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Dimensions, Conventionat Nahtiose Stahhobre; Masse, langenberogene Maen Asit is currant practica in stanelards published by the lt ‘has heen used thoughout as. revit marker, 1 Scope This Standatd applies tothe dimensions and the conven tional masses per unit length of seamless sel pines according to the technical conditions of delivery 36 ‘Stipulated in OIN 1629 Part 1 to Park 4, DIN 17172 and, in 17175 Italo applies to other technics! conditions of delivery in which relerence to this Standard is made 1M defines that sector, selected fom DIN 1S0 4200, within which seamless steel pipes are standardized, does not apply to precision ste! tubes according 10 DIN 2391 2 Other relevant standards DIN 150 4200 ° - Searnless and welded stee! tubes; ‘general tabie of dimensions and ‘converitions! masses per unit length ‘Seamless tubes in unalloyed steels for supply purposes, process plant and tanks; survey, technical ‘conditions of delivery. general data Seamless tubes in unalloyed steel {or supply purposes, process plant fand tanks; tubes of commercial quality; technical conditions of delivery Searness tubes in unalloyed steels for supply purposes, process plant ‘and tanks; tubes with quality specifications, technical conditions ‘of delivery Seamless tubes in unailoyed steels for supply purposes, process plant ‘and tanks; tubes with special ‘quality specifications, technical conditions of delivery ‘Steet pipes for long for combustible liquids and gases; technical conditions of delivery Seamless tubes of heatresistant DIN 1629Prt 1 DIN. 1620Pant2 OWN 1629 Part 3 DIN. 1629 Port 4 i q i 4 I In 17172 IN 17178. ‘3 Desighation, order code Designay seamless steal pipe made of St 35, having sh outside diameter of pipe of 273 mm and a wa! thickness of 6jg.rnm: Pipe QIN 2448 —St 35-273 x.3 eee of Seamless Steel Pipes and Tubes nce pipelines sees; technical conditions of delivery ght Geonan Banaras TOW ormen) erwin Sets Veeg OnE ID Masses per Unit Length tertational Organization for Starelardization (ISO), the eonna When ordering pipes according to this Standard, the corresponding elements of an order code mont be ‘extracted from the particular technical condition of delivery, 6 ~ quantity ordered, ~ standard designation, ~ twehnical condition of delivery, ~ material test certifi = internal and/or external protection, etc The order code for 1000 m of seamless stee! ‘according to this Standard made of St 35, having an ‘outside diameter of pipe of 273 me and a wall thickness of 6.3 mm and according to the technical condition of Selivery a specified im DIN 1629 Part 3, to be supped ‘with acceptance test certificate 3.18 according to DIN 50049, is 1000 m of pipe DIN 2448 ~ St 35-273 x6.3 ~ DIN 1629 Part 3-3.1 8 4 Dimensions al In the table of dimensions and conventional masses (weights) per unit length, the outside diameters of pipes are arcanged in three series in accordance with DIN 1S0 4200, these being defined 4s fcllows: Series 1: Pipes with outside diamecers in respect of which all the accessories required for the construction ‘of apipeline e9., mouldings for welding, flanges, ‘lange mouldings, ae standardized or shal! be standardized Pipes with outside diameters in respect of wich ‘2 majar proportion of the accesories ere stand: ardized, but not al = Pipes with outside diameters for special fietds ‘of application, in reepect of which there are ‘generally no siandardized accessories; in the ‘course of time, one or nather of these diameters may be proposed for deletion. “The conventional masses (weights) per unit fength which 21 printed in bold type, indicate pipes having outside diameters in series 1, with preferred wall thicknesses according to DIN ISO 4200. Series 2 Series 2: 5 Conventional masses (weights) per unit length ‘The values of the conventional messes (weights) per unit length have been taken from DIN 180 4200. seme ey Continued on page 3 Explanations on page 2 ! | DIN 2448 Engl Price group £ Sale Ho. 10 | 5 Page 7. DIN 2448 y “There was a whole seves of reasuns for revising Stonsards DIN 2448 ancl DIN 7458 which cate Hack to 1986. The fina stimulis for revision was, without Goubt, the publication of dealt Standard 150/01 4200, Yin tine publicatinn ofthis ral, ¥SO fas pt forwate ve aieor about the future sevelopmusnt of standardization work inthe field of stat pipes. the vot proctor +B he ratt was accented by 9 lage majority. 19 the Garman version it appear a Staite OIN 1S0 4200. “The (SO Standard serves two purposes 1 ht provides guidelines forthe selection of pie thmensions for all activities 19 the field of stand | ardzation of ste! pipes, both national and inte: rational: | by Ie enabies dimensional data to be looked up and | Pr oid the postlity that different countries will serablshaiferent numerical values forthe conventional frases pee unit length of pipes that are of ene and ho tpetdaeeab 28 1 . tn order to comply with the first purpose of the 150 Standard, therefore fist of all not only has the range Of pes which caf be manufactured been set oUt in a {oule, but the outside darters Rave beer classified in ihvee tries, the series and their meanings being clerly atin Fo bipes with Guittide diameters in series one, | furthermore, preferred all thicknesses have bees “Mipulated. The purpoy# of these measures i to stimulate || those selecting pipe dimensions, to exafnine whether oF ota pipe having an Gutside diameterin series 1, with fone of the preferred wall thicknesses, can infact be Employed. n this context, the authors of the Standard texpect in th long term to, achieve a rationalization of pipe dimensions ‘The criterion governing-the allocation of an outside diameter of pipe to one of another of the three sees, is the availabilty of Mandardized accestoces, The pre ferred wall thicknesses were selected under the aspect ‘that stepped ranges of internal pressures should be covered ___ economically. These considerations were aso extended to the standard wall thickness according tothe existing Standards DIN 2448 and DIN 2458. The problem of praterred wall thicknéites was exainined by the French Selegation in great detail: reference should be made to | the work of €. Bertin"). tn Tables 1 and 2 in 1SO 4200 it Is evident that where preferted wall thicknesses are ‘concerned, no numerical value exceeding 12:5 mm is Included, The reason for this is that in ISO it wat {enerally felt that pipes having larger wall thicknesses ae ted for pressure ranges, where, asa rule, a precise calcul: {ion of wall thickness wil be made, “The question arose as to whetber, in the presence of 2 OIN ISO Standard, Standards DIN 2448 and DIN 2458 are now in any way justified. In this context, h the technical committee put forward a series of reg ale Explanations eR ALD. © ney owes. 120) First of allt appoars dasrabi that th reader of the {abl isting posstble pipe dimensions, should be informa hewhat oreos ofthe pipe socks avaible wor wide are eae by industry and commeres ia Germany. Anoth seat eazon for mamtoining the two DIN Staats eettecnne br tat i the ISO Stand no iit hecane of sramless apd woldad see pipes wih ean te manutaetared is indicated. This kind of fimit cannot te Drinternatinally Algo, in the general table of pine eawnaions contained in 150 4200, pipe dimensions for Sines mace trom stainless stels ae listed, in respect of hich we have our own standard dimensions both ia ‘esnttonal fe. DIN 2462 Part 1 and DIN 2463 Pat 1) Bhd in the international fet (eg. 180 1927 and ISO 1129) Ta this context, there is no doubt that the German reader wil find i ustul to have the range of avaiable pipes clearly sat ut for him. [Atorther difference between the DIN Stgndards end the {SO Standacd ies in the foct thatthe twa DIN Standards {ay down the deigeation ofthe pie, tn the ISO Standard, this ih not done, However, the “DIN designation” € ement points at 9 reaproblem: iis true, that using the DIN designation according to DIN 2448 or DIN 2488, itis possible to determine the dimensions and material fof 2 pipe in a parts ist; however, the pipe cannot be Crdered using these, data alone. This has already been leary established, inthe draft Standards DIN 2448 and ‘DIN 2488 already published, for this reason n0 exams fof 2 designation wat included. twas established there thatthe pipes had tobe designated in accordance with the coreesponding technical coeitions of delivery. However, there are at preset not available in a form permittiog an immedigte conversion to anew designation Very stiong objections were alzo raised tothe elimination fof the DIN designation so far used. In discusing the abiections, however, it wes confirmed that the DIN Gesignation i inadequate for ordering and delivery, in view of the state of development of the dimensional andards on the one hand and of the technical conditions of delivery on the other, i was decided to retain the DIN designation hitherto used, but to include in the C {woDDIN Standards an additional section fr the order ‘ode in this section the necenary data for unambiguous frdering are explained making reference to an extmple ‘The problem of how, in communications between the purchaser and the manufacture, 3 pipe should generally be designated, requires stl more detailed consideration {a enrocition with the modification of the technical conditions of delivery. 7 150 Standardization in the field of stee! pipes and fittings for welding, for the transport of liquids and al applications, OIN-Mittelungen,

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