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Appeal letter


The Canadian High Commission,
New Delhi, India
Subject: Application for study permit. (Re-apply)

Applicant’s Name: Subas Bhugai

Application No.: XXXXXXXXXX
Designated DLI: Fanshawe College
Course applied for: Construction Project Management
Course level: Graduate Certificate
Course duration: January 4, 2023 to August 31, 2023
Status of application: Refused

My name is Subas Bhugai, a motivated Nepali born and raised in the picturesque town of
Pokhara, Kaski, Nepal. After the successful completion of my undergraduate degree, I
decided to continue my academic studies in Canada, a nation that has always been my first
choice for further education. I then applied for a study permit at the Canadian High
Commission with the necessary paperwork in order to enroll in Fanshawe College's
postgraduate in Construction Project Management. I regretfully received a letter in
XXXXXXXXX, 2022 notifying me that my application had been denied. I'm conscious of
the possibility that I made a mistake, intentionally or unintentionally, during the visa
application process. I subsequently requested the GCSM notes to obtain a thorough analysis
of the reasons for the denial, which is presented below:

“The purpose of the applicant's visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay
given the details provided in the application. The applicant has a bachelor degree in civil
engineering and has been employed in relevant field. The proposed study plan offered a
certificate in construction management however there was limited to no evidence
demonstrating a natural progression in the applicant's profession. I also noted that the
proposed study plan is a short-term 7-month program and it is not reasonable at this point
to pursue given the applicant's education and employment background without first
exploring options in COR or neighboring countries/regions. Weighing the factors in this
application, I am not satisfied that the applicant will depart Canada at the end of the period
authorized for their stay.”

I am one of thousands of aspiring applicants hoping to be a part of the Canadian educational

system. I am eager for the adventures that lay ahead of me as a student looking forward to
life after high school. I believe the justifications in this letter and the accompanying
documents I've supplied demonstrates my true ability to handle the demands of diploma-level
education. I am thankful for allowing me to go into more depth about my circumstances and
hope that it will aid in your assessment of my application.

Rationales on why the proposed studies would proceed in a logical manner

My decision to major in Construction Project Management is a direct result of my desire to

contribute to the development of state-of-the-art infrastructure in my country Nepal, aiming
towards improving its global standing. After four years of undergraduate study in Civil
Engineering, I feel completely satisfied with my decision to choose construction management
as my career option as it has revealed the most pragmatic and down-to-earth approach to
tackling human problems to me. During the undergraduate program, I gained my initial
formal exposure to Construction Management through courses like Design of R.C.C
Structures, Design of Steel and Timber Structures, Structural Analysis and Estimating &
Valuation which opened my eyes to the latest construction technology and management
methods. The course in “Construction Management” highlighted the importance of effective
team coordination for project execution in quality construction practice and exposed me to
plethora of applications of operations research in project management. I sincerely believe that
pursuing graduation at Fanshawe at this juncture of my career will be an ideal step in this
direction, as well as a logical progression from my prior coursework.

Moreover, I have been practicing my trade as an Assistant Engineer at Aasirbad Engineering

Consultancy since November 2021, and have engaged in several tasks, ranging from
planning, designing, to field overseeing. By leveraging my expertise and gaining familiarity
with the various aspects of the industry, I have been able to improve my operating
competence and complete tasks more efficiently. It was during my professional exposure, that
the significance of management in the construction processes unveiled itself before me. Thus,
my decision to pursue a degree in construction project management has a significant
relevance with this work tenure.

Justifications for choosing the program while having a bachelor's in civil engineering

As I realized that my undergraduate education has provided me with what is only a glimpse
of this field and there is so much more waiting to be explored and created in this industry, I
decided to continue my studies. Armed with the much-valued consent of my professors,
guidance of my seniors and careful perusal of the web pages of Fanshawe College, I am
convinced that my academic career will receive the much-required exposure and
enhancement enabling me to pursue extensive research and excel at it. Not only does the
Fanshawe’s distinguished faculty, excellent laboratory facilities and high reputation attract
me but also does the on-going researches by eminent faculty. My choice of this specialization
is motivated by its multidisciplinary nature, which will broaden my horizons and give me
flexibility in professional practice. My undergraduate curriculum has enabled me to clear my
fundamentals; and now I feel the need to pursue refinement of the attained knowledge
through a postgraduate course in Construction Project Management at the prestigious
Fanshawe College. The fast-emerging global scenario in the field of construction
management, and moreover the quality of education and exposure to a plethora of research
work in Canada supplemented by my own interest, has helped me to fortify my decision to
pursue graduate studies in Canada.

Objections to studying in COR (country of residence/Nepal)

The main reason I've chosen not to pursue a degree in Nepal is that there isn't a specific
program for construction project management and students have to study it as a supplemental
subject in the civil engineering curriculum. I also doubt that I will ever reach my full
potential due to the poor delivery of education. In Nepal, research-based education is rarely
used and the curriculum typically places a strong emphasis on literature. II believe that
among other things, Nepal's curricula, instructional methods, and facilities for practical
laboratories are the main reasons why employers favor international graduates. Additionally,
political meddling in Nepal affects every industry imaginable, including educational
institutions, and each year strikes compel college campuses to close indefinitely. I want to
study in a supportive environment that is devoid of politics and just concerned with providing
students with a top-notch education, which is one of the reasons I decided to pursue my
education abroad.

Objections to studying in neighboring countries (India, China, Bangladesh and so on)

Nepal is nestled between India and China, the two superpowers with the potential to change
every industry. There is a slew of drawbacks to studying in these countries, though. Talking
about China, every student seeking admission into a Chinese university is expected to pass
the “Gaokao” entrance examination. By the time the results are out, the final score will
greatly determine the course of study and the university the student can opt for. The firewalls
are probably the worst part of studying in China. This is mainly because there are many
restrictions on the Chinese internet. Because of these restrictions, students can only access a
few government-approved apps and websites. The language is the main barrier to studying in
China. While English is used to teach in most universities and colleges in China, one needs to
also learn some of the local languages and dialects, which is one of the biggest hinderances
for international students.

Although India is home to some of the world's best educational institutions, not everyone can
take advantage of them. To get to a respectable institute in India, students and their parents
may have to make significant travel and financial commitments. Even for students with
excellent results, admittance to a prestigious institute might be challenging due to
competition and nepotism. The majority of schools lack sufficient materials and equipment to
meet the needs and desires of the students. The poor quality of instruction offered in schools,
which is influenced by institutional and systemic issues, is another problem of Indian
education system.

Additionally, the other south Asian nations are afflicted by the same issues with governance
and delivery of education as Nepal. On the other hand, Canada has had a reputation of
embracing international students and providing high-quality education. Qualifications gained
in Canada are highly valued around the world, particularly in my homeland Nepal, where
employers emphasize graduates from Canada. These graduates have proven to be well-
trained, possess the necessary abilities, and produce excellent results. This is why I choose to
continue my education in Canada in order to increase my employability and achieve my long-
term goal.

The future worth of the proposed degree in Nepal

Given that Nepal is a developing nation and that there are several construction projects that
need to be completed, the construction business is one of the best for me to pursue a career in.
I plan to take a managerial position in a construction firm, where I can transfer my learning
into practice and adjust it accordingly to the Nepalese business environment. Bound by strict
time parameters and financial constraints, I would account for every detail and contingency in
order to execute projects successfully. I would enable efficient processes of the projects by
maintaining a tight schedule, staying within budget, allocating resources, avoiding scope
creep and by centralizing information and streamlining communication. It goes without
saying that my ability to handle construction projects and my knowledge of civil engineering
will be a huge asset to any Nepali construction company. Even if I am unable to find
employment with these firms, I intend to launch a construction company in Nepal because I
believe this industry has a lot of potential.

Financial details and declaration

I am confident that my parents can aid me financially because they possess significant
financial resources. My father is a businessman and who also holds a pleader's license. My
father and his brothers possess a sizable amount of land, and the valuation of these properties
are included in the supporting paperwork. My father has been in business for almost 13 years
and has been successful in making a respectable living. I declare that the information
provided above is accurate to my knowledge and I am solely liable if any discrepancies are
seen. I hope that obtaining this postgraduate qualification will be a significant educational
achievement in the development of my professional career. As a result, I respectfully request
you to consider my aspirations and provide me with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study
in Canada.

Your Sincerely
Subas Bhugai

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