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Link between education and employment.

As far as I observed, Philippine parents tend to encourage children to study hard and apply to a
stable job because most Filipinos only succeed when Filipinos achieve educational attainment.
There is an increasing skills mismatch in the Philippine workforce, according to a study by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). More firms train their workers in socioemotional skills than in
technical skills. The study suggests that the education system should place greater emphasis on
these skills. The specific skills that employers most value when hiring, but are unable to find,
comprise primarily socioemotional skills, including interpersonal and communication skills and
a strong work ethic; firms less frequently report challenges finding workers with the right
technical and vocational skills. More firms train their workers in socioemotional skills than in
technical skills, a finding consistent with the greater difficulty in finding employees with
socioemotional skills.
Positive social and emotional development is important. This development influences a person’s
self-confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships and
partnerships, and a sense of importance and value to those around. And this applies to every
situation especially in the workplace.

The Philippine Education set-up

Primary Education - After completing six years of primary school, the students graduate and earn
a diploma from the institution. After earning this diploma, they can move onto secondary
Secondary Education - By finishing Senior High School, students graduate equipped with
knowledge and skills necessary for Higher Education or employment.
Higher Education - After finishing the mandatory K-12 programme, students in the Philippines
have the option to pursue Higher Education. There are over 2,000 Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) in the Philippines, with over 3,000,000 students enrolled in the courses (SY 2019-2020).
College or university - Universities must meet stringent requirements (example. 6 undergraduate
courses consisting of a 4-year liberal arts course, 4-year science and mathematics course, 4-year
social sciences course, at least 3 courses that lead to government licensure, and; 2 graduate-level
courses leading to a PhD).

TESDA sets direction, promulgates relevant standards, and implements programs geared towards
quality assured and inclusive technical education and skills development and certification
ALS Provide a flexible and integrated academic and vocationally oriented curriculum which
emphasizes the importance of school in preparing for later life. Provide students with a success-
oriented program to obtain academic and employability skills in a school environment. ALS
Non-formal Education happens outside the classroom, community-based, usually conducted at
community learning centers, barangay multi-purpose hall, libraries or at home, managed by ALS
learning facilitators, such as mobile teachers, district ALS Coordinators, instructional managers
at an agreed schedule and venue between the learners and facilitators.

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