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M L Khanna DAV Public School

Sector VI,Dwarka,New Delhi 110075

Assignment-On the face of it
Class XII

Q1 Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate


I If Derry were in a library at the beginning of the play, which of the

following sections of books would he NOT explore?

(i) science fiction (ii) fantasy (iii) self-help (iv) non-fiction

a) Options (i) and (ii)

b) Options (ii) and (iii)

c) Options (iii) and (iv)

d) Options (i) and (iv)

ii “Ah, but do you care if you never kiss them.” What does Mr. Lamb
aim to do with such a statement?

a) Empower Derry to take charge.

b) Inspire Derry to have dreams.

c) Comfort Derry by distracting him.

d) Question Derry about his desires.

iii Choose the option that best constitutes a message from the play:

a) People’s attitude should not stop one from experiencing life.

b) What people say has no bearing upon how one feels about things.

c) People cannot be changed. One can and should only change oneself.

d) One’s opinions cannot be based on what people say behind one’s back.
Q2 What message do the following references convey ?

i) a garden of weeds-

ii) buzzing and singing bees-

iii) opened gate-

iv)pantophobia (the man who had fear of everything)-

v) beauty and beast -


Q 3 Answer the following questions in about 60 words:

1 Mr Lamb showed Derry the path that nobody had ever showed .How far
do you agree with this?
2 Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr Lamb’s brief association
effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the future?
3 What lesson do we learn from Mr Lamb in the story?
4 Is it normal for a boy like Derry to be drowned in the sea of depression
and misery?


Q 4 Answer the following questions in about 60 words:

1 On the face of it is a tug of war between perspective and perception.We

hold on strongly to what others think about us and mould our attitude
towards ourselves. How far do you think this statement holds true ?

2 Derry’s mother is given little characterization in the play but the little role
speaks comprehensively about how she is responsible towards Derry being
what he is .Analyse her character.

Q4 After having gone through the play, attempt the following Character
Attribute Table for Derek .
trusting nature, open, cynical ,friendly, veteran of World War,
non-judgmental, defiant, eccentric

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