Professional Goals 3

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Related TQS: 1,4,

TQS 1 bullet points

- acting consistently with fairness, respect, and integrity

- demonstrating empathy and genuine caring for others;

TQS 3 bullet points

- planning and designing learning activities that:

- address the learning outcomes outlined in programs of study

- foster student understanding of the link between the activity and the intended

learning outcomes

TQS 4 bullet points

- using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’

strengths, learning challenges and areas for growth;

Goal: Have more effective formative assessment tactics


- get to know each student's personality and preferences

- build relationships with students, making them feel safe to participate openly

- Observation: if students are relying on other students' help for formative assessment

techniques like “fist to five” or exit slips, it means they are not comfortable with these

forms as maybe they are insecure with their own knowledge. This will allow me to tailor

my strategies.
- Have the learning outcomes measured every day on the whiteboard, so everything can be

directly tied back to them, and the students understand why they are doing assignments

and activities clearer.

- For questioning strategies, use methods such as the popsicle stick method so I am not

consistently picking on the same students, and the students who are always raising their

hands are not the only ones participating.

- Explain that these strategies, while formative and very important, and any answers are

encouraged, even if the student is not fully comprehending them. Taking the stress of

“grades” off, the students will be more willing to participate in formative assessment.

Resources/ Required Support:

- Formative Assessment by Dylan Wiliams

- Rely on more experienced and knowledgeable teachers who have worked with students

of all abilities.

- Communicate with my TA and UC to figure out which strategies are working

- Communicate with students and their comfort levels.

Evidence of Success:

- If my strategies are proven to be effective, my students will do well in assessments and

will be able to have thoughtful conversations about the topics we are discussing.


- My goal is for this goal to be an ongoing process. As I am not used to using formative

assessment strategies I would like to implement at least one per class, to gauge my own

teaching effectiveness and the response levels of my students.

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