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C. James Li


S.Y. Li

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Columbia University
New York, N.Y. 1OO27

Associate Professor
Department of Precision Machinery and lnstruments
Changsha lnstitute of Technology

Changsha, Hunan,


Absrract: For automatic detection/diagnosis of localized defects in bearings, a pattern recognition analysis scheme was developed for investigating Acoustic Emissions (AE) of bearings, Two normalized and dimensionless features are extracted by short-time signal processing techniques. Employing these two features, a linear discriminant function has been established to detect defects on the outer race of bearings. Based on the experimental data of imposed bearinq defects, the tedhnique has a rate of success for the detection of defects of 98%. AE is also found to be a better signal than vibrations while the transducers have to be placed remotely from the bearinq. lt takes 20 seconds for data proces'sing and fault diagnosis on a PC-IT on-line implementation.

Key words: Acoustic emissions, Bearing, localized defects, monitoring, pattern recognition analysis

element bearing condition monitoring has received considerable attention for many yqars because the mqjority of problems in rotating machines are caused by faulty bearings. The classical failure mode of rolling element bearinQs is localized defects, in which a sizable piece of the contact surface rs dislodged during operation, mostly by fatigue cracking in the bearing metal under cyclic contact stressing [1]. Thus, failure alarms for a rolling element bearing are often" based on the detection of the onsefof localized defects,

During the bearing operation, bursts of Acoustic Emissions (AE) result from the passage of the defect through the rolling elementrace wav contacts. Defects at different locations of a bearinq (innerrace, roller and outer-race) will have characteristic frequenci6s'at which bursts are generated. Theoretical estimations of these frequencies are denoted as characteristic defect frequencies (Appendix A), Therefore, the signal of a damaged bearing -consists of periodic bursts of AE. The siqnal is usually con-sidered as-being amplitude modulated at the "characteristic defect frequency,

Modulation of the AE by the characteristic defect frequency makes it possible to detect the presence of a defect and diaqnose in what part bf tne bearing the defejct appears. One may conclude that there a're localized defects on the outer-race of a bearing if one sees a series of AE bursts occurring at a rate close to the theoretic estimation of

the characteristic defect frequency for defects on the outer-race.

Traditional techniques for detecting localized defects are mainly based upon the processing of vibration and sound measured at the close by of the bearinq. Examples of time domain techniques are peak level, r,'m.s. value [2],"crest fdctor analysis[3], kurtosis analysis[4] and shock pulse counting tsl. A number-of frequency domain techniques have been developed to detect the train of impulses occurrihg at some characteristic defect frequency from the waveform of the bearing signal, Examples among these approaches -161, cepstium are spectrum analvsis, "svnihronized'averaqinq -differefrce frequencies anbly5is analy'sis, sum and t7l t8l, and high frequency resonance analysis (HFRT) l9-121.
The principal purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility of enhancing ine'early detection of bearinq failurei utilizing'acoustic emissions afid more s-ophisticated signal piocessing techni{ues- The Dattern recoqnition based monitorino scheme emplovs short-time siqnal proces-sino techniques to extiact useful fedtuies from bearing AE signals tt sl."These fdatures are used by the pattern classifier to detect and diagnose bearing defects,

Short-time siqnal processing techniques use windowed segments of the bearino s'ronals to faciliiate the'estimation of the rat'e and the strenqth oY im"pulsive AE, which mav be the result of a localized defeci. lf the estimated impulse ge-nerating rate is close to any one of the characteristic defect fiequenties and ihe strength of the-impulse train is significant, the designed pattern classifier will classify the bearinq inlo damaged categ6ry. Oue to the uniqueness of each charac"teristic defdct frequ"en6y, the diagnosis iegarding the location of the defect is also provided through the proposed scheme.
The rate of success for classifying bearings of known condition is used to measure the effectivefies"s of the"designed scheme. An on-line implementation of the designed scheme is also presented,



2.'1 Feature Extraction: A sequence of samples (2OO,OOO damaged bearing il@ingshown in Fiq. 2a. lt a typical outer-race figure that the AE is evident from this siqnbl is prbperties of the be'6ring signal chanqe with time,"For example, there bre'significant fluctuatio"ns in the peal amplitude of the signal, and there"are also considerable variations of fi'equency contents. The fact that periodic impulses generated by damaged bearing are the sources of these time depehdent variafions suQgests that timedomain processing techniques should be suitabie"for the processing of bearing signals. The underlying fact is that the properties useful for estimatlng the impulse ge-nerEtinq rate chanqe'relatively slowly with time. Thi5 leads to'a vari6tv of "sh"ort-time" p"rocessinq ftethods in which short segments 6f tne bearing signal are isoJated and processed as if they were short seoments from a sustained bearinq siqnal with fixed properties. ThYs is repeated periodically as ofien Es desired. Often these short segment.s overlap one another. The result of the

processing on each frame may be either a single number, or a set of numbers. Therefore, such processing produces a new time-dependent sequence which can serve as a representation of the signal [14-16].

Among others, short-time energy function, short-time average zero crossing rate and median smoothing are employed by the proposed scheme, The definition of the short-time energy function is




wherex(n) isthesampledsignal andw(n)=1 if O<n<N-1, -O otherwise (N is the width of window ).

ln the context of discrete-time siqnals, a zero-crossing is said to occur if successive samples algebraic_t-'gnt, The rate at which zero cros.sings gc_qu.r .is a. simple measure of the frequency content of a signal. lts definition is




where sgn[x(n)]=1 x(n))O , =-'l x(n)<O, and w(n)=1/2N O<n<N-'1, =O otherwi5e. However, Eq. (2) makes the computation of Zn appear more complex than it.really is. AII that is required is to check samples in pairs to determine where the zero-crossings occur with the average being computed over N consecutive samplds.

The output of the median operator, M, on a segment of signal containing an odd number of samples is simply their middle number (Ex, : 7 in the series 1,4,7,16,43), Running medians have the desirable property that they will follow the discontinuities in the signal without smearing them out. The definition of median smoothing is Mn=Mlx(m)w(n-m)l



where w (n )=1 if O< n < N-1 , and not valid otherwise. This property makes median smoothing useful for prior processing of the bearing siqnal because short-time enerqv function and short-time averaoe ze"ro crossino rate are sensitive"fo the discontinuities in the siorial. The signal di-scontinuities can be removed by subtracting the oiltput of the m6dian smoother from the signal. " The tactic for feature extraction is based upon the estimation of the rate and the strength of impulse generation from bearing signals. The estimation is performed by highlighting the occurrence of defect related AE bursts in the signal and computing their rate of occurrence and strength. lf this estimated impulse generating rate happens to coincide with any of the characteristic defect frequencies and the strength of AE bursts is significant, the existence of a localized defect is concluded,

A bearing signal dominated by defect induced AE bursts reveals the occurrence of roller,/defect impacts in the fluctuations of its

amplitude. These amplitude fluctuations are made more prominent by computing their short-time energy functions,

the defect induced AE bursts oscillatinq at a much higher frequency than the AE generated by other machine"elements will introduce variations in frequency content of bearing signals. Variations of this type may be'easil! revealed by the cdmp"utation of average zero-crossing rate of bearihg signals.
On the other hand,

After all defect related AE bursts have been made more prominent in both the short-time energy function and short-time average zerocrossing rate, their rate df occurrence is estimated by coiltputing the autocorrelation functions. The complete block diagram for the deTect
detection/diagnosis scheme is presented in Fig.
1 .-

The signal measured from an outer-race damaged bearing is shown in Fig. 2a. lt contains visible AE bursts resulted fiom the passing on the deTect by rollers. The characteristic defect frequency Lompuied by equation-(A1) is 11OHz. Figures 2c and 2e are the short-time energy functions and the zero crossing rate computed from the signal in Fig. can be seen that the bur6ts in the bearinq siqnal are Eropertv Fiqhtlqhted by peaks in both of them. Thus theimp"ulse generaiing'ratE cdn be edtilnateO from the rate of peak occurrence in both of them. Autocorrelation functions were used for the estimation of this rate.

Autocorrelation functions computed from the short-time energy function and zero crossing ratei are plotted in Fiq . 2d and 2f respectively. The first peik in Fiq. Zb is at the liq of O.OO89 second whi'ch is eq"uivalent to an impulse'generating rate'of 112H2. This is close to the comouted characteriStic defect freouencv. The autocorrelation firnction of the zero crossing rate indicates a similar rate. These two rates are denoted as f56 and f7s respectively. SE stands for the short time energy and ZC stands for the zero-crossing.
To obtain the features, the "peaks and valleys" (local maxima and minima) are located within the appropriate rdnge around each characteristic defect frequency in two autocoirelation functions. The amplitudes of these two Local maxima relative to their respective lower neighboring valleys indicate the strength of impulse trains generated.[ thg_damaged bearing. They are denoted as P56 and P76 in Fig. 2d and Fig. 2f, The impulse qenerating rate is defined as the weighted average of fsr ' and f7s, lmpu'ise Generiting Rate = (psr f56+p76 fzcit (psr* pzdi The frequency comparator compares the lmpulse Generating Rate with all three characteristic defect frequencies (see Appendix 1-). Should a m_atch is found, the pattern classifier will carry out the classification of the condition of the bearing based on P55 arid P26.

2.2 Pattern Classifier Design: Since the maqnitude of P5E and P76 is the damage related impulsdirain, iiis obvious that the largerihe magnitude ihe more coniident one is about the presence of a correspondent localized defect. Coordinate pairs, (Psr.Pzc), computed from a good bearing should fall into a

region near the origin of the plane formed by Psr and P7s. On the other hand, dama.gbd bearings are characterized by (P5E,P76) far away from the origin.

A number of (Psr.Pzc) were obtained from two bearings of known condition. Fig. 3 presents their distribution in the plane formed by Psr and Pzc. The diamonds and blank squares represent coordinate pairs computed from a good bearing and a damaged bearing respectively. These two group of coordinate pairs are distinctly separated from each other and can be separated by a straight line x-x. ln the context of pattern recognition, a linear function used to separate different clusters are termed as linear discriminant function. lf the pattern vector is defined as y=(PsE,Pzc). A linear discriminant function takes the form

q( )=i+S


where ;t is a weight vector for the discriminant function and as is the additional component of the weight vector that corresponds to the intersecting point between d;( ) and axis.
coefficient linear disc"riminant @he using a labeled training set, set of the training set actually A labeled function
consists of a set of available pattern vectors measured from bearings with known condition.
The approach for findinq such a coefficient set with a qiven trainino set wlll'be to define a ciiterion function J( ) that is miiimized if is solution vector, This reduces the problem to one of minimizino a scalar function, a problem that ca'n often be solved by a gradient descent procedure.

2.3 Classifier Training: The problem of classifier training is

Consider now the problem of constructing a criterion function, J, for solving the linear inequality: t +a6>O if comes from a damaged bearing and t +ao<O if comes from a good bearing. Without loosin$ any generality, one may define a new pattern Vector '=[ ,1] and add a minus sign to all the pattern vectors computed from a good bearing. Thgs the problem becomes finding a coefficient set for the inequality L '>O for all the training data available.

A common choice of the criterion function is the perceptron criterion function 1"171.




y is the set of samples misclassified by * . (lf no s,a.mples are misclassified, J o is defined to be zero.) Since L '<O if misclassified, Jp( ) is never negative, being zero only if is a solution vector.
where Since theJ_ th_component of the gradient of Jp is d Jp/0 see from Eq. 5 that


one can

r,(a):I Gy') ,


and hence the basic gradient descent algorithm becomes



o*I (v') y'/k


y I is the set of samples misclassified by 1, Thus, the descent procedure for finding a solution vector-can be stated as follows: the next weight vector is obtained by adding some multiple of the sum of the misclEssified samples to the-preseni weight vector.

This gradient search algorithm was programmed into Fortran programming language. When it is provided with all the training data shown in Fiq.3, line x-x in the fiqure was the linear discriminant function yield by this algoritnml

@peedmotorandastand-bybearingtestrig'The spindle fan be driven up to 22OO rpm. The

3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: The experimental setup consisted

of a spindle

inve6tigated"bearingis mounted on a mechanibal platform'which enables [he adjustme-'nt of the.following three: the thrust loag, the angular misaligdment, and the position of the center of the bearing.
Simulated localized defects were produced on two bearings' outerrace by electric-discharge machin'e to keep their size anddepth under precise control. The size of the artificial defects is 60/1OOO inch in diameter by 5/1OOO inch in depth which is typical [1] and a groove 2mm wide across the outer raie. The threebearinos were (T) a oood bearing, \2) a bearing with the groove, and (3) a bdaring wiitr'sinjte roller defect. AE signals were picked up in the radial dirbction bV-a transducer. The ba"ndpass filtered (2ok-gok) output signal of t6e sensor was sent to an A/D converter installed on an IBM PC-AT for data sampling,

rate of success for classifVinA the used to test the effectiveness 6f tle prqposed scheme. Forty one bearing signals were measured under iliff'erent load and speed from the t6ree"bearings. The rate of success for the proposed scheme is 97,5% whidh is 6%o better than the best among the state of the art based on applving a similar scheme to the"processing of vibration signals ot'Odarings [13]. This indicates that AE may be"a better physic"al variable toine-asuie than vibrations for assessing the condition" of rolling element bearings. Fig.4 shows a vibration signal and an AE signal-measured 1 foof awav fr6m the second bearing.' lt is obvious tha"t AE has a larqer part of its energy caused by the piesence of localized defects than"thdt of vibrations. Therefore, AE is a better siqnal than vibrations while the transducers have to be placed remote[ from a bearing.


5.1 System Organization: On-line monitoring implies automatic data

processing without human intervention. AE, picked up by sensors, is transmitted to a monitoring system where they are processed for information extraction. The on-line system comprises a data acquisition stage, where analog bearing signals are converted into digital form and a data processing stage, where modular software alg.orithms are employed to perform the designed algorithm under the guidance of a supervisor program. The data acquisition stage comprises 1) an AE transducer,2) an amplifier, 3) a band pass filter, and 4) an analog to digital converter. The data processing stage consists of three functional units: supervisor, defect detection/diagnosis unit, and data base, The block diagram which illustrates the organization of the complete system is shown in Fig,5. The supervisor is responsible for: 1) the proper logic sequence of system operation, 2) the data flow control between the defect detection,/diagnosis units and the global data base, and 3) global data base man-agement.

A global data base is constructed to hold all the information to be relayed among the data acquisition stage, the functional units of data processing stage, and the system's human-machine interface, lt comprises 3_data files.: 1) General purpose data file, 2) Raw bearing signal data file, and 3) Pattern vector data file,
One important reason for having a global data base is that the external data files will preserve important data just prior to anv unforeseen shutdown cjf the monitbred system "or bearing monitoring

system itself,

The interface is responsible for the human-monitoring system communication. The necessary input information consists of a) bearing geometry, b) bearing rotational speed, and c) sampling rate. The output quantities through the interface consists of alarm-and diagnosis. The actual samplinq rate of the svstem a programmable'clodk wtricn is an ' integral part of the A/D converter. The supervisor first reads in the necessary inputs from the human operator. Then the data acquisition stage activates the A/D converter according to this information. Once the converter is initiated, it supplies discrete data elements to the system at the selected rate until a specified number of samples has been generated. The data are formulated into records and written onto the peripheral disk memory (data file #2). The data will be processed by the defect detection/diagnosis unit, The loop of data measuring and processing will be continuously carried out until any kind of localized defect is detected and diagnosed, ln the case of such an event, the pattern vector, estimated impulse generating rate, and classifier output will be displayed on the CRT to alert the operator.

5.2 System Operation


A bearing condition monitoring technique based on the processing of acoustic emissions measured at the near by of a bearing was investigated. The development and application of the

monitoring technique were carried out successfully in an on-hire implementation. The scheme was proven to be m-ore effective than vibration based techniques under most conditions. The advantages of the scheme are summdrized as follows: 1, lt provides a better alternative to the traditional sound/vibration bearing condition monitorinq schemes. all6ws the diagnosis of fhe locations of localized defects on easily implemented with microprocessor hardware for onlrne rmplementatlon.




Bearing characteristic defect frequencies [1]

ro,)r,rr{}cos1B;; flr {r,1r*Pcos(B)) fro : "#







[or : characteristic defect frequencv for defect on. outer-race f ir = characteristic defect freqUencf for defect on tnner-race fro= characteristic defect frequency for defect on roller
BD = roller diameter PD = bearing pitch diameter fr = bearing rotating speed p = contact angle between race and ball I'l = llUrilber of rollers



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6. Braun, S, and Datner, 8., "Analysis of roller/ball bearing vibrations, J, of Mechanical Design, Jan. 1979, Vol 101; p-121 7, Ehrich, F.F,; "Sum and difference frequencies in vibration of high speed rotating machinery," J. of Engineering for lndustry, Vol. 94, No. 1, Feb. 1972, p-181. 8. Eshleman, R.L., "The use of sum and difference frequencies in rotating machinery analysis," Proc. of Machinery Vibration Seminar lV, Cherry Hill, N.J,, Vibration lnstitute Nov. 198O. 9. Mcfadden, P.D, and Smith, J.D., "Vibration monitoring of rolling element bearings by the high frequency resonance technique-a review," Tribology lnternational Jan, 1984; p-3.
1O. Broderick, J.J,, Burchill, R,F. and Clark, H.L., "Design and fabrication of prototype system for early warning of impending bearing failure," NASA CR- 123-117 Jan. 1972. 11, Burchill, R.F., "Resonant structure techniques for bearing fault analysis," National Bureau of Standards NBSIR 73-252 1973. 12. Darlow, M.S., Badgley, R.H. and Hogg, G.W., "Applications of high frequency resonance techniques for bearing diagnostics in helicopter gearboxes," USAAMRDL-TR-7 4-77 , 197 4. 13, C, James Li and S. M. Wu, On-line Detection of Localized Defects in Bearings by Pattern Recognition Analysis, ASME J. of Engineering for

lndustry, Nov. 1989. 14. J.M. Baker, " A New Time-Domain Analysis of Human Speech and Other Complex Waveforms," Ph.D Dissertation, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA,, 1975 15, J,B, Allen, "Short-Term Spectral Analysis and Synthesis and Modification by Discrete Fourier Transform," IEEE Trans, Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. Assp-25, No.3, pp235-238, June 1971. 16. L.D. Erman, "An Environment and System for Machine Understanding of Connected Speech," Ph.D. Dissertation, CarnegieMellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1975 17. Rosenblatt, F., "The Perceptron-A Perceiving and Recognizing Automation," Report 85-460-1, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Ithaca, N,Y., 1957



diagram of defect detection/diagnosis scheme Fig. 2 The data processing results for the proposed scheme a. the bearing acoustic emissions b. the highpass filtered and nonlinear filtered acoustic emissions

c. short-time energy function

d. autocorrelation functions for the short-time energy function e. zero crossing rate

f. autocorrelation functions for the zero crossing rate



vector Distribution
Fig. 4 Bearing signals measured away from the bearing:

a. bearing vibration b. bearing acoustic emissions



diagram representation of the on-line bearing monitoring system

Fig. l Block diagram of dcfect dctection/diagnosis schenc



I a


t -i


rI Itr








t3 rEurd


rh b.rht elrlc matdfi dlrrl

O:hlatrrrr lilbld rdncdia of baIilt HErlc .lnud6.r

&i(r, (q (d)urEalrldiflfwlid[ ' - {Ethli-&dffi!}tuEdql

o oc5


i" I


o.6 ato


la) anocordaior - 'be


raro go$in8 rrul

fuEli@r fa

Fig. 2 The data procasing rcsultr for the ptopoeed schcmc


u O


















Fig. 3 Fcaturc vcctor Disuibution


o ,E {,





15 30 45





bcaring vibration

b. bc*ing acoustic emisrions

Fig, 4 Bearingrignalr rncuurcd rwayfrom the bcaring:


D^TA lno<3sslilo


Fig. 5 Blocl diagram rcprcrcntation of thc on-linc bcaring monitoring s)6tcm

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