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Pie chart

Analyzing sample

The chart below shows the results of a survey about what people of different age groups say
makes them most happy.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Topic sentence: The chart below shows the results of a survey about what people of different
age groups say makes them most happy.

 Paraphrase: .................................................................................................................................
The chart below  the given pie chart/ the pie chart.
Shows  illustrates/ gives information about
the results of a survey about what people of different age groups say makes them most
 the results of a survey  the outcomes/conclusions of a survey
 what makes them most happy 
o happy = blissful = joyful
o what  joyful
o mạo từ + (trạng) + tính+ noun  the joyful factors.
o the factors make them joyful = factors contribute to their happiness
o wordform
 different age groups  under and over 30 age groups = people under 30 and people over
30 = people of two age groups
The pie chart gives information about the conclusions of a survey about the factors which
contributed to their happiness from people under and over 30 years old groups.

The pie chart gives information about the conclusions of a survey about the factors, and these
contribute to their happiness from people under and over 30 years old groups.

Giống SVO, SVO
Compound sentence: SVO, fanboys SVO (For; And; Nor But; Or Yet So)
Complex sentence: SVO, SVO (because, if, after, while, although, which, who)
 Run-on
 the pie chart illustrates the outcomes of a survey conducted (V3) (which was
conducted) to find out factors contributing (which contributed) to happiness of two
age groups.
V1 V2 (quá khứ) V3 (quá khứ phân từ)
 Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ theo bị động  giữ lại V3
 Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ theo chủ động  Ving

Static or dynamic?

 the results of a survey  the outcomes/conclusions of a survey

 what makes them most happy 
o happy = blissful = joyful
o what  joyful
o mạo từ + (trạng) + tính+ noun  the joyful factors.
o the factors make them joyful = factors contribute to their happiness
o wordform
 different age groups  under and over 30 age groups = people under 30 and people over
30 = people of two age groups


2 sentences

Sen 1:

1) similarities
2) highest/lowest
3) dominant

sentence 1: Overall, it is apparent that people in both age groups feel happy when getting
achievement at work and doing their hobbies.
Sen 2:

1) differences
2) gap: chênh lệch lớn nhất (bar)
3) lowest/highest

Sentence 2: While people under 30 like having a good appearance and travelling, those over 30
enjoy financial security and being with family.

Sentence 2: Besides, whereas having a good outlook and travelling are favored in under 30
aged group, residents who are over 30 would rather to secure finance and to spend time for
their families.
Body 1:
1) similarities:
2) highest/lowest
3) dominant

body 2:

1) differences
2) gap
3) others

Paragraph 1: Miêu tả điểm chung giữa hai biểu đồ

 Cả hai nhóm tuổi đều đưa chỉ ra rằng Achivement at work là yếu tố chiếm tỉ lệ nhiều nhất
để giúp họ hạnh phúc hơn
 In terms of similarities, / Looking at similarities, both age groups say that Achievement at work
brings them most happiness, (which accounts for/ accounting for) 31% of people under 30
(the younger age group) and 32% of people over 30 (the older counterpart).
Nghĩa Cấu trúc
Điểm giống nhau Look at the /ˌsɪməˈlærətiz/

A and B share the same p_tt_rn

Tỉ lệ nhiều nhất ..................................................................................
Nhóm dưới 30 tuổi và nhóm ngoài 30 The f_rmer and the latt_r group
tuổi /ˈʌndər/ 30 aged group and /ˈəʊvər/ 30 aged

The younger aged group and the older aged group




 Doing hobbies cũng là một lí do mà cả hai nhóm tuổi chọn trong việc khiến cuộc sống trở
nên hạnh phúc hơn

Doing hobbies is also an important reason/ a noticeable factor making (which makes) their lives
happier with 22% for the younger age group and 24% for the older counterpart/ that of the

That of the older

Paragraph 2: Miêu tả điểm khác nhau giữa hai biểu đồ

 Nhóm người dưới 30 tuổi cho rằng Having a good appearance và Travelling là hai yếu tố
quan trọng tạo nên cuộc sống hạnh phúc

Turning to the differences, respondents who are under 30 state that having a good appearance
and travelling are significant for a happy life with 18% and 15% respectively.

 (Ngược lại, cả hai yếu tố Having a good appearance và Travelling đều không được nhắc đến
trong biểu đồ nhóm tuổi ngoài 30). Ở nhóm tuổi này, Financial security và Being with family
quan trọng hơn trong việc giúp họ cảm thấy vui vẻ.
 By/in contrast, in the over 30 age group, they reports that Financial security and Being with
family are most important to their happiness

Nghĩa Cấu trúc

Ngược lại ..................................................................................
Cả A và B đều không... ..................................................................................


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes which occurred.

Write at least 150 words.

The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.


 The two graphs = the pie charts = the given/provided pie charts
 Show = illustrate = give information = compare – in terms of …
 the main sources of energy in the USA
o = five different sources of energy in the USA
o Main = major
 in the 1980s and the 1990s = from … to = between … and …

The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the
1980s and the 1990s.
What: the main sources of energy
Unit: percent
Time: 1980-1990  past
Overview (1-2)
Trend (tăng/giảm) fluctuate/ remain stable:
decrease: oil + natural gas
increase: others
1) highest/lowest (ở năm cuối)
2) dominant (cao hơn tất cả)
3) tăng giảm mạnh nhất
Overall, it is clear that fossil energy such as oil, coal and gas in both
periods accounted for the largest proportion. While the figures for
natural sources power had tendency to decrease, the percentage of
nuclear power and coal increased.
It is clear that the most used source of energy was oil.
the most preferred resource
popular source
1) highest/lowest (ở năm cuối) (ít ưu tiên)
2) dominant (cao hơn tất cả) (ưu tiên)
3) tăng giảm mạnh nhất
2020: past
2020 – 2022: HTHT
2022: present simple
2022: future


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