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The goal of the department is... To ensure that radiology services are available and
delivered as per patients’ needs in a safe and
effective manner
The scope and complexity of services provided Radiology department provides x-rays services
by this department is...

The methods used in order to customize Scheduling and preparing patients for radiology
services are.... investigations, conducting investigations and
reporting them.
Ensuring radiation and general safety
The extent to which the level of care/ services All steps are managed as per this SOP, good
provided meets customer needs are: practice guidelines& statutory regulations
Regulatory agencies relevant to this service… Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
Staffing plan is... Radiologist, Technician (Technologist), Nurse,

Title: Radiology policy,

Objective: To ensure a consistently high level of service to each patient served and to
ensure compliance with regulatory and quality standards.

Job responsibility: Staff of Radiology department.

HIS: Health information system
RIS: Radiology information system


1. Radiology services shall comply with all national standards and laws.
2. Radiology services shall be provided to meet the needs of the patients.
3. Radiology services shall follow a comprehensive radiation safety program,
and this shall be incorporated into the Hospital safety program.
4. Radiology services shall follow standards procedures for identifying and
investigation patients. These procedures shall be detailed in the Radiology
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
5. Radiology personnel shall be qualified and experienced as per the scope of
services of the Radiology services.
6. All tests done by the Radiology services shall be reported within time frames
established in the Radiology SOP.
7. All Radiology equipment shall be acquired, inventoried and maintained as
per the Radiology SOP.
8. The Radiology Coordinator shall be responsible for developing, implementing
and maintaining the Radiology SOP. Responsibilities shall also include
administrative oversight, maintaining quality control programs,
recommending and reviewing all outside sources of Radiology services.
9. The Radiology services shall develop, implement and maintain a Quality
Control Program.
10. The Radiology services shall maintain a roster of experts in specialized
diagnostic areas and the experts shall be contacted when needed.

Title: Appointment & dispatch procedure.

Objective: To provide a system for scheduling patients for Radiology investigations.

Job responsibility: Radiology staff.

HIS Hospital information system
OPD Outpatient Department


1.1. The customer care officer schedules the patients if a call is received. A
scheduling register is maintained in the department. Instructions regarding
procedures, preparation, billing are also given that time. After 8 pm, the on call
technologist gives the appointments
1.2. Patients also come without prior appointment directly to the radiology
department. Patients are taken for imaging exams on the same day depending
upon the availability and the preparation requirements. They may also come
with scheduling according to their convenience if preparation is required.
1.3. The patient carries a requisition form or valid doctor’s prescription regarding
the type of scan desired, clinical information etc. Information about preparation
required for the scan is also given at the time of appointment.
1.4. The details of the appointments are recorded in a register.

1.5. the technician checks the HIS every 30 minutes.

1.6. The exam indications, type of exam or procedure are discussed, and
recommendation is given by the radiologist.
1.7. A time slot is given for the same day according to the urgency and availability of
1.8. The patient is then sent to the Radiology & Imaging department as per the time
slot, on call from the Radiology department; the technician on duty confirms the
requisition and performs the test accordingly.
1.9. If there is any change in the test performed due to clinical requirements the
technician will communicate this to the customer care officer/ staff nurse to
make the necessary changes in the HIS

2.1. All patients are instructed to bring all their previous investigations, discharge
summaries and physician’s notes.

3.1. Reports for inpatients are issued as per BH. In case of non-routine hour
investigations, a verbal or a written provisional report is provided. All casualty
scan reports are communicated urgently and subsequently a written provisional
report is also issued.
3.2. All outpatient reports are issued as per BH standards. In case of any
examination which requires reference search, second opinion, the same is
communicated to the patient and he is kept informed about the availability of
the report.
3.3. Patient recall for outpatients – If the Radiologist needs to repeat the scans or
requires additional history of a patient to aid in reporting- the patient needs to
be recalled, the customer care officer (radiology) or the technician on duty will
call the patient on the available contact number and recall the patient with
proper explanation for the need of the same.

4.1. All Radiology & Imaging Studies-
4.2. All outpatient Radiology & Imaging reports are dispatched by 12noon next
working day.
4.3. Patients requiring urgent reports are given priority. The urgent reports are
communicated by telephone to their physician’s soon after their examination &
review by the Radiologist.
4.4. The technician will dispatch the films to the Radiology reception desk for
4.5. The dispatched scans are recorded in dispatch register.

Title: Patient preparation, scheduling and protocol for x-ray examinations.

Objective: To streamline patient handling for x-ray examinations.

1.1. Fixed X-ray
1.1.1. Switch on the main from the power panel
1.1.2. Switch ON from control panel
1.1.3. Machine will take 2 to 3 minutes to get ready
1.1.4. Trial exposure is done to check for exposure with low MA
1.1.5. Machine is ready for procedure
1.1.6. After Procedure Machine is repositioned and switched off.

2.1. Plain X-ray
2.1.1. Plain x-rays do not require any preparation. In case of X- Ray Abdomen,
patient must come prepared as instructed by the physician.
3.1. Scheduling
3.1.1. Plain X-rays are not appointed and done on walk-in basis for outpatients.

3.2. Pre-investigation protocols

3.2.1. The patient arrives at the x-ray reception with the request form and bill

3.3. Method of investigation

3.3.1. X-ray The housekeeping in X-ray calls the patient according to the serial
number allotted. The X-ray technician identifies the patient by checking his name
and ID number and takes the patient inside the X-ray room. The technician begins by positioning the patient for the X-ray and
giving necessary instructions to the patient. If x-ray of a child or an unstable patient has to be obtained, the
attendant is asked to support the patient. The technician gives lead
apron to the attendant for radiation protection. Once the patient is positioned properly, the technician obtains the
x-ray, feeds the patient information in the computer system and prints
the x-ray image.

4.1. If the patient wants the wet films to show to his physician, he contacts the X-ray
reception. The admin assistant dispatches the film and documents it in the
nominal register and asks the patient to return the film for reporting.
4.2. Once the patient returns the x-ray folder, he is asked to collect the reports after
four hours and within one month.
4.3. To collect the x-ray reports the patient contacts the x-ray reception and shows
his bill receipt.
4.4. The admin assistant dispatches the final reports after taking patient/ attendant’s
receiving in the nominal register and marks ‘Dispatched’ on the patient’s copy
of the bill.

5.1. As per Bridge Health Operating System

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