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UNDERSTANDING THE SELF - Rationalist (reason is the sole source of

Philosophy – Philosophy means love of wisdom.
- Man is a combination of 2 distinct entities:
Philos- means love and Sophia- means wisdom. a. Cogito – the mind
b. Extenza – the extension of the mind which
- Is a particular set of ideas about knowledge, is the body
truth, the nature and meaning of life.
DAVID HUME: The self is the bundle theory of mind
- Scottish Philosopher
SOCRATES: An unexamined life is not worth living - Empiricist (experience is the sole source of
- Father of Ancient Philosophy. knowledge)
- 1st Philosopher who ever engaged in a - 2 Categories of Experience
systematic questioning about the self. a. Impression – the basic objects of our
- man is composed of body and soul. (Dualism) experience or sensation. The core of our
- Body (Impermanent) & Soul (Perfect and thoughts.
Permanent) b. Ideas – copies of impression.

“KNOW THYSELF” – Socrates "All knowledge is derived from human senses.”

PLATO: The soul is immortal IMMANUEL KANT: Respect for Self

- Socrate’s student - Epistemologist (studies how we know things)

- 3 Components of the Soul (having these makes - Moral philosopher
the human soul just and virtuous.) - Believes that Gospel is the proper guide of life.
a. Rational Soul - reason and intellect - the intellect is what we call the inner self (soul)
(thinking soul) while the outer self (body) is made of the
b. Spiritual Soul - emotions senses and the physical self.
c. Appetitive Soul – desire (basic needs) - Man is the only creature who governs and
directs himself and his actions.
“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire  Should not be used as a tool.
good actions in others” – Plato  Should be treated equally.
AUGUSTINE: Only some divinity can show man what is - Inner Self – Intellect – Soul ;
true Outer Self– Physical Self – Body

- From medieval period GILBERT RYLE: The self is the way people behave.
- Man as bifurcated nature: - British Philosopher
- The body is bound to die on earth - believed that mental phenomena are explained
- The soul is to anticipate living eternally by observing public behavior.
in a realm of spiritual bliss in
communion with God “I act, therefore, I am.”
- The human person being a creation of God is
PAUL CHURCHLAND: The self is the brain.
always geared towards the good.
- The self is known only through knowing God. - American professor from University of
“All knowledge leads to God” – Augustine
- The self is inseparable from the brain and the
THOMAS AQUINAS: The soul is what animates the physiology of the body.
body; It is what makes us humans - All we have is the brain and so, if the brain is
gone, there is no self.
- Eminent 13th Century Scholar. The soul is what - The mind does not really exist
animates the body; It is what makes us humans. - The self is the brain
- Man is composed of matter and form.
a. Matter (hyle) - common stuff that makes MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY: Self is embodied
up everything in the universe. subjectivity.
b. Form (morphe) – essence of substance or
- A Phenomenologist
- embodied experience– the living body, his
“It is what makes it what it is.” – Aquinas thoughts, emotions, and experiences are all
RENE DECARTES: “I think therefore, I am” - Man and body are intertwined that they cannot
- Father of Modern Philosophy be separated from one another.

“Physical body is important part of the self”

A. SOCIAL SCIENCES – - Derived from 2 Freek words ; psyche
- Latin word “sci” means “allies” ; “scientia” (mind/soul) and logos (study) ; the study of
meaning knowledge. mind and soul.
1. The Self in Contemporary Literature - Scientific study of behavior and mental
2. The Self in Anthropology Discussion processes.
3. The Self in Sociological Discussion
Behavior – refers to anything we do, think, and feel
1. The Self in Contemporary Literature –
towards others.
a. Separate – the self is distinct,
unique and has its own identity. Types of Behavior
b. Self-contained independent –
allows it to be self-contained and  Overt Behavior – behavior pattern can be
independent with its own thoughts, observed by others (walking, singing; bodily
characteristics, and volition. actions)
c. Consistency – popular self traits and  Covert Behavior – behavior pattern known
characteristics remains the same. only to the person experiencing it (praying,
d. Unitary – experiences and thoughts lying, dreaming)
that run through a certain person. Mental Processes – used interchangeably for all things
e. Private – each person sorts out that individuals can do with their minds (perception,
information within the self. memory, thinking)
Social Constructionist Perspective - is to understand the Self – the sense of personal identity and of who we are
vibrant relationship between the self and external as individual.
Social Constructivists - the self is always in participation
with social life and its identity subjected to influences. William James - American Philosopher, Historian,
Psychologist and first educator to offer psychology.

- He describe the “I Self” and “Me Self”

2. The Self in Anthropological Discussion –  “I self” - refers to the self that know who
- Marcel Mauss – French Anthropologist – every he/she is ; everything in mind is “I self”
self has 2 faces: - “I self” is the existence of the self.
a. Moi (me) – a person’s basic identity ; refer  “Me self” – physical and psychological
to a person’s sense of who is he. characteristics that makes who you are.
b. Personne (persona) – refers to a socal The Empirical Self – person’s personal
concept s of what it means to be who he is ; experiences.
to live in particular situation. - Material Self – things that belong to us or that
This dynamics and capacity for different personne can we belong to. (family, clothes etc.)
be illustrated better cross-culturally. - Social Self – who we are in a social situation.
- Spiritual Self – most intimate self.
The self is simply morphed according to the
circumstance and context. Carl Rogers – American Psychologist among the founder
of the humanities approach in psychology
3. The Self in Sociological Discussion –
- George Herbert Mead and Lev Vygotsky believe Used the same terms:
that the development of human person is with a. I – as the one who acts and decides.
the use of Language Acquisition and Social b. Me – is what you think or feel about
Interactions. yourself as an object.
- The self in Families – Without a family,
biologically and sociologically, a person may not Concepts of Identity and Self Concept
survive or become a human person.  Identity – composed of personal
- The self and Gender – Our gender partly characteristics, social role and responsibility
determines how we see ourselves in the world that define who he is.
whereas  Self-concept – comes to your mind when
everyone has its own gender ROLE. you asked about who you are. ; to be aware
of oneself
(Psychology) 2 different experiences of self-concept:

a. Existential self – the sense of being True Self - the core of who you are, the original
separate and distinct from others and the you.
awareness of -the constancy of the self.
False Self – also called your adapted self. It
(We realized that we are unique from
hides and protects the true self.
b. Categorical self – tends to focus on his or The self can change depending on the situations.
her own visible characteristics.
(We realized that we are part of the world --
and start to categorized.) THE SELF IN WESTERN AND EASTERN THOUGHT
Self-Concept encompasses – 3 Image Western Thought – (represent Europe and Northern
1. Self Image – is what you see in yourself. ; it does America)
not necessarily have to reflect reality. - It is an individualistic culture since the focus is
Self image includes: intrinsically.
 Physical Description (height, hair, age, face, - Emphasizes more on of equality.
build) - Create fair competition and protects individual.
2. Social Roles – expected behavior based on the - More liberated (free from traditional and social
position a person occupies in society. attitudes)
3. Personal Traits –
Eastern Thought – (represents Asia)
Self-Awareness – being aware and conscious to yourself
; being able to recognize how people sees you. It focuses on Religious Belief and Political Philosophy

a. Actual – who you are at the moment. - Raise questions about the ultimate meaning of
b. Ideal- who you like to be. human life.
c. Ought – who you think you should be. - They do not utilize the scientific techniques of
Self-Esteem – refers to the extent to which we like,
accept or how much we value ourselves. 4 Transformation/Development

 High Self-esteem – we have a positive view 1. Consciousness

of ourselves. ; Self acceptance. 2. Emotions
 Low Self-esteem – we have negative view of 3. Feelings
ourselves. ; Lack of confidence. 4. Relationship to other people and in the


Belief System
- Reward yourself - Take care of
yourself Hindiusm – an Indian religion and dharma or way of life.
The third largest religion;
- Stop Comparing yourself to others - Do something
for someone - Hindus are the followers of Hinduism
- Third largest religion.
- Laugh more - Keep a diary of Brahman – “The goal of man is to have
all the good things you noticed about yourself knowledge of true reality”
Law of Karma - most important doctrine.
Real Self VS. Ideal Self
Karma – Its influence may extend through
Real Self- is who we actually are. It is how we incarnation of the soul.
think, look and act. (The real self is our self image) o Reincarnation – when body died, it may
live again in other body or other form.
Ideal Self- is who we want to be. It is idealized
o Resurrection – when body died your
image developed over time.
spirit goes to heaven when you accept
Multiple Self VS. Unified Self Jesus as your Lord and savior.

Multiple Self – (Multiple Persona) It refer to the Buddhism – a faith that is founded by Sidhartha
different ways that individuals interact with Goutama.
different situations and circumstances in their
- Buddha means “enlightenment”
- There is no self (or no soul)
Unified Self- Is the personality that stays within
- There is nothing permanent but change.
- They believe that the world is ever changing.
True Self VS. False Self
- Annica means impermanence; nothing last
- Nirvana – a state of transcendence. Can
achieved by the means of meditation.

Confucianism – it conceptualize social and ethical


- Focuses on social relationship.

- brought love, harmony and respect for one

Moral Character – opportunity to improve oneself in

thought and action.

Taoism – “knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself

is enlightenment.” based on Lao Tzu

- It emphasizes living with harmony with the Tao.

- The self is an extension of cosmos (universe)
not of social relationship.

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