Porte Act8GEC03

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Evaluation: Jose Rizal controversy

1. In your opinion, do you think that Rizal would retract his statements?
- For me Rizal did not retract his statements. As to whether Rizal had retracted or not,
several authors offered a variety of opinions and evidences.However, as of right now,
there is no evidence or justification to put an end to the discussion.When the family of
Rizal asked for the original copy, it was claimed that it had been misplaced.
Rizal knew the friars were misinforming the Filipinos, and he wanted to set the record
straight, so that letter could only be a denial of his retraction.When the family of Rizal
requested the original of the said document or a copy of the alleged retraction letter, the
petition was denied.

2. Hypothetically, supposed that Dr. Jose Rizal did retract his statements against the
Catholic church and the Spanish government, and you were given the chance to talk to jose
rizal , what would you say to him about his retraction?
- I would tell him that, if you really retracted all that you wrote about the Catholic church,
it still did not chance the fact that your writing began the wheels of change in Philippine
colonial society during the Spanish period. A change that led to our independence. Your
retraction is just on aspect oof your life, work, and writings.

3. How do you think the History of the Philippines be written if it were true that rizal
retracted and that he was not executed as a result? Could there had been a revolution?
- Since the revolution was well underway when Rizal was meant to retract, his so-called
retraction has nothing to do with it. His Catholic faith, which was essentially nonexistent
at the time, is the root of everything .Rizal was executed anyway. History did not change
because of Rizal’s retraction, if there ever was. It was simply so insignificant compared
to Rizal’s role in our history. It is only the Catholic Church that makes a big deal out of
it. Nobody else cares.

Evaluation: Convention between the United State

1.China has been very aggressive in its claim of most parts of the South China Sea or the
West Philippine Sea. How would you use this Convention between the United States of
America and Great Britain Delimiting the Boundary between the Philippine Archipelago
and the State of North Borneo {1930} as a counter evidence of the Philippines in defending
its territory and sovereignty?
- I will use this convention between the United States of America and great Britain
delimiting the boundary between the Philippine archipelago and the state of north borneo
to have evidence in defending the sovereignty of Philippines and and its territory.
Because in the said article 3 in convention that all island to the north and east of the said
line and all islands and rocks traversed by the said line, should there be any such, shall
belong to the Philippine archipelago. Also china cannot claim the waters within the 9-
dashed line map as its territory sea.
Evaluation: Minutes of preceding

1 How did the 1972 constitutional convention finally define national territory?
- This part of the Constitution defines the national territory of the Philippines as the
Philippine Archipelago, with all islands and waters embraced therein, and all other
territories belonging to the Philippines by historic right or title, including the territorial
sea, the airspace, the subsoil, the seabed, the insular shelves and other submarine areas
over which the Philippines have sovereignty or jurisdiction. Internal waters are defined.

2.Can we use this document to argue the claim of rights of the Philippines over the islands
being claimed by China? Why or why not?
- Yes, we can use this document to argue the claim of rights of the Philippines over the
islands being claimed by china. because in the said document says that all territories
belonging to the Philippine by historic right or legal title including the territorial sea. The
continental shelf and other submarine areas over which the Philippine has sovereignty or

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