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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines



A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Business and Technology
Saint Paul University Surigao
Surigao City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree



Agape, Rissamae
Paredes, Jessie Bae
Pol, Jay Clark

June 2022
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District ii


The researchers hereby express their gratitude to the following individuals for the

contribution of ideas and support to the realization of this study.

The Almighty God, for giving them the wisdom and perseverance to conduct and

complete this study.

Belle Jessa Mae T. Angob, CPA, the researchers’ adviser for her insights in guiding

and shaping the study through expertise in the field of accounting.

Dr. Erlita C. Guerra, MBA, MPA the researchers’ instructor for her encouragement,

expertise, advice, and patience in helping out the researchers and for the time and guidance

she showed in completing this work.

San Jose Water District, for their kind consideration and generosity of their time and

participation in providing the needed information for the fulfillment of the study.

To the beloved parents and family who showed their inspiring words of love and

financial support. Thank you to everyone, and may God bless us all.
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District iii


This study analyzed the audited financial statements of San Jose Water District with

main office located at San Jose, Dinagat Islands. The results and findings served as the basis

for recommendation to improve the financial management performance of San Jose Water

District. In addition, quantitative analysis was used in this study. The participants of the study

were the manager who is directly involved in the daily operations and the accountant for the

preparation of financial statements of San Jose Water District. The data gathered are SJWD's

audited financial statements that include the statements of financial position, financial

performance, and changes in equity for the fiscal years ended 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. The

data were analyzed and interpreted using the horizontal analysis of financial statements,

vertical analysis and financial ratios specifically efficiency ratios and profitability ratio. The

San Jose Water District may use the finding of the study to serve as a basis to improve the

financial management performance of the company.

Keywords: Financial Statement Analysis, Horizontal Analysis, vertical Analysis, Efficiencies

Ratios and Profitability Ratios.

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St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District









Introduction 1
Conceptual Framework of the Study 4
Statement of the Problem 8
Assumption 9
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Limitation of the Study 11
Definition of Terms 11


Synthesis of the Review 41


Research Design 42
Participants 42
Research Instrument 43
Data Gathering Procedure 43
Ethical Consideration 43
Data Analysis 44
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



Summary 67
Findings 68
Conclusion 70
Recommendations 71



A Letter to Conduct the study 78

B Letter to the Participants 79
C Audited Financial Statements 80
D Computation of Comparative Financial Analysis 88
E Computation of Financial Ratios 100
F Basis for Categorization 103


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St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



1 Comparative Statement of Financial Position of 46

San Jose Water District 2018-2019
2 Comparative Statement of Financial Position of 49
San Jose Water District 2019-2020
3 Comparative Statement of Financial Position of 52
San Jose Water District 2020-2021
4 Comparative Statement of Financial Performance of 54
San Jose Water District 2018-2019
5 Comparative Statement of Financial Performance of 57
San Jose Water District 2019-2020
6 Comparative Statement of Financial Performance of 59
San Jose Water District 2020-2021
7 Efficiency Ratios 61
8 Profitability Ratios 63


1 Schematic Diagram of the Study 5

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St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



Water is necessary for life since it serves so many roles, but because it is practically

everywhere, we can't be sure which ones are safe and readily available for public health.

Water districts are in charge of supplying, operating, and maintaining water supply systems

in one or more cities or municipalities, in order to respond to our valued way of life, which

is dependent on clean water. According to Natahan Sosa (2021), “Water districts are

responsible for providing and maintaining clean water to residents of a geographical

location. The water district board decisions are highly critical to ensure the reliable supply

of clean water safe for public health and can be accessed by everyone.”

The Water District is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC)

attached by Local Water Districts composed of the Local Water Utilities Administration

(LWUA), Civil Service Commission (CSC), Department of Budget and Management

(DBM) and the Philippine Association of Water Districts (PAWD). It was established

on May 25, 1973, by Presidential Decree No. 198 (Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973)

and LWUA.

The mandates of the several government agencies that carry out the majority of the

country's water resources programs and initiatives contain the primary components of

water resources management in the Philippines. There are over thirty of these agencies and

departments, each of which focuses on a different aspect of water resource development.

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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 2

As a result, several entities are responsible for water supply, irrigation, hydropower,

flood control, pollution, watershed management, and other issues.

The Local Water Utilities Administration aims to provide and developed water

supply systems in the provinces and cities located outside Manila. As of 2021, there are 532

water districts all over the Philippines that accommodating 23% to 25% of households

nationwide. Last year they provide a water supply system amounting to P639M for the

resettlement of those water districts that have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda, based on

the Manila Bulletin interview with Lapus who is the Acting Administrator of

LWUA. Lapus also added that the Local Water Utilities Administration need more fund to

expand their service as they are targeting to have more water districts nationwide to cater the

needs of every Filipino to access safe water, especially during these times where we are

experiencing this pandemic (Alexandria San Juan. 'The LWUA is seeking additional

finances to carry out its mandate.' 8 February 2021, Manila Bulletin).

Background of the Study

Through better water resource management, the Dinagat Islands' San Jose water

district is one of many that provide potable water for drinking, residential usage, food

production, and sanitation. San Jose Water District is located at Wilson, San Jose, Dinagat

Islands, it serves 9 barangays within San Jose and as of now, the San Jose Water District are

accommodating 2,913 service connection within the Municipality. It was created on June

30, 1997, under Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 74 of 1997. As of 2020, the district has

8 permanent, 7 casual and 13 JO personnel. San Jose Water District was categorized as
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 3

Category D filed with the Local Water Utilities Administration under Conditional Certificate

of Conformance (CCC) No. 578 on July 8, 1998. (LWUA).

In addition, the study of Velasco et al. (2020) stated that water systems in a hilly

location or municipality are more expensive than those flat areas because it required more

additional cost to pump water from the lower to the higher or to the hilly area. This is costly

because it necessitated the purchase of massive equipment, as well as the cost of maintenance

and electricity. As a result, these costs have an impact on an area's water system.

Studying the financial performance of the entity may reveal certain gaps that need to

be solved out and by cautiously reviewing the financial performance of the entity can clear

a path for possible modifications for the enhancement of the entity’s overall performance

that also sought to answer the question “Can San Jose Water District Financial Status provide

sufficient water supply for current and future generation especially that we are currently

facing economic problem due to pandemic?’’.

Thus, the researchers were prompted to conduct the study to understand the financial

standing of the entity as well as seeing the future aspect for the basis of providing

recommendations to improve the financial management of the San Jose Water District

in Dinagat Islands.
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 4


This study was anchored to the study of Velasco (2021) which claims that there is an

overlap in investment among various entities in which due to lack of coordination there are

water supply utilities that operate in same areas that results in inefficient used if funding’s

and redundant investment. Moreover, the study of George Butler (2021) also claims that the

pandemic slows down investments in the water sector area. Additionally, the study of Dong,

Chen, &Wan (2018) explain that financial performance is a measure of a company's financial

stability and health. It is also a measure of a company's ability to create money from its

assets, as well as its credibility and ability to pay off obligations. Lastly, Financial

Performance is also a key indicator of the credibility of an organization that led decide on

risk-taking analysis.

Figure 1. The table below shows the schematic diagram of the study on Evaluation

of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District in Dinagat Islands. The first box

contains the Audited Financial Statements for the year 2018-2021 of San Jose Water District

in Dinagat Islands.
St. Paul University Surigao
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 5

PERFORMA turnover ratio
NCE • Average
• STATEMENT Collection
OF Period
• Gross Profit
• Return on Asset
• Return on


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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 6

The second box shows the financial analysis tools to help evaluate the financial

performance of San Jose Water District.

Financial Statements. These are records that show financial data about a company,

such as sales, expenses, profit, and loss (Cameron, 2021). These financial statements are the

primary instrument used by investors to decide whether or not to invest in a firm.

Statement of Financial Position. It investigates a company's financial situation. It

assesses the state of a company's assets, liabilities, and equity. As based to the equation of

accounting, Asset should equal to Liabilities plus Equity.

Statement of Financial Performance. It generates company's income and expenses

that shows how well its profitability. It shows the company's progress over time, with sales

revenue at the very top.

Statement of Changes in Equity. It's a financial statement that shows how much

money was spent on shareholder equity over the course of a fiscal year.

Financial analysis tools. These tools are used to know the performance of an

organization and based on that Analysis Company’s create strategies to improve their

financial stability (Kumari, 2020).

Vertical Analysis. In financial statements, this is used to display the size of various

accounts in relation to one another.

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 7

Horizontal Analysis. The financial ratios of a corporation are compared over time so

that it will aids the documentation of the company's history and as well as development.

Efficiency Ratios. Used to assess a company's ability in term profit from its assets

and liabilities. The ratios are used to compare expenses to revenues, indicating how much

profitor income a firm may create from the money it spends to conduct its operations.

Asset turnover Ratio. It is a tool used to assess how companies utilized their assets to

maximize sales. And when a company’s that effectively utilizes its asset gets a high rate of


Receivable turnover ratio. This metric assesses the company's ability to collect

receivables from customers. It also assesses the credit management of a company over a

period of time.

Average Collection Period. It is the average number of days that elapses between the

time a sale (on credit) is made and the time the buyer submits payment or the company

receives payment from the buyer.

Profitability Ratios. It's a metric that assesses a company's ability to come up with

new ideas. It will generate revenue from its operations over time. It determines how

profitable a company is by exploiting or managing its assets to generate profits and bring

value to its shareholders or owners’ resources that already exist.

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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 8

Gross Profit Margin. It determines how efficient a company’s production by

comparing net sales to the cost of goods sold. The gross profit margin also demonstrates how

well the company manages its resources during the manufacturing process.

Return on Asset. It measures the percentage of return earn of the company coming

from the used of their Assets. It also demonstrates how management managed their

purchased assets in order to generate income or profit.

Return on Equity. It assesses how a company uses its profits in relation to its shareholders'


Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water

District. The findings of the study will serve as the basis for the improvement of the financial

performance of San Jose Water District in Dinagat Islands.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the financial statements of San Jose Water District in terms of:

1.1. Statement of Financial Position?

1.2. Statement of Financial Performance?

1.3. Statement of Changes in Equity?

2. What is the Financial performance of San Jose Water District in terms of:

2.1. Vertical Analysis

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 9

2.2. Horizontal Analysis

2.3. Efficiency Ratio

2.3.1. Asset turnover ratio

2.3.2. Receivable turnover ratio

2.3.3. Average Collection Period

2.4. Profitability Ratio

2.4.1. Gross Profit Margin

2.4.2. Return on Asset

2.4.3. Return on Equity

3. Based on the result of the study what recommendation may be proposed to San Jose

Water District improve their Financial Performance?


It is assumed that the Financial Statements of San Jose Water District accurately

reflect the entity's financial performance and that the company will continue to operate in

the foreseeable future. It is also assumed that the ratios used are appropriate for evaluating

the company's performance. The study's findings would assist them in making an economic

decision regarding additional water supply in the area.

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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 10

Significance of the study

It is expected that this study will be significant to San Jose Water District regarding

the evaluation of their financial performance. Specifically, it will be beneficial to the


San Jose Water District. Evaluation of Financial Performance will help to highlight

certain areas about their strengths and weaknesses as well as providing facts concerning the

overall performance of the entity.

Managers. This study will assist managers in coming up with ideas on how to

improve their ways of managing the business and having better decision-making processes

through the use of the entity's financial performance evaluation.

Accounting and Business Students. This study will help the accountant and business

students to deepen their understanding of financial statements and how will it reveal the

overall performance of the entity and how the evaluation of the financial performance of the

business can help entities to improve well and can be critical when applied to real-world


Community. The study's findings will inform the community about how well the

business performs its services and how much the entity contributed to the well-being of their

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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 11

Future Researchers. This study will help researchers intending to make further

research regarding the evaluation of the financial performance of an entity in terms of the

beneficial factors that the study offers.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on the evaluation of the financial performance of the entity as a

measure to see certain gaps of their overall financial management performance using vertical

analysis, efficiency ratio, and profitability ratio on San Jose Water District in Dinagat

IsLands. The study covered 4 years covering 2018 to 2021 financial statements of San Jose

Dinagat Islands. Wherefore, the participants of the study were the persons directly involved

in the daily operations and activities being made of San Jose Water District, the manager,

and the accountant. This study conducted will be conducted this academic year 2021-2022.


The following terms are defined included in the study.

Analysis of Financial Statement. It is the process of analyzing the financial statements

of a commercial firm in order to make decisions. An enterprise's general health can be

assessed by external stakeholders as well as the overall performance of the economy and the

value of the industrial agency.

Asset Turnover. It's a metric that assesses how well a corporation uses its assets to

create revenue. The asset turnover ratio is calculated by multiplying a company's net sales
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 12

by its total or average assets. When compared to competitors with a lower ratio, a company

with a high asset turnover ratio performs more effectively.

Average Collection Period. It refers to the time it takes, on average, for the business

to receive payments that are owed to it by customers or clients. Average collection times

must be maintained to ensure that a company has adequate cash to pay its short-term

financial obligations.

Balance Sheet. Show’s firm's financial situation at a specific point in time. It serves

as a record and might be considered a static image. A financial position of an income

statement as of a certain date, comprising Total assets matching Total liabilities + Owners


Changes in Equity. During a reporting period, the statement of changes in equity

reconciles the beginning and ending amounts of a statement of financial position. It isn't

considered a necessary part of the monthly financial statements, hence it's the most likely of

all the financial statements to be missed. In any case, it is included as a normal component

in annual financial statements.

Efficiency Ratios. Short-term or cutting-edge performance is measured, as well as the

company's cap potential to employ its property in generating revenue.

Financial Performance. Financial overall performance is the achievement of a

company's economic overall performance over a long period of time, encompassing the
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 13

acquisition and allocation of capital as assessed by capital adequacy, liquidity, solvency,

efficiency, leverage, and profitability. It's also the company's maximum ability to control

and alter its own data.

Financial Statements. It is a written record of a business's financial position. They

are one of the most important components of commercial enterprise data, as well as the

primary method of communicating financial information about a company to third parties.

Gross Profit Margin. A company's profitability is determined by the gross profit

margin, which is defined as gross profit margin is the percentage of revenue. The amount

left after deducting the cost of goods sold (COGS) or direct costs of generating profits from

revenue is referred to as gross profit.

Income statement. The profit and loss statement is a summary of a company's

revenues and expenses for a given period, ending with net income or loss for that period, and

it shows the company's financial performance over time.

Profitability ratios are a straightforward and quick method of determining an

organization's earnings potential. The Debt-to-Equity Ratio is shown here. It is a monetary

ratio that expresses the proportion of an entity's fairness and debt used to finance its assets.

Receivable Turnover Ratio. The debtor's turnover ratio, also referred as the

receivable accounts turnover ratio, is an efficiency ratio used to measure how a company

collects money and, as a consequence, how it maintains its assets. The accounts receivable
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 14

turnover ratio computes the number of times a company's average accounts receivable is

collected over a given time period.

Return On Assets. The return on assets (ROA) metric compares a company's

profitability to the total value of its assets. This ratio compares a company's earnings (net

income) to the capital invested in assets to determine how well it is performing. The better

the return on investment, the more productive and successful management.

Return on Equity. (ROE) is a figure that indicates a company's annual return (net

income) divided by the total value of its shareholders' equity (e.g., 12 percent). Divide the

firm's dividend growth rate by its earnings retention rate (1 – dividend payout ratio) to get

the return on investment (ROI). Return on Equity is a two-part ratio in that it compares net

income or profit to shareholders' equity and is calculated using the income statement and the

balance sheet. The overall return on equity capital measures a company's ability to profit

from its equity investments. To put it another way, it determines how much money any

company generates.

The Water District. A water district is a charitable organization that manages and

operates a water supply system in one or more provincial cities or municipalities. It was

established on a local option basis as a government-owned and controlled corporation

(GOCC), similar to LWUA.

Vertical analysis. Refers to a comparability study of financial statements in which each

line item is represented as a percentage of the premise item. The items on the income
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 15

statement are expressed as a percentage of total revenue, whereas the items on the balance

sheet are expressed as a percentage of total assets or liabilities. Each cash outflow and inflow

are shown as a percentage of the total cash inflows in the vertical analysis of the cash flow

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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



This study covers the review of the related literature and studies which have direct

bearing with the present study. This includes books, articles, and internet research materials.

Financial Statements

Multi-purpose financial statements are prepared and presented in accordance with

International Accounting Standards to meet the information needs of public users and to

enable management to make better decisions (IAS). Investors, market analysts, and creditors

use financial statements to assess a company's financial condition, or should we say, their

financial competence to create money and have earnings potential. The statement of financial

position (balance sheet), statement of performance (income statement), statement of changes

in equity, and statement of changes in equity are the four most important financial statement


Investors, creditors, and analysts can utilize financial data contained in a

corporation's financial statements to evaluate the firm's financial performance. A large

portion of the data in a financial report is mandated by law or accounting rules. Senior

managers may use your company's financial records to highlight past accomplishments as

well as future aspirations. Management can communicate with interested outside parties,

such as investors, the news media, and industry experts, about its successes in operating the

firm by issuing financial statements (Way, 2019). Additionally, the financial accounts of a
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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 17

firm give crucial information regarding its financial health. These financial statements are

based on day-to- day bookkeeping that monitors cash in and out of the company. The

information contained in the financial statements provides benchmarks and feedback that

enable the firm to make modest modifications while also determining its general direction.

According to Gartenstein (2016), financial statements are helpful in making expansion and

funding decisions, it also help with marketing decisions by providing data on which aspects

of a company's operations yield the best return on investment.

Financial accounts contain important data that should be used in making decisions.

The level of confidence of owners in using financial statements for decision making is

inversely related to the frequency of preparation and directly related to the level of sales.

Furthermore, the data revealed that the owner's use of financial judgments when making

decisions is indirectly related to the level of education, and that making declarations is

externally and directly related to the owner's ease of interpreting financial statements

(Carraher, 2018).

Furthermore, financial statement analysis is defined as the process of analyzing a

company's performance in relation to its industry and economic environment in order to

make a decision or recommendation. Financial analysis frequently addresses decisions and

recommendations concerning the provision of capital to companies, specifically whether to

invest in the company's debt or equity securities (Robinson, 2020). Along with Murphy's

(2020) study, financial statements are written records that reflect a company's business
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 18

activities and financial performance. Government agencies, accountants and corporations,

among other things, often review annual financial statements to ensure accuracy and for tax,

financing or investment purposes.

Statement of financial position

A balance sheet shows the financial health of a company at a specific point in time.

It is made up of assets, liabilities, and equity, with the assets equalling the total obligation

and equity. Cash on hand, money in the bank, and money owing to are all examples of assets.

The liabilities section lists the debts owed by the company, such as overdue loan principal,

unpaid wages, and unpaid invoices. Equity on a balance sheet is the most important piece of

information as it indicates the net worth of the company, or its value after deducting debt

from total assets. The balance sheet is often referred to as the balance sheet. They are annual

financial statements that present a company's assets and liabilities and the difference between

their totals at the end of a fiscal year.

Basic accounting concepts and rules, such as cost, matching, and complete

disclosure, must be included in the statement of financial status. As a result, when the

statement of financial condition is created using the accrual method of accounting, it is more

relevant (Averkamp, 2021). As well, a balance sheet is a representation of a company's

financial health that shows its assets, liabilities, and owner's equity. All professions,

including business owners, entrepreneurs, workers, and investors, need to understand a

company's financial health. Every detail you need to know about the company's general
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 19

health will be supplied by evaluating the information included inside the financial

statements, and you'll be able to transform insights obtained from data into actions that

benefit the firm (Stobierski, 2020).

The balance sheet is one of the five basic financial statements used by accountants

and business owners. A Financial Status Statement or a Statement of Financial Position is

another name for it. Growth, value, dividends, quality, liquidity, and firms with sustainable

competitive advantages are all things that investors seek for. Examining a firm's balance

statement is one method these investors employ when selecting a company. This is because

the entity's financial situation has an impact on everything it does and can accomplish (Pinay,


A balance sheet is a detailed list of a company's assets, liabilities (or money owed to

the company), and the value of its shareholders' equity (or net worth) at a particular point in

time. Assets are any valuable items owned by the company, liabilities are debts owed to

outside creditors or other parties, and shareholder's equity is the amount owed to the

company's owners (Barned, 2021). Additionally, the balance sheet contains a lot of important

information, some of which are more important to concentrate on in order to gain a general

understanding of a company's solvency and business dealings (Ross, 2021).

Statement of financial performance

The Profit and Loss Statement, commonly known as the Income Statement, is a

financial statement that shows how much money has been made and how much money has
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 20

been, summarizes a company's financial performance in terms of net profit or loss over a

given time period (Ali, 2020). The income statement, also known as a statement of financial

performance, is a summary of an entity's revenues, costs, and net income. It displays the

firm's bottom line to determine how lucrative it is, as well as the present financial state of

your company, how cash is spent, and where unneeded costs are located, hence, top

management can use a statement of financial performance to identify significant revenue and

cost factors that impact the company’s bottom line, or net income. The financial performance

statement also aids management in determining which business segments or items are worth

investing more money in and which should be discontinued. You can make the greatest

option for your firm based on facts acquired from the statement of financial performance if

you're investing a lot of money in a product that traditionally costs more to manufacture than

it generates profit (Bloom, 2019).

An income statement is a useful tool for determining the primary factors that affect

a company's profitability. Because it is created considerably more often than any other

statement, it provides you with immediate updates. The income statement shows a

company's expenses, income, gains, and losses, which may be used to compute the net profit

or loss for a certain period of time using a mathematical formula. This data assists you in

making timely choices to keep your company on a sound financial foundation (Krishnan,

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 21

A company's financial performance is critical to its long-term existence. Academics,

practitioners and regulators see financial analysis in retail stores (in this case, supermarkets)

as a critical tool in detecting and preventing bankruptcies (Ngarari, 2020).

Financial performance is a subjective assessment of a company's ability to generate revenue

from assets generated in its primary business method. The term is also used to describe a

company's overall financial health over time (Scott, 2021).

Statement of changes in equity

A financial statement that reconciles a company's stock's opening and closing

balances is the Statement of Changes in Equity. It's a financial statement that details

shareholder equity transactions over the course of a fiscal year. Changes in retained earnings,

other reserves, and share capital, such as new share issuance and dividend payments, are

tracked in this report. Changes in equity are a statement that shows the capital investment by

stockholders as well as the company's retained earnings. A statement of stockholders' equity,

like the balance sheet, is a statement that is presented as of a specific date (Borad, 2021).

The primary purpose of the statement of changes in equity is to provide information on all

changes in the equity account that occurred during an accounting period that would not

otherwise be available in the financial statements. As a result, it assists shareholders and

investors in making more educated investment decisions. It also assists analysts and other

financial statement readers in comprehending the factors that contributed to the change in

equity capital (Thakur, 2021).

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 22

At the end of a reporting period, the balance of stockholder's equity is reported on

the company's balance sheet, or statement of financial condition. As in the case of a stock

issuance of common and preferred shares at a set price, a business can arrange the exact

amount of growth in shareholder equity. This contrasts from an increase in stockholders'

equity that may occur as a consequence of net income; while the business intends to profit

from operations, actual net income is only known after the fiscal year has concluded

(Helstrom, 2017).

It is a global commitment to promote health equity or the absence of preventable and

unjust gaps in health outcomes. Systematic reviews are a valuable source of evidence for

health care decision makers, but they have proven insufficient to assess the impact of

interventions on health equity (Tugwell, 2016).

The statement of equity indicates the company's retained earnings (profit that is kept or

retained within the company rather than paid to owners or shareholders) at the beginning and

conclusion of a reporting period. It provides customers with information about a firm's

financial health by demonstrating whether the company can meet its continuing financial

and operating commitments without requiring extra money from its shareholders (Wong,


Statement of cash flows

A cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows all of a company's cash

inflows from current operations as well as outside investment sources. It also includes all
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 23

cash outflows from business and investment operations over a given time period.

Investors and analysts may see a picture of all the transactions that take place in a company's

financial records, and each transaction adds to its success. The cash flow statement is

considered the most intuitive of all financial statements because it captures the cash

generated by the business in three basic ways: operations, investments, and finance. These

three components together make up the net cash flow (Mansa, 2020).

Statements of cash flows are essential because they indicate the business's liquidity,

which means that knowing exactly how much operational cash flow the company has given

them the freedom to spend it when it's most required. Statements of cash flows are also

essential since they indicate how the company's assets, liabilities, and equity have changed

over time in the form of cash outflows, cash inflows, and cash retained (Johnson, 2021).

Additionally, Cash Flow (CF) is the increase or decrease in the amount of money owned by

a company, institution, or individual. In finance, the phrase refers to the amount of cash

(money) earned or consumed over a specific period of time. There are several different

varieties of CF, each with its own set of business and financial uses (Corporate Finance

Institute, 2021).

A cash flow statement depicts the amount of money that enters and exits your

business over time. The cash flow statement, also known as a cash flow statement, includes

cash flow from operations, investing activities, financing activities such as bank loans, and

revenue earned but not yet received (Blakely, 2021).

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A cash flow statement is one of the most important planning tools you have. It depicts

your expected cash flow over a given time period, such as the next month or quarter. It does

not depict income, but rather the movement of cash as it enters and exits your business (A.,


Furthermore, cash flow statement is also one of the indicators to know how well a

company be able to generate cash to pay for the company’s liabilities and fund its operating

expenses (Gulec et al., 2019).

Financial analysis tools

Financial analysis tools are several methods for reviewing and analysing a company's

financial statements for goals such as planning, investment, and performance. According to

their usage and requirements, common size statements (vertical analysis), comparative

financial statements (comparison of financial statements), ratio analysis (quadratic analysis),

and ratio analysis (quadratic analysis) are some of the most widely used financial instruments

(quadratic analysis).

Financial analyser is one of the most effective methods for assuring a decent return

on investment. These financial analysis tools are quite useful in appraising the market and

investing in such a way that the profits from the investments are maximized.

A variety of analytical techniques and sometimes rules of thumb are available to

generate quantitative answers when a financial issue arises or when a student, analyst, or

business executive wants to understand the financial implications and economic trade-offs
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involved in decisions about business investment, operations, or financing. Having a best tool

from a wide range of possibilities is an essential research process element (Thakur, 2021).

Traditional financial statement analysis tools are ratios. Profits, liquidity, financial

leverage, and efficiency are the four characteristics of a company's financial situation and

performance that ratio analysis analyses. Financial statements are critical instruments for

assessing a business's success. To assess a company's financial situation and make judgments

about improvements, management use a variety of strategies. (Woodruff, 2018)

Vertical analysis

Vertical analysis is used to describe changes in the relative size of each item in the

various accounts of the financial statements. It's a management tool that helps businesses

analyse how the relative size of different accounts has changed over time. It's also useful for

comparing the financial statements of two companies to the industry average. A percentage

should be expressed in any item on the financial statement. Every quantity belonging to

assert is resisted to be a percentage of total assert in the vertical analysis of the balance sheet,

whereas every amount belonging to liability is resisted to be a percentage of total liabilities

in the vertical analysis of liabilities in the balance sheet. According to a vertical analysis of

an income statement, each income statement number is represented as a percentage of sales.

A method of estimating the quantity and/or proportion of a financial statement item

in relation to the total is called vertical analysis. Proportional component analysis is a

technique for calculating the proportional component of each financial statement item in
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relation to the base. Only one or only one accounting period is employed in the mathematical

technique. This approach of financial statement analysis is effective for calculating the

proportion of each item in various financial statement segments. It will also function as a

policy guide for allocating management resources (Aduana, 2016).

Each sum in the income statement is recalculated as a percentage of sales using

vertical analysis. This study will inform the business if the cost of products sold or any other

expense appears to be unusually high in comparison to sales. These comparisons can be used

by the company's management and accounting teams to determine what's causing the

problems and take appropriate action (s) (Boyd, 2016).

The vertical analysis has been performed by looking at financial statements from a

specific period in which each item in the income statement is expressed as a percentage of

another item. The findings of the research will substantially assist and other interested parties

in making economic resource allocation and use decisions (Dela Cruz, 2019). Vertical

analysis can also be used to determine whether or not a business is operating in accordance

with its nature. Accounting, which is critical to a company's profitability, liquidity, and

solvency, is expected to get more resources (Aduana, 2015).

Horizontal analysis

Horizontal analysis is a method of using historical data to interpret changes in

financial statements spanning two or more accounting periods. And the difference in

percentage between the value of the same line item in the following accounting period and
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the value of the baseline accounting period. Horizontal analysis is the examination of

financial data from two different time periods. To assess the changes from one period to the

next, revenue and cost accounts are evaluated. Usually, these changes are stated as a

percentage (Woodruff, 2018).

Horizontal analysis compares the totals on a line-by-line basis (comparing each line

item from the base to the specified accounting period). Analysts and investors will be able

to pinpoint the variables that generate long-term growth. This also makes growth patterns

and trends, such as seasonality, more visible. This method can also be used to compare

relative changes amongst product lines in order to produce more accurate future projections.

The comparability restriction requires that your financial statements and documentation be

compared to those of similar companies in the same industry. Horizontal analysis improves

and strengthens financial reporting limits. (Murphy, 2021)

In dealing with the company records, the horizontal analysis takes a historical

perspective. This is accomplished by doing a thorough examination of the financial records

over a certain time period with the goal of determining the most important periodical trend

in the reports and the company will do an examination of the behaviour (Dela Cruz, 2019)

Efficiency ratios

The ability of a corporation to generate revenue from its assets and liabilities is

measured using efficiency ratios. A highly efficient organization requires less cash and debt

to stay in business since its net asset investment has decreased. Efficiency ratios connect a
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group of assets to sales or the cost of goods supplied in the case of assets. The major

efficiency ratio compares payables to total supplier purchases in the case of liabilities.

Efficiency ratios are commonly used to evaluate a company's management. When an asset-

related ratio is high, it indicates that the management team is efficient in using as few assets

as possible in relation to sales. A low liability-related ratio, on the other hand, indicates

management effectiveness because payables are stretched (Bragg, S, 2021).

Efficiency ratios are a type of metric that is used to evaluate a company's ability to

generate revenue by making efficient use of its resources, such as capital and assets. The

ratios are used to compare expenses to revenues, showing how much income or profit a

company can generate from the money it spends to run its business. Because different

efficiency ratios focus on different areas of operations, such as how well a firm manages its

assets, cash flow, and inventories, financial analysts can use a range of efficiency ratios to

create a holistic picture of a company's overall operational efficiency (Corporate Finance

Institute, 2020). After examining the numbers, compare efficiency ratios to industry

peers to discover how the company compares. Overall, there is a substantial correlation

between efficiency and profitability ratios. When businesses utilize their resources

wisely, they can become lucrative. As a result, if the efficiency ratios have improved

over time, the company may have been more profitable (Vipond, 2020).

The more successfully a company is managed and administered, the more likely

it is for its owners and shareholders to achieve optimum long-term profitability.

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Management, as well as external investors and creditors interested in the company's

operations and profitability, use these ratios to help improve the company (Shaun,


Asset turnover ratio

It is the ratio of a company's net sales to its total average assets over time; it helps

determine whether the company generates enough revenue to justify keeping a large number

of assets on its balance sheet. It is a calculation of revenue generated by a corporation based

on its total assets. And this revenue figure would be equal to the income statement's sales

figure. The higher the figure, the greater the organization's asset efficiency.


By comparing net sales to average total assets, the asset turnover ratio assesses a

company's capacity to produce revenue from its assets. Simply, the ability of a corporation

to create revenue from its assets is reflected by this ratio. The total asset turnover ratio shows

how many sales are generated per peso of firm assets by calculating net sales as a percentage

of assets.

A larger ratio is always preferable because it reflects how effectively a company

generates revenue from its assets. Higher turnover ratios indicate that the company is

maximizing its resources. Lower ratios indicate that the organization isn't making the most

of its resources and, more than likely, is dealing with management or production issues. The

total asset turnover ratio (TATR) is a basic efficiency metric that assesses how effectively a
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company utilizes all of its resources. Creditors and investors are informed about a company's

operations, or how its assets are used to manufacture and sell things (Shaun, 2020).

Because the asset turnover ratio measures a company's efficiency in managing its

resources to generate income, higher turnover ratios are clearly preferred to signify a better

state of affairs. Creditors and investors can use this ratio to learn about the company's internal

management. A low asset turnover ratio is nearly always a sign of excess production, bad

inventory management, or poor collecting methods. As a result, businesses must keep a close

eye on their asset turnover ratio. This ratio helps the company figure out how productive it

is and how much money it makes from its asset investment (Borad, 2020).

Account receivable turnover

The accounts receivable turnover ratio is a business accounting metric that

determines how long it takes to collect outstanding debt over the course of an accounting

period to determine how successfully a company manages the credit it extends to its


It's a metric to focus on it because it measures how well a company handles

collections. Cash flow might be reduced to a trickle if consumers do not pay as planned and

expected. The accounts receivable turnover ratio is a financial ratio that is used in financial

statement analysis. It is an efficiency ratio that is especially an activity financial ratio. It

assesses how effectively and rapidly a company converts its account receivables into cash

over the course of a financial year (Beaver, 2021).

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The debtor turnover ratio, also known as the accounts receivable turnover ratio, is an

efficiency ratio that assesses how efficiently a corporation receives money and uses its assets.

The accounts receivable turnover ratio computes how frequently a company's average

accounts receivable is collected over a specified time period. This metric measures how well

a company collects client credit sales (Corporate Finance Institute, 2020).

A higher receivables turnover ratio is preferred because it demonstrates a company's

ability to efficiently recover receivables. Higher ratios indicate that more receivables are

recovered over the course of the year. For instance, a two-to-one ratio illustrates that the

company's usual receivables are collected twice a year. To say it another way, this company

receives money from customers every six months in this manner. Increased efficiency is also

beneficial. In terms of cash flow, this is advantageous. If a company can receive more money

from customers, it will be more successful. It will be able to pay bills and fulfil other

obligations more swiftly.

The quality of credit sales and receivables can also be determined using account

receivable turnover. Credit sales from a company with a higher ratio are more likely to be

collected than credit sales from a company with a lower ratio. Because receivables are

frequently used as loan collateral, their quality is critical. 2020 (Shaun).

The accounts receivable turnover ratio is used to measure the number of times

receivables “turn over” during a year’s time and tracks the efficiency of a firm’s accounts

receivable collections. Comparing a company’s accounts receivable turnover ratio from one
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year to the next shows how the company’s collection efforts perform over time. Net annual

sales could be substituted for net annual credit sales, but such a substitution could

dramatically alter the ratio. However, if a company has very few cash sales, then it may be

easier to use the net annual sales figure as long as it is used consistently. Extending credit

should be done until the marginal advantage (or profit) of doing so is zero. The cost of

providing extra credit and the benefit of extending additional credit are equal at the point

where the marginal benefit is zero. This point should be calculated taking into account the

opportunity costs of other investment options accessible to the organization. In economic

words, a credit and collection policy's marginal cost should not exceed the policy's marginal

revenue (really, the marginal rise in the contribution margin) (Hock et al, 2020).

Average Collection Period

The average series duration is the amount of time that passes before a business starts.

The business collects its money owing to it. In other terms, it refers to a period of time it

usually takes a company enterprise a long time to collect bills it owes from consumers or

clients. The standard series lengths must be regulated to ensure that a company has enough

coins on hand to meet its short-term financial obligations.

The Average Collection Period is a reliable indicator of a company's liquidity in

relation to its debt’s receivable, or the money owed to it by customers, as well as its credit

practices. A short average series length suggests good credit coverage and strong control of

debt obligations (Vipond, 2020).

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Conversely, a lengthy ACP suggests that the company should tighten its credit

protection and improve control over receivables owed in order to meet its short-term

obligations. To calculate the common formula for series length, we split owed receivables

in full using credit-income instances for 365 days (Shaun, 2020).

To be more specific, the average collection time is a calculation of the average

number of days between the date a transaction is made (on credit) and the date the buyer

makes payment or the firm receives payment from the buyer (Powell, 2022).

When applying this average collection period ratio calculation, the number of days might be

a year (365), a nominal accounting year (360), or any other period, as long as the two data

points—average accounts receivable and net credit sales—span the same number of days

(Carlson, 2020).

Profitability Ratio

One of the most often used instruments of financial ratio analysis is profitability

ratios. They're utilized to calculate the company's bottom line for its executives and its return

on equity for its shareholders. Measures of profitability are crucial to both managers and

shareholders of businesses. In order to drive the firm in the right direction, management

needs to have a metric of profitability. If a company's stock has been purchased by outside

investors, the company's management must demonstrate profitability to those equity

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At the end of each quarter or year, this demonstrates a company's total efficiency in

utilizing its assets and performance. Margin ratios and return ratios are the two types of

profitability ratios available. At various levels of measurement, margin ratios demonstrate

the firm's ability to convert sales dollars into profits. The ability of a corporation to gauge its

overall efficiency in creating returns for its shareholders is represented by ratios that

demonstrate returns (Carlson, 2020). Profitability ratios depict a company's overall

performance in the use of its assets as well as its overall performance through time. Margin

ratios and go back ratios are the two forms of profitability ratios. Ratios that show margins

represent a company's ability to convert income into profit across a wide variety of sizes,

while ratios that show return represent a company's ability to grade its overall success in

providing returns for its shareholders (Carlson, 2020).

Moreover, each organization is maximum involved with its profitability. One of the

maximums regularly used gears of economic ratio evaluation is profitability ratios. They are

used to decide the business enterprise's backside line for its managers and its go back on

fairness to its buyers. Profitability measures are essential to business enterprise managers

and owners. Management ought to have a degree of profitability to influence the enterprise

with inside the proper direction. If an enterprise has out of doors buyers who've bought

inventory with inside the business enterprise, the business enterprise control ought to display

profitability to the one’s fairness buyers (Carlson, 2020).

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Profitability ratios compare earnings to a base of assets, sales, or capital. Increased

earnings help shareholders since they free up funds for dividend payments and may lead to

a rise in the stock price. Profits also provide as a cushion for debt repayment. As a result,

profitability ratios are used by investors, creditors, and others to assess management's

stewardship of the firm's assets (Hock et al, 2020).

Gross profit margin

The gross profit margin of a company is the most fundamental indicator of its

profitability: how much money is left after costs of producing goods and services and paying

people are deducted. A stable or expanding gross profit margin is generally desired by

businesspeople and investors; when this metric shrinks, the company is either investing in

its operations or has a problem. A company's gross profit margin, often known as gross

margin, is a measure of its profitability. The amount of income left in a given accounting

period after a company pays for labor and materials, also known as cost of goods sold, and

is referred to as gross profit margin (COGS).

The gross profit margin of a company, which is calculated as the gross profit as a

percentage of sales, is used to assess its profitability. The amount left after deducting the

cost of goods sold (COGS) or the direct cost of generating income from revenue is referred

to as gross profit. The cost of goods sold (COGS) is a measure of the direct cost of producing

a product or service (such as material and labor). It does not include secondary expenditures

such as distribution, marketing, and accounting. As a result, the gross profit margin is only
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relevant for calculating direct operating costs as a percentage of sales. Other profit ratios,

such as the net profit margin, reflect various profit measurements (Carleton, 2021).

Thus, the gross margin ratio is a profitability metric that determines how profitable

it is for a company to market its stock. Better ratios are only more advantageous with

experience. Higher ratios show that the company is pushing its stock at a higher profit

margin. Excessive gross margin percentages indicate that a company may have additional

income to cover operating expenses such as payroll, utilities, and rent. This ratio also

measures the earnings from selling shares because it measures the earnings from selling

stock. The percentage of revenue that can be used to help fund various aspects of a business.

The gross margin ratio can also be used to determine the profitability of the company's

products and services. Finally, measuring gross margin ratio on a regular basis will assist

your company discover patterns and alert you to major changes before they become major

difficulties (Shaun, 2020).

Return on asset

It's a metric for determining how profitable a company's capital is. This profitability

ratio depicts the profit growth rate generated by a company's assets as a percentage of its

total assets. Return on assets (ROA) is a metric that measures how well a company generates

money from its assets. ROA is a metric that managers, analysts, and investors use to assess

a company's financial health.

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The return on asset is a useful indicator for assessing a particular company's success.

When a corporation's return on assets (ROA) increases over time, it means the company is

extracting more profit from each dollar spent on assets. ROA is a best tool to use as a

technique to examine a single business over time. Graphing a company's return on asset

(ROA) quarter by quarter or year by year will help you determine how well it is functioning.

Longer-term changes may be signalled by upward or downward trends (Birken et al., 2021).

While comparing profits to revenue is a helpful operational figure, comparing earnings to

the resources required to achieve those raises concerns about the company's long-term

viability. Return on assets (ROA) is the most basic of all company value-for-money metrics

(ROA). The return on assets (ROA) metric compares a company's profitability to its total

assets and is a type of return on investment (ROI). To measure how well a company is

running, this ratio compares its profit (net income) to the capital it has invested in assets. To

measure how well a company is running, this ratio compares its profit (net income) to the

capital it has invested in assets. (Vipond, 2020).

The return on investment (ROI) figure informs investors about the profitability of a

company's investments. The higher the return on investment (ROI), the more money a

business can make with the same investment. It stands to reason that a higher ratio will entice

investors by implying that the company is better managing its assets to generate higher net

income. A positive ROA ratio frequently indicates a rising profit trend. Shaun (2020)
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Return on equity

The return on equity (ROE) is a measurement of a company's ability to generate

income by combining equity (money invested by stockholders) with cumulative retained

earnings. To put it another way, the ability of a corporation to convert equity capital into net

profit is measured by its return on equity (ROE).

The return on equity (ROE) is a metric that assesses both profit and efficiency. A

growing ROE indicates that a corporation is generating more profits while using less capital.

It also shows how successfully a company's management manages shareholder funds. A high

return on investment (ROI) indicates that a company's management team is more efficient

when it comes to using investment capital to build the company (and is more likely to provide

better returns to investors). A low ROE, on the other hand, may suggest that a company is

mismanaged and is reinvesting earnings in ineffective assets (Lanlonde, 2021). Additionally,

it measures how successfully a company can make money and grow its business by using

money from shareholders. Unlike other return on investment ratios, ROE is a profitability

indicator assessed from the investor's perspective rather than the companies. To put it another

way, this ratio influences how well a product performs. Much of the money made is based

on the investors' investment in the company rather than the company's investment in assets

or anything else. A high return on equity ratio, on the other hand, is attractive to investors

since it indicates that the company is making good use of its investors' money (2020, Shaun)
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Industry Indicators

As stated in the Presidential Decree No.198 of section 67, the authorized capital for

the Local Water Utilities Administration's is composed of two billion, five hundred million

pesos, divided into twelve million, five hundred thousand shares of stock with a par value of

two hundred pesos each, to be subscribed by the National Government and opened to private

investors and government financial institutions.

In addition, the manual for categorizing / re-categorizing local water districts has

been classified and provides a basic basis for defining the organizational structure, staff

structure and position categorization for each water district category. (i) The goals are to

categorize LWDs based on active service connections, assets, financial status, and employee

productivity; (ii) establish standards for defining the organizational structure, staffing

pattern, position classification, and remuneration level assignment of roles in a LWD based

on its category; and (iii) streamline the categorization process for easier implementation and

better regulatory oversight.

In accordance to the Revised Local Water District Manual on Categorization, Re-

Categorization and other Related Matter (LWD-MaCRO), LWDs are divided into four

categories: A, B, C, and D. In order to Categorized the LWDs it will undergo into two stages

process. The first stage is according to the number of active service connections and the

second stage is determine by a Point Rating Category.

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Under the number of active service connection, LWDs will be classified as Category

A if it has at least 30,000 active service connection, Category B if it has at least 10,000,

Category C if it has at least 3,000 and Category D if it has a total number of Active service

connection not exceeding 3,000. In terms of the Point Rating Category, Gross Revenues,

Total Assets, Net Income before Interest and Depreciation, and Staff Productivity Index are

the factors that need to considered as it has an equivalent point that needed to determine

which Category does a LWDs will fall, the equivalent point rating for each factor is

calculated from the data on each LWD. The Point-Rating Category is determined by the total

number of points gained across all factors, for better illustration kindly refer to Appendices.

Lastly, whichever is lower between the Service Connection Category and Point Rating

Category will be the Final Category of the LWDs.

Re-categorization of local water districts, Local water district reclassification may be

possible as a result of the expansion of a LWD's physical and financial resources in recent

years. Such upgrades usually necessitate more financial resources. As a result, performance

evaluation is required even in its higher category to ensure the LWD's financial viability and

long-term sustainability. The goal is to provide a systematic and rational evaluation of a

LWD's request for recategorization; to determine whether the LWD would be able to meet

the budgetary requirements for upward categorization without jeopardizing its short-term

financial situation or long-term obligations to creditors. The local water districts must submit

an application to the LWUA and take this into account in the course of the recategorization.
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Basic Requirement - A LWD can be considered for upward classification if it meets the

following requirements: 2.1 obtaining the required number of points for the category (Part

III); 2.2 Maintaining current or current responsibilities for debt servicing; and 2.3

maintaining current or current responsibilities for debt servicing. 2.3 Only one upgrade per

year is permitted. Beyond meeting the basic requirements, a LWD must be able to

demonstrate that its financial growth and stability can be sustained in the near future. The

current financial and operational efficiency of a company determines its long-term

profitability. Furthermore, water districts are classified as Creditworthy (CW), Semi-

Creditworthy (SCW), Pre-Creditworthy (PCW), and Non-Creditworthy (NCW) in terms of

credit standards (NCW).

Synthesis of the study:

The aforementioned locally and internationally literature reviews were linked to the

current study in terms of measuring the San Jose Water District’s Financial Performance

using financial tools. Since it provided actual scenarios that may be related to the study, all

of the material and information had significant influence on the construction of this study.

In terms of the tools used in this study to assess the financial performance of the San Jose

Water district, the above mentioned evaluated studies and literatures are mirrored in the

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



This chapter presents the research design, participants of the study, research

instruments, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The researcher was used quantitative analysis in conjunction with documentary

analysis. The systematic assessment of existing information that will be interpreted by the

researchers is known as documentary analysis. With this, the existing documents analyzed

are the audited financial statements of the San Jose Water District, through the use of

financial analysis tools, this was utilized to assess the passage of the quantity of financial

statement and the financial performance.

Participant of the Study

The study’s participants were the Manager, who has a direct control over day-to-day

operation of the company, and the accountant, who complies the financial statements of San

Jose Water District.

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 43

Research Instrument

The needed instrument are the financial statements specifically the audited financial

statements for the year 2018-2021 of San Jose Water Districts.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers provide a letter of permission to the college dean to conduct the study

to San Jose Water Districts. After the dean’s approval, another letter sent to San Jose Water

Districts for the acceptance to conduct research and to give access for the entity’s financial


Ethical Consideration

The researchers considered the following ethics during the research:

• The researchers considered the ethics while conducting the research to ensure the

protection of the firm’s privacy.

• The researchers were polite asking the full consent of the chairman of the board prior

to the study.

• Any type of communication in relation to the study should be done with transparency.

• The protection of the privacy of the firm were ensured by the researchers and results

of this study to handle with utmost confidentiality and concern to all gathered data

from the firm needed for this study to respect and protect their privacy.
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Data Analysis

The following Financial Analysis Tool will be used to analyze the data:

Vertical Analysis. This was used to evaluate the line items to show its proportion in

that category. This will helpful to the company to know if there is an improvement in their


Horizontal Analysis. It compares the account balance over different period of time to

show percentage growth over time.

Efficiency ratios in terms of:

Asset turnover ratio. This was used to indicate company’s profitability; how efficient

it is to generate revenue from its asset. To calculate for this, the formula is Net sales/Total


Receivable turnover ratio. This will determine how long does the company collect

their outstanding receivable throughout the year, upon using this ratio the company can

determine how many times its receivables converted into cash. To calculate the receivable

ratio, the formula is Net sales / average accounts receivables. To calculate the average

accounts receivable, beginning accounts receivable + ending receivable / 2.

Average Collection Period. The average number of days between the date of a credit

sale and the date of the purchaser's payment remittance was calculated using this method.
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To calculate formula Average Collection Period, the formula is 365 days/Receivable

turnover Ratio.

Profitability Ratio in terms of:

Gross Profit Margin. It was used to measure company’s profitability. To calculate

the Gross Profit, the formula is Revenue - Cost of Goods sold / revenue x 100.

Return on Asset. Indicator of company profitability and assessing how a company

generates money from its assets. It is also a useful tool for determining the company's

success. Net income / Total Asset is the formula to calculate the Return on Asset.

Return on Equity. This was used to analyse the ability of a company to convert equity

capital into net profit. Net income – preferred dividend / Average Shareholder’s Equity to

calculate the ROE.

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Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



This chapter presents the results and discussions of the data gathered in this study.


Table 1. Comparative Statement of Financial Position as of December 2018-2019
Statement of financial position
For the years ended 2018 and 2019

2018 2019 2018 2019
Current Asset
cash and cash
equivalent 16.80% 2.97% -13.82% 9.26% 9.95% 0.69%
Receivables 0.85% 0.98% 0.13% 3.84% 3.88% 0.04%
Inventories 3.45% 5.00% 1.55% 3.22% 3.92% 0.70%
Other current Asset 1.98% 4.29% 2.32% 1.51% 1.31% -0.19%
Total current Asset 23.07% 13.24% -9.83% 17.39% 18.78% 1.38%
Non-current Asset
Receivables 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.48% 3.68% 0.20%
other investment 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12.03% 16.06% 4.03%
PPE 72.03% 73.74% 1.70% 74.63% 72.46% -2.16%
Intangible Asset 0.23% 0.18% -0.04% 0.65% 0.51% -0.14%
Other Non-current
Asset 4.67% 12.84% 8.17% 2.35% 2.23% -0.12%
Total Non Current
Asset 76.93% 86.76% 9.83% 82.61% 81.22% -1.38%
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TOTAL ASSET 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities 1.87% 5.12% 3.26% 10.51% 11.99% 1.48%
Payables 1.08% 1.50% 0.42% 1.25% 0.99% -0.26%
Trust Liabilities 4.25% 0.43% -3.81% 6.46% 14.11% 7.66%
Deferred Credits 0.00% 0.06% 0.06% 3.79% 2.76% -1.02%
other payables - - - 0.30% 0.48% 0.19%
Provision 0.60% 0.00% -0.60% 3.32% 3.91% 0.60%
Total Current
Liabilities 7.79% 7.11% -0.68% 18.06% 22.66% 4.60%
Financial Liabilities 92.21% 92.66% 0.45% 98.11% 78.65% -19.46%
Trust Liabilities 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.39% 11.41% 11.02%
other Deferred
Credits 0.00% 0.23% 0.23% 5.47% 9.61% 4.15%
loans payable 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.57% 7.56% -1.01%
Provision 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.69% 3.37% -1.32%
Total non Current
Liabilities 92.21% 92.89% 0.68% 81.94% 77.34% -4.60%
LIABILITIES 12.37% 11.17% -1.20% 56.55% 56.07% -0.48%
EQUITY 68.18% 67.12% -1.06% 12.21% 11.55% -0.66%
EARNINGS 31.82% 32.88% 1.06% 87.06% 88.58% 1.52%
revaluation surplus - - - 10.13% 9.74% -0.39%
TOTAL EQUITY 87.63% 88.83% 1.20% 43.45% 43.93% 0.48%
EQUITY 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%

Table 1 shows the comparative vertical analysis of San Jose Water District as of
December 2018 to December 2019. It can be seen that their cash and cash equivalents have
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 48

dropped by 13.82% indicating that their collection policies are unsystematic, and they have
more cash outflows than cash inflows. Their total current assets showed a percentage of
23.07% and 13.24% in 2018 and 2019, respectively. This indicates a decrease of 9.83%
which means that they have used a lot more of their cash to purchase or finance other non-
current assets as part of their investments. Accounts receivable have increased to 0.99% out
of the total 100 percent of assets. When compared to the industry average which has a greater
percentage of current assets of 18.78% in 2019 indicates that they are more capable to meet
short-term obligations than the San Jose Water District.
As to the non-current asset, it shows that their Property, Plant, and Equipment have
increased by 1.70% indicating that the entity purchased new equipment for use in day to day
operations that resulted in the increase of their total non-current assets by 9.83%. When
compared to the industry average, they both have poor liquidity since they have a high
proportion of non-current assets to current assets.
Current liabilities have decreased by 0.86% which indicates that the company's
capital structure remained sound because its current assets exceeded its current liabilities. A
positive working capital is acquired if a company's current assets surpass its current
liabilities. A sufficient level of working capital ensures that a company can fully satisfy its
short-term obligations over the next twelve months. This demonstrates a company's financial
strength (Blokhin, 2021). When compared to the industry average, San Jose Water District
has lower liabilities which means they have greater creditworthiness than the industry
Non-current liabilities decreased by 0.68 percent, resulting in a 1.20 percent decrease
in total liabilities, resulting in the firm having repaid their particular debts owed to its
Total equity increased to 88.83 percent of total equity and liability, implying that
they have more capital invested in the company than liability, implying that the firm was
financing a minimum percentage of its assets with debt, indicating good financial health, as
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 49

opposed to the industry average, which has a higher percentage of total liabilities than total
equity, implying that their total assets were mostly funded by debt than own capital.

Table 2. Comparative Statement of Financial Position as of December 2019-2020

Statement of financial position
For the years ended 2019 and 2020


2019 2020 2019 2020
Current Asset
cash and cash
equivalent 2.97% 3.12% 0.15% 9.95% 10.89% 0.94%
receivables 0.98% 0.99% 0.02% 3.88% 4.97% 1.08%
inventories 5.00% 4.50% -0.50% 3.92% 3.21% -0.70%
Other current Asset 4.29% 3.73% -0.57% 1.31% 2.21% 0.90%
Total current Asset 13.24% 12.34% -0.90% 18.78% 20.49% 1.71%
Non-current Asset
receivables 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.68% 3.50% -0.18%
other investment 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.06% 16.25% 0.18%
PPE 73.74% 75.72% 1.98% 72.46% 71.38% -1.08%
Intangible Asset 0.18% 0.12% -0.06% 0.51% 0.42% -0.09%
Other Non-current
Asset 12.84% 11.83% -1.01% 2.23% 2.44% 0.21%
Total Non Current
Asset 86.76% 87.66% 0.90% 81.22% 79.51% -1.71%
TOTAL ASSET 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities 5.12% 2.94% -2.18% 11.99% 13.07% 1.08%
Inter-Agency Payables 1.50% 1.45% -0.05% 0.99% 6.25% 5.27%
Trust Liabilities 0.43% 4.26% 3.83% 14.11% 7.11% -7.01%
Deferred Credits 0.06% 0.00% -0.06% 2.76% 2.65% -0.11%
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 50

other payables 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.48% 1.35% 0.87%

Provision 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.91% 3.90% -0.02%
Total Current
Liabilities 7.11% 8.65% 1.53% 22.66% 26.59% 3.92%
Financial Liabilities 92.66% 91.35% -1.30% 78.65% 80.96% 2.31%
Trust Liabilities 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.41% 0.47% -10.94%
other Deferred Credits 0.23% 0.00% -0.23% 9.61% 12.04% 2.43%
loans payable 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.56% 0.64% -6.92%
Provision 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.37% 3.89% 0.51%
Total non Current
Liabilities 92.89% 91.35% -1.53% 77.34% 73.41% -3.92%
LIABILITIES 11.17% 22.90% 11.73% 56.07% 55.13% -0.94%
EQUITY 67.12% 65.33% -1.78% 11.55% 15.14% 3.59%
EARNINGS 32.88% 34.67% 1.78% 88.58% 90.65% 2.07%
revaluation surplus 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 9.74% 9.53% -0.21%
TOTAL EQUITY 88.83% 77.10% -11.73% 43.93% 44.87% 0.94%
& EQUITY 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%

Table 2 shows the comparative vertical analysis of San Jose Water District’s financial
position as of December 2019 to December 2020. As can be seen from the results, cash
increased by 0.15 percent while total current assets decreased slightly. It is a good sign that
they have increased rather than decreased their cash and cash equivalents. When compared
to the industry average which increased their total current assets to 20.49% indicates that
working capital will increase.
In terms of non-current assets, their Property, Plant, and Equipment climbed by 1.98
percent, suggesting that the company purchased new equipment for use in day-to-day
operations, resulting in a 0.90 percent growth in total non-current assets. They both have
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 51

inadequate liquidity as compared to the industry average because they have a high
percentage of non-current assets to current assets.
Current liabilities increased by 1.53%. Despite the fact that the company's current
liabilities had decreased, its capital structure remained sound because its current assets
outweighed its current liabilities. San Jose Water District has smaller liabilities than the
industry average, indicating that they are more creditworthy than the industry average.
The non-current liabilities have decreased by 1.53%, but it is also seen above that
their total liabilities increased; Thus, it indicates that the company has a lot of debts acquired.
This means that the entity saved money by incurring obligations, but because of the firm's
high level of liabilities, there may be additional risk that causes financial difficulties
(Avercamp, 2022).
In terms of equity, retained earnings increased by 1.78 percent while government
equity decreased by 1.78 percent, resulting in an 11.73 percent decrease in total equity. This
demonstrates that, despite a small decrease in total equity, the firm was still in good financial
standing based on how they finance their assets. It can be seen that their total equity exceeds
their total liabilities, implying that the firm used debt to finance a minimum percentage of
its assets. When compared to the industry average which has a higher percentage of liabilities
over equity indicates that their total assets are mostly funded with debts than of the owner’s
capital. When compared to the industry average, which has a higher percentage of liabilities
over equity, their total assets are largely funded by debts rather than the capital of the owners.
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 52

Table 3. Comparative Statement of Financial Position as of December 2020-2021

Statement of financial position
For the years ended 2020 and 2021


2020 2021 2020 2021
Current Asset
cash and cash
equivalent 3.12% 0.04% -3.08% 10.89% 11.86% 0.97%
receivables 0.99% 2.45% 1.46% 4.97% 3.46% -1.50%
inventories 4.50% 5.90% 1.40% 3.21% 4.26% 1.05%
Other current Asset 3.73% 3.85% 0.12% 2.21% 1.25% -0.97%
Total current Asset 12.34% 12.25% -0.09% 20.49% 20.62% 0.14%
Non-current Asset
receivables 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.50% 3.40% -0.10%
other investment 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.25% 14.74% -1.51%
PPE 75.72% 74.62% -1.09% 71.38% 71.33% -0.05%
Intangible Asset 0.12% 0.08% -0.04% 0.42% 1.14% 0.72%
Other Non-current
Asset 11.83% 13.05% 1.22% 2.44% 4.54% 2.10%
Total Non Current
Asset 87.66% 87.75% 0.09% 79.51% 79.38% -0.14%
TOTAL ASSET 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities 2.94% 2.82% -0.12% 13.07% 8.99% -4.08%
Inter-Agency Payables 1.45% 1.65% 0.21% 6.25% 0.99% -5.26%
Trust Liabilities 4.26% 5.44% 1.18% 7.11% 2.22% -4.88%
Deferred Credits 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.65% 13.32% 10.66%
other payables 0.00% 0.00% - 1.35% 0.51% -0.84%
Provision 0.00% 1.21% 0.00% 3.90% 6.03% 2.14%
Total Current
Liabilities 8.65% 11.13% 2.48% 26.59% 4.77% -21.81%
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 53

Financial Liabilities 91.35% 88.87% -2.48% 80.96% 71.43% -9.52%
Trust Liabilities 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.47% 0.81% 0.34%
other Deferred Credits 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12.04% 27.31% 15.27%
loans payable 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.64% 1.73% 1.09%
Provision 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.89% 7.52% 3.64%
Total non Current
Liabilities 91.35% 88.87% -2.48% 73.41% 83.94% 10.52%
LIABILITIES 22.90% 22.97% 0.07% 55.13% 100.00% 44.87%
EQUITY 65.33% 64.17% -1.17% 15.14% 12.21% -2.93%
EARNINGS 34.67% 35.83% 1.17% 90.65% 87.06% -3.59%
revaluation surplus 0.00% 0.00% - 9.53% 10.13% 0.61%
TOTAL EQUITY 77.10% 77.03% -0.07% 44.87% 43.45% -1.42%
& EQUITY 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%

Table 3 shows the comparative vertical analysis of San Jose Water District’s financial
position as of December 2020 to December 2021. As can be seen in the table, their cash and
cash equivalents have slightly decreased by 3.98% which indicates lower available cash to
be available for use in daily short-term finances. When compared to the industry average,
which has a higher percentage of current assets of 20.62 percent in 2019, the San Jose Water
District is more capable of meeting short-term obligations.
Their Property, Plant, and Equipment declined by 1.09 percent in non-current assets,
implying that their PPE has undergone depreciation, which diminishes its value owing to
wear and tear and the loss of their useful life. They both have insufficient liquidity as
compared to the industry average due to a high non-current asset to current asset ratio.
The number of current obligations has increased by 2.48 percent. Even though the
company's current obligations had shrunk, its capital structure remained solid because its
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 54

current assets outweighed its current liabilities. San Jose Water District's liabilities are lower
than the industry average, indicating that they are more creditworthy.
Non-current liabilities decreased by 2.48 percent, resulting in a 0.07 percent increase
in total liabilities, resulting in the firm having repaid their particular debts owed to its
In terms of equity, retained earnings climbed 1.17 percent while government equity
declined 1.17 percent, resulting in a total equity decrease of 0.07 percent. This shows that,
despite a minor drop in total equity, the company is still in solid financial shape due to the
way it finances its assets. The fact that their entire equity surpasses their total liabilities
indicates that the company employed debt to finance a small portion of its assets. When
compared to the industry average, which has a higher percentage of liabilities over equity,
their total assets are largely funded by debts rather than the capital of the owners. When
compared to the industry average, their total assets are mostly funded by debts rather than
the owners' capital.

Table 4. Comparative Statement of Financial Performance as of December 2018-2019

Table 4 shows the comparative vertical analysis of the statement of financial

performance of San Jose Water District as of December 2018 and 2019. The service and

business income come up with a total of 0.00%. Thus, this sign is a non-valuable outcome.

And it means that the shares, donation and grants, the gains, and the other non-operating

income decreases its total value indicating that the firm public service is considered to be

ineffective. As of total expenses, the result of personal expenses has decreased to 8.63%.

Moreover, when compared to the average water district their percentage are closely to its

result of the SJWD, but the average water district results is 5.91%, which generally term that
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 55

the average water district generated and income prior to the service and business, however,

in summary the overall total percentages are both the same, this indicates that there is no

significant difference between the two.

Statement of financial performance

For the years ended 2018 and 2019


2018 2019 2018 2019
Service and business
income 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 92.50% 98.41% 5.91%
shares, donation and
grants 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.96% 1.42% -0.54%
Gains 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% -0.04%
other non-operating
income 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.28% 2.58% 0.30%
Total Income 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Personnal expenses 48.87% 40.24% -8.63% 26.21% 28.24% 2.03%
Operating 34.10% 43.59% 9.49% 38.06% 46.76% 8.70%
Financial Expenses 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.18% 6.94% -1.24%
Non-cash Expenses 11.09% 11.20% 0.10% 13.48% 16.48% 3.01%
TOTAL EXPENSES 94.06% 95.03% 0.97% 91.14% 95.08% 3.94%
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 5.94% 4.97% -0.97% 8.45% 4.92% -3.52%
Assistance and subsidy 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.46% 18.64% 18.18%
NET INCOME 5.94% 4.97% -0.97% 8.48% 6.26% -2.23%
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 56

For the Maintenance & Other Operating, increased by 9.49%. For the Financial

Expenses, it comes up with the result of 0.00%, which means that the company did not incur

any expenses from outside of the company prior to the year 2018 and 2019. In terms of non-

cash expenses, it has increased to 0.10%. Generally, the total expenses of the firm increased

to 0.97%, however, this would not indicate that the company business is running effectively

because their net income reflects the company stability which is generally an indicator if

their public service is effective or not. But as a result, the firm net income declined to 0.97%,

which means their operation is not completely competent. This can have an impact on the

financial well-being of everyone associated with the company. Furthermore, when it

compares to the average water district, the results of the personal expenses are not much

likely near to the result of SJWD, however, the results of SJWD decreased by 8.69%

resulting to average water district got higher expenses which seen in the results that they got

increased of result by 2.03%. This indicates that average water district results are higher than

SJWD pertaining to personal expenses. Moreover, in Maintenance & Other Operating, the

percentage is close to the results of SJWD, indicating that there is no difference between the

two. However, San Jose Water District net income is higher than the industry average,

indicating that it is more profitable.

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 57

Table 5. Comparative Statement of Financial Performance as of December 2019-2020

Statement of financial performance
For the years ended 2019 and 2020


2019 2020 2019 2020
Service and business
income 100.00% 100.0% 0.0% 98.41% 98.16% -0.25%
shares, donation and
grants 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 1.42% 2.02% 0.60%
Gains 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
other non-operating
income 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 2.58% 2.71% 0.14%
Total Income 100.00% 100.0% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Personnal expenses 40.24% 41.5% 1.23% 28.24% 29.41% 1.17%
Maintenance&Other -
Operating 43.59% 35.3% 8.26% 46.76% 46.74% -0.02%
Financial Expenses 0.00% 1.9% 1.94% 6.94% 6.23% -0.71%
Non-cash Expenses 11.20% 10.0% 1.16% 16.48% 14.51% -1.98%
TOTAL EXPENSES 95.03% 88.8% 6.25% 95.08% 95.99% 0.91%
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 4.97% 11.2% 6.25% 4.92% 4.01% -0.91%
Assistance and subsidy 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 18.64% 0.00% -18.64%
NET INCOME 4.97% 11.2% 6.25% 6.26% 4.01% -2.25%

The table 5 shows the comparative vertical analysis of the statement of financial

performance of San Jose Water District as of December 2019 and 2020. The service and

business decreased to 0.00%. As to the shares, donation and grants, increased to 0.00%.

However, this will not figure out that the firm's total income has increased its overall results.
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 58

Because as seen in the table above that it resulted to 0.00% which indicates that they did not

contemplate earning prior to those years. Moreover, when compared to the average water

district their percentage is close to its result of the SJWD, indicating that there is no

significant difference between the two.

As of total expenses, the personal expenses increased to 1.23%. For the Maintenance

& Other Operating, decreased by 8.26%. For the Financial Expenses, it rose to 1.94%, which

means that they got a higher amount of expenses outside of company expenses, particularly

loans, etc. In terms of non-cash expenses, it declined to 1.16%. Generally, the total expenses

of the firm decrease to 6.25%, however, this would not indicate that the company business

is running ineffective because their net income reflects the company stability which is

generally an indicator if their public service is effective or not. But as a result, the firm net

income rose to 6.25%, which means their operation was profitable. One of several things

that investors and financial entities will look at is net income. A high net income implies that

the firm is financially stable and has enough money to cover its expenses. It also helps a

company to indicate whether it is likely to succeed for a long run operation (Bock, 2020).

Furthermore, in Maintenance & Other Operating, the percentage is close to the results of

SJWD as compared to the average water districts percentage indicating that there is no

difference between the two. Moreover, when it compares to the average of the water district,

the results of the personal expenses are not as likely near the result of SJWD, this indicates

that SJWD had a higher personnel expense than average water district. However, San Jose
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 59

Water District net income is higher than the industry average, indicating that it is more


Table 6. Comparative Statement of Financial Performance as of December 2020-2021

Statement of financial performance
For the years ended 2020 and 2021


2020 2021 2020 2021
Service and business
income 100.0% 100.00% 0.00% 98.16% 99.26% 1.10%
shares, donation and
grants 0.0% 0.00% -0.00% 2.02% 0.92% -1.10%
Gains 0.0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
other non-operating
income 0.0% 0.00% 0.00% 2.71% 1.16% -1.55%
Total Income 100.0% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Personnal expenses 41.5% 41.72% 0.25% 29.41% 37.57% 8.16%
Maintenance Other
Operating 35.3% 38.30% 2.97% 46.74% 30.26% -16.48%
Financial Expenses 1.9% 2.71% 0.76% 6.23% 4.88% -1.34%
Non-cash Expenses 10.0% 9.18% -0.86% 14.51% 16.15% 1.64%
TOTAL EXPENSES 88.8% 91.91% 3.13% 95.99% 87.51% -8.48%
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 11.2% 8.09% -3.13% 4.01% 12.49% 8.48%
NET INCOME 11.2% 8.09% -3.13% 4.01% 12.49% 8.48%

The table 6 shows the comparative vertical analysis of the statement of financial

performance of San Jose Water District as of December 2020 and 2021. San Jose Water
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 60

District total income was coming from its service and business income for both 2020 and

2021. As compared to the total income of average water districts in Caraga it can be seen

above that their income were coming from service and business income wherein it increases

about 1.10% in 2021, however the shares, donation and grants and the other non-operating

income decrease about 1.10% and 1.55% respectively,

As of total expenses, the personal expenses increased to 0.25%. For the Maintenance

& Other Operating, increased by 2.97%. For the Financial Expenses, it rose to 0.76%, which

means that they got a higher amount of expenses outside of company expenses, particularly

loans, etc. In terms of non-cash expenses, it declined to 0.86%. Generally, the total expenses

of the firm decrease to 3.13%, however, this would not indicate that the company business

is running ineffective because their net income reflects the company stability which is

generally an indicator if their public service is effective or not. But as a result, the firm net

income decreased by 3.13%, which means their operations during 2020-2021 will have a

negative impact on their financial status and have poor outcomes overtime. San Jose Water

District's net income is lower than the industry average, indicating that they are more

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 61

Financial Condition of San Jose Water District


The table 7 shows the result of financial ratios as to the efficiency ratio that measure the

efficiency of San Jose Water District.


2018 2019 2020 2021
ASSET TURNOVER RATIO 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.49
TURNOVER RATIO 21.16 18.46 17.15 7.45 9.63
PERIOD 17.25 19.77 21.29 49.02 45.18

Table 7 compares San Jose Water District's financial ratios to the industry average.

The asset turnover ratios for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 were 0.18, 0.18, 0.17, and

0.18, respectively. This shows that the entity performed poorly because its ratios are not

particularly high, implying that San Jose Water District may be experiencing management

or production challenges. When compared to the industry average of 0.49, it shows that they

are inefficient at utilizing sales and revenues from their asset base, but the industry average

has a higher ratio than San Jose Water District, indicating that they are more favorable.

From 2018 through 2021, San Jose Water District has accounts receivable turnover

percentages of 21.16, 18.46, 17.15, and 7.45, respectively. It can be deduced that the ratios

have been decreasing over time, reaching 7.45 in 2021, indicating that the entity's ability to
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extend credit to its quality customers has been declining, most likely due to the pandemic,

which has slowed the collection process or made their credit policies unprofitable, but they

are in good shape from 2018 to 2020, indicating that San Jose Water District operates on a

cash basis. When compared to the industry average, San Jose Water District has far more

conservative lending practices, however their credit periods have shortened since 2021,

indicating an insufficient collection process.

San Jose Water District reported average collection period ratios of 17.25, 19.77,

21.29, and 49.02 from 2018 to 2021, respectively. San Jose Water District ratios have been

increasing year over year from 2018 to 2020, indicating that they have efficient credit and

collection policies that do not exceed 30 days’ collection, but a ratio of 49.02 in 2021 is

slightly high, indicating that their credit and collection policies have been declining, most

likely as a result of the pandemic's post effect on their overall performance. While compared

to the industry average of 45.18, the San Jose Water District is significantly more efficient

in receiving payments, particularly when navigating the four-year period of average

collection period.
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The table 8 shows the result of financial ratios as to the profitability ratio that measure

profitability of San Jose Water District.


2018 2019 2020 2021
GROSS PROFIT MARRGIN 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.12
RETURN ON ASSET 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05
RETURN ON EQUITY 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.15


Variable Parameter Qualitative Description

Gross Profit Margin Below 0.10 Low

0.10-0.19 Average
0.20 and above High
Return on Asset 0.18 below Low
0.05-0.19 Average
0.20 and above High
Return on Equity Below 0.15 Low
Above 0.15 High

San Jose Water District's gross profit margins were 0.06, 0.05, 0.11, and 0.08 in the

years 2018 to 2021, respectively. In the years 2018, 2019, and 2021, it can be classified as

low, indicating that they are having difficulty managing sales costs. Furthermore, a ratio of
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0.11 in 2020 can be qualitatively regarded as average, showing that they have better control

over their cost of sales. When compared to the industry average, a ratio of 0.12 can be

considered as average, implying that they are good at pricing their items correctly and

practicing average cost management.

In terms of return on assets, they had ratios of 0.01, 0.04, 0.02, and 0.01 from 2018

to 2021, respectively. A low ratio indicates that they are having difficulty increasing earnings

or that they have over-invested in assets that have failed to generate revenue growth. When

compared to the industry average, a ratio of 0.05 is considered good or average, indicating

that they are doing a good job at boosting earnings.

In terms of return on equity, the ratios were 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.02 from 2018 to

2021. It is of poor quality, showing that the San Jose Water District is failing to profit on its

owner's equity capital. A ratio of 0.15 can be defined as high when compared to the industry

average, indicating that they are better at using owner's equity than the industry average.

According to Henricks (2021), return on equity can assist investors in making wise financial

decisions. Accepting what ROE means and how to apply it when making comparisons

companies can help design a sound investment plan. The business has a good Return on

Assets and Return on Equity, which implies it is useful for the company because it illustrates

how the business properly manages its whole assets to provide a return on its owner. So, it

can be good if the business performances in terms of profitability and returns of business

should be given priority by the businessman.

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Proposed Recommendations

Based on the study's findings and conclusions, the researchers have proposed

recommendations to improve decision making.

The proposed recommendation to improve San Jose Water District's financial

management performance is an attempt to offer a wise and better decision that would address

the following areas of concern:

Areas of concern Inputs to improve financial Person’s concerned

management performance and


Efficiency The capital investments included This may pertain to the

huge sums of money, thus, caution manager of a company

is needed. Worded in another way, whose obliged to do such

it is possible to observe an improvements for the

investment in it. The cost-benefit benefits of a company’s

principle can be used to achieve the instability.

best result.

Profitability Consider the company's primary This may pertain to the

expenses, such as maintenance and
manager of a company
other operating expenses, to boost
who’s obliged to do such
net income and increase gross profit
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 66

margins, which would increase improvements for the

returns on assets and equity, or, in
benefits of a company’s
other words, use the company's
assets effectively to increase sales,
which can improve overall
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District



This chapter presents the summary, finding, conclusions and recommendations of the study.


This research focused on the financial statement analysis of the San Jose Water

District for the fiscal years 2018-2021 in order to improve the entity's financial management


The financial statements examined were the statement of financial position, the

statement of financial performance, and the statement of changes in equity for the fiscal years

ended 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. The horizontal and vertical financial statement analysis,

as well as financial ratio analysis, were used in the financial statement analysis. Financial

ratios were divided into two (2) types: efficiency ratios and profitability ratios. The asset

turnover ratio, receivable turnover ratio, and average collection period were subdivided into

three (3) efficiency ratios. Profitability ratios were divided into three (3) categories: gross

profit margin, return on asset, and return on equity.

The research design of this study used quantitative documentary analysis in

collecting the data from San Jose Water District in the form of audited financial statement.

The data was analyzed and interpreted using financial statement horizontal and vertical

analysis, as well as financial ratio analysis

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Based on the results of the study, the following findings are summarized follows:

1. As to the comparative financial analysis of the statement of financial position of San

Jose Water District which comprises three accounts namely, Asset, Liabilities and

Equity, both asset and equity accounts have increased while the liability account

decreased by 1.20% in the year 2018 to 2019. It signifies that San Jose Water District

paid down some of its liabilities or loans, therefore lowering their overall asset but

the asset increased a little. Furthermore, a growth of retained earnings is good

because it indicates that San Jose Water District has been profitable. In the year 2019

to 2020, both assets and liabilities have increased while the equity has decreased a

little, therefore, it means that even though the liabilities have increased the growth of

assets and equity outweighs the value of the liability; the San Jose Water District has

been consistently profitable. In the years 2020 to 2021, it was found that total assets

and total liabilities have increased but total equity decreased a little. But when

compared to the industry average, it can be understood that their total assets are

funded with debts rather than by using owner's capital from years 2018 to 2021.

As to the financial performance of San Jose Water District for the years 2018 and

2019, the total revenue comes solely from service and business income. In terms of

the firm’s total expenses, for the year 2018 and 2019, it increased by 0.97% which

decreased total net income by 0.97% and for the year 2019 and 2020 expenses

decreased by 6.25% which means that the entity’s operation is doing well even
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though in years 2018 to 2019, their expenses have slightly increased but their net

income have increased by 6.25% on year 2020 than the previous year. But during

2021, it can be seen that their total net income fell to 0.03%, signifying that during

that year SJWD incurred some losses on their income.

2. In the efficiency ratio analysis of San Jose Water District in comparison with the

industry average, under the asset turnover ratios for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and

2021 were 0.18, 0.18, 0.17, and 0.18, respectively wherein the industry average has

a ratio of 0.49. Additionally, accounts receivable turnover had ratios of 21.16, 18.46,

17.15, and 7.45, respectively from years 2018 to 2021 while an industry average has

a ratio of 9.63. Moreover, the under average collection period had ratios of 17.25,

19.77, 21.29, and 49.02 from 2018 to 2021, respectively. On the other hand, the

industry average has a ratio of 45.18.

3. In the profitability ratio analysis of San Jose Water District in comparison with the

industry average, under the gross profit margin had ratios of 0.06, 0.05, 0.11, and

0.08 in the years 2018 to 2021, respectively whereas the industry average had a ratio

of 0.12. Furthermore, return on assets had ratios of 0.01, 0.04, 0.02, and 0.01 from

2018 to 2021, respectively while the industry average had a ratio of 0.05. Lastly,

return on equity had ratios of 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.02 from 2018 to 2021 while the

industry average had a ratio of 0.15.

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Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

In the near future, the company can and will generate more revenue. Investments in

property, plant, and equipment are expected to yield higher profits over time. To keep costs

as low as possible, the costs of maintaining these assets, as well as depreciation, must be

closely monitored.

The entity has effectively managed its assets, liabilities, and equity, and if this trend

continues, it has the potential to improve its financial position in the future. In contrast,

overall financial performance remains positive, albeit with a decrease in 2019 but a return to

good standing in 2020. In 2021, the performance declined due to the high level of expenses,

as a result, expenses should be kept to a minimum.

As a result of financial ratios, financial management performance improves. San Jose

Water District's efficacy.


The company collects accounts receivables efficiently but their assets aren’t able to
produce enough revenue. Given the amount of money invested in the company, it is essential
to keep a close eye on its property, plant, and equipment management.


The company is somehow not good in profitability performance since they possess
low-margin in gross profit, so it indicates the entity's inability to control cost. They also
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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 71

possess bad returns in asset which can be concluded as low maximum use of its assets and
shows low equity returns.
In view of the findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers have prepared
recommendations to improve decision making:
1. Accounting estimate must be fully accounted for, evaluated and reviewed over time
to reflect a realistic amount on all accounting information to avoid overestimation.
Internal controls can also be implemented to ensure correct accounting reporting
and asset security.
2. Monitoring and controlling expenditure in relation to income can be made to ensure
that spending does not surpass available funds. Despite a positive net income over
the years, security is the best way to increase profits. Cost and expense
management can be implemented.
The following recommendations were also made

1. The study's findings may be used by the San Jose Water District to improve the

entity's financial management performance.

2. The study's findings will help San Jose Water District become financially self-

sufficient in order to sustain the company's development programs and effectively

maximize the company's advantages.

3. The findings may also serve as the foundation for developing strategies for reducing

maintenance and other operating costs, as well as providing guidance on investment

strategy for future development.

4. The findings of the study will also serve as basis for creating strategies such as:
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● The cost-benefit analysis or principle was used to develop a strategy for lowering

maintenance and other operating costs, as well as the company’s property, plant, and


● Investment strategy for future company development: Due to the economic

constraints of the local government, an investing strategy that would recognize all

accessible sources of financing, such as private funds, for the company's future

growth will have to be developed.

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Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District

Computation of Comparative Financial Analysis


Current Asset
cash and cash equivalent ₱11,126,955 16.80% ₱12,523,671.47 9.26%
receivables ₱560,223.08 0.85% ₱5,201,670.13 3.84%
inventories ₱2,285,699. 3.45% ₱4,351,429.36 3.22%
Other current Asset ₱1,310,617. 1.98% ₱2,038,081.97 1.51%
Total current Asset ₱15,283,496 23.07% ₱23,532,543.80 17.39%
Non-current Asset
receivables - - ₱4,707,890.95 3.48%
other investment - - ₱16,277,024.92 12.03%
PPE ₱47,724,002 72.03% ₱100,961,360.9 74.63%
.50 0
Intangible Asset ₱150,000.00 0.23% ₱875,332.19 0.65%
Other Non-current Asset ₱3,093,902. 4.67% ₱3,181,305.78 2.35%
Total Non Current Asset ₱50,967,905 76.93% ₱111,758,278.5 82.61%
.05 4
TOTAL ASSET ₱66,251,401 100.00% ₱135,290,822.3 100.00%
.33 4
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities ₱153,075.73 1.87% ₱8,043,298.79 10.51%
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Inter-Agency Payables ₱88,352.90 1.08% ₱954,742.29 1.25%

Trust Liabilities ₱348,188.63 4.25% ₱4,941,132.32 6.46%
Deferred Credits - - ₱2,896,470.89 3.79%
other payables - - ₱227,734.69 0.30%
Provision ₱49,382.77 0.60% ₱2,536,061.67 3.32%
Total Current Liabilities ₱639,000.03 7.79% ₱13,817,325.77 18.06%
Non-current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities ₱7,558,618. 92.21% ₱75,056,148.04 98.11%
Trust Liabilities - - ₱298,079.31 0.39%
other Deferred Credits - - ₱4,181,977.90 5.47%
loans payable - - ₱6,557,254.70 8.57%
Provision - - ₱3,589,493.63 4.69%
Total non Current ₱7,558,618. 92.21% ₱62,685,107.46 81.94%
Liabilities 38
TOTAL LIABILITIES ₱8,197,618. 12.37% ₱76,502,433.23 56.55%
GOVERNMENT ₱39,578,682 68.18% ₱7,179,622.73 12.21%
RETAINED EARNINGS ₱18,475,100 31.82% ₱51,183,212.74 87.06%
revaluation surplus - - ₱5,957,750.00 10.13%
TOTAL EQUITY ₱58,053,782 87.63% ₱58,788,389.04 43.45%
TOTAL LIABILITY & ₱66,251,400 100.00% ₱135,290,822.2 100.00%
EQUITY .88 7
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Current Asset
cash and cash equivalent ₱1,971,852. 2.97% ₱13,847,209.10 9.95%
receivables ₱649,111.80 0.98% ₱5,402,717.65 3.88%
inventories ₱3,318,879. 5.00% ₱5,449,192.10 3.92%
Other current Asset ₱2,850,094. 4.29% ₱1,825,995.23 1.31%
Total current Asset ₱8,789,938. 13.24% ₱26,133,829.39 18.78%
Non-current Asset
receivables - - ₱5,120,395.60 3.68%
other investment - - ₱22,359,729.86 16.06%
PPE ₱48,948,411 73.74% ₱100,857,652.8 72.46%
.24 5
Intangible Asset ₱121,500.00 0.18% ₱706,336.73 0.51%
Other Non-current ₱8,523,910. 12.84% ₱3,101,842.02 2.23%
Asset 38
Total Non Current ₱57,593,821 86.76% ₱113,053,293.6 81.22%
Asset .62 3
TOTAL ASSET ₱66,383,760 100.00% ₱139,187,123.0 100.00%
.39 2
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities ₱379,811.19 5.12% ₱9,358,290.99 11.99%
Inter-Agency Payables ₱111,261.89 1.50% ₱770,813.19 0.99%
Trust Liabilities ₱32,135.96 0.43% ₱11,014,227.12 14.11%
Deferred Credits ₱4,085.04 0.06% ₱2,157,220.68 2.76%
other payables - - ₱377,130.72 0.48%
Provision - - ₱3,054,000.10 3.91%
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Total Current ₱527,294.08 7.11% ₱17,685,933.37 22.66%

Non-current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities ₱6,869,717. 92.66% ₱61,373,044.33 78.65%
Trust Liabilities - - ₱8,902,100.42 11.41%
other Deferred Credits ₱17,074.54 0.23% ₱7,502,295.16 9.61%
loans payable - - ₱5,899,203.70 7.56%
Provision - - ₱2,633,237.41 3.37%
Total non Current ₱6,886,792. 92.89% ₱60,349,987.33 77.34%
Liabilities 52
TOTAL LIABILITIES ₱7,414,086. 11.17% ₱78,035,920.70 56.07%
GOVERNMENT ₱39,578,682 67.12% ₱7,063,114.37 11.55%
RETAINED ₱19,390,991 32.88% ₱54,167,042.40 88.58%
revaluation surplus - - ₱5,957,750.00 9.74%
TOTAL EQUITY ₱58,969,673 88.83% ₱61,151,202.17 43.93%
TOTAL LIABILITY & ₱66,383,760 100.00% ₱139,187,122.8 100.00%
EQUITY .39 8
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Current Asset
cash and cash equivalent ₱2,453,839. 3.12% ₱15,171,307.05 10.89%
receivables ₱780,838.11 0.99% ₱6,919,228.06 4.97%
inventories ₱3,533,993. 4.50% ₱4,477,764.63 3.21%
Other current Asset ₱2,927,067. 3.73% ₱3,082,566.64 2.21%
Total current Asset ₱9,695,739. 12.34% ₱28,549,949.73 20.49%
Non-current Asset
receivables - - ₱4,870,187.89 3.50%
other investment - - ₱22,637,721.05 16.25%
PPE ₱59,493,185 75.72% ₱99,468,071.97 71.38%
Intangible Asset ₱93,000.00 0.12% ₱580,287.01 0.42%
Other Non-current Asset ₱9,291,797. 11.83% ₱3,400,785.61 2.44%
Total Non Current ₱68,877,982 87.66% ₱110,794,880.2 79.51%
Asset .77 9
TOTAL ASSET ₱78,573,722 100.00% ₱139,344,830.0 100.00%
.12 1
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities ₱529,247.31 2.94% ₱10,040,813.99 13.07%
Inter-Agency Payables ₱260,252.71 1.45% ₱4,804,249.68 6.25%
Trust Liabilities ₱766,484.92 4.26% ₱5,458,478.87 7.11%
Deferred Credits ₱0.00 0.00% ₱2,036,737.26 2.65%
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other payables - - ₱1,038,966.72 1.35%

Provision - - ₱2,992,850.70 3.90%
Total Current ₱1,555,984. 8.65% ₱20,421,715.41 26.59%
Liabilities 94
Non-current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities ₱16,439,451 91.35% ₱62,187,998.23 80.96%
Trust Liabilities - - ₱361,306.85 0.47%
other Deferred Credits - - ₱9,250,748.79 12.04%
other payables - - ₱493,691.38 0.64%
Provision - - ₱2,985,342.54 3.89%
Total non Current ₱16,439,451 91.35% ₱56,394,175.91 73.41%
Liabilities .48
TOTAL LIABILITIES ₱17,995,436 22.90% ₱76,815,891.32 55.13%
GOVERNMENT ₱39,578,682 65.33% ₱9,468,511.72 15.14%
RETAINED EARNINGS ₱20,999,603 34.67% ₱56,683,704.95 90.65%
revaluation surplus - - ₱5,957,750.00 9.53%
TOTAL EQUITY ₱60,578,285 77.10% ₱62,528,934.18 44.87%
TOTAL LIABILITY & ₱78,573,722 100.00% ₱139,344,825.5 100.00%
EQUITY .12 0
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 94



Current Asset
cash and cash equivalent ₱35,194.00 0.04% ₱7,722,905.50 11.86%
receivables ₱1,965,797. 2.45% ₱2,254,521.58 3.46%
inventories ₱4,723,025. 5.90% ₱2,774,313.92 4.26%
Other current Asset ₱3,082,196. 3.85% ₱810,720.90 1.25%
Total current Asset ₱9,806,212. 12.25% ₱13,427,341.75 20.62%
Non-current Asset 0.00%
receivables 0.00% ₱2,210,319.00 3.40%
other investment 0.00% ₱9,593,752.50 14.74%
PPE 59755160 74.62% ₱46,440,353.75 71.33%
Intangible Asset 64500 0.08% ₱743,074.25 1.14%
Other Non-current Asset ₱10,449,800 13.05% ₱2,956,798.25 4.54%
Total Non Current ₱70,269,460 87.75% ₱51,675,686.83 79.38%
Asset .00
TOTAL ASSET ₱80,075,672 100.00% ₱65,103,028.58 100.00%
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities 518919 2.82% ₱3,613,848.17 8.99%
Inter-Agency Payables 304283 1.65% ₱399,454.75 0.99%
Trust Liabilities ₱1,000,979. 5.44% ₱894,092.50 2.22%
Deferred Credits 0.00% ₱5,351,576.33 13.32%
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St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 95

other payables 0.00% ₱204,361.67 0.51%

Provision ₱222,464.00 1.21% ₱2,424,651.67 6.03%
Total Current 2046645 11.13% ₱6,455,496.58 4.77%
Non-current Liabilities 0.00% 0.00%
Financial Liabilities ₱16,346,806 88.87% ₱28,708,046.20 71.43%
Trust Liabilities 0.00% ₱327,492.25 0.81%
other Deferred Credits 0.00% ₱10,975,263.88 27.31%
others payable 0.00% ₱696,667.50 1.73%
Provision 0.00% ₱3,024,130.89 7.52%
Total non Current ₱16,346,806 88.87% ₱33,733,587.92 83.94%
Liabilities .00
TOTAL LIABILITIES ₱18,393,451 22.97% ₱40,189,084.50 100.00%
EQUITY 0.00% ₱40,189,084.50 100.00%
GOVERNMENT ₱39,578,682 64.17% ₱7,179,622.73 12.21%
RETAINED EARNINGS ₱22,103,539 35.83% ₱51,183,212.74 87.06%
revaluation surplus - 0.00% ₱5,957,750.00 10.13%
TOTAL EQUITY ₱61,682,221 77.03% ₱58,788,389.04 43.45%
TOTAL LIABILITY & ₱80,075,672 100.00% ₱135,290,822.2 100.00%
EQUITY .27 7
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 96



Service and ₱11,854,731.55 100.00% ₱49,157,767.27 92.50%
business income
shares, donation ₱0.00 - ₱1,040,769.33 1.96%
and grants
Gains ₱0.00 - ₱21,347.23 0.04%
other non- - - ₱1,209,114.18 2.28%
operating income
Total Income ₱11,854,731.55 100.00% ₱53,144,290.66 100.00%
Personnal expenses ₱5,792,915.14 48.87% ₱13,929,001.08 26.21%
Maintenance&Oth ₱4,042,476.23 34.10% ₱20,225,107.03 38.06%
er Operating
Financial Expenses ₱0.00 - ₱4,344,918.50 8.18%
Non-cash ₱1,314,880.59 11.09% ₱7,162,414.57 13.48%
TOTAL ₱11,150,271.96 94.06% ₱48,433,174.98 91.14%
PROFIT BEFORE ₱704,459.59 5.94% ₱4,490,149.57 8.45%
Assistance and - - ₱243,000.00 0.46%
NET INCOME ₱704,459.59 5.94% ₱4,507,506.72 8.48%
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St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 97


Service and ₱11,981,344.05 100.00% ₱51,747,418.78 98.41%
business income
shares, donation ₱340.42 0.00% ₱744,473.18 1.42%
and grants
Gains ₱86.69 0.00% ₱0.00 0.00%
other non- - - ₱1,354,090.46 2.58%
operating income
Total Income ₱11,981,771.16 100.00% ₱52,583,993.97 100.00%
Personnal expenses ₱4,820,978.48 40.24% ₱14,848,978.73 28.24%
Maintenance&Oth ₱5,223,177.46 43.59% ₱24,588,438.04 46.76%
er Operating
Financial Expenses ₱150.00 0.00% ₱3,648,257.30 6.94%
Non-cash ₱1,341,397.01 11.20% ₱8,668,062.53 16.48%
TOTAL ₱11,385,702.95 95.03% ₱49,994,262.34 95.08%
PROFIT BEFORE ₱596,068.21 4.97% ₱2,589,731.64 4.92%
assistance/subsidy - - ₱9,800,000.00 18.64%
NET INCOME ₱596,068.21 4.97% ₱3,289,731.64 6.26%
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 98


Service and ₱13,385,696.31 99.97% ₱52,961,406.64 98.16%
business income
shares, donation ₱4,085.04 0.03% ₱1,088,209.77 2.02%
and grants
Gains ₱187.20 0.00% ₱0.00 0.00%
other non- - - ₱1,464,735.38 2.71%
operating income
Total Income ₱13,389,968.55 100.00% ₱53,953,856.83 100.00%
Personnal expenses ₱5,552,154.60 41.47% ₱15,865,530.70 29.41%
Maintenance&Oth ₱4,730,780.07 35.33% ₱25,217,756.71 46.74%
er Operating
Financial Expenses ₱260,601.48 1.95% ₱3,359,213.15 6.23%
Non-cash ₱1,344,052.80 10.04% ₱7,827,255.87 14.51%
TOTAL ₱11,887,588.95 88.78% ₱51,789,868.84 95.99%
PROFIT BEFORE ₱1,502,379.60 11.22% ₱2,163,987.99 4.01%
NET INCOME ₱1,502,379.60 11.22% ₱2,163,987.99 4.01%
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 99


Service and business ₱14,638,630. 100.00% ₱26,340,537.33 99.26%
income 00
shares, donation and 0.00% ₱244,144.50 0.92%
Gains 0.00% ₱0.00 0.00%
other non-operating 0.00% ₱309,074.50 1.16%
Total Income ₱14,638,630. 100.00% ₱26,535,765.33 100.00%
EXPENSES 0.00% ₱0.00 0.00%
Personnal expenses ₱6,106,770.0 41.72% ₱9,969,666.17 37.57%
Maintenance&Other ₱5,607,318.0 38.30% ₱8,029,584.83 30.26%
Operating 0
Financial Expenses ₱396,650.00 2.71% ₱1,295,605.58 4.88%
Non-cash Expenses ₱1,344,053.0 9.18% ₱4,284,398.64 16.15%
TOTAL EXPENSES ₱13,454,791. 91.91% ₱23,222,222.00 87.51%
PROFIT BEFORE ₱1,183,839.0 8.09% ₱3,313,543.33 12.49%
NET INCOME ₱1,183,839.0 8.09% ₱3,313,543.33 12.49%
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 100

Computation of Financial Ratios

2018 2019 2020 2021

Asset Turnover Ratio
(Revenues/Total assets) 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18

11,854,731.5 11,981,77 13,389,96 14,638,63

Revenues 5 1.16 8.55 0.00

66,251,400.8 66,383,76 78,573,72 80,075,67

Total Assets 8 0.39 2.12 2.00

Accounts Receivable Turnover

Ratio (Revenues/Receivables) 21.16 18.46 17.15 7.45

11,854,731.5 11,981,77 13,389,96 14,638,63

Revenues 5 1.16 8.55 0.00

649,111.8 780,838.1 1,965,797

Receivables 560,223.08 0 1 .00

Average Collection Period

(days/receivable turn over 17.25 19.77 21.29 49.02
days 365 365 365 365

receivable turnover ratio 21.16 18.46 17.15 7.45

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 101

Gross profit margin

(gross profit/revenue) 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08
Gross Profit 704,459.59 596,068.21 1,502,379.60 1,183,839.00

revenue 11,854,731.55 11,981,771.16 13,389,968.55 14,638,630.00

return on asset
(profit/total asset) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
profit from operation 704,459.59 596,068.21 1,502,379.60 1,183,839.00

total asset 66,251,400.88 66,383,760.39 78,573,722.12 80,075,672.00

return on equity
(net income/equity) 0.012 0.010 0.025 0.019
net income 704,459.59 596,068.21 1,502,379.60 1,183,839.00
owners equity 58,053,782.47 58,969,673.79 60,578,285.70 61,682,221.00
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 102



Table 1

Table 2
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Surigao City, Philippines

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Surigao City, Philippines

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Surigao City, Philippines

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Surigao City, Philippines

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Table 3
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St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 107


Personal Information

Name: Rissamae N. Agape

Date of Birth: March 8, 2001

Date of Place: Brgy. Silop, Surigao City

Address: Brgy. Silop, Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Parents: Mrs. Myrna N. Agape

Mr. Jerry G. Agape

Educational Background

Elementary: Roxas Elementary School

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School (Junior High)

Cabrera Altres National High School (Senior High)

Tertiary: Saint Paul University Surigao

Course: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 108

Personal Information

Name: Jessie Bae P. Paredes

Date of Birth: August 30, 2001

Date of Place: Lobogon Del Carmen, Surigao Del Norte

Address: P-4 Sta. Cruz, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Parents: Mrs. Bernalda P. Paredes

Mr. Jesse M. Paredes

Educational Background

Elementary: Sta. Cruz Elementary School

Secondary: Don Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Memorial National High School

Tertiary: Saint Paul University Surigao

Course: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District 109

Personal Information

Name: Jay Clark P. Pol

Date of Birth: March 4, 2000

Place of Birth: Brgy. Linongganan, San Francisco, SDN

Address: Brgy. Linongganan, San Francisco, SDN

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Parents: Mr. Terencio R. Pol

Mrs. Jelly P. Pol

Educational Background

Elementary: linongganan Elementary School

Secondary: San Nicolas High School (Junior High)

Saint Paul University Surigao (Senior High)

Tertiary: Saint Paul University Surigao

Course: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Evaluation of Financial Performance of San Jose Water District

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