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Midterm Examination in Physical Science

S.Y. 2021-2022

Time Starts: _____________ Time Ends: _______________

Name: ___________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Date: ____________________________________________ Score: ______________________________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before
the number.

____1. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is always equal to the ______________.
a. atomic charge c. number of electrons
b. mass number d. number of neutrons
____2. The sum of protons and neutrons is equal to __________.
a. atomic number c. charge
b. mass number d. electron
____3. It keeps water molecules from interacting with each other.
a. Saponification c. Surface tension
b. Wetting d. Surfactants
____4. According to Aristotle, the property of the element earth is ___________.
a. Cold & wet c. Cold & dry
b. Hot & dry d. Hot & rough
____5. He explained that everything came from water.
a. Aristotle c. Thales
b. Empedocles d. Leucippus
____6. For an aluminum isotope with 13 protons, 10 electrons, and 14 neutrons, the mass number will be equal
to _____________.
a. 27 c. 23
b. 24 d. 13
____7. The smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles.
It also is the smallest unit of matter that has the characteristic properties of a chemical element.
a. Proton c. Electron
b. Neutron d. Atom
____8. He founded the law of conservation of mass by his experiments on determining mass before and after a
chemical reaction.
a. Dalton c. Aristotle
b. Lavoisier d. Thomson
____9. It refers to the philosophy for which all matter is produced from atoms.
a. Alchemy c. Chemistry
b. Atomism d. Iatrochemistry
____10. The scientist who discovered electrons.
a. Joseph John Thomson c. Ernest Rutherford
b. John Dalton d. Niels Bohr
____11. A poem written by Lucretius wherein he reaffirmed the basic concepts of atomism.
a. Natural Spring c. Atomism
b. Nature Spring d. On the Nature of Things
____12. The two philosophers who introduced the first glimmers of atomic theory.
a. Aristotle and his pupil John Dalton c. Joseph-Louis Proust and Antoine Lavoisier
b. Leucippus and his pupil Democritus d. James Chadwick and Niels Bohr
____13. A British chemist, who wondered how certain amounts of various elements combined to yield
compounds. In his experiments, he computed for the relative masses of several elements. Through the data
he gathered, he introduced the first “table of elements” and published the first true atomic theory in 1803.
a. James Chadwick c. John Dalton
b. Jumark Hearey d. Joseph John Thomson
____14. Who is considered as the father of Greek atomism?
a. Democritus c. Epicurus
b. Leucippus d. Aristotle
____15. Paracelsus founded iatrochemistry, also known as _________.
a. Alchemy c. Atomic Chemistry
b. Alcohol Chemistry d. Medical Chemistry
____16. Atoms of the same element that have a different number of neutrons are termed ________.
a. protons c. cations
b. anions d. isotopes
____17. A ___________ tube is a vacuum tube with two metal electrodes: the cathode (negatively charged
plate) and the anode (positively charged plate).
a. canal ray c. table ray
b. testtube ray d. cathode ray
____18. Cathode rays are composed of __________.
a. Electrons c. Neutrons
b. Alpha particles d. Protons
____19. Which of the following inert ingredients are reported to cause allergic reactions?
a. lactose c. both of the choices mentioned
b. soya lecithin d. neither of the choices mentioned
____20. Which of the following chemicals is linked to breast cancer?
a. paraben c. paraffin wax
b. BHA d. PEG
____21. The following are the active ingredients of soap EXCEPT:
a. Sodium stearate c. Sorbitol
b. Triclosan d. Sodium cocoate
____22. It is defined as the “wetness” one feels as vapor in the environment or as condensed liquid on the
surfaces of some objects.
a. Wetting c. Moisture
b. Parabens d. Saponification
____23. One of the ingredients of emulsifier:
a. glycerol c. paraben
b. benzone d. carbomer
____24. The atomic number represents the number of ___________ in a neutral atom.
a. electrons only c. protons and neutrons
b. neutrons only d. protons or electrons
____25. The atomic number of an atom with 6 protons and neutrons is ___.
a. 12 c. 6
b. 18 d. 0
____26. How many periods are there in the periodic table?
a. 7 c. 25
b. 18 d. 30
____27. Which group is also called halogens?
a. Group 17 c. Group 13
b. Group 15 d. Group 1
____28. Group 7A in the periodic table is also known as __________.
a. chalcogens c. halogens
b. noble gases d. phictogens
____29. An emulsifier that is derived from plant or animal fats, but can be produced artificially.
a. Citric acid c. Glycol
b. Glyceride d. Parabens
____30. Often referred to as the plum pudding model.
a. Thomson’s model c. Nuclear model
b. Bohr’s model d. Dalton’s model

II. Essay. Read and briefly describe what is asked on each item carefully. Use the space provided below.(5pts.

31-35. What is the difference between Dalton’s model and Bohr’s model?

36-40. How do surfaces and the types of stains affect your choice of cleaning material?

Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name

Prepared by:

Ms. Glydel L. Potot

Subject Teacher

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