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What the GP
can do

Although treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity For a child showing features of inattention, hyperactivity or
disorder (ADHD) usually involves specialist input, impulsivity, the GP needs to evaluate whether the child’s behav-
the GP plays an important role in assessment and iour is out of proportion to his or her developmental level and
arranging nonpharmacological treatment while whether it is causing functional impairment. Although a diagnosis
waiting for a paediatric appointment. Assessment of ADHD opens up the possibility of highly effective treatment,
of a child showing typical ADHD features of social stigma can be attached to the diagnostic label.4
inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity focuses on
whether the behaviour is out of proportion to his or Assessment for ADHD
her developmental level and whether it is causing A GP may need to evaluate a child for ADHD for the following
functional impairment.
• parental or school concern about ADHD

ttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a • the child shows concerning behaviour in the GP’s surgery
­common condition of childhood, affecting about 7 to • a parent requests a paediatric referral for ADHD assessment
11% of school-aged children.1 ADHD typically runs in • a parent requests a referral for ADHD therapy.
families. It is often associated with other conditions, such as The GP may suspect ADHD based on aspects of the child’s
learning difficulties or premature birth.2 Although ADHD is history or clinical observations, such as those listed in Box 1.
considered a categorical diagnosis – a person either has it or not Repeated nonattendance at appointments is also very common
– the features of ADHD are continuously distributed in the in families with ADHD. A diagnosis of ADHD is based on the
population. It is a lifelong condition, although the symptoms Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed
change with ­different stages of development. (DSM-5) criteria (Box 2).3
Children with ADHD typically have difficulty concentrating
and may also be hyperactive and impulsive.3 Difficulties with Exploring functional impairment in ADHD
concentration may mean that the child becomes distracted every One challenge in diagnosing ADHD is that the characteristic
few minutes. Easy or interesting tasks might be manageable, but behaviour is not specific – most children will display ADHD-type
completing a more challenging task might require an unsustain- behaviour some of the time – and its ­symptoms may be subtle.
able level of effort. ADHD disproportionately affects children The GP’s history taking should focus on the following domains
with learning difficulties, who have to overcome greater c­ hallenges of functioning, not just symptoms. The problems in functioning

to make progress. then become the targets for therapy.

MedicineToday 2022; 23(7): 39-44
Underachievement in relation to ability
Dr Poulton is a Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics at Sydney Medical School
Children with ADHD typically struggle more as the challenges of
(Nepean), The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW. Associate Professor Kramer schoolwork increase. This may lead to academic decline; for
is a Conjoint Associate Professor of Medicine at UNSW Sydney, Sydney; a instance, from average or above-average performance in early
general practitioner at Beach St Family Practice, Woolgoolga; Chair of the NSW primary school to being at the bottom of the grade in high school.
Rural Doctors Network Board, NSW; and Chair of the Royal Australian College Understanding a child’s early development is important: a child
of General Practitioners ADHD, ASD and Neurodiversity Specific Interest Group. with ADHD may appear ‘smart’ in preschool and show unexpected

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Paediatrics Clinic continued

• Is the child unable to concentrate on

therefore constantly seeking attention?
Behavioural observations in the clinical setting Family or social associations
• High activity levels • Children with a first-degree relative Significant problems with peer
• Intrusive of personal space with diagnosed or suspected
• Interrupting
• Children not being raised by at least As children develop and progress, commu-
• Helping themselves to things in the room
one birth parent nication skills become increasingly impor-
• Daydreaming
• Children notified to welfare services tant for sustaining strong friendships. These
• Getting angry or squabbling with siblings
• Impatient to leave
for any reason skills involve listening, processing the
• Noisy
• Parent with custodial history or ­information and responding appropriately
substance misuse – all of which require mental effort. ­Children
Educational problems
Medical or health problems with ADHD often find it easier to talk about
• Suspensions from school or banned
from using school bus
• Intrauterine (e.g. drugs or alcohol) themselves and impose what they want to
• Developmental issues do. Being bossy may be tolerated in the early
• Change of school due to expulsion
• Irritable from an early age years of school, but bossy children can
• Bullying at school (victim or perpetrator)
• Multiple presentations with become increasingly ostracised. A teenager
• Parental concerns about school progress
accidental trauma, self-harm or
• Poor reader or poor academic progress may lose concentration and withdraw to the
• Learning problems (dyslexia, dyscalculia, • Insomnia, enuresis and/or soiling
edge of the group. Children with oppositional
intellectual disability)
• ‘Soft’ neurological signs defiant disorder (ODD) as well as ADHD
• Teacher suggestion of referral to (‘clumsy’ children, ‘floppy’ children, may show unpredictable spite or anger.
paediatrician ambidexterity) Questions that the GP can ask the
• Persistent references in serial school • Children identified with comorbidities child’s parents or guardians include:
reports to lack of focus or organisation, (oppositional defiant disorder/
talking in class or failure to achieve potential
• Has the child had any problems with
conduct disorder, autism spectrum
• Difficulties with transition (e.g. preschool to an irritable mood or negative outlook?
disorder, significant anxiety,
kindergarten, primary school to high school, depression, obsessive compulsive • Does the child have friends in the
school to university), when children with disorder) playground and ‘sleepovers’ with
ADHD reach the end of their capacity to Abbreviation: ADHD = attention deficit other children?
adjust to the increasing demands of life hyperactivity disorder.
• Does the child show signs of school
difficulties with the increasing demands of Generating unreasonable levels of
starting school. It is therefore a good idea stress or disruption at home Poor self-esteem
to ask about the child’s academic achieve- A child with ADHD may find concentrat- Children with ADHD have to try harder
ment and progress. ing on routine tasks at home, such as getting than other children to succeed. This
dressed or doing homework, to be too much increased effort may be unsustainable.
Generating unreasonable levels of effort. Note that being able to concentrate A child with ADHD might keep uninten-
stress or disruption at school on technology does not count because the tionally getting into trouble because of his
A child who cannot concentrate on his or child is constantly stimulated by this, with- or her inability to stop and think before
her schoolwork will become bored and may out having to make any creative effort. speaking or acting. Poor self-­esteem can then
look for entertainment, such as talking, Questions that the GP can ask the lead to negative f­eelings and behaviour. A
playing or making noises. A hyperactive child’s parents or guardians include: demoralised child is more likely to give up
child may have difficulty remaining seated • How long does it take the child to than to try harder. Therefore, poor self-­
in class. An impulsive child may keep perform routine tasks at home, such esteem in a child with suspected ADHD can
­calling out and interrupting the class. as getting ready in the morning, and be considered a red flag for prioritising diag-
Questions that the GP can ask the how many reminders are needed? nosis and treatment. The GP can ask the
child’s parents or guardians include: • How long does homework take, and child’s parents or guardians if the child seems
• Has the child been in trouble at school, how long should it take? to be overly self-­critical or lacks self-worth.
with detentions or suspensions? • For what proportion of the time
• Are there any special classroom spent on homework is the child ‘Typical’ ADHD
arrangements in place, such as sitting actually working? The typical symptoms of ADHD can often
the child at a table near the teacher? • How often is the parent feeling stressed? be masked or mimicked by, or coexist

40 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2022, VOLUME 23, NUMBER 7

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Criteria must occur often and to a greater extent than would be expected for the person’s CONDITIONS
age and developmental level and be associated with impairment in more than one setting
(e.g. at home and school). Differential diagnoses for children with
‘typical’ symptoms of ADHD
A diagnosis of inattentive ADHD requires A diagnosis of hyperactive/impulsive • Immaturity
at least six of the follow criteria for ADHD requires at least six of the follow
• Autism spectrum disorder
inattention: criteria for hyperactivity/impulsivity:
• Intellectual disability
• fails to pay close attention to details or • fidgets or taps hands or feet or squirms
• Speech and language delays
makes careless mistakes in seat
• Vision and hearing impairment
• has difficulty remaining attentive to • leaves seat in situations when
tasks or activities remaining seated is expected • Depression or anxiety
• does not appear to listen when directly • runs around or climbs in inappropriate • Trauma
spoken to situations Circumstances where ADHD should
• does not follow through on instructions • is unable to play or engage in leisure not be overlooked in children with
or finish tasks activities quietly ‘atypical’ symptoms
• has difficulty organising tasks or activities • is ‘on the go’ and acting as if ‘driven by • Learning difficulties
• avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in a motor’ • Severe problems with inattention
tasks that require sustained mental effort • talks excessively • Oppositional defiant disorder
• loses things that are needed for tasks • blurts out an answer before a question • Anxiety
or activities has been fully asked • Trauma
• is easily distracted by extraneous • has difficulty awaiting turn Abbreviation: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity
stimuli or unrelated thoughts • interrupts or intrudes on others disorder.
• is forgetful in daily activities, such
as chores
Speech and language delays
A diagnosis of ADHD combined-type requires at least six of the nine criteria for both
ADHD may mask a receptive language
inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity
Abbreviations: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; DSM-5 = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
delay, because in both conditions a child
Disorders, 5th ed.3 may not follow what is being said. Without
formal testing of language skills, it can be
with, other conditions, so it is important both diagnoses are being considered, it often difficult to determine whether the child
to consider coexisting conditions or alter- makes sense to treat the child for ADHD is not listening or not comprehending.
native diagnoses to ADHD (Box 3). first and assess whether he or she shows any
improvement with medication. In children Vision and hearing impairment
Immaturity with autism spectrum disorder, the social A child with a hearing impairment will have
The features of ADHD are common in problems will persist despite a reduction in to concentrate harder than other children
young children. Children mature at differ- the symptoms of ADHD. Behavioural inter- to follow what is going on. This may lead to
ent rates. If a young child shows signs of ventions to deal with the problems in func- mental fatigue and loss of concentration.
ADHD but appears to be managing toler- tioning are important for either condition Similarly, a visual impairment will make
ably well, it is often better to watch and wait and do not require full diagnostic clarity reading and written work more difficult.
while starting behaviour management before being implemented. Therefore, it is important to test both vision
strategies. A child with ADHD typically and hearing in children showing these
behaves like a child 30% younger than his Specific learning difficulties and problems.
or her chronological age. Such a child may intellectual disability
cope better in a younger peer group. The Children with ADHD who are struggling Depression or anxiety
deciding factor for identifying that a child academically may learn more efficiently Children who are depressed or anxious
has ADHD is often that they continue to once their ADHD is treated. However, if often have difficulty concentrating. Either
have problems as they settle into school. the child does not then start to catch up of these conditions may coexist with and
with his or her peers, further appropriate be exacerbated by ADHD and may abate
Autism spectrum disorder investigation for other learning dif­ when the ADHD is diagnosed and treated.
ADHD and autism spectrum disorder often ficulties, such as speech and language or The time course is often a helpful way to
coexist, and their associated problems with ­psychometric assessment, should be differentiate between ADHD and depres-
social communication may look similar. If undertaken. sion because concentration deficits caused

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Paediatrics Clinic continued

by ADHD should be consistent and long- any mentally demanding tasks, the child’s by parents or guardians and the child’s
standing, whereas those caused by depres- teacher may not know that concentration classroom teacher, can save everyone sig-
sion are more likely to be of recent onset is a problem. ODD can be extremely dis- nificant time, effort and money. The GP
or to run a fluctuating course. abling but often abates with ADHD med- can give parents a letter to pass on to the
ication.7 Therefore, it is important to child’s teacher, which asks the teacher to
Trauma carefully look for the features of ADHD complete an enclosed symptom rating scale
Behaviour associated with a background in any child with ODD, particularly if the (Table 1) and p ­ rovide any other relevant
of emotional trauma, abuse or neglect may problems are longstanding. information, such as a checklist indicating
resemble ADHD, with poor concentra- which of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria the
tion, anxiety and emotional withdrawal Anxiety child meets at school, which can then
or irritability. However, trauma and Anxiety is common in children, affecting ­support the referral.
ADHD often coexist, particularly in about 7%.8 ADHD often exacerbates ­anxiety Although many children with ADHD
­families with transgenerational ADHD. in a child who is constantly ­worried about respond best to a combination of medica-
failing. An anxious child may try particu- tion and nonpharmacological intervention,
‘Atypical’ ADHD larly hard to not get into trouble at school, not all children need specialist treatment.
As some children with ADHD have which may mask the effects of ADHD, with Even for those who do require stimulant
­atypical symptoms, it is important not to the stress of the effort coming out as irrita- medication, the GP can arrange other inter-
overlook a possible diagnosis of ADHD bility as soon as school finishes. Therefore, ventions while the child is ­waiting for a
in the following circumstances (Box 3). it is important to remember that bad par- paediatric assessment. If the child responds
enting is not the only reason for a child to well to such interventions, medication and
Learning difficulties appear to be ‘perfect’ at school while showing a formal diagnosis may be deferred or even
Deficits with concentration disproportion- features of ADHD that cause high levels of unnecessary.
ately affect tasks that are difficult or men- stress and disruption within the family.
tally challenging. Therefore, a minor degree Management in general practice
of ADHD will have a more pronounced Trauma There are several Medicare-supported
effect in a child with learning difficulties. ADHD often coexists as a problem that mechanisms for managing ADHD in
A child who is already behind in his or her requires specific diagnosis and treatment ­igeneral practice, which can include the
learning may learn more effectively if the in traumatised children. involvement of allied health professionals
ADHD is identified and treated. (Table 2). Case conferencing can be useful
Management of ADHD for gathering information from at least two
Severe problems with inattention Management of ADHD in children other professionals involved in the child’s
A child with severe ADHD may be ­usually involves a combination of pharma­ care in a notional multidisciplinary care
­daydreaming or ‘zoned out’ for much of cological and nonpharmacological inter- team. These can include health or allied
the time. This affects the development of ventions. The latter include behaviour health professionals, educators or commu-
all skills, including social and communi- management and additional learning nity workers providing social support.
cation skills. The parent or healthcare pro- ­support, as well as occupational therapy
fessional may have the misconception that and speech pathology when indicated. Mental Health Treatment Plan
such a severe problem could not be caused Nonpharmacological intervention can be If ADHD (or any other mental health con-
by ADHD, and the child must therefore started early, without a diagnosis. dition) is diagnosed, the patient can access
have autism spectrum disorder. This mis- A child may be brought to the GP for Medicare-supported psychological therapy
diagnosis deprives the child of ADHD the specific purpose of requesting a spe- or occupational therapy using a Mental
medication, which might otherwise enable cialist referral. Paediatricians often have Health Treatment Plan. This involves a
the child to be alert and ­communicative long waiting times for appointments and consultation (either 20 to 40 minutes or
for a greater proportion of the time. high consultation fees. A well-constructed more than 40 minutes) to set up the plan,
referral that highlights the major areas of followed by 10 therapy sessions initially and
Oppositional defiant disorder dysfunction and includes questionnaires, the possibility of a further 10 sessions.
ODD is common in children with ADHD, such as Conners 3 (www.pearsonclinical.
occurring in about 40% of those with or the Vanderbilt Team Care Arrangement
ADHD combined-type.5 ODD is unusual ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale (https:// If there is no mental health diagnosis, or if
without ADHD.6 However, ODD can the child needs a referral to another allied
mask ADHD: if a child refuses to attempt adhd-diagnostic-­rating-scale), completed health therapist, a Team Care Arrangement

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How does this student compare to other students of the same age?

Much less Slightly less Average Slightly more Much more





Appropriate behaviour

Does this student have any learning

difficulties? Please give details.

Has he/she ever required remedial teaching?

What are your main concerns about this student?

can be used to access five allied health Family support and education the most commonly prescribed medica-
­sessions a year. This involves patient input Community ADHD support groups and tions for ADHD but are restricted because
and two multidisciplinary team members, ADHD websites are good sources of of their potential for misuse, and it is
as well as the GP. The allied health profes- ­information for patients and parents.10 ­unusual for GPs to be permitted to pre-
sional providing the therapy would be one These include ADHD Australia, ADHD scribe them.
team member, and the child’s teacher could United and the ADHD Foundation (Box 4). Restrictions in accessing ADHD treat-
be the other – a teacher filling out a behav- ment are increasingly recognised as an
ioural ­questionnaire demonstrates direct Medication for ADHD Australia-wide problem. In NSW, the
communication. For children who need medication for Henry Review recommended trialling
­optimal treatment of ADHD, gaining new models of integrated care for ADHD
GP Management Plan access to an appropriate specialist can be involving GP prescribing.11 In the future,
A GP Management Plan can be used for a a considerable problem. Stimulants are restrictions on GP prescribing would need
patient with a chronic condition that will
number to prepare the plan can be claimed
every 12 months, with a further rebate that Allied health care Examples of assistance given
allows the GP to review the patient every Occupational • Fine motor or writing skills
three months to co-ordinate management. therapy • Planning and structuring tasks
Patients can also access allied health care • Social skills
with a GP Management Plan. Speech therapy • Assessing and supporting language development
The use of templates (available from the • Social communication
Department of Health) is encouraged to • Assessing for dyslexia
better demonstrate Medicare compliance.9
Psychology • Psychometric assessment
Occasionally, parents will present to the GP • Parenting interventions and behaviour management
because a speech pathologist or occupational • Social skills training
therapist has told them to get a referral from • Family therapy
their GP, without advising them that the • Individual therapy for anger management, anxiety and depression
Medicare requirements for a Team Care • Trauma counselling
Arrangement or Mental Health Treatment Teacher or tutor • Additional support with learning
Plan must first be met. This process takes • Behaviour strategies and supports in school
time and thoroughness to avoid problems
Abbreviation: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
if a random Medicare audit takes place.

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Paediatrics Clinic continued

Adverse effect Notes
For patients
Weight loss • Very common in the first six months; weight should be
• ADHD Australia: regained by one year • If the child is underweight for height, advise offering more
• ADHD United: food at breakfast (before the medication is taken) and later in the evening (as the effect wears off)
• ADHD Foundation: • For some children, medication may be omitted on nonschool days Slowing of growth in • Growth in height is slowed by about 1 cm/year for the first
• Dr Poulton’s ADHD Patient height three years of treatment; it is useful to monitor this with a
Explanation Sheets: growth chart • If medication is stopped, catch-up growth is expected
• Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance:
Insomnia • Reduce the stimulant dose in the afternoon or evening if
For professionals • Advise a regular bedtime routine without electronic stimulation
• Australian ADHD Professionals (no mobile phone by the bed)
Association: • Melatonin may be helpful
Increase in heart rate • These effects are usually small and do not require treatment
• RACGP ADHD, ASD and Neurodiversity
and blood pressure
Specific Interest Group*
Abbreviations: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity Emotional changes • Children may be sad and tearful, particularly when first
disorder; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; treated; this usually settles in two to three weeks
RACGP = Royal Australian College of General
• Some children experience rebound worsening of irritability as
* Membership of this group is available to all RACGP the medication wears off; this may be reduced by a small dose
members at no additional cost. later in the day or by using a sustained-release formulation
• If a child becomes more angry, anxious, depressed or
‘zombie-like’ after taking the stimulant, the dose may be too
to be eased to allow the GP to take on a high, or a change of medication may be needed
greater role in ADHD management.
In the meantime, GPs can prescribe Abbreviation: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

the nonstimulants atomoxetine and

­guanfacine using a private prescription. Therefore, a few months’ delay in starting for once-daily dosing. Clonidine has
Alternatively, clonidine is cheap and can pharmacological treatment may not have ­similar effects but does not last as long and
stabilise the situation. any detrimental long-term effect. is often more sedating.

Stimulants Atomoxetine Conclusion

In Australia, the stimulants generally pre- This is a selective noradrenaline reuptake Despite ADHD being a condition that
scribed for ADHD are methylphenidate, inhibitor. Prescribing atomoxetine is sim- usually involves specialist input, the GP
dexamfetamine and lisdexamfetamine. ilar to prescribing a selective serotonin can fulfil a valuable role in assessment
GPs can monitor medication efficacy and reuptake inhibitor. It can be prescribed and arranging nonpharmacological treat-
side effects with the parent and child and by GPs, as it does not have the misuse ment. GP referral to a specialist that
by requesting reports and ratings from potential of stimulants. includes a detailed description of the
the child’s teacher. Stimulant side effects child’s problems, with reports and ratings
are outlined in Table 3. Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists from parents and teachers, can help with
Most children with ADHD show an The alpha-2 adrenergic agonists guanfa- triaging and reduce delays in starting
obvious positive response to medication, cine and clonidine can also be p­ rescribed pharmacological treatment.  MT
with an improvement that may be imme- for ADHD. Guanfacine is ­effective for
diate and dramatic. Stimulant medication treating ADHD as monotherapy or in References
is often so effective that, once treatment combination with a stimulant. It is an A list of references is included in the online version
starts, a child who had been behind in his ­antihypertensive agent, so blood pressure of this article (
or her learning may catch up quite rapidly, should be monitored. Guanfacine is avail-
particularly in the early years of school. able as an extended-­release formulation COMPETING INTERESTS: None.

44 MedicineToday ❙ JULY 2022, VOLUME 23, NUMBER 7

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MedicineToday 2022; 23(7): 39-44

ADHD in children
What the GP can do ALISON POULTON MA, MB BChir, MD(Cantab), FRACP

1. Sawyer MG, Reece CE, Sawyer ACP, Johnson SE, Lawrence D. Has the 7. Blader JC, Pliszka SR, Jensen PS, Schooler NR, Kafantaris V. Stimulant-
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between 1998 and 2013 to 2014? J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2018; ADHD. Pediatrics 2010; 126: e796-e806.
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referred youth with oppositional defiant disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:
1214-1224. review.aspx (accessed June 2022).

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