ACCCOB1 Group Business Project Outline

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ACCCOB1 Group Business Project Outline

This partnership business simulation group project allows the business students-entrepreneurs to practice
business ethics in the formation and operation of an innovative and creative partnership business in this
time of COVID -19 pandemic and even beyond. The group’s business project considers safe and
affordable products or services to prospective clients or customers; provide decent salaries for their
employees; realistic profits for the partners; and decent transactions to suppliers which can contribute to
the economic recovery of the Philippines. ONLY a service or merchandising business is allowed to be
the business activity of the proposed simulation project since the students have not learned yet the
financial reports prepared by a manufacturing company.

Describe the nature of the activity of your partnership business by completing the following:
I. Background of the Partnership Business
A. the name of the partnership,
B. the names, addresses of the partners, classes of partners stating whether the partner is a
general or a limited partner,
C. the effective date of the contract,
D. the purpose and principal place of business of the partnership,
E. the investments each partner will make in the business stating the contributions of each of
the partners (whether cash, non-cash assets, or industry)
F. the rights and duties of each of the partners,
G. the allocation and distribution of profits (and losses) among the partners,
H. the conditions under which the partners may withdraw money or other assets,
I. the manner of keeping the books of accounts,
J. the method of decision making such as the causes for dissolution
K. the provision for arbitration in settling disputes, etc.
L. detailed description of the innovative product or service idea
The following guide questions may help the group write their business simulation project:
1. What business logo and motto will describe the partnership?
2. When and why was the partnership formed?
3. What business is the partnership venturing in? What is unique about the service/product
the partnership offers?
4. Who are the partners forming the partnership?
5. Who are the key management personnel, and what skills do they have to help the
6. What is the purpose of the service/product? How does the service/product benefit the
7. Does it solve a problem or address an opportunity; is it a luxury item or a needed item?
8. What is the potential environmental impact of the service/product your business will be
9. What steps will the company take to protect the environment?
10. Is your business located in a specific area of the country?
II. Partnership Strategic Planning
As a start-up partnership business, the group must engage in strategic planning. The output
for this portion of the paper are the following:
A. The vision statement of the partnership business
B. The mission statement of the partnership business
C. The strategic objectives of the partnership business
D. Summary of the analysis of the external and internal environments that the partnership
business belongs. This includes the macro-environment (i.e., Political, Economic,
Technical, and Social or PETS which gives rise to the opportunities and threats that the
partnership faces) and micro-environment (i.e., the strengths and weaknesses of the
partnership venture).

III. Partnership Management Planning

This portion of the group project highlights the organizing function of management. The output
for this portion is the partnership’s organizational chart. The organizational chart is a
traditional picture of the positions in the partnership business. This includes the hierarchical
arrangement of who reports to whom or what specific position one has in the partnership
organization. The boxes in the organizational chart represent different roles and reporting
authority as depicted by the levels of the boxes and the different lines that connects these
boxes. Include the job description for each position.

IV. Partnership Marketing Planning

This portion of the group project includes the detailed description of the following: (1)
target market of the partnership business (e.g., young professionals, students, parents, etc.);
(2) location place strategies (e.g., residential, school, etc.); (3) promotion strategies (e.g.,
advertising, personal selling, etc.); and (4) projected sales/service volume and value (i.e.,
forecasted value is the product of the volume of sale, multiplied by the selling price per

The following guide questions can help the group in writing this portion of the paper:
1. Who are your target customers and how would you attract them in patronizing your
2. What is the profile of the intended client/customer?
3. What advertising and promotion media will you be using to promote the
service/product you are offering?
4. What is the target pricing for the service/product the partnership is offering to their
V. Partnership Operations Planning
This portion of the paper includes the design of the goods/services, quality management,
process strategy, location strategies, store/office layout, human resources, supply chain
management, inventory management, scheduling and maintenance (Orjalo & Pefianco,
The following guide questions can help the group in writing this portion of the paper:
1. What is the product/service description?
2. What is supplier-partner description?
3. What is the cost of the product or service?

VI. Partnership Financial Planning

This portion of the paper includes the financial plan that involves the chart of accounts that
will be used in recording the business transactions of the business and the projected income
statement, statement of changes in partners’ equity, statement of financial position, and cash
flows statement for the first three years of the business together with the accompanying notes
to the financial statement.

The following guide questions can help the group in writing this portion of the paper:
1. How much initial capital investment does the business need to start operating?
2. How much money has been invested in the business to date, and where did it come
3. What is the pricing structure?
4. What was the result of the business operation?
5. Did the partnership adhere to the 3Ps (i.e., profit, people, and planet), being of
service to the community and protecting the Earth, and its inhabitants other than
profiting from its business operation?
6. Chart of Accounts
Design a chart of accounts for your partnership business. Include account titles that
reflect the nature of operation of the partnership business you are forming.
Number Account Title





7. Prepare projected Financial Statements (i.e., Income Statement, Statement of

Changes in Equity, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash Flows,
together with the computational notes to the financial statents) for three years of
your business.

VII. References

To emphasize that accounting is best learned in the context of business decision making, each
group will have to accomplish the following on or before the DUE DATE for this capstone project:
1. Write up of the business group project following the required format below.
2. Submit in CANVAS assignment portal on or before the DUE DATE as specified in the
ACCCOB1 Course Calendar.

• Short bond paper

• 1.15 spacing
• One inch margin in all sides
• Minimum of 10 pages (not including the cover page)
• Font: Calibri 12 Name of Business with Logo
• Cover page:
Presented to the
Accountancy Department
De La Salle University

In partial fulfillment of
the course requirement

Group Number or NAME
Surname, Given M.I. Leader
Surname, Given M.I.
Surname, Given M.I
Surname, Given M.I.

Date of Submission
Submitted to:
Name of Faculty

Deadline: Refer to Course Calendar for the submission DUE DATE via Assignment portal of CANVAS.

3. Prepare PowerPoint presentation. The group will be presenting the business project during our
synchronous class for 10-15 minutes and additional 5-10 minutes for Q&A. Take note of the
following reminders:

1) The leader of the group must submit on the ASSIGNMENT portal "Oral Group Business Simulation
Report PowerPoint Presentation" the copy of the PowerPoint presentation the day before the group's
scheduled oral reporting. Without this submission, your presentation will not be able to be graded.

2) Please limit your presentation to a maximum of 15 minutes only. Deductions will be given to the
group who exceeded this maximum time of presentation.

3) Please follow the following outline for your oral/PowerPoint presentation:

I. Short/Brief Background of the Partnership Business (10% of the grade)

II. Strategic Planning highlighting on the Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives (10% of the grade)

III. Management Planning highlighting on the Organizational Chart and brief explanation necessary to
understand the management of the partnership. (10% of the grade)

IV. Marketing Planning highlighting on how your group plans to promote, sell, distribute your
company's products or services. (10% of the grade)

V. Operation Planning. Briefly discuss the answers on the 3 questions specified in the paper outline.
(10% of the grade)

VI. Financial Planning highlighting the company's Chart of Accounts together with the projected
complete set of financial statements for 3 years. Highlight on your presentation pricing of
products/services together with cost of operating the business to justify the amounts you reported
in the projected financial statements. (50% of the grade)

4. Refer to the basis and rubric for grading for the business group project.
5. Be sure to accomplish and submit your peer evaluation grade found on the last page of this project

The student will be graded according to the following:

Partnership business simulation group project
. Group written report of the business case simulation project (15%)
. Oral group reporting of business simulation project (15%)
. Peer evaluation for the group projects (5%) 35%

Group Business Simulation Project Written Report


4 3 2 1
Integration of The paper The paper The paper The paper
Knowledge demonstrates that demonstrates demonstrates does not
[ 30%] the group fully that the group, that the group, to demonstrate
understands and for the most part, a certain extent, that the group
has applied understands and understands and has fully
concepts learned has applied has applied understood,
in ACCCOB1. concepts learned concepts learned and applied
Concepts are in ACCCOB1. in ACCCOB1. concepts
integrated into the Some of the learned in the
group’s own conclusions, ACCCOB1.
insights. The group however, are not
provides supported in the
concluding body of the
remarks that show paper.
analysis and
synthesis of the
26-30 points 20-25 points 15-19 points 0-14 points

Topic focus The topic is The topic is The topic is too The topic is
[20%] focused narrowly focused but lacks broad for the not clearly
enough for the direction of the scope of the defined of the
scope of the group group business group business group business
business simulation simulation simulation
simulation project. project. project. project.
18-20 points 15-17 points 10-14 points 0 - 9 points
Depth of In-depth In-depth The paper has The paper has
discussion discussion and discussion and omitted pertinent brief
[20%] elaboration in all elaboration in content or discussion in
sections of the most sections of excessively only a few
group business the group included topics in sections of the
simulation project. business the business group business
simulation simulation simulation
project. project. project.
18-20 points 15-17 points 10-14 points 0 -9 points

Cohesiveness Ties together For the most part, Sometimes ties Does not tie
[10%] information from ties together together together
all sources. Paper information from information from information.
flows from one all sources. Paper all sources. Paper Paper does not
issue to the next flows with only does not flow - flow and
without the need some disjointedness is appears to be
for headings. disjointedness. apparent. created from
Student's writing Student’s writing Student’s writing disparate
demonstrates an demonstrates an does not issues.
understanding of understanding of demonstrate an Headings are
the business the business understanding of necessary to
simulation project. simulation the business link concepts.
project. simulation Writing does
project. not show
of the business
9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0 - 4 points
Spelling and No spelling and/or Minimal spelling Noticeable Unacceptable
grammar grammar mistakes. and/or grammar spelling and number of
[10%] mistakes. grammar spelling and/or
mistakes. grammar
9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points

Citations and Cites all data Cites most data Cites some data Does not cite
similarity obtained from obtained from obtained from sources and
report other sources. APA other sources. other sources. Turnitin
[10%] citation style is APA citation style Citation style is similarity
used in both text is used in both either result is 30%
and bibliography text and inconsistent or or more.
and Turnitin bibliography and incorrect and
similarity result is Turnitin similarity Turnitin similarity
less than 10%. result is less than result is less than
20%. 30%.
9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0 - 4 points

Business Simulation Group Project Oral Reporting

Source: with modification.


4 3 2 1 RATING
Presentation The paper The paper The paper The paper
and application presentation is clear presentation presentation is presentation
of ACCCOB1 and concise, with a reflects a fairly vague in lacks a clear
Concept very logical logical progression conveying a point point of view
(depth of progression of ideas. of ideas. Includes of view and does and logical
understanding, Includes ALL topic ALL assignment not create a sequence of
relevance and assigned requirements. strong sense of information.
correctness on requirements. Addresses aspects purpose. Includes Missing
assigned topic) Clearly addresses such as one some of the requirements.
(25%) aspects such as one objective focus, requirements. Does not
objective focus, visual images, Somewhat address aspects
visual images, written words, and addresses such as one
written words, and applicable and aspects such as objective focus,
applicable and relevant examples. one objective visual images,
relevant examples. focus, visual written words,
images, written and applicable
words, applicable and relevant
and relevant examples.
21-25 points 15-20 points 10-14 points 0-9 points
Level of Clarity The main points of The main points of The main points The main points
of Insight and the different the different of the different of the different
Analysis business functions business functions business business
(20%) specially the specially the functions functions
financial financial specially the specially the
management management financial financial
portion are clearly portion are management management
articulated and somewhat portion are portion are not
aligned coherently articulated and barely articulated articulated and
throughout the aligned and aligned aligned
report. throughout the throughout the throughout the
report. report. report.
18-20 points 15-17 points 10-14 points 0 - 9 points
Organization of Multimedia element Multimedia Multimedia Multimedia
Presentation is clear. If sound is element is element is mostly element is
(cohesive, included, it is easy to somewhat clear. If unclear. If sound unclear. If
clarity, hear/understand. If sound is included, is included, it is sound is
conciseness) video is included, it it is easy to not easy to included, it is
(20%) can be seen and/ or hear/understand. If hear/understand. not easy to
can be heard. video is included, it If video is hear/understan
can be seen and/ included, it d. If video is
or can be heard. cannot be seen included, it
and/ or cannot be cannot be seen
heard. and/ or cannot
be heard.
18-20 points 15-17 points 10-14 points 0 -9 points
Presentation Addresses ALL of the Somewhat Includes some Does not include
Value main parts of a lesson: addresses the main information the main parts of
(engagement intro, objective, parts of a lesson: regarding the main a lesson: intro,
and impact content, and intro, objective, parts of a lesson: objective,
through applicable examples content, and intro, objective, content, and
presentation or exercises. assessment content, and assessment
techniques) applicable examples assessment applicable
(10%) or exercises. applicable examples or
examples or exercises.
9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points

Oral The student clearly The student clearly The student The student
presentation communicates the communicates the communicates communicates
skills content of the report content of the somewhat clearly vaguely the
(Includes the and answers all the report and answers the content of the content of the
Q&A part, questions properly most of the report and report and did
business attire, and confidently that questions properly answers some of not answer the
and 15 minutes generating interest, and confidently the questions questions
time limit) enthusiasm, and generating some properly and properly and
[15%] rapport among interest among confidently but confidently and
audience. audience. generates little failed to
interest among generate
audience. interest among
13-15 points 9-12 points 5-8 points 0-4 points
Written Documents sources Documents most Reflects Uses little to no
Documentation using acceptable sources using incomplete correct
(quality in formatting (e.g. APA) acceptable knowledge acceptable
written paper or accurately and formatting (e.g. acceptable formatting (e.g.
PowerPoint consistently and APA) with minor formatting (e.g. APA) and
slides Turnitin similarity violations and APA) and Turnitin Turnitin
presentation) result is less than Turnitin similarity similarity result is similarity result
(10%) 10%.. result is less than less than 30%. is 30% or more.
9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points

Total: 100%

Peer Evaluation Form

Circle the number that best represents your opinion on your groupmate’s contribution to group
project. Be sure to compute the average grade you are giving to each of your team mates.


Strongly Agree Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Strongly
Team Member Agree Agree Disagree Disagree

Name of member being evaluated

Attendance at all group online 100 90 80 70 60 50

Clearly understood the assigned 100 90 80 70 60 50
Contributed ideas that were of high 100 90 80 70 60 50
Reliable in completing assigned 100 90 80 70 60 50
Highly contributed to 100 90 80 70 60 50
conceptualizing and finalizing
group project.
The amount of time spent on this 100 90 80 70 60 50
project was comparable to other
group members.
Excellent team player. 100 90 80 70 60 50
Average Grade

Prepared by: MVManalo March 2, 2022

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