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Sinotrans Overseas Development LTD.

Sinotrans Overseas Development LTD.

HSSE Standard

Document Name: First Aid Procedure


Preparation (Revision) Record

Version No. Drafted/Revised by Reviewed by Approved by Implementation Date

Sinotrans Overseas Development LTD.


1. Purpose....................................................................................................................1

2. Scope of Application...............................................................................................1

3. Terms and Abbreviations........................................................................................1

4. Position and Responsibility.....................................................................................1

4.1 Safety Management Department................................................................................1

4.2 Emergency Team........................................................................................................2

5. First Aid Procedure.................................................................................................2

5.1 Patient Health Check..................................................................................................2

5.2 Type of Injuries and How to help...............................................................................3

5.3 Emergency transfer of patient.....................................................................................5

6. Related Documents..................................................................................................6

7. Annex...................................................................................................................... 6
Sinotrans Overseas Development LTD.

1. Purpose

To standardize the first treatment in accidents, so that victims can be saved without
inflicting new injuries due to incorrect handling and efficient use of first aid kits.

2. Scope of Application

This standard applies to the first handling of victims of work accidents in the
company's work area (such as warehouses and docks).

This is a company standard. If the relevant local requirements of the overseas branch
are less stringent than this standard, this standard will apply; if relevant local
requirements are more stringent, local requirements will apply.

3. Terms and Abbreviations

Work Accident: The definition of work accident is an event that can cause injury or
death. The definition of an emergency is a situation that is so difficult that it is
suspected that it requires immediate treatment so that accidents and incidents do not

Injury: injury is a hazard at work that can cause fatal or non-fatal conditions. There
are many causes for this type of injury, from overuse of musculoskeletal muscles or
joints or open wound it can causes by lack of training and orientation or unsafe

First Aid : Providing immediate assistance to sick or injured patients (accidents) that
require basic medical treatment.

4. Position and Responsibility

4.1 Safety Management Department

– It manages these standards by developing, revising and maintaining these

standards first aid box and use first aid procedure.

– Supervise the first aid management of the PT. Sinotrans Indonesia operations

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Sinotrans Overseas Development LTD.

department in Indonesia.

– This ensures that every first aider team in each emergency response team in each
warehouse has taken part in the necessary training and can apply the training.

4.2 Emergency Team

– He takes part in the necessary training and can apply the given training to actual

– Inspecting and maintains the first aid box and emergency equipment at regular
intervals to make sure it is in good condition.

– He reports problems (if any) in time.

5. First Aid Procedure

5.1 Patient Health Check

 Assessment of the patient's condition

- Aims to obtain an overview of the accident.

- Knowing what factors can support or support the implementation of first aid.

- Assess about other dangers that can occur to the patient, rescuer and other people
around the scene.

- In addition to this, the helper also assesses what assistance is needed if it is deemed
necessary and possible.

 Early assessment of the patient's condition

- Choose the medical impression (Trauma Case or Medical Case).

- Response (Aware, Voice, Painful or No response).

- Breathing (Normal adults: 12 - 20 times per minute).

 Physical examination

Check the changes in the shape of the victim's body by looking at the Changes in
Shape on the injured part or the presence open wound or indication Tenderness is in
the form of swelling of the body.

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- Other :

- Body Temperature: 37 degrees Celsius.

- Blood Pressure (normal

- adults: 60/100 mmHg - 90/140 mmHg)..

5.2 Type of Injuries and How to Help

 Bleeding

Bleeding is damage to the walls of blood vessels that can be caused by forced trauma
(trauma) or disease.

Use personal protective equipment to prevent disease transmission through contact

with blood.

Avoid touching the mouth, nose, eyes and food when helping the patient because it
can be a medium for disease transmission through blood contact.

1. Direct Pressure: Pressing the bleeding area just above the wound, generally the
bleeding will stop 5 - 15 minutes later. Apply pressure pads to stop bleeding.

2. Elevation: elevating the injured area higher than the heart accompanied by a
direct pressure technique above. Useful for slowing bleeding. For injuries to

3. Pressure point: compresses the artery over the area of bleeding. There are 2 (two)
pressure points, namely the brachial pulse (vein in the upper arm) and the femoral
pulse (vein in the groin).

4. Another way :

a. Immobilization with or without a splint.

b. Cold compress.

c. tourniquet.

 Musculoskeletal and Skeletal System Injuries

The musculoskeletal (muscle-skeletal) system enables humans to stand upright and

move, also serves to protect vital organs in the body.

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Closely related to the limbs, any injury or disturbance to this system will result in the
disruption of a person's movement temporarily or permanently.

Management of Musculoskeletal and Skeletal System Injuries

1. Perform early assessment (response, breath and pulse).

2. Perform a physical assessment (changes in shape, sores, tenderness and swelling).

3. Stabilize the broken part.

4. Treat bleeding and wounds (if any).

5. Prepare tools and materials for the splint then do the splint.

6. Adjust the size of the splint according to the size of the injured area and not too
strong so that blood circulation is disrupted.

7. Reduce pain with a cold compress, if not an open fracture.

8. Place the patient in a comfortable position.

9. Refer to the nearest health facility.

 Burns

Burns is all injuries resulting from exposure to high temperatures. Treatment of burns
wound is :

1. Stop the burn process, run cold water on the affected area.

2. If the process of burns due to chemicals, then run cold water continuously for 20

3. Remove the patient's clothing or jewelry.

4. Cut clothes if the patient's clothes stick to the burn.

5. Perform early assessment (response, breath and pulse).

6. Give oxygen if available.

7. Determine the degree and severity of the patient's burns.

8. Cover the burn with a sterile dressing (gauze).

9. Do not burst bubbles and do not use ointments, antiseptics or ice on the burn.

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10. If the burn hits the eye, make sure both eyes are closed.

11. If the burn involves the fingers, then bandage each finger separately.

12. Maintain the patient's body temperature and treat other injuries if any.

13. Refer to the nearest health facility.

5.3 Emergency transfer of patient

Perform emergency transfers only if there is an immediate danger to the patient or

rescuer and also if the patient prevents access to other patients. This action can be
carried out without starting with an early assessment (response, breath and pulse)
considering the hazard and risk factors at the scene.

This transfer can also increase the risk of worsening the patient's injury, especially
patients with spinal injuries (the spine from the neck to the tailbone).

What is meant by "emergency" here is not a matter of equipment, but rather a

problem of circumstances and situations at the scene.

A. Type emergency tranfer of the patient

1. Arm Pull

Position the rescuer over the patient's head. Then insert the arm under the patient's
armpit and hold the patient's forearm. Next, cross the patient's arms in front of the
chest and pull the patient to a safe place. Be careful of the patient's feet that might
hit objects around the scene.

2. Shoulder Pull

This method is dangerous for people with spinal injuries (the spine from the neck
to the tailbone). Position the rescuer on his knees above the patient's head. Insert
both arms under the patient's armpit then pull back.

3. Clothes Pull

First, tie the patient's hands on the chest using a cloth (pad). Then grab the
patient's shirt by the shoulder area and pull it under the patient's head for support
and a handle to pull the patient to a safe place.

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4. Blanket Pull

First, tie the patient's hands on the chest using a cloth (pad). Then grab the
patient's shirt by the shoulder area and pull it under the patient's head for support
and a handle to pull the patient to a safe place.

5. Soaring Pull

This method is generally used by firefighters, namely by carrying the patient

behind the rescuer's back by lifting and carrying the patient.

6. Related Documents

1. Materi Training Pertolongan Pertama First Aid (Training of First Aid PPT)

2. SOP Penggunaan Peralatan Kotak P3K (Procedure of First Aid use)

7. Annex

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