E GMAT Assignment SEO Manager

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– SEO Manager – e-GMAT

At e-GMAT we strongly believe in methodical execution of projects. Therefore, to assess your ‘fit’ for this
position we would like you to complete an assignment. Remember that this assignment will hold 70%
weight in your complete application process.

Assignment details

Content and structure are the most important parts of any SEO strategy and therefore, we’d like to test
your basic content and optimization skills. There are 2 topics. The first topics tests your basic
knowledge on content. The purpose is to check your thought process and content structuring skills.

Topic 1

1. How much should I score on the GMAT to get into M7 business schools? (1000-1500 words)

The content you’ll write should be well researched and structured. The flow of the content should
make logical sense and should be engaging. Don’t forget to add your flair to the content.

Topic 2

At the end of the day, the job of an SEO manager is to get traffic to the website. Therefore, how well you
optimize a page makes the whole difference. Here is your second topic

2. Take a look at this article - https://e-gmat.com/blogs/gmat-fee-how-much-does-the-gmat-cost/
Your task is to suggest changes in the content, structure, and elements of this page so as to make
sure this article ranks in the top 3 for the keywords ‘gmat fees’ and ‘gmat cost’.
Please highlight the changes you’d like to make to the Title, URL, meta description, headings,
keyword density, and content.
Please highlight the reason behind any changes. Make your entries in this excel file:

© 2019 Orange e-Education
Cheat Sheet
Use well developed illustrations and examples (don’t simply list examples) and draw inferences
based on those examples. Note:
1. There is no correct answer here, only well-reasoned answers substantiated by logical
2. Inferences should be backed by data/facts
3. Make sure you mention the sources and references.
4. No Plagiarism (we can’t emphasize enough)

How will we score your topic 1?

Based on this table:

Weightage &
Research Thought Process Content Writing Presentation SEO
1 0.75 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1 1.25 1
Structure & Ease of Formatting &
Research Completion Content Engagement Grammar Formatting
Flow Readability Keyword

What you’ll be evaluated on:

1. Research – This parameter indicates:
a. How well you have researched both the aspects of the topic (Completeness)
b. Your key takeaways from research
c. How well you have interpreted and analyzed the research

2. Thought Process – This parameter evaluates your ability to:
a. Organize your thoughts and inferences in a well-structured manner
b. Does the content follow a logical flow and consistency?

3. Content writing & language – This parameter indicates:
a. Your ability to engage the users through an easy to read, yet interesting piece of writing
b. How well you penned down your thoughts
c. Whether you are grammar savvy or not!

© 2019 Orange e-Education
How will we score your topic 2?

Weightage & Factors
Title URL Headings Content Reasons
1 1 1 2 2 3

You’ll be evaluated on the quality of changes suggested by you and the reasoning behind those changes.

Please name your files as <your name>_SEO Manager_e-GMAT and don’t forget to put your name on the top of
your document.

© 2019 Orange e-Education

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