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Internship Report
Entrepreneurship Development online business idea: A study on Fashion
Clothing House
[An Internship Report Presented to the World School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration]

Submitted By
Tasfia Tanzim Nahiyan
Id: WUB01/19/61/4151

Supervised By
Ujjal Yaman Chowdhury
Senior Lecturer

Date of Submission: 14th August, 2021

Feasibility of online business idea: A study on online business Fashion
Clothing House


14th July, 2019 Ujjal

Yaman Chowdhury
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
World University of Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,
I am pleased to prepare my internship report and submit to you on “ Feasibility of online
business idea: An Overview on Fashion Clothing House”. It was a great opportunity for me
to complete the internship from Fashion Clothing House. It is my pleasure to carry out the
internship report under your supervision. For my internship report, I do focus on
entrepreneurship Development: A study on Fashion Clothing House. I hope that this
internship report will be of great value to you.

Thank you.

Sincerely Yours

Tasfia Tanzim Nahiyan

Id: WUB01/19/61/4151
Program: BBA
Batch: 61A


The Internship Report entitled Entrepreneurship Development of Fashion Clothing House

Ltd : An Overview on Fashion Clothing House has been submitted to the Controller of
Examinations, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration, Major in Marketing, World School of Business on 20/11/2019, by
Tasfia Tanzim Nahiyan; ID: WUB01/16/51/3564. The report has been accepted and may be
presented to the Internship Defense Committee for evaluation.

(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report.
The University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).

Ujjal Yaman Chowdhury

Internship Supervisor


This Internship Report entitled Entrepreneurship Development of Fashion Clothing House

Ltd: An Overview on Fashion Clothing House has been submitted by Tasfia Tanzim
Nahiyan, Student ID: WUB 01/19/61/4151, major in Marketing, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration has been evaluated and
approved by the following Panel of Examiners.


Defense Panel



For Official use only





At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty Allah
for giving me the strength to complete the report. Without whose support, I would not be
able to complete a huge task preparing this internship report within the schedule.

Internship is an essential part of BBA program as one can gather some important knowledge
by observing some information of chosen organization.

I am grateful to our honorable Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury to

whom I owe a lot for having given me an opportunity to complete my internship report.

I would like to pay my gratitude and thanks to my supervisor Ujjal Yaman Chowdhury,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, World University of Bangladesh,
who instructed me in the right way and gave me proper guidelines for preparing this report.

At last my sincere apology goes to the readers for my conceptual and printing mistake, if
there is any.


Tasfia Tanzim Nahiyan

Id: WUB01/19/61/4151

Program: BBA

Batch: BBA 61A


Advanced Chemical Industries (FCH) Limited is one of the leading conglomerates in

Bangladesh, with a multinational heritage. The company has diversified into four major
Strategic Business Units. FCH was established as the subsidiary of Imperial Chemical
Industries (ICI) in the then East Pakistan in 1968. FCH‟s mission is to enrich the quality of
life of people through responsible application of knowledge, skills and technology. FCH is
committed to the pursuit of excellence through world-class products, innovative processes
and empowered employees to provide the highest level of satisfaction to its customers

The main objective of the report is to analyze the Entrepreneurship Development of FCH
Limited an overview of FCH Aerosol. This report contains information from both primary
and secondary sources.

After analyzing the Entrepreneurship Development of FCH Limited of Mosquito Aerosol,

the following findings are; in segmentation Fashion Clothing House only focus on high-
income group and mid- income group. So they lose a major group of people in lower level.
Concerning target marketing, they do not focus on real and customized marketing. Regarding
positioning strategy, they do not focus on image differentiation. The unique selling
proposition (USP) of FCH Limited is a high-quality product they use updated modern
technology. In case of convenience product, it is only for high and mid-level income group.
Fashion Clothing House following “Premium Pricing Strategy” Fashion Clothing Houseis
available almost every departmental store all over the country.

Internships provide invaluable professional experience, lessons and skills that allow us to test
the theories and concepts we have been introduced to throughout our student life. Not to
mention that internship increase our chances of being offered a full-time job later on. During
my internship program I acquired the following skills: Communication, MIS Inclusiveness,
Effectiveness, Time management, Interpersonal relations, Research and Analysis, Technical

Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal…………………………………………………………………… iii

Letter of Endorsement............................................................................................................iv
Approval Page........................................................................................................................v
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………….. vi
Executive Summery...............................................................................................................vii
Chapter One: Introduction.................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................................1
1.2 Overview of the Organization………………………………………………… 1
1.2.1 Vision..................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Mission................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Core Values …………………………………………………….………… 3
1.2.4 Business Units.....................................................................................................4
1.2.5 Strategic Business Units of FCH Limited...........................................................5
1.2.6 Organizational Hierarchy....................................................................................6
1.3 Rationale of the Study................................................................................................6
1.4 Objectives of the Study..............................................................................................7
1.5 Methodology of the Study.........................................................................................7
1.5.1 Primary data…....................................................................................................7
1.5.2 Secondary Data…...............................................................................................7
1.6 Limitations of the Report...........................................................................................7
Chapter Two: Literature Review.......................................................................................9
2.1 Marketing...................................................................................................................9
2.2 Marketing Mix...........................................................................................................9
2.3 Others Related literature review on Entrepreneurship Development........................10
Chapter Three: Activities Undertaken..............................................................................12
3.1 Work Related Activities.............................................................................................12
3.2 Other Related Activities….........................................................................................12
3.2.1 Overview of the market of FCH Aerosol............................................................12
3.2.2 Domestic Market.................................................................................................12
3.2.3 International Market............................................................................................13

3.2.4 Market share of Fashion Clothing House in domestic market............................13
3.3 FCH Limited use some Bases for Segment their Aerosol Market.............................13
3.4 Marketing Mix of FCH Aerosol................................................................................14
3.4.1 Product................................................................................................................14
3.4.2 Price....................................................................................................................15
3.4.3 Place....................................................................................................................16
3.4.4 Promotion............................................................................................................16
3.5 Positioning.................................................................................................................17
Chapter Four: Constraints/Challenges …….…………….………………………… 19
Chapter Five: Lessons Learned From the Internship Program......................................20
Chapter Six: Conclusion and Recommendations …………………………………. 22
6.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................22
6.2 Recommendations ……………………………………………….……….. 22


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Online Fashion Business –

A new trend of teenagers being interested and broad participation.

Just type in the phrase “online fashion business” into the search box on the network, you can get over
10 million results from google, with the names of several fashion brands, big and small. This shows a
little nimble, daring the small amount of investment, many people have become young boss without
much capital, but the revenue appears in front. Just one click, even though you are at home, at your
office or wherever you are, you can also freely select and purchase the products that you like on the
internet. It’s the new trend of young people being interested and broad participation.
Online Sales” phrase is not too strange to people. It is a form of offering, introducing the product on
the internet and consumers also deals to buy products online. English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich
invented online shopping in 1979. Although it appeared for a long time in the big city, this movement
received the lively participation of young teenage about 1-2 years. In 2013, we have witnessed a real
boom in this business field. In addition, the needs of modern life, consumers have become more
intelligent as more and more people decide to shop online.

Without any success is easy, so it also has many challenges and especially you must take courage and
confidence to have a good start. “I’m a big fan of Small Business Ownership. I think it’s the backbone
of innovation. But to be successful, you first have to have the courage to go for it. “Therefore, to
business efficiency and long-term development, there are very few who can do that. Moreover
increasingly competitive market requires the online business to get a clear development strategy and
more important to understand the “rules of business” on the Internet can be successful. “In the
business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash
will come later. “In fact, while many people have invested a lot of money to open a business
establishment then quickly closed, it has many businesses are started with a few hundred dollars and
development long-term growth. In short, you must have the courage to face to face with any challenge
with confidence and assertiveness when building your own business.

1.2 Overview of the Organization

Companies are partially defined and determined by their structure. Through that
structure we are able to see its management flow, its organization, its corporate culture,
its channels to promote new challenges and its decision-making system.

If we are specifically talking about the fashion sector, we could define a flow chart or
model structure, or maybe one that is most frequent at the moment.

While these companies boast departments similar to companies in other sectors, such as
human resources, accounting or finance, they are also defined by a particular layout of
positions and responsibilities that must meet the sector specificities.

Regarding fashion retail, the usual flow chart would be led by the heads of the design,
purchasing, sales and marketing departments, who in turn depend on or report to the
CEO of the company.

Naturally, depending on the size of the company, there will be partnerships or

connections between them. For instance, sales and marketing could be joined as one.

1.2.1 Vision
We strive to be a global leader in fashion-knit and fashion outerwear by empowering
innovation and design to provide total customer satisfaction.

We strive to be a caring and well-managed organization for our business partners,

customers and employees, and a responsible corporate citizen to our society.

1.2.2 Mission
To innovate, to lead, to enhance, to provide best-value products and services to global customers.
To make a difference through our branding to stay ahead of fashion trends, market changes and the latest
To enhance the quality of life for our business partners, customers and employees.

world-class products, innovative processes and empowered employees to provide the

highest level of satisfaction to its customers.

1.2.3 Core Values
 Quality
 Customer Focus
 Fairness
 Transparency
 Continuous Improvement
 Innovation
1.2.4 FCH Quality Policy
One of our important visions is to provide products and services of high and consistent
quality, ensuring value for money to our customers.

To attain the Vision FCH will:

 Aim to achieve business excellence by understanding, accepting, meeting and

exceeding customer expectations.

 Follow International Standards on Quality Management System to ensure

consistent quality of products and services to achieve customer satisfaction.

 FCH will also meet all national and regulatory requirements relating to its current
businesses and ensure that current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) as
recommended by World Health Organization is followed for its pharmaceutical
operations and conform to all other guidelines and best practices relating to its
other businesses.

 Commit itself to quality as the prime consideration in all its business decisions. All
employees of FCH follow documented procedures to ensure compliance with
quality standards.

 Develop a pool of human resources of the Company to their full potential through
regular training and participation in seeking continuous improvement of the Quality
Management System

1.3 Objectives of the study

 To analysis the Entrepreneurship Development of FCH .

 To know about the Target Market of FCH .

 To know about the market positioning of FCH .

1.4 Limitations of the Study

It was a great opportunity for me to work in FCH Limited as an Intern and make a report
on Entrepreneurship Development of it but there were surely some limitations while doing
this study. They are as follow

 Getting the information and interpreting it, on the basis of my understanding and
then implementing it.

 As I have done this kind of study for the first time, that‟s why it was little bit
difficult to organize the report in a simple manner.

 Besides all these “Time constraint” is another problem for which many aspects of
FCH Limited are dropped in this report.

Chapter Two
Literature Review
2.1 Marketing

Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the
needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It
defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential. It
pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best and it designs and
promotes the appropriate products and services. (Kotler et al., 2013)
2.2 Marketing Mix
The marketing mix definition is simple. It is about putting the right product or a
combination thereof in the place, at the right time, and at the right price. The difficult part
is doing this well, as you need to know every aspect of your business plan. As we noted
before, the marketing mix is predominately associated with the 4P‟s of marketing, the 7P‟s
of service marketing, and the 4 Cs theories developed in the 1990s.
A product is an item that is built or produced to satisfy the needs of a certain group of
people. The product can be intangible or tangible as it can be in the form of services or
goods. You must ensure to have the right type of product that is in demand for your
market. So during the product development phase, the marketer must do an extensive
research on the life cycle of the product that they are creating. A product has a certain life
cycle that includes the growth phase, the maturity phase, and the sales decline phase. It is
important for marketers to reinvent their products to stimulate more demand once it
reaches the sales decline phase. Marketers must also create the right product mix. It may be
wise to expand your current product mix by diversifying and increasing the depth of your
product line. All in all, marketers must ask themselves the question “what can I do to offer
a better product to this group of people than my competitors”
The price of the product is basically the amount that a customer pays for to enjoy it. Price
is a very important component of the marketing mix definition. It is also a very important
component of a marketing plan as it determines your firm‟s profit and survival. Adjusting
the price of the product has a big impact on the entire marketing strategy as well as greatly
affecting the sales and demand of the product. This is inherently a touchy area though. If a
company is new to the market and has not made a name for themselve yet, it is unlikely
that your target market will be willing to pay a high price.

Placement or distribution is a very important part of the product mix definition. You have
to position and distribute the product in a place that is accessible to potential buyers. This
comes with a deep understanding of your target market. Understand them inside out and
you will discover the most efficient positioning and distribution channels that directly
speak with your market.
Promotion is a very important component of marketing as it can boost brand recognition
and sales. Promotion is comprised of various elements like:
 Sales Organization
 Public Relations
 Advertising
 Sales Promotion
Advertising typically covers communication methods that are paid for like television
advertisements, radio commercials, print media, and internet advertisements. In
contemporary times, there seems to be a shift in focus offline to the online world. Public
relations, on the other hand, are communications that are typically not paid for. This
includes press releases, exhibitions, sponsorship deals, seminars, conferences, and events
(Borden, 1964)
2.3 Others Related literature review on Entrepreneurship Development
Grönroos (1995) stated that Few service firms will apply a pure transaction marketing
strategy. Even highly standardized service operations include direct contacts with
customers, and the customers do perceive the production and delivery process. Hence there
are part-time marketers and functional quality effects, so we cannot talk about a pure
transaction marketing situation. However, the more standardized the process is, the more
dominating is the core service and the technical quality of the outcome of the production
and delivery process and the less difficult it is to manage the personnel from a marketing
point of view. Firms can position their strategic approach along the strategy continuum,
and the more a relationship-type strategy is called for, the more has to be invested in
interactive marketing, the functional quality impact, and internal marketing. In such a
situation, it is at the same time more important to create information systems where the
firm is managing its customer base directly and not relying on market share statistics and
ad hoc customer surveys.
Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml, (2004) presented a unified strategic framework that enables
competing marketing strategy options to be traded off on the basis of projected financial

return, which is operationalized as the change in a firm's customer equity relative to the
incremental expenditure necessary to produce the change. The change in the firm's
customer equity is the change in its current and future customers‟ lifetime values, summed
across all customers in the industry. Each customer's lifetime value results from the
frequency of category purchases, average quantity of purchase, and brand-switching
patterns combined with the firm's contribution margin. The brand-switching matrix can be
estimated from either longitudinal panel data or cross-sectional survey data, using a logit
choice model. Firms can analyze drivers that have the greatest impact, compare the
drivers‟ performance with that of competitors‟ drivers, and project return on investment
from improvements in the drivers. To demonstrate how the approach can be implemented
in a specific corporate setting and to show the methods used to test and validate the model,
the authors illustrate a detailed application of the approach by using data from the airline
industry. Their framework enables what-if evaluation of marketing return on investment,
which can include such criteria as return on quality, return on advertising, return on loyalty
programs, and even return on corporate citizenship, given a particular shift in customer
perceptions. This enables the firm to focus marketing efforts on strategic initiatives that
generate the greatest return

Chapter Three
Activities Undertaken

3.1 Work Related Activities

As an internee I have performed numerous activities. I am working with the products Idea
development team. I have performing the following activities;

 Developing new ideas for the company‟s products.

 Value Addition for the existing products.

 Help to develop new promotional strategies.

 Doing market research about new products and existing products.

 Assist others officers and help them to carry out their job.

 Supporting the planning team with inquiry data in prescribed format for checking
data validation.

3.2 Other Related Activities.

3.2.1 Overview of the market of FCH Aerosol

Market of Fashion Clothing Houseis basically divided on 2 sides. One is domestic another
is international.

Monitoring the overall market of FCH Aerosol

3.2.2 Domestic Market

Bangladesh is a developing country but the overview of the market of Fashion Clothing
Houseis very rich and currently they are the market leader. Though they are the market
leader but still they are trying to improve their market situation. They are here within a
very short time just because of their innovative Entrepreneurship Development. In
Bangladesh FCH Limited introduced the concept of quality management system which
helps them to achieve ISO9001 certification and that how committed they are to
maintaining quality in every business units. Right now they are covering both Rural and
Urban areas with the help of 18 depots.

3.2.3 International Market

After the successful positioning in domestic market now FCH Limited providing their
Aerosol in International market. The quality management certificate helps a lot to
spreading their market domestic to international. Now they are successfully proving
Aerosol in Vietnam, Mayan-mar,Yemen and Srilanka.

3.2.4 Market share of Fashion Clothing Housein domestic market:

If we wants to know the market share of FCH mosquito Aerosol in domestic market
then we have to compare it with its main two competitors and they are X PEL and HIT

Product Share percentage:

FCH Mosquito Aerosol 81%

X PEL Aerosol 6%

HIT Aerosol 3%

From this comparison we can say that FCH mosquito Aerosol is the market leader.

Fashion Clothing Houseis the number one choice for the consumer . FCH Limited
collected the chemicals for their Aerosol from well known Japanese company : Sumitto.
And that ensure the efficiency and safety of human health. For these reasons Fashion
Clothing Housebecome “The most effective insect killer”. There are five different
packages of Fashion Clothing House800ml, 475ml, 350ml, 250ml, 125ml. And all the
packages are available all over the country.

3.3 FCH Limited use some Bases for Segment their Aerosol Market

Segmenting is partitioning a group into subgroups according to some set „basis‟. These
bases range from age, gender, etc. to psycho graphic factors like attitude, interest, values,
etc. But here all the bases will not be perfect for segment the market of Aerosol.


Income decides the purchasing power of the target audience. So there are three income
groups and they are:

4. High Income Group

5. Mid Income Group

6. Low Income Group

And here FCH target these two income group the first one and the second one whom are
able to purchase their Aerosol and they set the price of their product with the consideration
of this two income group.


We generally know in marketing place means where product is available. And with this
consideration FCH distributes their product very carefully. Mainly they distribute their
Aerosol in urban areas because of they have to consider the income group. In rural areas
most of the people Marketing Practices of FCH Limited-A Case Study on FCH mosquito
aerosol are not able to purchase their Aerosol. So in that case they distribute their
mosquito coil which is very much affordable for them.


Occupation is another one like income and place which have influence on purchasing
behavior. .FCH consider this factor very carefully because of they know each and every
people will not be able to purchase their Aerosol because of everyone occupation is not
same and that is vary everyone income. So they manly focus on those position people
whose income is higher.


In that case FCH Limited focus segment their product on the basis of lifestyle of the
people. They sees that those people whom are not comfortable with mosquito coil they will
purchase their Aerosol and on the other hand sometimes status matters.There are few
peoples who thinks if they use Aerosol rather than mosquito coil that will help them to
maintain their status.

3.4 Marketing Mix of FCH Aerosol

3.4.1 Product

We know product is the least important of all the 4 Ps. Without the product or services no
one will be able to provide a value to the customers. And this is why FCH Limited
is always focus on customer satisfaction. The unique selling proposition of FCH mosquito
Aerosol is superior product quality. And this is another reason why Fashion Clothing
Houseis the leader of the market. FCH Marketing Practices of FCH Limited-A Case Study
on FCH mosquito aerosol Limited use unique technology to produce their Aerosol. In
that way

they make so different than their competitors. And it helps them to make their customers so
loyal to their brand.

Four types of consumer products:

Considering all types of consumer product we can categories Fashion Clothing Houseas a
Convenience product. In that sense we can call it as a convenience product that FCH
Limited already knows their customer and they will be able to purchase their Aerosol
without any problem because they have already identified their segment on the basis of
income, location, Marketing Practices of FCH Limited-A Case Study on FCH mosquito
aerosol 30 occupation. And these kinds of customers are willingly purchase their Aerosol.
So for those customers we can say FCH mosquito Aerosol is convenience product.

3.4.2 Price

Price is one of the most sensitive aspects of marketing function. Pricing function has to be
well planned and that should reflect the utility that the product provides. There are some
customers who won‟t mind to pay extra to get some value added benefits especially those
who are higher level of income. Fashion Clothing Houseproduce high quality products and
to balance with their cost they follow “premium pricing strategy”. Though they are
charging high but their customers are very loyal to their product because of superior
quality. Through their competitors are giving the same product with lower cost but till now
Fashion Clothing Houseis the market leader just because of their quality.

3.4.3 Place

We generally knew in marketing place means where product is available. The distribution
channel of FCH Limited is well organized and that is why Fashion Clothing Houseis
available in every departmental store. FCH Limited has several sales offices which are
located in different places around Bangladesh. So with that advantage they can distribute
their product very easily within very short time in all over the country. This is another of
Fashion Clothing Houseto be the market leader. Because their main competitors
distribution channels are not well organized as FCH Limited.

3.4.4 Promotion

Promotion is another very important aspect for an organization to inform, influence and
retain the target market. The promotional activities of FCH Limited are not up to the


though they are the market leader. They are not so concern about their promotional
activities for two reasons:

 Most of their customers are loyal

 The Brand Equity of FCH Limited is very high.

This two reasons work as an awareness and helps them to retain their loyal customers. But
the perception of the customers can be changed so FCH Limited should be more concern
about their promotional activities. They can go for improving their promotional activities
like extend Advertisement on billboards, newspapers, and television and advertisement
banners. Also FCH Limited should have given focus on rural area about bad effect of
mosquito. Then their customers will be more motivated to buying their product.

Social Media Campaign and Brand Activation Campaign of FCH Mosquito

Digital media and online promotion - a great way to reach mass people within short time
and in a more cost-efficient way. This year FCH Mosquito has taken different initiative in
their Official Face book page – FCH Mosquito Bangladesh. One is most recent.

Print Media

Print media includes promotions which are done in newspaper and magazine. This one is
also a great tool to reach mass people and raise brand awareness. FCH uses this
conventional method of consumer promotion tool when it comes to endorse FCH Mosquito
in front of public eyes. Print media promotion brings a good response to FCH Consumer
Brand products.

FCH Mosquito – brand activation campaign

FCH Mosquito has launched a mega social campaign in the year of 2019 for the rising of
dengue in Dhaka city Many people in Bangladesh are habituated to dumping wastes on the
street or where ever they think they can get rid of wastes. These Wastes not only pollute
the environment but are also the source of some deadly viruses, bacteria and germs.
Therefore, FCH Mosquito launched this campaign where volunteers would pick wastes and
drop into the bin through different gaming activities such as the game participant would
bring a waste paper and through paper tossing game the participant would drop it to the
bin. As a result, people loved this concept as it was an interesting and fun idea to remove
waste from roads through game activity. Dengue basically grow up from polluted area.

3.5 Positioning

Positioning is about the mind of the purchaser and also setting an organization or a brand
the shopper's psyche in connection to the competition. The situating choice is frequently
the basic vital choice for an organization or a brand in light of the fact that the position can
be fundamental to clients' recognition and decision choices. Now we will see that what are
the strategies has been used by FCH Limited for making

Positioning of FCH Mosquito Aerosol:

Positioning by price/quality: A very pervasive approach to positioning. FCH Limited set

up the price of their product very carefully. They are offering more quantity than their
competitors and as well as they are maintaining their quality also.

Competitor analysis: FCH Limited Investigate and analysis their competitors which helps
to determine the strengths and weaknesses of of their main competitors like Mortin and
Hit. Understanding the differences between a business and its competitors is central to
finding gaps in the market that can be filled.

Positioning by attribute: FCH Limited focuses on a particular attribute, product feature,

or customer benefits. Here FCH Limited shows that their Aerosol is very useful against
mosquito and there is no other problem which can be very harmful for their health and as
well as for environment.

Determine current position: FCH Limited always determine their existing market
position and it is vital as any competitor analysis. That‟s because you have to understand
your own market position to be able to properly compete for your share.

Positioning with respect to a competitor: FCH Limited always focus on their competitors
and they keep good relationship with them but they always serous on the basis of timely
delivery and manufacturing excellence. That is one of their positioning strategy which
make them prominent than their competitors. They always maintain their good relationship
with all the competitors and that helps them to know more about their competitors.

Chapter Four


After analyzing the Entrepreneurship Development of FCH Limited of Mosquito

Aerosol, the following findings are;

 In segmentation FCH Limited only focus on high-income group and mid-

income group. So they lose a major group of people in lower level.

 Concerning target marketing, they do not focus on real and customized marketing.

 Regarding positioning strategy, they do not focus on image differentiation

 The unique selling proposition (USP) of FCH Limited is a high-quality product

 They use updated modern technology.

 In case of convenience product, it is only for high and mid-level income group.

 Fashion Clothing Housefollowing “Premium Pricing Strategy”

 Fashion Clothing Houseis available almost every departmental store all over the country.

 The promotional activities are not up to the mark.

Chapter Five
Lessons Learned from the Internship Program

Internships provide invaluable professional experience, lessons and skills that allow us to
test the theories and concepts we have been introduced to throughout our student life. Not
to mention that internship increase our chances of being offered a full-time job later on.
During my internship program I acquired the following skills:

 Communication: Communication occurs in variety of ways in FCH Company

Limited. This gives me the opportunity to demonstrate my communication skill
differently and more effectively.
 MIS Inclusiveness: FCH Company Limited committed to engaging, supporting
and recognizing the value of management information system to all members of the
organization. That‟s why without having user id I had been given the indirect
access to their information system management.
 Effectiveness: FCH Company Limited values efficiency and excellence in all its
work, constantly challenging itself to perform better, to meet and exceed program
targets and to improve and deepen the impact of its interventions. This is why I was
introduced to a technical training to improve my effectiveness.
 Time management: As I had managed to take a full course load successfully in
every semester and meet assignment deadlines. So in some extent I have already
demonstrated time management. But during my internship I found out that there is
still lacking in my time management. Because there was no syllabus or guideline to
tell me when my deadlines are. There I learned it‟s up to me that how I organize
my time and produce results.
 Interpersonal relations: Interpersonal skills are important because it helps
individuals to identify the needs and wants of others. Help to recognize and
acknowledge the value of differing perspectives. In FCH Company Limited the
employees are effectively interacting with clients and vendors as well as co-
workers and managers. For which I learned the ability to relate well to others.
 Research and Analysis: As a marketing major student I must have the knowledge
of research and analysis. But how to use it on what or when or which topic that I
learned during my internship program while dealing with their enterprise operation
system and measuring the level of their Marketing policy.

 Technical Proficiency: During my internship I was given the platform of
managing, storing, formatting all sorts of information, vouchers, bills in their
system. As a result my ability in computer and navigate basic productivity software
is being polished more.

These above values are the valuable lessons and behavior practices which I have learned
during my internship.

Chapter Six
Conclusion and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusion

In Bangladesh, Fashion Clothing Househas been the number one choice for the customers.
But in recent times the perceptions of the customers are changing, but until now Fashion
Clothing Househas the highest number of market share in the industry of Bangladesh. So
in that sense, it can be concluded that their customers are very loyal to the brand. But the
perceptions and taste of the customers can be changed so FCH Limited should be aware
and concern about the taste and opinions of the customers that will help them to maintain
their domination in the industry.

6.2 Recommendations

 In segmentation FCH Limited only focus on high-income group and mid-income

group. So they lose a major group of people in lower level. It should develop
mosquito related products for the lower level of people.

 They need to be more concern on target marketing.

 Regarding positioning strategy, they should focus on image differentiation.

 The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of FCH Limited is a high-quality

product and they should maintain their quality properly in future.

 The brand is only for high and mid-level income group. They should also develop
products for the low level group.

 Fashion Clothing House is available almost every departmental store all over
the country. Their distribution channels are very strong. And they should maintain

 The promotional activities are not up to the mark. They should run more
promotional Activities to retain their position in future market.


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