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Youtube :The Master of English Exams


The Master of English Exams


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1-Boşluktan sonra ‘to be’
ifadesi varsa doğru cevap
‘turn out’ yada ‘prove’ çıkar.

I had my doubts about her when I took her

on, but now I’m pleased to say that she has
------ to be a talented executive.

A) taken up
B) run over
C) turned out
D) made out
E) carried on
2-Bazı kelimelerin peşine
noun clause (that-what-how-
whether-if..etc.) kullanılır.
Boşluktan sonra noun clause
varsa ‘figure out – make out –
work out – find out – point
out’ gibi kelimeler doğru
cevap çıkar
-It is hard for a tiger, especially an
inexperienced one, to ------ how to attack an
animal that is facing it.

A) figure out
B) keep away
C) rule out
D) fall back
E) run over
-The two archaeologists have tried hard to
read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not
suppose they have ------ what it literally

A) got away with

B) written off
C) taken after
D) made out
E) brought up

-As he has taken those antibiotics, it will be

very difficult to ------- just what the problem is.

A) turn up
B) give up
C) put down
D) find out
E) look up
3-Eğer cümledeki fiil ‘artmak-azalmak-
gibi kelimelerse doğru cevap ‘dramatically –
drastically – remarkably – substantially –
significantly – considerably’ gibi kelimeler

-The recent recovery in palm oil production in

Southeast Asia has lead to a / an -----
decline in all vegetable oil prices.

A) dense
B) tentative
C) clumsy
D) abstract
E) dramatic
- The quality of wines can be improved ----
through the use of some chemicals.


4-Boşluktan sonra sayısal bir değeri ifade

eden bir kelime öbeği varsa doğru cevap
‘account for’ çıkar.

- The fuel used by ships and aircraft to bring

food and drink to Britain ---- 4 million tonnes
of CO2 emissions.

A)bangs out
B) deals with
C) accounts for
D) gets through
E) spends up
5-Boşluktan önce ‘compelling’ kelimesi varsa
doğru cevap ‘evidence’ çıkar

- Reef scientists have compiled, what could

be the most compelling ---- yet, that farming
is harming the Great Barrier Reef.

B) proposal
C) evidence
D) discussion
E) controversy

6-Boşluktan sonra sayısal ifade varsa doğru

cevap genellikle ‘roughly – approximately’
kelimelerinden biri çıkar.

-It is ------ ten years since AIDS caught the

world's attention.
A) formidably
B) generously
C) pertinently
D) roughly
E) inevitably
7-‘end up’ kelimesi genellikle kendisinden
sonra ‘Ving’ ile kullanılır. Bu yüzden
boşluktan sonra ‘Ving’ varsa doğru cevap
‘end up’ çıkar.

-Strachan’s and von Mutius’s studies were

both intended to disprove the hygiene
hypothesis but –--doing the opposite.

A) relied on
B)ended up
C) did without
D) got in
E) tried out
8-‘hand down’ ve ‘pass down’ kelimeleri
genellikle ‘generation’ kelimesiyle birlikte
karşımıza çıkar. Cümle de ‘generation’
kelimesi varsa doğru cevap bu iki kelimeden
biri çıkacaktır

- In non-literate societies, valuable

information about the past is often enshrined
in oral tradition – poems, hymns or sayings
---- from generation to generation by word of

A)taken off
B) handed down
C) thrown up
D) kept off
E) rooted out
9-‘come up with’ kelimesi bir fikir/plan/tavsiye
vs. ile ortaya çıkmak yada ileri sürmek’
anlamını verir. Bu yüzden dıoğru cevap
olduğunda genellikle arkasından ‘idea – plan
– advice – recommendations –research’ gibi
kelimeler vardır

- Each speaker has dealt with tax reform in

detail and –-- a wide range of
recommendations that need to be taken into

A) get off
B) come up with
C) make do with
D) do away with
E) care for
10-Boşluktan sonraki bölümde ‘changes-
operation- period – process’ gibi ifadeler
varsa cevap bir süreçten geçmek anlamındaki
‘go through’ çıkar.

-During the period called adolescence,

teenagers ---- certain physical , cognitive and
emotional changes which they have to deal

A)let out
B)stand for
C)go through
D)blow up
E)look down on
11-Boşluktan önce ‘not’ ifadesi varsa doğru
cevap ‘necessarily’ kelimesi çıkar. ‘illa ki …
olması gerekmez’ anlamındadır

-A university degree shows a great deal

about the person having it, but it does not ----
guarantee success in one’s life

12-Boşluktan sonra ki bölümde bir yer yada
zamandan bahsediliyorsa doğru cevap
genellikle ‘yer/zaman kaplamak anlamındaki
‘take up’ çıkar.

-The sensors ---- less than a square milimetre

each , so to identify unknown bacteria ,
hundreds could be integrated onto a single
microchip with a different bacteriophage in
each sensor

A)take up
B)deal with
C)cut down
D)figure out
E)show off
13-Bazı kelimeler kendilerinden sonra ‘that’
ile çok kullanılırlar. ‘that’ ile kullanılan bazı
kelimeler ‘evidence – speculate – assume –
believe – argue – estimate vb.’

-Governments throughout the world ------ that

the welfare of their people depends on the
economic strength and wealth of the
A) enlighten
B) commence
C) assume
D) castigate
E) accomplish
14-‘especially ve particularly’ kelimeleri
‘özellikle’ anlamına gelir ve kendilerinden
sonra genellikle bir örnek verilir

-Syndicalism embodies the idea that

workers, through direct action, --------- a
general strike, should seize control over the
means of production and hence gain
political power.
A) particularly
B) previously
C) tremendously
D) respectfully
E) consistently

-The United Kingdom has made significant

contributions to the world economy, ----- in
technology and industry.
A) especially
B) likely
C) eventually
D) indispensably
E) favourably
15-‘impact – effect – influence’ kelimeleri
‘etki’ anlamına gelir ve kendilerinden önce
genellikle ‘deep – profound – damaging’ gibi
kelimelerle kullanılır. Kendilerinden sonra da
genellikle ‘on’ edatını alırlar.

-The Carnegie Endowment for International

Peace seeks an individual to launch a
research project on the information
revolution and its ------ on international
A) impact
B) involvement
C) reference
D) linkage
E) comparison

-Microstructural features in metals ------

affect what happens on a larger scale,
particularly when systems are pushed to
their limits.
A) randomly B) profoundly
C) cautiously D) thoughtfully
E) recklessly
16-‘precisely’ kelimesi ‘tam olarak’
anlamındadır ve genellikle kendisinden sonra
noun clause ile kullanılır.

-On Tuesday, I'll be able to let you know

----- how many people will be attending the
A) mostly
B) fortunately
C) comparatively
D) precisely
E) immensely
17-‘extremely – fairly – relatively – highly –
comparatively’ kelimeleri zarf olmalarına
rağmen fiil yerine sıfatı zarfı nitelendirmek
için kullanılır

-Today's social security system is ------

popular, partly because it is universal and
partly because retirement benefits are
related to contributions, so most people feel
the system is fair.
A) extremely
B) likely
C) eventually
D) indispensably
E) favorably
18-Boşluktan sonra ‘into’ kelimesi varsa
genellikle ‘insight’ kelimesi doğru cevap

-This article gives us an ---- into adverse

enviromental effects on rivers and streams

19-Kelime sorularında ‘kelime + preposition’
uyumuna dikkat edilmelidir.

-Sponsorship is being increasingly allowed

in schools provided it is regarded as being
------- with educational curricula.
A) considerate
B) predictable
C) decisive
D) compatible
E) provocative

-As the new field worker will be working in

close ------- with several others, make sure
you select someone with agreeable
A) uniformity
B) suspicion
C) collaboration
D) discretion
E) productivity
-It is a society that is ------ to waging war on
all forms of environmental pollution.
A) regarded
B) preferred
C) referred
D) committed
E) upheld

-Space research is largely a branch of pure

science, independent of any applications
which ------ from it.
A) enforce
B) reduce
C) insure
D) restore
E) stem
-It now appears that while US leaders are still
willing for the nation to exert itself abroad
and give large amounts of foreign
assistance, the American public is ------ to
go along with these policies.
A) spontaneous
B) unsteady
C) reluctant
D) competitive
E) deliberate

-They raised no ------ to his prolonged leave

of absence since they didn't want to lose
him altogether.
A) refutation
B) refusal
C) objection
D) refund
E) compulsion
-It was felt that the EU had ------ on a
programme of economic change that the
member states could not sustain.
A) surpassed
B) relieved
C) embarked
D) specified
E) retired

-When they called Mr. Smith to head office, I

am quite sure it was not their ------ to
promote him to branch manager.
A) avidity
B) impression
C) prediction
D) disposition
E) intention
-When the rate of exchange began to rise
again, he felt ------ to call a meeting of the
financial staff.
A) obliged
B) blamed
C) consumed
D) omitted
E) rewarded

-Since the firm has been found negligent by

the court, his claim for ------ for the accident
has been accepted.
A) compensation
B) reduction
C) employment
D) relevance
E) cooperation

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