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Republic of the Philippines

Region 12- SOCCSARGEN Score

Schools Division Office of Cotabato
Poblacion, Carmen, Cotabato

October 27-28, 2022
Name: ________________________________________ Grade/Sec.: _______________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: (I know you will be reading this one now, so I’ll make it as painless as possible.)
a. No erasures or alterations of answers. Write your answers only in CAPITAL LETTERS.
b. Once the examination has started, you are not allowed to go out from the examination room.
c. No Cheating! Use BLACK BALL PEN only.
d. Strictly no using of cellular phones during examination time.
e. Review your answers. Use the allotted-time in your exam.


Select the letter that corresponds to the correct answers. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
_______1. What do you call these questions that examine personal ideas regarding correctness and values?
A. External Questions B. Holistic Thinking C. Internal Questions D. Partial Thinking
_______2. It refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems and often described as looking
at the “bigger picture” when describing and analyzing situation or problem.
A. External Questions B. Holistic Thinking C. Internal Questions D. Partial Thinking
_______3. It is a type of thinking that focuses on specific aspects of situation.
A. External Questions B. Holistic Thinking C. Internal Questions D. Partial Thinking
_______4. These are questions that seek to question the very frameworks upon which people base their own
beliefs and views.
A. External Questions B. Holistic Thinking C. Internal Questions D. Partial Thinking

______1. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and
principles which govern all things.
A. Anthropology B. Epistemology C. Philosophy D. Political Science
_______2. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human action?
A. Aesthetics B. Epistemology C. Ethics D. Logic
_______3. Which branch of philosophy deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge?
A. Aesthetics B. Epistemology C. Ethics D. Logic
_______4. What is the science of the beautiful and its various manifestations?
A. Aesthetics B. Epistemology C. Ethics D. Logic
_______5. What is the branch of philosophy which deals with correct reasoning?
A. Aesthetics B. Epistemology C. Ethics D. Logic

_______6. He is a mathematician and scientist, and was credited with formulating the Pythagorean theorem.
A. Democritus B. Heraclitus C. Pythagoras D. Plato
_______7. He was considered as the foremost philosopher of ancient times.
A. Aristotle B. Epicurus C. Plato D. Socrates
_______8. The Greek philosopher Plato believes that philosophy is brought about by man’s sense of _______.
A. Doubt B. Experience C. Wisdom D. Wonder
_______9. He believes that persons engage in philosophy in order to make sense of difficult life experiences.
A. Karl Jaspers B. Rene Descartes C. Diogenes of Sinope D. Plato
_______10. It refers to a way of thinking about the world and is made up of a person’s views and beliefs.
A. Doubt B. Experience C. Framework D. Wonder
________11. Rene Descartes considers this as a reason why people philosophize.
A. Doubt B. Experience C. Framework D. Wonder
________16. These requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings and actions and to learn
more about one’s life and experiences.
A. Meditation B. Reflection C. Self-Examination D. Thinking
________17. It refers to the clear awareness and understanding of something.
A. Claims B. Facts C. Knowledge D. Opinion
________18. These are statements which are observed to be real or truthful.
A. Claims B. Facts C. Knowledge D. Opinion
_______19. These are statements which need to be examines to determine whether they are true or false.
A. Claims B. Facts C. Knowledge D. Opinion
_______20. These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain matter.
A. Claims B. Facts C. Knowledge D. Opinion
________21. This is a judgement based on certain facts.
A. Arguments B. Beliefs C. Conclusions D. Explanations
________22. These are statements that expresses convictions that are not easily explained by facts.
A. Arguments B. Beliefs C. Conclusions D. Explanations
________23. These are statements that assumed a claim is true and provide reasons to support them.
A. Arguments B. Beliefs C. Conclusions D. Explanations
________24. These are series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim or opinion is
A. Arguments B. Beliefs C. Conclusions D. Explanations
_______25. These are arguments based on faulty reasoning.
A. Biases B. Fallacies C. Conclusion D. Conflict
_______26. These are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people.
A. Biases B. Fallacies C. Conclusion D. Conflict

_______28. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination, and the capacity
to interact with others.
A. Human B. Person C. Self D. Spirit
_______29. This refers to an individual who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and experiencing reality.
A. Human B. Person C. Self D. Spirit

_______37. This refers to the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
A. Economic Efficiency C. Prudence B. Environmental Integrity D. Sustainable Development
_______38. It refers to maintaining the state of the environment.
A. Economic Efficiency C. Prudence B. Environmental Integrity D. Sustainable Development
_______39. It refers to prudence in decision-making regarding the use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to
zero waste.
A. Economic Efficiency C. Prudence B. Environmental Integrity D. Sustainable Development
_______40. This refers to the ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior .
A. Equity C. Prudence B. Frugality D. Resourcefulness
_______41. This refers to being thrifty with the use of one’s resources.
A. Equity C. Prudence B. Frugality D. Resourcefulness

_______42. This type of view places great value on ecosystems and biological communities.
A. Ecocentrism B. Biocentrism C. Environmentalism D. Anthropocentrism
_______43. This type of view believes that all organisms have inherent worth and should be valued and protected.
A. Ecocentrism B. Biocentrism C. Environmentalism D. Anthropocentrism
_______44. This type of view considers man as the most important species on the planet.
A. Ecocentrism B. Biocentrism C. Environmentalism D. Anthropocentrism
_______45. Which of these statements about humankind and nature is NOT true?
A. Humankind can use natural resources without regard for the consequences.
B. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature.
C. Humans are able to transform and change the environment.
D. Humans are stewards of nature.
_______49. What do you call the type of fallacy that refers to attacking the person presnting the argument instead of
the argument itself.
A. Ad hominem C. Appeal to emotionB. Appeal to force D. Appeal to tradition
_______50. What do you call the type of fallacy that uses emotions such as pity or sympathy.
A. Ad hominem
C. Appeal to emotion
B. Appeal to force
D. Appeal to tradition

_____1. A teacher listens first to both stories of her two arguing students before making any conclusion about the
A. Holistic Point of View B. Partial Point of View C. Wholestic Point of View
_____2. Student A is always late in his class in Philosophy. The teacher calls his attention and after the conversation,
they both agreed for the 3 Warnings Policy. When he disobey the 3 Warnings Policy he will be ask to drop the
A. Holistic Point of View B. Partial Point of View C. Wholestic Point of View
_____3. A teacher scolds Student A after Student B accused him of stealing her pencil case. However, the teacher
only listened to the story of Student B, and not to Student A, before deciding to scold the student.

A. Truth B. Opinion C. Fact

_____4. The president is the most intelligent person in the country.
_____5.In the midst of advance knowledge and sophisticated technologies no man at present can bring a dead person
back to life.
_____6.Country X’s law, as rooted in the belief in an inalienable right to live, disallows its citizens to take their own
lives; however, euthanasia becomes an exception when a citizen is considered a bad person.

A. Social Domain B. Scientific Domain C. Personal Domain

_____7. Truths are tested against empirical evidence.

_____8. Truths are tested against their acceptability to a particular group in a particular time in history.
_____9. Truth are tested against the consistency and authenticity of the person who claims it.

A. Socratic Method B. Dialectic Method C. Scientific Method D. Historical Method

_____10. Exposing one plant to sunlight while limiting the exposure of another is done to test which setting
promotes better plant growth.
_____11. An entrepreneur wants to open a café in a middle class residential area in the city. Before buying the
property, she looked first at previous business ventures that were established within the area to
determine the feasibility of her plan.
_____12. A psychologist is trying to dig deep into the story of his patient who only mentions vague and
general ideas.
_____13. Filipino historians disproved Europeans’ claim that Ferdinand Magellan discovered the Philippines
on March 17, 1521. According to them, the Philippines was a civilized archipelago long before the
so called “Age of Explorations and Discoveries.”
_____14. Discussing the pros and cons of a variety of human resource strategies as forms of in the workplace,
then choosing the best option.

A. Identify the right answer below. Write your answers before the number.
___________________1. It is the act of using money or other resources wisely and practically.
___________________2. The state of being or existence that is above and beyond physical needs and
___________________3. What is the commonly way in knowing the truth?
___________________4. It refers to the real self beyond ego.
___________________5. What religion is the fourth largest religion in the world?
___________________6. It is the science that by natural light of reason studies the first causes or highest
principles of all things.
___________________7. What is the oldest religion in the world?
___________________8. Etymologically, what does sophia mean?
___________________9. A domain where truth is analogous with sincerity.
___________________10. It is defines as the ability to have good judgement that allows avoidance of dangers
and risks.
___________________11. It is the wheel of rebirth which means the soul is reborn from one life form to
another depending on their karma from their present life.
___________________12. What is the largest religion in the world?
___________________13. Etymologically, what does philo mean?
___________________14. The quality of being thrifty, sparing, or economical in the consumption of resources
and avoiding waste, lavishness and extravagance,
___________________15.The one who reach this state no longer struggle with cycle of life and death.

B. Identify the branch of philosophy where the following concepts belong. Write your answers before the
___________________16. It explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human action.
___________________17. Which branch of philosophy deals with arguments?
___________________18. Which branch of philosophy evaluates human actions?
___________________19. It is an extension fundamental and necessary drive in every human being to know
what is real.
___________________20. It deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge.
___________________21.It is not interested with what we know regarding certain subjects but in truth in the
validity of our arguments regarding such objects.
___________________22. It is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations – including the
sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic, and ugly.


Give what is ask:
23.-26. List the Four Noble Truth.
27.-29. List at least three examples in Bodily Limitations.
30 -32. Enumerate the three importance in caring the environment.
33.-35. Give at least 3 Examples in Demonstrating Prudence and Frugality towards the Environment.
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man
who wins is the man who thinks he can.”
-Vince Lombardi

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