A2 Level Reading Quiz

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Reading CA Time allowed: 1 hour |. A) Read a text about how Sarah's life was in the past and how it is now. For questions 1 to 8, choose the correct answer. (8 marks) How my life has changed | used to work on cruise ships as a musician. | travelled a lot! | spent the month before the first lockdown in four continents! | used to get up really early, drive to the airport and fly to a port across the world and get on a ship just to get to work! Then | used to spend between three and fourteen days on the ship. The ships were great. The food was excellent, and the staff were brilliant. The ship stopped at fantastic places, and | often used to spend the afternoon at the beach drinking cocktails or sightseeing. But there were disadvantages too. | often didn’t know anyone on the ship. But the passengers all knew me, and they used to talk to me every time | left my cabin. | didn’t have any privacy. Of course, | had to chat to them politely even when | wasn't in the mood. But now, everything has changed. The cruises aren’t running now, and | don’t know when they will run again, and I’ve been in my flat for a year. | never used to spend much time here, and | haven't spent a whole year in England for over twenty years! But I’ve enjoyed it. | bought a bike last year, and I’ve found some great beach cafes that | never used to know about. | also bought a campervan, and | drove around the coast. | always used to prefer beaches in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean to British beaches. The weather is much better for a start! But | found some beautiful places last year. | could park on the beach in some places and run straight into the sea! They were much less touristy and more peaceful than the places where the cruise ships go. I'm spending a lot more time alone now. | didn't use to be alone much when | was working. But since the pandemic started, | have developed new relationships with people who | didn’t use to know very well. | always used to prefer the company of entertainers and people who like to travel. | used to think that people with normal jobs were boring. But since last year, I’ve got to know some really interesting, strong, kind and caring people! So that's been really valuable. Circle the correct letters a, b or c. 1. Sarah didn't use to have to a.travel long distances to work. b.get up early. c.manage staff on the ship. 2. Sarah used to____ around the world. a.perform in concert halls b.take her bike c.relax on beaches 3. Sarah didn’t use to like a.the lack of privacy on beaches. b.her colleagues on the ship. c.talking politely to strangers. 4. Sarah is spending ___ at home than before. a.more time b.less time c.about the same amount of time 5. Sarah went on bike rides and found some nice a.cafes b.beaches c.parks 6. Sarah disliked British beaches because ___ beaches in other countries. a.there are more people than on b.the weather is worse than on c.they are not as beautiful as 7. Sarah spent time alone in the past compared to now. a.less b.more c.a similar amount of 8. Talking about relationships, Sarah ___ now than in the past. a.has deeper relationships b.appreciates normal people more c.is kinder and more caring |.(B) Read the following leaflet and tick the correct box. (7 marks ) Read the leaflet and answer questions below: ABC Foob STORE 12:14Random set, rors Spenne mes onday"Sauray Gam = 100m Sina town = pm World Health Day! ‘As every year, inorder to celebrate the Word Health Day, we have extraordinary o and vegetables! (Our fantastic offers start on 1" April and end on the World Health Day - 7" April. We know that health matters and we want our customers to be healthy and happy. That’s why we have these fantastic offers for you: Buy one get one free on fresh ond frozen fruit and vegetables! Three for the price of two on canned vegetables and fruit! And for our best customers we have our best offer: with over a hundred recipes for healthy nutritious dishes! every customer, who spent £25 ina single transaction at our supermarket that week, has a chance of winning free fruit and vegetables shopping for a year! ice on you need to fill the form, giving your name, age, address and the “telephone number and attach the receipt. True or False: Tne Fase 1. The ABC Food Store is open every day from 6am to 10pm. o © 2. The World Health Day is on 1" April. a a 3. The offerlasts fora week. o 4. This offer is being held every year. a 68 5. The ‘buy one get one free’ offer is for fresh and frozen fruitonly. 6. The ‘three for the price of two’ offer is for canned fruit and vegetables. oo 7. Imorder to receive a recipe book you need to spend £30 in one transaction. a Gc |.(C) For the following questions (1 to 15), choose a, b, c or d and circle. (15 Marks) (Ass did you live in New York?" B: "I lived there for almost five years." a.When b.How much c.How long 2.When___? a.did you arrived b.did you arrive c.were you arrived 3. They threw a rock the window and broke the glass. a.through b.across c.into 4. He didn't speak English, it was difficult to make him understand what he had to do. a.although b.because c.sO 5. A: "Why did you turn off the TV?" B: "Because!___. I'm very tired." a.go to sleep b.will go to sleep c.'m going to sleep 6. This is the famous wine is produced in this region. a.where b.which c.that it 7.We last Tuesday. We here for over a week. a.arrived / 've been b.'ve arrived / 've been c.'ve arrived / were 8.1 didn't see _ strange when | went into the room. a.nothing b.anything c.something 9.Thisis___s the UK. a.the oldest man in b.the oldest man of c.the most old man in 10. There weren't tourists in the streets the day we went. a.too many b.too much c.too many of 11. | loved the chocolates. were delicious. a. They Blt c.Them 12. I'd buy a car if | a driving license. a.have b.would have c.had 13. Tomorrow, I'll text you as soon as | a.will wake up b.wake up c.'m waking up 14. The concert because of the bad weather. a.was cancelled b.cancelled c.did cancel 15. He was upset because her son her computer. a.broke b.was broken c.had broken Il) Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to form a story. And write the numbers next to the sentences. (10 marks) In the end, Gina joined the Nature Club and had a lot of fun with her friends. Her friends joined the Nature Club and were always talking about the fun they were having in the club. Her friends invited her to join the club but she refused. After some time, Gina began to feel left out because her friendswere talking about things that they did without her. Gina wanted to do well in school so she did not want to take part in activities that would take her away from her studies. 1) A. Choose the correct question words and fill in the gaps. (5 Marks) Who Which Whose Where When What Why How 1)-------- do you live? - | live in London. 2)___——_'s that girl? - She's my sister. 3)__———s do. you go to school? - By bus. 4)______ do banks open? - At eight O'clock. 5) are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot! lll. B. Write question about the words in bold. (5 marks) Example: He drank juice. - What did he drink? 1)They went to Spain. 2)He writes novels. 3) Lacy likes soccer 4) The girls watched a serial. 5) He discovered the truth. IV. Are the following statements TRUE (correct) or FALSE (wrong)? Circle. (10 marks) 1. A RIVER is bigger than a STREAM. TRUE FALSE 2. There are one thousand years ina CENTURY. TRUE FALSE 3. FOUNDED is the past tense of FOUND. TRUE FALSE 4. ANSWER can be used as a noun and a verb. TRUE FALSE 5. SCARLET is a brilliant red colour. TRUE FALSE 6. USED TO DOING and USED TO DO mean the same thing. TRUE FALSE 7. You can use IMPROVE as a noun and as a verb. TRUE EAESE 8. DOZEN is equivalent to 20. TRUE FALSE 9. The past tense of FIND is FOUND. TRUE FALSE 10. EQUIVALENT TO is (more or less) the same as EQUAL TO. TRUE FALSE V. Match A to J with 1-10. (10 marks) A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration D. Idiom E. Rhyming words F. Haiku G. Personification H.Legend I. Myth J. Easier 1. Rain And brain are examples 2. His voice is thunder. 3.Trees are dancing. 4. She is a wet blanket. 5. Ellie eats enormous eggs. 6. Bandula is an example of that. 7. Zeus created the Sun. 8. As good as gold 9. It has 17 syllables in total. 10. Comparative form VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. The first one has been done for you as an example. (10 marks) One night | was very upset. | decided to go for a walk. | walked (a) beside the lake for a long time. When | looked (b) my watch | realised | had been walking for two hours. As | was (C) my way back home without realising | started walking (d) Sameer’s house. When | reached Sameer's room, | switched (e) ____ the light. | saw Sameer sitting (f) his bed. (g) seeing me he raised his head. He looked very sick. | stood (h) his bed and he grabbed me (I) both arms. | could see tears (j) his eyes. VII. Look at the map beloe and write the direction for a chosen place. Use imparative verbs. (10 marks) Your friend is at the place marked with a star.* She has to go to the florist from that place. Write down 5 instructions which start with IMPERATIVE VERBS. Then your friend likes to go to the restaurant from the florist. Write 5 more instructions. VIIl) After reading the following poem, write what the poem means on your own words. (10 marks) ee.

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