20 and 25 cm, as measured by the
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4 1067

Fig. 13 e UHPC bars in their moulds [90].

modified flow table test method described in ASTM C1437 UHPC concrete by improving the workability and pumpability
and ASTM C230/C230M [64]. of fresh concrete. It would also improve the matrix density of
6. ASTM C1856/C1856M e 2017, Standard Practice for Fabri- the solid concrete, which would strengthen the mechanical
cating and Testing Specimens of Ultra-High Performance properties of concrete, as well as the ability to resist chloride
Concrete. This practice includes procedures for measuring ions and weathering activities [26]. Finally, it would reduce the
properties of fresh UHPC and procedures for making and cost of concrete production and manpower costs due to the
testing specimens of hardened UHPC. The practice refers to elimination of some labour-intensive processes. It would cut,
existing practices and test methods and includes modifi- also, transportation and maintenance costs [68].
cations to these referenced standards for application to Table 6 describes the most important properties of some
UHPC [65]. supplementary cementitious materials, including silica fume
(SF), fly ash (FA), and Ground Granular blast-furnace slag
3. Alternative materials for UHPC Silica fume (SF), as mentioned before, is the finest material
among all other cementitious materials. Therefore, it is the
To promote UHPC technology in construction, alternative most preferred material to replace the cement of UHPC con-
materials are explored to replace Portland cement and other crete, especially when high strength and a high degree of
expensive materials, such as steel fibres. Therefore, this part impermeability are required. However, it is an expensive
of the paper presents some of these alternative materials material, and this is why Ahmad, Hakeem, and Maslehuddin
which are naturally available or obtained from the waste [69] utilized other waste materials existing locally with low
materials of other industries. cost to replace such silica fume.
Fly ash (FA) is a fine powder by-product material produced
3.1. Supplementary cementitious materials from the smoke coming from burning coal in the combustion

Supplementary cementitious materials, SCM, are alternative

substances which can bind aggregates in the same way as
ordinary Portland cement [66]. These materials are, in fact, by-
products of other industries, in which they are usually treated
as waste materials and sent to landfills.
The issue was recognized after voices called for protection
of the environment from these waste landfills. The possibility
of recycling waste in construction to replace cement material
opened the way to better options. First, such recycling would
enhance our environment by reducing landfills of these in-
dustrial wastes, as well as reducing the impact of global
warming due to the energy consumption and gas emissions
involved in cement production [67]. Second, it would enhance Fig. 14 e Hybrid specimens reinforced with two UHPC bars
1068 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4

Fig. 15 e Cross-sections of hybrid hollow core specimens [88,89].

process of electrical power stations. The mineral impurities can be retarded if the surface of the fresh UHPC mixture is
are fused when they pass through the combustion chamber. covered properly [74].
With the exhaust gases, they are carried out and collected by a
proper dust collection system into spherical particles, most of 3.2. Alternative fibre materials
which are less than 45 mm, with an average of 15e20 mm [6].
Fly ash, in general, is a pozzolan material which acts like Fibres which can be spread uniformly and randomly are
Portland cement when it is mixed with water. On one hand, it usually used to reinforce concrete. Asbestos fibres were used
would improve the concrete’s workability, but on the other before. But due to the health risks associated with these fibres,
hand, it would reduce the early strength of the concrete. other materials were used, such as steel fibres, glass fibres,
However, with the extended process of hydration, it would synthetic fibres, such as polypropylene, and natural fibres,
gain much more strength than it would have with Portland such as palm tree fibres. They are used mainly to release
cement alone. stresses and to block the extension of cracks [79]. As a result,
Ground granular blast-furnace slag (GGBS) is a by-product
from the iron production process when iron ore is coked in
the blast furnace. After it is cooled, it is further crushed to
form fine particles, with a length less than 45 mm. This ma-
terial, when it is mixed in the presence of water, will hydrate
and set in the same way as Portland cement [26]. GGBS has a
considerable effect on the setting time of the UHPC concrete.
The setting time can be retarded If UHPC mixture is mixed
with the ground granular blast furnace slag [26].

3.1.1. Sitting time

Setting time of UHPC can be defined as the time when the
mixture attains a stiffness of 1000 MPa and autogenous
shrinkage initiates [70]. It usually takes from 6 to 12 h based on
the Mix design [71e73]. The initial setting time is defined as
the penetration resistance of 3.45 MPa at 15 h after casting
while the final setting time is defined as a penetration resis-
tance of 27.60 MPa at about 18e20 h [74,75]. However, the
setting time can be retarded up to 30e40 h by high super- Fig. 16 e Hybrid hollow core specimens before casting
plasticizer dosage [31,76e78]. Furthermore, the setting time ordinary concrete [88,89].
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4 1069

exceptional properties, UHPC offers new possibilities of

reduced-weight structures and new designs of structures for
better aesthetics, engineering, and economy [84]. Favorite
constructions of UHPC can be seen all over the globe,
including structural and architectural works (Fig. 10) as well as
urban furniture and decorative arts (Fig. 11).

4.2. Utilization of UHPC in hybrid structures

UHPC opens the door to new ideas and exciting opportunities

to redesign construction. Some research works on the utili-
zation of UHPC in suggested hybrid structures are summar-
ised below.
Utilizing UHPC with Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)
was a suggested hybrid idea that motivated many researchers
at the state of the art. Elmahdy et al. [85] investigated exper-
imentally an innovative design utilizing UHPC in hybrid
beams. The section of the beam was a GFRP hollow box. At the
Fig. 17 e The final hybrid hollow core specimens [88,89]. top, a thin cover of UHPC was used to carry compressive
At the bottom, steel or carbon fibre reinforced polymer
the concrete’s mechanical properties are improved, including (SFRP/CFRP) sheets were used to carry tensile stresses. These
tensile strength, flexural strength, and ductility performance, different materials were connected to each other by shear
which will save the structure from damage and breakage [80]. stud connectors and epoxy glue to provide sufficient bond
However, steel is the most common type of fibre that is used between them. The investigation revealed that the ability of
in construction to support structures in general [81]. The rea- the hybrid beam was increased significantly by including high
sons behind this are the superior mechanical properties of performance materials such as UHPC.
these fibres, in addition to other reasons, such as economic Another hybrid beam with the same GFRP hollow box
feasibility, availability of manufacturing facilities, and good section design was investigated under static flexural loading
resistance to different environmental conditions [82]. Other by Chen & El-Hacha [86]. The study proved that UHPC was
fibres are not usually applied in construction materials, such as essential to achieve higher strength with less weight and
glass fibres which are more often preferred to support struc- smaller structural elements. Also, the hybrid UHPC-GFRP
tures for decorative applications and finishing surfaces [83]. hollow box section with a base of SFRP or CFRP sheets was
The main drawback of steel fibres is the cost of this material, investigated by Iskander et al. [87] to analyse the causes of
since 1% of fibres will cost more than all the remaining mate- failure under shear forces. The study revealed that failure was
rials combined [13]. That is why, economically, the percentage partly due to the design of the fibre orientation at the corner
of fibres should be the minimum as possible (i.e., 1%e2%). regions of such a hybrid beam.
Another hybrid idea, combining UHPC with ordinary con-
crete as a construction or repair material, was investigated by
4. UHPC applications and hybrid innovations many researchers. As a construction material, Hakeem [88]
and Azad & Hakeem [89e91] studied the structural behaviour
4.1. General UHPC applications in construction of three different concepts for one-way simply supported
precast floor units made of ordinary concrete cast with UHPC
UHPC has been a major development in concrete technology in different forms of construction, such as: (i) units with a
in the first twenty years of the 21st century. Because of its layer of UHPC at the bottom tension face as shown in Fig. 12.
The figure shows the view of beam specimens with UHPC
bottom layer and ordinary concrete on top; (ii) units reinforced
with precast UHPC deformed bars as shown in Figs. 13 and 14.
]The concept of using UHPC bars was introduced by Azad and
Hakeem [90,91]. Fig. 13 shows the UHPC bars placed in the
hybrid structural mould before casting ordinary concrete. The
UHPC bars were heat-cured at a temperature of 900 C for a
period of 48 h to accelerate curing and strength development.
Fig. 14 shows the final hybrid specimen reinforced with two
50  50 mm UHPC bars; and (iii) hybrid hollow core units with
top and bottom faces cast with UHPC layers as shown in Figs.
Fig. 15 shows different cross sections of hybrid hollow core
specimens of a beam cast with UHPC on top and bottom and
Fig. 18 e Orthotropic steel deck bridge. sandwiched in between with ordinary concrete surrounding
1070 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4

the holes. Figs. 16 and 17 shows hybrid hollow core specimens application for UHPC which attracts many researchers to
before and after casting ordinary concrete. Types (i) and (iii) do investigate the composite structure. Orthotropic steel deck, a
not require any steel reinforcement. Type (ii) may not require deck steel plate covered by a roadway surface, is used widely
any steel reinforcement but for smaller widths. in many types of bridges, especially, in long span steel bridge
The results of these studies confirmed that each of the as shown in Fig. 18 [99,100]. Despite having the advantages of
three alternative concepts is structurally promising and can lightweight and high load capacity, this type of structure
be utilized in designing simply supported precast units for suffers from cracks due to the fatigue problem under the load
residential and commercial buildings without the use of steel [101,102].
reinforcement. Further research is needed to uphold this Fatigue cracks are observed in many orthotropic steel deck
viewpoint. In corrosive environment, this may prove to have bridges around the world such as: the Severn Bridge in En-
significant advantage worthy of consideration. gland, the Sinntal bridge in Germany, the Westgate bridge in
For using UHPC as a repair material, Tayeh et al. [92] Australia, the bridge of Leverkusen in Germany [103]. This
investigated the use of UHPC as a repair material for old fatigue problem has been studied by many researchers to
normal concrete (NC). The interfacial bond and the perme- improve its performance.
ability characteristics were evaluated. The results showed One of the best prospective solution to resist this fatigue is
that the behaviour of the composite was firm and stable due to to use UHPC overlay as a deck pavement instead of the orig-
the UHPC overlay which bonded strongly with the old con- inal pavement [99,104]. The fatigue response of using UHPC
crete. The study revealed that UHPC was efficient and stable overlay with orthotropic steel deck was studied by Zhu et al.
for concrete repair. Also, Roy et al. [93] used an effective [103]. The study showed that UHPC overlay can significantly
mixture of UHPC as a repair material for normal concrete. The reduce the magnitude of the stress at the deck side. Also, the
study was conducted to investigate the bond strength be- transversal bending behaviour under bending moments of the
tween UHPC and the substrate of normal concrete. The study steel-UHPC composite deck was studied by Luo et al. [100]. The
revealed that UHPC was effective for repairing deteriorated study found that the UHPC overlay has a considerable effect
structures. on the ultimate load capacity of the deck.
Another utilization of UHPC in hybrid structure is in
timber-concrete composites. The two materials are
bonded together either with mechanical fasteners or rigid 5. Conclusion
connections. Their advantages are utilized in one com-
posite to achieve better performance. Detailed reviews of The new generation of concrete (UHPC) has an amazing level
this timber-concrete composite, including its connection of qualities that had never been thought possible before. After
systems, were carried out by Yeoh et al. [94] and Rodri- reviewing the subject thoroughly, the following conclusions
guez et al. [95]. were found:
Combining UHPC with wooden structures was also
investigated by Ferrier et al. [96]. A hybrid beam was made of 1. It was clear that most of the researchers at the state of the
glued-laminated (glulam) wood and UHPC planks. The inves- art emphasized that the mechanical and environmental
tigation showed that the use of UHPC was optimized with performance of UHPC surpassed all expectations, creating
better performance and efficiency based on greater bending a potential for wider applications in construction.
stiffness and significant increase in the structure capacity. 2. The mechanical properties of the new generation of con-
With UHPC, it is possible to reduce the depth and to increase crete are greatly superior to the properties of conventional
the span of the beam without affecting the structure’s concrete. These incomparable values are a function of
performance. water to binder ratio, ultrafine powders, optimized packing
Also, Hajek et al. [97] studied the possibilities of using of particles, method of curing, and microstructural
UHPC in timber-concrete composite floor structures. They reinforcement.
designed a composite consisting of a timber beam and a thin 3. With this technology, it is possible to construct structures
lower-weight UHPC deck. Since it is difficult to use mechanical beyond usual designs, which are lighter, larger, or with
joints, they proved that gluing is a good method to connect the longer span. Its special workability enables the fresh con-
two different materials. The study showed that the new type crete to be cast in irregular or very slender shapes to form
of composite would enable the design of a UHPC deck with a structures with aesthetic appearance or extraordinary
relatively small thickness (less than 30 mm). finish.
Holy & Vrablik [98] summarized the research findings on 4. However, the use of UHPC in construction is limited since it
fabrication of timber-concrete composite structures and is not commercially viable to replace conventional con-
suitable methods of coupling between the two materials. They crete in most applications for the following reasons:
presented ways to develop pedestrian and cyclist footbridges a. An economic factor represented by the high cost of
using innovative hybrids with efficient materials and better some of its constituent materials, as well as the lack of
construction methods. their availability. For instance, the cost of steel fibres can
Steel-UHPC composite bridge is also an important utiliza- be greater than the rest of the matrix materials
tion of UHPC in hybrid structure. It is a current field of combined.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 0 : 1 0 5 8 e1 0 7 4 1071

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Engineering in 2001 from Aden University , Yemen. Dr. Hakeem
Dr. Mohamad Abdullah Bajaber: A post-doctoral researcher, has teaching and research experience of more than 15 years. He
Department of Civil Engineering, Najran University. The author has over 10 publications in refereed journals and conference
was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He received his B.S. and M.S. proceedings. He has worked as the Principal Investigator and Co-
degrees in Industrial Engineering from King Abdulaziz University. Investigator in several funded research projects. Recently, he has
He has worked in several private companies for twenty-five years focused his attention on the development and utilization of UHPC
with good experience in project engineering and contracts man- which is viewed as the next generation of concrete, and began his
agement. Under the supervision of Dr. M. Taha from King Abdu- work during his M.S. thesis through a funded project and has
laziz University and the technical support of Dr. T. Hegazy from published several papers in this area. Dr. Hakeem research in-
Waterloo University in Canada, the author completed the re- terests include the following: Structural analysis; Ultra-High Per-
quirements for the Doctor of philosophy in Civil Engineering in formance Concrete (UHPC) developer ; development of hybrid
May 2017. The thesis was to develop a decision support system for construction using UHPC ; durability and protection of reinforced
prequalifying and selecting a contractor for construction projects. concrete structures in aggressive media; Repair materials and
In August 2020, he completed one-year post-doctoral followship repair systems, composite structures and sustainable structural
program, supervised by Najran University, and financially materials.

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