Revised CFE CRI 175 DOMDOM

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Santos is a leader who believes in group decision-making and she even shares
information with her member. What type of leadership did Ms. Santos manifest?
A. Directive
B. Achievement-oriented
C. Participative
D. Supportive

What are the four leadership styles?

A. Directive, Supportive, Approach, Participative
B. Directive, Subjective, Approach, Participative
C. Directive, Supportive, Achievement oriented, Objective
D. Directive, Supportive, Participative, Achievement oriented

What theory describe “leaders are born and not made and possess certain traits which
were inherited”?
B. House`s Path Goal Theory
C. The Laissez Faire
D. Contingencies

What is theory?
A. It is a statement that explains the relationship between abstract concepts in a
meaningful way.
B. It is Facts
C. It has enough evidence
D. It is about the knowledge about something.

In this theory, Leaders distinguish between the in-group and out-group members on
the basis of the perceived similarity with respect to personal characteristics, such as
age, gender, or personality.
A. Great Man Theory
B. LMX Theory
C. Leadership Theory
D. Trait Theory

It is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information,

and assessing alternative resolutions.
A. Action-taken
B. Management
C. Decision-making
D. Planning

What role of managers revolves around the specifics of working within a team and
involves the behaviors associated with human interaction?
A. Decisional Roles
B. Informational Roles
C. Interpersonal Roles
D. The Monitor
According to Louis A. Allen, it is the work which a manager performs to arrive at
conclusion and judgement.
A. Leadership
B. Decision-making
C. Managerial role
D. Decisional role

This theory was developed by Robert House and has its roots in the expectancy theory
of motivation.
A. Path-Goal Leadership Theory
B. House` Path Goal Theory
C. Great Man Theory
D. Home Rule Theory

To get the work done, managers have to make decisions. In performing the decision-
making role, managers act as entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator,
and negotiator.
A. Interpersonal roles
B. Decisional roles
C. Informational roles
D. Instructional roles

This refers to a statement that explains the relationship between abstract concepts in a
meaningful way.
A. Principle
B. Theory
C. Beliefs
D. Customs

The leaders invite and encourage the team members to play an important role in
decision-making process. This best describes what Leadership style?
A. Democrative/Participative
B. Autocratic
C. Bureaucratic
D. Organizational Leadership

LMX theory is an exceptional theory of leadership as unlike the other theories, it

concentrates and talks about specific relationships between the leader and each
subordinate. Is this statement true?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not sure
D. It depends

Refer to a process of identifying and choosing alternative course of action in a

manner appropriate to the demand of the situation.
A. Communication
B. Alternatives
C. Decision-making
D. Choices
Juan ensures that any decision she makes is rooted on true evidence such as those
backed up by scientific explanations, or processed by a computer as it will provide a
more accurate outcome.
A. Intuition
B. Experience
C. Facts
D. Considered opinions

As a manager, Maria gathers the opinions of his subordinates regarding certain

matters. He believes that if more people are able to discuss the matter at hand, they
will be able to form a better decision.
A. Experience
B. Facts
C. Operation Research
D. Considered Opinions

Looking at the sky, Krystal had a bad feeling about the weather. Consequently, she
postponed her trip to the beach as it looked like a heavy rain was about to fall.
A. Facts
B. Experience
C. Intuition
D. Considered Opinions

Having been a former gym trainer, Amir was familiar with which workout routines
were most suitable for muscle building, weight loss, and maintaining a lean body. He
was able to provide assistance to his friends who were looking to lose some weight.
A. Operation Research
B. Intuition
C. Facts
D. Experience

These are the roles of Managers within the Organization EXCEPT.

A. Interpersonal Roles
B. Intrapersonal Roles
C. Informational Roles
D. Decisional Role

Which of the following statements is not correct about Decision making?

A. Decision-making is based on rational thinking. The manager tries to foresee
various possible effects of a decision before deciding a particular one.
B. Decision-making is aimed to achieve organizational goals.
C. It involves the evaluation of various alternatives available. The selection of best
alternative will be made only when pros and cons of all of them are discussed and
D. It is a process of selecting the least from among alternatives available
Which of the following is an Example of an Interpersonal Roles?
A. Managers distribute information to subordinates daily.
B. Managers actively design and initiate changes within the organization.
C. Managers signing documents.
D. the manager handles difficult problems and non-routine situations such as strikes,
energy shortages

Which of the following is an Example of Informational Roles?

A. Managers distribute information to subordinates daily.
B. Managers actively design and initiate changes within the organization.
C. Managers signing documents.
D. the manager handles difficult problems and non-routine situations such as strikes,
energy shortages

Which of the following statements is not correct about Decisional Roles?

A. Managers distribute information to subordinates daily.
B. Managers actively design and initiate changes within the organization.
C. Manager decides how resources are distributed, and with whom he will work most
D. Manager handles difficult problems and non-routine situations such as strikes,
energy shortages

Which of the following Techniques of Decision making sees and understands things
in terms of concepts with which he is familiar?
A. Intuition
B. Facts
C. Experience
D. Considered Opinions

Which of the following is the process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions?
A. Alternatives
B. Decision Making
C. Planning
D. Experience

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