Industrial Policy and Nation-Building

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Lee Ye Eun


Fostering innovation promoting inclusive and industrialization. The webinar discusses how to
move and push the industrialization agenda forward.

The university's response to two Times imperatives. The first imperative is the Covid-19
pandemic, which highlighted the Philippines' vulnerability. The pandemic's problem reminds us of the
necessity to strengthen state capacity. Specifically, in the delivery of health and other social services, as
well as in the strengthening and broadening of domestic growth foundations. The second need is that
national and local elections will be held in May. Elections are always deeply consequential, and these
take place in the midst of an existential crisis, which has heightened debates on policy issues and
political platforms. The reason they respond to these imperatives is that public services and nation-
building have always been at the heart of their university's mission. They want to make policymakers
and the general public aware of our universities' willingness to assist our country in establishing more
sustainable and fairer political, economic, and social-cultural institutions.

Giovanni Tapang Ph.D., The Role of the Philippine Science and Technology Community in
Industrial Development. Interested in the production of activities to meet humanity's material
requirements. Science activities are dependent on changing societal needs and how these activities
modify productive ways. In order to improve the level of science and technology in the Philippines,
infrastructure must be built and successful innovations must be developed. Using science and
technology to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development by implementing strategies to
recruit the finest and brightest to pursue undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate S&T programs. To
fulfill UNESCO's essential threshold of comparable to more technologically advanced or progressive
countries in the region, the Philippines must graduate at least 3,000 new PhDs each year for the next ten
years. Manufacturing has been sluggish, with moderate growth and a limited contribution to value
addition and employment. Middle and medium-sized businesses' industrial structures remained
"empty" or "missing," never seriously challenging the giant entrenched incumbents. The requirement
for a coherent industrial policy that will build domestic industries at all levels and harness rising
industrial and agricultural output. A scientist's options include basic science research, applied research,
and engineering solutions.

The need for a national industrial policy, To establishment of modern and diversified industrial
economy. Seek maximum self-sufficiency industrial production of capital goods; provide intermediate
and consumer goods for domestic needs based on national potential. Generate and mobilize domestic
capital and create a healthy domestic market, Produce primarily for domestic consumption.

The basic goal of nation-building is to transform a violent society into a peaceful one. First and
foremost, security, food, shelter, and basic services should be supplied. Once these first-order
necessities are addressed, economic and political goals can be pursued. UP held a webinar in generating
a strategic effort for the state to encourage economic transformation and it is Industrial policy and
nation-building. This webinar enlightened my mind how the country needs innovation and
transformation for the betterment because if we don’t move forward, it will be even hard for Filipinos to
overcome difficulties in the future. That is why the webinar is a helpful guide for people especially
students to take note since we are doing this for the country and our lives.

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