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3. KODE UNIT : BHS.IS01.002.

JUDUL UNIT : Melakukan Perkenalan/ Introduction

Materi 4 : menggunakan who+be dalam perkenalan bisnis

A. Introduction

Our lesson before we have learned about this and those. Now, at this session we are going to
use who + be to ask about people. In a question who + is is followed by singular word and who +
are is followed by a plural word.
In a spoken, who +be is important in our daily speaking of interviewing at work environment
or daily speaking of public meeting.

Now, let’s get started with common vocabularies and expressions used at the work environment.

B. Vocabulary
On the line / an ðə lajn / = silahkan
tunggu Call / kɔl / = memanggil
Speak / spik / = berbicara
Company / kəmpəni / = Perusahaan
Come / kəm / = datang

C. Conversation
Ms.sinta : good morning, sinta speaking from PT. scoft. May I help you ?
Mr. michael : good morning sinta. I’m calling to speak to Ms. Sarah about our project
Ms.sinta : And who is on the line?
Mr. michael : michael speaking from PT. Bredero shaw
Ms.sinta : oke michael , have you make an appointment with ms. Sarah ?
Mr. michael : yes.
Ms.sinta : ok michael. Please hold on
Mr. michael : oke
Ms.sinta : mr. michael, can you come to our company today at 2 PM
? Mr. michael : sure
Ms.sinta : ok thank you mr michael, see
you Mr. michael : see you

D. Reading
A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial,
industrial, or professional activities. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit
organizations. Business types range from limited liability companies, sole
proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships.

E. Exercise
Make a conversation about business with your partner!

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