A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 9

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Republic of the Philippines


House of Montessori
Cor. Balite – Quezon St., Brgy. Calachuchi, Catarman, Northern Samar


A Detailed lesson Plan in MAPEH 9 (Art)

Time: 3:00-4:00 Grade & Section: 9

Subject Teacher: JINALYN P. TONOG

I. Objectives
At the end of the topic the students are expected to;
a. Identify the different major civilization developed in around the world.
b. Value the importance of knowing ancient art.
c. Classify ancient art work according to civilization.

II. Subject Matter

Major topic: Pre-historic and Ancient art
Minor topic: The ancient Art
Materials: power point presentation, printd pictures
Reference: MAPEH 9 21st Century by Rosario Claridad Cruz,Ph,D. pp. 209-212

III. Procedures

Teacher’s activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Classroom management
d. Attendance
B. Pre-teaching
a. Review
Before we start our topic today, can anyone give
a recap of what we tackled yesterday? Last meeting we discussed about Medieval
Very good! Can anyone describe the Medieval
Medieval Period is characterized by the making
of modern Europe and the rise of Papacy and
Very good! numerous conflicts.
b. Motivation
Now, in relation to our topic today. I will
show you a pictures and I want you to give
comments about the pictures.

What can say about the pictures?

Very good! Can you guess the origin of the arts? Egypt
Very good!

c. Presentation of objectives
Based on the picture that I have shown to you can Ma’am, I think our lesson today is about ancient
you guess our topic today? arts

Exactly! Today we are going to discuss the

ancient arts. So, at the end of this lesson you are
expected to;
a. Identify the different major civilization developed
in around the world.
b. Value the importance of knowing ancient art.
c. Classify ancient art work according to civilization.

C. Lesson proper
a. Activity
Since I already shared my target with you, let’s
have an activity. I will group you into three groups. I
have here envelopes containing pictures and
jumbled letters. You are going arrange the jumbled
letter to create the correct word that describe the

b. Analysis Yes, ma’am!

Did you enjoy the activity?

The ancient period civilizations are: Egypt, China,

Very good! What are the civilizations that India, Mesopotamia, Rome and Greece.
developed during ancient period?

Very good!

c. Abstraction
Now, let’s discuss the art of ancient civilizations. Ancient Egyptian developed along the banks of
First we have the ancient Egyptian Culture. Kindly the Nile before 3000BC. The art of ancient Egypt
read. reflect the endurance n solid foundation of their
culture. Egypt was ruled by the leader called
Pharaoh, who was considered as their God.

That right! The greatest achievement of the

Egyptian art was architecture in the construction of
the great pyramid. The wall painting found in the
tombs of the royalty shown the daily life of the Ancient Chinese arts and culture the history of
Egyptians. How about the second one? Please read. China is divided into periods known as dynasties or
ruling class. The Shang dynasty began around
That’s correct! The ancient Ancient India art and culture – shown that these
Chinese were skilled in all areas of people have mastered the making of bricks since
art especially in bronze. Next 2500-5000BC
kindly read.

Mesopotamian arts and culture – Mesopotamia

That’s right! They were also making relief is the region that lies in fertile crescent of land the
carvings in soap and also the art of urban planning. Tigris and Euphrates.
Next, please read.

That’s correct! The Sumerians were the first

people in Mesopotamia to follow a system of
writing called cuneiform. This system is made up of
wedges – shaped characters, which were written in Ancient art of Rome- the Romans were are a
clay tablets. The next civilizations that were going to practical, naturalistic people and their art reflect
discuss is the ancient art of Rome. Kindly read. their way of life

That’s right! They also created utilitarian and

religion structures of impressive beauty and
grandeur. They developed the ability to build large
None ma’am!
dome and vaulted interiors to accommodate their
preference for gathering.

Those are the ancient civilization and their

contribution. Do you have any question?

d. Application
Now, I will show you a pictures and I want you
classify it according to their origin. 1. Ancient art of China
2. Mesopotamia art
3. Ancient art of India
4. Ancient Egyptian art
5. Ancient Egyptian art

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Fill in the blanks.
1. ___________was the greatest Egyptian architecture.
2. ___________developed along the banks of the Nile before 3000BC.
3. ___________were the first people to have a system of writing
4. ___________is one of the specialty arts of the Chinese.
5. ___________mastered the making of bricks and the art of Urban Planning.

Answers key

1. Pyramid 2. Ancient Egypt 3. Sumerians 4. Bronze 5. Ancient India

V. Assignment
Differentiate Prehistoric and Ancient art

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Tecacher JHS Coordinator

Approved by:

School Principal

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