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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework

with Ronald Woerner

Sample Information System Security Plan Template

The following NIST System Security Plan template has been provided as one example. Organizations may
use other formats and choose to update those to reflect any existing omissions based on this guidance. This
is not a mandatory format; it is recognized that numerous organizations and information security service
providers may have developed and implemented various approaches for information system security plan
development and presentation to suit their own needs for flexibility.

• NIST SP 800-18 Revision 1, Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems,
February 2006:

• FedRAMP Templates:

• FedRAMP System Security Plan (SSP) Moderate Baseline Template
• FedRAMP System Security Plan (SSP) Moderate Baseline Template, and FedRAMP Integrated
Inventory Workbook Template, Attachment 13

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

Information System Security Plan Template

1. Information System Name/Title
Unique identifier and name given to the system
2. Information System Owner
Name, title, agency, address, email address, and phone number of the person who owns the system
3. Authorizing Official
Name, title, agency, address, email address, and phone number of the senior management official
designated as the authorizing official
4. Assignment of Security Responsibility
Name, title, address, email address, and phone number of the person who is responsible for the
security of the system
5. Information System Operational Status
Indicate the operational status of the system. If more than one status is selected, list which part of
the system is covered under each status.

Operational Under Major

Development Modification

6. Information System Type

Indicate if the system is a major application or a general support system. If the system contains minor
applications, list them in section 9, General System Description/Purpose.

Major General Support

Application System

7. General System Description/Purpose

Describe the function or purpose of the system and the information processes.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

8. System Environment
Provide a general description of the technical system. Include the primary hardware, software, and
communications equipment.

9. Inventory Workbook
Complete the applicable fields in the Integrated Inventory Workbook. A good example is found in
SSP ATTACHMENT 13: FedRAMP Integrated Inventory Workbook Template.
10. System Boundaries and Interconnections
Provide an explicit definition of the system’s network or computing system boundary. Include a
network diagram that portrays any boundaries and all its connections and components, including
the means for monitoring and controlling communications at the external boundary and at key
internal boundaries within the system. Address all components and managed interfaces of the
information system authorized for operation (for example, routers, firewalls).

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

11. Information Types

This section describes how the information types used by the information system are
categorized for confidentiality, integrity, and availability sensitivity levels. The following tables
identify the information types that are input, stored, processed, and/or output from the target
information system.

Information Type (Use only

NIST 800-60 Identifier
information types from NIST
for Associated Confidentiality Integrity Availability
SP 800-60, Volumes I and II,
Information Type
as amended)

Choose level. Choose level. Choose level.

Low (L)
High (H) (M) Low (L)
High (H) (M) Low (L)
High (H) (M)
Choose level. Choose level. Choose level.

Low (L)
High (H) (M) Low (L)
High (H) (M) Low (L)
High (H) (M)
Choose level. Choose level. Choose level.

Low (L)
High (H) (M) Low (L)
High (H) (M) Low (L)
High (H) (M)

12. Overall Information System Categorization

Based on the information provided above, identify the overall information system sensitivity
categorization (also known as the FIPS 199 categorization).

Low Moderate High

13. Related Laws, Regulations, and Policies

List any laws or regulations that establish specific requirements for the confidentiality, integrity,
or availability of the data in the system.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

14. Minimum Security Control Documentation

Based on the completed information, select the appropriate minimum security control baseline
(low-, moderate-, high-impact) from NIST SP 800-53 latest revision.

Low Moderate High

For each minimum security control in the applicable baseline, provide a thorough description of how
that control is implemented or planned to be implemented. See NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 Table D-2
for a listing of the different requirements for each initial control baseline.

The description should contain:

1. The security control title
2. How the security control is being implemented or planned to be implemented
3. Any scoping guidance that has been applied and what type of consideration
4. Indicate if the security control is a common control and who is responsible for
its implementation

For this exercise, you should pick three control categories and complete the required information
for each. See Attachment A for a sample. It is outside the scope of this document to include each
baseline control.

15. Information System Security Plan Completion Date: _________________________________

Enter the completion date of the plan
16. Information System Security Plan Approval Date: _________________________________
Enter the date the system security plan was approved and indicate if the approval documentation is
attached or on file.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

Attachment A: Sample Security Control Documentation

Awareness and Training (AT)
Table 39. AT-1: Security Awareness and Training Policy and Procedures

AT-1: Security Awareness and Training Policy and Procedures


The organization develops, documents, and disseminates to applicable personnel, and reviews and updates (as
necessary), within every three hundred sixty-five (365) days:
a. A security and privacy awareness and training policy that addresses purpose, scope, roles,
responsibilities, management commitment, coordination among organizational entities,
and compliance;
a. Procedures to facilitate the implementation of the security and privacy awareness and training
policy and associated security and privacy awareness and training controls;
b. Security and privacy awareness and training policy; and
c. Security and privacy awareness and training procedures.
d. Security and privacy awareness and training plan.

Implementation Standards
1. An initial Security and Privacy awareness and training plan is developed and implemented that addresses
all requirements of the security and privacy training program. This plan should cover required policies
and procedures and a documented process for implementing basic privacy and awareness training for all
organizational users and contractors that includes understanding potential indicators of insider threats.
This plan should also include requirements for ensuring personnel with specific roles and responsibilities in
information security and privacy undergo more detailed and audience specific security and privacy training.


This control addresses the establishment of policy and procedures for the effective implementation of security and
privacy controls and control enhancements in the AT family. Policy and procedures reflect applicable state and federal
laws, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidance. Security and privacy program policies and procedures
at the organization level may make the need for system-specific policies and procedures unnecessary. The policy
can be included as part of the general information security and privacy policy for organizations or, conversely, can
be represented by multiple policies reflecting the complex nature of certain organizations. The procedures can be
established for the security and privacy programs in general and for particular information systems, if needed. The
organizational risk management strategy is a key factor in establishing policy and procedures.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

AT-1: Security Awareness and Training Policy and Procedures

Related Control Requirement(s): PM-9

Control Implementation Description:

** Note: The Security and Privacy Awareness and Training Plan is a required artifact.
Responsibility: Agency Human Resources
Control Status: Implemented
The Agency ratified IT Security Policies and Standards with an effective implementation date of 01 December 2018.
Procedures are maintained by the respective maintenance units. The Agency adheres to the Organization IT Security
Policies and standards. Agency policies, standards and procedures are written to complement state policy.
The Agency ISO is responsible for security policy implementation and oversight. Agency Management is responsible for
annual review and approval of any updates to Policies and Standards.
Agency IT Security Policies and Standards were updated, approved and published in June 2018. This is a common control
for all systems.
The IT Security and Privacy Education and Awareness Training Standard is in effect for this control family.
HR workplace policy controls require all new employees who have access to the Agency network must complete IT
Security Awareness training. Security Awareness Training and HIPAA privacy security training are tracked as part of the
Supervisors New Employee Work Area Orientation Checklist. The Checklist is provided to the Supervisor by HR for the
purpose of tracking that all new hires are aware of their responsibilities. The checklist and all items on the checklist must
be completed and returned to HR within 30 days of the worker’s hiring date. All training is provided online; workers are
required to use an electronic signature to acknowledge they have completed the required training. Each January, the ISO
preforms a Timely Training Audit reviewing training records against a new hires list provided by HR to ensure staff has
completed all required training.
Training Policies, Procedures, and course content are reviewed and updated at minimum annually by the ISO, Agency
Management Team, and Agency business areas responsible for recertification training for their workers.

Assessment Procedure:

Assessment Objective
Determine if the organization has implemented all elements of the AT-1 control as described in the control requirements.

Assessment Methods and Objects

Examine: Security and privacy awareness and training policy and procedures; and other relevant documents
or records.
Interview: Organizational personnel with security and privacy awareness and training responsibilities; organizational
personnel with information security and privacy responsibilities.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

Table 40. AT-2: Security Awareness Training

AT-2: Security Awareness Training


The organization provides basic security and privacy awareness training to information system users (including
managers, senior executives, and contractors):
a. As part of initial training for new users prior to accessing any system’s information;
b. When required by system changes, and within every three hundred sixty-five (365) days thereafter.

Implementation Standards
1. An information security and privacy education and awareness training program is developed and
implemented for all employees and individuals working on behalf of the organization and involved in
managing, using, and/or operating information systems.
1. Security and privacy awareness training is provided before granting access to systems and networks, and
within every three hundred sixty-five (365) days thereafter, to all employees and contractors to explain the
importance and responsibility in safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and ensuring privacy,
as established in federal legislation and HHS Regulations and CMS and organization guidance.


Organizations determine the appropriate content of security and privacy awareness training, and security and privacy
awareness techniques, based on the specific organizational requirements and the information systems to which
personnel have authorized access. The content includes a basic understanding of the need for information security and
user actions to maintain security and privacy, and to respond to suspected security and privacy incidents. The content
also addresses awareness of the need for operations security and privacy related to the organization’s information
security program. Security and privacy awareness techniques can include, for example, displaying posters, offering
supplies inscribed with security and privacy reminders, generating email advisories / notices from senior organizational
officials, displaying logon screen messages, and conducting information security and privacy awareness events.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

AT-2: Security Awareness Training

Related Control Requirement(s): AT-3, AT-4, PL-4, AR-5

Control Implementation Description:

Responsibility: Agency Information Security Office
Control Status: Implemented
Security Awareness Training and HIPAA privacy security training are mandatory for all new hires. All training is provided
online; workers are required to use an electronic signature to acknowledge they have completed the required training.
Each January, the ISO preforms a Timely Training Audit reviewing training records against a new hires list provided by HR
to ensure staff has completed all required training.
Training Policies, Procedures, and course content are reviewed and updated at minimum annually by the ISO, All workers
with access to confidential or restricted data are required to complete Certification training and re-certify annually
thereafter. This training is specific to the appropriate use and disclosure of confidential or restricted information.
Electronic signatures are captured to verify individual training and recertification has been completed. The ISO and HR
Managers are responsible for compliance with the AT control.

Assessment Procedure:

Assessment Objective
Determine if the organization has implemented all elements of the AT-2 control as described in the control requirements
and associated implementation standards.

Assessment Methods and Objects

Examine: Security and privacy awareness and training policy; procedures addressing security and privacy awareness
training implementation; appropriate codes of federal regulations; security and privacy awareness training curriculum;
security and privacy awareness training materials; security plan; training records; and other relevant documents
or records.
Interview: Organizational personnel with responsibilities for security and privacy awareness training; organizational
personnel comprising the general information system user community.
Test: Automated mechanisms managing security and privacy awareness training.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

Table 42. AT-3: Role-Based Security Training

AT-3: Role-Based Security Training


The organization provides role-based security and privacy training to personnel with assigned security and privacy roles
and responsibilities:
c. Before authorizing access to the information system or performing assigned duties; and
d. When required by information system changes; and within every three hundred sixty-five (365)
days thereafter.

Implementation Standards
2. Require personnel with significant information security and privacy roles and responsibilities to undergo
appropriate information system security and privacy training prior to authorizing access to networks,
systems, and/or applications; when required by significant information system or system environment
changes; when an employee enters a new position that requires additional role-specific training; and for
refresher training within every three hundred sixty-five (365) days thereafter.


Organizations determine the appropriate content of security and privacy training based on the assigned roles and
responsibilities of individuals and the specific security and privacy requirements of CMS and the information systems to
which personnel have authorized access. In addition, organizations provide enterprise architects, information system
developers, software developers, acquisition/procurement officials, information system managers, system/network
administrators, personnel conducting configuration management and auditing activities, personnel performing
independent verification and validation activities, security control assessors, and other personnel having access to
system-level software, adequate security- and privacy-related technical training specifically tailored for their assigned
duties. Comprehensive role-based training addresses management, operational, and technical roles and responsibilities
covering physical, personnel, and technical safeguards and countermeasures. Such training can include for example,
policies, procedures, tools, and artifacts for the organizational security roles defined. Organizations also provide the
training necessary for individuals to carry out their responsibilities related to operations and supply chain security within
the context of the organization’s information security programs. Role-based security and privacy training also applies to
contractors providing services to the organization.

Related Control Requirement(s): AT-2, AT-4, PL-4, PS-7, SA-3, AR-5

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

AT-3: Role-Based Security Training

Control Implementation Description:

Responsibility: Agency Information Security Office
Control Status: Implemented
The ISO has oversight of this program and provides appropriate information to agency supervisors.
IT Security Awareness training is required for all agency staff upon initial hire and annually thereafter. Training is broken
down into four different roles based on staff functions:
- Agency Senior Leaders: Senior level Agency administrators, Division Chiefs/Deputy Chiefs, and Managers
- Agency Supervisory Staff – Those staff members who supervise the “line workers”
- Agency Staff – All other employees who do not fit into either of the above categories
- Agency IT Professionals – Those staff members responsible for the day-to-day operation of Agency IT resources.
All Agency workers with access to confidential or restricted data are required to complete certification training upon
initial hire and recertify annually thereafter.

Assessment Procedure:

Assessment Objective
Determine if the organization has implemented all elements of the AT-3 control as described in the control requirements
and associated implementation standards.

Assessment Methods and Objects

Examine: Security and privacy awareness and training policy; procedures addressing security and privacy training
implementation; codes of federal regulations; security and privacy training curriculum; security and privacy training
materials; security plan; training records; other relevant documents or records.
Interview: Organizational personnel with responsibilities for role-based, security- or privacy-related training; and
organizational personnel with assigned information system security or privacy roles and responsibilities.
Test: Automated mechanisms managing role-based security and privacy training.

Table 43. AT-4: Security Training Records

AT-4: Security Training Records


The organization:
e. Documents and monitors individual information system security and privacy training activities including
basic security and privacy awareness training and specific information system security and privacy
training; and
f. Retains individual training records for a minimum of five (5) years.

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

AT-4: Security Training Records


Procedures and training implementation should:

3. Identify employees with significant information security and privacy responsibilities and provide role-specific
training as follows:
a. All users of the organization information systems must be exposed to security and privacy awareness
materials at least every 365 days. Users of the organization’s information systems include employees,
contractors, students, guest researchers, visitors, and others who may need access to the information
systems and applications.
b. Executives must receive training in information security and privacy basics and policy level training in
security and privacy planning and management.
c. Program and functional managers must receive training in information security and privacy basics;
management- and implementation-level training in security and privacy planning and system/application
security and privacy management; and management- and implementation-level training in system/
application life-cycle management, risk management, and contingency planning.
d. Chief Information Officers (CIO), information security and privacy program managers, auditors, and other
security-oriented personnel (e.g., system and network administrators, and system/application security
and privacy officers) must receive training in information security and privacy basics and broad training
in security and privacy planning, system and application security and privacy management, system/
application life-cycle management, risk management, and contingency planning.
e. Information technology (IT) function management and operations personnel must receive training in
information security and privacy basics; management- and implementation-level training in security
and privacy planning and system/application security and privacy management; and management- and
implementation-level training in system/application life-cycle management, risk management, and
contingency planning.
4. Provide the organization information systems security and privacy awareness material/exposure to all new
employees before allowing them access to the systems.
5. Provide information systems security and privacy refresher training for employees as frequently as determined
necessary, based on the sensitivity of the information that the employees use or process.
6. Provide training whenever there is a significant change in the information system environment or procedures or
when an employee enters a new position that requires additional role-specific training.
Documentation for specialized training may be maintained by individual supervisors at the option of the organization.

Related Control Requirement(s): AT-2, AT-3, PM-14

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Implementing the NIST Risk Management Framework
with Ronald Woerner

AT-4: Security Training Records

Control Implementation Description:

Responsibility: Agency Information Security Office
Control Status: Implemented
All training is provided online via the Agency web portal.
Upon completion of training, workers are required to read an acknowledgement statement then make the appropriate
selection to provide an electronic signature to register the completion of training, which is saved to a log file.
Supervisors have access to the training logs and can verify the training each worker has received to ensure new hires or
transferred workers have completed all required training.
The training log entries are archived.

Awareness and Training Family (AT) Security Controls Detail and Comment

Assessment Objective
Determine if the organization has implemented all elements of the AT-4 control as described in the control requirements.

Assessment Methods and Objects

Examine: Security and privacy awareness and training policy; procedures addressing security and privacy training
records; security and privacy awareness and training records; other relevant documents or records.
Interview: Organizational personnel with security and privacy training record retention responsibilities.
Test: Automated mechanisms supporting management of security and privacy training records.

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