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Nama : Didik Pratama

ID : E1D018030
Class : 5 Tourism Practitioner 1 (5 TP. 1)
Subject : Creative Literary Writing
Lecturer : Dr. Nuriadi, SS., M.Hum

‘Love and Hate’

“Krieeettttt” The door of class raised its voice, signaling someone opened it. At that time, the
atmosphere seemed to be quite hot—due to the fact that it was summer. The girl named Santa
Maria, famously called ‘Maria’, whose hair was curly, and who was beautiful, sexy, tall, and
better looking, sitting on her lounge spontaneously looked at the door.
The one opening the door was a fresh student of Master Degree just as others in the class,
and his name was Adam Firda—a student who came from Indonesia.
Whereas, in another side, John standing beside Maria—she is actually closed friend of his
since undergraduate degree. But, actually, he silently falls in love on her—feeling heated
because of the hot day appeared awfully curious about Adam because his appearance was weird,
according to him alone.
During that occurrence, the professor that taught the class came and with no words uttered
then started carrying out the lecture. Not long after, one of students longing to this class arrived
late. Luckily, the professor let her in.
“Who is she” John asked Maria.
She stared at him, and replied “Mmmm, i can’t tell. But, she looks odd. Why does she put on
a full-covered clothes and close her half face with shawl (not exactly shawl, but Niqab 1).”
Feeling speechless and getting confused were which both of whom are now in.
“Please, introduce yourself in front of the audience in this class, dear. And why do you come
sort of late”. Professor insists and asks a question instead of putting the judgment on her.

Niqab derived from Arabic is used to cover woman’s half face. It is used to being worn by either faithful
practicing female believers of Islam or those attempting to make positive change (hijr) in order to be good
“I’m Nur Khatimah. I ,fruitfully, may be called either Nur or Khatimah. I really do
apologize, professor. It is my very first time in USA, especially in this state”. She replies
“Hmm I see…”
“I must adapt and set up new habit for positivity so that I shall not be doing the same thing
“Alright. In the following days, be on time, please. Have a seat then, dear”. Professor
seemingly declares.
“Thank you in advance, Prof….”
Nur slowly disappears from Professor’s eyes, then moves to where she is supposed to sit on
and conveniently get engaged into the lecture.
Afternoon view in the park around the campus contributed fresh wind and blew unforgettably
calm nuances, accompanied with roses aromatizing the environment and green grass happily
served as a seat, to everyone who walked through, even called at.
No tight schedule nor homework Adam had, he went to the part in purpose of reading book,
moreover enjoying the ambiance freely provided. At the same time, Maria headed home through
the park, and coincidently come across Adam.
“He was a man with whom I study in the class this noon. He is brutally handsome” thought
of Maria with shocking heart.
She came closer to Adam.
“Hi.” Greeting sweetly as well as softly expressed with her mouth.
“Hallo.” Adam gave back-channeling.
Maria, the moment at which she stood, was allured with Adam’s handsomeness, kindness
(due to how he replied her greeting).
They talked for a couple of minutes, introducing to each other. During the conversation
carried out, John always wearing his spectacles accidently saw both of them which made him
feel envious: He ineffably fell in love on her. Unfortunately, not knowing how he should
express his feeling became pain within himself.
John directly walked away owing to the fact that it psychologically tortured him.
Together with what was happening to John, Adam in such a short period of time saw Nur
walking in small pavement in the park in which he had small talk with Maria. He was then
triggered by one of his goals, which was to marry a girl as her—faithful, humble, kind. Touched
with this thing, Maria was infected with jealousy as experienced by John.
John felt jealous, and increasingly got jealous whether he remembered what he had seen in the
park. He attempted to find freaking way to fling Adam so that Maria stayed away from him. In
such a small room, dirty, even wet, he thought of the undetectably best way to do his intentions.
“Yes, I now know how to bring misfortune to him, Adam. I shall come to Maria’s dorm at
night, anaesthetize and rape her. As a result, she will get impregnated”
John again talks to himself, “If this plan is successfully executed. Next thing I’ll do is to
kidnap Nur Khatimah”.
Far away from what he had planned, he awfully knew that Adam wanted to marry a girl as
Nur because he saw one of Adam’s goals written in his small notebook.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAH.” He solely laughed loudly.
In another side, Maria planed to mock and to break Nur’s mental health by widely spreading
slander that Moslems—as whole—like her are terrorist. By executing this act, she brutally
hoped that Nur would not be here, and not be seen by Adam anymore, and went back home to
her own country in the middle east.
Maria was on her plan and so was John.
Maria successfully did what she did plan. Most of students were able to be agitated by her to
underestimate and vilify Nur. Nur , eventually, increasingly got depressed, not wanting to talk
and to meet people.
Meanwhile, 3 days later, John came to Maria’s. He shortly succeeded doing what had been
planned. John quickly moved to his final plan. Accompanied by his friends, Will and Smith,
John kidnapped Nur. This plan arranged was perfectly executed by all of whom.
“YES. I made it. Now I need is a wait. I wait for Maria’s pregnancy, then calumniate Adam
that he does rape her”. John smiled solely, deeply appeared jubilant bearing in mind that his
evil work reached the point of success.
3 months later, the most problematic issue for the first time arrived at Adam. He, habitually
reading book in Library, was suddenly arrested by the Police, was brought to police office, and
would be judged in the court.
“WAIT, WAIT. What’s wrong ? What’s happening ? What are you doing ?” Adam shouts to
the ploice.
“You have committed crime. You raped the girl, named Maria.” Police responded to him.
Arriving at police office, Adam was addressed and directed to his cell. And, out of his
expectation, there came a person wanting to see him that is John. He silently tells about
everything he has done.
“This is my doing. Stay here for good, and you die soon. Your head stone rapidly visits and
says hello to you.”
“Good bye, buddy. Sweet cell. Have joy in your own prison” John did his head in.
Could do nothing, Adam only prayed—expecting there will be help. Not longer than 2 hours.
Adam was brought to the court as to justify him in accordance to the crime he committed.
Not knowing where help called, during the court in justifying suspect, Adam, there came
witness, a girl whose name was Amanda, a dorm mate of Maria. She completely voiced
concerning what was happening to Maria by giving a capture and short video that was recorded.
The juries displayed with evidence decided not to punish Adam. At that time, John was
surprisingly shocked. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t deny. Shortly, otherwise, he got
directly justified and arrested for 7 years as punishment of such a crime.
Through tough court, the problem was uncovered and coped. Maria that was raped by John,
then became impregnated felt brutally depressed as well as distraught. She was now brought to
rehabilitation department. Whereas, Nur, kidnapped while in that situation she’s depressed, was
released or freed. She was morally as well as psychologically motivated and supported by
In short period of time after that occurrence, Adam married Nur by firstly conducting
ta’aruf followed with khitbah that took them into marital commitment. They eventually got
married, and builded a family all together.
Additionally, one thing was wanted by Nur to do that she wants to be taken to the place in
which Maria is now rehabilitated. Her purpose was to psychologically support her not to give in
condition she gets now. Even though Nur was orally tortured and defamed by Maria.


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